Hello everyone. I'm on a walk in the Colorado Mountains.
In this video I'll show you a few pieces of this walk.
At the same time I want to talk about life and the agenda.
Now you will say: Are you crazy? Will you mention the news, when you walk in a mountain like a paradise?
Tell us something about this place.
I'm in the Colorado Mountains. We're a closer to Aspen which America's largest ski resort.
We left the town of Vail and came here.
I told a moment about Ahu in my last video. There was a lot of talk about this memory.
I was surprised. When I woke up in the morning, I saw that the video was a trend topic.
About 10 million people watched the video on the Internet, Instagram and Twitter.
As I understand Everybody has an Ahu.
If you love, you should talk.
I hope that I will be the occasion for this
Let's talk about losing a bit today. I was thinking about this when I was walking on the mountain.
We are all focused on winning in big cities. Losing are not coming to anyone's mind. .
I have a book called Ruh Hali (Mood) Yo know the success of the authors are written behind the book.
I was nervous about it and I wrote all my failures.
I never forgot, when I first started primary school, I fell. There was a wound in my hand.
A few days had passed. I had one teacher, so I can't tell you your name now.
Anyways, someone talked back in the classroom. The teacher said you talked
I said I didn't talk. She said you talked, open your hand. Then she hit my hand with a ruler.
Wound in my hand was very bad. I had a break.
I took a soda and I sat down. This situation made me very sad.
It was unfair to me because I didn't talked
I never forgot that feeling.
The sense of unfairness affected my entire professional career.
This was a very important motivation in my professional career.
Years passed, I had a great love in high school. I deceived.
Not now, I'll tell this another time.
My biggest dream was to win the Kuleli Military High School.
I was praying for it every night. God, I wish win to thi scholl
I worked, I tried and I was successful in school.
Then I took the high school exam. The exam was not bad.
They didn't take me to high school. The god belief in me was shaken.
Even though I prayed every evening, God wouldn't hear me. I'm starting to doubt it.
I said I believe in God, but God doesn't believe me.
After years passed, those who took the test in my time arrested each other.
I said There was a good point everything. Sometimes we can be very upset when we lose.
It can affect all our lives, but then ıt can add different things to our lives.
I said Dear God, thank you. I'm glad I didn't win military high school. Good thing I'm a journalist.
I am very happy for I went to war to bring to the agenda people who is aggrieved and I did a lot of work in Turkey.
I said God, thank you.
It's not importont you believe in God, It's important that God believes in you.
Of course we should know losing.
In the last local elections, the opposition has no excitement.
They have no enthusiasm like gasless cola.
Why are they like gasless cola?
In the last elections, Muharrem İnce lost not only the presidency, people lost the ambition to fight.
Even if he lost, he would say thank you to those who voted, it was a good struggle.
He should have said he would struggle more from now on.
He should have said something to the people who supported his.
What happened?
Muharrem İnce has disappeared.
Where did Muharrem Ince disappear? We didn't know. A lot of conspiracy theory was heard.
Whatever happens, He lost too lousy
He destroyed the sense of winning within the opposition.
A message; Man won
There's a way to lose. There were millions of people who believed in you.
You're saying you've lost then you disappear.
For more infomation >> KAYBETMEYİ BİLMENİN FAYDALARI - Duration: 13:42.-------------------------------------------
Infectologista - Quando Procurar este Médico? - Dra Keilla - Duration: 2:22.
and technology is the science that studies infections basically in the field of Medicine infections affecting the human body are a specialty that goes through several other specialties for example the orthopedist he takes care of the patient bone but if by chance this surgery infects the one who will take care of the bone infection is the infectologist the cardiologist he takes care of the heart but if the heart gets an endocarditis for example, who will accompany this patient along with the cardiologist is the infectologist the pneumologist he can look at several heart disease but pneumonia that you don't know exactly what you can the pattern the patient said will respond to treatment infectologist will always be there even if he's not the only patient who follows the case if you have a series for example and do not you know the cause of the infectologist. the right person to be able to give the correct diagnosis if you will sexually at risk having a sexually transmitted disease and technology this is the most indicated to be able to follow and so with this there are several situations in which it's interesting to look for infectologists if you have something that's on you bothering that you don't know for sure if it's an infection a fever a tongue diarrhoea and urinary infection repetition is interesting to look for infectologist he'll have a differentiated view of the specific Mexico body and beyond that there are other diseases that are very own insects shopkeeper such as sexual transmission as you will see so always some vaccines for everything that the infectologist has to be present ah
Absolutely Luxury Modern Tiny House on Wheels For Sale only $41K - Duration: 3:16.
Absolutely Luxury Modern Tiny House on Wheels For Sale only $41K
ZING SPEED MOBILE ★ Dao Cạo Trong Rank Ngôi Sao - Rank Khắc Nghiệt | Bình Luận Cực Gắt - Duration: 22:16.
Apex Legends Patch #2 & New Content Leaks - Duration: 6:13.
what's good everybody I'm Blitz5 and in today's video I'm gonna be talking about
apex legends we got some leaked information that was just revealed a few
days ago and we also have a brand new patch that's fresh off the press today
February 19th 2019 and as I record this video this was just announced a few
hours ago so we'll talk about the patch first and then we'll get back into the
leaked information because some of you guys may have seen this already there's
been a bunch of leaks over the past couple weeks and then here are some new
ones and kind of compiled them into a little list here so back onto the patch
again this is live for all platforms and this is just a small patch here working
on some of the issues with crashing right now that people have been seeing
across various platforms so the first one is specifically just for ps4 and
this is they address issues where we saw GPU hangs they also fix crashing when
pressing buttons too early in the load process again just for ps4 then they
also fix an issue where players would sometimes move slowly after revive I've
never seen this happen but down in the comments a lot of people were
complaining about this and that seems like a really annoying kind of bug to
happen they also fixed an issue with the Mirage ability causing crashes which was
one of the character abilities and they fix another issue which are Balter epic
skins causing crashes on the Xbox one so me myself I play on the Xbox one axe
with an SSD and I haven't had any crashing issues I don't know if that has
anything to do with that I know SSD helps the low timings but obviously some
of these crashes seem like they're internal issues and not just like a
specific Xbox issue and I don't have any trouble through epic skins so I can't
speak for that I haven't had any of these issues but hopefully this helps
the game overall it helped some of you guys out that I've been having these
problems then on to the leaked information so this is pretty
interesting here and just a personal opinion is that when you we saw this
game drop you could tell that they definitely sandbagged and kept a lot of
information or a lot of content back from the game being launched immediately
I mean there's only a handful of characters there's not many weapons in
the game so this game was definitely ready to start releasing stuff on a
week-by-week or monthly basis to keep everybody interested you'd kind of just
tell that that's the system they're going off so there's a lot of leaked
information on what content is coming so we'll get into that first there's two
heroes that are coming into the game and I'm sure we're gonna see a ton more
there's actually a list of about ten other heroes that they have the names of
that they got through data mining I'm not gonna read them all
here but they definitely have a lot of plans for more characters coming into
the game and I think the character distribution model is going to be the
main product in this game it's just more and more characters because obviously
the characters have abilities and that is kind of the highlight of apex so to
the new characters coming into the game are going to be octane who has a stim
ability which is cool probably gonna be like a movement ability kind of seems
like a titanfall s character coming into the game then on top of that we have
Watson who kind of seems like he has a Tesla trap so maybe he's gonna be like a
Tesla type scientist type eccentric type character which is really cool obviously
having fast movement for octane is a great ability but the other guy is a
little bit more appealing because of the Tesla traffic kinda sounds a little bit
more shocking if you will so I like that and then after that they have some
information about solos and duo's coming into the game kind of should have
expected that right just makes sense but now we don't know what's gonna happen
will there ever be a four-man squad are they ever gonna move up the playerbase
from 60 to 70 80 90 100 but right now what's leaked is that solos and duo's
are definitely coming into the game and there was also a leak about a game mode
called survival but we're not sure if this is just referring to solo modes
coming in or the regular battle royale mode or if this is a completely
different mode and I saw some people speculate online that this could be
something similar to project Darwin which you guys haven't played this a
very interesting Battle Royale game that's free to play or at least it was
for a while I played it on xbox and it was like solo survival and there was
someone who is a spectator in the game and they could change the events they
could close down different sections they could basically control how the circle
closed they could drop maybe like a care package or a certain weapon in the map
and they could cause events and this is really cool so some people are
spectating that this are speculating excuse me that this could be coming into
the game but who knows honestly there's so many different ways that you could
change up battle royale and change the game and so many different possible game
modes really you know there's so much creativity to be done with these with
the games and apex kind of already showed that that this could really go
anywhere and there could be a various different kinds of game modes coming
into the battery of games in the future so it's kind of hard to speculate in
general then after that we have word that a replay system is coming which is
awesome obviously when you get killed it's nice to see a replay so you can see
what's happened and it would be awesome this was in the
leaks but eventually if there's some kind of theater system in Apex legends
that is just awesome for us gamers and also for content creators and people who
like to make content and funny videos it's always awesome to have those kind
of modes but sometimes console struggles with that stuff and then yeah on top of
that like I said we have the new characters coming in a bunch of other
characters released and there was also announced that there's going to be some
twitch prime exclusive deals that we've seen with a lot of other games where if
you have twitch prime you get access to additional content in the game so again
that's all the information we have the patch fixing crashes pretty small
officially patched number two for the preseason and then we have this leaked
information I'm sure we're gonna see a lot of this stuff coming soon and again
just to wrap it up my opinion is that this game is a lot of fun but you can
tell that they kept a lot of content out again just repeating myself there's not
that much there's not that many weapons or characters so while they're
definitely gonna be funneling this stuff into the game and hopefully providing us
with a great experience for the spring and summer to come and I will definitely
be interesting to see how this game grows and that already has 25 million
players over 25 million unique players playing across all platforms so there
you go that's the update I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please give
a thumbs up and let me know what you guys think down in the comments below as
always thank you all for watching on blitz 5 and peace out
Ethics isn't always "yes" or "no" - Duration: 4:34.
Someone said to me recently, "Do you have to be so shocking?" I said, "Well that
depends on the subject and today we're dealing with a shocker. I am Jonathan
Downie and this is Inside Interpreting. Let me warn you right off the bat, you
may be offended by part of this video but keep watching. Today we're talking
about interpreter ethics. Wow. I have to admit right off the bat I am NOT an
interpreting ethics specialist but I'm a keen watcher of debates on interpreting
ethics. What we say about our ethics and our decision-making says a huge amount
about who we are as interpreters and what we want our business to look like.
The traditional approach to interpreting ethics is quite simple. You get a
code of conduct you read it, you memorize it, and you do everything it says to do
and none of the things it says not to do. Okay but that assumes that interpreters
are kind of like robots and we work on a, do this, don't do that, do this, don't do
that, do this, don't do that, do this, don't do that.
Now, that's great in a way, especially if you're beginning and you're a trainee and
you've not really thought through the implications of interpreting and you just
need somewhere to start. Now that's great for a start but it's interesting how some
codes of conduct are changing away from that because at the end of the day, life
is too complex for a list of do's and dont's. You know, "don't add or omit" but
if there's a misunderstanding rising that could cause a miscarriage of
justice, is it still ethical to not add or omit? Don't add or omit but if the
doctor was clearly not understanding the patient and they're about to administer
the wrong drug, is it ethical to cost someone's life because you didn't add
or omit? Robyn Dean, whose work is
definitely worth reading, makes a suggestion that instead of basing our
ethics on do's and don'ts, we should base our ethics on the consequences of our
actions. We should base our ethics on reflection, on reflective practice. Every
decision that we take as interpreters whether it's add or omit or not to add
or omit, whether it's to explain, whether it's to ask for clarification, carries
consequences. There is no such thing in interpreting as a decision that doesn't
have a consequence and even our preferred stance of neutrality itself
carries consequences. There is an argument, a very logical well-based argument, that
says that if you don't do anything ,if you simply say what the person said and
don't change anything then, you are inherently giving more power to people
who are already powerful. No I don't want to go down the back roads of
interpreters as advocates, that's a whole other discussion and there
are many, many dangers on that path. But there is something to be said for the
realization that no matter which decision we take, it has consequences and so
which consequences do we want. Take the one the interpreting situation I talked
about a while back in some of the beginning videos where I could see there
was a misunderstanding and I said, "Excuse me the interpreter believes there
has been a misunderstanding" and explained what happened.
I'd let the client it. The consequence of me just leaving that to
the clients was almost certainly going to be that the deal wouldn't go through,
perhaps costing jobs, perhaps costing the future of the company, and costing the
French buying company days and money that they didn't need to be spending. The
consequence of explaining that was that momentarily my role as an interpreter
became more obvious and they had to trust my judgment that they were really
misunderstanding each other and it maybe put the event on pause for a little bit.
But the other consequence was that the event was a success and both sets of
clients came out happy. It's not that we're always choosing between do's and
don'ts, because it's about choosing which consequences we
want to out decisions. I'm Jonathan Downiw and this is Inside Interpreting.
PULPECIKI Z SOSEM TZATZIKI I SAŁATKĄ 🍴 | Kinga Paruzel & Kuchnia Lidla - Duration: 4:27.
„Vulturii" Victor Slav si Catalin Cazacu se alatura juriului "Bravo, ai stil!", in aceasta saptamana - Duration: 3:07.
U&D, dopo l'addio a Teresa, Antonio torna su IG: 'E' bello rimettere insieme i pezzi' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:37.
VO BOSS: Ep 70 - Tech Talk - Duration: 22:08.
>> Today's voiceover talent is more than just a pretty voice.
>> Pretty voice.
>> Pretty voice.
>> Pretty voice.
>> Today's voiceover talent has to be a BOSS.
>> BOSS.
>> A BOSS.
>> A BOSS.
>> Join us each week for business owner strategies and success with your hosts Anne Ganguzza
and Gabrielle Nistico, along with some of the strongest voices in our industry.
>> Rock your business.
>> Rock your business.
>> Rock your business.
>> Like a BOSS.
>> Like a BOSS.
>> Rock your business like a BOSS.
>> Rock your business like a BOSS.
Anne: Welcome, everybody, to the VO BOSS podcast.
I'm your host, Anne Ganguzza, along with my bestie, bosstie, amazing cohost, Gabby Nistico.
Hey, Gabby.
Gabby: Hi, hi.
Anne: So Gabby...
Gabby: Yeah?
Anne: I had an issue earlier.
Gabby: Iss-you?
What kind of iss-you?
Anne: I couldn't hear you.
Like this is like a constant –
Gabby: Mmm.
Anne: But because it was like my bad [laughs] my bad not clicking on the right button.
Gabby: Oops.
Anne: Yeah, I know, this tech girl over here.
I'd like to talk about tech today because I love tech, and I think it's something that
needs to be addressed in our businesses, because how do we survive if we don't have tech?
Gabby: Yeah, a tech talk is very important for today's voice actors.
Something struck me the other day.
Kids today know more about technology than we ever will, like ever.
Anne: Yeah, that's the truth.
Gabby: When I can watch toddlers play with an iPhone, that's impressive, to say the least.
When we were growing up, right, there weren't – the Internet didn't even exist.
Anne: It didn't.
We went outside and played.
Gabby: I know.
How archaic.
Anne: And then got our TV privileges taken away.
Gabby: Yeah, and TV only had five channels.
Anne: Exactly.
Oh my God, yes.
And you had to stand up and move to the television in order to change the channels on that dial,
if you remember.
Gabby: Correct.
There was a dial, and there was not a clicker –
Anne: Yeah.
Gabby: – as my dad would say.
Anne: [laughs] And now we're dating ourselves.
Gabby: Yeah.
Well you know, and there was the five-mile trek uphill in the snow.
Anne: [in old voice] Back in the day.
Gabby: [laughs]
Anne: [old voice] And there were 10 feet of snow.
Gabby: [laughs]
Anne: [old voice] I had to walk to school.
Gabby: OK, yes.
We're dating ourselves right now, and I know that we have listeners who are much younger
and the Internet has always been a part of their life.
Smartphones have always in a part of their life.
All of this technology that we now use on a day to day has not never existed in their
Anne: Exactly.
Gabby: But there will come a point in time where they find themselves in our shoes, where
it's that next generation coming up that has some new technology that they've always been
accustomed to.
Anne: But Gabby, there's always not just the younger people than us, there's a whole lot
of people in the industry right now that are our age or older.
And they too I'm sure are finding the – a struggle, right, to keep up with all of this
Gabby: Yep.
Anne: And you know, I always have felt like I'm a little bit more of an exception in regards
to technology because I worked in it obviously for 20 years.
Gabby: You, you more so than anyone I know are in early adopter.
Anne: Yeah, I think it's because it was part of my career.
Gabby: The new gadget, the new toy, the new like thing, like you're very good at seeing
it and going, "oh yeah, that's going to be huge."
And then you incorporate that into not only your business but your life.
I on the other hand show my Sicilian roots and become like this antiquated hill person
who –
Anne: [laughs] "Antiquated hill person!"
Gabby: – lives in like a stone, you know, hut and refuses to embrace the new.
Anne: I love those people.
[both laugh]
Gabby: I'm still out there like washing my clothes on a rock, yes.
Anne: You know, it's funny.
The other day I went to my husband's office party, and it was the first time I met a bunch
of his coworkers, and for those of you that don't know, my husband is now working in the
field of AI, artificial intelligence.
So if you want to talk about feeling like a little technologically left behind, and
even myself –
Gabby: Oh wow.
Anne: You know, everybody working in that industry was younger, and I actually found
myself in deep conversation with a former CTO, chief technology officer, about technology
and where would we be as a society if we adopted technology sooner.
Because really I think one of the main issues is so many people fear technology, that they
push it, push it, push it, and if we all had a little more I guess openness, open-mindedness
about technology – for example artificial intelligence, there is a lot of pushback because
people think robots are going to take over the world, and they won't, I'm just saying
[laughs] or I'm quite sure that as a society we won't let that happen, but if we have,
if we could embrace technology more, think about where we would be as a society having
technology as our friend and using it to work for us.
Gabby: Well, the resistance comes from what people have been taught, and it's all based
on pop culture.
It's not factual.
It's not scientific.
Anne: True.
Gabby: There's no real data.
It's bull-[beep] from Hollywood movies and books that we think, right, there's going
to be some big uprising.
The machines are going to take over.
It's going to be some sort of industrial apocalypse.
Come on, guys.
Anne: [laughs] That's a really excellent point, Gabby.
That's exactly what it is.
Gabby: The story was different if technology was our friend as a child of the 80's, and
in the 80's there were a lot of really great movies that introduced technology in that
way as –
Anne: Oh yeah.
Gabby: – a friend.
I remember Johnny 5 and "Flight of the Navigator," and you know.
But somewhere along the line that changed.
Anne: Yeah, you're right.
How important is technology to our business?
Well, you know, how about if I just start by saying, number one, our industry is kind
of going through an evolution or revolution, who knows, what, how you want to see it, in
terms of digital online casting.
Technology has evolved such that we are now being cast online versus traditionally, where
we'd have to go in a studio and audition, and meet the casting director, et cetera.
A lot of this is now happening online, and that is all due to the evolution of technology.
And if you are not on board with that technology, then you're probably not going to go too
far forward in this industry.
Gabby: I remember distinctly a point in time where I could work a full eight-hour day with
zero dependency upon the Internet.
Now if the Internet goes down, I can't manage eight minutes.
Anne: Oh my gosh.
Gabby: That's it.
Anne: And studios.
Gabby: I'm done.
Anne: Home studios, Gabby.
Like it wasn't a requirement when I got into the industry.
It was just like, oh, it was a luxury and kind of a thing.
Gabby: No, and it cost a fortune.
So it was like, yeah, it was a very prestigious… to have one.
Anne: Now you can't live without your own home studio.
You just can't.
Gabby: No.
Something else that struck me the other day in thinking about this is about web development.
I don't know if everyone's aware that children now as young as elementary school age are
learning how to code, are learning how to build websites, and web technology, and algorithms,
and all of these things that there's a lot of voice actors out there who still struggle
with these things, who don't know how to maintain their own website, who are – so here's what
I find funny.
There's a lot of companies right now that I think thrive on the fact that people don't
have this knowledge.
Anne: Yes.
Gabby: And they're able to in essence exploit that by offering –
Anne: They're capitalizing.
Gabby: – a service that fills the gap, yeah.
Either way – but I mean, yeah, you're right.
But what's going to happen, as, as these kids grow up and they enter the workforce?
I use Wix for all my websites.
I looove Wix.
Anne: So do I. I've changed, changed to Wix.
Gabby: But somewhere down the line – yeah.
Anne: Wix andWordPress.
WordPress – VO BOSS, by the way, is WordPress.
And everything else of mine now is Wix, and VO BOSS might turn into Wix soon.
Gabby: Somewhere down the line, WordPress and Wix will be obsolete because the new generation
will be able to build their own sites from scratch.
That will not be a skill anymore.
That's just a thing you know how to do.
Anne: Yeah, yeah.
Gabby: Isn't that amazing?
Anne: Or Wix, and I'm sure Wix and WordPress will evolve into another –
Gabby: They will evolve in some way, yeah.
Anne: It'll be like version – it will be software versions, right, because you know,
here's the deal.
I mean, every day they are improving.
Like how many – because I have both platforms, I know that WordPress, you can get, there's
a billion different plug-ins you can get for WordPress, and that's a good thing, and it's
also a bad thing because sometimes they don't play well with others.
By then on the other hand you've got Wix who definitely has the controlling option over
on their end where you are able to take advantage of their offering, so if you wanted to offer
a store on your website, you would have to go through Wix to do that.
With WordPress, you can get a plug-in that will do that.
And you can choose from many different ones.
There's lots of different options.
And I think the point that Gabby and I are trying to get at is that you should become
familiar with, first of all, the backend technology that's going to handle the front-end or the
front face of your business, and the more familiar you are with it, the better off you're
going to be, the more control.
How many times, Gabby, have I heard from a frantic student of mine that didn't have the
password to their website, didn't know how to change their bio, didn't know how to upload
their new demos?
Oh my gosh.
If I had a nickel for every time somebody said that to me, and I'm like "that is exactly
what you need to avoid."
Get some knowledge about your website, make sure you have your password, make sure that
that designer, before they pass it off to you, shows you how to get in, how to log in,
and how to make changes if you can.
Gabby: In the last year alone, I've talked probably half a dozen people who have had
their website hacked, and they have no way to retrieve it, no way to fix it, don't know
what to do.
And in many cases it is worse case scenario.
It's like their site has been overtaken by porn, and they are like, "oh my God.
What do I –" And I've had conversations with folks where I'm like, "well, contact
your registrar."
"My what?"
I'm like, "oh God."
They don't know who owns the URL, who has the hosting account.
They're clueless.
Anne: And the're clueless on how to find out.
Gabby: Mm-hmm.
Anne: So.
Gabby: Yeah.
Anne: And that is –
Gabby: And it's a big problem.
Anne: And having worked in IT and having the desk in IT as well, for many, many years,
and answering those phones, I can't tell you one instance – there's very rarely an
instance where people call up their tech support and say, "oh my God, you're doing a great
Thank you."
Gabby: [sniggers]
Anne: Usually they're irate, they're frantic, they're panicked.
And myself included, if I have a tech issue and I'm panicked, like I know, I've been through
Gabby: Sure.
Anne: I expect that person on the other end to help me and not like, not be rude.
I am in a very fragile state of mind when my technology doesn't work.
And so, you guys, I think that the more prepared you can be for a scenario when your tech doesn't
work – that means having a backup, right, have a backup Internet line, have a, have
your website backed up, make sure that you have that login and that password, and that
goes for anything, really.
I mean, what happens if you forget your password or you get hacked?
I think the other day, I got an email saying that somebody had logged into my Netflix account.
And I was like, hmm.
And from Indonesia, and I'm like –
Gabby: Oh, fun.
Anne: That wasn't me, but do you think that was somebody else?
Was I being hacked?
And to change my password.
Well, guess what, guys?
If you get something like that, don't click on the link, because sometimes that's a
spammer at work, having you click a link to change your password so that they can get
your password, but you can go to your website directly, right, in another browser, in another
window, and go to your account settings and change your password.
And that way you can keep yourself secure as well.
Gabby: We can't be gullible.
We have to have at least a basic education and please don't rule out, guys, going to
your local community college and taking some classes, because that will totally help you
get up to speed.
Anne: Oh yes, please.
For sure.
Gabby: And third [laughs]
Anne: [laughs]
Gabby: The technology is not out to get you.
Anne: No, it's not.
Gabby: There's no emotion.
It feels nothing.
It has no agenda, and as long as you remember that, you retain your control over what happens.
Anne: Gabby, this is the optimist in Anne speaking.
This is how I am able to be on board with technology, is because people are inherently
good and that technology should help us and not hurt us.
Now I'm not of course so naïve to think that there aren't things out there that can hurt
Of course, you know.
I mean, we're talking, this could be a whole other podcast, but modern-day warfare.
You don't think hacking into systems [laughs] doesn't play a part in that, of course it
And so I think the best thing you can do is to educated, as Gabby was saying, be educated,
be smart, be streetsmart, be Internet smart, be network, you know, digital smart, and understand
where things could possibly be not in your best interest, so don't trust it implicitly.
Like I said, don't click that link that's saying, "change your password here."
Be a little, you know, step back for a second, think about it, and get yourself educated
if you're not so that you can react smartly to your technology and make it work for you
and not against you.
Gabby: Oh God, yes.
And you know what, Anne, I'm going to be an optimist right there with you, and I'm going
to say that if you want to have all your faith in humanity restored via a story of technology,
just go look up the da Vinci robotic arm.
Anne: Oh yeah, absolutely.
Gabby: That's all you got to do.
Anne: Yeah.
Gabby: That piece of tech right there, that is humans using technology in the best way
Anne: The big thing about artificial intelligence is people are like, "no, it's going to take
away our jobs, right?
Artificial intelligence, we won't need humans anymore."
Well here's the deal.
If you can employ artificial intelligence in the health care industry, even like crime,
where it can search huge, huge databases at once and come back with comparisons and data
that can help you to do your job better, well then that's the plus.
That's the good side of tech.
If you're a cancer patient and you've got artificial intelligence searching millions
and billions of CT scans for a tumor that looks like yours, and that your doctor can
help to cure it faster, quicker, better, then that's the good part of technology.
That's what I'm on board with.
And that's the hope and the heart that I have for technology, and that's where I hope people
can get on board with technology, and use it for good.
Use it to build your business, think good things about it and don't be scared of it.
Gabby: That was the best medical narration I've ever heard.
That was amazing.
Anne: [laughs]
Gabby: That was amazing.
We're going to take that right there, and we're going to add it to your demo.
That was incredible.
Anne: Oh thank you.
[both laugh]
Anne: But it's so true, that's why the technology can be so good.
Don't be toxic toward the technology, right?
Gabby: Aww.
Anne: Use that technology right back to build your business, let's say better than that,
or use that to, you know, get yourself lots of online casting agencies that will help
you get work.
Gabby: Hey, one way or another, we don't have a choice.
Anne: Yeah.
Gabby: We have to move with it.
It's going to happen, so the faster you accept that and the faster you realize that
your business can thrive with technology, better off you're going to be.
Anne: Yeah, yeah.
Gabby: Speaking of tech, one of our favorite pieces of technology, I remember the day I
met Kevin.
Oh my God.
When I first heard about ipDTL, I was like, "this is the most brilliant thing I've ever
Anne: Oh yeah, I'm right there with you.
I still think that it's brilliant and –
Gabby: Oh, it is.
Anne: It's awesome, amazing technology.
Because this is what's connecting us, Gabby.
Think about it Again here's the positive.
You know, take that tech and spin the positive because that tech allows you and I, like oh
my God, I'm going get like verklempt, but it allows us, it allows us to be together
like all the time.
Gabby: So emotional.
Anne: Right?
I feel like I'm next door to you.
Just, like we're just having coffee.
We're talking, and oh, we happen to be recording, and here's the VO BOSS podcast while we're
at it.
[both laugh]
Gabby: So funny.
Anne: Right?
Gabby: You and I will actually hang up the phone in favor of ipDTL.
Anne: I know, right?
Gabby: We'd rather talk to each other over ipDTL than on our phones.
Anne: It's so, well it's true because gosh, we just sound great.
Gabby: We do.
Anne: We sound great over ipDTL.
Gabby: There's an intimacy that you cannot beat.
Anne: So true.
Gabby: And it makes everything else look obsolete by comparison.
Anne: So yeah, Kevin Leach, the brainchild behind ipDTL, thank you for allowing Gabby
and I to hang out [laughs] on a day-to-day basis pretty much, right, have our coffee
and have this wonderful, amazing time talking to one another, and recording it by the way,
and then letting you guys hear us.
[laughs] So it's the coolest thing.
Thank you, Kevin.
Shout-out to ipDTL, our sponsor.
If you guys want to know more and connect, you can at ipdtl.com.
Gabby: And of course, you know, the entire podcasting industry, this wouldn't even exist
if it weren't for people embracing and adopting new technologies.
So for more things BOSS in your life, please visit voboss.com.
Anne: More technology.
Gabby: Mm-hmm.
Anne: And listen to us on technology like Stitcher.
Gabby: Oo.
Anne: Alexa.
Gabby: And iTunes.
Anne: Spotify.
All the good things.
Gabby: Yup.
Anne: All right, guys.
We love you.
Have a great week, and we'll see you next week.
Gabby: Bye!
Anne: Bye!
Announcer: Join us next week for another edition of VO BOSS with your hosts Anne Ganguzza and
Gabby Nistico.
All rights reserved, Anne Ganguzza Voice Talent in association with Three Moon Media.
Redistribution with permission.
Coast-to-coast connectivity via ipDTL.
1 Gabby: Stop.
Anne: All right, are you recording?
Gabby: Stop being Squirrel Anne.
Just stop it.
Anne: Squirrelanne.
Gabby: Squirrelanne.
Anne: Squirrelanne.
Squirrel, squirrel, squirrel.
Gabby: I'm also a little bit snarfly still, so.
Anne: You sound good.
Gabby: If you say so.
I still feel like I sound like I'm underwater.
Anne: You sound a little husky.
Gabby: Hey, baby.
Anne: Hey.
Um are you recording?
Gabby: How you doing?
Anne: [laughs]
Gabby: Yeah.
2 Cliff: What is happening?
Gabby: Am I missing the fair?
Am I missing the state fair?
Cliff: Yes, the fair's going on right now.
Gabby: Damn it!
Damn it!
Cliff: And you're missing out on –
Anne: I love a good fair.
Cliff: – fried Twinkies –
Gabby: Damn it!
Cliff: – and fried Snickers.
Gabby: Oh my God.
So Anne.
Anne: Wait, wait.
Gabby: Hold on, 'cause this is amazing.
Anne: Cliff.
Gabby: Anne, have you ever been to the Texas State Fair?
Anne: I have not, but I can only imagine.
Gabby: It is, it is the fair to end all fairs.
Like you never need to go to another –
Cliff: Bring about $250.
Gabby: – one ever.
Yeah, like dude, I had fried bacon.
Anne: Yeah.
Gabby: Fried bacon.
Anne: Deep fried, double fried.
Gabby: It was off the chain!
It was amazing!
Cliff: Oh my God, we had fried – um, not s'mores, samoas.
Gabby: Oh my God.
Cliff: The coconut chocolate –
Gabby: Oh God.
Cliff: – Girl Scout cookies.
Gabby: Oh dear Lord.
Cliff: Deep-fried with maple syrup and caramel and powdered sugar.
Gabby: Holy moly.
Anne: Oh my goodness.
Cliff: Yeah, it was unbelievable.
Gabby: Anne, the last time I was in Texas, oh, well not the last time I was in Texas,
but the last time I was at the state fair, was the year – OK, do you know about Big
Do you know Big Tex?
Do you know this phenomenon?
Anne: I know, I know something of Big Tex.
Gabby: OK, so –
Anne: But explain just in case.
Gabby: Big Tex is, he's the mascot.
Anne: He's the guy, yes.
Gabby: He's like this –
Anne: Yeah, I know what he looks like.
Gabby: He's like this three-story animatronic –
Anne: Mm-hmm.
Gabby: – yeah, dude that's Big Tex.
So anyway, the year that I went to the Dallas state fair, the morning, the very morning
of the day I was going, Big Tex burned to the ground.
Anne: Oh no!
Gabby: And yeah, and Susan Bernard and her husband blamed me because, you know, the damn
Yankee came to town –
Anne: "Damn Yankee."
Gabby: – and I burned, I burned down Big Tex with my –
Anne: Oh my God.
Gabby: – Yankee, my Yankeeness.
Anne: Your Yankeeness.
Gabby: And uhh and then, yeah, and now he's back, he's back.
He's finally – it took years for them to rebuild him, but yeah, he's back.
3 Anne: Cliff has a long wire.
Gabby: Oh wow.
Anne: Cliff has a long wire.
Gabby: I like a man with a long wire.
Anne: A long wire.
Gabby: Just saying.
Anne: Should I put the jazz music on again so we can get ourselves in the mood?
Cliff: [sexy voice] Oh yeah.
Anne: Should – can we get [laughs]
Gabby: Wow.
4 Gabby: Tell Dianna to go away.
It's my time.
Anne: [indiscernible in background]
Gabby: Tell her to go away.
It's my time with Anne.
Anne: [laughs]
Gabby: Dianna and I fight for Anne's attention.
I want Anne love.
5 Anne: You're all being insightful and like,
telling me like deep –
Gabby: Aw thanks.
Anne: – insightful things in your text, and I was like, damn, Gabby.
[dog barking]
[both laugh]
6 Anne: And, and, and, and, and, um want to
Are we ready?
Gabby: Yeah.
Cliff: Sure.
Anne: OK awesome.
[clears throat]
Cliff: "Press one for" – no, that's your job.
[Anne and Gabby laugh]
Anne: "Thank you for calling."
Cliff: "Para español, marque dos."
Anne: [laughs]
7 Anne: What, what do I, what do I need to do?
Gabby: [in accent] Introduce the show.
Anne: [laughs]
8 Anne: Can ya hear me now?
Gabby: Yeah, baby.
Anne: Can you hear me now?
Gabby: Mm-hmm.
Anne: [laughs] And the [laughs] and the topic is –
Gabby: Talk BOSSy to me, Anne.
Anne: And the top- [laughs] And the topic is –
Gabby: Why haven't we used that yet?
That's a great hashtag.
[Both]: Talk BOSSy to me.
Anne: Gabby, talk BOSSy to me.
Averea lui Karl Lagerfeld va fi moștenită de pisica lui! E de neînchipuit câți bani intră în conturi - Duration: 2:40.
Dieter Bohlen: Schock für Carina! Jetzt kommt die GANZE Wahrheit raus! - Duration: 6:45.
Πέθανε ο ναύτης της ιστορικής φωτογραφίας για τη λήξη του Β' Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου | Top News | fthis.g - Duration: 1:18.
Σε ηλικία 95 ετών, έφυγε από τη ζωή ο Τζορτζ Μεντόσα. Ο ναύτης της αξέχαστης φωτογραφίας του Άλφρεντ Άιζενστατ , πέθανε έπειτα από ατύχημα που είχε στο σπίτι του, τη νύχτα του Σαββάτου προς ξημερώματα Κυριακής
Τη δυσάρεστη είδηση ανακοίνωσε η κόρη του στην εφημερίδα Providence Journal. Ο φωτογράφος, Άλφρεντ Άιζενστατ είναι εκείνος που στις 14 Αυγούστου του 1945 απαθανάτισε τη Γκρέτα Ζίμερ Φρίντμαν, που δέχθηκε το αναπάντεχο φιλί του Τζορτζ Μεντόσα
Πρόκειται μάλιστα για μια κίνηση του ναύτη να εκφράσει τη χαρά του για τη λήξη του Β Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου
«Οι δύο νέοι δεν γνωριζόντουσαν από πριν μεταξύ τους. Το «αντάμωμά» τους ήταν εντελώς τυχαίο», δήλωσε ο Άλφρεντ Άιζενστατ για την ιστορική φωτογραφία
Uomini e donne oggi, Ida Platano furiosa con Guarnieri: 'Ti rovino' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:47.
Gemma Galgani senza freni dopo le lacrime, la frecciatina social: 'Voglio persone vere' - Duration: 3:18.
Ce face acum DJ Wanda, la peste un an după ce a anunțat că e grav bolnavă! - Duration: 4:55.
Opel Combo GB 1.6 CDTi 105pk L1H1, Sport ** Euro 3.741,- korting ** - Duration: 1:13.
U&D, oggi scontro tra Ida e Roberta, Paolo a Sabrina: 'Ti amo' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:21.
The H1B Update You Need to Hear and Latest I-601 waivers processing times. - Duration: 8:23.
hi it's Kaushik Ranchod here and Brian and we are here with our weekly
immigration show giving you the latest updates. Today we're going to be talking
about an important H1B update I 601 waiver processing times and other timing issues
we recently got a question about how long is it currently taking for the i-601 waiver
there's the i-601 waiver where you're
outside of the United States or where you get a denial with your adjustment of status
and you apply within the United States and that is currently taking
eleven to fourteen and a half months
then the i-601A waiver
where you have a spouse that is a US citizen or permanent resident and you
may have entered without inspection or you have a parent that's a US citizen or
permanent resident and in this situation the processing times are currently
six and a half to eight and a half months so the times have been slowing down we've
been noticing a slowdown with the Trump administration and I don't expect it to
speed up I expect only to slow down
moving on to a very important update the h-1b system has been flipped on its head
where we have h-1b as a work visa where if your employer sponsors you
and it's in a specialty occupation very common types of those are software
engineers or a physician or an architect or a teacher then you could be eligible
for h-1b visa there's also other types as well so I'm going to tell you in a
second about this very important h-1b update that has happened
and if you have any questions give us a call 916-613-3553
or put your comment below so, the h-1b update is that now
master's degrees will be a given priority over bachelor's degrees in the quota
so now master's are going to be given the majority and
bachelors will be taken given a second smaller spot
and the master's must be from a US University
so what do we have next brain for other questions we've been getting this is a different
topic but clients ask when should they apply for our work authorization for example
so you can apply for a work authorization along with
depends on what type of application you have so for instance if
you're applying for a marriage-based green card you can apply for the work
authorization at the same time as well as the travel document typically we're
seeing that take around five to six months for clients to get that and
that's while your application is pending see a lot of times people are wondering
do you have to wait till the end no this gives you an opportunity to work
while your application is pending
then the other question that we're getting as well is whether or not you
should apply for the marriage-based green card immediately or you should
wait as soon as you get married you can go ahead and apply for the
marriage-based green card there's no need to wait at all
USCIS will look at how long you've been married and evidence of your
relationship so it's important to note that those are things that are going to
be reviewed and what they're looking for us to see if you have a real
relationship that can be evaluated in a variety of different ways
alright well we want to thank you for joining us
today live we will see you next week so post your questions below give us a call
at 916-613-3553 if you have questions
thank you and have an awesome day
Absolutely Luxury Modern Tiny House on Wheels For Sale only $41K - Duration: 3:16.
Absolutely Luxury Modern Tiny House on Wheels For Sale only $41K
Voltamos para a Finlândia - Duration: 5:08.
My name is Alysson Soares, and welcomer to Finland
we are back!!
today video I will show you
what we can do in the snow, have been snowing to much
the snow is like this, because the tractor
clean the way, where people walk
thats why have this "mountain" of snow
this is outside of the apartment where we live
I will show also the street
if not clean , is almost impossible to drive
Finland have good plan , when snow so much
this is the sidewalk , there is the street
the tractor push the snow
and make this snow mountain between sidewalk and street
there also have a "mountain" of snow
lets walk around and see the city
how look like in the winter time
we go out play with Milan
there is Iira
Hi , Milan!!
this toy is like a soapbox car that we have in Brazil
but in Finland
is without wheels
but you can have funny with it
lets go and play
and see how look like the finnish winter
we are almost there, where we gonna play
Iira that is 100% finnish , she get used with this cold weather
but even her , It takes a few days to adapt , we were in Brazil
in Brazil was plus 40C
Iira checked in the phone its feel like -8C
so , from plus 40C to -8C
Its a chock to our body
slowly we get used with it
soon we go down the hill
this we see everywhere
this yellow snow
the Dogs mark the area everywhere
dog: where I gonna pee them? :D
We see everywhere
see how much snow the tractor push
we arrive in the hill
nice view
everything so white
we gonna go down the hill , with the soapbox car
have another video i will put in the card
somewhere here
If you didnt saw yeat I show the "soapbox car" in the snow
this one look like we have in brazil but without wheels
here its call STIGA
Iira is ready
thats it subscribe in the channel
say Hi to my friend Jheferson , that is Fan of the channel
I will end the video making a Angel in the snow
subscribe and see you next time!!
All Health TV Live Stream - Duration: 12:57.
All Health TV Live Stream - Duration: 0:43.
All Health TV Live Stream - Duration: 2:51.
Sigue en directo los test de pretemporada de F1 - Duration: 5:29.
Segundo día de test en el Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya tras un primer día teñido de rojo
Sebastian Vettel fue el más rápido, realizando tandas cortas, con tiempos constantes y mostrando una gran fiabilidad en el monoplaza
Fiabilidad que parece también tener Mclaren que marcó el primer día de test con más vueltas completadas desde 2010
Sainz fue segundo. Mercedes quedó atrás en la clasificación pero no montaron ni el blando ni el ultrablando que traen para estas dos semanas Pirelli
Red Bull también parece competitivo. A partir de las 9:00 y hasta las 18:00, vive el segundo día en directo
ACTUALIZAR +0 15:58 Albon y. ¡HONDA! llegan a 100 vueltas. Segundo piloto del día que lo logra tras Leclerc
15:52 El Red Bull de Gasly da 3 vueltas y vuelve de nuevo al box. Ha marcado el quinto mejor tiempo
15:49 Bottas rodando de nuevo muchas vueltas en 21. Posteriormente a lo que parece ser un error en pista, los tiempos han ido para arriba pero ha logrado mantener los 22
Mercedes no enseña velocidad por el momento, pero sí constancia. 15:47 Norris ha dejado la velocidad máxima en 337 km/h
La más alta de hoy. Albon con el Honda es segundo con 329 Km/h. 15:45 Mucho trabajo con parafina de los hombre de Toro Rosso
15:44 Gasly a pista. Hulkenberg, Albon y Leclerc rodando en 23 altos. Las tandas largas de vueltas, protagonistas en esta sesión de tarde
15:42 Leclerc. Bottas, Albon y Hulkenberg en pista. Los mejores tiempos no se mueven
Norris ha entrado ya en boxes y suma 93 vueltas. 15:32 Vueltas rodadas tras una hora y media de sesión de tarde: LECLERC 102 NORRIS 86 GASLY 84 ALBON 78 HAMILTON 74 GIOVINAZZI 62 STROLL 51 MAGNUSSE 44 BOTTAS 31 RICCIARDO 28 HULKENBERG 26 El Mclaren ya es segundo en este apartado
15:30 El Sportpesa Racing Point Racing. Más sofisticado el nombre que el monoplaza que no ha arrnacado de la mejor manera estos dos días de test
Pocas vueltas. 15:27 Sin grandes cambios en la clasificación respecto a la sesión matutina
Sigue Lecler en lo más alto con 102 vueltas y dentro del box en estos momentos. 15:21 Norris sigue realizando un largo stint con carga grande de gasolina y lleva ya 83 vueltas
Magnusses, Hulkenberg y de nuevo Bottas compaten pista con el de Mclaren. 15:17 Así están los mejores tiempos en estos momentos: 1 Leclerc 1
18.247 2 Magnussen 1.19.234 3 Giovinazzi 1.19.312 4 Norris 1.19.489 5 Gasly 1
19.814 6 Ricciardo 1.19.886 7 Hamilton 1.19.928 8 Bottas 1.19.947 9 Albon 1.20
046 10 Stroll 1.20.433 15:15 Esta mañana veíamos la parafina verde fosforito que usa Toro Rosso
La de Mercedes es blanca pero también se pueden apreciar los flujos. 15:12 Norris y Hulkenberg los dos únicos pilotos en pista en este momento
El de Mclaren muy activo desde que ha vuelto a salir esta tarde. Tocando las 75 vueltas
15:11 Lleva un rato ahora Bottas en el box. Este ha sido su stint. Su tiempo es media décima peor que el de Hamilton de esta mañana
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Lauren Ash and Ben Feldman Play "Getting to Know" | Lip Sync Battle Pregame - Duration: 5:06.
- Hi, I'm Lauren Ash.
- And I'm Ben Feldman.
- And this is, Getting to Know.
- Getting to Know.
- Thought we were gonna do that in tandem.
- I'm sorry, you did it so quickly,
I didn't know that was gonna happen.
- Do you wanna take it again? - Let's try it again.
- Hi, I'm Lauren Ash.
- And I'm Lauren Ash.
- That's not, - Okay.
- This is not, - One more time.
I got this, I got this. Go!
- [Together] Hi--
- I'm Lauren Feldman.
- You wish.
- You do it.
- You wish I was.
- Ben Feldman? - Yes.
- When you were a teenager, what was the worst thing
you did to get grounded?
- I never really got grounded,
I threw a lot of parties at home.
- Can I tell a personal story about you?
- Sure, as long as it's tremendously embarrassing
and will hurt me.
- I thought he was going to tell the story
about when you used your mom, I think, credit card
to order a Playboy subscription.
- No, no, no, no, no, my mother sent it to me
at camp, I was never grounded for that
because the porn I got was from my mother.
- Wow, I mean, what we're learning about the level of--
- It was anarchy growing up.
- Would you like me to answer this question now?
- Uh, no, I'm pretty good just talking about myself.
Do you have another question for me?
- Yeah that makes sense.
- Uh, Lauren, I've been meaning to
ask you this for a long time.
- I'm sure you have.
- What would be in your web history
that you'd be embarrassed if someone saw?
Shopping, guilty pleasures, odd fashion, etc?
- This is a very benign--
- It's interesting because there's a real,
glaringly obvious category of things in here
that is omitted from the back of this card.
- Yeah, absolutely, which was of course
what first came to my mind. - Yeah, nun porn.
- (laughs) That's of course, your favorite flavor.
- That's the background on my computer.
- It is. It is. - Yes.
- What would be the most embarrassing?
I mean, other than like, Googling yourself,
which is like horrifying?
I mean, that's pretty embarrassing.
- I'm constantly terrified that at any moment,
I'm going to leave something up on my phone,
someone's gonna take my phone, open it, and see something.
So I just don't, I don't do anything, I don't live online.
I don't live my life, I don't do anything interesting.
- And yet, this is the man that,
literally your phone is glued to your hand.
- Yes! All the time, but really it's
just different pictures of me.
- Who's your first celebrity crush?
- The obvious ones.
It was Winnie Cooper, but it was also Topanga,
- Alyssa Milano? - No, not Alyssa Milano.
Topanga, and then Natalie Portman for a good long while.
- A good long while?
- That's when you're a Jewish young boy,
it's always Natalie Portman.
- Sure. - Yourself?
- Well, my first crush was from a Canadian television show
called "Today's Special," and there was a man
who would turn into a mannequin,
and that was my absolute first crush.
- When you were crushing, were you crushing on
the man or the mannequin part?
Like, when you imagined yourself with him was he motionless?
- Well, as a child, I wasn't imagining myself with him yet,
I was just like, "Why do I feel weird in my underwear?"
Then I later realized, it was like I--
- Which is the name of your memoir.
- "Why Do I Feel Weird in My Underwear,
The Lauren Ash Story," yeah.
- Dropping this Tuesday.
- But I will say the biggest one for me,
from a very young age, was David Duchovny, like very, very.
To the point, that I pray I never meet him.
- Lauren, what is your guilty pleasure?
- Oh, there's just so many, Teen Mom.
- Teen Mom?
- What about you, guiltiest pleasure?
- Candy, um--
- I think we both know the real one.
- Bank robbery? What's the, no, no no!
No more smoking with the child, just candy cigarettes.
Adah, ah, ah...
Alright, go ahead.
- What's your go-to song to sing in the shower?
- Usually, any song from "Hamilton."
Or other musical theater songs
that are actually embarrassing.
- My go-to shower song?
Probably like "Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails.
- Really? That is dark. - Of course not!
- (singing) I hurt myself...
- Of course not. - Oh, man.
- Johnny Cash version, obviously.
Yeah, no, "Hamilton" for me too.
- Sure, you feel kind of like a badass,
but you're still doing musical theater,
so it's a pu-pu platter of fun.
Lauren, what is the weirdest thing about you?
- The weirdest thing about me?
- And let's folks remember, Lauren,
and I am not kidding, dated a cannibal.
- Okay, pause! You can't keep spreading that fake news.
- It's not fake news.
- I went on one date with a cannibal, one date!
There is a very wide difference between dated and one date.
- [Ben] Alright, alright you dated though.
- But I will also say that he did reject me in the end.
- So the better line is,
Lauren was turned down by a cannibal.
- That is the better line.
- Lauren, I feel like I've gotten to know you quite a bit.
- You know, we've spent every day
together for like four years,
I do feel like I've gotten to know you better.
Which, you would think would make me feel
like I don't wanna crush you in this battle,
but it really has not affected that at all.
- I know, which is so sad, because we're gonna
go back and do these questions again,
and I'm gonna ask you the most embarrassing moment
of your life, and you're gonna say it was tonight.
- That's very clever, very clever.
- Thank you, you don't even need to say anything else,
because that's the sound bite America deserves.
- Oh boy!
- (laughs)
(upbeat horn music)
cara menngambar woody wood pecker - Duration: 3:37.
Feldenkrais For Falls, Scoliosis And More 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 - Duration: 2:52.
Feldenkrais can help you to land >> it's like a pratfalls >> in the movies where people
fall for pranks >> they know how they are going to land >> like
tuck and roll is to a somersault >>
if you know how to fall you don't get as injured >> [title] >> [Feldenkrais for Falls & Scoliosis]
>> well Feldenkrais therapy is one of the most intelligent forms of therapy involved
in helping our bodies to retrain themselves to do things that they
couldn't do >> and does that make sense?
>> I have participated in a class at a physical
therapists house >>
he was a physical therapist in a prominant >> large organization
but he opened his home during the daytime to a handfull of women
to teach them then Feldenkrais method of physical therapy
and I was one of them >> I got to participate in these classes >> and I will tell you >> it
is marvelous >> the Feldenkrais therapy was originated or created by a Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais
>> he created this therapy in order to help people
who were paralyzed to train their brain >> to retrain their bodies to respond
so they could begin working when their systems had been shut off >>
people who were completely paralyzed were able to retarin
their spinal cords and their nervous systems to respond so that their limbs would once
again function >> I think it is the smartest therapy that there is >> and it's not common
it is not easy to find >> and that was why I participated in this person's
home when he opened his home up for classes >>
if you want to find Feldenkrais therapy look for a local physical therapy center and ask
for a referance or a recommendation to a therapist >>
Feldenkrais would be a great method of relaxation >> [it was for me] >>
and it is wonderful for people with situations such as scoliosis >> Feldenkrais can elongate
the neck and the vertebrate >> you can learn the Feldenkrais
method even through YouTube Videos >> you can watch videos that can help you and then
you can follow along >> so how is the Feldenkrais method and falling
related you say? >>
at the time that I was taking this class I was the youngest participant >> I was about
48 years old and there was a woman in the class who was about 73 years old and she was
two years in to the practice of Feldenkrais >> and she took a fall in her home and she
stumbled and fell and she came to class and she said that because of Feldenkrais
she was able to fall in to the fall >> to predetermine how she was going to land >>
because she had been taking Feldenkrais classes for a couple of years >> the more agile we
are as we get older the better it is >> and the easier life is >> Feldenkrais is a wonderful
method of therapy >> and I recommend it highly and I wanted to share it because I have taken
classes myself >>
Bracia Golec – bliźniacy mają rodzeństwo - Duration: 5:04.
Mort de Karl Lagerfeld : le couturier s'est éteint à l'âge de 85 ans - NT - Duration: 7:28.
Démission de Gérard Collomb : c'est sa femme qui l'a poussé à prendre cette décision ! - Duration: 2:47.
Quand Karl Lagerfeld parlait de ses funérailles : "Il n'y a aura pas d'enterrement, plutôt mourir" - Duration: 3:13.
Son jet, son régime, sa "Choupette"... : les 6 plus belles excentricités de Karl Lagerfeld- NT - Duration: 10:14.
スポーツ専門配信チャンネルのDAZNとAbemaTVがパートナーシップ締結 - Kyo Channel - Duration: 2:23.
Absolutely Luxury Modern Tiny House on Wheels For Sale only $41K - Duration: 3:16.
Absolutely Luxury Modern Tiny House on Wheels For Sale only $41K
무료비트 Gray x Sik-K Type Beat 2019 FREE 'Aegyo' 식케이 무료비트 - Duration: 3:01.
Sik-K Type Beat 2019 Buy 2 Get 1 Free at rokotensei.com
Evil mum injected baby with bleach because she 'felt no affection for her' - News Live - Duration: 2:42.
A monster mum injected bleach and liquid soap into her baby daughter because she felt no affection for the tot
The mother, known only as Elif K., also slashed baby Eylul with a razor in a sick reign of torture, which led to the baby fracturing her skull at nine months old
The vile parent yesterday confessed to the abuse and admitted it has gone on for around 18 months
Speaking in court in Istanbul, Turkey, Elif K. said: "I couldn't love my daughter, I couldn't warm towards her
I decided to torture her. "Since she was one-month-old, I injected bleach and liquid soap into her ears, nose and belly button, until she started bleeding
"Then I took her to the hospital for treatment. When they let her back home, I continued torturing her
I was injecting her with bleach and soap as well as cutting her with a razor in her head, eyes, legs, arms and chest
"When she was at the hospital, I injected the liquid soap from the hospital into her veins
I also injected bleach at home into her veins." Authorities became concerned about Eylul after she kept falling ill
Her dad, known as Eray K., took her to a doctor after she started bleeding from her ears and belly button, as well as having bruises all over her body, but he was unable to diagnose the problem
Weeks later, Eylul suffered the fractured skull after mum-of-three Elif K. repeated the act
She was arrested and questioned but later released after she convinced cops of her innocence
Eylul's health continued to deteriorate and she was again admitted to hospital in August last year when Elif K
was again taken in for questioning but later released. When the baby was taken into hospital for a third time, doctors refused to allow Elif K
access to her child and the baby began to recover. As suspicions about her increased, Elif K
walked into a police station to hand herself in, making a full confession, saying her conscience had finally got the better of her
She has already appeared in court where she was found guilty of torturing her baby and sent to prison
A further hearing will be held to determine her sentence. Eylul is now living in the care of her father Eray K
and is reportedly starting to regain her health.
Traditional and Roth IRAs | Simple Steps for a Retirement Portfolio Course - Duration: 4:34.
If you're saving for retirement, IRAs, or Individual Retirement Accounts, can offer
significant tax advantages.
This video focuses on how to choose between two common types of IRAs: traditional and
Each provides different tax benefits.
In a taxable investment account, you have to pay annual taxes on any profits you earn,
which can slow the growth of the account.
A benefit of both traditional and Roth IRAs is that your profits aren't taxed while
they're in the account, which can help your investments compound.
Where traditional and Roth IRAs differ is in when you get tax breaks.
You essentially have a choice of paying taxes now or paying taxes later.
Let me explain.
With a traditional IRA, your contributions may be tax deductible.
This means you may get a tax break in the years you contribute to the account.
Savvy investors might take advantage of this tax break to make higher contributions.
But, you still have to pay taxes sometime.
With a traditional IRA you pay taxes on money you withdraw from the account during retirement.
Essentially, choosing a traditional IRA means choosing to pay taxes later.
Now, let's talk about Roth accounts.
With a Roth IRA, contributions are not tax deductible, meaning you don't get a tax
break when you make contributions.
Once you contribute money to a Roth IRA, you won't have to pay taxes on it when you make
withdrawals during retirement.
So choosing a Roth account means choosing to pay taxes now.
So which one is better?
It depends.
Based on your personal circumstances, it's possible that one type of account might be
better for you.
The biggest factor is whether you think your tax rate during retirement will be higher
or lower than your tax rate during the years you're contributing.
If you think your taxes are higher now than they'll be when you retire, a traditional
IRA might be better.
For example, by retirement, your mortgage may be paid off or maybe your kids will be
out of the house, so you'll need less income.
With this lowered income during retirement, your tax rate may be lower.
A traditional IRA would allow you to pay taxes later and take advantage of the lower rate
rather than paying a higher rate now.
On the other hand, a Roth IRA may be the best choice if you think your tax rate could be
higher during retirement.
For example, if you're a young investor who just started a career, you may expect
to pay higher taxes later in your career and into retirement.
By choosing to pay taxes now at a lower tax rate, you may benefit from paying less than
you would in retirement.
Plus, you'll have the comfort of knowing you'll be unburdened by taxes when you withdraw
from your Roth IRA during retirement.
However, there are a few things to remember.
First, it may be very difficult to predict future tax rates.
As a result, many experts recommend contributing to both traditional and Roth accounts as a
way to diversify your tax savings.
Second, there are limits on IRA eligibility and tax benefits.
For example, if you already have a 401(k) plan through your employer, traditional IRA
contributions may not be tax deductible.
Some investors may make too much money to contribute to a Roth IRA.
Be sure to check the IRS's income limits and consult a tax professional.
Now, a quick word about a similar type of account, 401(k)s, which are retirement accounts
sponsored by employers.
Like IRAs, 401(k) accounts may be traditional or Roth and provide many of the same types
of tax benefits.
But the contribution and eligibility requirements are a little different, so be sure to
refer to the current IRS regulations.
While it can be hard to predict your future tax rate, both traditional and Roth retirement
accounts can help you maximize your retirement savings with tax benefits.
The most important thing is to contribute early and often.
watch the video and find out what happened
She was curious about rapid regressions. She wanted to let go of past emotional problems
Dr. Paret uses a rapid method non verbal and immediate
follow my breathing, deeper
10, 9 sleep is better
automatic trance
like the video and comment
she enters regression
I touch you here and you are in the past, 3,2,1 where are you
girl: i am at home
are you alone or with somebody
girl : i am with friends
How old are you?
see what you see around
which sounds do you listen?
which color do you see?
how do you feel?
girl: i am scared
why you feel scared
girl: i can't translate
follow me get up and let go
after the regression she goes instanly in deeper hypnosis
emotional liberation &mesmeric crise
Magnetic touches activate the first reactions
liberative crise begins
The UNCONTROLLED body movements bring LIBERATION
Dr. Paret uses sounds and specific breathing to take the subject deeper into the emotional burden
she is entering deeper into herself
Stimulation of the Cerebellum activates strong emotional response
observe what happens
Her body starts to react strongly and she starts to let go the past emotional trauma
Catharsis and Liberation
Solar plexus healing stimulate the Vagus nerve and rebalances the entire nervous system
relief from all blockages, tensions and traumas
Dr. Marco Paret World's expert in Nonverbal Hypnosis
Dr. Paret's school: Unique techniques for unique results
Non Verbal Hypnosis (mesmerismus) improves concentration levels, memory, mental focus, confidence, motivation and self-esteem.
It decreases self-doubt, reduces stress and bring deep emotional relief Contact us now www.marcoparet.com/contact
After this non verbal therapy she felt relieved and more confident, she was able to let go of these painful emotions from her past
Apex Legends Patch #2 & New Content Leaks - Duration: 6:13.
what's good everybody I'm Blitz5 and in today's video I'm gonna be talking about
apex legends we got some leaked information that was just revealed a few
days ago and we also have a brand new patch that's fresh off the press today
February 19th 2019 and as I record this video this was just announced a few
hours ago so we'll talk about the patch first and then we'll get back into the
leaked information because some of you guys may have seen this already there's
been a bunch of leaks over the past couple weeks and then here are some new
ones and kind of compiled them into a little list here so back onto the patch
again this is live for all platforms and this is just a small patch here working
on some of the issues with crashing right now that people have been seeing
across various platforms so the first one is specifically just for ps4 and
this is they address issues where we saw GPU hangs they also fix crashing when
pressing buttons too early in the load process again just for ps4 then they
also fix an issue where players would sometimes move slowly after revive I've
never seen this happen but down in the comments a lot of people were
complaining about this and that seems like a really annoying kind of bug to
happen they also fixed an issue with the Mirage ability causing crashes which was
one of the character abilities and they fix another issue which are Balter epic
skins causing crashes on the Xbox one so me myself I play on the Xbox one axe
with an SSD and I haven't had any crashing issues I don't know if that has
anything to do with that I know SSD helps the low timings but obviously some
of these crashes seem like they're internal issues and not just like a
specific Xbox issue and I don't have any trouble through epic skins so I can't
speak for that I haven't had any of these issues but hopefully this helps
the game overall it helped some of you guys out that I've been having these
problems then on to the leaked information so this is pretty
interesting here and just a personal opinion is that when you we saw this
game drop you could tell that they definitely sandbagged and kept a lot of
information or a lot of content back from the game being launched immediately
I mean there's only a handful of characters there's not many weapons in
the game so this game was definitely ready to start releasing stuff on a
week-by-week or monthly basis to keep everybody interested you'd kind of just
tell that that's the system they're going off so there's a lot of leaked
information on what content is coming so we'll get into that first there's two
heroes that are coming into the game and I'm sure we're gonna see a ton more
there's actually a list of about ten other heroes that they have the names of
that they got through data mining I'm not gonna read them all
here but they definitely have a lot of plans for more characters coming into
the game and I think the character distribution model is going to be the
main product in this game it's just more and more characters because obviously
the characters have abilities and that is kind of the highlight of apex so to
the new characters coming into the game are going to be octane who has a stim
ability which is cool probably gonna be like a movement ability kind of seems
like a titanfall s character coming into the game then on top of that we have
Watson who kind of seems like he has a Tesla trap so maybe he's gonna be like a
Tesla type scientist type eccentric type character which is really cool obviously
having fast movement for octane is a great ability but the other guy is a
little bit more appealing because of the Tesla traffic kinda sounds a little bit
more shocking if you will so I like that and then after that they have some
information about solos and duo's coming into the game kind of should have
expected that right just makes sense but now we don't know what's gonna happen
will there ever be a four-man squad are they ever gonna move up the playerbase
from 60 to 70 80 90 100 but right now what's leaked is that solos and duo's
are definitely coming into the game and there was also a leak about a game mode
called survival but we're not sure if this is just referring to solo modes
coming in or the regular battle royale mode or if this is a completely
different mode and I saw some people speculate online that this could be
something similar to project Darwin which you guys haven't played this a
very interesting Battle Royale game that's free to play or at least it was
for a while I played it on xbox and it was like solo survival and there was
someone who is a spectator in the game and they could change the events they
could close down different sections they could basically control how the circle
closed they could drop maybe like a care package or a certain weapon in the map
and they could cause events and this is really cool so some people are
spectating that this are speculating excuse me that this could be coming into
the game but who knows honestly there's so many different ways that you could
change up battle royale and change the game and so many different possible game
modes really you know there's so much creativity to be done with these with
the games and apex kind of already showed that that this could really go
anywhere and there could be a various different kinds of game modes coming
into the battery of games in the future so it's kind of hard to speculate in
general then after that we have word that a replay system is coming which is
awesome obviously when you get killed it's nice to see a replay so you can see
what's happened and it would be awesome this was in the
leaks but eventually if there's some kind of theater system in Apex legends
that is just awesome for us gamers and also for content creators and people who
like to make content and funny videos it's always awesome to have those kind
of modes but sometimes console struggles with that stuff and then yeah on top of
that like I said we have the new characters coming in a bunch of other
characters released and there was also announced that there's going to be some
twitch prime exclusive deals that we've seen with a lot of other games where if
you have twitch prime you get access to additional content in the game so again
that's all the information we have the patch fixing crashes pretty small
officially patched number two for the preseason and then we have this leaked
information I'm sure we're gonna see a lot of this stuff coming soon and again
just to wrap it up my opinion is that this game is a lot of fun but you can
tell that they kept a lot of content out again just repeating myself there's not
that much there's not that many weapons or characters so while they're
definitely gonna be funneling this stuff into the game and hopefully providing us
with a great experience for the spring and summer to come and I will definitely
be interesting to see how this game grows and that already has 25 million
players over 25 million unique players playing across all platforms so there
you go that's the update I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please give
a thumbs up and let me know what you guys think down in the comments below as
always thank you all for watching on blitz 5 and peace out
아침이슬 u / 긴 밤 지새우고 [양희은-가요영상] - Duration: 3:00.
Meghan Markle baby shower: Who will be at Meghan's baby shower? Best friends and celebs - Today New - Duration: 4:12.
Meghan Markle, 37, is enjoying a glamorous baby shower at an Upper East Side hotel in the Big Apple
A heavily-pregnant Duchess of Sussex arrived in New York on Friday before being spotted out with best pal Jessica Mulroney the next day in Lower Manhattan
Ms Mulroney is said to be organising the baby shower, a US tradition in which presents are lavished on the mum-to-be at a special party before the birth
A source told US magazine Harper's Bazaar: "The trip is a lovely chance to catch up with friends and spend time in a city she loves
Meghan Markle due date: When is Meghan due? Meghan Markle to have TWINS? Odds in frenzy for two royal babies "This will be the last time a lot of them will see Meg until after the baby is born so it's nice to share precious moments
" Husband Prince Harry, 34, is not in attendance - but who will be there to show Meghan their support? Serena Williams Tennis supremo Serena Williams, 37, and Meghan have been good friends since 2010 when they met at a Super Bowl party
Meghan took time out of her busy schedule to watch her friend play at Wimbledon in 2017
Serena returned the compliment saying: "We have always supported each other, just been there for each other through a lot
" Priyanka Chopra Priyanka Chopra, 36, knows a thing or two about high-profile relationships having married US singer Nick Jonas in 2018 following a whirlwind romance
One of India's most popular actresses, Priyanka also does a lot of humanitarian work, something she and Meghan bonded over when they met
In an interview with People Magazine, Priyanka revealed the pair met at the annual ELLE Women in Television dinner
Meghan Markle's £3.3k New York baby shower outfit Meghan and Harry choose baby names and measure bump in shock photos She said: "We bonded as actors
We just became friends, like two girls would." Sarah Rafferty and Abigail Spencer US stars of legal drama Suits stars met Meghan while all three were filming on the show in Toronto
They have remained good friends since then and were at Meghan's wedding to Prince Harry last May
Abigail told People in March: "Meghan Markle is one of the loveliest human beings on the planet, in the world
"I'm just so excited that the world will get to experience her loveliness, and I really think that with her platform for charity and her fortitude - she's going to have a great moment to change the world
If anyone can do it, it can be her." Doria Ragland As mother of the bride, Doria won legions of new fans at Meghan's nuptials for her natural elegance and poise on the day
She is certain to be at the baby shower. Jessica Mulroney Jessica is Meghan's best friend and the daughter of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney
The personal stylist's children - daughter Ivy, plus twins Brian and John - were bridesmaid and pageboys at Meghan's wedding
Maurizio Sarri: When Chelsea will decide whether or not to sack manager - Duration: 3:07.
However, a decision will be taken over his long-term future shortly after the match and The Guardian claim it will be made by owner Roman Abramovich
Abramovich is yet to attend a single game this season and Marina Granovskaia has been left to oversee the running of the club
She is understood to be a close ally of Sarri but Abramovich could now step in after watching Chelsea's season spiral out of control
The Blues were thumped 6-0 by Manchester City in their last Premier League game as they slipped to sixth in the table
And their misery was compounded with a 2-0 defeat by Manchester United in the FA Cup, in which fans could be heard chanting 'you don't know what you're doing' and 'f**k Sarri-ball' at the under-pressure boss
Chelsea go into Thursday's clash with a slender 2-1 lead over the Swedish side and Sarri will almost certainly face the sack if they do not progress to the last 16
They then face the grueling prospect of Man City once more in Sunday's League Cup final where they will look to regain some pride at the very least
Sarri remained diplomatic after the United loss, insisting his side had not been as bad as the result suggested
"I think with the result we were unlucky because in the first half we played better than the opponent and at the end of the first half it was 2-0," he said
"In the second half it was really very difficult to play. They are a very physical team and defended low and compact
" More worryingly for Chelsea fans, Sarri also admitted he was confused by the way his side played in the second half
"We played confusing football in the second half but in the first half we played well," he added
"We need to be more aggressive and determined with situations in our box and the opposition box because the difference was there
"We played 78 balls in the opposing box and United played only 16 in ours, but the result was 2-0, so that was the difference
" Asked whether he still had the support of his struggling players, he continued: "I think so
"Of course I'm not sure, but I think so. I think the situation with the players is very good in terms of our relationship but that's not so important
"What's important is to play and get good results but my relationship with the players at the moment is good
Что, если Ольга Бузова решит пойти в политику - Duration: 2:26.
'왕이된남자' 권해효, 여진구에 "동생 살리려면 무릎 꿇어" - KN Channel - Duration: 1:56.
Meghan królewska - Wiemy, kto zastąpi Karla Lagerfelda w domu mody Chanel! - Duration: 2:36.
Virginie Viard zastąpi Karla Lagerfelda w Chanel. Francuski dom mody oficjalnie ogłosił, że doradczyni i prawa ręka projektanta, która współpracowała z nim przez ponad trzydzieści lat, przejmie po nim stery
Viard swoją przygodę z modą zaczynała jako stażystka w 1987 roku, w dziale zdobień domu mody Chanel
Obecnie zarządza siedmioma pracowniami i nadzoruje kolekcje prezentowane podczas tygodni mody
Jest również odpowiedzialna za rozwijanie linii zegarków Chanel. Plotki o tym, że Virginie Vard zastąpi Karla Lagerfelda zaczęły się już w styczniu, kiedy po ostatnim pokazie kolekcji haute couture w Paryżu, to ona wyszła ukłonić się zebranym gościom
Kto zastąpi Karla Lagerfelda w Chanel? Kto będzie nowym dyrektorem kreatywnym Chanel? Wybór padł na Virginie Viard, bliską współpracowniczkę Karla Lagerfelda
Virginie Viard nazywana była "prawą ręką cesarza mody". Projektantka w wywiadach nie ukrywała, że ją i Karla Lagerfelda łączyły bardzo bliskie relacje
Viard i Lagerfeld byli w nieustannym kontakcie i rozmawiali ze sobą non stop, nawet w środku nocy
„Karl przesyła mi swoje szkice przez telefon w środku nocy. Świetnie do siebie pasujemy" - mówiła Viard
Karl Lagerfeld potwierdzał, że Virginie Viard jest dla niego nie tylko bliską współpracowniczką, ale przede wszystkim oddaną przyjaciółką, a relacja z nią była dla niego kluczowa
Liczył się z jej zdaniem, jak z niczyim innym. Chanel w swoim oficjalnym oświadczeniu pisze, że stanowisko dyrektor kreatywnej przydzielił Virginie Viard, Alain Wertheimer, czyli główny CEO Chanel
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