Gorgeous Cozy Cub Cabin Park Model For Sale by Hideaway Cabin
For more infomation >> Gorgeous Cozy Cub Cabin Park Model For Sale by Hideaway Cabin - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
Heart of the High Plains: Exploring the Discovery Center - Duration: 2:02.
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★JISELLE★ Plus Size Curvy Outfit Ideas | Gorgeous Fashion Model
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U&D, Dal Corso vuole incontrare Teresa dopo la scelta: 'Se me darai la possibilità' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.
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U&D, Andrea Dal Corso rifiuta Teresa Langella: il web lo attacca | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:58.
Fabulous Stunning Bear Cabin For Sale by Happy Hideaway Cabins - Duration: 4:48.
Fabulous Stunning Bear Cabin For Sale by Happy Hideaway Cabins
どれも徹底的にポップ! ポルカドットスティングレイが「有頂天」発売 - Duration: 4:53.
結成2年でメジ ーデビューを果たし MVを発表すれば瞬 間に数百万回も再生 れ、大企業から次々 タイアップのラブコ ルが送られる……そ な快進撃を続けてい バンドが、ポルカド トスティングレイだ
ついに、待望のセカ ドアルバム『有頂天 がリリース。 「デ ュー作の『全知全能 を作っている頃から でに次回作はこうい ことをやろう、タイ ルは"有頂天"がい な、と決めていまし 」 と、ボーカルの さん
彼女はすべての楽曲 手がけ、バンドのコ セプトからプランニ グまで決定する、リ ダー兼プロデューサ のようだ。 「子供 頃から何でも計画す のが好きでした。こ バンドでも、いつア バムをリリースして こんな曲を入れて、 イアップを仕掛けて か、全部私が考えて ます
音楽をやってなけれ 、広告代理店の仕事 かを、やってみたか た(笑)」 そんな 女のアタマから生ま 、メンバーと共に仕 げる曲は、どれも徹 的にポップだ。 「 たちは邦楽ロックバ ドの界隈にいながら こんなのロックじゃ いと言われます
じゃロックである、 ックじゃないって、 ? という問いには も答えてくれない。 分がいま伝えたいこ 、訴えたいことを叫 のがロックなら、私 ちは真逆のやり方を ています
クオリティの高い音 奏でて、否定する人 ちを黙らせればいい だ、まとめてかかっ こい、というアルバ が『有頂天』です」 "真逆のやり方"と 「みんなが欲しいも を作る
超リスナーありき」 いうシンプルなコン プトだ。自分の体験 心情で曲を書くこと ないときっぱり。そ を可能にするマーケ ィングとして、相当 寧にファンの心をす い上げ、音楽に反映 ていると感じる
「ファンに受けな ことはしない、ポッ だと感じられないこ はしないというのが ンドのポリシーです 。だから制作中はメ バー間で『これ、わ りづらくないですか という発言がめっち 飛び交っています( )
そんなふうにジャッ しながら、この4人 作れる、枠にとらわ ない曲を作っていま 」 2nd AL UM『有頂天』【初 生産限定盤CD+T ャツ】¥5,300 【初回生産限定盤C +DVD】約75分 及ぶ映像特典"負け れない戦い2"付き 3,500 【通常 CD】¥2,800 すべて税込み(UN VERSAL SI MA) 『ポルカド トスティングレイ』 (V&G)、エジマ ルシ(G)、ウエム ユウキ(B)、ミツ スカズマ(D)から る福岡県出身の4人 ギターロックバンド
今年7/17には初 日本武道館ワンマン 演を行う。 ※『a an』2019年2 20日号より。写真 内山めぐみ 文・北 尚子 (by an n編集部)
Trump Colluded with Russians, Former NSA Chief Admitted to Staff in Private Meeting - Duration: 4:06.
music shopping! — Hermitcraft 6 ep 80 - Duration: 24:27.
Howdy, y'all, Joe Hills here, recording as I always do in Nashville, Tennessee! As
you can tell, we are deep down below the surface of the earth in some sort of
tunnel—ahhhh! Cub fan is here! We gotta say howdy to Cub Fan! if you guys haven't seen Cub
Fan, he is on YouTube athttps://www.youtube.com/cubfan135 he's a good dear friend of
mine, I met him at Minecon! You know, it's important to have friends in your life
that you're excited about, you know, and that's not the theme of this episode. The
theme of this episode is greed we need all the diamonds oh no I use the wrong
pickaxe sometimes when we get greedy we don't think things through all the
way or do a good job at achieving the objectives that were so simple so simple
like five minutes ago but that's okay this is five minutes hence and sometimes
things change you know sometimes you look out your door and that little
pharmacy across the way is no longer at Duane Reade it's I don't know a Johns
Hopkins I don't know where Medical Center's come from um probably the stork
anyway core concept we've got a bunch of divers here and I've got a silk touch
pickaxe so we're gonna kind of just mine in and around here see if there's
anything going on dang it it looks like there were only those five diamond
blocks initially but that's okay we've got the silk touch pickaxe now we are
gonna turn some of these into sticks here we're gonna toss a that extra stone
now you might say Joe if you don't have a silk touch or sorry if you don't have
a fortune pickaxe on you now how are you gonna get one on you later well we can
enchant other things like I've got some iron here I've got some gold and now
I've got four diamond door so if we go take a bunch of this iron and gold and
we cook it we can make a bunch of pickaxes we can run those through the
enchanting machine with some lapis lazuli you know all that sort of stuff
it's a it's a pretty simple alchemical magical enchanting process but where was
I oh yeah deep below the earth and lower yet I'm really glad there wasn't lava
there that was I felt like you know that's the right thing
new in the moment but part of me also said my feet are not currently on fire
and I really hope they remain that way fortunately they did you know what so
it's those small little things in life that we need to pay the most attention
to you know the joy of seeing a friend we haven't seen for 36 - maybe 72 hours
man I have not been on hermit craft much this week I got caught up in one of my
old hobbies one of my oldest hobbies really you know there are a lot of
things I used to do when I was a kid and then I kind of either turned them into
my job or something because I'm weird but one of those is programming and as a
professional programmer there is nothing I like to do more when
I get home than not program because you know like when you do something all day
at work it's just extra difficult to come home and do more of the same your
brain says like no man you were just programming at work all day why don't
you go and goof off with your friends and get excited and say hello to scar
and Cove and that sort of thing look their palette around to everybody's
paneling around go have fun palette around and this um eSports thing that I
mentioned in my last video has kind of slowly consumed my life I own eSports
players net now and I'm working on an xml to HTML parser for a bunch of old
shakespeare scripts wait you guys are building a theater
good times worse car may have left the game but we're still here in the musical
threat emergency room as you can tell I've extended this glass ceiling here a
little bit and this pane down or up kind of get getting a real sense of the
ziggurat down here we've got kind of pieces of that Hill that meets the sea
you know what we're not too worried about that right now because we need to
go enjoy what we have here where is this for diamond door what are we gonna do
with that I don't know hit it with an iron fortune
three pickaxe and that gives us twelve diamonds you know that's not enough to
go on a shopping spree but we can still go pick up some of what we need to go
enjoy um you know our brand new record player if you haven't made a record
player in Minecraft before it's just for wood surrounded by a diamond or the
opposite one diamond surrounded by eight wood four is the opposite of eight in
some religions don't look that up just trust me never trust me guys always look
everything up there's a lesson to all of this even if it's not especially clear
at any given time so we are gonna go ahead and head over to the mall with our
remaining diamonds as I said in my last episode the mall is not just for
bludgeoning anymore it is a delicate economic instrument and it's making a
real comeback guys so I will see you over there times oh dang it
server lag there we go time skip we have landed safely in the green wing of the
mall which is not the one with the record shop I mean yeah there's a melon
shop which I don't oh never mind it's closed and there's this chicken shop
stress monsters been working on theirs whatever this is high-quality sponges
that's for people who need to remove a lot of water from their builds I don't
ah there it is music music shop we're gonna walk over there and we're gonna
see how far can we get with 11 diamonds and
music shop I think I actually have one more diamond sitting in here too so I
think 13 what does 13 sound like let's give this
a listen and decide if this is music that we want to purchase
I don't know that we would be able to get a good beat out of that like that in
terms of like rap battles that just doesn't really seem like it's where it
saya um so this weight thing that's three diamonds each could we get a beat
out of that yeah see that's got a beat that's something you could dance to so
we're gonna pay three diamonds for a copy of weight because I don't want to
wait for three diamonds or whatever so stall that's three diamonds Kat is one
Dimond oh well strawed we got a checkout straud I mean it might be cursed but
let's find out
it's got kind of a Calypso feel to it it's a little bit more fun in the Sun
than I was expecting oh no where did it go oops there it is
it's in our hand because I'm dumb I was worried I'd lost it somehow mellow hi
Moll over at the mall so we should see what mall sounds like whoops that's way
too mellow don't want it for blocks let's try Ward this one's gonna be two
diamonds if we like it
okay I already like this it's it's a funeral march it's got some other stuff
in there
you know I think we're gonna buy this board system disk I think that this is a
good disk so go spend two diamonds by an arbitrary disk is somewhere in this I
should blocks I've heard of blocks there Monty okay
we're taking these torches out of our offhand that's clearly not a good way to
run a business
I feel like this has enough of a rhythm to it that we could take this we could
speed it up we could mix it in with other things one Dimond each yeah we're
taking it that's a steal okay so we got three discs already this is this is
better than I was expecting oh I like this
I feel like that's that's something that has a really good start to it that then
we could cut into a different track and we could really do some sort of
disruptive beat there okay have we heard chirpy chirp sounds cool
I like this what's that one diamonds we're getting this well that's cool
that's got a a real mellow rhythm to it ooh I like that jazz beat yeah we're
taking that and then finally okay so let's find one other one that's one
diamond that we like um mellow ha I don't think I've heard that one
that's a little bit slow for my taste but I only have one diamond lift and so
I feel like you know maybe I'm gonna save that diamond for another trip okay
this payment box is really confusing because every other shop on the server
has payment remitted through the inventory box you want to buy a record
oh well I'm picking all the wrong once you put the diamonds where the records
are like that's if I go to other shops yeah see somebody just drops diamonds
where the inventory is that they're purchasing having concluded our shopping
at the wonderful shopping mall I brought all the diamonds no I left most of my
diamonds though I did indeed retrieve some discs and I brought my jukebox from
down there up to here where we are setting up our music appreciation nook
now you might say what do you need for a music appreciation nook do you need like
some sort of really good chairs yeah that would be that would be smart
um but baby you just need to lie down and just look up at the sky through the
water anytime you're looking up at the sky through water maybe that's that's a
good sign you did something right now I also need a chest to store all
these discs in which I didn't bring with me because that would require
fundamental elementary planning and it's not that I'm incapable of that it's that
as an adult with a small child I spent so much of my life just constantly
planning for the next thing that when I have the option of goofing off in a
video game ok these are logs and not that's fine basically I don't know man
I'm gonna do what I want like so yeah we can get some stairs to make some chairs
we're gonna have chair stairs I do need more planks though I had a bunch of
planks anyway why is this so poorly organized it's because it's Minecraft it
doesn't have to be done well to be done enjoyably either way we're getting it
done over here on the hermit craft server we are carrying chess while
leaping and bounding up meter-high stairs you know what let's uh let's put
the chest over here I feel like Joe how is that visually or
aesthetically pleasing it's not man this is just a total kind of pre-construction
as we proceed with construction of this whole area we need to mine this out we
need to wall this in we need to put in sealants I don't even know what to do
with this anytime I start digging too far this way
I wrote into something I like to call well let me show you guys open your eyes
and see yeah see that's the sea there is literally just an ocean there and I need
sand to plug this hole I probably also got rid of a bunch of torches
unintentionally there you know that's the Joe Hill's difference I am Not
Afraid to knock out a few lights in order to illuminate a concept so you
know as much as I would love to swing through here with my pickaxe blazing
like part of me is also like um to what point and purpose if we will only
eventually gnaw on the unrelenting waves of I don't know a deeply prescient sea I
don't know maybe we should do it anyway because it's fun and worried about the
consequences later but the thing is when you worry about the consequences later
eventually stuff like this happens and then you gotta go worry about the
consequences now which is significantly less fun
so we'll kind of play that by ear
where's my torches at okay we're gonna get a real lighting system in here guys
eventually wow it's a wonderful day outside I wish I could go out and play
unfortunately I'm stuck here working on this terrible stairway and every time I
take my lumps as my head I nearly bump upon this glass of pain it kind of makes
me scratch my brain it teases me it makes me think that perhaps some sort of
bubble Vader in a pillar such as this one might be a better solution to
entrance related issues you know at that point we could set up an actual kind of
a door somewhere in this wall that would lead you to that bubble Vader pillar and
then that would let you go up or down we've already got that water enchant
thing here so people would be able to see inside the bubble Vader and I don't
know I'm just kind of generally thinking through that I'm not sure if it's
actually a good idea or not did I lie to any of this okay good I at least lit
this now we might need to say for example double barrel this lava probably
not double barrel there's probably a better word for that we could put some
dark oak logs up here on a van a cross cross pattern not really a cross pattern
but just to get kind of a strap here to indicate like hey don't go up there
that's the end for you and then we could um let's see of course I don't have a
bucket of water with me because this is just kind of me generally trying to play
on this a out trying to feasibility study this concept here if we
feasibility study something long enough though we'll eventually understand how
terrible an idea it is like that part was not a good part of the idea um also
the fact that I don't know how far down I'd actually want to put the door here
here's another part that's worth mentioning so we could kind of come up
here then set this up once again we're just trying to broadly assess this at
this point um in the short term though having the ladder directly above the
door doesn't really work because in Minecraft you can't climb ladders
directly above doors and I didn't bring enough anyway but just in terms of
location let's say that you arrived through some sort of bubble pillar or
ladder entrance here we'd have to kind of clean up these walls some you know
but we could possibly even have multiple exits although I like the idea of having
one unified exit you could enter into kind of a Phi a space here I was gonna
say we need to also set up some sort of difference between the wood we use for
stairs and the wood we use for chairs because we wouldn't want somebody
sitting on this thing this is like a place to watch the stage
from when really that's a fire exit that's how you get the fire marshal to
show up at your show and I don't know if you've ever run a
theater but normally you want as many people to attend your play as possible
but if one of those people is the fire marshal he'll yell at you if too many
people attend your play so you really don't want to get his get him you know
showing up and calling you out that's just one of those problems you do not
need but like we have three rows of seats here now we can set up a wall here
I figure that will kind of demarcate the entrance to the sick burn ward we're
gonna need plenty of beds for that I haven't started working on the vault at
all although I did start kind of working on in general the walls back here as
part of this kind of upper area we've got our music appreciation nook with our
record player and our record collection and I really think that I should
probably move the record collection out from inside of the wall there because
it's fun to you know have your record somewhere that they're easily accessible
from your record player but it's a problem if it ruins the overall
aesthetic of what you're trying to accomplish with your ziggurats structure
so we've got that in general kind of maybe move this out a little bit ideally
you'd like to have some sort of cool thing built around the jukebox that
makes it feel like it's part of something excellent we're not there yet
we'll we'll come back to it in the short term though we have our theater area for
our East Sports stage electronic Shakespeare or random theater shows for
those of you who are more visual learners boom eSports wow my mouse is
moving on its own that's kind of disconcerting but anyway we've got our
eSports stage here we have over here we've got some bookshelves which can
serve as a window into the wider world I don't know if you know this guys but
reading can take you places like what is this
it could be anything I don't know what I'm gonna superimpose over this in
post-production yet but I hope it's good what if I go further away or fall down
is it still working who knows I'm trying new things with my videos because I
think it's important to always kind of push yourself I actually want to do um
use this at some point to show off some of the stuff I'm doing to try and get
eSports off the ground as a movement um but you know that's one of those things
where you can't build something like that overnight
so anyway well you're probably seeing is just a picture of some animals or a
video or something that I superimposed there but hey maybe it's maybe it's
something you liked if so leave a comment to the comment section below but
yeah there we go that is our reading can take you places
wall you go ahead and turn that UI element back on there and I think that
we are about ready to call this an episode obviously all of this space
needs more work done but it is starting to come together we've got room for
improvement please leave your suggestions with how we can improve this
in the comments section below you may have noticed that this episode was
mid-roll ad free and that is thanks to $50 a month patreon sponsor Eagle fan in
lieu of that mid-roll ad I will now read a poem of my own devising which I call a
pile of voices Google Reader came to Ray's RSS yet to bury it to elevate it
for a population that would shower in adoration as they consumed their feeds
without frustration around the world and every nation friends Romans or country
folk could bend their ears and eyes to the sounds and sights published timely
and with proper data structure but at what cost
of infrastructure the Google notice said reader usage was in decline if it were
so it was we at fault for Google don't be evil and alphabet won't be evil
millions of users switched from reader to its alternatives in the
weeks after its death refusing to surrender their access to information to
social networks a pile of voices clamored for its salvation decline
should be weighed in murmured shrugs yet Google's focus poured away and reader
was powered down and Google don't be evil yet what is a podcast without an
RSS feed but another pile of voices what kindling chat stack gab pyres must
unstructured lists of mp3 files coalesce into before a flaming arrow aloft
strikes them alight is not feigning ignorance of such disorder some affront
to the good sense that google claims mastery over as it serves us ad after ad
but perhaps such sense has been deprecated as well burned away and
consumed like the Google Voice app for blackberry briefly speaking and
commanding we remove our shoes before it's fraud was made evident in its ashes
which alphabet diligently doused so I stand here today stirring those sodden
ashes in my heart hoping to see an ember or spark uncertain why I extend even
this patience
until next time y'all this is Joe Hill's from Nashville Tennessee
keep adventuring
40 Countries, But Not The U.S., China And India, Agree Cars Must Have Standard Automatic Braking - Duration: 3:27.
Forty countries led by Japan and the EU want new cars and light commercial vehicles to be equipped with Advanced Emergency Braking systems (AEB), starting as soon as next year
Even though the U.S.,China and India are members of the U.Nforum that adopted these new regulations, they did not take part in the negotiations in order to "ensure that their national regulations keep precedence over U
N.rules" with regards to the car industry, as reported by Boston.Fitting new cars with AEB systems will significantly improve road safety, especially in cities
In the European Union alone, there were over 9,500 fatalities recorded in 2016, accounting for 38% of all road deaths
Within urban areas, 50% of fatalities were drivers and 40% pedestrians.So how much safer will our roads be when these new regulations are enforced? According to an EuroNCAP and Australasian NCAP study, AEB systems lead to a 38% reduction in real-world rear-end crashes at low speeds
Meanwhile, the European Commission estimates that these systems could save more than 1,000 lives every year within the European Union
The new U.N.Regulation will impose "strict and internationally harmonized requirements" for the use of AEB systems at low speeds, specifically at 60 km/h (42 mph) or less
These requirements will only apply to cars sold in markets where the governing bodies have already signed the draft, which in turn means that current vehicle owners won't be required to retrofit their cars in any way, although AEB is already available on some cars in certain countries
The draft Regulation was approved by the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) under UNECE's World' Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
The next step will be submitting the draft to the World Forum for consideration and formal adoption this upcoming June
Once adopted, the new Regulation would first go into effect in Japan in early 2020, with AEB systems then becoming mandatory for all new cars and light commercial vehicles beginning with the year 2022 (in the EU as well)
As for the U.S.,the government already had an agreement in place with 20 automakers, stating that all new vehicles should have AEB systems onboard by September of 2022
However, compliance is not mandatory.Even so, four of the 20 car brands (Tesla, Mercedes, Toyota and Volvo) have since made such systems standard on more than half their models
According to the Highway Loss Data Institute, 28% of 2019 U.S.models feature automatic emergency braking as standard, and 36% as an optional extra
Should Kahn Build A Pink Lamborghini Urus Or Go For Purple? - Duration: 2:21.
Ever since it broke cover more than a year ago, the Lamborghini Urus has been subjected to several tuning jobs
Some were all about power, like Manhart's 812 PS (801 hp / 597 kW) beast, whereas others simply fitted the super SUV with very large wheels
This example, however, is currently at Kahn, and the company's founder took to social media to ask his followers whether they should build it as portrayed in this rendering.Which, sadly, is pink.
Another proposition for the Urus is purple.In both cases, the exterior is contrasted by the black accents, including the piano black roof
It's also joined by other mods, such as the vented front and rear bumpers, wider fenders and a set of 23-inch forged rims, as well as leather and Alcantara upholstery inside
It seems that the 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 has been left untouched, so it still pushes out 650 PS (641 hp / 478 kW) and 850 Nm (627 lb-ft) of torque
The stock SUV goes to 100 km/h (62 mph) in just 3.6seconds and has a 305 km/h (190 mph) top speed
Whatever color they decide to go for (we're not fans of purple, but it's better than pink), the tuner will eventually sell this modified Urus
The asking price is £289,995, which equals to $373,997/€330,916 at current exchange rates
That's more than double the base MSRP of £131,500 in the United Kingdom, but we are certain that someone will snap it up even in pink
Would You Pay $55,000 For This Well-Kept 1991 BMW M5? - Duration: 2:02.
Anyone in the market for a classic sports sedan might want to check out this E34 BMW M5
It's got 31,230 miles (50,260 km) on the clock, sports a Brilliant Red exterior and grey leather interior and is said to be in "fantastic original condition
The car has been listed for sale on Classic Driver, and the asking price is $55,000
While that may seem like a lot, it could turn out to be worth investing if the car ends up appreciating over time
While this is not a low-mileage car, the fact that it's in pristine condition could still turn it into a worthy collectible
According to the ad, this M5 is fitted with the optional Executive Seating package and comes complete with books, tools, jack and the original spare tire
It was delivered to its first owner in Maryland in late 1990, where it spent a good portion of its life before being moved to California in 2012 with 27.835 miles (44,796 km) on the odometer
After bouncing around between multiple private collectors, it was finally purchased by the current seller and serviced at a Philadelphia BMW dealer
Since this is a 1991MY M5, it's powered by a 3.5-liter straight-six producing 311 HP (315 PS) and 266 lb-ft (360 Nm) of torque, enough to get you from zero to 60 mph (96 km/h) in a little over 6 seconds
Olli Lindholmin kantapäässä oli kammottava muistutus julmasta isäsuhteesta – "Hän oli siedettävä sil - Duration: 12:46.
Máy ép cám viên tự chế 3A3Kw M3 - SĐT: 02422 050505 - Duration: 3:10.
here's how to definitely put an end to odors, thick liquids and more..very
Hi girls Welcome to my YouTube channel
Today I decided to be honest with you, in this video I'm not going
not caress you in the direction of the hair, you know I have 11 brothers so 11 times more than
confidences, and what they often tell me sometimes makes me want to hide it, not
because they m insult me but because they me ask for advice about their go, and
really sometimes these are very things difficult, difficult to hear in the 21st
century, before, around the 10th century it was tolerable but really nowadays
it's hard, before going live of the subject think to subscribe link and comment
, think about sharing this as much as you can than
it sensitizes girls, My loves I heard questions like
, how to tell him that she smells bad How to tell him that she is not clean
How to tell him that every time we have finish I have itching and pimples
I dare not even touch it because I'm afraid to discover these smells, it turns me
always stomach , you know us women who wear these
odors, sometimes we get used to it, but and when we approach other people they
feel it directly, I made several videos based on
natural products such as aloe Vera The Alum Stone
The marine bath made of white pebbles and lemon, clove cloud
In short, a good package depending on the nature many of your infections have told me
find satisfaction, today I you bring back something that a lot of
you already knew these eggs but not that I bring you these other products too
Really they are exceptional, If you have this kind of worries described more
Do not hesitate, the beautiful secret game beautiful jewel to think of everything
It makes you beautiful clean pure tight tight after that
your man will see you differently So how's it used
First of all for smells Apply this in the internet
Let melt overnight the next day when your bath combine with this is exceptional
I've been using them for several weeks and it's just amazing
Also know that you
have them in different tones as you can see
I definitely advise you to try them You will never again separate
really be it armpit smells Problems with pH balance of the skin
, flower Keptouk infections all that, odors
feet and you really do not hesitate it change the life you will feel the youth,
beauty and freshness as far as the eye can see Thank you for watching this news
video to the end remember to subscribe likes comment and share kisses kisses
Actualité TV - Exclu. Elodie, participante de Mariés au premier regard : "J'avais peur d'être jugée - Duration: 3:33.
Sébastien Perchet : Vivre du trading - Duration: 1:25.
Zagrajmy w The Elder Scrolls: Arena odc.5 - Fang Lair - Duration: 52:38.
野球ニュース - 指名打者のMVP獲得は無理?レッドソックスのマルティネス「水上を歩くようなもの」 - Duration: 3:02.
レッドソック のJ.D.マ ティネス ( P) レッドソック のJ.D.マ ティネス(3 )は、昨季に 活躍を見せた 、MVP投票 は4位に終わ 、同賞はチー メートのムー ー・ベッツ外 手(26)が 得した
昨季の ルティネスは 率3割3分、 3本塁打、そ てリーグトッ の130打点 いう好成績。 ッツは打率3 4分6厘、3 本塁打、80 点で、自身初 首位打者を獲 した
MVP 票2位はエン ルスのマイク トラウト外野 (27)で、 位はインディ ンスのホセ・ ミレス内野手 26)という 果。トップ3 も入らなかっ マルティネス 、何が問題だ たのか
本人によると 指名打者であ ことが票の伸 なかった理由 という。 レッドソック の春季キャン が行われてい フロリダ州フ ートマイヤー でメディアの 材に応じたマ ティネスは、 指名打者がM Pを獲得する とは、水上を くようなもの とコメント
確かにその通 で、デービッ ・オルティス はMVP投票 トップ5に5 入ったが、同 獲得には至っ おらず、エド ー・マルティ ス氏について トップ5が1 しかない
過去の 大な指名打者 すら、手が届 なかったMV 。だが、マル ィネスは希望 持っている。 昨季にクラブ ウスでチーム ートと"指名 者がMVPを 得するには、 冠王を取るし ない"という になった
それが唯一の だとね。だか 、今季はやっ やろうと思っ いるんだ」。
野球ニュース - 「野球不毛の地」ラオスで野球普及活動に尽力 韓国高校野球界の名将が抱く夢 - Duration: 7:08.
韓国プロ野球 験者で現ラオ 代表監督のク ン・ヨンジン 【写真:豊川 】 ■ オス代表監督 務めるクォン ヨンジン氏に を聞くと… 野球に限らず ポーツが国に 付くためには 導者が一定期 、現地に駐在 る必要がある
普及は一朝一 ではいかない 、継続的な指 や支援によっ 形となる。 世界的な野球 及活動は主に ICAの野球 員が中心とな て行われてお 、まさにゼロ らルールや技 的なことを教 ていく
後にこの活動 きっかけとな 代表監督やコ チになるケー もある。こう た普及活動は 本人だけが行 ている訳では く、韓国人も 力している。 の1人であり 現在はラオス 代表監督を務 るクォン・ヨ ジン氏に話を いた
クォン監 は韓国プロ野 経験者であり 投手としてロ テジャイアン など2球団で レー。しかし 選手時代はプ 6年間で5試 に登板し0勝 敗、防御率4 50と不完全 焼で現役生活 終えた
引退後は大邱 校の監督とな 、パク・ソク ン内野手(N ダイノス)や ・ジャウク外 手(サムソン イオンズ)な 多くの選手を ロに輩出した 績を持つ。約 5年間の監督 活を終えた後 2016年3 から大韓野球 会(アマチュ 野球組織)の 遣でラオスに 在し、指導を っている
ラオスで 2014年か 本格的に野球 及が始まり、 国プロ野球初 3冠王となっ イ・マンス氏 中心となって 具支援や野球 盟の設立など 行い、野球を る環境を整え きた
その継続的な 動が実を結び ラオスは昨年 月のアジア大 で国際大会デ ューを飾った クォン監督の でタイ、スリ ンカと対戦し が、2戦2敗 残念な結果と った。それで アジア大会に 場したことで オス国内での 子チームが誕 するきっかけ つくった
■「野球を オスでブーム したい」 国の高校野球 で実績を残し クォン監督が オス代表監督 してラオス人 ゼロから野球 教えている。 及活動が始ま 以前は野球と う言葉も存在 ていなかった 所であるため 教えることに なり苦労して る
「ラオスの 手たちは野球 いうスポーツ 仕組みを分か ていないため これを最初か 教えるとなる とても大変で 」 選手の 習時間も限ら ており、平日 約1時間
まだラオスに 野球場はない 、バッティン センターとカ ェが併設され 通称「野球セ ター」で練習 行う。また、 末はサッカー で練習をして るという。ラ スの選手は昨 のアジア大会 向けて韓国で 宿を行った
その際には、 国プロ野球の 合を観戦する ど、グラウン があり、試合 する相手がい 環境が整って る本来の野球 目にしている 、母国ではそ 簡単にはいか い現状が続く
クォン監 に今のラオス 球に足りない のを聞くと、 口一番「試合 験不足」を挙 た。現地には ラオJブラザ ズ」というチ ム1つしかな 、所属してい 選手が自然と 表選手になる
普段は試合を る相手がいな こともあり、 年間はほぼ練 のみとなって まう。 こ ような状況を しずつ変えて くため、韓国 プロ野球関係 にも協力を要 しており、日 でも活躍した ・スンヨプ氏 野球道具を、 ク・ソクミン 2500万ウ ン(約250 円)を寄付し
現在のラ ス野球はまだ 部からの支援 必要な状態。 ォン監督にラ ス野球の次な 目標を聞くと ラオス人にな 野球をするの 、その理由を えたいです。 してラオス国 で野球ブーム 起こしたいで ね」と話して た
野球をする環 が整えば自然 選手のレベル ップにもつな ると考えてい クォン監督。 後も母国の韓 とはまったく う環境下で野 を教える日々 続く。成長に 時間を要する 、こうした取 組みの継続が 界的な競技普 につながって くのではない
(豊川遼 / Ryo To okawa)
【悲報】ワイ、たった5個の焼き牡蠣を食べただけで当たってしまった結果wwwww - Duration: 0:17.
ワイ、たった5個の焼きガキを食べただけで当たる げろげろげーーーーーーーーー!! !!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!!!? なぜ人は牡蠣を食べるのか 口から下痢 みたいなのが出てくるンゴ きも 中間おすすめ記事 おめでとう大当たりやね 近 るなよおぞましい 数は関係ない不運と踊っちまったのさ イッチが次またカキ食べ ときに当たる確率73% 1 >>8いやだーーーーーー 水を飲んだら飲んだ量の倍 てくるンゴ 1 宝くじも当たるやつは当たるそういうことや 1 焼いてもだめなんか 1 >>12焼きが甘いとアウトらしい後は焼き終わった物が生牡蠣から拾ったり 1 痛BONUS! 1 >>13下痢便3コンボ突入 1 そんなにヤバイんかカキフライ 好物やけど 海のフィルター食っとるわけやしなそら汚れも菌もウイルスも詰まっとる 何がヤバいってワイ今1人旅行中なのよね 2 高速乗ったらもう移動バイオ兵器不 避 2 チェックアウト9時ンゴぉ~ 2 その割にはこうしてレスできるという 2 >24言うほど難しいことか? 2 >>26で落ち着いてきてるん? 2 消耗してる に良くスレなど立てれるなぁと 29: >>28発症したの今さっきやで なら 計に安静にしとけやと 3 >>30トイレの中で1人で暇なんや相手してくれや 3 イ嘔吐恐怖したくない 3 今気づいたんやが脱水に気をつけようと水飲みまくってるん がこれって逆効果なんちゃうか 3 >>33吐き気収まるまで飲まないほうが楽酔いつ れとちゃうんやから 3 >>34胃に物が入ったら出ちゃうんやが水飲まんとヤバない もう1リットルくらい吐いとるで 3 >>36あのなぁ飲んだ分全部吐いてんねんから 給の効率悪いねんだから胃を刺激すんのやめてとっとと楽になるのが先、そっから水飲め ええ上下から水が全然止まらないとかじゃない限り脱水で倒れるとかまずないから安心せ ゲロが平気な奴のメンタルってすごいわ 4 >>40ゲロより下痢のが辛いゲロは 味いだけやけど下痢はオケツ裂けそうになる 4 >>43下痢のほうがまし 4 どう 当たるなら生牡蠣くっとけばよかったンゴ 4 ワイも明日広島で牡蠣食う予定やから覚 できたわ!いっぱい食べてくるで!! 4 >>42よっしゃ行ってこい 何も出んの トイレに行きたい絶望感 5 お尻拭きすぎて切れ痔になる 5 ウィダーインゼリー買 込んでおけ買い物に行く体力があればの話だけどな 5 なんかもうノロってるし帰りに 牡蠣食おうかな 5 ワイも昔仙台市内の居酒屋の酢ガキで当たって地獄見た 5 生牡 ←当たる焼き牡蠣←焼きが甘いと当たるうーんこうなったらカキフライ一択や 5 >> 7ワイは焼き>蒸し>カキフライの順で好きなんや生牡蠣は食ったことないから食べてみ い 6 一回も当たったことないわ 6 >>61ワイもクソみたいな食生活やし両津理 で当たるわけないと思ったんやけどなぁ 6 寝れないンゴ眠いンゴ 4 イッチとかけ して、ガソリンスタンドとときますその心はどちらもカキ厳禁でしょう 引用元:おすす 記事1001: 厳選記事 2020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:news atomemory【衝撃的】に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww
Sharafat Ali Khan Baloch || Shafaullah Khan Rokhri || New Saraiki Song 2019 - Duration: 6:13.
Top Red Lips Art To Try - Lipstick Tutorial, Beautiful Hack, Lips Art Trends Compilation - Duration: 10:47.
Top Red Lips Art To Try - Lipstick Tutorial, Beautiful Hack, Lips Art Trends Compilation
Thank you for watching!
Hope you enjoy this video!
Heat Emboss Resist Watercoloured Background - Duration: 6:24.
일본은 지금 '아이즈원 天下'…K팝 역사 새로 썼다 - Duration: 11:32.
12인조 신예 걸그룹 아이즈원이 일본 진출 K팝 역사를 새로 썼다.
아이즈원의 일본 데뷔 싱글 '좋아한다고 말하게 하고 싶어'는 발매 첫날인
지난 6일 하루 만에 19만 장 이상 팔려 오리콘 데일리 싱글 1위를 차지했다.
이는 한국 걸그룹의 일본 데뷔 싱글 첫날 최대 판매 기록인 트와이스의
9만4000여 장보다 두 배 이상 많은 수량이다.
일본 내 전체 걸그룹 데뷔 싱글 첫날 판매로는
HKT48의 20만 장에 이어 역대 2위에 올랐다.
이 앨범은 첫 주 판매량도 22만 장에 달해 종전 트와이스의
20만 장 기록을 넘어서며 K팝 걸그룹의 일본 데뷔 싱글 최고 기록을 세웠다.
일본 내 K팝 전문평론가인 후루야 마사유키 씨는 18일
"한국의 아티스트 육성 능력과 일본의 음악 마케팅력이 융합한 결과"라고
아이즈원의 흥행 돌풍을 진단했다. 엠넷의 아이돌 오디션 프로그램
'프로듀스48'을 통해 결성한 아이즈원은 데뷔 전부터
미디어를 통해 한·일 양국에서 화제를 뿌리며 두터운 팬층을 확보했다.
○한·일 양국 아이돌의 '케미'
한국 엠넷과 일본 BS 스카파가 지난해 6월부터 8월까지 동시 방송한
'프로듀스48'은 국내 아이돌 선발 프로그램 '프로듀스101' 제작진과 일본 인기 걸그룹
'AKB48'을 만든 아키모토 야스시 프로듀서가 힘을 합친 프로그램이다.
시작부터 양국에서 뜨거운 관심을 모았다. 한국 연습생 57명, 일본 연습생 39명
등 총 96명이 오디션에 참여해 경쟁을 거쳐 최종 한국 9명,
일본 3명(미야와키 사쿠라, 야부키 나코, 혼다 히토미)을 선발해 아이즈원을 결성했다.
한국과 일본 아이돌의 확연히 다른 시스템과 성향 등으로 순탄하지
않을 것이란 우려와 달리 멤버들은 뜨거운 화학반응으로 양국 시청자들을 사로잡았다.
수많은 난관과 압박 속에서도 노력하고 이겨내는 모습에
시청자들은 응원과 격려를 보내며 스스로 팬이 됐다.
아이즈원의 일본 멤버 세 명은 이미 일본에서 왕성하게 활동 중인 AKB48 멤버들이었다.
이들이 K팝 가수로 데뷔하기 위해 도전하는 것이 일본 팬들의 관심을 증폭시켰다.
○일본 내 홍보마케팅 최적화 노력
아키모토 프로듀서는 아이즈원이 일본에서 최적의 홍보마케팅 코스를 밟도록 지휘했다.
아이즈원은 신곡 발표 두 달 전에 인기 음악프로그램들에서 무대를 펼쳤다.
데뷔 전부터 주요 방송에 노출하는 일본 특유의 마케팅 방식이다.
지난 1월 도쿄돔 시티홀 쇼케이스에 4000여 명의 팬들이 참여했으며 그중 70% 이상이 여성이었다.
K팝 기획사 관계자는 "K팝 남성그룹의 일본 팬덤과 비슷한 구성"이라며
"아이즈원의 공연 티켓과 앨범 구입에 아낌없이 투자할 것으로 전망한다"고 말했다.
일본은 K팝 해외 매출의 절반 정도를 차지하는 최대 시장이다.
아이즈원은 지난 15일에는 일본의 대표 음악방송인 TV 아사히의
'뮤직스테이션'에도 출연해 일본 전역에 이름을 알렸다.
○신한류 현상'으로 롱런 기대
아이즈원은 탄생 과정 자체가 한·일 민간 문화교류의 상징이다.
양국의 우수 시스템을 결합해 일본을 비롯한 글로벌 시장을 공략하기 위해 기획됐다.
'칼군무'와 출중한 노래 실력을 갖춘 K팝, 귀엽고 친구처럼 편안한 일본 걸그룹의
강점을 합친 아이즈원은 일본인 멤버들을 중심으로 유창한 일본어로
소통하며 일본 대중에게 거부감 없이 다가섰다.
한국의 칼군무 능력을 익힌 세 일본 멤버는 AKB48 시절보다 훨씬 많은 팬이 열광하는 데 놀랐다고 한다.
특히 소셜네트워크서비스(SNS)에 민감한 일본 10대들은 기성 세대와 달리
유튜브에 빠지면서 K팝에 더욱 매료되는 신한류 현상이 나타나고 있다는 분석이다.
강문 대중문화 평론가는 "아이즈원은 일본 10대를 겨냥한 '일본향 걸그룹'"이라며
"대중 속에 깊숙이 파고들 수 있는 실력과 역량을 갖춘 만큼 롱런이 기대된다"고 말했다.
2019.02.18 NEWS CENTER Headlines - Duration: 0:44.
North Korea and the US will hold more working-level talks until the actual day
of their second summit on February 27 10:28 the two sides are hoping to make
further progress on their joint statement namely on bilateral ties and
denuclearization in 2017 the stellar daisya South Korean or carrier sent in
the South Atlantic Ocean off the coast of gray
yesterday the data recorder of the vessel was found raising hopes the cause
of the tragic accident is finally unveiled the Korea meteorological
administration issued preliminary snowfall warnings for major cities
including Seoul and Incheon with official warnings to start around
midnight gyeonggi-do and gangwon-do provinces are expected to receive around
7 centimeters of snow
S. Korea's defense chief meets with various nations' defense ministers at international arms.. - Duration: 2:04.
South Korea has been looking to boost its arms sales to the Middle East region.
In support of such efforts, Seoul's Defense chief took part in an international exhibition
and conference in the UAE to rub shoulders with influential figures there.
Kan Hyeong-woo has the highlights from his networking trip.
The 2019 International Defense Exhibition and Conference opened in Abu Dhabi on February
17, local time,... with some 15-hundred defense firms from around 70 countries taking part
in the biennial event.
The exhibition also brings together top military officials from the Middle East region.
This year, South Korea's Defense Minister Jeong Kyeong-doo went to the exhibition to
support the nation's defense firms' efforts to build networks with not only the host nation
United Arab Emirates, but also its neighboring countries.
"When it comes to the development of weapons systems, no matter how good they are,... they
cannot be exported unless there is cooperation among countries.
That's why the South Korean government is fully backing our firms' efforts to export
arms to the region."
On the sidelines of the event,...
Minister Jeong sat down with his UAE counterpart, ( ) Mohammed Ahmed Al-Bowardi and discussed
ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation by improving exchanges in terms of military personnel,
training and cyber security.
Minister Jeong also held separate meetings with delegation leaders of Middle East countries
including Oman and Egypt to discuss bilateral arms industry cooperation.
Seoul's defense chief also met with his counterpart from Greece ( ) Evangelos Apostolakis... and
the two sides agreed to put more efforts to strengthen their military exchanges by pledging
to work towards signing an arms industry's Memorandum of Understanding in the near future.
Around 30 South Korean defense firms,... including Hanwha Defense, Korea Aerospace Industries,..
and LIG Nex1,... are participating in this year's event, slated to continue until February
21, local time.
Kan Hyeong-woo, Arirang News
HIGHLIGHTS: Defending champ Thiem advances to Argentina Open semis - Duration: 0:39.
After supporting Monfils in Sofia, Svitolina turns her focus on Doha Third-seeded Kerber hopes the tenth time is the charm in Doha BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Top-seeded defending champion Dominic Thiem of Austria advanced to the Argentina Open semifinals Friday, beating Uruguay's Pablo Cuevas 4-6, 6-4, 6-3
In the other quarterfinals, third-seeded Marco Cecchinato of Italy beat Spain's Roberto Carballes Baena 7-6 (3), 6-4, and Argentina's Guido Pella topped Spaniard Jaume Munar 6-7 (3), 7-6 (9), 6-1
here's how to definitely put an end to odors, thick liquids and more..very
Hi girls Welcome to my YouTube channel
Today I decided to be honest with you, in this video I'm not going
not caress you in the direction of the hair, you know I have 11 brothers so 11 times more than
confidences, and what they often tell me sometimes makes me want to hide it, not
because they m insult me but because they me ask for advice about their go, and
really sometimes these are very things difficult, difficult to hear in the 21st
century, before, around the 10th century it was tolerable but really nowadays
it's hard, before going live of the subject think to subscribe link and comment
, think about sharing this as much as you can than
it sensitizes girls, My loves I heard questions like
, how to tell him that she smells bad How to tell him that she is not clean
How to tell him that every time we have finish I have itching and pimples
I dare not even touch it because I'm afraid to discover these smells, it turns me
always stomach , you know us women who wear these
odors, sometimes we get used to it, but and when we approach other people they
feel it directly, I made several videos based on
natural products such as aloe Vera The Alum Stone
The marine bath made of white pebbles and lemon, clove cloud
In short, a good package depending on the nature many of your infections have told me
find satisfaction, today I you bring back something that a lot of
you already knew these eggs but not that I bring you these other products too
Really they are exceptional, If you have this kind of worries described more
Do not hesitate, the beautiful secret game beautiful jewel to think of everything
It makes you beautiful clean pure tight tight after that
your man will see you differently So how's it used
First of all for smells Apply this in the internet
Let melt overnight the next day when your bath combine with this is exceptional
I've been using them for several weeks and it's just amazing
Also know that you
have them in different tones as you can see
I definitely advise you to try them You will never again separate
really be it armpit smells Problems with pH balance of the skin
, flower Keptouk infections all that, odors
feet and you really do not hesitate it change the life you will feel the youth,
beauty and freshness as far as the eye can see Thank you for watching this news
video to the end remember to subscribe likes comment and share kisses kisses
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