2020總統 大選最新民 調出爐
不管是哪一種 組合
韓國瑜支持度 均碾壓其他 潛在參選人 。
韓國瑜的菜農 朋友林佳新 心疼他
因為感覺國民 黨的立委們
無法適時支援 他
「孤軍雖然置 之死地後生 了
但怎麼還是感 覺他活在消 耗自我能量 照亮國民黨 或農業的狀 態」。
林佳新坦 言
喜歡韓國瑜是 出於「他讓 農業這冷門 議題受到關 注
更何況我們根 本沒直接受 惠的利益關 係過.
「這個韓總真 的是我們當 初認識的韓 總
也還是讓我們 這群瘋子激 賞的那個人 」。
韓國瑜 的高人氣
讓他成了民進 黨眼中最大 敵人
群起展開對韓 國瑜的圍攻
春節出國渡假 也好
推銷高雄酒吧 文化也罷
連感冒請一天 病假也是
綠營啟動圍獵 模式。
林佳新指 出韓國瑜的 處境
就是孤身一人 應戰
援軍坐山觀虎 鬥
內憂外患狀況 下
他能存活這殘 酷的戰場多 久?我真的 大打問號」
「身邊也沒一 個像樣能戰 的死士與戰 士」
面對不斷地攻 擊
「甚至每天親 自上陣死戰 …」。
林佳新臉 書放上一張 P圖海報
打上斗大的字 「不要逼我 選總統!」 、
「一個人的戰 爭?國民黨 你在哪裡? 」。
網友也有感而 發
「國民黨是廢 黨。
韓總真的是很 累
一人孤軍奮戰 到底。
但還能撐多久 ?」、
「有時候感覺 韓總就是孤 臣無力可回 天啊⋯⋯」 。
但話說回 來
民主政治就是 選票決定一 切
而選票是從全 國選民的手 上給出去的
也有網友安慰 林佳新
「看了好感動 。
這不是一個人 的戰爭~韓 總身邊有你 這樣的俠客 」、
他不是孤身一 人!」
For more infomation >> 韓國瑜「這傻子」單騎作戰 讓菜農好友超心疼 - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
రోగం కావాల యోగం కావాల Yoga leaks || bk channeel || - Duration: 4:23.
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(Hardcore)Resident Evil 2 Remake Leon B {S+} 1:06:14 No Saves/Loads - Duration: 1:11:51.
5 മിനിട്ടിൽ ഒരു സ്വാദിഷ്ടമായ ഫ്രൈ Fresh Cluster beans Fry - Duration: 4:51.
Hi friends, Welcome all to Lime and Chillies
Today we are going to make cluster beans fry
its easy to make
and its tasty too
first step is to properly cut the cluster beans
cut the cluster beans in to half as shown
we have cut all the beans
we can do the marination now
for that add salt,
1/2 teaspoons turmeric powder
1/2 teaspoon chilli powder
mix them well
mix it very gently
keep aside for some minutes
pour oil to a heated pan
when the oil heats up,
put the marinated cluster beans in to it
Its now fried well and ready to take out
make sure not to over fry it
its a tasty dish. every one must try it..
thanks for watching
കുട്ടികൾക്കായുള്ള സ്വാദൂറും വിഭവം Best Snacks for Kids | Cheese Garlic Paratha | Lime and Chillies - Duration: 9:12.
Hi Friends, Welcome to Lime and Chillies
Lets make Cheese Garlic Paratha Today
This is a very delicious evening snack.
Best for growing kids
Its easy to make
1 Cup of all purpose flour / Maida
1/2 cup wheat flour.
you can also use only wheat flour instead of maida
add salt for taste
add hot water to make a roti/chapati like dough
progressively add water to get a soft dough
now add two table spoons of oil
and mix well
dough is ready
apply little bit oil on the surface
keep in a closed vessel for 15 minutes
after making chapati sized balls,
keep it moisturized with a muslin cloth for 5 minutes
Lets roll them in to thin sheets
After making thin sheets, apply butter or Ghee on top
Apply uniformly
fold from two sides to the middle
Place cheese on the middle
any type of cheese is ok
adjust the cheese quantity to your taste
Add Finely chopped garlic in to this
Add only a little garlic. too much will spoil the taste
Fold towards the centre from both sides
Press the edges well
to avoid spilling the cheese while cooking
Lets roll the remaining
All are ready now
Lets fry them in a pan now
Add little bit of butter in to a heated pan
When it heats up add the parathas
When one side is cooked, torn the other side for cooking
cook both sides as shown until cooked properly
You can see the middle is bulged
its cooked well now
lets cook the remaining
We have our parathas ready now.
All must try this and comments.
Thanks for watching
高中生收到EDG青训邀请,却遇艰难抉择!到底上学还是去打职业? - Duration: 2:47.
NightCore | Đúng Người Đúng Thời Điểm - Thanh Hưng (Share Sub Effect) Đen zZz #147 - Duration: 4:08.
KYONO初ライブにTokyo Tanaka、JESSEら豪華ゲスト多数 - Duration: 3:06.
【元記事を音楽ナ リーで読む】 KY NO(THE MA CAPSULE ARKETS、WA DUG FUTUR STIC UNIT 、!!!KYONO DJBAKU!!! が大阪と東京で行う stアルバム「YO KE」のリリース記 ライブ「YOAKE RELEASE P RTY -The eginning f dawn-」の 演者が発表された
【大きな画像をも と見る】 この公演 3月20日に大阪・ usic Club JANUS、4月1 日に東京・WWW で行われるソロ名義 の初ライブ。KYO Oはバンドメンバー ミヤ(G / MU C)、hiromi su(B / AI SWELL、de dbites)、D TTCH(Dr / UZMK)、ゲスト ーカルとして大阪公 にTokyo Ta aka(MAN W TH A MISS ON)、東京公演に ESSE(RIZE The BONEZ を迎えてステージに つ
また両公演にはR Sが出演。DJとし 大阪公演にNumb n'dub、東京公 にBAKU(KAI OO)が参加する。 OAKE RELE SE PARTY The begin ing of da n- 2019年3 20日(水)大阪府 Music Clu JANUS<出演 >KYONO BA D / ROSゲス ボーカル:Toky Tanaka(M N WITH A ISSION)DJ Numb'n'du 2019年4月12 (金)東京都 WW X<出演者>KY NO BAND / ROSゲストボーカ :JESSE(RI E、The BON Z)DJ:BAKU KAIKOO) KYONO「YOA E RELEASE PARTY –Th beginnin of dawn– 告知バナー
Aurora p0lice chief and apos . It was like a giant game of hide and seek � except for the person h - Duration: 2:36.
Aurora p0lice chief and apos . It was like a giant game of hide and seek — except for the person h
Four days after a warehouse shooting that killed five Henry Pratt Co. employees and wounded five police officers, Aurora police Chief Kristen Ziman said officers have a long road to recovery, but they are strong and resilient.
Ziman heard the call for an active shooter and was on her way to the scene Friday when she heard the first officer page that hed been shot.
And then the next one. And then everything went dark around the edges, Ziman said.
Every time an officer was hit, another went in, Ziman said. No one retreated. They forged ahead with shields and weapons as true warriors do and no one backed down until the threat was eliminated. We learned right away that there were casualties and I cant tell you how hard it was to hear that we were too late to save them. Every officer will carry that heaviness with them. It becomes a part of them now.
Ziman said she lost count as she looked around Friday and saw hundreds of officers in uniforms from all over the state standing at the ready.
This is a familiar feeling to me, Ziman said. The law enforcement family has strong bonds, and it was no surprise to me that they all showed up. But I was still overwhelmed by it.
Special response teams coordinated with SWAT teams and were sent in for dual missions — to locate and stop the shooter and to rescue victims, she wrote.
It was like a giant game of hide and seek — except for the person hiding was trying to kill them, Ziman said.
When the shooter was found in the rear of the building, shots rang out again.
Tribune coverage of a mass shooting at the Henry Pratt Co. in Aurora on Feb. 15, 2019. A gunman opened fire shortly after learning that he was being fired from his job, killing five people. Police said the , 45, was in illegal possession of the gun used in the attack....
Those of us on the outside held our breaths until we would hear confirmation that the shooter was down, Ziman said.
The officers shot Friday and all the other first responders on the scene put their own lives at risk to save others, Ziman said.
The love our officers have for this community has never been more apparent, Ziman said.
She thanked residents for flooding the department with food, flowers, letters and well wishes.
This wasnt supposed to happen in our city, Ziman said about the shooting.
Four days after a warehouse shooting that killed five Henry Pratt Co. employees and wounded five Aurora police officers, Aurora police Chief Kristen Ziman said officers have a long road to recovery, but they are strong and resilient.
Ziman heard the call for an active shooter and was on her way...
BLEACH 블리치 ブリーチ - Rolling star [Vocal cover by Studio aLf] - Duration: 3:13.
I just can't take it anymore
I've got to say what I want to say
At the bus stop on the way home, in the evening twilight
I say bye bye bye to your sad looking back
You've got to show me your Fighting Pose, Oh! Oh!
A world like the one I dreamt of
Where everyday life is peaceful, and without conflict
But the truth is, those days are trouble
And sometimes those kinds of Rolling days are frustrating
Isn't rolling great?
During those times, I smile for you
From inside the bus that I was rode on
I could see the small smile
I'm depending on you, Oh! Oh!
A sweet love like the one I dreamt of
Lovers search for a hiding place
But the truth is, as the days that I can't see you
Continue on, I'm believing in those rolling days
Oh yeah Oh, Stumbling, way to go!!
Yeah!! Yeah!! A rolling star, covered in mud!!
I want to smile as much as possible
But in order to protect myself, there's no helping it, is there?
Certainly, lies don't have that sort of a meaning
~All my loving
And if that's the case, I don't need to lie
A world like the one I dreamt of
Where everyday life is peaceful, and without conflict
But the truth is, those days are trouble
And sometimes those kinds of Rolling days are frustrating
oh Yeah oh ... Yes, I understand
oh Yeah oh Stumbling, way to go!!
Yeah!! Yeah!! A rolling star, covered in mud!!
El Fin de la Vida como la Conocemos: las 3 Formas de Vida del Futuro - Duration: 11:26.
婚約指輪・結婚指輪専門店輪-RIN-(群馬県高崎市) - Duration: 0:52.
夏菜「ぎっくり腰になったり肌の衰えを...」 明かした「人生の幸せの法則」とは - Duration: 5:13.
女優の夏菜(29 さんが、2019年 月20日に東京都内 ホテルで開かれたワ ンの販促イベント「 ORK Speci l Wine Ev nt」に登場した。 近年はテレビのバラ ティー番組でワイン きエピソードを披露 ることが多い夏菜さ
2017年には、日 ソムリエ協会が認定 る「ワインエキスパ ト」の資格を取得す などそのワイン好き ピソードには事欠か いが、この日は登壇 でソムリエの渋谷康 さんとワインについ のトークを展開
会場内で来賓に振る われた渋谷さん一押 の赤ワインを口にす と、「あっさり目の 理にも合う。日本料 にも合うのでは?」 太鼓判を押した。「 生で最高額のワイン いくらだったか?」 質問への回答 ワイ に目覚めたきっかけ ついて夏菜さんは「 3歳になる年に、初 て大きい仕事が1つ わったんですけど、 の際に友達とアメリ のナパのワイナリー アーに行って飲んだ インが衝撃的におい かったんです
感動しました」と、 身のワイン人生が始 ったエピソードを披 。また、ワインエキ パートについては、 (ナパ訪問以降、) つか資格を取れたら いなと思っていたん すけど、たまたま一 年、時間があったの 、30歳に向けて1 、ものになるものが きたらいいなと思っ (取得しました)」 、その経緯を明かし
イベント終了後、 会場の別室では夏菜 んの囲み会見が始ま た。報道陣から、「 生で最高額のワイン いくらだったか?」 の質問が飛ぶと夏菜 んは、 「ロマネコ ティとか飲んでみた んですけどね
でも、まだ全然そん 高価なものは飲んだ とがなくて、最高額 まあ原価で、つまり 地(アメリカ)で買 たら、たぶん5万円 らいのやつです」 、奮発した際のエピ ードを披露
また、酒での失敗談 ついては、テレビな で出し尽くしたとし 、「(マスコミに) られないように家で んでます」と明かし 。「お疲れ様、自分 いう時は、ちょっと の張ったワインを」 また、現在放送中の ラマ『人生が楽しく る幸せの法則』(日 テレビ系)で主演を める夏菜さんだが、 夏菜さんは人生の幸 の法則を見つけまし か?」との質問には 「30歳近くになっ きて、ぎっくり腰に ったり肌の衰えを感 たりするようになっ ので、化粧水や体に り入れるものとか、 ろんなものを一新し した」と、新たな幸 の法則を掴むべく努 していることを公表
「ワイン好きの夏菜 んにとって、ワイン 幸せの法則ですか? との質問には、 「 うですね。やっぱり 嬉しいことがあった とか、ご褒美とか、 疲れ様、自分という は、やっぱり、必ず いつもよりはちょっ 値の張ったワインを けるようにしていま 」 と、ここぞとい ときはこだわってワ ンを飲むことを明か ていた
今年の5月23日 は30歳を迎える夏 さん。今後はますま ワインが似合う大人 女性になっていくの はないだろうか。 J-CASTニュー 編集部 坂下朋永)
《歌手2019》小K被淘汰,原因是這3個,她成績"搶眼"了 - Duration: 4:53.
《歌手201 9》小K被 淘汰
她成績"搶眼 "了 那為 啥小K上次 唱中文歌曲 排名第四
而這次直接墊 底了呢?這 個原因也是 講明了《歌 手2019 》的競選標 準。
張惠妹的《記 得》是一首 悲傷格調的 歌
這種悲傷先入 為主在聽眾 心裡有很重 的分量
但每個歌手在 演唱的時候 都有自己的 風格
小K也是如此 。
由他演唱《記 得》
演唱技巧對他 而言自是不 用多說
他對這首歌有 自己的理解 和處理管道
唱出來後並沒 有多少悲傷 的成分
小K憑這首歌 取得了第四 名的成績
也是相信跟觀 眾們第一次 聽到他演唱 中文歌有關 。
而這季比賽 第一個補比 特歌手"玻 璃"姐Po lina Gagar ina參加 了三期的節 目
她拿了2次第 一1次第二
她的這成績用 "搶眼"來 形容不過分
如果她保持這 種狀態直到 總決賽
那麼她最終奪 冠的概率還 是蠻高的
"玻璃姐"的 表現堪當殿 堂級一線的 歌後
讓觀眾們一眼 看到了有種 席琳迪翁的 既視感。
高音汹湧澎湃 自不必說
最難得的是她 放得下也收 得下
且收得更細膩 傳情。
而細聽她的低 音處
她把握得精准 貼切
就讓觀眾們覺 得這是經典
沒有沒經驗的 氣息
她全程灌注的 投入與激情 。
觀眾們覺得連 髮絲
都在歌聲裏了 。
而楊乃文的 音樂風格也 很有個性
她本身自帶的 音樂調性
她喜歡得愛不 釋手
不喜歡的完全 聽不下去。
別人翻唱她的 歌
把不准該保留 自己幾分
畢竟太過於像 她就沒了自 己的演唱風 格
完全不像她和 音樂氣質相 符。
而在最新的《 歌手201 9》中
首發陣容裏有 一比特年輕 的小夥子K risti an Ko stov
這個擁有俄羅 斯和保加利 亞雙重國籍 的18歲小 夥子
他不僅擁有出 色的外在條 件
同樣兼具了超 凡的歌唱實 力。
雖然看上去可 能對於絕大 多數的觀眾 來說並不熟 悉
但是要說起他 一舉成名的 "歐洲歌唱 大賽"來講
他可不是一個 能够忽視的 存在。
還有就是小 K這個初出 茅廬的男歌 手是國內還 沒幾個人認 識的年輕歌 手
他想打敗高手 如雲的歌手 們且在華語 樂壇有一定 地位的歌手
簡直是難上加 難
唱得好在《歌 手2019 》是不可能 取得成功的 成績的
除非歌手唱得 驚豔
如果只是按照 原版的再唱 一次一樣的
拿高分的機會 很渺茫的。
评审們的第一 個評估是: "不錯
一個小男孩! "而能看出
但是沒有驚豔 的歌聲。
其實《歌手2 019》請 的都是在華 語樂壇或他 國已非常著 名的歌手
當然也有些是 已經老歌手
或初出茅廬沒 幾個人認識 的歌手
然後如果歌手 們靠這個節 目再次火爆
所以不僅僅要 唱得好
唱得驚豔無疑 能大大新增 《歌手20 19》成績 的排名。
Family of boy who collected $6K for border wall speaks on criticism, support - Duration: 1:28.
Lidožravý žralok doplaval přímo k lodi. Potápěč vzal čelisti jako výzvu - Duration: 0:46.
„V těch fotkách vidím příběh a moment. Není to jako video. Podíváte se na to a dokážete si představit, co se asi dělo," pokračoval potápěč
I když tvor vychází ze snímků děsivě, podle něj je značně nepochopený. „Tito žraloci jsou úžasná zvířata
Potřebujeme je chránit a snížit lidský dopad," myslí si Thom
(ENG SUB)Much better than I expected? HWASA - TWIT MV reaction! - Duration: 8:48.
Hello my dear subscribers this is GoToe
Today's MV is
Hwasa's solo debut song
Most of you already knew it
Normally I didn't see the MV of solo artist
except special situation
The reason why I choose this MV is
I was convinced that this song would never be ordinary
There will be a lot of surprises when I look at MV
It can be a rhythm of song itself
, performance
or composition of MV
I was convinced something was going to happen
When I think about female solo artist
First I thought HYUNA
, CL
are commonly mentioned I think
Recently, JENNY did her solo activity with SOLO really successfully
(Her MV is over 200M view)
LISA did her solo performance so well too
While this generation is changing
I thought she was going to take care of that
It is so meaningful that this song is a starting point
That's why I choose this
Let's talk about it more after see this
Let's go
I am so exciting now
This MV has a story maybe?
I love this choreo
Fortunately, Color is similr with her
What can I say with this rhythm?
I think It is sound of Korean traditional instrument??
How can it be so attractive??
We can Imagine JYP with that clothes
(Every Korean can imagine)
There is no ordinary part as expected
This sound is so charming
That sound is really toxic
So... unconventional
I can't understand story yet
there are so many things to see except story
Choreo looks so attractive too
I really like this choreo
I think it looks similar with choreo of MAMAMOO a bit
It look so fit with MAMAMOO's song
I love it bcz many people can enjoy it
(Especially to me also)
I expected it to be unusual
This rhythm is.. so unique....
It is really the best
That is... WHEE IN??
(She is my bias)
I've already adapted to choreography
I don't know why but I love this part
I really like it
Obviously HWASA,
Her voice is
Nobody can follow it
Really unique are
(That part is more prominent in this song)
Nobody can imitate it
(Only for her)
Suddenly, song will start soon maybe
I can expect these now!!
Actually this song is
What did I mentioned before
All of those are special
I think rhythm is the best
Add her voice in this rhythm.... Awesome
I can't understand story at all
That's not important
There are so many things to see in MV
Clothes are special...
We saw TWIT of HWASA today
Overall I think it was what I expected
There was no ordinary part
I thought the outfit would be quite dramatic
It was a little more extraordinary than I thought
There were some unexpected parts
Recently, when I saw her awards ceremonies and various stages
It was a well-predictable range
I can imagine some clothes
The clothes with the same color as my clothes and the clothes with vinyl are the first to come up
At the beginning of the second verse, the yellow, black double-headed head and its costumes were impressive
In some cases, underwear was exposed in the middle
Unlike other music videos that emphasize sexy
what I felt in this MV was
Everytime they showed
Previously, They always highlighted the scene.
But not this time
Rather, They exposed a little to the edge of the screen.
I do not know if it was intended to do so
Thanks to them, I could concentrate more on musical things
Rather, sexy seemed to be more prominent
That is so cool
and I think the best was rhythm
I am not sure what was that instrument
But I guess that is one of Korea traditional instrument
I've never heart that sound in KPOP songs before
It is great to be able to create such sophisticated and addictive music with these instruments
and her unique voice
her special mood
only allowed to her
Everyone see this video really know about that well than me
So I don't talk about it more
but compare to MAMAMOO songs
It was so good that she seemed to have seen better things in her solo song
and finally
I really like this choreo
I think it is so well made
I am not talking about special mood of this song
I think this choreo is also fit with MAMAMOO's next song too
Their choreo stlye
It is really Advantage of their choreo
It is not to easy, not to hard
Everyone can dance with those songs if you want and enjoy
But it is so hard to feel like them
The only feeling of MAMAMOO
The feeling was so well marked
It was so good
I really want to dance well with this song
This is my personal feeling of this song of HWASA
Entire feeling is so nice to me
I can understand why this song is 1st in chart now
I hope her music life is full of happiness not only in MAMAMOO but in SOLO too
this is the end of this video
Thank you for watching
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지난 19일 방송된 JTBC '랜선라이프-크리에이터가 사는 법'에는 먹방 크리에이터 나름이 출연해 화려한 입담을 과시했다.
이날 나름은 광장시장 맛집을 방문해 라이브 방송을 진행했다.
여러 곳을 누비던 중 나름은 한 고깃집에 들어갔고 폭풍 먹방을 펼치기 시작했다.
고기를 굽던 나름은 "고기로 쌈을 싸 먹는 것도 괜찮을 것 같다. 상추 대신 고기다"라며 고기에 파무침을 잔뜩 얹어 먹었다.
이어 나름은 고기가 얇게 썰어져서 질기지도 않고 비계도 많아서 마음에 쏙 든다며 신나게 먹방을 이어갔다.
VCR로 이를 보고 있던 이영자는 "나름TV님. 너무 잘 먹는데 너무 예의가 없다"라고 말해 시선을 집중시켰다.
앞서 나름은 고기가 아닌 동그랑땡에 파무침을 곁들여 먼저 맛을 봤다.
이에 이영자는 우선 고기부터 먼저 한 입 먹고 그 맛을 음미한 뒤 파랑 콜라보를 해야 했다며 날카롭게 지적했다.
그러면서 그는 "데이트해보고 나서 결혼하지 않냐. 근데 지금 사귀지도 않고 결혼한 셈이다"라고 덧붙였다.
이영자의 찰떡 비유에 나름은 한 번에 와닿았다며 그의 말에 폭풍 공감해 웃음을 자아냈다.
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