Mix all solids in a food processor.
Add eggs, banana puree, rum and vanilla extract.
Heat butter up to 60ºC and add to the mixture.
Fill a buttered and floured stainless steel frame with the batter up to 40% capacity.
Arrange diced banana and minced pecan nuts on the dough.
Finish filling with the batter up to 65% of the mould capacity.
Bake at 180ºC for 20 minutes.
After 8 minutes, cut the centre with the help of a knife dipped in water.
Bring back to the oven to finish baking.
Once the cakes are cooked, perfect the shape and set aside.
Mix hot coconut pulp with melted couverture and Cremsucre.
Add the coconut liquor.
Mould in a mini-spheres shaped silicone mould and freeze.
Once frozen, unmould.
Coat with Ivoire 35% couverture and batter the spheres with dry grated coconut.
Paint with silver spray and set aside.
Mix syrup and rum.
Scrape vanilla pod and add the seeds to the mixture.
Dip the cakes in the rum bath.
Finish perfecting the shape with the help of the stainless steel frame.
Freeze and set aside.
Melt couverture.
Add grape seed oil.
Mix with a silicone spatula.
Set aside.
Toast the grated dry coconut in the oven.
With the cake frozen, bathe 1/3 of the height in the Dulcey Glaçage at 33ºC.
Batter with toasted grated dry coconut.
Aside, melt white couverture and paint a stainless frame somewhat bigger with it.
Insert the cake in the bathed frame and let dry.
Finish the cake with the coconut ganache spheres and white chocolate decorations.
For more infomation >> Cake Baloo por Carles Mampel - Duration: 8:34.-------------------------------------------
Käse Nudeln mit Tomaten - Video und Rezept - Kochstudio - Duration: 3:05.
Cook noodles
cooked ham
8 eggs
pieces of chopped tomato
grated cheese
El e fostul iubit al lui Mary de la Puterea Dragostei! S-au despărțit după ce tânărul a văzut imagin - Duration: 4:45.
Bản tin Horoscope - Phan Thành đang 'mơ về ngôi nhà và những đứa trẻ', tiểu thư Xuân Thảo bất ngờ g - Duration: 2:23.
Tưởng tình đẹp với beauty blogger Trương Minh Xuân Thảo sẽ gắn bó bền lâu nhưng thời gian qua Phan Thành khiến người quan tâm tiếc nuối khi cặp đôi tuyên bố chia tay
Hậu đường ai nấy đi, trong khi Xuân Thảo thường xuyên có những chia sẻ đầy tâm trạng thì Phan Thành có nhiều động thái được cho là còn nhung nhớ về mối tình xưa cũ với Midu
Trải qua nhiều lần yêu dang dở, mới đây Phan Thành gây chú ý khi bày tỏ khao khát về "ngôi nhà và những đứa trẻ"
Cụ thể anh đã viết: "Chúng ta cứ lăn xả với cuộc đời để đi đâu vẫn thấy không đâu bằng nhà, không ai bằng vợ mình
Có một gia đình đấy mới là niềm hạnh phúc lớn nhất". Chia sẻ như "móc ruột gan" của Phan Thành cho thấy có vẻ như chàng thiếu gia cũng đã mỏi mệt với những thị phi tình ái và mong có hạnh phúc bình yên
Trong khi Phan Thành đang mơ về "ngôi nhà và những đứa trẻ" thì tiểu thư Xuân Thảo lại bất ngờ gây chú ý khi lấp lửng chia sẻ về việc bị người ta lợi dụng
Theo đó, cô đã đăng trên Instagram Story: "When you let people in and they take advantage of you, it's your fault and responsibility not to become bitter, but to choose better people (tạm dịch: Khi mà bạn tin tưởng ai đó và bị họ lợi dụng, đó là lỗi của bạn
Việc bạn cần làm không phải là oán trách mà hãy chọn một người tốt hơn)". Trước đó, Xuân Thảo từng nhiều lần bày tỏ nỗi buồn về chuyện tình cảm
Dù không nhắc đến Phan Thành nhưng chia sẻ của nữ beauty blogger giữa thời điểm nhạy cảm khiến nhiều người suy đoán những điều cô nói có liên quan đến chàng thiếu gia
Yolo Sau tất cả những mối tình chẳng đi đến đâu, Phan Thành khao khát mơ về ngôi nhà và những đứa trẻ Yolo Chia tay thiếu gia Phan Thành, hotgirl Xuân Thảo lần đầu tiết lộ vũ khí bí mật giúp cô vượt qua nỗi đau
《招摇》加戏太多的琴芷嫣,感情戏也很虐,和柳沧岭注定没结局 - Duration: 2:38.
《招摇》中的 琴芷嫣
虽然这个角色 很讨喜
但是却加戏不 少
于是在她疯狂 的加戏过程 中
这个角色的故 事性也更强 了
这个单纯的小 姑娘吗
竟然经历了不 少的波折
最虐心的还是 她的感情线
她和柳沧岭相 爱
却注定没有结 局。
琴芷嫣是 鉴心门的人
她和柳沧岭从 小一起长大
琴芷嫣有一天 亲眼看到柳 沧岭的父亲 杀了自己的 父亲
但是没有人相 信她的话
她只能选择投 奔万路门为 父亲报仇。
琴芷嫣不 知道的是
她的父亲虽然 是被柳巍所 杀
可柳巍却是被 人迷惑了心 智
真正杀了琴芷 嫣父亲的人
其实是柳苏若 。
虽然后来事情 被揭开了真 相
可是琴芷嫣和 柳沧岭之间 毕竟隔了一 条人命
琴芷嫣最大的 让步是不迁 怒于柳沧岭
是万万不可能 了。
如果说 招摇和厉尘 澜负责甜
琴芷嫣和柳沧 岭就是负责 虐心了
当一切尘埃落 定的时候
招摇和厉尘澜 终于相守
而琴芷嫣和柳 沧岭在经历 过一切之后
却再也回不去 了
柳沧岭再也没 说过要带琴 芷嫣回去的 话
琴芷嫣也一直 留在了万路 门。
琴芷嫣的感情 线还是很虐 心的
到最后都被一 条人命给隔 开了。
虽然琴 芷嫣和柳沧 岭之间的故 事很虐心
可她和路招摇 却很有cp 感
两人在长期的 相处中反而 生出了感情
小白兔被欺负 第一时间找 女魔头保护
女魔头看着小 白兔撒娇就 笑的一脸灿 烂。
就算是琴芷嫣 加戏太多
网友们也忍了 。
7 Vụ Bê Bối Tình Dục Lớn Từng Được Lịch Sử Ghi Nhận - Duration: 5:09.
7 major sex scandals ever recorded by history
1. Joseph Hooker cho phép gái mại dâm phục vụ các binh lính của mình
Joseph Hooker was a general with a passion for prostitutes. His headquarters in Falmouth, Virginia is described as a combination of "bars and brothels".
The Joseph Hooker union labor camps were packed with women who had "care" duties for the soldiers. They were even called "Hooker Brigade", then shortened to "hooker". To date, the word "hooker" is used as a term to refer to prostitutes. ".
2. James Henry Hammond loạn luân với bốn cháu gái
James Henry Hammond is a lawyer and politician married to the wife of the affluent Hampton family in South Carolina. In his secret diary, James Henry Hammond revealed that he had sex with four nieces
James Henry Hammond blames teenage nieces "extremely emotional" and the charm of youth that fascinated him.
When the girls' father discovered this, he destroyed the career of James Henry Hammond. James Henry Hammond was ostracized for a while, but in the late 1850s he was still elected by the state legislature as US Senator.
3. "Precious" by Napoleon Bonaparte
Although Napoleon Bonaparte was a military genius, what people often refer to when talking about this French Emperor is his "precious" story.
After Napoleon Bonaparte's death, his 3.8 cm long penis was removed. After that, it was lost and transmitted from one person to another
Finally in 1977, a urologist named Lattimer decided to buy Napoleon Bonaparte's penis.
After Lattimer died in 2007, professor's daughter, Evan, inherited this special antiquity.
The penis of the French Emperor became one of the ten most famous stolen body parts ever.
4. Right to enjoy the first night
Droit du Seigneur is a custom in the Middle Ages that allowed lords or landlords to enjoy the virginity of a bride or an adult girl.
Specifically, after performing the rituals, the brides in the territory will be taken to servant, even sex with the lord in the wedding night.
However, until now, Droit du Seigneur is still controversial because many people believe that there is no historical evidence that this right exists in reality.
5. Kitty Fisher's "disclosure" case
Kitty Fisher is a famous prostitute in the 18th century. She is one of the first celebrities in the world that is not an actor, musician or royal member, but simply floating "ears" language.
Once, Kitty Fisher fell off his horse while walking in the park. Unfortunately, the sight of Kitty Fisher fell to reveal to others that she was not wearing panties
However, she took advantage of her popularity and asked an artist to paint a picture of this exposed scene. There are even mini paintings printed by Kitty and distributed to everyone
6. The strange sex scandal in ancient Rome
During the Tiberius dynasty in Rome, there was a special sex sexual scandal told by writer Josephus. Paulina and her husband Saturninus are an ethical and extremely faithful couple in love
A wealthy Roman knight named Decius Mundus deeply loved Paunila and wanted to sleep with her.
Even Decius Mundus paid Paunila 200,000 drachmas (Greek currency unit before being replaced by the Euro) to sleep with her one night but was rejected by her
Decius Mundus knew that Paunila worshiped the Greek gods so he bribed priests at the Isis temple.
The priests told Paunila that Anubis, a dog god with a body, was a man who loved her and wanted to sleep with her one night.
After consulting her husband, Paunila went to the temple at night to sleep with the god.
At this time, Decius Mundus posed as Anubis and made love to Paunila. A few days later, he boasted to Paunila about his "conquest".
Paunila and her husband accused Decius Mundus of Emperor Tiberius. In the end, Tiberius executed all the corrupted priests, exiled Decius Mundus and destroyed the temple of Isis.
7. Homosexual scandal on Cleveland Street
On a hot summer day in 1889, police raided a brothel on Cleveland's street in London
They discovered that this was a brothel containing boys who served senior male officials and important clients of the elite
One special thing is Prince Albert Victor, the Duke of Clarence is the loyal customer of the brothel.
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Primul interviu cu iubita lui Tristan Tate: "Cine e Bianca Drăgușanu?! N-am auzit de ea!" EXCLUSIV - Duration: 6:26.
Kanyes Valentins-Überraschung: Kim hätte sie fast verpasst! - Duration: 4:06.
Buồn Của Anh Remix [China Mix) [Nhạc Gái Xinh] - Duration: 4:45.
확률과통계 공부 잘하는법 공부법 코디 토론수학 토론수업 확통 잘하는법 고1수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:45.
'G'GOING SEVENTEEN EP.20 - DK SEXYYY YA NAMJAAA (filmed by. Hoshi) [INDO SUB- Kearifan Lokal] - Duration: 2:33.
Was macht eine ERP Managerin bei PHOENIX CONTACT? - Duration: 1:37.
In the ERP Services department I am the group leader for all sales topics.
With my team I am responsible for the worldwide order processing in the system software SAP.
As a team, it is very important for us to treat each other with respect and dignity.
You have to be very communicative, that's what Phoenix Contact is all about.
I also think this globalized approach, this cooperation, is great.
And I also enjoy helping people, especially from our customers,
if they have a request, that we try to offer a great solution.
To make life more beautiful for our users.
You're leaving footsteps in Phoenix Contact history.
Certainly this company demands a lot from the employee,
but you are also offered a lot and you get a lot of freedom.
You can laugh, because if work is fun, it's a positive spiral.
I can well imagine working for this company for longer because I like it here very much.
I believe that if you do a good job here, then you have every chance in the world to develop yourself.
Hyundai Elantra 2019 review: Go - Duration: 6:40.
Hyundai's Elantra sedan hardly carries the same glory as its hatchback stablemate, the i30
Maybe its because the Elantra has existed in some shape or form since Hyundai's budget days in the '90s, whereas the i30 had the pleasure of starting life as the shining example of Hyundai's new golden age, complete with European design and styling
But as overlooked as it may be, the Elantra now has all those things which make Hyundai's current range so appealing
So, what are those things? And, why do I think the steel-wheeled Go might actually be the pick of the range despite it actually costing more than the sticker price? Read on to find out
Does it represent good value for the price? What features does it come with? Does it represent good value for the price? What features does it come with? Okay so here it is
The Go is the pick of the Elantra range. The catch? It doesn't actually cost $23,790
No, to unlock true 'value' for the Elantra you absolutely must have the optional $1700 'Safety Sense' pack
I'll explore more about what the pack contains in the safety section of this review, but suffice it to say with the pack equipped this is one of the few cars on the market that has such advanced refinements as lane keep assist and blind-spot monitoring alongside steel wheels and an acrylic steering wheel
If you look past the fact that this car misses out on those essential safety items as standard, the equipment list is otherwise great
The Elantra Go has a bright, clear, high-resolution 7.0-inch touchscreen supporting Apple CarPlay and Android Auto
The 7.0-inch multimedia screen is fast and well laid-out. (image credit: Tom White) Auto headlights and DRLs (halogen), a reversing camera, a six-speaker audio system and dorky 15-inch steel wheels also come as standard
The Go misses out on premium audio, a leather bound steering wheel, LED DRLs, DAB+ digital radio and built-in nav from the Active which sits above it
You also miss out on some minor oddities around the cabin like vanity mirror lights
The Go has halogen headlights in its triangular light clusters. (image credit: Tom White) The Go also gains power folding wing-mirrors with LED indicators provided the SmartSense safety box is ticked
Total price for our car as tested with the $495 'intense blue' paint option was $25,985
For that money, its closest competitors include the Subaru Impreza 2.0i Premium, Honda Civic VTi-L and Kia Cerato Sport
Is there anything interesting about its design? Is there anything interesting about its design? Hyundai has pulled a high g-force 90-degree turn with the Elantra's styling, straying away from the curvy sporty look of the previous car and straight into lines and angles for this new-generation
It's much more like business attire than jeans and sneakers this time around. I predict it will divide Elantra fans (do those even exist?)
The 2019 Elantra is a major facelift of the previous car and carries new design cues
(image credit: Tom White) Dominating the front is a collection of triangular shapes, and hard lines streak down the sides
The roofline swoops round the back for more of a squared-off boot than the curvy compact rear angles of the previous car
Oddly, this new Elantra is missing many of the design queues invested in by Hyundai across its range although, I do like how it yells E-L-A-N-T-R-A across the boot like big-name Japanese sedans of the early '00s
Strangely this new Elantra seems to miss many of the design points on the brand's other cars
(image credit: Tom White) Inside, the Go is absolutely no-nonsense. In the cockpit there's a rather drab, but user-friendly acrylic steering wheel dropped straight out of the i30, paired with a simple four-dial instrument cluster and centre dot-matrix screen that hosts trip computer readouts
The media screen is expertly placed within easy touch distance for the driver, it's fast and responsive and seemingly never subject to glare
The inside is sensible, if a little monotone. (image credit: Tom White) Letdowns on the inside include the monotone grey trim and lack of soft surfaces around the cabin
That second one gets tiresome on long trips for your right elbow and left knee… How practical is the space inside? How practical is the space inside? Don't let people sell you the furphy that SUVs are so much more practical than sedans
Apart from higher clearance, it's usually not true. Take our Elantra here for example
Bigger boot than most small and even medium SUVs? At 458 litres, that's a resounding yes
The Elantra's boot is deep and long, even with a full-size spare residing under the floor
(image credit: Tom White) Great cabin storage with deep trenches, generous bottle holders in the doors and a decent centre console box? Yep, got all that too
It even has plentiful legroom and headroom for every occupant despite its slick roofline
The seats are comfortable and finished in a hardwearing cloth trim. My partner drives an '08 i30 with basically the same seat trim
It still looks brand new. Up front there are two power outlets one 12-volt and one USB
There's a drop-down armrest with a set of cupholders in the second-row, but it's also lacking air vents and a power outlet
The back seats offer heaps of room, but there's no rear vents. (image credit: Tom White) While the boot is deep, it is pipped on volume by sedan versions of the Subaru Impreza, Honda Civic and Kia Cerato
Strangely, there's also no way to open the boot without use of the remote or the latch next to the driver's seat
If you drive long-distance often, 2.0-litre variants of the Elantra have you covered with a full-size matching spare wheel under the boot floor
What are the key stats for the engine and transmission? What are the key stats for the engine and transmission? The Elantra powers on with a carryover 2
0-litre petrol engine from the last generation car. It's a little old now, but still manages to kick out the right amount of power at reasonable refinement levels for this class
At 112kW/192Nm it sits around the same outputs as competitors like the Civic VTi (104kW/174Nm) and Subaru Impreza (115kW/196Nm)
It shares the same engine with the current-generation Kia Cerato sedan. The Elantra Go can be had with either a six-speed manual or a six-speed traditional torque converter auto, but only the auto can be fitted with the $1700 Safety Pack (our car was an auto with safety fitted
) How much fuel does it consume? How much fuel does it consume? The Elantra has a claimed/combined fuel consumption figure of 7
4L/100km against which I scored 8.1L/100km over a week of mixed (freeway/suburban) usage
I scored 8.0 on my recent test of the Elantra Active proving it is the more realistic number to expect for your regular commute
As old as the engine is, its nice that it drinks base-grade unleaded. (image credit: Tom White) Both the 2
0-litre Elantra variants happily drink 91 RON standard unleaded to fill their 50-litre fuel tanks
Stay up to date with expertguide What's it like to drive? What's it like to drive? Despite its less sporty looks this time around, the Elantra is still great to drive
Hyundai's local suspension work is – as always – excellent, sporting a good balance of tight in the corners and forgiving over rough surfaces and potholes
The ride comfort is improved further over higher grades due to the larger tyres and small 15-inch steel wheels
The same can be said for road noise north of 80km/h which worsens as wheel size increases further up the range
Still wheels might not have the look, but they help dampen tyre noise at higher speeds
(image credit: Tom White) The steering has loads of feel and is nice and direct, making even this base Elantra engaging and rewarding in the corners
The performance from the carryover engine is adequate, but nothing special. Available torque from take-off is good making the lack of performance largely unnoticeable during every-day commuting, but it feels weak in the mid-range, so don't expect to be spinning wheels
The six-speed torque converter auto streams through the gears with ease. It's a much better experience than lacklustre CVTs in some competitors and doesn't come with the question mark over reliability that comes with newer dual-clutches
It's a simple but rewarding drive experience which makes the Elantra one of the best base-model sedans in this segment to be behind the wheel of
What safety equipment is fitted? What safety rating? What safety equipment is fitted? What safety rating? ANCAP safety rating Although its most recent Elantra assessment was conducted in early 2016, ANCAP still rates it a maximum five-stars (classifying the 2018 update model as a facelift rather than all-new car)
For this car to be 8/10 - like our test car here - it must have the 'Safety Sense' pack
The $1700 kit is worth every cent and leaves you with the rather bizarre scenario of having steel wheels alongside lane keep assist
It's a shame none of these come as standard, but with the pack fitted the active safety list includes auto emergency braking (AEB) which works up to freeway speeds, blind spot monitoring (BSM), rear cross traffic alert (RCTA), active cruise, lane departure warning (LDW), and the aforementioned lane keep assist (LKAS)
The pack also brings with it auto-folding wing-mirrors with LED indicators. Still, even at $25,985 it's a solid active safety offering compared to most competitors
Included as standard is a very good reversing camera and the full-size matching steel wheel under the boot floor
Passively, the Elantra scores front and curtain airbags, electronic stability controls, three top-tether child-seat mounting points across the rear row and two ISOFIX points on the outer seats
What does it cost to own? What warranty is offered? What does it cost to own? What warranty is offered? Warranty Basic warranty 5 years / unlimited km warranty One of the benefits of the Elantra's tried and tested engine and transmission combination is the cheap capped price servicing
Hyundai factory-back the Elantra's servicing all the way to 168 months/210,000km, and optionally beyond that
The Elantra is factory backed for a long time and servicing is cheap. For the life of the five-year/unlimited kilometre warranty, the Elantra costs a very reasonable average of $283
20 per year. The Elantra only requires servicing once a year or every 15,000km.
Dance practice but it' 12 minutes of us messing around - Duration: 12:27.
'Kay, it's recording
Aha, she's looking at us
Oh, we should like, grab on to each other's...
thingy (strings lmao)
[inaudible complaining]
so loud
We're having a concert, guys
Y'all hear that??
Y'all hear that????
That's how loud the music is from the aerobics room
And we're not even- fRANKIE LMAO
Sponsor me NCT
Eh, SM Town
Yeah, Station..
- Station 3 - Station 0
- Was it three? - Station 3
Oh Station 3
Let me collab with the '00 line
Watch out for our
Dream in a dream promotions because it deserved better
- Reverie. By Reverie - By Reverie
We have, like
So our main group is, like, A-teen
And then, like, in A-teen there's
That's our concept
How do you open this
Ya guys, we're using...
This is- this- th-
The squash court is now a dance practice...
Dance practice room (cuz we broke as hell)
Duck down (???? Bend down lol)
Y'all see that
What the heck's wrong with this thing
- Idk - Oh my God
She has white patches on her- oh it's not seen
But she has white patches on her...
- back - Now you can scan for my fingerprint
This is W
This is M
M or W
We got these strings
- Stwings - For our performance
- The weather is sooo good, oh my god- Right?
Looks like it's gonna rain
Hope it does rain
We got these masks
Today is the last day
- Of practice - Of practice
'Cause we have our performane tomorrow on a Wednesday
Two times
Do you wanna wear it or no?
- I don't mind not wearing it - Should we just keep it?
Yea just keep it
Keep souvenir
- We can uh, what's it called - And then we can just put the blings (in our eyes)
We can auction this
It's our merch
Gang gan- ow
Look I'm a- I'm a
Pro boxer
Ya, what she said
That's us. Gang
See you tomorrow :)
After Dark Clean With Me 2019 (Night Time Clean) - Duration: 14:11.
Welcome back to Chore With Me everyone and I'm Hannah
Tonight we are going to be doing an after dark clean with me
We had some company over for dinner tonight, I ate myself sick and now I have to clean up this kitchen.
I'm pretty sure my husband has escaped and is already in bed, so I'm going to clean this up myself.
If you decide you like this video please hit the thumbs up button
and subscribe if you'd like to get more videos like this one.
Here I am looking like a Canadian lumberjack in my red plaid shirt and food baby belly...
I need to get this done because it's already past my bedtime...seriously, I go to bed early. I'm getting old!
If you'd like to watch a relaxing clean with me/power hour click the link!
Royal Uk - Heavily pregnant Meghan's 10,000-mile trips to three continents - Duration: 4:48.
Meghan Markle is set to travel 10,000 miles in 11 days, crossing three continents in the process - despite being heavily pregnant
The Duchess of Sussex, 37, is already in New York City attending a baby shower being hosted for her by her closest friends and family
However today she is expected to return to London after spending five nights in the Big Apple - clocking up 3,459 travel miles
Then three days later she will head to Morocco where she and Prince Harry are to carry out a number of official engagements
The duchess is being closely monitored by doctors who have advised she should no longer fly four to five weeks before she is due
Meghan, who is preparing to give birth in late April or early May, spent Valentines Day with the Duke of Sussex last week after he rushed back to see her following a trip to Norway with the Royal Marines
However seven-month pregnant Meghan has since been catching up with stylist Jessica Mulroney and other confidantes in New York this week
The American former Suits star is said to have visited Laduree in New York's SoHo district on Saturday for macarons and tea
The duchess was seen entering The Mark Hotel on Manhattan's Upper East Side, at a restaurant on the ground floor of The Met Breuer and at The Surrey hotel
She was spotted enjoying a night out in the Big Apple on Tuesday after her baby shower
She arrived at the Polo Bar in Manhattan at approximately 7pm for dinner with some of her closest friends
Mum-to-be Meghan and Prince Harry also have a busy few days planned when they head to Morocco on what's expected to be their final royal trip before they become parents
The couple, who are expecting their first child in April, will visit Casablanca, Asni and Rabit during their three-day tour in the country
They have a number of engagements, focusing on a number of issues which are important to them including gender equality and education
Their trip starts on Saturday with a Guard of Honour at Casablanca Airport, where the couple will be greeted by British Ambassador to Morocco and his wife
On Sunday they will head to a school boarding house run by Education For All, an organisation which provides education for girls in rural areas of the country
Also included in the itinerary will be a formal reception hosted by the British Ambassador in Rabat, where they will meet influential women, young entrepreneurs and disabled athletes
On Monday they have a number of engagements including a visit to the Moroccan Royal Federation of Equestrian Sports to learn about the organisation's new programme which supports children with special needs
Their final engagement will be a visit to a social entrepreneurs market where they will meet young people
Meghan's trip to New York comes just days after five unnamed close friends of the duchess spoke to the publication People in an effort to counter the "global bullying" directed at her
One friend challenged reports that Mr Markle has said he cannot contact his daughter, telling the magazine: "He's never called; he's never texted
It's super-painful." Mr Markle dismissed the claims and responded by revealing a deeply personal letter he received from Meghan following the wedding
Kensington Palace declined to comment on the duchess's break in New York.
Předpověď na 24h - 20. 2. 2019 - Duration: 1:03.
「HiGH&LOW」に現役植木職人のうえきや出演 - シネマ : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 3:22.
秋元康氏が総合 ロデュースする劇団 ドル50セントのう きやサトシ(28) 、映画「HiGH& OW THE WO ST」(久保茂昭監 、10月4日公開) 出演することが20 、分かった
同作は、映画作品 はスピンオフ作品も めた計5作品の累計 客動員数が450万 、興収65億円を超 る「HiGH&LO 」シリーズの最新作 高橋ヒロシ氏原作の 気漫画「クローズ」 WORST」とのコ ボが実現した
今回は、「HiGH LOW」シリーズか 「鬼邪高校(おやこ こう)」、「クロー 」「WORST」か 鳳仙学園が登場する 「もともと『Hi H&LOW』シリー が大好きで、映画館 観てる側の人間でし 」といううえきやは 「『WORST』も キの頃から読ませて ただき、そのコラボ 画にまさか、自分が られるとは思いもし せんでした」と喜ん
既に撮影は終わっ おり、「鬼邪高メン ーとして参加させて きまして、現場では ろいろな刺激を受け した。先輩方の芝居 どアクションを間近 観て、それに加わっ る自分…
これは夢か、って思 環境でした」と振り った。「正直緊張も りましたが、監督、 タッフさんキャスト んの方々に仲良くし いただいたおかげで 濃いキャラクターが 来たと思います、髪 も特徴的にしていた きまして、かみクロ ッサン、ティラノサ ス、などといろいろ いじっていただき、 しい環境での撮影の 々が続き、幸せでし 」と感謝した
うえきやは17年 月にお披露目された 劇団の最年長。長身 金髪という独特の雰 気を持ちながら、現 の植木職人という異 の劇団員だ。昨年は 本テレビ系ドラマ「 ジムリ学園」やテレ 東京系ドラマ「天 和通りの快男児」、 画「響-HIBIK -」に出演していた
[한글자막] J.zen Log #006 Gift - Duration: 2:27.
I always wanted to see my name in lights
good morning people of the world the world childers ladies oh yeah that's you
guys dogs babies where are we today my black
shirt that's you someone just got me up I slept really good last night guys
almost after you went to bed you slept almost your whole shit I think I needed
it I didn't wake him up but he came barreling up here about 15 minutes
before I stopped him what and he scared me half to death and I said what and he
said did you yell at me I said no that's what I heard though I was asleep I
wonder I better call and check on my kids to
make sure they're all okay right yeah Jess Matt right now wasn't me
I'll get down here can you believe that where have you been where are we at I
made you get dog we are and exit something in Oklahoma weird a Valero
so you look on the sign RV parking slash disposal I know
are we on forty or forty four forty all right how are we supposed to be on
well-well get up we're gonna get on 44 when we get to Oklahoma City we didn't
with you Oklahoma City we're still on 40 she told me to go on 40 I forgot to tell
you to get on the Parkway I know I did tell you you said 40 44 I said yeah 40
44 oh well I thought it was 44 40 oh this is why she was taking me this is 30
this is 30 miles further OMG yeah 30 miles oh well now I gotta go 70 yes no
you don't I gotta make up 30 miles the miles that were on there's the same cuz
this is the way she was trying to take me anyway
yeah but they are only paying their pay in 30 miles less than we're used to then
you use more fuel we're gonna go we're gonna go we're going on hard I'm gonna
make a left and go through the woods all right this stupid thing when I was
trying to look at the routing it wouldn't give it back to me it would
just show me the next turn because she kept trying to take me the other way and
40 and 44 we're both in Oklahoma City yes oh well I love you good I don't know
30 miles are you mom I wanted to go through Missouri but oh
well well you might if you take the back road you might I hope I left I will that
means I got to pull out the map book you know how often I pull out a map book
anymore that's just sad to say not very often do we even have a new map
brand-new 18 years out though it is not even a laminated large print map and we
still using the same one you found on the fuel island yes someone left it for
me they got a new one they left one that's what I always do with them
not that I'm buying any map books but if I buy one I'm leaving the old one on the
on the fuel island let's see what edition we have here music in this video
and some upcoming videos is provided by Leggett II one of my favorite
up-and-coming rock bands their link is in the description check them out I just
mirrors free righteous braids large-print for old men that's what
edition has well yeah Paul fella I bought that I bought that
he bought one for me remember I think he stole them Paul fell my my old hand that
I talked about he was a thief okay he was still good guy but he was 11 was
you even truck driving in 2011 probably ma there's there's roads missing I know
there is but it's okay there's a lot of a lot of Obama work went on after this
oh I don't know why I put it back over there for I got a look at it we're not
cooking nothing today would you know 800 miles to Chicago we're almost there I
did cook some coffee he's gonna get some Chester chicken gizzards I'm cheating
today imma cheating my thought y'all know that though it's just it's my
nature chicken chicken is a weakness of mine
it's like weird exit 212
okay because 15 miles ahead it's a golden pony I'm on the opposite
direction that kind of sounds nasty down it I'll be I'll be your golden pony I
can make anything sound nasty damn it damn it boy
alright you say we're at exit - what well I don't think that's possible
look at the green sign right there see the Green Mile
if I if i hook a left up here on 48th we can go up to Tulsa and then I'll feel
you here grace drinking yes they hear it she has to be on camera drinking every
time make that disappear all right so I'm going to 217 I'm hooking a left
problem solved there's even an interest there for the for the toll road so you
know I just want to go through Missouri Missouri where you from Missouri
I'm from the woods you tell on what they said on that stupid game thing you tell
them what they say I was watching that and I heard well I was listening when
they might had to divert my eyes to see who was speaking someone was talking
about them cow-tipping Midwesterners you too was going on this road less traveled
before we start this video let me just say rest in peace to all the YouTube
okay Oh somebody to get money you want to get money will you get money it's
your motherfucking shit that's what they said they called us counting
Midwesterners don't they know that we have our own stupid game out in the
woods we sit around on our porch and and and you hear that little freaky kid with
the with the goose eyes playing the banjo then I'm down down down down down
down right I'll insert that right here
and when people come to buy we don't sell crack out there right we can cook
up some methamphetamines and in what get ours right all right so the garage not
not honest but some people are cooking it what
they'll bring a pig over and the book can trade you this pick for somebody go
fast well sure you can and you know what if
they don't got enough pigs under their arm they better bring back some chicken
later because you know that's pretty cheap just saying their woods get their
country gangsters anything country and they're big and fat and and trot along
very slowly you gotta use your hosts shoulder okay you gotta you gotta put
your house shoulder in a cow and if you're not careful if it's a short cow
you could end up with your head up a cow's and that tail is late though if
they stand like smacking you the tail you can put high up so we face dangerous
every day nowhere near the cows anyway I gotta get up here and get my chicken and
maybe I'll talk to you again are you anything else she won't talk about no no
my Alex Express hello she passed Alex Express guys did you pass him at a high
rate speech yes I passed him at a high rate of speed and then he came up beside
me so I was cussing him Alex I have to say
normally when guys do that I tried to not look because they're wanting to show
me their man parts I just want to run into the side of him when they do it
maybe he waved and I was like no I know this person and then and then it dawned
on her name on the trailer no he was to me well I saw the name on the trailer
I was like oh okay and how did he pass you because the speed limit went down to
sixty because of a construction zone are you saying he was disregard limit okay
okay she didn't I said it sorry has accident that's funny though how y'all
like the girls new lip stuff I really like this color on her see he tells me
that because he wants me to wear this one all the time to give me lots of
compliments and give a lot to compliment so I'll wear this one all the time
okay lower that yeah tell y'all tell her that's the color for you girl it looks
like a good color it's got a little metallic shimmer to it not that I'm a
fashion guru but I know what does it for the boys right just saying you can't
tell you took me a chicken lickin now I'm gonna go get a gizzard
apparently I went the wrong way oh it's okay
you alright I found my exit we'll see you guys in a little bit
[ENGSUB + VIETSUB] Run BTS! 2019 - EP.64 - Duration: 33:29.
[RUN BTS EP.64 BTS School 2]
[Previous episode] [Candidate for class president] Vote for class leader for period 1
[Promises full of personality for each person] We all grow up and nothing can stop us
My class will be class 1.
I don't care about the class president position.
[Jungkook's heartbreaking statement makes people lose their heart]
So exciting!
[With that heartbreaking sentence, he won the position of class president] - Jungkook! - Woa! - Thank you everyone.
[Non-stop going into music details] The instrument we will play is Hand Bell.
[A team assigns everything to the feeling] No music needed
[And one team works harder than anyone else]
[What will their ending look like?]
[We will start now] Don't shake it !!!
10 minutes already! Stop!
[Resume a Stop word] - Stop! 10 minutes already! - Stop!
[Can't just watch, the class representative says a word] - Stop! x0309 - STOP !!!!!
[Not interested] [RM & V sinks in the world of 2 people] Across!
- Did you not listen to the Jungkook's words ?? - Wait for us a bit.
- Our fault is wrong, - Well, it's a bad language to hear.
[Jingle, Jingle] Same sound.
- Uh ha. - Different? Other sounds. - Other sounds.
- Other. - This is the sound.
[Recognition] Well, different.
Keep quiet, 10 minutes already.
[Now, please be quiet ...] - Don't touch it anymore. - Please stop it.
- Even if you lose, stop it. - We don't do anything, waste time.
- Losing it, stop it! - Now, which team wants to test first?
[Jeon Jungkook team is full of energy] Our team will play first!
- Ok. - Lastly, Jeon Jungkook asked to play first! - Team Jeon Jungkook.
Let's start watching.
[Tragic] - You guys, before you start, How do we gather gas? - Ok!
- Please click once. - Ack!
[Jeon Jungkook team tries!] - 1, 2, 3 Fighting! - Let's go!
- Ho "Challenge" and start watching. - Team Jeon Jungkook, Challenge!
[Stress] Run too.
[How elegant]
Daeng x309
- What happen? - Look carefully at the music.
What is it, shaking up?
- There is a rhythm. [Hateful, scary] - What is this?
[Gradually know the preciousness of the song] - Looks like I have to do this. - Could it be ..
[Like this? Like this?] What is the note of the note?
[That's right, what is the note?]
[Finally started watching the music] Do you have to do this again?
- Team name, Kim Seokjin! - Ok!
- Challenges! - Challenges! [Nothing has failed once already ..] - Failed once before.
We do dentistry.
[Hardest in the world] [As expected of the class representative] Teacher, finish teaching to meet us at all.
[That's right?] Daeng! x218 It's not!
Looks like you guys misunderstood the sound that was put in the lesson, right?
[Try shaking away] Wait, brother, you try to shake it.
Same as x2
Why are you suspicious?
[Warmth x2] We do the following as required.
[Jeon Jungkook team is challenging again] From us first, teacher, we will try again!
[How will it be?] Challenges!
[Quiet, time for performance] - Team Jeon Jungkook Challenge! - Everyone please be quiet.
[FaSol FaSol FaSol FaSol FaSol FaSol]
[SolMi x6]
[SiRe x6]
[DoDo x3 ..?]
[Hand Bell flies away, panic]
[Hope is stressed because of Hand Bell] - Honey! - Wait, you're stressed out.
- It turns out that I'm in the form of a fear of starting really. - I'm stressed out.
- Hello everyone, really. - Hope, do well. - Sorry, I will do well.
[Didn't play half anymore but tried the 3rd chance already] Currently trying for the 3rd time
[Jeon Jungkook team lost 2 times] The second time is that failure.
[Wang scattered aegyo] He skipped for once to go to the teacher, He was dropped and the teacher.
Practice, practice for lots of challenges
Guys, we practice for another 5 minutes.
[And then, quickly practice you] - Practice adding 5p. - Begin.
[Observation, monitoring] Where are you, Si?
[Jungkook team is proceeding smoothly]
- Hoseok huh. - You have to hurry up. - You wake up!
[Ah .. So that's not it?] Don't try to shake this.
[Because it's easy to mistake, just shake it for 1 time] Just shake once is okay.
[Start Hand Bell with a safer way] Should I do this?
[Quietly] [Observed] [Hardworking]
[Hardworking] [Focus]
[Even though it's a little bit messy, it's a very good concert]
It is true that it is all over.
[In this case the most miserable is Suga] The ears hurt so much
[Slightly bowed form] Sol Sol Sol La Sol
[Test format before after calculation] Let's try.
Why is it so urgent?
There is one note below.
[Tell us what you wrote] Must play to that place.
[This? Right?] I will teach, I'm so upset.
[Unable to stop, Jungkook teaches]
According to the teacher, it seems like Jungkook alone won too?
[Hope is being taught by Jungkook] I look.
Study time of Hoseok!
[Kim Seokjin team is also discussing whether there is anything stuck?] Is it written as SiDoSi?
[Opinion members should shake together or not] It is very interesting.
You have to shake Do and La.
- So just say, have to hold both up at the same time. - Have to shake that Do and La together.
[Do Sol Mi Do]
If so, then..
[This size is almost done training] [Focusing on sight]
[Aigoo Hope huh .. Hope ignored Mi and jumped to Re]
[MOM is funny] Do you want to change places?
Guys, try again, I think you can do it well.
Let's do it one more time.
[Suddenly I am excited] You will do well, again.
[Panic x2] Do Si .. You have to do this. Wait for me a bit, it's too hard.
[Really too tired] I must have stayed up all night and some kids.
[Confident] Teacher, can you give up?
- Don't give up! - No! - Unexpected teaching, No words called giving up.
[Jin even wanted to be able to do it] It's not your turn, teacher.
Unexpected teaching, No words called give up! The kids who failed were not allowed to go home, did they know?
[World of 2 people] [Lonely] I also want to shake it so that it doesn't go where I see it [.
[Suga cultivates strong students] Those who failed were not allowed to go home, Just know it!
[This is x2] Do Si La Sol, right.
That's right, that's it! Do Si La Sol.
[Jeon Jungkook team is also doing the same episode.
[Bam bam bam]
[He is really]
[Too much] But it's not that I look at you like I want to kill are you too
I'm sorry, I also suddenly couldn't control my face.
[Began Jungkook's instruction]
[Disturbance up]
Star? Give more time ha?
[Don't know if time makes sense ..] Give me more?
We challenge again ha? Do it slowly?
[Real worry] Can you do it now?
[Did not hear x2]
Really challenging slowly?
- Initially .. - Challenges! - Challenges!
- Last challenge. - According to the teacher The number of challenges doesn't make sense.
Jeon Jungkook team challenges!
- Since there is no BPM, we do it slowly. - Slowly.
[FaSol x6]
[SolMi x6]
[SiRe x6]
[DoDo x4 SiRe LaMi]
[FaSol x6]
[SolMi x6] Slowly slowly.
[SiRe x6]
[Do Sol Mi Do Do]
[Jeon Jungkook team does not mix with the song] - Daeng! - Daeng is right, this place you guys don't work together
[What do you mean?] - What's wrong? [Please] - Please watch the music! Music sheet!
[What's wrong with the mouth] That's it
[Hate can't stand it] - The sound is also wrong - I told you to look at the universal music! I give the universal music to do it!
[Now that these three guys look at the universal music, they burst into laughter]
J-Hope just looked at Jimin like this
[J-Hope performs and notices Jimin's face]
[So funny]
[Progress doesn't change at all] I have to think about why it is the "Chopsticks" song
[This time your father is acting in accordance with the universal music] This is what to do?
[This time Mr. Suga is talking to himself as well] Tell me, look at the universal music!
You guys don't read universal music at all! Tell me the universal music
[V is encouraging RM with Jin] No problem, we just play slowly
[Wanderer] [In the end, Jimin seemed to be online]
[J-Hope laughs at the chair]
[Jeon Jung Kook Team like this is really crazy]
The episode alone may even have that ability
[Jimin, do you want to play alone?] This game ...
[How wise] Let me play alone for
[Kim Seok Jin team is extremely serious] Look, this song has to go down
[This is like this] Try it
[We can't do it] Can not
Attention, attention, attention
[Style 1: You guys don't listen, Type 2: you obey] [Pay attention to Mr. Suga a bit] Attention
- The other team didn't listen to anything - Hey, pay attention
- I told you to pay attention! - Now you know your level
At first glance ... well, this size is considered as an attempt
Then the teacher will treat it as a success
[Instead, each team has 3 chances] Instead, each team will have 3 chances
What is this about?
- Good job - Can I change one?
Just the right sound is good, is that okay?
[ Definitive ] Can not
[Suga is listening to Jeon Jung Kook team saying]
[Not so] I told you to read universal music
[Suga also directly models them to see] This is this
[It has only one sound scale so it is easy to get confused from the beginning] Please try it
If you do that, you have to do this
And all these guys have been doing this all this time
- I told you to look at universal music - It looks weird
[It's not Jungkook, music is right] - It's different from music and we know - Just follow the right music
[Each person is self-studying] Each person wrote his part
This one
[Now teach you again of Jungkook, who first recognized] This is it
In universal music, its rhythm is 3/4 What are you guys just ...
[Silly, mythical] What about the kids who are playing 4/4 rhythm?
What is that again teacher! Stop doing anything
[In the end, Suga still has to stand up again] [You guys are still here ...] There's a do -si mix
[Can't get into a fight with teacher Jungkook] - Look at this - I know - Listen
- There's a mix of si-si - That's it
[Oh my, Jeon Jungkook team turned out to be right] I said that's right!
That's it, it went down like this
[I made a mistake]
[V is sharing optimistic energy] We can do it, will do it
So this Chopsticks song is so hard
Everyone, this waltz genre is 3/4 beat
Don't read that 4/4 beat
[RM seems to not understand and Jin, V understands it] - what is this, don't know anything - ok, I'm done
Come on! temporarily Come on!
[Never mind] Attention
- No more work! - Pay attention - I can't do it
[You guys please pay attention to Suga a bit] - Now let's focus - Attention
[In the end, there are times when all notes Suga] Just not too much
- Then I will give you credit - Let's play - Team name Kim Seok Jin
- Start playing - Just listen
This is Chopsticks sheet music
[Degree of difficulty decreases so much] Just ding ding ding through this is done
5, 6, 7, 8
[fa sol sol sol sol]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi]
[si re si re si re si]
[due to due to a due to a rash]
[fa sol sol sol sol]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi what?] Hurry Hurry
[The faster the beat, the more tangled you become] Not like this ~ wrong
[ So fast ] - That's the match, what's wrong?
- It's too fast - It's too fast
[Now they are like they are liberated] - Just do it slowly - Try it - That's right, let's try it
[Team Jeon Jungkook tried] - Get started - Get started
[fa sol sol sol sol]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi]
[si re si re si re si] You guys must win
[due to due to a due to a rash] [Try listening to learning]
[fa sol sol sol sol]
[Sol mi Sol mi Sol mi Sol mi]
[si re si re si re si] slowly
[by do mi do]
[So cute] [si do ra si sol]
[issue fa sol mi sol mi fa fa]
[Fa?] This is wrong, Sai!
[Jimin 2nd attack]
- Stop it, stop it - Don't pay attention to others, focus on yourself
- Stop it - Teacher
Teacher, we are trying very hard
- Kim Seok Jin team tries - OK, come on!
[Jungkook also tried to net once]
[Now feel the tolerance of the teachers] The teachers were just as gentle as the bodhisattva at school.
[ Too tired ] Honestly
5, 6, 7, 8
[fa sol sol sol sol]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi] So fast
[si re si re si re si]
[ Hard work ] [[due to due to a due to a cause of death]
[fa sol sol sol sol] Very good
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi] So fast ! so fast !
[si re? re? re? re?] Why not look?
Why don't you look?
It feels faster
[Chance for Jeon Jungkook team]
Dont stop playing the next part
There were 40 kids like this when they went to school
[Many statements imply] Wow
[RM before launching silk] sisisi, then how to do it
[now please succeed] Try it! Team Jeong Jungkook
- Let's start - What do you guys do to match it?
Just slowly Why are everyone rushing?
Get rid of the chairs
[Only a word from Jungkook that they have moved in order] - Get it out - We have to move
- Get it out - Good - Ready? - Ready
[Let's see how ready they are.] - Let's go - Let's go
[ What? ]
[Not at all, it's not like this] Kim Seok Jin too
[Too funny] [I can't see it] What did everyone do?
[J-Hope can't breathe] Suddenly ....
Why did you suddenly do this?
[Meanwhile Team Kim Seok Jin is trying to match the rhythm] - OK - Must be slower
It's really slow
Try ! Hurry up!
[Now, Kim Seok Jin team really tried again] - Team Kim Seok Jin - Challenge - Hurry up!
[fa sol sol sol sol] [What is it doing?]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi]
[si re si re si re si] [Sensing]
[due to due to a due to a rash]
[fa sol sol sol sol]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi] Slowly
[si re si re si re si]
[due to due to] [RM repeated it again?]
Why do you play that song!
[What the hell is that]
[Everyone laughs with RM] I told you to play this song
Hey! Just play it once and then go on, just play it again
[Finally V must point back] - Do si ra sol - Sorry
[J-Hope lies rolling and laughing]
[ Noisy ] I told you to play Do sol mi
[It's almost back to the repeating symbol] When did you repeat that repeat sign?
Just play once and go on, crazy, really
[Jin inhibited, V radiant and RM full of remorse] I told you, Do sol mi!
Sorry, I'm sorry
Try it? do you need practice
- OK, come on - Just play slowly
- This is the last time ? - Why is the last time that teacher?
According to the teacher, the 3 times they could not do it were considered to be harmonious
[If this attempt was not successful, it would be considered a tie] - OK, let's start - Do it
[Only the second period, the most tired one is Suga] I want to die here
[Take a breath] - Test - Start
Team Jeon Jungkook tried
[fa sol sol sol sol] The posture
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi] All of them were swooning]
[si re si re si re si] Slow down
[The three are playing the rhythm of the chapter] [due to due to a rash]
[So cute] [Going adventure]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi]
[Hope, that's right]
[I am too soft] [It's easy to mistake] [Do do mi do]
[due to si sol]
[Hope is sidestepping] [issue fa sol mi sol mi sol sol]
[fa re fa re fa] [Jimin looks like the busiest]
[So funny]
[BTS School with a harmonious atmosphere full of laughter]
[ Panic ] [si do so sol sol fa]
[sol mi sol mi fa fa]
[It's done now] [fa re fa re fa fa]
[mi do mi do mi do]
[Jeon Jungkook team succeeds neatly] Success !
[Successfully celebrating this is almost like winning an Olympic prize] Daebak!
[Touching tears] - It is true that the victory is full of humanity - Tears ...
- We were too hard - Too miserable
- I have tears in my eyes - We are miserable
[Which is fun] That's funny
[This is also the last chance for Kim Seok Jin's team] - There's a last chance for Kim Seok Jin team - last chance
As I see it, you can't do it
What's up here? read it!
[That's right, go play death] There is no story to give up! OK, let's do it!
[Last chance of Kim Seok Jin team] Kim Seok Jin team, try
[Extremely cautious
[fa sol sol sol sol] [ So cute ]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi] [Expressive expression] But faster and faster
[Slow down] [si re si re si re] [If this is the case, then use the head and feel it]
[Kim Seok Jin team up one by one to stand up] [due to due to the cause of death]
[Ngự ngoc ngự ng] fa sol sol sol sol sol sol
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi] [Being alone in panic]
[ So funny ] [si re si re si re si]
[by do mi do]
[ Where ?]
[si do ra si sol fa?]
[is RM again] What are you doing?
[How is that]
[ So funny ]
Sit down
[Study here] [V decided to leave] I'm leaving here
[The teacher is miserable among the idle siblings]
I still play 3 more
I can't play fast
The other part is not right
Teacher, but we have to work together to solve this
[ Right ] So after any challenges after that
I think we can get through it all
This time, Jeon Jungkook wins the team
Jeon Jungkook got 5 points
[So Jeon Jungkook is leading the team]
Teacher, but do I wonder if the challenges will be like this later?
[Hours of music with unexpected joys] People don't know it's hard, right
In the immediate future, I don't know how to read universal music
[Children play with emotion, not reason] - We can read - Read universal music
- It's hard - I feel more than watching music
[V is still suffering from regret] All done
It's over ! Don't try again
Taehyung who plays the piano wins all [Protect brother]
[Later on playing Piano]
Next is lunch break
Is it okay to eat rice?
- Rice time - Everyone is struggling
[At noon it is natural to run away now]
[Point to this point] [BTS School -2] [Item 1 vote for class president: Jungkook is elected]
[2-hour music lesson: Team Jeon Jungkook got 5 points]
Be quiet, pay attention
This noon will be a personal competition that does not affect the whole group score
[Lunchtime] [BTS School -2 -] [Personal lunch time]
[Look at the enlarged food figures and if you guess what is the right item to receive it]
[And start eating lunch right away] [Rice and water are available]
Then you have to guess?
Teacher is not
He looked at the food and it was full
Just try eating it!
Must eat to live
Firstly !
- First picture - Teacher, there's a solution behind
Teacher, I guess Kimchi
[Full of heart] Teacher, I guess Kimchi
[So Kimchi can't be eaten]
[Full of dissatisfaction] Because you said so, Kimchi is cut off
Kimchi is cut off
Because of Park Jimin, you can't eat Kimchi
[Bursting out in anger] Life is like that
There is no Kimchi I'm fine
[That's the end of the Kim dish, the first dish is given] - And this is the first dish image - Kim Seok Jin!
What is that Ginseng mountain?
[I don't know what this is] - Is this too big, this is too big? - Exaggerated
Kim Seok Jin, honey
[Of course not honey] False
What is it?
Look closely, see what it looks like
You know, you know, why don't you know?
[Even though you know it, you may find it a little strange and don't know how to see it] - How to know it - But you can see it clearly
Then because you guys can't guess, the teacher will show you a less enlarged image
[RUN! BTS is prepared very well] Very well prepared!
Kim Seok Jin
[Looking at the image lessened makes everyone full of will] - Jeon Jungkook - Kim Seok Jin
- Radish - False
- V, spicy chicken stew - False
- Park Jimin, chicken cooked sesame glutinous rice cake - Exactly
[Hope is as happy as her story]
But this is personal play, go somewhere else
[After hearing the answer, everyone became even more dissatisfied] - But is that chicken cooking that glutinous rice cake?
- Crazy - Really?
[Jeon Jungkook team is really love and love] - No, Hoseok, let's eat it - OK
Jungkook, let's eat and share
Remember to bring dessert
- This is probably guessing - Kim Seok Jin
This looks like that deep tooth
Teacher, look like an ear Right?
Jeon Jungkook, his navel
[What kind of genre] False
Your belly button is food?
[But Suga-sensei went to explain it] Navel teacher doesn't have this black
[Looks like it's the navel master] Looks like it isn't
He considers which one is less enlarged
I said that, it's a deep tooth
- RM - It has eyes
- Rim anchovy - False
Kim Seok Jin, chilli shrimp
[As expected Eat Jin is different] Can you guess this?
[I am Eat Jin]
[Just raised it and shouted the name] - Kim Seok Jin! grilled bacon - wrong
- RM, soybean meal - False
[What is it?] Isn't it?
Did you look through a microscope?
- Must show which image is less enlarged - Must see the image less zoom
It's not about zooming, but zooming in
Look, it is bean bag
- V! Fried potato pancakes - Wrong
It is fried bread
[Give suggestions] In addition, this is a fried dish
- Kim Seok Jin, fried pork (+ sauce) - Exactly !
[The class Eat Jin has another]
[Although it is a personal exam, celebrating is like a group competition] - Daebak - What did you guys get?
[Lunch situation of Kim Seok Jin team] - Bulgogi, Kimchi jigae, what I / - Fried pork, chilli shrimp
[ngoe nguoi] - Jin à - daebak
At this time, do we get along well?
[ Angry ] Who are you?
- I'm Jimin, first met me, right? - Next
- Kim Seok Jin - Bat
[Why is there a bat here?] - Sesame leaves - Wrong
- V, red beans - False
- Red bean porridge - False
- Park Jimin, lynx - Jeon Jungkook, Sundae - Wrong
[At this point one doesn't know] just scream
- Kim Seokjin, beef - false
- RM, butter - Dishes made with that beef
[Why keep saying that the image is bigger than that] - Must show the larger image - What does beef have?
[This time it's better] - Kim Seok Jin - Park Jimin
Beef breast meat
- Braised beef with fish sauce - False
V, bone steak.
[dish size gradually increased] Why suddenly ...
RM, potatoes in potato soup
- J-hope, beef ribs cooked rice cakes - exactly
[I'm the best]
[RM starts to babble alone] Is that the rice cake flank? yes
- Kim Seok Jin - What is this?
[next dish appears] - Kim Seok Jin - what is that?
- Jeon Jungkook - Is it butter?
- Five meat only - False
Jeon Jungkook, squeeze duck meat
How to squeeze it?
- So squeeze this - Squeeze your shoulder, squeeze that leg?
[ What did you say ] - Where do you squeeze it? - I don't know
Just squeeze it
[This dish Jung Kook doesn't give, so don't eat] This dish does not eat. This is a banana.
- Don't say bananas are broken! - This is a banana.
- This is bananas! - Is this a banana?
- You're kidding. - Conscience has evaporated!
Looks like I know what that is.
[That's right, Jimin! It's him!] Looks like cutting off the book and then launching it.
[The more you see, the more you guess lum la] What ... Probably.
[The picture is the enlarged part of the banana]
It is really too much.
- Director, why is that so? - This is predictable.
What is this?
[A photo, want to flip BTS School] - Jeon Jung Kook! - This is a work of art.
Is this a spiritual picture?
Show me the little picture zoom in a little bit
[From here drawn] Any picture will zoom in and out slightly.
[Don't be angry]
- It's the same. - J-Hope, poached egg fish sauce? - False.
- Kim Seok Jin. - Park Jimin. Shrimp paste.
[Any red food that knows it screams out] - Yangnyeom-gaejang - Wrong.
- What is that? - Didn't it reveal?
J-Hope, cherry tomatoes?
[It's not like that] False
- Park Jimin! Tomato! - Exactly.
[Do not believe in me to guess right]
[See also tomato varieties] It is tomato.
'Good tomato is delicious'
[Honey not yet] 'It's me'
[Tomato song, a whole season of memories coming back from Hope] - 'I will become a juice' - Free!
[Then become what] I am ... Then what is it.
- It's over. - Happy lunch ended.
[Is lunch just on the game?] Isn't it okay to eat?
No, have to eat.
[Lunch results] [BTS School -2-] [Suga - Special part meal]
[RM - Bulgogi, chili tuna] [Jin - Spicy shrimp, Doncatsu, pickled yellow radish]
[J-Hope - Japanese mackerel, Pork pork ribs] [Jimin - Chicken, Tomato]
[V - Kimchi hotpot] [Jung Kook - Potato]
[Lunch for members] - Delicious meal in front of everyone. - It's here.
Partial meal?
Each member opens his meal
- I will open your meal. - I will show off my food.
J-Hope first do it.
[J-Hope shows off her rice (?)]
Grilled pork ribs and Japanese mackerel grilled.
A combination is not that bad.
[It's Jimin's turn to show off] - My turn? - Next is Jimin.
This is fried chicken meat.
[RM & Jin envy the fried chicken] - That is with rice. - Got 2 boxes.
- And. - Jimin guessed a lot.
[Close up]
- What happen? - What's up? - Rice.
- Rice. - Eat fried chicken with rice and tomatoes?
Next is the class representative.
[A dessert among the class leaders choose] - I have a dessert. - That's right.
- Class rep. - New main food.
[What is it?]
[White rice and (1 bit) seaweed] Eating white rice with seaweed is out of luck.
Next is Jin.
[Jin is a rich home] [Guo!] He is this rich man.
[High Quality] Doncatsu, spicy fried shrimp and pickled yellow radish.
[Recognition] This lunch box is delicious.
[Next is V] Next up.
But this one opened up and got cold.
So have to shake this up.
[What is that?] Don't know what's in it and shake it?
Canh Kimchi and rice.
[Oh yeah]
[So cute] Next
[Next is RM] - Chilli tuna. - Delicious.
[There are Bulgogi but dissatisfied because too little] Next is the Bulgogi beef.
But I didn't think I had a bit like this.
[What are the members saying to the RM] - This is it. - Yes.
[Look at people who only have rice and seaweed] Be grateful to eat. See if he only has this seaweed.
And this is my heart. Kimchi.
[O Ye] Kimchi.
[Kimchi is the best] Just eat with Kimchi, there's nothing left.
His lunch box is also especially different.
[Surprise] Wow ~
[Private lunch box for teachers] His food is so delicious.
[Teacher Suga struggles] Today he suffered very badly, so he tastes really good, teacher.
You eat really well, teacher.
- Let's eat together. - We will eat well!
[Although it is a special dish, the delicious kids still share it with you] Eat chili tuna.
Thank you.
[Jin always cares about you] I thank you.
We are a house.
- One house. - We are one.
[Children share food together]
[The kids have a good lunch together] - Let's share it for each other. - Let's eat together.
[Suddenly Jin stood up from position] Name of the group Jeon Jung Kook.
[Are you going to tell us?] Name of the group Jeon Jung Kook.
- Do you like spicy fried shrimp? - I like it.
[Is pushing Jungkook] - Call 'big brother'. - Boss.
[It's our eldest brother] Thank you for your spicy fried shrimp.
[Reverse battle] Call 'big brother'.
[Children get along so well]
[What is he doing?]
[The school is sharing spicy fried shrimp] - Enjoy your meal. - Thank you, sir.
- He divided spicy fried shrimp for everyone! - Yes!
[Divide it according to your preferences] Jimin does not like spicy fried shrimp.
[Too touching] You like Doncatsu so he divided the Doncatsu.
[BTS School unite is number 1] The friendship of classmates is really precious.
[The seedlings share with each other]
[Later will become a large forest]
- Teacher. We finished eating! - We eat well.
[Class rep still hungry] Let's give way.
[Wrath] Eat up, Jung Kook.
- Class rep - Delicious.
[Fire] Delicious?
Tomorrow he will bring more box lunches.
[Drama situation not yet finalized]
[Funny too]
We go through any physical education.
[Next school Go Go!] OK, gym class.
[After eating, study gymnastics] - Have you had a good lunch? - Yes.
The third lesson is Physical Education.
[Lesson 3 Physical Education] [BTS School -2-] [Revolving competition of each team]
[Each member takes on different tasks, follow your turn order]
[Then perform the task together the last collective is WINS]
[In the middle of losing, you have to play again from the beginning]
[Which group is faster then that group WIN]
[Personal items] [Step 1: Pull in the hanger from the top down through the foot]
[Step 2: Make the elephant, turn 10 times, follow the teacher's instructions, perform the movements for 5 seconds]
[Step 3: Member completes step 2, throw the ring to the 3rd person to enter]
[Item of team competition] [Raise the ball: The whole team has a 20-ball ball together]
[Jeong Jung Kook's group started up strategy] I think Jimin fits the hanger.
Because Jimin is very slim.
Jimin performs the hanger. I will make an elephant.
[It is true that the confident dance leader is different] After filming, you just need to be like this.
And Jung Kook will pick up the round.
- Your group has the right proportions. - That's it.
So our team is difficult.
[Jin has a broad shoulder so he can't play a hanger] Seok Jin is not ...
- Seok Jin plays a hanger as a hanger. - Seok Jin can't play a hanger.
If you don't play a hanger. Then someone who is not flexible cannot play.
[How do we do it?] I have no plasticity.
Think carefully.
[Hope is helping the opponent group] I see that Seok Jin should play a hanger ...
I think so.
Anyway, I lost.
[RM is so familiar now] Let's try to find a way to get the volume.
But I can't play the elephant.
- So let me make an elephant. - Then I will make a hanger.
So you will shake the ring.
[Jin jumped over the ring (?)] - OK, good. - Try it!
[Official physical education begins] Which group played first?
Which group was first?
- 2 leaders Pull away Bo Bao Bao. - OK.
[What is the Prisoner? Kim Seok Jin VS Jeon Jung Kook
Whoever wins, he is determined.
[Pull in] [Jin ... Why is it natural ...]
You can't do it. You can't do it.
[Eh ... That's fine] Ok
[Good example] [Thanks to Jin, Jimin knows how to play] Thanks to you, I know how to get away. Thank you
- Did you come in? - You just want to try it and see.
Give up the regret, reuse it.
[Baby RM is playing alone] This is hard.
[Wadadada] [Eventually RM disappeared from the shooting angle] Have this microphone.
One two Three.
[Jeon Jung Kook Team has the right to choose] - Wins. - OK, we're not there yet?
[Being asking each other's opinions] - We play first? - How. Leader, you decided
- So play first. - Play first. OK.
[Jeon Jung Kook Team challenges first] - I play it right away. - I play quickly.
Physical education lesson now It is best to study after lunch time.
- Exactly - Period 5, period 6.
[That's right] [Student's heroic story] Play soccer at lunch time
Next is gymnastics.
[Those students who used to play soccer at noon] - That's too standard. - Trat's ha.
Not good.
[Prepare but still not ready] - Prepare. - We have nothing to prepare.
[Turn to go back]
[Start while not awake]
[Visiting] - So fast. - So fast! Good, Jimin!
[Endless fruit of Jimin completed quickly] So fast.
It hasn't been 10 seconds yet.
[Next is Hope making the elephant Begin] - twelfth
[And turn around] 3 4
[Round] 5
[Kim Seok Jin Team looks at the opponent playing and strategy] - I will play slowly. At no good balance. - 7 8
[Dizziness too] 9, 10
[Task to perform movements in 5 seconds] - What's up? - Begin.
[Hope! Where do you go?] 1 2 3
4 5
[Next is Jung Kook] OK
[Shoot] OK!
Hold the cord!
[Last mission of team football] - Hold the cord. - Prepare. Begin.
[Start using breasts] twelfth
[Where does the ball come from?] Can not!
[Shoot too far! Future golden feet!]
[Laughing want to faint]
[Exciting too much] Restart!
[Hurry hurry] Must start immediately.
- Hanger - How to kick the ball.
[Wear this shirt and borrow this ball] Can I borrow the ball?
[Elephant spinning] Great story.
[The youngest brother is just tipin 'to you, but you don't hear] I have to hold the cord short. Short, short.
[Hope turns the Never Ending elephant] 1 2 3
- Is it alright? - 4
- You, I did it slowly, did you win that? - Slowly do win
[Kim Seok Jin team thinks that he made his first win right away] It is okay to win the first time.
[Dizziness too] 9 10
- Bridge. - Begin!
[Posture caught!] twelfth
3 4 5
[Members are master] J-Hope is good
[Sick!] [Sick!] OK!
Hurry Hurry.
[2nd team competition part] - Hold the wire short. - Short.
Stretch out.
[Be careful] - Stretch the cord. - Begin.
[3 members compete in team] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
[I smile] 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
12, 13, 14
[Close to destination] 15, 16, 17
[Touching with success, with a loud shout] 18, 19, 20!
[Success!] 20!
1 minute 42 seconds.
[Jeon Jung Kook Team finished faster than I thought] - Great. Not so bad. - Not too bad.
[Kim Seok Jin team comes on]] Not easy.
The director is unexpected.
[We? So that's it!] - I didn't expect to play that fast. - 1 minute 42 seconds?
At first, the hanger part was less than 10 seconds long.
[Faster than anyone else] So fast! Good, Jimin!
Come on.
Ready? Kim Seok Jin group, Ready?
[Monumental] Count 1 2 3 Fighting. 1 2 3
- Fighting! - OK!
Prepare. Begin!
[Claw] Tae Hyung is easy to eat porridge.
Probably trapped by the butt.
[So cute]
Being stuck is always good.
[But still passed] - Good - 12 seconds.
[RM turned slowly but surely] 4 5 6 7
[Prepare for the next game] 8 9 10
- Slowly. - Slowly.
Take a deep breath.
[Relax] Begin!
[Raise 1 leg] 1 2 3
4 5!
[Revelation] [Busy preparation for the team competition] 4 5!
[No longer awake] 1 2 3
[Win the first time!] OK!
So fast.
[Only the teammate's part is left, only 38 seconds] The time now is 37, 38 seconds.
Slowly ... be careful.
Drill, do not handle the gasket.
Now ... Sure the strings? OK
[Strict] Do not grasp the pads.
[What is this]
[Finally starting to lift the ball] - 4 5 - 1 2 3 4
- Do not hold the pad. - 4 5 6 7
[Kim Seok Jin Team promotes teamwork for the last game] 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
[Success!] 16, 17, 18, 19, 20!
- Accomplished - Good players
- That same minute. - Ya ~
Exactly 1 minute 41 seconds.
We lost.
[OMG] - Gymnastics that we won too? - Wins.
[Miracle (?) Kim Seok Jin made a miracle] Is it a miracle?
[Miracle makes victory!]
[Jeon Jung Kook Team lost unexpectedly] It's gone. Gymnastics that we lost to us.
[Gymnasium ends with the victory belongs to Kim Seok Jin Team] End.
[Current score] [BTS School -2-]
[Kim Seok Jin Team] [Music Details: 0 points; Exercise Details: 5 points, Total Score: 5 points]
[Jeon Jung Kook Team] [Music Details: 5 points; Exercise Details: 0 points, Total Score: 5 points]
- So we got a point? - Draw points. - OK!
[Play until now!]
There is still the last lesson that is Quoc Van.
[Worried like a mountain] Quoc Van must do?
[Next BTS School Story] The fourth lesson, Quoc Van is a discussion subject.
You want to be recognized.
[Feelings and feelings] - Do not get emotional thinking. - The society is full of feelings.
I have no friends?
[Suddenly Jung Kook was shot with water?] I ...
[Familiar words So water is shot!] I!
You have to discuss it.
[Opening his mouth is every look focused on him]
[V doesn't understand anything like it] I like.
[The feeling of laughing at his words]
[And one more]
[Privileges for class leaders are hidden] - Exemption from penalty? - Or privilege?
[What is the privilege for class rep that is so amazing?] Daebak.
[Run BTS] EP.64 BTS School 2]
走れ!大井チャンネルとバントコントロール対決!ギリギリの神業連発!【野球コラボ】 - Duration: 8:54.
Les coulisses d' ART CAPITAL 2019 au Grand Palais {english sub available} - Duration: 8:24.
{Feb 13th to 17th}
{Sunday, Feb 10th}
What time is it ?
I think it's time to go to the Grand Palais !
Works drop off
Stressed, me ?!
{Tuesday, Feb 12th}
On the way to the private opening
Private opening
Let's head to "The Society of Independent Artists"'
Looking for my painting's booth...
Almost there
We are close...
Here it is !
"Sakura", by Jennifer Vaillant
Small tour in the "French Artists Show"
End of the private opening
{Sunday, Feb 17th}
Pick up of the works
That's it, Art Capital 2019 is officially over
That's it, Art Capital is over
Now back to the studio with the painting
For the pleasure of the eyes
Elimi Bırakma 30. Bölüm 3. Fragmanı - Duration: 1:10.
Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. Good Cruising.
Do not give up my hand Chapter 30 3. Trailer
Hi all my friends. We made the 30th episode 3. fragment. All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type 'AzCen' in the comment. Good Cruising.
Cenk knows his resignation as Chairman. Who will pass the company now? Serap is getting away from his family. He even hates children.
In the face of all this, Cenk's health condition becomes even worse. Will he learn the health status of Cenk? Will Kadir return to Melis? Will he find himself guilty of having caused Cenk's illness?
Azmi, why did you stop Sumru? Can Cenk Feride be able to forgive? Remember to write to the comment. All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type 'AzCen' in the comment. New videos will come. Stay on track.
川野夏美、故郷はミカンとセメントの街だった!? - Duration: 5:37.
ニッポン放送の マジンスタジオから 敵なゲストをお招き てライブショーをお けする『中山秀征の 楽町で逢いまSHO ♪』(毎週日曜の朝 時30分から放送! 。司会は中山秀征さ ! アシスタントは 川みゆきさんです
ケーブルテレビの「 :COM」でもご覧 ただけます。放送日 など詳しくは、J: OMのホームページ ご確認ください。 /24(日)のゲス は、田川寿美さん、 野夏美さん、出光仁 さんです
大分県出身の川野 美さん。大分県の名 と言えば、「温泉、 サバ、関アジ、マグ 漬け丼、とり天、唐 げ、鶏めしなどなど 。故郷・津久見市の 物は?「ミカンとセ ントなんですよ
セメントと言っても メント工場で、〝工 萌え〟の方は、ぜひ 度、見に来てくださ 」。明るく楽しい川 夏美さんの故郷トー 、ぜひ、聞いてくだ い。歌のコーナーで 、川中美幸さんの『 後水道』と、新曲『 みだ雲』を披露
昭和42年、西田 知子さんのヒット曲 涙のかわくまで』と 最新曲『茶屋町しぐ 』を歌った出光仁美 ん。2010年、『 んな七厘・神楽坂』 デビューしてから、 の4月で10年目に ります
「これからも頑張っ 歌っていきます、応 してくださいね!」 今年デビュー28年 の田川寿美さん。「 だまだトライしたい の世界があるので、 0周年に向けて、ス ンダードな曲に出会 たいですね」
高校2年生のとき、 女…ひとり旅』でデ ュー。高校の制服で コーディングに臨ん そうです。「新曲『 はひといろ』は、『 化粧』『春よ来い』 続く第三弾! ホッ ステップジャンプに るように頑張ります 」 <<田川寿美さ 情報>> *4/1 (木)『第20回・ 良グループ 夜桜演 まつり~熱唱 春の 典スペシャル~都内 3区・23年をかけ ……』(東京・杉並 会堂)*4/20( )『長良グループ・ 歌まつり2019 n 沖縄』(沖縄コ ベンションセンター どちらも、山川豊 ん、田川寿美さん、 森かおりさん、氷川 よしさんほか、長良 ループの歌手の皆さ が、数多く出演され す
○田川寿美さんの しい情報は、こちら ご覧ください。ht ps://www. agarapro. o.jp/top/ rtist/art st.php?id 4 <<川野夏美さ 情報>>*3/7( )、埼玉県春日部市 ララガーデン春日部 午後3時から新曲キ ンペーン
*DVD『川野夏美 20周年記念コンサ ト ~新たな挑戦の タート~』発売。 川野夏美さんの詳し 情報は、こちらをご ください。http //www.cro nmusic.co jp/artist kawano/wn html <<出光 美さん情報>> * /19(火)コンサ ト『3人の歌仲間』 北とぴあ つつじホ ル)に、水前寺清子 ん、松村和子さんと もに出演
*5/15(水)『 ロムビアマンスリー 謡ライブ』(古賀政 音楽博物館 けやき ール)に出演。 ○ 光仁美さんの詳しい 報は、こちらをご覧 ださい。https //ameblo. p/idemits -hitomi/ 山秀征の有楽町で逢 まSHOW♪FM9 AM1242ニッポ 放送 日曜 5:3 -6:00
Swen K. - Kurse für Betroffene und Angehörige - Duration: 3:42.
ディズニーのダークヒーロー誕生! K・ブラナー監督作「アルテミスと妖精の身代金」 - Duration: 2:31.
魔法とハイテクノ ジーを駆使する妖 たちとの頭脳戦 C)2019 D sney Ent rprises, Inc. [映画.com ュース] 全世界 行部数2500万 を突破したSFフ ンタジー小説を、 ォルト・ディズニ が映画化する「A temis Fo l」が、「アルテ スと妖精の身代金 の邦題で2019 の秋に日本で公開 れることが決定し
「マイティ・ソー 「オリエント急行 人事件」を手掛け ケネス・ブラナー メガホンをとり、 ィズニー作品では しい"ダーク・ヒ ロー"の物語を紡
アイルランド 作家オーエン・コ ファーによる大ベ トセラー「アルテ ス・ファウル」シ ーズが原作
伝説的な犯罪一家 育った12歳の天 少年アルテミス・ ァウル2世と、魔 とハイテクノロジ を駆使する妖精た との戦いを描いた
01年の刊行開始 初は3部作の予定 ったが、人気に火 つき増刊となり、 2年に発表された 8巻「Artem s Fowl: he Last uardian」 完結を迎えた
40カ国以上で翻 され、世界中で人 を博している。
【汤米Teacher】Mini world 迷你世界:善良的国王,为了把公主给嫁出去,却把公主嫁给了恩人 - Duration: 3:16.
BTS부터 아이즈원까지… '올 기대 가수 톱4.방탄소년단.트와이스.아이즈원.NCT127 - Duration: 9:20.
Royal news : REVEALED: How Kate Middleton 'flashed her BOTTOM at boys out of the window' - Duration: 3:14.
The Duchess joined the prestigious Marlborough College midway through the academic year in 1996 after being "bullied" by other girls at Downe House – an all-girls boarding school in Berkshire
According to 2011 documentary "Kate Middleton: Biography", Prince William's wife had very little confidence when she first arrived at Marlborough and looked "kind of gangly, tall, and awkward"
However, after her GCSEs, Kate took a trip to Argentina with the hockey team and then went on a family holiday to the Caribbean
During that summer, she started doing her hair and using make up before making everyone say "wow" when they saw her upon her return
As the Duchess of Cambridge's confidence grew, narrator Tony DiFalco revealed that Kate allowed herself to indulge in some "juvenile" behaviour
Royal author Christopher Andersen claimed "she had a mischievous streak" and Claudia Joseph went one step further, claiming that her antics included "flashing her bottom at the boys out of the window"
Mr Andersen added: "She was so famous for this at the school she became known as Kate Middlebum
" Despite being at the top of the "Fit List", which boys would sometimes pin on the walls, it doesn't appear Kate was in as many relationships as some of her contemporaries while at Marlborough
According to one friend, she was consciously "saving herself" for someone special while at college
The Duchess left the prestigious boarding school in July 2000 to attend St Andrews University where she met her future husband
Prince William, by contrast, attended Eton College in Berkshire, where he was later joined by his younger brother Prince Harry
According to recent reports, Prince George might not follow in his father's footsteps by attending the elite Eton College
Last month, sources close to the royal couple told the Daily Mail they are considering Marlborough college for their son in order to give him a "less traditional" education
They said: "Eton hasn't been ruled out but they have talked at length about Marlborough as an option and the smart money is on George going there instead
"They are very keen to allow George to spread his wings as a child and won't ever do what people expect them to do when it comes to their children
[ENGSUB + VIETSUB] Run BTS! 2019 - EP.64 - Duration: 33:29.
[RUN BTS EP.64 BTS School 2]
[Previous episode] [Candidate for class president] Vote for class leader for period 1
[Promises full of personality for each person] We all grow up and nothing can stop us
My class will be class 1.
I don't care about the class president position.
[Jungkook's heartbreaking statement makes people lose their heart]
So exciting!
[With that heartbreaking sentence, he won the position of class president] - Jungkook! - Woa! - Thank you everyone.
[Non-stop going into music details] The instrument we will play is Hand Bell.
[A team assigns everything to the feeling] No music needed
[And one team works harder than anyone else]
[What will their ending look like?]
[We will start now] Don't shake it !!!
10 minutes already! Stop!
[Resume a Stop word] - Stop! 10 minutes already! - Stop!
[Can't just watch, the class representative says a word] - Stop! x0309 - STOP !!!!!
[Not interested] [RM & V sinks in the world of 2 people] Across!
- Did you not listen to the Jungkook's words ?? - Wait for us a bit.
- Our fault is wrong, - Well, it's a bad language to hear.
[Jingle, Jingle] Same sound.
- Uh ha. - Different? Other sounds. - Other sounds.
- Other. - This is the sound.
[Recognition] Well, different.
Keep quiet, 10 minutes already.
[Now, please be quiet ...] - Don't touch it anymore. - Please stop it.
- Even if you lose, stop it. - We don't do anything, waste time.
- Losing it, stop it! - Now, which team wants to test first?
[Jeon Jungkook team is full of energy] Our team will play first!
- Ok. - Lastly, Jeon Jungkook asked to play first! - Team Jeon Jungkook.
Let's start watching.
[Tragic] - You guys, before you start, How do we gather gas? - Ok!
- Please click once. - Ack!
[Jeon Jungkook team tries!] - 1, 2, 3 Fighting! - Let's go!
- Ho "Challenge" and start watching. - Team Jeon Jungkook, Challenge!
[Stress] Run too.
[How elegant]
Daeng x309
- What happen? - Look carefully at the music.
What is it, shaking up?
- There is a rhythm. [Hateful, scary] - What is this?
[Gradually know the preciousness of the song] - Looks like I have to do this. - Could it be ..
[Like this? Like this?] What is the note of the note?
[That's right, what is the note?]
[Finally started watching the music] Do you have to do this again?
- Team name, Kim Seokjin! - Ok!
- Challenges! - Challenges! [Nothing has failed once already ..] - Failed once before.
We do dentistry.
[Hardest in the world] [As expected of the class representative] Teacher, finish teaching to meet us at all.
[That's right?] Daeng! x218 It's not!
Looks like you guys misunderstood the sound that was put in the lesson, right?
[Try shaking away] Wait, brother, you try to shake it.
Same as x2
Why are you suspicious?
[Warmth x2] We do the following as required.
[Jeon Jungkook team is challenging again] From us first, teacher, we will try again!
[How will it be?] Challenges!
[Quiet, time for performance] - Team Jeon Jungkook Challenge! - Everyone please be quiet.
[FaSol FaSol FaSol FaSol FaSol FaSol]
[SolMi x6]
[SiRe x6]
[DoDo x3 ..?]
[Hand Bell flies away, panic]
[Hope is stressed because of Hand Bell] - Honey! - Wait, you're stressed out.
- It turns out that I'm in the form of a fear of starting really. - I'm stressed out.
- Hello everyone, really. - Hope, do well. - Sorry, I will do well.
[Didn't play half anymore but tried the 3rd chance already] Currently trying for the 3rd time
[Jeon Jungkook team lost 2 times] The second time is that failure.
[Wang scattered aegyo] He skipped for once to go to the teacher, He was dropped and the teacher.
Practice, practice for lots of challenges
Guys, we practice for another 5 minutes.
[And then, quickly practice you] - Practice adding 5p. - Begin.
[Observation, monitoring] Where are you, Si?
[Jungkook team is proceeding smoothly]
- Hoseok huh. - You have to hurry up. - You wake up!
[Ah .. So that's not it?] Don't try to shake this.
[Because it's easy to mistake, just shake it for 1 time] Just shake once is okay.
[Start Hand Bell with a safer way] Should I do this?
[Quietly] [Observed] [Hardworking]
[Hardworking] [Focus]
[Even though it's a little bit messy, it's a very good concert]
It is true that it is all over.
[In this case the most miserable is Suga] The ears hurt so much
[Slightly bowed form] Sol Sol Sol La Sol
[Test format before after calculation] Let's try.
Why is it so urgent?
There is one note below.
[Tell us what you wrote] Must play to that place.
[This? Right?] I will teach, I'm so upset.
[Unable to stop, Jungkook teaches]
According to the teacher, it seems like Jungkook alone won too?
[Hope is being taught by Jungkook] I look.
Study time of Hoseok!
[Kim Seokjin team is also discussing whether there is anything stuck?] Is it written as SiDoSi?
[Opinion members should shake together or not] It is very interesting.
You have to shake Do and La.
- So just say, have to hold both up at the same time. - Have to shake that Do and La together.
[Do Sol Mi Do]
If so, then..
[This size is almost done training] [Focusing on sight]
[Aigoo Hope huh .. Hope ignored Mi and jumped to Re]
[MOM is funny] Do you want to change places?
Guys, try again, I think you can do it well.
Let's do it one more time.
[Suddenly I am excited] You will do well, again.
[Panic x2] Do Si .. You have to do this. Wait for me a bit, it's too hard.
[Really too tired] I must have stayed up all night and some kids.
[Confident] Teacher, can you give up?
- Don't give up! - No! - Unexpected teaching, No words called giving up.
[Jin even wanted to be able to do it] It's not your turn, teacher.
Unexpected teaching, No words called give up! The kids who failed were not allowed to go home, did they know?
[World of 2 people] [Lonely] I also want to shake it so that it doesn't go where I see it [.
[Suga cultivates strong students] Those who failed were not allowed to go home, Just know it!
[This is x2] Do Si La Sol, right.
That's right, that's it! Do Si La Sol.
[Jeon Jungkook team is also doing the same episode.
[Bam bam bam]
[He is really]
[Too much] But it's not that I look at you like I want to kill are you too
I'm sorry, I also suddenly couldn't control my face.
[Began Jungkook's instruction]
[Disturbance up]
Star? Give more time ha?
[Don't know if time makes sense ..] Give me more?
We challenge again ha? Do it slowly?
[Real worry] Can you do it now?
[Did not hear x2]
Really challenging slowly?
- Initially .. - Challenges! - Challenges!
- Last challenge. - According to the teacher The number of challenges doesn't make sense.
Jeon Jungkook team challenges!
- Since there is no BPM, we do it slowly. - Slowly.
[FaSol x6]
[SolMi x6]
[SiRe x6]
[DoDo x4 SiRe LaMi]
[FaSol x6]
[SolMi x6] Slowly slowly.
[SiRe x6]
[Do Sol Mi Do Do]
[Jeon Jungkook team does not mix with the song] - Daeng! - Daeng is right, this place you guys don't work together
[What do you mean?] - What's wrong? [Please] - Please watch the music! Music sheet!
[What's wrong with the mouth] That's it
[Hate can't stand it] - The sound is also wrong - I told you to look at the universal music! I give the universal music to do it!
[Now that these three guys look at the universal music, they burst into laughter]
J-Hope just looked at Jimin like this
[J-Hope performs and notices Jimin's face]
[So funny]
[Progress doesn't change at all] I have to think about why it is the "Chopsticks" song
[This time your father is acting in accordance with the universal music] This is what to do?
[This time Mr. Suga is talking to himself as well] Tell me, look at the universal music!
You guys don't read universal music at all! Tell me the universal music
[V is encouraging RM with Jin] No problem, we just play slowly
[Wanderer] [In the end, Jimin seemed to be online]
[J-Hope laughs at the chair]
[Jeon Jung Kook Team like this is really crazy]
The episode alone may even have that ability
[Jimin, do you want to play alone?] This game ...
[How wise] Let me play alone for
[Kim Seok Jin team is extremely serious] Look, this song has to go down
[This is like this] Try it
[We can't do it] Can not
Attention, attention, attention
[Style 1: You guys don't listen, Type 2: you obey] [Pay attention to Mr. Suga a bit] Attention
- The other team didn't listen to anything - Hey, pay attention
- I told you to pay attention! - Now you know your level
At first glance ... well, this size is considered as an attempt
Then the teacher will treat it as a success
[Instead, each team has 3 chances] Instead, each team will have 3 chances
What is this about?
- Good job - Can I change one?
Just the right sound is good, is that okay?
[ Definitive ] Can not
[Suga is listening to Jeon Jung Kook team saying]
[Not so] I told you to read universal music
[Suga also directly models them to see] This is this
[It has only one sound scale so it is easy to get confused from the beginning] Please try it
If you do that, you have to do this
And all these guys have been doing this all this time
- I told you to look at universal music - It looks weird
[It's not Jungkook, music is right] - It's different from music and we know - Just follow the right music
[Each person is self-studying] Each person wrote his part
This one
[Now teach you again of Jungkook, who first recognized] This is it
In universal music, its rhythm is 3/4 What are you guys just ...
[Silly, mythical] What about the kids who are playing 4/4 rhythm?
What is that again teacher! Stop doing anything
[In the end, Suga still has to stand up again] [You guys are still here ...] There's a do -si mix
[Can't get into a fight with teacher Jungkook] - Look at this - I know - Listen
- There's a mix of si-si - That's it
[Oh my, Jeon Jungkook team turned out to be right] I said that's right!
That's it, it went down like this
[I made a mistake]
[V is sharing optimistic energy] We can do it, will do it
So this Chopsticks song is so hard
Everyone, this waltz genre is 3/4 beat
Don't read that 4/4 beat
[RM seems to not understand and Jin, V understands it] - what is this, don't know anything - ok, I'm done
Come on! temporarily Come on!
[Never mind] Attention
- No more work! - Pay attention - I can't do it
[You guys please pay attention to Suga a bit] - Now let's focus - Attention
[In the end, there are times when all notes Suga] Just not too much
- Then I will give you credit - Let's play - Team name Kim Seok Jin
- Start playing - Just listen
This is Chopsticks sheet music
[Degree of difficulty decreases so much] Just ding ding ding through this is done
5, 6, 7, 8
[fa sol sol sol sol]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi]
[si re si re si re si]
[due to due to a due to a rash]
[fa sol sol sol sol]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi what?] Hurry Hurry
[The faster the beat, the more tangled you become] Not like this ~ wrong
[ So fast ] - That's the match, what's wrong?
- It's too fast - It's too fast
[Now they are like they are liberated] - Just do it slowly - Try it - That's right, let's try it
[Team Jeon Jungkook tried] - Get started - Get started
[fa sol sol sol sol]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi]
[si re si re si re si] You guys must win
[due to due to a due to a rash] [Try listening to learning]
[fa sol sol sol sol]
[Sol mi Sol mi Sol mi Sol mi]
[si re si re si re si] slowly
[by do mi do]
[So cute] [si do ra si sol]
[issue fa sol mi sol mi fa fa]
[Fa?] This is wrong, Sai!
[Jimin 2nd attack]
- Stop it, stop it - Don't pay attention to others, focus on yourself
- Stop it - Teacher
Teacher, we are trying very hard
- Kim Seok Jin team tries - OK, come on!
[Jungkook also tried to net once]
[Now feel the tolerance of the teachers] The teachers were just as gentle as the bodhisattva at school.
[ Too tired ] Honestly
5, 6, 7, 8
[fa sol sol sol sol]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi] So fast
[si re si re si re si]
[ Hard work ] [[due to due to a due to a cause of death]
[fa sol sol sol sol] Very good
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi] So fast ! so fast !
[si re? re? re? re?] Why not look?
Why don't you look?
It feels faster
[Chance for Jeon Jungkook team]
Dont stop playing the next part
There were 40 kids like this when they went to school
[Many statements imply] Wow
[RM before launching silk] sisisi, then how to do it
[now please succeed] Try it! Team Jeong Jungkook
- Let's start - What do you guys do to match it?
Just slowly Why are everyone rushing?
Get rid of the chairs
[Only a word from Jungkook that they have moved in order] - Get it out - We have to move
- Get it out - Good - Ready? - Ready
[Let's see how ready they are.] - Let's go - Let's go
[ What? ]
[Not at all, it's not like this] Kim Seok Jin too
[Too funny] [I can't see it] What did everyone do?
[J-Hope can't breathe] Suddenly ....
Why did you suddenly do this?
[Meanwhile Team Kim Seok Jin is trying to match the rhythm] - OK - Must be slower
It's really slow
Try ! Hurry up!
[Now, Kim Seok Jin team really tried again] - Team Kim Seok Jin - Challenge - Hurry up!
[fa sol sol sol sol] [What is it doing?]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi]
[si re si re si re si] [Sensing]
[due to due to a due to a rash]
[fa sol sol sol sol]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi] Slowly
[si re si re si re si]
[due to due to] [RM repeated it again?]
Why do you play that song!
[What the hell is that]
[Everyone laughs with RM] I told you to play this song
Hey! Just play it once and then go on, just play it again
[Finally V must point back] - Do si ra sol - Sorry
[J-Hope lies rolling and laughing]
[ Noisy ] I told you to play Do sol mi
[It's almost back to the repeating symbol] When did you repeat that repeat sign?
Just play once and go on, crazy, really
[Jin inhibited, V radiant and RM full of remorse] I told you, Do sol mi!
Sorry, I'm sorry
Try it? do you need practice
- OK, come on - Just play slowly
- This is the last time ? - Why is the last time that teacher?
According to the teacher, the 3 times they could not do it were considered to be harmonious
[If this attempt was not successful, it would be considered a tie] - OK, let's start - Do it
[Only the second period, the most tired one is Suga] I want to die here
[Take a breath] - Test - Start
Team Jeon Jungkook tried
[fa sol sol sol sol] The posture
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi] All of them were swooning]
[si re si re si re si] Slow down
[The three are playing the rhythm of the chapter] [due to due to a rash]
[So cute] [Going adventure]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi]
[Hope, that's right]
[I am too soft] [It's easy to mistake] [Do do mi do]
[due to si sol]
[Hope is sidestepping] [issue fa sol mi sol mi sol sol]
[fa re fa re fa] [Jimin looks like the busiest]
[So funny]
[BTS School with a harmonious atmosphere full of laughter]
[ Panic ] [si do so sol sol fa]
[sol mi sol mi fa fa]
[It's done now] [fa re fa re fa fa]
[mi do mi do mi do]
[Jeon Jungkook team succeeds neatly] Success !
[Successfully celebrating this is almost like winning an Olympic prize] Daebak!
[Touching tears] - It is true that the victory is full of humanity - Tears ...
- We were too hard - Too miserable
- I have tears in my eyes - We are miserable
[Which is fun] That's funny
[This is also the last chance for Kim Seok Jin's team] - There's a last chance for Kim Seok Jin team - last chance
As I see it, you can't do it
What's up here? read it!
[That's right, go play death] There is no story to give up! OK, let's do it!
[Last chance of Kim Seok Jin team] Kim Seok Jin team, try
[Extremely cautious
[fa sol sol sol sol] [ So cute ]
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi] [Expressive expression] But faster and faster
[Slow down] [si re si re si re] [If this is the case, then use the head and feel it]
[Kim Seok Jin team up one by one to stand up] [due to due to the cause of death]
[Ngự ngoc ngự ng] fa sol sol sol sol sol sol
[sol mi sol mi sol mi sol mi] [Being alone in panic]
[ So funny ] [si re si re si re si]
[by do mi do]
[ Where ?]
[si do ra si sol fa?]
[is RM again] What are you doing?
[How is that]
[ So funny ]
Sit down
[Study here] [V decided to leave] I'm leaving here
[The teacher is miserable among the idle siblings]
I still play 3 more
I can't play fast
The other part is not right
Teacher, but we have to work together to solve this
[ Right ] So after any challenges after that
I think we can get through it all
This time, Jeon Jungkook wins the team
Jeon Jungkook got 5 points
[So Jeon Jungkook is leading the team]
Teacher, but do I wonder if the challenges will be like this later?
[Hours of music with unexpected joys] People don't know it's hard, right
In the immediate future, I don't know how to read universal music
[Children play with emotion, not reason] - We can read - Read universal music
- It's hard - I feel more than watching music
[V is still suffering from regret] All done
It's over ! Don't try again
Taehyung who plays the piano wins all [Protect brother]
[Later on playing Piano]
Next is lunch break
Is it okay to eat rice?
- Rice time - Everyone is struggling
[At noon it is natural to run away now]
[Point to this point] [BTS School -2] [Item 1 vote for class president: Jungkook is elected]
[2-hour music lesson: Team Jeon Jungkook got 5 points]
Be quiet, pay attention
This noon will be a personal competition that does not affect the whole group score
[Lunchtime] [BTS School -2 -] [Personal lunch time]
[Look at the enlarged food figures and if you guess what is the right item to receive it]
[And start eating lunch right away] [Rice and water are available]
Then you have to guess?
Teacher is not
He looked at the food and it was full
Just try eating it!
Must eat to live
Firstly !
- First picture - Teacher, there's a solution behind
Teacher, I guess Kimchi
[Full of heart] Teacher, I guess Kimchi
[So Kimchi can't be eaten]
[Full of dissatisfaction] Because you said so, Kimchi is cut off
Kimchi is cut off
Because of Park Jimin, you can't eat Kimchi
[Bursting out in anger] Life is like that
There is no Kimchi I'm fine
[That's the end of the Kim dish, the first dish is given] - And this is the first dish image - Kim Seok Jin!
What is that Ginseng mountain?
[I don't know what this is] - Is this too big, this is too big? - Exaggerated
Kim Seok Jin, honey
[Of course not honey] False
What is it?
Look closely, see what it looks like
You know, you know, why don't you know?
[Even though you know it, you may find it a little strange and don't know how to see it] - How to know it - But you can see it clearly
Then because you guys can't guess, the teacher will show you a less enlarged image
[RUN! BTS is prepared very well] Very well prepared!
Kim Seok Jin
[Looking at the image lessened makes everyone full of will] - Jeon Jungkook - Kim Seok Jin
- Radish - False
- V, spicy chicken stew - False
- Park Jimin, chicken cooked sesame glutinous rice cake - Exactly
[Hope is as happy as her story]
But this is personal play, go somewhere else
[After hearing the answer, everyone became even more dissatisfied] - But is that chicken cooking that glutinous rice cake?
- Crazy - Really?
[Jeon Jungkook team is really love and love] - No, Hoseok, let's eat it - OK
Jungkook, let's eat and share
Remember to bring dessert
- This is probably guessing - Kim Seok Jin
This looks like that deep tooth
Teacher, look like an ear Right?
Jeon Jungkook, his navel
[What kind of genre] False
Your belly button is food?
[But Suga-sensei went to explain it] Navel teacher doesn't have this black
[Looks like it's the navel master] Looks like it isn't
He considers which one is less enlarged
I said that, it's a deep tooth
- RM - It has eyes
- Rim anchovy - False
Kim Seok Jin, chilli shrimp
[As expected Eat Jin is different] Can you guess this?
[I am Eat Jin]
[Just raised it and shouted the name] - Kim Seok Jin! grilled bacon - wrong
- RM, soybean meal - False
[What is it?] Isn't it?
Did you look through a microscope?
- Must show which image is less enlarged - Must see the image less zoom
It's not about zooming, but zooming in
Look, it is bean bag
- V! Fried potato pancakes - Wrong
It is fried bread
[Give suggestions] In addition, this is a fried dish
- Kim Seok Jin, fried pork (+ sauce) - Exactly !
[The class Eat Jin has another]
[Although it is a personal exam, celebrating is like a group competition] - Daebak - What did you guys get?
[Lunch situation of Kim Seok Jin team] - Bulgogi, Kimchi jigae, what I / - Fried pork, chilli shrimp
[ngoe nguoi] - Jin à - daebak
At this time, do we get along well?
[ Angry ] Who are you?
- I'm Jimin, first met me, right? - Next
- Kim Seok Jin - Bat
[Why is there a bat here?] - Sesame leaves - Wrong
- V, red beans - False
- Red bean porridge - False
- Park Jimin, lynx - Jeon Jungkook, Sundae - Wrong
[At this point one doesn't know] just scream
- Kim Seokjin, beef - false
- RM, butter - Dishes made with that beef
[Why keep saying that the image is bigger than that] - Must show the larger image - What does beef have?
[This time it's better] - Kim Seok Jin - Park Jimin
Beef breast meat
- Braised beef with fish sauce - False
V, bone steak.
[dish size gradually increased] Why suddenly ...
RM, potatoes in potato soup
- J-hope, beef ribs cooked rice cakes - exactly
[I'm the best]
[RM starts to babble alone] Is that the rice cake flank? yes
- Kim Seok Jin - What is this?
[next dish appears] - Kim Seok Jin - what is that?
- Jeon Jungkook - Is it butter?
- Five meat only - False
Jeon Jungkook, squeeze duck meat
How to squeeze it?
- So squeeze this - Squeeze your shoulder, squeeze that leg?
[ What did you say ] - Where do you squeeze it? - I don't know
Just squeeze it
[This dish Jung Kook doesn't give, so don't eat] This dish does not eat. This is a banana.
- Don't say bananas are broken! - This is a banana.
- This is bananas! - Is this a banana?
- You're kidding. - Conscience has evaporated!
Looks like I know what that is.
[That's right, Jimin! It's him!] Looks like cutting off the book and then launching it.
[The more you see, the more you guess lum la] What ... Probably.
[The picture is the enlarged part of the banana]
It is really too much.
- Director, why is that so? - This is predictable.
What is this?
[A photo, want to flip BTS School] - Jeon Jung Kook! - This is a work of art.
Is this a spiritual picture?
Show me the little picture zoom in a little bit
[From here drawn] Any picture will zoom in and out slightly.
[Don't be angry]
- It's the same. - J-Hope, poached egg fish sauce? - False.
- Kim Seok Jin. - Park Jimin. Shrimp paste.
[Any red food that knows it screams out] - Yangnyeom-gaejang - Wrong.
- What is that? - Didn't it reveal?
J-Hope, cherry tomatoes?
[It's not like that] False
- Park Jimin! Tomato! - Exactly.
[Do not believe in me to guess right]
[See also tomato varieties] It is tomato.
'Good tomato is delicious'
[Honey not yet] 'It's me'
[Tomato song, a whole season of memories coming back from Hope] - 'I will become a juice' - Free!
[Then become what] I am ... Then what is it.
- It's over. - Happy lunch ended.
[Is lunch just on the game?] Isn't it okay to eat?
No, have to eat.
[Lunch results] [BTS School -2-] [Suga - Special part meal]
[RM - Bulgogi, chili tuna] [Jin - Spicy shrimp, Doncatsu, pickled yellow radish]
[J-Hope - Japanese mackerel, Pork pork ribs] [Jimin - Chicken, Tomato]
[V - Kimchi hotpot] [Jung Kook - Potato]
[Lunch for members] - Delicious meal in front of everyone. - It's here.
Partial meal?
Each member opens his meal
- I will open your meal. - I will show off my food.
J-Hope first do it.
[J-Hope shows off her rice (?)]
Grilled pork ribs and Japanese mackerel grilled.
A combination is not that bad.
[It's Jimin's turn to show off] - My turn? - Next is Jimin.
This is fried chicken meat.
[RM & Jin envy the fried chicken] - That is with rice. - Got 2 boxes.
- And. - Jimin guessed a lot.
[Close up]
- What happen? - What's up? - Rice.
- Rice. - Eat fried chicken with rice and tomatoes?
Next is the class representative.
[A dessert among the class leaders choose] - I have a dessert. - That's right.
- Class rep. - New main food.
[What is it?]
[White rice and (1 bit) seaweed] Eating white rice with seaweed is out of luck.
Next is Jin.
[Jin is a rich home] [Guo!] He is this rich man.
[High Quality] Doncatsu, spicy fried shrimp and pickled yellow radish.
[Recognition] This lunch box is delicious.
[Next is V] Next up.
But this one opened up and got cold.
So have to shake this up.
[What is that?] Don't know what's in it and shake it?
Canh Kimchi and rice.
[Oh yeah]
[So cute] Next
[Next is RM] - Chilli tuna. - Delicious.
[There are Bulgogi but dissatisfied because too little] Next is the Bulgogi beef.
But I didn't think I had a bit like this.
[What are the members saying to the RM] - This is it. - Yes.
[Look at people who only have rice and seaweed] Be grateful to eat. See if he only has this seaweed.
And this is my heart. Kimchi.
[O Ye] Kimchi.
[Kimchi is the best] Just eat with Kimchi, there's nothing left.
His lunch box is also especially different.
[Surprise] Wow ~
[Private lunch box for teachers] His food is so delicious.
[Teacher Suga struggles] Today he suffered very badly, so he tastes really good, teacher.
You eat really well, teacher.
- Let's eat together. - We will eat well!
[Although it is a special dish, the delicious kids still share it with you] Eat chili tuna.
Thank you.
[Jin always cares about you] I thank you.
We are a house.
- One house. - We are one.
[Children share food together]
[The kids have a good lunch together] - Let's share it for each other. - Let's eat together.
[Suddenly Jin stood up from position] Name of the group Jeon Jung Kook.
[Are you going to tell us?] Name of the group Jeon Jung Kook.
- Do you like spicy fried shrimp? - I like it.
[Is pushing Jungkook] - Call 'big brother'. - Boss.
[It's our eldest brother] Thank you for your spicy fried shrimp.
[Reverse battle] Call 'big brother'.
[Children get along so well]
[What is he doing?]
[The school is sharing spicy fried shrimp] - Enjoy your meal. - Thank you, sir.
- He divided spicy fried shrimp for everyone! - Yes!
[Divide it according to your preferences] Jimin does not like spicy fried shrimp.
[Too touching] You like Doncatsu so he divided the Doncatsu.
[BTS School unite is number 1] The friendship of classmates is really precious.
[The seedlings share with each other]
[Later will become a large forest]
- Teacher. We finished eating! - We eat well.
[Class rep still hungry] Let's give way.
[Wrath] Eat up, Jung Kook.
- Class rep - Delicious.
[Fire] Delicious?
Tomorrow he will bring more box lunches.
[Drama situation not yet finalized]
[Funny too]
We go through any physical education.
[Next school Go Go!] OK, gym class.
[After eating, study gymnastics] - Have you had a good lunch? - Yes.
The third lesson is Physical Education.
[Lesson 3 Physical Education] [BTS School -2-] [Revolving competition of each team]
[Each member takes on different tasks, follow your turn order]
[Then perform the task together the last collective is WINS]
[In the middle of losing, you have to play again from the beginning]
[Which group is faster then that group WIN]
[Personal items] [Step 1: Pull in the hanger from the top down through the foot]
[Step 2: Make the elephant, turn 10 times, follow the teacher's instructions, perform the movements for 5 seconds]
[Step 3: Member completes step 2, throw the ring to the 3rd person to enter]
[Item of team competition] [Raise the ball: The whole team has a 20-ball ball together]
[Jeong Jung Kook's group started up strategy] I think Jimin fits the hanger.
Because Jimin is very slim.
Jimin performs the hanger. I will make an elephant.
[It is true that the confident dance leader is different] After filming, you just need to be like this.
And Jung Kook will pick up the round.
- Your group has the right proportions. - That's it.
So our team is difficult.
[Jin has a broad shoulder so he can't play a hanger] Seok Jin is not ...
- Seok Jin plays a hanger as a hanger. - Seok Jin can't play a hanger.
If you don't play a hanger. Then someone who is not flexible cannot play.
[How do we do it?] I have no plasticity.
Think carefully.
[Hope is helping the opponent group] I see that Seok Jin should play a hanger ...
I think so.
Anyway, I lost.
[RM is so familiar now] Let's try to find a way to get the volume.
But I can't play the elephant.
- So let me make an elephant. - Then I will make a hanger.
So you will shake the ring.
[Jin jumped over the ring (?)] - OK, good. - Try it!
[Official physical education begins] Which group played first?
Which group was first?
- 2 leaders Pull away Bo Bao Bao. - OK.
[What is the Prisoner? Kim Seok Jin VS Jeon Jung Kook
Whoever wins, he is determined.
[Pull in] [Jin ... Why is it natural ...]
You can't do it. You can't do it.
[Eh ... That's fine] Ok
[Good example] [Thanks to Jin, Jimin knows how to play] Thanks to you, I know how to get away. Thank you
- Did you come in? - You just want to try it and see.
Give up the regret, reuse it.
[Baby RM is playing alone] This is hard.
[Wadadada] [Eventually RM disappeared from the shooting angle] Have this microphone.
One two Three.
[Jeon Jung Kook Team has the right to choose] - Wins. - OK, we're not there yet?
[Being asking each other's opinions] - We play first? - How. Leader, you decided
- So play first. - Play first. OK.
[Jeon Jung Kook Team challenges first] - I play it right away. - I play quickly.
Physical education lesson now It is best to study after lunch time.
- Exactly - Period 5, period 6.
[That's right] [Student's heroic story] Play soccer at lunch time
Next is gymnastics.
[Those students who used to play soccer at noon] - That's too standard. - Trat's ha.
Not good.
[Prepare but still not ready] - Prepare. - We have nothing to prepare.
[Turn to go back]
[Start while not awake]
[Visiting] - So fast. - So fast! Good, Jimin!
[Endless fruit of Jimin completed quickly] So fast.
It hasn't been 10 seconds yet.
[Next is Hope making the elephant Begin] - twelfth
[And turn around] 3 4
[Round] 5
[Kim Seok Jin Team looks at the opponent playing and strategy] - I will play slowly. At no good balance. - 7 8
[Dizziness too] 9, 10
[Task to perform movements in 5 seconds] - What's up? - Begin.
[Hope! Where do you go?] 1 2 3
4 5
[Next is Jung Kook] OK
[Shoot] OK!
Hold the cord!
[Last mission of team football] - Hold the cord. - Prepare. Begin.
[Start using breasts] twelfth
[Where does the ball come from?] Can not!
[Shoot too far! Future golden feet!]
[Laughing want to faint]
[Exciting too much] Restart!
[Hurry hurry] Must start immediately.
- Hanger - How to kick the ball.
[Wear this shirt and borrow this ball] Can I borrow the ball?
[Elephant spinning] Great story.
[The youngest brother is just tipin 'to you, but you don't hear] I have to hold the cord short. Short, short.
[Hope turns the Never Ending elephant] 1 2 3
- Is it alright? - 4
- You, I did it slowly, did you win that? - Slowly do win
[Kim Seok Jin team thinks that he made his first win right away] It is okay to win the first time.
[Dizziness too] 9 10
- Bridge. - Begin!
[Posture caught!] twelfth
3 4 5
[Members are master] J-Hope is good
[Sick!] [Sick!] OK!
Hurry Hurry.
[2nd team competition part] - Hold the wire short. - Short.
Stretch out.
[Be careful] - Stretch the cord. - Begin.
[3 members compete in team] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
[I smile] 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
12, 13, 14
[Close to destination] 15, 16, 17
[Touching with success, with a loud shout] 18, 19, 20!
[Success!] 20!
1 minute 42 seconds.
[Jeon Jung Kook Team finished faster than I thought] - Great. Not so bad. - Not too bad.
[Kim Seok Jin team comes on]] Not easy.
The director is unexpected.
[We? So that's it!] - I didn't expect to play that fast. - 1 minute 42 seconds?
At first, the hanger part was less than 10 seconds long.
[Faster than anyone else] So fast! Good, Jimin!
Come on.
Ready? Kim Seok Jin group, Ready?
[Monumental] Count 1 2 3 Fighting. 1 2 3
- Fighting! - OK!
Prepare. Begin!
[Claw] Tae Hyung is easy to eat porridge.
Probably trapped by the butt.
[So cute]
Being stuck is always good.
[But still passed] - Good - 12 seconds.
[RM turned slowly but surely] 4 5 6 7
[Prepare for the next game] 8 9 10
- Slowly. - Slowly.
Take a deep breath.
[Relax] Begin!
[Raise 1 leg] 1 2 3
4 5!
[Revelation] [Busy preparation for the team competition] 4 5!
[No longer awake] 1 2 3
[Win the first time!] OK!
So fast.
[Only the teammate's part is left, only 38 seconds] The time now is 37, 38 seconds.
Slowly ... be careful.
Drill, do not handle the gasket.
Now ... Sure the strings? OK
[Strict] Do not grasp the pads.
[What is this]
[Finally starting to lift the ball] - 4 5 - 1 2 3 4
- Do not hold the pad. - 4 5 6 7
[Kim Seok Jin Team promotes teamwork for the last game] 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
[Success!] 16, 17, 18, 19, 20!
- Accomplished - Good players
- That same minute. - Ya ~
Exactly 1 minute 41 seconds.
We lost.
[OMG] - Gymnastics that we won too? - Wins.
[Miracle (?) Kim Seok Jin made a miracle] Is it a miracle?
[Miracle makes victory!]
[Jeon Jung Kook Team lost unexpectedly] It's gone. Gymnastics that we lost to us.
[Gymnasium ends with the victory belongs to Kim Seok Jin Team] End.
[Current score] [BTS School -2-]
[Kim Seok Jin Team] [Music Details: 0 points; Exercise Details: 5 points, Total Score: 5 points]
[Jeon Jung Kook Team] [Music Details: 5 points; Exercise Details: 0 points, Total Score: 5 points]
- So we got a point? - Draw points. - OK!
[Play until now!]
There is still the last lesson that is Quoc Van.
[Worried like a mountain] Quoc Van must do?
[Next BTS School Story] The fourth lesson, Quoc Van is a discussion subject.
You want to be recognized.
[Feelings and feelings] - Do not get emotional thinking. - The society is full of feelings.
I have no friends?
[Suddenly Jung Kook was shot with water?] I ...
[Familiar words So water is shot!] I!
You have to discuss it.
[Opening his mouth is every look focused on him]
[V doesn't understand anything like it] I like.
[The feeling of laughing at his words]
[And one more]
[Privileges for class leaders are hidden] - Exemption from penalty? - Or privilege?
[What is the privilege for class rep that is so amazing?] Daebak.
[Run BTS] EP.64 BTS School 2]
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