Saturday, February 16, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 16 2019

There were too many after you

Most of all are blaming on me

Me on the ground you at the moon

One who cry for me not seeing for a while

Who stopped?

Mine to be mine

too many after you

Most of all are blaming on me

Me on the ground you at the moon

One who cry for me not seeing for a while

Who stopped?

Mine to be mine

One who cry for me not seeing for a while

Who stopped?

Mine to be mine

The Divine tears My happiness

The world became darker around me

Me on the ground you at the moon

One who cry for me not seeing for a while

Who stopped?

Mine to be mine

Divine tears mine

The world became darker around me

Me on the ground you at the moon

One who cry for me not seeing for a while

Who stopped?

Mine to be mine

One who cry for me not seeing for a while

Who stopped?

Mine to be mine

Heartless mind says you love

You act like ture being false

Me on the ground you at the moon

One who cry for me not seeing for a while

Who stopped?

Mine to be mine

Says you love

You act like ture being false

Me on the ground you at the moon

One who cry for me not seeing for a while

Who stopped?

Mine to be mine

One who cry for me not seeing for a while

Who stopped?

Mine to be mine

One who cry for me not seeing for a while

Who stopped?

Mine to be mine

One who cry for me not seeing for a while

Who stopped?

Mine to be mine

For more infomation >> कस्ले राेक्याे मेराे हुनमा || Lyrical Video 2075, 2019 || Naina Pariyar || Kasle Rokyo Mero Hunama - Duration: 10:12.


韓國瑜拋「你儂我儂」!沈富雄超喜歡 提16字新論述- 热点新闻 - Duration: 2:00.

高雄市長韓國 瑜日前接受 媒體專訪

指兩岸應該是 「你儂我儂 」、

互相深愛對方 的關係

「就像換手抓 癢

你癢我幫你抓 、

我癢你幫我抓 」

一席話引起外 界討論。


前民進黨立委 沈富雄今( 15日)在 TVBS《 少康戰情室 》直言「我 喜歡」

認為此說法既 機靈又刁鑽

建議藍營應該 把「你儂我 儂」加入兩 岸政策。

韓國瑜日 前在專訪中 批評蔡政府 的兩岸政策

同時也提出新 想法

指九二共識有 政治嚴肅性

柯P的「兩岸 一家親」則 屬情感層面

「把兩岸一家 親講得很高

我心裡在偷笑 。


如果用情感層 面來談兩岸

應該是「你儂 我儂」、

互相深愛的關 係


「你癢我幫你 抓、

我癢你幫我抓 。

」 沈富雄 認為

韓國瑜的厲害 之處不在於 素養

而是他的機靈 和刁鑽

比起台北市長 柯文哲的空 無一物

「這個刁鑽是 有用的」; 至於對方拋 出的論述

他直言自己很 喜歡

因為「你儂我 儂」和「互 相抓癢」都 是對等關係 、

同樣屬於一種 共識

還能讓大陸國 家主席習近 平「打也不 是罵也不是 」

實在非常難纏 。

沈富雄指 出

韓國瑜的說法 被很多人批 評格局不夠 高、


甚至是沒有格 調

但自己相當不 以為然

他甚至替國民 黨想好了新 的兩岸政策

就是「九二共 識、





其實韓國瑜的 立場就是「 一中各表」

但發揮了小智 慧加上「你 儂我儂」

這便是以小事 大。

For more infomation >> 韓國瑜拋「你儂我儂」!沈富雄超喜歡 提16字新論述- 热点新闻 - Duration: 2:00.


「どこに置いてんの!」工藤静香がブルガリのチョコ自慢してツッコミ続出 - Duration: 4:10.

画/彩賀ゆう (C)まいじつ  歌手の工藤静香が2月10日に 身のインスタグラムを更新。投稿した写真が話題になっている。 関連】工藤静香の手料理が"超絶レベルアップ"で「購入した」説 上! ほか  工藤は「2月生まれの皆様お誕生日おめでとうござ ます

一番寒さが厳しく、一番愛を告白することが多い月に生まれた皆様 心も身体も温まる素敵な1年にして下さい」と、2月生まれの人へ バースデーメッセージとともに2枚の写真を投稿

 1枚目は黄色の花と高級ブランド『BVLGARI』(ブルガ )のバレンタインチョコレートを一緒に写したもの、2枚目は二粒 チョコを取り出し、寄り添わせている。    工藤の投稿にファ からは「ブルガリのバレンタインチョコ、すごく高級感が漂ってま ね

旦那様にプレゼントですか? 素敵です!」「しーちゃん、ありが うございます。私も2月なのでとても感激です」「BVLGARI チョコすごく高価。初めて見ましたあ」「BVLGARIハートチ コかわいいですね

投稿してくれてありがとうございます」と暖かい声が寄せられてい 。    「どこに置いてんの!」工藤静香がブルガリのチョコ自 してツッコミ続出このツッコミどころ、さすが愛されしーちゃん 一方ネット掲示板では、  《また食べ物を床に置いてない?》 これ、置いてるのフローリングの床じゃない?》 《贈るはずの食 物を床の上に置いてる!》 《一般人でも床に食べ物置かないのに 《床や箱の外側に置いたチョコを食べるキムタコ》 《床になぜ くかって? テーブルよりフローリングで撮った方が見栄えがよく るんだから仕方ないのさ》  など、チョコを床に置いているとい 指摘が多数

また、  《黄色のチューリップ、枯れてないか?》 《チューリ プだったの? しおれ過ぎていて分からんかった!》 《もうちょ とマシな花なかったんけ? シナシナじゃん》  など、花にもツ コミが続出している

 「いつも投稿している料理の写真は、"謎の木目調の板"の上 撮るのが定番の工藤。毎度、写真よりも背景が話題になるのが工藤 微笑ましいところです」(芸能記者)  写真の中にちゃんとツッ ミどころを入れるのを忘れないのが、工藤がネット民から愛され続 る要因だろう


For more infomation >> 「どこに置いてんの!」工藤静香がブルガリのチョコ自慢してツッコミ続出 - Duration: 4:10.


Vlogg: Kan en ett-åring städa? (English subtitles) - Duration: 5:05.

Hello everyone! I've had some issues with my camera.

So on Milo's birthday we were unfortunately unable to film much.

You will see some parts of it that I actually managed to film

I still hope that you can enjoy the little you will be able to see.


Oh, do I gett that too?

Thank you thank you.

He's too lovable, my son.

We had a really nice birthday with lots of people who came and visited him,

and celebrated his birthday.

It was super fun and delicious cake and cookies (fika).

It was very successful and he had a lot of fun too

But I was going to show something new that he has started with,

which I have shown on instagram but not here in my vlogs.

Well, I didn't think a one-year-old could help at home, but

look here and you will see

what they can actually help with, or at least Milo.

So, will you help mom?

Good! Continue.


Yes, go on.

This is so practical in any case.

Now I can get help Milo.

You help mom. Are you going to help mom more?

He's on me.


He has started to climb things, though mostly climbing as in standing on me.

And standing on dad.

And try to stand on the cat

He doesn't really do that

or so, he doesn't really succeed, but at least he tries.

And small things ...


Where's Milo?

It went well.

Is it exciting with the bathtub?

Are you talking to the cat?


That was all for this time. Thank you so much for watching.

And I hope I manage to fix the camera

and fix the memory card so that it gets better in the next vlog.

Feel free to press thumbs up if you liked this and have a good day.

Thank you for looking, bye!

For more infomation >> Vlogg: Kan en ett-åring städa? (English subtitles) - Duration: 5:05.


[Chương 62] ✔ Truyện ✔ [ Love by chance the series ] ✔ Được Gọi Là ✔ Tình cờ yêu - Duration: 1:11:06.

For more infomation >> [Chương 62] ✔ Truyện ✔ [ Love by chance the series ] ✔ Được Gọi Là ✔ Tình cờ yêu - Duration: 1:11:06.


✅ Andressa, mulher de Thammy Miranda, se emociona ao começar processo de fertilização: ''Nervosa'' - Duration: 1:33.

 O sonho do casal está prestes a se realizar! Thammy Miranda e Andressa Ferreira estão aumentando a família

   Andressa está em está em Miami, nos Estados Unidos, há algumas semanas para dar início ao processo de fertilização in vitro

Na manhã desta sexta-feira, 15, a atriz fez a retirada dos óvulos.  Durante o processo a coach não conteve a emoção e as lágrimas começaram a sair

 "Estou muito nervosa", admitiu já deitada na cama. Mesmo nervosa, ela não deixou de sorrir em nenhum momento

   Sem demoras a enfermeira confortou a morena. "Não se preocupe, nós vamos cuidar bem de você, é completamente normal se sentir assim", revelou

 Compartilhando sua trajetória nas redes sociais, Andressa já havia explicado o processo até a retirada dos óvulos em seu canal do YouTube

O próximo passo é a fecundação do embrião, após o processo ela voltará para o Brasil e depois de seis semanas retornará para os Estados Unidos para finalizar o processo

   Thammy Miranda e Andressa Ferreira optaram por um banco de doadores nos Estados Unidos devido a disponibilidade de informações

Ao contrário do Brasil, o pais libera por lei dados médicos, características físicas, preferências, escolaridade e traços da personalidade dos doadores

   Veja o vídeo AQUI.

For more infomation >> ✅ Andressa, mulher de Thammy Miranda, se emociona ao começar processo de fertilização: ''Nervosa'' - Duration: 1:33.


Macron s'est-il déjà prononcé en faveur de l'entrée de la Turquie dans l'UE ? - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> Macron s'est-il déjà prononcé en faveur de l'entrée de la Turquie dans l'UE ? - Duration: 8:34.


Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDI quattro Ambiente S-LINE 184PK | Rijklaarprijs Pan. Dak - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDI quattro Ambiente S-LINE 184PK | Rijklaarprijs Pan. Dak - Duration: 1:13.


Actualité TV - Seconde chance (critique) : Jennifer Lopez s'offre une nouvelle vie (VIDEO) - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Actualité TV - Seconde chance (critique) : Jennifer Lopez s'offre une nouvelle vie (VIDEO) - Duration: 3:18.


Macron bientôt dans "Balance ton post" ? Marlène Schiappa répond - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Macron bientôt dans "Balance ton post" ? Marlène Schiappa répond - Duration: 5:34.


Gilets jaunes: B. Macron appelle à la réconciliation - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Gilets jaunes: B. Macron appelle à la réconciliation - Duration: 4:53.


Abia a divorțat, că este din nou fericit! Cristi Daminuță se iubește cu femeia care i-ar fi fost ama - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Abia a divorțat, că este din nou fericit! Cristi Daminuță se iubește cu femeia care i-ar fi fost ama - Duration: 5:26.


TÜRK ASKERİ'NİN ÖLDÜRDÜĞÜ YPG/PKK'LI TERÖRİSTLER | Teröristlerin ölümü VOL.1 • 2019 - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> TÜRK ASKERİ'NİN ÖLDÜRDÜĞÜ YPG/PKK'LI TERÖRİSTLER | Teröristlerin ölümü VOL.1 • 2019 - Duration: 1:16.


The top 10 richest football club owners revealed - Duration: 6:16.

 There are five Premier League chiefs in the list of the top 10 richest owners in world football

  But somewhat surprisingly, Manchester City boss Sheikh Mansour is not at the top of the tree

 However, the money invested into Manchester City has been mammoth - so much so, that by January 2018, they had a bigger annual spend on their defence than 52 actual countries

 City are not the only ones to have substantial investment pumped into their team, with clubs from around Europe and also the United States boasting billionaire backers

 Here are the top 10 richest owners in world football. 10. Joe Lewis - Tottenham Hotspur - £3

8billion  Despite their inactivity in the transfer market, Spurs certainly do not lack any financial backing

  Owner Joe Lewis, one of the richest men in the UK, financed the reported £800million bill for the construction of Tottenham 's new stadium

9. Zhan Jindang - Inter Milan - £5.2billion  A chinese billionaire who earned his fortune through Suning

com, one of China's largest appliance retailers and e-commerce companies, Jindang took over Inter Milan in 2016

 His impact resulted in instant on-field success, as Inter improved from a seventh place finish in 2017 to 4th place and a return to the Champions League in 2018

8. Shahid Khan - Fulham - £5.4billion  After watching his team suffer relegation during the season in which he bought the club, Khan has financed a return to the Premier League this season

 He is not shy at making big decisions either, as he illustrated this season when he replaced manager Slavisa Jokanovic with Claudio Ranieri following a poor start to the season, after spending over £100million on 12 new players in the summer of 2018

7. Nasser Al-Khelaifi - PSG - £6.2billion  Since becoming club president in 2011 when his Qatar Sports Investment company took control, Al-Khelaifi has helped guide Paris Saint-Germain to dizzy new heights, including five league titles and four Coupe de France crowns in the last six years

 A combined £350million was spent over the last two summers to acquire the services of Neymar and Kylian Mbappe, both moves making up the top two most expensive transfers of all time

6. Stan Kroenke - Arsenal - £6.4billion   Known as 'Silent Stan' throughout the Arsenal faithful, Stan Kroenke has a net worth that doesn't appear to add up with Unai Emery's transfer budget

 Owner of Kroenke Sports and Entertainment, the American also owns NFL outfit the LA Rams, as well as the Gunners, whom he became majority shareholder of in 2011

5. Roman Abramovich - Chelsea - £8.3billion   Arguably the man who transformed Chelsea from a Premier League side to a European giant, Roman Abramovich took over the West London club in June 2003

 By 2006, Chelsea had won consecutive Premier League titles, two more than they had when Abramovich took over

 In terms of Chelsea fans, Abramovich has proven it is possible to buy happiness

4. Philip Anschutz - LA Galaxy - £10billion  A recipient of National Soccer Hall of Fame Medal of Honour for his contributions to the growth of football in the United States, Anschutz is owner of MLS side LA Galaxy

 The signings of David Beckham, Steven Gerrard and Zlatan Ibrahimovic outline his ambition for the club, who have won the MLS Cup on five occasions

3. The Agnelli family - Juventus - £10.4billion   Having owned Serie A side Juventus since 1947, the Agnelli family owning Juventus is reportedly the longest running sporting dynasty in Italy

 Despite their fortune, Juventus have garnered a reputation for smart transfer dealings, signing Andrea Pirlo, Dani Alves and Paul Pogba on free transfers in recent years

2. Sheikh Mansour - Manchester City - £17billion  Historically the ugly duckling of the two Manchester clubs, Manchester City have gone onto win three Premier League titles this decade and have an annual defence spending greater than 52 countries since the purchase of the club by Mansour in 2008

 City Football Group are also contributing hugely to the surge in popularity of the MLS, founding New York City FC in 2015, who have since signed David Villa, Andrea Pirlo and Frank Lampard

  While Mansour's value is only £17billion, the Mansour family have an estimated worth of close to £1trillion

1. Dietrich Mateschitz - New York Red Bulls - £17.8billion  Co-founder of the Red Bull energy drink company, Mateschitz is heavily involved in a number of sports, as well as the New York Red Bulls

 Originally the New York Metrostars, Mateschitz bought and rebranded the team, which has gone onto win the Eastern conference five times since his arrival

For more infomation >> The top 10 richest football club owners revealed - Duration: 6:16.


Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse Shooting Brake Facelift 180 7G-Tronic CLA180 AMG Styling Led Navi Dynamic S - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse Shooting Brake Facelift 180 7G-Tronic CLA180 AMG Styling Led Navi Dynamic S - Duration: 1:14.


Sweden WRC: Suninen error hands big lead to Tanak - Duration: 3:32.

Tanak took the lead from Suninen by going 3.8s faster on the morning's first stage, Rammen

That gap was set to increase further on Hagfors but Suninen's victory challenge ended before the stage was over

Carrying too much speed into a slow left turn in the technical section late on the Hagfors test, Suninen's M-Sport Ford Fiesta understeered wide into a snowbank, requiring one minute and a half to get back on the road with the help of nearby spectators

Tanak now holds a lead of 33.8s over second-placed Andreas Mikkelsen, with Suninen dropping down to eighth place

Mikkelsen had a quiet run throughout the morning but built his advantage over Elfyn Evans further, as the Welshman struggled for pace and now has only 1

1s in hand over Thierry Neuville. Starting the day in seventh, Neuville rose up the order despite complaining of understeer aboard his Hyundai i20, initially falling behind Kris Meeke but rebounding to pass the Northern Irishman on Hagfors and then Lappi on the Vargasen test, inheriting fourth with Suninen's delay

Lappi was still lacking confidence after a spectacular spin on Friday that nearly rolled his Citroen C3 but remained within touching distance of third place, one second behind Neuville and 2

1s off Evans. Sixth-placed Meeke is also in the podium hunt, only 8.1s adrift of Evans

Hyundai's third driver Sebastien Loeb struggled for pace, admitting he had been to conservative with his pace notes during the recce

He is now falling adrift of the podium battle, 16.3s behind Meeke in seventh. A recovering Suninen was third-quickest on Vargasen, the next stage after his off on Hagfors, and is now only nine seconds behind Loeb in eighth

His M-Sport teammate Pontus Tidemand remains in a lonely ninth position. Sebastien Ogier returned under Rally2 rules following his retirement on Friday, when he became stuck in a snowbank

He set the fastest stage times through both Hagfors and Vargasen, while fellow returnee Jari-Matti Latvala, who had been battling for the lead with Tanak and Suninen until crashing out on Torsby, won the Rammen stage

WRC2 leader Ole Christian Veiby completes the top 10 overall, with 27.3s in hand to his nearest rival, reigning World Rallycross champion Johan Kristofferson

For more infomation >> Sweden WRC: Suninen error hands big lead to Tanak - Duration: 3:32.


Tríptic en "letterpress" Sonau, musichs, sonau...! Making-of... - Duration: 2:55.

Acontrafibra presents

«Play musicians, play...!» triptych

Choose metal and wood types

Compose the forms



For more infomation >> Tríptic en "letterpress" Sonau, musichs, sonau...! Making-of... - Duration: 2:55.


Gilets jaunes: que nous réserve l'acte 14? - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Gilets jaunes: que nous réserve l'acte 14? - Duration: 5:10.


Bağışıklık Dostu C Vitaminini Doğru Tüketiyor Musunuz - Duration: 2:43.

Hi Friends Derman Youtube Channel in Nature

Welcome to this video

You'll find it very useful again

We want to share a knowledge

In terms of vitamin C vitamin citrus family

rich orange

a tree with a height of 2.10 cm

type is shells of orange essence



Besides being consumed as fruit

jam and canned oranges

also used in the pharmaceutical industry

Rich vitamin C content

against winter diseases

Gives resistance to the body

Colds and influenza infections

provides quicker recovery

Protects the digestive system health

and the digestive system, particularly the intestines.

plays an important role in cleaning


regularly consumed

over time

kidney stones

contains hesperidin and pectin

These substances reduce the current bad cholesterol

This also helps to slow the absorption of fats

Helps the body

Oranges hesperidin and

Contains magnesium

and the biggest feature of these substances is to lower blood pressure

Skin of natural oils found in orange

Can be used to moisturize

Especially for dry skin

can eliminate problems that occur

folic acid in oranges

Helps maintain brain health. Besides

strengthens the immune system

Mixing some honey in orange juice


Apply to your hair for 5-10 minutes

This gives your hair a natural shine

aynı zamanda saçları besleyecektir

Because it is rich in calcium

protects bone health. Because it contains high fibers

prevents ulcers

Improves eyesight

It does not allow vascular stiffness and protects heart health

If You still haven't subscribed to our channel

Clicking the Subscribe Button in the Right Bottom Corner


Goodbye to see you in our next video

For more infomation >> Bağışıklık Dostu C Vitaminini Doğru Tüketiyor Musunuz - Duration: 2:43.


【試乗】メルセデス・ベンツ Aクラスは、Sクラスに迫る、充実した装備と高められた質感 - Duration: 12:10.

For more infomation >> 【試乗】メルセデス・ベンツ Aクラスは、Sクラスに迫る、充実した装備と高められた質感 - Duration: 12:10.


VitaInCamper - CAM - Conti di agosto, lavoro soddisfacente - Duration: 7:22.

Hi everyone. Here we are with the accounts of August 2018

About collections, in this episode there is

a particular collection. Let's start with the numbers and then I'll tell you what it's about.

As usual, I show you the report of July, of the previous

month, on the left, and then, on the right, the August accounts. As for the

proceeds and expenses of the channel it's easy, all at 0, while for the

private expenses the receipts are € 50 and expenses € 46

The situation therefore at the end of August is

€ 39 positive. As for the description of receipts and expenses, the

expenses are just food, the collection is the peculiarity of this month.

The collection is the first collection deriving from one of the jobs I want to do then

when I can move in a RV. The collection comes from the production

of a video, or rather a series of videos.

Practically in July I was asked to shoot a

concert, this concert was attended by one of my sisters who

is studying music and that sometimes does concerts and then asked me the

favor, since I have cameras and I have some accessories to shoot, to

do just this shot. So I got organized, I went to see the

concert, I did the video footage, it did not come very well because, for my

standards, let's say, because I would have liked to do better,

because the light was not good, because it was in an old semi-abandoned building

with little brightness and yet, in any case, I managed to record all the

concert, the concert was made by a series of different songs performed by different

schools of music, etc., a beautiful event, my sister makes several of these events

here, however in that case he asked me to do the shooting and I did it then,

in fact, it was about the middle, end of July, something like that,

I had some technical problems so I finished the job only in August,

problems that I also mentioned here on the channel, and in the end when I

delivered it once they saw the work some ... because there were so many people

doing concert, it was a chorus, a whole series ... all an orchestra of instruments,

so a lot of people. When I gave it the product I liked it and

then I had a donation, let's say, because I did not do it for a fee,

I did it as a favor but someone felt obliged, let's say, to give me

a counterpart in value , in money for the work I did.

In short, the beauty for me is that not only I tried to make a different video from

the usual but

also seems to be liked, so much to make me this donation of 50 €

so in short, the first satisfaction

I hope I still have some way of doing these jobs of course

now as I said I'm not very organized because the cameras ... the two

cameras I have are old enough, let's say, technologically are

basic models without anything, so even the recording did not

come, let's say, at most ... ... it could have been

better however, with what is called post production, ie with

the processing in the program that I use to do the video editing, I managed to

have a good result, I equalized the sound from the cameras ...

from the microphones of the cameras was not much, equalizing it,

improving it a bit, it came decent, in short, it feels pretty good, I

changed the brightness and color and contrast of the video, so in the end

shortly liked, in the end the important thing is what has been a product that has

served its purpose. So I'm quite

satisfied, it's the first job, let's say, among my future passions that will become

work is the first one that is paid to me even if I had not started as

a paid job, well, this is all for this video, we'll see you in the next videos.

I noticed ... I had lost sight of it and I have not noticed,

I realized only in these days here that I exceeded 1,500 members and

then exceed 1,500 subscribers for those who remembered I promised that for 1500

members I would have made another competition, so now I'm planning to make a

new contest, so stay tuned, I'll do it soon,

because I'm already out of 1500, I had not noticed it,

so I'll do a new contest and now I'll select some other DVDs to be put up

for grabs and then we'll be back soon with a video

where I start the draw. Well for this video is all, hello everyone,

thanks for everything you do for the channel, the next video, hello.

For more infomation >> VitaInCamper - CAM - Conti di agosto, lavoro soddisfacente - Duration: 7:22.


Jak vyměnit přední pružina na FIAT 500 ABARTH (312) [NÁVOD AUTODOC] - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> Jak vyměnit přední pružina na FIAT 500 ABARTH (312) [NÁVOD AUTODOC] - Duration: 8:47.


Macron proche de Ségolène Royal : Ce moment « ambigu »... - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Macron proche de Ségolène Royal : Ce moment « ambigu »... - Duration: 3:09.


Ce mult s-a schimbat Alina Vidican de când locuieşte în America - Duration: 6:43.

În timp ce fostul ei soţ, Cristian Borcea, a ajuns din nou după gratii, Alina Vidican îşi trăieşte liniştită visul american

Timişoreanca este stabilită de mai bine de doi ani în S.U.A cu cei doi copii pe care îi are din mariajul cu ex-acţionarul de la Dinamo, micuţii fiind cei care îi ocupă tot timpul

Într-o fotografie recentă, fosta doamnă Borcea apare complet schimbată. Fostul manechinul a optat pentru altă coafură şi nuanţă de păr şi nu mai pune mare preţ pe produsele de machiaj

După un mariaj de şase ani eşuat, Alina Vidican şi-a revenit cu greu după divorţul de Cristian Borcea

Blondina şi-a luat copiii pe care-i are cu acesta – băiatul George Alexandru, în vârstă de aproape 7 ani şi micuţa Gloria, de 3 ani jumătate - şi a plecat în Florida, la Miami

Acolo, Alina a încercat să şteargă urmele trecutului şi a început cu câteva intervenţii estetice

Şi-a făcut lifting facial, implant mamar şi fesier şi nu în ultimul rând şi-a schimbat culoarea părului

Din şatena pe care a cunoscut-o Borcea în urmă cu 15 ani, acum Alina Vidican este o blondă cu nuanţe de argintiu, care se dedică în totalitate celor doi copii ai săi

Cum nu mai iese prea mult din casă şi nu merge la evenimente, Alina nu pare dependentă de produsele de make+up, ci dimpotrivă trăieşte linitiră şi fără ele

Recent, dintr-o fotografie pe care ea a trimis-o apropiaţilor, am regăsit o femeie schimbată complet faţă de perioadă în care locuia în România, de pe chipul căreia zâmbetul a cam dispărut

.Cristian Borcea şi-a strâns toţi copiii de Crăciun.Presimţind parcă faptul că sărbătorile de Crăciun nu vor mai avea acelaşi gust şi în 2019, fostul acţionar de la Dinamo şi-a strâns copiii lângă el şi a petrecut cu ei în casa primei soţii, Mihaela Borcea

.Alex și Gloria, cei doi puşti pe care îi are cu Alina, se înțeleg de minunne cu fraţii lor, deşi vorbesc mai greu româneşte

Pentru că trăiesc alături de mama lor, Alina, în Statele Unite, micuţii vorbesc fluentlimba engleză

.„A fost dorința mea să-i reunesc pe toți, fiindcă eu îi iubesc pe toți. Ei îmi vor duce numele mai departe

Normal, cei mici sunt mai avantajați, ei sunt și mai puși pe joacă, nu mai pot pe cei mari să-i iau în brațe și să-i mângâi, trec anii, dar cu toții sunt ai mei, ei sunt averea mea cu adevărat", s-a confesat Borcea, citat de Liberatea

.Alina Vidican şi Cristian Borcea s-au iubit 13 ani.Pe lângă cei doi copii din mariajul cu Alina, fostul şef de la Dinamo are trei copii din căsnicia cu prima soţie, Mihaela: Patrick şi gemenii Mihai Angelo şi Antonia Melissa

El mai are o fată, Carolyn , pe care a conceput-o cu o fostă amantă, Simona Voiculescu

Din iunie 2016 are un al şaptelea moştenitor, pe Milan Cristian, băieţelul dăruit de Valentina Pelinel, iar curând fostul fotomodel îi va mai fărui două fete gemene, deşi el se află după gratii

.După o relaţie de treisprezece ani şi o căsnicie de cinci ani, Alina Vidican şi Cristi Borcea au divorţat în toamna lui 2016

Timişoreanca a încercat să-şi salveze familia, dar fostul boss dinamovist a ales să semneze actul de divorţ la notar şi să rămână cu Valentina Pelinel, cu care de altfel s-a şi căsătorit, toamna trecută la Budapesta

Pentru cei doi copii pe care îi are cu Alina Vidican, afaceristul plăteşte pensie alimentară în valoare de 10

000 €. El i-a lăsat fostei neveste apartamentul din Miami şi o sumă de 100.000 €.

For more infomation >> Ce mult s-a schimbat Alina Vidican de când locuieşte în America - Duration: 6:43.


François Berléand tacle l'émission d'Ardisson - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> François Berléand tacle l'émission d'Ardisson - Duration: 6:04.


Jak vyměnit olejový filtr a motorove oleje na FORD FOCUS 2 (DA) [NÁVOD AUTODOC] - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Jak vyměnit olejový filtr a motorove oleje na FORD FOCUS 2 (DA) [NÁVOD AUTODOC] - Duration: 4:19.


François Berléand tacle l'émission d'Ardisson - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> François Berléand tacle l'émission d'Ardisson - Duration: 6:04.


Laetitia Casta a « évincé » son mari Louis Garrel d'un plateau de tournage - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Laetitia Casta a « évincé » son mari Louis Garrel d'un plateau de tournage - Duration: 2:37.


Mercedes-Benz GLE-Klasse 350 d 4MATIC AMG-Line Grijs Kenteken - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLE-Klasse 350 d 4MATIC AMG-Line Grijs Kenteken - Duration: 0:55.


나도만족 맛집 [영동족발] _ 서울3대족발!!🐽😋 - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> 나도만족 맛집 [영동족발] _ 서울3대족발!!🐽😋 - Duration: 2:11.


Cazzu "C14TORCE ll" || REACTION - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Cazzu "C14TORCE ll" || REACTION - Duration: 6:05.


[FREE] Lil Baby Type Beat 2019 - "Four Pockets" | Melodic Trap Instrumental - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> [FREE] Lil Baby Type Beat 2019 - "Four Pockets" | Melodic Trap Instrumental - Duration: 2:31.


TOP 10 EXPENSIVE ANIMALS / animals that cost millions of dollars. - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 EXPENSIVE ANIMALS / animals that cost millions of dollars. - Duration: 4:25.


"Il n'y aura pas de paix sur Terre tant que nous ne serons pas en paix avec l'enfance". André Stern - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> "Il n'y aura pas de paix sur Terre tant que nous ne serons pas en paix avec l'enfance". André Stern - Duration: 5:15.


My Neighbor Joan | Music For Children | Cartoon Videos by Kids TV - Duration: 3:05.

My Neighbor Joan

For more infomation >> My Neighbor Joan | Music For Children | Cartoon Videos by Kids TV - Duration: 3:05.


S4 League [S4Remnants] V2 GamePlay 2019 | Sword | Station-2R | SqLarge - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> S4 League [S4Remnants] V2 GamePlay 2019 | Sword | Station-2R | SqLarge - Duration: 10:34.


Why is Todd Gurley not being featured in the Super Bowl? - Duration: 4:03.

 Todd Gurley touched the football only three times in the first half of Super Bowl 53

This continues a somewhat baffling trend of the league's highest-paid running back staying on the sideline in a do-or-die game for Los Angeles; he had only five against the Saints in the NFC Championship

 He averaged 22.5 touches per game during the regular season. Gurley played first 8 snaps

Anderson next 8 snaps. Gurley back out for snap 17.  — Kevin Patra (@kpatra) February 4, 2019    Why is Gurley being kept on the sideline? The Rams have dismissed all suggestion that he's injured — even though that thought has persisted

 The truth, though, seems to be something easier to explain: The Patriots are doing everything in their power to stop the Rams' staple run concept, the outside zone

 The Patriots are playing with six men on the line of scrimmage with their two edge defenders lining up wide and forcing runs back inside

 After calling an outside zone on the first snap of the game — as a way to diagnose how the Patriots would react — the Rams called mostly inside zone runs for Anderson

When Gurley did re-enter the game, Los Angeles continued with the inside runs — but with limited success

 Gurley has been the Rams' preference on those outside runs throughout the season, but with the way the Patriots are setting their front, Los Angeles is better served attacking the middle with inside runs, which C

J. Anderson is better suited to execute. The same was true against New Orleans, as we wrote at the time:  The Saints defensive line is strongest on the edges, and with DT Sheldon Rankins out injured, the interior of their line was short-handed

So instead of leaning on perimeter runs, where Gurley is at his best, the Rams when with a more downhill attack, which suits Anderson's bruising running style

As McVay said, the Rams "just had to grind some things out today," and Anderson is the better grinder

 Bill Belichick is known for taking away what an offense does best and making his opponents play left-handed

It's not a shock that he's done everything he can to keep Gurley off the field. The Rams offense is still effective with Anderson on the field, but not nearly as explosive as it is with Gurley out there

 It's now up to Rams coach Sean McVay to find a way to make his offense work. It's built off play action made possible by the success of the outside run; without those, you get a flustered Jared Goff making difficult reads and completing just 5-of-12 passes for 52 yards

 McVay has certainly seen what other teams countered with and will most likely try something similar

But this much is for sure: so far, Belichick has won the coaching matchup convincingly — and it didn't take any sort of genius to do it

If the Pats play that five-man surface look to defend the outside zone, i'd expect to see these two counters

 Play 1: tight end works up to the second level and allows the RT to take the end man on the line of scrimmage

 Play 2: A crack toss that will get Gurley in space  — Steven Ruiz (@theStevenRuiz) February 3, 2019   Gallery Ranking coaching matchups in all 53 Super Bowls: Where does Belichick-McVay land? view 50 images More NFL!Colin Kaepernick timeline: 22 key moments in Kaepernick's NFL careerFTW Explains: The settlement between Colin Kaepernick, Eric Reid and the NFLColin Kaepernick case: NFL players react to settlement

For more infomation >> Why is Todd Gurley not being featured in the Super Bowl? - Duration: 4:03.


Bağışıklık Dostu C Vitaminini Doğru Tüketiyor Musunuz - Duration: 2:43.

Hi Friends Derman Youtube Channel in Nature

Welcome to this video

You'll find it very useful again

We want to share a knowledge

In terms of vitamin C vitamin citrus family

rich orange

a tree with a height of 2.10 cm

type is shells of orange essence



Besides being consumed as fruit

jam and canned oranges

also used in the pharmaceutical industry

Rich vitamin C content

against winter diseases

Gives resistance to the body

Colds and influenza infections

provides quicker recovery

Protects the digestive system health

and the digestive system, particularly the intestines.

plays an important role in cleaning


regularly consumed

over time

kidney stones

contains hesperidin and pectin

These substances reduce the current bad cholesterol

This also helps to slow the absorption of fats

Helps the body

Oranges hesperidin and

Contains magnesium

and the biggest feature of these substances is to lower blood pressure

Skin of natural oils found in orange

Can be used to moisturize

Especially for dry skin

can eliminate problems that occur

folic acid in oranges

Helps maintain brain health. Besides

strengthens the immune system

Mixing some honey in orange juice


Apply to your hair for 5-10 minutes

This gives your hair a natural shine

aynı zamanda saçları besleyecektir

Because it is rich in calcium

protects bone health. Because it contains high fibers

prevents ulcers

Improves eyesight

It does not allow vascular stiffness and protects heart health

If You still haven't subscribed to our channel

Clicking the Subscribe Button in the Right Bottom Corner


Goodbye to see you in our next video

For more infomation >> Bağışıklık Dostu C Vitaminini Doğru Tüketiyor Musunuz - Duration: 2:43.


Comment remplacer filtre à huile et huile moteur sur FORD FOCUS 2 (DA) [TUTORIEL AUTODOC] - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Comment remplacer filtre à huile et huile moteur sur FORD FOCUS 2 (DA) [TUTORIEL AUTODOC] - Duration: 4:19.


Actualité TV - Seconde chance (critique) : Jennifer Lopez s'offre une nouvelle vie (VIDEO) - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Actualité TV - Seconde chance (critique) : Jennifer Lopez s'offre une nouvelle vie (VIDEO) - Duration: 3:18.


VitaInCamper - CAM - Conti di agosto, lavoro soddisfacente - Duration: 7:22.

Hi everyone. Here we are with the accounts of August 2018

About collections, in this episode there is

a particular collection. Let's start with the numbers and then I'll tell you what it's about.

As usual, I show you the report of July, of the previous

month, on the left, and then, on the right, the August accounts. As for the

proceeds and expenses of the channel it's easy, all at 0, while for the

private expenses the receipts are € 50 and expenses € 46

The situation therefore at the end of August is

€ 39 positive. As for the description of receipts and expenses, the

expenses are just food, the collection is the peculiarity of this month.

The collection is the first collection deriving from one of the jobs I want to do then

when I can move in a RV. The collection comes from the production

of a video, or rather a series of videos.

Practically in July I was asked to shoot a

concert, this concert was attended by one of my sisters who

is studying music and that sometimes does concerts and then asked me the

favor, since I have cameras and I have some accessories to shoot, to

do just this shot. So I got organized, I went to see the

concert, I did the video footage, it did not come very well because, for my

standards, let's say, because I would have liked to do better,

because the light was not good, because it was in an old semi-abandoned building

with little brightness and yet, in any case, I managed to record all the

concert, the concert was made by a series of different songs performed by different

schools of music, etc., a beautiful event, my sister makes several of these events

here, however in that case he asked me to do the shooting and I did it then,

in fact, it was about the middle, end of July, something like that,

I had some technical problems so I finished the job only in August,

problems that I also mentioned here on the channel, and in the end when I

delivered it once they saw the work some ... because there were so many people

doing concert, it was a chorus, a whole series ... all an orchestra of instruments,

so a lot of people. When I gave it the product I liked it and

then I had a donation, let's say, because I did not do it for a fee,

I did it as a favor but someone felt obliged, let's say, to give me

a counterpart in value , in money for the work I did.

In short, the beauty for me is that not only I tried to make a different video from

the usual but

also seems to be liked, so much to make me this donation of 50 €

so in short, the first satisfaction

I hope I still have some way of doing these jobs of course

now as I said I'm not very organized because the cameras ... the two

cameras I have are old enough, let's say, technologically are

basic models without anything, so even the recording did not

come, let's say, at most ... ... it could have been

better however, with what is called post production, ie with

the processing in the program that I use to do the video editing, I managed to

have a good result, I equalized the sound from the cameras ...

from the microphones of the cameras was not much, equalizing it,

improving it a bit, it came decent, in short, it feels pretty good, I

changed the brightness and color and contrast of the video, so in the end

shortly liked, in the end the important thing is what has been a product that has

served its purpose. So I'm quite

satisfied, it's the first job, let's say, among my future passions that will become

work is the first one that is paid to me even if I had not started as

a paid job, well, this is all for this video, we'll see you in the next videos.

I noticed ... I had lost sight of it and I have not noticed,

I realized only in these days here that I exceeded 1,500 members and

then exceed 1,500 subscribers for those who remembered I promised that for 1500

members I would have made another competition, so now I'm planning to make a

new contest, so stay tuned, I'll do it soon,

because I'm already out of 1500, I had not noticed it,

so I'll do a new contest and now I'll select some other DVDs to be put up

for grabs and then we'll be back soon with a video

where I start the draw. Well for this video is all, hello everyone,

thanks for everything you do for the channel, the next video, hello.

For more infomation >> VitaInCamper - CAM - Conti di agosto, lavoro soddisfacente - Duration: 7:22.



Hey Guys ! It's Randy. I hope you are well !

Today I'm back for a hair video.

In which I wanted to share with you my opinion, my point of view

About the rice water used on hair

I know there are already a lot of videos on youtube about it

But I also wanted to test this product

You may wonder where does this idea of using rice water on hair come from

I've read an article in which it was written that in some asian countries

women used rice water to make their hair grow

So I told myself I will test it and see what it will do to my hair

It said that rice water is used to fortify hair

To soften it , to nourish it

So I wanted to test it to form my own opinion

Rice contains nutrients that are good for hair

like starch which will soften the hair

There are also proteins

So I consider rice water as a protein treatment

to not overuse

So now what did I think about it ?

Honestly I loved it !

After application I had this sensation my hair was stronger and softer

So I recommend this haircare

In any case rice is not expensive

I think most of us eat it

Tell me if you have already tested in the comments section

what did you think about it

Concerning me I will use it once a month

Not much because it contains proteins

And too much proteins on hair can lead to breakage

which I don't want to get

Now that i've finished with all my "blabla"

I'm going to let you watch the video

If you have any requests, suggestions feel free to let them in the comments section

And I will see you on my next video

I let you with the video I started to make on wednesday until friday

I let you and give you big kisses !!

For more infomation >> L'EAU DE RIZ SUR LES CHEVEUX (AVIS + WASH DAY) // RICE WATER REVIEW - Duration: 8:55.


Guardiola: Carabao Cup progress more important than resting players - Duration: 3:39.

Pep Guardiola has dismissed suggestions Man City's Carabao Cup trip to Leicester this week could hand Liverpool an advantage in the title race

Champions City are a point behind the Reds at the top of the Premier League after both sides won over the weekend

Liverpool are now not in action until their next league game at Wolves on Friday night while City must travel to the King Power Stadium on Tuesday for a cup quarter-final

Guardiola acknowledges the extra rest could benefit Jurgen Klopp's side but his mentality will not allow him to ease up, particularly with another trophy in sight

'We could say yes,' said Guardiola, when asked if the schedule assisted the Merseysiders

'But I'd prefer to be in the Carabao Cup than not.'I cannot imagine going into a game thinking, "Oh, it will be better to lose because then we'll have more time to rest"

I have never thought in that way.'We're going to prepare as always to win the game, to try to reach the semi-final and then we'd have two legs to try to reach another final

'That is the only way a club like Manchester City - who 10 years ago were not in this position - can grow up, and get better and better

And that's what we have to do.'City, the Carabao Cup holders, welcomed back Kevin De Bruyne after six weeks on the sidelines against Everton on Saturday while Sergio Aguero was also on the bench after four games out

The likes of David Silva and Benjamin Mendy remain sidelined, however, while Fernandinho, Danilo and John Stones have all had knocks recently, meaning options could be limited

Guardiola said: 'We don't have many players. We have a lot of injured players. Some players that played Saturday and in the last games have to play

'But it is a chance to reach a semi-final and since I've been here my teams have never dropped one game, not even a friendly game

It is a competition, it must be respected, like we did it last season. We are going to try and win the game

'Further progress in the competition would add a two-legged semi-final to City's January schedule but Guardiola accepts fixture congestion as a consequence of success

He said: 'We're going to play the games until the end. If it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't

If we arrive in February, March or April exhausted, unlucky. But what can we do?'

For more infomation >> Guardiola: Carabao Cup progress more important than resting players - Duration: 3:39.


Pour l'enfant, jouer et apprendre sont des synonymes. André Stern, écrivain - Duration: 53:19.

For more infomation >> Pour l'enfant, jouer et apprendre sont des synonymes. André Stern, écrivain - Duration: 53:19.


3. Liga: SV Wehen Wiesbaden gewinnt bei SpVgg Unterhaching - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> 3. Liga: SV Wehen Wiesbaden gewinnt bei SpVgg Unterhaching - Duration: 1:41.


Blefaroplastica non chirurgica - Trattamenti estetici viso - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Blefaroplastica non chirurgica - Trattamenti estetici viso - Duration: 0:52.


Русское господство в воздухе: ПАК ДА, МиГ-29 - бросают вызов Западу - Duration: 14:45.

For more infomation >> Русское господство в воздухе: ПАК ДА, МиГ-29 - бросают вызов Западу - Duration: 14:45.


TÜRKİYE'NİN EN İYİ PUBG OYUNCULARI !-PUBG MOBİLE KozmikKarınca,BarışBraa,Mithrain,Coffin,FatihSayar - Duration: 10:25.

For more infomation >> TÜRKİYE'NİN EN İYİ PUBG OYUNCULARI !-PUBG MOBİLE KozmikKarınca,BarışBraa,Mithrain,Coffin,FatihSayar - Duration: 10:25.


লাইভ টিভি উপর দেখানো এলিয়েন্স এর বিমান বা UFO || UFO Caught on Live TV - Duration: 4:22.

guess on the object shooting across the sky?

Any attempts to reproduce this video on YouTube will be flagged for copyright violations.

A SPECTACULAR UFO sighting was caught on live television in Argentina, sending the presenters into a frenzy, with hunters saying it is

UFOs are by very definition impossible to define,

For more infomation >> লাইভ টিভি উপর দেখানো এলিয়েন্স এর বিমান বা UFO || UFO Caught on Live TV - Duration: 4:22.


K. Alansari - I'll Be Good (Official Video) ft. Avi - Duration: 3:11.

♫ I'll be a better man today ♫

♫ I'll be good, I'll be good ♫

♫ And I'll love the world, like I should ♫

♫ Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good ♫

♫ For all of the times that I never could ♫

♫ She means the world to me (to me) ♫

♫ Just like air is to the drowning man (oh) ♫

♫ I bend my rules for her as much as I can (yeah, I can) ♫

♫ Just because I want her to be happy ♫

♫ I hold her in the secret place of my thought, yeah yeah ♫

♫ Just as secrets are save with the dead, yeah with the dead ♫

♫ Am a vulnerable man with no guide ♫

♫ Just because her happiness is important ♫

♫ I'll be a better man today ♫

♫ I'll be good, I'll be good ♫

♫ And I'll love the world, like I should ♫

♫ Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good ♫

♫ For all of the times that I never could ♫

♫ I'll be good, I'll be good ♫

♫ And I'll love the world, like I should ♫

♫ Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good ♫

♫ For all of the times that I never should ♫

♫ I hold her in the secret place of my thought, yeah yeah ♫

♫ Just as secrets are save with the dead, yeah with the dead ♫

♫ Am a vulnerable man with no guide ♫

♫ Just because her happiness is important ♫

♫ I'll be a better man today ♫

♫ I'll be good, I'll be good ♫

♫ And I'll love the world, like I should ♫

♫ Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good ♫

♫ For all of the times ♫

♫ I'll be good, I'll be good ♫

♫ And I'll love the world, like I should ♫

♫ Yeah, I'll be good, I'll be good ♫

♫ For all of the times that I never could ♫

For more infomation >> K. Alansari - I'll Be Good (Official Video) ft. Avi - Duration: 3:11.


✅ Em click raro, Rachel Sheherazade compartilha foto com os filhos - Área VIP - Duration: 2:16.

 A jornalista Rachel Sheherazade encantou seus mais de 540 mil seguidores na tarde desta sexta-feira, 15

Isso porque ela compartilhou um raro click ao lado de seus filhos, a Clara e o Gabriel

 No registro, os três aparecem sorridentes e bem pertinho um do outro

A jornalista escreveu na legenda: "Grudinhos…" e completou com um coração

 O click rendeu muitas curtidas e claro, muitos elogios a belíssima família

 "Lindos, como a mãe…", se derreteu uma seguidora. "Lindos, sua filha está do seu tamanho Rachel", reparou um segundo internauta

 "Família linda! Parabéns!", parabenizou uma outra. "Que lindos!! A Clarinha tá enorme", reparou também uma outra internauta

 Confira a publicação:   Rachel Sheherazade faz agradecimento após ganhar Prêmio Área VIP: "Muitíssimo obrigada"  O Prêmio Área Vip reuniu 32 categorias e movimentou a web com mais de 1 milhão de participações e centenas de milhares de comentários e compartilhamentos nas redes sociais

 A apresentadora Rachel Sheherazade foi uma das grandes vencedoras e usou as redes sociais na madrugada do último dia 06, para agradecer aos fãs que votaram na premiação de Melhor Âncora de Telejornal no Prêmio Área VIP

 + Confira todos os ganhadores do Prêmio Área Vip  Em publicação no seu Instagram, Rachel Sheherazade demonstrou gratidão e contentamento

Ela também agradeceu pela visibilidade dada ao seu trabalho … Confira na íntegra o agradecimento!  Rachel Sheherazade chama Alexandre Frota de "troglodita"  A âncora do jornal 'SBT Brasil', Rachel Sheherazade é polêmica e largou a boca no Twitter ao falar sobre o deputado eleito Alexandre Frota, de 55 anos

Figura polêmica em vários seguimentos, Frota mais uma vez causou na conversa da jornalista com seguidores no Twitter e foi chamado de troglodita pela jornalista, que respondia uma pergunta do seguidor que não "entendeu a treta com frota"

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