Shall we undertake Tomato 3rd Generation Pruning
Or not? In today's video, we will see pros and cons
of 3G cutting in Tomato plant. We will also discuss
the determinate and indeterminate variety of Tomato,
and different type of tomato fruits from size of a grape to palm size fruit.
We will discuss the variety you should grow.
Be with me for next few minutes to get all the information.
Hi I am Gautam from Shashi n Gautam Kitchen Gardeners
The tomato Plant you see here is "Arka Rakshak",
the triple disease resistance F1 Hybrid tomato from India.
This variety bears 19 kg tomato per plant.
Since 2014 it is the first time we have planted
nine saplings of Arka Rakshak tomato variety
to check the amount of tomato we can achieve in Grow Bags.
in grow bags.
Lets get back to the topic on the hand.Should we do
3rd generation pruning to tomato or not.
Many Indian YouTubers have made the video on 3G cutting
and they claim success too in their videos.
But if you do some research, you will find that there
is no such thing as 3G cutting applicable to Tomato.
In fact only minimal cutting is undertaken to tomato
If you do 3g cutting to a tomato plant, its growth stops
and as a result, we get a low yield of tomato
I will explain this with help of a picture diagram
There are two varieties of tomato
Determinate or the bush type of tomato plant
and indeterminate or the vine variety of tomato plant
In indeterminate variety, the tomato plant grows a long
vine type stem throughout the season and it bears flowers
and fruits on a continuous basis.
If this variety remains disease free, it keeps producing
tomato till the end of the season. It height can grow
as long as 7 to 10 feet.
The second variety is a determinate variety of tomato
It is a dwarf bushy variety which goes up to 3 to 5 feet
When this variety reaches its maximum height
It grows all the flowers at one go which converts to fruit
and ripe at same time. The difference between the two
is that the indeterminate variety keeps producing fruit
throughout the season while determinate variety gives
all the fruit only once in the growing season.
The first step in 3G cutting is to pinch the tip of the main stem.
But in case of indeterminate variety, if we pinch the
stem, it will branch out into two and the vine will
become weak and hard to manage. Also, the process
of branching out into two stems eats the valuable
growing season and the plant will have less time to
bear flower and fruits. Thus 3G cutting in Indeterminate
variety results in loss of yield. Hence 3rd generation
doesn't apply to an indeterminate variety of the Tomato.
The ideal growing season of tomato is 18°C to 35°C
In a determinate variety of tomato plant, the flowers
blooms and convert to fruits in one go when it reaches the maximun height of 3 to 5 feets. This variety is
genetically programmed to branch out in a bushy shape.
Any 3rd generation pinching of stem and branches
puts the plant into stress and its growth stops.
This results in loss of the valuable growing season. Ideal growing temperature range uis 18°C to 35°C
Hence 3G cutting is also not necessary in determinate variety of the plants
Does it mean that tomato plants do not requires any cutting or pruning?
We do take cutting in tomato plants but it is more of maintenance or thinning of the plant.
We remove all the lower branches which have gone yellow or touching the soil to prevent the onset of disease.
In indeterminate variety, we remove the suckers which
pops out of the joint between stem and branch of the plant.
If these suckers left to grow into a branch, it will too
bear flowers and fruits. But it will compete with main
stem for nutrients leaving its growth stalled which will
result the setting of the smaller size of the fruits.
Does it mean all the suckers have to be removed?
Technically you can remove all the suckers and grow
a healthy tomato vine bearing a lot of bigger size fruits.
But if you have a healthy plant, you can allow 2 or 3
suckers to grow into branches and bear fruits,
resulting in higher yield but you may have to
compromise on the fruit size. So the decision is all yours.
In the determinate variety, we leave the suckers
to grow into the branch and bear fruits.
If we prune these suckers, the plant which has stopped
growing vertically will have fewer branches to bear fruits,
thus there will be a loss of total yield. Hence we do no pruning
or minimal pruning of suckers in the determinate plants
If you are a terrace gardener like me with limited space,
the determinate tomato variety like Arka Rakshak is the
the best bet for you. But if you have space, you can
grow both the determinate and the indeterminate
tomato variety. One time yield of determinate tomato
can be used for making jam and sauces while
continuous supply of tomato can be used for daily
cooking and for salad and sandwiches.
But whichever type of tomato plant you choose, go in
for higher-yielding variety. A high yielding variety will
give a higher number of tomato even if something goes
wrong but in the same situation a low yield variety
may not produce a single tomato fruit.
But before we start counting our chickens we have to
understand that Tomato need lot of nutrition on
continuous basis. You need to fertilize it with
Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus and also give it
micrnutrients like calcium, magnesium etc.
So if you want a higher yield, you have to give your
tomato plant timely and regular fertilization conataining
all these macro and micronutrients.
We have to understand that if we only depend on
basic fertilizer like cow dung manure, we can expect
only mediocre results.
Many of our viewers complain that despite doing all the things right they get few and small size tomato only.
Here we need to understand that the seeds available online or from local vendors are mostly Cherry tomato
and also of poor variety and health. They do not bear lot of fruits despite feeding them with right nutrition.
High yielding, disease resistance F1 hybrid variety is available on my website along with quality fertilizer.
You can visit y website
to check the available gardening items.
Thanks for being with me till the end of the video.
Please support us by Liking and sharing the video and by
subscribing to our channel.
Bye for now, see you next time.
For more infomation >> #टमाटर की #3Gकटिंग करे या ना करे #Tomato #3GCutting kare Ya Na Kare - Duration: 7:33.-------------------------------------------
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in the kitchen
that'd be a brunch back and get another reaction fail today you're bringing you
another blow five I'm reacting
you know witness like you know YouTube has to be to make a caption for like in
the words we said is this gonna be it illegible just sicko but what the fuck
you just said but that's besides the point
she says she's swallow I'm like that's why you deserve you know your own body
bitch oh
I wanna see Ben that shit up Ronny she threw it back so I had to double back
then the nigga read laughs on the day love ain't no runnin sighs nice
emergency keeps your player
no luck John a gay bar when you pray for party
my buddy
blew my mind
it's hard to be a freak - I pass
I should attend party be made that's for the tip and she attack you did no I got
bars here
anyway guys we be you niggas to be the son we need we I need you let the family
oh yeah appreciate all the love support we've been getting recently you know
with all the ground we all know come up that we still go this shit might be get
good games
[LEGENDADO] BTS VLIVE: J-HOPE Happy Birthday - Duration: 1:02:21.
On suffering | J. Krishnamurti - Duration: 22:47.
The other thing I would like to go into this morning
is sorrow.
We have talked about authority,
we have talked over together
about the desire for security,
the nature and the structure of authority,
we talked about fear, pleasure, love.
And if we may,
we also should talk over together this enormous problem of suffering.
I hope you are not tired, are you?
We are going to have an insight into suffering.
There is not only
a particular human being with his suffering,
there is the suffering of the world.
There is suffering through poverty, ignorance,
there is suffering
brought about through death,
there is suffering
out of great pity,
there is suffering when you see animals tortured,
killed, maimed,
there is suffering when there is war,
thousands of mothers and sisters and wives, girls
crying their heart out
because we have accepted war.
I don't know why we have accepted it, but you have.
So wars have brought about immense suffering.
The totalitarian,
the authoritarian dictators
have brought immense suffering.
Concentration camps,
one may not have been in them but you see it,
you know it is happening and you suffer.
So there are these various kinds of suffering,
not only personal
but the suffering of the whole of humanity.
You are aware of it, aren't you?
And we have accepted it.
We say love is part of suffering.
When you love somebody it brings about suffering.
So we are going to question together
whether it is possible to be free of all suffering,
and when there is this freedom from suffering
in the consciousness of each human being
who is listening here,
then that freedom from suffering
brings about a transformation in consciousness
and therefore that consciousness,
that radical change in consciousness,
affects the whole of mankind's suffering.
That is part of compassion,
not saying, I suffer, my God, why do I suffer?
Why should I suffer?
And from that suffering, act neurotically
and try to escape from that suffering
through various forms of religious, intellectual,
social work and so on, escape from it.
So we are saying:
is it possible for every human being here
to be free of this enormous burden of suffering?
Where there is suffering you cannot possibly love.
That is a truth, a law!
When you love somebody
and he or she does something
which you totally disapprove, and you suffer,
it shows that you don't love.
I am not laying down the law, but see the truth of it.
How can I suffer when my wife
– if I have a wife, or a girl –
throws me away and goes after somebody else?
And we suffer from that.
We get angry, jealous,
envious, hateful,
and at the same time we say, I love my wife,
or my girl.
I say such love is not love.
Is it possible not to suffer
and yet have immense love,
the flowering of it?
So we are going to find out what suffering is.
There is physical suffering.
Headaches, operations,
malformed bodies,
accidents that bring about amputation,
or some form of ugly deformity.
There is suffering from the various unfulfilled desires
– I hope you are following all this –
There is suffering from the loss of a person
whom you think you love.
After all what is the structure and the nature
and the essence of suffering?
The essence of it, not the various forms of it.
What is the essence of suffering?
I am asking myself for the first time.
I am going to find out, together we are going to find out.
Is it not
the total expression
at that moment
of complete self-centred existence?
It is the essence of the me,
the essence of the ego, the person,
the limited, enclosed, resisting existence
which you call the me, the form, the name, all that.
When there is an incident
that demands investigation and understanding,
and insight,
that very incident brings about the awakening of the me, the essence,
and that I call suffering.
What do you say?
If there was no me, would you suffer?
You would help, you would do all kinds of things,
but you wouldn't suffer.
Suffering then
is the expression of the me,
which includes self-pity, loneliness,
trying to escape, trying to be with the other who is gone,
all that's implied which is the very me,
which is the past.
The image of the past which is me,
the knowledge, the remembrance of the past, which is me.
What relationship has suffering
– the essence of the me – to love?
Please think it out, let's think it out together.
We're asking:
is there any relationship between love and suffering?
Is love put together by thought,
whereas the me is put together by thought.
Oh, come on! I see something.
Are we following?
Is love put together by thought?
The experience, the memories, the remembrances,
the pain, the delight, the pleasures,
and the pursuit of pleasure, sexual or otherwise,
the pleasures of possession, possessing somebody
and the somebody liking being possessed,
all that is the structure of thought,
which we've gone into.
And the me
with its name, with its form,
the essence of me is the nature and structure put together by thought.
So what is the relationship between love and suffering?
If love is not put together by thought
– please go into this, put your heart into this! –
if love is not put together by thought
then suffering has no relationship to it,
therefore action from love
is different from action from suffering.
Why am I so intense about all this?
Why aren't you so intense?
To have an insight
– please follow this –
to have an insight into suffering,
which means,
what place has thought in relationship to love,
and in relationship to suffering?
To have an insight into it,
which means you are neither escaping,
wanting comfort,
frightened to be lonely, isolated,
therefore your mind is free,
therefore that which is free is empty.
And if you have that emptiness,
which means freedom,
you have an insight into suffering.
Therefore suffering as the me disappears.
There is immediate action because that is so.
So your action then is from love, not from suffering.
Then one discovers that action from suffering
is a continued action of the me modified,
and therefore constant conflict.
You can see the logic of it all, the reason for it.
It is possible to love
without a shadow of suffering.
What is the action of compassion?
If love is not the result of thought,
thought, which is the response of memory
stored up in the brain as knowledge and experience,
that thought is not love,
and our action is based on thought.
'I must do this', 'this is my motive',
it is based on the movement and the modification of thought.
When thought is not love,
then what is the action of compassion, love?
We can say then, from there,
what is the action of an insight out of which there is intelligence?
We are saying compassion is intelligence.
What is the action of intelligence
which is not the outcome of thought?
What is the action of intelligence?
Can you ask such a question?
If you have intelligence it is operating,
it is functioning, it is acting.
But to say, what is the action of intelligence,
you want thought to be satisfied.
You see what I mean?
When you say what is the action of compassion,
who is asking it?
Is it not thought?
Is it not the me that is saying,
if I could have this compassion I'll act differently?
Therefore when you put that question
you are still thinking in terms of thought.
But if you have an insight into thought
then thought has its right place and intelligence then acts.
Have you got it for this morning?
Is that enough for this morning?
It's enough for me, for the speaker.
So see, sirs, what is implied in all this,
how important it is
that there should be a radical revolution,
psychological revolution,
because no politics, no government,
no Lenin, Marx,
nobody is going to solve any of our problems
– the human problem
from which every misery comes,
from a human being who is functioning, living, operating,
acting on thought.
And when you have an insight into thought
then you also have an insight into the nature
and the beauty of love,
and from there, action from that.
There's a nice story
of a preacher, a teacher.
Perhaps some of you have heard it from me,
if you have heard it please forgive me for repeating it.
There was a teacher and his disciples.
Every morning he used to talk to the disciples, give a sermon.
And one morning he gets on the rostrum,
on the pedestal,
and as he was just about to begin
a bird comes in and sits on the window sill
and begins to sing.
And the preacher stops talking and listens to the bird,
the beauty of the sound,
the blue sky and the quietness of that song.
And the bird flies away.
So he turns to his disciples and says,
'The morning sermon is over.'
The importance of SELF ESTEEM
I think that it's very important to have SELF ESTEEM
and above all, to have SELF CONFIDENCE.
Because CONFIDENCE allows us
to build ourself. With self Confidence,
we don't hesitate, we just try our best
in building our life, goals, etc
there is nothing to lose by trying to reach goals
When I was young,
my mum used to tell me and my sisters that we were
AMAZING. She said: " my kids are beautiful "
" God blessed me with beautiful kids "
even when some days,
we weren't that gorgeous
But for mum, she had beautiful girls,
It's very important because I grew up with these positive words in my head
I believed her, for me I was beautiful and amazing
I was great!
Some of my friends, could told me that " Eerina you ugly ", I just didn't care at all because
my mind directly replied:
" I am Beautiful baby "
The thing is I realized very early that it's
my opinion on me which matters, that's it.
I don't let others' opinion on me, count
I just don't give this power
to external people, who aren't me
deciding if I am beautiful or not!
If you think that I am beautfiful, that's great ! But guess what? I'm beautiful anyways
Why is it so important to have
Because everything starts here
it's a starting point
Growing up in the positive atmosphere
with positive people
telling me these positive things
that I had the chance to build my positive personnality
Try your best to have
a positive thought about yourself
Stop the negativity and the
" Yes BUT" mood ! just stop with it
Change your bad thoughts and choose the positive vibes
If things don't work the way you want,
Just change the method, and
find a new way to make it works
It seems utopian, but trust me,
it's refreshing !
It's litteraly a healthy energy
You will definitely make it
no matter the field, because
Once your build your mindset
You've got the tools, you are ready
you've got the basics which are : self esteem, confidence
I really invite you
to work on your self esteem and the
the image that you have about yourself
and to beautify it ! If you have a low self esteem
and think that you are not attractive enough,
or even a flaming person, let's flame yourself!
I don't even know if it's correct but in 2018 or 2019,
we customized words.
This feeling about yourself
will stick to you during your entire life.
It will impact
your personal goals, your life
your relationships. And you know relationships are very
important. There is no humanity without relations
So, again, I invite you to work on your self confidence.
To say and repeat constantly to yourself
how beautiful you are.
" I CAN DO IT ". Take it, or leave it !
For more informations,
comment and contact me
on social medias @deladivamotives
don't forget to LIKE AND SHAAAARE
because you know, just a simple SHARE
can change a life !
Someone can be in need of a lil motivation
just a simple watch of a motivation video, can bring a new perspective.
And today can be the beginning of the change !
Cómo hacer un Porta llaves en Decoupage y Resina Gemelos - Duration: 22:01.
Hello my creative people I hope everyone they are very well as always,
Today we are going to teach you how to do this key holder that can be a detail
very nice to give or for the time to organize the keys in
our house is with a decorative touch I hope you like them and today as' bonuses
I will teach you how to apply the resin cufflinks then for the
people who want to learn and to everyone else I invite you to me
accompany until the end
Good friends to start our
project we are going to take a table, this It's mdf wood and it has a caliber or a
5 mm thickness the measure of this table is 17.5 by 11 cm and also
let's use a square stick in this case of using this stick of
Pine is 2 centimeters by 2 centimeters and has the same distance
of 17.5 cm, then what are we going to to do with this stick is to apply
glue and we will fix it very well after having this so those who from
this way then we are going to take a sheet or an image that you want
This sheet is called decoupage sheet or decoupage image, they get it very
easy in craft stores, here what I'm going to do is how I'm left
this part, this piece of here, I'm going to cut this part
so that I stay accurate, covering this piece then what I did was more or
least decide what part of the picture I want then I'm going to cut out
down here a piece and here another because I want to see the Eiffel Tower
then if you wish suddenly this other image because they can take it
also like that or it depends on the image that you get after you already
be well fixed this we are going to take We will also spread the glue
that is not too wet, spread out well, thin enough
layer of glue and then we will paste it very carefully
after having stuck very well the plate, as you see, now what we're going
to do is take a pin for rack, this is easy in stores
crafts these pins normally They bring another piece here, another pin more
small that is the one that is introduced to let him hold on but then what
let's cut very carefully and what let's leave like this, of course after having
this piece so well sanded then what we are going to do is paint it
yellow color after having painted the end of color
yellow in its entirety and have it let it dry very well what I did was
Put some ribbons on it. paper tape is tape if you do not
they get about this width more or less 5 millimeters then what we can
do is cut it into strips of 5 millimeters wide and these strips the
let's paste in the outline leaving interleaved to paint some stripes
ready these stripes we are going to paint them with black color then simply
what we are going to do is start paint then let's paint
interspersed here at the tip we can leave a small point or if you want what
they leave it totally yellow in tip
this is how we are going to apply carefully the paint in this area and we're going to leave it
dry off
ready friends after having left dry the paint we remove the tapes and
this way we will stay, there will be a post with yellow and black stripes that post
later we are going to paste it here in this part, then now for
continue the decoration now I'm going to take a circle in this case I'm going to
use this small wooden circle and this circuit I'm going to split it in two
parts so I'm going to split it in half very careful with the cutter
what I do is start to introduce it to go opening right in the center with
small cuts but if you do not they want to do all this process this is
so there are two caps so this size
so what they can do is cut two circles can be in a cardboard
Thickness in a carton that is resistant and after having
these two circles what we do is paint them the two circuits we're going to
paint red
well then this is the procedure that we are going to
do now paint it completely color red the circles should have in the
center a hole as you see it here
after the paint has dried so now let's take one of the
circles these circles have I been forgot to mention that he has three
centimeters and a half in diameter then let's take the wire and go
to start rolling it around the contour of the circle like this around the edge
taking into account that they do not loosen keep the shape
we're going to put it like that and we're going to mount
we mount the wire over the other watch
let's send it up, bending at the ends now what
let's send it to the side looking for half, let's say it's here we look for the
another half to form a cross first we send it like that we doubled and again
we look for it to form here
in this part let's try to make
what equitable or distributed the
wire here in this part we already have it we are going to stretch it more or less
let's use a wire meter So that's how we're left like this
here in this part we're going to let it stands out more or less a
centimeter we're going to fold there in that centimeter we let another centimeter
is left we go back to fold like this
we do the same
well and we turn to fold down then in this part what we are
doing is trying to give a way to bicycle handlebar
we bend again
we fold again and send the wire down
well with this form now what we do is to stretch the wire
we stretch well and we will take the another circle we are going to introduce it by the
center with the hole it has in the center
so let's try to stay at a moderate distance
It will not be too far from this wheel
A) Yes
this part of suddenly is the most complicated but then we must do it
slowly calmly here we are going to bend in the back
and in this part above, here when we bend we do the same again
what we did with the other wheel, turn it around
and then we're going to send it
it can be to this side if suddenly does not want to grab us then the
we send it down a bit in the part from behind to get hold of this
piece of wire, ready and we're going to send like this
and that's right
and if we do the same thing again we did with the other wheel
it's not going to be perfect, it's a job artisan
we send it up ready here is already forming more
the appearance of the bicycle
and in this part then what are we going to to do is tilt a little
in this part we are going to do the seat of the bicycle
It is not as long as the other
it's a job like I tell you a little of thoroughness
look how it looks, so here what we can do is
we turn the wire
and now we are going to complete the framework of the bicycle, then here as
you can see we can send it forward
we decide how far and we already have it in this distance
we can take two turns
so that we have something like that
we have this appearance more to bike this piece that we have left
so we cut it and we can soon try to accommodate a
little better the way but essentially this is what
we need already, then a way like that very basic bicycle which we are going to
paste in this part then more go ahead we will put it in this part
together with the other post
good friends here we have our
pieces already ready the main base, here I already hit the pin look how it looks and
also varnish it here and apply a layer of varnish to the entire pinewood as
can see and on the pin also now what let's do is place the hooks
for wood here they are called cancamo, not you know what they are called in your country have here in the
point a screw to enter it, what I do is that with a
bug of these for billboard, first Mark the distance that will fit me
distributed here of two centimeters in each end
so what I do is with the chinch
make a little hole this then then after we go to
insert the hooks to give it a little more decoration
take some accounts that sell wood and I split them in half so that
look like that, give us something more than decoration when we stick it there
beads (spheres) are sold in jewelery stores this is used to make bracelets
or necklaces, it's very simple simply by much
be careful that what I did so much take some tweezers hold it and with a
I cut it thin in half holding on a very firm base
if you do not want to do this they can simply put the
hook alone and it's ready, so now what we are going to do is
is to place the hooks
ready friends here we put the hook
with the accessory look how it looks, how highlights this part, now what we are going to
to do is to place the holder of the holder keys here in the back
then for that support I will use a stick low tongues this the one
doctors use to examine us and two pieces of wire those bits
they can be 13 centimeters approximately
and then what we are going to do is place thus leave a part on exit
let's leave about two centimeters and a half three centimeters of
the outside inward then we are going to fold like this
here in this part we are going to leave
a ring
more or less I'm leaving a ring in a little more than one centimeter
here in the front you see that the wire keeps protruding and
we turn and bend again so on the inside we would stay like this
the other part we will do the same
leaving approximately the same distance
the ring but we must take special care
leave it more or less the same, the same length
again we turn
this after doing this then now let's take hot silicone already
we have it this way the same length we're going to turn
in the part where you will be hanging in the back and then
What we do now is apply a lot of silicone or white glue,
we apply on this
part of here
and we're going to stick it right
well and well distributed to side and side
that is well stuck, already this part as it is wire the
we can bend a little out for when we go to place the two
sprigs or screws on the wall or where we are going to place it then
we are supported on both sides when we place a single support
so if we put two keys to the side then we turn the portal keys
so it is with better support
here at this point you could say that We have already finished if you wish
can stick the bicycle by applying a little silicone in the back
but then to give a better finish to this project at this point I'm going to
continue using a resin that called twins are these two liquids that
let's mix after having it very well mixed we will apply it with
very careful without having stuck yet the bicycle we are going to apply in this
surface and I'm going to show you how we are going to do it
good friends for the preparation of the cufflinks or the resin cufflinks then the
surface must be completely straight then how do you place this piece of
here then I will have the dea so what I do is with something that is
of the same size locate it and treat it the surface is completely flat and
not going to be inclined, now for the preparation then let's take
the twins here I made a little mark because we must take the same
quantity of the two bottles then when we have the right vial
then we see that we are going to take the same amount, here I made a
small mark then what we do is take out look that is right at the point
in which we have marked
here I take out and I'm checking here precisely
it was already on the line
and we are going to get the same amount of the other bottle
he was perfect then we get the same amount
Now what we are going to do is with a stick and in a bowl we're going to
start mixing, this mix we're going to do continuous until we feel that
the product heats up because these two liquids when mixed together form a
chemical reaction which warns us in the moment when we feel that it is
warm the mixture when it is already is heating up then we're going to
pour slowly we are going to pour it and what we are going to be scattering in all the
ready friends here I already made the mix already I feel like it's hot now I'm going to
start pouring already on the entire surface, first in
the center we are not going to apply on the post
the post we painted yellow no, not in the part where the
hooks, let's apply in the center to start distributing outward
then with this same stick we go spreading the mixture
taking it to the edges without leaving let it be watered
without reaching the point of spilling, then we will try to
spread the entire surface
well here then I finished, one in the corners or on the edges what does
It is very careful to give small touches so that the liquid does not overflow
then we already verified that no there was no space left unfilled then
Now I'm going to take the bicycle I'm going to locate right where I want to
that will remain so
We let it fall a little care ... well, then with this she goes to
get stuck also by the resin, she will stay together
to the project then now what are we going to do is let it dry there
approximately you have to let it dry 12 hours but I recommend that 12 hours
that you already feel that it is dry do not go to play because there may still be a
little fresh and traces may remain and then this project is to leave it in
this point is already letting it dry enough at least about 24 hours
good friends and here is already finished our project
and let the resin dry for 12 hours this point can be manipulated but
same way I recommend you leave it rest 12 more hours so that you already
compact very well and at the moment of touching it will not be printed
our footprints, I hope you have pleased this project, if so
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are publishing, thank you very much as always for having accompanied me and we
We come back to see you here with more Art in Your Hands
Lee Radziwill, Jackie Kennedy's Younger Sister and Former Princess, Dies at 85 - News Today - Duration: 7:33.
Lee Radziwill, the younger sister of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and mother-in-law of Real Housewives of New York alum Carole Radziwill, died at her home in New York City on Friday, according to the New York Times and WWD
She was 85. Radziwill's daughter, Anna Christina Radziwill, told the Times that her mother died of natural causes
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The daughter of Janet Norton Lee and John Vernou "Black Jack" Bouvier, Radziwill grew up in New York City and East Hampton and attended Miss Porter's School, along with her sister, Jackie
She developed a passion for art, interior design, writers and fashion that continued throughout her life and made her a style icon for decades
Designer Tory Burch paid tribute to Lee on Saturday. "We are heartbroken and I will miss our dear friend
Rest In Peace, Lee Radziwill," she wrote in a tweet. The sisters were as close as they were competitive
Lee was considered "the pretty one," and her sister "the smart one." "The competition went on throughout their lives: 'Who's going to be more popular? Who will marry first?'" Jackie, Janet and Lee author J
Randy Taraborrelli told PEOPLE in January 2018. "But it all came to a crashing halt when Jackie became First Lady
Lee [was] saying, 'How can I compete with that?'" Lee married first, to Michael Canfield, while Jackie worked as a young photographer in Washington, D
C. But it was Jackie's marriage to John F. Kennedy in 1953 that catapulted her into "another life
" As Lee wrote in her memoir Happy Times: "With the wedding, Jackie's destiny led to another life
As the wife of the President of the United States, she was extremely busy. She had to travel a lot, and liked to have me with her as we were very close
Apart from great mutual affection, I think our strongest bond was a shared sense of humor, which was endlessly enjoyable
" "She had so defined herself as being in competition with Jackie that when finally there was no competition she didn't even know who she was," added Taraborrelli
"That marked a new era for her. She realized she needed to do something to distinguish herself from the First Lady and that's why she began to experiment with different careers (in the theater and interior decorating) but she was never able to establish herself with an identity that could compete with Jackie
" Lee was a frequent visitor to the White House during JFK's presidency and she came to her sister's side after JFK's assassination in 1963, reportedly leaving a note on Jackie's pillow after the funeral that read, "Good night my darling Jacks — the bravest and noblest of all
L." By then, she had divorced Canfield and had married the Polish aristocrat Prince Stanislaw Albrecht Radziwill, with whom she had two children, Anna Christina and Anthony Radziwill
Tragically, Anthony — who was married to RHONY's Carole, 55 — died from cancer in 1999 just a few weeks after his cousin, John F
Kennedy Jr. The two had been as close as brothers. Lee lived a storied life, befriending some of the greatest and most stylish artists of her time
She counted ballet star Rudolf Nureyev, author Truman Capote, conductor Leonard Bernstein and Andy Warhol among her closest friends, and she was continually on the world's best-dressed lists for her streamlined jet-set style
She later married Hollywood director Herbert Ross, whom she divorced in 2001, and was a public relations executive for Italian designer Giorgio Armani
"There were so many things I couldn't do when my brother-in-law was president," Lee told Vanity Fair in 2016, reflecting on his time in the White House
"Finally, I'm free." When Lee came to Jackie's bedside the day before she died to say goodbye in May 1994, she told her: "I love you so much
I always have, Jacks. I hope you know it." But Jackie's final mention of Lee in her will spoke volumes about their lifelong tension
After granting Lee's children, Anthony and Tina, each a half a million dollars, Jackie wrote that she made no provisions for her younger sister, "For whom I have great affection because I have already done so during my lifetime
" In her later years, Lee gave a few interviews about her legendary life. In 2013, she told the New York Times: "Regrets? I think everyone has regrets, and people who say they haven't are either liars… or narcissists
" "There have been many things in my life to have regrets about, in the sense I wish I could have changed them, or somehow made them not happen
What I don't have is envy. I'm perfectly content at this time of my life. I've done so many fascinating things and the greatest joy is that I continue to do interesting things and meet fascinating people
" Later in the same interview, she added, "When I was young, I used to think that everyone should die at 70… but my closest friends, like Rudolf [Nureyev] and Andy [Warhol] and, to an extent, [Truman] Capote, let alone most of my close family… didn't even reach that age
There is something to be said for being older, and memories."
Waffle House, St. Augustine to Denny's, 8215 Dix Ellis Trail, Jacksonville, Florida, 4 Aug GP115507 - Duration: 26:05.
I-95 North
4 August 2016
Waffle House, 219 Sandy Creek Pkwy, St. Augustine, FL 32095 Sampson, Florida (904) 824-7869
St. Augustine, Florida
St. Johns County Rest Area I-95 NorthBound I-95, St Johns, FL 32259 Southside, Jacksonville, Florida (850) 410-5757
Exit 333
Jacksonville, Florida
Kemper A Unitrin Business, 12926 Gran Bay Pkwy, Jacksonville, FL 32258 (904) 245-5600
Baptist Medical Center South Emergency Room, 14550 Old St Augustine Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32258 (904) 271-6000
Old St Augustine Rd
Exit 337
Greenland Rd
Chuck E. Cheese's, 10320 Shops Lane 32258, Jacksonville, FL 32258 (904) 394-0005
Avenues Lighting, 10130 Philips Hwy, Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 262-8113
Kay Jewelers, 10300 Southside Blvd Space 2590, Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 363-0431
Sears, 10302 Southside Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 363-9200
Veterans United Craft Brewery, 8999 Western Way #104, Jacksonville, FL 32256
Goodman Distribution Inc., 8952 Western Way Ste 10, Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 824-9664
J-Tech Institute, 8813 Western Way, Jacksonville, FL 32256 (877) 447-0442
Storage Rentals of America, 8539 Western Way, Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 572-1909
Krystal, 9116 Baymeadows Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 448-1061
Adamec Harley-Davidson Jacksonville, 8909 Baymeadows Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 493-1931
Prominence Parkway
Knights Inn Jacksonville at Dix Ellis Trail, 8285 Dix Ellis Trail, Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 731-8400
Check In
【炎上】尾崎豊「盗んだバイクで走り出す~」→ 今になってとんでもないことにwwwwwww - Duration: 0:17.
今の時代に生きていたら大変やったと思うよ そういう承認欲求からも自由になれた がしてるやろからSNSにあげんやろ 昔の若者「せや!夜の校舎窓ガラス壊して回っ ろ!」 アニキのバイクやねんなあれ 校内暴力を正当化するのはNG 15: >>7窓ガラス割っただけで喧嘩したとは言ってないンゴ 尾崎豊の曲ってヒステリッ だよな 中間おすすめ記事 ま15歳ってほんま何も考えてへんからな そう考え と今の時代ってシビアすぎなんかなぁ 1 盗んだバイクで走り出す尾崎豊は付いて ただけ 1 実際にやってたわけじゃなくてそれくらい自由に生きたかったなあって う歌やからね 1 >>12バイク盗んだのはガチやろ 1 夜の校舎窓ガラス して回った←炎上不可避 好きな子の家を見つめる←きもe 1 ワイの学生時代 SNSあったら周り逮捕者だらけだったわw 1 チェッカーズもヤバそう 1 覚えたての煙草をふかし←未成年!ヤニカス! 2 街のどこかで誰かのクラクショ が哭いている←くっそ近所迷惑 2 そんな尾崎自身は優等生のお坊っちゃまだけど 2 政治家を撃ち殺す歌もあったよな 2 高校時代に大学生と乱闘したらし なパトカーが来るほどの騒ぎになって停学処分 「渡り廊下で先輩殴る」←暴行罪 >>30それは下校の時に6対1でボコボコにされるやつやろ? 4 「外国で 行機が落ちました」は今やとツイッターでめっちゃ叩かれそう 4 >>42当時も こそこ叩かれとった気がする 4 たかだか学校生活の教師に支配とか言っちゃう時 で 若者の尾崎豊離れ 引用元:おすすめ記事1001: 厳選記事 2020/0 /01 00:00:00 ID:newsmatomemory【衝撃的】に納豆3パ ク食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww
Diety nedržím, cvičím jógu, tvrdí Lawsonová o svém výrazném zhubnutí - Duration: 4:41.
Marshmello & Alan Walker Mix 2019 - Marshmello & Alan Walker Best Songs Remix - Duration: 32:20.
Thanks for watching my video! Participate in my channel on social sites (Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc ...) so more people can hear and have fun! Thank you for reading and having a great day!
'고소공포증'으로 무서워하는 아빠 손 꼭 잡아준 천사 나은이 - Duration: 2:37.
'고소공포증'으로 무서워하는 아빠 손 꼭 잡아준 천사 나은이
나은이가 고소공포증으로 벌벌 떠는 아빠 박주호의 손을 꼭 잡아주는 모습으로 효녀 면모를 뽐냈다.
지난 17일 방송된 KBS2 '슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다'에서는 장생포 고래마을에 방문한 박주호 가족의 하루가 그려졌다.
이날 나은이와 건후는 7080년대 교복을 차려입은 모습으로 시청자들에게 아련한 추억을 안겼다.
즐거운 시간을 이어가던 중 박주호와 건나블리는 함께 모노레일을 타러 갔다.
그런데 높은 곳에서도 아무렇지 않게 모노레일을 타는 건나블리와 달리 고소공포증을 가진 박주호는 쉽게 발걸음을 떼지 못했다.
하지만 아이들만 보낼 수는 없는 노릇. 우여곡절 끝에 그는 모노레일에 함께 탑승했다.
모노레일에 탑승한 후에도 박주호는 나은이에게 "아빠 무서워. 이거 많이 흔들린다.
어어. 아빠랑 같이 앉아서 이쪽이 더 무거운가 봐"라며 약한 모습을 보였다.
처음에는 나은이도 "아빠 겁쟁이 지롱"이라며 놀렸지만, 이내 "왜 아빠 무섭게 가! 높게 가지 말구우"라며 아빠를 배려했다.
이어 무심하게 손을 쓱 내밀어 아빠 손을 꼭 잡아고는 안심시켜주었다.
나은이는 아빠 손을 꼭 잡은 채 "아빠 괜찮아. 아빠 걱정하지 마"라며 "나은이 있잖아. 건후도 있잖아"라고 어른스럽게 말해 모두를 놀라게 했다.
달달한 분위기가 한창이던 때 나은이는 모노레일 안을 가득 채운 의문의 냄새를 맡았다.
범인이 건후로 몰린 가운데 박주호는 자신이 은행을 밟았다고 이실직고 하는 모습으로 시청자들의 웃음을 자아냈다.
벤틀리가 형 윌리엄의 장난감을 뺏으려다 실패한 뒤 폭주(?)했다. - Duration: 1:48.
벤틀리가 형 윌리엄의 장난감을 뺏으려다 실패한 뒤 폭주(?)했다.
지난 17일 방송된 KBS2 '해피선데이-슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다'에서는 장난감을 두고 실랑이를 벌이는 샘 해밍턴의 아들 윌리엄, 벤틀리의 이야기가 전파를 탔다.
이날 벤틀리는 윌리엄이 아끼는 '최애' 장난감 '슬링키'를 뺏기 위해 고군분투했다.
그러나 윌리엄은 "슬링키 내 거야!"라고 외치며 벤틀리 품에서 장난감을 낚아챘다.
벤틀리는 결국 폭발했다. 윌리엄 손아귀에 있는 다른 인형을 뺏기 위해 안간힘을 쓰기 시작했다.
마음처럼 되지 않자 윌리엄의 바가지 머리를 잡고 정체불명의 울음소리를 내기도 했다.
이에 아빠 샘 해밍턴이 나서 인형을 두 동강 냈고, 양보 없이는 아무것도 가질 수 없다는 걸 깨달은 형제는 눈물을 쏟았다.
올해 3살이 된 뒤 형에게 맞서 싸울 만큼 장성(?)한 벤틀리의 활약은 하단 영상에서 확인할 수 있다.
한편, '슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다'는 아내 없이 아이들을 돌보는 연예인 아빠들의 육아 도전기를 담은 프로그램이다.
Paloma Mami estrena look a lo K-Pop y se llena de elogios en redes sociales - Duration: 1:51.
最新ニュース | 「怒り・憎しみ・嫉妬」最愛の母親からのメールが変えた、安田顕のモチベーション - Duration: 6:50.
昨年の誕生日に、 親からメールが届い 。『誕生日おめでと 。体に気をつけて頑 って』。いつものよ に健康を気遣ってく る優しい言葉の後に いままで書かれたこ のない言葉があった
『私を楽しませてく さい』。その一文を んだとき、自分の中 何かが変わった気が た。俳優・安田顕に って、主演映画『母 亡くした時、僕は遺 を食べたいと思った 』(2月22日公開 はそんな母の期待に える作品になったに いない
漫画家・ 川サトシによる大人 同名エッセイ漫画の 画化。末期ガンに侵 れた最愛の母親・明 (倍賞美津子)との 期の日々と、残され 息子・サトシ(安田 の新たな一歩を描く
母親世代が全 期を知るベテラン女 、倍賞美津子との共 は何よりもの親孝行 母と倍賞の誕生日が じという偶然にも、 かの縁を感じる。安 は「現場での立ち振 舞い、作品との向き い方がとても素敵な
まさか親子役でご一 できるとは…。光栄 す」と襟を正す。大 輩との緊張の初共演 しかしその人柄に触 た途端に緊張は消え なくなった。 倍賞さんが見るアン ルは印象的でした
例えば夫役の石橋蓮 さんを交えてロケ先 世間話をしている時 、急に木の枝を指さ て『見て、見て、つ いの鳥が止まってチ ッチュしているよ』 言う。ロケバスで移 中に『ちょっと!』 言うから何かな?と ったら、道端に曼殊 華が咲いていた」
天真爛漫な立ち振る いに微笑ましくなる 方で、曼殊沙華の花 葉を調べてみると鳥 が立った。「あきら 」「独立」「また会 日を楽しみに」。作 が内包するテーマに のまま当てはまると り、驚かされた
絶壁にせり出 たジャンプ台のよう 場所で、サトシら親 が諦観を抱きながら 葉を交わすシーンで 、女優魂を目の当た に。「倍賞さんは高 の恐怖を振り落とす のように自分の両足 叩いて気合を入れて 本番が始まった瞬間 ダーッと走り出して の絶壁で何事もなか たかのように芝居を める
俳優として、人間と ての大先輩がそんな 悟を持って挑まれる けですから…そんな にこっちは大感動」 振り返る。 最も モーショナルな感情 抱かせるのは、琵琶 でのシーン
倍賞の「スッポンポ の方がいいんじゃな ?」という鶴の一声 、男性キャストは全 になることになった 「母親のいなくなっ 世界で、琵琶湖とい 羊水に胎児のように まるというメタファ
そう考えると、スッ ンポン以外の選択肢 ないと納得しました 全裸という笑える状 にも関わらずジワッ くる。なるほどと思 た」。物語を俯瞰す 倍賞の感性に脱帽だ 劇中では ふくろの味として" レー"が登場する
安田にとってのおふ ろの味は、地元でと たホッキ貝をふんだ に混ぜ込んだ"おに り"だという。こん 思い出がある。地元 室蘭市で行った初主 映画『俳優 亀岡拓 』(2016)の舞 挨拶のとき
「その日の朝に母か 電話があって、スタ フの人数分そのおに りを作って差し入れ てくれた。帰り際に 場の駐車場の遠くか 手を振る母の姿を見 ときに、『歳をとっ なぁ』と初めて思い したね」とシミジミ
テレビでも映 でも安田の出演作を 母は必ず観てくれる いう。昨年は主演映 『家に帰ると妻が必 死んだふりをしてい す。』『愛しのアイ ーン』が2本も公開 今年は『母を亡くし 時、僕は遺骨を食べ いと思った
』をはじめ、約10 ぶりのNHK朝ドラ 演となる『なつぞら の放送も控える。現 45歳、脂もノリに ッている時期。しか 安田は慎重だ。 「これが続くとは思 ないので、自分を見 わずに、出会えたこ に感謝」と自戒を込 つつ「主演、朝ドラ いうポジションや枠 評価を受けるけれど 自分はそこで何を演 て何を残したのかを 切にしたい
はたから見たときの やかさというのはそ そう続きませんから 勘違いせずに取り組 でいきたい」と冷静 下積み時代が長かっ ことから、仕事のモ ベーションを「怒り 憎しみ、嫉妬」に求 ていたというが、今 からそれをやめる
母からの『私を楽し せてください』とい メッセージがそうさ た。 「モチベー ョンを怒り、憎しみ 嫉妬にするのは限界 あります。だって納 するものが残せてし ったら、バネがなく ってしまうわけです ら
ならば人に対して何 思い、相手に対して を与えられるかをモ ベーションにした方 いい。母からの『私 楽しませて』はまさ それ。これからは自 も楽しみ、周囲も楽 ませることを大切に ていきたい」
最愛の母の喪失を経 サトシが一歩前進し ように、最愛の母の 葉を得た安田も四十 半ばにして進化する ヘアメイク: 岡達也(ラインヴァ ト) スタイリスト 村留利弘(Yolk n) テキスト:石 隼人 写真:You Ishii
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