Hello friends, today we have an amazing idea for homemade
for the house for the garden for the apartment is not important
but made with a soul
of the most simple and affordable materials and do it yourself
Well, so as not to delay, I speed up the video a little
in the end we got a little shop for our little angels
who will thank you sincerely and with love
and this real imtio, not buy for any money
so like if you liked the video
necessarily, if you have free time, do it yourself
because it's cool, it's really cool
thank you all, bye bye
For more infomation >> Как же я раньше не додумался до этого.... Обязательно Сделай и себе! - Duration: 5:25.-------------------------------------------
moto g6 pie update moto g6 plus pie update in India, Moto g6 plus Android P update - Duration: 1:22.
Lenovo-owned Motorola has started rolling out Android Pie update for Moto G6, Moto G6
Play, and Moto Z3 Play smartphones.
The roll out has begun in Brazil, and it should expand to more regions soon.
Android Pie brings with it goodies like redesigned notifications, Adaptive Battery, new UI, improved
screenshot and audio controls, as well as overall performance and optimisation improvements.
To recall, the Moto Z3 and Moto G6 Plus smartphones received the Android Pie update last month,
and now more Motorola phones are getting this update.
Brazilian media Techtudo reports that the rollout of Android Pie has started for Moto
G6, Moto G6 Play, and Moto Z3 Play phones in Brazil.
This rollout has begun for users in Brazil, and hopefully the update should arrive in
India soon.
To recall, the Moto G6 and Moto G6 Play were launched in India last year, while the Moto
Z3 Play didn't make it to India at all.
何コレカッコいい!ポーランドのチューナーがマツダ「デミオ/マツダ2(Mazda2)」専用ボディキット"Mazda2 Proto"を世界初公開 - Duration: 3:47.
シボレー・コルベットZR1のカスタムカー登場。ホイールを交換してラッピングしただけでここまでレーシングカーっぽくなる - Duration: 4:04.
ИГРА в сети TRON Green Rabbits. Вложил 15000 TRX в Green Rabbits на TRON - Duration: 10:26.
2/15/19 7:26 AM (444 S 4th St, Minneapolis, MN 55415, USA) - Duration: 23:21.
Chris Bailey and apos . s Forecast A taste of winter tonight - Duration: 1:20.
Chris Bailey and apos . s Forecast A taste of winter tonight
A Winter Weather Advisory is out for parts of the region tonight into early Saturday. A mix of rain and snow is moving in from the west, with a swath of light snow mainly along and south of Interstate 64.
This will put down a swath of 1" 3" snows for some areas. This isnt a wide swath of snow and will have a sharp cutoff on the northern edge and southern edge.
A touch of freezing rain is possible in the south.
Much better weather blows in for Saturday as skies become partly sunny highs will reach the low and middle 40s for many.
Another system brings mainly light rain to town on Sunday, but that may start as a mix early on. This isnt going to last long as temps surge into the upper 40s.
Colder weather is noted for Monday with a few flakes possible. The long range call is for a busy pattern to hang tough into next week.
A swath of accumulating snow is likely across the southern half of the state tonight.
Viewers with disabilities can get assistance accessing this stations FCC Public Inspection File by contacting the station with the information listed below. Questions or concerns relating to the accessibility of the FCCs online public file system should be directed to the FCC at 888 225 5322, 888 835 5322 TTY , or .
Audi A6 Avant 3.0 TDI BIT QUATTRO SPORT EDIT 2x S-LINE - Duration: 1:24.
大S素颜照曝光,对着老公汪小菲指指点点,把汪小菲吓坏了 - Duration: 3:32.
大S素颜照曝 光, 对着老 公汪小菲指 指点点, 把 汪小菲吓坏 了
一直以来, 大 S在屏幕上 留给观众的 形象都是漂 亮大方的, 是许多人心 目中的女神 。
不过在近日, 大S的素颜 照曝光, 照 片中的她跟 电视上爱说 爱笑的她区 别真大, 网 友都不相信 这是大S呢 。
最近, 一位网 友在飞机上 偶遇大S与 汪小菲一家 人, 大S不 仅没有化妆, 而且还对 着老公汪小 菲指指点点, 把汪小菲 都吓坏了, 这是怎么回 事呢?
从照片中, 我 们可以看到 大S梳着一 个辫子, 虽 然动作上稍 微粗鲁, 但 淑女的气象 还是没有丢 的。
她手里拿着枕 头, 可能是 想躺下来休 息一会, 当 天大S身穿 一件咖啡色 上衣, 露出 了洁白的皮 肤。
而老公汪小菲 则在一旁翘 着二郎腿坐 着, 汪小菲 坐在过道旁 边, 一身休 闲装和一款 干净的小白 鞋令他看起 来斯斯文文 的, 只见他 戴着耳机, 似乎正在听 歌。
大S的面容前 一秒还是很 平静的, 后 一秒眉头就 变了, 他对 着老公汪小 菲似乎在说 些什么, 吓 得汪小菲赶 紧把耳机摘 下来, 细心 地听老婆讲 话。 这幅 画面看起来 似乎很有爱, 不过画风 很快就变了 。
不知道为什么, 她手里握 着的枕头被 她捏的露出 了深深的痕 迹, 汪小菲 也再也不敢 带上耳机, 只得乖乖地 询问老婆到 底发生了什 么。 看图 片, 大S的 状况似乎不 太好, 可能 是身体不太 舒服吧。
有人说, 大S 和汪小菲这 对恋人自从 结婚之后, 两人的性格 都变了。 汪小菲变得 越来越护妻, 越来越体 贴温柔。
而大S曾经那 泼辣狂野的 性格也变得 平静祥和起 来了, 大家 都知道, 大 S以前可是 一个典型的 女强人, 在 事业方面非 常拼命, 但 是有了家庭 之后, 她渐 渐收心了, 把更多的时 间和精力都 花在了自己 的家庭上, 也许这就是 真爱的力量 吧。
很多人都不太 看好这一对 夫妻, 说汪 小菲一直在 迁就大S, 还有网友觉 得大S非常 做作, 其实 两个人在一 起, 是幸福 还是悲伤只 有当事人知 道, 只要他 们开心就好 了, 外人爱 说什么就什 么吧, 你觉 得是吗?。
Nhìn cảnh chú y tá quê uống sữa ai xem cũng phải rơi nước mắt - Duration: 43:02.
Необычная прогулка с собакой. #СЛЕДУЙЗАФОНДЮ - Duration: 1:34.
Today we have a new project "follow the fondue"
If you think something will happen, then nothing will happen.
Heavy on outstretched arms to carry her
We just go near the metro station Dynamo.
And the dog doesn't care whether it is on weight or whatever
Write in the comments if you like this format.
Remember followthefondue
Metro Dynamo, directly entrance
Here, see what stadium built? No, it's not in the concept, let's not turn. Let's go straight!
We probably look stupid with you
Nope, but I'm not stupid, it's very convenient for me to sit like that. Like. Generally cool
Well, you see, everything is for you
We get down to the transition Usually here are bicycles
On this journey with fondue ends
If any of you think that we are torturing a dog, the easiest way is to ask the dog
I wish everyone that you, like me, are always carried in your arms
Bye bye my darlings!
Le message de Brigitte Macron aux gilets jaunes - NT - Duration: 2:51.
Révélations sur un nouveau partenaire de Benalla qui inquiète Matignon - NT - Duration: 6:17.
Как же я раньше не додумался до этого.... Обязательно Сделай и себе! - Duration: 5:25.
Hello friends, today we have an amazing idea for homemade
for the house for the garden for the apartment is not important
but made with a soul
of the most simple and affordable materials and do it yourself
Well, so as not to delay, I speed up the video a little
in the end we got a little shop for our little angels
who will thank you sincerely and with love
and this real imtio, not buy for any money
so like if you liked the video
necessarily, if you have free time, do it yourself
because it's cool, it's really cool
thank you all, bye bye
Forța supremă stă în păr! Tina Mamonova a făcut senzație la Românii au talent - Duration: 2:05.
Bản tin Horoscope - Người yêu em thiếu gia Phan Thành khoe quà Valentine khổng lồ - Duration: 1:46.
Trong ngày Valentine ngọt ngào vừa qua, Đặng Khánh Hà - bạn gái Phan Hoàng, em trai thiếu gia Phan Thành - gây chú ý khi đăng ảnh chụp với món quà bạn trai tặng
Cô nàng nở nụ cười hạnh phúc khoe một chú gấu được kết từ hàng trăm bông hoa hồng
Khánh Hà đã chia sẻ khoảnh khắc này trên trang cá nhân cùng những dòng ngọt ngào gửi gắm tới nửa kia: "Happy Valentine, thank you, anh yêu
Cảm ơn người yêu về món quà không thể tuyệt vời hơn". Đôi trẻ đã có bữa tối lãng mạn bên nhau
Không ồn ào hay thị phi, mối tình của chàng thiếu gia họ Phan và bạn gái thật sự khiến nhiều người ngưỡng mộ
Phan Hoàng - em trai thiếu gia Phan Thành - là người khá kín tiếng trong chuyện đời tư
Dù không chia sẻ nhiều thông tin cá nhân, Phan Hoàng vẫn luôn được biết đến là thiếu gia chơi xe sang có tiếng
Cách đây 2 năm, anh từng gây bất ngờ khi khoe quà anh trai tặng nhân dịp tốt nghiệp đại học là một chiếc Ferrari trị giá đến 16 tỷ đồng
Trước đó, Phan Hoàng còn "thừa kế" nhiều siêu xe từ Phan Thành như Lamborghini Huracan xanh cốm, Bentley Continental GT V8 S
Không chia sẻ quá nhiều về cuộc sống sang chảnh, song chàng thiếu gia Sài Gòn thường xuyên đăng tải hình ảnh ngọt ngào bên bạn gái xinh đẹp
Người yêu chàng thiếu gia 9X - Đặng Khánh Hà - công khai để "relationship" với Phan Hoàng trên trang cá nhân
Như những cô nàng đang yêu khác, Khánh Hà thường xuyên chia sẻ phút giây lãng mạn bên nửa kia
Cô và Phan Hoàng hẹn hò đến nay được gần 2 năm. Ngoài ra, mối quan hệ của Khánh Hà với anh trai Phan Hoàng cũng rất tốt
Cả hai thường qua lại vui vẻ trên mạng xã hội. Khánh Hà có gương mặt xinh đẹp cùng sống mũi cao và làn da trắng
Cô từng có thời gian học tập, sinh sống tại Australia. Yolo Sau nhiều lần Phan Thành thả thính Midu bất ngờ phản hồi khiến fans rần rần ghép đôi Theo Zing
LeBron James' 11-word response which shows he's serious about owning an NBA team - Duration: 2:25.
LeBron James is one of the most famous athletes in world sport. But he's already making plans about how to continue to be a key figure in the NBA long after his retirement
The 34-year-old, who already has a considerable investment portfolio and a net worth of around $450 million according to Forbes, was asked in a recent interview about owning a team when he finishes playing
And he issued a short but simple response which showed he is serious about his plans to invest in his own NBA team in the future
"Ain't no maybe about it, I'm going to do that s***" James told The Athletic . Read More LeBron James: Why LA Lakers star faces missing out on NBA playoffs James would follow in the footsteps of the great Michael Jordan, current owner of the Charlotte Hornets, as only the second player to own a team
The pair are widely regarded as the stand-alone duo in the debate for the greatest NBA player of all-time and it appears they could have a chance to directly compete as owners in the future
Magic Johnson, president of basketball operations at the Los Angeles Lakers where James currently plays, says he would be an "outstanding" owner
"Having Michael in Charlotte is great and it's special, but we need more," Magic told The Atlantic
What are the NBA All-Star Game 2019 teams? Lineups, TV channel, UK start time "LeBron would be outstanding as the second player to be an owner in our league
"We need more African-Americans, for sure, and LeBron would just be fantastic to become the next owner — after he leads the Lakers to an NBA championship, of course
" James, meanwhile, is at risk of missing out on the NBA play-offs for the first time in a decade this season
He has missed several games with injury leaving the LA Lakers struggling to reach the post-season
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İçinde bulunduğumuz gizemli gezegende bir şeyler oluyor; Dünya'nın manyetik kuzey
kutbu olarak adlandırılan nokta, daha önce hiç görülmemiş bir seviyede yüksek bir
hızla yer değiştiriyor…
Peki ama neden, nasıl ve bu değişimin bizlere ne gibi etkileri olabilir?
Yeryüzünün kilometrelerce altında, dış çekirdeğin etrafında bulunan ateş küre
adlı bölümde demir ve nikelden oluşan yoğun bir sıvı bulunuyor ve bu sıvının
içinde barındırdığı akışkan metaller sayesinde Dünya kullanışlı bir manyetik
kalkana sahip…
Bu manyetik kalkan Dünya'yı Güneş rüzgarlarına ya da uzaydaki herhangi bir noktadan gelebilecek
zararlı ışınlara karşı koruyucu bir etki gösteriyor.
Dış çekirdeğin çevresindeki sıvı metallerin sebep olduğu elektriklenme nedeniyle yeryüzünde
manyetik kutup noktaları bulunuyor ancak bu manyetik kutuplar coğrafi karşılıklarına
göre oldukça farklı konumlara sahip örneğin; coğrafi kuzey kutbu veya gerçek kuzey olarak
adlandırılan nokta bilindiği gibi Dünya'nın kuzeyinde yer alırken manyetik kuzey kutbu
uzun yıllardır Kanada yakınlarında gerçek kuzeyden binlerce kilometre uzaklıkta yer
Kanada'da bulunan manyetik kutup noktası geride bıraktığımız yüzyılda sabit
bir değişim hızı aralığında küçük farklılıklar gösterirken 2000'li yıllara
yaklaşıldığında bilinmeyen bir nedenle hızını artırdı ve 2000'li yılların
başında NASA bu hızın 25 km'ye kadar yükselmiş olduğunu duyurdu ardından o
yıllardan günümüze kadar özellikle 2010 yıl itibariyle yılda 55 km'ye kadar varan
olağanüstü bir bir değişim hızına ulaştı, bu değişim uzun yıllardır Dünya'nın
manyetik harita modellemeleri sayesinde büyük bir sorun teşkil etmiyordu çünkü sapma
oranı denilen değişkene göre çıkarılan manyetik haritalar sayesinde navigasyon sistemleri
ve pusulalar gibi yön bulma araçları sorunsuz bir şekilde çalışabilmekteydi…
'' - Eğer bir pusulanız varsa kuzeyin ne tarafta olduğunu bilebilirsiniz, Venüs
ve Mars manyetik alana sahip değiller ve eğer oradayken bir pusulaya sahip olsaydınız
bile, tebrikler, yine de kaybolmuş olurdunuz…''
Bununla birlikte Dünya'nın manyetik kutuplarına bağlı sapmaları temel alan bu haritalar
her 5 yılda bir güncel değerlerle yenileniyordu ve bu işlem en son 2015 yılında program
dahilinde gerçekleştirilmişti ancak yakın bir zamanda manyetik kuzey kutbunun değişim
hızı olağandışı bir seviyeye gelince ortaya çıkabilecek sorunların önüne geçebilmek
için bilim insanları 2019'un Şubat ayında manyetik haritayı 1 yıl erken yayınlayarak
mevcut değerleri zorunlu olarak güncelledi…
Öte yandan uzak tarihe bakıldığında manyetik kutupların yer değiştirmesi pek de ilginç
bir olaymış gibi durmuyor nitekim 780.000 yıl önce manyetik kutupların birbirleriyle
kelimenin tam anlamıyla yer değiştirdiği biliniyor bu kapsamda gerçek gerçek kuzey
kutbunun bulunduğu yerde manyetik güney, gerçek güney kutbunun bulunduğu yerde ise
şimdilerde Kanada'dan Sibirya'ya doğru ilerleme eğilimi gösteren manyetik kuzey
kutbu yer alıyordu buna ek olarak bu olayın geçmişteki 83 milyon yıllık zaman dilimi
boyunca tam 183 kez meydana geldiği düşünülüyor.
Haritaların ve dolayısıyla sapma oranlarının her 5 yılda bir güncellenmesiyle çeşitli
alanlardaki yön bulma faaliyetleri sorunsuz bir şekilde gerçekleştirilebiliyordu örneğin;
Güney Amerika ülkelerinden biri olan Brezilya için sapma oranı yaklaşık 20 derece civarındadır,
navigasyon sistemlerinin ve pusulaların sorunsuz bir şekilde çalışabilmesi için sapma
payının 20 derece batı yönünde olduğu bilgisi büyük önem ifade ediyor.
Bununla birlikte bu önemli bilginin her 5 yılda bir güncellenmesiyle söz konusu değişime
bağlı olarak ortaya çıkabilecek sorunlar kolayca ortadan kaldırılabiliyordu.
--- Ya da en azından bir süre önceye kadar
durum bu şekildeydi …
Manyetik Kutuplar Neden Yer Değiştiriyor ?
Bu değişimin altında yatan sebep kimse tarafından kesin olarak bilinmiyor buna karşın
Leeds Üniversitesi'nin 2017 yılında gerçekleştirdiği bir araştırmada; kuzey kutbunun hareketleri
sonucunda Kuzey Amerika bölgesinin yer kabuğunun altındaki sıvı metallerin oluşturduğu
yoğun katmanda birtakım değişimlerin yaşandığı saptandı.
Araştırmayı yürüten bilim insanlarından Philip Livermore; Sibirya üzerindeki manyetik
alan gücünü korurken Kanada üzerindekinin zayıflıyor olabileceği ve bu denge değişiminin
bir sonucu olarak da manyetik noktanın Rusya'ya doğru daha hızlı bir şekilde ilerlemiş
olabileceği, fikrine sahip…
Diğer yandan bilim insanları bu hızlı değişimin bir sonucu olarak manyetik noktaların
birbirleriyle yer değiştirebilme ihtimalinin de gündemde olduğunu belirtiyor ancak komplo
teorisyenlerinin genel görüşünün aksine bu olayı Dünya'nın sonunun geldiğine
dair bir işaret olarak nitelendiremeyiz nitekim bizim için oldukça garip gibi görünen
bu olaya Dünya'mız uzun yaşamı boyunca birçok kez tanıklık etti.
Manyetik Alanların Değişimi Bizleri Etkiler Mi ?
Günlük hayatta yön bulmak veya hareket etmek için kullandığımız akıllı telefonlar,
araçlar, gemiler ve uçakların GPS sistemlerinin uydu bağlantılı olması sebebiyle bu alanda
bazı aksaklıklar yaşanabilir daha büyük çaptaki sorunların ortaya çıkmasıysa
yalnızca kuzeye yakın yerlerde söz konusu durumda…
Buna karşın manyetik haritaların güncel tutulmasıyla bu alandaki sistem ve araçların
senkronizasyonu sağlanırsa ortaya çıkma ihtimali bulunan sorunlar kolayca minimalize
Yer bilimciler manyetik alanların birbirleriyle yer değiştirmesi olayının düşük bir
ihtimale sahip olduğunu vurgulamakla beraber gerçekleşmeye başlaması halinde bile yüzyıllar
boyunca sürebileceği ifade ediliyor ancak her zamanki gibi bu düşüncenin de tam zıttını
savunarak bu olayın bir yüzyıldan çok daha kısa bir süre içerisinde gerçekleşebileceğine
inananlar da var öte yandan bu olayın askeri, ticari, arama-kurtarma ve uzay faaliyetlerini
etkilemesi bir yana hareket yönünü jeomanyetik yolla belirleyen canlı türlerini çok daha
ciddi bir şekilde etkilemesine kesin gözüyle bakılıyor…
'' – Birçok bilim insanı; gezegenimizin, manyetik alanı atmosfer için bir kalkan
gibi kullandığını düşünüyor…
Çünkü; sahip olduğu elektriksel gücün etkisiyle gezegenimizin etrafındaki Güneş
rüzgarı parçalarını saptırır, gerçi ben bunun yerine Dünya'yı bir salata barının
koruduğunu düşünmeyi severim…''
… Sonuç olarak var olan bu manyetik alan tüm
garipliğine rağmen Dünya'yı solar ve kozmik radyoaktif dalgalara karşı korumayı
sürdürüyor ancak bazı jeofizikçilere göre manyetik alanların değişmesine sebep
olan aktivitenin şiddetini artırmasıyla var olan manyetik kalkan parçalanabilir ve
bunun sonucunda Dünya trajik bir sonla karşı karşıya kalabilir, teorinin gerçekleşme
ihtimalinin düşüklüğüyle birlikte bu türden bir olayın yine yüzyıllar sürebilecek
olmasından dolayı en azından bu olayı endişe duyulması gerekenler listesinden
Gezegenimiz bizlerin henüz anlam veremediği bir biçimde değişiyor ve sahip olduğumuz
tüm o kontrol altına alma isteğine karşın şu an için yapabileceğimiz pek bir şey
bulunmuyor tabi her zaman olduğu gibi beklemek, izlemek ve düşünmenin dışında…
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
♪ ♪
COMMENT CALMER LES PENSEES [le point sur les outils disponibles] - Duration: 22:50.
【犬の十戒】 犬と私の10の約束 寝たきり柴犬わん太さん - Duration: 6:28.
"Dog and my 10 promises" Bedridden ShibaInu Wanta
The Ten Commandments of Dog OwnershipI made a video widely known in Japan
My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you get along with me.
Give me time to understand what you want of me.
Place your trust in me- it's crucial to my Well-being.
Don't be angry at me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your entertainment and your friends. I have only you.
Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice when it's speaking to me.
Be aware that however you treat me, I'll never forget it. I will not forget what you did
Remember before you hit me that l have teeth that could easily crush the bones of your hand but that I choose not to bite you.
Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food or I've been out in the sun too long or my heart is getting old and weak.
Please try to understand me before scolding
Take care of me when I get old ; you, too, will grow old.
Please take care even if I get sick even after becoming demented. Because you may get older, get sick, it may become dementia as well
Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say, "I can't bear to watch it ." or " Let it happen in my absence." Everything is easier for me if you are there.
I want you to be next to me at the last moment. Because you can feel the last time with confidence when you are in ...
do not forget. I told you that I love you all the time, the most ...
A video a few hours ago when Wanta passed away. His last video living.
Video of Wanta and my track. More than 450 videos of this channel wish to help the dogs and owners around the world, abuse, abandonment, illness and care
I love Wanta the most in the world
Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-i Terra - Duration: 1:11.
ハッシーのロックオン〜狙ったレースは逃さない!〜(2月17日)フェブラリーS(GI)他1鞍 - Duration: 0:28.
【先週の結果】先週の的中は以下の通り。・東京11Rが○→◎→▲で決まり、馬単800円、3連複390円、3連単2,170円。【今週の予想】☆東京9R ヒヤシンスステークス(ダート1600m) デルマルーヴルの前走は、上位を前に行った馬たちが占める中、中団から追い込んで勝ち馬からアタマ差の2着。4コーナーで大外を回った上に、直線では内へモタれるロスがあってのアタマ差だから負けて強しの競馬だった。上がりは最速で、次位とは0秒5差と終いの脚が目立った。今回は終いをフルに活かせる直線の長い東京競馬場へ舞台が替わり、突き抜けてもおかしくない。◎デルマルーヴル○ヴァイトブリック▲オーヴァルエース△₁メイクハッピー△₂マスターフェンサー△₃ナンヨーイザヨイ買い目【馬単】4点◎→○▲△₁△₂【3連複1頭軸流し】10点◎−○▲△₁△₂△₃【3連単フォーメーション】16点◎→○▲△₁△₂→○▲△₁△₂△₃☆東京11R フェブラリーステークス(GI)(ダート1600m) 今年最初のGIフェブラリーS。昨年の最優秀ダートホース・ルヴァンスレーヴの名がないのは残念ではあるが、それでも過去3年の勝ち馬が出走するなど豪華メンバーが揃った。中でも目下6連勝中と勢いに乗るインティが魅力的。これまで7戦6勝の戦績だが、唯一敗れたのはスタートで出遅れた上、道中馬群の中でキックバックを受ける形となってしまい、嫌気が差したのか直線では全く伸びず9着に敗れたデビュー戦のみ。2戦目から破竹の6連勝。6戦の内5戦で最速の上がりを使っており、もう1戦もメンバー中2位。しかもその内4戦は逃げてのもので、逃げて最速の上がりを使われてしまっては、後続は手も足も出ない。初の重賞挑戦となった前走の東海Sでは、逃げて上がりはメンバー中2位。それも直線はムチを軽く一回使ったものの、あとはほとんど促す程度。それで勝ちタイムは1分49秒8の好タイムだから本気で追ったらどれだけのものか。今回はグッとメンバーが強くなる上、芝スタート、関東への輸送と不安要素もあるが、本馬の底知れぬポテンシャルで杞憂に終わるだろう。相手本線はゴールドドリーム。当レースの一昨年の勝ち馬で、昨年もクビ差の2着。前走の東京大賞典では、チャンピオンズCを一頓挫で回避した経緯もあり、決して万全とは言えない状態で、勝ち馬のオメガパフュームとは3/4馬身差の2着と力を見せた。今回は順調に調整され、追い切りの動きからも万全の状態。状態さえ整えば、好勝負必至だろう。まとめて負かすならノンコノユメ。以下、サンライズノヴァ、サンライズソア、オメガパフュームまで。◎(6)インティ○(3)ゴールドドリーム▲(13)ノンコノユメ△(7)サンライズノヴァ△(10)サンライズソア△(14)オメガパフューム買い目【馬単】6点(6)→(3)(7)(10)(13)(3)(13)→(6)【3連複1頭軸流し】10点(6)−(3)(7)(10)(13)(14)【3連単フォーメーション】20点(6)→(3)(7)(13)→(3)(7)(10)(13)(14)(3)(13)→(6)→(3)(7)(10)(13)(14)※出走表などのデータは、必ず公式発表のものと照合し確認して下さい。<プロフィール>ハッシー山梨県出身。学生時代大井競馬場で開催された大学対抗予想大会の優勝メンバーの一員。大学卒業後北海道へ渡る。浦河にある生産牧場を経て、在京スポーツ紙に入社。牧童経験を活かし、数々の万馬券を的中する。中にはパドックで推奨した4頭で決まり、3連単100万越えあり。
藤田菜七子「GI初騎乗V」もある!Dr.コパが秘策を激白(2)気性が荒くて常に放馬を心配 - ニュース 速報 - Duration: 3:18.
菜七子人気で当日は り上がること間違いなし が、コパノキッキングに いては、不安の声が聞こ てくるのも確かだ。スポ ツ紙デスクが話す。 特に距離延長です。『根 S』後、手綱を取ったマ フィー騎手が『1200 ートルがベストかもしれ せん
1ハロン延ばすとしたら 妙ですね』と話していた 小林オーナーの目 は、どう映っているのか 「まず見た目は、短 離を走るダート馬じゃな と思っています。脚は長 し、父も1800メート の重賞を勝っている
だからこそ、購入時に米 の3冠レースに予備登録 したぐらい。ただ、とて 気性が荒くて、調教師泣 せでね。それですぐに去 した。先日『タマは冷凍 存していないのか?』っ スタッフに聞きましたよ
ここまで強くなってくれ ので、子孫を残しておき くなった(笑)」 戦に京都ダート1200 ートル(1着)を選んだ も、同馬の適性を重視し わけではなかった。 どうしても2月4日の立 に走らせたかった
私は愛馬の運のいい日を んでいるんです。しかし その日の新馬戦は『除外 可能性がある』と言われ から、じゃあ、未勝利戦 いこうとなった」 のデビュー戦は10番人 と低評価だった
「理由は気性にある」と ポーツ紙デスクが話す。 「馬場や距離適性への 問と、激しい気性でした 3戦目となった4月の阪 500万下を取り消した も気性の問題からでした 気性については、 林オーナーもこう口にす
「まず騎手に伝える とは『馬場に出る時に落 ないでね』『無事にゲー に入ってね』と。常に放 して飛んでいってしまう とを心配しています(苦 )」 とはいえ、小 オーナーと村山調教師が 黙って見ているわけでは い
前走の1400メートル ら今回の1600メート へ距離が延長となること ついても対策を練ってい 。 「昨年の秋から『 ょっと距離を持たせる調 をしない?』と、村山調 師に相談したんです
そして角馬場でゆっくり ゆっくりと長めに乗って らっている」 そう た調教の成果が確実に現 、「根岸S」の好走につ がったわけだ。スポーツ デスクもこう言う。 村山調教師はCウッドで めから追っていますが、 に日に前半を折り合って けるようになってる
『根岸S』でも、ダート なら前に行く戦法を取り ちなマーフィー騎手が巧 に操り、中団で脚をため いた。気性が荒い馬なの 、気分を害すると反発す ことを感じ取ったんでし う
距離ロスはあっても砂を ぶらない位置につけ、ラ トではじける乗り方を選 したんだと思います」
Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse GLC 220 d 4-Matic Premium Plus AMG Line Panoramadak Comand Automaat . - Duration: 1:17.
Beau geste du docteur devant le donneur d'organe|LSF TV - Duration: 3:40.
Révélations sur un nouveau partenaire de Benalla qui inquiète Matignon - NT - Duration: 6:17.
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse 180 D AMG -EDITION AUT, Panoramadak, Full Map Navi, Xenon, LMV - Duration: 1:14.
Xprize : La course aux innovations ! | The Flares - Duration: 14:02.
Unboxing Playmobil (fr) : La maison moderne (2000) – 3964, 3965, 3966, 3967, 3968, 3969 - Duration: 22:17.
Le message de Brigitte Macron aux gilets jaunes - NT - Duration: 2:51.
Million Arthur: Arcana Blood - Official Announcement Trailer - Duration: 0:33.
Time to kick it into overdrive!
The hit 2D fighting game Million Arthur: Arcana Blood is coming to Steam!
Eat lead!
Scared of a little shot?
Remember me each time you look at the moon.
Blade-Protector, advancing!
Let's make this quick, shall we?
All 44 characters come together
in a chaotic clash like never before!
Steam version Coming Summer 2019
Meghan Royal - Sophie Davant évoque son âge sans tabou : « Je n'ai plus le visage d'une gamine de 2 - Duration: 1:16.
Après une période plus délicate due à l'arrêt de son programme-phare Toute une histoire, Sophie Davant a su rebondir et s'épanouir
Aujourd'hui à la tête d'une des émissions les plus regardées du petit écran, elle semble plus heureuse que jamais et assume complètement le temps qui passe
Tout va bien dans le meilleur des mondes pour la pétillante Sophie Davant, merci pour elle !L'animatrice âgée de 55 ans, qui présente Affaire conclue, tout le monde a quelque chose à vendre – son émission d'enchères diffusée tous les jours de 16h15 à 18h sur France 2 -, rassemble à chaque nouveau numéro plus de 20% des téléspectateurs
Un succès qui ne cesse de croître pour la jolie blonde qui, il y a trois ans, disait au revoir, en larmes sur le plateau, à son émission-phare Toute une histoire (diffusée entre 2010 et 2016 sur France 2)
Depuis ces adieux déchirants, Sophie n'a pas tardé à rebondir et le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est qu'elle a su y mettre les formes ! Cette acharnée de travail a en effet su injecter les ingrédients nécessaires pour faire d'un programme pas très sexy sur le papier l'émission la plus suivie de la case 16h-18h
Un succès qui permet à l'animatrice d'être aujourd'hui considérée comme la force tranquille de France Télévisions, celle sur qui le service public peut compter sans prendre de risques
Suivie pendant trois jours par Le Parisien lors d'un de ses marathons hebdomadaires, Sophie Davant confie avant tout au quotidien, en kiosques ce vendredi : « J'ai un rythme de sportive de haut niveau ! » On la croit sur parole tant l'animatrice, entre télé (elle présente aussi chaque matin C'est au programme depuis vingt ans) et radio (elle s'y est mise depuis septembre sur M Radio), semble avoir le don d'ubiquité
>>> Sophie Davant : 20 ans de Téléthon en images Celle qui possède aussi le talent de faire parler ses invités, au point que ces derniers n'hésitent pas à lui parler de leur intimité et à lui lâcher parfois quelques confidences, dégage cette empathie et cette bienveillance naturelles
Mais elle ne manque pas, elle aussi, de se livrer parfois, comme c'est le cas dans les pages du Parisien, dans lequel elle confie notamment sa perplexité quant au fait de pardonner moins aux femmes qu'aux hommes le vieillissement physique : « Je sais bien que je n'ai ni un physique ni une tête de gamine de 20 ans
Mais j'essaie d'être une sorte de modèle pour les femmes de mon âge. » Un bien joli modèle… Et ce n'est pas Yann Moix qui nous contredira sur ce coup ! Crédits photos : Giancarlo Gorassini/Bestimage
미국을 사로잡은 한국의 여배우 배두나 영어 실력 - Duration: 5:05.
A famous movie director wanted to send me a scenario.
So I wanted to check it out.
But my English was bad.
She didn't give it up because of her poor English.
My brother used a video camera
to record my audition tape and I got the role.
Doona Bae was in a movie
with Tom Hanks, Halle Berry and other famous actors.
She took a role as Sonmi in Cloud Atlas.
Sonmi is a clone
and she sounds emotionless with a British accent.
Cloud Atlas is a Hollywood movie
but the directors wanted Sonmi to have a British accent.
So Doona Bae worked a lot with a coach.
During shooting
her English wasn't great, she said.
She sounded clumsy, but she delivered her point.
Her English is not bad.
I think she is being polite.
What you just saw is a scene from 'Sense 8'.
Doona Bae also used a British accent.
She said 'cause a scene' in the clip.
It means to make trouble in public.
When cause is a noun, it means 'reason for an action'
when it's a verb, it means 'make something happen'.
You make 'a scene' happen
and draw attention from people in public.
It has negative meaning.
Synonyms are 'make a scene'
and 'create a scene'.
When the man belittled women
she raised a tone at the end.
Saying 'Excuse me' is
a polite way of getting attention from people.
But when you use it like a question
it means 'What did you say?'.
When you didn't hear someone clearly or
when you are disagreeing with someone
you can say 'Excuse me?'
You can distinguish the meanings by voice tones.
Wow. She really beat up Dong-seok Ma.
When you want to be good at something, you need to practice hard.
Doona Bae used 'train'. It's more serious
and intense than 'practice'.
The interview in the beginning
which she kept repeating herself happened in 2012.
If you compare it to the recent one
she is a lot more fluent.
I can totally imagine how hard she trained.
She loves learning new things
and enjoys challenges.
She had various roles
and she nailed it almost every single time.
She is in a historical drama now.
What happened in Hanyang?
Dani's body looked horrible.
Doona Bae learned British English
and has a nice British accent.
Her English sounds calm and good, but she will become better in the future.
She said 'The present is the most important.'
But she may be even better in the future.
My name is Jinger.
See you next time. Bye.
Three Little Kittens | Little Eddie Cartoons | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:00:55.
Three Little Kittens
A House That Jack Built | Kids Cartoon Videos | Nursery Rhymes by Farmees - Duration: 1:00:53.
Farmees Look!
There's the house that Jack built!"
This is the house that Jack built.
This is the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the rat that ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the cat that killed the rat
That ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the dog that worried the cat
That killed the rat that ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog that worried the cat
That killed the rat that ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the maiden all forlorn
Who milked the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog that worried the cat
That killed the rat that ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the man all tattered and torn
That kissed the maiden all forlorn
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog that worried the cat
That killed the rat that ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the judge all shaven and shorn
That married the man all tattered and torn
That kissed the maiden all forlorn
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog that worried the cat
That killed the rat that ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the rooster that crowed in the morn
That woke the judge all shaven and shorn
That married the man all tattered and torn
That kissed the maiden all forlorn
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog that worried the cat
That killed the rat that ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the farmer sowing his corn
That kept the rooster that crowed in the morn
That woke the judge all shaven and shorn
That married the man all tattered and torn
That kissed the maiden all forlorn
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog that worried the cat
That killed the rat that ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
This is the horse and the hound and the horn
That belonged to the farmer sowing his corn
That kept the rooster that crowed in the morn
That woke the judge all shaven and shorn
That married the man all tattered and torn
That kissed the maiden all forlorn
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn
That tossed the dog that worried the cat
That killed the rat that ate the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.
Jack's house sure has a loooong story!"
Wheels on the Bus | Best Sing Along Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:00:23.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.
The children on the bus will seat and talk
Seat and talk.. Seat and talk..
The children on the bus will seat and talk
All the way to school
The driver on the bus will drive safely
Drive safely Drive safely
The driver on the bus will drive safely
All the way to the school
The sign on the bus mean stop right there
Stop right there Stop right there
The sign on the bus mean stop right there
When we drive around
The light on the bus go blink blink blink
Blink blink blink Blink blink blink
The light on the bus go blink blink blink
When we get to school
The door on the bus will open for us
Open for us Open for us
The door on the bus will open for us
When we get to school
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.
All through the town.
2/15/19 7:26 AM (444 S 4th St, Minneapolis, MN 55415, USA) - Duration: 23:21.
Как же я раньше не додумался до этого.... Обязательно Сделай и себе! - Duration: 5:25.
Hello friends, today we have an amazing idea for homemade
for the house for the garden for the apartment is not important
but made with a soul
of the most simple and affordable materials and do it yourself
Well, so as not to delay, I speed up the video a little
in the end we got a little shop for our little angels
who will thank you sincerely and with love
and this real imtio, not buy for any money
so like if you liked the video
necessarily, if you have free time, do it yourself
because it's cool, it's really cool
thank you all, bye bye
Actualité TV - Samir Nasri fait son retour en Premier League après sa suspension pour dopage (vidéo - Duration: 1:51.
Nothing's Changed - Original Rock Song - Duration: 2:52.
I guess that's all I thought I needed
And a change of place and a change of pace and maybe a friendly face but I
Wasn't an entirely honest with my intentions
So you swept right through it blew me off direction
And sent me scrambling for the nearest position
To place myself right by your side
In time before life could pass me by again
I can't believe it's happening all over again
{Radiohead intensifies}
Nothing's changed!
Nothing's changed!
I guess I'll never know what it's like not to be on my own
So I won't give it a shot, stay alone
I guess that's what I thought I needed
Some broken promises, and I think honestly it was nothing but a ruse I told myself
In fear that I'd never hear those words from someone else
{Sooomeone else!}
Because you know I love a liar who can play my heart
And tear it all apart because I love the pain even if it drives me insane
I guess not the passion of old has come back again!
I can't believe it's happening all over again!
Nothing's changed!
Nothing's changed!
I guess I'll never know what it's like not to be on my own
So I won't give it a shot, stay alone
{Gratuitous guitar solo!}
I guess I'll never know what it's like not to be on my own
So I won't give it a shot, stay alone
[Eng Sub] Mike Angelo's News Update about his new project in Hollywood - Duration: 2:17.
At this moment, we'd like to congratulations to the hot actor Mike Pirat
After he rose to fame as a lead actor in China,
that gave him more opportunities to work abroad
Lately, he has a new movie "The Misfits"
with Pierce Brosnan who was the male lead of James Bond 007
The Misfits is directed by the veteran action director Remmy Harlin
In this movie, there are many casts on board such as Hermione Cofield,
Jamie Chung and Hollywood team
The Misfits centers on renowned criminal Richard Pace
who finds himself caught up in an elaborate gold heist
that promises to have far reaching implications on his life and the lives of countless others
In the movie, Mike takes the role of Wick
Mike reveals he has chances to meet Pierce Brosnan
He is feeling excited to work with the legend James Bond 007
He watched the movie and admire the legend
When taking to the legend, he feels like he is talking to James Bond 007 all the time
He had a chance to have a meal with Pierce Brosnan
who was nice and friendly
That impressed him a lot
He also posted his feeling about his new project on IG
The movie starts principal photography in Abu Dhabi on February 1
Let's imagine how much he is glad
because he is the first Thai star who signed the contract with the world-class angency
How about his family's feeling?
We have a chance to phone in with Mike's father
Let's listen to what he is saying
As his dad, I feel glad and happy for him
He has his goal. He want to set an example for people
Taking action can make you reach the goal or what you want
but how far you can go depends on the timing of life
I tell him to do his best, make an all-out effort
determined on what he do and what he love
Oho... Superb!!
Actualité TV - "Le football féminin, c'est une idée de Satan" : l'incroyable sortie misogyne d'un d - Duration: 2:41.
ZULA BEDAVA HESAP BULMAK!! - Duration: 9:34.
一部電影驚動美國海軍:傳奇F-14戰機再現航母?- 军事 新闻 - Duration: 3:32.
F-14戰機 再現航母? !日前
有網友在社交 媒體平台上 曝光了幾張 F-14出 現在美國海 軍航空母艦 上的照片。
當今世界上只 有伊朗空軍 仍在操作著 一定數量的 F-14「 雄貓」戰機
而美國海軍早 在2006 年就將該機 退役。
退役後的F- 14絕大多 數都被送去 飛機墳場
只有少數幾架 經過非軍事 化處理後進 入航空博物 館展示。
為了杜絕F- 14零部件 經黑市流向 伊朗
美國又將墳場 F-14進 行了肢解處 理。
如今航母飛行 甲板上出現 F-14戰 機又是怎麼 一回事呢? 2月1 4日
有國外網友在 推特上曝光 了F-14 戰機出現在 聖迭戈北島 海軍基地航 空母艦上的 照片。
這位網友配文 稱:「他們 在聖迭戈為 一部電影拍 攝一些場景 。
他們將一架F -14安放 在飛行甲板 上。
」 曝光的 畫面顯示
電影拍攝團隊 圍繞著這架 F-14戰 機進行工作
而戰機則被安 放在彈射器 上。
在空戰電影《 壯志凌雲I I》中
觀眾們極有可 能看到F- 14戰機從 航母上起飛 的畫面。
這並非一架會 飛的F-1 4
它很可能是從 博物館裡拖 出來專門用 於地面拍攝 的靜態道具 。
照片中還 可以看到
這架F-14 的左側機翼 下掛了一枚 AIM-9 「響尾蛇」 飛彈
這似乎預示著 F-14戰 機不僅將回 歸《壯志凌 雲》的續集
還可能會有空 戰的戲份。
此前也有消息 稱
羅斯福號航母 將會配合電 影的拍攝
因此也不排除 這架F-1 4將搭載在 航母的飛行 甲板上出航 的可能性。
網絡上曝光的 照片就顯示 了《壯志凌 雲II》主 角湯姆.
克魯斯與一架 F-14戰 機在塔霍湖 附近機場的 一個積雪掩 蓋的飛機掩 體內進行互 動的畫面。
如今出現在航 母飛行甲板 上的F-1 4戰機似乎 是同一架飛 機。
考慮到伊 朗空軍仍在 繼續使用F -14
美國針對該戰 機有一系列 繁雜的出口 管制條例。
要想讓一架經 過非軍事化 處理的F- 14重新飛 上天空
成本將會非常 高昂
幾乎不太可能 實現。
由於《壯志凌 雲II》有 美國海軍的 大力支持
因此電影中會 出現大量真 實飛行的畫 面。
部分CGI畫 面也是少不 了的。
得知格魯曼公 司的F-1 4「雄貓」 重新出現在 現役的超級 航母上
這對「艦隊守 衛者」的粉 絲而言還是 倍感欣慰的 。
THE BREAKER UPPERERS (2019) - Netflix Original Movie - One Minute Movie Review - Duration: 1:26.
the breaker uppers is the Netflix original comedy starring QE comedians
Madeleine Sami and Jackie Van Beek this raunchy comedy is also written and
directed by the same duo from New Zealand the pair played BFFs who run a
business focused on helping people get out of relationships for the right price
they'll put an end to any romance both women have a very complicated past but
it managed to put their differences aside and try to help couples in need
now I will say this film has a very different feel in comparison to most
buddy comedies but that was actually kind of a nice change of pace and I
really think this movie is gonna bring a lot more opportunity to Sammy and Bambi
the situation's they put themselves into are not only pretty funny there's some
of the most original sequences I've seen in a comedy the movie does Dragon parts
and it does take a little bit of time to get into it first but it's still
definitely worth watching overall the breaker uppers is one of the
better netbooks original comedies I've seen both Sammy and Bambi play very well
off of each other and make for a pretty great comedy team it's not the funniest
movie I've seen but it's enjoyable enough to put on if you just want to
turn your brain off and have a good laugh that's why I give the breaker upperers at THREE!
ISO Explained: Learn the Basics [Photo/Video Starter Kit] - Duration: 4:53.
this video is part of a new series called the photo video starter kit where
we're going to cover the basic skills and terms that you need to go from
beginner to better the first thing we're going to cover is the exposure triangle
there's a help you get out of Auto to understand your camera better and also
what you can create with it today's topic is ISO what we're gonna do is
gonna cover the definition what that really means and also the creative
application so the definition of ISO in digital photography it measures how
sensitive the image sensor is to by what this means is that much like the
exposure slider on your photo editor software like Lightroom that kind of
thing it digitally increases the level of light that your sensor is picking up
the creative application for this is that it allows you to keep your shutter
speed or aperture constant to achieve the creative look you want while still
getting the exposure you need so for example you might be in a situation
where there's not tons of light but you want a quick shutter speed because you
need to freeze the motion by putting the ISO up you can still expose correctly
while achieving this now a consideration to keep in mind with ISO is that the
higher you push it the more noise you'll introduce into the photo so use it
sparingly try and keep it as low as possible that said most modern cameras
today like for example they're a 7-3 that I'm shooting on I've got a really
wide ISO range and they perform really well without introducing too much noise
even up into the thousands so you just need to bear in mind that there's a
trade-off for what you're trying to achieve don't be scared to push the ISO
if it's the only way you're gonna capture the image because noisy image
better than no image at all one end you've got low ISO that's less
sensitivity on the sensor but also less noise you can take advantage of the fact
there's not too much noise but you're not necessarily going to be enabled
use faster shutter speeds or stop down aperture for example on the flipside to
that if you're doing a long exposure so you've got an extremely slow shutter
speed you probably want to put the ISO as low as possible
because any additional light in that situation is probably gonna hurt rather
than how at the other end of the spectrum you've got the high ISOs now
these can allow you to be creative in different ways you can go for a really
high shutter speed freeze the motion and use the ISO to expose it properly just
bear in mind there will be a trade off with some noise sometimes even if you're
not using a creative application the specific trading off sometimes you're
just in a really low light situation you've got your aperture wide open your
shutter speed is as low as it can get without introducing camera shake and
it's still dark so then you need to put the is aft as well now bear in mind
these situations are likely to introduce the most noise because you're already
right in that that line of exposing just under any way so if it's a low light
situation just be careful watching where you need to be but I find this always
better to try and get your exposure correcting camera and try and fix it in
post even shoot in RAW so yeah that was ISO next time we're gonna cover aperture
and then we'll wrap it up with the third in the series which will be shutter
speed after the exposure triangle we'll move on to other aspects thanks for
watching I hope you found that helpful be sure to subscribe and hit the bow so
you'll notified when I post a new video give this video a thumbs up if you liked
it because it really helps in the algorithm especially for small channels
like this the the main way we're gonna survive on YouTube is by getting into
that sidebar getting recommended videos that kind of thing and the best way to
do that is by getting a good engagement rate getting lots of likes on the videos
it tells YouTube that you guys like the content and you want to see more of it
I'd really appreciate if you could just hit that thumbs up and maybe leave a
comment below regardless of why it says it all counselors in kitchen so thanks
very much and I'll see you in the next one
Необычная прогулка с собакой. #СЛЕДУЙЗАФОНДЮ - Duration: 1:34.
Today we have a new project "follow the fondue"
If you think something will happen, then nothing will happen.
Heavy on outstretched arms to carry her
We just go near the metro station Dynamo.
And the dog doesn't care whether it is on weight or whatever
Write in the comments if you like this format.
Remember followthefondue
Metro Dynamo, directly entrance
Here, see what stadium built? No, it's not in the concept, let's not turn. Let's go straight!
We probably look stupid with you
Nope, but I'm not stupid, it's very convenient for me to sit like that. Like. Generally cool
Well, you see, everything is for you
We get down to the transition Usually here are bicycles
On this journey with fondue ends
If any of you think that we are torturing a dog, the easiest way is to ask the dog
I wish everyone that you, like me, are always carried in your arms
Bye bye my darlings!
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