. It is called Bong Lai Thuong temple. The second Bong Lai temple is located in Cao Phong, Hoa Binh (called Bong Lai Thuong Cao Phong temple) ) is associated with the legend about her death and becoming a saint.
. In the anti-superstition movement after the liberation of the French
olonial empire, the temple was knocked down, leaving only incenses and an ordinance.
Other offerings and ordinances were burnt and lost. Later, citizens secretly set up a small shrine to continue worshiping her (along with the remaining incense).
). However, the shrine was removed by the local authority in vain. In 2006, when .
the government approved of the freedom of religion, the association of the elderly decided to invite a manager to preside over the restoration of the shrine.
The current temple is the merit of many people including the citizens, the manager of the temple and the guests
The temple is associated with many tales from the ancient time to now.
We still have some legends about the strange things that have been spreaded throughout the area.
In the anti-superstition movement (in the sixties of the 20th century) when the temple was destroyed,
there was a family of 11 children (1 youngest son) who accidentally cut down a tree in the back of the temple to use it as firewood.
After cutting down, the youngest son fell sick. The family brought him to hospital, yet it was too late.
He passed away. The people here thought that the family was punished by Co Doi.
The story about Co Doi Thuong Ngan is long, plz visit: MUAHOABACHHOP.COM
For more infomation >> Cô Đôi thượng ngàn và những câu chuyện ly kỳ về ngôi đề thờ cô - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 4:15.-------------------------------------------
誰是吵架王?柯P粗鄙 蘇狠又酸 韓國瑜幽默打禪機 - Duration: 7:40.
誰是吵架王?柯P粗鄙 蘇狠又酸 韓國瑜 幽默打禪機 全台 灣最「絕頂聰明」的 兩個禿子交鋒
高雄市長韓國瑜嗆 有電火球稱號的閣揆 蘇貞昌
要求補助款重寫計畫是 什麼意思?被蘇狂「 電」拿出證明
台北市議員王世堅也是 箇中翹楚
讓台北市長柯文哲「避 之唯恐不及」。
」韓自忖發言非百分 百站得住腳
巧妙回應「禿頭不刁難 禿頭」。
王自稱「獸性問政 」
太好了;但王隨即反嗆 柯「禽獸不如」
•禿子槓禿子 韓 國瑜直播叫陣 韓國 瑜17日體驗網友製 作的高雄跑BAR路 線
隨後在酒吧開臉書直播 談高雄經濟
指高雄280萬人必須 要發展
「你現在行政院長上來 之後
是什麼意思?」 • 蘇酸韓:不要給禿子 漏氣 蘇貞昌了解來 龍去脈後
19日接受記者採訪時 說
才問韓原本行政院要補 助高雄100多億建 岡山段捷運
有沒有意見?市府也回 覆願意繼續
「哪來的行政院長換人 」
指韓國瑜「半夜酒館開 直播
如果韓拿得出1張 他當行政院長後
我跟他和全體高雄市民 道歉;如果拿不出來
那他應該跟我和行政院 公務人員道歉
最後還撂下「不要給禿 子漏氣
」 •禿頭不刁 難禿頭 韓國瑜誠意 +善意 蘇貞昌話中 帶刺
如果行政院真心誠 意希望高雄建設的更 好
大概有2到3件被刁難 。
整個城市支撐台灣半邊 天的經濟
行政院應該用照顧跟感 恩的心來回饋給高雄 市民
」 •黃重諺出 招 韓國瑜四兩撥千 金 面對「挑戰」
總統府發言人黃重諺事 後也在臉書貼文
暗諷韓國瑜「土包子喝 醉
只會變成喝醉的土包子 。
」韓回應隨便他們 講
「他們嘴巴狗嘴吐不了 象牙」
三兩句話就全頂了回去 。
•韓回李家同「請 傾聽民意」 韓國瑜 在一場產業座談會感 嘆台灣20多年來沒 有進步
「整整鬼混了20多年 」。
清大榮譽教授李家同 在臉書批韓唱衰台灣
但請菁英份子傾聽一下 民意、
台灣這麼多人民日子越 過越苦
難道感覺不出來嗎? 韓說
20多年前的台灣人民 過得非常有信心
但是20年後的今 天
勞工收入的確比20多 年前還差
「這個時候我們還要再 繼續騙嗎?」 • 柯文哲槓王世堅 彼 此很刻薄 王世堅和 韓國瑜一樣反應機敏
韓擔任北農總經理期間 到北市議會接受王質 詢
兩人「舌戰」影片在網 路流傳
成推升韓國瑜知名度竄 升的主要原因之一。
問政火爆犀利的王 世堅
聽到王自稱「獸性 問政」
柯笑說「他承認他是禽 獸」、
他說的獸性問政是 指「野獸」
沒想到柯文哲卻硬說是 禽獸
柯文哲回應「我有需要 每天給他博版面嗎? 」
•一杯「堅果飲」 柯王年假過招 柯 文哲過年期間和多位 網紅合拍影片
其中老天鵝娛樂與柯合 作「做年菜」
一開場就央求做「王世 堅果飲」
沒想到柯秒回「喝了一 定會落屎(拉肚子) 」。
一年365天瞎忙36 4天
1天放空不行嗎?不要 那麼邪惡
• 柯號稱智商1 57 王世堅未居下 風 柯文哲號稱智商 157
表示不願回答「那個人 」的相關問題
讓外界好奇王的「口才 」是怎麼訓練的? 王世堅笑說
可以看得出柯文哲的邪 惡。
看待市政多半用「沈澱 的心情」
不過面對像柯文哲這種 「政治界的詐欺犯」
跟韓國瑜支持者有重疊?柯P:跟小英重疊比較高 - Duration: 2:13.
Místo 9 měsíců 2 roky basy? Řepka může dopadnout i hůř, varují právníci - Duration: 4:30.
Býval ikonou Sparty, jezdil v porsche a vydělával miliony. Kvůli své divoké povaze a tahanicím s bývalou manželkou Vlaďkou Erbovou (37) ale jeho jméno figuruje hned v pěti soudních řízeních
Soud ho poprvé klepl přes prsty v roce 2015, kdy za řízení v opilosti dostal tříměsíční podmínku
Půl roku nato ale i přes 18měsíční zákaz řízení zase sedl za volant opilý, a měl tak opět problém se zákonem
Soud mu podmínku o tři měsíce prodloužil. Kvůli dvěma dalším blikancům - neplacení alimentů a falešným pornoinzerátům na matku svého syna Markuse (6) - si v úterý před soudem vyslechl zpřísněný trest: Devět měsíců natvrdo ve věznici s ostrahou! Na místě ale podal stížnost
Podle Bleskem osloveného advokátního koncipienta Jakuba Schneidera by mohlo být ještě hůř
Začátkem února byl fotbalista zatím nepravomocně odsouzen za zpronevěru na 15 měsíců vězení
Pokud by mu ve všech případech byly ponechány stejné tresty, mohl by jít za katr na 24 měsíců
„V takovém případě by došlo k uložení souhrnného trestu a tresty by se sečetly. Tedy v tomto konkrétním případě by byl odsouzenému uložen nepodmíněný trest odnětí svobody v délce trvání 24 měsíců," vysvětlil Schneider
A kdyby se král blikanců kousnul a nechtěl dokončit zbytek obecně prospěšných prací (195 hodin) za podání falešných pornoinzerátů na exmanželku, přišel by další trest
„Soud by mu trest obecně prospěšných prací přeměnil na trest domácího vězení, peněžitý trest nebo trest odnětí svobody," dodal koncipient
On říká: Za vše může Erbová! Před soudem se bývalý fotbalista znovu pustil do své bývalé manželky Erbové
„Neplatím jí alimenty v plné výši i proto, že porušila dohodu. Byli jsme domluvení původně, že budu kluka vídat, kdy budu chtít
Fungovalo to, když bydleli v Praze a já neměl přítelkyni. To jsem jí byl dobrej, a když šla na rande, hlídal jsem jí obě děti," tvrdil Řepka, že v té době měl na starost i nevlastní dceru Viktorii (11)
„Syna jsem naposledy viděl v září 2017, vzal jsem ho do zoo a byl nadšený. Jenže pak zjistila, že mám přítelkyni, a začalo peklo," vysvětloval soudkyni
Modelka vynesený rozsudek komentovala s ledovým klidem. „Je mi pouze líto jeho rodiny a všech jeho dětí
Návaznosti a důsledky svého konání si jistě každý dospělý člověk uvědomuje," napsala Vlaďka Blesku
Průšvihář Řepka: Za řízení v opilosti dalších devět měsíců, celkem může strávit v base dva roky! Video délka: 01:04 720p 360p REKLAMA Průšvihář Řepka: Za řízení v opilosti dalších devět měsíců, celkem může strávit v base dva roky! iSport TV
FOX TV - Paid to wait with Lloyds shares but I'd have been better off elsewhere - Duration: 7:43.
Tucked away somewhere in my investments I have some Lloyds shares.If I had any sense, I probably would have sold them by now
I might have done so had it been easier, but when I say tucked away I mean it – they are held as paper share certificates and I'm not entirely certain where they all are
Lloyds' small army of shareholders – including yours truly – got some good news yesterday with a hefty bump to the dividend and share buyback
It's tempting to give yourself a pat on the back and say 'job well done', but owning Lloyds shares long-term has provided as many lessons in the pitfalls of investing as it has the successes
Dividends are good news but the long-term share price chart for Lloyds is not a pretty pictureLloyds shares might have a healthy forecast yield of 6 per cent, but even after yesterday's bounce the 61
6p share price remains about 10 per cent below the 70p level it was knocking around a year ago and substantially down on the 88p recent peak of May 2015
Mind you, that's nothing compared to how bad the chart looks for long-term investors
Stretch the time frame back to before the financial crisis and the picture is of a sharp and sizeable drop from above £5 a share, to a decade spent bumping along the ground
RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 2 Next Lloyds shareholders to get a slice of jumbo £4billion
Revealed: The strong and weak points of Britain's bank. Time to look again at our unloved banks: As profits rise,
Should you go for gold? It could be a wise investment as. MINOR INVESTOR: The list of the 14 best income UK funds that
Share this article Share HOW THIS IS MONEY CAN HELP How to choose the best (and cheapest) DIY investing Isa - and our pick of the platforms My own history of owning Lloyds shares dates back to the Halifax demutualisation
I had a Halifax Building Society savings account and when it became a bank I was just old enough to qualify for free shares
As Halifax became HBoS and banks boomed in the early 2000s, I held onto them all the way up to the heady heights of £11, and then all the way back down again, as the banks crashed to earth
Ultimately, the disastrous arranged marriage of HBoS and Lloyds pulled the latter into the picture – and dragged it down too – and my shares became those in Lloyds Banking Group
Even more bad news followed, but when it came to the 2009 rights issue I reasoned that I may as well buy at the knockdown price of 37p, on the basis that short of the bank going bust (which wasn't out of the question), they'd probably be worth more in the future
Lloyds being Lloyds, the shares did manage to fall below that 37p level but then rose again
At one point I'd more than doubled my money on that rights issue investment, but then Brexit worries for the UK's domestically-focussed bank sent the shares down again
Shareholders in Lloyds Banking Group will receive a slice of a £4billion dividend payoutSo, beyond the fact that I'm not sure where the certificates are, why do I still hold Lloyds shares?Well, the dividend helps: I asked Laith Khalaf, at Hargreaves Lansdown, to run the numbers for me and us Lloyds shareholders have had 12
81p paid out per share since dividends restarted in 2015.That's 35 per cent of the 37p cost of the rights issue shares
'A pretty good return', Laith said, but added that most holders back in 2009, 'probably had a few nasty losses to recover'
Lloyds shares are also currently pretty cheap. Our unloved banks are still considered only an investment for the brave and despite Lloyds having largely sorted its finances out, it still only trades on a forward price-to-earnings ratio of 7
65, below even its lowly five-year average of 9.The idiotic mis-selling of PPI still hangs over Lloyds and its fellow banks (they continued to flog the insurance for years after we and other publications exposed dodgy sales tactics) but costs are now easing
That said, I'll admit that ten years ago (or even five) I expected Lloyds to be doing better by now
You may argue that thanks to the dividend shareholders have been paid to wait. The only problem is that if we'd put our money elsewhere, we might have got paid more
Over ten years, Lloyds shares are up 8.4 per cent, while the dividends it has paid out are worth 22 per cent of the 57
8p share price a decade ago - over the same period, the average UK equity income investment trust has a total return of 261 per cent
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随手能拍出"杂志封面"大片?vivo NEX双屏版拍照实力爆表的秘密 - Duration: 4:21.
vivo最近推出的NEX双屏版在手机拍照这方面做的堪称完美! 随手能拍出"杂志封面"大片?vivo NEX双屏版拍照实力爆表的秘密-雪花新闻 vivo NEX双屏版正面采用的是91.
vivo NEX双屏版正面还搭载了第五代光电屏幕指纹识别功能
随手能拍出"杂志封面"大片?vivo NEX双屏版拍照实力爆表的秘密-雪花新闻 除了充满黑科技的双屏设计外
vivo NEX双屏版摄像头放置的位置也较为新颖
有了1200万双核像素(OIS+AF)主摄+ TOF 3D立体摄像头以及夜视摄像头这样的手机拍照组合
这次vivo NEX双屏版的星环柔光灯在补光的同时还有自带美瞳的效果
随手能拍出"杂志封面"大片?vivo NEX双屏版拍照实力爆表的秘密-雪花新闻 出去玩时碰到美丽的风景想必大家都会有将自己与其定格在照片中的冲动
而vivo NEX双屏版的背屏实时显示画面可提示被拍照者自己调节姿势
随手能拍出"杂志封面"大片?vivo NEX双屏版拍照实力爆表的秘密-雪花新闻 所以
不妨狠狠心给自己买一部拍照神机vivo NEX双屏版
而vivo NEX双屏版的另外
何不乘着这个机会用vivo NEX双屏版的120°超广角拍照功能则可以满足集体照
所以还需要犹豫什么?快为自己入手一部vivo NEX双屏版吧!
Win Free Toys At Playtime With Parker. Hot Wheels Toys For Free.
[Nouvelles Chaudes] Anthony Martial prend la parole et s'excuse après la décision de Mélanie Da Cruz - Duration: 5:29.
Израильский дрон-камикадзе - Duration: 2:32.
Opel Combo Life: With Up to 7 Seats - Duration: 1:23.
This is Julia.
How many kids do you have, Julia?
Good thing you're driving a Combo Life…
Designed to meet all your family's needs,
the versatile Combo Life is available in two lenghts
– regular, or XL for even greater space
and flexibility.
Enjoy enormous boot space,
and take advantage of
flexible, foldable seating in the rear
to stow long items like bikes –
or crocodiles.
For bigger families, specify the Combo
with up to 7 seats,
or use 3 child seats in the second row
to safely move the kids.
Handy sliding doors
don't just make getting in and out of tight spots easy -
they also add a dash of style.
Take practicality to the next level
with up to 28 storage compartments in the cabin –
and a rear tailgate with opening window.
Fill the cabin with light
via the Panoramic Roof,
and keep all your family's stuff within
easy reach with additional overhead storage.
The facts speak for the Combo Life.
Ptica ranoranilica 31. epizoda - INSERTI s prevodom - Duration: 3:42.
Opel Combo Life: Innovation & Technology - Duration: 1:37.
This is Julia.
She's here to show you how innovative your
next family car can be.
Just as soon as she's ready.
In 3, 2, 1...
OK, let's do it.
Keep your hands free with the
Combo Life's Keyless Open & Start –
as long as the key is in your bag or pocket,
you're good to go.
Enjoy Bluetooth compatibility
and top up your smartphone on the go
with integrated wireless charging.
Whatever the season,
heated steering wheel and seats
are there to keep you comfortable.
Multimedia Navi Pro guides you smoothly
to your destination.
Staying in sync with the world is essential
- and with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay,
you'll be as connected as you desire.
Make parking struggles a thing of the past
with the 180° wide-angle Panoramic Rear-view Camera.
Thanks to a range of efficient engines
and a precise 8-speed automatic transmission,
every drive is rewardingly smooth.
And go hands-free with Advanced Park Assist
to make fitting into tight spots on city streets simple.
The facts speak for the Combo Life.
Opel Combo Life: Advanced Safety Features - Duration: 1:57.
Meet Julia.
She's about to show you several
smart safety features
of the Combo Life.
As soon as she's finished blowing up that
In traffic,
the Combo Life's
Automatic Cruise Control system
brakes and accelerates
to maintain a safe distance
from the vehicle in front
until the road clears.
Forward Collision Alert
warns of potential collisions
with the car in front, or pedestrians,
while Automatic Emergency Braking
brings the car to a standstill when necessary.
Should you accidentally drift from your lane,
the smart Lane Keep Assist offers an alert,
and gently steers you back on track
if you don't react.
And with Side Blind Spot Alert,
a visual warning on the wing mirror
notifies of traffic hidden
from view.
Realising it's time to take a break
isn't always easy - that's where the Combo Life's
Driver Drowsiness Alert comes in,
letting you know it's time to pull over.
The helpful Speed Sign Recognition
alerts you to changes in the speed limit.
Activating the Intelligent Speed Adaptation
controls your speed accordingly, with changes
projected via the Head-Up Display.
And in sand, sleet or on tricky surfaces,
the convenient IntelliGrip system finds all
the traction you need for a smooth drive.
The facts speak for the Combo Life.
Ya Roh Kudus Ku Haus PadaMu Lirik - Duration: 4:04.
Yung Rajola x Argibtzz - MAMA (Colors: Groc) - Duration: 3:14.
Tesla CHAdeMO adapter tutorial - Duration: 5:06.
okay when using the CHAdeMO adapter like so, you want to retrieve the charging handle first, like so you don't do want to do it after because some of them
charge by the minute then you'll connect it to the charging handle so it clicks the you connect it to your car and then it will lock, the next thing you want to do is
authorize yourself with the station you can do that with money or a card stand
by while I retrieve my card from my pocket there we go
so on these EVgo stations you hit start then you just select CHAdeMO which
is either touch screen or start again and then you can give it a credit card
or you can give it your EVgo card which I will do by tapping the NFC
against that alright it's seen it so we push start to continue it'll do a test
and then the car will test it and then it will actually start oh these things
are loud so you will hear it make a lot of fan noise there's a contactor that's
fans kick on and then you can see the Tesla is ready too so now we are DC fast
okay we can see here that very much like the supercharger or even our home
chargers you see some stats so again you don't really care about the miles per
hour you don't really care about the miles per hour because you can't compare
that across cars but we can compare is the 95 amps at 387 volts this won't be
as fast as a supercharger nor will the voltage and amps track the same way
either because this one has to match the voltage of your pack so right now we're
at 387 and that will go up to 400 and change whatever the packs voltage is but
the amps will start to drop as it reaches full so the strategy with the
superchargers is you want to charge often as you can as low as you can but
the with the DC fast chargers for the CHAdeMO you actually want to do the
opposite you want to charge before you get to 50% if you can that way you get
more electricity per session so let's look at the charge screen and see what
we see so we can see we've got 40 minutes till we reach the 90 percent
setpoint we're currently charging at 33 kilowatts remember that the slowest
tesla urban supercharger is 72 kilowatts and the fastest current Tesla
supercharger in the United States is 120 kilowatts some worldwide you can get the
135 some in the states you can get to 30 135 - but I have not seen proof of that
just seen the math where it does work and then again I'll show you how many
miles on your charge it's added so we've had three miles in the amount of time
I've been making this video and there you have it that is DC fast charging
with the CHAdeMO adapter if they offer the combo plug CCS charger I will I will
purchase that and make a video on that for you guys as well
ok so to remove the
CHAdeMO adapter you have to have your car unlocked just
like using the supercharger or your home charger push the button and pull when it
unlocks then you release the lock on the station return the handle and your CHAdeMO
adapter's ready to store again the CHAdeMO adapter is an extra cost
accessory that you can get from Tesla I'll include a link and a picture of it
in the video it's not cheap it's it's been on sale for anywhere from 300 to
500 dollars and you can probably get a used one from some of the clubs for
around 250 to full price depending on on who you buy it from ours took about two
weeks for when we ordered it to show up at our house but that's the CHAdeMO
adapter one end is CHAdeMO one end is Tesla DC you the reason I say Tesla DC
is it's it's the thicker handle that you find on the supercharger it's not the
smaller handle you'll find on the on the home charging kits or the one that comes
in the car so I'll just store my back and thanks for watching we'll catch
you on the flipside
Five decades after alleged abuse, Texas man cheers proposed Baptists' changes - Duration: 7:01.
Cô Đôi thượng ngàn và những câu chuyện ly kỳ về ngôi đề thờ cô - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 4:15.
. It is called Bong Lai Thuong temple. The second Bong Lai temple is located in Cao Phong, Hoa Binh (called Bong Lai Thuong Cao Phong temple) ) is associated with the legend about her death and becoming a saint.
. In the anti-superstition movement after the liberation of the French
olonial empire, the temple was knocked down, leaving only incenses and an ordinance.
Other offerings and ordinances were burnt and lost. Later, citizens secretly set up a small shrine to continue worshiping her (along with the remaining incense).
). However, the shrine was removed by the local authority in vain. In 2006, when .
the government approved of the freedom of religion, the association of the elderly decided to invite a manager to preside over the restoration of the shrine.
The current temple is the merit of many people including the citizens, the manager of the temple and the guests
The temple is associated with many tales from the ancient time to now.
We still have some legends about the strange things that have been spreaded throughout the area.
In the anti-superstition movement (in the sixties of the 20th century) when the temple was destroyed,
there was a family of 11 children (1 youngest son) who accidentally cut down a tree in the back of the temple to use it as firewood.
After cutting down, the youngest son fell sick. The family brought him to hospital, yet it was too late.
He passed away. The people here thought that the family was punished by Co Doi.
The story about Co Doi Thuong Ngan is long, plz visit: MUAHOABACHHOP.COM
Drsný vzkaz pro věčně spící Terezu z Výměny: Dej si pozor, jinak... - Duration: 3:42.
Po skončení natáčení reality show se dvě rodiny, které se zde střetly, dál nestýkají
Ovšem i když Arne (47) a Andrea (30) z Liberce nejsou přímo v kontaktu s Terezou (26), které během debaty mezi 8 očima řekli, že je „hrozná špína, obyčejná feťačka a ho*no u cesty", baví se s jejím kamarádem Vojtou (24)
Ten v době natáčení s Terezou a její rodinou žil, teď už ale společnou domácnost nesdílí
Právě od něj se ale rodina dozvěděla, že Tereza skutečně bere drogy, i když se jim snažila tvrdit opak
Ostatně i děti z ní cítily marihuanu. Také její chování tomu napovídalo – už první den si prý lehla a spala až do druhého dne odpoledne
„Dcera mi volala, že nemůže jít do školy a nechat doma dvouletou sestru samotnou," prozradil pro TV Nova Arne s tím, že nejprve měl za to, že je třeba nemocná
Ona se ale už do Výměny hlásila s tím, že si chce odpočinout. Není divu, že všechno si tak musely obstarat děti samy bez její pomoci
„Nejhorší okamžik byl, když jsem ráno ve čtyři odešel do práce a Nikola mi volala v půl osmé, že Viktorie brečí, že má nacpanou plenu, že paní pořád spí a ona si s tím neví rady
Byla to taková bezmoc, že jsem nemohl odejít z práce. Ale naštěstí se to zvládlo," popisoval hrůzné okamžiky Arne, kterému se vlastně ulevilo, když Tereza po čtyřech dnech jeho domácnost opustila
Stejně tak jeho ratolestem. Vidět už by ji prý nikdo z nich nechtěl. Hlavně na Nikolce (7) se Výměna nehezky podepsala
Ovšem Arne také lituje Tereziných dětí a přál by si, aby se k nim chovala lépe, než jak předvedla u něj doma
Poslal jí proto nyní poměrně jasný vzkaz: „Chtěl bych jí vzkázat, aby se zamyslela nad svým životem
Má hrozně skvělé děti, které má v péči a které na ni jednou budou vzpomínat jako na mámu, a tímhle směrem na ni budou vzpomínat ve zlém," posteskl si Arne
VIDEO: Ve Výměně manželek Tereza pospávala a o děti se nestarala! Video délka: 01:07 1080p 720p 360p REKLAMA Výměna manželek: Náhradní manželka neustále spí! TV Nova
Bayrou ne veut pas "passer (son) temps à condamner" certaines opinions - Duration: 3:09.
Un chef dans ma cuisine - Carpaccio de gambas au balsamique à l'orange proposé par Benjamin Bajeux - Duration: 2:07.
Po nedávných fámách o jeho skonu potěšil Gott fanoušky aktuální fotkou - Duration: 4:13.
Místo 9 měsíců 2 roky basy? Řepka může dopadnout i hůř, varují právníci - Duration: 4:30.
Býval ikonou Sparty, jezdil v porsche a vydělával miliony. Kvůli své divoké povaze a tahanicím s bývalou manželkou Vlaďkou Erbovou (37) ale jeho jméno figuruje hned v pěti soudních řízeních
Soud ho poprvé klepl přes prsty v roce 2015, kdy za řízení v opilosti dostal tříměsíční podmínku
Půl roku nato ale i přes 18měsíční zákaz řízení zase sedl za volant opilý, a měl tak opět problém se zákonem
Soud mu podmínku o tři měsíce prodloužil. Kvůli dvěma dalším blikancům - neplacení alimentů a falešným pornoinzerátům na matku svého syna Markuse (6) - si v úterý před soudem vyslechl zpřísněný trest: Devět měsíců natvrdo ve věznici s ostrahou! Na místě ale podal stížnost
Podle Bleskem osloveného advokátního koncipienta Jakuba Schneidera by mohlo být ještě hůř
Začátkem února byl fotbalista zatím nepravomocně odsouzen za zpronevěru na 15 měsíců vězení
Pokud by mu ve všech případech byly ponechány stejné tresty, mohl by jít za katr na 24 měsíců
„V takovém případě by došlo k uložení souhrnného trestu a tresty by se sečetly. Tedy v tomto konkrétním případě by byl odsouzenému uložen nepodmíněný trest odnětí svobody v délce trvání 24 měsíců," vysvětlil Schneider
A kdyby se král blikanců kousnul a nechtěl dokončit zbytek obecně prospěšných prací (195 hodin) za podání falešných pornoinzerátů na exmanželku, přišel by další trest
„Soud by mu trest obecně prospěšných prací přeměnil na trest domácího vězení, peněžitý trest nebo trest odnětí svobody," dodal koncipient
On říká: Za vše může Erbová! Před soudem se bývalý fotbalista znovu pustil do své bývalé manželky Erbové
„Neplatím jí alimenty v plné výši i proto, že porušila dohodu. Byli jsme domluvení původně, že budu kluka vídat, kdy budu chtít
Fungovalo to, když bydleli v Praze a já neměl přítelkyni. To jsem jí byl dobrej, a když šla na rande, hlídal jsem jí obě děti," tvrdil Řepka, že v té době měl na starost i nevlastní dceru Viktorii (11)
„Syna jsem naposledy viděl v září 2017, vzal jsem ho do zoo a byl nadšený. Jenže pak zjistila, že mám přítelkyni, a začalo peklo," vysvětloval soudkyni
Modelka vynesený rozsudek komentovala s ledovým klidem. „Je mi pouze líto jeho rodiny a všech jeho dětí
Návaznosti a důsledky svého konání si jistě každý dospělý člověk uvědomuje," napsala Vlaďka Blesku
Průšvihář Řepka: Za řízení v opilosti dalších devět měsíců, celkem může strávit v base dva roky! Video délka: 01:04 720p 360p REKLAMA Průšvihář Řepka: Za řízení v opilosti dalších devět měsíců, celkem může strávit v base dva roky! iSport TV
안녕하세요 스게더입니다. - Duration: 0:34.
킹타이거 왕새우 감바스 먹방 _ 한번쯤 대왕 새우로 감바스를 만들어보고싶었다 :D - Duration: 14:30.
Hey everyone~
It's Nado :D *I'm congenitally missing the bottom teeth* (Subtitle:Wendy)
I made Gambas using big shrimp.
3 very big black tiger shrimp, olive oil and many garlics *0*/
Add tomato + peperoncino + parsley to your liking ♪♬
Ta da♥
This is so big, right?
The head is (big).
Ta da.
Let's eat.
This is so good.
It tastes like large shrimp.
When I dip a baguette into this oil, it's very savory.
It's delicious.
It's like a lobster rather than shrimp.
The texture is firm and chewy so it tastes like a lobster.
The size is also (like a lobster)
When I dip shrimp into the oil, I can feel the smell of shrimp, olive oil and garlic.
The garlic tastes good.
Should I try tomato?
Tomato is very delicious.
To be honest, I have to save the one for my family.
It is good to share the food with my family.
I'm going to eat this.
The oil is tasty.
The smell of olive oil... It's great.
Because I added the pepper seed, it's a little spicy.
Bread is one thing that cannot be missed in Gambas.
It's like a lobster, isn't it?
Shall we eat elegantly?
It's really like a tail of lobster.
It's awesome, right?
The smell of this is weaker than that of normal shrimp so it's really like a lobster.
But it's more chewy so I like it.
It gives me satisfaction.
It's like a dream gambas.
My dream was to eat Gambas with the whole shrimp.
I wanted to eat like this.
I am satisfied.
Let's refill a baguette.
The price of three black tiger shrimp is about $58.6.
It's so expensive.
But it's attractive.
It's also good to eat steamed shrimp with chojang(red chili-pepper paste).
Cooking Gambas is something different but!
you don't need to do that.
What's important, there are not many large pans like this.
If you cut and eat it, it would be good to cook gambas with a little big shrimp.
The shell is hard.
I like eating the shrimp shell.
I'm a bit sad that the shell of this shrimp is too hard to eat.
I'm happy to eat gambas with very large shrimp *0*/
It was delicious.
It was very good.
I have wanted to make gambas with very big shrimp.
So I tried it but you guys don't have to do that although it's fun to make.
This is because it requires a lot of olive oil and expensive shrimp and
Steamed shrimp will also be good and the smell of black tiger shrimp is a little weak and ...
It's expensive. Did I say this already?
Anyway, I think so.
There are some advantages.
It's delicious and my dreams came true.
The texture is chewy and It's like a lobster.
It was good.
I hope you try to cook it.
Bye ~ :D
Heart ! ♥
FOX TV - Paid to wait with Lloyds shares but I'd have been better off elsewhere - Duration: 7:43.
Tucked away somewhere in my investments I have some Lloyds shares.If I had any sense, I probably would have sold them by now
I might have done so had it been easier, but when I say tucked away I mean it – they are held as paper share certificates and I'm not entirely certain where they all are
Lloyds' small army of shareholders – including yours truly – got some good news yesterday with a hefty bump to the dividend and share buyback
It's tempting to give yourself a pat on the back and say 'job well done', but owning Lloyds shares long-term has provided as many lessons in the pitfalls of investing as it has the successes
Dividends are good news but the long-term share price chart for Lloyds is not a pretty pictureLloyds shares might have a healthy forecast yield of 6 per cent, but even after yesterday's bounce the 61
6p share price remains about 10 per cent below the 70p level it was knocking around a year ago and substantially down on the 88p recent peak of May 2015
Mind you, that's nothing compared to how bad the chart looks for long-term investors
Stretch the time frame back to before the financial crisis and the picture is of a sharp and sizeable drop from above £5 a share, to a decade spent bumping along the ground
RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 2 Next Lloyds shareholders to get a slice of jumbo £4billion
Revealed: The strong and weak points of Britain's bank. Time to look again at our unloved banks: As profits rise,
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Share this article Share HOW THIS IS MONEY CAN HELP How to choose the best (and cheapest) DIY investing Isa - and our pick of the platforms My own history of owning Lloyds shares dates back to the Halifax demutualisation
I had a Halifax Building Society savings account and when it became a bank I was just old enough to qualify for free shares
As Halifax became HBoS and banks boomed in the early 2000s, I held onto them all the way up to the heady heights of £11, and then all the way back down again, as the banks crashed to earth
Ultimately, the disastrous arranged marriage of HBoS and Lloyds pulled the latter into the picture – and dragged it down too – and my shares became those in Lloyds Banking Group
Even more bad news followed, but when it came to the 2009 rights issue I reasoned that I may as well buy at the knockdown price of 37p, on the basis that short of the bank going bust (which wasn't out of the question), they'd probably be worth more in the future
Lloyds being Lloyds, the shares did manage to fall below that 37p level but then rose again
At one point I'd more than doubled my money on that rights issue investment, but then Brexit worries for the UK's domestically-focussed bank sent the shares down again
Shareholders in Lloyds Banking Group will receive a slice of a £4billion dividend payoutSo, beyond the fact that I'm not sure where the certificates are, why do I still hold Lloyds shares?Well, the dividend helps: I asked Laith Khalaf, at Hargreaves Lansdown, to run the numbers for me and us Lloyds shareholders have had 12
81p paid out per share since dividends restarted in 2015.That's 35 per cent of the 37p cost of the rights issue shares
'A pretty good return', Laith said, but added that most holders back in 2009, 'probably had a few nasty losses to recover'
Lloyds shares are also currently pretty cheap. Our unloved banks are still considered only an investment for the brave and despite Lloyds having largely sorted its finances out, it still only trades on a forward price-to-earnings ratio of 7
65, below even its lowly five-year average of 9.The idiotic mis-selling of PPI still hangs over Lloyds and its fellow banks (they continued to flog the insurance for years after we and other publications exposed dodgy sales tactics) but costs are now easing
That said, I'll admit that ten years ago (or even five) I expected Lloyds to be doing better by now
You may argue that thanks to the dividend shareholders have been paid to wait. The only problem is that if we'd put our money elsewhere, we might have got paid more
Over ten years, Lloyds shares are up 8.4 per cent, while the dividends it has paid out are worth 22 per cent of the 57
8p share price a decade ago - over the same period, the average UK equity income investment trust has a total return of 261 per cent
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킹타이거 새우 감바스 레시피 _ 대왕새우로 감바스 만들기 - Duration: 6:41.
The Recipe of Gambas with King tiger shrimp :D
Peel shrimp and remove sharp hygroma of tail.
Make a cut in the back of shrimp and remove internal organs.
A little salt and pepper
Olive oil Extra virgin olive oil is easy to fire so cook on low or use Olive oil!
Whole garlic
Close a lid and cook shrimp with great attention.
Turn several times and add peperoncino and tomato to your liking.
Peperoncino and cherry tomato Turn several times and add peperoncino and tomato to your liking.
A little salt.
If you want to watch me eat this, you can check out my video! GoGo!♥
BMW X3 2.0d Executive 2008 Airco Cruise Control Trekhaak - Duration: 1:08.
Les conseils non sollicités - Duration: 14:48.
فيلم قصير من واقع حياة الشباب في مخيمات اليونان - Duration: 10:54.
A short film about a youth's life in the camp
Idea and montage Ahmed Temi
Translation Adam Khashba
get up Ahmad we had better not be late to school like every time
ahmad get up
get up Ahmad you haven't got up yet
what time is it
it's 9:20
is the money in no nobody got it and nobody has messaged me yet
we'll struggle this month
what are you doing
i'm making two cups of coffee
there's no coffee
as far as i know there was some in the can do we have more.
no we don't
we do not have now
turn the oven off turn it off
we didn't have anything except the coffee and now we don't anything to eat
what can we do man oh god we'll get lost this month
what can we do man we've run out of everything go and ask Abo Fathi
last night i tried really hard to get a packet of cigerettes he didn't want to give me them
he said what your debt is over 100 euros and your salary is only 150 euros i cannot give you any more
oh god i do not know what to do
and me too he closed my account and said that I ain't gonna give you til the month ends and you repay me
what can we do
make us some tea
i'm gonna see him so i can try to get something to eat and catch up with school and get a packet of cigerettes
Ahmad get some sugar cuz we ran out of it
we don't have
peace be upon you
peace be back to you
how are you Abo fathi
Abo fathi we need some stuffs we want to buy i know that my debt is too much
but we had to take the stuff hopefully tomorrow or today
we will get paid so we can repay you what is it
everybody is like you look your debt is too much people are buying so much everybody is in debt
like you and at the beginning of the month we go and ask the people to repay me
you know us we repay you each month but this month we ran out
ohh man your salary is 150 and your debt is over 100 how are you gonna repay me and survive til the next month
i have no idea hopefully this month we'll repay you
i'm sorry man it's impossible
okay gimme a packet of cigarettes to get by today i mean i've run out as well
there're no packets i cannot because i have no money there's no money til i bring some packets and goods til the month ends
thanks and good job
what happened in there
he did not give me anything
what do suggest then
do not know
get ready to go to school it is the best option
look at this style i'm gonna go to school
i have to shave my bread at the barber
you do not have any money
in this style i will go to school
get ready i'll be back in 10 mins
where are you going
to the barber
peace be upon you
peace be upon you too
how are you Ahmad
thanks god i'm fine
how are things things are alright
nothing we can do
hussam looks like you're going to take a long time i will be back later okay
see you later
see ya
the school part
Ahmad we are done now let's go and see if the cash is in it's too early now
i don't think that the cash is in
let's go and check we won't lose nothing
hopefully the cash is in
i do not think so
no i don't think so
if they did not put in so tomorrow
Thanks for watching Do not forget to subscribe and bell And wait for the next
3 Unexpectedly Perfect Careers For ENFPs - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 7:24.
Hey Dan here and in this video I want to share with you three career options that
many ENFPs assume they would suck at or are turned off by but in reality can be
the cream of the crop for ENFPs and careers where ENFPs can find a ton of
success. if this is your first time on the channel my name is Dan this is
dreams around the world and my mission is to help you become the best version
of yourself. So the first career that many ENFPs are
really turned off by but ENFPs can be really good at is sales and promotion.
Come on we all know this is true you've had the moments where you've been trying
to get your friend to go with you to a party or you've got into a cause I mean
there's not an ENFP in the world who hasn't been vegan or keto or bulletproof
or whatever thing at some point in their life, we tend to be a little crazy that
way and when we are promoting something we really care about
we are extremely good at it. I think we all know that is true right now why most
ENFPs are turned off by sales and promotion is our perception of what
sales needs to be. We think sales is about being really pushy, forceful and we
think that if something is good you don't need to sell it right so therefore
sales is just about selling things people don't need which anyone who knows
about psychology or marketing that we know that's not true that you need to
influence and promote if you want to have people do anything, if you want
people to exercise more and be happier like governments have programs where
they basically promote exercise or promote health and like they need to
market it and promote it because people need that in order to change in anything
and as an ENFP you have the gift of the gab and the ability to influence and to
sell and to promote when and this is very important when you believe in the
cause so when you are aligned with something you really like to do now if
like me you had a sales job in the past I did door-to-door sales and Furley two
weeks telemarketing for my university to get donations I did not enjoy that right
but I did not really care about the cause and so often as an ENFP you'll get
a job as a teenager maybe having to sell something and you don't
like it why because you're selling something that you don't really like and
you don't care about it your boss isn't very good like you're learning sales
from someone two years older who doesn't really know what they're doing and then
you get turned off of it for your whole life like nope don't want to do sales
try that is terrible never again right well that's why you're turned off
because you had a terrible experience with it. Trust me, when you get aligned
with the right organization or product or whatever it is for you you can do
really well in sales and promotions and actually really enjoy it. The second
career path ENFPs can flourish in is entrepreneurship and some of you
ENFPs know this where they're like yeah I want to work for myself I could
never have a boss that's perfect but sometimes we look at certain types
of entrepreneurs like imagine the guy who owns 12 McDonald's or someone who's
built a massive corporation like GE or Microsoft and I would argue that ENFPs
tend not to be Empire builders we're not going to be someone who builds a
traditional like mining company or steel Empire or financial powerhouse, those
aren't the kind of entrepreneurs ENFPs are but with the right sort of business
an ENFP can be an exceptionally good entrepreneur and in most cases not all I
think that is more of a lifestyle business and what I mean by lifestyle
business is a business that will maybe max out it's somewhere between 1 or 9
and 12 employees somewhere in there that's focused on a cause, that's fun
that's not too rigid, versus say a performance business where you're
looking at 20 30 50 people or building more of an empire right 500 a thousand
people I'm sure there are many ENFP business founders who started a company
and loved it during the first year or two and then got investments and then
grew and then had to have an HR department in the legal department it
was like nope I'm done this is not for me so ENFPs great entrepreneurs in
the early stage and in more lifestyle based companies at least that's my
theory. On it the third career that ENFPs can do really well in but maybe
don't think about as much as they should is writing. ENFPs can be awesome
writers if you look up famous ENFPs there are a ton of great novelist
journalist we are good at communication and we can be really
passionate about something and pour that into our writing to share that message
now within the writing field there are many things you can do in fact I think
four years ago I created a course on an introduction to being a freelance writer
and I went through all the different options and there's dozens of ways you
can earn money writing a few that I think are extra appealing for ENFPs
is maybe being a freelance journalist although I say that hesitantly because
journalism is in a very bad state these days and I probably would not want to be
involved with it but like an investigative journalist traditionally
any and if you would love you have adventure you can uncover injustice you
can share a message could be really cool be very careful about where you work
these days second thing is being a copywriter this is what I did when I was
a freelance writer and traveling the world I was doing copywriting which
means doing marketing writing for companies I would often work with
coaches and small businesses and basically help them identify like who
they are what they're passionate about what their message is and then convey
that to their audience and I really loved that because I was connecting with
people and then helping people that I believed in promote themselves so that
worked really well and the third option of course is to write articles to write
books that more of a traditional writer that we think of it's a different
business model than working with clients but it's something that can work really
well and of course you can mix these I have written books I write articles all
the time and I have written for my own copywriting and marketing and I've
written for a dozens of companies as a copywriter so often as a writer you will
mix all these there are some people who are primarily authors or primarily
journalists or that sort of thing but you can definitely mix all these
together that is the beauty of writing once you learn how to write you can of
course write in many many different ways and I'd be crazy to not mention that if
you do want to become a freelance writer I highly suggest signing up for a free
training I have called the life design approach I tell many stories about
building my own writing career about traveling well being a freelance
copywriter and how I just got started including writing books you can sign up
for that at dreams around-the-world slash free training I'll put a link
below in the comments and description as well and yeah you'll enjoy it
tell some pretty hilarious stories and share a lot of insights into how I got
started so in the comments below answer me this the three career options I
covered sales and promotion, entrepreneurship and writing - did your
view of them change after this video? How did you think of them before and how do
you think of them now let me know below in the comments and as always I publish
new videos every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 a.m. Eastern so hit that
subscribe button, hit the bell and I will catch you in the next video soon. Thanks
for watching!
✅ Musetti il baby dal braccio d'oro trionfa agli Australian Open - Duration: 4:20.
La nuova speranza del tennis italiano è un ragazzo di Carrara, si chiama Lorenzo Musetti, ha sedici anni (il 3 marzo ne compie 17) e nella sua categoria viene ritenuto un talento purissimo, lo conferma il 4° posto nel ranking mondiale
Ha vinto gli Australian Open, è il primo azzurrino nella storia a riuscirci e anche il più giovane nell'albo d'oro del torneo
Lorenzo ha cominciato a giocare a tennis con il padre, tennista amatoriale, nello scantinato della nonna, è cresciuto nel Circolo Tennis Spezia, il coach che lo ha formato è Simone Tartarini, frequenta il Liceo Linguistico, ha un idolo, ovviamente Federer: ha davanti tutta una vita per provarci
Per ora si è tolto la soddisfazione di ricevere il trofeo da un mito del tennis anni '80, Ivan Lendl, vincitore di otto titoli nel Grande Slam (3 Roland Garos, 3 Us Open e 2 Australian Open)
Musetti ha sconfitto in tre set l'americano di origini messicane Emilio Nava (numero 17 del ranking mondiale), dopo una partita giocata sul filo, ad alta tensione, ricca di emozioni e sempre in equilibrio
Il trionfo è arrivato al tie break, dopo una gara infinita, durata oltre le due ore
L'ultimo titolo italiano prima di quello conquistato da Musetti risaliva a Wimbledon 2013 con il successo di Gianluigi Quinzi
Musetti ha centrato un'impresa storica. Che però non arriva per caso
L'anno scorso il ragazzo – sempre sul cemento, ma degli Us Open – era arrivato in finale, sconfitto dal brasiliano Thiago Seyboth Wild
A fine gara Lorenzo ha liberato la sua felicità: «È stata un'emozione fantastica
Voglio ringraziare la mia famiglia, è davvero fantastico. La finale dello scorso anno a New York era stata una sorpresa e tutto sommato in pochi si aspettavano che potessi vincere
Stavolta invece era diverso, abbiamo lavorato duramente per arrivare qui e abbiamo ottenuto ciò che speravamo»
Prima di Musetti, negli ultimi anni, Thomas Fabbiano e Filippo Baldi si erano fermati in semifinale, rispettivamente nel 2007 e nel 2013
E' questo l'11° titolo junior (6 nella categoria maschile, 5 in quella femminile) in un Major conquistato da un tennista italiano in 18 finali giocate
E' un buon momento per il tennis italiano: Musetti in semifinale ha infatti battuto il connazionale Giulio Zeppieri con cui, tra l'altro, ha fatto coppia nel doppio (fermandosi a un passo dalla finale)
Sono in molti a pronosticargli una carriera ricca di soddisfazioni. Ha qualità e freschezza nel gioco, tempra e già una discreta personalità
L'anno scorso – il 2018 – il suo talento è sbocciato: oltre alla finale Us Open, si è aggiudicato il Trofeo Bayer internazionale Under 18 di Salsomaggiore e il Grade 1 «Allianz Kundler German Juniors» di Berlino
Ora il trionfo agli Australian Open. E' un predestinato, dovrà stare attento a non perdersi, lo aiuteranno un carattere già formato, i nervi di ghiaccio e la tranquillità con cui affronta ogni sfida
Meghan Royal - PHOTOS. Meghan Markle à New York : loin de la famille royale, elle change de look et - Duration: 2:04.
Changement radical pour Meghan Markle. Le temps d'une journée, la future maman de 37 ans a dit bye bye aux strass et aux paillettes : pas de talons hauts ni de robe
En effet, l'épouse du prince Harry a opté pour une tenue très sportive. Meghan Markle portait une casquette sur laquelle est inscrit "Rectify", des baskets signées Adidas, un legging noir et un sweat-shirt de la même couleur
Pour affronter les basses températures, elle était couverte d'un manteau beige. Dans cette tenue pour le moins confortable, la jolie brune était en route pour l'aéroport, où elle a pris son avion pour rejoindre son mari à Londres
La duchesse de Sussex a passé quelques jours à New York où elle a retrouvé ses amies les plus proches
Parmi elles, la femme de George Clooney, Amal, sa meilleure amie et styliste Jessica Mulroney et l'actrice Abigail Spencer
Pendant son séjour, elle a célébré la future naissance de son premier enfant. La baby shower s'est tenue au Mark Hotel, un établissement new-yorkais cinq étoiles dans lequel la nuit est estimée à 75
000 dollars. Sa belle soeur, Kate Middleton, ne figurait pas sur la liste des invités
Cette dernière a préféré se rendre au ski avec sa famille, le prince William et leurs trois enfants, George, Charlotte et Louis
To Look After | Pepee Series | CartoonVideos For Children - Super Kids Network - Duration: 11:18.
To Look After - Pepee Series
Jeudi politique du 21 février 2019: les enjeux de la RFFA - Duration: 2:28.
Ritte ritte Ross - A cheval - en alsacien - Duration: 0:34.
보스턴 현지교회, 트레이더조 구경해보세요! [보스턴 음대생 vlog 보스턴 일상, 보스턴 유학, 보스턴 여행] - Duration: 17:18.
Opel Combo Life: Advanced Safety Features - Duration: 1:57.
Meet Julia.
She's about to show you several
smart safety features
of the Combo Life.
As soon as she's finished blowing up that
In traffic,
the Combo Life's
Automatic Cruise Control system
brakes and accelerates
to maintain a safe distance
from the vehicle in front
until the road clears.
Forward Collision Alert
warns of potential collisions
with the car in front, or pedestrians,
while Automatic Emergency Braking
brings the car to a standstill when necessary.
Should you accidentally drift from your lane,
the smart Lane Keep Assist offers an alert,
and gently steers you back on track
if you don't react.
And with Side Blind Spot Alert,
a visual warning on the wing mirror
notifies of traffic hidden
from view.
Realising it's time to take a break
isn't always easy - that's where the Combo Life's
Driver Drowsiness Alert comes in,
letting you know it's time to pull over.
The helpful Speed Sign Recognition
alerts you to changes in the speed limit.
Activating the Intelligent Speed Adaptation
controls your speed accordingly, with changes
projected via the Head-Up Display.
And in sand, sleet or on tricky surfaces,
the convenient IntelliGrip system finds all
the traction you need for a smooth drive.
The facts speak for the Combo Life.
Ue D: Teresa Langella, Andrea Dal Corso e Antonio Moriconi presto in studio per un ultimo confronto - Duration: 3:34.
KT : Amal Clooney, Abigail Spencer & More Arrive For Meghan Markle's $300K Hotel Penthouse Baby Show - Duration: 4:06.
野球ニュース - 【日本ハム】侍・稲葉監督、他球団007がうなる清宮2年目の「立ち姿」 楽天戦で"1号"&5打点 - Duration: 2:48.
初回に中越え ラン本塁打を った清宮幸太 は(左から) 田泰示、石井 成に迎えられ 顔 ◆ 習試合 日本 ム12ー4楽 (21日・金 ) 日本ハ の清宮幸太郎 野手(19) 楽天との練習 合(金武)に 6番・一塁」 出場し、今季 号を含む3安 5打点と2年 の進化を印象 けた
初回は1 ール2ストラ クからフルカ ントに持ち込 、バックスク ーン右へズド と3ラン。2 には右翼ポー 際への特大フ ウルの後、コ パクトに2点 時打を中前へ んだ
4回にも右前 打を放ち、3 打5打点。3 9、10日の キシコ戦(京 ラD)で清宮 初めてトップ ームに選出し この日の練習 合を視察した ジャパンの稲 監督、ネット に陣取ったラ バル球団のス アラーが異口 音に口にした は、打席での たずまいだっ
侍ジャパ ・稲葉監督「 席での立ち姿 見ていても去 と今年では( う)。立ち姿 すごくいい構 と言いますか 堂々としてい 。後ろから見 、そういうも が見られます 」 西武・ 原スコアラー 何と言うか、 席で雰囲気が ていますよね
投げ手が嫌が ような雰囲気 ありますね」 稲葉監督は ロ2年目での れが、打席で し出すものに ながっている では―とも指 した。ルーキ イヤー昨季は 率2割、7本 打だったスラ ガーが、一気 飛躍する予感 漂わせている
Nieuwkomer Vingegaard raakt steeds meer gewend aan zijn nieuwe team | Team Jumbo-Visma - Duration: 3:03.
I really feel it's a good team.
Everyone is so nice and it's just so professional and just so big.
Everything is totally new for me and everyone takes good care of me and that's nice.
- Are you used to the professionalism of this team?
I wouldn't say that I'm so used to that professionalism.
My former teams also were professional, but this team is in a bigger way.
We've been training a lot.
Especially today and the last training we had was really hard.
But it's good training.
And we keep on doing it for the next week and then we go home.
I'm a very quiet person.
How do you say that?
Maybe a bit shy but when you get to know me it's better.
- What about your skills as a rider?
I think my best skill is climbing.
I can also do some punchy things like one minute or maybe also sprinting.
It's not like I'm a sprinter but I think for my weight I'm not slow.
Yeah, I've chosen Jumbo-Visma because it's the best team for the young guys to develop.
Just to get better.
I've seen in the last couple of years that they really take good care of the young guys.
It was no hard decision for me.
- What about your main goals for the 2019 season?
They are to learn a lot and to try to help the GC riders in the races I'm going to do
to achieve the best possible result.
Of course I also hope to get my own chance once in a while.
I learned this sentence over the phone.
I had to learn like 'I'm a banana'.
- You're a banana? Yeah.
- That's a good way to learn.
I'm a banana, I've never heard of that.
There were a lot of other sentences.
That's just one of them.
It's just like you have to say it and you have to translate it.
- It works quite well for you, right now?
Yeah, I think so.
It's getting better and I really want to learn the Dutch language.
Rembrandt: vita e opere in 10 punti - Duration: 5:05.
ERCO - Milan Cathedral - Duration: 3:37.
I make to myself one question:
Why to put in light buildings during the night?
The answer is
because I want to see this building in a different way.
My name is Petro Palladino.
I am a lighting designer.
I made the project for lighting the Duomo.
The Duomo needs to be the first actor,
so we decided to increase the level in such a way
that the Duomo gained a lot of presence.
The main concept was to create a good accent lighting
and the second one
a little more differentiation in colour rendering,
and we did it with 4,000 kelvin LED,
and the result is really fantastic. -
The new LED lighting means 40 % less electric load,
and the brightness increased almost 30 %.
This means more presence of the building
and more details that you can appreciate.
This kind of ERCO luminaire that we used
are so precise in terms of photometric performances
that almost eliminate completely the spill light
and strongly reduce the glare phenomena.
The distance between Lightscan and the façade of the Duomo,
we can reach 130 metres.
We ordered a special custom version,
first of all in terms of colour of the body,
second electronics, because we have class 2 wiring,
and third Gecko and Lightscan were prepared
with special brackets to match with the existing brackets
that are fitted into the marble.
We adopted the same approach for interior lighting.
We installed the luminaires at more than 32 metres.
So, to reach this projectors is not easy.
For that reason, we decided to use ERCO luminaires
that at the moment on the market
can give you the maximum in terms of reliability.
We have to fulfil different needs.
First one is for everyday use.
The second one is to help visitors
to understand the inner meaning of this Gothic architecture.
During day time you see the building in negative contrast
and during night time you see the building in positive contrast.
The perception that I can have
is completely and totally different
compared with natural daylight.
That's it.
The Duomo now is the owner of the place.
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