Ciambella di albumi bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 4:23.-------------------------------------------
FROZEN ELSA Becomes ASTRID HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 3 | DIY Disney Doll Transformation - Duration: 4:57.Welcome to our channel.
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Tập 4: Hành trình đưa chú y tá quê vào Sài Gòn khám mắt - Duration: 31:35.-------------------------------------------
CALAMARES EN SU TINTA - - Duration: 8:20.Hello, today we are going to make squid in its ink
We need the squid, this is 1 quilo 200 almost, which for 4 people is enough
I cleaned them at home, and I kept the ink bags
If you do not know how to clean them you can ask in the fish shop to clean them
but keep the ink
If you do not get it
there are these that are frozen
and serve perfectly
It's squid or cuttlefish ink
that serves the same for our recipe
Next, we need an onion
1 clove garlic
A little flour to thicken the sauce if necessary
And chopped parsley
There are people who put tomato and other things
I like it that way, very simple
without much complication
Then we need white wine
and olive oil
and surely a little water in case we fall short of liquid.
The squids are going to be chopped, I'm going to chop them now
and the same onion and minced garlic clove
Let's begin
The ink bags are in water and now we are going to break them
so they dye the water well
I believe that this will be enough. And if not,
we put a bag of frozen ink
Well, this is ready and we put it aside
We also cut the squid. These are already open
because to clean them and take everything they can have inside is much more comfortable
If they were smaller they could be cleaned whole
but with this size
it is much more comfortable to open them in half
And now we chop them
of the size that we want. I cut the fins like that
Keep in mind that this will also shrink
Well, once cut, we put salt
to taste
A little more, and ready.
and keep aside
Let's begin. Olive oil
to brown the onion and garlic
We are going to add grated or
very chopped onions and garlic
A little bit of salt
When it begins to soften, add a little flour
Sauté the flour to prevent the sauce from becoming too liquid
Well, the onion is already beginning to brown and we are going to sauté some flour
Well sautéed so it does not taste raw
Approximately one tablespoon
And now we also fry the squid,
which already have salt
We leave them for 5 or 6 minutes stirring so they do not stick
stirring so they do not stick
because now, with the flour, they can be caught in the bottom
After 5 minutes, you can see
the large amount of liquid released
Now let's pour the wine
Without fear
Enough to cover them, and we wait for the alcohol to evaporate
Well, once the alcohol has evaporated
we add the ink
that we have dissolved in water
And we are going to add a
frozen ink sachet
so that it is well black
A little bit of salt for the sauce
And now we let them cook
for 20 to 30 minutes,
watching that the sauce does not thicken too much
If it thickens too much we can add a little more water
And watching that it does not stick
and when they are tender but not too softened,
that is, when they are al dente
they are ready. We're going to wait
Well, they were cooking 30 minutes
5 minutes before the end
It's just to give them a little aroma.
We put it at the end so it does not burn
The last minutes I had them cooking uncovered
so that the sauce would thicken a bit more
And we let them cook one or two minutes and they are ready to be eaten
Prima soție a lui Răsvan Firea a împlinit 50 de ani! Carmen arată fabulos - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
圈黍说,陈赫退出跑男内幕?W大叔又坑人? - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
Emisiunea "Prietenii de la 11", scoasă din grilă. Ce planuri au Florin Ristei şi Diana Munteanu - Duration: 5:28.-------------------------------------------
Ioana Petric, vacanţă atipică: «Toţi îmi ziceau că sunt inconştientă să vin aici» - Duration: 5:37.-------------------------------------------
Frumoasele astea se bat în finala Eurovision. Linda Teodosiu, Laura Bretan şi Bella Santiago, premia - Duration: 5:39.-------------------------------------------
Opel Mokka X 1.4T Innovation Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
まったりリラックス中の茶トラ猫マロンにちょっかい出してみたらまるで仏様だった件 [4K] - Duration: 5:54.-------------------------------------------
TOP 20 HINDI SAD SONGS COLLECTION 2018 2019 // Latest HIndi Sad Songs Love Story Rani Pal SEO - Duration: 3:18.TOP 20 HINDI SAD SONGS COLLECTION 2018 2019 // Latest HIndi Sad Songs Love Story Rani Pal SEO
토론수학 공부 잘하는법 공부법 코디 토론수업 창의력 사고력 초등수학[건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
How to update GB WhatsApp new version v6.70 | GB WhatsApp update ko update kaise kre - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
Muriel Medard | Good lessons from bad teaching - Duration: 13:19.-------------------------------------------
まったりリラックス中の茶トラ猫マロンにちょっかい出してみたらまるで仏様だった件 [4K] - Duration: 5:54.-------------------------------------------
Acrylic Painting - Abstract Art Demonstration | Radial - Duration: 10:13.Thanks for watching this video.
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If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
BUZIOS: Everything you need to know | BRAZIL travel vlog 2019 - Duration: 13:40.[Gordon] I'm not a star
You're not a star?
[Gordon] I'm not a star
Neither am I!
Buzios is a super small peninsula
Just 8 kilometers long
Just as a comparison with a famous beach
in Rio de Janeiro called Barra da Tijuca
That is the longest beach over there
and also one of the most famous
That beach alone is 18 kilometers long
And here there are 23 beaches
And these beaches are very different
Some have waves, some don't
Some have super cold waters
Some have water a little bit more comfortable
Others are very easy to reach
Others are very difficult to reach
And some have good infrastructure, some don't have anything at all
[Gordon] Come on, let's go
I'll go over all details about the beaches in my next vlog
In this one here I am giving an overview of Buzios
If you have never been here and want to know more
This is the video for you
I'm focusing on downtown and the area around downtown
And also the famous 'Rua das Pedras'
Or Stones' Street, you'll see why
Drive from Cabo Frio
Let's start from the beginning
How do you come to Buzios?
From Rio, it's a two and a half hour drive
If you don't want to rent a car, there are bus services
with a company called 1001 ('Mil e Um')
It's the number 1001
Also, there are lots of travel agencies that do this transfer service
It's safe and easy
This is actually how Gordon came here in the first place
Even before meeting me
It changed your life didn't it?
Here you can see the peninsula very well
But this is upside down, it's not like this
Buzios only has one entry and one exit
It's this street right here
From here you can get the side streets
that will take you to the various beaches
And when you look at the map
everything seems very convenient,
very close and easy to reach
But actually there are lots of hills
Lots of narrow streets, a lot of curves
And during summer it's a constant nightmare
It can be a constant traffic jam
This is why it is very important for you to choose wisely
where to stay
[Gordon] Renata! [Renata] What?
[Gordon] Madonna!
[Renata] Madonna...
[Gordon] Madonna is here!
So how do you choose where to stay here?
Here is my tip
Choose somewhere where you want to spend most of your time
A specific beach or a specific restaurant, a beach club
This way you won't depend as much on taxis, boat taxis or even driving
What do I do? I like to stay downtown
Because here, it doesn't matter what beach I go
during the day
I always come here after the beach
This is where all restaurants and shops are located
Also nightlife is here
This way I leave my car in the pousada or hotel
And I can do everything walking
If you want to come here driving it is complicated
Right now, for example, police is over there, they are redirecting traffic
So, it's not always that you can drive here downtown
People are just coming here, they're having to go somewhere else... It complicates
'Rua das Pedras' is right here, very close to the ocean
See? The ocean is over there and the famous street is over here
That side, that way, another really beautiful place called 'Orla Bardot'
We're gonna walk that way as well, but first let's go for a stroll here
Way back when all the streets in Buzios were like this
I guess this is the only one or one of the few that remain
Walking here is hard work
Girls, don't even dream of high heels
'Rua das Pedras' is one single street
600 meters long - If you think like that it seems small
But actually in reality the area is much bigger, it expands
becasue there are lots of side streets like this
Full of shops and restaurants
It is really nice
Look at that view through the store
Expected to find only handicrafts and beachy stuff here?
No, this is Buzios, things are different here
And things are only this empty because everyone is at the beach now
But you're gonna see later
A very important tip about Buzios
Bring cash
As crazy as it might sound at this day and age
Not all shops and restaurants here accept credit cards
Like that one - 'Chez Michou' - one of the most traditional ones here
Cash only, you're going to thank me
And also get ready because this is an expensive city
Even if you compare it to the most sophisticated and expensive metropolis in Brazil
Oh, look at this view here! How wonderful, beautiful!
In a way, Buzios is still a fishing village
All the fishing boats here
And some yachts too
So, which one is yours?
[Gordon] I don't have a yacht
You don't have?
[Gordon] No
[Gordon] Over there
That one?
Which one?
[Gordon] The Black and white one
I wish...
At night this becomes a pedestrian only street
[Gordon] It's hot out, come visit me
What? What are you trying to say?
[Gordon] I said it's hot out, come visit me
[Gordon] I'm talking to you
[Gordon] But you're behind the camera
[Gordon] Renata behind the camera, do you want a Coke?
[Gordon] Renata, come on, have a Coke with me, it's hot
Buzios is a very international city
You see a lot of foreigners here
Especially from Argentina
They're here not only as visitors, but a lot of them live here, they work here
You see street vendors from Argentina, for example
It's even funny
I think on this trip I spoke even more Spanish than Portuguese here on the streets
But you also see a lot of Europeans, especially French and Italian
[Renata] Thank you [Vendor] You're welcome, thanks to you
Lots of alleys that end up in the ocean
I just had to show my team here
Now we're going back via the street behind 'Rua das Pedras'
Equally nice, full of shops and restaurants
[Voice on the street] We have meat, past, shrimp...
[Voice on the street] Enjoy your tour around
We're back here now to the pier area
And now we're gonna walk towards the other way
Welcome to 'Orla Bardot'. You'll understand why
[Gordon] Keep going
When you first came here, is that when you fell in love with Brazil?
[Gordon] Yeah [Renata] Awww
And that was before meeting me
[Gordon] You speak a lot
I speak a lot, yes
I speak a lot, and Gordon is feeling like Brazilian now, speaking Portuguese all over
Thanks to her, today Buzios is famous internationally
This is Brigitte Bardot, French actress who came here in the 60's
She fell in love with all this
And introduced Buzios to the world
Today this ocean front street here is called 'Orla Bardot'
As a homage to her
[Vendor] Horse's freezies, ice cold freezies
[Vendor] The best freezies in Buzios
This is creative
There's a turtle underwater there
Where is she?
This is Praia da Armação
or Armação Beach
It's not a beach that you come to enjoy the ocean
But this is where boat tours depart
If the original pier is not working
That one over there close to 'Ruas das Pedras'
There's also this additional pier here
All boat tours depart around 11 AM, 11:15 or 11:30
And also around 1:15 or 1:30
[Vendor] That boat over there departs at 1:30 PM
[Renata] That's at 1:30 PM, great
[Vendor] If you want to film it, go ahead
[Renata] Is that yours?
[Vendor] I work with that one too
[Renata] In that case I will film it!
If you don't want to go in those big boats full of tourists
Do you see all these here?
These are owned by individuals, fisherman
You can just come here and go for a tour with them
This is what my parents used to do
We used to come here as kids, go for tours in these small boats
And hear lots of fisherman stories
And how do you discover all this?
How do you find these people?
Just come here for a stroll, walk along here
A lot of people are going to stop you, offer their services
And then you just choose
From 'Praia da Armação', you can easily walk to the next beaches, they will be in the next vlog
[Gordon] How red are my cheeks?
You're very red!
Something interesting about Buzios
and this area here that foreigners not always realize
The times here are totally different
Like, the time that you normally wake up, have lunch
Everything changes here
This is because people stay at the beach until very late
Until the end of afternoon or sometimes until sunset
So by the time you go back to the hotel
By the time you get changed
You have some rest, you eat something
And then you come out at night, especially if you are many people
You know, it might be a little late
So as soon as it gets dark you already see here at Rua das Pedras a lot of people
Especially families, young families with young kids
But if you want to enjoy the nightlife
Only after midnight
And it goes on until early morning
Until daylight the next day
Not for us, right Gordon? We passed that age
Do you work here?
[Vendor] Yes
Are stores open until what time?
[Vendor] This one until midnight, but over there ahead they close at 10:30, 11 PM
[Vendor] Actually the girls over there are shutting down at 11 PM
That's great, thank you
What's really cool about it
is that shops are open until very late
Some of them start shutting down at 11 PM
But most are open until midnight
Look at Gordon in a great conversation
[Gordon and Renata] Gordon
[Gordon] Renata
[Renata] Nice to meet you! All good? [New friend] Nice to meet you
He was telling Gordon that Argentinians represent 70% of the tourists here in Buzios
I was not crazy. See? I was right
I know where we're going
Texas barbecue!
Here they are famous for the crepes
So, this is what you gotta have
I swear I'm not speeding up these images, this is his real rhythm
Did you realize this vlog is missing something very important?
Beaches, right?
No worries, in the next vlog I'm showing you in details
all the best beaches here in Buzios
[Gordon] Excuse me! That's a worm coming up
Now that I turned on the camera
Today you're inspired
[Gordon] I'm tired... and sick
Tired and sick, but not sick and tired
You know, you could put me on camera and I say that
Yes, I'm tired and sick, but I'm not sick and tired
Not of you, no
You're inspired!
BTS Live of Suga in Fukuoka - Duration: 32:26.-------------------------------------------
【あるある】皆さんのコメントを完全再現!野球あるあるやってみた!プレゼントも! - Duration: 4:15.-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 McD's Limited Chicken Tatsuta & Chicken Tartar!! [Caramel Pie..etc] 7513kcal [Use CC] - Duration: 4:57.hello it's kinoshita yuka
jaaan! i bought 5 of Mcd's new chicken tatsuta burger...
and 5 of chicken tartar...
2 Grand-size potato...
with 2 L-size spirits...
and 3 of the new caramel triangle pie
and i bought MC flurry super oreo as well !
chicken tartar looks spicy from the box
i think chicken tartar will contains plenty of sauce !
let's start eating !
itadakimasu !
let's put Mc flurry in the fridge
let's start with chicken tatsuta
i don't know why there are 2 kinds of boxes
this is how it looks like! the bread is so fluffy !
the taste of ginger from the fried chicken it's so good
and the bread is soft and fluffy
the sauce is really creamy
and spicy a little bit
tasty !!!
grand-size is really huge !
next, chicken tartar
it's written "tare"
it contains some cheese as well
the sauce is like red pepper sauce
sweet and spicy and this is so yummy
this sauce is creamy as well
this mixed red pepper sauce is heavy and spicy and this is truly delicious
because potato has cooled down, i'll heat it up
let's use hot plate for that
and we add some butter and salt as well
mmm! the taste of butter makes it much more tasty
let's put what left from burgers as well
mmmm! it's crispy now
the bread is now crispy from here too
mmmmm !
it's like a toast, and this is yummy
adding butter made it so crispy, this is really delicious
we just still have caramel triangle pies and MC flurry oreo
mmm! oreo is crispy
and this is MC flurry... ah! i mean caramel triangle pie
mmm! the cream is heavy and sweet
the last bite, itadakimasu
the new release of chicken tatsuta and chicken tartar was so tasty
chicken tatsuta was so refreshing
with strong taste of ginger
and chicken tartar, the sauce was so rich with red pepper and cheese, what made it so yummy
i like chicken tartar more
and heating up the potato to make it more crispy was really delicious
and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?
and as always thank you for watching
if there's anything You want me to do
please tell me in a comment Section below
if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons
and i wish for everyone happy and tasty day
bye bye!
all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka
Cihangir ღ Müjde|| брюнетка - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
BUZIOS: Everything you need to know | BRAZIL travel vlog 2019 - Duration: 13:40.[Gordon] I'm not a star
You're not a star?
[Gordon] I'm not a star
Neither am I!
Buzios is a super small peninsula
Just 8 kilometers long
Just as a comparison with a famous beach
in Rio de Janeiro called Barra da Tijuca
That is the longest beach over there
and also one of the most famous
That beach alone is 18 kilometers long
And here there are 23 beaches
And these beaches are very different
Some have waves, some don't
Some have super cold waters
Some have water a little bit more comfortable
Others are very easy to reach
Others are very difficult to reach
And some have good infrastructure, some don't have anything at all
[Gordon] Come on, let's go
I'll go over all details about the beaches in my next vlog
In this one here I am giving an overview of Buzios
If you have never been here and want to know more
This is the video for you
I'm focusing on downtown and the area around downtown
And also the famous 'Rua das Pedras'
Or Stones' Street, you'll see why
Drive from Cabo Frio
Let's start from the beginning
How do you come to Buzios?
From Rio, it's a two and a half hour drive
If you don't want to rent a car, there are bus services
with a company called 1001 ('Mil e Um')
It's the number 1001
Also, there are lots of travel agencies that do this transfer service
It's safe and easy
This is actually how Gordon came here in the first place
Even before meeting me
It changed your life didn't it?
Here you can see the peninsula very well
But this is upside down, it's not like this
Buzios only has one entry and one exit
It's this street right here
From here you can get the side streets
that will take you to the various beaches
And when you look at the map
everything seems very convenient,
very close and easy to reach
But actually there are lots of hills
Lots of narrow streets, a lot of curves
And during summer it's a constant nightmare
It can be a constant traffic jam
This is why it is very important for you to choose wisely
where to stay
[Gordon] Renata! [Renata] What?
[Gordon] Madonna!
[Renata] Madonna...
[Gordon] Madonna is here!
So how do you choose where to stay here?
Here is my tip
Choose somewhere where you want to spend most of your time
A specific beach or a specific restaurant, a beach club
This way you won't depend as much on taxis, boat taxis or even driving
What do I do? I like to stay downtown
Because here, it doesn't matter what beach I go
during the day
I always come here after the beach
This is where all restaurants and shops are located
Also nightlife is here
This way I leave my car in the pousada or hotel
And I can do everything walking
If you want to come here driving it is complicated
Right now, for example, police is over there, they are redirecting traffic
So, it's not always that you can drive here downtown
People are just coming here, they're having to go somewhere else... It complicates
'Rua das Pedras' is right here, very close to the ocean
See? The ocean is over there and the famous street is over here
That side, that way, another really beautiful place called 'Orla Bardot'
We're gonna walk that way as well, but first let's go for a stroll here
Way back when all the streets in Buzios were like this
I guess this is the only one or one of the few that remain
Walking here is hard work
Girls, don't even dream of high heels
'Rua das Pedras' is one single street
600 meters long - If you think like that it seems small
But actually in reality the area is much bigger, it expands
becasue there are lots of side streets like this
Full of shops and restaurants
It is really nice
Look at that view through the store
Expected to find only handicrafts and beachy stuff here?
No, this is Buzios, things are different here
And things are only this empty because everyone is at the beach now
But you're gonna see later
A very important tip about Buzios
Bring cash
As crazy as it might sound at this day and age
Not all shops and restaurants here accept credit cards
Like that one - 'Chez Michou' - one of the most traditional ones here
Cash only, you're going to thank me
And also get ready because this is an expensive city
Even if you compare it to the most sophisticated and expensive metropolis in Brazil
Oh, look at this view here! How wonderful, beautiful!
In a way, Buzios is still a fishing village
All the fishing boats here
And some yachts too
So, which one is yours?
[Gordon] I don't have a yacht
You don't have?
[Gordon] No
[Gordon] Over there
That one?
Which one?
[Gordon] The Black and white one
I wish...
At night this becomes a pedestrian only street
[Gordon] It's hot out, come visit me
What? What are you trying to say?
[Gordon] I said it's hot out, come visit me
[Gordon] I'm talking to you
[Gordon] But you're behind the camera
[Gordon] Renata behind the camera, do you want a Coke?
[Gordon] Renata, come on, have a Coke with me, it's hot
Buzios is a very international city
You see a lot of foreigners here
Especially from Argentina
They're here not only as visitors, but a lot of them live here, they work here
You see street vendors from Argentina, for example
It's even funny
I think on this trip I spoke even more Spanish than Portuguese here on the streets
But you also see a lot of Europeans, especially French and Italian
[Renata] Thank you [Vendor] You're welcome, thanks to you
Lots of alleys that end up in the ocean
I just had to show my team here
Now we're going back via the street behind 'Rua das Pedras'
Equally nice, full of shops and restaurants
[Voice on the street] We have meat, past, shrimp...
[Voice on the street] Enjoy your tour around
We're back here now to the pier area
And now we're gonna walk towards the other way
Welcome to 'Orla Bardot'. You'll understand why
[Gordon] Keep going
When you first came here, is that when you fell in love with Brazil?
[Gordon] Yeah [Renata] Awww
And that was before meeting me
[Gordon] You speak a lot
I speak a lot, yes
I speak a lot, and Gordon is feeling like Brazilian now, speaking Portuguese all over
Thanks to her, today Buzios is famous internationally
This is Brigitte Bardot, French actress who came here in the 60's
She fell in love with all this
And introduced Buzios to the world
Today this ocean front street here is called 'Orla Bardot'
As a homage to her
[Vendor] Horse's freezies, ice cold freezies
[Vendor] The best freezies in Buzios
This is creative
There's a turtle underwater there
Where is she?
This is Praia da Armação
or Armação Beach
It's not a beach that you come to enjoy the ocean
But this is where boat tours depart
If the original pier is not working
That one over there close to 'Ruas das Pedras'
There's also this additional pier here
All boat tours depart around 11 AM, 11:15 or 11:30
And also around 1:15 or 1:30
[Vendor] That boat over there departs at 1:30 PM
[Renata] That's at 1:30 PM, great
[Vendor] If you want to film it, go ahead
[Renata] Is that yours?
[Vendor] I work with that one too
[Renata] In that case I will film it!
If you don't want to go in those big boats full of tourists
Do you see all these here?
These are owned by individuals, fisherman
You can just come here and go for a tour with them
This is what my parents used to do
We used to come here as kids, go for tours in these small boats
And hear lots of fisherman stories
And how do you discover all this?
How do you find these people?
Just come here for a stroll, walk along here
A lot of people are going to stop you, offer their services
And then you just choose
From 'Praia da Armação', you can easily walk to the next beaches, they will be in the next vlog
[Gordon] How red are my cheeks?
You're very red!
Something interesting about Buzios
and this area here that foreigners not always realize
The times here are totally different
Like, the time that you normally wake up, have lunch
Everything changes here
This is because people stay at the beach until very late
Until the end of afternoon or sometimes until sunset
So by the time you go back to the hotel
By the time you get changed
You have some rest, you eat something
And then you come out at night, especially if you are many people
You know, it might be a little late
So as soon as it gets dark you already see here at Rua das Pedras a lot of people
Especially families, young families with young kids
But if you want to enjoy the nightlife
Only after midnight
And it goes on until early morning
Until daylight the next day
Not for us, right Gordon? We passed that age
Do you work here?
[Vendor] Yes
Are stores open until what time?
[Vendor] This one until midnight, but over there ahead they close at 10:30, 11 PM
[Vendor] Actually the girls over there are shutting down at 11 PM
That's great, thank you
What's really cool about it
is that shops are open until very late
Some of them start shutting down at 11 PM
But most are open until midnight
Look at Gordon in a great conversation
[Gordon and Renata] Gordon
[Gordon] Renata
[Renata] Nice to meet you! All good? [New friend] Nice to meet you
He was telling Gordon that Argentinians represent 70% of the tourists here in Buzios
I was not crazy. See? I was right
I know where we're going
Texas barbecue!
Here they are famous for the crepes
So, this is what you gotta have
I swear I'm not speeding up these images, this is his real rhythm
Did you realize this vlog is missing something very important?
Beaches, right?
No worries, in the next vlog I'm showing you in details
all the best beaches here in Buzios
[Gordon] Excuse me! That's a worm coming up
Now that I turned on the camera
Today you're inspired
[Gordon] I'm tired... and sick
Tired and sick, but not sick and tired
You know, you could put me on camera and I say that
Yes, I'm tired and sick, but I'm not sick and tired
Not of you, no
You're inspired!
[MV] 4MINUTE - WHATCHA DOIN' TODAY cover by HOMIEZ - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
영양가득 찹쌀 오곡밥 맛있게 만드는 방법! - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
まったりリラックス中の茶トラ猫マロンにちょっかい出してみたらまるで仏様だった件 [4K] - Duration: 5:54.-------------------------------------------
Selviytyjissä peli kovenee: Kim Herold tarjoaa rahaa liittoutumaa vastaan - Lotta Näkyvä suivaantuu: - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
Můj malý pony: Přátelství je magické - Šití šatů (Reprise) - Duration: 2:29.The stars on the tape must be perfect, Rarity,
because Orion has three stars and not four.
♪ By bit, the deadline is near, ♪
♪ and the customer, he's always right, ♪
♪ Even when they were perfect, Rarity overwhelms them overnight. ♪
♪ Pinkie Pie did not like the color, ♪
♪ In the light it looks different. ♪
♪ I have to adjust all my dresses. ♪
Do not you think I should have lollipops on my dress?
I think...
Well ...
Go on!
♪ Change by change, ♪
♪ I will sew them all with the noble one. ♪
♪ Fluttershy, it's a big job, ♪
♪ Well, Rainbow Dash, what are you saying? ♪
♪ Oh well, time is running out, ♪
♪ and bows on the Applejack boots I have to add. ♪
♪ Sewing is easy, with your order, ♪
♪ Other ideas will come ♪
♪ and I have to speed up. ♪
You see, this is the constellation of the Great Dog and not the Little one.
I want something elegant, please.
What if will be rain?
More balloons!
No, it's too much.
More sweets!
No, less.
Wait, I got it! Strips.
Who's the dress?
Ok, strips.
What is?
I do not know, you do not want to change anything?
No, I just want them to be supreme.
Do not you like the color?
The color is fine, just make them more sophisticated.
Do you like the shape?
The shape is fine, just do it, you know, more supreme.
They should be twenty percent more supreme.
♪ No one wants indecision. ♪
♪ I just like what I know. ♪
♪ I need to get my style. ♪
♪ Impression, I will try it. ♪
♪ Though it's not easy. ♪
♪ So, let's make it clear once. ♪
♪ I have to be afraid to overcome,
♪ This is my starry career. ♪
♪ We cut by part, the final are coming. ♪
♪ Shoulder, fold, sew, under pressure, ♪
♪ So it's sewing clothes! ♪
魔裟斗、妻・矢沢心と息子が健診に行き家事「世の中の妻たちに感謝しましょう」 - Duration: 1:57.元K-1世界王 の魔裟斗が16日に 身のアメブロを更新 妻への感謝をつづっ 。 魔裟斗オフ シャルブログより 「今日は朝から家 心は午前中 長男 1ヶ月健診」と妻で レントの矢沢心と第 子男児が1か月健診 行ったことを明かし 「家事って結構疲れ ね!世の中の妻たち 感謝しましょう
サンキュー」とつづ て自身の写真を公開 た。 この投稿 読者からは「心さん 助かりますね 感謝 気持ちや、お手伝い てもらえると、嬉し と思います!」「日 の感謝を込めて 頑 って下さいね~~」 本当に家事や子育て 終わりはなく体力も うし大変 育メンパ 頑張って下さい」 どのコメントが寄せ れている
魔裟斗は矢沢 2007年に結婚、 012年に第1子女 、2014年に第2 女児、今年1月8日 第3子男児が誕生。 月22日には「区役 に出生届を出しに行 て来ました!」と報 しており、子どもの 長などをブログにつ っている
빅뱅 승리, 콘서트 中 '버닝썬' 논란 사과 "다 내 불찰..죄송하다"[스타이슈] - KN Channel - Duration: 2:53.-------------------------------------------
最新ニュース | 高橋ユウ、弟・高橋祐治選手の結婚を祝福「姉として見守らせていただきます」 - Duration: 2:04.モデルの高橋ユ が16日に自身のア ブロを更新。15日 元AKB48で女優 高城亜樹との結婚を 表した、弟でサッカ J1サガン鳥栖のD 高橋祐治選手に祝福 メッセージを送った
高橋は 昨日、弟の祐治が入 発表致しました」と 告し、「私にまで沢 の祝福メッセージを ただきありがとうご います」と感謝のコ ント。姉で女優・モ ルの高橋メアリージ ンを含めた幼い頃の 弟写真を公開し、「 人きょうだいで、唯 私よりあとに産まれ きた弟
幼少期、必死に「ゆ お姉ちゃん」と呼ば ようとしたけど「ゆ ちゃん」と呼び続け 」とエピソードを紹 した。 続けて とにかく素直で明る て会う人をも清々し するまっすぐな弟! と絶賛し、「その祐 が、ステキな女性に 逢って永遠を誓った
亜樹ちゃんもまた、 直で明るく、とても 面目な女性。そして 然」とコメント。自 も昨年、K-1ファ ターの卜部(うらべ 弘嵩選手と入籍して ることから「同じア リートの妻として、 つも刺激をもらって るし弟をサポートし くれていて本当に感 してるし尊敬!」と べた
ブログの最後 は「大切な家族が増 る、て嬉しい」(原 ママ)と述べ、「ふ りのキラキラ輝き続 る未来を姉として見 らせていただきます 「結婚おめでとう」 祝福した
高橋ユウ、弟・高橋祐治選手の結婚を祝福「姉として見守らせていただきます」 - Duration: 2:31.写真拡大
モデルの高橋ユウが 6日に自身のアメブ を更新。15日に元 KB48で女優の高 亜樹との結婚を発表 た、弟でサッカーJ サガン鳥栖のDF高 祐治選手に祝福のメ セージを送った。
高橋は「昨日、弟の 治が入籍発表致しま た」と報告し、「私 まで沢山の祝福メッ ージをいただきあり とうございます」と 謝のコメント。姉で 優・モデルの高橋メ リージュンを含めた い頃の姉弟写真を公 し、「4人きょうだ で、唯一私よりあと 産まれてきた弟。幼 期、必死に「ゆうお ちゃん」と呼ばせよ としたけど「ゆうち ん」と呼び続けた」 エピソードを紹介し 。
続けて「とにかく素 で明るくて会う人を 清々しくするまっす な弟!」と絶賛し、 その祐治が、ステキ 女性に出逢って永遠 誓った。。亜樹ちゃ もまた、素直で明る 、とても真面目な女 。そして天然」とコ ント。自身も昨年、 -1ファイターの卜 (うらべ)弘嵩選手 入籍していることか 「同じアスリートの として、いつも刺激 もらっているし弟を ポートしてくれてい 本当に感謝してるし 敬!」と述べた。
ブログの最後では「 切な家族が増える、 嬉しい」(原文ママ と述べ、「ふたりの ラキラ輝き続ける未 を姉として見守らせ いただきます」「結 おめでとう」と祝福 た。
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