Hello eveyone Welcome on RCTutos.fr
Today we receive a small FPV mask
The Eachine VRD2 Pro
It runs under diversity so there is a double reception
Let's open it together
You have the clasical instructions manual
Here we have 2 thickness of foam
to fit with your morphology
Here the 2 antennas, 1 mushromm 1 panel
You have also a 2S 2200mah
it's 2x 18650 batteries together
here the mushroom antenna
and here the panel antenna
here a USA version charger to charge the battery
It will be complicated for us
and here the mask
So it's a small mask
I have glasses and it doesn't fit inside
I will try to use it without glasses
I hope it will be ok
So to start you glue the foam you choose on the ask
and you install antennas
It's interesting as it's cheap, 67$
it runs in 5.8ghz under diversity so double reception like i said before
it choose the best reception of both
to have the best image
there is a DVR to record session, you can put a micro SD till 64go
it's interesting to have your flights in video
there is an adjustable lens here, so you can adjust distance between eyes and screen
you see the screen move
screen is 5inches 800x460
so the size of the screen is good enough
there is also an automatic scan for frequency
so you can find your frequency faster
there is also an OSD with informations on screen
it's about 300g, not big
so you have just a low lever on the face
you also can adjust the mask on the face
So we will record this at airplane club tomorrow
and compare with VR006 i also have
from eachine
we will try to record the 2 screen to show you differences
So you find it at banggod at 67$
link will be on the video description and on our website
so hold on for the images of the VRD2 mask
so you can have an idea of the quality of the mask
Thanks for watching
let's see the video of the mask
See you later
For more infomation >> Eachine VRD2 Déballage Banggood - RC FPV - RCTutos #285 - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
蒙娜麗莎十大奧秘!達文西密碼 體驗《Video File M - 010》 CC字幕 The Da Vinci Code - Duration: 11:27.
ニュース "妖精兵"の戦いを描くP.A.WORKSオリジナルTVアニメ「フェアリーゴーン」4月放送開始 - Duration: 2:50.
4月から放送 始 (C)2 19 Fiv fairy schola s/ フェア ーゴーン製作 員会 [映画.co ニュース] 「SHIRO AKO」「さ ならの朝に約 の花をかざろ 」のP.A. ORKSがア メーション制 を担当するオ ジナルテレビ ニメ「Fai y gone フェアリーゴ ン」の放送が 4月からスタ トすることが かった
同作は、 思議な力を持 妖精を自在に る"妖精兵" 存在する世界 舞台を舞台に 妖精兵たちが れぞれの正義 求めて戦う物 。妖精が憑依 た動物の臓器 移植され、妖 を分身として び出せるよう なった妖精兵 ちは、戦争の 結とともに自 の居場所を失 てしまう
それから9年 、妖精に関連 る事件を捜査 鎮圧する違法 精取締機関「 ロテア」に配 されたマーリ ・ノエルは、 争によって受 た傷や、痛ま い過去を持つ 罪者たちと対 していく
メインキ ストは、妖精 官の移植手術 せずに直接妖 に取り憑かれ その力を行使 きるようにな た特異体質者 主人公マーリ 役に、「ダー ン・イン・ザ フランキス」 市ノ瀬加那が ばれた
そのほか、「 ロテア」第一 隊の隊長代理 務めるフリー アンダーバー 前野智昭、マ リヤの幼なじ で復讐のため 暗殺者となっ ヴェロニカ・ ーンを福原綾 、妻子を失っ 絶望からテロ ストになった ルフラン・ロ を細谷佳正が じる
หงส์แดงเมินข้อเสนอสลับขั้ว ดิบาล่า+เงินแลกซาลาห์ , ชากิรี่ รับรอเจอบาเยิร์นแทบไม่ไหว - Duration: 3:06.
限定63台のみ。ランボルギーニ初のハイブリッドハイパーカー「UNICO(LB48H)」は9月のフランクフルトMSにて登場予定 - Duration: 2:46.
Oscary 2019 - "Green Book", czyli wożąc pana Dona - Duration: 6:07.
GREEN BOOK, or driving mister Don REVIEW
Yet again Hollywood talks about minorities, but this time it is worth giving a chance, because "Green Book" (2018, dir. P. Farrelly) is a piece of good genre cinema,
quite intelligent, emotional, often lined with interesting comedy, and you just can not take your eyes off Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali, the excellent acting duo.
The title refers to the "The Negro Motorist Green Book", which in the years of racial segregation in America
was a guide of hotels and restaurants serving the black community in the southern states.
The movie itself is also based on the actual story of the great Afro-American musician Don Shirley, who had to hire Tony Vallelonga,
an American with Italian roots, who like no one else could cope with the problems encountered during the tour.
And it is this perverse combination of Tony's uncouth, who initially have his own subconscious prejudices
against the sophisticated, cultural Don, gives incredible energy to the whole film.
Mortensen, who had to gain weight significantly to the role of constantly shamelessly eating, never closing mouth (also when eating) protagonist
is almost flawless, which is also evident in the natural way he covers the whole movie with an Italian accent.
Equally convincing is also Ali, perfectly reflecting this internal tear between the burden of the difficult heritage of the black society,
constantly subdued by the prevailing racism, and him looking at it with the superiority of the person who succeeded,
who throughout his life was surrounded by a bubble of talent and accepted a quite comfortable place in this world.
There's a lot of nice comedy, like a scene with Tony delighted that he can eat KFC fried chicken from real Kentucky,
so much that he almost forces his boss with a much more exquisite palate to try a stereotypically Afro-American dish.
Of course, there are also moralizing threads. However, they do not reject, as it often happens in other productions that treats about minorities,
because they are intelligently conducted, from the contemporary perspective, much fresher and probably more effective,
that is, by not deploring for the past sins of some group, but searching for the causes of prejudices, common characteristics and possible solutions.
Very significant here is showing Tony as a minority, he's a white man, but with Italian roots, so he's a stranger, an immigrant,
probably a gangster, although he may not be from mafia, because he hardly has enough money to feed his family, in any case, useless parasite.
That is why this relation of the protagonists is so convincing, they get to know each other, break the boundaries and finally interact with each other,
which will allow them to understand the other side and make the necessary step to improve not only the surrounding world, but also their characters.
"Green Book" therefore serves a lovely blend of the inverted "Driving Miss Daisy" (1989, dir. B. Beresford) with "The Intouchables" (2011, dir. O. Nakache, E. Toledano)
and guarantees perfect, wise entertainment, which from time to time will force you to think and get involved in a very emotional way. And what more could you possibly want?
GREEN BOOK, or driving mister Don SPOILER CORNER
While Tony's character is the driving force of the movie, which is effectively maintaining the speed of action, it seems that Don is even more interesting,
the golden child of music, whose successes allow him to create a safe space where he can be as peaceful as possible.
However, when he only goes south from New York, he becomes a funny curiosity for the natives.
And for some time the protagonist accepts this place, hoping that even with such minor acts, or a concert tour, he'll manage to open even a little the minds of prejudiced residents,
that the positive experiences of a higher society that seems to be so impressed with his performances will eventually be transfered to ordinary people.
As we can see it is not so simple and in the crucial moment of the film Don decides to fight for the right to eat a meal in a place where he would play the final concert,
and in which black people are not served to. In this scene you can also see the example of great directong.
When the manager of the place takes Tony for a talk, wanting to give him a bribe to persuade his employer to change his mind, the man explodes in anger,
and watching the scene musician stops his friend and the two men decide to leave. Some hyperactive creator could exaggerate, trying to push the morale to the limit,
all the time playing with close-ups, but Peter Farrelly knew that he perfectly prepared this climax and there was no need to emphasize the overtones of this story.
And despite the single clumsy wisdoms expressed by Tony's wife or Oleg, musician from Shirley's band,
the director is almost perfect in moralizing through the duo of Don and his driver, whuch dominates the whole movie.
It is also significant that before the joyful finale, and immediately after the mentioned unlucky concert, the protagonists goes to an Afro-American bar,
where Shirley gives a show of his skills, allowing himself to jazz improvisation and thus opening up to the surrounding people
who always remained for him representatives of some other world.
Ricetta Pasta Matta con bricco Tupperware - Duration: 4:39.
해치 5회 6회 ❤️ Haechi Ep 5 6 - Duration: 57:01.
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✪ 사실입니까? : '열린음악회' 뮤지컬 배우 양준모 '누가 죄인인가' "결혼 아내 맹성연 음악감독 집안 자녀 딸" 가족사 ✪2019 Special News✪ - Duration: 5:58.
Ábalos: "A Ciudadanos le cuesta menos pactar con la ultraderecha que con la socialdemocracia" - Duration: 5:13.
El PSOE no entiende el veto de Albert Rivera a pactar con Pedro Sánchez después de las elecciones generales, una posibilidad que los socialistas contemplan y a la que el propio presidente del Gobierno, en la comparecencia el viernes en Moncloa para anunciar la convocatoria de comicios el 28 de abril, no renuncia
El secretario de Organización del partido y ministro de Fomento, José Luis Ábalos, ha defendido hoy en rueda de presa que a Ciudadanos "le cuesta menos pactar con extremistas de derecha que con los socialdemócratas" , en referencia día al acuerdo con el PP y Vox en Andalucía
Ábalos no conocía aún la decisión de la Ejecutiva de Cs de rechazar cualquier pacto con el PSOE tras el 28A pero sí la posición expresada en los últimos días en la que la formación naranja defendía que no acordaría nada con Sánchez pero no cerraba la puerta al PSOE
Con estas afirmaciones como referencia los socialistas han manifestado hoy que la postura de Ciudadanos de decir que no a Sánchez y sí a Vox es "un poco extraña en el contexto europeo" en referencia al cordón sanitario a la extrema derecha que existe en otros países y al que apela por ejemplo el candidato de Cs a la Alcaldía de Barcelona, Manuel Valls, ex primer ministro francés
Sin conocer todavía que el veto de Ciudadanos se ha extendido a todo el partido y no sólo al presidente del Gobierno, Ábalos ha reclamado a la formación de Rivera que "tiene que respetar" los dirigentes que tiene cada partido que, en el caso del PSOE, han sido elegidos "democráticamente"
El dirigente socialista ha recordado que Cs primero eran socialdemócratas pero "renunciaron en nada" y luego liberales aunque eso esto, a su juicio, no casa con las "compañías, en alusión a Vox
"Ellos sabrán si se sienten socialdemócratas, liberales o más cerca de la ultraderecha"
Ábalos ha señalado que el PSOE, primero según todas las encuestas, volverá a intentar "conseguir un Gobierno monocolor"
"Ya lo hemos hecho con 84 diputados" ha destacado. El PSOE no quiere hablar de pactos y trata también de quitarse de encima él sambenito de que pactará con los independentistas catalanes
"Si tenemos esa tentación lo disimulamos muy bien, nos acaban de tumbar los presupuestos", ha dicho el número tres del partido
En su opinión afrontan las elecciones en buenas condiciones con el PSOE "ilusionado" y "motivado" y sin esperar que haya ninguna candidatura alternativa a Sánchez pese a que se podría presentar otro aspirante a encabezar la lista si tiene el respaldo del 30% de la militancia o el 25% de apoyo del Comité Federal
Será precisamente este órgano el que en una reunión el próximo 17 de marzo dará el visto bueno a las listas, tanto a las generales como a las autonómicas
Ábalos ha dado por hecho que los ministros irán en las candidaturas porque "entendemos que es un valor haber estado en el Gobierno"
Respecto a la lista a las europeas el partido está a la espera de la decisión del ministro de Exteriores, Josep Borrell, que es la única persona que Sánchez ha valorado como posible cabeza de cartel
SPLATOON 2: THE ANIME - Duration: 3:03.
ESSENS Corporate Video - We make people's lives better - Duration: 4:07.
When we started in 2011, I would not have believed,
what we would be able to achieve in such a short time.
The basic idea was to create ESSENS as a lifestyle brand,
with which people would be able to identify.
Over time, we began to realise,
how ESSENS has the potential to change human lives for the better.
It is amazing to see you all,
how you, through ESSENS are building new friendships,
you are becoming financially independent,
driving in premium cars,
or you are visiting places you have not dreamt of before.
What is great about ESSENS, is that we are offering a huge amount of products,
which people use every day and which they can fall in love with.
Everyone wants to look attractive and be healthy,
beauty is far more than cosmetics.
That´s why we believe in innovative products,
to help you look and feel great,
and we continue to offer the highest possible quality at the lowest possible price.
We are already so convinced of the quality of our products,
that we have decided to offer a money back guarantee
even on already opened products.
The Marketing Plan is set in a way,
so that as many people as possible can earn straight away,
which will change their lives and create a long-term income.
But if you want to succeed in anything,
without work and determination, you will not be able to do so.
As a big advantage you can see that member registration is free of charge.
Each new member automatically gains Membership access
for member prices and many other benefits,
which are accessible only for ESSENS Club members.
It is fair when a product or service excites you
and you can pass this enthusiasm on others and be rewarded for it at the same time.
Mario Andretti, Formule 1 racer, once said:
"If you've got everything under control, you're not going fast enough."
And that´s exactly how it is.
Even we are trying to always look around us,
to analyse the world and come up with new things.
ESSENS, in the seventh year of its existence
has dispatched 7,426,000 products.
In total, we have dispatched 700,000 packages
and our distribution network, the number of distributors,
has grown to an incredible 200,000. And the number is still increasing.
We are ready, together with you, to build from ESSENS a globally successful brand.
It is an opportunity for everyone,
who wants to influence their future
without any age limit, background or education.
All this is possible thanks to you,
a stable team of professionals,
who love their work and want to keep on moving ESSENS forward.
Galaxy S10: What To Expect On Feb 20? - Duration: 7:34.
Galaxy has 10 is about to be unreal on February 20 and so let's check out what
features and changes could land on Samsung's new flagship in 2019
what's up guys I'm at the Aditya from fosstbytes.com and Galaxy S 10 is about
to release in almost no time so I'm going to do a rumor roundup of what all
changes and features that we can expect from Samsung's new flagship example we
will talk about the latest s10 models the camera the new block chain wallet
and many more fancy features so let's get started
so first let's talk about the hardware now many leaks are pointing towards 3s
10 models in the pipeline obviously with different screen sizes and configuration
like you have the regular Galaxy S 10 with a 6.1 inch Super AMOLED display and
then you have the bigger s 10 plus with the whooping 12 gigs of RAM and a
terabyte of storage onboard and I don't think that anyone is going to need more
than that right now fun fact my laptop is at 2 TB hard drive
installed and last you have the Galaxy S 10 II or the light version with a 5.8
inch display size and I don't think that it is a rocket science for anyone to
figure out that this one is going to be a competitor to the iPhone 10 R and also
the rumored pixel 3 light according to the rumors there will also be a limited
edition for galaxy s 10 model that is codenamed beyond X and this is to
celebrate the 10th anniversary of the S 10 series it will have a screen size of
six point seven inch quite a big one 10 gigs of ram again 1 TB storage a 5000
mAh battery and also it would have fuzzy support out of the box so do expect it
to be a pricey affair in the processor Department there are high chances that
something is going to put the latest Snapdragon 855 chip on both s 10 NS 10
plus and just like it happens every time the international variant of Weston will
have the Exynos 92 0 installed now Samsung has already used the Snapdragon
845 last year for the s9 so actually they don't have any option left as such
and Snapdragon 855 will definitely put the S Tanvi ahead of the competition
like the pixel 3 or the oneplus 60 but still packed the older eight fortified
now talk about the colors both s10 and s10 plus are expected to come in black
white blue and green but for the s10 II something is going to add a yellow color
option as well and I must say that it looks quite good although I don't like
yellow in the first place and apart from all of these we can also expect a new
foldable twin at the launch event because Samsung has kind of made it
super obvious by releasing this teaser
now if I talk about the camera the galaxy s 9 plus had the dual camera
setup at the back but this time the chances are quite high that booth s 10
NS 10 class will have a triple camera setup at the back including the variable
aperture wide angle lens we saw last year and there will be two rear cameras
on the S 10 a model but the talk of the town the limited edition Galaxy S 10
could have full cameras at the back and of course I expect it to be way better
than the quad setup on galaxy a9 for the front side the s10 and Aston II will
have a single selfie camera well s10 plus we'll have two on the
front and here maybe we can expect a wide angle lens similar to pixel three
galaxy s 10 is also expected to get an operation night mode obviously because
many other Android phones have it it will be called bright night as according
to the reports this reminds me of another big highlight and that is
something is using a display cutout in their flagship phones and it is called
the Infinity old display because of the hole that something has made in the
screen for the camera but actually it is not the for Samsung phone to get it it
was the galaxy a8 s that got it before s 10 it's fine you can call it infinity or
hole punch or whatever you want but if we look at the renders of the s 10 plus
the cutout where it's going to put the two cameras definitely it doesn't look
like an O so I think they should have gone for a different name maybe Infinity
pail or something but it's too late for it already so leave it now talking about
security I have also heard rumors that Samsung is looking to add a 3d sensor
that will bring a new face unlock system onto a stand the same way as it happens
on the iPhone tennis and that is by creating a 3d map of your face and so
it's seen that the days of the iris scanner are probably gone also one thing
you might have noticed is that the renders of Galaxy S 10
don't have a fingerprint sensor at the back and that is because Samsung is
looking for ways to add an index flipping up in sensor and there are high
chances that something will use welcomes ultrasonic fingerprint sensor tech for
now on the software side I think it is safe to assume that all the s10 variants
will have the one way out of the box which is Samsung's own version of
Android fire that it recently rolled out for the S EndNote series a rumor claims
that something is also working on a new block T invalid for the Aston and it is
called the Samsung blockchain keysto now it could be the case that the crypto
coins are not that much popular right now but people are still using them so a
blockchain wallet makes perfect sense now apart from all of this we can also
expect s tend to have reverse wireless charging support so that you can pump
power into other devices as well I mean the same way as it happens on the Huawei
may 20 throw also another rumor C is that Samsung could launch an ear pods
competitor called galaxy buds so it would be interesting to see how the two
compare with each other and what's more is that Samsung's new flagship could
also have been in display speaker instead of the earpiece that you use for
phone calls and before you get too excited v1x already has a similar tech
where the sound comes through the screen of the phone so in this case also
something is not the first one also you could get Wi-Fi six support on galaxy s
10 but the catch here is that currently there are not many routers that suppose
Wi-Fi six so you'll have to wait for some time before they do
now last but definitely the most important the pricetag now in 2019 we
might see the most expensive galaxy s lineup ever because I have heard reports
that Samsung is going to push the price closer to the iPhone tennis so for the
regular S 10 the starting price could be around thousand dollars for the S 10
plus it could be around 1250 dollars and 1754 the terabyte variant and for the
s10 II or the light variant Samsung could charge around 850 bucks so folks
these were all the rumors and expected features of the galaxy s 10 but will
have to wait until Feb 20 to see what Samsung actually has to offer in the
meantime what you can do is you can use the comment section down below and tell
me what feature do you want to see on the galaxy s 10 or if there is anything
that you want to add and as always if you like this video then you can give me
a thumbs up if you loved it then you can hit the subscribe it and hit the bear
icon and we send you more awesome videos real soon
also don't forget to share this video with your friends with your family and
I'll talk to you in the next one
Как обычная горожанка: Миддлтон в повседневной одежде прогулялась с принцем Луи по городскому парку - Duration: 4:55.
1001 : acrylique vs enamel - Duration: 4:21.
Subtitles available
Today we will present you the differences between acrylic painting and Enamel painting
Acrylic paint is a water based paint while Enamel paint is an oil based paint
If acrylic paint does not require a specialized arrangement this is not the case with Enamel paint
its use requires more pre-requisites, through its components, an aerated working environment and it is also advisable to take breaks every 15 minutes.
The acrylic paint is less resistant to the damage of time and often requires a layer of varnish to protect the rendering of the model
The Enamel painting does not have that problem. More resistant to wtime damage, it does not require additional protection.
Acrylic only requires water dilution
It is easy to get off from clothes, hands, but also brushes, soapy water does the job.
Enamel paint requires specialized products Such as Aqua Mix de chez Revell,
Enamel paint requires specialized products such as l'Aqua Color Clean or Painta-Clean to clean brushes or clothes
Acrylic paint with a brush will have more difficulty adhering to the model.
Two techniques exist: a cleansing of clumps with soapy water and or vinegar; or the application of a primeur.
Drying time will limit retouching
15 minutes to 1 hour, depending of brands, are enough for the acrylic paints to dry
Enamel paint can be applied directly to plastic models with good grip
It dries within 24 hours, allowing to touch up
Impossible to clean acrylic paint simply
When, with enamel paints, the Aqua Color Clean does the job
Enamel paints leaving easily
By its base and by playing with dilution acrylic paint allows to use several paint techniques
such as dry brushing or to transform its paint into a "washe"
there will be many more colours in acrylic than with Enamel.
Acrylic paint requires several layers of paint, losing its intensity the more it is diluted
lthough it allows to play with paintings it is also sometimes constraining.
The Enamel paint requires only one coat of paint with a better finish the first time.
Because of its drying time, it is also possible to "play" with it by "mixing" the paintings with their junctions, especially for camouflage.
Macron fait le ménage dans sa garde rapprochée - Duration: 5:06.
Françoise Hardy terribles effets de son cancer, la confidence émue de Jacques Dutronc - Duration: 2:31.
My Talking Tom 2 NEW GAME Gameplay Day 36 - Tom Sing Song Finger Famaly Baby Shark! Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 11:34.
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Baby Shark
Nursery Rhymes
gaming channel
Buzyn ne veut pas de contrepartie "punitive" - Duration: 5:22.
Aya Nakamura : qui est celui à qui elle s'adresse dans son tube DjaDja ? - Duration: 7:40.
[YTP] STAR WARS: Anakin vs Obi Wan 2 (Parody Video) - Duration: 2:29.
ফুটপাতের চা কতটা ক্ষতিকর জানেন? জানলে বুক কেঁপে উঠবে!!! - Duration: 4:03.
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How harmful is the road side tea?
How harmful is the road side tea?
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Ce face și cum arată ACUM Leonard Miron, la 50 de ani! A dat petrecere mare de ziua lui! - Duration: 3:24.
Ce face și cum arată acum Leonard Miron! Fostul prezentator de televiziune a dat petrecere în avans de ziua lui
În aprilie, Leonard Miron va împlini 50 de ani. Fostul prezentator de televiziune a revenit în România și a dat party de ziua lui, în avans
Leonard Miron și partenerul lui de viață au organizat o petrecere grandioasă, cu peste 100 de invitați
Gianina Corondan, Dana Săvuică, Mădălin Ionescu și Cristina Șișcanu au fost doar câteva nume dintre cei care i-au fost alături cu această ocazie
Leonard Miron împlinește 50 de ani în aprilie.Leonard Miron a dezvăluit de ce a decis să dea party cu două luni înainte să împlinească 50 de ani
"Anul ăsta am uitat să cer vacanță. Creierul meu a refuzat să facă această asociere
O să fiu pe vas de ziua mea. În perioada aceea era și ziua mamei. Mama nu a vrut niciodată să fiu trist când îmi aduc aminte de ea
A spus așa: Decât să faci pomeni, mai bine să faci chefuri", a spus Leonard Miron cu lacrimi în ochi
A fost petrecere mare în cinstea lui Leonard Miron. A fost muzică bună, invitatții s-au delectat cu mâncare delicioasă, nume grele din showbiz au acceptat invitația la party a sărbătoritului
Când în scenă și-a făcut apariția și tortul spectaculos, toți prietenii lui Leonard au insistat ca el să țină un scurt discurs
Cu ocazia aceasta, sărbătoritul i-a făcut și o declarație de dragoste partenerului de viață
Imagini în exclusivitate de la ziua lui Leonard Miron au fost difuzate astăzi în cadrul emisiunii lui Teo Trandafir de la Kanal D
Qui sera présent? (Rassemblement contre l'antisémitisme) - Duration: 4:52.
Coronation Street spoilers Amy Barlow to leave the Cobbles in baby plot twist? TV and Radio S - Duration: 0:30.
Coronation Street spoilers Amy Barlow to leave the Cobbles in baby plot twist? TV and Radio S
It hasn"t been the easiest of times in for young Amy Barlow played by Elle Mulvaney .
It was revealed earlier this year that the teenager was pregnant and her parents, Tracy Barlow Kate Ford and Steve McDonald Simon Gregson , found this difficult to come to terms with.
Tracy was at first convinced Simon Barlow Alex Bain was the father, yet that turned out not to be the case.
It was soon revealed that Tyler Jefferies Will Barnett was the father, and in tonight"s episode, Tracy will offer him pound5,000 to have nothing more to do with Amy and the baby.
Tracy will pin Tyler up against a wall while she offers the bribe to ensure he gets the message that he"s not welcome.
Amy will be horrified by her mother"s actions as she watches the whole scene unfold from afar.
The police will them be involved as they decide to question Amy about her pregnancy after Tracy"s actions.
Amy will defend Tyler, telling the police that she was not pressured into having sex with him.
However, the police will then point out that he still broke the law because she is underage.
The police will then inform Amy that she"s going to have to make a formal statement, which makes her furious with Tracy and Steve because she blames them for the police becoming involved.
As Amy comes back from the police station, she"ll bump into Tyler and will be shocked when he apologises for what happened.
He"ll also tell her that he doesn"t want anything to do with the baby, and Amy will have the think about what she wants to do next.
She eventually goes to seek solace in her friend Bethany Platt Lucy Fallon and confesses everything to her.
With Amy being so furious with her parents, there"s the strong possibility that she might want some time away from them.
Tracy and Steve haven"t been dealing with the situation very well, and Amy"s mother"s bribe might prove to be the final straw.
Meanwhile, .
It"s been reported that the heart attack will take place just as Tim and his wife Sally Metcalfe Sally Dynevor are just settling back into their normal life together.
According to the Daily Star, the damage done by the family feud will take its toll on the poor husband and the stress will become too much for him.
But will he pull through the medical crisis? And will the scare be enough to bring the feud to an end?
Coronation Street airs tonight at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on .
Nový ředitel Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava Jiří Havrlant: Hlavně zklidnit situaci! - Duration: 6:06.
„Uvědomuji si, že personální situace v naší nemocnici nebyla v posledních měsících ideální
Mým záměrem je nejen celkově zklidnit atmosféru, ale zaměřit se také na další rozvoj nemocnice
Věřím, že společně s kolegy můžeme dále rozvíjet FNO jako špičkové pracoviště, jehož význam zdaleka přesahuje náš kraj," uvedl Havrlant
Odstartovalo to odvolání V nemocnici se v posledním roce odehrála řada personálních změn
Loni v únoru je odstartovalo odvolání tehdejšího ředitele a někdejšího sociálnědemokratického ministra zdravotnictví Svatopluka Němečka
Ministr zdravotnictví Adam Vojtěch (za ANO) tehdy Němečkovo odvolání zdůvodnil manažerským selháním vedoucím k odborné a personální destabilizaci nemocnice, umělým navyšováním hospodářského výsledku a střetem zájmů, protože Němeček působil i ve vedení bohumínské nemocnice
Němeček označil důvody za smyšlené, tvrdil, že tehdejší vláda bez důvěry si tak vyřizuje účty
Řízením nemocnice byl pak pověřen Evžen Machytka, který nakonec uspěl i v konkurzu
Už tehdy v něm o ředitelské křeslo usiloval také Havrlant. Oba uchazeči v té době získali ve výběrovém řízení shodný počet hlasů, ale ministr se nakonec rozhodl pro Machytku
Zdůvodnil to tehdy tím, že se opřel o stanovisko předsedy komise, který podpořil Machytku
Dohodli se Za Machytkova působení se ale v nemocnici odehrála řada personálních změn, které na podzim vygradovaly odvoláním uznávaného přednosty porodnicko-gynekologické kliniky Ondřeje Šimetky
Za něj se ale postavila odborná veřejnost i politici. Machytka nakonec s odůvodněním, že chce uklidnit situaci, rezignoval
Vedení nemocnice dočasně převzal chirurg Petr Vávra. Havrlant následně uspěl i v dalším vyhlášeném konkursu, který ale opět dopadl nerozhodně, když stejnou podporu výběrové komise získala i náměstkyně ředitele Zuzana Čermáková
Ministr se začátkem ledna rozhodl, že nevybere žádného z úspěšných adeptů kvůli různícím se názorům na ně a bylo vyhlášeno nové výběrové řízení
Nakonec ale ministerstvo oznámilo, že ředitelem bude Havrlant, který se s Čermákovou dohodl na vzájemné spolupráci
Chce investice Havrlant se nyní bude zaměřovat také na přípravu investičního plánu nemocnice, který má zahrnovat například budoucí rekonstrukci operačních sálů či obnovu zdravotnické techniky
Společně s lékaři psychiatrického oddělení bude nový ředitel připravovat i stavbu zcela nového pavilonu, který se měl v areálu podle původních plánů začít stavět už loni
„V této chvíli je hotova projektová dokumentace a jsme těsně před vyhlášením výběrového řízení
Nový pavilon s 66 psychiatrickými lůžky by měl být hotov do konce roku 2021," řekl Havrlant
Kdo je Jan Havrlant? Nový ředitel nemocnice je lékař atestovaný v oborech chirurgie a veřejné zdravotní pojištění
V letech 1988 až 2004 pracoval jako lékař na chirurgickém oddělení Vítkovické nemocnice
Kromě toho zastával v letech 1996 až 2003 pozici vedoucího odboru revizních lékařů pojišťovny RBP Ostrava
V téže zdravotní pojišťovně působil od roku 2003 jako ředitel pro zdravotnictví. VIDEO: Ministr zdravotnictví Adam Vojtěch: Co říká na "popravu šnaidroidů" a jak zdůvodnil vyhazov pro Němečka? Video délka: 04:21 1080p 720p 360p REKLAMA Ministr zdravotnictví Adam Vojtěch: Co říká na "popravu šnaidroidů" a jak zdůvodnil vyhazov pro Němečka? Jaroslav Šimáček, Blesk Zprávy
Declarația soțului, care a deranjat-o pe Oana Roman la ziua fiicei lor - Duration: 2:32.
Brigitte et Emmanuel « détestent les coureurs » - Duration: 6:00.
Peut-on refuser la pose d'un compteur Linky ? - CONSOMAG - Duration: 2:01.
We Want Amazon For Ohio, Says Congressman | Morning Joe | MSNBC - Duration: 8:59.
Alexandra Silva, Preparação para Admissão ao Curso de Formação de Guardas da GNR | Opiniões Master D - Duration: 0:26.
Caroline de Monaco angoissée pour son mari cancéreux, elle ouvre son coeur - Duration: 1:33.
Bring It: Sunjai's First Stand Performance (Season 1 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 3:24.
Meghan Markle et Harry, la déchirante raison de leur retard aux Endeavour Awards - Duration: 1:39.
How I got a job as a Video Game Programmer - Duration: 8:20.
hey guys what's up Ombarus here and welcome to another episode in this week
I thought I'd talk a little bit about my experience in how I became a game
programmer because you see normally I'd be talking about my development of
my own game but this week I've been mostly fixing a whole bunch of bugs I
mean a whole huge list but it's kind of boring there's not much to talk about so
I thought this week let's make a video about how you can become a game
programmer if you're interested in this kind of stuff first of all a disclaimer
my personal experience is probably not representative of how you become a game
programmer in general also I'm from Canada so my experience is very much
Canadian if you're from America or Europe maybe the way to do it is
different but hopefully there's some similarities and you can learn something
from my personal experience so it all started about maybe 15 years ago when I
decided I wanted to go to university I did get a technical degree in computer
science before deciding to go to university but I thought I needed some
more stronger foundation to be able to maybe become a game programmer or
something like that I mean it's always been in the back of my mind you know I
wanted something more than doing web development or being a full-stack
developer or something like that you have to remember that 15 years ago
software engineering was just a budding new program. The university I got into
actually I was the second class to ever attend this program before that if you
wanted to be a into software engineering or something like that you had to take
Electrical Engineering but nowadays there's so much more
classes you can take I mean there wasn't any video game development classes when
I started but nowadays there are and in university you can take video game
specific development classes and you can take, you know, machine learning
classes and stuff like. This didn't exist 15 years ago but I did choose all
the options that could lead to video game development so I took image
processing classes and the computer graphics classes and these kind of
things that I knew would help me go towards what I wanted to accomplish in
software development but even after four years of university I didn't think it
would be enough to get me a dream job I needed some experience or maybe some
personal awesome project to showcase to stand out of the crowd of resume that
piles up on people's desks but instead I found a job in Japan and maybe when I
think about it it was actually harder than finding a job in the video game
industry but I guess I got lucky I had a few contacts and I mean I worked
for a company that made websites for Japanese mobile market so it wasn't
exactly related or it wasn't my dream job but the experience was absolutely
amazing and the experience in the mobile market is actually kind of related to
how I got my job when I came back to Canada and so it was actually a really
good experience after three years working in Japan I decided it was time
to come back and when I came back to Canada I was pretty confident that three
years of experience in Japan some basic Japanese language proficiency
and a university degree would be enough to at least get me some kind of
interview in a video game company so I applied for all the video games company
I could find and it turned out that not the experience in Japan but the
experience with the Japanese mobile market just nine years ago when the
smartphone market was exploding was really a big plus and so I got myself a
job in the mobile video game industry from there I got to work on a whole
bunch of titles from you know basic casual games to really hardcore gaming
on the mobile I got incredibly a lot of experience
because since the mobile is maybe a little bit smaller like the teams
are a little bit smaller you know there isn't like a thousand employee or
thousand programmer working on the game it's only like a couple of, a dozen
programmer maybe on a single title well it means that you get to do a lot
of stuff so I've touched pretty much everything when you work in a game
company it's very common to work a whole bunch of titles that are never going to
see the light of day I've heard that companies like Supercells from clash of
clans and King from candy crush actually produce like dozens of prototypes
before one of those prototypes ends up being released and becoming an actual
game you don't hear much about these prototypes sometimes they become public
beta but sometimes they don't even get out of the company but there's
people working on these things and so even though I don't have that many
titles I've released in the last nine years I worked on a whole bunch of
titles that were prototyped abandoned gave up canceled whatever but you know
they still provided me with a lot of experience and really all you need is to
get some experience it doesn't matter where but if you manage to get in the
video game industry after that I think it's fairly easy to move from one game
studio to another because from my experience looking at my coworker who've
quit to go to another game studio or change job or something like that after
two years working at the my previous company I I started getting offers and
and recruitments and people coming to me and I'm pretty sure it would be fairly
easy if I wanted to find another job in a game company and I'm kind of lucky
because in Montreal where I'm from there's like 20 different game
companies it's a real mecca of game companies and it really helps if you're
looking for a job right because they're all competing against each other to get
like the most talented people which means they are also hiring a lot of new
blood and you have a good chance to find a job
as long as you have a little something to make you stand out from the crowd if
you want to find a job in the video game industry the advice I could give you is
maybe try to get out of like hey look I've made a prototype of a platformer in
unity and and try to find something a little bit more original maybe you can
get some skills that are related to video games but not directly connected
so like me getting experience in the mobile market to get a job in a mobile
video game company even though what I was doing was web development it kind of
helped me I think these kind of things that stand out a little bit
more , because nowadays everyone is told to have a portfolio right so
everyone has a few projects when they apply for a job if they're anywhere
serious about getting a job but if your portfolio contains some
different things maybe some machine learning or maybe some data analysis or
something like that I think this will get you a better chance of finding your
dream job so that's about it for today guys thank you for listening I hope you
enjoyed it and if you like what you see hit that subscribe button and see you
guys in my next episode bye
House GOP Leader Turns the Tables on Adam Schiff, Demands He Recuse Himself! - Duration: 5:25.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is calling on Adam Schiff to recuse himself from the
House Intelligence Committee, after it was revealed he had a meeting with Glenn Simpson,
the owner of Fusion GPS.
The Hill reported that the new House Intelligence Committee chairman, Adam Schiff (D-Calif.),
has proven to be his party's most effective antagonist toward President Trump.
And now, with the new powers of being chairman, he is drawing both new weapons and new scrutiny.
Sometimes such scrutiny inevitably turns to questions of hypocrisy.
Which bring us to the issue of some photographs taken at the prestigious Aspen security conference
last July.
They show Schiff meeting at the event with Fusion GPS Founder Glenn Simpson, one of the
key and most controversial figures in the Russia collusion scandal.
Both men insisted to me through spokesmen that they met only briefly last July.
At the time of the encounter, Simpson was an important witness in the House Intelligence
Committee probe who had given sworn testimony about alleged, but still unproven, collusion
between Russia and the Trump campaign.
Simpson ran the firm hired by Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic Party to find
dirt on Trump in Moscow.
He employed retired British intelligence operative Christopher Steele, whose infamous and unverified
dossier became the main evidence for the FBI's probe of the Trump campaign, particularly
the surveillance warrant against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
And by the time of the meeting, the House Intelligence Committee had already received
evidence from a senior Justice Department official, Bruce Ohr, that called into question
Simpson's testimony to lawmakers.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is pressing House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam
Schiff for answers about his interactions with Glenn Simpson, the founder of the opposition
research firm behind the Democrat-funded Steele dossier.
In a statement released on Friday, McCarthy questioned whether Schiff, a California Democrat,
should recuse himself from the Intelligence panel's Russia investigation because of
a meeting he had with Simpson at the Aspen Security Forum in July 2018.
"Given Chairman Schiff's previous underlying rationale when calling for others to recuse
themselves from Russia-related investigations, in order to avoid charges of hypocrisy or
perceived bias, should Chairman Schiff recuse himself from his intended investigations after
meeting with a witness of an ongoing investigation?"
McCarthy asked.
The Schiff-Simpson meeting has come under scrutiny because of Simpson's role in pushing
the unverified Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory.
Simpson has also been accused by some Republican lawmakers of lying to the House Intelligence
Committee about his interactions with government officials while working on the dossier.
During testimony to the House panel on Nov. 14, 2017, Simpson withheld that he met with
Justice Department official Bruce Ohr prior to the November 2016 election.
Simpson said that he met Ohr only after the election.
But Ohr told Congress on Aug. 28, 2018 that he and Simpson met on Aug. 22, 2016 at Simpson's
They met again on Dec. 10, 2016.
Ohr's wife worked as a contractor for Fusion during the 2016 campaign.
And after the election, Ohr served as the back channel between the FBI and Christopher
Steele, the former British spy who worked for Fusion GPS on the dossier project.
During the same testimony in which Simpson has been accused of lying, Schiff sought investigative
leads from the Fusion GPS founder.
McCarthy asserted that it is "virtually unprecedented … that a now Chairman of an
investigative committee would seek direction from a fatally biased witness who was actually
paid by political opponents to uncover dirt on the President."
Schiff recently announced that he plans to expand the committee's investigation into
whether President Trump conspired with the Russian government to influence the 2016 election
and whether foreign agents have leverage over Trump.
The Steele dossier is the main source document for that conspiracy theory.
In the 35-page document, Steele alleges a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and
Kremlin to release emails stolen from Democrats.
Steele also claimed that the Kremlin is blackmailing Trump with a video tape of him with prostitutes
in a Moscow hotel room in 2013.
None of the core allegations about Trump have been verified in the more than two years since
the dossier was published.
McCarthy is also accusing Schiff of running cover for Fusion GPS and the FBI, which relied
heavily on the dossier to obtain
Here We Go Dems Launch Investigation Moments After Trump Declares Nat'l Emergency - Duration: 3:29.
On Friday Afternoon, President Trump Announced He Was Officially Declaring A National Emergency
At The Southern Border In Order To Protect The American People.
The Democrat-Led House Judiciary Committee Immediately Opened An Investigation Into The
Emergency's Legitimacy.
From Washington Examiner: The House Judiciary Committee Will Investigate
President Trump's Declaration Of A National Emergency At The Border, Citing His Statement
Friday, "I Didn't Need To Do This, But I Would Rather Do It Much Faster."
Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., And Fellow Democrats Have Requested A Hearing
With Department Of Justice Officials And White House Counsel, Writing In A Letter To The
President, "We Believe Your Declaration Of An Emergency Shows A Reckless Disregard
For The Separation Of Powers And Your Own Responsibilities Under Our Constitutional
"The House Judiciary Committee Is Commencing An Immediate Investigation Into This Matter,
Which Raises Both Serious Constitutional And Statutory Issues," The Letter Signed By
Nadler And Six Other House Democrats Said.
The ACLU Is Now Set To Challenge Trump's Decision, Also.
From Daily Wire: Following Trump's Rose Garden Announcement,
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Wasted Little Time In Announcing Its Plan
To Sue TheTrump Administration.
The ACLU Press Release Reads, In Relevant Part:
The ACLU Will Argue That President Trump's Use Of Emergency Powers To Evade Congressional
Funding Restrictions Is Unprecedented And That 10 U.S.C. § 2808, The Emergency Power
That Trump Has Invoked, Cannot Be Used To Build A Border Wall.
Congress Restricted The Use Of That Power To Military Construction Projects, Like Overseas
Military Airfields In Wartime, That "Are Necessary To Support" The Emergency Use
Of Armed Forces.
Many Conservative Legal Scholars Disagree With TheACLU's Analysis.
In Particular, John Eastman Of The Claremont Institute And John YooOf Berkeley Law And
The American Enterprise Institute, Each Of Whom Formerly Clerked On The U.S. Supreme
Court For Justice Clarence Thomas, Have Both Expressed Their Belief That President Trump's
National Emergency Is Being Enacted Declared Pursuant To Congress's Delegated Statutory
There Is Also The Separate Threshold Question As To Whether The ACLU Would Even Have Proper
Standing To Sue, Under Article III Of The U.S. Constitution.
Washington Democrat Rep. PramilaJayapalWants America To Pay "Reparations" To Border
Rep. PramilaJayapal(D-WA) Said On Friday That The United States Government Should Pay Reparations
To Families That Were Separated After They Entered The United States Legally Or Illegally
And Faced Immigration Proceedings.
JayapalAppeared On MSNBC To Talk About Her Interaction With Acting Attorney General Matthew
Whitaker During A House Judiciary Hearing On Friday, Where She Asked Him About Family
"Our Country Is Still Reeling From The Horror Of Family Separations That Occurred At The
Border,"JayapalSaid Ahead Of Questioning Whitaker.
Rep. PramilaJayapal Twitted.
I'm Proud Of My Passion, Mr. Whitaker.
We All Should Show Real Passion And A Real Commitment To Fixing What Was Done To These
Families And These Children.
This Is Lasting Trauma For Thousands Of Children—We Must Make Reparations.
By The Time Democrats Wake Up And Realize The Harm They Are Causing, It Will Be Too
BARBA (TomSka ITA) - FRB - Duration: 2:51.
What do you think?
What do I think of what?
Isn't it obvious?
You're white!
You're black?
Well, a little bit.
Which bit?
Wouldn't you like to know?
Well, what?!
My beard!
What do you think about my beard?
What beard?
This beard!
That is not a beard!
You're not a beard.
I know...
Well, according to the dictionary I bought for this very conversation a beard is defined
as growth of hair on the chin and lower cheeks of a man's face!
That's still not a beard!
This is a beard!
And this is a beer!
And that is a bear!
Yeah, but-
And that is a bearded bear bearing a beer with a beard!
Sorry, what were we talking about again?
My beard!
Chris, that is a soul patch at best!
You think my soul patch is the best?
Who's soul did you steal to grow that patch?!
What about hers?
She sold me her soul fair and square!
What for?
Fancy shoes...
Those are fancy...
Not as fancy as the gates of hell!
Chris, is your soul patch possessed?
I think you've got an STD.
You mean a satanically transmitted demon?
Don't you mansplain to me!
I'm gonna eat all your loved ones!
Oh no!
That's no one...
Looks like there is only one thing for it!
I'm gonna have to sh-
Shoot it off yes.
Don't worry it's a holy gun.
How so?
It makes holes!
Puny mortal!
Your human weapons cannot harm me!
Soon you will bow down to the dark lord!
Oh no...
All you know will be engulfed in the flames of eternal damnation!
All innocents will be crushed under the sins of the guilty!
You will suffer!
All will suffer!
There will be no salvation!
Now that's what I call, a close shave!
What Minecraft Is Like In 2019 - Duration: 8:20.
Tony Blair: Global Trade Views | In-Person | J.P. Morgan - Duration: 3:08.
"A no-deal Brexit, I think, is highly unlikely, just because it would be such a crazy thing
to do.
Now, politics today is pretty crazy, everywhere.
So you can't-- what you could have, for a certainty, ruled out a few years ago you can't
rule out today.
But I think it's highly unlikely.
I think if it looked like we were tumbling towards a no-deal Brexit, there are different
levels of you know short-term fix that you could have that would avoid that.
I mean, Europe will want to avoid it, too.
And, in any event, I don't think Parliament would permit it.
I think what is the real question is whether the government tries to kind of fudge what
the future Brexit deal is in order to get us to the other side of March 2019.
"The thing about imposing tariffs, and then you will have retaliatory tariffs, and so
on, is, if it stops reasonably soon, because the system's had the shock that the people
imposing the tariffs wanted to give it-- so, for example, in relation to China, you know,
China then modifies its behavior or deals with the balance-of-payments question that
America is raising-- you know, you can get through that reasonably benignly.
And my hope is that that's what happens.
The only trouble is, when you start to trigger this and you get the retaliation, then you
step up with further tariffs and then there's further retaliation, the risk is that it then
does trigger a trade war.
So I kind of feel, myself, that there will be a sensible-enough calibration.
But, you know, the risks are clear.
Africa's on the move.
The middle class is going to double.
It's going to become a much, much more vibrant place to invest.
And we've got to take account of this.
And in time to come, it's going to be a huge market, with enormous potential, and governance
is the key.
It's not really aid that's the key, today, it is the quality of governance.
But that quality's improving all the time.
And it just has a completely different feel from a few years back.
The thing that I wish I'd known most is that there is so much that you don't know that
you don't know.
So what happens in politics is that you start at your most popular and least capable, and
you end at your least popular and most capable.
And what really happens, in the journey of politics, is that you realize in government
how different it is from opposition, what a completely different skill set it is.
If I knew then what I know now, it definitely would be better, but [] it doesn't work like
My Talking Tom 2 NEW GAME Gameplay Day 36 - Tom Sing Song Finger Famaly Baby Shark! Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 11:34.
Tom Sing Song
Baby Shark
Nursery Rhymes
gaming channel
Steins;Gate Elite Review | 24 Hours Later | Backlog Battle - Duration: 10:48.
What's up everyone?
Alex here!
Over the past several years, the visual novel genre has had quite a resurgence.
Games such as Dream Daddy, Hatoful Boyfriend, and Danganronpa have made many players aware
of the genre's existence.
And while I've played and enjoyed many visual novels, I've never once actually reviewed
one in my many years of reviewing video games.
It's during this visual novel renaissance then, and at a friend's insistence, that
I decided to play and review my first game from the long running Science Adventure series.
I'm of course, talking about Steins;Gate Elite, a game that's attempting to attract
newcomers to both the genre and the series by incorporating elements of the anime with
the storytelling of the original game.
But how does this divergence fare in this worldline?
Put on your VR headset and boot up that PhoneWave, as we take a trip back to the Akihabara of
2010, as we review Steins;Gate Elite, Hours Later!
Steins;Gate Elite is a remake of Steins;Gate, originally released in 2009, utilizing footage
and artwork from the Steins;Gate anime, released in 2011, as well as using music, voice work,
and part of the text from the original game.
The story follows the perspective of one Rintaro Okabe…
Okabe: "Hououin Kyouma!"
Uhh, Hououin Kyouma, a self-proclaimed mad scientist who is chased after by an unknown
Organization for a myriad of different reasons, most of which, is probably in his head.
The mystery deepens, however, as events begin to unfold that don't make sense, leading
to Rintaro Okabe...
Okabe: "Hououin Kyouma!"
realizing that he stumbled into some form of time travel.
I mean Kyouma, along with resident hostage Mayuri,
Mayuri: Tutturu!
Good morning!
otaku and super hacka Daru…
Daru: Stop saying hacka! At least say hacker!
and Kyouma's assistant, Maki Kurisu...
Kurisu: No!
What kind of introduction is that?!
… begin conducting experiments in time travel with the help of their latest invention the
Together, they form the members of the Future Gadget Lab, as they descend into a tangled
web of conspiracy and a good helping of science fact and science fiction that the Science
Adventure series is known for.
Because pure visual novels are more focused on telling stories rather than inventing cutting
edge gameplay, it's more important than ever to have a presentation that allows you
to customize your viewing experience in multiple ways.
Unfortunately, the options provided aren't quite clear as to what each toggle does, with
no help text indicating what each setting actually affects.
It's because of this that I went through the first three chapters of the game, on Auto,
feeling like these chapters were absurdly slow, not knowing that there's a way to
force the game to display all of the spoken dialogue immediately - similar to most subtitled
anime - and shorten the delay between lines of text.
By default, the spoken text crawls slowly to match the length of the spoken dialog's
delivery, leading to some weird moments where gasps or multi-word exclamations are sometimes
slowly revealed as a word or two in English!
Kurisu: It's hot...
Despite having to alter the game's presentation with the options menu and replaying the game
with it, I still found the first three chapters to be slower than the rest of the game's
And while many have told me that Steins;Gate Elite is building up towards something great
towards the end, it's quite frustrating for newcomers to be told to suck it up until
the payoff happens.
This reply can be so discouraging that I'm not sure how many people would drop off as
a result.
Instead, I want to offer a slight bit of a hint as to why this build up has to happen
this way, which does not spoil the game in any way: Many of the events, spoken dialogue,
and scenes in these early chapters are given different context upon revisiting these in
later chapters, completely altering the context of each scene and delivering more gravitas
to each word of nonsense Kyouma spits out.
Even the "chunibyo" nonsense Kyouma says morphs into something meaningful later on!
The early chapters will sound banal, I can assure you, but crossing this early threshold
and even by reaching Chapter 4, will you start seeing the story finally take shape.
And while this is yet another way of urging newcomers to hang in there, I promise that
the payoffs begin shortly upon starting said chapter.
It's as though this blind faith parallels Okabe's own journey through the story.
By the end, Okabe is a very different person from the moment the story begins, and the
game does a wonderful job of depicting this change in the many chapters the story unfolds
While almost completely unrelatable in the beginning for me, Okabe's character development
made him feel more human by the time the last chapter played, and by then, you'll feel
a strong sense of kinship towards him.
I found this to be a great representation of what the Science Adventure series is all
about: being able to present complex real world concepts while, at the same time, creating
an environment that allows for substantial character growth.
It's no wonder why many fans feel strongly for him.
Most time travel stories are focused on changing the past to change the present, and I'd
be lying if I said that that doesn't happen here.
However, one subject that is often overlooked in these kinds of stories is how time traveling
is a lonely and solitary experience.
This feeling is used to great effect in the story, with moments where you'll genuinely
feel for Okabe's plight.
And while he's surrounded with people who are close to him, the story reminds us of
why that doesn't matter in the short term, opting for its audience to instead, focus
on Okabe's tasks at hand.
It is this trickery that the game asks us to conduct some logic kung fu here: Okabe
has grown with us throughout the story, while certain characters have grown relative to
the events that have transpired for them.
In other words, they're barely getting the big picture because the big picture always
It is surprising then that despite this, the supporting characters do go through very engaging
and interesting developments, which will make players feel a wide range of different emotions.
The story has no shortage of interesting twists and turns, and for newcomers to the genre,
you'd be surprised to learn how very little of the game's choices - by way of phone
messages - actually matter in the end.
It's through these sometimes confusing exchanges - thanks, in part, to Okabe's fantastical
ramblings - that the characters give a hint to their inner motivations, and it becomes
more apparent when the game finally gets around to addressing them individually.
Thanks to kinetic movement delivered by the game's animation sequences, the urgency
of each situation is heightened even more, and the stakes feel so much higher with every
line of text.
Some original animated sequences were made exclusively for Steins;Gate Elite, and while
I can't tell you which ones they are, let's just say that utilizing these animated sequences
instead of the original stills really made the events feel more important.
Steins;Gate Elite's creator expressed his desire to evolve the visual novel genre and
cited the Yarudora series of games as the remake's inspiration.
Originally released in 1998, the Yarudora games featured high quality animated sequences
whose kinetic animations helped bring their stories to life.
Interstitial text would provide insight into each characters' motivations and thoughts,
much like other visual novels of the time.
The combination of the two provided an experience that feels closer to watching an anime than
reading a visual novel, allowing for a viewing experience that is more familiar, albeit different,
than your typical game in the genre, and that idea is very much represented in Steins;Gate
Accompanying each scene is a wonderful soundtrack from Takeshi Abo.
While there was one piece of music that sounded like it could've been lifted straight from
the Zero Escape series, some of the more impactful songs play around one central theme.
I've often admired composers who are able to change the feel of a central theme by slightly
altering its instruments and tempo, and Takeshi Abo's songs are a masterful demonstration
of this.
Add to that some wonderful voice acting whose emotions transcend its language barrier, and
Steins;Gate Elite, feels like - pardon the phrase - a complete package, from top to bottom.
Being the first visual novel I've ever reviewed, I found the task of talking about Steins;Gate
Elite to be both difficult and enriching.
For one, I do agree with my friend that this is a great introduction to the Science Adventure
However, I lament the many times when I've been told to keep pushing past the slow start.
Despite still being discouraged by this, I pushed onward, and after more than 20 hours
of reading and seeing the true ending, it's as though I've gone through a long journey
alongside Okabe.
Steins;Gate Elite is a wonderful tale of time travel, friendship, and so much more that
I cannot mention here.
And while any subsequent playthrough won't be as impactful as my first time, I'll always
remember Steins;Gate Elite for the creative ways it weaved its story and how it slowly
managed to grab hold of my attention, ultimately ending in a fitting Ragnarok that I still
think about as I'm making this review.
"El Psy Kongroo."
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the people whose Twitter handles are shown
This was one of the most challenging reviews I've ever written, and it is through serendipitous
conversations with them that I was able to help focus on what I really wanted to write
Thank you very much for your help!
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Thanks for stopping by, and let's all have fun playing video games!
Mansionair - We Could Leave (LYRICS) - Duration: 4:31.
I'm only flickering
It's just a phase I'm in
Not the shape I fit
How'd I get so tongue tied?
So sorry I'm vacant
I'm watching from the sidelines
Why all the noise, it hold me still
And I want to be by your side
But I ain't got the patience
Been waiting for you all night
Come and fill the space I fill
We could leave and grace the night lights
For everybody vacates
But I'm caught up in your guidelines
With all this time left to kill
We don't have to everything at one
The light upon the figure
Is pulling on the trigger
Is pulling on the trigger
We don't have to have everything at once
The light upon your figure
Has got me wrapped around your finger
Has got me wrapped around your finger
I heard her whispering
As I was walking in
It's something I can't fix
Oh how I'd get so tongue tied
So sorry I am vacant
Been watching from the sidelines
While all the noise, it holds me still
We don't have to everything at one
The light upon the figure
Is pulling on the trigger
Is pulling on the trigger
We don't have to have everything at once
The light upon your figure
Has got me wrapped around your finger
Is pulling on the trigger
Is pulling on the trigger
I'm wrapped around your finger
Wrapped around
Wrapped around your
Wrapped around your finger
Pulling on
Pulling on the
Pulling on the trigger
Pulling on the trigger
Is pulling on the trigger
(We don't have to have everything at one)
Is pulling on the trigger
(We don't have to have everything at one)
Is pulling on the trigger
Is pulling on the trigger
Adelina Pestrițu, dezvăluiri despre nunta cu Virgil Șteblea! A vorbit despre rochia de mireasă - Duration: 3:11.
Adelina Pestrițu a fost protagonista unei ședințe foto în rochii de mireasă. Cu această ocazie, bruneta a făcut dezvăluiri despre nunta ei cu Virgil Șteblea
Adelina Pestrițu a fost protagonista unei ședințe foto spectaculoase pentru o revistă, în rochii de mireasă
Bruneta a fost însoțită la shooting de o echipă de filmare de la Teo Show. Adelina Pestrițu a vorbit despre iminenta ei nuntă cu Virgil Șteblea, cu care se va căsători anul acesta
"Aș putea să vă dau multe vești, dar toate la timpul lor! O să avem nunta în 2019
Aș vrea o combinație între o rochie de tip sirenă și una de prințesă. Nunta e un eveniment special
Noi femeile îl așteptăm cu sufletul la gură. Trăim măcar o zi ca o prințesă!", a spus Adelina la Kanal D
Adelina Pestrițu se pregătește de nunta cu Virgil Șteblea. .Adelina Pestrițu a explicat de ce nu l-a luat cu ea pe Virgil
"Nu vreau să se obișnuiască cu mine în rochie de mireasă. Vreau să fie surprins într-o zi atât de importantă pentru cuplul nostru
O să păstrez tradiția. Nu o să-i arăt rochia. În ziua nunții trebuie să strălucim din toate unghiurile!", a mai declarat Pestrița
Adelina nu știe deocamdată ce rochie va purta, însă sigur va schimba mai multe ținute
"La biserică voi avea o rochie de mireasă decentă, strălucitoare și lungă! Visul meu este să vină fetița noastră, Zeny, cu verighetele la altar", a precizat Adelina Pestrițu la Teo Show de la Kanal D
[YTP] STAR WARS: Anakin vs Obi Wan 2 (Parody Video) - Duration: 2:29.
voici des astuces de nettoyage qui devraient vous aider ! - Duration: 2:16.
Il traite régulièrement de la nourriture, de la chaleur et de l'humidité, ce qui en fait un excellent terreau pour les salissures,
les taches d'eau et même la moisissure. Votre lave-vaisselle est très utilisé.
Le lave-vaisselle fonctionnera mieux et durera plus longtemps avec des nettoyages réguliers et un nettoyage en profondeur occasionnel.
Voici les astuces pouvant vous être utiles en ce sens ! Nettoyage régulier avec du bicarbonate de soude et du vinaigre :
Nettoyer régulièrement le lave-vaisselle permet de minimiser les taches d'eau et les saletés.
Vous pouvez effectuer un nettoyage manuel une fois par mois en utilisant le pouvoir du vinaigre et du bicarbonate de soude.
Pour ce faire, mélangez des parties égales de bicarbonate de soude et de vinaigre, versez le mélange dans le lave-vaisselle.
Puis, utilisez une éponge pour rincer, et versez de l'eau en dernière position pour éliminer toute trace de saleté.
Attendez au moins 15 minutes le temps que le mélange fasse effet.
Prévention des dépôts de graisse : Pour éviter que les dépôts gras et huileux ne viennent se déposer dans votre lave-vaisselle,
la méthode principale est la prévention : veillez à toujours placer de la vaisselle bien rincée dans l'appareil,
sans laisser de traces de résidus qui risquent de créer des problèmes hydrauliques tels que le colmatage des tuyaux.
Si cette action n'est pas effectuée régulièrement, cela n'a pas d'importance, car le problème de l'élimination des graisses peut être résolu facilement en prenant quelques précautions :
il suffit de faire un cycle complet avec du bicarbonate de soude qui exerce une excellente action dégraissante.
Astuces anti-odeurs : Les odeurs désagréables sont étroitement liées aux résidus organiques qui restent parfois à l'intérieur de l'appareil lorsque le cycle de lavage est terminé.
Comme pour la graisse, les solutions les plus simples sont parfois les plus efficaces :
utilisez un citron pressé pendant le cycle de lavage ou nettoyez le lave-vaisselle avec une éponge imbibée de vinaigre blanc à la fin du même cycle pour éviter la formation d'odeurs désagréables.
8 raisons de boire du vinaigre de cidre avant de dormir - Duration: 7:54.
Le vinaigre de cidre regorge d'avantages et de bienfaits pour la santé, ce n'est désormais plus un secret ! Perte de poids,
réduction du mauvais cholestérol, baisse de la glycémie, amélioration de la santé cardio-vasculaire etc.
Fabriqué à base de pommes qu'on a laissé fermenter, cet élixir est incontestablement un bain de jouvence pour votre organisme.
Voici 8 raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez en boire tous les soirs avant d'aller vous coucher.
Riche en enzymes et en probiotiques, le vinaigre de cidre est fabriqué en plusieurs étapes :
Dans un premier temps, le sucre est dilué dans de l'eau filtré puis versé sur des pommes grossièrement coupées.
On laisse reposer le mélange à température ambiante pendant environ une à deux semaines, des bulles apparaissent à mesure que le sucre se transforme en alcool.
On égoutte ensuite les pommes et on laisse reposer de nouveau le liquide à température ambiante pendant trois à quatre semaines.
C'est à ce moment-là que l'alcool se transforme en vinaigre grâce aux bactéries de l'acide acétique,
c'est d'ailleurs ce qui lui confère son acidité légendaire et ses nombreux bienfaits.
8 raisons de boire du vinaigre de cidre tous les soirs :
1) Le vinaigre de cidre est un puissant désinfectant.
Le vinaigre de cidre permet de neutraliser les agents pathogènes notamment les bactéries telles qu'E.
coli ou encore S.
En plus de le boire tous les soirs, vous pouvez également l'utiliser comme agent de conservation car il empêche les microbes et bactéries d'altérer les aliments.
2) Le vinaigre de cidre prévient le diabète de type 2.
Le vinaigre de cidre aide à réduire la glycémie des personnes atteintes de diabète de type 2.
Néanmoins, même si vous ne souffrez pas de diabète, vous pouvez toujours profiter de ses avantages car il vous permettra d'équilibrer le taux de glucose dans votre sang.
3) Le vinaigre de cidre est riche en acide acétique.
Grâce à l'acide acétique, le vinaigre de cidre permettrait de contrôler la pression artérielle et d'éviter l'accumulation des graisses dans les artères.
L'acide acétique contient des bactéries bénéfiques résultant du processus de fermentation.
A savoir qu'il est généralement filtré par plusieurs fabricants, assurez-vous donc de vous procurer du vinaigre bio et non filtré.
4) Le vinaigre de cidre réduit la glycémie postprandiale.
La glycémie postprandiale se rapporte aux taux de glucides élevés qui surviennent après un repas riche en sucres, c'est ce qui provoque généralement le passage du pré-diabète au diabète de type 2.
5) Le vinaigre de cidre permet de lutter contre le cancer.
De nombreuses études ont montré que le vinaigre de cidre permettait de réduire les risques de prolifération des cellules cancéreuses,
diminuant ainsi le risque de tumeurs, notamment celles de l'œsophage et de l'estomac.
6) Le vinaigre de cidre réduit la prolifération des bactéries bucco-dentaires.
Puissant antibactérien, le vinaigre de cidre permet de lutter contre les bactéries présentes dans la bouche et les gencives, éliminer les taches et blanchirl'email de vos dents.
Vous pouvez le boire ou simplement vous gargariser la bouche avec.
Cependant, veillez à l'utiliser une fois par semaine maximum pour éviter d'abîmer l'émail de vos dents.
7) Le vinaigre de cidre réduit le mauvais cholestérol et le risque de maladies cardiaques.
Ce sont nos facteurs biologiques qui sont principalement liés à une diminution ou une augmentation du risque de souffrir d'une maladie cardiaque.
Ainsi, ces facteurs peuvent être contrôlés par la consommation de vinaigre de cidre selon des études in vivo.
Elles ont montré que l'acide acétique permettait de réduire le niveau de cholestérol ainsi que d'autres facteurs de risque de maladies cardiaques.
8) Le vinaigre de cidre vous aide à perdre du poids.
Le vinaigre de cidre permet en fait d'augmenter votre sensation de satiété après un repas,
vous mangez par conséquent moins de calories et cela se remarque sur la balance.
En outre, une étude a montré qu'une consommation quotidienne de vinaigre de cidre permettait également de perdre la graisse abdominale.
Néanmoins, le vinaigre de cidre ne doit pas être consommé à forte dose,
vous devez absolument le diluer dans un grand verre d'eau et ne pas dépasser l'équivalent de deux cuillères à café par jour.
Presidents at War: Bonus - The Evolution of John F. Kennedy | History - Duration: 1:14.
MY FOOTBALLS!!!! | Electric-man - Duration: 11:30.
딸기챌린지,포메라니안 강아지와 아기 - Duration: 4:10.
Incredibly Beautiful Beautiful Luxury Tiny house on wheels - Duration: 3:24.
Incredibly Beautiful Beautiful Luxury Tiny house on wheels
How to Connect External Wireless Microphone to OnePlus 6T Android Phone – 3.5mm Mic on USB C - Duration: 2:59.
You might be wondering whether or not you can use a wireless microphone with the OnePlus
Well the answer is definitely yes!
You can use an external wireless mic on the OnePlus 6T or other Android phones that only
have a USB C port.
But how you do this is not necessarily apparent.
You can't just use the USB C to 3.5mm adapter that comes with the phone.
But it will be needed.
If you've lost the included adapter this 3-pack of USB C adapters also works.
I'll have this set listed in the description so you can get a pack if you need it.
The other thing I'll add to the list is this StarTech TRRS adapter which is also required
the microphone to work on the phone.
This cable allows headphone output as well as microphone input to 3.5mm multi-function
port on phones or other devices.
This cable looks like a stereo Y-splitter but it's wired differently internally.
You can see the icons for the headphone and mic on the ends.
And the other side has a 3.5mm plug that has 4 metal sections on it.
The StarTech cable is fairly inexpensive but you can also buy cheaper TRRS adapters like
this that will work.
This cheaper one has the distinctive icons on the ends as well.
Either one of these adapters will work.
When connecting external mics, smartphones can be a bit finnicky.
And the order that you plug everything in is important.
So plug the USB C adapter into the phone first.
Then take the TRRS cable and plug it in next.
Find the end of the TRRS cable that has the microphone icon on it and plug the mic in
When you look at the top of the phone you should see a headset icon with the little
mic coming off the right side.
That's how you know this is plugged in correctly.
Now I'll give you a little test recording to show that this works.
"Ok so this is a test using the Comica wireless microphone into the OnePlus 6T.
This this is just a quick test of the quality of an external microphone on the OnePlus 6T.
So I"m using the USB C to 3.5mm adapter that came with the phone and also the TRRS adapter
that helps me connect the microphone to the phone.
So hopefully the quality is good on this and this is just a quick test."
So that's how you connect an external wireless microphone to the OnePlus 6T or any smartphone
that only has a USB C port.
And before I end this video, here's a couple of things you'll need to keep in mind, smartphones
can only record in mono and you can't monitor live audio while recording even though the
TRRS adapter has a headphone port.
But with a headphone attached, you can listen to your recordings without having to unplug
everything once you've stopped recording.
If you found this video helpful please give me a thumbs up and hit the subscribe button
to stay up to date on all my weekly videos!
自稱世界第二強航空母艦遭俄揭短:艦載機都是借的 嚇唬誰呢? - Duration: 3:07.
「伊莉莎白女王」號航空母艦什麼也不是! 啥都明白的英國人
還會成為世界海軍史上一個笑話!的 嚇唬誰呢?
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