UPSC Civil Service Exam 2019
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UPSC 896 Posts | Latest Govt Jobs 2019
For more infomation >> UPSC Civil Service Exam 2019 | UPSC Latest Recruitment 2019 | UPSC 896 Posts | Latest Govt Jobs 2019 - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
Priotitate de pieton? Ce e aia? - Duration: 1:59.
HELL ON 2Fort - Duration: 5:01.
BTL 36.soi cau xsmb ngày 22.2.HỘI ĐỒNG SOI CẦU.thuận vũ 286.soi cau xsmb chinh xac 100.xsmb soi cau - Duration: 20:19.
Kingdom Hearts 3 PL #26 - Arendelle- Teraz wam zimno- Napisy po polsku - Duration: 34:27.
P!NK – Walk Me Home 「 8D Audio」✔ - Duration: 2:59.
【続・横領で稼いだ方法】編集長という立場を利用して雑誌を私物化し○千万円稼いで日本一のアフィリエイターにまで上り詰めて横領疑惑で世間を騒がせた男、「元編集長テッセン」を問い詰めてみる(字幕あり) - Duration: 15:47.
Water Main Break Closes S. Highland Ave. - Duration: 0:28.
S. Korea's Supreme Court raises work expectancy age to 65 - Duration: 2:00.
South Korea's Supreme Court ruled in a damages lawsuit... that the work expectancy age, or
the legal age cap until which people are presumed physically capable of doing work, is now sixty-five.
That's an increase of five years.
The decision was made to get with the times, considering the country's rapidly aging population.
Choi Si-young explains further.
For thirty years, since 1989, the consensus was that people are physically fit to work
at full capacity until 60.
That's what the Supreme Court said at the time, but it's now raised that to 65.
The court based its decision on changing social and economic conditions.
First, a rise in the average life expectancy.
In 1989, it was 67 for men and 75.3 for women.
By 2017, that had changed to almost eighty and eighty-six, respectively.
Second, the average retirement age was 72 for men, and 72.2 for women from 2011 to 2016.
That's considered high among OECD countries.
Third, employment law says only seniors 65 or older are eligible for governmental assistance
to sustain life,... meaning the government thinks people younger than that can sustain
Furthermore, the law says you have to be 65 or older to receive payments from the national
pension, starting from 2033.
The Court went on to say that more seniors are taking part in the country's workforce
According to Statistics Korea, as of 2017, seniors aged sixty-five and older make up
fourteen percent of the entire workforce.
And in 2016, six out of ten seniors aged sixty to sixty-four had a job.
The case the court ruled on Thursday started in 2015,... when a plaintiff sued a pool company
for the death of their 4-year-old child.
The plaintiff wanted compensation on the assumption that the child would have lived and worked
until the age of 65.
A lower court ruled that it should be 60, but the Supreme Court sided with the plaintiff.
Choi Si-young, Arirang News.
Thumbaa - Title Reveal | Promotional Video Tamil | Anirudh Ravichander | Harish Ram LH - Duration: 2:26.
Oh God, I am unable to deal with this guy
Hello Harish
Hello Sir
How are you?
I am well, Sir
How has the song come out? Have you completed the shooting?
Sir…you still haven't given us the song (in a hesitant tone)
I haven't given yet?
Yes sir.. fix the shooting date and let me know,
I will send it
Tomorrow is the shooting
Yes sir..
what is the situation?
It is the situation which will make the whole theatre go into a frenzy
for the first time the tiger is being revealed in our firm.
How is it?
This tiger revealing situation
I am unable to FEEL the rush/excitement the correctly.
Why don't you shoot the visuals and send it to me?
Only when I see the tiger in front of my eyes,
I will be able to get the real FEEL
Ok sir, ok sir
ut it might get a little delayed
No problem.
Send it at your convenience.
Ok Sir
Oh my God!!!
I asked you to send the tiger video NOT the real tiger itself!!
where are you??!!
Yes sir. He is our guy only
Send the song through him sir
If you stop playing the music
he will bite you..
keep playing the music sir…keep playing
Hey Thumbaa,
tune ok ah?
Ok ok..
one more one more..
Thumbaa - Title Reveal | Promotional Video Malayalam | Anirudh Ravichander | Harish Ram LH - Duration: 2:35.
Hello Harish
How are you?
I am very well, Sir. How are you?
Good, thank you.
Are you busy?
Yeah, a little busy only.
No problem, tell me.
I am making a film, I am making a film. I have mentioned it before as well.
It would be great if you could compose the music for the film.
If you'd like, I will also share a small situation with you
Can you give us a tune at the earliest?
I'll do it
Who is the hero?
If Rajamouli sir made a movie with a fly,
you want to make a movie with a tiger itself huh?
Nothing like that sir..
What is the small situation you were talking about?
Tell me?
It is the tiger's introduction
We are revealing it for the first time in our film
On seeing this, the whole theatre is going into a frenzy.
This tiger revealing situation,
I am unable to FEEL the rush/excitement the correctly.
Why don't you shoot the visuals and send it to me?
Only when I see the tiger in front of my eyes
I will be able to get the real FEEL of it.
Ok sir. But it might get a little delayed
No problem.
Send it at your convenience
Ok Sir
I asked you to send the tiger video NOT the real tiger itself!!
where are you??!!
Yes sir.
I only sent him.
wanted you to get a very close glimpse of him and to give us a good tune..
He won't be quiet if you stop playing the music..
Hey Thumbaa,
tune ok na?
Ok more one more.
Eric Striker s'exprime sur LA question _VostFr+ Bonus Xurious - Duration: 6:17.
진한 초코맛!반숙 초코 카스테라 만들기(half baked chocolate castella)ㅣ몽브셰(mongbche) - Duration: 4:19.
Audi e-tron | Starten på en ny æra | DEFINED - Duration: 4:05.
「RESET BUTTON 」relearse ebook (languages auto sub) - Duration: 2:05.
Les gilets jaunes sont les premières victimes de l'IA» - Duration: 6:33.
Que risquent Benalla et Crase pour leur «faux témoignage»? - Duration: 4:45.
Détention de Benalla: «C'est lui qui l'a cherché» - Duration: 5:26.
François Ruffin censuré par France Inter? - Duration: 11:24.
Виторган постарел, похудел и осунулся после расставания с неверной Собчак: «За последние 72 часа я с - Duration: 4:41.
С вдовой Децла случился сердечный приступ из-за горя, стыда и фильма, который хочет снять Роман Супе - Duration: 4:53.
Vous avez besoin de nettoyer vos reins : voici comment éliminer toutes les toxines - Duration: 4:23.
Le nettoyage des reins est essentiel à l'organisme puisque cet organe est grandement responsable de l'élimination des toxines qui s'y accumulent au quotidien.
Recettes et jus détox, les aliments jouent en notre faveur lorsqu'il s'agit de maintenir une hygiène de vie saine et un fonctionnement efficace de notre métabolisme.
Voici quelques recettes qui vous permettront de purifier vos reins en toute simplicité.
Ballonnements, calculs rénaux ou infections de la vessie, les reins jouent un rôle fondamental pour notre santé.
Mal entretenus, ils peuvent mener à des maladies graves dues à une accumulation de toxines dans le corps.
En effet, les reins font office de filtre dans notre métabolisme et sont responsables de l'élimination de déchets, de la régulation de la pression artérielle,
de la production d'hormones responsables du taux de globules rouges et de calcium dans le corps, ainsi que du maintien de l'équilibre acide-base de l'organisme.
Maintenant que l'on y voit plus clair dans le fonctionnement de cet organe, jetons un coup d'œil sur quelques recettes détox qui pourront le purifier : Détox à base de poivre de Cayenne et de citron.
½ citron vert; 1 citron; Une pincée de poivre de Cayenne; 1 cuillère à soupe de miel bio; ½ litre d'eau.
Pressez le citron afin d'obtenir un jus, et ajoutez-y de l'eau et du miel bio pour en adoucir le goût.
Ajoutez une pincée de poivre de Cayenne et buvez ce jus pour bien commencer votre journée.
Bienfaits; Grâce à la teneur du citron en acide citrique et en potassium, cet aliment est un allié essentiel dans la prévention des calculs rénaux et l'augmentation du volume urinaire.
Par ailleurs, le poivre de Cayenne, ingrédient de la même famille que le piment fort,
contient de la capsaïcine que les scientifiques considèrent comme un outil efficace dans la lutte contre les troubles urologiques.
Alliés au miel aux nombreuses propriétés immunomodulatrices, anti-inflammatoires et prébiotiques, ces ingrédients combinés offrent une multitude de bienfaits sur notre santé.
Pour cette recette, il est important de presser la pastèque ainsi que son écorce. Détox à base de pastèque; ½ pastèque bio; 1 citron vert pelé. 2.
Coupez-la en morceaux, ajoutez-y le citron vert pelé, pressez le tout et votre boisson sera prête ! Bienfaits; Selon une étude publiée par The Biomedecine and Pharmacotherapy Journal,
la pastèque, également connue sous le nom deCitrullus lanatus, joue un rôle protecteur pour les reins et permet de maintenir une urine claire, caractéristique d'un bon fonctionnement rénal.
Par ailleurs, des expériences menées in vivo et in vitro sur des rongeurs auraient démontré une action diurétique et antioxydante de la pastèque permettant de rétablir les taux de phosphate, de calcium, d'oxalate et de citrate.
Détox à base de radis; 6 à 8 radis; 8 branches de céleri; 1 citron; 1 racine de gingembre d'environ 2.5cm; ½ chou rouge; 1 litre d'eau.
Lavez tous les ingrédients, puis mélangez le tout au mixeur en y ajoutant de l'eau.
Il ne vous reste plus qu'à profiter de cette boisson détoxifiante ! Bienfaits; Lorsqu'il s'agit de calculs rénaux, le radis est particulièrement bénéfique à la prévention de leur formation.
En effet, cet aliment riche en vitamines hydrosolubles et en minéraux tels que le magnésium,
le calcium ou encore le potassium permettrait d'éliminer plus facilement l'oxalate de calcium responsable de la formation de cristaux au niveau des reins.
Par ailleurs, la teneur du céleri en composants tels que l'acide caféique, le tanin ou encore la lutéoline,
en fait un aliment naturel aux propriétés antioxydantes puissantes dans l'élimination des radicaux libres pouvant mener aux maladies rénales.
D'ailleurs, il en va de même pour le chou rouge qui partage les mêmes propriétés grâce à sa teneur en flavonoïdes,
ainsi que pour legingembre aux capacités néphroprotectrices sur les insuffisances rénales.
Royal Uk - Serena Williams gives glimpse inside Meghan Markle's lavish babyshower suite - Duration: 2:34.
Serena Williams has given fans a glimpse inside the lavish hotel suite where she threw Meghan Markle 's lavish babyshower
The tennis ace, 37, gathered her celebrity friends in New York yesterday to help the pregnant Duchess of Sussex to celebrate the impending birth of her first child with Prince Harry
She reportedly booked out the luxury penthouse at the Mark Hotel - priced at £57,500 a night - for the bash, which was attended by pals including Amal Clooney
Followers have not got a look inside the seriously swanky venue as Serena showed off the suite in a series of selfies
Snapping pictures of herself in the suite's massive bathroom, Serena told fans she was enjoying a "relaxing day" before the party
She captioned the pictures: "Even on relaxing day I often need to remind myself I am beautiful and strong
I seriously am grateful for these pants. I needed them today." In the pictures, you can see the huge bathroom with luxurious white hotel bath robes and a massive soaker tub
It leads off to a hallway which appeared to be connected to a big living room - where Meghan would have mingled with her guests
The social media snaps are the closest fans are going to get to seeing inside the shower as it was kept private
Meghan has since left New York and headed home to be with her husband Prince Harry as they start the countdown to the baby's birth
As well as George Clooney's lawyer wife Amal, guests at the party included Abigail Spencer, who starred in the US drama Suits with Meghan
The baby is due later this year.
Tasya feat Gerry Mahesa - ArjunI I TOOK MYSELF OUT vs Po.Maranata Executive clas - Duration: 6:11.
KT : Farrah Abraham Shades Jordyn Woods For Tristan Thompson PDA: It's 'Incestual' & I'm 'Not Cool W - Duration: 3:53.
Ce prezentatoare dispărută de la tv şi-a dezvăluit silueta perfectă după sarcină la Ok! Golden Night - Duration: 4:59.
Şi-a culcat cei trei copii şi imediat ce micuţii au adormit şi-a făcut prezenţa la Ok! Golden Night, petrecerea anuală a Revistei Ok! Magayin
O prezentatoare care de jumătate de an a dispărut de la tv a făcut mierucir seară (20 fenruarie) o figură frumoasă
La braţul soţului ei, vedeta tv a strălucit într-o rochie colorată şi lungă, care i-a pus în valoare silueta de fotomodel, deşi abia a născut
A fost aglomeraţie de vedete la petrecerea Ok! Magazin din Clubul Face, unde a semnat condica şi Iulia Zgripcea cu soţul ei, Andrei Bărbulescu
Pe frumoasa brunetă aţi văzut-o mulţi ani la rubrica Meteo de la Observatorul Antena 1, iar de ceva timp a dispărut de pe micul ecran şi are motive întemeiate să absenteze
Prezentatoarea se află în concediu de maternitate după ce vara trecută a născut un băieţel cu actualul ei partener
"La mine a început totul acum 10 ani când am văzut-o pe Iulia la Antenă și eu eram la Realitatea Tv
Eram cu câțiva colegi și ne uităm la emisiunile televiziunii concurente, iar Iulia prezenta rubrica Meteo
Am spus atunci, cu voce tare, că ea este genul de femeie cu care aș vrea să trăiesc o viață
Ne-am văzut pentru prima ora la TVR 2 în toamna lui 2016, atunci când directorul TVR 2, Carla Tompea, m-a întrebat dacă vreau să fiu coleg de prezentare cu Iulia Zgripcea (36 de ani)
După un moment de rătăcire am acceptat și restul este poveste", mărturisea emoţionat Andrei Bărbulescu
Iulia Zgripcea a mai fost căsătorită şi are gemeni .Iulia şi Andrei s-au căsătorit anul trecut în mare secret, iar miercuri seara (20 februarie) ne-a arătat cât de bine le stă împreună
Dincolo de imaginea unui cuplu frumos şi sudat, cei din jur au remarcat şi cât de bine arată prezentatoarea tv, deşi a născut în urmă cu doar 7 luni
Iulia a dat jos kilogramele luate în sarcină, şi-a tonifiat corpul şi a arătat perfect într-o creaţie, semnată Aleha Toncea
.În 2009, Iulia Zgripcea s-a căsătorit cu un coleg din Antena 3, Radu Maxim, iar peste alţi doi ani a devenit mămică de gemeni
Cei doi băieţi ai lor, Dan şi Andrei (7 ani), le-au adus o bucurie imensă, dar căsnicia lor nu a rezistat
Ultima dată, Iulia le aducea telespectatorilor ştiri despre vreme la TVR 2 şi face cuplu şi pe micul ecran cu soţul ei la emisiunea "E vremea ta
să vezi lumea"
NFL franchise tag tracker: What you need to know and who will be tagged in 2019 - Duration: 6:25.
The 2019 NFL offseason officially kicked off Tuesday with the start of the franchise tag period
Between now and March 5, teams are able to tag one player headed for free agency
Before we get into the candidates for each team, let's take a look at the different tags a team can choose to place on a player and the cost of using each one
Clubs have three options when tagging a player to keep them off the open market: Two of those options fall under the umbrella of the franchise tag
The third option is known as the transition tag. The differences are small but important… FRANCHISE There are two types of franchise tags a team can place on a player… Exclusive This is a one-year offer with the value determined by the average of the top-five salaries at the player's position or a 20% increase over his previous salary — whichever number is greater
The player is not allowed to negotiate with other teams. Non-exclusive This is a one-year offer with the value determined by the average of the top-five salaries at the player's position OVER THE LAST FIVE YEARS or a 20% increase over his previous salary — whichever number is greater
Players are allowed to negotiate with other teams. Their original team can either match the offer or elect to receive two first-round picks from the team the player signs with
TRANSITION This is a one-year offer with the value determined by the average of the top-10 salaries at a player's position
The player can negotiate with other teams, but his original team can choose to match offer
The team would receive no compensation if it elects not to match the offer. Teams can use only one of these tags during a given offseason
The transition tag cannot be used on the same player in consecutive seasons. The NFL has yet to release the franchise tag values for each position, but OverTheCap
com has projections for what those numbers could be… Position Franchise Tag Transition Tag QB $25,578,000 $23,356,000 DE $18,653,000 $15,735,000 WR $17,101,000 $14,738,000 CB $15,992,000 $13,891,000 LB $15,777,000 $13,627,000 DT $15,571,000 $12,287,000 OL $15,283,000 $13,717,000 S $12,037,000 $10,268,000 RB $11,980,000 $9,739,000 TE $10,930,000 $9,124,000 ST $5,162,000 $4,712,00 With all of that out of the way, let's take a look at the 2019 candidates… The Candidates (AP Photo/Ron Jenkins) Jadeveon Clowney, OLB Texans It doesn't sound like the Texans are ready to commit long-term money to Clowney just yet, which makes sense
The 2014 first-overall pick has certainly been dominant at times but consistency and health remain concerns
The exclusive franchise tag makes the most sense. DeMarcus Lawrence, DE Cowboys Lawrence backed up a breakout season in 2017 with another productive campaign
Having used the tag on Lawrence last offseason, it will cost Dallas around $20.5 million to tag him again
At this point, a long-term deal would be more cost-effective. But using the tag in the meantime gives the Cowboys more time to negotiate
Grady Jarrett, DT Falcons Atlanta doesn't really have a choice here. The Falcons defense, which was among the worst in the league last season, desperately needs pass rush productivity and Jarrett was the only reliable rusher on the roster
Frank Clark, DE Seahawks Pete Carroll has already said he wants Clark back in Seattle, and it's easy to see why: Clark is young and is coming off the best season of his career
Is he worth the $18.65 million it may require for Seattle to tag him? Probably not, but using the tag would not prevent the front office from working out a long-term deal
Landon Collins, S Giants Collins' productivity has dipped over the last two seasons but he's a young, versatile talent who would make a lot of money on the open market
GM Dave Gettleman has been hesitant to pay safeties in the past, so there is a chance that Collins could hit free agency
Dee Ford, OLB Chiefs The Chiefs are in no position to be turning away defensive talent, even if Ford has had trouble staying on the field
This one should be a no-brainer: Slap the tag on Ford and give him another year to prove he can stay on the field and continue to play at a high level
C.J. Mosley, LB Ravens Off-the-ball linebackers don't get paid like they used to and a $15
77 million salary is definitely on the high side. The Ravens could use the transition tag, which would set Mosley's 2019 cap hit at $13
6 million; if another team is willing to give Mosley more than that, so be it. Donovan Smith, LT Buccaneers Fortunately for the Bucs, the NFL lumps all offensive linemen into one pot, so the tag number for a left tackle is completely reasonable
Smith would make more than $15.2 million on the open market but that is still a little too much for a player of his ability
The transition tag might be the way to go here. Trey Flowers, DE Patriots If it weren't the Patriots making the decision, Flowers would be an obvious tag candidate
But Bill Belichick hasn't paid front seven players in recent history, and while Flowers is a very good player, he's not $18 million good
Nick Foles, QB Eagles Do the right thing, Philly: Let the only Super Bowl MVP in franchise history cash-in while he still can
Other tag candidates: Ziggy Ansah, DE Lions; Anthony Barr, LB Vikings; Bryce Callahan, CB Bears; Roger Saffold, LG Rams Gallery 2019 NFL mock draft: Jon Gruden and the Raiders replace Derek Carr view 32 images More NFL!FTW Film Room: Kyler Murray has what it takes to be an NFL pocket passerLe'Veon Bell isn't going to land a massive contract he expects in free agencyC
J. Anderson tried (and failed) to explain Todd Gurley's Super Bowl letdown
海贼王:喂,是蒙奇•D•黄猿吗?这里有277万人参与全平台通缉你 - Duration: 5:34.
Vlog (ré)créatif de Mélina : épisode 2 - Duration: 1:02:28.
LA POSTA DEL CUORE pt. 2 | Vita Buttata - Guglielmo Scilla - Duration: 13:18.
Sweater en punto Tela de araña PARTE 2 - Duration: 20:21.
Hello friends, today we will continue with the second part of this cute
Knitted circular knit sweater spider web
This is how it has been going, we have already given the two turns in reverse,
look there we have it and we have arrived here,
remember that the rows are starting from when I've finished
a sleeve, between the sleeve and the body is the union, from there I'll start the
rows. We're going to weave 6 rights first,
6 rights and we have to decrease double or three points together that comes to
be these two we do not weave, we weave one and the two that we have not woven with the help of
the left needle we raise and we pass above what we wove, this
shape is going to form a chain in the center, once we did that,
again we weave 6 points, 1, 2,
3. 4. 5,
and 6, we are knitting to the right.
We already have 6 and we are lazada,
a right, lasso and again 6 points 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6 and we are repeating, it's our turn what is the double or three decrease
points together, we raise with the needle of the left and we mount the one that yes
we said, again 6 points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, lacing, a right, lacing and 6 again,
that's how we're going to continue weaving this row ...
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and the three points together, remember these two do not knit,
we passed it to the needle on the right, we weave one and the two that we have not
tissue we raise it and on which yes we knit and that's how this row will end.
Once they finish and arrive here, they have to coincide, remember that we have
304 points and must match the get here, once they finish this
back, the one that follows is going to weave everything in law and again we will return to
repeat, but we'll see you there.
Here we have it ready, I've finished knit, notice ... here are the three
points together and lacing, 1, lacing and the next spin I knitted all the right.
Now we continue, we are going to guide of the last one that we have made the three
points together because again we're going to repeat, those three are on point together like this
that here are four rights to start because here are the other two because
are six,
4, 5,
and 6 points, here is the previous one we did and it's the same thing again,
double decrease, removed two, left one and these two that we did not knit we assembled it,
again we repeat everything as we have done 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6 and lazada, a right, Loop and again 6 ... 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6 and again here we see the 3,
He took two, I leave one and we ride, we go repeat again in this same way
four times, we have already done one, we're in the second and we're going to do
twice more, it means that they must have four loops up 1, 2
what are we doing and 2 more then I'm going to finish knitting and we're going to see
and I'm going to show you so that you observe better how you have to
to knit.
I already knitted the 4 loops up, look 1, 2, 3, 4 and
we have repeated in all the rows same, that would be 6 right, a loop,
one setback, one set, 6 right and double decrease and separated between
them with a right turn. Are already the 4 ... 1, 2, 3, 4, Let's knit
two laps in right from the last loop we have
done, let's do three more laps everything in law and we must continue
with 304 points, after they finish do the three laps in right, they go to
do a lap in reverse, and the
second round we are going to do decreases and there we will see each other.
I hope that seeing they can understand, since the rest of the tissue is going to be
repetitive, so look closely
as I have advanced 1, 2, 3, 4 and now 3 rows in right and one reverse and
see you later.
We have already arrived here and we have done two laps in right without any
increase or decrease that would come to be this here and a turn in reverse
So far, I have already advanced, I want you to fix and see how is this
chain that you see here, it's the three points together, they are the double decrease that
we've been doing and that's how it's going stay, like a chain in the center see
well ... once you have come this far, a row everything in reverse, we must
continue to have 304 points, now yes is when the decreases begin,
In this second row we are going to do again in reverse as we have done here,
remember that we made two rows in backwards here, they will also be two rows in
reverse but the second row is the one will take the decreases, where
Are they going to make the decreases? this same side where we have done the
double decrease, these three are also going to
do but knit upside down, let's knit up there,
it would, a setback,
and here are these two, these 2 we had without knitting
and we weave the third one in reverse and these two that we have not knit we assemble it like this
and we continue until we reach the other
in reverse, until you reach the other side where we make the three points together,
Again here, in total since I made this would be 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13 backwards,
and this one is the center one and then we repeat here, we do not weave these two,
we weave the third in reverse and these two we mount it and again 13 reverse,
and again we come to this part,
we do not weave two, we weave in reverse and this we assemble it, they will finish this row
in this way and see you in the next row because we're going to go back to
repeat this part of here but now we we see there to go back to explain them.
Here I finished doing, see ... the decreases in this part of
here, here here, once we have finished
this part we will continue the same way that we have been doing in this
part but this time no longer with six points right but with five because
we have made the decrease here and so so much has decreased to five
and we're going to do it right here,
they just touch the loops previous and right there laced,
a right, a tie and five rights,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and again I would play
double decrease,
and 5 again 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we have repeated the same thing here, what
unique is that it has varied is the diminished to 5 rights instead
of 6 and they will do the same again, when they reach 4 loops 1, 2, 3, 4, here
They will be equal 4 loops, weave two turns in right, one in reverse and the
next in reverse are the same decreases as we have done
now last, which is in this part, when they finish those 4
will continue, instead of 5 going to be 4
of 6, 5, 4, 3 rights will be four rights and they're going to weave
up to 3 loops and they will repeat, I will knit until you finish all that part and
I am going to show you because it seems to me that by showing him they will understand him better.
Why do not I knit it together? why as I tell you, it is repetitive and if
I show how you are going to understand better.
We have it ready, it's all this what I have woven,
we had stayed in this part, I I was explaining to them that we had to
make six rights, double decrease six rights, one loop, one right, one
loop and once we had the four Loops 1 2, 3, 4, we made one
turn in reverse, the next turn that we did the double decrease in these
parts of here and that's where it's gone shrinking or we have already decreased
points, in the next one that is the same as the one down here but it has decreased to
five rights, double decrease, five right,
lazada, a right, lazada and returned to repeat a lap in
reverse, the next turn in reverse we made the double decrease again,
in these parts that here was already declining and became
4 rights, double decrease, 4 rights, lacing,
a right, laced and so on three times, it has been three loops here,
up to 1, 2, 3, these two below were of 4 loops, 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
The next two have been 3 loops, 1, 2, 3 ... 1, 2, 3 ...
the next two last ones have been 2 loops 1, 2 ... 1, 2, and all are gone
weaving the same and in the part, in the second round in reverse, it has
the points have decreased, that's why has been decreasing, if here it was 6 right,
5 rights, 4 right, 3 right, 2 rights and a right.
a right, double decrease, a right a tie, a right, a lacing and so on
I ended up here, they are in 2 loops are here and another here and I did both
turns in right. So far we have this part and the only thing that remains
the waistband To end ,
the waistband we are going to change needle as you can appreciate the part of the
neck has shrunk quite a bit in points and if we weave with our 3.5 needles
they look too shrink, they can weave the waistband with them with 4.5 or
number 4, I think I'm going to do it with these same ones of 4.5 so you do not
they shrink the neck part too much and we are going to weave more or less
two centimeters and it would be closing.
We are in the part of here, I have already finished weaving, what comes to be the
Waistband, and now what we're going to close, for
close there are many ways to do it, this time I will not use the form
classic to close, but I'm going to do with a needle, that's because there's a
way to do it to get this out elastic, as we have done the part
below, when we started the We have made a cuff
different way to mount the points what was it so that they go out of shape
elastic and that's what I want them show, at the time that we have mounted the
points the way I've taught them, this when pulling, notice, how elastic
remains, both the fists, as in the part
from here below, they are very elastic, to close there is also a
elastic form, if you know any another way they can do it but
down here in the description box I'm going to leave you.
one of them is going to be this and here I will put in what
minute or so they are in case they want to go straight there, so let's go
close in that elastic way and then already
we cook the part of the sleeves, it is already I sewed it but then we do it together
and we would have finished our cute sweater,
now it's up to us to unite the sleeve
Tie the wool and let's start, let's take one side
two strands, there I do not know if you can to appreciate
and the same distance from the other side we also take 2
from here and here 2
where did this one come from here we also take 2,
of this other also from where the wool we take 2 ... 1, 2,
remember that as we are in the part of the waistband must match,
this side with this other side, again from where it came out 1, 2,
and here we have arrived or finished the part that is of the waistband, let's
continue in this same way until get to the armhole,
we continue to always take two strands, something very important is that the
When they are sewing, always follow the same chain, are not
taking from here and then to here and then here, always straight
same string, then if I have caught this during all the sewing I'm going to
keep taking that same until you get here on the other side, they will continue
sewing this way until you get here, they close it and we would have ready what
It's our cute sweater.
We have it ready, we have finished closing
and the part is elastic up here, we have also closed what
the sleeves and look here ... the sewing almost did not
note, this sweater is very nice.
And I hope you liked this cute sweater and if so do not forget to
SUBSCRIBE and leave me a like, remember that you can also dial the bell
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bye bye
LESTI,RARA,MARION SIAPA YANG TERBAIK? 7 Wanita ajang Pencarian bakat Terbaik - Duration: 3:54.
Cùng chơi Dark Souls III - #25: Bức tranh của Ariandel. - Duration: 43:52.
Razones de calado de la Guardia Civil para estar más que cabreada con el libro del impostor Sánchez - Duration: 3:02.
El libro que le escribió una negra a Pedro Sánchez sigue trayendo mucha cola, y mucha estela en este caso.
Si lo del colchón también ha resultado ser un fake de mucho cuidado, ya que Rajoy lo donó antes de que lo cambiara el mentado,
ahora sale a la luz el terrible enfado de la Guardia Civil con el dichoso Manual de Resistencia.
Y es que el presidente del Gobierno presume en el mismo de haber salvado la vida de los 630 inmigrantes que llegaron el pasado verano a nuestro país a bordo del Aquarius: A mí personalmente,
el haber salvado la vida a 630 personas hace que piense que vale la pena dedicarse a la política.
Un rescate que en realidad realizó la Guardia Civil y Salvamento Marítimo.
Según da cuenta OkDiario, agentes de la Guardia Civil critican la ligereza de sus palabras.
Es un trabajo duro por las condiciones en las que vienen y peligroso por las enfermedades que traen, asegura José Cobo García,
secretario nacional de prensa de la Asociación Española de Guardias Civiles (AEGC).
Fue precisamente durante el rescate de los inmigrantes que viajaban abordo del Aquarius donde los agentes de la Policía Nacional y de la Guardia Civil se infectaron de sarna.
Entonces denunciaron que el Ministerio del Interior no suministró el equipamiento necesario: monos para cubrir el cuerpo, guantes y mascarillas.
Los agentes tras ser infectados también contagiaron a sus familiares (entre los que se incluyen a menores de edad).
La Guardia Civil, responsable de los puertos españoles, es la primera, junto a Salvamento Marítimo y los servicios de atención médica (como Cruz Roja),
en recibir a todas aquellas personas que llegan a nuestro país por las costas.
Aunque Sánchez presuma de haber salvado a 630 inmigrantes, en 2018 cerca de 50.000 inmigrantes llegaron a España tanto por la costa como a través de nuestras fronteras.
Por Baleares y las costas peninsulares entraron 41.646 personas mientras que 959 lo hicieron por las islas Canarias.
Asimismo, por tierra 541 inmigrantes entraron por la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla y 321 por la de Ceuta.
En total, supuso un incremento del 154% respecto a 2017.
Bohemian Rhapsody: Brian May was "concerned about certain things" before rough cuts - Duration: 2:07.
It's no secret that Queen were keen that Bohemian Rhapsody did justice to their story - especially when it came to how Freddie Mercury's story was told
It took 10 years to get the film to the big screen, with a multitude of issues - from Bryan Singer being axed as director, and Sacha Baron Cohen leaving the project, he was due to play Mercury but left over "artistic differences"
The film luckily went on to prove Brian May and Roger Taylor were right to stick to their guns, raking it in at the box office and winning awards
Now May and Taylor have spoken about their early reservations. Speaking to Deadline, the pair were asked what they felt when they worked on the film, how they reacted to seeing the dailies and the movie
May said: "To much to tell really. Roger and I both got concerned at certain things … and we became involved in many discussions after seeing rough cuts
" Their fears were allayed soon after. "But when we finally saw the rough assembly of the whole film," he said
"And sat with our partners for the first time, we ALL got uncontrollably emotional — way beyond what we'd expected, even though we'd seen the whole thing growing in front of our eyes
Taylor added: "So much was scarily close to real — strange feelings!" Bohemian Rhapsody clearly paid off, it's getting closer to the $1 billion mark and Rami Malek is up for an Oscar for his role as Mercury
Queen is set to perform with Adam Lambert at the ceremony on February 24 when we find out whether the film will win the coveted Best Picture award
Bohemian Rhapsody is out on DVD on March 4
Amazing Accidental Discoveries From History - Duration: 10:32.
From artifacts that changed history, to fossils no one expected, join me as I reveal to you
8 of the most amazing accidental historical discoveries.
Lyceum In terms of philosophy, one of the biggest
names around during the Greek times of power was Plato.
He was so instructive that he actually made the first university in the Western World
called "The Academy".
Plato had a pupil named Aristotle, who is another legend of academics among other things.
He too went on to create a school, and his was called the Lyceum.
But, sadly, as time went on and history started to form, the exact location of the Lyceum
was lost, and it could not be found for some time.
In fact, many people looked for it for over 100 years!
But they couldn't get to the school no matter how much they looked.
Fast forward to 1997, and the Greeks were in for a shock.
For they went to a piece of land (which was an unpaved parking lot believe it or not)
and decided to dig it up so that they could put in a new museum for the arts.
But, as they did, they started to find ruins.
Ruins...of the Lyceum.
The courtyard and some of the sports areas (including a wrestling arena) were found,
and a great piece of history was rediscovered.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, the museum in question was moved to another spot.
Uluburun Shipwreck Who doesn't love a shipwreck story?
Well, this is one from 1982, where a diver was swimming around looking for sponges (the
animal not the kitchen item) when he found something he didn't expect...a ship.
Specifically, a very old ship, one that was clearly from a few ages gone by.
In fact, because of the time it had been in the water, the hull (which was made of Cedar
wood) was all but gone.
However, you could still see parts of the ship, and inside of its now gone hull were
loads of treasures.
For example, there were blocks of metal like tin and copper, as well as blocks of glass.
But just as impressive, there were historical items from the Bronze Age!
Over the course of the next 10 years, archaeologists and historians descended on what they called
the Uluburun Shipwreck (as it was found in the Uluburun Coast off Turkey), and they soon
were able to date the entire craft back to the time of Egypt some 3300 years ago, even
having a scarab bearing the name of the legendary Queen Nefertiti.
Making it one of the oldest shipwrecks ever found.
Before we continue with more historical finds, be sure to like the video and subscribe to
our channel so you don't miss our weekly videos!
Terra Cotta Army In China, 1974 the tomb of the first Chinese
emperor of the Qin Dynasty was found.
A remarkable find in and of itself.
The team knew though that there had to be more to the tale, so they started digging
When they did, they found something they most definitely didn't expect.
Statues, but not metal or even rock statues, these were made out of Terra Cotta.
They continued digging, and they eventually found 8,000 Terra Cotta statues positioned
around the tomb of the emperor.
That's a lot of statues to make for one guy, don't you think?
So that begs the question, why go to such lengths?
The followers of Emperor Qin Shi Huang wanted him to be protected in the afterlife (something
that many cultures believed in and prepared for), so, they buried him with an army so
that he would have loyal followers at his side should he need it.
Every single member of the Terra Cotta army had its own unique face.
Which goes to show you the lengths and devotion of his loyal followers that they would work
in such minute details.
Which is further compounded by the fact that chariots and horses were also crafted.
You almost have to wonder if the Emperor was proud of his people for giving him this army.
Mystery Of The Monster Finding fossils in weird places is honestly
nothing new.
But, when they reveal that there may have been a creature alive that we didn't know
That's a happy accident.
And that's exactly what happened down in Mason Creek, Illinois.
The area was already famous for fossils, as they were discovered during mining operations
in the early 1800's.
But then, in 1950, a specific fossil was found, and inside of it was a perfectly preserved
creature that was unlike anything ever recorded.
In fact, no one can even classify it in terms of species or type of species.
This is because its body has: toothy pincers at the end, two eyes on stalks, a segmented
body, and a finned tail.
So yeah, not something you'd expect to see in a fossil.
You'd think though that after decades of study that we would have more of an idea as to what
this thing is, but we don't, we honestly don't.
But that hasn't stopped Illinois from making it its official state fossil.
The Venus de Milo On the Greek Island of Melos, a couple of
men were digging around an ancient ruin in order to try and find some treasure and artifacts.
One of these men was named Yorgos Kentrotas and he wanted marble for building blocks.
As he continued to dig though, he discovered a part of a statue that is known as the Venus
De Milo.
Proving that fate works in mysterious ways, there was a man nearby named Olivier Voutier,
and he was part of the Navy.
Upon seeing this find, he went and convinced Kentrotas to help him in digging it up in
Teamwork at its finest, am I right?
After understanding the importance of the statue, Voutier went to the French Ambassador
of the Ottoman Empire and had him purchase it.
The statue was then given as a gift to King Louie the 18th, who gave it to the Louvre.
This piece is considered one of the greatest works of ancient Greek sculptures, and was
made by Alexandros of Antioch.
It's believed to be a sculpture of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, who is the goddess of love
and fertility.
And "Venus" is the Roman name for Aphrodite, so that all sticks.
Here's the irony though, the placement of the arms on the Venus De Milo are still a
We know where they go obviously, but we don't know what they were doing in the context of
this statue.
The Dead Sea Scrolls Religious artifacts are one of the few artifacts
that are held in the highest regard, because to many, they are proofs of their faith.
They could be from a former religious icon, or documents that helped tell of the stories
within certain religions, either way, people take notice when these items are discovered.
In 1947, one of the most important religious documents of all time were found...the Dead
Sea Scrolls.
One of the biggest ironies of this find was that they were found by teenagers in the area.
They were near the city of Jericho, and one of the goats they were looking over got lost.
So, naturally, the teenagers went to go find the goat.
As they did, they found cave, and wondering if the goat was in there, one of the teenagers
threw a rock into it, and he broke a pot.
Which isn't something he expected to hear.
He went into the cave and found several more pots, and within them were papyrus scrolls.
Scrolls, that were in fact some of the earliest known pieces of the Bible.
Numerous chapters were within these scrolls, and each of them were a piece of history in
the biggest way.
Funnily enough, the teenagers weren't exactly sure about the value of this find.
So they went into town and sold it for what they could.
But then, they were tested, and found to be the real historical deal.
A massive search for more of these scrolls was started.
By the end they had found thousands of papyrus scrolls, from scraps to full texts.
The Dead Sea Scrolls are held in the highest regard, and are considered one of the greatest
finds in all of the 20th century.
Herculaneum Do you know the story of Pompeii?
Long story short, there was a volcano named Mount Vesuvius, and one day it erupted violently
and destroyed the entire city of Pompeii.
But what people didn't know, or remember, at the time is that the volcano also killed
another city, Herculaneum.
This city was lost for centuries under the soot and grime and ash that Vesuvius spewed.
Then, in the 18th century, a farmer war working his land and doing some digging when he found
some marble in the ground that he couldn't explain.
He knew that there couldn't be true marble on his plot of land, it was too odd.
But he continued to dig, and he soon found that his land was right on top of Herculaneum.
Naturally, this discovery changed a lot of things for a lot of people, and both robbers,
historians, and archaeologists descended on the city to try and learn more about it...and
get to the treasure.
The city ironically enough was perfectly preserved because of the ash and soot, and its findings
have helped reveal more of the tale of Pompeii.
Rosetta Stone The French found in Egypt one of the most
important items in the history of the world.
This all happened during one of Napoleon's campaigns where he tried to take over Egypt
and failed..
For near the town of Rosetta, a group of soldiers was working on a fort when they decided to
take down a certain wall.
Pierre-Francois Bouchard was there, and when the wall fell, he found a slab of stone that
was unlike anything he'd seen before.
It had writings on it, but it was in different languages, including one he recognized.
This was the discovery of the Rosetta Stone.
Upon its finding in Egypt in 1799, research immediately took place, and the stone was
dated to 2 B.C, which was ironic because it had three languages written onto it.
The first were Hieroglyphics, the symbols seen on Egyptian tombs and pyramids.
Then there was Demotic, another Egyptian language.
But the third language was the biggest surprise, it was Greek!
Due to the French being defeated, the British got the Rosetta Stone into their possession,
which led to Jean-Francois Champollion and Thomas Young examining and deciphering it
Through the Greek part, they were able to translate both sections of the Egyptian text,
and through this, the world now had a way to decipher the past of Egypt.
Why did that matter back then?
Simple, though we knew of Egyptian writings, and Hieroglyphs, few could read it in that
time period, so this Rosetta Stone essentially unlocked the entire history of Egypt for the
world to read.
To this day, people go to Egypt to learn more about the countries long and stories history,
and when something new is found, they can translate what they find, and it's all because
of the Rosetta Stone.
Thanks for watching!
What did you think of these incredible finds?
Which of these "accidents" was the most fun for you?
Which do you think was the best of these finds?
Let me know in the comments below, be sure to subscribe, and I'll see you next time.
US : Lamar Odom 'Desperately Wants To Take Care Of' Khloe Kardashian After Her Split With Tristan - Duration: 3:09.
ニュース 「B-PROJECT~絶頂*エモーション~」第7話の先行カットが到着。増長が是国と北海道へ向かう道中で!? - Duration: 2:40.
(C)MA ES./Tea B-PRO2 (C)B-PR JECT テレ アニメ「B-P OJECT~絶 *エモーション 」第7話の先行 ットとあらすじ 到着しました
<第7話「 IRROR C MPLEX」あ すじ>北海道の V局が企画する 楽番組に出演す ことになったキ コレとMooN 。行きの飛行機 はそれぞれの仕 の都合により、 門はMooNs 4人と、増長は 国と北海道へ向 うことに
この機会にと増 の正直な想いを いてみる是国で ったが…。 第 話「MIRRO COMPLE 」は、2月22 (金)24時か のTOKYO X、群馬テレビ とちぎテレビ、 S11、ABC レビ、AT-X どで最速放送
AbemaTV ニコニコ生放送 dアニメストア どで配信されま 。 「B-PR JECT」はM GES.が手が るアイドルプロ ェクト。201 年9月にプロジ クトを開始し、 016年にテレ アニメ第1期が 送されました
業界大手のレコ ド会社・ガンダ ラミュージック 働く澄空つばさ 、担当するアイ ルユニット・B PROJECT メンバーとさま まなアクシデン を乗り越えてJ PANドームラ ブも大成功
そして、次なる テージが幕を開 ます。
Initial D Arcade Stage 6 AA - Another - Part #21 - Dangerous Downhill (ENG SUB) - Duration: 5:10.
You came a long way, welcome..
Ha, this guy's like everyone..
I'm scared when I am trying to compete with driving technique with a fool to be honest..
I will win.. 100 percent!!
It's brilliant..
Okuyama will surely be mortified.
This use of the accelerator pedal is awesome..
What kind of neural structure is that!?
The technique is not like that.. this guy has good sense.
It was added to the normal CPU, control has become finer, power has gone up!
love you so much (animation) - Duration: 1:00.
i want to look at you
I want to see your eyes
I want to join hands with you
I want to hug you so much
i want to touch your lips
I want to feel your warmth
Oh, my fantasies are so played
I just want you
and love you so much
Détention de Benalla: «C'est lui qui l'a cherché» - Duration: 5:26.
:: Retour sur une journée en fauteuil roulant :: - Duration: 1:50.
:: Retours sur une journée en fauteuil roulant :: - Duration: 2:13.
:: Retours sur une journée en fauteuil roulant :: - Duration: 1:44.
Troll Thằng Bạn Uống Thuốc Ngủ Và Mang Ra Nghĩa Địa Chôn Sống - Duration: 8:33.
Meghan Royal - Kate Middleton absente de la baby shower de Meghan Markle, la raison dévoilée - Duration: 2:24.
Lors de la baby shower de Meghan Markle, une absence a été très remarquée : Celle de Kate Middleton
Mais la Duchesse de Cambridge avait une bonne raison. Depuis plusieurs mois, la rumeur court sur des tensions entre les deux Duchesses
Et si Kate Middleton est pointée du doigt face à un possible conflit avec Meghan Markle, les derniers évènements ne vont pas calmer les bruits qui courent
Récemment, la future maman et femme du Prince Harry a organisé une baby shower à New York, avec des invités de prestige comme Serena Williams et Amal Clooney, pour célébrer la future naissance
Mais aucune trace de Kate Middleton lors de cette fête très privée ! Rassurez-vous, ce n'est apparemment pas à cause des possibles conflits que la Duchesse de Cambridge n'était pas présente
Kate Middleton, le Prince William et leurs enfants semblent vraisemblablement s'être envolés pour des vacances à la montagne ! Une source proche de la famille royale a révélé à The Sun que le couple aurait "bloqué leur agenda pour passer des moments de qualité avec leurs enfants, qui n'ont pas école cette semaine
Les Cambridges sont partis en vacances secrètes sous la neige, pour passer du temps en famille plus que mérité
" Le couple royal a donc privilégié un moment en famille à 5 pour profiter de vacances loin des rumeurs et possibles conflits qui tournent autour de leur famille dernièrement
Si cette raison s'avère vraie, il y a fort à parier que la Duchesse de Sussex soit au courant et n'en tienne pas rigueur à Kate Middleton
Quoi qu'il en soit, lors de cette baby shower, une des amies de Meghan Markle aurait laissé sous-entendre qu'elle est enceinte d'un garçon !
Nave Diciotti, 41 migranti chiedono il risarcimento danni a Conte e Salvini. Il ministro: "Mi faccio - Duration: 3:15.
프레임이 20이나 올라가는 신기술, DLSS?? - 제대로 알고싶다 - Duration: 6:37.
💡 Wie funktioniert die Störsignalausblendung bei einem Füllstandsensor? | VEGA talk - Duration: 2:39.
SALA COMPO FEAR Emiliano Sala family 'in danger' of missing £600k compensation payout after Cardiff' - Duration: 3:06.
EMILIANO SALA'S family could miss out on £600,000 in compensation because Cardiff failed to register his contract with the Premier League
According to the Times, players automatically become part of the PFA's pension scheme once as they are registered with the top flight organisation
And the PFA's death-in-service payment to families is valued at £600,000. The Professional Footballers' Association is reportedly pursuing the pension fund for them to honour the payment, even though he was not registered with the Premier League
Cardiff made an error in their paperwork when registering the player and the league handed the forms back to the club, asking them to clarify details and re-submit them over the £15million deal
That required Sala to re-sign documents, but he was tragically never able to before he died on January 21 when his light aircraft crashed into the English channel en route from Nantes to Cardiff
Emiliano Sala signed potentially invalid £15million contract with Cardiff City before fatal plane crash As SunSport reported today, Sala's transfer broker Willie McKay insisted the £15m transfer was "clean"
McKay is stunned at claims the transfer of the Nantes player to Cardiff was corrupt and he distanced Bluebirds manager Neil Warnock from any wrongdoing
He said: "We have nothing to hide, the rumours are f***ing c**p, absolutely f***ing c**p
"I'm sick of it. I'm shocked people are saying this. I'm waiting for the FA to phone me
"I want a public meeting with everybody there and you can chair it — Sky, the papers, everybody can come
KİDO VE CAMO SARGE 8. OLUYOR - ARABALAR 2 - CARS 2 - Duration: 6:21.
最新ニュース | 堀江貴文、東大足切り見事突破!「40時間くらいしか勉強してない」 - Duration: 2:20.
19日、『ドラ ン堀江』(Abem TV)が放送された 高校3年生の夏の時 で"F判定"だった も関わらず、東京大 文学部に現役合格を たした堀江貴文が、 れずにくすぶってい 若手タレント3人を ずか半年間で東京大 に合格させるべく奮 する、型破りな"ガ 受験ドキュメント"
2月13 に東京大学の第一段 選抜合格者発表があ 、TAWASHIは 事足切りを突破した のの、オバンドー吉 (鬼サンダー)と、 ラビアアイドルのわ みなみは惜しくも二 試験には残れないと う結果に
堀江もスタッ に促され結果を確認 ることになったが、 る前から「受かって でしょう」と余裕の 言。合格者発表当日 ツイッターで「セン ー試験東大二次の足 り突破しちゃった」 発言していた通り、 事足切り突破となっ
「ほら通 た」と言ってのける 江は「トータル40 間くらいしか勉強し ない」と衝撃の告白 多忙なスケジュール 中、最強講師陣の1 、理系担当のたくみ ら二人三脚で数学の クチャーを25時間 けた他、国語や社会 移動時間を使って1 時間、理科は試験前 の"一夜漬け"で5 間、英語に至っては 身のスキルを信じて ノー勉強"で挑んだ いう
「数学はたく 先生の授業がよすぎ 、現役のときより気 ちいい」と感謝する 江は「ちょっとなん ウキウキしてきまし 」と、二次試験に向 てさらにモチベーシ ンを上げていた
(C)Ab maTV ▶︎
最新ニュース | 堀江貴文の東大受験ドキュメント、第一段階選抜合格者発表! - Duration: 2:45.
19日、『ドラゴ 堀江』(Abema V)が放送された。 校3年生の夏の時点 "F判定"だったに 関わらず、東京大学 学部に現役合格を果 した堀江貴文が、売 ずにくすぶっている 手タレント3人をわ か半年間で東京大学 合格させるべく奮闘 る、型破りな"ガチ 験ドキュメント"だ
センター 験の結果について、 次試験を目指すため 強講師陣との面談に んだ芸人のオバンド 吉川(鬼サンダー) 英語は200点中1 0点で、模試の平均 からおよそ50点の ップに「本当っすか ? 嘘でしょ絶対」 うろたえて、文系担 講師の大島育宙(X CLUB)は「我々 意味が分からないで 」「これだけでもス イ偉業、大偉業」と 賛した
さらに数学が 00点中191点、 科は200点中14 点と、ここまでは順 だったが、国語は2 0点中117点、社 は100点中55点 失速してしまい、2 13日に発表された 一段階選抜合格者発 では足切りとなって まう
一方、1 12時間の勉強をし きた芸人のTAWA HIは見事足切りを 破。「あぁよかった と胸を撫でおろすと 勉強の鬼は「まだ勉 できますね」と喜び あらわに
「芸人としても10 間やってきましたけ 、何もないに近い1 年間だったんで、こ をきっかけにしたい いう気持ちで取り組 ました」と心情を語 た。 3人目の 戦者、グラビアアイ ルのわちみなみは足 り突破とはならず、 果を見て「(受験番 が)ないです」と茫 自失
センター試験の自己 点は626点で、出 した文科一類の足切 基準となる最低点の 28点にわずかに2 届かない結果に。「 タッフの方とか堀江 んとか講師の方の応 に応えられなくて申 訳ない」と涙を流し
(C)Ab maTV ▶︎
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