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For more infomation >> ECIL Latest Recruitment 2019 | ECIL Technical Officers Recruitment 2019 | ECIL B.Tech Jobs 2019 - Duration: 4:33.-------------------------------------------
Economy of Valentine's Day
S. Korea's steel exports to U.S. fell more compared to countries that were subject to tariffs: KOTRA - Duration: 1:45.
Last year, South Korea managed to avoid the Trump administration's tariffs on steel...
and instead agreed to quotas.
It was considered a win at the time,... but a new report suggests otherwise.
Ko Roon-hee reports.
It's been almost a year since the South Korean government agreed to the Trump Administration's
steel import quotas.
But latest analysis by the Washington office of the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency
shows South Korea's steel exports to U.S. actually dropped more than other countries
that were subject to higher tariffs.
From January to November 2018, South Korea's steel exports to the U.S. dropped 13 percent
That's a lot higher than other countries, including Japan and China, that recorded drops
of 0-point-7 percent and 7-point-3 percent, respectively.
This all comes after Washington agreed to exempt 25 percent tariffs on steel imports
from South Korea... but instead limited the amount of imports to the 70 percent level
of the annual average Korean steel exports to the U.S. between 2015 and 2017.
China and Japan opted to pay the higher tariffs.
Washington's trade actions were carried out under Section 232 of the U.S. Trade Expansion
A separate analysis by the Mercatus Center, a think tank at George Mason University, pointed
out that countries that chose tariffs were able to lessen the damage by getting more
tariff exclusions on certain products.
Although South Korea did apply for exclusions, the requests were filed later than China and
Watchers say the analysis calls into question the South Korean government's decision to
choose quotas instead of higher tariffs.
Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News.
S. Korea designates May 11 as anniversary of Donghak Peasant Revolution - Duration: 0:32.
South Korea has designated a special day to commemorate the biggest peasant revolution
in Korean history.
The Cabinet, in a meeting led by Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon, voted on a bill to commemorate
May 11th as the anniversary of the Donghak Peasant Revolution, which took place in 1894.
Then, Korean peasants rose up against corrupt government officials and the Japanese military
that tried to stop them.
The vote is part of efforts to raise awareness of this historic event.
Backswing: le transfert de poids et la jambe pivot dans le swing - Duration: 7:29.
Vondráčková má nového chlapa? Jiskra s elektrikářem prý přeskočila u kabelů - Duration: 3:26.
Podle informací webu našla Vondráčková zalíbení v kolegovi, kterého poznala během natáčení snímku Hotel Limbo
Ovšem nemá se prý jednat o herce, ale elektrikáře Marca, který u filmu dohlížel na světelný park
„Všimla si, že výborně maká. Nedivila bych se, kdyby ji zaujal i vizuálně, je to hezoun a když za sebou tahal všechny ty kabely, byl na něj moc fajn pohled
Každopádně hned dostal místo prvního asistenta režie, protože ten původní moc nefungoval
A osvědčil se ve všech směrech," tvrdil prý zdroj ze štábu snímku, který stejně jako v případě The Perfect Kiss režírovala Martina Adamcová (52) alias četařka Babinčáková z Tankového praporu
„S Luckou si okamžitě padli do oka. Vyloženě to mezi nimi začalo jiskřit. Začali spolu trávit čas i v soukromí," dodala účastnice natáčení s tím, že spolu dvojice očividně dost flirtovala
Nic dalšího ale k jejich údajnému vzplanutí říct nechtěla. „Jestli to mezi nimi v soukromí doslova zahřmělo, to nebudu komentovat
Ani to, jestli jim to funguje dál i po natáčení," dodala pro Pokud jsou zvěsti o Luciině románku pravdivé, měla by v něm zpěvačka alespoň jistou útěchu
Přece jen rozvod oznámil Plekanec na sociální síti již loni v létě a od té doby se netají tím, že jeho stávající partnerkou je tenistka Šafářová
Vondráčková žádný další vztah veřejnosti neoznámila, a tak se předpokládalo, že je zatím sama
VIDEO: Drsná role rozvádějící se Vondráčkové: Jsem věrná kr*va, co je sama doma
Video délka: 00:52 1080p 720p 360p REKLAMA Drsná role rozvádějící se Vondráčkové: Jsem věrná kr*va, co je sama doma
FTV Prima
Отзыв Ольги Андреевой, Kingston, о работе с - Duration: 4:07.
Revealed Prince William and Prince Harry Discussed Their Separation Before The Royal Wedding Last S - Duration: 2:00.
Revealed Prince William and Prince Harry Discussed Their Separation Before The Royal Wedding Last S
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Last October, reports of sparked heartbreak amongst royal family fans. At the time, the rumors about after a decade of working closely together seemed too sad to be true. But, now, it appears the Kensington Palace split could actually happen.
With Meghan Markles due date quickly approaching, the brothers reportedly sense before Baby Sussex makes an appearance in late April, early May. The reason for the split? According to reports, it has more to do with their different responsibilities than their alleged on going feud.
As it turns out, the royal brothers might have planned their infamous Kensington Palace split long before October when the word got out. According to , the brothers might have discussed their separation before Prince Harry and Meghan Markles royal wedding in May 2018. And, now, with a move to the countryside this spring, the separation could actually happen.
William and Harry are working to make sure the Sussexes have an office that can support their family when they move to Frogmore this spring. This work has been underway since before last years wedding, a source told The Sunday Times.
So, why the split? Find out what we know about Prince William and Prince Harrys household split, below.
Some suggest that the alleged on going royal feud between Prince William and Prince Harry could be partially to blame for the split and move to the countryside . However, the brothers royal responsibilities could be the real reason Prince William and Prince Harry have decided to part ways professionally after ten years together.
As Prince William steps into a new role in the family, so will Prince Harry. Once Prince Charles ascends the throne, Prince William will become the new Prince of Wales, and take on all of the responsibilities his father currently has. And, in return, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will inherit the royal duties that Prince William and Kate Middleton currently focus on.
Ahead of their royal babys arrival, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle plan to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city and move to the countryside to raise their children away from the royal limelight. But, could their move also have something to do with the Kensington Palace split? Apparently, the decision was made to ensure a more normal life for their baby and any future children . But, a new home away from their headquarters does make the split more apparent.
Despite their move, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex plan to keep their office at Kensington Palace and will conduct work from there whenever they are in the city. The two will also likely have an office at Frogmore Cottage — their new countryside abode — so that they can get work done when they arent in London.
While they plan to keep their office at Kensington Palace, , separate from Prince William and Kate Middleton.
Check out on Facebook!
Fariba, retroscena su Giulia Salemi e Monte: sfogo a Pomeriggio 5 - Duration: 3:55.
Mathieu Gallet, le PDG déchu de Radio France, ne pourra pas toucher d'indemnités - Duration: 4:55.
치킨만들기 정신건강에 해롭습니다 - Duration: 6:17.
PCSO LOTTO RESULT 4PM | FEBRUARY 19 2019 - Duration: 1:31.
Good day! Here are the results of the Lotto draws this morning, 4pm Feb 19 2019
As an important reminder, please do not share or entrust your tickets
and you must be at least 18 years old to play the lottery
EZ2 Lotto 4pm Feb 19 2019
Suertres 4pm Feb 19 2019
Pares 4pm Feb 19 2019 Swe3 4pm Feb 19 2019 2 Digits 4pm Feb 19 2019
Congratulations to all the winner!
Nový byt Plekance za 15 MILIONŮ: V takovém luxusu teď bude s dětmi bydlet! - Duration: 3:03.
À 64 ans, elle montre qu'il n'y a pas d'âge pour être fière de son corps - Duration: 0:46.
À 64 ans, elle montre qu'il n'y a pas d'âge pour être fière de son corps On blâme souvent instagram et ses instagrameuses pour l'image de perfection qu'elles mettent constamment en avant sur les réseaux sociaux
Les utilisatrices de la plateforme sont également de plus en plus nombreuses à vouloir montrer une image plus positive et aider monsieur et madame tout le monde à s'accepter tels qu'ils sont
Ceril Campbell fait partie de ces influences d'un nouveau genre. À 64 ans, celle qui avait l'habitude de s'occuper de l'image des stars pour qu'elles paraissent irréprochables en public joue désormais sur sa propre notoriété pour montrer qu'Instagram peut aussi être le lieu où on accepte et embrasse ses imperfections
Domenica Live: la presunta madre biologica chiede il test del dna a Paola Caruso - Duration: 13:02.
Annuncio Annuncio Oggi, domenica 17 febbraio, è andata in onda Domenica Live, il programma domenicale di Barbara D'Urso, con diversi ospiti tra cui Paola Caruso, il Divino Otelma, Taylor Mega e Silvio Berlusconi
E' possibile rivedere la diretta in streaming, sul canale di Mediaset Ondemad. Domenica Live - diretta tv 18
35 "Ci troviamo in una situazione più grave del 1994. Questi grillini non solo si dichiarano comunisti, ma hanno la più totale impreparazione
I comunisti di allora avevano una formazione, avevano governato regioni e città. Questi non sanno fanno nulla" ha continuato Berlusconi
18.30 Silvio Berlusconi sostiene che attraverso la flax tax, si producono più consumi delle famiglie, più investimenti delle aziende, più posti di lavoro e più soldi nelle casse dello Stato, mettendo in risalto i problemi che da anni ci sono in Sardegna
Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Trame spagnole Una Vita: Ramon caccia di casa Celia, Samuel viene minacciato di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati
Annuncio 18.15 In studio arriva Silvio Berlusconi. In vista della decisione sul processo di Salvini, il presidente annuncia di votare no per il giudizio della magistratura
L'attenzione si sposta sulle problematiche della Sardegna per riattivare il territorio e il lavoro nell'isola italiana
"Credo che si debba intervenire per aumentare i controlli affinché non ci sia del latte che arrivi nella regione da altri paesi con un costo inferiore" ha dichiarato
Per questo, il Presidente sostiene la necessità di introdurre la fiscalità di vantaggio
Argomenti suggeriti per te. Tocca SEGUI per ricevere le ultime notizie. Segui gli argomenti di questo articolo
Anticipazioni Tv Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Barbara D'Urso Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Serie TV Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Gossip Segui + Aggiungi a My Home TV Soap Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Annuncio Le dichiarazioni della presunta madre biologica di Paola Caruso 18
05 Barbara D'Urso rivela l'intervista avuta con la donna e manda in onda un filmato
La presunta madre racconta di aver partorito una bimba all'ospedale S.Anna di Catanzaro, ma la madre le comunica che la bimba è nata morta
Dopo la morte della madre, la donna decide di ritrovare quella bimba e pensa che sia proprio l'ex bonas di Avanti un Altro
"Paola, io sono la tua vera mamma. Vorrei abbracciarti e darti un bacio. Se vuoi vivere una vita con me, io non ti toglierò niente
Io non ti ho abbandonata" ha dichiarato la donna. Ignari sono anche gli altri due figli della donna che hanno saputo il tutto solo nello scorso natale
Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Trame spagnole Una Vita: salto temporale di 10 anni, arrivano nuovi attori come Maria Gracia di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati
Annuncio Infine sostiene di voler fare il test del dna. Anche Paola è favorevole al test per vedere se è davvero la sua vera madre
Inoltre decide di vederla dietro le quinte, senza la presenza delle telecamere, perché la presunta madre non vuole apparire in televisione
18.00 Si passa a Paola Caruso. La conduttrice rivela di aver parlato con la madre biologica
La donna sostiene di essere lei la madre che dopo il parto ha saputo che la neonata non era più in vita
La donna, inoltre, ha avuto questa bambina con un noto calciatore di quell'epoca
Il Talk show dedicato all'Isola dei Famosi 17.55 Il Mago rivela di aver scritto una lettera dopo i 9 punti in testa in Honduras, ma l'argomento sarà approfondito un'altra volta 17
45 Torna in tv il Divino Otelma e si riconcilia con Francesca Cipriani dopo l'incidente al reality show
Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Anticipazioni Una Vita: Rosina fa riavere la sartoria a Susana di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati
L'uomo ha dovuto infatti mettere ben 9 punti sulla testa dopo la caduta. 17.35 Un video per raccontare la giornata tipo di Taylor
"Io faccio l'influencer marketing, lavoro con la mia immagine per interagire con i miei follower" spiega la modella alla domanda su come riesce a permettersi tutto questo lusso
Vladimir Luxuria la accusa per la troppa ostentazione sul mostrare oggetti così costosi
17.30 In studio si parla della polemica sulla necessità di un milione di euro al mese per Taylor Mega
"Sono stata criticata per ambire a un milione di euro al mese. Che male c'è?" ha risposto
L'attenzione si sposta sull'orologio al suo polso molto costoso. Antonella Mosetti la difende
"Io sono partita dal niente. I miei genitori non mi hanno mai dato niente. Sono uscita di casa e ho fatto tutto io" ha continuato Taylor
17.25 Inizia la nuova puntata di Domenica Live. Barbara D'Urso saluta il pubblico e i telespettatori
Si parte dal talk show sull'Isola de Famosi con Taylor Mega, Francesca Cipriani, Guendalina Tavassi, Eva Henger, Vladimir Luxuria, Antonella Mosetti e Daniele Interrante
Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Un posto al sole, anticipazioni dal 25/2 all'1 marzo: Franco aggredito brutalmente di Antonietta Canale Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati
Domenica Live, cosa vedremo nella puntata di oggi In studio ritornerà Paola Caruso, a poche settimane dalla nascita del primogenito Michele
L'ex bonas di Avanti un Altro, si ritroverà per la prima volta a faccia a faccia con la sua madre biologica
Sarà un momento davvero emozionante, dopo tutti questi anni di separazione tra le due
Già qualche settimana fa, durante Pomeriggio Cinque, la D'Urso annunciava di aver parlato con la presunta madre e l'intervista sarà mandata in onda questo pomeriggio
Inoltre la donna avrebbe confermato di volersi sottoporre al test di dna, per provare che è proprio lei la madre di Paola Caruso
Inoltre ci sarà il consueto talk show dedicato al reality show "L'isola dei Famosi"
In studio arriverà il Divino Otelma con una busta choc. Il mago ha catturato l'attenzione dei media per la caduta a causa della spinta di Francesca Cipriani durante la prova ricompensa
Mentre le sue condizioni di salute sono stabili, molto probabilmente oggi assisteremo al primo confronto con la Cipriani
Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Bufera all'Isola dei Famosi, su twitter accusano: 'Aiutano Soleil a vincere' di Sabina Nana Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati
Ultimo spazio di Domenica Live dedicato a Silvio Berlusconi. Blasting News lavora con l'Unione Europea nella lotta contro le fake news Questo articolo è stato verificato con: https://www https://www
shtml Chiedi la correzione di questo articolo Valuta il titolo di questa notizia
Hrůza v dovolenkovém ráji Čechů: Jasmínu našli po 19 letech v mrazáku její sestry! - Duration: 1:02.
Případ je o to horší, že rodina Jasmínu po jejím zmizení zavrhla. V médiích dokonce řekla, že utekla do ciziny a už se nevrátila
„Naposledy jsem ji slyšel říkat, že odjíždí v rámci studentského programu pracovat na lodi
Prý plula do Paříže. Od té doby o ní nemáme žádné informace," uvedl ještě v roce 2011 v médiích její otec Martin
Nyní je však téměř jisté, že nebohá studentka zůstala ve své domovině. Otec studentky před pár lety zemřel a její matka se odstěhovala do Německa, kde pracuje
Charlène de Monaco, ce geste louable pour Caroline de Monaco au chevet de son mari - Duration: 1:13.
Djokovic thankful for recognition of recovery slog with Laureus gong - Duration: 4:32.
Novak Djokovic reflected on the "life lessons" he has learned in the last 12 months after his resurgence saw him crowned the Sportsman of the Year at the Laureus World Sports Awards in Monaco
The Serbian was convalescing from elbow surgery a year ago and his subsequent struggles on his return to the ATP Tour a couple of months later left many fearing he was in terminal decline
But Djokovic wiped out any doubts in the second half of last year by winning Wimbledon and the US Open en route to reclaiming top spot back in the rankings
He has since added a record seventh Australian Open title to move to 15 grand slams, and his 2018 achievements saw him honoured in the principality for the fourth time in his career, pipping fellow nominees Lewis Hamilton, LeBron James, Kylian Mbappe, Luka Modric and Eliud Kipchoge to one of the evening's top prizes
Djokovic said: "Twelve months ago I was on the surgery table so I hope that was the last surgery that I ever have
"But at the same time I'm really pleased with how the surgery went because it allowed me to be – five weeks after the surgery – back on the court
"I was very anxious to be back on the court to compete, and very impatient, because I was not ready emotionally and my game was not there and not even close
"But in my mind knowing what I'm capable of and the quality of my tennis I felt like it's not going to take much time for me to get there
That's where I had the reality check. "Then for several months I was experiencing some really challenging and difficult months mentally on the court where I was questioning everything and really doubting as well
"There were many, many life lessons that I've learned along the way in the last 12 months and to be able to be recognised for that was a privilege and an honour
" Djokovic admitted there were moments when he was at his lowest where he would sometimes lash out at either himself or those around him
Having ended a two-year wait for a grand slam win at SW19, Djokovic believes he had to attempt to find satisfaction from within
He added: "Probably one of the biggest takes I've had in the last couple of years is that it really does depend only on me: whether I'm going to take these challenging situations and obstacles as an opportunity to grow, to rise, to get better or let them defeat me
"That kind of a mindset was very helpful in the moments where I really needed that strength
I had to find it inside rather than outside. "I didn't know that a couple of years ago, I was looking for things outside and maybe blaming people around me or blaming myself and not really understanding that things are as they should be and you just have to learn
"There's a learning curve of life and you have to embrace it and accept it." Simone Biles scooped her second statuette after becoming the first female to win four world gymnastics titles in the all-around discipline in Doha last November
The American overcome Simona Halep, Angelique Kerber, Ester Ledecka, Mikaela Shiffrin and Daniela Ryf to earn Sportswoman of the Year
Elsewhere at the ceremony, Naomi Osaka won the Breakthrough award following her maiden grand slam victory at the US Open, Tiger Woods claimed the Comeback prize after winning his first PGA Tour title in five years, while France's World Cup winners saw them scoop the Team accolade
Former Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger received the Lifetime Achievement Award following his revolutionary 22 years with the Gunners
– The Laureus World Sports Awards celebrate the most remarkable men and women from the world of sport along with their achievements from the previous calendar year
The Awards also showcase the work of Laureus Sport for Good, a charity which uses the power of sport to end violence, discrimination and disadvantage
Anh Đã Thay Lòng | Karaoke Tone Nữ | Beat Chuẩn ✔ - Duration: 4:39.
Karaoke || Bội Bạc Rady || Beat Chuẩn Thanh Sơn KaraoKe ✔ - Duration: 5:26.
Bianca Drăgușanu ripostează în scandalul cu CRBL! Reacția prietenelor divei este genial! "Cum se fac - Duration: 4:20.
Ester Peony a câştigat Eurovison România 2019, dar a fost printre cei mai slabi concurenţi la Olimpi - Duration: 4:23.
Affaire Mathieu Gallet: la chute d'un homme à la carrière fulgurante - Duration: 6:12.
Backswing: le transfert de poids et la jambe pivot dans le swing - Duration: 7:29.
Mathieu Gallet, le PDG déchu de Radio France, ne pourra pas toucher d'indemnités - Duration: 4:55.
À 64 ans, elle montre qu'il n'y a pas d'âge pour être fière de son corps - Duration: 0:46.
À 64 ans, elle montre qu'il n'y a pas d'âge pour être fière de son corps On blâme souvent instagram et ses instagrameuses pour l'image de perfection qu'elles mettent constamment en avant sur les réseaux sociaux
Les utilisatrices de la plateforme sont également de plus en plus nombreuses à vouloir montrer une image plus positive et aider monsieur et madame tout le monde à s'accepter tels qu'ils sont
Ceril Campbell fait partie de ces influences d'un nouveau genre. À 64 ans, celle qui avait l'habitude de s'occuper de l'image des stars pour qu'elles paraissent irréprochables en public joue désormais sur sa propre notoriété pour montrer qu'Instagram peut aussi être le lieu où on accepte et embrasse ses imperfections
Pacte d'avenir - réactions - Duration: 2:46.
BMW X3 2.0D HIGH EXECUTIVE Aut8, Navi, ECC, PDC, LMV, Xenon, 79 dkm ! - Duration: 1:09.
외계인 아기를 낳은 여성들이 저지른 일!! - Duration: 4:11.
The story of so-called hybrid children is well known.
And the story about mysterious children has not been disputed for a long time.
Hybrid children are children created during the process of sharing love between humans and aliens. This bizarre event is mainly caused by women.
Surprisingly, many women confess their stories of UFO boarding or being trapped underground.
Most say that they shared love in a place where the operating room bed is placed.
During this process, most women testify that they were with aliens who looked like gray, and they also witnessed the artificial uterus around them.
Hybrid babies are said to grow in the artificial uterus.
Although these stories sound like ridiculous scenarios, humanity has not stopped experimenting to develop an artificial uterus.
Experts call the process of raising an embryo in an artificial uterus ectogenesis.
Research is currently regulated because it is unethical, so most of the content remains at the theoretical level, but it is not unrealizable.
In 1997, there was a case of successful growth of goat embryos in a machine filled with amniotic fluid in Tokyo.
The number of women who claim to have shared love with aliens continues to grow.
Some theorists are arguing that aliens come to Earth because they want to blend alien and human genes.
By the way.
Recently, the news that women who are raising hybrid children have created an organization is making people surprised.
The official name is 'Hybrid Children Community' and the number of subscribers continues to increase over time.
Women spend their time gathering and talking about their interesting experiences.
Most women in the organization claim that they are still raising children, and the story of women is very interesting.
It is not possible to communicate directly with the children, but it is said that they meet children in real life as if they are real, or the soul moves to another dimension and meets with children.
Explaining that the member Bridget Nielson can not forget the love he shared with the astronaut, he revealed himself to six boys and four girls.
She says,
"Love with an astronaut was an unforgettable experience, I felt true freedom, the best love I have ever felt in my life."
In addition, many women claim to be true, but there are many people who do not believe that they are eating up to the drug and hanging a day.
Suddenly I opened my eyes and said that I was in a UFO, I had a love with an alien, and I was meeting with many children across the board.
What do you think of these claims?
The organization says it will build a house where women with hybrid children can live safely.
회사 선배한테 밤마다 이상한 연락이 온다 [좀 예민해도 괜찮아 시즌2] - EP.05 - Duration: 17:50.
Chief Cha :
Selected! The picture of the woman in it got me the feeling. Does it look OK?
Jeez. What is it?
[It's Okay To Be Sensitive?]
I get strange contacts from my superior at work every night.
Chief Cha is the ace of the marketing team.
He's famous for being hard-working and gentle at work.
On top of that, there is the SNS accnount I like.
Do you follow this account?
Yes. It provides many brilliant ideas.
Is that so? Thank you for following.
No way! Is it yours?
That is correct.
My gosh.
I liked it so much that I've been following it since I was a freshman.
How awesome. I feel like I just met a celebrity.
Maybe you and I have a similar taste.
Yeah, it must be so.
Ah, I was happy that I was working with someone I respect.
Since that day, Chief Cha sent me the cases, articles, and video clips.
He said it would help my final assignment.
It might help you doing your final assignment~
Thank you, chief! I'll do my best!
He's got skills and personalities. Or so I thought.
But then the conversation has become weird.
Bitna! I have to buy a birthday present for female friend. Can you choose for me?
Ah, just look at the time.
But he's the boss.
Okay, show me ^^
She wants some lingerie. Which one would you pick?
Advice, please~ ^^♡
Why does he ask me things like this?
Personal messenger, DM, and even in-company messenger.
He always sent me weird things. It drove me nuts.
Chief Cha :
Selected! The picture of the woman in it got me the feeling. Does it look OK?
Jeez. What is it?
Did he just smile at me?
At my reaction? It gives me goosebumps. Gross.
Then he asked me to meet outside.
Should we drink and talk about the final assignment during the weekend?
I have an appointment.
Then how about tomorrow?
Why do I have to drink with you, you f...
Should I ignore it? I gotta block him.
But he is the upper-hand at work, and I had to see him tomorrow as well.
So I didn't know what to do.
After lauching domestically this March and watching the response,
it would be a perfect timing to proceed the launching event in Chinese market.
Everyone. He's a perverted sicko! Don't get fooled by his look.
You all know I'm not that kind of person.
What would it do if I imagined things like that?
I would be the sicko one instead.
No one would trust me.
I will trust you.
You said no one would trust you.
What a sicko.
You've held it all this time?
Let's bring this to ispection... No, to the police!
Why do you hold onto his creepy acts?
Yoonju, your voice is too loud.
Let them hear it! Did you tell him not to send those?
Did it indirectly. He didn't catch it.
Tell him not to contact you.
And since it's a sexual harrassment, let's report it.
Then what if I get fired?
Why would get you fired when you did nothing wrong?
She might not get fired, but Chief Cha evaluates us.
What if he gives bad score to Bitna?
Then what if he keeps harrassing her?
That would be horrible.
I know your intern life and dream are all important.
But aren't you the most important one?
Chief Cha : Bitna, are you still at work?
Would you want me to buy some chicken and beer for you?
Chief Cha...!
Pervert. Just stop it.
I know your intern life and dream are all important.
But aren't you the most important one?
Yooju is right.
I always can't hold it.
Getting good score is important,
but protecting myself is also important.
Chief, it's burdening and uncomfortable. Please don't contact me like this.
I'll take my leave. Wrap up and go home.
Let me know if something happens.
Alright. Bye.
Is it gonna take long?
No, it will be done shortly. You go home first.
Okay. See you.
Why did you come b...
Chief Cha.
You're working late.
Why did you tell me not to contact you, all of a sudden?
Did you drink?
Just a bit.
You didn't eat dinner yet, right?
Have some.
I cannot drink well.
You drank well during the get-together.
I have some work to do.
Don't act so pure. You know the things.
Are you seriously blocking my way?
It's uncomfortalble to me.
You said I'm your celebrity.
You found my SNS and flirted.
What's so uncomfortable to you?
He can't distinguish between respect and feeling.
He doesn't reserve any respect.
Can he be so rude just because he's my superior?
I've never flirted.
Just stop this, please.
Why are you so upset?
How could I make it up for you?
Let's be friendly just like before.
Why do you act innocent?
You know the things between men and women.
I've been overlooking, but you're getting worse!
Don't get close.
I'll scream, you peverted sicko.
You were here.
Is the reference ready?
You were also hear, Chief Cha.
I didn't know you were here as well, Minjun.
I bought some late night meal.
Guess you drank a lot.
Your wife must be worrying. You should go back home.
Agh! It drives me nuts!
He's married? That sicko!
He also has a daughter. She must be around 3.
Jeez. Doesn't he feel ashamed for her?
Then.. Has he kept contacting you all this time?
Yes, that douchebag.
My anger won't go away.
It must have been difficult for you.
That douchebag.
May I hit it once?
Minjun, how would it be if I report Chief Cha for sexual harrassment?
Then I'll be your witness.
Actually, I could smell alcohol from him.
I've got a gut feeling, so I recorded it.
I was scared that no one might trust me.
Why do you act innocent?
You know the things between men and women.
I would do what I can do.
For real?
Then get me that doll.
Nothing good happened today, you see.
That one?
I'll get it for you.
Can you do it today? You can give up.
It's okay. I can do it.
You can do it.
Hit it as if it's Chief Cha.
Bitna flirted first.
You got off work first. Why did you come back?
I always wanted to do something for you.
No one would trust me.
I will trust you.
Perhaps I wanted to be a helpful mentor.
Yes, section chief?
Did you get off work? What about Bitna?
I just left, and she's still at the office.
What a sicko.
I have a bad feeling.
Didn't Chief Cha go to the office?
If you just left, could you go back to the office?
Bring Bitna and get off work quickly.
I had some troubles with Chief Cha before.
I've got bad feelings..
That moment, My stomach dropped.
I felt sorry and worried, and I was upset for not knowing how you felt.
I had this complex feeling.
Why did you come back to the office?
There's one thing I realized.
Secion Chief Hong called me.
I didn't just want to be nice to you. Maybe I like you.
Even Section Chief Hong?
He's a repeat offender, that sicko.
So I ran hard. Aren't you thankful?
Yeah, I'm so thankful.
But why are you being so nice to me?
Well, because Section Chief Hong asked me.
Don't blame the victims. It's all assailan's fauit.
Chief Cha, seding those pictures is a sexual harrassment.
Don't ever send it again.
Just wait for it, Chief.
It's just the beginning.
Oh, my gosh. What should I do?
I accidentally sent the email to all our employees.
What should I do? I'm sorry.
What's this embarrassing thing?
Chief Cha, what did you send to Bitna?
I mean, you see. It's a spam mail.
Oh, my. What is it?
Isn't he crazy?
Yes? No, captain. It's just a spam mail.
I'm not that kind of person, you know.
[It's Okay To Be Sensitive!]
美聯工商舖 | 獨家代理 | 荃灣華興工業大廈 - Duration: 1:27.
The government reactivated the policy of revitalization of industrial buildings
A wide range of industrial building would be able to benefit
Let me introduce to you an industrial unit
It is located at 2-6 Ma Kwai Street, Tsuen Wan.
First floor of Huaxing Industrial Building
And two other units from different floors
The property is located in the core of Tsuen Wan Industrial District
Potentially allow unlimited opportunities
The first floor area is over 21,000 square feet.
The separated units are approximately 3,800 square feet and 5,500 square feet.
Buyers can purchase all the units or separately
The interior of those units are very impressive and practical
Floor height reaches 11 feet
All units provide sufficient daylight and enough spacious
In addition, the building is fully equipped
With a passenger elevator and 4 freight elevators
There are parking lots in the basement
The ceiling was high enough to accommodate cargo truck
So there is no problem to unload large cargo here.
Building is located in the traditional area's major industrial - commercial area,
which is well developed
and well-located as a major opportunity for every owner.
The building is next to MTR Tsuen Wan West Station and Tsuen Wan Station.
A 15 minutes' walk to Kwai Chung Container Terminal
The location is very convenient
is ideal for personal use or for investment purpose.
Ready: Creating a game "Orb Trips" - Duration: 9:34.
Welcome to Ready quick tutorial
The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible.
If you fly past a goal - you lose
Let's get started
Create the new project in the Portrait mode
Add the "Background" from your library
Add the rectangle from the your library, turn of the solid, add him to the "User Interface" layer and name it "TAP"
… adjust the size
... paint him in the desired color and adjust the position
Add the "Player" object from your library, select the "Circle" collider, turn off the solid and adjust the position
Add the circle from the your library, turn of the solid, select the "Circle" collider, tint him in the desired color.
… name it "Player Collision" and adjust the position
Add the "Target" object from your library, select the "Circle" collider, turn off the solid and adjust the position
Add the circle from the your library, name it "Effects", turn of the solid, tint him in the desired color and add the effects.
Add the "Ring" object from your library, turn off the solid, adjust the size and position
… add the "Rotate" behavior and adjust the settings
Open the "Event Manager" and create the first event
Play the scene
Add the new global variables and adjust the parameters
Add the circle from the your library, name it "Generator", turn of the solid and adjust the position
Add the "Meteor" object from your library, select the "Background" layer, turn off the solid and adjust the size and position
… create for him the new class "Meteor"
… copy the "Meteor" object 6 times and place new objects on the stage.
Create the new events
Play the scene and look result
Add the circle from the your library, name it "Goal Holder", turn of the solid, adjust the size, join the "Target" object and adjust the position.
Add the circle from the your library, name it "Player Rotator", turn of the solid, tint him in the desired color.
… add the "Rotate" and "Join" behaviors and adjust the settings.
… adjust the position.
Add the "Orbit/GIF" object and adjust the parameters.
Create the new events
Play the scene and look result
Add the score label and adjust the parameters
Create the new events
Play scene
Create the new events
Play scene
Activation the Leaderboard and adjust the settings
Open Event Manager and create the latest event
The game is finished)
Brigitte Macron, un débat ridicule, cette attaque dérange Marlene Schiappa - Duration: 1:19.
Aux États-Unis, des manifestations contre le "faux état d'urgence" de Donald Trump - Duration: 2:38.
INTERNATIONAL - "Une fausse urgence nationale": voilà comment les Américains, manifestant le lundi 18 février à Washington DC, qualifient la dernière décision de leur président
En décrétant l'urgence nationale trois jours plus tôt, Donald Trump a mis a exécution une menace qu'il faisait peser sur l'opposition démocrate depuis plusieurs semaines, si le Congrès américain se refusait à financer son fameux mur de séparation avec le Mexique
Comme vous pouvez le découvrir dans la vidéo en tête de cet article, les opposants au président américain voient dans cette décision un abus de pouvoir: rien ne justifie, selon eux, la qualification d'état d'urgence, réservé à une situation exceptionnelle
Un point de vue partagé par 16 États américains, qui ont déposé une plainte devant un tribunal fédéral du Texas pour faire annuler cette décision
Les plaignants remettent en cause le caractère urgent en se fondant sur des données publiées par des ministères ou administrations fédérales, comme les douanes (CBP) qui écrivent que "les entrées illégales sont au plus bas depuis 45 ans"
La plainte avance également que le ministère la Sécurité intérieure a enfreint la loi sur la protection de l'environnement en n'évaluant pas l'impact environnemental du mur en Californie et au Nouveau-Mexique
Le recours contient par ailleurs une demande de suspension en référé de la déclaration d'urgence tant que se poursuit la bataille judiciaire, selon le quotidien Washington Post
Sauf suspension par décision de justice, la déclaration d'urgence nationale devrait permettre à Donald Trump de contourner le Congrès et ainsi de débloquer des fonds fédéraux (notamment destinés au Pentagone) pour construire le mur censé endiguer l'immigration clandestine
Au total, et en comptabilisant les 1,4 milliard de dollars débloqués par le Congrès, il pourrait, selon la Maison Blanche, disposer de quelque 8 milliards pour la réalisation d'une de ses principales promesses de campagne
À voir aussi sur le HuffPost: À voir aussi sur le HuffPost
Phil Neville slams Jose Mourinho in Man Utd rant over Juan Mata and Marcus Rashford - Duration: 2:18.
Manchester United beat Chelsea 2-0 on Monday evening as Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's side advanced to the FA Cup quarter-finals
Phil Neville, who played for United from 1994 until 2005, has praised the changes made by Solskjaer since his appointment in December
"Ole is attacking. He is playing the football that the club demands," Neville told BBC Sport
"If you think of the performances here under Jose Mourinho, Juan Mata and Marcus Rashford were playing left and right-back
"He has changed the whole mentality of the club by playing the way Manchester United should play
" Solskjaer has now won 11 of his 13 games since being appointed caretaker boss, and received high praise from pundits and fans alike
"It was like watching the old Manchester United teams - Ole has got them playing with confidence and belief," Neville added
"It's incredible.Man Utd legend Phil Neville has slammed Jose Mourinho (Image: GETTY)Man Utd beat Chelsea 2-0 on Monday night (Image: GETTY) "If you'd asked me a little while ago whether they could play with confidence and arrogance I'd have said no
But now they are." Alan Shearer is another former player that believes Solskajer should be handed the job on a permanent basis
"It was a no-brainer for United, bringing Solskjaer in," Shearer told the BBC. "The fans loved him
He has changed the mood of the whole football club. Man Utd will face Wolves in quarter-finals (Image: GETTY) "You can tell with the reaction of his players
"They had a disappointment last week [and today he would have said] 'let's see what you have got lads
Do you want me to get the job?' "You saw the result tonight." Next up for United is a trip to Anfield to play Liverpool on Sunday as they look to tighten their grip on the top four
【호시우타*HSUT】 사무라이 하트 (サムライハート/Some Like It Hot!!) . cover - Duration: 3:11.
Web App per Acquisizione Documenti - Your Voice S.p.A. - Duration: 1:04.
(24/24) LET'S PLAY "Neon Genesis Evangelion 2" (PS2): Kaworu [subbed] - Duration: 18:23.
Translation & subtitles by Reichu 2/19/2019
Kaworu-kun, take refuge!
△ Swing Sword ☐ Stab with Prog Knife \ O Attack with Front Kick X Cancel
△ Swing Sword
The time is now...
The Eva Series has gone silent!
Retrieve the Evas and pilots, quickly!
A high energy body is ascending from Terminal Dogma!
It's... got a human shape?
Analysis pattern blue!
It can't be... an Angel?!
No, something else.
It's a person, a human!!
Welcome Home...
Come home, everyone…
And meet each other once again.
The Eva Series should be down, but...
The Eva Series have unleashed their S² engines.
This is phenomologically the same as the first stages of Second Impact!
An anti-A.T. Field is materializing.
The anti-A.T. Field has breached the critical point!
At this rate, individual organisms will be unable to maintain their forms!
And so...,
The Instrumentality of Man was set in motion
As the regrets and hopes of humanity are intertwined,
So that the emptiness between hearts might be filled,
The complementation of minds begins...
Huh? Why am I here?
HOW did I get here...?
Stupid Shinji.
What are you spacing out for?
Asuka...? Misato-san...?
So you're here, Shinji.
Shin-chan... You're always crying, aren't you?
My room...?
Huh? But I'm...
What's wrong, Asuka?
Oh, Asuka.
You seem out of sorts today. What's going on?
Asuka, is something wrong?
If there is, you can tell me...
What's with you today?
Asuka, it's not like you to be so worked up.
Did I not say anything, just now...? [...huh?]
It seems that you did. Am I wrong?
My room?
Pen Pen...?
What the-- Wait, am I at--?!
What am I doing here?
No, that's... how things used--
I'm in... Rei's...
Rei, Rei!!
How'd I... get all the way here?
How did this happen?!
Is that really you?!
What in the world is going on?
What am I doing out here?
Where are you going?
For a walk.
What about you, Mom?
Wha-what happened?!
--What's going on?? [No, Mika Doi as Naoko *is* actually...]
[No, Mika Doi as Naoko *is* actually...]
[ a Ritsuko cutscene that can be triggered...]
--Where are you going, ma'am? [ a Ritsuko cutscene that can be triggered...]
--Where are you going, ma'am? [ setting the Anno A.I. to "Character".]
[ setting the Anno A.I. to "Character".]
[I've never seen it, alas...]
--Where you off to, ma'am? [I've never seen it, alas...]
--Where you off to, ma'am? .
Where are you heading, ma'am?
Where you going?
Where ya headin'?
Wha--?! How did I get here?
Shouldn't I be at the command center?!
Eh? Is this--?
Thanks for giving me a lift.
It was no problem at all.
What's going on? Is that me…?
Won't you come up?
I could at least serve you tea.
Oh, but I should get back today.
I see.
I wonder why I turned down her offer back then.
Such painfully sad eyes...
Still, when she left it at that,
it made me realize that I probably wasn't
the one Misato-san was looking for.
That scared me.
What was that, just now...?
I'm here?!
It won't work out.
They said I'm not good enough.
???: No way, you're gonna quit music...?
That's me…
During my student days...
Me, and...
IMAGE: (...) Contract
--You're gonna debut and play some sweet tunes. (...) Contract
--You're gonna debut and play some sweet tunes. Teruo Kato, Tadamitsu Otsubo
--I'll be cheering you guys on. Teruo Kato, Tadamitsu Otsubo
--I spoke with the office again, Teruo Kato, Tadamitsu Otsubo
--I spoke with the office again, Yoji Uozumi, Mikio Shimaki
--so let's do this together. Yoji Uozumi, Mikio Shimaki
--C'mon, Shigeru… Yoji Uozumi, Mikio Shimaki
--C'mon, Shigeru… Kazuki Anami
Kazuki Anami
--Right, that was the time... [Note: The red stamps on the contract are from...]
--I thought I wanted to play again. [...personal seals (inkan or hanko) that are...]
--And yet I... [...used in Japan instead of signatures.]
I'm in the command center...?
This is Katsuragi's place...
Let me say, I'm certainly not judging anyone.
I'm a fellow sinner, after all.
We'll forget what happened today.
That's what I thought…
Third Impact has begun, hasn\'t it?
Is this the classroom?
Why did I come here?
Horaki-san, let's go home.
...... Huh?
What's this? The hospital?
Oh yeah, my kid sis.
Is my sister okay?
Ayanami... What are you doin' here?
Let's go home.
"Go home"? Hey!
The hell, I can't see a thing.
Big bro, let's get outta here.
C'mon, let's go home.
Kid sis?
I'm at school?
The classroom...?
What did I come *here* for?
Aida-kun, let's go home.
[And I only publish this after 3.0 has been out for years, OH LAWD.]
Er, okay...
People lose their A.T. Fields changing into abiogenetic LCL.
Only their souls stream onward over the surface, as though helplessly adrift.
We cast aside our useless bodies to unify with God.
By our guiding hand is opened the path
by which all life ends and begins anew.
Welcome all... Welcome home.
[For the next part: the "you" Rei is addressing is...]
[...normally a playable character other than Kaworu.]
[In their respective scenarios, they ask Rei where we are.]
We are inside the S² Engine,
the birthplace of the power forever encircling us.
A place where what had once been you intersects with other beings.
See? What used to be you.
All life will turn up here as it passes through...
The ones you called the Angels are all here, as well.
They are with you...
So, they remember their true forms in the end.
Unless they can recognize Lilith, they'll be erased into nothing.
And, Lilith, you do not wish for that.
Am I wrong?
Beginning with the ones around Kaworu, all the red lights on Earth go streaming toward Eva-01.
The human heart can only open up to other people.
My work here is done...
Lilith, is this all right?
I see... So I have your permission?
Thank you, Lilin.
Thank you, for everything you've taught me.
About dreams...
About tears...
About pain...
About serenity...
Everyone is here with you...
Thank You
-Original Work- Gainax Hideaki Anno
-Cast- Shinji Ikari: Megumi Ogata
Rei Ayanami, Yui Ikari: Megumi Hayashibara
Asuka Soryu Langley: Yuko Miyamura
Misato Katsuragi: Kotono Mitsuishi
Gendo Ikari: Fumihiko Tachiki
Kozo Fuyutsuki: Motomu Kiyokawa
Ryoji Kaji: Koichi Yamadera
Kensuke Aida, Kensuke's Papa: Tetsuya Iwanaga
Toji Suzuhara: Tomokazu Seki
Hikari Horaki: Junko Iwao
Maya Ibuki, Toji's Sister: Miki Nagasawa
Ritsuko Akagi: Yuriko Yamaguchi
Shigeru Aoba: Takehito Koyasu
Makoto Hyuga: Hiro Yuki
Kaworu Nagisa: Akira Ishida
Kiel Lorenz: Mugihito
Shiro Tokita: Yoshitada Otsuka
Naoko Akagi: Mika Doi
Intelligence Agent: Tadashi Nagasako
Clerk: Koichi Nagano
Operator (Male): Tokuyoshi Kawashima
Operator (Female): Reiko Takagi
Entertainment Software Publishing Yo Tsukagoshi Tsuyoshi Sue
Alfa System Tetsuya Sasaki
-Design- Yuri Shibamura
-Production Assistant- Tsukino Makoto
-Specifications- Takeshi Sakurai Katsuya Kira
-Specifications- Hiroshi Iwata Mami Sakurai
-Specifications- Susumu Cho
-Programmers- Takeshi Hasegawa Osamu Tagawa
-Programmers- Hiroyuki Hayashibara Masatoshi Fukazawa
-Programmers- Kazuhisa Miyazaki Akiyoshi Kano
-Graphics- Naoya Yamada P-fix Kazuyoshi Takahoshi Fumiko Saruwatari
-Graphics- Rika Kawamoto Takeharu Shima Akiko Oyama Shigeaki Suetsugu
-Graphics- Kenichi Koga Kazutaka Katoku Tomoya Ohara Megumi Ueno
Graphics- Yuki Azuma Emi Akaboshi Ryuichi Saito
-Sound- Takeshi Yoshida Yoichi Shimomura Tatsuya Yasuda
-Debugging- 山内幸典
-Scenario Supervision- Charatechs
-Recording Staff-
[Okay, I'm tired...]
[I'll try to add more of the key staff later]
[Oddly, I don't see any obvious option for who wrote the game's script...]
[Are the writer(s) uncredited under whatever "Charatech" (Scenario Supervision) is?]
[That'd bite...]
-Executive Supervisors- Gainax Hideaki Anno
Charlène de Monaco, ce geste louable pour Caroline de Monaco au chevet de son mari - Duration: 1:13.
Paul Scholes says Man United's chief rivals will always be Liverpool - Duration: 2:54.
Manchester United's prinicpal rivals remain Liverpool despite Manchester City's emergence as a Premier League force, according to Paul Scholes
City have won three Premier League titles since their transformative Abu Dhabi takeover back in 2008, ending United's long-standing dominance in English football's top flight
But Liverpool have improved under Jurgen Klopp and are level on points with City at the top of the table as they try and win a first league title since 1990
Man United fixtures Premier League unless statedFebruary 24 Liverpool (H)February 27 Crystal Palace (A)March 2 Southampton (H)March 6 Paris Saint-Germain (A)Champions League last-16, second legMarch 10 Arsenal (A)March 16 (TBC) Wolves (A)FA Cup sixth round And Scholes, who played 718 matches and scored 155 goals for United, believes the rivalry with Merseyside's reds is stronger than that with Manchester's blues
'I think it's the biggest rivalry in English football,' Scholes told Sky Sports ahead of this Sunday's United vs Liverpool clash at Old Trafford
'In a few years, if Man City carry on the way they are going, that [rivalry] might overtake it a little bit
'United have won 20 English top-flight titles to Liverpool's 18 but the Merseyside club can close the gap this season
'You'd expect the two Manchester teams to have the biggest rivalry, but I don't think it is,' added Scholes
'I think it's the Liverpool-Man United thing, especially with Liverpool trying to get to United's record of league titles
We don't want them to do that.'United vs Liverpool is a big, big game and Liverpool are going really well; so are United
Hopefully they'll beat Liverpool on Sunday.'United go into the match with Liverpool in high spirits having beaten Chelsea 2-0 in the FA Cup fifth round on Monday night to continue their fine form under interim manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
Paul Scholes says Man United's chief rivals will always be Liverpool and not Man City - Duration: 3:04.
Domenica Live: la presunta madre biologica chiede il test del dna a Paola Caruso - Duration: 13:02.
Annuncio Annuncio Oggi, domenica 17 febbraio, è andata in onda Domenica Live, il programma domenicale di Barbara D'Urso, con diversi ospiti tra cui Paola Caruso, il Divino Otelma, Taylor Mega e Silvio Berlusconi
E' possibile rivedere la diretta in streaming, sul canale di Mediaset Ondemad. Domenica Live - diretta tv 18
35 "Ci troviamo in una situazione più grave del 1994. Questi grillini non solo si dichiarano comunisti, ma hanno la più totale impreparazione
I comunisti di allora avevano una formazione, avevano governato regioni e città. Questi non sanno fanno nulla" ha continuato Berlusconi
18.30 Silvio Berlusconi sostiene che attraverso la flax tax, si producono più consumi delle famiglie, più investimenti delle aziende, più posti di lavoro e più soldi nelle casse dello Stato, mettendo in risalto i problemi che da anni ci sono in Sardegna
Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Trame spagnole Una Vita: Ramon caccia di casa Celia, Samuel viene minacciato di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati
Annuncio 18.15 In studio arriva Silvio Berlusconi. In vista della decisione sul processo di Salvini, il presidente annuncia di votare no per il giudizio della magistratura
L'attenzione si sposta sulle problematiche della Sardegna per riattivare il territorio e il lavoro nell'isola italiana
"Credo che si debba intervenire per aumentare i controlli affinché non ci sia del latte che arrivi nella regione da altri paesi con un costo inferiore" ha dichiarato
Per questo, il Presidente sostiene la necessità di introdurre la fiscalità di vantaggio
Argomenti suggeriti per te. Tocca SEGUI per ricevere le ultime notizie. Segui gli argomenti di questo articolo
Anticipazioni Tv Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Barbara D'Urso Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Serie TV Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Gossip Segui + Aggiungi a My Home TV Soap Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Annuncio Le dichiarazioni della presunta madre biologica di Paola Caruso 18
05 Barbara D'Urso rivela l'intervista avuta con la donna e manda in onda un filmato
La presunta madre racconta di aver partorito una bimba all'ospedale S.Anna di Catanzaro, ma la madre le comunica che la bimba è nata morta
Dopo la morte della madre, la donna decide di ritrovare quella bimba e pensa che sia proprio l'ex bonas di Avanti un Altro
"Paola, io sono la tua vera mamma. Vorrei abbracciarti e darti un bacio. Se vuoi vivere una vita con me, io non ti toglierò niente
Io non ti ho abbandonata" ha dichiarato la donna. Ignari sono anche gli altri due figli della donna che hanno saputo il tutto solo nello scorso natale
Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Trame spagnole Una Vita: salto temporale di 10 anni, arrivano nuovi attori come Maria Gracia di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati
Annuncio Infine sostiene di voler fare il test del dna. Anche Paola è favorevole al test per vedere se è davvero la sua vera madre
Inoltre decide di vederla dietro le quinte, senza la presenza delle telecamere, perché la presunta madre non vuole apparire in televisione
18.00 Si passa a Paola Caruso. La conduttrice rivela di aver parlato con la madre biologica
La donna sostiene di essere lei la madre che dopo il parto ha saputo che la neonata non era più in vita
La donna, inoltre, ha avuto questa bambina con un noto calciatore di quell'epoca
Il Talk show dedicato all'Isola dei Famosi 17.55 Il Mago rivela di aver scritto una lettera dopo i 9 punti in testa in Honduras, ma l'argomento sarà approfondito un'altra volta 17
45 Torna in tv il Divino Otelma e si riconcilia con Francesca Cipriani dopo l'incidente al reality show
Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Anticipazioni Una Vita: Rosina fa riavere la sartoria a Susana di Federica Emmanuele Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati
L'uomo ha dovuto infatti mettere ben 9 punti sulla testa dopo la caduta. 17.35 Un video per raccontare la giornata tipo di Taylor
"Io faccio l'influencer marketing, lavoro con la mia immagine per interagire con i miei follower" spiega la modella alla domanda su come riesce a permettersi tutto questo lusso
Vladimir Luxuria la accusa per la troppa ostentazione sul mostrare oggetti così costosi
17.30 In studio si parla della polemica sulla necessità di un milione di euro al mese per Taylor Mega
"Sono stata criticata per ambire a un milione di euro al mese. Che male c'è?" ha risposto
L'attenzione si sposta sull'orologio al suo polso molto costoso. Antonella Mosetti la difende
"Io sono partita dal niente. I miei genitori non mi hanno mai dato niente. Sono uscita di casa e ho fatto tutto io" ha continuato Taylor
17.25 Inizia la nuova puntata di Domenica Live. Barbara D'Urso saluta il pubblico e i telespettatori
Si parte dal talk show sull'Isola de Famosi con Taylor Mega, Francesca Cipriani, Guendalina Tavassi, Eva Henger, Vladimir Luxuria, Antonella Mosetti e Daniele Interrante
Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Un posto al sole, anticipazioni dal 25/2 all'1 marzo: Franco aggredito brutalmente di Antonietta Canale Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati
Domenica Live, cosa vedremo nella puntata di oggi In studio ritornerà Paola Caruso, a poche settimane dalla nascita del primogenito Michele
L'ex bonas di Avanti un Altro, si ritroverà per la prima volta a faccia a faccia con la sua madre biologica
Sarà un momento davvero emozionante, dopo tutti questi anni di separazione tra le due
Già qualche settimana fa, durante Pomeriggio Cinque, la D'Urso annunciava di aver parlato con la presunta madre e l'intervista sarà mandata in onda questo pomeriggio
Inoltre la donna avrebbe confermato di volersi sottoporre al test di dna, per provare che è proprio lei la madre di Paola Caruso
Inoltre ci sarà il consueto talk show dedicato al reality show "L'isola dei Famosi"
In studio arriverà il Divino Otelma con una busta choc. Il mago ha catturato l'attenzione dei media per la caduta a causa della spinta di Francesca Cipriani durante la prova ricompensa
Mentre le sue condizioni di salute sono stabili, molto probabilmente oggi assisteremo al primo confronto con la Cipriani
Dal canale Anticipazioni Tv Bufera all'Isola dei Famosi, su twitter accusano: 'Aiutano Soleil a vincere' di Sabina Nana Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv Segui il Canale Anticipazioni Tv per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Anticipazioni Tv ed interagire con una community di appassionati
Ultimo spazio di Domenica Live dedicato a Silvio Berlusconi. Blasting News lavora con l'Unione Europea nella lotta contro le fake news Questo articolo è stato verificato con: https://www https://www
shtml Chiedi la correzione di questo articolo Valuta il titolo di questa notizia
Cardi B Says She's 'Disappointed' In Jussie Smollett: He 'F***ed Up Black History Month' If He Lied - Duration: 6:19.
六代機加速血拚,美曝出驚人的可能性,未來制空權究竟花落誰家? - Duration: 13:56.
義大利空軍裝備的F-35A 數月前
六代機 這不
六代機 可以預見的是
那麼未來制空權究竟花落誰家呢? 據美國高級技術專家奧斯本表示
善用陌刀的大將李嗣業…… 這些大將在西域不僅維持著唐帝國在西域的統治力
Affaire Mathieu Gallet: la chute d'un homme à la carrière fulgurante - Duration: 6:12.
Apex Legends Nasıl Birinci Olunur ? - Apex Legends Taktikleri Bölüm #2 - Apex Legends Nasıl Oynanır? - Duration: 11:12.
CHELSEA DAGGERS Hudson-Odoi gives Sarri 'daggers' from Chelsea bench after youngster isn't used agai - Duration: 3:35.
CALLUM HUDSON-ODOI looks fed up with Maurizio Sarri after being snubbed in Chelsea's 2-0 FA Cup defeat to Manchester United
The Blues youngster, who was blocked from joining Bayern Munich in January, was an unused substitute last night
Sarri instead bizarrely brought on right-back Davide Zappacosta for Cesar Azpilicueta with eight minutes to go
A picture of Hudson-Odoi giving his boss "daggers" has since gone viral. Martin Keown branded Sarri "stupid" for the dodgy sub
The Arsenal legend, co-commentating on BBC, said: "He's [Hudson-Odoi] probably wondering isn't he
"I mean they're two goals down and he's put a defender on. "Is it a politcal move from the manager because it's a stupid one if it is
" Chelsea fans, who chanted "f*** Sarri-ball" and "you're getting sacked in the morning", felt for Hudson-Odoi, who has played just 19 minutes of football this month
One tweeted: "If looks could kill!" Another said: "I wonder why he wants to leave? 🤔" Sarri says he has never experienced chants of "f*** Sarr-ball", but insists he is not worried about their reaction
He said: "No, I am worried about the results. Not about the fans. "I can understand the situation and our fans, because the result wasn't really good
We are out of the FA Cup, so I can understand our fans. "But I am worried at the moment about our results
" SunSport exclusively revealed Zinedine Zidane wants the Chelsea manager job - if the club match his terms and ambition
He wants £200million plus sales from players to spend on a new squad, which could include the likes of Isco, Mauro Icardi and Kalidou Koulibaly
Maurizio Sarri hails Callum Hudson-Odoi and confirms the teenager will stay at Chelsea beyond the summer transfer window
TVG防災動画 命てんでんこ ♯3首都直下地震に向けて (2019年2月3日放送) - Duration: 2:31.
Άλλη μία εκπομπή του Alpha σταμάταει μετά το "Τί λέει;" | News | - Duration: 0:46.
Ο Χρήστος Φερεντίνος και το επιτυχημένο τηλεπαιχνίδι του Alpha "Deal", έχει αποδείξει πως είναι μία από τις αγαπημένες συνήθειες των τηλεθεατών
Ωστόσο, σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες της Reallife, ο ALPHA, ήδη αναζητεί το διάδοχο πρόγραμμα -πιθανότατα νέο τηλεπαιχνίδι- που θα αντικαταστήσει το «Deal» στην απογευματινή ζώνη την προσεχή σεζόν
Την ίδια στιγμή, οι ιθύνοντες του καναλιού δηλώνουν απολύτως ικανοποιημένοι από τον Χρήστο Φερεντίνο, ο οποίος θα παραμείνει στον ALPHA, καθώς προορίζεται να αναλάβει το νέο τηλεοπτικό project του σταθμού!
Το ζευγάρι της ελληνικής showbiz έκλεισε 36 χρόνια γάμου | Weddings | - Duration: 1:34.
Επέτειος γάμου για ένα από τα πιο αγαπημένα ζευγάρια της ελληνικής showbiz. O λόγος για τη Λένα Μαντά και τον σύζυγό της, Γιώργο
Η γνωστή συγγραφέας και ο σύζυγός της έκλεισαν 36 χρόνια γάμου, ενώ μαζί έχουν αποκτήσει δυο παιδιά
Έναν γιο 33 ετών και μια κόρη 28 ετών. Η Λένα Μαντά θέλησε να γιορτάσει την επέτειο του γάμου τους με μια κοινή φωτογραφία που δημοσίευσε στο Instagram με τον σύζυγό της, στη λεζάντα της οποίας έγραψε: «36 χρόνια πριν ξεκινούσαμε
Πολύ νέοι, πολύ άπειροι αλλά γεμάτοι αγάπη και όνειρα. 36 χρόνια μετά συνεχίζουμε
Ώριμοι, έμπειροι με πολύ αγάπη και ευτυχισμένοι που τα όνειρα έγιναν πραγματικότητα
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