Some words with the English /aɪ/ gliding vowel are quite challenging
for a lot of Vietnamese people,
so let's learn to make this sound accurately.
The /aɪ/ sound has two parts:
a starting /a/ sound and an ending /ɪ/ sound,
and you have to pronounce BOTH the /a/ and then the /ɪ/
to make sure that foreigners don't misunderstand you.
The /aɪ/ in itself is not difficult for Vietnamese people,
so they can say words like "bye", "tie" and "my" correctly.
However, when the /aɪ/ is followed by a consonant,
Vietnamese forget to say the /ɪ/ sound and they only say the /a/ sound.
Let's look at the example word "time".
This word has four sounds:
/t/, /a/, /ɪ/ and /m/:
So after the /a/ sound
we cannot immediately jump to the /m/ sound,
we have to say the /ɪ/ first.
After the /a/ sound, the lips do not close immediately,
but the jaw and the tongue move up,
and the tongue touches the upper teeth on the sides to make the /ɪ/ sound,
before the mouth closes completely for the /m/ sound.
Since we have to say this /ɪ/ vowel as well
and because we need some time to move our jaw and tongue from the bottom /a/ position to the upper /ɪ/ position,
the /aɪ/ cannot be said as a short sound.
Compare the /aɪ/ sound to the /ʌ/ sound:
the /aɪ/ is longer and the jaw and tongue are moving while you are saying it,
whereas the /ʌ/ is shorter and the mouth doesn't move during the sound:
short /ʌ/ - gliding /aɪ/ - short /ʌ/ - gliding /aɪ/
Therefore, when practicing the /aɪ/ sound,
focus on the /ɪ/ part and how your tongue comes up
and touches your upper teeth in the back,
before your mouth closes completely for the /m/ sound:
Here are some words with the /aɪ/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with the correct /aɪ/ sound.
Remember that the /aɪ/ is not a short sound
and that you need to say the /ɪ/ sound after the /a/ sound.
So it's NOT /tʌm/, it's "time" and
it's NOT /tʌ:m/, it's "time".
If you find it difficult to say the /aɪ/ correctly in these words
and if you hear that you miss the /ɪ/ part of /aɪ/,
then first try saying the words without the final consonant
and feel your tongue coming up on the /ɪ/ sound.
When you can do this well,
only then add the final consonant,
but first put a little gap between the /aɪ/ and the final consonant
and then gradually take away this gap:
Don't forget to use a mirror to check
that after the /a/ sound your tongue and jaw move up to make the /ɪ/ sound.
Pause now.
For more infomation >> Bài #16 (3a/9) - Âm /aɪ/: Phát âm đúng & ví dụ (EN) - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 5:19.-------------------------------------------
Bhula Diya - Darshan Raval | Valentine Special | Part 2 | Latest Hit Song 2019 | Heart Junction - Duration: 3:10.
ニュース かつては"お荷物"…山下智久が引き寄せた仕事運と信頼 - Duration: 2:27.
石原さとみと 関係も精算( )日刊ゲンダ 2月 1日(現地時 2月10日) 音楽業界最高 の「グラミー 」の様子がW WOWで放送 れた。「ne s zero (日本テレビ )のキャスタ を務める嵐の 井翔(37) 現地でリポー し、他の嵐の ンバーも"お び"で授賞式 見学したこと 一部で大きく り上げられて るが、今回の 主役"が山下 久(33)だ たことを忘れ はいけない
昨年まで番組 ペシャルゲス を務めた「T KIO」の長 智也からバト タッチ。山下 ジョン・カビ 、ホラン千秋 ともに米・ロ ンゼルスの人 名所「ステー ルズ・センタ 」から生中継 た
レディー・ ガやマイリー サイラスら参 者が歩いて会 入りしたレッ カーペットで 山下と桜井の 絡み"も実現 確かにこれは 結構レアなシ ンといえるが そこに今回の ラミー賞で3 門にノミネー された世界的 音楽プロデュ サーのゼッド 29)が乱入 る場面もあっ
ゼッドは20 2年10月に 表した「クラ ティ」で一躍 国の音楽シー を席巻。アリ ナ・グランデ フィーチャー た「ブレーク リー」は世界 ヒットとなっ 。安室奈美恵 プロデュース も知られる
小S勸粉絲不能放棄夢想,還拿胡蘿蔔搞怪,粉絲:這是又喝多了? - Duration: 3:35.
Orlando Bloom Gave Katy Perry and Ex-Wife Miranda Kerr Eerily Similar Engagement Rings - US News - Duration: 3:10.
One trick pony? 's taste in engagement rings is under fire now that the jewelry he gave to fiancée and his ex-wifehas been compared
The Pirates of the Caribbean star42proposed to the supermodel35in June 2010. Her ring featured a single stone in the middle surrounded by smaller diamonds
The flower-shaped statement piece was attached to a yellow gold band. Meanwhilethe 34-year-old pop star's ring from the actor is also bloom-shapedthough the flower connotation is more pronounced than Kerr's was
The pink center stone is offset by eight littler diamonds and finished off with a yellow gold band
"This one-of-a-kind ruby or a vivid pink ring appears to be approximately two carats and is surrounded by eight half-carat diamonds that accentuate this precious gem," Ritani vice president and diamond expert Josh Marion told Us Weekly of the Grammy nominee's rock
"I would insure this ring for at least a half a million dollarsif it's truly a ruby
If it's a vivid pink diamondit would be worth around $5 million." FurthermorePerry's new bling bears a striking resemblance to and 's engagement rings
As Marion pointed outthe floral pattern "is a symbol of high-society and royalty
It is a vintagetraditional British look." The Brit and the songstress got engaged on Valentine's Day
The couple announced the happy news the next day with Instagram posts that showed off the sparkler
"Lifetimes," Bloom wrotewhile Perry captioned her pic: "Full bloom." The Lord of the Rings actor was married to Kerr from 2010 to 2013
They share son Flynn8. The Victoria's Secret Angel moved on with whom she wed in May 2017
The couple welcomed son Hart in May 2018. For her partPerry was previously married to from 2010 to 2012
He reportedly proposed to the singer in 2009 with a five-carat pink-diamond Cartier ring after three months of datingbut she exchanged it for a three-carat Cartier solitaire diamond ring
Bài #16 (3a/9) - Âm /aɪ/: Phát âm đúng & ví dụ (EN) - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 5:19.
Some words with the English /aɪ/ gliding vowel are quite challenging
for a lot of Vietnamese people,
so let's learn to make this sound accurately.
The /aɪ/ sound has two parts:
a starting /a/ sound and an ending /ɪ/ sound,
and you have to pronounce BOTH the /a/ and then the /ɪ/
to make sure that foreigners don't misunderstand you.
The /aɪ/ in itself is not difficult for Vietnamese people,
so they can say words like "bye", "tie" and "my" correctly.
However, when the /aɪ/ is followed by a consonant,
Vietnamese forget to say the /ɪ/ sound and they only say the /a/ sound.
Let's look at the example word "time".
This word has four sounds:
/t/, /a/, /ɪ/ and /m/:
So after the /a/ sound
we cannot immediately jump to the /m/ sound,
we have to say the /ɪ/ first.
After the /a/ sound, the lips do not close immediately,
but the jaw and the tongue move up,
and the tongue touches the upper teeth on the sides to make the /ɪ/ sound,
before the mouth closes completely for the /m/ sound.
Since we have to say this /ɪ/ vowel as well
and because we need some time to move our jaw and tongue from the bottom /a/ position to the upper /ɪ/ position,
the /aɪ/ cannot be said as a short sound.
Compare the /aɪ/ sound to the /ʌ/ sound:
the /aɪ/ is longer and the jaw and tongue are moving while you are saying it,
whereas the /ʌ/ is shorter and the mouth doesn't move during the sound:
short /ʌ/ - gliding /aɪ/ - short /ʌ/ - gliding /aɪ/
Therefore, when practicing the /aɪ/ sound,
focus on the /ɪ/ part and how your tongue comes up
and touches your upper teeth in the back,
before your mouth closes completely for the /m/ sound:
Here are some words with the /aɪ/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with the correct /aɪ/ sound.
Remember that the /aɪ/ is not a short sound
and that you need to say the /ɪ/ sound after the /a/ sound.
So it's NOT /tʌm/, it's "time" and
it's NOT /tʌ:m/, it's "time".
If you find it difficult to say the /aɪ/ correctly in these words
and if you hear that you miss the /ɪ/ part of /aɪ/,
then first try saying the words without the final consonant
and feel your tongue coming up on the /ɪ/ sound.
When you can do this well,
only then add the final consonant,
but first put a little gap between the /aɪ/ and the final consonant
and then gradually take away this gap:
Don't forget to use a mirror to check
that after the /a/ sound your tongue and jaw move up to make the /ɪ/ sound.
Pause now.
Breast Self-Exam: Steps on How to Perform a Self-Exam Screening Tutorial - Duration: 8:04.
Ok, look…
I know what you're thinking…
where's my watch
k, I took it off when I was changing
Oh, these?
These are fake breasts.
See last month my mother said to me
"Ay, Stef..."
"you should do a video on self-exams"
"for the breast, ya know?"
and I said, "Ma!"
"Don't ever breasts in front of me again…"
"and stop always being right."
Since then... a friend told me she found a lump in her breast
doing a self-exam in the shower
and then Breast Cancer Awareness Month rolls around
So here I am
flashing the masses
to take you
through a Breast Self-Examination
you can do in the privacy of your own home
and not with thousands of people watching
like I'm about to.
First off:
If you're not familiar with your breasts by now…
Ya gotta be…
However old you are
start getting to know them now.
Otherwise you don't know if somethings new
or if it's been there since birth.
OK, I'm guilty of this too I'm so oblivious sometimes
my doc could be like
"You know you have a full-grown tail dragging behind you?"
and I'd be like...
"What color?"
These are important things to know
Because breast cancer kills more women around the world
than any other cancer out there.
I know people both personally and professionally
that have done an exam like this
and was able to follow up with their healthcare provider
and identify cancer early on, which may have or did
save their life.
So, start being your own hero here
and maybe save your own life.
Be sure to share this with friends, colleagues, loved ones, or anyone
and maybe save theirs…
How awesome is that?
Real quick let's cover some of the day to day things you can do
that are said to help lower your risk
of developing breast cancer.
Number one:
Be active, and eat healthy.
This will help you maintain a good weight.
That is very important.
Number two:
Drinks and stinks!
I mean alcohol and cigarettes ok.
We got a no-no going with those two.
They're toxins.
They're bad for your body.
And we're starting to care about our bodies
and the things we put into it, right?
Try to stay out of polluted areas
and avoid exposure to radiation unless it's necessary.
Then last, but not least…
is breastfeeding.
Go figure!
And not only are they thinking breastfeeding can help
prevent breast cancer…
The longer you breastfeed, the more you're getting out of it.
And on that topic
if you are breastfeeding you absolutely can do self-exams.
Your breasts are gonna be a lot different than before you got pregnant
and you may feel more lumps
that might come and go
that might be normal.
But if a lump is persistent it warrants further evaluation
so, if you have any concern during your self-exam
consult with your healthcare provider.
k so how often are we checking our breasts?
We check our outfits in the mirror every day…
We check the expiration dates on our milk…
Shoot the average American
is checking their phone
every 12 minutes.
Now granted... we do want to look good for our jobs.
We don't want stomach aches from sour milk.
And god-forbid we miss Kelly's Facebook memory
of taking a selfie from five years ago.... k?
I'm just playing Kelly.
It was a good selfie.
Duck-face was in back then, don't let them bring you down.
How often are we checking our breasts
So if you're watching this on your phone
If not--
Put me on your phone
Prop me up against a mirror
so we can go through this together
and you can start doing these periodically
on your own.
Now to be clear
this self-examination is not a substitute for any other
diagnostic study or exam done by a trained professional.
but it's a start…
at the very least…
to get you familiar with your breasts.
Which is what we want to do.
If you're already having breast pain, nipple tenderness or discharge
with no other explanation
or any apparent changes you've noticed in your breasts
you should have an appointment with your healthcare provider scheduled already.
So if you don't
make one happen.
But again, this is a demonstration of a breast self-examination
based on my research from several credible sources
and compiled into a succinct and effective method
Let's begin.
You're gonna start by looking in the mirror with your arms down like so
look at your breasts thoroughly.
what you're looking for is irregularity,
and if you come across any during this exam
descriptively write them down.
This is for your healthcare provider
and for you to keep track of any changes
that might be occurring in the future.
and when I say irregularities
I don't mean you've got one inverted nipple and it's always been that way
what you're looking for is irregularities and inconsistencies
with how your breasts have always been
so when we examine them
we're looking for changes.
any new dimpling anywhere on the breast?
which might look like little dents.
New dimples on your breast?
Not good.
Mark it down.
Look at the texture and the pigmentation of the skin all around
turn to each side
anything look different?
now raise your hands over your head like you got two questions for me
ok one: where did I get the fake breasts?
and two: why am I so comfortable wearing them?
and the answers are simply Amazon, and…
I don't know I'm still trying to figure that one out myself…
Alright, if you have large enough breasts where you can't see underneath,
use your other hand to lift the breast up and examine the underside
front and side views
ok dimples, colors, texture
repeat for the opposite breast
now face the mirror again to get hands on
an option to use something like baby oil might help
in both seeing and feeling for irregularities
lots of women perform the self-exams in the shower
ok it's a convenient place
it's private
and that soapy water kind of acts like the oil would
it's also widely recommended to do
the hands-on part of the exam lying on your back
sometimes with a pillow
underneath your shoulder, to prop you up
because it'll make your breast flatter
and easier to feel for irregularities.
for the purpose of this demonstration I'm gonna remain standing…
and without oil!
it's not funny…
it's not--
but the instructions are the same in the shower
in front of the mirror, or lying down.
once again raise your arm above your head
and with the opposite hand
take three fingers together,
for a larger surface area than just one.
use the flat surface at the end of them
to press into the breast
starting at the bend of the arm
Pretty high up right?
well the breast tissue can extend all the way up to the armpit
and what we're gonna do is move up and down the breast
and in each area, use small circular motions
now in terms of pressure it's suggested
not too much... not too little
how vague is that?
we're gonna use a clearer and more thorough approach
first, we're gonna go gently…
then, with moderate pressure…
then finally deeper into the breast.
When we're done with that section we move on…
all the way up to the clavicle,
this bone right here.
now remember you do have a ribcage underneath these breasts
so keep that in mind as you may feel that
however if you feel any lumps or nodules, which can be firm
and feel kind of attached underneath
lots of people say they can feel like a pebble
or a bean, or kernel of corn
write it down
Also remember, the breast tissue
ain't like the silicone stuff I got on here
it's got its own feel which honestly can feel inconsistent
all throughout
so if you're moving along and you're thinking…
"wait a minute..."
"...think I feel something…"
Get into another position
and see if it's still there
A mass or a lump will likely still be palpable
as it was when you first noticed it
also note any swelling
especially in the area under the arm
where you got lymph nodes.
Swelling, hardening, or tenderness
should be reported to your healthcare provider.
Repeat until you've examined the entirety of the breast.
and then we're gonna do a once around the breast,
starting at the armpit, and rounding back underneath.
after that we're gonna press into, and around the nipple from different angles
noting any discharge, lumps, raised areas, or any other changes in the skin
Ok, some of this may be normal
but some of it may not.
So, it's important to clear it with your healthcare provider.
Once covered
repeat this process
on the other side.
and just like that…
baddabing baddaboobs!
We're done!
But, when should you be doing these exams
and how often should you be doing it?
Most sources suggest to check once a month
when you're least sensitive
which I'm told is typically one week out from the start of your menstrual cycle
But everyone's bodies different so I'll leave that up to you to figure out
and if you don't get your periods...
just pick a day every month.
and as far as remembering these self-exams…
ME: "Remind me to do a breast self-examination"
ME: "once every month."
BAE: "Ok"
BAE: "I've created a recurring reminder."
and that's how you're not gonna forget to do it.
But what about us fellas, ok?
We got breasts, too right?
We can even lactate ladies, did ya know that?
We got the tissue, milk ducts, and hormones for it at least.
But breast cancer wise…
A lot less likely than women…
and more than nine out of ten times
it's found at an early stage of breast cancer
It commonly presents as a hard mass
right below the areola
but as always just because you hear the words "less likely"
does not mean you don't have to bother, ok?
Everybody's body is different.
And we're all responsible for our own.
So, I don't care if someone tells you not to bother or worry about it,
advocate for yourself.
Because I wouldn't have some people still in my life,
if they didn't.
That's it for me today!
I'm knocking ou-
Clocking out…
...they keep sagging on me.
トランプ氏「アベが私をノーベル平和賞に推薦」発言 日本政府関係者は「答えられない」 - Duration: 1:38.
古川宗、ワシン トン高本耕太 】トランプ米 大統領は15 日、北朝鮮と の緊張緩和を 理由に「安倍 晋三首相から ノーベル平和 賞に推薦され た」と明らか にした。 日本 政府関係者は 毎日新聞の取 材に「両首脳 のやりとりに 関わる話であ り、答えられ ない」として 事実確認を避 けたが、別の政府関係者からは「驚いた」との声も上がった。
「安倍首相か ら、彼がノー ベル賞委員会 に送ったすば らしい書簡の 写しを渡され た。 『日本を 代表しあなた を平和賞に推 薦する』との ことだった」。 トランプ氏 のこの発言は 15日にホワ イトハウスで 行った記者会 見で飛び出し た。
トランプ氏は 推薦理由を「 日本上空をロ ケットやミサ イルが飛ばな くなり、警報 も鳴らなくな ったからだ。 日本国民は安 心を感じてい る。 私のおか げだ」と説明。 安倍首相の 推薦状につい て「最も美し い5ページの 手紙だ」と上 機嫌で語る一 方、「自分が 受賞すること はないだろう」と予測した。
米紙ワシント ン・ポスト電 子版は「日本 の安倍首相が 本当にトラン プ氏を推薦し たのか?」と 疑問視するコ ラムニストの 記事を掲載。 韓国の文在寅 (ムン・ジェ イン)大統領 が昨年4月に 「ノーベル賞 はトランプ大 統領が受賞し なければなら ない」と発言 したことに触 れ、「トランプ氏は安倍首相と文大統領を取り違えたと推測する評論家もいる」と伝えた
Actualité TV - Le baiser manqué de cet homme en direct à la télé fait le tour des réseaux sociaux ( - Duration: 1:21.
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend to Take on the 'Vanderpump Rules' Cast on 'Family Feud' - Live News - Duration: 2:56.
Bring it on! revealed on Friday, February 15, that she and husband are competing against the cast of Vanderpump Rules on an episode of Family Feud, and she's just a little bit excited about it
"Breaking: john and I are taping family feud against the cast of F—KING @PUMPRules Sunday!!!!" the 33-year-old tweeted on Friday, adding that her mom, Vilailuck Teigen, sister, Tina Teigen, and one of Legend's brothers will make up the rest of her team
The full Pump Rules lineup hasn't been revealed, but shared the model's tweet and wrote, "MY FAVORITE SHOW WITH MY FAVORITE PEOPLE
" also shared the message, writing, "I'm so friggin excited." And and retweeted Teigen's post
Teigen then hinted that her team might be in a bit of trouble, as her mom stumbled badly as she tried to answer a couple of practice questions
"Oh my god, we're f—king f—ked," Teigen could be heard moaning in a video she posted on Friday night
"I'm bailing," she captioned a second video. A fan then commented that Maloney and Madix "have a good shot," prompting Madix to respond, "I watch every day so if I mess up, it'll be a waste of a literal lifetime of practice
" "So does my mom so I'm gonna go ahead and just hand you guys the win right now," Teigen replied
"I think I've built it up too much in my mind," Madix added. Teigen is a self-confessed Pump Rules fan
Earlier this week she and Legend, 40, visited Schwartz and 's new L.A. bar. "FINALLY AT TOMTOM," she captioned a photo kissing her husband in front of a shot of the restaurateurs puckering up
Her love for all things Pump Rules goes back a long way — in May 2015 she visited Lisa Vanderpump's SUR restaurant and hung out with Taylor, Maloney, Schwartz and
A year later she joked on Twitter that she was going to "start hanging out in the alley of SUR, sitting on the abandoned motorcycle just to watch pump rules live
Katy Perry's Pink Engagement Ring From Orlando Bloom Could Be Worth Upwards of $6 Million - Live Ne - Duration: 3:40.
She said yes! took to Instagram on Thursday, February 14 (a.k.a. Valentine's Day) to share the news that they are engaged,the actor proposed with a pretty pink flower-inspired engagement ring that seems perfectly in keeping with the "Roar" singer's whimsical style
"Full bloom" is how the Grammy nominee captioned a sweet Instagram post of herher husband to be posing with the sparkler
The romantic snap shows off the bling's floral quality, which includes a center pink gem surrounded by eight petal-like diamonds set in yellow gold
Celebrity Engagement Rings of 2019: See All the DiamondsBling So what's it worth? Well, that depends on who you ask
There is currently speculation as to whether the center stone is a diamond or ruby, which would dramatically change its value
If it is a vivid pink diamond surrounded by a halo of round white diamonds as the experts at JamesAllen
com speculate, the ring could be worth $6 million. But if it's a ruby, estimates put the value more in the $300,000 to $500,000 range
"This one-of-a-kind ruby or a vivid pink ring appears to be approximately two caratsis surrounded by eight half-carat diamonds that accentuate this precious gem," Josh Marion, a 20-year diamond expertvice president of online jeweler Ritani, tells Us
"I would insure this ring for at least a half a million dollars, if it's truly a ruby
If it's a vivid pink diamond, it would be worth around $5 million." Celebrity Engagement Rings by Carat Size Regardless, Marion says the style is perfectly in keeping with the preferences of a modern bride
"This custom engagement ring looks like a firework or a red rose in full bloom that sparkles from every angle," he says
"Further, the custom floral pattern trend is backis a symbol of high-societyroyalty
It is a vintage, traditional British look." So British, in fact, that both have similarly designed engagement rings
proposed to Duchess Kate with 's diamondblue sapphire sparkler, while proposed to Eugenie with a blush-colored padparadscha sapphire surrounded by diamonds
'Bachelor''Bachelorette' Engagement Rings Through the Years Pink diamond versus ruby debate aside, there is no denying Perry's sparkler is a teenage dream (see what we did there?!) come true
For all the inside details on the biggest celebrity storiesscoop this week, subscribe to our new podcast "Us Weekly's Hot Hollywood" below!
Venezuela: Maduro envisage un "déploiement" militaire à la frontière colombienne - Duration: 8:07.
Syrie: l'EI piégé dans ses tunnels, les jours du "califat" sont comptés - Duration: 9:03.
Actualité TV - Audiences TV : le réveillon plombe les scores des chaînes, TF1 leader sous les 2 mil - Duration: 3:42.
Nigeria: déception et colère après le report surprise des élections - Duration: 8:14.
✅ O presidente da Câmara dos Deputados tenta manter o auxílio-mudança para os deputados federais ree - Duration: 3:41.
O presidente da Câmara dos Deputados, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), tenta reverter decisão judicial que o proibiu de pagar uma ajuda de custo de R$ 33,7 mil para deputados reeleitos
O chamado auxílio-mudança, equivalente a um salário a mais, é pago a todos os 513 parlamentares tanto no início como no fim de cada mandato
No entanto, o juiz federal Pedro Esperanza Sudário, da Justiça Federal de Sergipe, manteve a restrição imposta ao Congresso para que não seja realizado o pagamento do auxílio aos deputados e também aos senadores que foram reeleitos — e que, por tabela, não teriam gastos com mudança de cidade
Maia disse que vai recorrer da decisão. Conforme mostrou o jornal O Estado de S
Paulo em novembro passado, a Câmara e o Senado estimavam pagar cerca de R$ 20 milhões para o auxílio a 298 parlamentares reeleitos
No caso destes, eles teriam direito a receber quase R$ 70 mil cada, pois acumulariam o auxílio do fim do mandato anterior com o do início do novo
Desde então, 24 parlamentares informaram que iriam abrir mão do benefício
Antecipação O pagamento do auxílio referente ao fim do mandato foi antecipado por Maia em dezembro, enquanto ainda estava em campanha pela reeleição à presidência da Câmara
O benefício é tradicionalmente pago em 31 de janeiro, quando acaba a Legislatura, mas foi depositado no dia 28 de dezembro na conta dos parlamentares
Na ocasião, não havia qualquer decisão da Justiça impedindo o pagamento
Já o pagamento para todos os parlamentares eleitos em outubro, segundo a reportagem apurou, está previsto para ser feito ainda neste mês
Para os reeleitos, porém, isso ainda depende de decisão judicial. Justiça A ação que contesta o pagamento na Justiça Federal de Sergipe foi aberta com base na reportagem do Estado que apontou o pagamento até mesmo para quem já morava em Brasília
Antes, o juiz Alexandre Henry Alves, de Ituiutaba (MG), já havia proibido e fixado uma multa de R$ 2 mil por pagamento considerado irregular efetuado a cada deputado ou senador
A União entrou com recurso no TRF-1 (Tribunal Regional Federal da 1ª Região) para derrubar a decisão de Ituiutaba, mas o próprio juiz Alexandre Henry Alves declinou a competência do caso — isso porque uma ação popular sobre o mesmo tema foi apresentada antes na 2ª Vara Federal de Sergipe, o que atraiu para ela a análise de pedidos similares em todo o País
Pela decisão da Justiça Federal de Sergipe, deputados federais que já vivem em Brasília e que viraram senadores, ou vice-versa, também não podem receber o auxílio-mudança
Em sua decisão, o juiz ainda elevou para R$ 5 mil o valor da multa por pagamento irregular efetuado a cada parlamentar
Benefícios Pelas regras em vigor, além do auxílio-mudança, os deputados também têm direito a receber verba de gabinete para contratação de pessoal (no valor de R$ 78 mil), auxílio-moradia (de R$ 3
800) e cota parlamentar (cujo valor varia de R$ 30,7 mil a R$ 45,6 mil, dependendo do Estado de origem do parlamentar)
Quando o auxílio-mudança passou a valer, em fevereiro de 2015, diversos deputados reeleitos e proprietários de imóveis na cidade receberam a ajuda, identificada na folha de pagamento coma rubrica "vantagem indenizatória"
A Câmara admite que deve rever o decreto e reavaliar os critérios de concessão deste benefício, "a fim de torná-los mais claros e restritivos", mas não deu prazo para quando essas mudanças devem acontecer e nem informou o que poderia ser alterado
As informações são do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo. auxílio-mudançadeputados reeleitosrodrigo maia
8ch DB25(DSUB) Breakout cable TASCAM PINOUT complete making walkthrough - Duration: 30:02.
DB25 soket and stabilizer
Tinned every 25 contact
One two check
One two check
One two check
One two check
One two check
1 2 check 1 2, check 1 2 2 2 10
1 2. Check 1 2 2 2 check
One two check one two check
one two check
all set perfect
2/16/19 10:17 AM (245 Prior Ave N, St Paul, MN 55104, USA) - Duration: 12:40.
Meghan Royals Es - Fanáticos descubrieron pistas en la primera imagen de "Star Wars: Episodio IX" d - Duration: 4:40.
J.J. Abrams, el director de la próxima entrega de Star Wars, "Episodio IX", compartió en twitter una imagen de la película para anunciar que terminó por fin la fase de rodaje
"Parecía imposible, pero hoy hemos acabado el rodaje del Episodio IX. No hay una forma adecuada de agradecer a este equipo y reparto mágicos
Estaré siempre en deuda con ustedes" escribió junto a la fotografía el director. En el cuadro que subió a la red social, aparecen abrazados en medio de un paraje desértico los tres actores protagonistas: Daisy Ridley (Rey), John Boyega (Finn) y Oscar Isaac (Poe Dameron)
La emotiva imagen ha conmovido porque la cinta, que llegará a los cines el 19 de diciembre de 2019, pondrá fin a la trilogía que comenzó en 2015 con "El Despertar de la Fuerza", también dirigida por J
J. Abrams. Tras este episodio, que logró recaudar USD 2.000 millones (cifra solo superada por "Avatar", "Titanic" y "Vengadores: Infinity War"), llegó en 2017 "Los Últimos Jedi", de Rian Johnson
Ahora, el "Episodio IX" se encargará de poner un punto y final. Tras años compartiendo momentos de grabación, John Boyega se sumó al director y subió también a su perfil la imagen
Junto a esta escribió unas emotivas palabras que dedicó a todo el equipo y elenco
"Esto es un resumen de "Star Wars 9" y el final de un capítulo de mi vida por el que no podría estar más agradecido
¡Qué proceso! Realmente ha sido un placer estar en estas películas rodeado de personas increíbles
J.J. Abrams gracias por hacer mis sueños realidad". Spoilers Aunque en principio parezca tratarse de una imagen sentimental, los fanáticos de Star Wars han descubierto pistas en la imagen
Señalan que el entorno desértico en el que se ubican los tres líderes de La Resistencia se corresponde con el paraje de Jakku, planeta natal de Rey
Sin embargo, algunos difieren y defienden que podrían encontrarse en Tattoine, el planeta de Luke Skywalker
Los ávidos seguidores de la trilogía también resaltaron que Dameron no viste en la imagen su habitual uniforme de piloto de combate, que ha sustituido por una indumentaria que resulta más apropiada en un entorno con calor sofocante
Próximos estrenos "Star Wars: Episodio IX" será uno de los estrenos de Disney más esperados de 2019, pero no el único
"Dumbo", de Tim Burton; "Aladdín", de Guy Ritchie o "El Rey León" de Jon Favreau, también llegarán al cine este año
La compañía también trabaja en las versiones con actores de carne y hueso de "Mulan", "Pinocho" o "El Jorobado de Notre Dame"
Breast Self-Exam: Steps on How to Perform a Self-Exam Screening Tutorial - Duration: 8:04.
Ok, look…
I know what you're thinking…
where's my watch
k, I took it off when I was changing
Oh, these?
These are fake breasts.
See last month my mother said to me
"Ay, Stef..."
"you should do a video on self-exams"
"for the breast, ya know?"
and I said, "Ma!"
"Don't ever breasts in front of me again…"
"and stop always being right."
Since then... a friend told me she found a lump in her breast
doing a self-exam in the shower
and then Breast Cancer Awareness Month rolls around
So here I am
flashing the masses
to take you
through a Breast Self-Examination
you can do in the privacy of your own home
and not with thousands of people watching
like I'm about to.
First off:
If you're not familiar with your breasts by now…
Ya gotta be…
However old you are
start getting to know them now.
Otherwise you don't know if somethings new
or if it's been there since birth.
OK, I'm guilty of this too I'm so oblivious sometimes
my doc could be like
"You know you have a full-grown tail dragging behind you?"
and I'd be like...
"What color?"
These are important things to know
Because breast cancer kills more women around the world
than any other cancer out there.
I know people both personally and professionally
that have done an exam like this
and was able to follow up with their healthcare provider
and identify cancer early on, which may have or did
save their life.
So, start being your own hero here
and maybe save your own life.
Be sure to share this with friends, colleagues, loved ones, or anyone
and maybe save theirs…
How awesome is that?
Real quick let's cover some of the day to day things you can do
that are said to help lower your risk
of developing breast cancer.
Number one:
Be active, and eat healthy.
This will help you maintain a good weight.
That is very important.
Number two:
Drinks and stinks!
I mean alcohol and cigarettes ok.
We got a no-no going with those two.
They're toxins.
They're bad for your body.
And we're starting to care about our bodies
and the things we put into it, right?
Try to stay out of polluted areas
and avoid exposure to radiation unless it's necessary.
Then last, but not least…
is breastfeeding.
Go figure!
And not only are they thinking breastfeeding can help
prevent breast cancer…
The longer you breastfeed, the more you're getting out of it.
And on that topic
if you are breastfeeding you absolutely can do self-exams.
Your breasts are gonna be a lot different than before you got pregnant
and you may feel more lumps
that might come and go
that might be normal.
But if a lump is persistent it warrants further evaluation
so, if you have any concern during your self-exam
consult with your healthcare provider.
k so how often are we checking our breasts?
We check our outfits in the mirror every day…
We check the expiration dates on our milk…
Shoot the average American
is checking their phone
every 12 minutes.
Now granted... we do want to look good for our jobs.
We don't want stomach aches from sour milk.
And god-forbid we miss Kelly's Facebook memory
of taking a selfie from five years ago.... k?
I'm just playing Kelly.
It was a good selfie.
Duck-face was in back then, don't let them bring you down.
How often are we checking our breasts
So if you're watching this on your phone
If not--
Put me on your phone
Prop me up against a mirror
so we can go through this together
and you can start doing these periodically
on your own.
Now to be clear
this self-examination is not a substitute for any other
diagnostic study or exam done by a trained professional.
but it's a start…
at the very least…
to get you familiar with your breasts.
Which is what we want to do.
If you're already having breast pain, nipple tenderness or discharge
with no other explanation
or any apparent changes you've noticed in your breasts
you should have an appointment with your healthcare provider scheduled already.
So if you don't
make one happen.
But again, this is a demonstration of a breast self-examination
based on my research from several credible sources
and compiled into a succinct and effective method
Let's begin.
You're gonna start by looking in the mirror with your arms down like so
look at your breasts thoroughly.
what you're looking for is irregularity,
and if you come across any during this exam
descriptively write them down.
This is for your healthcare provider
and for you to keep track of any changes
that might be occurring in the future.
and when I say irregularities
I don't mean you've got one inverted nipple and it's always been that way
what you're looking for is irregularities and inconsistencies
with how your breasts have always been
so when we examine them
we're looking for changes.
any new dimpling anywhere on the breast?
which might look like little dents.
New dimples on your breast?
Not good.
Mark it down.
Look at the texture and the pigmentation of the skin all around
turn to each side
anything look different?
now raise your hands over your head like you got two questions for me
ok one: where did I get the fake breasts?
and two: why am I so comfortable wearing them?
and the answers are simply Amazon, and…
I don't know I'm still trying to figure that one out myself…
Alright, if you have large enough breasts where you can't see underneath,
use your other hand to lift the breast up and examine the underside
front and side views
ok dimples, colors, texture
repeat for the opposite breast
now face the mirror again to get hands on
an option to use something like baby oil might help
in both seeing and feeling for irregularities
lots of women perform the self-exams in the shower
ok it's a convenient place
it's private
and that soapy water kind of acts like the oil would
it's also widely recommended to do
the hands-on part of the exam lying on your back
sometimes with a pillow
underneath your shoulder, to prop you up
because it'll make your breast flatter
and easier to feel for irregularities.
for the purpose of this demonstration I'm gonna remain standing…
and without oil!
it's not funny…
it's not--
but the instructions are the same in the shower
in front of the mirror, or lying down.
once again raise your arm above your head
and with the opposite hand
take three fingers together,
for a larger surface area than just one.
use the flat surface at the end of them
to press into the breast
starting at the bend of the arm
Pretty high up right?
well the breast tissue can extend all the way up to the armpit
and what we're gonna do is move up and down the breast
and in each area, use small circular motions
now in terms of pressure it's suggested
not too much... not too little
how vague is that?
we're gonna use a clearer and more thorough approach
first, we're gonna go gently…
then, with moderate pressure…
then finally deeper into the breast.
When we're done with that section we move on…
all the way up to the clavicle,
this bone right here.
now remember you do have a ribcage underneath these breasts
so keep that in mind as you may feel that
however if you feel any lumps or nodules, which can be firm
and feel kind of attached underneath
lots of people say they can feel like a pebble
or a bean, or kernel of corn
write it down
Also remember, the breast tissue
ain't like the silicone stuff I got on here
it's got its own feel which honestly can feel inconsistent
all throughout
so if you're moving along and you're thinking…
"wait a minute..."
"...think I feel something…"
Get into another position
and see if it's still there
A mass or a lump will likely still be palpable
as it was when you first noticed it
also note any swelling
especially in the area under the arm
where you got lymph nodes.
Swelling, hardening, or tenderness
should be reported to your healthcare provider.
Repeat until you've examined the entirety of the breast.
and then we're gonna do a once around the breast,
starting at the armpit, and rounding back underneath.
after that we're gonna press into, and around the nipple from different angles
noting any discharge, lumps, raised areas, or any other changes in the skin
Ok, some of this may be normal
but some of it may not.
So, it's important to clear it with your healthcare provider.
Once covered
repeat this process
on the other side.
and just like that…
baddabing baddaboobs!
We're done!
But, when should you be doing these exams
and how often should you be doing it?
Most sources suggest to check once a month
when you're least sensitive
which I'm told is typically one week out from the start of your menstrual cycle
But everyone's bodies different so I'll leave that up to you to figure out
and if you don't get your periods...
just pick a day every month.
and as far as remembering these self-exams…
ME: "Remind me to do a breast self-examination"
ME: "once every month."
BAE: "Ok"
BAE: "I've created a recurring reminder."
and that's how you're not gonna forget to do it.
But what about us fellas, ok?
We got breasts, too right?
We can even lactate ladies, did ya know that?
We got the tissue, milk ducts, and hormones for it at least.
But breast cancer wise…
A lot less likely than women…
and more than nine out of ten times
it's found at an early stage of breast cancer
It commonly presents as a hard mass
right below the areola
but as always just because you hear the words "less likely"
does not mean you don't have to bother, ok?
Everybody's body is different.
And we're all responsible for our own.
So, I don't care if someone tells you not to bother or worry about it,
advocate for yourself.
Because I wouldn't have some people still in my life,
if they didn't.
That's it for me today!
I'm knocking ou-
Clocking out…
...they keep sagging on me.
海贼王933:娜美与众不同的身世揭晓,路飞进入最后的修行阶段! - Duration: 3:17.
Actualité TV - Le baiser manqué de cet homme en direct à la télé fait le tour des réseaux sociaux ( - Duration: 1:21.
Actualité TV - Audiences TV : le réveillon plombe les scores des chaînes, TF1 leader sous les 2 mil - Duration: 3:42.
Aston Villa 0-2 West Brom: Baggies come out top in derby after Robson-Kanu and Rodriguez strike - Duration: 7:20.
Un ex-cardinal accusé d'abus sexuels défroqué par le Vatican - Duration: 8:00.
Venezuela: Maduro envisage un "déploiement" militaire à la frontière colombienne - Duration: 8:07.
Nigeria: déception et colère après le report surprise des élections - Duration: 8:14.
Syrie: l'EI piégé dans ses tunnels, les jours du "califat" sont comptés - Duration: 9:03.
shock Dec-ision Declan Rice's dad admits he's disappointed his son chose to play for England over Ir - Duration: 2:54.
DECLAN RICE'S dad has revealed his shock at the West Ham star's switch to England
Highly-rated Rice, 20, announced last week his decision to play for the Three Lions
The midfielder said that he was a "proud Englishman" despite having played at under-age level and in three senior friendlies for Ireland
But disappointed dad Sean told pals: "I'm very Irish, my mum and dad were very Irish and Declan grew up in an Irish/English environment as a lot of people from London do
"And so at the end of the day he had to make a choice and I have to support my son
"I wouldn't have thought for 100 years he'd run out in an England shirt but he's got his reasons
"It's just a shame really — fingers crossed it all goes well." Last March Sean travelled to Turkey to watch his son's Ireland debut from the stands at the Antalya Stadium
Rice tweeted after the 1-0 defeat: "Wasn't the result we wanted tonight . . . but on a personal level delighted to have picked up man of the match on my debut
"Very proud moment for me & my family. Big love to my dad who came all the way out to come and watch, love you
" And he told reporters: "I knew the anthem well. It brought a little bit of a tear to my eye singing it and thinking of my nana and grandad
It was a special moment." Newport manager Mike Flynn meets Pep Guardiola and describes him as an 'absolute genius'
Andy Cohen Dad-Shamed After His Dog Wacha Chews Up Newborn Son's Toy: 'People Are Judge-y as F–k' - - Duration: 3:24.
It seems like everyone's a critic. was dad-shamed by people across the internet after he posted footage of himself reprimanding his dog for chewing up one of his newborn son Benjamin's toys
"Did you just eat my son's stuffed Torah that the rabbi gave him, Wacha?" Cohen, 50, could be heard asking his canine in a clip posted on his Instagram Stories on Friday, February 15
"And now you're exhausted? That was my son's Torah." The Bravo personality, who welcomed his first child via surrogate on February 4, continued in another clip: "Did you wanna explain to my son what you did? And what do I tell the rabbi? Wacha, Wacha!" The two back-to-back videos show the beagle-foxhound mix laying on his side among the cotton stuffing from the Jewish scripture toy in question
Wacha doesn't flinch; instead, he stares wide-eyed into the camera with only an occasional blink for movement
Within a few hours, the Watch What Happens Live With host said he was "flooded with DMs" from people saying he has a "big problem" on his hands: Fans believe Cohen's four-legged friend is "jealous" of his infant
"Wacha didn't know that the Torah toy … belonged to the baby," the new father said in defense of his pup
"He just had his eye on this purple f–king toy and wanted to rip it apart. It's not that deep
Stand down." Cohen concluded his series of Stories with a video of Wacha licking his face
"Hey, I've been a dad for 12 days," he told the dog. "People are judge-y as f–k. We gotta be careful, OK? Sometimes a Torah toy is just a Torah toy, everybody!" Earlier this week, the Superficial author celebrated the most love-filled holiday of the year with his new baby and his furry pal
"TWO Valentines! Lucky me," Cohen captioned a sweet shot of him holding the pair in his arms on Instagram on Thursday, February 14
The proud father announced his child's birth shortly after the little one entered the world
"WOW! This is my son, Benjamin Allen Cohen. He is 9 lbs 2 ounces !! 20 inches !! Born at 6:35 pm, PT," Cohen captioned a picture of himself cradling his newborn via Instagram
The Real Housewives executive producer, who named the baby after his grandfather, said he was "in love … speechless … and eternally grateful" for his "incredible surrogate
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend to Take on the 'Vanderpump Rules' Cast on 'Family Feud' - Live News - Duration: 2:56.
Bring it on! revealed on Friday, February 15, that she and husband are competing against the cast of Vanderpump Rules on an episode of Family Feud, and she's just a little bit excited about it
"Breaking: john and I are taping family feud against the cast of F—KING @PUMPRules Sunday!!!!" the 33-year-old tweeted on Friday, adding that her mom, Vilailuck Teigen, sister, Tina Teigen, and one of Legend's brothers will make up the rest of her team
The full Pump Rules lineup hasn't been revealed, but shared the model's tweet and wrote, "MY FAVORITE SHOW WITH MY FAVORITE PEOPLE
" also shared the message, writing, "I'm so friggin excited." And and retweeted Teigen's post
Teigen then hinted that her team might be in a bit of trouble, as her mom stumbled badly as she tried to answer a couple of practice questions
"Oh my god, we're f—king f—ked," Teigen could be heard moaning in a video she posted on Friday night
"I'm bailing," she captioned a second video. A fan then commented that Maloney and Madix "have a good shot," prompting Madix to respond, "I watch every day so if I mess up, it'll be a waste of a literal lifetime of practice
" "So does my mom so I'm gonna go ahead and just hand you guys the win right now," Teigen replied
"I think I've built it up too much in my mind," Madix added. Teigen is a self-confessed Pump Rules fan
Earlier this week she and Legend, 40, visited Schwartz and 's new L.A. bar. "FINALLY AT TOMTOM," she captioned a photo kissing her husband in front of a shot of the restaurateurs puckering up
Her love for all things Pump Rules goes back a long way — in May 2015 she visited Lisa Vanderpump's SUR restaurant and hung out with Taylor, Maloney, Schwartz and
A year later she joked on Twitter that she was going to "start hanging out in the alley of SUR, sitting on the abandoned motorcycle just to watch pump rules live
Bài #16 (3a/9) - Âm /aɪ/: Phát âm đúng & ví dụ (EN) - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 5:19.
Some words with the English /aɪ/ gliding vowel are quite challenging
for a lot of Vietnamese people,
so let's learn to make this sound accurately.
The /aɪ/ sound has two parts:
a starting /a/ sound and an ending /ɪ/ sound,
and you have to pronounce BOTH the /a/ and then the /ɪ/
to make sure that foreigners don't misunderstand you.
The /aɪ/ in itself is not difficult for Vietnamese people,
so they can say words like "bye", "tie" and "my" correctly.
However, when the /aɪ/ is followed by a consonant,
Vietnamese forget to say the /ɪ/ sound and they only say the /a/ sound.
Let's look at the example word "time".
This word has four sounds:
/t/, /a/, /ɪ/ and /m/:
So after the /a/ sound
we cannot immediately jump to the /m/ sound,
we have to say the /ɪ/ first.
After the /a/ sound, the lips do not close immediately,
but the jaw and the tongue move up,
and the tongue touches the upper teeth on the sides to make the /ɪ/ sound,
before the mouth closes completely for the /m/ sound.
Since we have to say this /ɪ/ vowel as well
and because we need some time to move our jaw and tongue from the bottom /a/ position to the upper /ɪ/ position,
the /aɪ/ cannot be said as a short sound.
Compare the /aɪ/ sound to the /ʌ/ sound:
the /aɪ/ is longer and the jaw and tongue are moving while you are saying it,
whereas the /ʌ/ is shorter and the mouth doesn't move during the sound:
short /ʌ/ - gliding /aɪ/ - short /ʌ/ - gliding /aɪ/
Therefore, when practicing the /aɪ/ sound,
focus on the /ɪ/ part and how your tongue comes up
and touches your upper teeth in the back,
before your mouth closes completely for the /m/ sound:
Here are some words with the /aɪ/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with the correct /aɪ/ sound.
Remember that the /aɪ/ is not a short sound
and that you need to say the /ɪ/ sound after the /a/ sound.
So it's NOT /tʌm/, it's "time" and
it's NOT /tʌ:m/, it's "time".
If you find it difficult to say the /aɪ/ correctly in these words
and if you hear that you miss the /ɪ/ part of /aɪ/,
then first try saying the words without the final consonant
and feel your tongue coming up on the /ɪ/ sound.
When you can do this well,
only then add the final consonant,
but first put a little gap between the /aɪ/ and the final consonant
and then gradually take away this gap:
Don't forget to use a mirror to check
that after the /a/ sound your tongue and jaw move up to make the /ɪ/ sound.
Pause now.
直木賞作家・辻村深月氏が映像脚本執筆「新しい時代に自分ができることを考える作家でいたい」 - Duration: 17:40.
昨年は新作『かが の孤城』で「第15 本屋大賞」を受賞す など、いまもっとも 目度の高い小説家の 人である直木賞作家 辻村深月氏が、『映 ドラえもん のび太 月面探査記』で初め 映像作品の脚本を手 けた
初挑戦となった脚本 筆のほか、デジタル シフトしつつある本 場における作家とし のあり方、仕事の流 を聞いた。 ■一 は断っていた脚本執 自分の"役割"へ 戦 ――今回の『 画ドラえもん』で、 家デビュー以来初と る映像作品の脚本を 筆されました
【辻村深月】作家 いう職業に就く前か 「ドラえもん」が大 きだったのですが、 章のタイトルをドラ もんの秘密道具の名 にした小説『凍りの じら』を書いたこと きっかけで、藤子プ (藤子・F・不二雄 ロ)さんに取材に行 せていただく機会が りました
そこから少しずつお き合いをさせていた くなかで、6年ほど に藤子プロさんから 画脚本のお話をいた いたんです。 ― そこからプロジェク が動き出したのです ? 【辻村深月】実 、そのときはお断り てしまいました
というのも、作家と て仕事を始めたばか のときは、無条件で ドラえもん」に携わ ことへの憧れがあっ のですが、いざ実際 お話をいただくと、 れ多い気持ちと、作 手として作品に関わ てしまったら、好き だけではいられない だろうという思いが くなりました
すごく迷ったのです 「一生ファンでいた です」と辞退してし ったんです。 ― それでも関係性は続 た? 【辻村深月】 のあともファンとし 藤子プロさんとお付 合いをしていくなか 、先生のご家族とお いして、お話をする 会をいただいたんで
私にとって藤子先生 雲の上の存在だと感 ていましたが、お話 聞くなかで、先生の 人柄やお仕事への姿 がだんだんとわかっ いって、そのなかか 生まれた「ドラえも 」に改めて敬意を覚 ました
同時に、先生がいな なられたあと、多く 人の思いによって、 品がここまで繋がれ きたことが実感でき んです。 ――関 者と触れ合うことで 気持ちが変化してい たのですか? 【辻 深月】そうですね
映画ドラえもんの歴 は、さまざまな人た が大事にバトンを繋 できた結果で、私へ 脚本依頼も「このバ ンを受け取って、1 走って翌年に繋げて しい」ということな だと
それが自分に求めら た役割だと考えられ ようになったんです もう1つ大きかった が、八鍬新之介監督 存在。八鍬監督の『 ・のび太の大魔境』 観た時に、この監督 であれば、同じ方向 向いて走れるのでは いかと思いました
その思いを伝えると 藤子プロさんからも 辻村さんの脚本であ ば、ぜひ八鍬監督で 思っていました」と っていただき、こう た要因が重なって、 の方から「チャレン したい」と改めて藤 プロさんにお話をさ ていただきました
■映像として表 する流儀を学ぶこと できた ――映像 品の脚本執筆におい 意識していたことは 【辻村深月】正直 なにもありませんで た。私は「ドラえも 」のファンなので、 ままではただただ冒 には連れていっても うだけで、自分から こういう場所に行き い」とか「こんなひ つ道具があったらい な」という視点で作 を観たことがなかっ んです
なので、最初の心構 としては、八鍬監督 世界観を築き上げる シスタントという気 ちで、プロのライタ に徹しようと思って ました。そうしたら 八鍬監督も「辻村さ の頭のなかにあるも を最大限おもしろく 像化することに徹し す」と話されていて …
最初はお互い譲り合 てなかなか進みませ でした(笑)。 ―そんななか、本作 月への冒険の物語に りました。 【辻村 月】『映画ドラえも 』は、これまであら る場所へ冒険に行っ いますが、月だけは つかずの場所だった です
月って遠くて近く、 くて遠い天体。現実 行くことは難しいの すが、だいぶ調査が んでいて、嘘がつけ い場所でもあります 藤子先生は、現実の 理や自然界、地理や 史にとても詳しくて 現実を土台にしたう での不思議を描いて た方
月の裏側に行ってみ ら文明がありました …はダメなんです。 こが大きなハードル した。でも「じゃあ どうやったら冒険の 台になるのか」とい 視点から考えたとき 八鍬監督が「異説ク ブメンバーズバッジ どうですか?」と提 してくださって、一 に話が滑り出してい ました
――小説と脚本 違うものでしたか? 【辻村深月】初めて いてみて、脚本は「 ラえもん」のひみつ 具みたいだなと思い した。「ミステリア な月」と書くだけで ミステリアスな月が 像で出来上がってく し、「荒涼とした月 大地」と書いたら、 の世界ができてくる
すごくいいなとはし いでいたのですが、 本を書いたあと、ノ ライズのお話をお受 したので、その作業 全部自分に跳ね返っ きました(笑)。脚 と小説はまったく違 と話には聞いていた ですが、それを身を って実感しました
生半可な気持ちでは び込めないという気 ちは最初からありま たね。 ――そこ ら得たことはありま たか? 【辻村深月 作家生活15年にな ますが、これまでに 分の小説が映像化や 台化する機会を何回 いただいたんです
そのつどプロの脚本 の本を読ませていた いてきた経験が、今 の執筆にあたって、 をだいぶ助けてくれ した。たとえば、原 から大きく説明が削 れた箇所などは、脚 の段階では、作者か 見るともう少し説明 必要だと思うことも ったのですが、完成 た映像を見ると、そ 少ない情報量でしっ りと伝わることが多 ったり、むしろ短い リフだからこそぐっ くる場面も多かった
そのたびに、脚本家 演出家も脚本の段階 この画が見えていた だなぁと感動してい のですが、今回自分 脚本を書いてみて、 かに限られた言葉で 映像として表現する という新しい流儀を ぶことができたのは 今後小説を書いてい 上でも大きな収穫に ったと思います
■角度を変えて くことで新しいもの 見えてくる ―― ディアのあり方も大 く変わっていく昨今 作家として意識して ることはありますか 【辻村深月】いろ ろなメディアが出て て、読者の楽しみ方 変わっていきますが 普遍的な物語はなく らないと思っていま
15年作家をやって ると、デビュー当時 出版をめぐる環境は きく変わってきまし 。20代の頃は「現 に対して物語って無 だな」と感じること あったのですが、大 な痛ましい震災など 経験して「物語の力 て決して小さいもの はない」とはっきり じられるようになり した
私自身も物語の世界 助けられて大人にな ましたし、自分の仕 に胸を張ろうと思え ようになりました。 ――出版界を取り く環境の話が出まし が、デジタル化につ てはどんなお考えを 【辻村深月】電子 の流れを論じるとき どうしても"対決" 図式にされがちです
でも、デジタルで読 人もいれば、紙で読 人もいる。作家とし はどちらが良い、悪 とか、敵、味方とい 考えはしたくない。 存して、それぞれの 者に沿った形で楽し でもらいたいという いです
新しいものが出てき とき、それを悪者に ず、そのつど自分に きることを考えてい る作家でいたいです ――15年とい 作家生活で、内から み上げてくるテーマ どは変わってきてい すか? 【辻村深月 テーマ自体が変わる いうよりは、同じテ マを角度を変えて描 ことで新しいものが えてくるようなこと 繰り返しだと思って ます
本屋大賞をいただい 『かがみの孤城』は 学生が主人公ですが デビューしてすぐの に書いていたら、き と描き方が全然違う のになっていたと思 ます。昔は大人が理 尽なことをしたとき どちらかというと大 と敵対する視点だっ のですが、いまは自 が大人と呼ばれる立 になったせいか、中 生の物語を書いても 作中にどこか「大人 のに不甲斐なくてご んね」という目線が る
この視点の変化があ たからこそ、あの話 大人にも子どもにも く読まれるものにな たのだろうと思って ますし、これまで書 てきたテーマも、そ なふうに変化してい のだろうな、と感じ います
十代の子たちを主人 にした話は、これか もきっとライフワー のように書くでしょ ね。 ■実写でも ニメでも映像化され のは幸せ ――メ ィアミックス作品は え続けていますが、 筆をされる際、映像 、舞台化を意識され こともありますか? 【辻村深月】どの作 も実写でもアニメで 映像化されたら幸せ なぁとは思います
映像化って、たくさ のスタッフの方の「 気」を感じられるん すよね。実在しない ずの登場人物たちを いろんな大人の本気 現実の以上の現実に ていく。最初は1人 思い描いていたはず 登場人物が、さまざ な人の手を経て再現 れていく過程はワク クします
――原作小説と 像化作品でその世界 が異なることもあり す。 【辻村深月】 作をそのまま映像化 るのでは意味がない ですよね。映像化は いい意味で、監督さ との勝負の場だと思 ています
私が小説で思い描い いたイメージを、圧 的大差で打ち破って しいというか……負 たいんです(笑)。 ままで映像化してい だいた作品は、すべ どこかで「悔しいな すごいな」と思う瞬 がありました
信頼関係のあるなか 、違うメディアの方 とお仕事をすると、 ても勉強になるし、 ても楽しいです。作 は私が作り出したも ですが、それ以上に 者のものという気持 も強いので、読者の に楽しんでもらえる 品になってくれたら さらに幸せです
――今回、映像 本を執筆したことで さらに映像の世界へ いう思いは湧いてき したか? 【辻村深 】脚本を書かせてい だき、改めて小説家 いう仕事の自由度の さを実感しました
基本的になんでも1 で決められる。映像 尺があったり制約が ろいろつきますから 今回の映画でも、脚 とノベライズでは書 方や発想がまったく っていて、やっぱり は小説家なんだと痛 しました
ただ、今回の映画を て「辻村、脚本に向 ている」と思ってい だけたら、それはと も光栄だし、嬉しい す。 (文/磯部正 )
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