Fytch, Captain Crunch, Carmen Forbes - Raindrops (Buygore Records)
Kid Butcher - Follow The Monkey (Datablender)
Arkus P. - Sister Love (Cannibal Society)
Greg Notill - Daube (G-NOT RECORDINGS)
Chriss Go - Stereophobia (Sounds Diabolic)
Swes - Canal De Terror (Dead In Your House)
Q-IC, Stephan Strube - Ejaculator (Toffmusic)
Broken Rules - Dirt Box (Broken Rules Dirty Free Remix) (Signal Flow)
Sepromatiq, Mental Crush - Locked Down (Rebirth Society Records)
Kid Butcher - Smoke My Joint (Datablender)
Instigator - Recover From The Devide (Intensity)
Fiv aka Ian Dunkel - Revolution (Syntex Records)
The Phrenetic Project - Spinning Me (SDK Hard)
Greg Notill - From My Grain To Your Decks (G-NOT RECORDINGS)
Sepromatiq - Balm (Hominazed)
Chriss Go - Mr Saturno (Sounds Diabolic)
Felo - Game Time (Remix) (Unreleased)
Sepromatiq, Arkus P. - Team Resonance (Hominazed)
Jason Little - Dr Evil Song (Bad Brains)
Jason Little - Angel (Bad Brains)
Greg Notill - Purgatory (G-NOT RECORDINGS)
Instigator - Time Is Near (G-NOT RECORDINGS)
Greg Notill, Instigator - Masters Illusionist (G-NOT RECORDINGS)
SveTec, Instigator - Images That Haunt You (Hominazed)
Greg Notill - Voile De Maya (G-NOT RECORDINGS)
Jason Little - We Are All Alone (Datablender)
Frame of Mind - Lethal Vibes (The Third Movement)
For more infomation >> MARIO RANIERI 🎧 My music is harder than your penis 2012 Livemix (Official Video) - Duration: 1:08:18.-------------------------------------------
iPhone 2019 ra mắt với nhiều điều bí ẩn đầy hứa hẹn - Duration: 2:18.
iPhone Xs, Xs Max ra mắt phiên bản màu đỏ - Duration: 1:37.
COSMOS立體偶像男團《時空碰撞》【NPC的戀愛攻略 OST網路劇主題曲】官方動態歌詞MV (無損高音質) - Duration: 3:41.
君の最強を教えて💓★#カワイイカルト 7 - Duration: 9:28.
Today is # 7 "#KawaiiCultv"
"#KawaiiCultv" organized by millna
"#KawaiiCultv" is a fashion party that uses "Kawaii for you" as a dress code
In other words, everyone's style here is "Kawaii for you"
So, tell me Kawaii for you ♥
It's amazing world
A gorgeous world spreads
Please tell me your name!
I am Arare
I am Rikoppe
I am Millna.
Please tell me your Kawaii point today
Today's kawaii point is a fairy because I wore feathers and made my clothes bring-bring
Today's theme is "Princess of Jewelry Country" and I'm wearing shimmer for a moment glittering or sticky in various places
Shoes are also sparkling!
Cute ~ Swankiss!
Please tell me your name
I am kumako
Please tell me your Kawaii point today
This is a (necklace)! I made!
Millna is also cute!
We are very Kawaii!
Please tell me your name
I am Lina
Please tell me your Kawaii point today
I heard that Millna will came gal style, so I also came with gal brand clothes
Do you have favorite items
I love this setup and in the lace
Please tell me your name
I am kana
Please tell me your Kawaii point today
Because I wanted to wear the Sailor clothes so much, I also had a collar like a sailor suit
Ribbons are good
Since the needle is weak, I stab it many times at home
It was completed at the end of hardship ...
Please tell me your name
I am yui
Please tell me your Kawaii point today
smartphone cover(handmade)
It's all my self-made resin
Seriously it is kawaii
The stick is awesome kawaii
I bought it for 100 yen
Please tell me your name
I am Shii-chan.
I am Suzuki (I heard it was a mistake ... I am sorry.
Please tell me your Kawaii point today
It is head dress with flowers
It is a mask of Kittyies and a bandage of a nose
The mask is very kawaii
Please tell me your name
I am Rio Suzuki
I am Sawako
Please tell me your Kawaii point today
My hair is pink.
The best!
I have coordinated with her.
Please tell me your name
I am chobico
I am toraru
Please tell me your Kawaii point today
Horny headband made by Shiba and sweets like overall because it is Valentine
This apron is also a handle of sweets
It is a sweet wing
I feel like I got back when I was little ...
macaron of rabbit is very kawaii
Please tell me your name
I am You
I am Tamako
Please tell me your Kawaii point today
I came with a little rabbit here.
Everyone loves rabbit and the sweets strawberry
With Miho Matsuda's sleeve
ring of Morpho
Please tell me your name
I am kame
Please tell me your Kawaii point today
Glittering with my favorite blue and silver ...
The ring is the best
I got a letter of super glitter
Let's live in Shiny
As Rina asked earlier
Please tell me your name
I am Magical Lovely bosatsuchan
Please tell me your Kawaii point today
It is clothes of mezzo piano
It is made by cando and ceria (100 yen shop) sparkling
Please tell me your name
I am luca
Please tell me your Kawaii point today
Millna's blouse.
I am very happy because she wearing my clothes.
(Ring is also kawaii)
Next time information, newsletter is. In the video description! We welvome you coming♡
Subscribe & Good button Good regards ♡
TRAI Latest Rules 2019 | TRAI Latest Updates 2019 | Latest Tech Updates 2019 | New DTH Rules 2019 - Duration: 2:53.
TRAI Latest Rules 2019
TRAI Latest Updates 2019
Latest Tech Updates 2019
New DTH Rules 2019
素盞嗚神社 360°VR 豊川市 愛知県 - Duration: 0:53.
Watch this video in 0.75 or 0.5 speed (Collab with Ordinary Plays ) | Roblox Gameplay - Duration: 3:36.
[Music] Rafaga de Dub — makina
Bye Bye!
AHH lol
*Ordinary Plays has Bought your Merch*
Guys Remember to Buy My Merch
You Can do thish YOU CAN DO IT
[Music] Curtains — Artificial.Music
He's So Nice
Sad Violin MLG sound
Anonymous Nachricht: Widerstand gegen Artikel 13 - Upload-Filter - Duration: 2:45.
[기억, 하리2] 예고 #02 최강림, 도대체 무슨 생각을 하고 있는 거야…!|신비아파트 외전 웹드라마 - Duration: 0:51.
What do you think about the rumor?
About a woman who got lost in cold winter back in the days...
and people say she's still roaming over this forest...
behind you!
How about going to the 'Starlight Festival'?
Let's go together!
grab something to eat... and take some pictures...
That's what friends do, right?
I really have no idea what's in Kanglim's head....
(whispering magic spells)
I'm so frustrated...!
I'll go with you.
<The Haunted Memory 2> Every episode will be uploaded every Friday at 8pm.
Come anticipato da Repubblica, gli ultimi rilevamenti di febbraio indicano la Lega in corsa per dive - Duration: 13:18.
- Lega in corsa per diventare il partito con più parlamentari a Strasburgo. Le Pen verso il soprasso ai danni di Macron
Fidesz, formazione del premier illiberale ungherese Viktor Orbàn, a un passo dal 50%
E ancora, Cinquestelle al palo, senza un gruppo europeo, con tre alleati su quattro proiettati verso la desolante quota zero eletti
A livello continentale, invece, crollano i tradizionali partiti europei, tanto che il 26 maggio, a urne chiuse, i popolari del Ppe e i Socialisti e democratici del Pse per la prima volta dal 1979, debutto dell'elezione diretta dell'Europarlamento, insieme non avranno la maggioranza per governare l'aula
Dovranno per forza allearsi con i liberali. Ma nei sondaggi volano anche i sovranisti di Matteo Salvini, che con i suoi alleati potrebbe arrivare a formare il secondo gruppo dell'Assemblea superando proprio i socialisti
È quanto emerge dal primo sondaggio pubblicato oggi dall'Europarlamento in vista del voto del 26 maggio (i dati risalgono al 6 febbraio) e anticipato da Repubblica la settimana scorsa
Un voto cruciale per il futuro dell'Unione e della democrazia liberale in Europa, tanto che diversi osservatori definiscono questa tornata europea come la più importante di sempre
A rappresentare i 435 milioni di cittadini del Vecchio Continente saranno 705 parlamentari: prima della Brexit erano 751 per quasi 500 milioni di cittadini
Lo spoglio in diversi paesi inizierà già alle 18, mentre la prima proiezione sarà pubblicata dall'Europarlamento alle 20 di domenica 26 maggio, quando in Italia le urne saranno ancora aperte (come tradizione, fino alle 23): insomma, anche in questo caso l'Unione non aspetta Roma
Segno dei tempi.A livello continentale, secondo i sondaggi di febbraio il Partito popolare europeo (Ppe) si confermerà primo gruppo a Strasburgo, anche se in picchiata rispetto al 2014: il centrodestra tradizionale (per l'Italia Forza Italia) passerà da 217 seggi a 183
Stessa sorte per i Socialisti e democratici (Pse, la casa Ue del Pd): i suoi eletti dai 186 di 5 anni fa passeranno a 135
Insieme Ppe e Pse per la prima volta non avranno la maggioranza per governare l'aula
Al momento l'unico schema che darebbe abbastanza seggi per farlo prevede l'alleanza dei due grandi partiti del Novecento ai liberali: l'Alde guidato da Verhofstadt salirà da 68 a 75 eletti, ai quali per completare la famiglia liberale si dovranno aggiungere i venti di Macron
Questa al momento è l'unica maggioranza possibile, eventualmente allargabile ai Verdi (45 seggi) per dare vita a un inedito fronte unito europeista da contrapporre in aula ai sovranisti di Salvini, Le Pen e Kaczynski
Appunto il fronte dell'estrema destra - nostalgico, xenofobo ed euroscettico - a dir poco competitivo
L'Enf - l'attuale famiglia politica di Salvini e Le Pen - passerà da 37 a 59 rappresentanti
L'Ecr - che con la Brexit e l'addio dei Conservatori di Theresa May passerà in mano ai polacchi di Kaczinsy - porterà invece 51 parlamentari
Se si alleeranno, progetto al quale Lega e i polacchi del Pis sono al lavoro, arriveranno a 110, ai quali andranno aggiunti i 12 di Alternative für Deutschland e una manciata di singoli parlamentari eletti nei partitini alleati dell'Est europeo
Puntano ad almeno 130 rappresentanti, insidiando il Pse come secondo gruppo di Strasburgo e tentando il Ppe a un'alleanza centrodestra-destra alla quale all'interno dei popolari lavorerebbero i cavalli di Troia Orbàn e Kurz
Coalizione che al momento non avrebbe i numeri per la maggioranza, ma che potrebbero essere raggiunti facendo shopping negli altri gruppi (ad esempio, gli eletti del premier ceco Babis sono nell'Alde, anche se politicamente più affini ai sovranisti)
Cruciale in questo eventuale schema sarebbero i grillini: una loro alleanza post elettorale con i sovranisti regalerebbe la maggioranza all'eventuale coalizione Ppe-nazionalisti che secondo diversi osservatori metterebbe in serio pericolo la tenuta dell'Unione e della stessa democrazia liberale in Europa
Basti pensare che nelle stanze dei bottini Ue oltre a Lega, Rn e Pis entrerebbero altri partiti decisi a minare le istituzioni dal loro interno nonché i democratici svedesi di Akesson, gli olandesi di Wilders, il Vlaams Belang, la versione cipriota di Alba dorata e altri partiti con simili inclinazioni neonaziste
Vediamoli, allora, i Cinquestelle. Perderanno il loro gruppo Efdd causa addio dello Ukip con la Brexit
Per costruire una nuova famiglia Ue, Di Maio si è mosso tardi e male, consigliato ancor peggio dai suoi luogotenenti a Strasburgo
Per ora ha messo su un'alleanza impalpabile. Per formare un gruppo all'Europarlamento servono minimo 25 deputati eletti in almeno 7 paesi diversi (i grillini sperano in un cambiamento delle regole che abbassi a 6 il numero di nazionalità, ma resteranno delusi)
Al netto del flirt con i Gilet gialli, per ora gli M5S hanno trovato alleati appena in altri quattro paesi
Non solo del tutto eterogenei, ma anche a rischio elezione. Il pezzo pregiato era il punkrocker polacco di estrema destra Kukiz, che però negli ultimi mesi è crollato nei sondaggi: ad oggi viene quotato al 4,2%, con zero seggi a Strasburgo
Idem i finlandesi di Liike Nyt e i greci di Akkel, talmente bassi da non essere nemmeno rilevati
Solo i croati di Zivi Zid ad oggi sarebbero in grado di portare 2 deputati in Europa (12,3%)
Insomma, per Di Maio il quadro si fa desolante, anche sposandosi con i Gilet Gialli non avrebbe i numeri per un gruppo
Ecco perché in molti scommettono che alla fine si accoderà ai sovranisti, regalando loro i numeri per l'eventuale alleanza con il Ppe
Le alternative per i Cinquestelle sono la desolante collocazione nei non iscritti o la ricerca post elettorale di qualche deputato solitario per arrivare alla soglia dei 7 paesi, dando vita a un gruppo irrilevante, a meno che, appunto, non si alleai con i sovranisti di estrema destra
I sondaggi intanto dicono che la Lega corre verso il 32,4%, con 27 seggi, un boom rispetto ai 5 odierni
L'M5S viaggia al 25,7%, con 22 seggi. Crolla il Pd, dai 31 seggi del 2014 figli del famoso 40,8% di Renzi, passa al 17,3%, con 15 eletti
Seguono Forza Italia (8,7%, 7 deputati) e Fratelli d'Italia (4,4%, 4 rappresentanti)
Tutti gli altri partiti italiani al momento non superano la soglia di sbarramento
Il bottino della Lega, 27 seggi, contende alla della Cdu di Angela Merkel - al momento quotata a 29 parlamentari - il ruolo di primo partito d'Europa (nel 2014 in cima al podio c'era il Pd)
A livello di percentuali, colpiscono i risultati da record dei partiti di Orbàn e Kaczynski: Fidesz viaggia al 49,3%, il Pis al 40%
Sondaggi da primato nei due paesi, Ungheria e Polonia, in rotta con l'Europa per le accuse di autoritarismo, che si traducono rispettivamente in 24 e 16 seggi
Meno di Cdu e Lega nonostante le percentuali superiori visto che Budapest e Varsavia portano meno deputati rispetto ai paesi più popolosi come Germania, Francia e Italia
In Francia stando ai rilevamenti del 6 febbraio, Marine Le Pen si piazzerebbe davanti al presidente Emmanuel Macron
L'Rn viene proiettato al 22% con 21 rappresentanti contro il 20% (20 seggi) di Europe En Marche
In Germania, come visto, la Cdu corre verso i 29 seggi mentre i Verdi arriverebbero secondi con 17 eletti, davanti alla Spd (15) e ad Afd (12)
Interessanti i sondaggi spagnoli, che hanno anche una valenza interna visto che ad aprile, prima delle europee, il Paese andrà al voto per le politiche: al momento il Psoe di Pedro Sanchez viene dato al 24,5%, il Partito popolare al 23,5%, Ciudadanos al 17,9%, Podemos al 14,1% e i franchisti di Vox al 9,6%
Per chiudere, un aneddoto. Tradizionalmente, fino all'elezione del nuovo presidente l'aula di Strasburgo veniva guidata dal deputato più anziano
Nel 2014, ad esempio, a sedersi sullo scranno più alto era stato Emmanouil Glezos, novantaduenne greco eletto con Syriza, ex partigiano che nel 1941 ammainò la bandiera nazista dal Partenone
In questa legislatura il deputato anziano potrebbe invece essere un italiano, noto per aver dato, nel 2003, dei "turisti della democrazia" agli europarlamentari per poi definire "kapò" il socialista tedesco Martin Schulz: ovviamente si tratta di Silvio Berlusconi
Un vero paradosso, che però non si verificherà perché di recente l'Eurocamera ha modificato la norma e a guidare l'aula alla prima seduta, prevista per il 2 luglio, sarà il presidente uscente, Antonio Tajani, o un suo vice
Scherzando in molti affermano che si tratta della prima legge ad personam contro Berlusconi
Ma ovviamente non è così
【パズドラ】Ryu、最悪の大爆死...なぜかきよよんは神引き!?【スーパーゴッドフェス】【RyuTu部-リューチューブ-】 - Duration: 3:22.
Explorers find data recorder of sunken S. Korean ship - Duration: 1:28.
A team of ocean explorers have found the voyage data recorder of the Stellar Daisy, a Korean
ship that sank in the South Atlantic off the coast of Uruguay in 2017.
The hope is now the authorities can find out what caused the ship to go down.
However, according to our Choi Si-young it's going to be a long process.
South Korea's foreign ministry said Monday that part of the Stellar Daisy's hull and
its voyage data recorder were found Sunday in the South Atlantic Ocean... by the American
exploration company Ocean Infinity.
On March 31, 2017, the South Korean ore carrier sank off the coast of Uruguay,... while on
a voyage from Brazil to China.
As a result, a total 22 of crewmen including 8 Korean nationals are considered missing.
It's a massive ship with an overall length of three-hundred-twelve meters and a beam
of fifty-eight meters.
Ocean Infinity's salvage ship, the Seabed Constructor, arrived at the site where the
Daisy was believed to have gone missing and found the ship just three days later.
The firm was employed by South Korea last year.
The data recorder is being transferred to a port in Uruguay and will be analyzed by
the South Korean coast guard.
The authorities expect the recorder will reveal what caused the ship to sink, but a full analysis
will take time.
Meanwhile, the American salvage ship will continue its search for the Stellar Daisy's
main body.
Choi Si-young, Arirang News.
The 24 Minutes of Le Mans - Duration: 2:14.
The wheel.
It takes us far.
On straights.
Through corners.
Round the track.
And for more than 50 years, it took us through
one of the hardest races in the world:
the 24 Hours of Le Mans.
It witnessed how race cars became legends.
And how we became who we are today.
Now, the wheel is taking us on one more trip: through history.
We took the original tyres that ran the final miles
on the 919 Hybrid at Le Mans.
We cut them
and pressed them. To create a one-of-a-kind vinyl.
A wheel of time, telling us the story of Porsche at Le Mans.
And on the vinyl: 24 stories. In 24 symbolic minutes.
The victories, the losses,
the known and unknown moments.
The depth and emotion of our unique relationship
with Le Mans.
Composed into an exclusive audio experience.
That has been uploaded to selected streaming platforms.
And the vinyl?
This one-of-a-kind item is up for auction.
24 exclusive pieces.
For 24 hours only.
The 919 Hybrid has come to a standstill.
Now take its tyres for a spin.
VERIVERY's Special Moments_2019.02.11-02.17 - Duration: 11:44.
We are heading back to our home after practice!
Have a great night~
I really became the most appeared person.
Yes, the fourth go-to-work fairy.
Dear fairy, fairy, where are we going today?
We are going to Show Champion!
YEONHO's graduation!
Show us you wearing school uniform for the last time!
It's too short.
I am sorry for that.
I shall be good to YEONHO, because it's his graduation today.
Shall we grant YEONHO's wish today?
Oh~ graduation wish granting?
No, do it when it's my birthday.
I will buy snacks, do massage and a kiss for YEONHO.
Oh yeah~
Congratulations, YEONHO!
It's Valentine's Day, right?
Yes, it is.
So we would like to prepare a gift.
We are here for the diffuser as a gift.
Go go~
Let's smell every single one of them starting from here.
Oh, it's good!
This is a bit, a bit cool.
Yes, it's cool.
We both like a soft fragrance, at least for me...
I like soft fragrance as well.
Me too.
There are several types like these.
Figs, roses, and etc.
If you put the stick in it, it will absorb the fragrance and spread it.
Just in case for some who don't know~
I didn't know.
There are a lot of different fragrances.
We separated into two, two and three as teams.
For KANGMIN and I, we will choose one for a person.
Not bad~
We are trying to choose very carefully.
What is this fragrance?
This smells like sesame oil?
Isn't it?
Let's exclude two from each of us.
For me, this one, the first one and the fourth one!
For me, 'cherry blossom' and 'Wild Water Plum Moke Flower'
I choose 'cherry blossom.'
Oh, 'cherry blossom'?
Then 'cherry blossom', it is!
From recommendation of the owner.
Ok, cherry blossom!
The others get one for the gift, but two for us specially!
We have prepared this special gift,
hopefully our fans will get it and have a nice day!
Right! Think about us when you smell...
I have heard that when you smell a fragrance from a gift, you think about the person who gave it to you, right?
Oh yeah.
So hope you will think about VERIVERY when you smell it,
and wish you a happy Valentine's Day.
Say bye bye~
Why are we here?
Valentine's Day is soon, right?
Yes, it is.
So we are here for our fan's diffuser gift~
Yeah! Diffuser!
We are here to purchase diffusers!
Come on~
Shall we move on?
What kind of fragrance do you like?
I prefer a not so heavy and strong...
Me too!
A quite light...
Light and cool fragrance is good too.
Smelling the lilac flower smells~
Smell it.
Too strong?
This smells just like the soap!
Oh! This smells just like soap!
I have found that a lot of people like musk fragrance.
Oh? Really?
It's a great fragrance to spread the room.
But it's not my type.
Sakura! Cherry blossom!
This is!
This is the rising star!
Oh~ I have only knew the cherry blossom's fragrance until today!
Oh~ So this is how the cherry blossom smells like.
But this was great too, the apple fragrance.
That's right.
Choose from this or the mango.
That's right. I vote for this.
Me too.
I wonder what our fans will like.
Then let's do the rock scissors paper.
You go for lilac, I will go for the rose.
I want jasmine.
Rock scissors paper! Rock scissors paper! Wow~
Yes, please. Thank you~
Thank you~
Yes, we bought rose, apple and peach fragrance.
We have prepared this gift thinking about our fans.
It's Valentine's Day diffuser gift,
we hope our heart with this gift will be delivered nicely.
It was chosen after a great amount of thinking.
Yes, hope it will be well delivered.
Dear all, please use it nicely.
Where are we now?
What are we here for?
We are here for diffuser~
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.
We would like to give you a gift for the Valentine's Day.
Let's show them the diffuser set.
Show them the pretty ones.
The pretty ones?
Why are we here today?
Oh~ I thought you are tasting it...
I thought you are tasting it too~ I was astonished.
We are here for the Valentine's Day gift!
A diffuser gift.
I think the other members have got the diffusers.
So shall we go for the candles instead?
Hmm? Isn't this the devil fruits?
Devil fruits.
This is the flame-flame fruit, and this is the gum-gum fruit.
No, no.
Shall we get the diffusers?
Let's do the rock scissors paper.
We will go for the diffusers then.
Geranium is my favorite flower...
Why do you like it?
I have it a lot at my home.
Oh really?
Which fragrance comes to your mind when you think about our fans?
Bamboo fragrance.
Why? Why? Why?
They always look only towards us no matter what.
Oh~ That's a good meaning.
I agree. It really suits our sweet fans.
I suggest to go with this and the third one.
What does that smells like?
It's cool...
Rose means love in language of flowers.
Let's go for this two.
So then, if we combine these two together, it means sweet love.
That's right!
Hope you will like it.
Let's go to order.
Sweet love(in Korean), sweet love.
In order to present you our sweet love.
We have chose these two.
We hope you will like it.
We would like to present you our sweet love.
February 14th is Valentine's Day,
we hope everyone will have a happy and sweet Valentine's Day.
Let's pay and get out.
M Countdown, let's go!
Let's go!
Let's get it!
- Hello~ - Yop!
Who shall we go-to-work with today?
Let's go to work~
Where are we going? Our YONGSEUNG wearing his school uniform for the last time.
We will go to Music Bank and YONGSEUNG's graduation today.
Congratulations, YONGSEUNG~
Go-to-work and go-to-school~
I shall be good to him today.
Today's main character, KIM YONGSEUNG.
Heading towards for the graduation. You have worked hard.
Thank you.
Good work.
See you later.
We would like to change the order for our last fan sign event.
Starting from the first. Who is the first?
Seventh~ Lucky seven.
See you later~
WATCH: Meteorologist Mike Osterhage gives his early weather forecast - Duration: 1:10.
Istanbulska nevjesta 72. epizoda - Dobrodošlica za Dilaru i bebu (s prevodom) - Duration: 5:14.
民進黨扯高雄後腿!韓國瑜轟蔡政府:經濟絆腳石- 热点新闻 - Duration: 2:14.
高雄市長韓國 瑜昨(17 日)晚上進 行直播
親自體驗高雄 酒吧及品嘗 調酒
不過直播中也 再度提到兩 岸政策上一 定要質疑蔡 政府
才能幫助高雄 經濟發展
否則將是高雄 拚經濟的絆 腳石
高雄是靠「2 個拳頭」發 展的都市
一個是「貨出 得去
高雄發大財」 經濟願景。
雖然談錢頗俗 氣
但俗話說沒錢 萬萬不行。
另方面是「紮 根下一代的 教育和照顧 弱勢
他將盡最大力 量」。
韓國瑜昨 久違地透過 臉書直播
吸引超過3萬 人觀看
更體驗網友製 作的「高雄 跑BAR路 線」
來介紹高雄當 地的酒吧調 酒。
有網友提問「 兩個月做了 甚麼?」 韓國瑜 指出「兩個 月來被許多 網友酸言酸 語」
不過看到高雄 燈會爆滿的 人潮
吸引周邊觀光 商機
他數次反譏「 我甚麼都沒 做」
九天時間湧進 超過140 萬人
其中很多是來 自外縣市和 海外
每人花費1萬 元
而且是完全無 污染 甚 至3月8日 起開始高雄 五大醫院要 聯手推觀光 醫療等等
高雄市政府整 合
透過旅行社向 海外行銷
海霸王要投資 80億
某家銀行要投 資400億
全國商業總4 35位會員 打算投資上 千億
怎麼會什麼都 沒做?這都 是施政成績 。
針對網友 詢問最近重 砲批評蔡英 文總統的兩 岸政策
背後的目的到 底是甚麼? 韓國瑜回應
在高雄盡量不 要談政治
希望全力講經 濟
並朝「兩個拳 頭」來發展
「右拳代表衝 經濟
高雄市沒有錢 且負債第一 ;左拳代表 辦好教育
培養好下一代 並照顧弱勢 團體」
這就是所謂的 兩個拳頭的 策略。
How Do I Potty Train My Samoyed? - Duration: 5:09.
When you get a Samoyed, one of the main questions that you might have, is how in the world do
I train this puppy, to go potty outside?
Well, on today's episode of Yeti's Place, we're going to answer that question.
Up next, on Yeti's Place.
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When you bring a new Samoyed puppy home, the main question is how in the world do I get
this little puppy potty trained?
With Yeti, it took him until he was 6 months old, before he finally understood to go potty
With any puppy, especially a Samoyed, for potty training them, what you have to do,
the moment they stop playing, bring them outside right away.
And then, when they go potty, you congratulate them, you pet them, you say, 'Yeah!
Good boy!
Good boy!
Good boy!' and you give them a treat.
So they understand, that that's where they're supposed to go potty.
Now, if they happen to have an accident in your house, only discipline them if you catch
them in the act.
If you don't catch them in the act and notice the accident later on, and then you go and
discipline them, they'll be sitting there like, well, Mom, why are mad at me?
What did I do?
I don't understand what I did?
'Cause they're not going to remember what they did incorrectly.
And by discipline, I mean, just tell....like growling at them, because they understand
what growling means.
And saying 'NO!'
If they're little enough to pick up and bring outside, do that.
Put them down on the ground, wait for them to go potty outside, and then say, 'Good boy,
good boy, good boy!'
Or, 'Good girl' if it's a girl.
And you lavish them with praise.
And then, when you bring them inside, be sure to give them a treat.
Some days, it's easy to train a Samoyed, other days, not so easy to potty train.
You have to be observant.
You have to notice the moment they stop playing, is when they go potty.
Now, of course, I'm talking about little puppy Samoyeds.
Like the brand new, fresh puppies that are 8 weeks old to about 6 months old.
Those brand new, cute, little, fuzzy, white angels.
The moment they stop playing, you have to bring them outside immediately.
They have little teeny, tiny bladders when they're little babies and they can't hold
their meals, nor can they hold water as long as they can when they're adults.
And they also don't understand, they have to go potty outside.
So, it's up to the people to train them to go potty outside.
Be patient with your Samoyed, because there will be a lot of accidents that they'll have.
Feed them at specific times of the day and then the moment they finish eating, the moment
they walk away from their food, bring them outside right away.
And then, put their food up until the next time you feed them.
In the evenings, you want to take the water away.
Bring them outside before putting them in their crate for the night.
Because you'll want to crate train a puppy Samoyed, because if you don't crate train
a puppy Samoyed, they'll have accidents and they could also get bored and they could eat
things they're not supposed to eat.
So, crate training a Samoyed, is a wonderful idea.
The reason you should crate train your Samoyed overnight, is because they won't go potty
where they sleep.
And then immediately upon waking up in the morning, bring your Samoyed outside, immediately.
Once you bring them inside, after they've done their jobs outside, you'll lavish them
with praise, the moment they do their job and they you'll bring them inside your house
and then you'll feed them and give them water.
Same thing if you're gone during the day, they should go in their crate.
Yes, I'm talking about your crate, Sweetie.
You remember being crate trained.
We crate trained Yeti, when he was little and it helped him out so much.
Yeti had plenty of accidents, even though I was observant and I watched to see when
he would stop playing and when he'd stop eating.
He was really quick with going potty.
Like, the second he stopped playing, he would start squatting and go potty.
And, you know, I tried really hard to get him outside, but sometimes, I failed and I
didn't get him outside right away and then he had an accident.
Yeti did eventually learn, oh yeah, hey, I should go potty outside.
You only discipline your Samoyed, or any dog, if you catch them in the act of going potty.
Growl at them **growl sound effect**.
"Cause they'll listen to a growl when they're a little guy.
When they get bigger, then you can say 'no,' in a mean voice.
Like 'NO" **growl sound effect**.
Yea, you don't like that when I say no, do you?
Then immediately after you catch them in the act, bring them outside right away.
When they go potty where they're supposed to go potty, you lavish them with all types
of praise, telling them 'Good boy, good boy, good boy!'
And you give them treats and you're happy and thrilled for them.
They'll eventually learn.
It just takes a Samoyed a little while to learn to go potty in the right place.
But, if you're vigilant, you pay attention to them and notice exactly the second they
stop playing, you bring them outside right away, they'll learn pretty quickly.
If you're new here, please be sure to subscribe, click our bell notification.
Welcome back to all of our Yetables and check out our links down below.
We'll see you guys next time!
Thanks for watching.
Guadix, yacimiento arqueológico. Teatro Romano. Granada - Duration: 2:25.
LOOK UP - Weather Modification - Chemtrails - GeoEngineering - Must Watch - Duration: 29:57.
what I've decided to do is create a new form of media it's an initiative based
documentary you get the app sky to alert and when you see this taking place and
something doesn't look right in the sky above just take the picture and it
automatically will send to your appropriate congressman or legislator to
look up look up take the picture the photos are evidence we need
participation we need your help this is an initiative based documentary it's not
just a documentary that you can watch and think about get the app go on the
website send us your photos let the lawmakers know that you're not okay with
it so what I came across in July through the stop-motion time-lapse photography
by accident was this this aerosol spraying that has showed up to be a
geoengineering type experiment or possible military activity on at least a
u.s. scale possibly a a global scale it's not natural the clouds are being
manufactured there's fallout from it it's washing
down and form of rain into the water and the soil resulting in us drinking
whatever the chemicals are at this aerosol spray and the other by-product
which is the global dimming which is also disturbing so whether it's a solar
radiation management or engineering effort there are absolute
side effects and consequences that that may actually be catastrophic an
increasing amount of days saw these patterns occurring in the skies overhead
and subsequent diminishment of my solar uptake and it increased with every year
so about 2004 is when I really started my investigation as to what could be
happening in the skies above because it was too inconsistent one day would be a
grid pattern and another day would be virtually nothing with very similar
atmospheric conditions I've been studying meteorology since the late 90s
as well so clearly there was something happening and it took no time at all to
come to the the geoengineering issue and a mountain of data as I researched the
subject of geoengineering which seemed to describe exactly what I was seeing in
the skies above which was solar obscuration that's the the primary goal
of sag stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and SRM solar radiation
management the primary goal of these patents like stratospheric welsbach
seeding for reduction of global warming was a primary patent and the stated goal
is to block the Sun and quite clearly that's what was happening with my solar
PV system so seeing the first ingredient in that patent is aluminum I began to do
rain tests my first test was seven parts per billion which according to a
hydrogeologist was already quite high given my location a filtered forested
location it's not near any sort of Industry urban setting anything
subsequent tests over the next five years escalated as much as thirty four
hundred and fifty parts per billion of aluminum in a single rain test so if you
have virtually every dot connecting and we know these materials aren't coming
from China that's the first thing many people state but California air quality
Resources Board has done studies on the aerosols from China and aluminum simply
is not amongst them metals don't float across oceans with the exception of
mercury global dimming is a term most are not familiar with
and and the latest figures show fully 20% of the sun's direct rays that
reached the planet several decades ago no longer do I mean that this is the
biggest elephant in the room absolutely the biggest in the room and I believe
that if it could be brought to a level where there was enough cover for all the
scientists all the meteorologists all the biologists that all the academia
that knows this is going on I believe they would pour from every corner I do
but they they would have to have the cover because I know people with
California Department of Fish and Game that are absolutely beside themselves
that this is going on aerosol geoengineering looks like it is so cheap
that the cost is basically not going to be an issue that means that
implementations decisions will be risk to risk decisions the risk of doing it
against the risk of not doing it and it makes the problem of how we govern it
fundamentally harder and different than normal but I think the more we do
research the less easy this will look the more complicated the environmental
effects will look and that's a good thing because right now it looks too
easy so I think that if we do more research
we're likely to find out that it's harder and more complicated we thought
and the side effects are harder to manage of course the opposite reactions
possible it's an empirical question how people actually react to knowledge about
this another reaction is to say if these crazy scientists are so concerned about
putting co2 in the atmosphere they want to think about these things and that man
actually mean we should be more serious about the risks of co2 in the atmosphere
and by the way it's not really a moral hazard is more like free riding on our
grandkids and by the way it's not really a moral hazard it's more like free
riding on our grantees
quality studies including from carb California quality resource board have
named submicron sized particulate as being particularly harmful for human
respiration through all the discussions today I have not heard any mention of
this fallout and has has this been studied and also the effects of a highly
reactive metal like aluminum on toxifying soils and waters the
collaborator said my working on the aerosol schemer actually folks from
Carnegie Mellon who focused on human health impacts and while we haven't
published it that was the very first thing we did was do the order of
magnitude calculation and bevel pencil paper but with an expert on human health
impacts about whether that could be an issue and and for aluminum or other
particles there's a lot of talks illogical things that need to get looked
at seriously geoengineers now are moving very close quickly to get legislation
passed to spray the primary ingredients into our sky knowing the damage that we
have had not only to human health we've seen aluminum related illnesses go
through the roof but what freeform aluminum aluminum oxide does to our
environment is devastating and it literally destroys crops it destroys
forests it destroys our earth we have an earth that is being molested our ozone
layer is being shredded for from top to bottom the calm trails change the amount
of sunlight and energy that pierces the atmosphere it's in several articles that
I can show you so the phenomena of changing how much Sun gets in energy
gets into our atmosphere that heats it up is printed every day it's just
printed in such a way as as to not say this is a tool for climate change it's
saying it is in fact a phenomena that will in fact change the climate by
reducing the amount of Sun that that gets into our atmosphere geoengineering
is one of the things that are on the table and it'll probably be it on a
large enough scale that will be pretty obvious to everybody and it's becoming
more obvious everyday look at the way the contrails persist and become an
entire white blanket over the whole sky look at this photograph of the sky I
thought that the clouds looked a little strange that's why I took them some
pictures but then when I saw a plane go through the cloud and leave a void in
the cloud that lasted for half an hour or so planes don't leave holes on clouds
they're just not clouds when you begin to introduce clouds to the sky you're
changing how much energy from the Sun reaches the Earth's surface that's a
given your increase in cloud cover and we've had a market increase of high
cloud cover in particular Cirrus and Alto cumulus clouds over the last 30
years the quotient or the ratio between low clouds and high clouds has nearly
doubled the number of high clouds and what you're doing is trapping heat
you're keeping some out but when it comes to nighttime you're pulling a
blanket over all right let's just take a summer afternoon in LA we have a high
cloud bank come in it won't come in in the morning it'll
come in in the afternoon so we get all of that morning sunshine we get all of
that midday sunshine the clouds come in the Sun begins to set in the West the
clouds thicken up you've already got your heat in for the day and then the
clouds stick around for 70% of the night and the heat stays and so in late 2004 I
started by cameras I bought two little webcams and then two other mini DV Canon
cameras little tripods stuck them out around the house and then about two
computers and time-lapse software and so I could get north south south west and
then east I was hoping to catch movement of clouds things happening with the
clouds so I could deliver a better forecast tonight what I caught after
four months in was in about 25 minutes and I'll show it on the video is a
series of flights and what happened was one plane was come along it was a
relatively dry day in April a plane would come along and only a little bit
of the trail would stick only a part of it remained visible what was curious is
that another plane came along and hit precisely the middle of that segment
that's all and that another play came along and hit the end at an angle not
not bisecting or perpendicular but off at an angle and I thought the light went
off there's something they're doing with geometry it is establishing and setting
up these resonances zones because what I had observed with a time-lapse camera is
that the atmosphere had literally been layered layers each 2 3 4 5 8,000 feet
is probably variable from day to day and the clouds would come up and then
literally be chopped off but as would only happen after a plane had come
through and then the storm would collapse and you can see it today you
can step out anytime you see thunderstorms beginning to go the planes
will be there you know so it all comes back to the Sun the Sun is the power
source for this solar system Sun drives the weather in the fall of 1998 I was
asked by my employer Environment News Service a worldwide wire service dealing
with environmental issues to have a look at a VHS videotape when I viewed the
tape I started laughing frankly I thought here's an hour and ten minutes
of shaky video footage of contrails after 10 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes I
stopped laughing because as a former pilot an ocean navigator I was well
familiar with normal contrails and what I was seeing on this videotape was not
acting like a normal condensation trail the trails coming out behind multiple
airplanes instead of dissipating we're lingering spreading across the sky until
a blue sky day had turned into a milky murky overcast in my first story for
environment news service in January 1999 I said that these mysterious contrails
were sickening Americans the illness patterns coincided precisely with
so-called heavy spray days particularly on weekends people would see this
gridding unusual activity aerial activity in the sky
they would start to cough they would get asthma attacks severe enough to send
them to emergency rooms doctors were telling the New York Times we've never
seen anything like this people were dying in great numbers in the early days
of this project and the CDC Centers for Disease Control went on record said we
really don't know what this is it's not the flu they called it an epidemic of
mortalities that was their their phraseology this is 98 99 and 2000 the
winter months this was reported in the United States Canada in Peterborough
Ontario the hospital there had 307 acute asthma admissions in a single day in
Birmingham England 8,000 people died in three weeks mostly elderly was in all
the papers BBC they were using meat packing trucks as portable Ward's it was
very drastic all I can say as a journalist is this was coincident to
videotape and visual reports of tic-tac-toe patterns and unusual
grinning in the sky exactly coincided so very dangerous they're very dangerous
program I'm standing on the roof of my building and the Bronx New York and as
you can see the entire sky as far as you can see it's blanketed but these
stretching all the way over to Manhattan it's in New Jersey
there's another one being made as we speak Saturday March 10th 2012
it's around noon time
and look at this you can see this chemtrail here it almost looks as if
it's falling falling onto the ground
you can see I was dissipating at the very end there falling into the river or
falling geoengineers are proposing spraying ten to 20 million tons of toxic
aluminum and other substances into our sky for the stated goal of cooling our
planet so let me distinguish these two different kinds of geoengineering as
clearly as I can so the first one is we call solar radiation management and
that's the idea that you could put reflective mostly reflective particles
or other means to make the earth whiter weather is part of our plan and as part
of our nature weather drives everything weather drives all of our food so yeah
whether it's creation it's part of the creation and many people call that God
and people who play with their weather or control our weather playing God
because they want power you control the weather you control the planet the IPCC
is the organization within the wmo and that's the international organization
dealing with weather and and it basically says the climate change is
human caused and will have impacts on us now and those impacts will become more
and more significant over time I believe the data shows very clearly for anyone
who truly does objective research that although they can cool regions very
large regions temporarily and of course toxically the overall effect is a much
worsened warming the real issue in chemtrails is what causes them to be
persistent and I don't know that answer yet but but but if if you can cause a
calm trail to be consistent that is persistent that is to stay out in the
atmosphere longer so it can create a cloud what is the mechanism for that
what what has changed in that jet to cause the calm trail behind it to
persist as opposed to dissipate is that a natural phenomena because we
have more moisture in the air is it a natural phenomena because the
stratosphere is getting colder is it an additive that they put the jet
fuel is it truly a chemical that they spray with the jet afterwards I don't
know but but but the very term persistent contrails is is used so as to
indicate it's different from a contrail so my question is what's the additive
what what what got added to cause it to be persistent I can say this that for
any skeptic I would ask them why would I not believe geoengineering is the source
of this when one the patents describe exactly what we see in the air the
express goal is to block the Sun to the ingredients on the ground or exactly
what those patents state is primary ingredients three you have
administration officials like John Holden of the Obama administration
openly stating their support for geoengineering before you have
scientific groups like the Arctic methane emergency group openly calling
for emergency wartime geoengineering it's it's can easily be found in
researched by anyone who chooses to look up the AMA group the Arctic methane
emergency group my personal opinion is that we have to keep Pheo engineering on
the table we have to look at it very carefully because we might get desperate
enough to want to use it the danger of course with geoengineering is the one I
was referring to a moment ago we don't understand the system well enough to
predict its responses in detail and that means there's always a danger if you try
to engineer the system on a large scale that you will do something that has side
effects that are worse than the dimension of the problem you're trying
to cure with the geoengineering in the first place there are a variety of
schemes that have been discussed for geoengineering a classic example is
injecting reflecting particles into Earth orbit what is occurring is the
deliberate and systematic alteration of the
ecosystem of this planet through a physical means injecting particulate
matter extremely fine particulate matter into the atmosphere
I look at it at this point as a global scale operation and I I examined those
questions about whether or not it was physically feasible to modify the entire
atmosphere and at the beginning that seemed a little bit of a stretch it was
not a set answer to me at all but you'll find when you study the atmosphere that
actually it is quite feasible and the atmosphere is much more delicate and
fragile than many of us might realize if you just want to trust government you
can just let it all happen but if you want to try to get a public dialogue
going I think the best thing is for state governments who are at risk to
begin inquiring as to what the government is going to do I'm just
wanting the government to be truthful so that the citizens can make honest
decisions about their future pictures don't lie that's all there is to it it's
like it's like the way the government uses red-light cameras to enforce
traffic violations the photographs are evidence it's that simple look at this
picture of Central Park does this look normal to you I mean the coloring the
weird purples and greens and blues that are in these stripes I remember this day
December 6th I was walking towards the Empire State Building and I saw a plane
cutting directly across the building and I called Steve and I said Steve we got
to take some pictures today man so we went out and we've got these
photographs unsuspecting people just going about their daily lives
in the mean time look up what do you see does that look normal to you I'm a
director of photography by trade that's what I do I take pictures I've been
doing this for 20 years plus and I can tell you what I'm seeing in the skies is
different now than it's ever been they can't you can't hide this you
simply can't hide this that's why I believe this issue will be known one way
or the other we want people to look into this we want people to question we want
people to look into what geo engineers are denying they're doing but state they
urgently want to do the problem is when you do the research there's a clause
that's called informed consent and informed consent my understanding I'm
not an attorney but my understanding of an informed consent is when you don't
protest you're basically allowing the government
or allowing the military to experiment on you and your children so when they
say well possibly we can modify hurricanes or we could modify the storm
they don't really need to say what the other things are or how they do it or
what the human health implications are or the environmental health implications
are but by not refusing you are basically giving your informed consent
that you're okay with being a guinea pig for these experiments so do I think
there's persistent calm trails in the sky yes clear day you can go up and look
at anybody wants to look at them can see them they're not short streams of
cloud-like things you can see they're very long they go from Horizon to
Horizon so it isn't there isn't a question of what they are or are they in
existence they are that the literature talks about including the IPCC so the
word persistent contrail is in the scientific documents where they're
observing phenomena so I'm hopeful that as the discussion enlarges around
geoengineering and the public is invited to enter the debate or intercept
regardless that chemtrails will be brought out of
the closet will be brought forward and that the chemtrail community the
movement can enter this discussion and I would suggest first of all by dropping
the word chemtrails it's become a poisoned word and we can use it as code
among ourselves for the media for the public we use the words of the
scientists of the international debate we call it stratospheric aerosol which
is what they are we call it SRM solar radiation management we call it
geoengineering we call it climate engineering all of those are accepted
scientific terms if we can do that we can bring this whole chemtrails
discussion into the broader discussion of geoengineering and finally have a
public influence on a very dangerous program so now let's talk about what
we're gonna do what can we do what are the options obviously this is taking
place so my question is while we're in these times of tight budgets and firing
school teachers and firing emergency services and discontinuing food for the
needy and help for the elderly how much does this program cost how much is it
costing taxpayers every day or every year we need public oversight we need
public disclosure so this technology the these actions in these these massive
budgets can be used for the people and not against the reason I'm in this this
battle one that I never wanted in my worst nightmare is because if I can't
walk out my door and breathe without sucking in a lung full of toxic metals
and my children can't breathe without sucking this stuff in I simply have no
choice but to try as hard as I can to expose this issue so what to do
we need participation we need your help this is an initiative based documentary
it's not just a documentary that you can watch and think about this is a
documentary that hopefully helps you to take action with a grassroots type
strategy get the app go on the website send us your photos let the lawmakers
know that you're not okay with it all right so I guess this is the official
start something really strange happened I got this 5d camera and I got a
time-lapse on it I was filming some clouds but then yesterday something
really crazy happened I noticed something that's really disturbing the
trails from the Jets turned into the clouds they wouldn't evaporate they
didn't go away and as the day went on I noticed now there were in patterns it
looks like they're spraying something it looks like they're spray coming out of
the back of the planes so now as a director photography I've got a
variety of high quality tools at my disposal and I'm going to go get some
some new lenses and I'm gonna I'm gonna take a closer look at this and I thought
that it's appropriate that I I don't know but I start this I start
documenting what I'm doing you know it's the next day Thursday and
I got some new things to get some better shots from from whatever's going on here
and I'm going to adapt this telescope to a real a real tripod and then figure out
how to put the camera on the back of it that's the story hopefully this will be
the new lens what this is gonna work and get it to work well here it is let's see
if it's gonna work
I see here it it's a good time alright so I'm at exit 103 and it looks like I'm
at the edge of where the spray has been taking place to see if I can get a good
shot that take some bonuses
damnit alright so I'm in Harris and I am chased
by the cops again what Harris New York I do not know what's going on man but
nobody wants me taking any pictures of the black sky I gotta find a place to
hide I can't believe I gotta hide to take pictures of the damn sky I can't go
to Clark so I am back at the East Delaware intake for the New York City
water supply and I was thinking of maybe setting up
to shoot over here
but there is a New York City
hazmat truck
parked where I was thinking of filming this is where the
cottage cheese to be away last
kind of strange for a hazmat division to be at the new york city water supply
let's see if i can set up some cameras here
we got a GoPro mounted on
here they go I guess they left the EP trucks on the
other way
all right well anyway they have it shut up the other
camera curious
MKR Veronica's relationship with Arnold Schwarzenegger REVEALED! - Duration: 1:34.
On Monday night's episode of My Kitchen Rules, beauty queen Veronica revealed her relationship with Arnold Schwarzenegger
The table were discussing who inspires them and Veronica seized the opportunity to boast about her celebrity encounter while also promoting her book
"I got to meet Arnold Schwarzenegger, very humble, he's very inspiring, very motivational…" she began sending Bianca sighing heavily over her statement
"He's handsome, down to earth, confident… I wrote a book with him. It's called Think Big, I wrote a chapter," Veronica proudly announced
"It's about having a balance in life with work, family," she added. "I'll do a signed copy for you all
LES GILETS JAUNES - ACTE XIV - Duration: 9:34.
The yellow vests - act XIV
The 14th act gathered around 100,000 people according to the "Nombre Jaune", a facebook group which counts the demonstrators each saturday.
The police decided to change its strategy and went back to the methods used in 2016.
The law enforcement were constantly in contact with the yellow vests while officing the cortege.
Clashes really began when some people went in front of a shop to buy some food and water.
The shop closed its doors and the law enforcement attacked the yellow vests.
Other clashes happened near the Invalides after a far-right reporter was attacked by a large group of antifascists.
S&A || holland - Duration: 1:09.
Someone that has a
strong connection to you
kind of emotional tether
remember I love you
You're coming back, right?
Yeah, I'd never leave you behind.
because I love you
Someone could be falling
in love with your smile
Allison is dead
I think you look really beautiful when you cry
well I think you look beautiful
I love, I love you
Krutý život po Výměně: Zdeněk měl strašlivou autonehodu a přišel o nohy! - Duration: 2:35.
Comment centrer la carte sur Openrunner? - Duration: 0:55.
To center the map on the place you want, you can proceed in two ways,
First, click on the tool "center on" and type in the name of the city you want to find
You can change the zoom level and move on the map
Otherwise, you can use the tool "center on your position"
If you have a wifi connection you will be localized
Finally, if you want the map to open on the same place every time you create a route,
Go on your preferences
Go in your preferences, type in the name of the place you are searching for and center the map
Then save your modifications. Now, the map will always open on the selected place.
Zašto je Transpozij_um bitan? - Duration: 0:23.
For me, as for the majority of the trans community,
Transposium is important because it is a safe space,
a space where we're all accepted,
and a space where you can
exchange opinions, experiences,
and to learn some new things.
Mindful Mondays 19 - How to Better Connect in Relationships - Duration: 3:19.
happy mindful Monday everyone here we are in the new office that I had
mentioned a couple of weeks ago today we're going to build on what I spoke
about last week in terms of this connection and connection and moving
towards connecting with others moving towards connecting in our relationships
versus disconnecting and withdrawing so a helpful tip when you are responding to
someone or you find that you are reacting is to step back and think about
your goals for the particular relationship and what your vision is for
that particular relationship so to break that down that would mean that a
situation is situation has occurred where things have not worked out what
things have upset you things have not worked out your way whatever it may be
and you are now challenged to respond in a positive way or to move towards
connection and so you would think about what the goal is for that particular
relationship with that person so if it's your spouse you would think I want to
have a loving relationship I want to have a healthy marriage that is my goal
and I love this person so my goal would be to work this out and so if it was
with a child it would be I want to have a healthy relationship with my child and
and help them grow if it's a co-worker or a business partner or some kind of
vendor your your goal would be I want to have a really a relationship with them
where I am we have a good work relationship I'm gonna see them every
day or quite frequently so this needs to work and so what happens when we do this
when we think in this in the moment when we shift our thoughts to this what
happens is that all of a sudden our thoughts our passing thoughts or our
negative feelings or whatever we're interpreting in the moment don't become
as important anymore because they get overcome with feelings of care and love
or concern towards the other person because our goals ...the bigger picture
overtakes everything though the bigger picture overtakes what the small thing
that is going on... going wrong perhaps whatever is happening in the moment - it
overtakes that and so we're able to sort of you know, regroup and come back at the
situation or the conversation in a way that brings connection and encourages
that versus disconnecting because we know that we have longer-term goals
rather than just what's going on in the moment and so I encourage you to look at
your relationships that are working really well and figure out your
strengths what makes them work so well? Maybe you can use them towards the
relationships that need some help. And if you're stuck give me a shout! You can
message me or email me to book a meeting and yeah I encourage you this week just
really continue to connect with those around you continue to connect and think
big picture 'What is my vision for this relationship?' If this person is important
to you, no other feeling or negative mood or our passing thought is going to be
as important as they are to you so, let's keep loving people. Have a great week!
Happy Mindful ..mindful Monday! and see you next week!
Simple Cash Pro Review ⚠️BEWARE⚠️ BEST SIMPLE CASH PRO BONUS HERE!⚡⚡[simple cash pro review] - Duration: 10:14.
L'écran econmedia® transforme votre publicité en audience captive - Duration: 0:28.
Speech Of Molana Fazal Ur Rehman New 2019| In Mardan Million March - Duration: 22:56.
molana fazl ur heman speech at mardan march
Hulk Vs Giant Monster Defeat Dino - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:06.
Hulk Vs Giant Monster Defeat Dino - BAAM BAAM Toys
"On vit très bien" : Carole Rousseau, finalement bien contente d'avoir quitté TF1 - Duration: 1:43.
개강 D-14..현 대학생들 상황💦ㅣthis is what all uni students go through - Duration: 3:25.
soon I will be a sophomore in uni.
but not yet.
i'm in that awkward middle stage
where I'm not completely a sophomore
..but neither am I a freshman.
yeah. it's called winter break.
I really thought...
this winter break would be different.
I mean last year, SAT's had just ended
and around this time of last year
my university results had already come out
didn't even notice time passing by.
like all uni students in the world,
I made some plans.
To spend a more..systematic and meaningful break may I say.
#1. read more books.
(in my head)
more like "with youth comes acne"
*bookworm mode*
(mixing an empty pot)
it's honestly impossible to poo while reading
this is what I'll live off of during war.
she will never change..
like an old tree...
#2. Study for TOEFL
(in my head)
jibber jabber blahadualblblahblah
ahh what's that word
? why's this dude trending
omgomg he drunk drove that dumbass
oog bts got another trophy.
lemme just check tomorrow's weather
yaaay it's getting warmer'
wait but
what was I gonna search?
#3 is something I haven't ever announced yet
so it's a bit embarrassing
but I was planning on making a cover channel.
(in my head)
I will melt your ears with my beautiful voice
still haven't melted?
are u even human
I am Ariana. Ariana is me.
gimme a Grande plz.
#4. workout.
(in my head)
~eating noodles while editing~
jump girl JUMP!
title: when your half-time job is over
plz...s..someone help..
(barely breathing)
I dON't HAvE aNY thOUhT's CuZ i DOn'T hAVe ANy tHOuGHT's
lastly #5, go traveling more.
(in my head)
hello there?
("i left my kids at home" shot)
im cold.
("my mom's forcing me to smile" cut)
(lack of props)
(saying it's hot)
("this water's so heavy" shot)
*searches for airplane tickets*
along with this loading sign
my excitement,
joy amplifies every second.
what do i wear?
where do i go?
what to eat?
but guys.
i even managed to f8ck up my course applications for next semester
so i'm really not feeling the best right now
BUT i know.
i'm not alone in this situation.
I'll be taking these plans as it is
right along to summer break.
Anyways, thanks so much for watching
and i'll see you in my next video. BYE!
Savoir qui nous a retiré de sa liste d'ami #Facebook - Duration: 1:04.
Ue D, Andrea Dal Corso dice no a Teresa e mette nei 'guai' l'attore Alex Belli: ecco cosa è successo - Duration: 3:20.
Giant Ping Pong BATTLE - Duration: 3:43.
What's up everybody!
We are Pongfinity
And today we're playing Giant Table Tennis!
1 set to 11
Loser has to crawl under the table
Let's go
Good luck!
Wrong way!
Wow! That was pretty nice!
What was that serve!?
That was a bit different!
I wasn't expecting that.
So close!
Well guys, thanks for watching!
Subscribe right here
There is also a ball
You should probably also go under these
The viewers want to see you go under one
I don't think they do!
[FREE] Lil Baby Type Beat 2019 - "Maybach" | Melodic Trap Instrumental - Duration: 2:31.
Is Faith Just Wishful Thinking? - Duration: 5:05.
I want you to listen very carefully to this clip I'm going to show you from
Miracle on 34th Street. Notice how the word "faith" is defined.
I was wrong when I told you that Suzy.
You must believe in Mr. Kringle, and keep right on doing it.
You must have faith in him.
But he didn't get me...that doesn't make sense, Mommy.
Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to.
That was in the original I think, right? You notice what she said, though:
"Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to." See, that's what
our culture believes is the definition of faith. That's what they're working
from. In fact, if you read Richard Dawkins' book "The God Delusion" where he argues if
you believe in God you're delusional, he argues that faith, or he just asserts
that faith is persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory
evidence. And so you have all this evidence going one way, and you just
blindly believe, you know, have faith in the opposite direction. It's kind of like
this: On one end of the spectrum you have science and reason, okay? This is when
you're thinking rational, the more evidence you have, it points towards
truth, this idea. But on the opposite end of the spectrum, this is where you have
no evidence, and this is where you insert faith, okay?
Faith, on this view, amounts to wishful thinking, and that's why we often talk
about, people talk about blind faith or a leap of faith, okay?
And so on this view, science and faith are completely at odds with each other.
Agreed. But the question is, is that what real biblical faith is? Well, I actually
don't think so, and neither does my friend Sean McDowell.
You guys know who Sean McDowell is. Sean, apologist professor at Biola. He says in
his book, "Is God Just a Human Invention?"
He writes, "Faith is not belief in spite of the evidence, but belief in light of
the evidence." I like that. It's not belief in spite of, it's belief in light of the
evidence. Now here's the problem: Who are you gonna believe? Are you gonna believe
Richard Dawkins, Miracle on 34th Street, you know, the culture? You're gonna
believe some Christians like Sean McDowell? Well I have an idea. If you want
to know what biblical faith is, it might be a good idea to, I don't know,
look in the Bible, you know? Who says that's a good idea?
All right, it's carried. How about we go to the Bible? So let's just
look at one passage. We could spend an hour looking through the
Bible and what faith is, but I think this is a great passage to go to. It turns out
in John's gospel, he tells us why he wrote his gospel near
the end. This is the purpose statement for why he wrote. You see, you read Luke,
he tells you right up front, here's why I'm writing. But you read John, you
got to wait till almost the end of the book, chapter 20. And in chapter 20, John
tells us in no uncertain terms why he recorded what he recorded. Here's what he
says, "Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are
not written in this book;" Stop right there. There's all these other signs we
don't even know about. They're not even written down in John's gospel, okay?
There's all these signs and wonders, but he says, "but these are written," okay, why
John? Why did you write about these signs and wonders? So if you got your Bible,
circle the words, "so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son
of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."
The whole point in John writing his gospel is to provide a trustworthy
eyewitness testimony evidence so that you and I
would read the evidence and believe. You see John, he got to see the evidence and
believe. Well I didn't get to see the resurrected Christ. Neither did you. What
we get is to read about the evidence and believe. Does this sound like John didn't
care about evidence? Seriously, this sound like John wants us
to take a blind leap of faith in the dark?
Not even close.
Your Daily Dose of JoJo (Spoilers) - Duration: 0:44.
I'll Kill You!
What is that?
With that he has a Stand. Little Feet!
ZA WARUDO...Stop...
Pauline Laigneau : "Il faut se lancer dans quelque chose pour lequel on a envie de vivre" - Duration: 0:58.
🔥🔥 Phim đông cung tập 10 VietSub - Thuyết Minh (2019) 🔥🔥 - Duration: 1:02.
Hulk Vs Giant Monster Defeat Dino - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:06.
Hulk Vs Giant Monster Defeat Dino - BAAM BAAM Toys
Wheels On The Bus | Kintoons Cartoon | Videos For Children by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 2:45.
Wheels On The Bus...
L'écran econmedia® transforme votre publicité en audience captive - Duration: 0:28.
LES GILETS JAUNES - ACTE XIV - Duration: 9:34.
The yellow vests - act XIV
The 14th act gathered around 100,000 people according to the "Nombre Jaune", a facebook group which counts the demonstrators each saturday.
The police decided to change its strategy and went back to the methods used in 2016.
The law enforcement were constantly in contact with the yellow vests while officing the cortege.
Clashes really began when some people went in front of a shop to buy some food and water.
The shop closed its doors and the law enforcement attacked the yellow vests.
Other clashes happened near the Invalides after a far-right reporter was attacked by a large group of antifascists.
Mastering Design Thinking | MIT Sloan - Duration: 3:33.
Our mission here at MIT is to develop leaders
who inspire others and who innovate to create the future.
The MIT approach to design thinking is a great way
to unleash innovation in yourself
and throughout your organization
by using design thinking principles.
Hi, I am professor Steven Eppinger,
professor of Management Science and Innovation here
at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
I have developed this online course using much
of the material I teach
in my graduate level classes here at MIT.
In addition to research and teaching,
I run two of our master's degree programs that are focused
on innovation and that are offered jointly
by the MIT Sloan School of Management
and our School of Engineering.
I've been teaching innovation and design thinking here at MIT
for the past 30 years.
The textbook, titled Product, Design, and Development,
which I co-authored, is the most widely used book
on this subject.
Many of my students apply design thinking principles to work
on innovations at companies like Apple, and Samsung, Tesla,
and BMW, Google, and Amazon.
Some of my students have gone on to work on startups
and have created innovative companies like Airbnb.
In this course, I will take you
through a step-by-step approach to design thinking.
The course follows a human centered approach
to systematic development of new products and services.
The process starts with empathy, deep understanding of customers,
their values, and the surrounding opportunities.
We do this by interviewing and observing users and a range
of other stakeholders.
We try to get into their world
and see problems through their eyes.
With this information in mind,
we brainstorm possible solutions,
bringing new perspectives to the opportunity.
Now this course is action-oriented.
You will learn how to develop product specifications,
build prototypes, and plan your product or service architecture.
We also focus on several other key questions.
Is the product or service financially viable?
How can we minimize the environmental impact
of our product or service?
How should we organize the product development process
to deliver on time and on budget?
And how can we leverage the latest agile
development techniques?
During this course, you will learn the key concepts
through my online video lectures, supplemented
by online discussions, and individual
and group assignments.
The course also includes live online sessions with me and some
of my MIT faculty colleagues
on additional design thinking topics.
The core emphasis of this course is project-based learning.
Working in small teams, you will be asked
to apply the concepts you learn to a real-world product
or service design challenge.
After all, this is an MIT course and here at MIT,
we believe in Mens et Manus, combining both mind
and hand thus, learning by doing.
Throughout the course, you will be receiving feedback
on your project work,
culminating in a final project submission.
I look forward to your participation in this class
and also to seeing what you are able to do
with MIT's approach to design thinking.
[ Music ]
Hi "guripas"!
Today we're going to focus on the Anglo-Canadian troops during WWII
through a private reenactment event.
In the previous video we spoke about how events
can be both public and private.
We're going to look at an example of an immersion weekend,
of what's known as Living History.
Here's a preview.
These images are from the summer of 2018 at a reenactment camp organised
by "The Durhams", an association that reenacts the 6th Battalion
of the Durham Light Infantry Regiment.
For our Anglophone "guripas"
this is how we say "Durham" in Spanish.
The idea was to recreate a second-line camp
in Normandy, specifically in the Canadian-Anglo sector
as there were also reenactors from the Sancho de Beurko Association
who recreated the 2nd Canadian Infantry Division.
Specifically, The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Unit.
I'm going to go off on a bit of a tangent now.
It's funny that during WWII the Canadian Army
didn't think very hard about the design for its units' identity patches.
For example, the overseas divisions.
For the 1st Infantry Division the patch was a rectangular patch in red.
The 2nd Division, blue.
The 3rd Division, the one that landed at Normandy on D-Day, grey.
As for the Armoured Divisions, the 4th was green and the 5th was maroon.
And that was it.
With the divisions that remained on Canadian territory they combined
these five colours.
That's why nowadays, in the collector's world
it's quite difficult to tell a good replica
from an original patch, because they're that simple.
Now let's go back to the reenactment!
What people look for is a weekend of total immersion.
Isolated from the world for days, sleeping in the open or in tents,
eating mess or combat rations
and without any anachronistic distractions.
Yes, we have a different concept of what it is to have a good weekend.
We don't just want to look the part with the uniform, the haircut, etc.
but also get as near as possible, allowing for obvious differences, to the sensations
felt by a soldier.
Let's use a vintage effect.
You'll see how realistic it looks.
With the hoisting of the British flag we officially kicked off the event.
A weekend full of activities which started
with some theoretical lessons based on manuals from back then
such as urban combat.
We see the instructor.
Or the deactivation of mines and explosives.
It's not enough to have the uniform and the equipment,
you have to take an interest in knowing how they were used and apply that knowledge.
If you're wondering where I am at this event,
you won't see me much, as I went armed only with a camera
taking part only as a military reporter of the time.
Actually, you will only see my back.
It was a great opportunity to launch a new reeenactment project.
A CFPU uniform.
The acronym for the "Canadian Army Film and Photo Unit".
I will tell you about it another time.
This way I didn't take part in the event as an external photographer,
but as a photojournalist of the time.
This means that often
the images are of soldiers' backs or of soldiers in the distance.
The name of the town in which this camp was set up is fictional.
It was supposed to be completely covered in landmines.
So, after the theory came practice time.
A squad was put together to accompany the deactivation team.
Let's see it.
They've just discovered an example of the anti-tank landmine
mostly used by the German army during WWII: the "tellermine".
Obviously, this is a harmless replica,
but the reenactor whose job was to deactivate it seemed nervous.
In the end everything went well for the – until that point – inexperienced deactivator
and while we left the rest of the recruits learning how to deactivate other types of artefacts,
I accompanied the remainder of the infantry on their patrolling.
This is what happened on the field.
In the rear, at camp,
the transmissions unit receives and distributes the orders from HQ.
Among them was the one to organise a new squad
to go deeper into enemy territory.
Let's see it.
Keeping communications open with the command station through a radio
which we really used.
We weren't faking it.
The new instructions ordered us to go through a field where crops
had grown very tall.
It may seem silly,
but personally, I thought it was a very cool moment
where I didn't stop taking photos and making videos.
These are just some of the examples of the activities we take part in.
We hope you got an idea
of what it means to take part in a private reenactment event
during an immersive weekend.
I'm not saying that this is better than an event with spectators,
in fact, I think that outreach activities are very necessary
to allow the public to learn about our hobby.
But I do think that with time
reenactors will prefer this type of event.
Obviously, you cannot gather as many reenactors
nor vehicles; nor will there be any pyrotechnics.
But the sensation of being transported in time is more authentic.
With these images we say goodbye.
Until the next episode.
"Je suis libre" : viré de France 2, Patrick Sébastien soulagé "de ne plus avoir affaire à - Duration: 2:03.
VOSTFR [BANGTAN BOMB 07/07/13] Les débuts du VJ* Jin ! - Duration: 2:24.
Une méthode simple pour supprimer la mauvaise haleine et se débarrasser des mauvaises bactéries... - Duration: 4:47.
Les mauvaises bactéries de la bouche peuvent contribuer à de nombreux problèmes dentaires et gingivaux.
Plaques de tartre, mauvaise haleine, gingivite, les conséquences d'une mauvaise hygiène dans cette zone peuvent provoquer de nombreux troubles qui peuvent causer des douleurs ou des sensations désagréables.
Voici une méthode naturelle qui peut éliminer les bactéries buccales et contribuer à la préservation d'une bonne haleine.
Utiliser de l'huile peut se révéler être extrêmement bénéfique pour la santé des dents et des gencives.
Cette méthode, appelée également oil pulling, peut aussi agir pour blanchir les dents et lutter contre la prolifération des bactéries dangereuses pour la bouche.
Pour cela, il existe des huiles spécifiques qui peuvent aider à lutter contre les bactéries dont l'accumulation peut conduire à des maux dentaires et à des troubles liés aux gencives.
Cette méthode consiste à mettre de l'huile dans la bouche pendant quelques minutes chaque jour.
De nombreux avantages découlent de cette habitude et peuvent, à terme, maintenir une bonne santé dentaire et gingivale.
Cette technique de rinçage ancienne est connue pour son effet blanchissant des dents et peut agir comme un actif puissant contre la mauvaise haleine,
Comment utiliser cette technique ? L'extraction de l'huile est une procédure très facile et qui ne demande pas beaucoup d'ingrédients. produit de l'accumulation des bactéries.
Tout ce que vous avez à faire est de mettre 2 cuillères à café d'huile végétale comme l'huile de noix de coco ou de sésame dans votre bouche et de procéder à un gargarisme pendant quelques minutes au début puis essayer d'arriver à 15 voire 20 minutes par la suite.
Pour obtenir un résultat optimal et parfait, il est utile d'utiliser cette méthode soit le matin le ventre vide ou le soir avant de se coucher. Crachez l'huile et ensuite rincezvous la bouche à l'eau douce.
Autre technique pour éliminer les bactéries dentaires Le jus de citron utilisé ponctuellement peut se révéler être un excellent antiseptique contre les bactéries de la bouche.
Boire du jus de citron peut être un atout pour la santé dentaire grâce à ses vertus antiseptiques.
Vous pouvez même croquer à même le citron pour pouvoir bénéficier de ses vertus blanchissantes.
Il ne faut pas utiliser le citron plus de 2 fois par semaine car il risque d'abîmer l'émail dentaire.
Précautions; Mettez une cuillère à soupe d'huile, idéalement de l'huile de noix de coco connue pour ses vertus blanchissantes et purifiantes.
Vous pouvez également utiliser de l'huile de sésame qui a des propriétés antibactériennes et antivirales.
Pendant sa mise en bouche, le produit devient plus épais, laiteux et crémeux en quelques minutes. Faites alors un bain de bouche pendant 15 à 20 minutes.
Après l'avoir craché, il faut simplement se laver la bouche à l'eau douce.
Pour éliminer tous les résidus d'huile qui peuvent provoquer une sensation désagréable, un brossage de dents est nécessaire. Attention, il ne faut surtout pas avaler cette huile.
Si vous souhaitez améliorer votre santé buccodentaire et garder vos dents aussi blanches que possible, cette méthode s'avère être l'alternative la plus facile et la moins coûteuse.
Elle peut être épuisante au début mais au fil du temps cela devient une habitude saine,
antibactérienne et blanchissante qui vous épargne l'accumulation de tartre entre les gencives et sur les dents et qui lutte contre la mauvaise haleine.
Il est important de maintenir une bonne hygiène dentaire en évitant la formation de plaque avec des précautions de base.
Comment maintenir une bonne hygiène dentaire ? L'hygiène dentaire est un ensemble de rituels quotidiens pour empêcher et éliminer la formation de plaque dentaire et de nombreux maux liés à la santé des dents et des gencives.
Pour les éviter, il est essentiel de : Se brosser les dents après chaque repas ou au moins deux fois par jour pour éviter la formation de plaque.
Une visite annuelle à minima est nécessaire pour détecter les caries ou pour procéder à un détartrage. Rendre visite à son dentiste régulièrement.
Il est important de savoir se brosser les dents minutieusement pour se débarrasser des bactéries qui s'accumulent dans la bouche. Adopter une bonne technique de brossage.
L'idée est de déplacer la brosse de haut en bas, de la gencive vers la dent pendant 2 à 3 minutes.
Vous pouvez compléter votre soin dentaire avec du fil dentaire et un bain de bouche.
Eviter les aliments mauvais pour l'hygiène buccodentaire comme les boissons chargées en sucre, bonbons qui peuvent provoquer, à terme, des caries.
Adam Collard branded nasty egomaniac by Love Island's Rosie Williams - Duration: 3:21.
Adam Collard has a track record in leaving a string of broken hearts in his wake - and now his first Love Island ex has criticised him for the size of his ego
Welsh solicitor Rosie Williams was left devastated in the villa last summer when Geordie personal trainer Adam 'did bits' with her on camera before dumping her to sniff around Megan Barton-Hanson
She won a legion of fans across the land for confronting Adam in an emotional showdown before storming off - leaving Adam to pursue both Darylle Sargeant and his eventual girlfriend Zara McDermott
Read More Adam Collard 'partied in hotel room with TWO women' before dumping Zara McDermott by text And, after Adam dumped Zara by text just last week, Rosie has opened up about how he's not a nice person
Speaking to OK! magazine, Rosie said: "I'm not surprised. Adam likes to jump from girl to girl
I don't think anyone will ever be enough for him because of his own ego. "I feel sorry for Zara because the Adam I knew in the villa was not a nice person
" She cryptically hinted that Adam's behaviour behind the scenes hasn't been as squeaky clean as he's made out, adding: "There's too many temptations for the boy to jump ship again
From what I've read in the press, it's been a long time coming." Read More Megan Barton-Hanson leaves club with Charlie Brake after 'GATECRASHING' Ellie Brown's birthday Adam is currently in Ireland for a paid personal appearance, after reports emerged that he'd spent the night partying in his hotel room with two women he picked up on the boozy night out where Jack Fincham took cocaine
Showing he's not in the slightest bit ashamed of how he's treated Zara, Adam shared a topless snap of himself at the gym with the caption: "Sweating out the sins
" And he posted another selfie of him in a pub yesterday evening, captioning it: "Take the good with the bad but smile through it always
everything happens for a reason." Read More Adam Collard slammed for 'Thank U, Next' gun video after Zara split Zara, meanwhile, has been pining over her ex after admitting she was "heartbroken" in an emotional statement about their split
"I love him very much and will always have a special place in my heart for him & our time spent together," she wrote
"I have tried so hard to be the best person I can possibly be and to make it work
Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now "Sometimes in life, you just aren't enough for someone; no matter what you do for them or how much you try to be
" Zara added: "For everyone asking if I'm OK, I don't know that I am. But I know that soon I will be
"I will be strong and prove to myself that I can get through this." Read More Celebrity break ups
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