Three Little Kittens
For more infomation >> Three Little Kittens | Little Eddie Cartoons | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:00:55.-------------------------------------------
Forța supremă stă în păr! Tina Mamonova a făcut senzație la Românii au talent - Duration: 2:05.
Необычная прогулка с собакой. #СЛЕДУЙЗАФОНДЮ - Duration: 1:34.
Today we have a new project "follow the fondue"
If you think something will happen, then nothing will happen.
Heavy on outstretched arms to carry her
We just go near the metro station Dynamo.
And the dog doesn't care whether it is on weight or whatever
Write in the comments if you like this format.
Remember followthefondue
Metro Dynamo, directly entrance
Here, see what stadium built? No, it's not in the concept, let's not turn. Let's go straight!
We probably look stupid with you
Nope, but I'm not stupid, it's very convenient for me to sit like that. Like. Generally cool
Well, you see, everything is for you
We get down to the transition Usually here are bicycles
On this journey with fondue ends
If any of you think that we are torturing a dog, the easiest way is to ask the dog
I wish everyone that you, like me, are always carried in your arms
Bye bye my darlings!
Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-i Terra - Duration: 1:11.
シボレー・コルベットZR1のカスタムカー登場。ホイールを交換してラッピングしただけでここまでレーシングカーっぽくなる - Duration: 4:04.
Cách chơi bầu cua 2019 trên điện thoại luôn thắng, hack game bầu cua bịp - Duration: 10:18.
Fiica Andreei Esca «dă din casă». Ce a învățat de la celebra ei mamă - Duration: 2:43.
あうるすぽっとが2019年度主催公演ラインナップを発表 - Duration: 3:37.
東京・あうるす っとが、2019年 の主催公演ラインナ プを発表した。 あ るすぽっとは「東ア ア文化都市2019 島」の舞台芸術部門 ペシャル事業として 7月にはスズキ拓朗 付・構成・演出の子 もに見せたい舞台 ol.13「春春~ ムボム~」、8月に 毎年恒例の「にゅ~ 踊り」、11月には ンドルズらが出演す 豊島区立芸術文化劇 のこけら落としシリ ズ「Bridges to Babylo ~みんなのダンス~ 仮)」を主催
さらに小林顕作の「 本のじかんだよ!」 7月に、玉川奈々福 が出演する「奈々福 、惚れるひと。」を 0月に、安田登ら出 のみんなのシリーズ 4弾「能でよむ~漱 と八雲~(仮)」を 1月に上演する
また来年2020年 月には、講談師・神 松之丞の「畔倉重四 」完全通し公演を開 予定だ。あうるすぽ と 2019年度主 公演ラインナップ東 ジア文化都市201 豊島 舞台芸術部門 スペシャル事業 子 もに見せたい舞台 ol.13「春春~ ムボム~」 201 年7月20日(土) 28日(日)作:金 貞振付・構成・演出 スズキ拓朗「絵本の かんだよ!」 20 9年7月30日(火 出演:小林顕作東ア ア文化都市2019 島 舞台芸術部門 ペシャル事業「にゅ 盆踊り」 2019 8月12日(月・振 ) 「奈々福の、惚 るひと
」 2019年10 1日(火)出演:玉 奈々福 ほかみんな シリーズ第4弾「能 よむ~漱石と八雲~ 仮)」 2019年 1月9日(土)・1 日(日)出演:安田 ほか東アジア文化 市2019豊島 舞 芸術部門 スペシャ 事業 豊島区立芸術 化劇場 こけら落と シリーズ「Brid es to Bab lon~みんなのダ ス~(仮)」 20 9年11月20日( )~23日(土・祝 出演:コンドルズ か「講談師 神田松 丞 新春 連続読み 畔倉重四郎』完全通 公演」 2020年 月4日(土)・5日 日)~9日(木)、 1日(土)~15日 水)※4日は前夜祭 5日~9日はA日程 10日は休演日、1 日~15日はB日程
지구과학 공부 잘하는법 공부법 코디 토론수업 토론과학 생물 물리 중1과학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:09.
「文藝春秋」読者アンケート(ank2018)ご協力のお願い | 文春オンライン - Duration: 1:34.
いつも「文藝春秋」をご愛読頂き誠に有難うございます。 文藝春秋メディア事業局では日頃、商品、サービスや企業の広告 読者により良い情報を提供しています。今後も良質で有用な情報を 供するため、読者の皆様が関心を持たれていることやご自身のこと ついて知りたくアンケートを実施致します
質問は約20項目、20分程かかります。アンケートにお え頂いた方には抽選で毎月、全国百貨店共通商品券(5000円分 を5名様に、「文藝春秋」特製クオカード(1000円分)を10 名様に進呈致します
(1)5名様 全国百貨店共通商品券(5000円分) 2)100名様 「文藝春秋」特製クオカード(1000円分) ※雑誌公正競争規約の定めにより、この懸賞に当選された方は この号の他の懸賞に入選できない場合があります
※アンケートの回答はお一人様1回まででお願いします。 以下のアドレスからアクセス頂きアンケートにお答え下さい。 協力のほど宜しくお願い致します。 回答期限:2019年2月 日 アンケートはこちらから 質問等につきましては、こちら で メールアドレス 文藝春秋メディア事業局 【個人情報の取り扱いについて】 本アンケートの応募フォームにて入力いただきました個人情報は 株)文藝春秋より業務委託している(株)コプロシステムで受付管 の上、あらかじめご同意いただいた方に対しては弊社メディア事業 からアンケートやイベント等の案内をメールやDMでお送りするこ があります
Top 5 ,Awesome Gadgets You Can Buy On Amazon, UNDER $30 - Duration: 8:48.
Top 5 ,Awesome Gadgets You Can Buy On Amazon, UNDER $30
Valverde, con todo ante el Valladolid - Duration: 1:50.
Ernesto Valverde, entrenador del FC Barcelona, dio a conocer la lista de 18 convocados para el Barça-Valladolid de LaLiga Santander, que se juega este sábado a partir de las 20
45 h. en el Camp Nou. Una lista en la que la principal -y esperada- novedad es el regreso de Jordi Alba
El lateral izquierdo de L'Hospitalet fue baja el pasado domingo en San Mamés ya que cumplió ante el Athletic el partido de sanción por acumulación de cinco amarillas
Alba volverá a ocupar su posición en el once inicial ante el conjunto de Sergio González, si Valverde no dice lo contrario
En el capítulo de bajas respecto a la última convocatoria -que era de 19-, destaca el central colombiano Jeison Murillo, mientras que tampoco está el lateral del Barça B Juan Miranda, quien regresará al filial de cara al choque contra el Olot
Cillessen y Arthur siguen siendo baja. La lista la integran los porteros Ter Stegen, Iñaki Peña, Semedo, Piqué, Rakitic, Sergio Busquets, Coutinho, Luis Suárez, leo Messi, Dembélé, Malcom, Lenglet,Jordi Alba, Boateng, Sergi Roberto, Aleñá, Arturo Vidal y Vermaelen
Air Force Base Help Administer Life-Saving Treatment - Duration: 2:47.
Révélations sur un nouveau partenaire de Benalla qui inquiète Matignon - NT - Duration: 6:17.
M.Wakrim, Ami De Benalla Impliqué Dans Le Contrat Russe, A-t-il Déplacé Son Coffre-fort Disparu? - Duration: 5:47.
FREE | Travis Scott x Drake Type Beat 2019 - "Blessings" ft. Meek Mill | Wheezy Type Beat - Duration: 2:59.
Colin Kaepernick Is Silenced by a Settlement, but His Knee Spoke Volumes - Duration: 1:27.
So a compelling two-year run of American political and cultural theater comes to a deeply unsatisfying conclusion
Colin Kaepernick, a once brilliant young quarterback, chose to take a knee for his beliefs and endured apparent blackballing by the most powerful sports league in North America
It would be churlish to criticize this man for taking an unspecified financial settlement and signing a nondisclosure agreement with the National Football League after he had accused the league's teams of colluding to keep him out
He sacrificed for his beliefs and with a dignified use of free speech, that grandest of American traditions, he came to personify a coming of political age across several sports
He persevered despite sprays of vitriol from this nation's president, Donald J. Trump, who in 2017 used the specter of this black man to stir resentments
"Wouldn't you love to see one of those N.F.L. owners, when someone disrespects our flag, to say: 'Get that son of a bitch off the field right now
Out! He's fired. He's fired!' " Trump told a crowd in Alabama.
EX'S HATE ME/ BRAY x AMEE x MASEW - Michelle Ngn (COVER Ngắn) - Duration: 2:17.
New Saraiki Song 2019 || Latest Saraiki Song 2019 || New Hit Saraiki Song - Duration: 3:30.
[NST] Đẩy Kẹo 2019 / Fly Hight Vol.1 ft Nỗi Đau Cả Một Đời Remix ► DJ TM Ti'K On The Mix | XTNon - Duration: 58:36.
In the End, Amazon Didnt Win Its Own Subsidy Game - Duration: 3:42.
In the End, Amazon Didnt Win Its Own Subsidy Game
Economists have long criticized tax breaks to corporations; politicians and the public may be starting to share their skepticism.
In exchange for tens of thousands of tech jobs, cities promised Amazon the moon — and , and , and a chance to . States offered incentive packages worth , , any of which would have set records.
But now Amazon will walk away from the largest and most public subsidy auction in history with relatively few giveaways to show for it.
The company announced on Thursday that it in Long Island City, for which New York State had offered nearly dollar 3 billion. Now Amazons haul in all of this amounts to about dollar 570 million for its new headquarters in Northern Virginia, and an additional dollar 100 million for its new offices in Nashville.
Those are modest sums in the context of what had become a spectacular subsidy arms race that many feared would encourage more corporate fishing for dollars in the future. And neither Virginia nor Tennessee offered outlandish side perks Nashvilles mayor called its offer .
Instead, this surprise in the Amazon sweepstakes hands critics of such deals their best case outcome: Taxpayers wont be on the hook for billions of dollars in subsidies despite the efforts of many politicians . And the corporate incentive game, normally played by public officials and companies in private, has gotten a nasty and very public airing. With a bitter ending to boot.
Suddenly the green curtain was pulled back, said Greg LeRoy, executive director of , which has been lobbying against public subsidies for years. People are aghast at what they saw, and rightfully so.
Its absolutely a godsend to those of us who have been trying to reform economic development.
Combine the Amazon news with growing criticism of Wisconsins dollar 4 billion incentive deal with the electronics maker Foxconn, and this begins to look like a possible turning point in the debate over tax incentives.
Some analysts for the re election defeat last fall of the states governor, Scott Walker. And last month, Foxconn suggested that it in Wisconsin after all, only after President Trump intervened. The back and forth bolstered the criticism that companies may not hold up their end of the deal even after soliciting costly tax breaks.
the financial mirage of tax incentives for corporations. Now Amazons cautionary tale has made two things clearer to communities that might think about offering them. At least some voters will chafe at these deals. And companies dont really make location decisions based on subsidies anyway.
In New York, public polling as recently as last week showed that a with Amazon. But Amazons opponents among community groups, unions and public officials were fierce, and they held the power to stymie the deal.
In the short time since Amazon first announced its search for a new headquarters in 2017, the political climate in a liberal city like New York has also Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, whose district includes part of Queens, hailed the defeat of , its worker exploitation, and the power of the richest man in the world .
What is perhaps most revealing, however, lies in the package Amazon will take from Virginia. Company officials said many times over the past year that subsidies werent the primary driver of its decision, although the premise of the public auction seemed to be that few would believe them. In fact, Amazon rejected the biggest offers on the table. It didnt take the dollar 7 billion, or the dollar 8.5 billion, or the dollar 9.7 billion.
Amazon chose Virginia, even when Maryland offered it access to the same labor market for 10 times as much money. The other differences between the two bids — Maryland offered a far less desirable site — are precisely the kinds of details that matter more. Virginias offer was relatively modest and straightforward, with subsidies for each high paying job created in the coming years, and a grant from the city of Arlington tied to growth in local hotel tax revenue.
Virginia also pledged to invest about dollar 200 million in improving infrastructure around Amazons campus, but thats money that will directly benefit local residents as much as Amazons employees.
That package still angers some Virginia residents who believe that one of the worlds richest companies doesnt need any incentives at all. But its a comfort to critics that the windfall is so far from their worst Amazon fears. If Amazons goal was to get the to pay as much as possible, that is not how the story ended.
Amazon wanted to be in Northern Virginia, but the region was savvier than most about its incentives. Amazon wanted to be in New York, but its push for incentives — and insistence on secrecy along the way — directly undermined the deal. The politics of all of this grew even worse once New Yorkers realized they would pay so much more for the same prize in Virginia.
They did walk away with a ton of data on lots of different cities, but in terms of the actual incentive dollars for HQ2, its not that much, said Nathan Jensen, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who studies incentive packages.
He suspects that some people will learn the opposite lesson — that New York should have just given Amazon what it wanted. A better takeaway, he said, is that huge subsidies arent necessary. And politicians should beware the consequences of negotiating them in private.
JP Morgan New Cryptocurrency | Largest Korean Telcom Develops Local Crypto - Duration: 10:19.
Well this was unexpected!
What the heck.
JP Morgan goes crypto.
Are you kidding me!
This is a lot to take in.
For some this might be a good thing.
This validates cryptocurrencies in general, seeing what seems like the biggest name is
banking history, has now rolled out their own token.
So what's gonna happen next?
Are we gonna be trading Morgans on Binance now?
What does this mean for XRP which was supposed to be doing what JPMorgan is now gonna do?
Is there hope for all hodlers?
Meanwhile, South Korea's leading telco company released a local cryptocurrency in the city
of Gimpo.
Apparently its called K token and its legit.
Their government is being really innovative.
Really excited about this.
The world is changing guys.
This is the revolution.
Tell your friends.
Hello Cryptogang, welcome to Lambo News!
So we just had the first cryptocurrency, created by a major US bank.
JP Morgan Chase has released their brand new digital currency called JPM Coin.
By the way, JP Morgan "moves more than $6 trillion around the world everyday, for corporations."
They have a massive payment system.
And in a few months, they will trial a small fraction of that on JPM Coin.
Now their CEO Jamie Dimon had been vocal about his distaste for Bitcoin in
the past.
So to summarize what he said
I could care less about Bitcoin.
God bless blockchain.
Cryptocurrencies are 'fine'.
I have issue with a non-fiat currency Hmm…
Crypto gang, this is a classic example of a man, whose head has gone so far up his butthole,
that everything he says, stinks.
Coz Cryptocurrencies are the future.
They're not 'fine'.
And you should care about Bitcoin, especially if you're in the finance industry.
Atleast keep an eye on it.
You better.
Let's be real straight here.
Love it or hate it, Bitcoin is not something you can ignore.
Now back to JPM Coin.
According to Umar, head of JP Morgan's blockchain projects, "the applications are endless;
literally anything where you have a distributed ledger which involves corporations or institutions"
But, only 3 so far have been planned.
The first application is for international payments for large corporate clients, which
now typically happens using wire transfers between financial institution.
Because institutions have cut-off times for transactions, and countries operate on different
systems, payment settlement traditionally may take more than a day.
But with JPM Coin, it will settle in real-time 24/7.
The second application is for securities transactions.
Relying on wires to buy a security, results in a time gap between settling the transaction,
and being paid for it.
Instead, institutional investors can use the JPM token to have instant settlements.
The final usecase would be, for huge corporations that use J.P Morgan's treasury services business,
to replace the dollars they hold in subsidiaries, across the world.
JPMorgan handles a significant chunk of the world's money flows for companies from Honeywell
International to Facebook, moving dollars for activities like employee and supplier
Having a unified ledger will ease the back and forth movement of money.
Let's look at JPM a little more closely.
It's not really money; they'd be the first to admit.
Rather, "it is a digital coin, representing US Dollars held in designated accounts at
In short, a JPM Coin always has a value equivalent to one U.S. dollar"
With that being said, what makes it different from other cryptocurrencies?
First of all they have no intrinsic value.
Unlike Bitcoin, whose value is intrinsic to the coin.
Most cryptocurrencies worth a fraction of their marketcap are atleast public and open.
JPM is not.
It is built on top of their own blockchain called Quorom.
Quorom is an enterprise-focused clone of Ethereum.
Its a private and permissioned blockchain obviously.
Which means that only big corporations and institutional customers have access to it.
I almost don't wanna finish video.
This is an abomination.
Well, How about the users?
With cryptocurrencies, its available to everybody.
With JPM, It's exclusive for institutional customers e.g., Banks, Broker Dealers, Corporates.
Just the type of people we love to help.
I'm sorry, aren't these the middlemen that we crypto people keep talking about?
Same old system this is.
Primary users Cryptocurrencies are used as investment- true.
But that's because the industry is early and there is incentive for first movers.
But with JPM they're just using it for themselves.
Yes they have a usecase.
But it's only gonna serve them and their self interest.
JPM Coin is a betrayal to everything crypto stands for.
It should not affect the market because it has nothing to do with the market.
Just an old dog desperately trying to learn new tricks.
And there has been a lot of talk about JPM killing Ripple as I know you guys are aware,
Ripple has a similar goal.
But now that JPM, is taking the lead, its byebye Ripple right?
And not just Ripple but also Stellar.
Now let me tell you that this is very unlikely to happen because 1, JPM didn't really solve
any problem here but their own.
They have a private permissioned blockchain.
The point of cryptocurrencies, including XRP, was to bring the power back to retail consumers.
That was the point.
We have bigger goals than faster settlements.
Any centralized system could do that easily.
But what they can't do this is empower the average consumer.
2, JP Morgan controls JPM completely while Ripple has a more distributed… well kinda..
type of governance.
Roughly 70 percent of their validators are independent users.
So atleast there's that.
And XRP can still exist without Ripple.
JPM cannot.
It's not a cryptocurrency per se.
But more like a digital representation of the US dollar.
And because of that, other banks can simply do the same.
Nothing can stop them really.
What's gonna happen is that as more banks issue their own digital currency, money is
gonna be even more fragmented than ever before.
Atleast XRP is trying to fix that not make it worse.
"South Korea's leading telecommunications company, KT Corporation, has been selected
to develop a local cryptocurrency in the city of Gimpo."
This is interesting because this is the type of support that our governments should model
you know.
"Their crypto is called K token and it will be introduced in April."
"Gimpo City plans to issue 11 billion Won, that's roughly over $9.7 million dollars,
worth of K tokens per year, and this will include budgets for various social services
and developments."
This crypto will only available for use in the Gimpo area though.
It works by scanning QR codes and merchants can easily convert this into fiat without
Fortunately, KT plans to expand their currency usage to all local governments including places
like Hadong-gun, Namhae-gun, and Ulsan-si, which have concluded existing business agreements,
based on the performance of K token on Gimpo City.
Furthermore, they are also planning to provide various business-related solutions using this
And according to KT chief executive, Seo Young-il, "we will successfully carry out the local
currency business in Gimpo City.
Local currency introduction will contribute to the revitalization of the regional economy."
Now this is something that I'd love to see here in the Philippines.
You know.
Start in a small town and execute a pilot project.
Then as soon as we see more successful trials, move to local government and to bigger metropolis.
Coz why not?
Governments should learn how to innovate.
They should think outside the box.
What about you guys?
Do you wish your local government would have their own local cryptocurrency?
Tell my why in the comments.
Damn it feels good to be in crypto And that's it for today's video.
Thank you so much for watching.
So far we're trading sideways but we were off to a good start of the year.
Had a pump recently.
Will this last?
I don't think so.
Looking at the charts it smells a lot like manipulation.
But so what.
We're still here.
Fighting strong.
It's been an honor to be here for you guys.
I'll see you on the flipside.
Salman khan Kick Movie Epic Scene - Duration: 1:15.
If you are so smart partner then look into my eyes and tell me who's there, Devi or Devil
Bye psycho
팝스타 케이티 페리-배우 올랜도 블룸, 밸런타인데이에 약혼 - Duration: 2:37.
ニュース BIGBANG・SOLの実兄、少女時代・スヨンとの共演に「幸せ」 - Duration: 3:09.
日韓合作『』 出演した 韓国 の人気グループ メンバー()の で俳優のが16 、新宿武蔵野館 行われた映画『 初日舞台あいさ に、監督と共に 壇し、撮影の思 出などを振り返 た
本作は、の同 小説を、日韓合 で映画化。韓国 ガールズグルー ・の演じるユミ 、婚約者に会う めにやってきた 古屋でさまざま ことを経験しな ら成長していく を描く
ヒョンベは、 ミの大学の同級 ジンソンを演じ いるが、ヒョン ン監督は「ジン ンは原作にない だったので、あ 意味で一番重要 キャラクター」 語ると「ジンソ の持つ温かさを 解して演じてい だけました」と 謝を述べる
ヒョンベも、事 所にあった本作 脚本を偶然読み あまりにも面白 、ぜひともジン ンをやりたいと ったんです」と 思相愛だったこ を明かす。 ヒ ンベにとって日 で舞台あいさつ 行うのは人生初 いうことで「と も新鮮な気持ち す」と笑顔を見 ると「今回主演 たスヨンさんは わたしのなかで ター
俳優としてのス ンさんに出会い 一緒に演技でき ことは幸せでし 」と撮影を振り った。スヨンが 古屋で出会う古 家カフェのオー ーを演じた() ついても「撮影 場ではとても良 エネルギーをわ しにくれました
撮影は短かった すが、長い間友 でいるような関 性が築けたと思 ます」と感謝し いた。 と監督 「大切な映画に 会えたから、こ 場に立つことが きました」と感 深い表情を浮か たヒョンベは「 の映画を多くの に広めてほしい す」と力強く作 をアピールして た
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