I'm clinical psychologist Dr. Ali Mattu and I'm going to show you the 10 best ways to
manage your stress in less than 90 seconds.The following is based on a true story.
[#1:Understand your stress] Oh my gosh I got this email inviting me to do an interview
on BLEEP and I am really excited and really stressed.
[#2:Make friends with your stress] Remember that stress is rocket fuel that helping you
to lift off and take on this challenge.
[#3: problem solve: Identify the problem, Brainstorm solutions without judging them,
pick one solution and try it out].
[#4 Talk to a friend] Come up with some questions that you think they're going to ask you, answer
them, practice it in the mirror, and you'll be fine.
Thanks for having me on the show.
It's an honor to be here.
That's a really important question and something I've been thinking a lot about.
[#6:Get active: exercise, take a walk, listen to music].
"Do you have the time, to listen to me whine."[#7:Do a thing that feels good, watch your favorite
This is my favorite part.
"Let's make sure that history never forgets the name, Enterprise."
[Cuddle, pamper yourself].
[#8:Do a thing you're good at].
Maybe I should make a video about how to deal with stress.
[#9:Nourish your body, if possible with boba tea.]
[#10:Get a good night of sleep].
How do you manage stress?
Let me know in the comments!
For more infomation >> Managing stress - 10 steps in 90 seconds - Duration: 1:26.-------------------------------------------
BlitzWolf BW-SDB1 36" Soundbar Review - Duration: 11:10.
Hey guys, welcome to a Tuesday bonus video. Our regular videos are every Friday, but today we're checking out the BlitzWolf
BW-SDB1 soundbar. This soundbar has been stalking me online for ages, everywhere
I went I kept seeing the ad, so I had a look at YouTube reviews
and yeah, the consensus seems that this is a good soundbar with decent sound and good value.
Most of the reviews I watched didn't look into the aspects that interest me. So, look, I'm not going to claim that
this is the best ever review of this soundbar,
but I will cover aspects overlooked in other reviews,
mostly the finer technical details that I find especially interesting and
basically, I want to be sure that if you're spending your hard-earned money on this speaker that you know what you're getting and not run
into any nasty surprises.
Now I' got this unit from banggood. I asked them if I could get a review unit,
so this means they sent me this speaker free of charge for doing a video review and I do get to keep it. I plan
on using this in my Computer lab, so I have a speaker with a range of inputs that I can use with my projects.
Let's look at the dimensions. The speaker is advertised as being 36 inch.
It's a little bit smaller at 35 and a half or 90 centimeters.
It's just under two inches of five centimeters tall,
so it should fit easily under most TVs and
PC monitors. And it's just under 9 centimeters or three and a half inches deep. The sound bar has two front facing
speakers. This is the one on the left,
and here we have the one on the right. And here we see the soundbar from the top,
so here are all these speakers on the left side and
here are all the speakers on the right side.
Included is an optical cable. It's rather short, one meter or three feet.
We also get a 3.5 mm to RCA audio cable. This one is also very short,
it's also one meter or three feet.
The power cord is a regular figure 8 cable, comes with the US plug, so you can just get a local
version if you're outside of the US. This one is a little bit longer, one and a half meters or five feet.
It also comes with a user manual, but I couldn't find a downloadable version on the BlitzWolf website,
so I'm going to scan this in and upload it somewhere and put a link down below in the description.
This might be of interest if you want to go over the user manual
yourself. The soundbar should work in all countries. It takes 100 to 240 Volts, 50 60 Hertz In Australia
we have 50 Hertz and
240 volts and it works just fine.
There are some buttons at the front: power button for on/off, source to switching between the six input modes and
volume down and up.
There are some tiny LEDs at the front of the unit which are a little bit hard to see on camera
but hopefully it comes across so at the moment the speaker is in standby and has little orange light here.
Turning it on, the light changes to green. Green is for the auxiliary
Input, so I'm just gonna switch to bluetooth. There's now a little blue light.
Let's switch to
optical, we're getting an orange light. Switching to coaxial. We're getting
another orange light, so both coaxial and optical have the same color.
HDMI audio return channel has a white LED and the
USB mode also has a white LED.
If the speaker hasn't received an audio signal for 15 minutes, it will switch off automatically.
So here we have the remote control, the power button to turn the unit on or off, the equalizer button
There are four audio profiles: movie, music, news and also sports. There is no way to
manually configure bass or treble. Now the
soundbar does not have a display. So how can you tell which EQ mode is active?
This speaker will just speak the words to you
sport. movie.
Here we have volume up and down. We've got the play and pause button and
going back and forward that works with playing music from the USB stick or with
Bluetooth. And here are our six inputs. It's nice that you have
direct inputs rather than one source button where you have to like
press it a few times to switch between sources. A battery is included. The type is a
Here we are at the back of the unit. So let's have a look at all
the interfaces. Here goes the power cord. Now this soundbar also supports Bluetooth version
4.2 and I tested it with both, my smartphone, but also with one of these cheap
USB Bluetooth dongles that you can just plug into your desktop and that worked just fine. On the remote control you can go
back and forward in your playlist and you can also control the volume.
But the speaker has its own volume, so they're basically two
volumes that you need to consider. Here we have two digital inputs: Coaxial and Optical,
both of these can be configured to
turn on automatically when a signal is detected.
For example, I connected the PC and ran a game and after short while the speaker will turn on.
By itself, you can however turn off this feature if you want, but you can only do this for these two interfaces.
I also had a look at the different sample rates of the optical input.
So on the PC, you can just go into the properties of your sound card and change the sample rate.
So with 16-bit it was compatible with
44.1 KHz, 48, 96 and
192 KHz.
24-bit modes did not work at all. So it seems to only be compatible with
16-bit format but does support a range of sample rates. Here we have the auxiliary port which is a
3.5mm jack and this can also automatically turn on the unit as soon as you
play some sound, basically the soundbar will turn on. The USB port, that interested me. On the BlitzWolf
website there's a picture and it says service only.
So I was a little bit worried that this might be only for flashing the firmware or something like that
but it does work. So I used a 32 GB USB flash drive and put some songs on there. It plays them in
alphabetical order.
It doesn't support any shuffling.
It will just play them in alphabetical order and when it reaches the last song it will
start again with the first file. In terms of audio files It only seems to support
MP3, I tried AAC and OGG, but no luck. It only seems to support
MP3 files and you can use the remote control to go left and right and also undocumented,
I couldn't find anything in the manual, if you hold down the left and the right buttons you can
fast forward within one audio file. And here we've got the HDMI ARC connector.
Unfortunately, I couldn't test this, my TV doesn't have such a port but most modern TVs do and this port also supports
automatically turning on this soundbar, as soon as it detects any audio. When you reach the maximum volume,
the unit will beep just giving you acoustic feedback.
When you put your ear close to the speakers with the volume turned up all the way you can make out a slight hiss,
but if you dial down the volume a few steps, then the hissing disappears. Let's talk about the price!
So Banggood has two warehouses, one in the US, and one in Hong Kong.
In the US you're looking at 89.99 plus 2.99 for shipping. However, we have a 15 % discount
coupon down below in the description. So after applying that you're looking at 76.49.
So we had a look at all the features. We know how much it costs, but the most important thing.
What does it sound like? So I know a little about speakers and I'm really not an audiophile or anything like that.
So all I can give is my opinion
and yeah, I really like how they sound. Now you can, and you should, check out other reviews as well,
specifically, I found a cool review and he used binaural recordings
which is using two microphones inside a dummy head and
you need to listen with headphones and this will give you the best idea of what these speakers really sound like, at least
through a YouTube video. I'll put a link down below in the video description.
So the way I formed my opinion is listened to my usual playlist on Google Play Music.
I watched a bit of YouTube and Netflix and played a few games.
The speaker goes pretty loud and the dialogues are easy to understand and for me, there's enough bass as well.
But look, without a subwoofer,
there's only so much a soundbar can do. I find that the speaker produces a pleasant sound with
plenty of clarity and detail and for the price, I think you have to be pretty happy.
I contacted Blitzwolf just to see what the service is like.
So I asked them a technical question: Which audio files and formats does the USB playback functions support?
Unfortunately, I got a very generic reply,
it didn't really address the question whatsoever. So using this speaker for the PC,
I like how it keeps things really clutter free, so you can just get one of these USB Bluetooth dongles for a few dollars and
this is how I will use the speaker in my lab. I also like that it has a range of inputs,
so for my projects, this is super handy.
It doesn't matter if it's analogue, coaxial or optical. I can plug them straight into the speaker.
So guys, there you have it. I like the speakers, I like all the inputs and features and the price is decent
offering good value and most importantly it sounds pretty decent. But yeah, tell me what do you think?
Maybe you have this particular model and you've got something to share, leave it down below in the comments and
as always if you do have any questions about this product leave them down below if you want me to test anything
specifically I can do that. No problem at all.
I will see you soon with our weekly Friday video, but keep an eye out for Tuesday,
sometimes there will be a bonus video like this one. And that's it guys, thank you so much for watching. Please subscribe to the channel if you haven't
done so already, give it a like and click on that notification bell and I shall see you soon with another one!
SKMEI 1231 COMPASS WORLD TIME - Unboxing, Review, Full SETUP - Duration: 6:16.
Should I Consult While Job Searching? - Duration: 5:01.
[ Хуторка - Васильевка - ✕ Новосергиевка ] - Duration: 9:31.
Skidtest: Völkl mantra 102 (2020) - Duration: 11:59.
ใครจะอยู่ ใครจะไป!! คาดการณ์ 11 ตัวจริง หงส์แดง เปิดรังฟัด เสือใต้ UCL เลกแรก - Duration: 2:37.
Free Vehicle For PWD Candidates | APDASCAC Website | How To Apply For APDASCAC | Latest Govt Schemes - Duration: 2:30.
Free Vehicle For PWD Candidates
How To Apply For APDASCAC
Latest Govt Schemes
soi cau xsmb ngày 20.2.HỘI ĐỒNG SOI CẦU.soi cau xsmb chinh xac 100.soi cầu tuyệt mật.thuận vũ 286 - Duration: 15:53.
嘆秉公處理很難 柯P:韓國瑜人情包袱應該更重 - Duration: 1:37.
電視台昨晚播出柯文哲 專訪
節目中柯文哲突然有感 而發說
要能夠秉公處理真的很 難」
更要高雄市長韓國瑜要 加油、
柯文哲今下午受訪 表示
這樣的情況下要堅定執 政
柯文哲今受訪進一 步解釋
特別是選舉過程誰幫過 你
在市政上面除非過去跟 別人都沒有淵源
像他素人參政都還是有 一些包袱
所以韓的包袱一定比他 更重
有包袱情況下要堅定執 政
至於「柯韓會」是 否已經破局?柯未正 面回應
Kingdom Hearts 3 PL #24 - Monster Boss i VENTUS?! - Napisy po polsku - Duration: 42:31.
Al Sharpton Eats Crow After New Details Emerge In Jussie Smollett Hoax - Duration: 5:00.
When The Jussie Smollet Hoax First Came Out Dems And Libs Immediately Jumped All Over
The So-Called "Hate-Crime" Where Smollett Claimed He Was Attacked By White Dudes That
Yelled Racist And Homophobic Epithets, As Well As "This Is Maga Country."
As You Know By Now, It's Looking Like The Whole Thing Was Complete Bs.
Proffessional Racebaiter Al Sharpton Jumped All Over It Saying "We Can't Make People
Love Each Other, But We Can Sure Hold Them Accountable If They Harm Each Other."
Sharpton Claimed "We Should Come With All That We Can Come Within Law Enforcement To
Find Out What Happened And The Guilty Should Suffer The Maximum."
He's Right.
Smollet Needs To Suffer The Maximum Penalty For What He Did.
But Amid Multiple Reports That Smollett May Have Been Involved In Orchestrating The Attack,
Sharpton, Who Made His Name In The 1980s As The Spokesperson For Tawana Brawley In What
Turned Out To Be False Claims She Was Raped By Four White Men, Changed His Tune On-Air
On Sunday, Fox News Reports.
"If It Is Found That Smollett And These Gentlemen Did, In Some Way, Perpetrate Something
That Is Not True, They Ought To Face Accountability To The Maximum," Sharpton Said Referring
To The Actor And Two Men Linked To Him Who Have Been Questioned By Police.
"Let Us Get To The Bottom Of It, And Let Justice Be Done, No Matter Who Is Right Or
Smollett, Who Is Black And Openly Gay, Has Claimed He Was Attacked By Two Masked Men
Early On Jan. 29 As He Walked To His Chicago Apartment From A Subway Restaurant.
Smollett Alleged The Men Shouted Racial And Anti-Gay Slurs At Him.
Sharpton Famously Lost A Defamation Suit When The Brawley Attack Was Eventually Found Not
To Have Happened.
Now, There Are Reports That Smollett Might Have Also Orchestrated An Alleged Attack,
As Several Local And National News Reports Have Cited Sources Saying The Attack Was A
Hoax, Reports The Chicago Police Department Have Not Confirmed.
Last Week, Chicago Police Questioned Two Nigerian Brothers In The Reported Attack But Released
Them Friday Without Charges.
Police Spokesman Anthony Guglielmi Said The Pair Had Given Officers Information That Had
"Shifted The Trajectory Of The Investigation."
Breaking: This Is A Photo Of The Two White Supremacists Who Commited A Racist Attack
On Jussie Smollett.
They Have Been Arrested.
They Were Extras On Empire And Are Two Of The Blackest White Supremacists In History.
No Matter How You Cut It Jussie Lied
Smollett Received An Outpouring Of Support From Politicians, Celebrities And Journalists
When He First Went Public About The Alleged Attack In January.
Smollett Claimed At Least One Of The Attackers Said To Him, "This Is Maga Country," In
Reference To President Trump's Campaign Slogan.
The Brawley Rape Allegations In The Late 1980s Left An Entire Community On The Brink Of "Civil
War" – And A Recent Fox Nation Documentary Took A Closer Look At One Of The Most Racially-Charged
Legal Sagas In American History.
The New York Teen's Claims — In Which She Said She Was Allegedly Raped In The Woods
By Multiple White Men In Wappingers Falls, Ny, And Then Left Wrapped In A Feces-Covered
Plastic Bag With Racial Slurs Written On Her Body — Helped Springboard The Careers Of
Activists Including Sharpton.
But After An Extensive Investigation Filled With Twists And Turns, A Grand Jury Found
The Allegations To Be An Elaborate Hoax.
Smollett's Lawyer Has Denied His Client Had Anything To Do With His Alleged Attack
In Chicago.
"As A Victim Of A Hate Crime Who Has Cooperated With The Police Investigation, Jussie Smollett
Is Angered And Devastated By Recent Reports That The Perpetrators Are Individuals He Is
Familiar With," Attorneys Todd S. Pugh And Victor P. Henderson Said In A Statement.
"He Has Now Been Further Victimized By Claims Attributed To These Alleged Perpetrators That
Jussie Played A Role In His Own Attack.
Nothing Is Further From The Truth And Anyone Claiming Otherwise Is Lying."
Look, He Lied And Should Be Thrown In Prison- This Is A Felony.
Freaking Jackass, Racist Ahole.
Dont Charge Your Smart Phone BATTERY 100% | In Hindi | And All Night | P&C Tech - Duration: 2:53.
Economy of Valentine's Day
Metin2 Titania | Alchi uppen EXTREM / Mythische RUBINE | ENG SUB | Let´s Play Metin2.de DE mit Vossi - Duration: 6:37.
Hello and very welcome to Lets Play Metin2 DE Titania
We are currently with Ranjid, because I initially wanted to
to farm some Armor's chests, that is if they would have come
that was not the case
they don't drop from metin stones
So.. I bought 7 now. I know isn't anything like a huge opening
but I thought I can just show you guys
what comes out of those chests
i bought 7 for that, you can open them 5 times each in total
I'd say
we just do the first round together now
immediately a pot... other pots...
well well
got some capes
a core, that's a ruby that's nice!
and 2 small auto pots
we will see each other
back in the second round! see you!
ok guys! I'd say we just spontaneously put 5 switchers on the
scarab claws a while ago
we switched those a bit
although nothing really went on it
target is definitely 10 half humans, that would be something nice hey!
but we immediately go on now!
I don't even need to read that
sorry... my phone
there we don't have any half humans
that would have been nice though...
8 agility, 10 piercing
with half humans... that would have been nice
again no half humans. aaaaaaaand
again no half humans
shame! Are you guys interested
in me putting some switchers on the scarab claws?
Please put it in the comments
and again, a small cut!
so! the second round
We start immediately!
a pearl would be something nice now!
a reinforced one, a green dragon bean
yea well I would say the
round was not that bad, but we see each other at the third round!
With the morning voice
I decided, that I
won't show the third and fourth round because
7 chests are... well not that great
but. You guys will see the fifth round soon
which means you will also see all of the loot
I will summarize it then and yeah
on the side we will up a zodiac bow
you will see some more of that soon but now
again the live part!
the last round of opening those chests
let's go right ahead! again Yang, Elixire,
a white one
Yang, capes,
and a white pearl, ok guys, that was 7 chests
all of them 5 opening which means in total
35 openings and
well... if that is worth it or not
you can decide for yourself
overall it was 4 Cor Draconis, 3 white ones
1 blue, one reinforced, 3 beans and 2 zen
yeah,... you have to know yourself if
that is worth it... I myself
I'm not sure
well the white pearls you can get rid off easily
but other then that... meh
Ok guys! I am a little excited
I have to say
last episode we upped the Diamonds and I said we will continue
and we will do so! we are at the alchemist... but,
we will not only...
up the dias but also some rubys!
well there are a few right?
on pandora I have a few different ones but
I think I will sell them
for Coin Vouchers... I will see
but we will now start with the diamonds, those are not that many
but still quite some
it is worth it in any case
the first one worked to legendary
the all are a bit expensive now
but.. it is worth it!
it's worth it!
definitely, we will immediately continue with those now
would be nice if it
would work a little more
but we have here some 2 more
clear one now.. so...
nice! a clear diamonds we got
that will get interesting with the
flawless ones (Subtitle editor's note: Sorry for potential wrongly translated technical term, I'm trying my best)
one more clear one, but
we will first now with the antique ones
oh you already saw something..
we will continue for now with the antique ones
That is a little bit of Yang that im burning right now
a little...
Ok the first one failed.. the second .. ahh
it doesn't look.. ah.. OK
come on boy
Man, dragon lord please..
Jesus christ!
eyy dragon lord, do it
all of them suck
well then we can just up some more
we could have done that anyway...
boy boy boy
ah ok
but we have...
2 matt
could work that we up a clear one some more
let's just go for it OK nice a clear one!
come on boy
come on boy
flawless one! and you already see we already have a brilliant one
Jesus Christ, it won't take long and
the Ninja will go absolutely crazy
Huh! i am looking forward!
subscribe already!;)
that will be the sickest content ever
in Metin2 on this channel
I am excited, I got hyped there!
could have been more
but I'm definitely satisfied
Sell and me really put some work in it guys, I wanna see them thumbs!
alright, short cut!
well this will just be a small "Intro" for this video
we will up the zodiac bow a little more
in the recordings but you can probably imagine
Is not that easy
which means, we will do it next episode further
you can look forward to it
All social media links are in the description
As well as my reflink to Metin2 and my gaming equipment
Im out! see you guys, Vossi.
S. Korea to expand flexible working hours under deal struck Tuesday - Duration: 0:40.
A Presidential commission mediating between government, management and labor... announced,
an agreement is reached to expand the flexible working system.
Currently, the weekly hours are not to exceed 52, but up to 64 hours per week are allowed
when necessary, as employees reduce their hours during other weeks over a three-month
That period will be increased from three months to six, allowing greater flexibility for businesses,
some of whom complained of experiencing difficulty adjusting to changes.
To prevent overwork and health problems, 11 straight hours of break will be provided,
and the deal will include measures to preserve workers' wages.
Managing stress - 10 steps in 90 seconds - Duration: 1:26.
I'm clinical psychologist Dr. Ali Mattu and I'm going to show you the 10 best ways to
manage your stress in less than 90 seconds.The following is based on a true story.
[#1:Understand your stress] Oh my gosh I got this email inviting me to do an interview
on BLEEP and I am really excited and really stressed.
[#2:Make friends with your stress] Remember that stress is rocket fuel that helping you
to lift off and take on this challenge.
[#3: problem solve: Identify the problem, Brainstorm solutions without judging them,
pick one solution and try it out].
[#4 Talk to a friend] Come up with some questions that you think they're going to ask you, answer
them, practice it in the mirror, and you'll be fine.
Thanks for having me on the show.
It's an honor to be here.
That's a really important question and something I've been thinking a lot about.
[#6:Get active: exercise, take a walk, listen to music].
"Do you have the time, to listen to me whine."[#7:Do a thing that feels good, watch your favorite
This is my favorite part.
"Let's make sure that history never forgets the name, Enterprise."
[Cuddle, pamper yourself].
[#8:Do a thing you're good at].
Maybe I should make a video about how to deal with stress.
[#9:Nourish your body, if possible with boba tea.]
[#10:Get a good night of sleep].
How do you manage stress?
Let me know in the comments!
Meghan Markle s'envole secrètement pour New York pour fêter sa baby shower ! - Duration: 3:26.
New YouTube Community Guidelines Strikes System - Duration: 1:51.
Pelosi Throws Smollett Under The Proverbial Bus, Deletes Tweet - Duration: 3:51.
Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi Just Threw Actor Jussie Smollett Under The Bus After
Reports Emerged Showing He May Have Staged The "Hate Crime" Attack Against Him, As
The Daily Mail Reports: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Deleted A Tweet
Expressing Sympathy For Jussie Smollett, Posted Before Allegations He Faked A Homophobic And
Racist Attack On Himself Emerged.
The Actor And Singer Claimed He Was Attacked At A Subway By Two Men In Ski Masks In Chicago
On January 29 At Around 2am.
The Empire Star Told Police The Attackers Poured A Bleach-Like Chemical On Him And Tied
A Rope Noose Around His Neck, Yelling Racist And Homophobic Insults As Well As 'This
Is Maga Country'.
He Told Officers The Unknown Chemical Substance Was Used On Him While 'Empire F****T'
And 'Empire N*****' Was Shouted At Him.
Here's The Tweet Speaker Pelosi Just Deleted:
Before Any Suggestion The Attack Was Staged, A Number Of Prominent Politicians And Celebrities
Tweeted Their Support For Smollett.
One Of These Was House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, Who Wrote On The Day Of The Attack: 'The
Racist, Homophobic Attack On @Jussiesmollett Is An Affront To Our Humanity.
No One Should Be Attacked For Who They Are Or Whom They Love.
I Pray That Jussie Has A Speedy Recovery & That Justice Is Served.
May We All Commit To Ending This Hate Once & For All.'
Things Are Looking Worse And Worse For Mr. Smollett Each Day.
It's Not Just Nancy Pelosi, A Prominentlos Angeles Based Civil Rights Activist, Narjee
Ali, Is Calling For Jussie Smollett's Arrest As He Believes The Empire Actor Faked His
Attack, As Kabc Reports:: A Los Angeles-Based Civil Rights Activist
Held A Press Conference Sunday, Calling For The Arrest Of Actor Jussie Smollett And Saying
He Believes The "Empire" Star Lied About Being A Victim Of A Hate Crime.
Najee Ali, Who Is Also The Director Of Project Islamic Hope, Said False Claims Make Real
Incidents Of Racist Attacks And Homophobia Easier To Dismiss.
"It's A Slap In The Face.
We Have Many Members Of The Black Community And The Lgbtq Community Who Have Been The
Victims Of Racism And Hate Crimes, So For Smollett To Say That He Was A Victim…And
We Believe Is A Lie…Certainly Is An Injustice To Those True Victims…," Ali Said.
"Jussie Smollett Must Be Brought To Justice For Lying."
Ali Said Smollett's Story Was Given The Benefit Of The Doubt At First, But Over The
Last Few Days, The "Campaign Of Lies Continued To Be Unraveled."
This Comes On The Heels Of Al Sharpton Calling For Smollett To Suffer The Consequences If
He Did Indeed Lie About His Attack, As Mediaite Reports:
Rev. Al Sharpton Addressed News That The Alleged Assault Against Actor Jussie Smollett Appears
To Not Be How It Was Originally Reported By Tmz Last Month.
The Star Of The Television Program Empire Has Claimed That He Was The Victim Of A Hate
Crime That Included Attackers Who Put A Rope Around His Neck, Poured Bleach On Him All
While Wearing Red Hats Saying Maga.
But Over The Weekend Chicago Police Revealed That Not Only Has That Story Fallen Apart,
But Strongly Suggested That Smollett Had Engineered The Attack As A Hoax And The Two Attackers
Were Two Nigerian Brothers Paid By The Actor To Stage The Attack.
When Initial Reports Broke, Sharpton Claimed "We Should Come With All That We Can Come
Within Law Enforcement To Find Out What Happened And The Guilty Should Suffer The Maximum."
Now That The Story Appears To Be Very Different, Sharpton "Still Maintain(S) That."
And If It Is Found That Smollett And These Gentlemen Did In Some Way Perpetrate Something
That Is Not True, They Ought To "Face Accountability To The Maximum."
Things Are Looking Worse And Worse For Jussie Smollett With Each Passing Day.
But This Is What Happens When You Lie And Try To Slander Trump Supporters To Get Publicity.
If Found Guilty Lets Hope Mr. Smollett Serves Hard Time And His Career Is Completely Destroyed.
Al Sharpton Eats Crow After New Details Emerge In Jussie Smollett Hoax - Duration: 5:00.
When The Jussie Smollet Hoax First Came Out Dems And Libs Immediately Jumped All Over
The So-Called "Hate-Crime" Where Smollett Claimed He Was Attacked By White Dudes That
Yelled Racist And Homophobic Epithets, As Well As "This Is Maga Country."
As You Know By Now, It's Looking Like The Whole Thing Was Complete Bs.
Proffessional Racebaiter Al Sharpton Jumped All Over It Saying "We Can't Make People
Love Each Other, But We Can Sure Hold Them Accountable If They Harm Each Other."
Sharpton Claimed "We Should Come With All That We Can Come Within Law Enforcement To
Find Out What Happened And The Guilty Should Suffer The Maximum."
He's Right.
Smollet Needs To Suffer The Maximum Penalty For What He Did.
But Amid Multiple Reports That Smollett May Have Been Involved In Orchestrating The Attack,
Sharpton, Who Made His Name In The 1980s As The Spokesperson For Tawana Brawley In What
Turned Out To Be False Claims She Was Raped By Four White Men, Changed His Tune On-Air
On Sunday, Fox News Reports.
"If It Is Found That Smollett And These Gentlemen Did, In Some Way, Perpetrate Something
That Is Not True, They Ought To Face Accountability To The Maximum," Sharpton Said Referring
To The Actor And Two Men Linked To Him Who Have Been Questioned By Police.
"Let Us Get To The Bottom Of It, And Let Justice Be Done, No Matter Who Is Right Or
Smollett, Who Is Black And Openly Gay, Has Claimed He Was Attacked By Two Masked Men
Early On Jan. 29 As He Walked To His Chicago Apartment From A Subway Restaurant.
Smollett Alleged The Men Shouted Racial And Anti-Gay Slurs At Him.
Sharpton Famously Lost A Defamation Suit When The Brawley Attack Was Eventually Found Not
To Have Happened.
Now, There Are Reports That Smollett Might Have Also Orchestrated An Alleged Attack,
As Several Local And National News Reports Have Cited Sources Saying The Attack Was A
Hoax, Reports The Chicago Police Department Have Not Confirmed.
Last Week, Chicago Police Questioned Two Nigerian Brothers In The Reported Attack But Released
Them Friday Without Charges.
Police Spokesman Anthony Guglielmi Said The Pair Had Given Officers Information That Had
"Shifted The Trajectory Of The Investigation."
Breaking: This Is A Photo Of The Two White Supremacists Who Commited A Racist Attack
On Jussie Smollett.
They Have Been Arrested.
They Were Extras On Empire And Are Two Of The Blackest White Supremacists In History.
No Matter How You Cut It Jussie Lied
Smollett Received An Outpouring Of Support From Politicians, Celebrities And Journalists
When He First Went Public About The Alleged Attack In January.
Smollett Claimed At Least One Of The Attackers Said To Him, "This Is Maga Country," In
Reference To President Trump's Campaign Slogan.
The Brawley Rape Allegations In The Late 1980s Left An Entire Community On The Brink Of "Civil
War" – And A Recent Fox Nation Documentary Took A Closer Look At One Of The Most Racially-Charged
Legal Sagas In American History.
The New York Teen's Claims — In Which She Said She Was Allegedly Raped In The Woods
By Multiple White Men In Wappingers Falls, Ny, And Then Left Wrapped In A Feces-Covered
Plastic Bag With Racial Slurs Written On Her Body — Helped Springboard The Careers Of
Activists Including Sharpton.
But After An Extensive Investigation Filled With Twists And Turns, A Grand Jury Found
The Allegations To Be An Elaborate Hoax.
Smollett's Lawyer Has Denied His Client Had Anything To Do With His Alleged Attack
In Chicago.
"As A Victim Of A Hate Crime Who Has Cooperated With The Police Investigation, Jussie Smollett
Is Angered And Devastated By Recent Reports That The Perpetrators Are Individuals He Is
Familiar With," Attorneys Todd S. Pugh And Victor P. Henderson Said In A Statement.
"He Has Now Been Further Victimized By Claims Attributed To These Alleged Perpetrators That
Jussie Played A Role In His Own Attack.
Nothing Is Further From The Truth And Anyone Claiming Otherwise Is Lying."
Look, He Lied And Should Be Thrown In Prison- This Is A Felony.
Freaking Jackass, Racist Ahole.
Gérard Collomb demande de mesurer "les inégalités de santé" à Lyon - Duration: 2:27.
Why Should You Stop Drinking Water-KIDNEY FILTRATION & LYMPH - Duration: 5:26.
hey guys this is going to be a short but powerful video and also if there's
anyone who is having a kidney issue or kidney failure if you didn't understand
why your doctor was telling you to do this I'm going to tell you one reason
for this now in our society we are told that we're supposed to drink eight eight
ounces of water a day or more and that is further from the truth
this is why people are getting blocked up in the lymphatic systems but getting
blocked up and when I say lymphatic system there's two fluids in the body
there's blood and is lymphatic these are two important fluids and body I should
say and when lymphatic fluids are not coming out in the building and trying to
find spaces to go into like the tissues of the body
they can form cancers and like lymphoma for an example but this is not a video
about cancer but if somebody's having cancer not cancer I'm sorry if
somebody's having kidney failure and your doctor says to you to stop drinking
water why do you think that is they tell you this because number one water is the
worst thing that the body can be doing right now
when your kidneys are not filtering because what is supposed to be filtering
is waste not just water but waste it regulates the lymphatic this the
lymphatic system which is the sewer system of the body and it's not going to
be able to clear out when you have a kidney failure if you are burning in the
kidneys with water because it's not properly filtering the water to begin
with this is just holding on to it and the more water the kidneys hold on to
it's not going release with the blockages which is
lymphatic waste so when you stop drinking water when you have in kidney
failure as your doctor tells you your being able to release the lymphatic
wastes in unclog the pipes as I would say others would say of the kidneys to
get them flowing and getting filtration happening now doctor might not say it in
that way well we're gonna tell you to cut down on your water or don't drink
water at all for a while unless you feel thirsty take a couple of sips but that's
as far as the goals but they want to see filtration happening so that you can get
your body back on cycle in the the kidneys filtering like they once were
probably for most of us when we were younger it's very important to get the
kidneys on clogged and the lymphatic flowing and not stuck so that the body
works at a optimal pace and that you don't start getting ailments like I've
said in another video you know when you start to have kidney
failure you will you know notice things like stiffness in your joints arthritis
also swelling of course because not only is the kidneys not filtering the water
that's being consumed by the body but it's not filtering the waste people
think that the only job of the kidneys is the filter out water the other job of
the kidneys is also to filter out waste through the lymphatic system very
importantly just as important as its job is to filter out water the the job is
also of the kidneys to filter out the lymphatic system so I'm not a doctor I'm
just telling you you know from my own experience
that if you do small dry fast from 12 to 24 hours a day then rehydrate not with
water but like a maybe a fresh cold-pressed juice doing this
consistently see you can get yourself on filtering and your kidneys working at an
optimal level and what you want to see in your urine and you should test that
on a daily basis is sediment so your urine should not look clear that's
letting you know that your kidneys are responding and you're on your way to
your health improving and we all hope being at optimal you know filtration so
with all that being said please subscribe to the channel like and she
had this video or making a favorite and I'll see you guys in the next video
bye for now
Gérard Collomb, le combat de trop ? - Duration: 4:56.
[Behind] Making pimple popper toy - Duration: 7:11.
Fraude sociale: une situation catastrophique - Duration: 12:10.
M. Boujenah : Son soutien à Emmanuel Macron - Duration: 3:29.
Koreans reaction and review on German combat ration / Hoontamin - Duration: 13:04.
Today we will try a German combat raion
German combat ration, type 1
There is a very difficult German, read it
How do I know!
Don't you know what it means?
I never learned words like this
We ate a Korean combat ration before
But German thing is our first
What, it's written in Korean
It's from Germany, isn't it?
This pound cake is an additional gift
This German combat ration consists of six foods
2 main foods and 4 side foods
The first main food is pork goulash stew
The second is Mettwurst and pea stew
Pea stew?
And there are 4 side foods
A famous chocolate in Germany called 'Scho-Ka-Kola'
These are survivor outdoor biscuits
And larzul fromage fondu
This is a fruits nougat
This blue cheese and fruits nougat
These look like French foods
Even written in French
When I was in Germany
I ate a Haxen and some various sousages
But I didn't eat stews
I wonder what flavor it is
Without microwave, can I open and just eat it?
Let's think that we are on the battlefield now
What do you want to eat?
We are going to try
Pork, potato, and paprika
And here is a little spices also
It's one of the most common homemade dishes in Europe
Pork goulash stew
Smells like spaghetti sauce
A stew must be hot, isn't it?
So familiar taste
The taste that I ate somewhere
The potato taste is strong
But the taste of spices isn't strong
It also has peas
I have got so many, I have a lot of meat
Only potatoes here!
The meat is chewy
Good, it suits my taste
It seems like eating school food
Stew is familiar to us
So it doesn't come surprisingly
We can eat anywhere
I think someone may want more vegetables
But this is a combat ration
When the vegetable enters, it becomes bulky
But the calories become lower
This pork stew was more familiar than I thought
Next time we will try Mettwurst and pea stew
Pea stew?
It looks...
The smell is fine
And there are sausages
Mettwurst and pea stew
Here are sausages
We can eat each one, there are two
One sausage
And pea stew
Aren't there too much peas?
A different taste
It doesn't fit my taste, personally
I like peas
Don't you know this song?
Cormie is a little younger
Then, instead of this German song
We sing a Korean song
What's it, hear it for the first
The front part is a famous German song
Then, a Korean song continues
Released in 1991, before you were born
I eat only what I want
I don't eat what I dislike
Only 2 sausages here
Not so bad
Cormie doesn't like pea stew I think
But I like personally
So I will eat all
While I'm eating this main food
We will check the other side foods
Generally in France
After finished all the main dishes
Eat cheese and chocolate
Then the meal is over
This nougat can be considered a snack
Then should we eat this first?
This biscuit is a side food
But it can replace the bread
Now we will try this survivor biscuit
Survivor outdoor biscuits
The introduction to Mettwurst and pea stew were late
It usually can be eaten with breads
Thus it was a little salty
Now we need this biscuit
Look at this, it's wrapped in vinyl
Shall we eat one?
It looks like a biscuit without any tastes
Smell it, looks too normal, right?
A little sweet
And a bit nutty
And no tastes except that
Wheat taste
High in calories, so it's useful for combat
Eating like this?
Actually, biscuits are fine
Because it's hard to fight
I don't think this taste is good
Was it wrong?
...It wasn't a good choice
Not with coffee
Perhaps delicious with water
I think it will suit with coffee
This can suit with Korean mixed coffee
Not an americano
It tastes like Korean Geonbbang
Geonbbang taste
Korean Geonbbang is to these European biscuits
A big Geonbbang
Now we will try this Larzul blue cheese
This is a famous cheese since 1906
Written in French
Maybe this is the chef
How does he feel when his face in exposed like this?
We are also being exposed in our channel
People can see this image
Anybody can see our channel, too
I expected blue cheese
What a blue cheese...
Larzul Fromage Fondu
Let's eat this?
I think this will fit to the biscuits
There are too much to eat directly
I have never eaten such cheese
I only ate yellow cheese
First time to eat
Isn't the end taste a bit like soil?
Because the first time, I don't know the original taste
There are so many kinds of cheese
When you have a chance to go to Europe, take a flight
There will be something like that in the meal
I haven't been in France for a long time
I just traveled to France for a while
I ate such cheeses on an airplane, and at local restaurants
I'm familiar with such cheeses also in Korea
Wine is often served with various cheeses
But it isn't common for us to eat this kind
Genereally there are many cheddar cheeses in Korea
A little hard than this
Delicious with biscuits
Should we eat this with biscuits?
The manual doesn't say that
It's good to eat with biscuits
It turned like cheese cake
And we will try Scho-Ka-Kola
Good, looks like a piece of cake
With a high caffeine
A famous chocolate in Germany
It reminds me of Coca-Cola
It feels like a French course meal
It looks like a cake
The taste of cacao is strong
Maybe 72%?
I like sweet milk chocolate, but it's delicious
I like this bitter taste
It removes the oily taste
I wish I had a cup of black tea
This will exist on my desk
There are 16 of these pieces
Good, you got a nice snack
It's finally the last time
It's a fruits nougat
Who look? (Similar pronunciation to Korean)
Fruits nougat
I thought it was hard
But a little sticky
What is this taste?
It's a tough taste to express
Can I eat this vinyl?
Maybe not
Or eatable?
Maybe not a vinyl
I don't know the taste
If I had experienced, I could express
I've never eaten before
It's like a mint flavor
A difficult taste
I don't mean it isn't tasty
Just I can't express
I don't know why
When I ate this
I remember my childhood in the '80s
It's like an old snack taste
I think I ate before
If you can explain this taste
Please let us know by comment
If you haven't eaten this
Then try it yourself
Maybe it causes nostalgia
We tasted until this fruits nougat
German combat ration...
Are you deeply affected?
I ate all this German combat ration!
Just a little sore throat
Pork goulash stew, Mettwurst and pea stew
We experienced 2 main foods
Survivor biscuit and Scho-Ka-Kola
Larzul blue cheese and fruits nougat, we experienced
It feels high in calories
I was on a diet
You failed
Start again today
Good, a different experience
Personally delicious
Anything is delicious when you are hungry
Because it's the representative combat ration of Germany
So I was curious about these
The taste was different to Koreans
Unfamiliar taste
But personally it was nice
A little salty and sweet
Personally the pork goulash stew was delicious
And Larzul blue cheese was also great
Scho-Ka-Kola was really impressive
It's mine!
I don't enjoy chocolate much
Good because not too sweet, I don't like too sweet thing
It's a bit tastier than chocolate in Korea
How about this combat ration today?
New and good
The biscuits were similar to Geonbbang
Peas, because I personally don't like beans
There was a slight rejection
But stew was delicious
I like red one
Add chili powder
I will put capsaicine
Anyway it was a different and good experience
Our trip to various foods and materials will continue
We will try more interesting things in the future
Channel Hoontamin, please love and subscribe us
3ds Max CAT Animation Tutorial - Transition from Walk to Stand - Fixing Legs (Part 2/2) - Duration: 10:21.
Hey, fellow animators, I'm Miloš Černý.
So in the last part we ended up here, where we blended the upper parts of the wolf.
The pelvis, chest, head and tail.
Now let's take a look at the legs.
Watch the first part if you didn't already and let's continue.
So we know where exactly should the legs end in the last frame of the animation.
Because it's the position of legs in our stand pose.
Which is the yellow layer in the stack and yellow outlines in the viewport.
Let's start with the left front one first.
Set the position and rotation for the foot platform at frame 40, which is our last frame,
to be as close as possible to the ending position, displayed with the yellow outlines.
It doesn't have to be extremly precise yet, because we will load-in the precise position
in the end of the tutorial.
But it doesn't hurt to at least try.
Ok, now this means that for the frame 40, the foot platform is already in a correct
position, but the rest of the frames are still playing the walking animation.
So let's take a look at that.
We will start with the Y position again.
You can already see the value we have to end with, at that frame 40.
That means that the leg should move a bit further during the transition, before it touches
the ground.
So we copy the key from frame 40 to be the last position for the leg when it goes down.
Like this.
That means that the leg is set already and we don't need any additional keys after
the frame 40.
So let's delete them all.
And also all the keys between 12 and 40 because we don't want the leg to move there.
But you can see we only deleted keys for the foot platform yet.
The rest of the leg is still moving.
So let's select all the bones of the leg and delete the same keys for them as well.
Now we have to make sure that the frame 40 has the same keys as that last one.
Around frame 12.
So the leg will not move in between.
Copy them by holding shift.
For the foot platform actually copy frame 40 to frame 12.
And because of this snapping in the end, you can delete the key at frame 11 to make it
just a bit smoother.
And we are basically done with the first leg.
Not that hard, right?
Now let's do a similar thing with all the other bones.
First move the platform at frame 40 to it's final position.
Then fix the Y position axis, so the last touch of the ground is in the same position
as our final position.
Because otherwise the foot would slide.
Don't mind the snapping just yet, we will solve it in a minute.
Let's delete all the keys beyond 40 like the last time and this time we can actually
do it for all the bones at once, together with the foot platform.
The leg touches the ground at frame 27.
So we don't need any keys between 40 and 27 because we don't want the leg to move there.
Now because frame 40 and 27 are not the same, the platform rotates a bit.
Copy the frame 40 to frame 27.
This again means you will have a bit of a snapping of the platform so delete few keys before 27.
The platform is already ok, but the rest of the leg is not sorted out yet.
So just do the same.
Delete, copy and delete again to smooth the snapping.
Another leg done.
Hopefully you are starting to get a sense of it.
If not, don't worry.
Animation like this is quite hard to do.
Technically and also creatively.
You have the exact poses you have to blend between and it also has to look good, which
is not easy.
Let's try with another leg.
At frame 40 align it to the stand pose.
Fix the Y position again.
And delete the rest of the keys.
Same for all the other leg bones.
Now the leg touches the ground at frame 22.
So let's delete everything behind it and copy the frame 40 to 22.
21 actually.
And that's looking quite alright actually.
Which means the leg three done.
For the last leg, we can actually keep the part where it lands the first time.
Because it starts in the air.
Other than that, it's the same procedure.
Align at frame 40.
Delete all the keys behind frame 40.
It touches the ground at frame 37, so copy 40 to 37.
Delete those in between.
And fix the Y axis.
I didn't do it in the same order this time, but you can at least see it doesn't really matter.
Just adjust everything you need to.
However, this time, because the leg doesn't move such a long distance like the others were,
we have to adjust the Z axis for it as well, so it doesn't go that high up.
Just scale the keys a bit down.
This means that the toes shouldn't bend as much either.
So basically just animate that bone manually.
Delete the keys you don't need and change the rotation where it needs changing.
Let's say something like this.
Don't forget to also copy the frame 40 to 37 for the rest of the leg bones.
And now we are almost done.
After looking at the animation, I decided that I would like to slow down the last leg just a bit.
So I have scaled the foot platform to end at frame 40.
Just a little detail.
And now only one last thing remains to do.
We have to make sure that the frame 40 is exactly the same as the stand pose.
Which as you can see here, when we turn the layer on and off, it's not.
If you would leave it like this, it would snap in your game everytime after playing
the animation.
So let's fix that.
Save the stand_pose layer as a pose.
Now make sure you are at the correct layer and also that you have the autokey turned
on and that you are at frame 40 on your timeline.
All these three things are very important.
Then load the pose we have just saved.
And done.
The pose is now exactly the same.
It loaded it to frame 40 and also keyed every bone.
But now, something like this might happen.
It's easy to fix though.
Just rotate it back.
And also check if there isn't any more snapping.
If you find any, just smooth out the curves.
Like I do here.
Just make sure everything is clean.
The animation would still need some more polishing.
We also didn't animate any other parts like head, ears, tail and so on.
You could do that, but you have to think if this would be a game animation, you would
always have that particular animation in this transition.
For example if the wolf looked to the right, it would always be looking to the right during
the walk to stand transition, which you probably don't want.
That would have to be solved by additive animations in the game engine, but that's a different topic.
So that should be it.
This is the fast way of animating a stop walk.
Hopefully it was helpful, and see you in another video.
I am Miloš Černý and Thank You for watching.
♡海外コスメブラックフライデー2018購入品紹介パート1♡BY MAKEUPJP - Duration: 34:31.
Les soldes d'hiver n'ont pas annulé l'effet gilets jaunes - Duration: 10:57.
Redmi Note 7 India Variant Teased to Sport In-Display Fingerprint Scanner - Duration: 2:53.
Redmi Note 7 is all set to launch in India on February 28, and ahead of the launch, Xiaomi has started a contest on Twitter asking fans to spot humans in an image
The image consists of the number seven and has hidden messages inside that reveal probable features on the upcoming phone
The image teases that the Redmi Note 7 variant that will launch in India may sport an in-display fingerprint sensor and even the 48-megapixel Sony IMX586 sensor
It could be possible that Xiaomi will launch the Redmi Note 7 Pro China variant as the Redmi Note 7 variant in India
Furthermore, a Xiaomi executive also claims that more mid-range phones will sport in-display fingerprint sensors in the future
The Redmi India handle has tweeted a contest image that is riddled with clues. The contest image asks fans to count the number of humans in the image, and while searching for humans, we found a few clues inside the image as well
The image suggests that the upcoming Redmi Note 7 India variant will be equipped with an in-display fingerprint sensor
The original Redmi Note 7 launched in China last month features a rear fingerprint sensor, and the India variant may see an upgraded in-display fingerprint sensor
While responding to comments, Redmi India also slightly hints that the upcoming phone will sport a 48-megapixel Sony IMX586 sensor and not the Samsung GM1 sensor that the China variant embeds
All of this point towards the launch of the Redmi Note 7 Pro launch in India, as the Redmi Note 7
Redmi India contest imagePhoto Credit: Twitter/ Redmi India On a separate note, Xiaomi's Product Manager, Wang Teng Thomas disclosed on Weibo that more mid-range phones will see an in-display fingerprint scanner this year
While he didn't disclose which phones will launch with the 'fingerprint on display' feature, he said that Xiaomi's goal would be to include it in more mid-range phones
This further cements that the Redmi Note 7 India variant may embed an in-display fingerprint scanner
Xiaomi was ranked the number one smartphone brand in terms of shipments in 2018 in India by IDC, and it wouldn't be surprising if the company looks to launch the Redmi Note 7 Pro as the Redmi Note 7 in India first, before making it available in the home market
As Canalys notes, in Q4 2018, Xiaomi shipped 9.4 million smartphones in China, and 10 million in India
Apart from a few differences mentioned above, the Redmi Note 7 Pro aka Redmi Note 7 India variant is said to come with the same design as the Redmi Note 7 China variant
It should pack the same 4,000mAh battery with Quick Charge 4 capabilities, but is rumoured to be powered by the Snapdragon 675 SoC, and not the Snapdragon 660 SoC
It is also tipped to come with a 6GB + 128GB storage option.
Les Feux de l'amour : retour inattendu d'un personnage historique - Duration: 2:07.
Alors qu'il a fêté son quarante-cinquième anniversaire outre-Atlantique, le soap n'hésite pas à se séparer de ses visages historiques.
C'est notamment le cas de Kelly Sullivan, interprète de Sage.
Tandis que les téléspectateurs de TF1 pourront découvrir la mort de ce personnage lors de l'épisode du mercredi 6 mars, Doug Davidson a été récemment évincé de la série.
Après quarante ans de bons et loyaux services, l'interprète de Paul Williams a été viré sans ménagement par la production des Feux de l'amour.
« J'ai l'impression que diminuer mon rôle était leur plan depuis un moment, ce qui était à leur avantage », avait réagi le comédien.
De nombreuses personnalités du feuilleton américain n'avaient pas hésité à faire part de leur mécontentement.
« Laisser partir Doug Davidson est une énorme erreur.
Il a été dans cette série depuis, je crois, 39 ans, et le public l'adore? ! », a lâché Eric Braeden sur Twitter.
Le pilier de la famille Newman a également dénoncé un « traitement scandaleux ».
Finalement, la mobilisation de l'interprète de Victor et du public aura porté ses fruits.
Dans un message posté ce week-end sur les réseaux sociaux, Eric Braeden annonce le retour de Doug Davidon dans Les Feux de l'amour.
« Rien de tout cela ne se serait produit sans votre loyauté infaillible, aide et gentillesse.
Vous êtes la raison pour laquelle Paul est de nouveau sur les rails », s'est félicité ce dernier.
Les soldes d'hiver n'ont pas annulé l'effet gilets jaunes - Duration: 10:57.
Caroline Collomb, talon d'Achille de Gérard - Duration: 10:49.
Un si grand soleil : qui est Jennifer Maria, l'interprète d'Audrey ? - Duration: 3:24.
Un si grand soleil : qui est Jennifer Maria, l'interprète d'Audrey ?
Ce mardi 19 février dans Un si grand soleil sur France 2, vous allez découvrir un nouveau personnage : Audrey, une ancienne amie de Claire Estrela. Télé-Loisirs vous en dit plus sur son interprète, Jennifer Maria.
Dans l'épisode d'Un si grand soleil diffusé ce mardi 19 février sur France 2, vous allez faire la connaissance d'un nouveau personnage.
Audrey Delorme est une amie d'enfance de Claire Estrela (Mélanie Maudran), qu'elle va retrouver par hasard.
La jeune femme est engagée pour la cause écologique et se battra contre une entreprise qui pollue un étang et cause la mort d'oiseaux.
En attendant de la découvrir à l'écran, Télé-Loisirs vous propose d'en savoir plus sur son interprète Jennifer Maria, 35 ans.
Au côté d'une mère professeur de droit, d'un père travaillant dans l'environnement et d'un grand frère, Jennifer Maria a grandi au Portugal. "Chez nous,
on faisait beaucoup de sport et il fallait être bon à l'école", explique celle qui a suivi ses études au lycée français, puis américain.
Elle est arrivée en France à 18 ans pour faire une école de commerce, mais elle a toujours été "très manuelle et activités artistiques".
Après un peu d'histoire de l'art en Italie et de travail en entreprise, la jeune femme a décidé de changer de voie et s'est inscrite à un stage au Cours Florent.
A 27 ans, celle qui "ne croit pas vraiment au talent mais au travail", a monté la compagnie de théâtre Robert aime Jocelyne,
avant de se faire repérer par le réalisateur Marc Esposito qui l'a fait jouer dans Le cœur des hommes 3.
La comédienne a ensuite joué dans plusieurs séries pour France 2 et France 3, Agathe Koltes, La Stagiaire, ou Candice Renoir.
Elle a tourné dans Un si grand soleil entre fin novembre 2018 et début janvier 2019.
Audrey "est un personnage que je trouve super attachant et qui était hyper intéressant parce qu'elle répond à une vraie question : l'écologie est un grand sujet mais on ne se donne pas toujours les moyens.
Je trouve Audrey hyper courageuse, elle va jusqu'au bout", nous confie Jennifer Maria, engagée dans l'association MIAA qui distribue des repas aux sans-abri.
Et d'ajouter : "mon personnage va être confrontée à beaucoup de personnages de la série, les Estrela, au zoo, au commissariat".
Ravie de son expérience de tournage, la jeune femme précise : "je suis devenue très amie avec Mélanie Maudran, on s'appelle et on prend des nouvelles".
Managing stress - 10 steps in 90 seconds - Duration: 1:26.
I'm clinical psychologist Dr. Ali Mattu and I'm going to show you the 10 best ways to
manage your stress in less than 90 seconds.The following is based on a true story.
[#1:Understand your stress] Oh my gosh I got this email inviting me to do an interview
on BLEEP and I am really excited and really stressed.
[#2:Make friends with your stress] Remember that stress is rocket fuel that helping you
to lift off and take on this challenge.
[#3: problem solve: Identify the problem, Brainstorm solutions without judging them,
pick one solution and try it out].
[#4 Talk to a friend] Come up with some questions that you think they're going to ask you, answer
them, practice it in the mirror, and you'll be fine.
Thanks for having me on the show.
It's an honor to be here.
That's a really important question and something I've been thinking a lot about.
[#6:Get active: exercise, take a walk, listen to music].
"Do you have the time, to listen to me whine."[#7:Do a thing that feels good, watch your favorite
This is my favorite part.
"Let's make sure that history never forgets the name, Enterprise."
[Cuddle, pamper yourself].
[#8:Do a thing you're good at].
Maybe I should make a video about how to deal with stress.
[#9:Nourish your body, if possible with boba tea.]
[#10:Get a good night of sleep].
How do you manage stress?
Let me know in the comments!
Volvo V50 1.6D 109pk Airco/Cruise control/Zuinig - Duration: 1:21.
Laeticia Hallyday: un dernier coup afin de redorer image...! -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:20.
Video of Cop with kids goes viral - Duration: 1:04.
New YouTube Community Guidelines Strikes System - Duration: 1:51.
Meghan Markle s'envole secrètement pour New York pour fêter sa baby shower ! - Duration: 3:26.
Une méthode simple pour supprimer la mauvaise haleine et se débarrasser des mauvaises bactéries - Duration: 8:23.
Les mauvaises bactéries de la bouche peuvent contribuer à de nombreux problèmes dentaires et gingivaux.
Plaques de tartre, mauvaise haleine, gingivite, les conséquences d'une mauvaise hygiène dans cette zone peuvent provoquer de
nombreux troubles qui peuvent causer des douleurs ou des sensations désagréables.
Voici une méthode naturelle qui peut éliminer les bactéries buccales et contribuer à la préservation d'une bonne haleine.
Utiliser de l'huile peut se révéler être extrêmement bénéfique pour la santé des dents et des gencives.
Cette méthode, appelée également oil pulling, peut aussi agir pour blanchir les dents et lutter contre la prolifération des bactéries dangereuses pour la bouche.
Pour cela, il existe des huiles spécifiques qui peuvent aider à lutter contre les bactéries dont l'accumulation peut conduire à des maux dentaires et à des troubles liés aux gencives.
Cette méthode consiste à mettre de l'huile dans la bouche pendant quelques minutes chaque jour.
De nombreux avantages découlent de cette habitude et peuvent, à terme, maintenir une bonne santé dentaire et gingivale.
Cette technique de rinçage ancienne est connue pour son effet blanchissant des dents et peut agir comme un actif puissant contre la mauvaise haleine,
produit de l'accumulation des bactéries.
Comment utiliser cette technique ?
L'extraction de l'huile est une procédure très facile et qui ne demande pas beaucoup d'ingrédients.
Tout ce que vous avez à faire est de mettre 2 cuillères à café d'huile végétale comme l'huile de noix de coco ou de sésame dans votre bouche et de procéder à un
gargarisme pendant quelques minutes au début puis essayer d'arriver à 15 voire 20 minutes par la suite.
Crachez l'huile et ensuite rincez-vous la bouche à l'eau douce.
Pour obtenir un résultat optimal et parfait, il est utile d'utiliser cette méthode soit le matin le ventre vide ou le soir avant de se coucher.
Autre technique pour éliminer les bactéries dentaires.
Le jus de citron utilisé ponctuellement peut se révéler être un excellent antiseptique contre les bactéries de la bouche.
Boire du jus de citron peut être un atout pour la santé dentaire grâce à ses vertus antiseptiques.
Vous pouvez même croquer à même le citron pour pouvoir bénéficier de ses vertus blanchissantes.
Il ne faut pas utiliser le citron plus de 2 fois par semaine car il risque d'abîmer l'émail dentaire.
Mettez une cuillère à soupe d'huile, idéalement de l'huile de noix de coco connue pour ses vertus blanchissantes et purifiantes.
Vous pouvez également utiliser de l'huile de sésame qui a des propriétés antibactériennes et antivirales.
Faites alors un bain de bouche pendant 15 à 20 minutes.
Pendant sa mise en bouche, le produit devient plus épais, laiteux et crémeux en quelques minutes.
Après l'avoir craché, il faut simplement se laver la bouche à l'eau douce.
Pour éliminer tous les résidus d'huile qui peuvent provoquer une sensation désagréable, un brossage de dents est nécessaire.
Attention, il ne faut surtout pas avaler cette huile.
Si vous souhaitez améliorer votre santé bucco-dentaire et garder vos dents aussi blanches que possible, cette méthode s'avère être l'alternative la plus facile et la moins coûteuse.
Elle peut être épuisante au début mais au fil du temps cela devient une habitude saine,
antibactérienne et blanchissante qui vous épargne l'accumulation de tartre entre les gencives et sur les dents et qui lutte contre la mauvaise haleine.
Il est important de maintenir une bonne hygiène dentaire en évitant la formation de plaque avec des précautions de base.
Comment maintenir une bonne hygiène dentaire ?
L'hygiène dentaire est un ensemble de rituels quotidiens pour empêcher et éliminer la formation de plaque dentaire et de nombreux maux liés à la santé des dents et des gencives.
Pour les éviter, il est essentiel de :
-Se brosser les dents après chaque repas ou au moins deux fois par jour pour éviter la formation de plaque.
-Rendre visite à son dentiste régulièrement.
Une visite annuelle à minima est nécessaire pour détecter les caries ou pour procéder à un détartrage.
-Adopter une bonne technique de brossage.
Il est important de savoir se brosser les dents minutieusement pour se débarrasser des bactéries qui s'accumulent dans la bouche.
L'idée est de déplacer la brosse de haut en bas, de la gencive vers la dent pendant 2 à 3 minutes.
Vous pouvez compléter votre soin dentaire avec du fil dentaire et un bain de bouche.
-Eviter les aliments mauvais pour l'hygiène buccodentaire comme les boissons chargées en sucre, bonbons qui peuvent provoquer, à terme, des caries.
Microsoft To-Do 2019 | Full Tour - Duration: 14:21.
Hello everyone and welcome back to another video today
We aren't done anything into Microsoft to do we're going to be exploring the iOS application talking a little bit about the web version
Android version and Windows version to go into a bit more detail from the last video I did about
Microsoft to do so as you can imagine
Monks off to do is an application that's capturing. A lot of people's attention
it's growing in popularity in terms of
how many features ever having and the additions are actually fixing in the
application which is super positive
If you do want to see what's new with Microsoft to do feel free to check out the video in the cards above
So here we are with the iOS version
I want to give you a tour around this application the additions aren't that dissimilar?
So you have your first page you have my day?
And my day is essentially an area for you to start organizing what you're going to be doing today
It's essentially your today section very similar to duyst
So if you go in that top right hand corner, you can see at the top of the page
You've got my bay important planned and tasks and these are like almost your pinned
Sidebars so you can see all of the most important things
So my day starts basically with the ability to add tasks to this list. So for example from here I could add maybe
by milk because actually I need to do that play some basketball and
You can see once I add all of these they're going into what's called my tasks list
And I can go over to the task list and actually find them at the bottom
now if I at any given point one to two for example
Let's say went into a watch Venom click add to my day and it will automatically go into the my day section
So with every single task in the matter whether it's in a project or list
Or whether it's inside of tasks area. You can do that to any task that isn't already associated to my day
Which is quite helpful, so being able to add a task is quite easy
Of course, I just put my milk there
But you can add steps below them if you really want to do if there's more steps into it than just buying milk you can
Remove it here from my day, too
but you can also add it back again and you may notice a star next to the buy milk at the top and that's
and it to the important list, so if I go back out
obviously you can see it in that important list there and
It makes it a little easier to access. So once I'm in my day, that will also be starred as
important so when you're trying to differentiate
What tasks are important and what are not you can see that by the side now?
There's also remind me so you can click remind me and turn on notifications
now if you haven't done that yet, you can see that on the iOS device pops up allowing you a nudge there and you can
specifically choose a time and a date
so for example
If actually I do need to do that about 10 15 ish so you can be very specific about when you want to be reminded
Now something to note as well. You don't have the ability to add multiple reminders
But I don't think that's really going to be too much of a bother for you
Now you can add what's called a due date
So for example if I'm like, okay, I really need to get up by tomorrow. Then you can add a due date
So essentially you've got by adding it to my day you Ventris entually got start day or or an actual due date
And then you've got a due date which allows you to get a sort of deadline on the task
Now you do have the ability to repeat and you can do that. You can also custom repeat it
So you've also got daily - yearly here, but you've also got the ability to have a custom one
Say for example
If you want every six days something very specifically can I know a lot of people like the iconography as well of this application?
Now here you can also add a file
So for example, you can add it through iOS through photo library camera or files
So if you want to attach something, it's really easy. If you've already got a an actual a
files iCloud file set up
Then you can import it automatically and you can add as many as you like to so that's great news you can add
As many as I don't think they have a limit. I think it may be even 25 megabytes per task which isn't too bad
I don't think you've also got the ability to add a note as well
It's just really really simple and down at the bottom right hand corner there. You can see you can delete tasks too
So that's really all in all what the inside of a task looks like be able to add
Next now the great thing as well is you have the ability to multi select
So for example went to top right hand corner
And I pressed edit and I wanted to highlight maybe the play basketball or watch venom
You can move that you can change the due date or you can move it to a specific
Tasks area personal list etc
So you can move multiple of them and you can even select all again in a given time
You can change the due date on them
So obviously they will stay in today, but you can change the actual due date of the task
You can also move them around too if you're really eager to now up in the top right hand corner
You do have the ability to sort based unimportant. So if you wanted to
Organize that quickly just based on which one's a starred or not
You can do that and you can have it by descending or ascending order and you can also sort by alphabetical
due date
Creation date and whether they're completed so far and you can clear that any given time and it will return to its original status
Now if you've completed a task, so for example, we watch venom the other day
And of course it still retains in a safer go back in
It stills there. So one thing you can do is click hide completed tasks
and of course that will disappear if you want to see show completed tasks you can I know a lot of people do actually like
To see it because they want to know where they've done that in the day
now one of the final things and something you can do inside of all lists is
customizing each of your folders or your lists and that's just by changing the
Header color so you can actually see
Different colors here and five primary colors. I like the dark blue. You can also change the background too
so whether you'll just want a city or a
Plane going up or even a lovely beach
But in this case, I might choose this lovely home one
But you can have it plain if that's something that you just want to keep pretty simple once you click done
Obviously, that's your my day area. And one of the most exciting things as well is in the top right hand corner
you can click this area called suggestions and suggestions are available through all of the editions of Microsoft to do and
Essentially, what you can do is you can look at your overdue and suggested tasks
so for example
You can see here that I've got an would you run five kilometres and maybe I do want to do that today now?
it's already embedded by the looks of it in my tasks area with a due date of
Wednesday the 13th of February now if I wanted to add it to my day area
All I have to do is press the plus and you can see it pops up added to my day and it will disappear
Now it's the same with projects. So for example, it will take out
some of the tasks from the
Areas that you've got so for example that I've got work personal tasks or these are all different lists
So I maybe need to organize Amsterdam trip. So I'm going to click tick that one. I don't need to feed the cat
So I'm going to mark that as complete so you can do that from there or delete the task
I'm I'm not actually needing to order the table. I don't need to wash the car and I don't need to upload articles yet
So all I'm after gonna do is go to done in the top right corner
Now you can see here that the Run 5k
Has been added and I can go back in and actually change the due date for that
maybe until this Thursday and I go back and
The same with the organize the Amsterdam trip so you can see all the details being transferred and you can see some of the examples
Of subtasks here and you can tick them off as you go
So if I go back out to my day
You can see two out three of those tasks are done. And that's essentially all of the my dariya area
It's one of the features. I think actually people do quite enjoy now
Once you've explained my day, you don't really have to explain them important area
You've got areas where you can start asks
which is really easy to do and
If you go back you can also see what tasks you have coming up so you can see okay i'm gonna minimize today
But okay between wednesday and sunday
Although they're in my day
You know
they've actually got a due date of that and also ones that even later so you can click in and
If I change that for example
If I put it as tomorrow and went back, you could probably see it in its own different area called tomorrow
so this is quite a nice view if you're looking to see
Basically your next seven days
Now the tasks area is literally for any of your tasks that don't necessarily have a project list
And it's almost just like a general list. So for example, if you wanted to you could utilize the sorting features
and you can even
Choose the ones that have been added to my day
So all of the my day ones will come up in here
you can even sort them, you know both ascending and descending and you can also go and set them by the
Alphabet that's going to be that's quite a handy one. I know people like that, too
you can customize this theme as well if you want to with those five primary colors and
That can help you get started now just to go over the different lists you've created
So for example, you can see I've got personal and I've taken my passport photo there. I haven't ordered a new table
It's very similar
all you have to do is go to create new list and
They'll prompt you to add a title to that now if I clear all of this and maybe put you know
project a
you can if you want to add an emoji to the start of that say for example, actually, I'm going to change this one to
You know take places to visit
because that could be nice and then I go up to the top right hand corner and change that to red because it's nice and
In there we go a nice background with the actual
plane in the background so you can see here that the emoji has been taken as a
Almost icon of the project which I quite like so you can move that around as well
So for example, if I wanted to move travel to the top I could quite easily do so
And that's really had a great list
lists are really really easy to get on with the real magic inside of lists is the sharing ability so you may see in the
top right hand corner
I've got sharing set up and I will explain how to do that right now with this brand new list
We have the places to visit. So if I go to the plus in the top right hand corner, I can press send
invitation link and essentially that is sent to new members you can copy it and
once you send it to a new member, they'll get access to that and
They can view it and even modify it with a Microsoft to do it count now you can limit access to current members
So what they actually see inside of there so you can cancel the link and you can react sis a link and stop sharing it
Automatically but that makes it a shareable area and the sharing icon appears. Not sure whether you can see the
The you can tell which ones have been shared which ones haven't been seen here
That's a first two in this case have been shared. So you're probably wondering a few of the minor
Idiosyncrasies if I go to the top left hand corner, I can access my profile
I can have the completion sound and if you've got the sound on it sounds fantastic
You can have or choose whether to have those important or planned areas or auto hide empty
Smart lists and that's quite helpful
You can also start importing from vendor lists from here to now all the other stuff is jargon at the bottom all the other
Additional stuff but for example, let's say I just switched off important and I didn't want that anymore
I could have it back on and it would come back on so
That's something that a lot of people like to do have their own custom sidebar in this experience
So, of course the iPad version has three panels
which is something that I know a lot of people like to have the three different panels so they can access the sidebar the
Tasks list and then the context of the task
so if we look at the web version
so the web version doesn't have the theme ability that you can access and also it just
Seems a little bit lacking in design, but I can imagine over the next couple of weeks
They'll definitely be adding to that
You can't add emoji as well sort of like the fundus is zapped out of the web version
But I can imagine that's why because the web version is going to be the least accessed and probably
The least important because a lot of people have windows
Windows the windows Edition does have a few different things. It's got live tiles
It's also got Cortana as well. So you can connect up with Cortana which is something that a lot of people like to do
So for example seeing your list of tasks coming up
You've also got emoji connected to that one
And what I would say as a Windows Edition looks like one of the best it's also got a dark edition now
Now Android is the one that has something called snoozed tasks
You can snooze a task for five minutes to one hour
this is currently in beta but it's something that I know a lot of people loved inside of an app called swipes and
It is something that if Microsoft to do ads is definitely going to be an exciting application. I
Did see a lot of people in the comments in the what's new to Microsoft to do video
20:19 do mention that obviously, you know, Google Tasks. Why are you comparing to that Francesco? Yes
Google Tasks is an application that I do compare
It is a lot far behind from Microsoft to do but if Google paid even a fraction of attention to it
I think it could quickly catch up with to do now one other thing. I wanted to mention as well is
That a lot of people are saying and how happy they are with Microsoft to do and how it's progressing
It's definitely something to consider in
2019 if you like to watch my downsizing to-do list applications feature. Please do check that one out and because it might become valuable
Let me know in the comments whether you have any questions if you would like to become a patron today as well
Feel free to follow the link in the description
It'd be great to have you as a supporter, but you put up to YouTube channel any of you guys. Thanks so much
Do hit subscribe and I will see you guys very very soon Cheers
HA Ha! McConnell To Call Vote OnOcasio's Green New Deal, Schumer's PISSED - Duration: 4:20.
Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, who on a good day looks like he's sucking on
a lemon, ripped into Republicans for planning to force a vote on the Green New Deal.
They want everyone on record concerning where they stand for this insanity.
Schumer doesn't want the Dems pinned down and he's really ticked at Senate Majority
Leader Mitch McConnell for calling the vote.
McConnell is trolling the Dems and I love it.
Schumer called the plan a "stunt," a "cheap, cynical ploy" and "a game of political
Considering Schumer wrote the proverbial book on dirty politics, he should know.
Actually, it is a valid move to make politicians say they are either for or against the Green
New Deal.
"The Republican leader announced he's going to bring up a resolution he intends
to vote against," Schumer said on the Senate floor.
"Now that is what the American people hate about Congress — the pointless partisan
No sir… they hate the corrupt leftists tearing us apart.
Chuck Schumer Tweeted.
Dear @SenateMajLdr McConnell:
Stop trying to distract from the fact that the GOP has no plan on climate change.
I'm headed to the Senate Floor to issue you a challenge to admit for the first time:
Climate change is real 2.
It's caused by humans 3.
Congress needs to act.
Schumer isn't the only Democrat calling foul here.
They are terrified of being tied to a plan that would literally destroy the US and everything
we hold dear.
But most of the Democratic field running for the presidency in 2020 has already rallied
behind the deal.
Even so, Schumer, joined by colleagues on the Senate floor, said: "Bring it on."
He said Democrats "believe that we need to do something about climate change" and
added: "Do Republicans?"
Make no mistake, this has nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with greed,
graft, and corruption.
McConnell promised a Senate vote on the Green New Deal last week.
He wants Democrats to go on record.
Nice tee-up for the 2020 race and reelecting Trump.
"I've noted with great interest the Green New Deal," McConnell told reporters.
"And we're going to be voting on that in the Senate.
We'll give everybody an opportunity to go on record and see how they feel about the
Green New Deal."
The Green New Deal was put forth by Democratic Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).
She wants to transform our economy and way of life in an attempt to fight faux climate
It recently came under scrutiny after revelations that a related FAQ document included passages
promising a job to "all people of the United States" – including those "unwilling
to work" – and suggesting air travel could be made obsolete.
And don't even get me started on eliminating cow farts.
"We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years because we
aren't sure that we'll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that
fast," the now-deleted document also read.
Then Ocasio-Cortez and her minions tried to claim that the doc was concocted by Republicans.
She lied her ever-loving head off.
From Fox News: "But McConnell's move to bring the plan
to a vote on the Senate floor will be a key test for Democratic presidential candidates
such as Sens. Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, who
are running on the progressive platform in 2020.
"While backing of the far-left proposal will ultimately improve their liberal bona
fides and their support from the Democratic base, the support of the plan will undoubtedly
be the target of attacks during the general election.
"President Trump has already begun attacking the Green New Deal, claiming it would "shut
down American energy" and describing it as "a high school term paper that got a
low mark" during a rally Monday in El Paso, Texas.
"Corbin Trent, a spokesman for Ocasio-Cortez, said that McConnell's plan to bring the
plan to the vote will only show "just how out of touch Republican politicians are with
the American people."
This is an attempt to wake America up and show them what will happen if the Democrats
seize control.
Al Gore never went away, he just co-opted the millennials and power-hungry climbers
in the Democratic Party.
Elimi Bırakma 30. Bölüm 2. Fragmanı - Duration: 1:16.
Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. Good Cruising.
Do not give up my hand Chapter 30 2. Fragment
Hi all my friends. We have made the 30th Part 2 trailer estimate. 1,500 likes of all Azra and Cenk lovers and expect 1,500 comments. Type 'AzCen' in the comment. Good Cruising.
Cenk has learned all the facts. Feride is also responsive to the lady. He resigns from this reaction as chairman of the board. And her mother, Sarah, explodes. Mirage sinks more now.
Cenk, on the other hand, neglects his illness. But they strive for the happiness of their loved ones. Hopefully he won't neglect or even cripple him. Azra and Cenk deserve happiness.
Can Cenk be able to forgive his mother and Feride? Will she be happy with Azra? Remember to write to the comment. All of Azra and Cenk lovers expect 1,500 reviews and 1,500 comments. Type 'AzCen' in the comment. New videos will come. Stay on track.
Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. Have a nice day!
CHOC: Meghan Markle soutient un mouvement ultra controversé, presse anglaise est en colère contre - Duration: 2:51.
Gérard Collomb, le combat de trop ? - Duration: 4:56.
Éliminer les odeurs dans la bouche et éliminer les mauvaises bactéries de la bouche|LSF TV - Duration: 3:50.
香克斯为什么选路飞?他为什么不选择耶稣布的儿子乌索普? - Duration: 4:45.
Voici ce que fait une pincée de curcuma au quotidien pour votre cerveau et votre mémoire - Duration: 5:35.
Mais on attribue à cette épice d'autres vertus, notamment en ce qui concerne la santé.
Le curcuma est originaire d'Asie du Sud-Est et utilisé en cuisine pour épicer nos plats.
En effet, des recherches ont montré qu'elle permet de traiter des troubles digestifs,
soulager des maladies inflammatoires comme l'arthrite ou encore améliorer la fonction cérébrale et réduire le risque des maladies du cerveau. Les principes actifs du curcuma.
La curcumine est un composé du curcuma qui présente des propriétés antioxydantes,
anti-inflammatoires, et permet de protéger des maladies liées au stress oxydatif comme la maladie d'Alzheimer ou encore les maladies cardiovasculaires.
La curcumine permet également d'exercer des effets anti-cancer par ses propriétés antioxydantes et anti-inflammatoires. Ainsi le curcuma contient des nutriments tels que le.
Fer, indispensable au transport de l'oxygène et à la formation des globules rouges dans le sang ; Manganèse qui agit comme cofacteur de plusieurs enzymes pour faciliter les processus métaboliques.
Par ailleurs, il a été démontré que le curcuma est un must pour la santé du cerveau et de la mémoire.
Ce que dit la science à propos du curcuma pour l'amélioration de la santé du cerveau et de la mémoire Selon une étude publiée dans MONASH University,
ajouter juste un gramme de curcuma au petit-déjeuner permettrait d'améliorer la mémoire des personnes qui sont au premier stade du diabète ou qui présentent un risque de déficience cognitive.
Ainsi, selon le professeur Mark Wahlqvist, la mémoire de travail est une faculté mentale importante et indispensable aux capacités cognitives comme la planification,
la résolution des problèmes ou encore le raisonnement.
Aussi, la prise quotidienne du curcuma peut entrainer l'amélioration de la mémoire et influencer la fonction cognitive lorsqu'il
y a un métabolisme énergétique désordonné et une résistance à l'insuline et prévoir les troubles futurs et la démence.
Par ailleurs, une étude de l'Université de Californie à Los Angeles (UCLA), suggère que l'on peut protéger la mémoire et l'humeur, grâce à la curcumine.
En effet, les propriétés anti-inflammatoires de la curcumine sont susceptibles de protéger le cerveau de la neurodégénérescence.
Ainsi, une administration orale quotidienne de la curcumine chez un groupe de personnes, âgées de 51 à 84 ans, non atteintes de démence, a eu pour résultat,
une amélioration de l'attention et une diminution de l'accumulation d'amyloïde (agrégat protéique existant dans les neurones)
et de tau (protéine qui s'accumule dans le neurone) dans la région du cerveau pour moduler l'humeur et la mémoire.
De même, Selon une étude réalisée par des chercheurs du département de neurologie, Sepulveda en Californie, la curcumine est susceptible de conduire à un traitement prometteur pour la maladie d'Alzheimer.
Ainsi la curcumine réduit les niveaux de la protéine bêta-amyloïde et aide les macrophages à dégager la plaque cérébrale associée à la maladie d'Alzheimer et de lésion cérébrale. Autres vertus de la curcumine sur la santé.
Le curcuma est une épice qui améliore la santé de différentes façons et participe à nettoyer le sang, prévenir le vieillissement prématuré, détoxifier le foie,
prévenir les dommages des radicaux libres, améliorer la santé de la peau et la santé cardiovasculaire ou encore à prévenir le cancer.
En effet, son activité anticancéreuse a été étudiée et confirmée par une étude publiée par l'Official Journal of Indian Academy of Neurology,
qui a prouvé que la curcumine peut tuer une grande variété de cellules tumorales par divers mécanismes.
Elle permet, dans le même contexte, de garder intactes les cellules normales, ce qui fait de la curcumine un ingrédient potentiel pour le développement de certains traitements médicamenteux.
Aussi, en ajoutant du curcuma à vos salades, plats ou soupes et en consommant du thé au curcuma, vous pourrez garder une performance cérébrale optimale.
Quelles autres alternatives pour sauvegarder la santé du cerveau ?
Bien que la prise de supplément de curcumine soit une étape importante pour améliorer la santé de votre cerveau, il existe néanmoins d'autres moyens que l'on pourrait associer au traitement quotidien par cette épice.
Aussi, il est important : D'adopter un régime alimentaire sain en consommant des fruits et des légumes au quotidien ;
De pratiquer une activité physique régulière afin de prévenir le vieillissement du cerveau ;
De dormir suffisamment pour restaurer le cerveau et éviter une humeur exécrable tout au long de la journée ;
De stimuler le mental par l'information et l'acquisition de nouvelles compétences ; D'éviter le stress en pratiquant le yoga ou la méditation.
Mises en garde; Il est déconseillé de mélanger la consommation d'une grande quantité de curcuma avec la prise de médicaments pour le sang comme l'aspirine, car cela pourrait avoir un effet anticoagulant additionnel et augmenter le risque de saignement.
Il est déconseillé de consommer du curcuma en cas de grossesse ou d'ulcère d'estomac.
Pigeon Pose Progression for Lower Back Pain - Yoga Flow for Back Pain - Duration: 1:20.
Begin in downward-facing dog
Kick your right leg back and forward to your right wrist
Set up straight with your left leg straight behind you. You should feel a stretch in your right hip
Hold it this stretch for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat on the other side
For an increased stretch lean forward onto your elbows
To increase the stretch further place your hands under your forehead and rest them on the floor
To progress even further
Straighten your arms forward and rest your forehead on the floor
You should feel an increased stretch in your right hip with these progressions so we can continue to make these free educational
Videos, please subscribe to our Channel
Managing stress - 10 steps in 90 seconds - Duration: 1:26.
I'm clinical psychologist Dr. Ali Mattu and I'm going to show you the 10 best ways to
manage your stress in less than 90 seconds.The following is based on a true story.
[#1:Understand your stress] Oh my gosh I got this email inviting me to do an interview
on BLEEP and I am really excited and really stressed.
[#2:Make friends with your stress] Remember that stress is rocket fuel that helping you
to lift off and take on this challenge.
[#3: problem solve: Identify the problem, Brainstorm solutions without judging them,
pick one solution and try it out].
[#4 Talk to a friend] Come up with some questions that you think they're going to ask you, answer
them, practice it in the mirror, and you'll be fine.
Thanks for having me on the show.
It's an honor to be here.
That's a really important question and something I've been thinking a lot about.
[#6:Get active: exercise, take a walk, listen to music].
"Do you have the time, to listen to me whine."[#7:Do a thing that feels good, watch your favorite
This is my favorite part.
"Let's make sure that history never forgets the name, Enterprise."
[Cuddle, pamper yourself].
[#8:Do a thing you're good at].
Maybe I should make a video about how to deal with stress.
[#9:Nourish your body, if possible with boba tea.]
[#10:Get a good night of sleep].
How do you manage stress?
Let me know in the comments!
Meghan Royals Es - El actor colombiano de "Sin senos no hay paraíso" fue denunciado por violencia f - Duration: 3:49.
La modelo Diana Cortés denunció a través de un programa de televisión que sufrió de violencia de género a manos de su ex pareja, el reconocido actor de la telenovela "Sin senos no hay paraíso", Juan Diego Sánchez, con quien tuvo año y medio de relación
Y todo comenzó con una infidelidad. En el programa de chismes La Red, de Caracol Televisión, la modelo contó que descubrió que Sánchez le había sido infiel y se separaron un tiempo, pero ante la presión de este decidió perdonarlo y regresar con él
Antes de este episodio, el actor la celaba, a lo que ella no le puso mayor cuidado
Desde ese momento las cosas se tornaron más agresivas, dijo. Un día, mientras se bañaba escuchando música, Sánchez entró de forma violenta a insultarla porque la estaba llamando y ella no respondía
Ahí la agredió mientras le preguntaba dónde había estado antes. Luego, le pidió disculpas argumentando que alguien le había echado droga a su trago
"Yo decidí perdonarlo porque realmente lo amaba mucho, pero siento que en ese momento fallé como mujer", expresó Cortés a La Red, y afirmó que intentó denunciarlo a la Fiscalía pero "no fue capaz"
Pero episodios como ese se repetían cada vez más. Otro día, salían de una discoteca y el actor se apartó de ella a contestar una llamada
En ese momento otro hombre se le acercó y Sánchez regresó a ver qué pasaba. Cortés simplemente se alejó y le pidió que se fueran
"En la mitad de la cuadra, saliendo de la discoteca, él me coge de los brazos superfuerte
Él me alcanzó a pegar en la pierna, creo que con la rodilla, entonces ahí fue cuando alguien de la calle empezó a gritar 'suelta, suéltala'", contó
En ese momento el actor la mordió en su rostro. Después de esto la modelo decidió que debía denunciar las agresiones
Por su parte, Juan Diego Sánchez dijo en el mismo programa que todo era una "exageración" y que nunca ha agredido a una mujer
MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Arrestaron a la "Madame" del Amazonas por prostituir niñas indígenas Otro feminicidio el Colombia: una mujer fue hallada muerta envuelta en un colchón en una vivienda Los macabros detalles del asesino serial colombiano que le rendía tributo al diablo
Matteo Salvini e l'arresto dei genitori di Renzi: "Quando tirano in ballo le famiglie mi arrabbio" - Duration: 4:37.
美国还是超级大国吗?随着中国的崛起,会重演美苏冷战的历史吗? - Duration: 10:07.
Pelosi Throws Smollett Under The Proverbial Bus, Deletes Tweet - Duration: 3:51.
Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi Just Threw Actor Jussie Smollett Under The Bus After
Reports Emerged Showing He May Have Staged The "Hate Crime" Attack Against Him, As
The Daily Mail Reports: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Deleted A Tweet
Expressing Sympathy For Jussie Smollett, Posted Before Allegations He Faked A Homophobic And
Racist Attack On Himself Emerged.
The Actor And Singer Claimed He Was Attacked At A Subway By Two Men In Ski Masks In Chicago
On January 29 At Around 2am.
The Empire Star Told Police The Attackers Poured A Bleach-Like Chemical On Him And Tied
A Rope Noose Around His Neck, Yelling Racist And Homophobic Insults As Well As 'This
Is Maga Country'.
He Told Officers The Unknown Chemical Substance Was Used On Him While 'Empire F****T'
And 'Empire N*****' Was Shouted At Him.
Here's The Tweet Speaker Pelosi Just Deleted:
Before Any Suggestion The Attack Was Staged, A Number Of Prominent Politicians And Celebrities
Tweeted Their Support For Smollett.
One Of These Was House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, Who Wrote On The Day Of The Attack: 'The
Racist, Homophobic Attack On @Jussiesmollett Is An Affront To Our Humanity.
No One Should Be Attacked For Who They Are Or Whom They Love.
I Pray That Jussie Has A Speedy Recovery & That Justice Is Served.
May We All Commit To Ending This Hate Once & For All.'
Things Are Looking Worse And Worse For Mr. Smollett Each Day.
It's Not Just Nancy Pelosi, A Prominentlos Angeles Based Civil Rights Activist, Narjee
Ali, Is Calling For Jussie Smollett's Arrest As He Believes The Empire Actor Faked His
Attack, As Kabc Reports:: A Los Angeles-Based Civil Rights Activist
Held A Press Conference Sunday, Calling For The Arrest Of Actor Jussie Smollett And Saying
He Believes The "Empire" Star Lied About Being A Victim Of A Hate Crime.
Najee Ali, Who Is Also The Director Of Project Islamic Hope, Said False Claims Make Real
Incidents Of Racist Attacks And Homophobia Easier To Dismiss.
"It's A Slap In The Face.
We Have Many Members Of The Black Community And The Lgbtq Community Who Have Been The
Victims Of Racism And Hate Crimes, So For Smollett To Say That He Was A Victim…And
We Believe Is A Lie…Certainly Is An Injustice To Those True Victims…," Ali Said.
"Jussie Smollett Must Be Brought To Justice For Lying."
Ali Said Smollett's Story Was Given The Benefit Of The Doubt At First, But Over The
Last Few Days, The "Campaign Of Lies Continued To Be Unraveled."
This Comes On The Heels Of Al Sharpton Calling For Smollett To Suffer The Consequences If
He Did Indeed Lie About His Attack, As Mediaite Reports:
Rev. Al Sharpton Addressed News That The Alleged Assault Against Actor Jussie Smollett Appears
To Not Be How It Was Originally Reported By Tmz Last Month.
The Star Of The Television Program Empire Has Claimed That He Was The Victim Of A Hate
Crime That Included Attackers Who Put A Rope Around His Neck, Poured Bleach On Him All
While Wearing Red Hats Saying Maga.
But Over The Weekend Chicago Police Revealed That Not Only Has That Story Fallen Apart,
But Strongly Suggested That Smollett Had Engineered The Attack As A Hoax And The Two Attackers
Were Two Nigerian Brothers Paid By The Actor To Stage The Attack.
When Initial Reports Broke, Sharpton Claimed "We Should Come With All That We Can Come
Within Law Enforcement To Find Out What Happened And The Guilty Should Suffer The Maximum."
Now That The Story Appears To Be Very Different, Sharpton "Still Maintain(S) That."
And If It Is Found That Smollett And These Gentlemen Did In Some Way Perpetrate Something
That Is Not True, They Ought To "Face Accountability To The Maximum."
Things Are Looking Worse And Worse For Jussie Smollett With Each Passing Day.
But This Is What Happens When You Lie And Try To Slander Trump Supporters To Get Publicity.
If Found Guilty Lets Hope Mr. Smollett Serves Hard Time And His Career Is Completely Destroyed.
Volkswagen Golf 1.6 TDI Highline BlueMotion 1e Eigenaar/ Grote NAV/ Park Assist/ Xenon - Duration: 1:12.
정지훈 '무결점 모델 핏' - Duration: 1:14.
배우 정지훈 19일 오후 서 용산구 한강로3 CGV 용산아이 크몰에서 열린 영 '자전차왕 엄복 '(감독 김유성) 언론시사회에 참석 포토타임을 갖고 있다. '자전 왕 엄복동'은 일 강점기 희망을 잃 시대에 일본 선 들을 제치고 조선 최초로 전조선자 차대회 1위를 차 하며 동아시아 전 을 휩쓴 동양 자 차왕 엄복동을 소 로 한 작품으로 는 27일 개봉한 . fredd e@tvrepor .co.kr C pyrights TV리포트. 무 전제 - 재배포 금지
Absolutely Beautiful Rävåsen 25 Park Home from hemet - Duration: 5:36.
Absolutely Beautiful Rävåsen 25 Park Home from hemet
Breaking Celeb News | Jussie Smollett attack similar to plot of play he auditioned for - Duration: 2:44.
Πέθανε ο Καρλ Λάγκερφελντ σε ηλικία 85 ετών | News | fthis.gr - Duration: 1:50.
Ο διάσημος σχεδιαστή μόδας, Καρλ Λάγκερφελντ, έφυγε σήμερα από τη ζωή σε ηλικία 85 ετών μεταδίδει το γαλλικό Paris Match
Είχε εισαχθεί εσπευσμένα χθες βράδυ στο νοσοκομείο καθώς τελευταία ταλαιπωρείτο με την υγεία του
Ο θρύλος της μόδας διηύθυνε τον οίκο υψηλής ραπτικής Chanel από το 1983. Με καταγωγή από τη Γερμανία, ο Καρλ Ότο Λάγκερφελντ ήταν ένας εκκεντρικός σχεδιαστής και φωτογράφος
Καθώς ήταν γόνος ιδιαίτερα εύπορης οικογένειας βιομηχάνων, ανατράφηκε με πολλές ανέσεις, διαμορφώνοντας παράλληλα μια αντισυμβατική προσωπικότητα
Το ξεκίνημά του στο χώρο της υψηλής ραπτικής έγινε το 1963, όταν άρχισε να εργάζεται για λογαριασμό του Ιταλικού Οίκου "Tiziani", ενώ λίγους μήνες μετά συνεργάσθηκε με το αντίστοιχο, Γαλλικό στούντιο "Chloe"
Ακολούθησαν οι Οίκοι "Fendi" (1965) και "Curiel" (1970, Ιταλία) και ο Γαλλικός "Chanel" Πηγή: Ant1news
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