The FPro Lock is a productivity asset, it will give you the control of your production,
because it gives the same result whatever the painter experience is.
It means that you will always keep the same production performances in time.
How does it work? so you set and lock the gun so nobody can change the settings manually
on the assembly line afterwards
FPro Lock is made for intensive use, it is the lightest gun on the market
and the trigger stress is reduced so the operator is less tired after his day of work.
The FPro Lock is available in HVLP technology, conventional technology and
our hybrid technology called LVLP, regarding the need you have.
For more infomation >> FPro Lock Airspray : designed for your needs | SAMES KREMLIN - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
Assam Rifles Rifleman Recruitment 2019 | Assam Rifles Sports Quota Recruitment 2019 | Govt Jobs 2019 - Duration: 4:40.
Assam Rifles Rifleman Recruitment 2019
Assam Rifles Sports Quota Recruitment 2019
Govt Jobs 2019
Kadagam Rasi 2019 March Month Rasi Palan Cancer | கடகம் ராசி 2019 மார்ச் மாத ராசி பலன் - Duration: 2:59.
2019 march kadagam rasi romantic Pitamber the march in Madonn Canada raasi palan will become Buddha in
the mass cathodic Atalaya Moonville fs1 de goiânia non-park Aluna Movil
al-monawarah vanillin whom some hookah till nulliparous pookkalam catacomb so
to malama given the Adhan Allah la ilaha illallah DDL panoply come curriculum see
need fear later on will appear na la marea the curricula hooray so to kill
someone the putter I'm Toby Ziegler could you need a geography I in commando
Marcin ado la paga salami mixer reserve servo or abdominal lipo
phenomena panel a bangle a la orden de una serie de Vienna saliva calico
you get cada Michigan Lomonaco massacre in Silla Sangakkara Golota salem bagua
dangle from senegal varna by google critical nala nigga Roomba Jack Roddy is
the window beetle Silla mark wrangle following their food Yergin pondrom
Gallagher transfer silcoon the illegal man over girl exemption Allah will do on
the wheel super caelum girl following here we cut boom tah-tah boom vallega la
la la la la maneuver on some yogurt allah very evangelist Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah the sale of illegal collector ahuyama
following year today under fire and they'll say Avandia
Varro Mottola cara cara cara collector in the Madonna goal Omaha repair Paragon
at the kaga ninja daily worldwide surah Kakaako get the window
technically my Shivan coil the same very similar caboche acompañamiento we are at
Karma guru munch l2 nila where Kerala motivated at the sai Baba can evade it
there either back target their Prasad makuta window Shaniqua Lama when getting
second America Center when all woody yeah I am aghanim Cunningham MA Malakal
Allah and Allah poised to results according to survey Jana sukhino
bhavantu video via social media less sharpening a maraca my channel subscribe
panicking of friends thank you for watching
Radio host 'is battered by signet ring-wearing racist' - Duration: 3:10.
A radio host says he will be 'scarred for life' after he was battered in the face by a man during a racist attack
Maajid Nawaz, a presenter on LBC and an anti-extremism campaigner, says a white man struck him from behind outside the Soho Theatre in London
The host says the attacker hit him in the face as he bent down to pick up his phone and called him a 'f***ing P***' before running away
In a series of tweets, Mr Nawaz posted a photo of a bloodied cut to his forehead and said the man racially abused him and then hit him with 'a signet ring'
The attacker then ran away 'like a coward' and 'took nothing. He was just a racist,' Mr Nawaz said
The Metropolitan Police said they were called to a report of a racially aggravated assault in Dean Street at 7
10pm on Monday.The suspect had fled the scene before officers arrived, no arrests have been made and an investigation has been launched, police said
RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next Condemned by his own MPs: One by one, Labour rebels denounce
'I am really disappointed': Cardi B says Jussie Smollett has. Share this article Share Mr Nazaz said: 'My forehead will probably be scarred for life
But we will find you, you racist coward, and you will face British justice.'In one tweet he said there were witnesses who heard the racial abuse, and they gave statements to the police - who 'have his face of CCTV'
Mr Nawaz is the founder of the Quilliam Foundation, a counter-extremism organisation and presents a show on LBC radio on weekend lunchtimes
He asked not to be contacted, but thanked those who had offered their support.
仮想通貨チャート分析!相場の〇〇は近い!リップル、ビットコイン価格予想!XRP、BTC今後の動向とは?ネムはどうなる?暴落気味仮想通貨最新ニュース!2019年2月初心者大損しない最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 6:44.
Community responds Fundraising efforts for the victims of Aurora and apos . s mass sh00ting Auror - Duration: 2:12.
Community responds Fundraising efforts for the victims of Aurora and apos . s mass sh00ting Auror
Six people, including a gunman, died in a shooting at a manufacturing warehouse in Aurora on Feb. 15, 2019, and five officers were struck by gunfire.
is coming together to support the families of the shot and killed at the citys Henry Pratt Co. Friday.
Vicente Juarez, Josh Pinkard, Clayton Parks, Russell Beyer and Trevor Wehner were shot by plant worker Gary Martin, . Six police officers were also injured.
Here are some of the efforts underway:
If you know of additional fundraising efforts that have been established, please email
Aurora is coming together to support the families of the shot and killed at the citys Henry Pratt Co. Friday.
Vicente Juarez, Josh Pinkard, Clayton Parks, Russell Beyer and Trevor Wehner were shot by plant worker Gary Martin, . Six police officers were also injured.
A large bullet lies on the ice a few feet from where Greg Zanis dropped off five crosses just south of the Pratt plant on Feb. 16, 2019.
A large bullet lies on the ice a few feet from where Greg Zanis dropped off five crosses just south of the Pratt plant on Feb. 16, 2019.
Jose Richaud places a bouquet of flowers where five crosses with the names of gunshot victims are placed, near the warehouse of Henry Pratt Co., on Feb. 16, 2019, in Aurora. Gary Martin, who was an employee of the company, fatally shot five co workers and injured five police officers who responded to the scene after he was called into a meeting where he was to be fired.
Jose Richaud places a bouquet of flowers where five crosses with the names of gunshot victims are placed, near the warehouse of Henry Pratt Co., on Feb. 16, 2019, in Aurora. Gary Martin, who was an employee of the company, fatally shot five co workers and injured five police officers who responded to the scene after he was called into a meeting where he was to be fired.
Audi A4 Avant 1.8 TFSI S Edition Pro line s 125kw 8 versn. multitronic - Duration: 1:24.
A la découverte des saveurs locales du marché de Flacq - Duration: 2:49.
Every Wednesday and Sunday, from 8am to 4.30pm,
the Flacq market attracts a big crowd of people
from the area as well as tourists.
Captivated by the colours and the aromas,
we wandered through the different fruit and vegetable stalls
before heading towards the food court and then the clothing stalls.
We've been working here at the Flacq market for 7 years.
We sell all kinds of vegetables, chowchows, eggplants, squash melons, tomatoes, ladyfingers...
A wide variety which we buy and resell here.
We offer orange, lemon and tamarind juice, grass jelly,
as well as vanilla, almond & strawberry flavored 'alouda'.
We also do milkshakes and soon, ice-cream.
We are open as from 8.30am till 4.30pm and we clean our stall until 5pm.
My name is Pradeep. I sell peanuts and I live in Valetta.
I've been working here at the Flacq market for over 20 years.
I offer dozens of preparation of peanuts.
I am happy to have chosen this spot.
It's wide and very busy.
You'll find both mauritians and tourists that thoroughly enjoy our peanuts.
[Background merchant yelling] ''10 rupees for 1 meter of cloth''
I've been working here for the past 6 years and before this, i've worked for 10 years in another market.
I sell all kinds of skirts, blouses, churidars, khurtis
and my customers are mainly mauritian.
Kadagam Rasi 2019 March Month Rasi Palan Cancer | கடகம் ராசி 2019 மார்ச் மாத ராசி பலன் - Duration: 2:59.
2019 march kadagam rasi romantic Pitamber the march in Madonn Canada raasi palan will become Buddha in
the mass cathodic Atalaya Moonville fs1 de goiânia non-park Aluna Movil
al-monawarah vanillin whom some hookah till nulliparous pookkalam catacomb so
to malama given the Adhan Allah la ilaha illallah DDL panoply come curriculum see
need fear later on will appear na la marea the curricula hooray so to kill
someone the putter I'm Toby Ziegler could you need a geography I in commando
Marcin ado la paga salami mixer reserve servo or abdominal lipo
phenomena panel a bangle a la orden de una serie de Vienna saliva calico
you get cada Michigan Lomonaco massacre in Silla Sangakkara Golota salem bagua
dangle from senegal varna by google critical nala nigga Roomba Jack Roddy is
the window beetle Silla mark wrangle following their food Yergin pondrom
Gallagher transfer silcoon the illegal man over girl exemption Allah will do on
the wheel super caelum girl following here we cut boom tah-tah boom vallega la
la la la la maneuver on some yogurt allah very evangelist Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah the sale of illegal collector ahuyama
following year today under fire and they'll say Avandia
Varro Mottola cara cara cara collector in the Madonna goal Omaha repair Paragon
at the kaga ninja daily worldwide surah Kakaako get the window
technically my Shivan coil the same very similar caboche acompañamiento we are at
Karma guru munch l2 nila where Kerala motivated at the sai Baba can evade it
there either back target their Prasad makuta window Shaniqua Lama when getting
second America Center when all woody yeah I am aghanim Cunningham MA Malakal
Allah and Allah poised to results according to survey Jana sukhino
bhavantu video via social media less sharpening a maraca my channel subscribe
panicking of friends thank you for watching
Comment avoir du charisme en 7 étapes - Duration: 6:46.
大张伟竟然也是"妻管严" 被老婆乖乖拎走画风有爱 - Duration: 1:56.
Écouter de la musique fait il évoluer ? - Duration: 14:22.
'믿듣탱' 태연, 서울 앙코르 콘서트 3월 23-24일 개최(공식입장) - Duration: 2:22.
✅ Procuradoria deve cobrar mais de R$ 2 bi da JBS para ressarcir BNDES - Duration: 1:34.
O procurador Ivan Marx, do Ministério Público Federal (MPF) em Brasília, trabalha na denúncia criminal contra alvos da operação Bullish e mapeou um dano superior a R$ 2 bilhões causados pela JBS ao Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Social (BNDES)
Deflagrada em maio de 2017, a Bullish mirou supostas irregularidades em aportes de mais de R$ 8 bilhões do banco público na empresa do grupo J&F, cujos principais acionistas são os irmãos Wesley e Joesley Batista
Enquanto a denúncia criminal deve ter como alvo os irmãos Batista, os ex-ministros Guido Mantega e Antônio Palocci e funcionários do banco, uma ação civil vai cobrar o dano superior a R$ 2 bilhões da empresa do setor de alimentos e proteína animal
A informação foi antecipada pelo jornal O Globo e confirmada pelo jornal "O Estado de S
Paulo". O grupo J&F assinou um acordo de leniência com a Procuradoria da República em Brasília, mas o procurador Marx não participou do acordo
Pelo pacto, a empresa já teria se comprometido a pagar cerca de R$ 1,7 bilhão, mas negou ter corrompido funcionários e ter sido beneficiada por decisões internas
Atualmente, o acordo está sendo renegociado e os procuradores envolvidos aguardam o Supremo Tribunal Federal decidir se irá rescindir os acordos de colaboração dos executivos da empresa
Trump s'insurge d'une possible tentative "illégale" de l'écarter du pouvoir - Duration: 3:54.
Grand débat : dix ministres vont s'adresser à des jeunes sur la plateforme Twitch - Duration: 3:07.
Memory Day Film -1989 - Duration: 26:08.
Finkielkraut-Gilets jaunes : dessine-moi un antisémite - Duration: 7:28.
Je suis choquée d'entendre ça : la vérité sur l'argent et le bonheur - Duration: 4:01.
Cake fourrée à la crème d'oranges / Stuffed Cake / مطبخ ام وليد كيك محشي بكريمة البرتقال - Duration: 11:11.
Hello Today in Oum Walid kitchen
We will make cake filled with oranges cream
Ingredients for cake: 1/2 Cup of fresh orange juice, 1/2 cup of oil, 3/4 Cup of sugar, 10 g of chemical yeast, 3 eggs, orange zest, 2 cups of flour
Preheat oven to 180 degrees, and oil a 26 cm mold and sprinkle with flour
Mix the eggs well with the sugar and orange zest and then add the oil and juice and mix
Then add the first cup of flour and yeast and mix then add the second cup of flour and mix until the mixture becomes smooth
Put the mixture into the mold and enter it in the oven at 180 degrees to bake the cake, then let it cool completely, then divide it into a lower and upper part
Ingredients for Cream: 1 cup orange juice, 1 tablespoon starch, 2 tablespoons sugar
To prepare the cream, mix the juice with the starch and sugar, then put them over medium heat and mix without stopping until the cream becomes heavy
Then put it immediately on the bottom of the cake, then cover it with the top part
I decorate it with sugar, ice, orange slices, and the decoration is optional
Good appetite.
Comment avoir du charisme en 7 étapes - Duration: 6:46.
À Mayotte, un "bruit dans le ciel" provoque des interrogations - Duration: 2:38.
MAYOTTE - Que se passe-t-il dans le ciel de Mayotte ? C'est la question que beaucoup d'habitants se sont posée dans la nuit du lundi 18 au mardi 19 février
En cause, "un bruit qui se serait produit dans le ciel mahorais", selon les mots de la préfecture, qui précise que "tous les services de l'Etat sont mobilisés afin de trouver une explication par rapport à ce phénomène"
Sur les réseaux sociaux, plusieurs témoins ont indiqué avoir entendu une "explosion", un "boum", dans la nuit, tandis que d'autres affirment avoir aperçu une "boule de feu" dans le ciel, aux alentours de 21h30
Pour l'heure, la cause de ce phénomène reste inconnue. À noter toutefois que certains témoins et internautes avancent la thèse d'une météorite, en partageant notamment une vidéo d'un phénomène
filmé en Arizona en 2016. "C'était une boule de feu qui avait une espèce de queue et qui allait très vite
Le feu était très vif sur le devant. La boule de feu partait de Labattoir pour aller vers le large", selon un témoin cité sur Twitter par une journaliste locale
"C'est parti en direction de la mer" explique quelqu'un qui appelle de Petite Terre
" C'était une boule de feu qui avait une espèce de queue et qui allait très vite
Le feu était très vif sur le devant. La boule de feu partait de Labattoir pour aller vers le large
" #Mayotte — Abby Said Adinani (@Bee_Mondroha) 18 février 2019 À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
Soda Pop Cake | Gourmet On A Budget - Duration: 3:39.
hey everyone welcome back to my channel so this week's for me on a budget is on
this chocolate and Dr Pepper soda cake so guys that's all it was was a
chocolate cake mix and 12 ounces of Dr Pepper so if you'd like to see how I
made it how it comes out well obviously you can see how it comes out but anyway
you guys keep please on watching also make sure that you guys subscribe to my
channel hit that notification Val bookmark my page guys I blowed a video
every single day of the week plus I also do live streams every Sunday night at
9:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time I want you to be able to come on back and watch
whatever you would like that's going to get started guys so to get started with
our soda pop cake guys it really is super easy I'm gonna be using a regular
chocolate cake mix and you're gonna need a cup and a half or 16 ounces of
whatever so do you like guys makes a match cake and soda you just whatever
you want okay so let's go ahead and just get both of these put into a bowl so
here's our first cup this just feels so wrong and then we just need 1/2 cup more
okay yeah guys you can do whatever take flavor you want with whatever soda
flavor you can just totally make it your own
okay guys I'm gonna go ahead and just get this nice and mixed guys I did
preheat my oven to 350 degrees and I did gently oil my cake pan so guys this is
it no eggs no oil no nothing hey we're just gonna get this combined okay so it
looks like a little bit more runny than a regular cake batter but looks pretty
good now go ahead and just get this poured into my pre-greased little take
pan here and pop this in the oven for like I said about 30 minutes
so guys here is the soda pop cake it just came out it did raise not as much
as like a regular cake mix but it did raise so I don't have any frosting or
brown or powdered sugar so I'm just going to go ahead and just put some of
these peanut butter chips on top so that way you can kind of melt down and kind
of make a little glaze for them but guys I'm really I really really like this
I've tried it with other flavors and it turns out really really good it does get
a little crumbly but it's really really good and if you specially if you're
trying to watch your weight or something you can get used diet soda all that jazz
but guys I hope you enjoyed this week's gourmet on a budget if you did please go
and give this video a thumbs up I also make sure that you guys share this video
I'd really really appreciate it I've never heard of a soda pop cake and tell
one of my co-workers said that they made one and so yeah anyway guys also make
sure you guys leave a comment down below have you tried making a soda pop cake I
would love to know down below in the comments and guys also make sure that
you guys follow me on my other social media twitter facebook Instagram it's
all a bunch of glam babe I will see you guys tomorrow for my boxycharm unboxing
and triumph have great one guys bye
if you like what I'm doing on this channel please consider supporting me on
patreon or be a super chat during my live streams my link for patreon is in
the description below
Lađarska serenata - Đ. Balašević - cover lesson- pritiskom na CC uključite tekst pesme - TAB u opisu - Duration: 5:28.
Wheels on the Bus | Baby Bao Panda Cartoons | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children - Kids TV - Duration: 48:20.
I wanna ride on that bus!
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish;
Swish, swish, swish; Swish, swish, swish;
The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish, swish,
All through the town.
The driver on the bus go move on back..
Move on back Move on back
The driver on the bus go move on back..
All through the town.
The people on the bus go up and down
Up and down Up and down
The people on the bus go up and down
All through the town.
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep;
Beep, beep, beep Beep, beep, beep;
The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep;
All through the town.
The babies on the bus go "Wah, wah, wah;
Wah, wah, wah Wah, wah, wah;
The babies on the bus go "Wah, wah, wah;
All through the town
The parents on the bus go "Shush, shush, shush;
Shush, shush, shush. Shush, shush, shush.
The parents on the bus go "Shush, shush, shush;
All through the town
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.
ABC for Kids | Phonics Song | Kindergarten Learning Videos & Nursery Rhymes - Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:51.
Alphabet Phonics Song
A is for apple a- a- apple
B is for ball, b- ball
C is for camel c - c - camel
D is for Doll d-doll
E is for elbow e-e-elbow
F is for foot f-foot
G is for goldfiish g-g-goldfish
H is for hand h-hand
I is for igloo i-i-igloo
J is for jar j-jar
K is for kitten k-k-kitten
L is for leaf l-leaf
M is for monkey m-m-monkey
N is for nose n-nose
O is for omelet o-o-omlet
P is for pie p-pie
Q is for quarter q-q-quarter
R is for rose r-rose
S is for sailboat s-s-sailboat
T is for tire t-tire
U is for under u-u-under
V is for vase v-vase
W is for wagon w-w-wagon
X is for xylophone x-xylophone
Y is for yellow y-y-yellow
Z is for zoo z-zoo
These are the alphabets and the sounds that they make
yeah yeah
Alan Walker - The Spectre NBS - Duration: 3:12.
Hello, hello
Can you hear me, as I scream your name
Hello, hello
Do you need me, before I fade away
Is this the place that I call home
To find what I've become
Walk along the path unknown
We live, we love, we lie
Deep in the dark I don't need the light
There's a ghost inside me
It all belongs to the other side
We live, we love, we lie
Hello, hello
Nice to meet you, voice inside my head
Hello, hello
I believe you, how can I forget
Is this the place that I call home
To find what I've become
Walk along the path unknown
We live, we love, we lie
Deep in the dark I don't need the light
There's a ghost inside me
It all belongs to the other side
We live, we love, we lie
We live, we love, we lie
Melody Thomas Scott tearfully remembers late Y&R costar Kristoff St. John: 'I adored him' - Duration: 5:34.
Melody Thomas Scott is still mourning the death of her The Young and the Restless costar Kristoff St
John. Explaining why she didn't allow herself to really feel the loss after first hearing of his death, the 62-year-old actress said she felt like she had to "remain stoic" because she still had episodes to film
"I couldn't, we still had shows to shoot, and I had to remain stoic. I said backstage, when I come out and anybody asks me, I'm going to remain stoic," a tearful Scott said on Monday's episode of The Talk
"I adored him. We all adored him. There was something very unique and magical about him
He would just draw you into his wonderful world. And all of his bear hugs, I can't believe I'll never get a bear hug," added the actress, who's celebrating her 40th anniversary of playing Nikki Newman on the long-running soap
Scott said St. John was always a pleasure to be around — and the first person she'd seek out at parties
"Going to any kind of event, any party, the first thing I said when I got there was 'Where's Kristoff? I want to find Kristoff, I want to be with him, I want to be in his air space
' Because that's the kind of guy he was, and I think that came through on camera," she added
"I think everybody sensed that. I mean, everybody adored him." After his death, Scott released a statement, saying, "We will desperately miss my dear friend, Kristoff
We all loved him so much. I'm brokenhearted." The two-time Emmy Award-winning actor was found dead Feb
3 in his home in the San Fernando Valley. According to the Los Angeles Police Department, a death investigation took place for a possible alcohol overdose
PEOPLE previously reported that an autopsy has been completed, but a cause of death has been deferred pending additional results
The actor's son Julian died by suicide in 2014, and some of the actor's final social media posts reflected on that
On Jan. 21, St. John retweeted someone's post about losing a child that read, "Grieving the loss of a child is a process
It begins on the day your child passes, and ends the day the parent joins them." "Never a truer word was spoke," tweeted St
John, who is survived by his fiancée, Kseniya Mikhaleva, daughter Paris (with ex-wife Mia St
John), and daughter Lola (with ex-wife Allana Nadal). "Thanks for posting this." In her first interview since the tragedy, Mia told Entertainment Tonight that St
John thought he saw Julian shortly before he died. "He was just so depressed. We knew he was drinking and just saying he didn't want to be here anymore," said Mia, who married St
John in 1991. The former couple split in 1995 but remained close. "'Julian's at the door,'" she recalled him telling her over the phone
The Young and the Restless star will be buried next to his son at the Valley Oaks Memorial Park in Westlake Village, California, according to TMZ
This article originally appeared on The Young and the Restless type TV Show Genre Soaps run date 03/26/73 Network CBS Complete Coverage The Young and the Restless
La culture d'entreprise et l'ADN d'entreprise - Duration: 7:14.
Chelsea WILL sack Maurizio Sarri THIS MORNING claims Chris Sutton after drab Man Utd loss - Duration: 6:05.
That's according to Chris Sutton, who suggests Sarri could even be sacked by 9am this morning
The Blues crashed to a sorry FA Cup fifth-round exit at the hands of Premier League rivals United with a meek performance in front of their own fans, who turned on Sarri during the game
The Italian coach was booed off at half-time while his decisions also received jeers from the crowd after he brought on full-back Davide Zappacosta for Cesar Azpilicueta with 10 minutes remaining rather than introduce Callum Hudson-Odoi or Olivier Giroud
Chelsea have now lost five games in 2019 alone across all competitions. That is in stark contrast to their early season form having opened their campaign without defeat in 18 games between the top-flight's opening day and late November
That saw them tipped to challenge for the Premier League title at one stage but things have quickly unravelled since then and former Napoli boss Sarri finds himself under increasing pressure just eight months into his reign
The 60-year-old has added to the scrutiny over his future himself, admitting his players are "extremely difficult" to motivate after a loss at Arsenal last month and following that up with several public criticisms of his squad
Having appeared to lose the dressing room, Chelsea fans also made their feelings towards Sarri known against United, chanting 'F*** Sarri-ball!' and joining in with the away fans as they jeered, 'You're getting sacked in the morning!' And former Chelsea striker Sutton expects club owner Roman Abramovich to swing the axe imminently - even though Chelsea face Manchester City in the Carabao Cup final on Sunday
That game falls exactly two weeks after the Londoners lost 6-0 away from home against City in the league in what was their heaviest defeat in 28 years
Sutton told BBC Radio 5 Live: "Sarri won't survive tonight. Well he might until 9 o'clock in the morning
If he does survive tonight, do you have to question the owner's ambition? "I remember Sarri saying we'll be better in the second half of the season
He's done himself so much damage with the things he's said as much as anything. "And it's about performances on the pitch, you can't be beaten 4-0 by Bournemouth and humiliated by Man City
"Backed up with the things he said, the pressure on him, he signed Jorginho, there aren't changes, they play the same way, they're a one-trick pony
"History tells us the Chelsea owner doesn't mess about. You'd have to question his appetite If he doesn't sack the manager
"Where are Chelsea? They're sixth. Would the owner fancy Chelsea getting into the top four with recent performances? With a manager who says he can't motivate his players? A manager who says he'll let his star man go? Really? "The Chelsea owner will be thinking, 'Will we get top four? Can I go to the Manchester City game with confidence?' Absolutely not
Is he going to chuck all his eggs in the Europa League basket with a manager who can't motivate his players? No
"He'll get the sack for numerous reasons - things he's said, that he can't motivate the players, his inability to be able to adapt and change
"They're a one-trick pony. Everyone knows the way they are playing. That will ultimately be his downfall
"The fact he said he can't motivate the players is an issue. This is his last game at Chelsea
The Italian job is over for him. "I don't see it lasting now. How can it? There's a way to lose a game
The fans have turned on him. "What is positive about Sarri at the moment? Why would you risk letting him take charge against Man City in their sort of form? He's gone
He's done." Despite another defeat, Sarri said post-match that he has no concerns about his job security
Asked by journalists if he was worried about his future, he responded: "No. I was really very worried when I was in league two in Italy
Not now. "It's not my problem. My problem is to start [preparing for] the game [against Man City] tomorrow morning and to work with my players to try and improve in a few days, and find more determination, more aggression
"Because we conceded the second goal without determination or aggression. "I am worried about the results, not about the fans
I can understand the situation and our fans, because the result wasn't really good
"We are out of the FA Cup, so I can understand our fans [being angry]. But I am worried at the moment about our results
Cristiano Ronaldo's impact on Juventus' brand and Serie A in his first seven months - Duration: 5:04.
Football News24/7 At the time, Cristiano Ronaldo's decision to leave Real Madrid for Juventus made little sense
The Portuguese superstar made football look easy at the Bernabeu. He was Real Madrid's all-time leading goalscorer and had just helped Los Blancos win their third Champions League title in as many years
But at the age of 33, he felt the time was right to test himself in a new league
He wanted different challenges after nine years in Madrid and subsequently took the courageous decision to leave Spain for Italy
It was a decision that had the potential to backfire on Ronaldo, who struggled to score goals during his first few matches with the Old Lady
However, once he netted his first there was no stopping the five-time Ballon d'Or winner
With 14 matches left to play, Ronaldo is currently the leading scorer in Serie A with 19 goals to his name
He's scored another two goals in cup competitions - taking his tally to 21 goals in 32 games - and is likely to finish the season with another league title as Juve currently sit 13 points clear of second-placed Napoli at the top of Serie A
Ronaldo has also assisted eight more goals to his teammates this term, meaning he's directly participated in 55 per cent of Juve's goals so far this season - an impressive statistic
Spanish newspaper Marca have published some other stats which show just how big an impact Ronaldo has made on the Juventus brand - and well as on Italian football as a whole - during his first seven months in Turin
Following Ronaldo's arrival, the first-team kit sold out in just one month, while Adidas have reported a boost in Juventus shirt sales in Spain
Juve have also hugely benefitted from Ronaldo's presence on social media, growing by a massive 30 per cent and increasing the number of followers to 16 million users in the process
Their Instagram account also grew by 10 million followers, while online video views received a 136 per cent boost
Their Twitter account experienced an increase of 10.73 per cent (more than 600,000 users), while three million people joined their Facebook page, taking the number of followers on that platform close to 37 million
Ronaldo's impact stretches beyond Juventus, too. Marca reveal the overall number of fans in Serie A increased by 2
30 per cent, while Juventus' attendance has gone up by 4.54 per cent. On the other hand, the average attendance at the Bernabeu has decreased from 65,027 to 62,340
Whether this is because Ronaldo is no longer there is unclear, although you suspect it has been a factor behind the sudden dip
Juventus paid £100 million for Ronaldo, but it's fair to say he's justifying that eye-watering transfer fee both on and off the pitch
Liverpool's predicted line up vs Bayern Munich - Duration: 9:57.
'A pretty straight forward selection' Ian Doyle: A pretty straightforward team selection for Jurgen Klopp, I believe
And a pretty straightforward team selection for me also. Even if Dejan Lovren had been fit - he isn't - the preparations have centred around Fabinho starting at centre-back alongside Joel Matip
That is the way I would go, leaving Jordan Henderson to return in midfield. In terms of formation, it's a 4-3-3 again, presuming Roberto Firmino shakes off his virus
Divock Origi would be my choice if he doesn't. Trent Alexander-Arnold can come in at right-back after recovering from injury, while I'd stick with Naby Keita in midfield ahead of James Milner and Xherdan Shaqiri
My team (4-3-3): Alisson; Alexander-Arnold, Fabinho, Matip, Robertson; Henderson, Wijnaldum, Keita; Salah, Firmino/Origi, Mane
'It's back to basics in midfield' Paul Gorst: Champions League football is back at Anfield to offer a welcome distraction from the small matter of that title challenge on the domestic front
It's been said that Bayern Munich are a European giant in something of a transition, but the apparently fading force is still jam-packed with class all over the field
That's why I'm going to have to go back to basics in midfield and rest Naby Keita for Jordan Henderson, Gini Wijnaldum and James Milner
It's harsh on Keita who is starting to come into a bit of form, but he will have more chances elsewhere for the remainder of the campaign
That midfield trio helped Liverpool to the final last season, so I'm backing it once more
That means Fabinho is centre-back with Joel Matip with Andy Robertson and Trent Alexander-Arnold flanking them on the left and right, respectively
It's unfortunate that Fabinho isn't able to continue his impressive form in the engine room, but needs must with Virgil van Dijk suspended and Dejan Lovren injured
Liverpool's lightning starts on nights like these went a long way to sealing a place in last season's final and a front three of Sadio Mane, Mohamed Salah and Roberto Firmino might just be enough to do so again
My team (4-3-3) Alisson; Alexander-Arnold, Matip, Fabinho, Robertson; Wijnaldum, Henderson, Milner; Salah, Mane, Firmino
'Tuesday night could well be Henderson's' Theo Squires: Liverpool fans became accustomed over the years to famous Anfield European nights being Steven Gerrard nights
Nights in which the Reds captain thrived, dragging his team over the line against some of the continent's finest sides
While it has now been four years since Gerrard last played for Liverpool, the Anfield European nights continue and the Reds will once again rely on their skipper when they take to the field against Bayern Munich
Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now Tuesday night could well be Jordan Henderson's night
He might not pop up with a decisive goal the way his predecessor regularly used to on such occasions, but he will be Jurgen Klopp's most important player on Tuesday night
With Virgil van Dijk suspended and the Reds' defensive crisis leaving Joel Matip as their only available centre-back, his leadership skills and experience will be vital as Liverpool look to draw first blood against one of Europe's biggest names
I'd start Henderson in midfield with Gini Wijnaldum and Naby Keita, with Fabinho partnering the Matip at the heart of defence
Keita was much improved against Bournemouth and it will be a big night for him against a side he is used to facing off against from his time in Germany
Trent Alexander-Arnold makes his first start for over a month at right-back following injury with Andy Robertson making up the back four in front of Alisson
Meanwhile, the front three pick themselves as Liverpool continue with their recent return to 4-3-3
Xherdan Shaqiri will have to make do with a substitute appearance if he is to come back and haunt his former side
My team (4-3-3): Alisson; Alexander-Arnold, Matip, Fabinho, Robertson; Henderson, Wijnaldum, Keita; Salah, Firmino, Mane
'Lovren's absence a real shame' Joe Rimmer: It's a real shame that Dejan Lovren is unlikely to be fit to start this one, because it's the type of game that Fabinho could shine in
That said, the Brazilian makes more sense as a centre-back than Jordan Henderson, so that's where I'm going to have to put him
Trent Alexander-Arnold also returns at right-back in place of James Milner. Jordan Henderson is in midfield, alongside Gini Wijnaldum and Naby Keita, both of whom deserve to keep their place
Then it's Divock Origi, Daniel Sturridge and Xherdan Shaqiri up front.just kidding
You know exactly who should start up top. My team (4-3-3): Alisson; Alexander-Arnold, Matip, Fabinho, Robertson; Henderson, Wijnaldum, Keita; Salah, Mane, Firmino
'A great chance for Keita to shine' Connor Dunn: Nobody will need reminding just how big this game is for Liverpool
The home leg of any Champions League tie is an opportunity, particularly for the Reds, to assert a stronghold on the contest
Of course this is the time where you want to pick your very strongest team but Jurgen Klopp has some well-documented selection issues in defence
We have to presume Dejan Lovren is not going to be fit and Virgil van Dijk is banned so with that in mind the makeup of the backline has to consist of Trent Alexander-Arnold, Fabinho, Joel Matip, and Andy Robertson
Fortunately Trent returned to full-training before the Premier League game against Bournemouth and was given some game time against the Cherries so should be raring to go on Tuesday night
Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now Fabinho takes his place in the heart of defence because of his versatile ability to play there which he showed against both Wolves and Brighton and the fact Liverpool have prepared for this eventuality
Now, this team selection is about the defence but with that in mind an attack minded starting XI could be used to great advantage by the Reds in taking the pressure off the backline particularly considering this game is at Anfield
A 4-2-3-1 selection is my choice then with Naby Keita playing in the three with Roberto Firmino and Sadio Mane while captain Jordan Henderson and Gini Wijnaldum are the holding two
Keita has taken time to settle in at Liverpool but the Guinean has started to come into his own recently and will know Bayern well from his time in the Bundesliga so this could be a good opportunity for him to shine again
Mohamed Salah, of course, leads the line while Alisson is in goal. My team (4-2-3-1): Alisson, Alexander-Arnold, Fabinho, Matip, Robertson, Henderson, Wijnaldum, Keita, Firmino, Mane, Salah
Author Daniel Kraus reveals the sweet and sinister cover for Blood Sugar - Duration: 4:46.
It's perhaps the scariest of all Halloween urban legends — the candy bar with poison, a needle, or a razor blade in it
In his new novel Blood Sugar, author Daniel Kraus turns that premise into a life-or-death thriller about a neighborhood outcast who recruits three kids to help him unleash his twisted plan for vengeance
"Everyone's sort of the villain," Kraus says. "There is the character whose plan it is, to put poison and drugs and sharp objects in the candy
He's also, perhaps, the most sympathetic character in the book." The novel will be released Oct
8 by Hard Case Crime, which often crafts a retro pulp fiction image for its covers
This one features a pin-up calendar scattered with treats… as well as the deadly tricks the perpetrators plan to embed in them
Hard Case Crime "It fit really perfectly," says Kraus, whose other credits include the novel Rotters, the Death and Life of Zebulon Finch series, and the Oscar-winning The Shape of Water
"There's a section in the book where they're working on the candies and they're doing it on top of this calendar, that's showing it's Oct
31." The original painting is by artist Paul Mann, whose pop culture posters and other works can be seen here
Blood Sugar is told from the perspective of the three kids who join the murderer's deadly scheme
"That was a total pleasure to do. Nothing's more fun for me than writing dialogue," Kraus says
"This book is basically 200 some pages of dialogue." While tainted Halloween candy is largely a myth, the fear itself has been enduring
"I remember being a kid and that was on everyone's mind, not just the kids but the parents," the author says
"I remember coming in from trick-or-treating once, and there was some sort of chocolate, something homemade
There was some sort of white matter sprinkled on them. I remember so vividly my mom taking those out and throwing them away
" An almost scarier question is: Why hasn't a homicidal person ever actually tried it? "Even if it's never happened, it'd be so easy
It's terrifyingly easy," Kraus says. "When else do you encourage children to go knock on strangers' doors? I mean, there's something about it that goes against every rational thought of a civilized society
" Related content: The 50 most anticipated books of 2019 Remember The Pumpkin Smasher? Here's the true story that inspired it
Écouter de la musique fait il évoluer ? - Duration: 14:22.
Man Utd news: Juventus legend Pavel Nedved reveals why he REJECTED Red Devils approach - Duration: 3:32.
The revelation was made by the 6-year-old former Ballon d'Or winner during an interview with the Telegraph
Nedved, who is currently the vice-president of Juventus, revealed his agent had received more than one offer from United
He said it came at a time when Juventus were relegated to Serie B in 26, in the wake of the Calciopoli scandal, which implicated several Italian football clubs of rigging matches by selecting favourable officials
Nedved admitted he is a fan of United and especially Sir Alex Ferguson, who was the manager at the time of the incident
"I've always appreciated English football and the Premier League, I've always liked it," Nedved said
"My agent received some offers and I have always been a great supporter of Manchester United and Sir Alex Ferguson, specifically, at that time
"They were certainly one of our greatest opponents and also a great source of inspiration and drive and desire
"Ferguson achieved great things, unprecedented things and I don't know if anyone else in the future will be able to achieve what he did
" But Nedved made the choice to stay with Juventus because he felt he had a responsibility to help the club return to Serie A
He was one of only five players who stayed and the only non-Italian who made the commitment
"I have always been asked this question – whether it was difficult or not to stay in that critical moment," Nedved said
"And my answer has always been no. It was actually easy to stay. "The other players who made the same decision thought the same – that is: what would have happened if we had all left the club? "We decided to stay because we felt the responsibility to return to the club exactly what we had received
"The club believed in us so it was the right time to give back. That's why it was easy
" As a player Nedved joined the Old Lady from Lazio for €1million (£35.9m) in 21 and feels he still has that same duty to the club in his current role
He added: "I have always felt like this, to be honest. Because I have always felt privileged
"I have been able to do what I love, I have always been treated well, I have always been paid well so that's why
"I feel that I owe something; that I need to return something. It's always been a great pleasure but nevertheless I do feel this responsibility
"I can say in the past, when I was a player, it was less heavy because I could just focus on my performance and concentrate on myself
"But even now, even if my role has changed, I don't want to let anyone down."
Man Utd news: Juventus legend Pavel Nedved reveals why he REJECTED Red Devils approach - Duration: 3:42.
Man Utd news: Pavel Nedved received more than one offer from United (Image: GETTY) The revelation was made by the 46-year-old former Ballon d'Or winner during an interview with the Telegraph
Nedved, who is currently the vice-president of Juventus, revealed his agent had received more than one offer from United
He said it came at a time when Juventus were relegated to Serie B in 2006, in the wake of the Calciopoli scandal, which implicated several Italian football clubs of rigging matches by selecting favourable officials
Nedved admitted he is a fan of United and especially Sir Alex Ferguson, who was the manager at the time of the incident
"I've always appreciated English football and the Premier League, I've always liked it," Nedved said
"My agent received some offers and I have always been a great supporter of Manchester United and Sir Alex Ferguson, specifically, at that time
"They were certainly one of our greatest opponents and also a great source of inspiration and drive and desire
"Ferguson achieved great things, unprecedented things and I don't know if anyone else in the future will be able to achieve what he did
"Man Utd news: Pavel Nedved admits he is a fan of Sir Alex Ferguson (Image: GETTY)Man Utd news: Pavel Nedved is a Ballon d'Or winner (Image: GETTY) But Nedved made the choice to stay with Juventus because he felt he had a responsibility to help the club return to Serie A
He was one of only five players who stayed and the only non-Italian who made the commitment
"I have always been asked this question – whether it was difficult or not to stay in that critical moment," Nedved said
"And my answer has always been no. It was actually easy to stay. "The other players who made the same decision thought the same – that is: what would have happened if we had all left the club? "We decided to stay because we felt the responsibility to return to the club exactly what we had received
"The club believed in us so it was the right time to give back. That's why it was easy
"Man Utd news: Pavel Nedved stayed with Juventus after their relegation to Serie B (Image: GETTY) As a player Nedved joined the Old Lady from Lazio for €41million (£35
9m) in 2001 and feels he still has that same duty to the club in his current role
He added: "I have always felt like this, to be honest. Because I have always felt privileged
"I have been able to do what I love, I have always been treated well, I have always been paid well so that's why
"I feel that I owe something; that I need to return something. It's always been a great pleasure but nevertheless I do feel this responsibility
"I can say in the past, when I was a player, it was less heavy because I could just focus on my performance and concentrate on myself
"But even now, even if my role has changed, I don't want to let anyone down."
Hey, what's up guys, it's Big Balls here
This is gonna be my first video and it's gonna be a banger
today, I'm gonna be making a rant on the double D's and the double T's
And it's gonna be fire, let's get started... OH SHIT!!
First of all we've got the first d- David Pumyam
All I can say is that he's got a pretty pretty circular face just like
just like his balls and
They're pretty small
Second of all we've got the Little Bastard David here, and as you can see
He's wearing his gay flannel shirt like Scarce, and he's rockin' that emo haircut
And also he's got a green ring around him which is probably his... Uh his
Wasn't not working Oh
Third of all
David is supposed to marry myTRISHA but I got a time machine
And I went to the future and I saw it David BUMYAM and Aria Grande
He chose the bad wife because as you can see she's kind of bald and her hair lines like really messed up
so it's kind of bad and both of their heads are pretty big and
David's pretty fat in the future, but
Pretty happy because at least he got married
Next up we've got the other D-Dana goddamn Pumyam, SHIT, i mean JUAN
first of all
This little bastard Dana
He always says that I'm pale but
Look at him. He's so yellow like a real Asian and
his eyes are so far apart like a Mongolian and
His nose oh my god
Plum Nose in the making
And really why is he got his goddamn ski mask on
Yeah, all right next up for Dana Juan oh shoot wrong one
Look this kid
What happened to this little boy?
younger days, but now
Now look at him. I'll get a picture
Look at this guy what has happened to him he looks like goddamn?
Isaac Newton mixed with Denzel Crocker or something and
That's no good
Next we've got the first T-Tony R Wilson, aka
Monkey I mean
As you can see he really likes being a hero his favorite his favorite Marvel hero spider-man
but hes a black one because he's black, get it?
He's kind of fat too like he's a very THICC
Look, when it comes to girls in my school, tony is thicker in the future, and that's no good
This is the same picture from before, but we get a close-up view of
How much of a weirdo tony is like
He's kind of deformed. He looks like a rat
No offense. And yes, I know it was meant to offend him. Oh
guess we're done with the first T for now, but the reason why I have the J in here is to clarify and
Spread POSITIVITY to my name
first off
This is not sixteen rolls, this is a 4
1 2 3 4 counting the nipple the boob area, that's the rolls, you bastards
Get it right
This one kid named Terrence Ma says this is the face you make when you realize you'll be a virgin in the future
first of all he's a virgin so he needs to shut his ass up and second of all I
look Baller in this in this picture, and I can tell that I got a lot of girls with this picture I
Was pretty cool back in the old days, still am, but just kind of less cool. Oh
We got we got the alien motherfucker back
You've got damn weird ass teeth
You got them broken ass glasses. What the hell is wrong with the subway chair
Last but not least
We've got this idiot
fat bastard himself 4 9
127 billion pounds
What the hell is up with his chin looking like Peter Griffin looking ass gotta have goddamn big-ass
nostrils looking like frickin
Looking like a galactic train station or something because he's just so damn big
Next in line
We're not done with the first T yet - look at this kid
he looks like he seen Jesus and it's clear that he's seen Jesus because
Because as you can see
This is what he saw that made him open his mouth so wide it's like he's choking on it
Up next
We got weenie hot jr. Looking here got us goddamn one testicle Hitler ass phone
Got three three black things over here like how he has three testicles
And don't even get me started on this dudes hair. What the hell is that. Why does he have have a goddamn
Goddamn 120 degree X angle on this motherfucker. What a kid, and what a weirdo
All right as you can see this is CLARENCE MA
His Chin's obvious so damn ugly and fat, and he's got weird elf ears
Surprisingly, he's got a big-ass nose, and here's a story
He states that I have a plum nose, well guess what?
And what hell is up with your glasses you mutant freak
Get out of this planet, before I shoot you, and kill you, and drown you in my piss
Because I will extinguish you after im done roasting the crap out of
Third look at this dude
Look at that chin. It's like
You can fit ten BILLION of his
Penis in here like it's so wide and don't even get me started
This dude is thicker than Elizabeth Wang
And that's saying something
BECAUSE she's pretty nice
Look at this boy
What the hell why can you fit
Goddamn the solar system
Texas the galaxy the whole universe and my penis inside this goddamn belly
Stomach I don't know
Why is it so damn wide and how could that happen?
Third of al--- oh that's not very appropriate......................he is just BUTT RAPING his little bro
And this is the face you make when you realize how fat you are at the future
And that's all for you folks episode 1 awesome rants by BIG balls
Up next is this little sneak peak here
Screw you guys..... I'm out.
Trump s'insurge d'une possible tentative "illégale" de l'écarter du pouvoir - Duration: 3:54.
Vans employee is fired after saying f asterisk asterisk k you to a 14 year old boy wearing MAGA hat - Duration: 3:16.
Vans employee is fired after saying f asterisk asterisk k you to a 14 year old boy wearing MAGA hat
A Vans employee has been fired after he was caught on video saying f asterisk asterisk k you to a 14 year old boy who refused to remove his MAGA hat.
The teen entered the Overland Park, Kansas, store with his mother and other family members over the weekend.
In the video, the teens mother is seen confronting the employee about what he said to her son.
A Vans employee left and right in a green hoodie has been fired after he was caught on video saying f asterisk asterisk k you to a 14 year old boy left who refused to remove his MAGA hat
He did nothing to you. And what did you say to my son, to my 14 year old son? she asks the man.
Im sure hes heard it before, the employee responded.
What did you say again? the mother asks a second time. The employee then admits to saying f asterisk asterisk k you to the teenager.
The mother is heard asking to speak with a manager and walks over to the stores register.
According to the teens mom, her son walked into the store and the employee told him to take off his MAGA hat. My son said nothing to him and did nothing, the woman is heard explaining to the manager.
The employee was subsequently fired from the store, according to .
A spokeswoman for Vans told the Caller that the companys focus is to provide the best customer service experience.
We did let this employee go. He is no longer with our company, the spokeswoman said, adding that the mans actions were in contrast with our values and beliefs.
According to the teens mom, her son left walked into the store and the employee told him to take off his MAGA hat. My son said nothing to him and did nothing, the woman is heard explaining to the manager right
The teenager was wearing a red hat with President Donald Trumps slogan, Make America Great Again, printed on it
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Chelsea fans boo Maurizio Sarri's subs and chant 'f*** Sarri-ball' during Manchester United loss - Duration: 2:09.
A large section of Chelsea fans made their feelings towards Maurizio Sarri very clear in Monday night's FA Cup last-16 defeat to Manchester United at Stamford Bridge
The Blues suffered yet another painful result as first-half goals from Ander Herrera and Marcus Rashford saw United progress to the quarter-final at the expense of the holders
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's side gave an assured and solid performance in the 2-0 win, though they were helped considerably by Chelsea's meek and blunt attack
Incredibly, Chelsea did not attempt a shot on target between the 11th minute of the match and the full-time whistle – and the home supporters weren't happy about it
As the second half wore on, and Chelsea continued to look so sterile in possession, the Matthew Harding End started chanted, 'F*** Sarri-ball!' Things did not get much better when Sarri made his now customary change of taking Mateo Kovacic off for Ross Barkley, with large swathes of fans chanting, 'You don't know what you're doing!' There were even chants of 'Bring back Mourinho' as time ran out, while Sarri's final substitution – Cesar Azpilicueta for Davide Zappacosta – was roundly booed by the home support
With Sarri having made all three subs, it meant Callum Hudson-Odoi was once again forced to spend the entire game watching from the bench
The FA Cup exit comes hot on the heels of Chelsea's 6-0 drubbing away to Manchester City – their heaviest defeat in the Premier League era – and the uncertainty surrounding Sarri's future will surely intensify now – something the visiting United fans were quick to mock as they chanted, 'Sacked in the morning' at the Italian
印度"光輝"戰機閃耀東南亞?印度LCA要競標這國戰鬥機項目- 军事 新闻 - Duration: 5:52.
目前綜合多方 面消息
馬來西亞軍方 將在201 9年蘭卡威 航展上正式 宣布
新一代輕型戰 鬥機採購計 劃的最終獲 勝方
此時各個競標 商業開始摩 拳擦掌起來
其中就包括參 與競爭的L CA戰鬥機 。
此前馬來 西亞軍方決 定採購一部 分輕型戰鬥 機
用來和目前馬 來西亞空軍 裝備的蘇- 30MKM 重型戰鬥機 形成高低搭 配
當然目前全世 界範圍內屬 於輕型戰鬥 機的型號很 多
其中不乏米格 -29、
F-16 、
JAS-39 這類先進作 戰飛機
但是他們幾乎 都無緣這次 馬來西亞軍 方的採購計 劃
因為馬來西亞 這次採購的 一項非常關 鍵的指標就 是便宜
哪怕是俄羅斯 的米格-2 9
其價格也無法 讓馬來西亞 軍方接受
因此這次參加 競標的除了 真正的戰鬥 機以外
還有不少扮豬 吃老虎的教 練機/戰鬥 機
目前參與競標 的分別是韓 國的F/A -50戰 鬥機
巴基斯坦和我 國聯合研製 的梟龍戰鬥 機
意大利的M- 346戰鬥 教練機
以及印度生產 的一代神機 LCA。
這其中韓 國的F/A -50和意 大利的M- 346都是 從教練機的 基礎上研發 而來
相對來說源於 俄羅斯雅克 -130的 M-346 戰鬥教練機 要弱一些
畢竟韓國的F /A-50 整體來講就 是由洛克希 德馬丁公司 設計的
韓國僅僅是參 與
F/A-50 的整體設計 參考了F- 16戰鬥機
採用F404 -GE-1 00渦輪扇 發動機和A N/ AP G-67( V)4脈衝 多普勒X波 段多模式雷 達
可以實現超音 速飛行
整體性能達到 了傳統的第 三代情形戰 鬥機的水平
並且就價格來 說
M-346同 F/A - 50相比也 並不存在優 勢
目前F/A- 50唯一的 劣勢就是不 能使用中距 離空空導彈
除此以外競爭 力還是很高 的。
梟龍戰鬥機就 更不用說了
這是當初我國 為巴基斯坦 專門打造的 傳統輕型戰 鬥機
在MK2型增 加了空中加 油能力以後
MK3型的梟 龍將會換裝 國產的渦扇 -13發動 機和KJL -7A有 源相控陣雷 達
整體性能將會 達到JAS -39N戰 鬥機的水平
並且價格還有 優勢。
此外馬來西亞 和巴基斯坦 同屬穆斯林 國家
無形中也給了 梟龍一個加 分項。
接下來我 們就需要單 獨介紹一下
一個神奇的存 在
印度30年磨 一劍的LC A戰鬥機。
雖然此前LC A戰鬥機遭 到了印度空 軍的強烈抵 制
最後還是在莫 迪政府的巨 大壓力之下 才接受了這 款印度的自 研戰鬥機
雖然目前LC A戰鬥機每 年2-3架 的產量連印 度空軍的需 求都無法保 證
但是這並不妨 礙印度政府 拿LCA戰 鬥機來擴寬 國際市場。
此前印度方面 積極向斯里 蘭卡以半賣 半送的形勢
推銷LCA戰 鬥機
但是斯里蘭卡 卻選擇了梟 龍戰鬥機
而這次馬來西 亞採購
印度拿出了比 上次更 高的熱情
宣稱要拍出L CA戰鬥機 參加馬來西 亞的蘭卡威 航展
以方便馬來西 亞空軍近距 離接觸。
雖然印度熱情 高漲
但是以筆者猜 測其被選中 的可能性很 低
最大的原因就 是其昂貴的 價格。
由於LC A戰鬥機採 用了法國的 設計和電傳 系統
以色列的EL /M-20 32多普勒 雷達以及美 國的F-4 04渦扇發 動機等多項 外國提供的 關鍵部件
在加上LCA 漫長的研製 計劃
使得其研發費 用也非常的 高昂
多種原因造成 了LCA戰 鬥機的價格 很貴
即便是印度空 軍自己都接 受不了
更別說出口了 。
而馬來西亞邀 請印度參加 競標的原因 也很簡單
就是讓LCA 來當陪襯的
當然如果順勢 能夠壓低以 下其他競爭 對手的價格 那就更好了
然而馬來西亞 方面真的是 有點一廂情 願了
依靠LCA來 壓低價格真 的是難度太 大了。
從目前情 況來看
馬來西亞最終 會在F/A -50和梟 龍戰鬥機兩 者之間做出 選擇
並且綜合考慮 多種因素F /A-50 勝出的可能 性會更大一 些
至於LCA戰 鬥機
印度人民開心 就好。
Chelsea WILL sack Maurizio Sarri THIS MORNING claims Chris Sutton after drab Man Utd loss - Duration: 6:05.
That's according to Chris Sutton, who suggests Sarri could even be sacked by 9am this morning
The Blues crashed to a sorry FA Cup fifth-round exit at the hands of Premier League rivals United with a meek performance in front of their own fans, who turned on Sarri during the game
The Italian coach was booed off at half-time while his decisions also received jeers from the crowd after he brought on full-back Davide Zappacosta for Cesar Azpilicueta with 10 minutes remaining rather than introduce Callum Hudson-Odoi or Olivier Giroud
Chelsea have now lost five games in 2019 alone across all competitions. That is in stark contrast to their early season form having opened their campaign without defeat in 18 games between the top-flight's opening day and late November
That saw them tipped to challenge for the Premier League title at one stage but things have quickly unravelled since then and former Napoli boss Sarri finds himself under increasing pressure just eight months into his reign
The 60-year-old has added to the scrutiny over his future himself, admitting his players are "extremely difficult" to motivate after a loss at Arsenal last month and following that up with several public criticisms of his squad
Having appeared to lose the dressing room, Chelsea fans also made their feelings towards Sarri known against United, chanting 'F*** Sarri-ball!' and joining in with the away fans as they jeered, 'You're getting sacked in the morning!' And former Chelsea striker Sutton expects club owner Roman Abramovich to swing the axe imminently - even though Chelsea face Manchester City in the Carabao Cup final on Sunday
That game falls exactly two weeks after the Londoners lost 6-0 away from home against City in the league in what was their heaviest defeat in 28 years
Sutton told BBC Radio 5 Live: "Sarri won't survive tonight. Well he might until 9 o'clock in the morning
If he does survive tonight, do you have to question the owner's ambition? "I remember Sarri saying we'll be better in the second half of the season
He's done himself so much damage with the things he's said as much as anything. "And it's about performances on the pitch, you can't be beaten 4-0 by Bournemouth and humiliated by Man City
"Backed up with the things he said, the pressure on him, he signed Jorginho, there aren't changes, they play the same way, they're a one-trick pony
"History tells us the Chelsea owner doesn't mess about. You'd have to question his appetite If he doesn't sack the manager
"Where are Chelsea? They're sixth. Would the owner fancy Chelsea getting into the top four with recent performances? With a manager who says he can't motivate his players? A manager who says he'll let his star man go? Really? "The Chelsea owner will be thinking, 'Will we get top four? Can I go to the Manchester City game with confidence?' Absolutely not
Is he going to chuck all his eggs in the Europa League basket with a manager who can't motivate his players? No
"He'll get the sack for numerous reasons - things he's said, that he can't motivate the players, his inability to be able to adapt and change
"They're a one-trick pony. Everyone knows the way they are playing. That will ultimately be his downfall
"The fact he said he can't motivate the players is an issue. This is his last game at Chelsea
The Italian job is over for him. "I don't see it lasting now. How can it? There's a way to lose a game
The fans have turned on him. "What is positive about Sarri at the moment? Why would you risk letting him take charge against Man City in their sort of form? He's gone
He's done." Despite another defeat, Sarri said post-match that he has no concerns about his job security
Asked by journalists if he was worried about his future, he responded: "No. I was really very worried when I was in league two in Italy
Not now. "It's not my problem. My problem is to start [preparing for] the game [against Man City] tomorrow morning and to work with my players to try and improve in a few days, and find more determination, more aggression
"Because we conceded the second goal without determination or aggression. "I am worried about the results, not about the fans
I can understand the situation and our fans, because the result wasn't really good
"We are out of the FA Cup, so I can understand our fans [being angry]. But I am worried at the moment about our results
Radio host 'is battered by signet ring-wearing racist' - Duration: 3:10.
A radio host says he will be 'scarred for life' after he was battered in the face by a man during a racist attack
Maajid Nawaz, a presenter on LBC and an anti-extremism campaigner, says a white man struck him from behind outside the Soho Theatre in London
The host says the attacker hit him in the face as he bent down to pick up his phone and called him a 'f***ing P***' before running away
In a series of tweets, Mr Nawaz posted a photo of a bloodied cut to his forehead and said the man racially abused him and then hit him with 'a signet ring'
The attacker then ran away 'like a coward' and 'took nothing. He was just a racist,' Mr Nawaz said
The Metropolitan Police said they were called to a report of a racially aggravated assault in Dean Street at 7
10pm on Monday.The suspect had fled the scene before officers arrived, no arrests have been made and an investigation has been launched, police said
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'I am really disappointed': Cardi B says Jussie Smollett has. Share this article Share Mr Nazaz said: 'My forehead will probably be scarred for life
But we will find you, you racist coward, and you will face British justice.'In one tweet he said there were witnesses who heard the racial abuse, and they gave statements to the police - who 'have his face of CCTV'
Mr Nawaz is the founder of the Quilliam Foundation, a counter-extremism organisation and presents a show on LBC radio on weekend lunchtimes
He asked not to be contacted, but thanked those who had offered their support.
Man City News - Gundogan says Man City need to win Champions League to join elite - Duration: 4:02.
Ilkay Gundogan insists Manchester City can only become one of the elite when they win the Champions League
Pep Guardiola's side go to Schalke on Wednesday for the first leg of their last 16 tie
European glory has eluded them since Sheikh Mansour's takeover in 2008 and they were knocked out in the quarter-finals by Liverpool last season
'If you want to be in the international elite, when you want to be there both as a club and as a player, you need to clinch this trophy,' Gundogan said
'You can't go past it, at least in my opinion. I think that, if we were to win it someday, the club would enter a new era
'(It would be lifted) to the same level as Real, Barca, Bayern or Juventus, clubs that are maybe a step above us
Maybe not in the way they play football, but as a club at least.'Our job is to try and give it our all to make it a reality someday
We'll try and will hopefully manage that somehow.'We've experienced a lot in the Champions League in recent years - not all of it positive, of course
'We should've won it at least once. So as you can imagine, there's a very big drive within us to do something in the Champions League
The biggest low was probably being knocked out by Liverpool last season. Man City fixtures Premier League unless statedWednesday Schalke (A)Champions League last-16, first legSunday Chelsea (Wembley)Carabao Cup finalFebruary 27 West Ham (H)March 2 Bournemouth (A)March 9 Watford (H)March 12 Schalke (H)Champions League last-16, second leg 'For that reason, the motivation to go far in this competition is huge and I think we have the quality required
'City topped Group F and last played Schalke in the UEFA Cup in 2008, winning 2-0 in Germany
They are tipped to progress past the German side with Gundogan insisting they must embrace the favourites tag
'We are clear favourites in this tie and rightly so,' he told the club's official site
'We accept that role and we're aware of it. However, it has to be said that every team in the last 16 has earned the right to be there
'Because of that, we'll respect our opponents and prepare for it as if it's a normal final because it's the knockout phase and every mistake can be severely punished
'The 28-year-old grew up in Gelsenkirchen and watched Schalke as a youngster and still feels a strong connection to the city
He added: 'Football meant everything to us, for my family, for my older brother, who is two years older than me and kind of paved my way with his way of playing football
'I remember that the first two games I saw were Schalke games. The first one, when I was very young, I cannot remember the exact age, but I can remember that I went to Parkstadion and watched a game in the stadium for the first time
Φαίη Σκορδά: Μεταμφιέστηκε για τις απόκριες και ποζάρει μαζί με τους γιους της! | News | - Duration: 1:18.
Το τριώδιο ξεκίνησε και τα πρώτα μασκέ πάρτι έκαναν μικρούς και μεγάλους να απολαύσουν την πιο διασκεδαστική περίοδο του έτους
Η Φαίη Σκορδά, μη θέλοντας να χαλάσει χατίρι στους γιους της, μεταμφιέστηκε σε Πριγκίπισσα Έλσα, με τα αγόρια της να ποζάρουν ως Batman και Νίτζα
Η παρουσιάστρια του ANT1 πόζαρε με τα αγόρια της , με τους διαδικτυακούς της φίλους να σχολιάζουν την πρώτη της αποκριάτικη στολή για φέτος
«Ο Νίτζα ,ο Batman και η Έλσα σας ευχόμαστε! Καλές Απόκριες», έγραψε στο Instagram η Φαίη Σκορδά
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