Another break for Liverpool – another chance for them to lose their rhythm in my eyes
Look, I must admit with all the injuries they had, they'll have been able to use the time off to get some players back fit and get their training organised, and work on things
Yet you know my feelings on momentum and playing. I hated not being involved in games when I was a player, I hated being rested
I'd much rather win and take the energy and rhythm from that, . just as Manchester City have done in recent weeks
So I'm a bit apprehensive about which Liverpool we will see next week against Bayern Munich and Manchester United
Read More Liverpool legend names unsung hero who should be first name on Jurgen Klopp's teamsheet There was absolutely no doubt they lost a bit of rhythm after the last break, which cost them points against Leicester and West Ham
They looked a little rusty. I hope the same thing doesn't happen this time. But I will say Jurgen Klopp will be aware of that, and will look at what worked and what didn't at the last training camp
They'll also have the Kop in full European night voice too, which tends to blow the cobwebs away – so maybe I don't have to worry so much about momentum this time! Read More Mirror Football's Top Stories
For more infomation >> Why Fowler is worried over which Liverpool will face Bayern - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
Paul Cezanne - la montagna Sainte Victoire - Duration: 3:33.
사진 촬영 기법 빵작가의 사진강좌에 오신 걸 환영합니다. - Duration: 2:46.
Elige o el universo elige por ti - Duration: 4:47.
✅ Breaking News - H Kane ready to make FA Cup history for League One Doncaster Rovers - Duration: 2:50.
H Kane is ready to make FA Cup history - and for once it's not Tottenham and England star Harry taking centre stage
Doncaster Rovers midfielder Herbie Kane, a talented youngster on loan from Liverpool, will be key if his League One side are to reach the quarter-finals for the first time in their history against Crystal Palace
Kane has been tipped for the top by his idol and former youth coach at Anfield, Steven Gerrard, who wrote about him in positive terms in his autobiography
Share this article Share 'When I heard about that, I went out and got the book straight away - so did my Nan!' reveals Kane
'For someone of that stature to mention you, it was a shock and obviously very pleasing
I'm a box-to-box midfielder so he was someone I have always looked up to.'As for his famous namesake, Kane adds: 'I've seen Harry once at St George's Park (when Herbie was preparing for an England under-17s game)
I think he was getting an ice bath!''I don't regard my initials as fortunate or unfortunate
There is nothing I can do about it!'Kane, 20, has scored seven goals in 36 games for Doncaster this season and signed a new three-year contract with Liverpool last month
Ironically, he's outlasted them in the cup and is adamant he wouldn't swap a sixth-round tie for a warm weather training camp in Marbella where Jurgen Klopp's players have gone
Indeed, he is the last remaining Liverpool player in this season's FA Cup.Rovers boss Grant McCann enthuses: 'Herbie has been the best attacking midfielder in our division
We did well to keep him in January because five or six Championship clubs were interested
'Credit to Herbie, he wanted to finish the job here and Liverpool also wanted him to stay
I think he'll cope fine with a big game live on television. He's very grounded.'Doncaster's chances of causing an upset have been boosted by Palace having to travel without the suspended Wilfried Zaha
For the record, the 'other' Kane has scored three times against Palace for Tottenham
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Francesco e Giulia, che sorpresa! "Sono basita, una principessa" - Duration: 3:42.
J'explore les temples abandonnés d'ANGKOR - CAMBODGE - KEEP CURIOOUS - Duration: 3:27.
Today we are in Siem Reap, in Cambodia,
more precisely in Angkor
It's 6 am that's why I'm still sleepy
We are here to see one of my bucket list,
the temples of Angkor
I have asked the people to stay at home today
but they didn't listen...
So let's see how we can do
We are with Sok, our guide
He's going to take us to some secret places
where apparently we won't see tourists
I hope, let's see
Angkor, the former Khmer Empire capital city
is today an Unesco archeological site
Mysteriously abandoned on the 15th century,
Angkor is fascinating
It's a huge Cambodian symbol and pride
Angkor's golden age would have started in the year 802
and lasted about 6 centuries
It was a rich and modern city
with about 1 million inhabitants,
Paris at the same period had only 50 000 inhabitants
Its architecture is still fascinating today
especially Angkor Wat
the most impressive temple in the city
Look at the details!
When you know the size of the temple…
Can you imagine!
They started this historical fresco 900 years ago
and it's still here!
Ahead of his time, Angkor was an hydraulic city
The Khmer civilisation had learned how to master water
with an advanced stocking and piping system
Saying that, it would be the water loss of control
because of climate changes
which would have destroyed the city
Abandoned on the 15th century
it's in 1860 that the french naturalist Henri Mouhot
looking for insects in the area
re-discovered by chance Angkor Wat
Since then, Angkor became famous world wide
What's amazing with Sok
is that we go off the beaten path
We ride through beautiful places
and we are the only ones
That's just awesome !
Now we're in Ta Phrom, not far from Angkor Wat
This is where they have shot the movie
Tomb Raider
Angelina Jolie was not far
This is the temple
where the nature has reclaimed its right
the trees have grown on the temple
It's beautiful !
On this side
because everything fell apart
they are rebuilding it piece by piece
to get the exact same construction as before
It's a huge work
it's a giant puzzle that they need to rebuild
Ok it's the end of the day
I'm exhausted !
We've been walking all day long
from 5 A.M this morning
to visit Angkor Wat and some temples around
It was just beautiful
It was so magical !
I'm so happy we did it
I hope that you enjoyed it too
If you did, don't forget the thumbs up
a comment and of course to subscribe
See you very soon !
See you next week
I'll show you something amazing
In all Angkor, look at this
It's the only one like that
A Dinausor
a Stegosaurus
That's weird isn't it ?
The only one in Angkor
Maybe at that time they have found fossils
or they have spread the word through stories
Or they've seen Jurassic Park, who knows…
Stand-upcomedian Jasper van der Veen winnaar van Leids Cabaret Festival - Duration: 2:06.
J'explore les temples abandonnés d'ANGKOR - CAMBODGE - KEEP CURIOOUS - Duration: 3:27.
Today we are in Siem Reap, in Cambodia,
more precisely in Angkor
It's 6 am that's why I'm still sleepy
We are here to see one of my bucket list,
the temples of Angkor
I have asked the people to stay at home today
but they didn't listen...
So let's see how we can do
We are with Sok, our guide
He's going to take us to some secret places
where apparently we won't see tourists
I hope, let's see
Angkor, the former Khmer Empire capital city
is today an Unesco archeological site
Mysteriously abandoned on the 15th century,
Angkor is fascinating
It's a huge Cambodian symbol and pride
Angkor's golden age would have started in the year 802
and lasted about 6 centuries
It was a rich and modern city
with about 1 million inhabitants,
Paris at the same period had only 50 000 inhabitants
Its architecture is still fascinating today
especially Angkor Wat
the most impressive temple in the city
Look at the details!
When you know the size of the temple…
Can you imagine!
They started this historical fresco 900 years ago
and it's still here!
Ahead of his time, Angkor was an hydraulic city
The Khmer civilisation had learned how to master water
with an advanced stocking and piping system
Saying that, it would be the water loss of control
because of climate changes
which would have destroyed the city
Abandoned on the 15th century
it's in 1860 that the french naturalist Henri Mouhot
looking for insects in the area
re-discovered by chance Angkor Wat
Since then, Angkor became famous world wide
What's amazing with Sok
is that we go off the beaten path
We ride through beautiful places
and we are the only ones
That's just awesome !
Now we're in Ta Phrom, not far from Angkor Wat
This is where they have shot the movie
Tomb Raider
Angelina Jolie was not far
This is the temple
where the nature has reclaimed its right
the trees have grown on the temple
It's beautiful !
On this side
because everything fell apart
they are rebuilding it piece by piece
to get the exact same construction as before
It's a huge work
it's a giant puzzle that they need to rebuild
Ok it's the end of the day
I'm exhausted !
We've been walking all day long
from 5 A.M this morning
to visit Angkor Wat and some temples around
It was just beautiful
It was so magical !
I'm so happy we did it
I hope that you enjoyed it too
If you did, don't forget the thumbs up
a comment and of course to subscribe
See you very soon !
See you next week
I'll show you something amazing
In all Angkor, look at this
It's the only one like that
A Dinausor
a Stegosaurus
That's weird isn't it ?
The only one in Angkor
Maybe at that time they have found fossils
or they have spread the word through stories
Or they've seen Jurassic Park, who knows…
Dans La Douleur, Dernier Adieu Au Footballeur Emiliano Sala À Progreso - Duration: 8:06.
Le village qui a vu grandir Sala rend un dernier hommage au footballeur fauché en pleine ascension - Duration: 8:06.
🔥 Loop Kit "Diamond" (By @LoopLegendz) Download 2019 Trap Kit Fl Studio 11/12/20 🔥 - Duration: 1:37.
loop kit sample trap expansion fl studio 11 12 20 loop legendz
Enregistrements diffusés par Mediapart : Benalla a porté plainte - NT - Duration: 3:34.
婚約指輪・結婚指輪専門店輪-RIN-(群馬県高崎市)玄関外から入店まで☆ - Duration: 0:46.
空軍新年傳捷報!這款戰機換裝隱身塗料,與殲20相當!已裝備96架 - Duration: 3:47.
Elige o el universo elige por ti - Duration: 4:47.
【悲報】ワイ上京民、絶望する…その理由がこちら… - Duration: 0:17.
【悲報】ワイ上京民、これから一生満員電車に乗ると気づき絶望する 東京の人らヤバす でしょこんなストレス空間に毎日毎日よく耐えられるな 息が詰まるんだが? 慣れ 4: >>3嘘つけ絶対無理してるゾ 中間おすすめ記事 会社の近くに住めばえ やん 7: >>5家賃高過ぎるんじゃボケェ しんどくない?移動するだけで疲 る 普通に考えて田舎と電車の本数が違いすぎるやろすぐ慣れるわ 1 >>9その全 が混んでるんですが… 逆にワイは前に地方で寮生活してたけど娯楽のなさに絶望して わでもなんとも思ってないやろ地元の人は 1 どこ住んでんねん? 17: >> 3埼玉とだけ 2 >>17そらあかんわ あっち方面は多いぞ 山手線の新宿、池袋方 の最終電車当たりの混み具合といったら・・・ 通勤だけで疲れ果てる生活はやだな 会社に住めばええんやで 1 どこ駅からどこまで乗るんや? 東京行きね 片道 時間弱かかって辛い 2 早目に出るとええでワイは始業一時間前に会社の近く着いて喫 店で時間潰しとるわ 2 マジでこれを一生やるのか?毎日知らない人と混雑空間に閉じ められる生活が続くのか?吐き気がするわ みんなどうやって耐えてるんや?しかも時 遅延とかでさらに混むやんすると喧嘩とか起こるやん、あれ見てられない 2 >>24 から早目に出るんや一時間違うとめっちゃ空いとるぞ どうしても嫌なら都内住むんや 23区でも安いところなんていくらでもある 30: >>28それしかないか狭い 屋しかなさそうやな 2 ワイ東京に9年おったが池上線沿いの大田区に住んでいたから 処まで混まんかったな 3 始業時間ギリギリに着くような時間の電車はクッソ混んでる に心の余裕ない客ばっかやからストレスになるんや時間も心も余裕を持たせるのがポイン や 3 東京は金がない人間がどんどん疲れていくシステムなんやなって… 3 >>3 でも地方の底辺はそれが分からんから何かが有ると思って東京に行く奴いるで ワイの同 生は40過ぎて東京に上京したわ・・・ずっと地方で派遣社員して奴に東京でまともな仕 なんか有るわけはないのにな・・・ 3 >>35底辺かわからんけどワイもその口や修 旅行で一度来てから東京に形のない憧れ抱いてたわ住むとまるで違う感覚やな 私鉄沿 に住むならターミナル駅近くて各停しか止まらない駅にしたらええと思う急行とかに比べ 混雑緩いし乗ってる時間短いから楽やで 引用元:おすすめ記事1001: 厳選記事 020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:newsmatomemory【衝撃的 に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww
Truong Iron | Bên Trong Nước Cam 8K Có Gì Xem Xong Sẽ Biết Rồi Chừa - Duration: 10:15.
WalkingTheWireImagineDragonsCover JFla - Duration: 2:30.
they play all the same when I'm away from you do you know the line that I
walk for you we could turn around we could give it up
but wielding what comes take what comes all the storm is raising against us now
we're falling
but we took the sample we took
what girls take what counts bill very
I feel there
here we'll walk in the way
just walk away and then steals cry but those deals
a surprise a baby when it comes
we'll take what comes take what comes
we'll walk in the way
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