Simple Beautiful Deer Park Model Loft RV For Sale in New York
For more infomation >> Simple Beautiful Deer Park Model Loft RV For Sale in New York - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
✅ Kenny G quer fazer colaboração com Kanye West - Duration: 1:13.
Kenny G foi contratato esta semana por Kanye West para levar uma serenata a Kim Kardashian no Valentine's Day (14), dia dos namorados nos Estados Unidos
Segundo o jornal New York Post, Kenny confessou que se sentiu lisonjeado por West tê-lo escolhido para dar esse presente tão especial à mãe de seus três filhos, e mais um à caminho
O saxofonista americano de 62 anos afirmou que também se emocionou e espera poder colaborar em breve com o rapper, musicalmente
Kenny G emocionou Kim ao tocar no sax algumas de suas músicas favoritas, como Forever in Love e a canção de O Mágico de Oz, Somewhere Over the Rainbow
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Dream Ayaがメンバーの素顔に迫る連載開始 - 音楽 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:13.
E-girlsら DHのガールズプロ ェクト「E.G.f mily」による全 ホールツアーが、今 22日に大阪・オリ クス劇場で開幕しま 。 日刊スポーツで 、チーフ・クリエイ ィブ・マネージャー Dream Aya 31)を特命記者に 命! 「Dream Ayaのココだけの 」として、長くメン ーと接してきたAy ならではの視点で、 ンバーの素顔に迫り す
18日から紙面で 載するとともに、ニ カンコムでは紙面で せきれなかったトー もお届け。さらに、 イッターアカウント @NIKKAN_L H)ではチェキプレ ントの企画も実施し す
お楽しみに! ◆E -girls、Dr am Ami(30 Shizuka(3 )、Flower、 appiness、 ダンナユズユリーに るガールズプロジェ ト
初の全国ホールツア は、22日の大阪・ リックス劇場公演を 切りに、全国26都 で33公演行う。A aは17年7月にパ ォーマーを卒業し、 ーフ・クリエイティ ・マネージャーとし 制作活動に専念
'썸바디' 정연수, 맹이슬 섭섭 행동에 폭발…살벌한 말다툼 - Duration: 6:20.
1월 4일 방송된 Mnet '썸바디'에서는 정연수와 맹이슬이 말다툼을 했다.
정연수가 맹이슬의 행동에 분노했다.
이날 정연수, 맹이슬, 이주리는 김승혁의 공연을 보고 함께 차에 올랐다.
김승혁은 이주리에게 관심을 보이는 상황.
이에 맹이슬은 김승혁과 이주리를 이어주려 노력했다.
하지만 정연수는 김승혁에게 마음이 있는 인물.
그는 반복되는 상황에 기분이 상한 듯한 행동을 했고,
맹이슬은 정연수에게 "괜찮냐"고 물었다.
정연수는 이주리와 김승혁이 잠시 자리를 비운 사이
"별로 좋지는 않다"고 운을 뗐다.
그러면서 "너 내가 어떤 기분이고 어떤 마음인지 얘기 했었잖아"라고
맹이슬에게 섭섭한 마음을 꺼내놨다.
알고보니 전날 밤 정연수가 맹이슬에게 김승혁을 향한 마음과 고민을 털어놨던 것.
모든 걸 다 아는 맹이슬이 김승혁과 이주리를 이어주려는 모습이 섭섭했던 것이었다.
정연수는 "그게 장난 같았어?"라며
"너처럼 잘 아는 사람이 그런 얘기를 쉽게 할 수 있다는 게.."라고 이야기를 이어갔다.
하지만 맹이슬은 "내가 운전하면서 얘기하는데 하나하나 다 기억할 수는 없지 않냐"고 반박했다.
이를 들은 정연수는 "승혁이의 마음을 나한테 상기시킨다거나 언급하는
것 자체가 예전 같이 솔직히 가볍지 않다"며 "나는 인간적으로 털어놓고 얘기를 했지 않나.
도와달라고 얘기한 거잖아. 알아달라고. 근데 아까부터 그랬다"고 말했다.
중간에 차에 들어온 이주리는 "오해가 있는 것 같다"고 말리려 했지만,
감정이 격해진 정연수는 "언니도 잠깐 내려주면 안 돼요?"라고 부탁했다 .
Absolutely Cozy Modernity Combined Tanita II G2 One story House with Excellent Functionality - Duration: 2:36.
Absolutely Cozy Modernity Combined Tanita II G2 One-story House with Excellent Functionality
Dream Ayaがメンバーの素顔に迫る連載開始 - 音楽 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:07.
E-girlsらL Hのガールズプロジ クト「E.G.fa ily」による全国 ールツアーが、今月 2日に大阪・オリッ ス劇場で開幕します
日刊スポーツでは、 ーフ・クリエイティ ・マネージャーのD eam Aya(3 )を特命記者に任命 「Dream A aのココだけの話」 して、長くメンバー 接してきたAyaな ではの視点で、メン ーの素顔に迫ります
18日から紙面で連 するとともに、ニッ ンコムでは紙面で載 きれなかったトーク お届け。さらに、ツ ッターアカウント( NIKKAN_LD )ではチェキプレゼ トの企画も実施しま 。お楽しみに!
◆E.G.fami y E-girls Dream Ami 30)Shizuk (30)、Flow r、Happine s、スダンナユズユ ーによるガールズプ ジェクト。初の全国 ールツアーは、22 の大阪・オリックス 場公演を皮切りに、 国26都市で33公 行う。Ayaは17 7月にパフォーマー 卒業し、チーフ・ク エイティブ・マネー ャーとして制作活動 専念。
Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 Connect Edition Pano.dak Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:23.
舞台「デルフィニア戦記~獅子王と妃将軍~」が、6月19日から23日まで東京・東京ドームシティ シアターGロッソで上演される。 - Duration: 5:18.
ふぉ〜ゆ〜・松崎祐介、『デルフィニア戦記』続編&続投にトキメキ - Duration: 0:33.
アイドルグループ・ふぉ〜ゆ〜の松崎祐介が、舞台『デルフィニア戦記~獅子王と妃将軍~』に主演することが17日、明らかになった。 同作は、茅田砂胡による代表作「デルフィニア戦記」シリーズを舞台化。2017年1月に『デルフィニア戦記~第一章~』、2018年12月に『デルフィニア戦記~動乱の序章~』が上演され、今回はその続編となる。国王ウォル(松崎)と妃のリィ(佃井皆美)の婚礼のただ中に届いた隣国タンガからの宣戦布告から、戦火が広がっていく。松崎、佃井、そしてリィの侍女・シェラ役の林翔太の続投が決定した。 演出・脚本は、前作に続き児玉明子が担当。得意とするショーアップされたステージや大胆なアクションシーンを見せる。上演は東京ドームシティ シアターGロッソにて6月19日〜23日。 ○児玉明子(演出・脚本) コメント 前回の「動乱の序章」のお話しを頂いた時もそうだったのですが、また大好きな『デルフィニア戦記』の世界で、大好きなウォルやリィたちに再び会える喜びと共に、再びこの壮大なストーリーを舞台化していくという緊張を感じております。ですが、前回から続投のキャストやスタッフも多く、作品の世界観とキャラクターを理解している頼もしいメンバーばかりです。今回もキャストは茅田先生の膨大な美しいセリフに苦戦するかもしれませんが、カンパニー一同力を合わせて精一杯頑張ります! ○松崎祐介 コメント 前作に引き続き、またウォルとしてデルフィニアの世界を生きられることが嬉しい松崎祐介です。今すでにワクワクしてます。誰かこのトキメキを止めてください状態です。前回見て頂いた方はもちろん、今回初めての方でも楽しめる作品になっています! 戦うシーンが多いと思うので身体をパンプアップして行きたいと思ってます。前回の稽古場ではオカキを差し入れすることが多かったので、今回はぬれ煎餅にレベルアップしたいと思います。皆さん王国でお待ちして松。 ○佃井皆美 コメント こんなに早くデルフィニアの世界に帰ってこれるなんて!! すっごく嬉しくて、今からわくわくしています!! 前回より、更にパワーアップした舞台をおみせできるよう、 みんなで力を合わせて頑張りたいと思います! また皆さんにお会いできることを心から楽しみにしています♪♪ ○林翔太 コメント またデルフィニア戦記の世界で生きられる事、すごくすごく嬉しいです! 前回出演させていただいてからすっかり原作ファンになってしまった僕ですが、それ以上にこの作品を愛しているファンの皆さんに感動を再びお届けできるように頑張ります! そして今回の物語では、前回よりも成長したシェラをお見せできるようにたくさん研究したいと思います! シェラとしては、また国王やリィに会えるのが楽しみです! 頑張ります!
방정식 함수 미적분 기하와 벡터 공부 잘하는법 토론수학 공부법 코디 중2수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:34.
확률과통계 공부 잘하는법 공부법 코디 토론수학 토론수업 확통 잘하는법 고1수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:24.
미적분 기하와 벡터 수능내신 공부 잘하는법 토론수학 공부법 코디 고1수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:45.
Mai am Hoa Hong - Duration: 9:52.
The Loving House of Roses
Dear Friends
During the course of services of charity
and social-related concerns by the Dominican Sisters
of Gò Vấp Lạng Sơn in many communities
located in the northernmost to
the southernmost parts of Vietnam
Our Sisters have met many poor and desperate brothers and sisters
from many walks of life
From abandoned little babies
the orphans
the disabled children and youths
the unplanned pregnancy by young girls
to the homeless elders
With heavy hearts for those unfortunates
and vulnerable
The Dominican Sisters decided to embrace
the idea of establishing a shelter to help
support, and care for these brothers and sisters
not only providing food, clothes, and a place to stay
but also educating them to be adaptable
and to be productive in the society
In 2004, we, the Dominican Sisters
have gathered some of the brothers and sisters
who were of the above described situations
into a home built on a lot in Cử Chi Wards
When the number of residents increased
every day
the Loving Home of Roses,
located at 386 Route 8, Hamlet 3A
Tân Thạnh Tây Commune
Cử Chi Wards, Hồ Chí Minh City
was officially established
with the highest numbers of nearly 100 residents
In recent years, due to the request of local officials,
and to ensure that the Sisters can
take care of as well as teach the residents
more effectively
the Sisters limited the admittance of only
majority of infants who have been abandoned
orphans who lost parents
Currently, there are 50 infants
and children being care for at the House
Day by Day,
the Sisters and volunteers
take care of them, and teach them
until they grow up
we are trying
to make sure that
this place is not just
a social or charitable organization
but it is rather a place where children
feel loved and a life
filled with compassion
and humanity
It is at this House
the daily life is of a normal loving family
truly fitted with the name:
"Loving House"
The Loving House of Roses is financed
by the Dominican Sisters and supported
by relatives, sisters, and donors
In addition
the Sisters and children
grow vegetables and raise cattle
to supplement their daily nutrition
with their own fresh greens and eggs
However, to maintain the present living
condition, and to keep up with
the current economic and social demand
the Dominican Sisters would like
to ask for your generosity and support in sharing
in sharing with the unfortunate children
living in this Loving House so that
they will have the best possible
chance in life and be able
to later contribute to society and the Church
On behalf of all the Sisters and children
at the Loving House
we would like to extend our thanks
to all donors and supporters
We hope to be the connecting arm
between you and these children
and to relay your compassion and love
to these innocent and vulnerable ones
at this Loving House of Roses
Absolutely Cozy Modernity Combined Tanita II G2 One story House with Excellent Functionality - Duration: 2:36.
Absolutely Cozy Modernity Combined Tanita II G2 One-story House with Excellent Functionality
V6井ノ原、米・ヒューストンのNASAで現地取材 宇宙飛行士訓練も体験 - Duration: 5:34.
V6・井ノ原快彦 特別番組『宇宙プロ ェクト』(仮) に 演 (C)TBS 気グループ・V6の ノ原快彦が、3月1 日放送のTBS特番 宇宙プロジェクト』 仮)(後8:00) ジャーナリスト・池 彰とMCを務めるこ がわかった
同番組は、昨年3月 放送した『池上彰と 宙の旅2018』の 2弾となっており、 回、井ノ原は実際に メリカの宇宙の街・ キサス州ヒュースト へ飛び、最先端の宇 探査の世界を取材
宇宙飛行士訓練も体 し、自らの言葉でそ 模様を伝える。 井 原快彦のテレビ出演 1969年にアポ 11号が月面着陸に 功してから50年。 今、民間による月旅 計画や、NASAの 人火星探査計画が発 されるなど、"宇宙 の旅"に注目が集ま ている
「なぜ人類は宇宙を 指すのか?」。そん 謎を解き明かすべく 井ノ原はNASAも めるスーパー女子高 アリッサ・カーソン んを尋ねることに。 アリッサさんは、人 初の火星到達を目指 て日々トレーニング 励んでおり、すでに 校生・大学生向けの 宙飛行士プログラム アドバンスコースを 了
4ヶ国語を習得して る。そんなアリッサ んの案内で、井ノ原 NASAのヒュース ン宇宙センターへ。 こで目にしたのは、 々と進む火星探査へ 取り組みと、現実味 帯びてきた火星移住 画
火星で暮らす数々の リットについて説明 受けると、井ノ原も 星移住に興味津々。 らにアリッサさんか は宇宙や火星探査へ 熱い想いを明かされ 。 さらに井ノ原は 普段アリッサさんが っているという訓練 体験
過酷な訓練一つ一つ は、宇宙から無事に 還するための大切な 由があるという。昨 放送の番組で無重力 体験済みの井ノ原だ 、果たして今回の訓 は乗り越えられるの 。そしてアリッサさ のお父さんにも対面
宇宙飛行士になると う夢を応援している だが、何が起こるか からない場所だけに 娘のことが心配でな はずがない。そんな の話を聞いた井ノ原 何を感じ、何を語る かもみどころとなる
■井ノ原快彦コメ ト アメリカに来て て、NASAが火星 行くことに取り組ん いることがわかりま たし、きっと本当に くことができるだろ なと実感しました。 晴らしいと思ったの 、次世代の子どもた を本気で育てようと ていることです
それも、ただ勉強す のではなく、体験施 などでまずは遊びか 入ることができる。 れで、子どもが興味 持って本格的に取り むようになれば、実 を手助けする準備は っているという印象 持ちました
今回のロケで出会っ アリッサが先陣をき て、その後にまた次 世代の子どもたちが って、入れ替わり立 替わり挑戦すること 火星に住めるという ころまでいくのでは いかと思います
アメリカに来るまで 全く想像もつきませ でしたが、そういう 来を想像できたとい ことが何より今回の ケの一番の収穫だと います。それをこの 組を通して、皆さん 届けることができた いいなと思います
『めちゃイケ』22年間で打ち上げは一度もなし……岡村隆史明かす - Kyo News - Duration: 2:11.
Breast Self-Exam: Steps on How to Perform a Self-Exam Screening Tutorial - Duration: 8:04.
Ok, look…
I know what you're thinking…
where's my watch
k, I took it off when I was changing
Oh, these?
These are fake breasts.
See last month my mother said to me
"Ay, Stef..."
"you should do a video on self-exams"
"for the breast, ya know?"
and I said, "Ma!"
"Don't ever breasts in front of me again…"
"and stop always being right."
Since then... a friend told me she found a lump in her breast
doing a self-exam in the shower
and then Breast Cancer Awareness Month rolls around
So here I am
flashing the masses
to take you
through a Breast Self-Examination
you can do in the privacy of your own home
and not with thousands of people watching
like I'm about to.
First off:
If you're not familiar with your breasts by now…
Ya gotta be…
However old you are
start getting to know them now.
Otherwise you don't know if somethings new
or if it's been there since birth.
OK, I'm guilty of this too I'm so oblivious sometimes
my doc could be like
"You know you have a full-grown tail dragging behind you?"
and I'd be like...
"What color?"
These are important things to know
Because breast cancer kills more women around the world
than any other cancer out there.
I know people both personally and professionally
that have done an exam like this
and was able to follow up with their healthcare provider
and identify cancer early on, which may have or did
save their life.
So, start being your own hero here
and maybe save your own life.
Be sure to share this with friends, colleagues, loved ones, or anyone
and maybe save theirs…
How awesome is that?
Real quick let's cover some of the day to day things you can do
that are said to help lower your risk
of developing breast cancer.
Number one:
Be active, and eat healthy.
This will help you maintain a good weight.
That is very important.
Number two:
Drinks and stinks!
I mean alcohol and cigarettes ok.
We got a no-no going with those two.
They're toxins.
They're bad for your body.
And we're starting to care about our bodies
and the things we put into it, right?
Try to stay out of polluted areas
and avoid exposure to radiation unless it's necessary.
Then last, but not least…
is breastfeeding.
Go figure!
And not only are they thinking breastfeeding can help
prevent breast cancer…
The longer you breastfeed, the more you're getting out of it.
And on that topic
if you are breastfeeding you absolutely can do self-exams.
Your breasts are gonna be a lot different than before you got pregnant
and you may feel more lumps
that might come and go
that might be normal.
But if a lump is persistent it warrants further evaluation
so, if you have any concern during your self-exam
consult with your healthcare provider.
k so how often are we checking our breasts?
We check our outfits in the mirror every day…
We check the expiration dates on our milk…
Shoot the average American
is checking their phone
every 12 minutes.
Now granted... we do want to look good for our jobs.
We don't want stomach aches from sour milk.
And god-forbid we miss Kelly's Facebook memory
of taking a selfie from five years ago.... k?
I'm just playing Kelly.
It was a good selfie.
Duck-face was in back then, don't let them bring you down.
How often are we checking our breasts
So if you're watching this on your phone
If not--
Put me on your phone
Prop me up against a mirror
so we can go through this together
and you can start doing these periodically
on your own.
Now to be clear
this self-examination is not a substitute for any other
diagnostic study or exam done by a trained professional.
but it's a start…
at the very least…
to get you familiar with your breasts.
Which is what we want to do.
If you're already having breast pain, nipple tenderness or discharge
with no other explanation
or any apparent changes you've noticed in your breasts
you should have an appointment with your healthcare provider scheduled already.
So if you don't
make one happen.
But again, this is a demonstration of a breast self-examination
based on my research from several credible sources
and compiled into a succinct and effective method
Let's begin.
You're gonna start by looking in the mirror with your arms down like so
look at your breasts thoroughly.
what you're looking for is irregularity,
and if you come across any during this exam
descriptively write them down.
This is for your healthcare provider
and for you to keep track of any changes
that might be occurring in the future.
and when I say irregularities
I don't mean you've got one inverted nipple and it's always been that way
what you're looking for is irregularities and inconsistencies
with how your breasts have always been
so when we examine them
we're looking for changes.
any new dimpling anywhere on the breast?
which might look like little dents.
New dimples on your breast?
Not good.
Mark it down.
Look at the texture and the pigmentation of the skin all around
turn to each side
anything look different?
now raise your hands over your head like you got two questions for me
ok one: where did I get the fake breasts?
and two: why am I so comfortable wearing them?
and the answers are simply Amazon, and…
I don't know I'm still trying to figure that one out myself…
Alright, if you have large enough breasts where you can't see underneath,
use your other hand to lift the breast up and examine the underside
front and side views
ok dimples, colors, texture
repeat for the opposite breast
now face the mirror again to get hands on
an option to use something like baby oil might help
in both seeing and feeling for irregularities
lots of women perform the self-exams in the shower
ok it's a convenient place
it's private
and that soapy water kind of acts like the oil would
it's also widely recommended to do
the hands-on part of the exam lying on your back
sometimes with a pillow
underneath your shoulder, to prop you up
because it'll make your breast flatter
and easier to feel for irregularities.
for the purpose of this demonstration I'm gonna remain standing…
and without oil!
it's not funny…
it's not--
but the instructions are the same in the shower
in front of the mirror, or lying down.
once again raise your arm above your head
and with the opposite hand
take three fingers together,
for a larger surface area than just one.
use the flat surface at the end of them
to press into the breast
starting at the bend of the arm
Pretty high up right?
well the breast tissue can extend all the way up to the armpit
and what we're gonna do is move up and down the breast
and in each area, use small circular motions
now in terms of pressure it's suggested
not too much... not too little
how vague is that?
we're gonna use a clearer and more thorough approach
first, we're gonna go gently…
then, with moderate pressure…
then finally deeper into the breast.
When we're done with that section we move on…
all the way up to the clavicle,
this bone right here.
now remember you do have a ribcage underneath these breasts
so keep that in mind as you may feel that
however if you feel any lumps or nodules, which can be firm
and feel kind of attached underneath
lots of people say they can feel like a pebble
or a bean, or kernel of corn
write it down
Also remember, the breast tissue
ain't like the silicone stuff I got on here
it's got its own feel which honestly can feel inconsistent
all throughout
so if you're moving along and you're thinking…
"wait a minute..."
"...think I feel something…"
Get into another position
and see if it's still there
A mass or a lump will likely still be palpable
as it was when you first noticed it
also note any swelling
especially in the area under the arm
where you got lymph nodes.
Swelling, hardening, or tenderness
should be reported to your healthcare provider.
Repeat until you've examined the entirety of the breast.
and then we're gonna do a once around the breast,
starting at the armpit, and rounding back underneath.
after that we're gonna press into, and around the nipple from different angles
noting any discharge, lumps, raised areas, or any other changes in the skin
Ok, some of this may be normal
but some of it may not.
So, it's important to clear it with your healthcare provider.
Once covered
repeat this process
on the other side.
and just like that…
baddabing baddaboobs!
We're done!
But, when should you be doing these exams
and how often should you be doing it?
Most sources suggest to check once a month
when you're least sensitive
which I'm told is typically one week out from the start of your menstrual cycle
But everyone's bodies different so I'll leave that up to you to figure out
and if you don't get your periods...
just pick a day every month.
and as far as remembering these self-exams…
ME: "Remind me to do a breast self-examination"
ME: "once every month."
BAE: "Ok"
BAE: "I've created a recurring reminder."
and that's how you're not gonna forget to do it.
But what about us fellas, ok?
We got breasts, too right?
We can even lactate ladies, did ya know that?
We got the tissue, milk ducts, and hormones for it at least.
But breast cancer wise…
A lot less likely than women…
and more than nine out of ten times
it's found at an early stage of breast cancer
It commonly presents as a hard mass
right below the areola
but as always just because you hear the words "less likely"
does not mean you don't have to bother, ok?
Everybody's body is different.
And we're all responsible for our own.
So, I don't care if someone tells you not to bother or worry about it,
advocate for yourself.
Because I wouldn't have some people still in my life,
if they didn't.
That's it for me today!
I'm knocking ou-
Clocking out…
...they keep sagging on me.
Tin Showbiz - Hàng không Việt Nam được chứng nhận đủ điều kiện bay thẳng đến Mỹ - Duration: 3:00.
Bộ trưởng Giao thông vận tải Nguyễn Văn Thể tiếp Đại sứ Hoa Kỳ Daniel J, Kritenbrink
(Ảnh: P.L) Cơ quan Quản lý Hàng không Liên bang (FAA), Bộ Giao thông Mỹ đã thông báo Việt Nam tuân thủ các tiêu chuẩn an toàn của Tổ chức Hàng không dân dụng Quốc tế (ICAO) và đã được xếp hạng 1
Chiều 15/2, Đại sứ Mỹ Daniel J, Kritenbrink tại Việt Nam chính thức trao Chứng chỉ phê chuẩn năng lực giám sát an toàn hàng không mức 1 (CAT 1) cho Việt Nam
Trạng thái loại 1 dựa trên kết quả đánh giá của FAA vào tháng 8/2018 về công tác giám sát an toàn của Cục Hàng không Việt Nam (CAA)
Đây là kết quả của nhiều năm làm việc tích cực của CAA và Bộ Giao thông vận tải. Như vậy, các hãng hàng không Việt Nam sẽ có thể thiết lập dịch vụ bay thẳng tới Hoa Kỳ và liên danh với các hãng hàng không Mỹ sau khi hoàn thành các bước cần thiết còn lại
Theo đó, các thủ tục tiếp theo để mở đường bay thẳng tới Mỹ gồm: các sân bay Việt Nam được Cục Quản lý An ninh giao thông Hoa Kỳ xác nhận tuân thủ các tiêu chuẩn an ninh và các thông lệ được khuyến nghị của ICAO, và các hãng hàng không Việt Nam được Bộ Giao thông Hoa Kỳ cấp thẩm quyền kinh tế
Là một phần của chương trình thẩm định An ninh Hàng không quốc tế (IASA) của FAA, cơ quan này thực hiện đánh giá với cơ quan hàng không dân dụng của tất cả các quốc gia có hãng hàng không xin cấp phép để bay đến Mỹ, đang tiến hành các chuyến bay đến Hoa Kỳ hoặc tham gia liên doanh với các hãng hàng không nước này, và cung cấp thông tin đó cho công chúng
Hoạt động đánh giá xác định liệu các cơ quan hàng không dân dụng nước ngoài có đáp ứng được các tiêu chuẩn an toàn của ICAO hay không, chứ không phải của FAA
Để duy trì xếp hạng loại 1, một quốc gia phải tuân thủ các tiêu chuẩn an toàn của ICAO, cơ quan kỹ thuật của Liên hợp quốc về hàng không có vai trò thiết lập các tiêu chuẩn quốc tế và các thông lệ khuyến nghị cho hoạt động và bảo trì máy bay
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Bài #16 (full length) - Âm /aɪ/ & /eɪ/ - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 43:36.
Can you hear the difference between the words
Can you say these words accurately?
Can you say the sentence:
Accurately, like this?
The English sounds we are going to work on today are the /aɪ/ and /eɪ/ gliding vowels.
The /aɪ/ as in:
and the /eɪ/ as in:
The general problem Vietnamese speakers of English have with English gliding vowels is that
they don't realize that gliding vowels are actually made up of two sounds:
the /ɔʊ/ is made up of an /ɔ/ and an /ʊ/, the /aɪ/ has an /a/ and an /ɪ/,
while the /eɪ/ is made up of an /e/ and an /ɪ/.
This is why we also call gliding vowels "diphthongs", where the "di-" prefix means "two".
The word "gliding" means "to move with a smooth and continuous motion",
so the "gliding" part of "gliding vowels" refers to the characteristic of these sounds
whereby you have to "glide" (or move smoothly) from one vowel sound to the next.
However, Vietnamese people usually only pronounce the first sound and skip the second one,
especially when the gliding vowel is followed by a consonant.
There are two specific mistakes that Vietnamese people make
with the /aɪ/ and the /eɪ/ gliding vowels when speaking English:
First, with the /aɪ/ vowel the problem is that
people in Vietnam say an /ʌ/ sound instead of the /aɪ/ sound.
So they will say "tum" instead of "time",
"dumb" instead of "dime" and "mum" instead of "mime".
Second, with the /eɪ/ vowel the problem is that
Vietnamese speakers of English say an /e/ or sometimes an /ӕ/ sound instead of the /eɪ/ sound.
So they will say "pen" or "pan" instead of "pain",
"men or "man" instead of "main" and "west" instead of "waste".
Mispronouncing the /eɪ/ sound is probably the biggest problem
of the errors in connection with gliding vowels,
because in English we have a lot of words that have the /eɪ/ sound,
and many of these words are basic verbs that we use a lot, like "make" and "take".
In this video:
We will learn how to say words with the /aɪ/ and /eɪ/ gliding vowels correctly.
We will examine how we typically spell words with these sounds.
We will practice saying words and sentences with the /aɪ/ and the /eɪ/.
And we will test your newly acquired skills.
So, let's correct these mistakes and start SPEAKING accurate English.
Are you with me?
Let's go!
Some words with the English /aɪ/ gliding vowel are quite challenging
for a lot of Vietnamese people,
so let's learn to make this sound accurately.
The /aɪ/ sound has two parts:
a starting /a/ sound and an ending /ɪ/ sound,
and you have to pronounce BOTH the /a/ and then the /ɪ/
to make sure that foreigners don't misunderstand you.
The /aɪ/ in itself is not difficult for Vietnamese people,
so they can say words like "bye", "tie" and "my" correctly.
However, when the /aɪ/ is followed by a consonant,
Vietnamese forget to say the /ɪ/ sound and they only say the /a/ sound.
Let's look at the example word "time".
This word has four sounds:
/t/, /a/, /ɪ/ and /m/:
So after the /a/ sound
we cannot immediately jump to the /m/ sound,
we have to say the /ɪ/ first.
After the /a/ sound, the lips do not close immediately,
but the jaw and the tongue move up,
and the tongue touches the upper teeth on the sides to make the /ɪ/ sound,
before the mouth closes completely for the /m/ sound.
Since we have to say this /ɪ/ vowel as well
and because we need some time to move our jaw and tongue from the bottom /a/ position to the upper /ɪ/ position,
the /aɪ/ cannot be said as a short sound.
Compare the /aɪ/ sound to the /ʌ/ sound:
the /aɪ/ is longer and the jaw and tongue are moving while you are saying it,
whereas the /ʌ/ is shorter and the mouth doesn't move during the sound:
short /ʌ/ - gliding /aɪ/ - short /ʌ/ - gliding /aɪ/
Therefore, when practicing the /aɪ/ sound,
focus on the /ɪ/ part and how your tongue comes up
and touches your upper teeth in the back,
before your mouth closes completely for the /m/ sound:
Here are some words with the /aɪ/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with the correct /aɪ/ sound.
Remember that the /aɪ/ is not a short sound
and that you need to say the /ɪ/ sound after the /a/ sound.
So it's NOT /tʌm/, it's "time" and
it's NOT /tʌ:m/, it's "time".
If you find it difficult to say the /aɪ/ correctly in these words
and if you hear that you miss the /ɪ/ part of /aɪ/,
then first try saying the words without the final consonant
and feel your tongue coming up on the /ɪ/ sound.
When you can do this well,
only then add the final consonant,
but first put a little gap between the /aɪ/ and the final consonant
and then gradually take away this gap:
Don't forget to use a mirror to check
that after the /a/ sound your tongue and jaw move up to make the /ɪ/ sound.
Pause now.
Mispronouncing the /eɪ/ vowel as a simple /e/ or /ӕ/ sound
is by far the biggest mistake in connection with gliding vowels,
because in English we have dozens of minimal pairs for the /eɪ/ vs the /e/ and /ӕ/.
So there is a high chance that a foreigner will find your spoken English difficult to understand
if you cannot say the /eɪ/ correctly.
The /eɪ/ sound has two parts:
a starting /e/ sound and an ending /ɪ/ sound,
and you have to pronounce BOTH the /e/ and then the /ɪ/
to make the right sound: /e-ɪ/, /e-ɪ/, /eɪ/
As with the /aɪ/ sound,
the /eɪ/ in itself is not difficult for Vietnamese people,
so they can say words like "bay", "may" and "pay" correctly.
However, when the /eɪ/ is followed by a consonant,
Vietnamese forget to say the /ɪ/ sound and they only say the /e/ sound.
Let's look at the example word "make".
This word has four sounds: /m/, /e/, /ɪ/ and /k/.
So after the /e/ sound we cannot immediately jump to the /k/ sound,
we have to say the /ɪ/ first.
After the /e/ sound the jaw and the tongue move up,
and the tongue touches the upper teeth on the sides to make the /ɪ/ sound,
before the back of the tongue moves up to make the /k/ sound.
This moving up of the tongue is the same movement
that is necessary to make the /ɪ/ sound in /aɪ/, as we have learned it earlier.
Since we have to say this /ɪ/ vowel as well
and because we need some time to move our jaw and tongue
from the /e/ position to the upper /ɪ/ position,
the /eɪ/ cannot be said as a short sound.
Let's compare the /eɪ/ sound to the /e/ and /ӕ/ sounds:
the /eɪ/ is longer and the jaw and tongue are moving while you are saying it,
whereas the /e/ and /ӕ/ are shorter and the mouth doesn't move during the sound:
short /e/ - gliding /eɪ/ - short /ӕ/ - gliding /eɪ/
Therefore, when practicing the /eɪ/ sound,
focus on the /ɪ/ part and how your tongue comes up and touches your upper teeth in the back,
before you make the /k/ sound:
Here are some words with the /eɪ/ sound:
Pause this video
and practice saying these words with the correct /eɪ/ sound.
Remember that the /eɪ/ is not a short sound
and that you need to say the /ɪ/ sound after the /e/ sound.
So it's NOT /mek/, it's /meɪk/,
and it's NOT /me:k/, it's /meɪk/.
If you find it difficult to say the /eɪ/ correctly in these words
and if you hear that you miss the /ɪ/ part of /eɪ/,
then first try saying the words without the final consonant
and feel your tongue coming up on the /ɪ/ sound.
When you can do this well, only then add the final consonant,
but first put a little gap between the /eɪ/ and the final consonant
and then gradually take away this gap:
Another trick you can use is to change the spelling of the words a little
so that they will look more like what we actually say.
For example, imagine that "plane" is spelled "PLAY-N",
"make" is "MAY-K", "made" is "MAY-D",
"main" is "MAY-N", and so on.
This just might trick your brain into believing
that in fact there is an /ɪ/ sound after /e/.
Don't forget to use a mirror to check that after the /e/ sound
your tongue and jaw move up to make the /ɪ/ sound.
Pause now.
The spelling of the /aɪ/ and /eɪ/ sounds can be a little challenging,
so let's look at the typical ways how to write these sounds.
There are of course always exceptions to rules,
but the following will give you a good understanding of the basic principles:
The /aɪ/ sound:
"I" or "Y" followed by a consonant, followed by a silent "E"
is almost always pronounced as /aɪ/, like in the words
This is the actual function of the silent "E" at the end of words:
it turns the vowel immediately before it into a gliding vowel or a long vowel
"IGH" is almost always pronounced as /aɪ/:
Some words with irregular spelling are:
Now let's see the typical ways of spelling the /eɪ/ sound:
"A" followed by a consonant, followed by a silent "E"
is almost always pronounced as /eɪ/, like in the words
Again, as with the spelling of the /aɪ/ sound,
you can see how the silent "E" at the end of words
turns the vowel immediately before it into a gliding vowel
"AI" followed by a consonant (but NOT "R"!)
is almost always pronounced as /eɪ/, like in the words
"AY" and "EY" are almost always pronounced as /eɪ/:
"EIGH" and "AIGH" are usually pronounced as /eɪ/
and the letter "G" is silent in these words:
"EA" is sometimes pronounced as /eɪ/, like in the words:
Vietnamese people usually mispronounce the /aɪ/ and /eɪ/ sounds when speaking English
and they say an /ʌ/ sound instead of the /aɪ/ sound
and say an /e/ or /ӕ/ sound instead of the /eɪ/.
So let's look at some minimal pairs to master the English /aɪ/ and /eɪ/ sounds.
Watch and listen to me saying the minimal pairs and focus on the differences.
Remember that the /aɪ/ and /eɪ/ gliding vowels have 2 sounds each,
and you have to say an /ɪ/ sound at the end of both.
To do this, the tongue must move all the way up
and slightly touch the upper teeth on the sides after the first sound of /a/ and /e/:
In contrast, the /ʌ/, /e/ and /ӕ/ sounds are simple vowels,
so they only have 1 sound each,
and the mouth stays more open when you say them.
The other difference is that the /aɪ/ and the /eɪ/ are longer than the /e/, /ʌ/ and /ӕ/ sounds,
since with the /aɪ/ and the /eɪ/ we need more time to say two sounds.
Let's compare the length of the sounds:
Here are some minimal pairs with the /aɪ/ vs /ʌ/ sounds:
Here are some minimal pairs with the /eɪ/ vs /e/ and /ӕ/ sounds:
Pause this video and practice saying these minimal pairs
and focus on saying the /aɪ/ and /eɪ/ sounds accurately.
Focus on the difference in the lip positions and use a mirror to get it right.
Also, make sure that you are not saying a long /ʌ:/ instead of the /aɪ/ sound
or a long /e:/ sound instead of the /eɪ/.
It's /taɪm/, not /tʌ:m/,
and /meɪk/, not /me:k/.
When we say the /aɪ/ and the /eɪ/,
the tongue must come up to make the /ɪ/ sound:
Pause now.
In the first activity,
we will test your ability to distinguish the /aɪ/ and /eɪ/ gliding vowels
from the /ʌ/, /e/, and /ӕ/ simple vowels in words.
You will hear 4 words, and you will have to make 4 decisions.
We start at "1".
After hearing each word, you'll have to make a decision:
turn left or turn right, based on what sound you hear in each word.
First, we will work with the /aɪ/ sounds vs the /ʌ/ sound.
If you hear the /ʌ/ sound in the word, you have to turn to the left,
If you hear the /aɪ/ sound in the word, you have to turn to the right.
After 4 words, we will arrive in a city.
Your job is to correctly guess the name of the city, where we have arrived.
Let's do an example:
We're going to the right
We're going to the left
We're going to the left
We're going to the right
And we are in Miami.
Can you hear the /aɪ/ sound in the first syllable of of "MIami"?
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the city in the comments.
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Let's do a few rounds with new rules,
to learn to distinguish the /eɪ/ sound from the /e/ and /ӕ/ sounds.
If you hear the /e/ or /ӕ/ sound in the word, you have to turn to the left,
and if you hear the /eɪ/ sound in the word, you have to turn to the right.
In the first and second set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the city in the comments.
The second set of words.
Are you ready?
In the third and fourth set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Fourth set of words.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the cities in the comments.
This second activity will improve and test your ability
to distinguish the /aɪ/ and /eɪ/ gliding vowels
from the /ʌ/, /e/ and /ӕ/ simple vowels in sentences.
You will see a sentence on the screen,
where one word has two options.
You will hear the sentence with one of the words being said.
Your job is to choose which word was used in the sentence.
Number 1:
The options are "sun" and "sign".
Number 2:
The options are "mums" and "mimes".
Number 3:
The options are "mat" and "mate".
Number 4:
The options are "plan" and "plane"
Number 5:
The options are "test" and "taste"
Number 6:
The options are "pen", "pan" and "pain"
The third and final activity will improve your ability
to say the /aɪ/ and the /eɪ/ sounds accurately in sentences.
Look at the sentences, listen to me saying them
and then pause the video after each sentence and practice.
Focus on saying the sentences accurately and slowly first.
Only say a sentence faster, if you can say it accurately at a lower speed.
Here are the sentences:
Number 1:
Pause now
Number 2:
Pause now
Number 3:
Pause now
Number 4:
Pause now
'슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다' 이덕화, 윌리엄X벤틀리와 놀다가 가발 위기까지…무슨 일이? - Duration: 2:48.
'슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다' 이덕화, 윌리엄X벤틀리와 놀다가 가발 위기까지…무슨 일이?
'슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다' 윌벤져스와 이덕화가 만난다.
2월 17일 방송되는 KBS 2TV '해피선데이-슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다'(이하 '슈돌') 265회는 '소란해서 행복한 하루'라는 부제로 시청자를 찾아온다.
그 중 윌리엄-벤틀리 형제는 이덕화와 특별한 추억을 쌓을 예정.
이덕화와 윌벤져스 형제의 왁자지껄한 하루가 시청자에게 큰 재미를 선사할 것으로 기대된다.
공개된 사진 속 윌리엄-벤틀리는 이덕화와 만난 기쁨에 방긋방긋 웃고 있다.
벤틀리의 환한 미소 속 빛나는 앙증맞은 앞니가 시선을 강탈한다. 윌리엄과 이덕화는 함께 노래를 들으며 즐거운 시간을 보내고 있다.
이날 윌리엄-벤틀리 형제는 새해 인사를 하기 위해 이덕화와 만났다.
이덕화는 샘과 방송에서 만난 인연으로 윌벤져스를 예뻐하며 진짜 손주처럼 잘 챙겨줬었다고.
이덕화는 사랑스러운 윌벤져스에게 푹 빠져 놀아주기 바빴다고 한다. 무한체력 윌리엄과 놀아주다 기진맥진한 이덕화의 모습이 웃음을 자아내기도.
특히 윌리엄과 놀아주던 이덕화의 가발에 위기가 찾아와 모두를 긴장하게 만들었다고 한다.
다급하게 달려와 이 같은 비상 상황을 전하는 윌리엄의 말에 샘은 동공지진을 일으키며 굳어버리고 말았다는 후문.
속사포로 말을 하는 윌리엄과 당황한 샘 아빠의 반응이 현장을 웃음바다로 만들었다고 한다.
과연 이덕화의 가발은 무사할 수 있을지, 대체 어떤 일이 벌어진 것인지 궁금하고 기대된다.
이덕화의 좌충우돌 윌벤져스 돌보기는 KBS 2TV '해피선데이-슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다' 265회 2월 17일 일요일 오후 5시 KBS 2TV에서 확인할 수 있다.
All in for K-State - Duration: 0:45.
We come from a place unlike any other.
Bound between the limestone of purple pride and the fundamentals of family.
This March, K-Staters will come together for one day to achieve one philanthropic objective.
K-State's day of giving will be one like no other.
Together, we will take an idea from start to flourish.
Within a 24 hour time frame, we are going to help students not just survive, but thrive.
Because at K-State, family takes care of family.
For all that you do, all that's in store, and all we have to give, it's time to go…
Lop Tinh thuong K Nai - Duration: 12:23.
The Loving House of K'Nai
Dear Friends
It has been over 60 years
since our Dominican Sisters of Gò Vấp Lạng Sơn
first stepped foot on Tùng Nghĩa of Đức Trọng Ward
About 30km south of
The City of Đà Lạt
The special trademark of population
living in this Ward is that
there are about 27 different
mountainous minority groups
In that 30% of the minorities
have been living locally
They are mainly the Kơho,
the Churu
and the minority groups migrating from
the provinces in the north freely moving south to make a living
they live by farming and raising cattles
grow seasonal vegetables and plants
and as hired laborers.
Thus, they often do not have enough to eat
According to Ward's statistics,
the large number of poor and hungry
people are these minorities
Realizing that majority of them
are living a very hardship life
lacking the education,
underdeveloped skills
as well as the Christian faith
With the committed ministry to serve
and the obedience, the Dominican Sisters embarked on
continued the journey further and
deeper into the mountain
to reach these brothers and sisters
with the simple hope that
we can help with their lives and their faith
At the beginning
the Sisters often had to walk from
Tùng Nghĩa to many hamlets
At that time, it was not only far
but it was also a challenge to reach
the locations due to the muddy, slippery road conditions
caused by seasonal weather
Even in the face of these difficulties, the Dominican Sisters
never lose focus but instead they push themselves
they push themselves to make
more visiting trips as the time goes by
In 2003, the Dominican Sisters were
able to borrow a small thatched house
from the local villagers
in Can Mai
A village about 10 kilometers from
Tùng Nghĩa so some Sisters can move there
to live among and to be able to directly help them
With a place to call home, this group of Sisters
got familiar with and adapted to the daily life
The Sisters began expanding the services
for the villagers
Up to this date at this location
The Sisters are helping over 4000
brothers and sisters of the local 7 minority villages
including K'Nai, Rai Yon, Chi Rông A,
Chi Rông B, Gia Pá, Con Tắc Đạ, Đa Suy
Con Tắc Đạ, Đa Suy. With the donations from donors
the Dominican Sisters are currently
opening classes to teach
the minority children
in three different programs as follows:
The first is the loving class for minority kindergartens
including free meals
for children from 3 to 5 years old
Level I from 6 to 10 years old
And Level II
From 11 to 15 years old
the yearly cost for each child is
approximately 2 millions and 300 thousands in Vietnamese currency
Equivalent to $106 USD
The goals are First: to educate the children at the early age so that
when they grow up they will become useful
to their family, the Church and Society
Second: Help provide housing for the girls
From Level I to Level III,
Ages 6 to 18 years old
currently attending at the schools in Đức Trọng Ward
Because they have to travel very far
from their homes in the distance
of 15 to 20 kilometers by walking or bicycling
The Sisters provide food, shelters and
and school supplies so that
they can continue their higher education
The hope is once they finish, they can
return to their villages to help others in the future
The yearly expenses for each child is
approximately 3 millions and 650 thousands
in Vietnamese currency
Equivalent to $173 USD
Third: Provide scholarships to other children
There are 50 students receiving scholarships
The yearly cost for each scholarship is
$850 ngàn in Vietnamese currency
Equivalent to $40 USD
the purpose is to encourage the children
to continue their education, otherwise
they will drop out because the family is too poor to support
Dear Friends, as mentioned earlier
The reason we can carry out
these programs and missions is due to
the generous donations and support
from friends near and far like you
With the desire to journey and share
the hardship living conditions of these
peaceful indigenous brothers and sisters
as well as helping them to improve
their physical and spiritual well being
We, the Dominican Sisters ask for your prayers
your compassion, concerns and generosity
toward these poor brothers and sisters
who were born with many disadvantages
The Dominican Sisters would like to thank
all the donors who helped and continue
helping and providing the means for us
to educate, to raise the poor students
the children of K'nai village
and all other villages
that we are serving
We pray to the Lord to pour graces upon you and your family
"나 같아도 자리 비워"…이시언 악플을 대하는 '나혼자산다'의 자세 - Duration: 5:03.
野球ニュース - 槙原氏、今年の巨人打線に期待 一番嫌らしいのは「2番・坂本、3番・丸」 - Duration: 2:26.
初回1死満塁 打者ビヤヌエ の時、暴投で 還した丸(右 (撮影・森沢 ) 練習試合 巨 11―1サム ン(2019 2月16日 縄セルラー) 【槙原寛 CHECK 】2番に入っ 丸が3打席連 タイムリーな 6番のビヤヌ バは初回、イ ハイの真っす に詰まりなが 左越え二塁打
逆風じゃなか たらスタンド 入っていた。 戦力だけじゃ い。3年目を え、体に1本 が通った吉川 が3打席連続 打だ。 待が膨らむ今 の巨人打線。 国人を投手、 手2人ずつに るか投手3人 野手1人にす かを含め、い んなバリエー ョンが考えら るが、投手目 で見たら、こ 日の並びはそ 嫌じゃない
1、2番が左 3番以下は右 者。右が続け 、1球いい球 いったら同じ 道で投げ続け れる。左右ジ ザグなら一人 人軌道を変え ければならな 。疲れるのだ 私が対 するとして一 嫌なのは――
2番打者最強 にならって坂 勇を2番にし 丸は3番。1 から吉川尚、 本勇、丸、岡 と4番までジ ザグの打線だ 下位に亀井、 岡、阿部ら左 もう一枚挟め 、もっと嫌ら い打線になる
(スポニチ本 評論家k)
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