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For more infomation >> Vivo Carnival Sale 2019 | Latest Mobiles 2019 | Discount Offers On Mobiles 2019 - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Meghan Royals Es - Alexia Keglevich, CEO de Assist Card: "Nos acostumbramos a un dólar a $38 y lo p - Duration: 17:17.
Alexia Keglevich es la CEO global de Assist Card, la compañía de servicios de asistencia a viajeros que concentra más del 65% del mercado local y tiene una facturación de USD 220 millones, con presencia en 36 países
Se trata de una ex empresa familiar fundada por un húngaro, proveniente de una familia noble, que tuvo que escapar de su país durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial
En 2011, Assist Card fue vendida al holding estadounidense de seguros Starr Companies –por unos USD 70 millones, aunque la cifra nunca trascendió públicamente–, y Alexia, que había ingresado a la compañía como cadete a los 16, y era CEO desde 2000, continuó en ese puesto
"Somos la empresa líder en asistencia al viajero saliendo de commodity. Hace 30 años era sólo seguro de viaje, asistencia médica, seguro de equipaje, pérdida de documentos
Eso ya es commodity: pasaron cientos de empresas que hacían cosas similares. El desafío de ahora es ser diferentes; Internet dio vuelta el mercado
Somos un genérico: la gente busca más Assist Card en Google que la categoría", dice Keglevich en el estudio de Infobae
– ¿Cuánto facturan? – Este año estamos programando USD 220 millones. Tenemos operaciones en 36 países
Dimos servicios en Europa desde siempre, pero este año lanzamos la venta en España
Nunca habíamos entrado en un mercado tan maduro vendiendo servicios. – ¿Cuánto es esa cifra de ingresos comparada con la del año anterior? – Estamos siendo bastante conservadores, calculamos que un 15% más
Pero depende de cada país: Corea va a crecer 20%, Argentina está más conservadora, Chile y Brasil están más agresivos
– La base de la compañía está en la Argentina. ¿Cuánto impacta lo que pasa en el país en la operación global? – El mercado argentino se vio afectado en el segundo semestre
Los argentinos somos muy viajeros, nos gusta. Estamos habituados, lamentablemente, a estas devaluaciones: nos acostumbramos a un dólar a 38 o 40 y lo primero que queremos hacer es volver a viajar
Si bien los viajes son uno de los primeros indicadores que se caen con una devaluación, también son el primer rubro en levantarse con un poco de estabilidad
Argentina es el 20% de nuestra facturación, por lo tanto hay impacto. La devaluación, respecto de la inflación, todavía gana, por eso a nivel de costos el botton line de la compañía se vio beneficiado
Pudimos offsetear el efecto Argentina. – ¿Cómo evalúa la coyuntura económica local? – En febrero la veo mejor que en diciembre
Creo que lo peor ya pasó. Está costando, y esto lo digo más como ciudadana que como CEO
Este año de elecciones genera cierta incertidumbre, pero estamos mejor, encaminados
Soy muy crítica de la sociedad argentina. – ¿En qué sentido? – Tenemos que dejar de quejarnos e involucrarnos
El tema de la informalidad de las economías es un gran tema que hay que abordar de verdad, y no desde la crítica
Tenemos que hacer lo que tenemos que hacer y no importa el estrato social en el que estamos
Trato de ser realista y ver las realidades de cerca. Los empresarios, y mucho más luego de los cuadernos, tendrían que hacer las cosas bien en lugar de criticar
Somos muy criticones, culturalmente. – ¿Hacer bien qué cosas, por ejemplo? – Los empresarios tenemos que hacernos cargo del poder que tenemos en nuestro círculo de influencia
Hay que ser coherentes y cuidadosos con los ejemplos que damos. En mi empresa trato de que los valores que se predican sean los que se aplican
Hay que ser auténtico y hacer el bien, trabajar más para ser mejores. – ¿Cómo ve el 2019 para el negocio? – Lo veo con mucho crecimiento en los países andinos
Apostamos mucho a México, Colombia, Perú y Chile. También Brasil y el mercado español
Comenzamos a vender online en EEUU, un mercado muy interesante al que abordamos de una manera no convencional, no de manera física
Estamos en la industria correcta: el de los viajes es un sector pujante y en crecimiento, más allá de las crisis
Además, en los mercados emergentes los viajeros están empezando a descubrir este mundo ahora
– ¿Qué porcentaje de los viajeros contrata servicios de asistencia? – En EEUU y Europa el 100% viaja con un seguro, o varios
En la región el mercado más penetrado es la Argentina, con 80%. México es lo opuesto: 90% viaja sin servicio
Es una locura. Yo acabo de venir de EEUU, hace 15 días, y me tuve que hacer dos radiografías de tobillo en una sala de emergencias y el precio era de USD 2
300. El latino aún piensa que no le va a pasar nada. – ¿Es por eso o es caro? – El servicio es baratísimo
Podés estar tranquilo y asegurado por todo el año, por todos los viajes que hagas, por USD 150
Hay un mal concepto de que el producto es caro. – ¿Y eso culpa de quién es? – De una idea antigua con la que se posicionaron estas empresas y otras hace unas década: "Caro, pero el mejor"
Los CEO de estos años tenemos que acostumbrarnos a bajar márgenes. La omnicanalidad te obliga a ser muy competitivo y a estar despierto e invertir
El mercado exige precio y calidad. Hay que ser barato y bueno. – ¿Qué porcentaje tiene del negocio en el país? – Por arriba del 65 por ciento
Hay muchos jugadores, pero entran y salen. Eso es por Internet también, que te pone a la misma altura de cualquiera
Alguien abre en su garage, pone plata en Google y te compite en esa plataforma. Pero cuando no das un servicio excelente entrás y salís muy rápido
Tenemos empresas con las competimos por nicho, pero no hay una en la región que cubra todos los canales
Una empresa familiar "Haberme ido a los 25 años de la empresa familiar fue una de las decisiones más difíciles y mejores que tomé en mi vida", cuenta Keglevich
Luego de varios años en la empresa –entró a los 16, cuando la empresa tenía 15 años, como office girl– y de haber aportado a la expansión global abriendo mercados en el sudeste asiático, esta relacionista pública de la UADE con MBA en el IAE, decidió dejar la compañía de su padre y buscar nuevos destinos
"A mí lo que me gustaba era el marketing y me metí con eso a comienzos de los '90
Ahora soy CEO y también al directora de marketing, lo que más me gusta. Me fui por unos temitas familiares, lo que suele pasar en este tipo de empresa", asegura para definir la habituales tensiones que suele haber en los negocios familiares, mucho más con un padre de carácter que era el corazón de la compañía
El conde Nicolás Keglevich nació en Hungría, desde donde tuvo que salir luego de la invasión rusa, en la Segunda Guerra
Es parte de una familia noble –"con castillos y demás", detalla Alexia–, que perdió todo
Con apenas seis años, y junto a su hermana de siete, vivió primero en un campo de refugiados en Bélgica y luego en otros puntos de Europa
Finalmente, se volvió a encontrar con su familia y viajó a América Latina, a Puerto Alegre, en Brasil
"Acá terminó el colegio secundario y por eso sabe las cuentas de multiplicar en francés y las cuentas más difíciles en portugués
Le costó bastante salir adelante. Empezó a vender fondos de inversión y volvió a Europa, a Suiza, y allí armó la compañía
Pero por cuestiones de amor volvió a Argentina y en ese momento comenzó la expansión fuerte de la empresa desde América del Sur", describe su hija
– Terminó volviendo a la compañía. ¿Por qué? – Pensé que iba a ser más fácil. Hablaba cinco idiomas, tenía experiencia y creí que cualquiera me iba a dar trabajo
Pero no, había muchos prejuicios. Al final entré al Banco Río y fue una experiencia espectacular, con la compra de Santander en el medio
Estaba en un gran momento y mi padre me llamó en el 2000. La sangre tiró y volví
Pero se cayeron las Torres Gemelas, el mercado de viajes se paralizó, llegó la crisis local y hubo que reinventar la compañía
– ¿Qué hicieron? – Es un caso de estudio del IAE. Hubo que repensar todo. Sabíamos que los viajes iban a seguir, sobre todo los corporativos
Se me ocurrió lanzar un 2×1 y mi padre me dijo que estaba loca, que iba a terminar de fundir la compañía
Nos quedamos con el 100% del mercado. – En 2011 decidieron vender la compañía. – Es un proceso que en algún momento muchas empresas familiares se plantean
Fue muy complicado. La empresa era 100% de mi padre: un fundador no es lo mismo que un accionista
– ¿Por qué vendió? – Creo que fueron dos motivos, uno un poco más oculto que el otro
Un buen líder sabe que la empresa debe seguir y eso requiere de mucha madurez y de poco ego
Las compañías tienen que pasar a segundo nivel y ahí está la grandeza del fundador
Y en empresas familiares la sucesión es algo muy complicado, de eso no se habla mucho
Vender es una salida elegante que alivia mucho las emociones: lo decide otro. – ¿Cómo fue el proceso? – Yo estuve 100% involucrada y duró un año y medio
Me encargué de los management presentation y viajé para presentar la compañía en muchos mercados
Tuvimos la suerte de poder elegir quién iba ser el próximo accionista. – ¿Habla con su padre de la compañía? – Si… pero hay una muralla china en el medio (risas)
Hace siete años que no está: hablamos, me pregunta. Además, no vive más en el país
– ¿Qué cree que opina de su gestión al frente de la empresa que fundó? – Creo que está contento
Muchas veces se sorprende. El legado está bien cuidado. Seguí leyendo: Reunión en Hacienda: los bancos privados le pidieron al Gobierno apurar las reformas estructurales Nuevos aumentos en el transporte: cuánto cuesta viajar en subtes, trenes y colectivos desde hoy
Actualité TV - Audiences TV : Astérix, le domaine des dieux propulse M6 sur la première marche du p - Duration: 2:46.
ApaYaa2nd vs Klmax (Battle Animation) | Growtopia ft.Klmax - Duration: 2:29.
폭.행·배임 의.혹 손석희 JTBC 대표이사 경찰 출석 - Duration: 2:01.
2019/2/16 15:31 (608嘉義縣水上鄉中山路二段897號) - Duration: 6:13.
中國中央突然下了s命令,醫療系統大地震! - Duration: 5:22.
大家在網上看病將變得更方便了! 廣東這一創舉
國務院常務會議就已發出號令: 要發展「網際網路+醫療健康」措施
從廣州到全國的醫院變革打響了! 網際網路
最關切的東西:健康! 要知道
更害怕負擔不起昂貴的醫藥費! 然而
在杭州正式落戶! 何為「刷臉就能看病」?顧名思義
而是把刷臉融入到了醫院的每一個診室! 進入診室之後
正在患者送上健康的福音! 最近
準確率超過90%; 在肺結節方面
「亂診斷」等現象煙消雲散! 是的
而這恰恰是有遠見的企業家可以挖掘的巨大金礦: 2020年
BENDY V MINECRAFTU!!! ✒️ | ZLÁ ALICE ANGEL MÁLEM UMUČILA IKONA K SMRTI?! 😳💀 /w Ikonova Videa - Duration: 14:09.
Háčkovaná vesta/Crocheted Vest (english subtitles) - Duration: 49:03.
Welcome to another video from Le Crochet Monique!
Today, we're gonna start to crochet
this fabulous boy vest.
Width of the vest - 35 cm
and lenght of the vest - 55 cm.
If you need wider
or narrower size,
add or remove the number of rows in the ribbing.
Number of rows in the ribbing must be multiple of 3 + 1.
It's for the pattern of the vest.
If you need longer,
or shorter,
repeat more or less the basic pattern,
as needed.
I've chosen this yarn, because I love this colour combination.
It's NAKO yarn,
this skein has 100 g cca 210 m.
I used 250 g of this yarn
it's 525 m.
There is 4 mm crochet hook recommended,
but the test pattern was very hard.
So, I used 5 mm crochet hook for a ribbing
and 6mm crochet hook for a vest.
Next, we'll need a pair of scissors,
the yarn needle,
and some stitch markers.
Let's crochet!
Take your yarn and crochet hook,
start with the 5 mm crochet hook.
Make a slip knot.
ch1 (not counted as a st),
1sc into second ch from the hook,
sc to the end. (10sc)
Ch1 and turn.
Row 1: 1 FPsc into each st to the end (10)
Ch1 and turn.
Row 2: 1 FPsc into each st to the end (10)
Row 3 - 67: 1 FPsc into each st to the end (10)
Ch1 and turn.
1 FPsc into each st to the end (10) We'll need 67 rows.
67 rows is done.
Now, take your 6 mm crochet hook.
Row1: Ch1 (not counted as a st),
1sc into same st.
1sc into next st,
1sc into next st,
1sc int each st to the end (67sc).
1sc into last st.
We must have 67sc.
Row 2:
Ch1 and turn.
1sc into first st,
skip 2 sts and 1sc into next st.
skip 2 sts and 1sc into next st.
Repeat to the end.
1sc into last st.
Row 2 is done.
Row 3:
Ch3 (counts as first dc) and turn,
2dc into first ch sp,
1FPdc into next st,
2dc into next ch sp,
1FPdc into next st,
2dc into next ch sp,
1FPdc into next st
and repeat to the end.
1FPdc into next st,
2dc into last ch sp
and 1dc into last st.
2 rows from a pattern are done.
Now, we'll repeat these 2 rows from a pattern 14 times.
We must have 15 times basic pattern.
Row 4:
Ch1 and turn.
1sc into first st,
skip 2 sts and 1sc into next st.
And repeat:
ch2 and skip 2sts, 1sc into next st.
And continue... in next row with dc.
I repeat again:
Repeat Row 2 and 3 - 14times (15x pattern)
15x pattern is done.
Fasten off.
Join the yarn from wrong side
into 7th st
with slip knot.
Ch1 (not counted as a st),
sc into same st.
And repeat: ch2,
skip 2 sts and 1sc into next st.
Make 18 times this way.
6 sts left.
And continue...
Ch3 and turn.
Continue with a pattern 9 times.
Pattern is 9 times done
and we'll make pattern onother one
with shape shoulders.
sc into first st,
ch2, skip 2sts,
sc into next st,
5x pattern in this row is done.
Ch3 and turn,
2dc into ch sp,
FPdc into next st,
Repeat to the end.
... and 1dc into last st.
Fasten off.
Other side.
Join the yarn into fift of the pattern,
into this FPdc from previous row
with slip knot.
Ch1 and sc into same st.
ch2, skip 2sts,
sc into next st.
Repeat to the end. into last st.
Ch3 and turn.
2dc into ch sp,
FPdc into next st.
Repeat to the end.
... 1dc into last st.
Fasten off.
And the back part is done.
Front part: Make the front part same way like back part,
but make the ribbing
and 15x a basic pattern.
Next time for shape armholes like a back part.
Right Front: Shape neck:
If you done ribbing,
15 times a basic pattern,
and 1 time pattern with shape armholes,
now we'll make the right front.
Put in the stitch marker into middle of this row.
This FPdc is in the middle of this row.
Ch1 and 1sc into first st,
and continue with the pattern until you reach the stitch marker.
We came to the stitch marker.
Last sc.
(count as first unfinished dc)
and we'll make 3dc tog.
This is first unfinished dc,
second unfinished dc,
and third unfinished dc,
YO and draw through all loops on the hook.
This is 3dc tog.
FPdc into next st,
continue with a pattern to the end.
...and last dc.
Ch1 and turn.
1sc into same stitch and continue until you reach this FPdc.
We came this, make sc into this st,
and sc into last st.
Ch2 (counts as first unfinished dc) and turn.
This is first unfinished dc,
this is second unfinished dc,
and third unfinished dc,
YO and draw through all loops on the hook.
1dc into same ch sp,
and continue with a pattern to the end.
1dc into last st.
Ch1 and turn.
And on this side we'll make a pattern
until you reach this FPdc.
We came to this, make sc into last FPdc from previous row,
1sc into next 2sts.
Ch2 and turn.
This is first unfinished dc,
and third
YO and draw through all loops on the hook.
2dc into first ch sp,
continue with a pattern to the end.
1dc into last st.
Ch1 and turn.
Continue with a pattern to the end.
Ch2, skip 2sts,
1sc into last st.
Ch2 and turn.
And now you can repeat this segment with 3dc tog on the start.
So, this is first unfinished dc,
and draw through all loops on the hook.
1FPdc into next st
and continue next
same way, but 5 of these squares must remain on the shoulder.
6times pattern is done
and these 5 squares remained on the shoulder with last FPdc.
Now, continue with a pattern 3times.
We came to the end,
now we have done 10times pattern from this part.
Fasten off.
LeftFront: Shape neck:
Start on a wrong side
and from the stitch marker.
Join the yarn with slip knot.
Ch1 and 1sc into same st.
Continue with a pattern to the end.
1sc into last st.
Ch3 (counts as first dc) and turn.
... and continue...
... we came to this stitch.
1FP dc into next st
and we will do it here 3dc tog.
So, 1FPdc into next st.
3dc tog.
Ch1 and turn.
Sc into same st.
Sc into next st.
And continue: ch2, skip 2st and sc into next st.
Ch3 (counts as first dc) and turn.
and continue to this FPdc.
FPdc into next st.
1dc into next ch sp.
3dc tog.
Ch1 and turn.
1sc into first st.
1sc into next 2sts.
And continue...
.... 2dc into ch sp.
3dc tog.
Ch1 and turn.
1sc into first st.
We have done this pattern 3x
like on the other side.
And now you can repeat this segment.
Then make this part with 5 squares.
Must be 10x the pattern.
...and done.
Sew right and left shoulder seam.
Follow the video.
Follow the video.
Sew side seam.
Follow the video.
Join the yarn at the bottom of armhole with slip knot.
Ch3 (counts as first dc),
1dc into next 6sts.
Now, we'll do this side section.
Make 1dc into sc,
1dc into ch sp (or dc),
1dc into top of dc.
And repeat... (follow the video)
We came to the top of the armhole.
On this side section we have 37dc.
Front section:
1dc into top of dc,
1dc into ch sp (or dc),
1dc into sc.
Repeat to the end. (again 37dc on this side)
We came to this place,
1dc into 7sts.
37dc + 37 dc.
Join with a ss into top of beginning ch-3.
Ch2 (count as first BPdc),
1FPdc into next st,
1BPdc into next st.
Repeat to the end.
Join with a ss into top of beginning ch-2.
Repeat one more time.
Together 3 rounds.
Make the second armbands the same way. (together 3 rounds)
Start with 5 mm crochet hook.
Join the yarn at the back side in the middle.
Into this stitch with slip knot.
Ch1 (not counted as a st),
sc into same st,
sc into each st to this place... into next st,
sc into this st,
skip this st,
sc into ch sp (or dc),
sc into sc,
sc into top of dc,
sc into ch sp (or dc),
sc into sc.
sc into top of dc,
sc into ch sp (or dc),
sc into sc.
Now we have done 39sc + 1sc (first).
3sc tog.
Continue on the other side.
Sc into top of dc,
sc into sc.
And again : sc into ch sp (or dc),
sc into top of dc,
sc into sc.
Repeat to the end.
Must be 39sc on this side.
Sc into ch sp (or dc),
sc on the top of dc,
sc int the top of dc,
sc on the ch sp (or dc).
Skip this st.
Sc into this FPdc,
Put in the stitch marker into last st.
Don't connect, but go on around.
And put in the stitch marker into this st.
Continue round 2.
1sc into each st up to the second one before the first stitch marker.
We came to this st.
Make 3sc tog.
Put in the stitch marker.
Continue 1sc into each st to the end.
Sc into last st.
Round 3: 1sc into each st up to the second one before the first stitch marker.
Make 3sc tog.
1sc into each st to the end.
Sc into last st
and ss into next st.
Fasten off.
Weave in this end.
And it's finished.
You can use a 5mm crochet hook on this part.
Don't forget weave in the ends.
... and done.
If you liked the video, don't forget to LIKE it,
as it is always nice to see some appreciation.
Also, don't forget to click on SUBSCRIBE button,
so you won't miss anything from my creative workshop of Le Crochet Monique.
See you next time with another video of some interesting crochet project!
Harry regrette son mariage, la plus grosse erreur de ma vie - Duration: 1:31.
PCSO LOTTO RESULT 4PM FEB 16 2019 | SATURDAY - Duration: 3:25.
Good day! Here are the results of the Lotto draws this morning, 4 pm Feb 16 2019
As an important reminder, please do not share or entrust your tickets
and you must be at least 18 years old to play the lottery
EZ2 Lotto 4pm Feb 16 2019
Suertres 4pm Feb 16 2019
Pares 4pm Feb 16 2019 Swe3 4pm Feb 16 2019 2 Digits 4pm Feb 16 2019
Congratulations to all the winner!
Wah! Pertama Kali Buat Saya, Kalian Pernah Seperti Ini? - Free Fire Indonesia Gameplay #34 Dewa-D - Duration: 10:32.
hello friends
Getnode Masternodes kurz erklärt - Duration: 6:46.
【巨人】丸、中島、炭谷、ビヤヌエバ!大補強の新戦力組4人そろって快音 - Duration: 2:18.
サムスンとの練習試 に大勝しナインを迎 る原辰徳監督(右か 3人目)(左から) 原拓也、小林誠司、 田恋、坂本勇人、岡 和真、ひとり置いて 村禎章打撃総合コー 、元木大介内野守備 打撃コーチ 練習試合 巨人11 1サムスン(16日 那覇) 巨人は1 日、韓国サムスンと 練習試合(那覇)で 4安打11得点で大 した
日本一奪回へオ に大補強した原巨人 広島からFA移籍し 丸はこの日「2番・ 堅」で3打数3安打 打点。オリックスか 移籍の中島は「8番 一塁」で4回に中前 時打を放って1安打 打点
西武からFA移籍の 谷は「9番・捕手」 初打席に中前安打を ち1打数1安打。昨 パドレスでメジャー 0発のビヤヌエバは 6番・指名打者」で 回に左翼フェンス直 の2点二塁打を放っ
破壊力の増した 線で快勝の原監督は 悪くはないですね」 うなずき、2番丸が 能したことについて 「最善策の中で、と うくらいで。それは たちが言うのではな て、逆に記者の人た がどうだったかとい のをね
どういうふうに見ら たのかというところ いいんじゃないでし うか」と笑顔だった
The top 10 richest football club owners revealed - Duration: 6:28.
There are five Premier League chiefs in the list of the top 10 richest owners in world football
But somewhat surprisingly, Manchester City boss Sheikh Mansour is not at the top of the tree
However, the money invested into Manchester City has been mammoth - so much so, that by January 2018, they had a bigger annual spend on their defence than 52 actual countries
City are not the only ones to have substantial investment pumped into their team, with clubs from around Europe and also the United States boasting billionaire backers
Here are the top 10 richest owners in world football. 10. Joe Lewis - Tottenham Hotspur - £3
8billion Despite their inactivity in the transfer market, Spurs certainly do not lack any financial backing
Owner Joe Lewis, one of the richest men in the UK, financed the reported £800million bill for the construction of Tottenham 's new stadium
9. Zhan Jindang - Inter Milan - £5.2billion A chinese billionaire who earned his fortune through Suning
com, one of China's largest appliance retailers and e-commerce companies, Jindang took over Inter Milan in 2016
His impact resulted in instant on-field success, as Inter improved from a seventh place finish in 2017 to 4th place and a return to the Champions League in 2018
8. Shahid Khan - Fulham - £5.4billion After watching his team suffer relegation during the season in which he bought the club, Khan has financed a return to the Premier League this season
He is not shy at making big decisions either, as he illustrated this season when he replaced manager Slavisa Jokanovic with Claudio Ranieri following a poor start to the season, after spending over £100million on 12 new players in the summer of 2018
7. Nasser Al-Khelaifi - PSG - £6.2billion Since becoming club president in 2011 when his Qatar Sports Investment company took control, Al-Khelaifi has helped guide Paris Saint-Germain to dizzy new heights, including five league titles and four Coupe de France crowns in the last six years
A combined £350million was spent over the last two summers to acquire the services of Neymar and Kylian Mbappe, both moves making up the top two most expensive transfers of all time
6. Stan Kroenke - Arsenal - £6.4billion Known as 'Silent Stan' throughout the Arsenal faithful, Stan Kroenke has a net worth that doesn't appear to add up with Unai Emery's transfer budget
Owner of Kroenke Sports and Entertainment, the American also owns NFL outfit the LA Rams, as well as the Gunners, whom he became majority shareholder of in 2011
5. Roman Abramovich - Chelsea - £8.3billion Arguably the man who transformed Chelsea from a Premier League side to a European giant, Roman Abramovich took over the West London club in June 2003
By 2006, Chelsea had won consecutive Premier League titles, two more than they had when Abramovich took over
In terms of Chelsea fans, Abramovich has proven it is possible to buy happiness
4. Philip Anschutz - LA Galaxy - £10billion A recipient of National Soccer Hall of Fame Medal of Honour for his contributions to the growth of football in the United States, Anschutz is owner of MLS side LA Galaxy
The signings of David Beckham, Steven Gerrard and Zlatan Ibrahimovic outline his ambition for the club, who have won the MLS Cup on five occasions
3. The Agnelli family - Juventus - £10.4billion Having owned Serie A side Juventus since 1947, the Agnelli family owning Juventus is reportedly the longest running sporting dynasty in Italy
Despite their fortune, Juventus have garnered a reputation for smart transfer dealings, signing Andrea Pirlo, Dani Alves and Paul Pogba on free transfers in recent years
2. Sheikh Mansour - Manchester City - £17billion Historically the ugly duckling of the two Manchester clubs, Manchester City have gone onto win three Premier League titles this decade and have an annual defence spending greater than 52 countries since the purchase of the club by Mansour in 2008
City Football Group are also contributing hugely to the surge in popularity of the MLS, founding New York City FC in 2015, who have since signed David Villa, Andrea Pirlo and Frank Lampard
While Mansour's value is only £17billion, the Mansour family have an estimated worth of close to £1trillion
1. Dietrich Mateschitz - New York Red Bulls - £17.8billion Co-founder of the Red Bull energy drink company, Mateschitz is heavily involved in a number of sports, as well as the New York Red Bulls
Originally the New York Metrostars, Mateschitz bought and rebranded the team, which has gone onto win the Eastern conference five times since his arrival
The top 10 richest football club owners revealed - Duration: 6:12.
There are five Premier League chiefs in the list of the top 10 richest owners in world football
But somewhat surprisingly, Manchester City boss Sheikh Mansour is not at the top of the tree
However, the money invested into Manchester City has been mammoth - so much so, that by January 2018, they had a bigger annual spend on their defence than 52 actual countries
City are not the only ones to have substantial investment pumped into their team, with clubs from around Europe and also the United States boasting billionaire backers
Here are the top 10 richest owners in world football. 10. Joe Lewis - Tottenham Hotspur - £3
8billion Despite their inactivity in the transfer market, Spurs certainly do not lack any financial backing
Owner Joe Lewis, one of the richest men in the UK, financed the reported £800million bill for the construction of Tottenham 's new stadium
9. Zhan Jindang - Inter Milan - £5.2billion A chinese billionaire who earned his fortune through Suning
com, one of China's largest appliance retailers and e-commerce companies, Jindang took over Inter Milan in 2016
His impact resulted in instant on-field success, as Inter improved from a seventh place finish in 2017 to 4th place and a return to the Champions League in 2018
8. Shahid Khan - Fulham - £5.4billion After watching his team suffer relegation during the season in which he bought the club, Khan has financed a return to the Premier League this season
He is not shy at making big decisions either, as he illustrated this season when he replaced manager Slavisa Jokanovic with Claudio Ranieri following a poor start to the season, after spending over £100million on 12 new players in the summer of 2018
7. Nasser Al-Khelaifi - PSG - £6.2billion Since becoming club president in 2011 when his Qatar Sports Investment company took control, Al-Khelaifi has helped guide Paris Saint-Germain to dizzy new heights, including five league titles and four Coupe de France crowns in the last six years
A combined £350million was spent over the last two summers to acquire the services of Neymar and Kylian Mbappe, both moves making up the top two most expensive transfers of all time
6. Stan Kroenke - Arsenal - £6.4billion Known as 'Silent Stan' throughout the Arsenal faithful, Stan Kroenke has a net worth that doesn't appear to add up with Unai Emery's transfer budget
Owner of Kroenke Sports and Entertainment, the American also owns NFL outfit the LA Rams, as well as the Gunners, whom he became majority shareholder of in 2011
5. Roman Abramovich - Chelsea - £8.3billion Arguably the man who transformed Chelsea from a Premier League side to a European giant, Roman Abramovich took over the West London club in June 2003
By 2006, Chelsea had won consecutive Premier League titles, two more than they had when Abramovich took over
In terms of Chelsea fans, Abramovich has proven it is possible to buy happiness
4. Philip Anschutz - LA Galaxy - £10billion A recipient of National Soccer Hall of Fame Medal of Honour for his contributions to the growth of football in the United States, Anschutz is owner of MLS side LA Galaxy
The signings of David Beckham, Steven Gerrard and Zlatan Ibrahimovic outline his ambition for the club, who have won the MLS Cup on five occasions
3. The Agnelli family - Juventus - £10.4billion Having owned Serie A side Juventus since 1947, the Agnelli family owning Juventus is reportedly the longest running sporting dynasty in Italy
Despite their fortune, Juventus have garnered a reputation for smart transfer dealings, signing Andrea Pirlo, Dani Alves and Paul Pogba on free transfers in recent years
2. Sheikh Mansour - Manchester City - £17billion Historically the ugly duckling of the two Manchester clubs, Manchester City have gone onto win three Premier League titles this decade and have an annual defence spending greater than 52 countries since the purchase of the club by Mansour in 2008
City Football Group are also contributing hugely to the surge in popularity of the MLS, founding New York City FC in 2015, who have since signed David Villa, Andrea Pirlo and Frank Lampard
While Mansour's value is only £17billion, the Mansour family have an estimated worth of close to £1trillion
1. Dietrich Mateschitz - New York Red Bulls - £17.8billion Co-founder of the Red Bull energy drink company, Mateschitz is heavily involved in a number of sports, as well as the New York Red Bulls
Originally the New York Metrostars, Mateschitz bought and rebranded the team, which has gone onto win the Eastern conference five times since his arrival
Haïti: des manifestants brûlent un drapeau américain - Duration: 4:48.
États-Unis : cinq morts et plusieurs policiers blessés dans une fusillade - Duration: 7:42.
Haïti: des manifestants brûlent un drapeau américain - Duration: 4:49.
Macron instaure une journée d'« hommage aux victimes du terrorisme » - Duration: 2:31.
Les "gilets jaunes" de retour dans la rue pour les trois mois du mouvement - Duration: 7:34.
Cédric Villani : « Macron reçoit des coups et ça lui réussit plutôt bien » - Duration: 18:36.
Harry regrette son mariage, la plus grosse erreur de ma vie - Duration: 1:31.
Land Rover Range Rover Velar 3.0 V6 AWD D 300pk R-Dynamic, ACC, Cruise, HUD, Leder, LED, Navi, Panor - Duration: 1:16.
Roadtrip Süd Tirol 04 - Planlos in den Süden (Lago d'Idro, Sentiero attrezzato Cascate)(engl sub) - Duration: 13:44.
There they flee
I am the one who gave you food previously
You do not need to run away
There was a frog
Yes, every good time has an end We had a very good time in this cottage
Was really nice with the people Could not do great English & German
But we can comunicate in such ways
That was very interesting Now I'll show you this again
it's a really nice place
But it was not cheap 70 € the night
In the beginning, they said something about 35 but that was then per person
Of course we did not check that but that's it
Was a nice location in any case here in this beautiful valley you have already seen the pictures
From here we say goodbye and continue driving south
I think we want to go to Lago d'Idro now
And maybe we can go for a swim, let's see how the water is
Now we have arrived at this Lago d'Idro and yes, now it is getting cloudy
Right now we do not know ... Besides, it will probably be no more for bathing
Here we have just 14 ° C
From that
Well the sun is shining from that it's OK, but it's probably nothing for bathing
Now we have just seen such a fortress up here now let's see what this is Maybe there are some infos on it
There is quite a lot of Punti interest here Oh
Was just a Military point or something?
Well you should have booked before the sign says 'book your visit'
That's why anything is closed but we probably would not have looked at it anyway
Yes, so military stuff does not really interest us
Yes, everything was military It's barracks, battery, ammunition dumps of various battalions and what do I know
Well I think we are driving now direction Bergamo
We wanted to go there for a while
and wanted to look at it Since we have seen a report on TV that should be quite nice
And now we want to check that for ourselves
Yes, maybe we'll see each other from there but in between there will certainly be one or the other
Now we are still here Somehow we are a bit haphazard
Because we did not really plan the whole holiday
But now we have such a small via ferrata here
Where it goes to a few waterfalls again This is the Sentiero della Cascate
Let's take a look
Oh, there is even a little Madonna inside
Isn't that easy to find the way
Now we went completely wrong because we thought a bridge there we have to go over it but here it's the right path up
And even higher
Here are the first wires Now let's see if we have to put on a harness or if it works like that
Well let's check it out, right?
Well To come down the stairs they make an insurance
Not bad
But over there it goes up
Let's see if we need something there
Yes and usually Normally, there should be a waterfall
But I think we are here end of season
That's why there is not so much
And these are rivers that are not fed by the glacier, so they do not run all year round
You know that from Spain, Thailand everywhere where they got low season
But here are nice little pumps
Yes, then we keep going up
And then there's the next one
Yes cool There again a bridge
Despite too less water that is quite an interesting trail
They could have saved the bridge everything is away here
So you make a lot of altitude here
Straight uphill the gorge the whole time
I mean that's not just slight slope that's extreme uphill
There you can going on up to the top of the mountain
Something about 1000m
But I do not know if I can do that to Steffi again today
This should be really great now right?
So you can already see where the water should be coming down
But not today
You see so very small rivulets are dripping down but
Yes, you have to come here in spring
We just finishing the round trip and then we just keep looking
Aufi Aufi Aufi
I'm curious what the app says how many meters we did
So what's up? Now we have reached the highest point
Now we could have gone further on the Pico Coco What do I know
But that was again 600 meters in altitude
Yes, that's why it's going down now
Back down where we came from
Conclusion to the via ferrata mh very funny to go
But we have could let the safety stuff in the car
That was so easy It was not worth mentioning that this is a via ferrata
It was just a special hike
The only thing I hope now is that you had at least a nice view
to the valley and to the lake and stuff
Because until now everything was in the middle of the forest
So that would be nice
Hehey the 1st hole you find where you can have a look but now we are pretty far down again
That one does not have such a nice overview
But still
So now we took a little walk at the lake down here
Back quite there There we come from
We're probably looking for a supermarket now
and then we will drive to the accommodation which we picked out on Booking
Should be something as cute as in Temu where we had this wine barrel
From that I'm already a bit curious
I'm looking forward too See you there
The knuckles are called Stinco Is not that funny
We even discovered something There are lion eggs here
The same picture as on what was it milk
Now we are here at the new accommodation There it is
It seems like an old caravan which he has rebuilt
Now we have not met him yet, we just arrived & somehow no one is here
But the two popping guys behind us It's just too cool
But the sun is really nice up here
Maybe not for long, but after all
That's the yard
That looks really good here now the mood is just really cool with the sun
So now let's have a look inside
This is so cute
There is probably the toilet
squat toilet no
Kitchen and the bed
Yes simple but suitable
We'll make some food first and then maybe you'll see something tomorrow morning in any case
The funny thing is these are both males
Charlène de Monaco rattrapée par son passé, un nouveau nez pour la Saint-Valentin - Duration: 1:19.
recette TARTELETTES SAINT-HONORE CHOCOLAT / Chocolate saint-honoré tartlets (EN subs) - Duration: 10:08.
Hi everyone ! I hope you're fine ! You are on "Les plaisirs sucrés d'Antoine
today I take you to the chocolate and caramel world with these saint honoré tartlets
they are made of a shortcrust pastry filled with salted caramel
a chocolate creamy and creamy filled choux
and a chocolate ganache
I pull on my apron and I show you the recipe
I start by making my chocolate creamy because it has to rest in the fridge few hours
you'll need these ingredients
150g of 30% heavy cream 150g of unskimmed milk
30g of sugar
3 egg yolks
115g of couverture 70% dark chocolat
I start by melting the chocolate with microwave
when it's melted I leave it aside
and I make a custard
I first mix the egg yolks with the sugar to make them creamy
once it's done I add the cream
and milk
and I heat it until it reaches 82°C stiring continuously
once it's at 82°C
I pour it in 3 times over the chocolate and stir between each additions
once it's done I put a cling film close to the cream
if you see that it's lumpy, you can blend the creamy
I advise you to make the creamy the day before so it can crystallize overnight and you use it the D-day
while the creamy rests in the fridge, I make the choux pastry
approx 400g of choux dough, I send you to my tutorial, you just have to divide the quantities by 2
I pipe 2 cm choux
I need at least 24
I bake them for 20 to 30 min at 180°C
after 25 min the choux are baked I let them cool down before filling
I can pipe the rest to make chouquettes or Paris-Brest
once the choux are cooling down I start the assembly with these elements
six 8 cm in diametre shortcrust pastry tart bottom
you can find the tutorial for the shortcrust pastry on my channel
I put the link in description box
and salted caramel, you can also find the tutorial on my channel, the link is in description box
the caramel is quite thick so I microwave it for 10 sec
it's now soft I drop it in a piping bag
and I pipe it on the tart bottom
once it's done, I put them 30 min in the fridge to get hard
after that I can
pipe some chocolate creamy
on top of the caramel until the top of the edge
I level with the palette knife
surround with your finger
and I put it all back in the fridge
when it's getting hard in the fridge I start filling the choux
I just took my creamy and caramel from the fridge
I drop it in a pastry bag and I fill the choux holed with a piping bag tip
I fill the choux, not too mush
I leave some place for the caramel
I then put some caramel
and I pipe some in each choux
I set it in the freezer for 15 min
once it's in the freezer I set the glaze ready, you'll need this element
approximately 200g of dark chocolate mirror glaze, you can find the tuto on my channel, I put the link in description box
I melt the glaze with the microwave until it reaches 37°C
it's now at 42°C, I wait for it to cool down at 37°C
it's now at 37°C, I take out the choux and glaze them
I do dive the choux upside down in the glaze
I let run
and I keep in the fridge until assembly
juste before starting the assembly, you just need to make this preparation
approximately 540g of dark chocolate ganache, you can find the tutorial on my channel, I put the link in description box
when the ganache is cold, I whisk it to make a whipped ganache
I drop it in my mixer
and i whisk it gently
when it's thick drop it in a piping bag fitted with a tip of your choice, I choose a french star tip
and I keep it in the fridge until I use it
I also advise you to make this ganache the day before, so it's ready to use the D-day
it's now time to finish the assembly of my saint-honoré tartlets
I start by piping the chocolate ganache
in the center of each tart
make a rose
I set 3 choux
on each
then between each choux I pipe some ganache
and to finish I pipe a rose on top
and I set a last chou
my new chocolate tartlets is now over
it's a video that gather few technics and basic recipes, I hop you'll find them on my channel
I hope you enjoyed this new recipe, If yes do not hesitate to like the video
to share it around you on your medias
to leave comments, i'll try my best to reply and to keep on subscribing to my channel because it make my very happy !
I'm also looking forward to seeing you on my Facebook ans Instagram accounts, the links are in description box
see you soon for a new recipe ! CIAO !
SKAM FRANCE EP.5 S3 : Samedi 9h17 - Combien de Lucas dans l'univers - Duration: 5:12.
-Am I your first?
-My first what?
-Your first boyfriend?
Alright, I'll take that as a yes.
-And you?
Oh, okay, alright.
What did you tell yourself, the first time you saw me at the common room?
-I told myself: "He has to be afraid of the dark!"
-I'm not fucking afraid of the dark!
How would you have reacted with a hot dude in a tunnel, with no light?
-The first time I saw you,
it wasn't at the common room.
It was in the hallway,
the first day I arrived.
I knew no one and I bumped into you and your friends.
You didn't see me.
But I did.
I only saw you, actually.
-What would you have done if I didn't come at the common room?
Or, like, if I took the bus before or after?
We might have never met.
-I admit, it's scary.
-In the end, it happened.
-You know, when I have a choice to make,
I always tell myself there are two paths to take.
I end up taking one because I have to decide eventually,
but I will never know what I missed by not taking the other one.
It makes me crazy.
-And don't you feel like you took the right path?
-Of course I do.
-When I make a choice,
I tell myself there are other Lucas in other parallel universes,
who took the other path.
Like that, between all the Lucas of all universes, we tried everything.
-What are they doing right now, the other Lucas?
-Right now? -Hm-m.
-Right now, there is a very fit Lucas
who is surfing a huge wave in Bali. -Alright.
-There is another one who is in a skyscraper in New York,
signing a big contract, like, millions of euros
with very angry Russians. -What tells you that your businessman Lucas
didn't climb up his tower and threw himself into the void?
Like, big burnout.
-But it's horrible!
You never thought about that?
-I don't really believe in it, I admit.
-Well, you're wrong.
You're wrong because there are tons of other Lucas and tons of other Eliotts,
in other parallel universes, who are together right now.
Is it Lucille?
-Fuck, I'm screwed.
You know what? Eliott number 452 can go speak with her.
I'm staying here.
-Yeah? -Hm.
-Well, Lucas number 1 is very happy with that decision.
Le sandwich de Kaneki dans Tokyo Ghoul - Tokyo Ghoul Kaneki's ham sandwiches Recipe - Duration: 2:24.
Wah! Pertama Kali Buat Saya, Kalian Pernah Seperti Ini? - Free Fire Indonesia Gameplay #34 Dewa-D - Duration: 10:32.
hello friends
(EN/FR) A love letter to Hong Kong - Duration: 7:53.
中国の報道と反応:日本人男性が中国で1年間拘禁。 - Duration: 6:27.
Reports and reactions in China: Japanese men detained for one year in China. (Translated by
A Japanese who is an employee of ITOCHU Corporation
Contents that it is detained for one year due to spy acts
It is also reported in China quoting Kyodo News.
This man who used to work in Japan previously visited Guangzhou City,
It is detained in February last year as suspected of China's national security.
Although it is said that he was charged with the initial trial after being indicted, the judgment has not yet been announced,
I do not know what kind of behavior he was suspected of.
The Japanese Consulate General in Guangzhou said that the facts have been confirmed.
Chinese media refers to statistics of Japanese media,
Since 2015, many Japanese are said to have been detained in China for suspicion of spying.
The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs updates information on China on overseas safety website,
I urge Japanese people in China to take self-precaution measures.
It also said that the two Japanese are summarizing the reasons suspected of spying in China.
One is to take pictures of sensitive facilities with smartphones and others,
Another thing is to go to areas where entry is prohibited.
Chinese Foreign Affairs Division Hua Chunyi Deputy Press Bureau Director
"I hope that Japan will strengthen management and education to prevent recurrence of these incidents"
"Because indicted for spying, prosecution should have definitive proof."
Under Chinese law spy acts are punished by the greatest punishment.
We introduced Spy Act Prevention Act in November 2014,
It shows an attitude to clarify the legal definition of spy acts and severely punish them.
Article Source:
Chinese reaction
Many Japanese spies are in Japan,
Previously, there was one Japanese in the job of printing point and got information.
They have the same appearance as many Chinese, but there is a Japanese accent.
But they do not say they are doing spy jobs.
Taking care of Japan is necessary for Japan.
They are extremely vulgar, a bloody and brutal nation.
Even if Japan disappears it will not disappear from the hatred of my heart.
All of the Japanese damn it is terrible.
Let's defend it again.
We are gathering information for 10 years ahead.
You must be careful with the guys.
People need to be alert at any time because they do not reform skill.
From the end of World War II Japan has not stopped spying activity in China.
I must catch it with the US intelligence agency now.
It is famous that Japanese spies are all over the world,
A map of Japanese military confiscated at the time of the anti-Japan war
I was amazed as it was far more precise and wonderful than the one in the army.
Japan is dispatching so that many people will enter China for duties, training, etc.
There is no doubt that 90% has a spy purpose.
You must pay more attention to the acquired salesman.
You should examine it in more detail.
There are more Japanese who are spying in China.
Japan has not yet finished its investigation on the Chinese military.
If there are slight incidents, please deliver Dongfeng missile to Japan earlier!
The civilian security awareness of our country is not so strong.
Be sure to catch spies that harm China's security.
And you should make the necessary referee.
Do not forget the Japanese spying activity against China that was held in the anti-Japanese war era from the end of Qing Dynasty.
It will not disappear from my mind even though Waka is gone. You should kill a spy without fail.
Let's give a firm punishment for spies with Japanese nationality!
Comment Source:
The idea of Japanese editors
As it is unclear what the person being detained this time was specifically captured by the problem,
I can not say anything.
Taking pictures at places where photography is prohibited,
You can not escape anymore if you entered into a place where you can not go to restrain.
Especially if it is a place involving national secrets such as military, it can not be helped if it is severely punished.
I can not help excuses.
China is particularly strengthening penalties, but it is similar in other countries.
If there is a suspicious act, it will be caught and punished immediately.
If you are a gentle country you may be warned or confiscated,
It is not so in a sensitive sensitive country.
Those who were caught do not know what kind of consciousness they had with China,
It is presumed that it was inadvertent.
There is also information that it was not just a job and just a visit during a vacation.
True or false is not certain.
According to Japanese media,
Since I was engaged in Guangzhou City's linear underground project several years ago
It may be related to it.
I think there is a possibility that there is an obstacle if this is relevant.
The Chinese government can do it.
Chinese media
Although it is said that attention is being raised on the overseas safety website of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
It is not so noticeable,
It seems that attention to the situation like this time is not enough.
You should be careful about safety measures when going abroad.
Because it is a country you always go to, the idea of being okay may lead to a disaster.
In countries where freedom and human rights are not guaranteed, or countries where the military has strong power,
It means that more care is needed.
Thank you for your viewing.
If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.
Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.
If you do not mind registering to the channel would be greatly appreciated.
Chelsea player ratings: The 3 out of 10 flop and defender who gets a 4 - season so far - Duration: 7:50.
The Blues started the season well but they've tailed off since the beginning of December
They've recently been thumped by Bournemouth and Manchester City, but they're still in all four major competitions
With Manchester United up next in the FA Cup, Express Sport have done their best to rate the team's season so far
Kepa Arrizabalaga - 7 The Spaniard moved to Chelsea at the beginning of the season in a blockbuster world record move costing £72m
Since then he's largely been good for the Blues and hasn't made an outlandish mistakes
He's kept 11 clean sheets this season, conceding 29 goals.David Luiz - 6 Luiz has long been known as the Blues cult-hero, thanks to his adventurous style of play and his and luscious locks
But defensively, he has his off days, as highlighted against Tottenham earlier this season when thee Blues lost 3-0 at Wembley
Marcos Alonso - 4 It seems Alonso's best days at Chelsea are behind him. Not only is he defensively unreliable, his goals are also now drying up, last scoring against Arsenal in August
He's constantly found out of position and is lacking what he brought to the table last season
Antonio Rudiger - 8 Chelsea's only strong defensive mind in recent months. The German highlighted his dominance at the back during last season's FA Cup final victory over Manchester United
Since then he's gone from strength to strength and remains the club's best defender
Cesar Azpilicueta - 5 Not the season you'd expect from the Spaniard, who has also been found wanting at the back
Similarly to Alonso, his game may be in danger of being exploited by Maurizio Sarri's exposing system
Emerson - 5.5 The Brazilian hasn't made a great deal of appearances for Chelsea but impressed in Chelsea's win over Tottenham in the Carabao Cup semi final
He also scored against Liverpool in the same competition back in September. He may take over Alonso's left-backs duties sooner rather than later
Ruben Loftus-Cheek - 5.5 The England international has also found first-team football hard to come by, which seems in keeping with the majority of his career
He scored a hat-trick against BATE Borisov in the Europa League group stages, however
He's also notched against Fulham in the Premier League.Jorginho 3 The Italian started the season brilliantly, but since October, he's remained in the shadows at Stamford Bridge
Constantly finding himself outmuscled and outgunned in midfielder, the 26-year-old struggles to play long balls like his predecessor Cesc Fabregas
Jorginho has scored one goal this season and registered no assists.Mateo Kovacic - 4 The Croatian hasn't covered himself in glory during his time in west London
Tipped as a hot prospect when he was younger, he failed to make the grade at Real Madrid and was loaned to the Blues last summer
But after making an impressive debut against Arsenal, his form as dipped massively, and he hasn't scored a goal for the club
Ross Barkley - 6 The Evertonian has impressed on the whole for Chelsea but has had some rocky moments
He's scored four goals for the club this season, including an 96th minute equaliser against Manchester United
His big horror moment, though, came against Manchester City last week, practically gifting Sergio Aguero his second goal of the game in a 6-0 defeat
N'Golo Kante - 7 Kante has performed, pretty much, as well as he possibly can in a position he isn't used to playing
Sarri insists that he play further forward than Jorginho, and it's worked to some degree - the Frenchman has more goals this season than ever
But ultimately, Kante needs to be playing in defensive midfield, where he's won two Premier Leagues and a World Cup
Willian - 4.5 Although the Brazilian comes up with the odd moment of magic, he doesn't do it often
Willian has only scored three Premier League goals this season, having made 24 appearances
He also went on a run of two months without scoring.Pedro - 7 Pedro has been better than other attackers in this Chelsea team this season
He's already two goal away from his season-best tally of nine, and he works incredibly hard for Sarri, despite the clear problems in the team
The former Barcelona man has made 21 appearances for the Blues this season.Eden Hazard - 9 The Belgium seems to be having his best season at Chelsea, scoring 12 league goals
He's also got 10 assists to add to that, as well as his overall forward play. The 28-year-old has been linked with a move to Real Madrid in the summer and could be off when the window opens
Olivier Giroud - 4.5 The Frenchman has only scored one goal in the league this season, but does link up well with Eden Hazard
Giroud has done most of his goal-scoring in cup competitions, most notably the Europa League, where he's even scored a free-kick
Callum Hudson-Odoi - N/A Shown flashes of brilliance during his minimal showings this season
He was linked with a big move to Bayern Munich in January but the transfer never materialised
Gonzalo Higuain - N/A The Argentine signed from Juventus on loan in January and has scored two goals in three Premier League appearances
He has, however, also been involved in 4-0 and 6-0 drubbings to Bournemouth and Manchester City respectively
Meghan Markle's baby and Prince Louis ALREADY COMPETING against each other - shock betting - Duration: 2:48.
While Meghan and Prince Harry's firstborn is not due for several weeks and Kate and Prince William's youngest child hasn't even turned one yet, their education has already attracted the attention of gamblers
Online betting company Betfair has opened a market allowing punters to gamble on who, among the two children, will outperform the other in school
The bet, which asks who will get the highest GCSE grades, offers odds on either baby at 10/11
But the odds are likely to change as the two little royals grow up. Katie Baylis, PR manager at Betfair, told Express "The GSCE bet would have defined times when a result is known. "At this stage, we feel there are no factors of note which would make one child more or less likely to outperform each other and as such the betting reflects this
"This bet was something our traders went out with based on previous interest from punters who have requested similar markets in the past
" READ MORE: Meghan Markle's baby to GO BALD before Prince Louis? Punters are BETTING on it Punters will have to wait a fair amount of years before knowing whether they are winners or losers over this bet
But thanks to the Royal Family's keenness on revealing the school's achievements of its members, people betting on Prince Louis and the Sussexes' firstborn will eventually have an answer
Prince William outperformed his brother Harry in school, as he gained 12 GCSEs at Eton College in 1995 and three A-levels in 2000
The Duke of Cambridge received an A in Geography, which he later went on studying at university, another A in History of Art and a C in Biology
On the other hand, Prince Harry, who also studied at prestigious Eton College, gained 11 GSCEs and later a B in Art and a D in Geography
During his time at Eton, the now Duke of Sussex was House Captain of Games and represented the school at rugby, cricket and polo
He was also a member of the Combined Cadet Force, a youth organisation sponsored by the Ministry of Defence
Meghan and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, were both passionate about studying during their youth
Prince Louis's mother achieved 11 GSCEs in 1995 at St Andrew's School in Pangbourne and later got three A-levels, two As in Maths and Art and a B in English
She studied History of Arts at St Andrews University in Scotland, where she met her husband, Prince William
Meghan studied at Immaculate Heart High School and was known as a hard-working and focused student
American schools don't test students' education through GSCEs or A-level, but Meghan is believed to have shined in school as she gained the grades she needed to enter university
There she obtained a double major in Theatre and International Relations at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois
How do you know which Chiropractor to choose? - Duration: 2:35.
Meghan Royal - Meghan Markle : un de ses anciens films va être rediffusé à la télévision - Duration: 1:10.
Après avoir quitté sa vie d'actrice pour se consacrer à son mariage avec le prince Harry et sa nouvelle vie de château, Meghan Markle s'apprête à faire son grand retour sur le petit écran
Comme le rapporte The Hollywood Reporter, la société Artist Rights Distribution a récemment racheté les droits du téléfilm The Boys and Girls Guide to Getting Down (Le Guide de la lutte contre la déprime des garçons et des filles en français) et compte le rediffuser à la télévision américaine prochainement
Sorti en 2011, la duchesse de Sussex campait dans cette comédie signée Paul Sapiano le personnage de Dana, une fêtarde célibataire qui écume les boîtes de nuit de Los Angeles
A ses côtés, jouaient également Max Greenfield, alias Schmidt dans la série New Girl et Adam Pally, aperçu dans Happy Endings
Un retour à l'écran pour Meghan Markle qui ne manquera pas d'éveiller la nostalgie des fans de Suits, la série qui l'avait révélée aux yeux du monde et qu'elle a quitté en 2018
D'autant plus que, malgré ce qu'avaient annoncé les producteurs de la série, l'épouse du prince Harry ne compte pas reprendre son rôle de Rachel Zane, et ce même le temps d'un unique épisode
"Il n'est pas prévu qu'elle retourne dans la série", avait ainsi assuré un proche de Meghan Markle à Harper's Bazaar, relayé par The Express en janvier dernier
Cette même source avait par ailleurs précisé que la série "n'a pas proposé à Meghan Markle de faire un don de plusieurs millions de dollars à une organisation caritative pour qu'elle revienne le temps d'un épisode"
Musical Mamma Mia! verlengd tot en met juli - Duration: 2:06.
Prise dans un scandale financier, Céline Dion répond à ses accusateurs -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 5:44.
Ce-ai făcut Raluca? Maurice Munteanu, siderat de momentul concurentei "Bravo, ai stil!", în Gala din - Duration: 3:14.
Louane brisée, ces douloureuses attaques qui lui font mal - Duration: 1:27.
Anti NASA Song - Dlaczego kłamiecie? (Napisy PL) - Duration: 4:07.
Mandy Moore turns to music with the help of husband Taylor Goldsmith amid Ryan Adams allegations D - Duration: 6:16.
Mandy Moore turns to music with the help of husband Taylor Goldsmith amid Ryan Adams allegations D
Mandy Moore finds herself linked to a scandal involving her ex husband Ryan Adams.
Shes among seven women to accuse the Grammy winning musician of harassment and emotional abuse in a New York Times expose that was released on Wednesday.
With the horrid accusations about Adams looming, and a subsequent FBI inquiry opened into one of the cases involving an underage fan, Moore plans to turn back to one of the loves of her life: singing.
Ill be recording music during the This Is Us hiatus, she told reporters assembled at Paramount Studios last week.
New direction: Mandy Moore said she and her husband Taylor Goldsmith will record new songs during her hiatus from This Is Us; the announcement came days before the release of The New York Times article, in which Moore and six other women accused Ryan Adams of abuse
And it turns out she will be able to share her new musical projects with her new husband, Taylor Goldsmith, who happens to be the frontman for the folk rock band, Dawes.
Yes! With my husband! We have things written, ready to go, she said with excitement when asked about the project by .
Our hiatus starts soon, so Im getting ready to go in the studio.
Work and play together: Ill be recording music during the This Is Us hiatus... we have things written, ready to go, she told reporters assembled at Paramount Studios last week
Some This Is Us fans are likely to be familiar with some of Goldsmiths work.
He co wrote the song, Invisible Ink, for the season three episode titled Sometimes that was broadcast in November.
For her part, Moore sang the tune that included lyrics like: When the world goes on without me / Will I feel it take its toll? and Turns out all my mistakes were forgivable / And the time I spent lost was a sign that all the ink is invisible / If you give it, give it enough time.
One of the shows executive producers, Elizabeth Berger, said the couples chemistry, both on screen and off, has been undeniable.
They just absolutely love working together, and they find a lot of joy from it, she told . So we were just looking for the perfect fit.
Serious allegations: Moore was among seven women to accuse Adams of harassment and emotional abuse in a New York Times expose; she was married to the singer/songwriter from 2009 to 2016; the former couple are pictured together in Los Angeles in February 2012
The announcement of the couples new musical direction came less than a week before The New York Times article, in which Moore claimed Adams tried to take charge of her music career in 2010, one year after she married the singer/songwriter.
Moore said Adams discouraged her creatively, psychologically abused her, and in the process, stifled her career during what she called: a pivotal and potentially lucrative time — my entire mid to late 20s.
Music was a point of control for him, she told the newspaper of her ex husband, whom she split from in January 2015 following nearly six years of marriage. He would always tell me, Youre not a real musician, because you dont play an instrument.
Adams denied Moores claims through his lawyer, and said her characterization was completely inconsistent with his view of the relationship, and that he supported his ex wifes well deserved professional success.
Opening up: The 34 year old actress took to social media right after the Times article was published to reach out to her fans and the other women who have claimed abuse
The 34 year old actress took to social media right after the Times article was published to reach out to her fans and the other women who have claimed abuse.
Speaking your truth can be painful and triggering but its always worth it, she captioned along with a picture of herself.
My heart is with all women who have suffered any sort of trauma or abuse. You are seen and heard. sisterhoodforever
Many of seven women maintain Adams, 44, asserted his power in the music industry to exploit them, and in the process was manipulative, controlling an obsessive.
Among them is a now 20 year old woman named Ava who claimed Adams had sexual conversations with her, beginning when she was just 14 years old until she was 16.
The F.B.I. has since opened an inquiry into the alleged explicit communications with the underage fan.
Adams took to Twitter after the story broke on Wednesday.
I am not a perfect man and I have made many mistakes. To anyone I have ever hurt, however unintentionally, I apologize deeply and unreservedly.
He also added: But the picture that this article paints is upsettingly inaccurate. Some of its details are misrepresented; some are exaggerated; some are outright false. I would never have inappropriate interactions with someone I thought was underage. Period.
The fallout: The F.B.I has opened in inquiry into the allegations that Adams had sexual communications with an underage fan; he is pictured in October 2015
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川崎Fがまず1冠! ダミアン弾で浦和破りゼロックス初制覇《FUJI XEROX SUPER CUP 2019》 - Kyo News - Duration: 2:40.
Mobilização Articular do Ombro Capsulite Adesiva MAITLAND Clínica de Fisioterapia Dr. Robson Sitta - Duration: 4:08.
Vivo's iQoo Sub-Brand May Launch a Foldable Phone Soon, Purported Photos Leaked - Duration: 1:38.
Just a few days ago, Vivo unveiled its new sub-brand iQoo. The sub-brand is touted to keep its focus on futuristic premium products, and the first phone to launch under the Iqoo branding could be a foldable phone
Photos of the first alleged iQoo phone have been leaked on Weibo, and the pictures suggest that the device will be a foldable smartphone that converts into a tablet when unfolded
To recall, Samsung is said to be planning to unveil a foldable phone next week, and recent leaks suggest that the phone will sport a fold-in design
The photos of the upcoming iQoo phone have leaked on Weibo. The device, when folded, can be used as a smartphone and when unfolded, reveals another screen to turn it into a tablet
The display, in the smartphone mode, shows four icon columns on the screen, giving us a fair idea of the overall real estate of the device
The alleged leaked photos suggest that there will be negligible bezels up front, with no holes for the selfie camera
This suggests that Vivo may embed it under the screen or opt for a pop-up mechanism
Apart from the photos, there's little else that the tipster has revealed. The phone is tipped to be priced around CNY 5,000 (roughly Rs
53,000), and may arrive soon. However, there has been no official word from Vivo or iQoo regarding the device
Talking about the foldable phones, Samsung is set to unveil its first foldable smartphone at the Galaxy Unpacked 2019 event on February 20 in San Francisco
Based on the recent leaks, the phone is expected to have one screen when folded, and will reveal two more screens inside when unfolded like a book
Serie A Juventus-Frosinone 3-0, il tabellino - Duration: 2:26.
TORINO - Vittoria della Juventus sul Frosinone nell'anticipo della ventiquattresima giornata di campionato
Apre le marcature immediatamente Dybala, raddoppio di Bonucci. Nell'intervallo, il tris è di Cristiano Ronaldo, messo subito dopo a riposo da Allegri in ottica Champions
CLASSIFICA SERIE A JUVENTUS-FROSINONE: NUMERI E STATISTICHE CALENDARIO SERIE A JUVENTUS (4-3-3): Szczesny; Cancelo, Bonucci, Chiellini (25' st Caceres), De Sciglio; Emre Can, Bentancur, Khedira (36' st Pjanic); Dybala, Mandzukic, Ronaldo (19' st Bernardeschi)
A disposizione: Pinsoglio, Perin, Barzagli, Spinazzola, Matuidi, Kean. Allenatore: Allegri FROSINONE (3-5-2): Sportiello; Goldaniga, Salamon, Capuano (38' st Paganini); Zampano, Chibsah (33' st Gori), Viviani, Cassata, Molinaro; Ciofani (13' st Pinamonti), Ciano
A disposizione: Beghetto, Brighenti, Iacobucci, Krajnc, Maiello, Marciano, Sammarco, Trotta, Valzania
Allenatore: Baroni. ARBITRO: Giua di Olbia. MARCATORI: 6' pt Dybala (J), 17' pt Bonucci (J), 18' st Ronaldo (J) NOTE: Ammoniti: Emre Can, Cancelo (J); Salamon, Capuano, Cassata (F)
Recupero: 2' pt, 3' st.
Celta y Levante miden sus urgencias en Balaídos - Duration: 4:35.
Celta y Levante miden este sábado sus urgencias en Balaídos, en un partido crucial para sus aspiraciones en la Liga Santander, que pasan por evitar el descenso de categoría, el cual ven cada vez más cerca después de entrar en una profunda crisis de resultados
Los celestes únicamente han ganado uno de sus últimos ocho partidos ligueros; la racha del conjunto dirigido por Paco López todavía es peor, pues en las últimas nueve jornadas sólo ganó un encuentro y sumó seis puntos
El Levante, además, lleva tres partidos sin ver puerta y no gana a domicilio desde que sorprendiera al Real Madrid (1-2) en el Santiago Bernabéu en el mes de octubre
Una mala racha que intentará alargar el Celta, que necesita reencontrarse con la victoria después del duro golpe recibido en el Coliseum Alfonso Pérez de Getafe, donde se sintió perjudicado por la actuación del colegiado González Fuertes, por un riguroso penalti de Hugo Mallo, un gol suyo anulado en la primera parte y la expulsión a Maxi Gómez
A la ausencia del internacional uruguayo podría sumarse la de Iago Aspas, quien sigue sin superar las molestias que arrastra en el gemelo derecho
El goleador celeste reapareció en Getafe pero a mediados de semana se resintió y todo hace pensar que arrancará el partido en el banquillo
Ambas bajas obligarán a Cardoso a situar a Boufal como falso nueve, con Brais Méndez en la derecha, Pione Sisto en la izquierdo y Jozabed y Okay Yokuslu, que regresa tras cumplir sanción, por dentro si apuesta por mantener la línea de tres centrales -Costas, Araujo y Hoedt- y dos laterales -Hugo Mallo y Juncá-
El Levante vive el momento más convulso de la temporada, ya que a su mala racha deportiva, con una victoria en los últimos nueve partidos, se une la tensa situación por la que atraviesa fuera del terreno de juego con la presencia de Toño García en la cárcel desde hace una semana
Su técnico, Paco López, tiene las bajas de Sergio Postigo, por lesión, y del ghanés Emmanuel Boateng, que está pendiente de cerrar su traspaso al fútbol chino, pero recupera para este duelo a José Campaña, que se perdió el partido en Vitoria por sanción
Además, el entrenador valenciano no puede contar por sanción con Erick Cabaco y Pedro López tampoco viaja a Vigo por un proceso gripal
Paco López buscó la reacción del equipo en Vitoria con un cambio de sistema que no funcionó, así que podría volver a jugar con tres centrales y otra de las dudas es saber si mantendrá a Aitor en la portería o recupera a Oier tras dos partidos como suplente
La presencia de Campaña en el equipo titular junto a Bardhi parece segura, así como el regreso al once inicial de Rober Pier junto a Vezo, uno de los futbolistas más destacados del Levante desde su llegada
Además, el entrenador valenciano confirmó que Rubén Rochina está recuperado al cien por ciento de la lesión muscular que le impidió jugar en Vitoria y estaría en el centro del campo
Otro de los problemas del Levante en este 2019 ha sido la falta de gol, ya que solo lleva cuatro tantos a favor e incluso José Luis Morales ha bajado su rendimiento
Sin embargo, el madrileño se mantendría en ataque junto a Mayoral o Roger. Posibles alineaciones Celta: Rubén Blanco; Hugo Mallo, Costas, Araujo, Hoedt, Juncá; Brais Méndez, Okay, Jozabed, Pione Sisto; Boufal
Levante: Aitor; Coke, Vezo, Chema, Rober, Luna; Campaña, Bardhi, Rochina; Morales y Mayoral
Estadio: Balaídos . Árbitro: Jaime Latre (comité aragonés). Hora: 13:00.
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