Let's talk bullet journaling.
[ music ]
Come on in. Welcome to my home today I'm going to
give you a flip through of my bullet journa.
Tell you how I started it and what I do with it.
And sort of keep you up to turn to get you up to date with what I'm doing.
You will notice that this is actually, when you watch this, this is much much later than when it was recorded.
Simply because, well that's the way these things work out.
If you follow me on Instagram you'll probably be seeing more pictures of my bullet journal.
and it will be up to more up to date,
but this I want to show you how I'm doing and I've been doing this for about a month and a half.
and I really really love bullet journalin. So let's just jump into it
and the first thing that I did was and the first thing that I didn't do was not
buy a new bullet journal I had a graph notebook
this is just a simple book that I got from Walmart and then yeah I just used
it because I had it because I knew better than to spend money on something
like this because it wasn't sure I would actually do it.
So the first thing that I
did was create a key the key is really important.
The key shows you all of the different things that you're going to need to know about
in my key, I have, if I have a task I will put a dot ( . ) for it and then write down the task.
when I complete the task I'll put an X ( X ) on it.
if I need to move that task to a different day I will then put a migrated a little ( > ) greater than sign.
Or if I need to move that task to like a different month or something like
that or different week I will then put a forwarded task ( < ) which usually jumps it
back to my overall monthly Journal, monthly of thing,
And I will use the less than sign ( < )
If it gets deleted or is the relevant does not need to be on there I will cross it off.
If it's an event it's a circle ( O ) if it's a note it's just a dash ( - )
An important thing is or it's urgent I'll put a star ( * ) next to it.
What's really interesting is this route needs research I've actually changed the
so that if it needs research it becomes a question mark ( ?) and if it's an idea it's
been an exclamation point ( ! )
Makes sense.
The YouTube part of that I really didn't use.
Now what I'd also don't use is the index and I've heard a lot of people
talk about the fact that they do not use their index whatsoever.
I will flip through the book and find what I need really quick and I know where it is.
You will also notice that the pages are numbered. I numbered those by hand
simply because it was really easy and I left a lot of pages for my index,
but I' probably won't use them whatsoever.
Then I did my future log. My future log is
just that it has a calendar and it has all the months,
and things that I know
that are going to come up in those months and I write them down there,
so that way when I'm doing my weekly or monthly bullet journal page I can refer
back to this and I have those important things there, and I also can write them down when they come up.
So let's start off how I started this.
I started this in December and I just started this plain simple this is just a minimalist bullet journal.
Which just had the day the activity and then I had the task that I wanted to do for that month.
I didn't really like the spread I kept track of my exercise,
and my meditation that I did every day but, meh, it wasn't all that exciting.
So we do a weekly spread
The weekly spread just has the day, the date
and then what's going to be happening for that day.
You'll notice all seven days are there and then I have a note section.
This was really simple to do I
did try to get somewhat artistic on this.
but it's really easy.
But these were these were the early stages of my bullet journal.
As you can see I started to get more into it on starting on the 10th.
Where I really started keeping track
more track of what I'm just doing how I was doing it.
and the events that were
taking place we started I started with a tracker.
My tracker is just he guy wanted
to keep track of
my sleep
and also my... the water intake.
My water intake was really easy I just put the day of the month
and then in cups of water that I did and then fill in the squares as I did that.
Also for my sleep tracker I put the day and then the number of hours and then
fill in the squares as I slept.
That worked out really well.
This tracker for was going to be my tracker for...for my exercise and meditation did not
like that whatsoever
In any way shape or form.
So I found a different kind of tracker.
This tracker I keep track of the cleaning that I do.
and then the other various things that I need to do or have done and it also helps me keep
track of what's been going on.
Things like, if I ran the dishwasher a lot I
have that I can remember to change the dog's water bowl in the morning so I'm
not forgetting about things whatsoever I just have the day of the week,
and then the date on there and it's so simple
The mood tracker isn't all that important
but you can just see your different moods and I do have a key so that I for
this one I used it was just there supposed to be light bulbs from a light set,
and you can see how I was actually feeling for the month and it's just
something sort of neat to do
I was going to do a different kind of future log but
I did not like the future log so I did not continue it that's the cool thing about this.
With a bullet journal make the bullet journal yours.
If you decide you want to do it a certain way, do it that certain way.
There are tons and tons of different videos on how to do this.
Now this one shows a lot of how you can
move a task cancel a task.
Because on the 17th I was going to make oat milk but I
did not need to do that until later simply because of the way things worked out.
But as I did a task I'd cross it off and it really does... if you have like a task that is like in progress.
you can put half a slash on there and then when you
finish it you can finish off the slash now the fun part about this is you
can have all sorts of things it's on your weekly calendar and then you know
you can go look at it and it just keeps everything there and in perfect harmony.
Now come January what I doing was I got a little bit more artistic
I do like this page New Year be you
That was something which you did hear about in January.
I did a monthly page which yeah I don't really use it
I'll be honest with you a hundred percent but I also was able to start
using the theme which you'll notice that my theme for my spread for the month
will also be the theme that you will see in the videos.
Yeah sort of easy that way
this tracker once again is the same repeat as the last month's tracker
Everything is just about the same and this tracker was what did not work.
this was going to be a combination of sleep and mood tracker and I would just mark
the different moods and everything and there's a key at the bottom.
I did not like this what-so-ever.
The water tracker was does exactly the same.
it's just this time it went down the page
That I do like so next month it will be different
and that's a cool thing I can change this up i've watched tons of videos to
see other people how other people do this
Then you get into your once again weekly trackers (spreads)
The weekly logs and then the weekly logs are really interesting
now if you're wondering why this weekly log looks sort of funny it's simply
because I tried to do a video where I was going to write down you know should
do my weekly of page show you how I did it and I found out that I do something
weird I actually write add an angle.
Which is how I've always written.
and I forgot about that so when I do this I'm going to have to actually figure I'm
gonna have to actually angle the camera so that you can see that but yes and so
the writing looks very very strange
But this is last week's and it's just so
easy to keep track of all the things which I need to do and all the things
which I have done
And it is so simple
And then this week which we're doing I
did a different one because I'm going to start keep keeping track of my meals.
Which I can write my meals there
I have the week and have the day of the week
and then I have my tasks that I need to do and also I have a spot for doing my
meals it is that simple
Now some of the things which I can tell
you about and can warn you about is don't decide to spend a whole lot of
money when you first go into this
You can do your tracker you can do your
bullet journal without spending a penny you could use just a pen you don't have
to have anything special all of those things are just bonuses
if you want that
you'll love it but for mine if you just follow me on instagram you will see what
I'm gonna do because I'm going to be posting more about my tracker on and
about my bullet journal on Instagram.
but you can see what I do and how I do it
and I will be doing more videos about the bullet journal but if you have
questions about this let me know down in the comments what kind of questions
because I know that this video is probably really long already so I will,
I just want to show you flip through this and show you how I did it.
If this is your first time here remember to subscribe.
Hit that like button and also
ring that bell so that we get notifications when I do new videos so I
hope I get to see you again next time
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I love making these videos for you and I hope I get to see you again next time
[ music ]
For more infomation >> Bullet Journal My Set Up and flip through - Duration: 10:16.-------------------------------------------
Ví đổi bai bịp - Máy đánh bài - Lh 0986193333 - Duration: 11:15.
[ENGSUB] BTS Live : Rkive - Duration: 39:20.
Hello, everyone. Hi!
This studio looks too... Let me fix this filter...
Looks like this filter is no good.
Too plain without a filter.
No can do, everyone.
No option but to distort a little.
Look at the lighting. Something's wrong with the lighting.
It's right onto my forehead.
Today, I'm going to finally show you my studio.
I will get started when it's been 5 minutes.
OK. Today I'm going to introduce my studio.
Its name is Rkive as you know.
I'm going to start this after 5...
I mean, 5 minutes after I start this.
We need to look from the outside first.
As for my room, the outside is legit
but inside the studio, it's kind of simple.
Can you see? You can see well, right?
Have you been well, everyone?
You can't wait to look around, right?
I will never hide the chat box so that I can read your comments today.
I'm going to get your questions.
So for that, I'm not going to turn this off.
Turn your comments off.
Hello, I look really chubby today.
My face looks so round.
When it's been 5 minutes, we'll step out of the room and have a tour.
What are you doing?
How have you been? What are you doing?
I love you too.
I love you too, everyone.
What have I been up to? I've been working, as always.
Yes, I've been well.
The lighting is bothering you?
OK. Then let's do this.
So bright.
Like this? Isn't this too bright?
It doesn't get any better.
This is the angle we wanted. Yeah.
Can you see me well now?
I'll step out of the room when it's been 5 minutes.
It's my first V LIVE that doesn't involve any review.
I feel a little awkward.
I just need to say what I plan to.
I'm wearing a beanie since my hair is so messy.
Piano? Do you think I'd be good at playing the piano?
I don't have absolute pitch
like Suga does.
I use my two index fingers
so that I can manage to play a chord.
OK. It's almost been 5 minues.
It's almost been 5 minutes.
I just decided to get started when it's been 5 minutes.
The more people join me in this live streaming, the better, right?
The background looks empty.
Look up, and can you see the hangers?
There used to be 2 cool robes.
There were 2 of my favorite robes
but they're not here now.
For some reason, They're on a business trip.
I haven't had dinner yet. I will have dinner after this.
OK. Let's go.
Today BTS members are here.
Right now... I look so chubby today.
OK. Let's go.
What are you doing?
I can't get started.
Let me turn this around.
As for this one,
I bought this in 2013.
It's called Mochi Sexy.
He still has this ding dong.
I scratched it the other day, and it hasn't gone yet.
He has two ding-dongs on both cheecks.
He goes to the skin clinic often these days and his skin has become clearer.
These are called the 95s.
This is the one and only edition.
Look at them... Not so good.
I'll ignore them.
What is wrong with you guys?
They need your support and attention. Please support them.
Your eyes are sore, right?
Your eyes are sore, right?
How are you, Taehyung?
Why are you doing this?
- I wanted to become your figurines. - I've never bought them.
I don't collect this kind of figurine.
Very handsome. Congratulations.
Good friends. What are you doing at the company?
I heard you'd be on V LIVE.
You came to record passionately today.
Yes, we need to work on our album.
Hang in there.
Let me give you a tour.
- I looks like this. - I took out one of yours, hang on.
This is how it looks like.
There's a bicycle.
It looks like this.
There are Disappointed Tomatoes, as you can see.
Up on the wall, there are skateboards.
Next, there's a huge 2000% size Bear Brick.
And I never bought this one, why is he here again...
I don't like it.
Handsome though.
Anyways, that's about it.
So I have a different concept here
from my studio.
There are lots of
figurines on the shelves.
Can't help but film him since he's here.
That's about it.
It looks like this.
Here I have different kinds of things.
You need to show it.
This is the best item you bought.
So it looks like this here. And this is Hoseok's studio.
And here is my favorite shoehorn.
Please show how to use it, Jimin.
- You can use it like this. - I call it Shoehorn Caliber.
I've never seen a shoehorn like this in my entire life.
So cute, right? I love this shoehorn.
- It really cracked me up. - To share it with Hoseok
I placed it between our studios.
- Next up is what you saw before. - RM.
There's a sign that says "Rkive".
- What does it mean? - It's from the word "archive".
Since my name is RM, I changed to "R".
Good job. Thank you.
Taehyung, you know the last thing you can do to collectors?
To disrupt the display of their collection.
- You're a figurine. - Such conduct.
Thank you.
Now go record.
- I have to wait. - You're waiting for Jungkook, right?
Yes. Let me do some work.
There's not much in our company.
So I added a little colors.
So it looks like this here.
As you might have guessed, let's go inside.
There's lots of wooden furniture...
Someone is suddenly playing the piano. There's no one inside.
- He went inside again. - Yes, he did.
What is that song, Taehyung?
What is that song?
- It's a random song I made. - You're pretty good at it.
Why aren't you singing?
You memorized it.
All right. You want some music video?
- Mister. - Keep playing.
- There's something I want to do. - Like what? Go ahead.
- "Celebrated Chop Waltz". - Yeah, do whatever you want.
- I got so mad when I saw V LIVE yesterday. - Excuse me.
- Yes. - This is Namjoon's V LIVE, what are you doing? - No, you can do whatever you want.
Do whatever you want. I will film a music video.
Stop showing label tags, Taehyung.
- Let's go. - V is the third person.
We're sorry.
- Bye. - Carry on.
That was cool, Taehyung, You saved the day.
I'm so thankful, here's my heart.
When I enter the studio, there's a carpet.
Colored paper carpet.
And this is my favorite
stool and a potted tree.
This is artificial.
It was very cheap.
I love the texture of wood.
So I put them there.
I have yet to put the Mono frame on the wall.
I will put it on the wall here later.
And I made a frame of postcards.
Yeah. That's about it.
Taehyung left a trace.
It looks like this.
That's about it.
There's supposed to be robes hanging there.
This is how it looks.
Here's another Kaws I'm very fond of.
There's this blanket.
And baby shoes.
And a sheep and octopus.
It's a digital piano. I can't play the piano though.
Based on what it looks,
you might have thought I'd be good at it, but I'm not.
And here's a sofa.
And then this is my favorite
coffee table.
There's this woodworker called George Nakashima I really love.
I like this kind of stuff.
So that's the coffee table. There's this bookshelf.
There are my beloved Bear Bricks.
Bear Brick is here, there, over there and there.
There's a wooden shark that was outside.
A bottle of alcohol. I don't drink it, though.
This is Banksy, Palestine.
And there's another Kaws.
There's this huge one.
And this is my desk.
You can get out for now.
This is my desk.
I'm so into walnut.
There's this fragrance of walnut.
This one is older than my father.
He's working hard in my studio.
It says "Rkive" here. Yes?
Who's showing interest now? Who is this? Hold on.
Someone took off, as I didn't answer.
- Never mind. - What?
- That was someone working on interior. - I'm sorry.
- Are you leaving? - No, I'm not.
I will talk to you later.
I wanted to hammer a nail into the wall,
and I almost nailed me instead, so I have a helper.
That's about it.
Bookshelf and all... It's all wood.
It's wooden.
I decorated the room to suit my taste.
When I'm here, I love the Nag Champa incense.
So I burn Nag Champa incense
and I sit here
and hang out. I changed my computer.
Because... It's still really uncomfortable.
I changed it because all the other members use this.
They all use this.
I tried it out, wondering why everyone uses it, but I still find it uncomfortable.
I thought there'd be a lot to show you. But that's all.
That's about it.
I have these books.
And odds and ends.
Stuff like this.
That's all.
There's nothing more to show off.
If you've been to our exhibition "Oh, Always", you must have seen this photo.
There's this lamp.
The end!
The tour is over already. There's nothing more now.
It's over already. It's been 16 minutes.
It's over. What do I do?
I'm hot.
Have you been well, everyone?
My face is really red as if I worked out or something.
This cardigan? It's cool, right?
I wore this hoodie
and my friends picked on me that it's Sunkist.
It's cute. Is it lagging?
"It's lagging".
Please scale up the server.
"Stadium performance". Yes, it's happening.
I'll stop here.
I saw that too.
The most memorable scene in "Bohemian Rhapsody"
was this one.
A scene where Queen was putting on a performance,
and King sneaks in.
What are you going to do, V?
- I... - You must be really bored. This is unusual for you.
I came to get some attention.
I will give you a lot of attention.
Enjoy some attention.
ARMY, this is my studio.
Taehyung, your taste is very classy.
I love wooden furniture.
- What kind of wood? Cherry, walnut, rosewood. - Walnut
- Walnut! - That's the only kind I know. - Yeah, I love walnut wood too.
- Yes, walnut is classic. - Do you know what kind of tree it is?
- Walnut is... - Do you know what kind of tree is it?
There are different kinds of trees, like fruit trees, or grape trees.
- Or sweet potato tree. - Multiple choice, please.
Multiple choice. No. 1.
No. 1. Pineapple tree.
- Pineapple tree. Yeah. - No. 2.
Does pineapple grow on a tree? OK.
No. 2. Pinetree.
- No. 3. - Walnut is not a pine tree.
- Oak tree. - It's oak tree. The answer is No. 3.
No. 4. Is it oak tree?
- No, tell me what No. 4 is. - No. 4.
No. 4. Persian silk tree.
- I've never heard of that one. - No. 5. Walnut tree.
- I knew it. - What's the answer? - No. 5. Walnut tree.
How did you know that?
- I love walnuts. - Really?
- I didn't know that. - No. 3 tree
- That's... - Oak tree. - Yes, oak trees are
real tree, right?
And No. 1. is...
- The tree you mentioned before walnut. - Before walnut...
- Cherry wood. - Cherry wood, that's not it.
It's real wood since it's called oak tree.
So today
- I wanted to show you my studio. - So nice. - As for the interior
I want to work in this studio. Who's your interior contractor?
I put a lot of efforts into the interior work.
As for interior, it all boils down to wood.
- It's wood, after all. - Yes, it is.
Did you know trees have a different fragrance?
- They do. - Sure.
- Do you know about growth ring? - I do.
- You can recognize trees based on growth ring. - Of course.
- Based on that, - How do you recognize them?
- Growth rings reflect a tree's age. - Yes, that's why it's called growth ring.
- Right? - Yes, that's right.
- Maybe not. - So as for wood,
I'm explaining this just so let you know about interior
- Let me teach you a little. - I only know about out-terior.
As for interior design,
the basic is classic.
it began with wood.
Does it have anything to do with Bedlington Terrier? (pun)
You mean the dog breed?
No, it has nothing to do with it.
It has nothing to do with pitbull terrier.
As for interior design,
- The friends of my ancestor... - Which ancestor? 5th generation, right?
No, the first generation.
That'd be your father...
Are you talking about your father I met a month ago?
For the interior design, staring with wood,
it changed from wood
- and it's called mono design these days. - Mono.
- There's mono and clean white background. - Mono is nice.
- That trash can is made of wood. - That's right.
Is that part of interior design?
- Yes, I bought this in Paris. - It's of ergonomic design.
- You can hold it like this. - Yes, in Paris
I made this with oak wood with my hands.
You can't put a price tag on it.
- Made in... - Yes, it's like Made in Paris. - All right.
- I see. - Anyways, - We are all one.
- That's right. - We are one.
Anyways, look at this.
My glasses are made of wood too.
- What kind of wood is it? - It's plastic that looks like wood.
- Even your glasses... - Glasses will eventually go for classic.
- We all go back to nature. - That's right.
- Have you seen the movie "Romeo and Juliet"? - Yes, I have.
In the movie, the interior design is fantastic.
- Right, right. - Do you know what that design is like?
The interior design is very natural.
- It's close to nature. - Looks like you just started to learn about interior design.
- So let me teach you a thing or two. - I don't know a thing about it.
- In "Romeo and Juliet", the interior design - It's in European style, right?
- Since it's a European movie. - Yes, it is.
- North Europe. - That's right. - Scandinavia. - Correct.
Scan... What? Something like that.
- That's right. - Yeah. - More specifically... - Is "Romeo and Juliet" from North Europe?
- Let's put it that way. - OK.
- We've been to North Europe. - Yes, but to add a little touch.
- Right. - I'd use this kind of cute frame.
- It says "Poindexter". - To set fire on ARMY's hearts. What?
What does it mean?
- It means to point. - Right.
- Point with a finger. - Point.
You point out.
You add some point.
It's a slang.
- It's... - It's not a bad word, right? We're on a broadcast.
Not at all. I wouldn't put such things in my studio.
- It's orange just like I'm wearing. - And this kind of stuff.
These are
going to be really cool later.
- If you keep these for 200 years, - 200 years.
I'd leave these to my children and the next generation.
I think we think alike.
- So your father's friend is working in interior design field? - Yes.
He's a professional, so feel free to visit.
- Yes, please. - I'm working right now.
There's something I'm working on.
- You can visit next time. - All right. Bye.
As I've talked about,
interior design helps you to relax
It's a hobby that gives you some peace of mind
and makes your feel comfortable.
Like I mentioned,
my assistant did a good job explaining it.
Oh, assistant.
- Hello. - Get out of my room.
What are you doing in my room? So annoying.
Don't let anybody in.
Do you like apples? I'd like to apologize.
- Why are you apologizing to me? - Taehyung, I'd like to give you some apple.
- I brought an apple, Taehyung. - I want you to get out of my room.
- Sorry. - I wonder what you're doing here.
Thanks for the tour.
I love this.
Looking at this, I'd like to decorate my place like this.
- You'll decorate your place like this? - Yes.
- All right. - I wish I was dreaming (pun). - I'm going to take off now.
- Why are you on your knees? - Since it's not my room.
- I felt sorry to be here. - I guess it's time for me
- My hair is so messy. - to leave now.
Looking at your hair,
- you look like a puppy. - Thank you.
- Don't you care to get a haircut? - It's your V LIVE, how did this happen?
- Well, you know. I'd rather play along. - By the way,
you were planning to introduce your room on V LIVE
I heard it ended in 10 minutes.
There's not much, really. Look at this.
- Amazing. - It's a keyboard. - Is it attached to it?
The keyboard stand is made of walnut.
- And... - This is interesting.
The MAC stand is made of walnut.
- Are you glasses also brown? - Those are
- Taehyung's. - Really?
Are these prescription glasses? They don't seem so.
That's BTS.
What is BTS?
- It's just... - I'm disappointed as you put it that way.
We don't plan.
- That's true. - We just go with the flow.
Now that you're here, how have you been, Jimin?
I've been... I was so hot.
- How have I been? - Yes.
These days,
We're working on our album.
- I'm working on it. - Are you enjoying it?
Very much.
You'd be surprised if you listen to it.
It's something new.
When I work on an album, I get to imagine when it's released.
- I feel really proud when it's out. - When you listen to it,
you'd wonder, "Is Jimin's voice always this good"?
Where are you going?
Where are you suddenly going? I was staying still.
You have wonderful voice.
Jimin can hit high notes.
Your vocal range is high.
I heard a lot of other artists are having a hard time.
- It's hard for me too. - Why?
It's hard for me too. What happened is
I came back to get some attention again.
It's hard for me too.
When I sang,
higher notes did sound better, so I have to deal with it.
Before I know it,
you might find me not making it to the schedule the next day.
- Not professional. - Hang on.
It's Namjoon's V LIVE.
No, it's not.
It's Taehyung's V LIVE.
Isn't it a BTS broadcast?
I thought it was a BTS broadcast.
No, it's Kim Namjoon's broadcast.
- Namjoon. - You did wrong, right?
All right.
Now that you just started doing interior design
I hope... Since you just started,
if you want to learn a thing or two, give me a call.
- I will do my best to teach you later. - OK. I will.
- Any questions? - I'm okay.
- You don't have a question? - Nope. - OK.
All right. Now
since I finished your interior design, if you have any idea
or any style you want to try out, call me anytime.
- I'm going to get going. - Yes, please go.
Go record already.
- I'm waiting. - OK.
- Jimin. - Yes.
- Do you have any concerns? - Yes. - Good.
I have a concern these days...
- There are moments. - What moments?
When all I think of is to have fun.
- What do I do with it? - Go have fun.
Your hair looks like a player.
I love doing nothing on a sofa these days.
- I have not much going on too. - I broke my record the other day.
After waking up, I lied down on the sofa for 9 hours.
Clingy, clingy.
- Clingy. - I didn't call you.
- Clingy. What? - I didn't call you. Why are you here?
Clingy clingy.
- I came to get my glasses. - Just have a seat.
- It's a broadcast. - The lighting is terrible there.
- This is how it's like. - I introduced already.
We're doing this for ARMY after all.
- Jimin. - Excuse me.
You have bad breath. Would you get lost?
Air purifier.
It wouldn't turn red, right?
- It's already red. - Red light is on.
So hilarious.
- You guys are so bored. - Yes, we are.
Do you have any concerns? I'm here to listen to you.
- My concerns? - Yes.
None. I don't have any concerns.
- Do you have any concerns, Taehyung? - Huh?
- Do you have any concerns? - I do.
But I will work it out by myself.
Then why are you here? You can leave now.
Most of all,
I missed you.
When I don't see you guys, I want to see you.
Of course we were together just a few minutes ago.
I think we can stop seeing each other.
When I'm away from you guys for 10 seconds, I keep missing you.
I keep thinking about you. You don't call me.
- Call me sometimes. - Please do, Taehyung.
How come you never call?
- You call me only when you need something. - In our chat room,
- All right, all right. - For Suga,
I heard Suga likes wine,
so I bought wine, but he didn't reply.
I took a picture of wine and wrote, "This wine is for Suga".
- But no response. - Jin replied.
- He doesn't reply. - Jin wrote, "Give it to me".
He tells me, "Sorry, I forgot to reply".
I could rather give it to Jin.
Just don't try to be thoughtful.
When there's something I like, I'd like to share with the members.
So cool.
I keep thinking about you guys.
That's why it turned out that way.
Let's have a drink.
We need to open that bottle to do that.
- I haven't opened it for 2 years. - It looks really strong.
If we drink that, we wouldn't see each other tomorrow.
- Is it open? - Nope.
- It's not. We have to open it. - No, no need to.
I won't. I will kill you if you open it.
But that alcohol is supposed to be consumed. You can't waste it like that.
- No, that's not alcohol. - You know,
you have to let it age.
But that's ornamental.
- That's very important. - What makes you think so?
- Jimin? - It's ornamental.
You're going to tell the story.
I already did.
- When you were not here. - I will remove my bad breath.
Stay still.
We didn't plan to interrupt your broadcast.
- We really didn't mean to. - No, you're not interrupting.
- You're interfering. - Really? - Yes.
- These days we've been... - This is my favorite coffee table.
Me? Thank you.
- Not you. - Clingy clingy.
Let's go until the end today.
- We're in trouble. - Why? - We're...
How do I put this?
- We became slackers. - No, I'm not.
- I'm working really hard. - I mean, body. - What?
- I'm not saying we became lazy. - Your body has become lazy?
That's not true at all, Jimin.
- It's hard to put into words. - You are very lean, Jimin.
I just want to cuddle up on the couch these days.
I will get you some glue then.
- You can apply it. - Exactly. - And stick to it.
That's what I've been doing.
After concerts in Japan
I kept sleeing on the couch.
At home, I cuddled up on the couch like this.
I showed my underwear.
These days...
I've been growing my beard for 3 days.
- Stop it please. - We didn't ask. - TMI.
Anyways, that's it for the introduction of my studio.
- Happy New Year. - So out of the blue.
- Don't do this. - So this is the place
where I work.
- Please keep that in mind. - Did you really
- show them this? - Yes.
I thought about talking
but we've talked too much with each other.
- If it gets too long... - What is it that you wanted to tell them?
- What I want to talk about was... - Something you wanted to talk about.
- What I wanted to talk about was... - You can consider us as figurines.
- Just go ahead and talk. - What I wanted to talk about is that
- I'm working hard. - Working hard.
- Working on the album. - I will work hard.
I did my best.
That's why I believe you're going to love it.
- This time again, Namjoon - Huh? I'll stop you here.
- really worked hard. - No one worked harder than you did, Jimin.
You play a significant role in hitting high notes.
The members had a hard time because of me.
Had it not been for your vocal range, Jimin,
- our songs wouldn't be as good as they are. - But that way,
Taehyung helped me a lot this time.
- How did he help you? - When we raise the key,
he supported us so well.
our producers were happy about it.
They said that it's interesting that
when someone does it, the other one supports him
and someone else shows another charm. They said we're very interesting.
- They told me so. - That is true.
We heard that our combination is very good.
- What? You need some attention? - What?
I mean, that's so moving.
I can't stop crying.
It's very nice.
What are you talking about? Why are you here?
- Did you drink today? - Anyways,
- You're drunk, right? - Nope.
- Happy New Year. - You didn't? You had a drink, right? - Nope.
Happy New Year.
He's not himself.
I thought I didn't
show up a lot on V LIVE
except Hoseok's birthday broadcast.
- Then do some solo broadcast. - On a solo broadcast
I'm not sure if I can
entertain ARMY.
- So I'll just do like this. - So you won't do it?
That's not what I mean.
I've been reading these days.
I want to say something that moves ARMY's hearts.
I'm working on it.
Way to go.
Let's get going.
- Bye, ARMY. - Why are we doing this, RM?
Let's try something cute before we go.
Let me do it. Get out of the way.
Let's show only Namjoon in the shot and end this.
You don't know this well.
What is this?
We can't see your face at all.
The fans love things like this. Not your thumb.
You're pretty good.
- Hold on. - I wore a jacket today.
What is this?
- Now wrap it up. - Happy New Year, everyone.
I will work hard on the next album.
Cheer up!
《小女花不棄》6大美女顏值排行,林依晨排第二,她才是No.1 - Duration: 4:34.
感謝打開"詩 潔捲軸"
今天來個"開 卷有益"
隨小編一起來 選美吧。
你覺得《小女 花不棄》中 的美女有哪 些呢? 1、
《小女花 不棄》6大 美女顏值排 行
1 作為電視 劇《小女花 不棄》女主 角的娘親
由張馨予扮演 的薛菲
理所應當初於 本劇女性角 色的顏值巔 峰啦。
薛菲確實是《 小女花不棄 》中最美的 一位
《小女花 不棄》6大 美女顏值排 行
1 薛菲
薛菲這樣一個 傾城女子
卻在第一集就 "GAME OVER "了
也就活在大家 的記憶中。
《小女花 不棄》6大 美女顏值排 行
1 接下來
必須得是女主 啦。
由林依晨飾演 得花不棄
因為自己聖女 的身份
同樣逃脫不了 母親被人利 用的命運
於是從小隨著 九叔以乞討 為生。
更是被明月山 莊追殺
但也在這個過 程中
遇到了許多真 心待自己的 人。
都是願意豁出 性命保護她 的人
相比於母親薛 菲
花不棄算是幸 福的啦。
柳青蕪/柳青 妍
《小女花 不棄》6大 美女顏值排 行
1 還有明月 山莊的兩位 小姐
身世也是很可 憐啊
對她們有養育 之恩的師父
確實她們的殺 父殺母仇人
好在青蕪和青 妍兩人都不 是什麼心軟 的人
想要報仇也很 容易啦。
《小女花 不棄》6大 美女顏值排 行
1 對於《小 女花不棄》 這部劇來說
小編暫時把她 們排在第三 位吧。
大家可以根據 自己的看法
重新排列本文 中提到的美 女們喲。
《小女花 不棄》6大 美女顏值排 行
1 還有單純 的林丹沙
也是《小女花 不棄》中的 一個美人坯 子。
林丹沙原本是 個千金小姐
父親的掌上明 珠。
卻不料父親被 柳青蕪殺害
只得與哥哥投 奔莫府
從此心中只有 仇恨
和她對雲瑯的 愛吧。
《小女花 不棄》6大 美女顏值排 行
1 小蝦是花 不棄回到江 南朱府的保 鏢
可謂是巾幗不 讓鬚眉
而且武藝高強 。
在認識元崇公 子之前
小蝦一直把自 己當男子看 待
雖然總是據他 於千里之外
但實際上很在 乎他。
《小女花 不棄》6大 美女顏值排 行
1 在《小女 花不棄》中
莫夫人是個表 面善良
內心狠毒善妒 的女人。
年輕時候的莫 夫人
其實也是個大 美女啦
只可惜遇人不 淑啊。
以上就是"《 小女花不棄 》6大美女 顏值排行
1"的全部內 容了
上面的排序僅 是個人意見
歡迎大家重新 排列哈
Bangladesh: un incendie fait au moins 69 morts dans la capitale - Duration: 5:33.
Bangladesh: un incendie fait au moins 69 morts dans la capitale - Duration: 5:32.
最新ニュース | 岩田剛典、映画撮影中のオフショットにファン興奮「真っ赤なイケメン」「かっこよすぎ」 - Duration: 2:16.
俳優の岩田剛 (EXILE/三代 J SOUL B OTHERS)が自 のInstagra にて、真っ赤な色に まれたイケメンショ トを公開し、ファン 間で話題となってい
View t is post o Instagra □□□ #映 #AI崩壊 #撮 中 A post hared by Takanori wata (@ta anori_iwa a_officia ) on Feb 0, 2019 a 5:12am P T 同投稿で 田は、真っ赤な背景 前で真っ赤な服を着 、真っ赤な傘をさし イケメンショットを 開
「#映画 #AI崩 #撮影中」とコメ トにあることから、 田が出演する202 年に全国公開予定の 画『AI崩壊』の撮 時のオフショットか 思われる。 そ な岩田の投稿には、 かっこよすぎやんけ ーー」「かっこよす て眼球崩壊」「真っ なイケメン良いなぁ 」「なんですか、こ 可愛さは」「岩ちゃ 赤い衣装似合うー」 その傘ご一緒よろし ?」など真っ赤な空 で絵になる岩田の姿 ファンから興奮気味 コメントが多数寄せ れた
なお、岩田は 日も、同グループの 坂広臣と関口メンデ ーとフランスを堪能 るプライベート感溢 るショットを披露し 「もうこの写真永遠 めます好きです」「 ぁんちゃん(ハート ほんのり赤い顔」な 大きな反響を呼んで た
Pre-K funding in Shelby County - Duration: 2:08.
Restaurant Owner Charged $56,000 For Two Months Of Water - Duration: 2:02.
Trump says "meaningful" steps need to be taken to lift sanctions, amid hinting more summits - Duration: 1:51.
Considering the reduced tensions between Pyeongyang and Washington over the past year...
U.S. President Donald Trump plans to have more summits with North Korean leader Kim
Jong-un even after their Hanoi summit set for next week.
But when it comes to lifting sanctions... Trump is demanding North Korea to take "meaningful"
Our Lee Ji-won starts us off.
U.S. President Donald Trump has again stressed that he and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un
have a "very good relationship," but that sanctions will be in place until more is done.
"The sanctions are on in full.
As you know, I haven't taken sanctions off.
I'd love to be able to, but in order to do that, we have to do something that's meaningful
on the other side."
This comes as President Trump fielded questions from reporters at the White House prior to
his bilateral talks with Austria's Chancellor on Wednesday.
And as if to further lure North Korea into taking that "meaningful" step, President Trump
also reiterated the potential he sees in North Korea's economy.
While stressing that he'll be meeting with Kim Jong-un for two days this time, President
Trump hinted on the likelihood of having more summits with Kim.
"But we've made a lot of progress.
We've made a tremendous amount.
That doesn't mean this is going to be the last meeting, because I don't believe it will.
But we have subjects to discuss which will be very fruitful, I believe."
This comes in line with President Trump saying that he is in no rush over North Korea's denuclearization
on Tuesday.
He said he doesn't have any pressing time schedule and that as long as there is no nuclear
testing, he is in no hurry.
These remarks add to speculation that Trump is trying to lower expectations about the
upcoming summit,... with no complete denuclearization deal reached this time as well.
Some observers suggest the meeting could first settle on a nuclear freeze for now.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
S. Koreans' overseas credit card spending hit US$ 19.2 bil. in 2018, up 12% y/y: BOK - Duration: 0:39.
South Koreans overseas credit card spending topped nineteen point two
billion dollars in 2018 up twelve percent on-year the Bank of Korea
triggered the rise to the increasing number of South Koreans traveling abroad
now more than 28 million South Koreans vacationed outside the country in 2018
which is up more than eight percent on-year in addition the Bank of Korea
said the stronger US dollar drove higher credit card spending overseas the one
dollar exchange rate appreciated from 1131 and 2017 to 1101 in 2018
DeNA浜口、4回2安打1失点 3連続Kなど4奪三振 ヤクルト小川は3回5安打3失点 - Duration: 0:26.
ヤクルトとの練習試合に先発したDeNA・浜口遥大【写真:荒川祐史】 ■小川は神里に先頭打者弾を浴びるなど、初回だけで3失点 DeNAの浜口遥大投手が、上々の仕上がり具合を見せた。21日、沖縄・浦添市の「ANA BALL PARK 浦添」で行われたヤクルトとの練習試合。先発マウンドに上がった左腕は4回を投げて、2安打1失点という内容だった。 初回は塩見、西浦、山田哲と3者凡退に切った浜口。2回は、1死から雄平の中前安打と村上の右翼線適時二塁打で1点を失った。3回は廣岡、塩見、西浦と3者連続三振に斬り、4回は山田哲、バレンティン、雄平のクリーンナップを3者凡退に。4回2安打4奪三振1失点と好投した。 一方、ヤクルト先発の小川泰弘投手は予定の3回を投げて5安打3失点。初回、神里に先頭打者本塁打を浴びると、この回だけで5安打を集中されて3失点。2回からは2イニング連続で3者凡退に封じた。(福谷佑介 / Yusuke Fukutani)
결국 자극 덜어내고 화제성 떨어진 골목식당 - Duration: 3:55.
[ENGSUB] BTS Live : Rkive - Duration: 39:20.
Hello, everyone. Hi!
This studio looks too... Let me fix this filter...
Looks like this filter is no good.
Too plain without a filter.
No can do, everyone.
No option but to distort a little.
Look at the lighting. Something's wrong with the lighting.
It's right onto my forehead.
Today, I'm going to finally show you my studio.
I will get started when it's been 5 minutes.
OK. Today I'm going to introduce my studio.
Its name is Rkive as you know.
I'm going to start this after 5...
I mean, 5 minutes after I start this.
We need to look from the outside first.
As for my room, the outside is legit
but inside the studio, it's kind of simple.
Can you see? You can see well, right?
Have you been well, everyone?
You can't wait to look around, right?
I will never hide the chat box so that I can read your comments today.
I'm going to get your questions.
So for that, I'm not going to turn this off.
Turn your comments off.
Hello, I look really chubby today.
My face looks so round.
When it's been 5 minutes, we'll step out of the room and have a tour.
What are you doing?
How have you been? What are you doing?
I love you too.
I love you too, everyone.
What have I been up to? I've been working, as always.
Yes, I've been well.
The lighting is bothering you?
OK. Then let's do this.
So bright.
Like this? Isn't this too bright?
It doesn't get any better.
This is the angle we wanted. Yeah.
Can you see me well now?
I'll step out of the room when it's been 5 minutes.
It's my first V LIVE that doesn't involve any review.
I feel a little awkward.
I just need to say what I plan to.
I'm wearing a beanie since my hair is so messy.
Piano? Do you think I'd be good at playing the piano?
I don't have absolute pitch
like Suga does.
I use my two index fingers
so that I can manage to play a chord.
OK. It's almost been 5 minues.
It's almost been 5 minutes.
I just decided to get started when it's been 5 minutes.
The more people join me in this live streaming, the better, right?
The background looks empty.
Look up, and can you see the hangers?
There used to be 2 cool robes.
There were 2 of my favorite robes
but they're not here now.
For some reason, They're on a business trip.
I haven't had dinner yet. I will have dinner after this.
OK. Let's go.
Today BTS members are here.
Right now... I look so chubby today.
OK. Let's go.
What are you doing?
I can't get started.
Let me turn this around.
As for this one,
I bought this in 2013.
It's called Mochi Sexy.
He still has this ding dong.
I scratched it the other day, and it hasn't gone yet.
He has two ding-dongs on both cheecks.
He goes to the skin clinic often these days and his skin has become clearer.
These are called the 95s.
This is the one and only edition.
Look at them... Not so good.
I'll ignore them.
What is wrong with you guys?
They need your support and attention. Please support them.
Your eyes are sore, right?
Your eyes are sore, right?
How are you, Taehyung?
Why are you doing this?
- I wanted to become your figurines. - I've never bought them.
I don't collect this kind of figurine.
Very handsome. Congratulations.
Good friends. What are you doing at the company?
I heard you'd be on V LIVE.
You came to record passionately today.
Yes, we need to work on our album.
Hang in there.
Let me give you a tour.
- I looks like this. - I took out one of yours, hang on.
This is how it looks like.
There's a bicycle.
It looks like this.
There are Disappointed Tomatoes, as you can see.
Up on the wall, there are skateboards.
Next, there's a huge 2000% size Bear Brick.
And I never bought this one, why is he here again...
I don't like it.
Handsome though.
Anyways, that's about it.
So I have a different concept here
from my studio.
There are lots of
figurines on the shelves.
Can't help but film him since he's here.
That's about it.
It looks like this.
Here I have different kinds of things.
You need to show it.
This is the best item you bought.
So it looks like this here. And this is Hoseok's studio.
And here is my favorite shoehorn.
Please show how to use it, Jimin.
- You can use it like this. - I call it Shoehorn Caliber.
I've never seen a shoehorn like this in my entire life.
So cute, right? I love this shoehorn.
- It really cracked me up. - To share it with Hoseok
I placed it between our studios.
- Next up is what you saw before. - RM.
There's a sign that says "Rkive".
- What does it mean? - It's from the word "archive".
Since my name is RM, I changed to "R".
Good job. Thank you.
Taehyung, you know the last thing you can do to collectors?
To disrupt the display of their collection.
- You're a figurine. - Such conduct.
Thank you.
Now go record.
- I have to wait. - You're waiting for Jungkook, right?
Yes. Let me do some work.
There's not much in our company.
So I added a little colors.
So it looks like this here.
As you might have guessed, let's go inside.
There's lots of wooden furniture...
Someone is suddenly playing the piano. There's no one inside.
- He went inside again. - Yes, he did.
What is that song, Taehyung?
What is that song?
- It's a random song I made. - You're pretty good at it.
Why aren't you singing?
You memorized it.
All right. You want some music video?
- Mister. - Keep playing.
- There's something I want to do. - Like what? Go ahead.
- "Celebrated Chop Waltz". - Yeah, do whatever you want.
- I got so mad when I saw V LIVE yesterday. - Excuse me.
- Yes. - This is Namjoon's V LIVE, what are you doing? - No, you can do whatever you want.
Do whatever you want. I will film a music video.
Stop showing label tags, Taehyung.
- Let's go. - V is the third person.
We're sorry.
- Bye. - Carry on.
That was cool, Taehyung, You saved the day.
I'm so thankful, here's my heart.
When I enter the studio, there's a carpet.
Colored paper carpet.
And this is my favorite
stool and a potted tree.
This is artificial.
It was very cheap.
I love the texture of wood.
So I put them there.
I have yet to put the Mono frame on the wall.
I will put it on the wall here later.
And I made a frame of postcards.
Yeah. That's about it.
Taehyung left a trace.
It looks like this.
That's about it.
There's supposed to be robes hanging there.
This is how it looks.
Here's another Kaws I'm very fond of.
There's this blanket.
And baby shoes.
And a sheep and octopus.
It's a digital piano. I can't play the piano though.
Based on what it looks,
you might have thought I'd be good at it, but I'm not.
And here's a sofa.
And then this is my favorite
coffee table.
There's this woodworker called George Nakashima I really love.
I like this kind of stuff.
So that's the coffee table. There's this bookshelf.
There are my beloved Bear Bricks.
Bear Brick is here, there, over there and there.
There's a wooden shark that was outside.
A bottle of alcohol. I don't drink it, though.
This is Banksy, Palestine.
And there's another Kaws.
There's this huge one.
And this is my desk.
You can get out for now.
This is my desk.
I'm so into walnut.
There's this fragrance of walnut.
This one is older than my father.
He's working hard in my studio.
It says "Rkive" here. Yes?
Who's showing interest now? Who is this? Hold on.
Someone took off, as I didn't answer.
- Never mind. - What?
- That was someone working on interior. - I'm sorry.
- Are you leaving? - No, I'm not.
I will talk to you later.
I wanted to hammer a nail into the wall,
and I almost nailed me instead, so I have a helper.
That's about it.
Bookshelf and all... It's all wood.
It's wooden.
I decorated the room to suit my taste.
When I'm here, I love the Nag Champa incense.
So I burn Nag Champa incense
and I sit here
and hang out. I changed my computer.
Because... It's still really uncomfortable.
I changed it because all the other members use this.
They all use this.
I tried it out, wondering why everyone uses it, but I still find it uncomfortable.
I thought there'd be a lot to show you. But that's all.
That's about it.
I have these books.
And odds and ends.
Stuff like this.
That's all.
There's nothing more to show off.
If you've been to our exhibition "Oh, Always", you must have seen this photo.
There's this lamp.
The end!
The tour is over already. There's nothing more now.
It's over already. It's been 16 minutes.
It's over. What do I do?
I'm hot.
Have you been well, everyone?
My face is really red as if I worked out or something.
This cardigan? It's cool, right?
I wore this hoodie
and my friends picked on me that it's Sunkist.
It's cute. Is it lagging?
"It's lagging".
Please scale up the server.
"Stadium performance". Yes, it's happening.
I'll stop here.
I saw that too.
The most memorable scene in "Bohemian Rhapsody"
was this one.
A scene where Queen was putting on a performance,
and King sneaks in.
What are you going to do, V?
- I... - You must be really bored. This is unusual for you.
I came to get some attention.
I will give you a lot of attention.
Enjoy some attention.
ARMY, this is my studio.
Taehyung, your taste is very classy.
I love wooden furniture.
- What kind of wood? Cherry, walnut, rosewood. - Walnut
- Walnut! - That's the only kind I know. - Yeah, I love walnut wood too.
- Yes, walnut is classic. - Do you know what kind of tree it is?
- Walnut is... - Do you know what kind of tree is it?
There are different kinds of trees, like fruit trees, or grape trees.
- Or sweet potato tree. - Multiple choice, please.
Multiple choice. No. 1.
No. 1. Pineapple tree.
- Pineapple tree. Yeah. - No. 2.
Does pineapple grow on a tree? OK.
No. 2. Pinetree.
- No. 3. - Walnut is not a pine tree.
- Oak tree. - It's oak tree. The answer is No. 3.
No. 4. Is it oak tree?
- No, tell me what No. 4 is. - No. 4.
No. 4. Persian silk tree.
- I've never heard of that one. - No. 5. Walnut tree.
- I knew it. - What's the answer? - No. 5. Walnut tree.
How did you know that?
- I love walnuts. - Really?
- I didn't know that. - No. 3 tree
- That's... - Oak tree. - Yes, oak trees are
real tree, right?
And No. 1. is...
- The tree you mentioned before walnut. - Before walnut...
- Cherry wood. - Cherry wood, that's not it.
It's real wood since it's called oak tree.
So today
- I wanted to show you my studio. - So nice. - As for the interior
I want to work in this studio. Who's your interior contractor?
I put a lot of efforts into the interior work.
As for interior, it all boils down to wood.
- It's wood, after all. - Yes, it is.
Did you know trees have a different fragrance?
- They do. - Sure.
- Do you know about growth ring? - I do.
- You can recognize trees based on growth ring. - Of course.
- Based on that, - How do you recognize them?
- Growth rings reflect a tree's age. - Yes, that's why it's called growth ring.
- Right? - Yes, that's right.
- Maybe not. - So as for wood,
I'm explaining this just so let you know about interior
- Let me teach you a little. - I only know about out-terior.
As for interior design,
the basic is classic.
it began with wood.
Does it have anything to do with Bedlington Terrier? (pun)
You mean the dog breed?
No, it has nothing to do with it.
It has nothing to do with pitbull terrier.
As for interior design,
- The friends of my ancestor... - Which ancestor? 5th generation, right?
No, the first generation.
That'd be your father...
Are you talking about your father I met a month ago?
For the interior design, staring with wood,
it changed from wood
- and it's called mono design these days. - Mono.
- There's mono and clean white background. - Mono is nice.
- That trash can is made of wood. - That's right.
Is that part of interior design?
- Yes, I bought this in Paris. - It's of ergonomic design.
- You can hold it like this. - Yes, in Paris
I made this with oak wood with my hands.
You can't put a price tag on it.
- Made in... - Yes, it's like Made in Paris. - All right.
- I see. - Anyways, - We are all one.
- That's right. - We are one.
Anyways, look at this.
My glasses are made of wood too.
- What kind of wood is it? - It's plastic that looks like wood.
- Even your glasses... - Glasses will eventually go for classic.
- We all go back to nature. - That's right.
- Have you seen the movie "Romeo and Juliet"? - Yes, I have.
In the movie, the interior design is fantastic.
- Right, right. - Do you know what that design is like?
The interior design is very natural.
- It's close to nature. - Looks like you just started to learn about interior design.
- So let me teach you a thing or two. - I don't know a thing about it.
- In "Romeo and Juliet", the interior design - It's in European style, right?
- Since it's a European movie. - Yes, it is.
- North Europe. - That's right. - Scandinavia. - Correct.
Scan... What? Something like that.
- That's right. - Yeah. - More specifically... - Is "Romeo and Juliet" from North Europe?
- Let's put it that way. - OK.
- We've been to North Europe. - Yes, but to add a little touch.
- Right. - I'd use this kind of cute frame.
- It says "Poindexter". - To set fire on ARMY's hearts. What?
What does it mean?
- It means to point. - Right.
- Point with a finger. - Point.
You point out.
You add some point.
It's a slang.
- It's... - It's not a bad word, right? We're on a broadcast.
Not at all. I wouldn't put such things in my studio.
- It's orange just like I'm wearing. - And this kind of stuff.
These are
going to be really cool later.
- If you keep these for 200 years, - 200 years.
I'd leave these to my children and the next generation.
I think we think alike.
- So your father's friend is working in interior design field? - Yes.
He's a professional, so feel free to visit.
- Yes, please. - I'm working right now.
There's something I'm working on.
- You can visit next time. - All right. Bye.
As I've talked about,
interior design helps you to relax
It's a hobby that gives you some peace of mind
and makes your feel comfortable.
Like I mentioned,
my assistant did a good job explaining it.
Oh, assistant.
- Hello. - Get out of my room.
What are you doing in my room? So annoying.
Don't let anybody in.
Do you like apples? I'd like to apologize.
- Why are you apologizing to me? - Taehyung, I'd like to give you some apple.
- I brought an apple, Taehyung. - I want you to get out of my room.
- Sorry. - I wonder what you're doing here.
Thanks for the tour.
I love this.
Looking at this, I'd like to decorate my place like this.
- You'll decorate your place like this? - Yes.
- All right. - I wish I was dreaming (pun). - I'm going to take off now.
- Why are you on your knees? - Since it's not my room.
- I felt sorry to be here. - I guess it's time for me
- My hair is so messy. - to leave now.
Looking at your hair,
- you look like a puppy. - Thank you.
- Don't you care to get a haircut? - It's your V LIVE, how did this happen?
- Well, you know. I'd rather play along. - By the way,
you were planning to introduce your room on V LIVE
I heard it ended in 10 minutes.
There's not much, really. Look at this.
- Amazing. - It's a keyboard. - Is it attached to it?
The keyboard stand is made of walnut.
- And... - This is interesting.
The MAC stand is made of walnut.
- Are you glasses also brown? - Those are
- Taehyung's. - Really?
Are these prescription glasses? They don't seem so.
That's BTS.
What is BTS?
- It's just... - I'm disappointed as you put it that way.
We don't plan.
- That's true. - We just go with the flow.
Now that you're here, how have you been, Jimin?
I've been... I was so hot.
- How have I been? - Yes.
These days,
We're working on our album.
- I'm working on it. - Are you enjoying it?
Very much.
You'd be surprised if you listen to it.
It's something new.
When I work on an album, I get to imagine when it's released.
- I feel really proud when it's out. - When you listen to it,
you'd wonder, "Is Jimin's voice always this good"?
Where are you going?
Where are you suddenly going? I was staying still.
You have wonderful voice.
Jimin can hit high notes.
Your vocal range is high.
I heard a lot of other artists are having a hard time.
- It's hard for me too. - Why?
It's hard for me too. What happened is
I came back to get some attention again.
It's hard for me too.
When I sang,
higher notes did sound better, so I have to deal with it.
Before I know it,
you might find me not making it to the schedule the next day.
- Not professional. - Hang on.
It's Namjoon's V LIVE.
No, it's not.
It's Taehyung's V LIVE.
Isn't it a BTS broadcast?
I thought it was a BTS broadcast.
No, it's Kim Namjoon's broadcast.
- Namjoon. - You did wrong, right?
All right.
Now that you just started doing interior design
I hope... Since you just started,
if you want to learn a thing or two, give me a call.
- I will do my best to teach you later. - OK. I will.
- Any questions? - I'm okay.
- You don't have a question? - Nope. - OK.
All right. Now
since I finished your interior design, if you have any idea
or any style you want to try out, call me anytime.
- I'm going to get going. - Yes, please go.
Go record already.
- I'm waiting. - OK.
- Jimin. - Yes.
- Do you have any concerns? - Yes. - Good.
I have a concern these days...
- There are moments. - What moments?
When all I think of is to have fun.
- What do I do with it? - Go have fun.
Your hair looks like a player.
I love doing nothing on a sofa these days.
- I have not much going on too. - I broke my record the other day.
After waking up, I lied down on the sofa for 9 hours.
Clingy, clingy.
- Clingy. - I didn't call you.
- Clingy. What? - I didn't call you. Why are you here?
Clingy clingy.
- I came to get my glasses. - Just have a seat.
- It's a broadcast. - The lighting is terrible there.
- This is how it's like. - I introduced already.
We're doing this for ARMY after all.
- Jimin. - Excuse me.
You have bad breath. Would you get lost?
Air purifier.
It wouldn't turn red, right?
- It's already red. - Red light is on.
So hilarious.
- You guys are so bored. - Yes, we are.
Do you have any concerns? I'm here to listen to you.
- My concerns? - Yes.
None. I don't have any concerns.
- Do you have any concerns, Taehyung? - Huh?
- Do you have any concerns? - I do.
But I will work it out by myself.
Then why are you here? You can leave now.
Most of all,
I missed you.
When I don't see you guys, I want to see you.
Of course we were together just a few minutes ago.
I think we can stop seeing each other.
When I'm away from you guys for 10 seconds, I keep missing you.
I keep thinking about you. You don't call me.
- Call me sometimes. - Please do, Taehyung.
How come you never call?
- You call me only when you need something. - In our chat room,
- All right, all right. - For Suga,
I heard Suga likes wine,
so I bought wine, but he didn't reply.
I took a picture of wine and wrote, "This wine is for Suga".
- But no response. - Jin replied.
- He doesn't reply. - Jin wrote, "Give it to me".
He tells me, "Sorry, I forgot to reply".
I could rather give it to Jin.
Just don't try to be thoughtful.
When there's something I like, I'd like to share with the members.
So cool.
I keep thinking about you guys.
That's why it turned out that way.
Let's have a drink.
We need to open that bottle to do that.
- I haven't opened it for 2 years. - It looks really strong.
If we drink that, we wouldn't see each other tomorrow.
- Is it open? - Nope.
- It's not. We have to open it. - No, no need to.
I won't. I will kill you if you open it.
But that alcohol is supposed to be consumed. You can't waste it like that.
- No, that's not alcohol. - You know,
you have to let it age.
But that's ornamental.
- That's very important. - What makes you think so?
- Jimin? - It's ornamental.
You're going to tell the story.
I already did.
- When you were not here. - I will remove my bad breath.
Stay still.
We didn't plan to interrupt your broadcast.
- We really didn't mean to. - No, you're not interrupting.
- You're interfering. - Really? - Yes.
- These days we've been... - This is my favorite coffee table.
Me? Thank you.
- Not you. - Clingy clingy.
Let's go until the end today.
- We're in trouble. - Why? - We're...
How do I put this?
- We became slackers. - No, I'm not.
- I'm working really hard. - I mean, body. - What?
- I'm not saying we became lazy. - Your body has become lazy?
That's not true at all, Jimin.
- It's hard to put into words. - You are very lean, Jimin.
I just want to cuddle up on the couch these days.
I will get you some glue then.
- You can apply it. - Exactly. - And stick to it.
That's what I've been doing.
After concerts in Japan
I kept sleeing on the couch.
At home, I cuddled up on the couch like this.
I showed my underwear.
These days...
I've been growing my beard for 3 days.
- Stop it please. - We didn't ask. - TMI.
Anyways, that's it for the introduction of my studio.
- Happy New Year. - So out of the blue.
- Don't do this. - So this is the place
where I work.
- Please keep that in mind. - Did you really
- show them this? - Yes.
I thought about talking
but we've talked too much with each other.
- If it gets too long... - What is it that you wanted to tell them?
- What I want to talk about was... - Something you wanted to talk about.
- What I wanted to talk about was... - You can consider us as figurines.
- Just go ahead and talk. - What I wanted to talk about is that
- I'm working hard. - Working hard.
- Working on the album. - I will work hard.
I did my best.
That's why I believe you're going to love it.
- This time again, Namjoon - Huh? I'll stop you here.
- really worked hard. - No one worked harder than you did, Jimin.
You play a significant role in hitting high notes.
The members had a hard time because of me.
Had it not been for your vocal range, Jimin,
- our songs wouldn't be as good as they are. - But that way,
Taehyung helped me a lot this time.
- How did he help you? - When we raise the key,
he supported us so well.
our producers were happy about it.
They said that it's interesting that
when someone does it, the other one supports him
and someone else shows another charm. They said we're very interesting.
- They told me so. - That is true.
We heard that our combination is very good.
- What? You need some attention? - What?
I mean, that's so moving.
I can't stop crying.
It's very nice.
What are you talking about? Why are you here?
- Did you drink today? - Anyways,
- You're drunk, right? - Nope.
- Happy New Year. - You didn't? You had a drink, right? - Nope.
Happy New Year.
He's not himself.
I thought I didn't
show up a lot on V LIVE
except Hoseok's birthday broadcast.
- Then do some solo broadcast. - On a solo broadcast
I'm not sure if I can
entertain ARMY.
- So I'll just do like this. - So you won't do it?
That's not what I mean.
I've been reading these days.
I want to say something that moves ARMY's hearts.
I'm working on it.
Way to go.
Let's get going.
- Bye, ARMY. - Why are we doing this, RM?
Let's try something cute before we go.
Let me do it. Get out of the way.
Let's show only Namjoon in the shot and end this.
You don't know this well.
What is this?
We can't see your face at all.
The fans love things like this. Not your thumb.
You're pretty good.
- Hold on. - I wore a jacket today.
What is this?
- Now wrap it up. - Happy New Year, everyone.
I will work hard on the next album.
Cheer up!
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