Absolutely Stunning The Edinboro Park Model RV is on Sale NOW: $52,909 | Was $54,817
For more infomation >> Absolutely Stunning The Edinboro Park Model RV is on Sale NOW: $52,909 | Was $54,817 - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
Declarația soțului, care a deranjat-o pe Oana Roman la ziua fiicei lor - Duration: 2:32.
2019 Mazda6 Is A Quality Saloon That Will Make You Feel Special - Duration: 2:04.
Mazda has been improving the 6 family sedan steadily over the years, and the latest 2019 model is seen as one of the best propositions in the mid-sized class
Its smart and clean design language makes the Mazda6 stand out from the crowd without being too flashy, while the interior will put to shame much more expensive and premium rivals, especially if you go for one of the range-topping models like the one featured in this review
The redesigned dashboard is finished with plush materials and clever design details that create a special atmosphere
The seats are comfortable and supportive front and rear, while the eight-inch infotainment system is easy to use
However, Android Auto and Apple CarPlay are optional.The engine range consists of three petrol options in the UK, ranging from 143hp to 191hp on the top-spec 2.5-liter Skyactiv-G, and two diesels with 148hp and 181hp
A six-speed manual is offered as standard, with an automatic being optional
On the road, the 2019 Mazda6 proves to be comfortable and quiet enough over longer journeys, with the six-speed manual transmission offering the precise mechanical feel Mazdas are known for
The top-spec diesel engine remains the pick of the range for the UK, as it offers plenty of poke and refinement along with impressive fuel efficiency
Is the 2019 Mazda6 the unsung hero of the mid-size saloon class? It sure sounds like it – but you can learn all about it by watching the video that follows
British Airways' Boeing 747 just got a very special makeover - Duration: 2:29.
One of British Airways ' planes turned heads as it arrived at London Heathrow this week, sporting an eye-catching new livery
In fact, the Boeing 747 aircraft has been given a fresh new look - but aviation fans may get a sense of deja vu
That's because the aircraft has been painted in the iconic design of its predecessor British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC), which featured on the airline's fleet between 1964 and 1974
The aircraft, registration G-BYGC, will be flying to New York on Tuesday 19th February, where it will be operating as flight BA117
A significant route when you consider that it was the first route the B747 flew in BOAC colours all those years ago
This time, you can even track the plane using Flight Radar, which will feature a special image of the livery
Read More British Airways trials stripping back plane cleaning to cut down turnaround time It will sport the vintage livery until 2023 when the aircraft retires; by this time, British Airways will have retired the majority of its 747 fleet, which it will be replacing with new state-of-the-art aircraft, including 18 A350s and 12 Boeing 787 Dreamliners over the next four years
The aircraft received its new look at the IAC paint bay in Dublin Airport, and its reveal coincides with the Boeing 747's first flight anniversary just days earlier
In fact, it's a special year of celebrations for British Airways, as the company marks its centenary
Alex Cruz, British Airways' Chairman and CEO, said: "The enormous interest we've had in this project demonstrates the attachment many people have to British Airways' history
"It's something we are incredibly proud of, so in our centenary year it's a pleasure to be celebrating our past while also looking to the future
We look forward to many more exciting moments like this as our other aircraft with heritage designs enter service
" Read More Plane news and luxury jets
Kia Sportage 2.0 CVVT 2WD X-clusive - Duration: 1:09.
Chủ Tịch Nghèo Cùng Anh Em Họp Mặt - Và Cái Kết Không Ngờ - Duration: 7:02.
Volkswagen Transporter | 150 | Dubb Schuifdeur | Highline | Navi | Multistuur - Duration: 0:53.
「ホリミヤ」100話記念アートブックの詳細発表、コラボカフェの開催も決定 - Duration: 2:53.
HERO原作、萩 ダイスケ作画による ホリミヤ」の連載1 0話を記念したメモ アルブックの詳細が 本日2月18日発売 月刊Gファンタジー 月号(スクウェア・ ニックス)にて発表 れた
「ホリミヤ メモ アルブックpage 100」 すべての 像を見る(全4件) 2月27日に発売さ るこの「ホリミヤ モリアルブックpa e.100」では、 原がTwitter 個人アカウントで発 してきた「ホリミヤ のイラスト200点 上を収録
さらにHEROによ 未公開ネーム3話分 萩原による描き下ろ マンガ「中学生の彼 のある日」「中学生 彼のある日」の2本 収められる。 なお 日には「ホリミヤ」 3巻、「堀さんと宮 くん おまけ」12 も同時発売
アニメイト、紀伊國 書店、有隣堂では「 リミヤ」13巻の購 者に特典を進呈する アニメイトではアク ルチャーム2個がセ トになった限定版も 意。アニメイトで「 リミヤ」13巻、「 モリアルブックpa e.100」の2冊 同時購入した人には 連動購入特典も用意 れた
また3冊のいずれ を購入した人の中か 抽選で100名に、 ホリミヤ」100話 カラー扉イラストを 用した複製サイン入 原画シートが当たる レゼント企画も展開 希望者は帯に記載さ る応募の詳細をチェ クしよう
さらに5月から池 アニぱらCAFEに 、「ホリミヤ」のコ ボカフェが開催決定 詳細は公式サイトに 確認しよう。続報は 刊Gファンタジー誌 で随時発表されてい 。
韓國瑜稱「台灣鬼混20年」李家同批:一味唱衰是錯的- 当天的新消息 - Duration: 2:19.
日前高雄市長 韓國瑜破口 說出
「台灣整整鬼 混了20多 年」
不是遭企業董 座臉書痛批
清大榮譽教授 李家同也不 能苟同
認為一味地唱 衰自己國家 是不對的。
一向人氣很旺 的韓市長
現在似乎不滿 聲音日趨高 漲
有網軍掀起罷 免案
討論罷免成功 性與否
還希望高雄綠 回來
韓國瑜則對任 何評論虛心 接受。
高雄市民似 乎對韓市長 政績感受不 大
網軍更掀起罷 免聲浪
說高雄對韓國 瑜的不滿
說高雄完全變 成綜藝城市
文化越來越低 俗
還討論選 舉後一年內 可提出罷免 案
只需要總選舉 人數的10 %
只要動員應該 可輕鬆拿到 。
還估計應該能 成功過25 %門檻。
底下也有網友 接著留言
說「立刻展開 滅韓行動」 、
「讓高雄綠回 來」
韓市長有聽到 了嗎? 不 過
不只市民信心 受影響
日前韓國瑜轟 出一句話
說台灣整整鬼 混了20年
也讓企業界董 事長謝金河 不滿
是辛苦調整了 20年
日本是鬼混3 0年!台灣 電子產業面 對中國國家 隊殺戮
清華大學榮譽 教授李家同 也有話要說 。
韓國瑜搬 出基層勞工 與農漁民心 聲
也許這番話真 能與庶民引 起共鳴
但打擊國家信 心
是部分企業家 和學者不願 聽見的。
RATINGS! The Voice UK and The Greatest Dancer viewing figures from Saturday The Greatest Dancer, T - Duration: 2:14.
RATINGS! The Voice UK and The Greatest Dancer viewing figures from Saturday The Greatest Dancer, T
/ / / / /
The Voice UK continued to lead in Saturday nights viewing figures last night February 17 .
In The Greatest Dancer semi final, dance captains Cheryl, Oti Mabuse and Matthew Morrison returned with their contestants in another bid to win over viewer votes.
It was the third week of the challenge shows this weekend and six acts remained but two more were seen heading home in .
Hosted by Jordan Banjo and Alesha Dixon, the latest episode entertained an average audience of 3.4 million between 7:35PM and 8:50PM on BBC One, the same numbers as for the first two live shows.
The brand new series concludes Saturday night with its grand final. Acts are competing to win £50,000, a chance to dance on and become The Greatest Dancer.
Meanwhile, The Voice UKs blind auditions continued on ITV from 8PM with an average audience of 4.8 million viewers, a slight increase week on week.
A total of eleven contestants sung for a spin on The Voice for what was the last round of blind auditions this year.
Those who won their way through to the next round included 19 year old Shivon Kane from London, 27 year old Ayanam Udoma from Manchester and 26 year old Kieron Smith from Liverpool. Joining them were 20 year old Lauren Hope from Blackpool and 27 year old Marina Simioni from London.
continues next Saturday night with its first battle rounds. The coaches will have to pit their acts against one another and half will be sent home. However, each coach will also get the chance to steal one of the eliminated acts from their rivals for their own teams.
The Voice topped Saturdays viewing figures, eclisping the latest celebrity special of BBC One game show Pointless which had 4 million tuning in.
Meanwhile, Dermot OLearys new game show Small Fortune continued with just below 3 million viewers.
2009 2019. All Rights Reserved TellyMix unless otherwise stated.
ВИЗА В США | Рабочая виза в США категории L | Юлия Голиневич - Duration: 9:37.
#BeMoreU | 3. Time Wasting | U Account - Duration: 1:02.
How are you doing squad? So, I'm over at home at the moment and the Unbank of U, they contacted me today and
they said 'Brad listen, it's a cold day outside, we want you to be really
inspirational and motivational and do a video.' All right let me be really motivational
and inspirational. I've done this frigging video 16 times. 16 times I have failed to
get to this point, that's the lesson here that it isn't about the 16 times you get
it wrong it's about the one time you get it right and as long as you never lose
sight of your destination you'll always get there. Look let me be quite clear
here right I'm being honest with you and that's all you're ever gonna get from
me I have got this wrong so many times to get to this point and this ain't
perfect but you don't have to get it perfect you just have to get it going in
all areas of your life. Let me explain something. It all starts with you,
everything starts with you I would love to tell you something really clever that
changes your life but the only one that can really change your life is you and
it all starts with you. 54, 55, 56. Hopefully they'll accept this one and we are done!
Lauren Ash Inspires as Madonna for "Express Yourself" | Lip Sync Battle Preview - Duration: 0:48.
♪ Come on girls ♪
♪ Do you believe in love ♪
♪ 'Cause I've got something to say about it ♪
♪ And it goes something like this ♪
♪ Don't go for second best, baby ♪
♪ Put your love to the test you know, you know you've got to ♪
♪ Make him express how he feels ♪
♪ And maybe then he'll know your love is real ♪
- Queen, the tatas were out.
That was like Maleficent and then I got it.
And I'm into it.
- [Announcer] Lip Sync Battle.
New episodes Thursdays at nine on Paramount Network
and the Paramount Network app.
初選出が11人、なぜ若手ばかり? 侍J稲葉監督が語ったその狙いと意義 - Duration: 2:22.
■清宮や村上といった若手を数多く選んだ稲葉監督、会見で語っ こととは… 野球日本代表「侍ジャパン」の稲葉篤紀監督は18日 沖縄・那覇市内で記者会見を行い、3月9日と10日に京セラドー で行われる「ENEOS 侍ジャパンシリーズ2019 日本vs キシコ」のメンバー28人を発表した
まだ、それぞれのチームでレギュラーに定着していない2年目の日 ハム・清宮幸太郎内野手やヤクルト・村上宗隆内野手らを選出。初 出が11人というフレッシュな顔ぶれとなった
球界を代表するトッププレーヤーの多くを選ぶことはせず、若い 手を中心に選んだ稲葉監督。その狙いについて、指揮官は会見で「 ームを作り上げていく過程で、本番までに不測の事態や想定外なこ が起きることもあると考え、このメキシコ戦は私の選択肢を増やす めにも、まだ見ていない力のある選手を試す最後のチャンスとしま た」と語った
今秋の「プレミア12」や、来年の東京五輪に向けて、出来るだ 多くの選手を国際舞台でプレーさせ、その力をチェックする。本番 に故障者などの事態が起きた場合に備え、数多くの引き出しを作っ おく
Minerals + People = No Cancer 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 - Duration: 7:18.
Minerals plus people equals no cancer >> Hello everybody my name is Nancy Gurish and I am
from the magazine Your Health And Tech Friend >> what I am going to talk about today is
how minerals play a role in the prevention of cancers such as breast cancer and prostate
cancer >> but more >> more important than that they help to prevent cancer in the entire
body as a whole organism and it doesn't have to be complicated >> somebody asked me where
the minerals are that I talk about on a day to day basis >> [I also talk about liquid
angstrom sized liquid minerals] >> in most of my videos you will hear me >> from time
to time reference the fact that minerals and vitamins help to prevent cancer >> and that
this is how I prevent cancer for myself >> that is how I reversed cancer out of my body >> was
through >> my skin cancer was through >> I reversed it through minerals >> minerals plus
people equal no cancer >> it is an equation >> I put it into a simple
equation >> [this is not health advice] >> [music]
>> and that is how it works >> when minerals >> when minerals started to get depleted
from our planet >> which you can read about that regularly in many places on the internet
now you can read about how minerals have been depleted from our soil >> many many >> for
a long time >> and when minerals started to get depleted
then sickness started to come in >> as an example when I was a young kid
heart attacks became common and prevalent >> and prior to that time heart attacks were
not known >> heart attacks didn't happen and heart disease did not happen >> and what that
represented was the break down of the arterial system >>
of the arteries >> of the breaking down of them because of the lack of minerals >> [Magnesium
is commonly missing from our systems and it protect the heart] >> [magnesium offsets that
'bully mineral' calcium which commonly causes heart trouble] >>
and heart disease started to come in >> there is simple ways to get minerals to prevent
cancer and I use simple means >> I was sitting here drinking this glass of water and it has
minerals in it >> it has the minerals iodine and magnesium >> [epsom salts] >> [kelp and
nascent or Lugols iodine
be used
in place of this] >>
🍜 Nouilles Asiatiques Aux Légumes 🥦 | Recette Végétarienne Rapide et Facile (Lundi Vert n°7) - Duration: 2:58.
Как вернуть мотивацию? РАзговоры с Юрой РА. - Duration: 6:45.
friends good afternoon my name is him do the minutes
today we are with yura ra on the beautiful city jing gu
We are organizing a self-development workshop here. Yuri organized and I want him to ask a couple of questions because this person
which seems to me to know the answer to all questions in general
which can be put so your will be interesting to talk with you
in general, I have
such a question that I think is of general interest to all of all people who live not only Brazil on this planet
because every person has parents and
I have such a question as it was in my family but for me
Father was the most motivating factor of life, that is, since childhood, I was so brought up that
there are no restrictions
problems and always the father is my selection, that is, if I wanted to leave home and enroll in
Moscow, he said well done come on if this want some kind of car to buy before
I earned my first car myself. I want to buy it. Of course, it burns with my little dedsek; let's just be happy to support you, that is, do not dissuade me
Some girl met a cute foolish smell smells after from where everything will normally go fine
so of course you like everything well done dare well that is to say
parents they always support of course my fatherly love was more
Mother's love is completely different and so it turns out that it's disturbing that dad doesn't get him to die and
somehow in my life happens so i lose all motivation
that is, I also stream only when I do something now
earned well yes I have a good business
family is a child but this motivation is what I get
some kind of blockade which the universe does not give but I cannot rejoice in it and I understand that I used to rejoice
the fact that I am happy about my parents, that is, I have always made some victories for
accomplishments and understand what it is to make
It is pleasant to the monasteries that you should praise me now. There is no other format, it's my mother's priest there, but it's not
I do not know how to return here again to that motivation and that again
Satisfy this energy here so that I can call us at any time, you can think of it this way, he said of course
good and now there is no one for me good good opposition cargo I will just tell you one
you limited yourself and you yourself
blocked himself
I was the same story only helped not grandfather and
when grandpa
I do not say the word death
I emphasize I say gone
when he left i did such a thing i came when to the crematorium and went in white smiling
all the grandmothers in black they hissed because it needed to grieve and told mom such a thing
that grandfather is gone and in order for him to go far and with me to communicate normally he needs the energy of joy
let's remember what we taught, let's rejoice and let's send him this energy and a miracle happened and
when I went to bed came to me somewhere young in a dream I hugged him I was stimulated people come to me every week
so you told yourself that you can't talk like that
but it wasn't if you take this shirt off of you
Well, you can talk by yourself without a shirt
also the nipple you can communicate if he is not everything you need to expand your creation and
rejoice and do not grieve because it is yours about the state it prevents you from communicating with him and
What I
I do it regularly write their own
of cards you control you have a low reality you have your father will begin to come out through your open heart
also you will see his oldest young healthy and be able to communicate with him because in fact there is
he just exists another in the world he has no form and
so if you are used to communicate with the form this question if you are used to communicate
the spirits that your father is, nobody can stop you
never so you can just change a little bit of your relationship
change relax
smile to remember something good good give to this energy and then call a miracle
leave it to practice to make a void and from there
father will come to this emptiness and talk to you it will be very fast just to change your
perception and does not say the word death
because we actually only die when you set when we believe that someone leaves and the worst
when we start to mourn because it is a score it attracts everyones
poltergeist we are the fare and the soul of a person she cannot go far because we keep her soon to our own tensions therefore
rejoice that they will easily wean
well and that he even now hears me and you just change your attitude and
you will be able to communicate with him normally and you will motivate believe it
just just your influence and therefore everything will be fine for me
but at first I was like that when the mind went even
the last day of his life and he said that the war
don't just cry, well, that probably felt that he would leave tomorrow. We had such a serious conversation. We talked. He told many interesting things.
of the facts that he is no longer here in principle but he already sees it and when he falls asleep he already often leaves
pipes parallel worlds communicates with other entities
just hail us back it is very bolted I will tell you so you are weight on here is your father
oddly enough even your grandfather all your kind all micro you
just you take out yeah you can
even remember how he says and when you say when you say you will think so my father said
inside of me, I'm not saying, but my father, that is, he lives inside of you and
Here it is your separation that prevents you from seeing the truth.
friends, good afternoon, my name is his minute today, we and yura ra are in the beautiful city of jin gu we are holding a self-development workshop here yury organized and i want him to ask a couple of questions because this person who seems to me knows the answer to all the questions that you can therefore, it will be interesting to communicate with you in general, I have a question that I think is of general interest to all all people who live not only the Brazil on this planet because every person has parents and I have one What is the question? How was it in my family? But for me, my father was the most motivating factor in life, that is, since childhood, I was raised in such a way that there are no limitations to problems, but my father always chooses me, that is, if he wanted to leave home and go to Moscow, he said Well done let's do it if I want to buy some kind of car before I bought my first car myself I want to buy it is on fire, of course, little dedsek, let's just be glad to support you, that is, I don't dissuade me some girl met a nice foolishness after smelling whence It's okay to go wrong, of course, everyone likes a good fellow, dare, that is, they always support my parents. Of course, my father's love was more than my mother's love is completely different and it's so alarming that dad doesn't become dying and then it happens in my life that I lose all motivation, that is, I also stream only when I do something, I earn good money now, yes, I have a good business, family is a child, but this motivation is what it is, I'm all getting some kind of blockade don't give but I can't rejoice in it and I understood that before I was glad that I'm happy with my parents, that is, I always made some victories for accomplishment and understood that in order to make it pleasant for the monasteries you to praise me now there is no other format, it's really there mom's priest's but it's not that, and I don't know how to return to that motivation again and to get filled again with this energy so that I can call us at any time so you think you can do it he said of course it's a good thing, but now I don't ohm good good opposition cargo i'll just tell you one you limited yourself and you blocked it yourself i had the same story only helped not grandfather and when grandfather i don't say the word death stress i say i left when he left i did such a thing i when he came to the crematorium and went in white he smiled all the grandmothers in black they hissed because it needed to be mourned and told my mother such a thing that the grandfather left and in order for him to go far and communicate normally with me he needs energy of joy let's remember what we taught us rejoice and let's send him this energy and a miracle happened and when I went to bed I came somewhere young in a dream I hugged him I was stimulated by people coming to me every week therefore you said to yourself that you can't communicate like that but it wasn't you will not be able to take you off this T-shirt. Well, you will be able to communicate by yourself without a T-shirt and you will be able to communicate if he is not all you need to expand your creation and be happy and not mourn because it is your state that prevents you from communicating with him and what i'm doing regus Itariously they write their cards out of control. You have a low reality; your father will begin to come out through your open heart. You should also go and you will see him as the oldest healthy and you
therefore I will say one more simple thing who sees in one whole the light of the one who shares that color not to divide and
more light so we all well thank you very much lay down on the wave need to finish
[Sub español] Jhope Live 'Feliz día de JHOPE' - Duration: 1:02:21.
Patriots' Duron Harmon says he won't visit White House after Super Bowl but would welcome Barack Oba - Duration: 21:56.
CLOSE SportsPulse: NFL insider Jarrett Bell puts into perspective Tom Brady winning his sixth ring and how this decades Patriots dynasty might be more impressive than the one in the 2000s
USA TODAY CONNECT11TWEET11LinkedIn11COMMENT11EMAIL11MORE11New England Patriots safety Duron Harmon said he doesn't plan to attend the White House if his Super Bowl-winning team receives an invite from President Donald Trump
Harmon was, however, receptive to the idea of meeting with President Barack Obama instead
In an interview that aired on TMZ Sports, Harmon was asked if he'd go to the White House to celebrate the Patriots' Super Bowl LIII win over the Los Angeles Rams
He answered, "Nah, man. They don't want me in the White House."Harmon was then asked by the interviewer in the video if he'd prefer to meet with former President Barack Obama, taking a page from when the defending NBA champion Golden State Warriors met with Obama last month in lieu of a White House visit
"It would be dope (to celebrate with Obama)," Harmon said. "Obama, come holler at me, man
We love you over here, man." The Patriots met with Trump at the White House to celebrate their Super Bowl LI victory over the Falcons two years ago, but a handful of players including quarterback Tom Brady did not attend
New England also went to the White House during Obama's presidency following their Super Bowl XLIX win over the Seahawks in 2015
Brady cited the desire to spend time with his family as his reason for staying home, while several other players pointed to objections to Trump's beliefs and policiesLast year's Super Bowl winners, the Philadelphia Eagles, were disinvited by the White House when it became clear only a handful of players would attend
The Boston Red Sox have a White House visit planned for this May to celebrate their 2018 World Series win
The Warriors, meanwhile, have been vocal about their distaste for Trump and have not attended the White House after winning the title in each of the last two years
Guard Stephen Curry helped arrange a meeting with Obama for the Warriors players back in January when the team was visiting Washington for a game
FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedInBest photos from Super Bowl LIII: Rams vs. Patriots Fullscreen Posted!A link has been posted to your Facebook feed
The New England Patriots, left, knocked off the Los Angeles Rams 13-3 in Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta
Richard Mackson, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenThe New England Patriots celebrate with the Vince Lombardi Trophy after beating the Los Angeles Rams 13-3 in Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta
Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenQuarterback Tom Brady and his daughter Vivian celebrate as they are interviewed by CBS host Jim Nantz after the Patriots' 13-3 win over the Rams in Super Bowl LIII
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots backup quarterback Brian Hoyer (2) celebrates with the Vince Lombardi Trophy after the team's 13-3 win in Super Bowl LIII
Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenWide receiver Julian Edelman, lifting the Vince Lombardi trophy, was named Most Valuable Player of Super Bowl LIII
John David Mercer, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenSafety Patrick Chung (23) lifts the Vince Lombardi trophy as head coach Bill Belichick talks with CBS host Jim Nance, left, after Patriots beat the Rams 13-3 in Super Bowl LIII
Jason Getz, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenPro Football Hall of Famer and former NFL running back Emmitt Smith brings the Vince Lombardi Trophy to the stage at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenTight end Rob Gronkowski gets a kiss from girlfriend Camille Kostek after the Patriots beat the Rams 13-3 in Super Bowl LIII
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenTom Brady (12) celebrates after winning his record-breaking sixth Super Bowl
Robert Deutsch, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenDefensive tackle Danny Shelton (71) celebrates with his wife Mara Shelton after the New England Patriots beat the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl LIII
Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots middle linebacker Kyle Van Noy (53) celebrates after defeating the Los Angeles Rams 13-3 in Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta
Jason Getz, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots offensive tackle Marcus Cannon (61) plays in the confetti with a child at Mercedes-Benz Stadium after the team's 13-3 win over the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl LIII
Jason Getz, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots middle linebacker Brandon King (36) lays in the confetti at Mercedes-Benz Stadium after a 13-3 victory over the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl LIII
Dale Zanine, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick and his girlfriend Linda Holliday celebrate the 13-3 win in Super Bow LIII
Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenWide receiver Julian Edelman (11) celebrates on the field after leading the New England Patriots to a 13-3 win over the Los Angeles RAms in Super Bowl LIII
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady (12) gets mobbed by reporters on the field after defeating the Los Angeles Rams 13-3 in Super Bowl LIII and setting a record for most Super Bowl wins
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady (12) celebrates with owner Robert Kraft after their win over the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenHead coach Bill Belichick gets doused with Gatorade after winning his sixth Super Bowl with the New England Patriots
Richard Mackson, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots kicker Stephen Gostkowski (3) kicks the game-clinching field goal late in the fourth quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots cornerback Stephon Gilmore (24) celebrates with teammates after intercepting a pass to thwart a Rams rally late in the fourth quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams head coach Sean McVay reacts after his quarterback threw an interception during the fourth quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Jason Getz, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots cornerback Stephon Gilmore (24) intercepts a pass intended for Los Angeles Rams wide receiver Brandin Cooks (12) late in the fourth quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots running back Sony Michel (26) celebrates with teammates after scoring a touchdown during the fourth quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenQuarterback Tom Brady (12) celebrates after the Patriots score a rushing touchdown during the fourth quarter of Super Bowl LIII
John David Mercer, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots running back Sony Michel (26) cuts through a hole to score the game's first touchdown during the fourth quarter
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski (87) catches a pass near the goal line against Los Angeles Rams strong safety John Johnson (43) in the fourth quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams kicker Greg Zuerlein (4) kicks a 53-yard field goal in the third quarter of Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams wide receiver Robert Woods (17) makes a catch against New England Patriots defensive back Jonathan Jones (31) during the third quarter of Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Richard Mackson, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams wide receiver Josh Reynolds (83) catches a pass against New England Patriots cornerback Jason McCourty (30) during the third quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Jason Getz, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots offensive guard Shaq Mason (69) battles Los Angeles Rams defensive tackle Ethan Westbrooks (95) during the third quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Jason Getz, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots wide receiver Julian Edelman (11) jukes Los Angeles Rams strong safety John Johnson (43) during the third quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams punter Johnny Hekker (6) booms a Super Bowl-record 65-yard punt against the New England Patriots during the third quarter of Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots defensive end Deatrich Wise (91) looks on as strong safety Patrick Chung (23) lays on the field after suffering an apparent arm injury during the third quarter of Super Bowl LIII
John David Mercer, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams running back Todd Gurley (30) runs the ball against New England Patriots defensive tackle Lawrence Guy (93) during the third quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenRecording artist Travis Scott, right, performs with Maroon 5 during the Super Bowl LIII halftime show at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Dale Zanine, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenRecording artist Big Boi performs with Maoon 5 during the Super Bowl LIII halftime show at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta
Brett Davis, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLead singer Adam Levine and Maroon 5 perform during the halftime show at Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Brett Davis, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenMarching band drummers perform during the Super Bowl LIII halftime show at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Dale Zanine, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady (12) drops back to pass against the Los Angeles Rams during the second quarter of Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots wide receiver Cordarrelle Patterson (84) tries to break the tackle Los Angeles Rams cornerback Marcus Peters (22) during the second quarter of Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Jason Getz, Jason Getz-USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots wide receiver Julian Edelman (11) runs after catching a pass from quarterback Tom Brad (not pictured) as Los Angeles Rams strong safety John Johnson (43) and inside linebacker Cory Littleton (58) give chase during the second quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Jason Getz, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots defensive tackle Danny Shelton (71) celebrates a defensive stop during the second quarter of Super Bowl LIII against the Los Angeles Rams
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots middle linebacker Kyle Van Noy (53) celebrates after sacking Los Angeles Rams quarterback Jared Goff (not pictured) during the second quarter of Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams quarterback Jared Goff (16) reacts after a tackle by New England Patriots middle linebacker Kyle Van Noy (53) during the second quarter of Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Robert Deutsch, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams wide receiver Robert Woods (17) catches a pass against New England Patriots defensive back Jonathan Jones (31) and gets both feet inbounds during the second quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Jason Getz, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots kicker Stephen Gostkowski (3) celebrates with defensive tackle Lawrence Guy (93) after kicking a 42-yard field goal against the Los Angeles Rams during the second quarter of Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Jason Getz, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams defensive end John Franklin-Myers (94) sacks New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady (12), who fumbles the ball, during the first quarter of Super Bowl LIII
The Patriots recovered the fumble. Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams inside linebacker Mark Barron (26) and New England Patriots wide receiver Chris Hogan (15) attempt to catch the ball during the first quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots kicker Stephen Gostkowski (3) misses a 46-yard field goal attempt against the Los Angeles Rams during the first quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Jason Getz, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams wide receiver Josh Reynolds (83) runs the ball against New England Patriots outside linebacker Dont'a Hightower (54) during the first quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots defensive end Deatrich Wise (91) bears down on Los Angeles Rams quarterback Jared Goff (16) during the first quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Richard Mackson, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams inside linebacker Cory Littleton (58) celebrates after intercepting a pass from New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady (not pictured) during the first quarter of Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Brett Davis, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams inside linebacker Cory Littleton (58) intercepts a pass intended by New England Patriots wide receiver Chris Hogan (15) during the first quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams free safety Lamarcus Joyner tackles New England Patriots running back Sony Michel (26) during the first quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Brett Davis, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick looks on during the first quarter against the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl LIII
Brett Davis, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots running back Rex Burkhead (34) breaks the tackled of Los Angeles Rams strong safety John Johnson (43) during the first quarter of Super Bowl LIII
Brett Davis, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady (12) throws a pass against the Los Angeles Rams in the first quarter in Super Bowl LIII
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLegendary singer Gladys Knight performs the national anthem before Super Bowl LIII between the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenSinger Gladys Knight performs the National Anthem prior to Super Bowl LIII between the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Richard Mackson, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenHouston Texans player J.J. Watt, right, presents the Walter Payton Man of the Year trophy to Philadelphia Eagles player Chris Long before Super Bowl LIII/ Mark J
Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams players take the field for Super Bowl LIII against the New England Patriots at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Dale Zanine, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenTom Brady (12) leads the New England Patriots onto the field for Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Jason Getz, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenR&B sister duo Chloe x Halle perform "America the Beautiful" before Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams cheerleaders walk on to the field before Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta
Jason Getz, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots strong safety Patrick Chung (23) and Los Angeles Rams wide receiver Brandin Cooks (12) meet before Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
John David Mercer, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski runs out for warmups before Super Bowl LIII against the Los Angeles Rams
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams running back Todd Gurley tosses a football during warmups before Super Bowl LIII
John David Mercer, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams head coach Sean McVay, right, talks with quarterback Jared Goff (16) before Super Bowl LIII against the New England Patriots
Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady gets fired up during warmups before Super Bowl LIII against the Los Angeles Rams at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams wide receivers JoJo Natson (19) and Brandin Cooks (12) run onto the field for warm-ups before Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Robert Deutsch, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots running back Sony Michel warms up before Super Bowl LIII against the Los Angeles Rams
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams kicker Greg Zuerlein warms up before Super Bowl LIII against the New England Patriots
Dale Zanine, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and his wife Ricki Noel Lander on the field at Mercedes-Benz Stadium before Super Bowl LIII
Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams owner Stan Kroenke, right, talks with head coach Sean McVay prior to Super Bowl LIII against the New England Patriots
Richard Mackson, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams wide receiver Robert Woods
left, and New England Patriots wide receiver Chris Hogan meet during warmups before Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Jason Getz, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams nose tackle Ndamukong Suh warms up before Super Bowl LIII against the New England Patriots at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Brett Davis, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenLos Angeles Rams quarterback Jared Goff warms up before Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots cornerback Stephon Gilmore warms up before Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Dale Zanine, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenFormer player and NFL Network analyst Michael Irvin has a laugh before Super Bowl LIII between the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenOlympic champion track and field champion Usain Bolt throws a football on the field before Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenCongressman John Lewis (D-Georgia), center, makes his way into Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta before Super Bowl LIII
Kevin Jairaj, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenUFC fighter Conor McGregor holds his son Conor Jack McGregor Jr
on the sidelines of Merdeces-Benz Stadium before Super Bowl LIII between the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenSimply Irresistible performs outside Mercedes-Benz Stadium before Super Bowl LIII
Kirby Lee, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenYoung entertainers perform outside of Mercedes-Benz Stadium before Super Bowl LIII
Kirby Lee, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenFans gather outside of Mercedes-Benz Stadium before Super Bowl LIII between the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenA choir performs before Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Dale Zanine, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenA Los Angeles Rams displays his spirit before Super Bowl LIII
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenA group of New England Patriots fans gather outside Mercedes-Benz Stadium before Super Bowl LIII
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenRams fans pose for a photo before Super Bowl LIII
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenA New England Patriots fan wears a Tom Brady mask before Super Bowl LIII
Dale Zanine, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady arrives before Super Bowl LIII against the Los Angeles Rams at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick and girlfriend Linda Holliday arrive before Super Bowl LIII
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenNew England Patriots wide receiver Julian Edelman arrives before Super Bowl LIII
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenGeneral view of a ticket to Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Kirby Lee, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenGeneral view of a ticket to Super Bowl LIII at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Kirby Lee, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenOutside of Mercedes-Benz Stadium before Super Bowl LIII between the Patriots and Rams
Christopher Hanewinckel, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenInside Mercedes-Benz Stadium before Super Bowl LIII between the Patriots and Rams
Kirby Lee, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenHelmets for the Patriots and Rams on display before Super Bowl LIII outside Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Mark J. Rebilas, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenMercedes-Benz Stadium before Super Bowl LIII between the Patriots and Rams
Kirby Lee, USA TODAY SportsFullscreenDowntown Atlanta skyline and Skyview Atlanta ferris wheel prior to Super Bowl LIII between the Patriots and Rams
Kirby Lee, USA TODAY SportsFullscreen Interested in this topic? You may also want to view these photo galleries:Replay1 of 1002 of 1003 of 1004 of 1005 of 1006 of 1007 of 1008 of 1009 of 10010 of 10011 of 10012 of 10013 of 10014 of 10015 of 10016 of 10017 of 10018 of 10019 of 10020 of 10021 of 10022 of 10023 of 10024 of 10025 of 10026 of 10027 of 10028 of 10029 of 10030 of 10031 of 10032 of 10033 of 10034 of 10035 of 10036 of 10037 of 10038 of 10039 of 10040 of 10041 of 10042 of 10043 of 10044 of 10045 of 10046 of 10047 of 10048 of 10049 of 10050 of 10051 of 10052 of 10053 of 10054 of 10055 of 10056 of 10057 of 10058 of 10059 of 10060 of 10061 of 10062 of 10063 of 10064 of 10065 of 10066 of 10067 of 10068 of 10069 of 10070 of 10071 of 10072 of 10073 of 10074 of 10075 of 10076 of 10077 of 10078 of 10079 of 10080 of 10081 of 10082 of 10083 of 10084 of 10085 of 10086 of 10087 of 10088 of 10089 of 10090 of 10091 of 10092 of 10093 of 10094 of 10095 of 10096 of 10097 of 10098 of 10099 of 100100 of 100AutoplayShow ThumbnailsShow CaptionsLast SlideNext Slide CONNECT11TWEET11LinkedIn11COMMENT11EMAIL11MORE11
ニュース 生田斗真、滝沢秀明は「今でも友達」 嵐の活動休止にも言及 - Duration: 2:43.
俳優の生田斗 が、18日に放 された日本テレ 系バラエティ番 『人生が変わる 分間の深イイ話 しゃべくり00 』(21:00 22:54)に スト出演。嵐の 動休止発表と、 年末にタレント を引退してプロ ュース業に専念 た滝沢秀明氏に いて言及した
生田が、仲の い人を聞かれて うちの事務所で うと嵐の松本( )とか」と答え と、くりぃむし ゅーの上田晋也 嵐の活動休止に 及。ネプチュー の原田泰造が「 のくらいびっく した?」と尋ね と、生田は「け こうびっくりし したよね」と返 、有田哲平が「 野(智)くんが んなを呼び出し 言ったんでしょ そこにはいた ?」とボケると 「いないでしょ 俺、嵐じゃな から」とツッコ だ
また、「ジャ ーズカウントダ ン2018-2 19」でタッキ &翼が一夜限り 復活をした際に 生田がバックダ サーとして参加 た話題から、タ キー&翼の解散 滝沢氏の裏方専 の話に
生田は、その話 知った時期につ て、「タキツバ 関しては数日前 会社の方から聞 ました」と明か た。 そして、 8時だJ』(テ ビ朝日)の復活 番の収録時に滝 氏と話したこと 明かし、「僕ら らすると、さよ らじゃないとい か、会社のスタ フと出る側の人 との交流はずっ 続いているし、 でも友達だと思 ているので、そ なに変わりはな 」と語った
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US ISIS bride who called for Memorial Day attacks wants to go home - Daily News - Duration: 2:11.
An American jihadi bride living in a refugee camp after fleeing ISIS's last stand in Syria is begging the US to allow her to return home
Hoda Muthana, 24, left Hoover, Alabama in 2014, in order to join ISIS in Syria, where she would later call for US Muslims to 'spill all of the blood' by launching terror attacks during Memorial Day events
Now, having lost two of her three jihadi fighter husbands and living in a squalid refugee camp, she claims to have been brainwashed and made a 'big mistake' when she travelled to Syria
Ms Muthana was 19 years old when she left the US and headed to Raqqa in Syria where she would first marry an Australian jihadist and then a Tunisian man
Both died fighting for ISIS, and she recently married a Syrian, The Guardian reveals
During her time as a jihadi bride in ISIS's then-capital Raqqa in Syria, she would use social media to spread hatred against non-Muslims and call for terror attacks in the US
Share this article Share 6.7k shares In a 2015 tweet she wrote: 'You have much to do while you live under our greatest enemy, enough of your sleeping!'Go on drive-bys and spill all of their blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them
Veterans, Patriot, Memorial etc Day parades.go on drive by's + spill all of their blood or rent a big truck n drive all over them
Kill them.' [sic] Now, she is living in the tent-city that is al-Hol - also known as al-Hawl - a refugee camp in northern Syria some 200 miles away from ISIS's 'last front' near the village of Baghouz by the Iraqi border
Speaking to The Guardian, Ms Muthana claims she 'deeply regrets' leaving the US, and that she believed she was doing what was right according to Islam
'I thought I was doing things correctly for the sake of God,' adding that she now believes she 'misunderstood' her faith
'I was really young and ignorant and I was 19 when I decided to leave.'At the time when she left, her family pleaded with her to come home and in an interview with BuzzFeed, her father said she had been 'brainwashed'
The 24-year-old former University of Alabama student says she is worried about the future of her young child, a boy called Adam whose father is her second ISIS husband, and is begging the US and her family for forgiveness
'I believe that America gives second chances. I want to return and I'll never come back to the Middle East
America can take my passport and I wouldn't mind.'Ms Muthana is one of more than 25,000 displaced people who have turned up in al-Hol in recent weeks as US-backed forces closed in on ISIS's final sliver of territory in the Euphrates Valley, 200 miles away from the camp
Another western ISIS bride living in the camp is 19-year-old Shamima Begum, who was just 15 when she and two classmates Kadiza Sultana and Amira Abase travelled from London's Bethnal Green to Syria in February 2015
Begum, like Ms Muthana, is pleading with authorities to be allowed to return to her home country as she fears for the future of her son
Conditions in the camp are better than on the road, but the makeshift tents, overcrowding and sparse resources pose a great health risk to children, with at least 29 dying in al-Hol in the past two months, mainly because of hypothermia, the World Health Organization (WHO) said earlier this month
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