Absolutely Cozy Park Model Cottage Early Check-in and Late Check-out in Flat Rock, NC
For more infomation >> Absolutely Cozy Park Model Cottage Early Check-in and Late Check-out in Flat Rock, NC - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
2018 Mercedes AMG GTR - The Lap S2:E1 | Sons of Speed - Duration: 5:38.
This is Brendan with Sons of Speed® for another episode of The Lap® and I have
got a treat for you. Today we are in the Mercedes-Benz GT R, this is an AMG
product. It is fast as hell, 500-and-how many horsepower? 577. 577! It's uh it's a
killer car man. So we're going to see how it does on the racetrack. I gotta tell
you though the seating position and interior on this car are top of the line.
So here we go. We're at Road America the best place to test this car 4.1 miles of
beautiful racetrack, and here we go!
Oh, little bit of wheel sp-, oh man, oh yeah!
This thing ju- Oh my God! That pulled like a freight train!
Man, turn in is sharp!
This thing is insane!
And the brakes - carbon-ceramics all the way around.
Huge brakes.
Oh my God, does this work well.
Power is beautiful.
About 105
Slowing down for the chicane...ooh, nice!
No problem at all. Man, you barely touch the wheel.
The paddles are really, really nice.
Even though they're mounted to the wheel, where we'd rather have them usually on
the column you barely have to move your hands on the wheel so
it works.
It's like a 5° I probably moved my hands so far?
The turn in is awesome!
I, I just ... I'm almost ...
You don't see too many cars like this,
that are this track capable right out of the box.
And that twin-turbo V-8!
Oh, these brakes! Oh my God the brakes!
Uh, I as yet have found nothing I don't like about this car.
Going through the carousel nicely.
Oh, the grip is really there.
Grip is there.
Look at that. Look at the brakes! Oh my God, oh my God! Into this
this is the replacement for the kink.
It's called the ... the, uh, motorcyle kink [bend].
Oh, the engine just pulls and pulls and pulls all day long!
And these brakes.
Ah, beautiful, gosh!
It's just great!
A little brush of the brakes...
Through the corners...
Oh my God, that was fantastic!
Oh, on the binders hard!
The shifts are crisp, this transmission is awesome.
It's dual-clutch, seven-speed.
Oh, and we're already done! Whoo! Whoohoohoohoo!
That was a quick four miles!
Wow! Howdy doody! That is insane, oh my God! I hope the audio picks up the sound of that motor
and the exhaust. That is intoxicating! This-wow Mercedes, you did a AWESOME job
starting with this beautiful interior (and thank God you finally got rid of
that keypad) and then this is this is a purpose-built track car.
It's it's phenomenal. So the only thing I always say I would love to have a
head-up display some shift lights maybe in the wheel or on the head-up display
just to remind you when to shift . The wheel would be so cool. The wheel, yeah, in the
wheel would be awesome. This is an Alcantara wheel there's Alcantara
carbon-fiber all over this inside, it's gorgeous. Easily one of the best if not
the best car we have yet to do an episode of The Lap on. This is what The
Lap is all about it's cars like this that if you have the means go out and
get one because man oh man, this thing is awesome! So until the next episode of The
Lap, this has been Brendan with Sons of Speed, and we will catch you definitely
at the track next time, and hopefully in one of these.
Alright, thanks for watching and don't forget to click that subscribe button
right there, and check out the rest of our channel for more great videos!
Gilets jaunes: Gérard Darmon fustige Franck Dubosc - Duration: 3:21.
Hyundai i40 - Duration: 1:14.
Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:24.
ニュース 四星球"耳年齢チェック"ができる新曲MV公開、ツアーゲストも追加発表 - Duration: 4:56.
が昨日2月2 日にリリースし ニューアルバム SWEAT 1 BLUES」 収録曲「モスキ トーンブルース の"耳年齢診断 き"ミュージッ ビデオが公開さ た
「モスキ トーンブルース は周波数17k z前後を境に若 にしか聴こえな なるというモス ートーンを題材 した楽曲。MV 途中では実際に 耳年齢チェック ができる
またが3月8 より開催する全 ツーマンツアー SWEAT 1 BLUES 成CELEBR TE? TOU 」のゲストアー ィスト第2弾が 表された。今回 ナウンスされた は4月14日の 城公演に出演す 、5月17日の 京公演に出演す 、6月22日の 手公演に出演す の3組
残る公演のゲス も後日発表され 。SWEAT 7 BLUES 完成CELEB ATE? TO R 2019年 月8日(金)徳 県 club RINDHOU E<出演者> G-FREA FACTOR 2019年3 9日(土)和歌 県 和歌山CL B GATE< 演者> / G FREAK F CTORY 2 19年3月10 (日)広島県 道BxB<出演 > / SHI A 2019年 月17日(日) 阜県 CLUB ROOTS<出 者> / te o 2019年 月21日(木・ )鳥取県 米子 AZTiC l ughs<出演 > / MOR HA 2019 3月26日(火 高知県 X-p .<出演者> SHANK 019年3月2 日(金)神奈川 F.A.D OKOHAMA 出演者> / の本気ダンス 019年4月1 日(木)東京都 八王子Matc Vox<出演 > / MUS A×KUSHA 2019年4月 3日(土)福島 Out Li e<出演者> teto 2 19年4月14 (日)茨城県 ito LIG T HOUSE 出演者> / 2019年4月 1日(日)静岡 Shizuo a UMBER 出演者> / reepy N ts 2019 4月27日(土 大阪府 服部緑 野外音楽堂<出 者> / an more 2 19年5月2日 金・祝)石川県 vanvanV <出演者> / Dizzy S nfist 2 19年5月10 (金)北海道 ESSIE H LL<出演者> / オメでたい でなにより 2 19年5月17 (金)東京都 木場STUDI COAST< 演者> / 019年5月2 日(土)愛知県 DIAMOND HALL<出演 > / the telepho es 2019 6月5日(水) 本県 Djan o<出演者> 2019年 月7日(金)鹿 島県 SR H LL<出演者> / 2019 6月21日(金 群馬県 高崎c ubFLEEZ 出演者> / ルカミライ 2 19年6月22 (土)岩手県 lub Cha ge WAVE 出演者> / 2019年6月 3日(日)秋田 Club S INDLE<出 者> / an more
忍ミュ初の製作発表会に六年生が大集合!第10弾は委員会対抗の大運動会 - Duration: 11:24.
2019年5月 りミュージカル『忍 ま乱太郎』第10弾 これぞ忍者の大運動 だ!~が上演される それに先駆け、特別 作発表会が2月20 (水)に都内にて行 れた
本発表会には、3, 00人もの一般公募 ら選ばれた200人 ファンが招待され、 場は期待に包まれた 2010年の 月に初演されたミュ ジカル『忍たま乱太 』(以下、忍ミュ) 、今年で10年目を える
発表会の冒頭ではこ までの忍ミュ歴代名 ーン映像が巨大スク ーンに映し出された さらに、今回 中心となる忍術学園 年生を演じる湯本健 、渡辺和貴、新井雄 、木村優良、秋沢健 朗、反橋宗一郎が登
マイクを片手に「盛 上がって行きましょ !」とファンに呼び けながら、テーマ曲 ある「忍者はガッツ 」を歌い上げた。 続いて脚本・作詞 演出の竹本敏彰、音 監督・作曲・編曲の 麻尚一、そして制作 括プロデューサーの 田隆司が登壇
澤田は「尼子騒兵衛 生が第10弾のため 、学園歌を書いてく さいました」という しいニュースを告げ と共に「忍ミュは今 で以上にスケールア プ、パワーアップし いきます
スタッフ一同、皆様 楽しんでいただける う制作に励んでいま ので、よろしくお願 いたします」とコメ トを寄せた。 あらすじ】 学園長 突然の思いつきで、 術学園大運動会が開 されることになった
運動会は委員会対抗 行なわれるらしいけ 、本当に本当に大丈 !? だって委員会 人数バラバラだし、 ーム分けも決まって いし、きり丸はバイ 断れなかったし、選 宣誓は誰がやるか分 らないし、生首フィ ア飛んでくるし、何 かドクタケ乱入する 、全部学園長先生の の場の思いつきで決 っちゃうから、運動 は始まる前から大混 ! そしてそこに、 強の暗殺者、万寿烏 土寿烏の不気味な影 近づく・・・運動会 競技がクライマック を迎える中、学園長 狙う暗殺者と学園乗 取りを企むドクタケ 者隊と学園勢の三つ の戦いが始まる! 2016年の第7 以降、全員揃うこと なかった六年生
久々に全員が集う1 弾の上演に向けて、 れぞれ意気込みを語 た。以下、各キャス のコメントを紹介。 ◆湯本健一(立 仙蔵役) 作法委員 員長として、四年生 綾部喜八郎と共に完 な優勝を目指したい 思います
緊張や不安もありま が、過去の公演を経 されている先輩方か 、たくさんのことを び、本番に向けて励 でいきたいと思いま 。 ◆渡辺和貴 潮江文次郎役) 第 弾、第5弾と出演さ ていただき、この記 すべき第10弾で潮 文次郎役として復活 きたことを幸せに思 ます
熱く舞台上を暴れま って、お客様に元気 与えられるように、 たなメンバーととも 忍たまの世界観を試 錯誤して作っていき いと思います。 ◆新井雄也(中在家 次役) 忍ミュ史上 多である29人のキ ストが出演しますし 四、五、六年生も登 するということでと も楽しみです
長次は無口なキャラ ターですが、その中 も彼の優しい面など うまく出していけれ と考えています。 ◆木村優良(七松 平太役) 大運動会 いうことで、文字通 大暴れしたいと思っ います
委員会対抗の大運動 とのことですが、体 委員が圧勝してしま のではないでしょう (笑)?どうぞ体育 員会の応援をよろし お願いいたします。 々が舞台を楽しんで ることが、お客様に 伝わればと思います
◆秋沢健太朗 食満留三郎役) 平 ももうすぐ終わると うことで、色々な節 の中でこの役をやら ていただけたこと、 して六年生が全員揃 たことがとても嬉し です
元号が変わっても、 ミュは続いていくと います。皆さん、劇 にいっぱいきてくだ い!食満留三郎は勝 が大好きですし、負 ず嫌いなところを前 に出して、勝負に熱 ありたいと思います
◆反橋宗一郎 善法寺伊作役) 第 弾から参加させてい だいてる身として、 任を持って新キャス に「これぞ忍たま」 いうものを伝えてい なくてはいけません 、新キャストには新 い風を吹かせてもら たいと思っています
その風を超える勢い 僕らも挑戦していき とんでもない作品を っていきます。安心 てついてきてくださ 。 本作では、 花仙蔵役の湯本、6 ろ組コンビ・中在家 次役の新井と七松小 太役の木村が新キャ トとして忍ミュ初参
会見の中では、彼ら 対し渡辺、秋沢、反 が忍ミュにおいての 心得"を伝授。「殺 やアクションを教え くれるドクタケと仲 くする」「長いもの は巻かれる」「武器 扱いは難しいが、血 吐くほど練習すれば どうにかなる」など 々なアドバイスが飛 出した
中でも反橋の お客さん、キャスト スタッフが一体とな "忍たまファミリー って言葉があるよう 、早く仲良くなるこ が一番大事」という ドバイスには先輩キ スト全員が頷き、忍 ュキャストの絆の強 を伺わせた
また、大運動 という構想について 竹本は「原作者であ 尼子騒兵衛先生にど なお話を書けばいい 伺ったところ『私は 運動会がやりたい』 いう言葉をいただき その一言で脚本を進 てきました」とコメ ト
「運動会ですから、 客の皆さんと一緒に り上がる、参加型の うなものが作れたら 思います。大運動会 ので、ガチの勝負。 公演どこが勝つか分 らないですし、台本 も大筋だけあって『 とはよろしく』と書 てあります(笑)
もしかしたら、お客 に勝敗を決めていた くことも・・・?」 斬新な演技プランを かし、ファンだけで くキャスト陣をざわ かせた。 製作 表会の最後にはファ に向けてフォトコー が行われ、六年生キ ストが様々なポーズ 披露
会場にはシャッター 切る音と歓声が響い 。 ミュージカ 『忍たま乱太郎』第 0弾~これぞ忍者の 運動会だ!~は、5 10日(土)から5 26日(日)まで東 ・シアターGロッソ て上演される
その後、大阪、愛知 巡演。詳細は以下の おり。 【東京 演】5月10日(土 ~ 5月26日(日 シアターGロッソ 【大阪公演】5月3 日(金)~6月2日 日) 森ノ宮ピロテ ホール 【愛知公演 6月8日(土)・6 9日(日) 春日井 民会館 【公式 P】http:// ww.musica -nintama. p/ 【Twitt r】@myu_ta a (C)尼 騒兵衛・NHK/N P (C)ミュー カル「忍たま乱太郎 製作委員会 0 1417.jpg
Renault Clio Estate 0.9TCe 90PK Limited € 2.691,- korting! Financieren tegen 2,9% rente! Uit voorr - Duration: 0:54.
Hoda Muthana: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com - Duration: 11:21.
Hoda Muthana: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
A 20-year-old Alabama woman who was studying business at a local college and fled from her family and the United States to join ISIS in Syria is hoping to return to America with her 18-month-old son.
Hoda Muthana, the daughter of immigrants, flew to the Middle East in November 2014, according to the Birmingham News.
Muthana was identified by the local newspaper after she was interviewed by Buzzfeed in an article that used only her first name.
Her distraught father also spoke to the website.
Hoda told Buzzfeed in a conversation on Kik:.
I started getting interested in my deen (religious life) around 2012.
I felt like my life was so bland without it.
Life has much more meaning when u know why ur here.
… I dressed and behaved more modestly.
It helped me with my temper and made me a better person overall.
They (her parents) liked the change until they saw me getting 'jihadi.' … I literally isolated myself from all my friends and community members the last year I was in America.
As I grew closer to my deen, I lost all my friends, I found none in my community that desired to tread the path I was striving for.
… People are nice (in Hoover) but they're all about the dunya (the material world), which I didn't like.
Muthana's father, Mohammed, said he spoke to Buzzfeed in hopes it would help other families prevent their children from joining ISIS.
He told Buzzfeed, "I want to apologize for what my daughter did.".
Now, Muthana wants to come home to Alabama, where she was a resident and college student before she decided to run away with ISIS.
Muthana left Hoover, Alabama, to join the terror group.
She now says she fled ISIS and was captured and held by Kurdish troops.
As was reported, she said she regrets her choice and while conceding she may have to serve time in prison, she nonetheless wishes to return to her home in Alabama.
It's been reported that Muthana was the sole female American at the al-Hawl refugee camp.
Here's what you need to know:.
Trump Ordered the Secretary of State to Prohibit Muthana From Returning to the U.S.
On February 20, President Donald Trump ordered Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to prohibit so-called ISIS bride Hoda Muthana from returning to the U.
"I have instructed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and he fully agrees, not to allow Hoda Muthana back into the Country!".
Pompeo said in a follow-up tweet that Muthana had no passport and was not a citizen.
Her family's attorney told AL.com that she was born in Hackensack, New Jersey and has a passport.
Muthana's father was a diplomat and shortly after that career ended, his daughter was born in the States in 1994, the lawyer told AL.
But he conceded that the matter of citizenship is a "complicated" one: "The Trump administration continues its attempts to wrongfully strip citizens of their citizenship.
Hoda Muthana had a valid US passport and is a citizen.
She was born in Hackensack, NJ in October 1994, months after her father stopped being a diplomat," Shibly told AL.com.
Pompeo appeared firm in his position and added a cautionary note in a statement posted to the State Department website.
"Ms. Hoda Muthana is not a U.S.
citizen and will not be admitted into the United States.
She does not have any legal basis, no valid U.S.
passport, no right to a passport, nor any visa to travel to the United States.
We continue to strongly advise all U.S.
citizens not to travel to Syria.".
"This statement is unusual in a number of ways.
It reaches conclusions on a number of legal issues without identifying the facts the secretary relied on to reach them or identifying what process if any, the State Dept.
followed in considering the former Alabama resident's case.".
She Used Her College Money to Flee to Syria.
Hoda Muthana told Buzzfeed that she took money her father had given her for business classes at the University of Alabama-Birmingham to pay for her flight to Syria.
She now lives in the northern city of Raqqa.
"I signed up for classes and withdrew (from) them immediately so I could get a check back," she told Buzzfeed.
Muthana said she tricked her father into letting her go to Atlanta for a school field trip, but then got on the plane to the Middle East, flying first to Turkey and then traveling into Syria.
She formalized her radical beliefs and was recruited to Syria through social media.
Her father told Buzzfeed he believes his daughter was brainwashed, but she denied that.
"Everyone's parents or family members says that about those who have come here," Hoda told Buzzfeed.
"To that I say, 'Fear Allah, fear Allah with what you accuse us of.'".
Her High School Classmates Say She Was 'Quiet' and 'Kind'.
Hoda Muthana graduated from Hoover High School in 2013.
Her classmates told the Birmingham News they didn't see anything that predicted she would join a terrorist group.
"It seems bizarre just because she was so quiet and kind of kept to herself," Jordan Laporta told the newspaper.
"But we've kind of learned over the years that sometimes it's people just like that who are most susceptible to extremist groups.".
Muthana's family belonged to the Birmingham Islamic Society, but she had withdrawn from the community prior to leaving the country.
The Islamic Society said in a statement:.
BIS, in support with other national American-Islamic organizations, has unequivocally condemned the heinous acts of this extremist group in the past and continues to do so.
BIS, and the local Muslim community, disassociates itself with the actions of this individual and any others who condone the ideology of this un-Islamic outfit that calls itself 'Islamic State.'.
An Airstrike Killed Her Husband, an Australian Jihadi & She Was Used in ISIS Propaganda.
Hoda was married to an Australian jihadi, Suhan Rahman (also known as Abu Jihad Al Australi) after moving to Syria.
She posted messages on her now-suspended Twitter account and other social media posts about him, saying he was killed in March after a Jordanian air strike.
Muthana used her now-suspended Twitter account, "@ZumarulJannah" under the name "Umm Jihad" to make several anti-American and pro-ISIS posts after moving to Syria.
One post included a call for ISIS supporters still in America to carry out a domestic terrorist attack at parades.
She wrote on March 19, 2015, "Americans wake up ! Men and women altogether.
You have much to do while you live under our greatest enemy, enough of your sleeping !" in one Tweet.
In another that same day she said, "Veterans,Patriot,Memorial etc Day parades.go on drive by's + spill all of their blood or rent a big truck n drive all over them.
Kill them.".
She also called for an attack on President Obama.
[FREE] Juice WRLD x Lil Peep Type Beat 2019 - "Lost" (Prod By ASBØ) - Duration: 3:45.
Mensagem de Pe. Fábio de Melo - Duration: 9:14.
(INDO SUB) TREASURE 13 'Channel Open Celebration Surprise' - Duration: 31:22.
Jordyn Woods Is Moving Out of Kylie Jenner's House [Hot] - Duration: 3:44.
Looks like Kylie Jenner and Jordyn Woods are no longer roomies. The 21-year-old longtime confidante to the Kardashian-Jenner family is moving out of her BFF's house, ET has learned, as the fallout continues from Khloe Kardashian leaving Tristan Thompson amid rumors he cheated on her with Woods
"Kylie is extremely upset about everything that is going on with Khloe and her best friend Jordyn
Jordyn is a sister to Kylie, and she's extremely shocked this could happen, as is the whole family," a source told ET on Wednesday
"Kylie is trying to get all the facts before she makes up her mind, but for now Jordyn isn't staying at Kylie's
Kylie needs her space and also wants to respect her sister Khloe. The future of their friendship hangs on the facts
" The aspiring model will be moving back to her mom's house, a source told People, adding that "it's been a difficult time and she's broken up" about the situation
On Tuesday, a source told ET that Khloe and Tristan had split after two years together because of ongoing "trust issues," and the same day, the 34-year-old reality star commented on a Hollywood Unlocked Instagram post claiming the Tristan-Woods tryst had occurred, along with her friend, Malika Haqq, who wrote "STRONG FACTS," in response to the post
While Khloe and Tristan's relationship has been dogged by cheating allegations before, Jordyn goes way back with the Kardashian-Jenner family, having been Kylie's best friend since childhood
The drama seems to have rocked that relationship, however, as on Wednesday, Khloe and Kylie's sister Kim Kardashian West unfollowed Jordyn on Instagram
Additionally, Khloe liked a second tweet from a fan criticizing Tristan and Jordyn for the alleged incident
At the time, Kylie is still following her longtime friend, as well as Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner and Khloe herself
Watch the video in the player above for more on Jordyn's longtime relationship to the Kardashian-Jenner's, and below for more on Khloe and Tristan's breakup
염정아도 모자라 '카메오' 정우성-이정재라니, 놀랍다 - Duration: 11:59.
Kailyn Lowry Predicts Her Feud With Jenelle Evans Will 'Never End': There's Always A 'New Slam' - Br - Duration: 3:18.
Kailyn Lowry dished on why her podcast with Lindsie Chrisley, 'Coffee Convos', has caused more drama than ever in her ongoing rivalry with 'Teen Mom 2' co-star, Jenelle Evans! Teen Mom 2 fans have seen Kailyn Lowry, 26, and Jenelle Evans', 27, feud play out on their hit MTV reality show, and on social media for the past several years
The ladies recently made headlines once again after Jenelle took to Instagram live on Jan
19 with her mom, Barbara, who said, "F**k Kail, I'll kill her," before laughing it off
And although Jenelle insisted her mom was just joking, we reported earlier that Kailyn was "not filming until something is done
" Now HollywoodLife sat down with Kailyn, and her "Coffee Convos" podcast co-star, Lindsie Chrisley, who EXCLUSIVELY dished on why they believed Jenelle's behavior "has been the worst" since the ladies started their podcast over a year ago
"I want to say Jenelle has been the worst since we started the podcast," the Chrisley Knows Best alum explained of Kailyn's ongoing rivalry with Jenelle
The "Pride Over Pity" author agreed, "Yeah, for sure." Lindsie, the daughter of reality star, Todd Chrisley, continued, "So every week, it's like a new slam and I don't even know her or David Eason, but I blocked them on social media
" We asked Kailyn why she believed her warfare with Jenelle seemed relentless, particularly since she launched her podcast with Lindsie, where they discuss all things Teen Mom, hot topics, and "motherhood, friendship, television, family, and life in the public eye," according to their site
"I think because things happen in real time, and then we recap it on the podcast, and so [Jenelle and David] constantly think that we're always talking about them," Kailyn explained
"And then it seems like the feud never ends." Kailyn did tell us that she recently continued filming Teen Mom 2 after taking a break for a few weeks following the incident with Barb
Kailyn also tweeted on Jan. 2 that she was afraid to film because of Jenelle's husband, David
After The Ashley's Reality Roundup tweeted, "#TeenMom2 crew members are refusing to work on Jenelle Evans' shoots because they're afraid of her husband #David Eason !" Kailyn responded, "I will not be attending any type of reunion on the same day or weekend as Jenelle & David for the same reasons
" Jenelle added fuel to the fire (literally!) even more so when Kailyn sent her a promotional package of her new Pothead Haircare line
Jenelle shared an Instagram video on Dec. 21 as she poured gasoline all over the products and lit them on fire, saying into the camera, "Hey Kail, this is to your peace offering
مسلسل كوري "الإمبراطورة الأخيرة" الحلقة 49 - 50 كـــاملة |AR|EN - Duration: 59:45.
(This drama is a fictional depiction of a constitutional monarchy.)
You don't hear anything from the room, right?
Break the door down and go in. There will be a dead body inside.
Get rid of it without a trace.
Your Majesty.
You don't hear anything from the room, right?
Break the door down and go in. There will be a dead body inside.
Get rid of it without a trace.
Kang Hee.
Whose body is it this time?
Did you kill him the way you tried to kill me?
Spit it out!
You were talking about Kang Joo Seung's dead body, right?
Did you poison him after getting him out from the hospital?
It was Empress Dowager's order.
After she found out that he was alive,
she asked me to kill him.
Empress Dowager also instigated Ms. Choi to kill him...
seven years ago.
I just did what I was told to do.
Are you telling me that you killed him then?
You just admitted that you killed Kang Joo Seung!
Oh, that.
I had no choice.
She threatened me with Ari's safety.
Did Mother order you to kill me too?
I know nothing about this.
That day, I was coming down with the flu.
I was stuck here...
I'm tired of your lies and don't want to hear them.
Come with me!
Your Majesty, Your Majesty!
Your Majesty!
Yoon... Yoon.
Why are you so surprised, Mother?
Aren't you glad that I've recovered?
When did you wake up?
How could you look so healthy?
It was definitely a woman who attacked me in the Records Room.
I scratched the woman's neck as I was struggling to get out.
Were you the one who fabricated the DNA result with the police?
Your own son could have died.
How could you, my mother, cover it up?
Did you order her to kill me?
I know nothing about this.
How could you make such a hideous accusation?
I have all the videos on my phone.
Who has the phone now?
Do you have it? Or does she have the phone?
It's not me.
It's unfair and upsetting that you are suspecting me.
I don't know anything about this either.
Why are you protecting her?
I told you I must find out the truth behind Empress So Hyun's death.
Why are you stopping this?
It was you who killed Empress So Hyun.
The truth doesn't change.
Have you forgotten that Kang Hee witnessed it?
You just wanted him to be a murderer.
The water level of the pond seven years ago wasn't deep...
due to the construction.
Empress So Hyun was a great swimmer.
It wasn't deep enough for her to fall and drown.
She was pregnant.
Besides, she was carrying twins and was almost due.
All right then. Your best friend fell into the pond.
Why didn't you save your friend?
You were a good swimmer too. You even competed in matches.
You were more than capable of saving her.
When I arrived at the pond, she was already dead.
I could only flee because I was scared and felt guilty.
You were smiling brightly...
at the party for the new palace in the video I saw.
You had the biggest smile on. It wasn't a smile you would have...
after witnessing your best friend's death before your eyes.
What's the truth about you?
If I saved her, you wouldn't have spared me.
To protect my child I was carrying, that was the best I could do.
It was you who committed the act. Why are you blaming it on her?
You are such a coward.
what's your take on this?
Ms. Choi tried to kill me.
Empress Dowager ordered her to kill me.
What is this?
Is Kang Joo Seung alive?
Stop playing innocent.
I heard you told Seo Kang Hee to get rid of Kang Joo Seung.
She just told us the truth.
How dare you? You witch!
What nonsense did you tell him?
Was it you who took Kang Joo Seung?
You were behind this, weren't you?
I only got rid of him because I knew...
he would be bad news for you.
Shouldn't you thank me instead?
If Kang Joo Seung talks,
it's you who would be in the biggest trouble.
How shameless!
How dare you make up such lies? How dare you?
Empress Dowager had greenhouses in Chungeum Island.
Inside, there was a field of poppies.
Was this the reason why you didn't like Empress So Hyun?
Did you spread a fake scandal about them...
and let her die...
because of the poppies? Is that it?
I know nothing about this!
Stop everything.
Burn that dirty field of poppies...
with your own hands!
It's me who had been managing this Family.
The poppy business was the basis...
to grow our family to where we are now.
You have been living a nice life with the money I earned for you.
Are you criticizing me now that the money is dirty?
Drugs are a separate matter.
Our act won't be condoned.
I will not allow it.
At least, you should say so. You had the biggest gain out of it.
The Imperial Family must be wealthy, for the public to follow us.
If we forget about it, it won't be a problem.
Give it up.
I'll stop you.
Go ahead. Try to stop me if you think you can.
Break our family with your own hands.
You can't even admit that you killed Empress So Hyun.
How could you turn your back on the Family?
The moment any of you open Pandora's box rashly,
the palace will be a sea of fire.
That reckless tongue of yours...
won't be able to escape from my punishment.
What are you doing?
Will you just let Mother and Kang Hee do whatever they want?
I'll take care of it. You stay out of it.
You know Mother won't change just because you give her a chance.
Can you still not abandon this rotten Imperial Family?
Do you want to maintain that petty title as emperor?
What do you know? This is all I know.
I was born here and lived here all my life.
My entire life is in this palace!
I can't throw it away...
that easily.
I thought you had changed at least a little bit,
but I was mistaken.
Look at yourself.
How are you different from Mother?
I won't come to you ever again.
Leave. Get lost!
It's all...
for the Imperial Family.
You would've had...
no other choice either.
Are you mad?
How dare you bring me down with you?
Should I tell them what I know?
Go ahead.
Then I'll talk too.
I'll say you ordered me to kill Crown Prince Yoon.
So we're tied.
Let's take the fact that...
I killed Empress So Hyun and that you tried...
to kill the Crown Prince to our graves.
So don't try to blackmail me again.
If you'd bury it forever,
I'll do the same.
Evil witch.
You call that a negotiation?
You're the one who killed Kang Joo Seung.
I told you. That was the only way...
to keep the Chungeum Island matter a secret.
So don't even think of betraying me.
Do whatever it takes to kick Sunny out,
and make me Ari's legal proxy.
If I could give it to you, I would've taken it for myself.
Empress Eun already made her decision.
How can I undo it?
Get them divorced and kick her out,
or kill her as you did Empress So Hyun.
Shut it!
Shouldn't you deal with the Chungeum Island matter first?
We're in on this together now.
We have to rely on each other.
She was so strong.
To think, she crumbled so miserably like this.
She wasn't the type to take her own life.
The disgrace that her daughter-in-law...
and grandson tried to kill her, and the guilt...
regarding the Imperial Family's ruin were too much for her.
She decided she'd convict them with her death.
Please do something before you return.
Please return the throne to Hyuk.
And why is that?
I plan to throw him a grand party...
for the 10-year anniversary of his reign.
I must watch that throne that they wanted to protect so badly...
crumble instantly into nothingness...
and watch them fall to the ground...
with my own eyes.
I plan to close the investigation of Empress So Hyun's death.
All we have are circumstantial evidence.
We could not obtain any solid evidence.
Thus, we cannot prove the Emperor's guilt.
This is the decision of the Imperial Auditing Team.
Emperor Lee Hyuk...
shall return to his role as emperor as of this moment forth.
Since the Crown Princess is still unstable emotionally...
and lacks sufficient education and training,
the Emperor...
shall settle the discord within the Imperial Family.
Yes, Your Highness.
I must return to the US today,
so sadly, I will be unable to attend...
the 10-year anniversary celebration this weekend.
Plenty of people will attend,
so you don't need to worry about that.
There is one more item to resolve before then.
I heard Mother's will was incorrectly executed?
I found Grandmother's real will.
The will that the Empress Dowager purported to be real...
was completely fabricated.
I thought it was strange.
How could Grandmother give everything she had...
to Mother and the Emperor,
whom she never favored when she was alive?
Then how much do I get?
"I, Jo Tae Ja, leave behind all of my assets..."
"to Oh Sunny, the Empress"?
Do I get nothing either way?
Shut it!
Why should we believe that is the real will?
We had a handwriting analysis done...
and confirmed it was the real will.
And the Crown Princess testified that the contents were true.
Will you really deny it?
I know Mother passed away,
but this makes no sense.
Sunny schemed with haters of the Imperial Family...
in order to destroy the Imperial Family.
We can't give that traitor the Imperial Family's inheritance.
Mother was wise,
but she fell for that witch's tricks.
Watch your mouth.
If she saw how she disgraced the Imperial Family,
she wouldn't have given her a single weed.
You are so wealthy. Why are you so obsessed with the will?
Is it because of Chungeum Island?
- In case you lose that too? - Sunny!
As long as I am living,
I will not give it to you. I won't give you a single thing.
How could you dirty the Imperial Family like this?
If you want the inheritance so much, take it to court.
Should we go to court?
You are still shameless.
I don't care about the money,
but the Imperial Family must know Grandmother's real will,
so I will not back off.
I'll give you our company's best lawyers.
It'll be quite amusing to watch.
I want to tear her to shreds!
Where did she find Mother's will?
Did the lawyer switch over to her side?
Ms. Choi. Did you call Mr. Kim?
I can't reach him.
Do whatever it takes to silence him.
- Call everyone we know in the US. - Yes, Your Highness.
My head is about to explode.
Call Dr. Cho.
Your finances aren't the best. You should refrain yourself...
Did you just give me an order?
Shut it and bring me Dr. Cho!
This is the most popular injection in Europe.
It is extremely expensive,
but it has hormones that are excellent in maintaining youth.
Don't worry about the price.
As long as it makes me younger, bring me whatever it is.
As long as I can live a long life without growing old,
I'll give you whatever you want.
Yes, Your Highness.
I think the bath was effective.
Your skin looks milky white.
I'll give you the injection now.
<font color="#8080ff">[VIU Ver] SBS E49 An Empress's Dignity</font> <font color="#ff8080">"Michelle Reinstates Hyuk As the Emperor"</font> <font color="#ff5fa2">-♥ Ruo Xi ♥-</font>
I'm done.
Here's your chicken.
Dong Shik, scoop some rice.
Put this on the rice like so...
Try it.
How is it? Isn't it good?
It tastes like short ribs.
- It's delicious. - Really?
- It's super yummy. - Really?
Kids, be good friends with Dong Shik from now on and don't fight, okay?
Chew well and eat slowly. Drink as you eat.
- Okay? - Yes.
Those punks.
Are you that happy that Mr. Lee woke up?
You're beaming.
who would've known he had such a miserable life?
I know. I feel so sorry for him.
- My gosh. - So, while we're on the topic...
- can we let him... - Drop it.
I already cleaned his room for him.
Where else would he go?
Tell him to move back in right away.
You know where we are, right?
Of course. It's the new mall that the Imperial Mall...
just opened as its new core business.
Why did you want to meet here?
I acquired this mall.
You did?
Grandmother had a soft spot for the Imperial Mall,
so I wanted to protect it.
So I was thinking, I'd like you to run it.
Given your track record at work and your knowledge on trends,
you'll be able to try a variety of things with this shopping mall.
I have a favor to ask you too.
Hel Ro.
Let's live only for today.
I want to be happy with you starting now.
I will love you and cherish every second with you.
Me too. I will do the same.
I love you.
What is this about?
How shameless. After you tried to kill the Crown Prince,
were you planning to stay here?
Is it that again?
Based on what evidence, are you...
You lied about your alibi that day.
I know that you forced the Crown Princess to lie for you.
Should I bring her in to confirm it?
Will you talk only then?
As the legal proxy of the Crown Princess,
I cannot let you ruin Ari's life anymore.
Starting today, I will relieve you of your post as Ari's nanny.
I will remove you from occupying Inhyeongak.
Even so, I'm her biological mother.
You cannot cut my tie with her.
Ari is my daughter.
Come in.
Drag out Seo Kang Hee right now and lock her up in a cell.
I will close down Inhyeongak right now.
In addition, starting now,
she is banned from contacting the Crown Princess.
Make sure you do everything necessary to stop her...
from approaching the Crown Princess.
You must keep an eye on her at all times.
- Yes, Your Majesty. - Yes, Your Majesty.
You witch! Don't you know who I am?
I'm the biological mother of the Crown Princess!
Do you all want to die? Let go of me!
You will regret what you did today.
Mark my words. I do everything I set my mind on.
I order you to let go of her!
Mother is my legal proxy.
How dare you try to harm her?
You will pay for violating the rule of the palace.
Crown Princess.
The Empress is trying to lock me up in the cell.
My only sin is loving my child vehemently.
Please save your mother.
You cannot abandon me for your own good.
You committed a crime.
It is only just to pay for your crime.
You must follow Mother's order.
Crown Princess.
You will be dearly punished if you abandon your mother.
Don't you know that I've lived my whole life for you?
You can't do this to me.
Crown Princess. The Empress isn't on your side!
You must trust me!
Let go of me!
Please don't think I'm being cruel.
Everything I decided was for your benefit.
I understand you, Mother.
I will not misunderstand you anymore.
I know that you always look out for me.
Thank you.
I know that you don't have any official events to attend.
Is there anything you'd like to do?
What I want to do?
Can it be anything I want?
I do have one thing in mind.
What did you just say?
I said that I wanted to go out with you and Mother.
I want to eat delicious food and go to a fun place too.
I've never done this before.
I would like to have fun like regular kids for a day.
Will you not allow it?
Mother said yes.
Is that true, My Empress?
If you don't want to,
the Crown Princess and I will have fun on your behalf too.
- You can just stay here. - I'll go get ready now.
(Emperor's Chinese Restaurant)
Did you want to try jjajangmyeon that badly?
Dong Shik told me that...
jjajangmyeon is the tastiest food in this world.
I've never had this before. I was really curious about it.
Have you ever tried this before?
No, I've never been to a place like this before.
"Emperor's Chinese Restaurant"? Ms. Choi.
- That looks good. - Gosh.
Here you go. Ta-da.
It's tastier because you're feeding me.
You should feed Father too.
I don't think that's necessary.
Didn't you say you'd do anything that I wanted today?
Since this place is verified by the palace, it's very good.
Don't rush. Eat a lot.
What else do you want to do, Ari?
You want to go in there?
I saw it on a variety TV show.
I was dying to come here!
This place looks scary. Do you think you can handle it?
You don't need to worry about me!
I have Father with me.
He's the bravest man in the world.
Are you scared?
Then you can wait outside.
Not possible.
I'm the Emperor of the Korean Empire who's not afraid of anything.
Let's go.
Is she gone? Is she still here?
Tell her to go away. Or I'll be really angry.
She's gone, so get off me. Stop acting.
I'm okay with everything,
but I'm just not so great with ghosts from the East.
They're not real.
In this world, there are a lot of scarier things than that.
Humans can be scarier than ghosts.
Let's go.
My Empress.
Let's go.
You got scared.
He's so annoying.
Please come on out.
I can pull off anything, but this is a bit iffy.
Crown Princess, this is a bit...
Mother, you promised me that you would do anything...
I wanted to do.
I want to put a photo sticker on my phone.
Just this once. Please?
Hurry. Let's go.
Please choose your background.
It will start now. 1, 2, 3.
(Princess Ari)
I'm sorry.
I wish time would stand still.
Call the Empress Dowager right now.
Tell her that I'm locked up in a cell!
Can't you hear me? Hey!
Please be quiet!
I just told the Empress Dowager.
"I believe she will adapt to it very well."
That was her message for you.
Did the Empress Dowager really say that?
You must be kidding me.
You want to take this to the end, is that it?
What are you talking about?
A break-in on Chungeum Island?
It was suspicious that the guards disappeared,
so I checked the security videos,
and there were traces of strangers entering the greenhouse yesterday.
is Sunny.
How dare she break into my territory?
I spent so much time and money on this.
Do they want to follow in Empress So Hyun's footsteps?
Ms. Choi.
What happened with the mole?
Do not worry.
I've brought him over to our side.
You did?
Bring the Emperor. Right now.
Do you have the composition analysis of the cookie from the secret room?
As you suspected, there were traces of drugs.
The court lady who was locked in there said...
she smelled a strong flower scent.
That probably means they extracted the poppies there.
This is...
what my daughter tried to expose at the press conference.
She tried to expose the Empress Dowager...
for selling drugs to the people,
ended up dying because of her.
I'm sorry. It's all because of my mother.
Don't be.
I know you hurt more than anyone else right now.
Thank you for continuing to help.
This weekend is D-day.
At Hyuk's 10-year anniversary celebration,
I will expose all of the Imperial Family's corruption.
Please make sure everything is prepared well.
Don't worry.
I will complete...
what my late daughter tried to do.
The Empress Dowager is not an easy foe.
We cannot be careless. The plan must be foolproof.
You know that, right?
What did I say?
I told you she wouldn't give up that easily.
Your 10-year anniversary may be...
the last day of the Imperial Family.
We can't cancel it now.
We must do anything necessary to...
I will stop Sunny,
so don't you do anything.
And shut down the greenhouse on Chungeum Island now...
if you want the Imperial Family to survive.
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
Mr. Pyo.
I think...
we'll have to kill them all that day.
Even the Emperor?
What choice do I have?
I need to know...
to let go of petty emotions for the greater good.
Prepare well.
Sunny and the Emperor...
must never return to the palace.
The killer...
should be Na Wang Shik.
I will do as you order, Your Highness.
(Episode 50 will air shortly.)
(Episode 50)
Watch where you're going.
I'm sorry.
You have a pretty hand.
I've waited so long just so I can kill you,
but you don't remember me?
I'll repay you...
for that humiliation today.
I've forgotten my love
I've forgotten what I've lost
I've forgotten my tears
What do you plan to do?
What will you do after killing him here?
Do you know what that jerk did to me?
My life went to the dogs because of that louse.
Do you know why I came into this disgusting palace?
Let's see.
Joo Seung, just wait right there.
Who are you people?
Why are you going through our things?
Shut it!
There's nothing here. I don't think he hid anything here.
- Wait outside. - Let's go.
Leave Kang Joo Seung.
He was never in your life.
Play dumb even if others ask. Understand?
Did the Imperial Family send you?
Did you people do something to Joo Seung?
Don't go anywhere near the Imperial Family,
and don't look for Kang Joo Seung.
If you do,
I'll hunt you down and kill you.
Do you doubt me?
You have a pretty hand.
I made sure she understood me clearly, Your Highness.
Don't worry.
Don't stop me.
I'm going to kill that jerk and the Empress Dowager.
Please get yourself together.
When I came here, I was willing to risk my life.
I wanted to take the most precious thing she had, so I seduced him.
I wanted them to hate each other.
After ruining this family,
I can just kill myself.
Will death solve everything?
Is ruining your life a way to get back at those people?
Don't think you're better than me. What do you know?
When I think about that day,
that filthy incident drives me crazy!
What about Dong Shik?
What about Kang Joo Seung? You two just met again.
I don't care. They don't mean anything to me.
Na Dong Shik isn't my child.
You're just like Lee Hyuk!
With the excuse that you're suffering the most,
you're ignoring the responsibility you should face.
Have you ever been sorry to Dong Shik?
I don't want to hear it.
When I look at Dong Shik,
those guys' faces pop up in my head. It's torturing me.
What am I supposed to do?
I can only breathe when I hate him.
Dong Shik's life, Kang Joo Seung's life,
and my life...
are ruined because of the Imperial Family!
Then you must rectify that now.
You must reveal every wrongdoing they did.
And make them pay for what they did.
You must also let them know...
what they did was wrong.
They deserve to die for that.
Killing them won't solve everything.
(Princess Ari)
Did you look into what Na Wang Shik is doing?
He just left after fixing the lights in the Empress's chamber.
In the Empress's chamber?
Who does he think he is? How dare he enter her chamber?
How dare he when I'm right here? This palace belongs to me!
Na Wang Shik. Is this your doing?
Na Wang Shik. You cannot surpass me.
You cannot take the Empress from me.
Your 10-year anniversary may be...
the last day of the Imperial Family.
Is there...
any hope for me?
Will you ever forgive me?
Just like that time,
you still haven't changed.
I gave you a chance for you to reveal everything on your own.
And I waited for you.
For a second, I even hoped that you would.
However, it was you who stayed silent and ran away like a coward.
With that said, why must I forgive you?
You're telling me...
it won't work out for us, right?
Then you leave me no choice.
Escort the Empress...
with respect.
Lee Hyuk. What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Let go! Let go of me.
Let go!
This is the only way to stop you.
You will never...
forgive me, anyway.
The car in front of us is Na Wang Shik's car.
Stay at his heels.
Start cornering him.
Step on it now!
Get close to him. Get close!
Darn it.
Get closer.
Na Wang Shik.
Emperor Lee Hyuk's 10-year anniversary celebration of...
his enthronement will be officiated here today.
Recently, due to a distasteful incident,
he was temporarily suspended.
It's his first official event after his reinstatement as the Emperor.
This event has garnered attention from the people and the world.
(Emperor Lee Hyuk 10 Year Anniversary Celebration)
Where did Mother go?
Didn't you say you'd come here with her?
She wasn't feeling well this morning. She couldn't make it.
Unfortunately, she won't be attending the event today.
That worked out nicely. I didn't want to see her anyway.
Hey, open this door. Open it.
Hey, open this.
I brought the Empress her meal.
- Run! - What is this?
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty.
No. Let go!
Let go!
Get her!
Let go!
<font color="#8080ff">[VIU Ver] SBS E50 An Empress's Dignity</font> <font color="#ff8080">"The Emperor's 10-Year Anniversary Celebration"</font> <font color="#ff5fa2">-♥ Ruo Xi ♥-</font>
Are you okay?
How could they do this again?
Hyuk and the Empress Dowager are probably relaxed now,
so it's actually better this way.
Let's go.
Wang Shik is supposed to meet us here, but I can't reach him.
We don't have time. Let's go.
I apologize...
from the depths of my heart for causing you...
concern as of late.
Moreover, I'd like to thank everyone who never stopped believing in me,
and supported me.
I promise that the Imperial Family will do everything we can...
to make the Korean Empire a place where its people can live...
comfortably and with pride.
Next, the Empress will say a few words.
The Empress is not feeling well and could not make it.
Let's move onto the next item.
Your Majesty.
(Emperor Lee Hyuk 10 Year Anniversary Celebration)
My Empress.
My apologies for being late.
Where are we going?
The Empress...
said to have you return to the palace first.
She did?
Still, it's Father's anniversary celebration.
I want to watch.
It will end quickly anyway.
Since the Empress is your legal proxy,
you must do as she says.
I guess I have no choice if that's what she said.
Why is that jerk...
Your Royal Highness.
I don't see Wang Shik.
I think something happened.
I have a bad feeling about this.
- Stay on your toes. - Yes, sir.
The Empress Dowager is up to something.
It was a long and difficult path to get here...
to the Emperor's 10 year anniversary.
It was dangerous as well.
Congratulations, Your Majesty.
You've done well.
(Emperor Lee Hyuk 10 Year Anniversary Celebration)
I've prepared a montage of the Emperor's accomplishments...
over the past 10 years as a gift to him.
(Emperor Lee Hyuk 10 Year Anniversary Celebration)
What is that?
Oh my gosh.
What is that?
What's going on?
Turn that off right now.
The woman who died due to that accident...
is Baek Do Hee, the mother of the man you all know very well...
for his many donations recently, Na Wang Shik.
If they had just taken her to the hospital,
she would've lived.
But the Emperor...
even tried to kill Na Wang Shik, who tried to uncover the truth...
behind his mother's death.
He shot Na Wang Shik in the head and dumped him in the ocean.
The person who did such a heinous thing...
is Emperor Lee Hyuk.
Stop it.
This is not true. Get out!
What are you doing?
The Emperor buried the truth behind Baek Do Hee's death...
and created an alibi for this hit-and-run,
which is why he married me strategically.
However, he tried to kill me during the wedding.
Is what the Empress says true?
Why did you try to kill the Empress?
At the time, the Empress was having an affair...
with his personal assistant Min Yu Ra.
He married me to cover up his crimes,
but he had no intention of maintaining our marriage.
The Emperor...
deceived me...
and used me.
How could he do that?
The Imperial Family killed our mom.
Our mom's name is...
Shin Eun Soo.
She was also Empress Oh Sunny's mom.
Our mom, who had a rare blood type,
was receiving surgery at the Imperial hospital 10 years ago,
and died because she couldn't receive the blood.
They stole the blood she was supposed to get!
(The Imperial Family's Hideous Past)
It's true. The Emperor was there after a motorcycle accident...
and urgently needed a blood transfusion.
He had to have the same rare blood type as my wife.
My wife, because she lacked money and power,
had the blood meant for her stolen by the Emperor.
And she died that day.
What? How could he do that?
How could the Emperor do that?
I received the statement...
from the doctor back then myself.
However, the Imperial Family feared this would become public,
and poisoned him to death and...
disguised it as suicide.
Furthermore, the Imperial Family framed me...
for killing the Grand Empress Dowager,
and tried to remove me as the empress.
The person who put poison in the food I had sent her,
and set me up as the killer was...
the Empress Dowager.
The Empress Dowager...
blackmailed the Grand Empress Dowager's assistant,
Hong So Mae, and told her that she must frame me as the killer,
causing her making the drastic decision...
of taking her own life.
- I want... - No.
- to clear the name... - No. No.
- No, please... - of Ms. Hong, who died unjustly...
here and now.
That is not true.
How could you accuse me without any evidence?
Naturally, I have evidence.
I saw...
who put poison in your food that night.
That person must be the real killer.
Why else would she have tried to frame you?
Who was it?
put the poison in your food that day.
I saw it all.
How is that...
I kept a copy just in case.
Yoon. Must you do this?
Please stop.
These are all the Imperial Family's crimes.
This is not all.
There is another heinous crime the Imperial Family committed.
You must know well about the drug cookies...
that are causing trouble nowadays.
Did you know that the supplier was...
the Imperial Family?
- What? - Is that true?
Sunny, how dare you...
They sold drugs too?
I need to get out of here.
Get ready.
This is the beautiful island, Chungeum Island,
that the Grand Empress Dowager left me.
The Imperial Family kicked out everyone living there...
and built large greenhouses.
They were growing plants that should not be grown.
What is that?
It's a drug.
- They grew poppies? - What?
The Imperial Family used that black money...
built their businesses, deceived the people,
and lived a life of extravagance and vanity.
Seven years ago,
when Empress So Hyun tried to reveal this to the public,
she faced a wrongful death.
It's all a lie!
Long time no see, Your Highness.
Who is he?
How could you...
You weren't dead?
Seo Kang Hee, that witch.
I'm Kang Joo Seung.
I was Empress So Hyun's guard seven years ago.
- What's going on? - A guard?
The Imperial Family created a fake scandal between us.
And they continued to blame the scandal as the cause of death.
Everything is a lie!
- Please explain this! - Is that true?
The Imperial Family...
killed Empress So Hyun just because she knew...
the secret behind Chungeum Island.
And Ms. Choi right here...
ran me over with her car.
Your Highness, are you all right?
Why are you just standing there? Help the Empress Dowager right now!
Lee Hyuk. Don't blame me.
You chose to jump into the fire with Sunny.
I'm going to reveal which member of the Imperial Family...
was behind growing poppies...
and producing the drug cookies.
What are you doing? Get me out of here!
- Out of my way! - Oh, no!
- Mother! - How could this be true?
How could she do such a thing?
Move! Get out of my way.
- What is it? - Don't move.
The person who ordered all of this was...
Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Are you all right?
Sir, please help these people get out.
Help them get out!
Call 911. Quickly!
Everyone, evacuate! Please evacuate now!
Mr. Oh! Hel Ro!
- This way. - The bomb is over there!
You must get out now. Hurry, and get out of here.
You must get out of here!
Wake up. Wake up. Hyuk, wake up!
Wake up. Wake up, Hyuk!
What happened?
We don't have time. Another bomb will go off in any minute.
Get up. Get up now.
Sunny. Sunny!
Sunny. Sunny!
I, Lee Hyuk, the Emperor of the Korean Empire,
will entrust Empress Oh Sunny with all of the authorities...
if something happens to me...
and I am not able to fulfill my duty as the Emperor.
I told her everything.
Even Emperor Lee Hyuk's last moment.
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