한국 리그 오브 레전드 e스포츠는 여러 면에서 새로운 도전을 시작했다. 2019년.
2013년부터 쭉 이어왔던 세계 최고의 리그라는 명성을 중국 LPL에게 넘겨준 채 도전자로 다시 시작했고,
라이엇 게임즈에서 직접 리그를 주관하며 리그 오브 레전드 전용 경기장인 롤파크에서 시즌을 시작했다.
샌드박스 게이밍과 담원 게이밍도 그리핀에 이어 챌린저스에서 롤챔스(LCK)로 승격해 새로운 리그에 도전한다.
'매드라이프' 홍민기와 '캡틴잭' 강형우 역시 선수 생활 이후 분석 데스크에서 새로운 모습으로 e스포츠 무대에 나선다.
김민아 아나운서 역시 2019 도전의 롤챔스와 같이 무대에 섰다.
기상 캐스터와 골프 쪽에서 활동했지만 e스포츠는 처음인 아나운서다.
리그 오브 레전드 게임을 즐기고 e스포츠를 좋아했지만, 취미로 즐기는 것과 일로 하는 것은 완전히 다른 일이다.
그런 김민아 아나운서는 정말 용감하게 롤챔스에 도전했고, 결국 역사적인 롤파크에서 열린 첫 롤챔스 무대에 함께 했다.
욕심이 너무 많았던 나머지 첫날 방송에서는 아쉬움을 남겼지만, 바로 다음 날 인터뷰에서는 매끄러운 진행을 보이며 시청자들에게 조금씩 다가갔다.
자신이 정말 하고 싶던 일을 하고, 꿈에 그리던 무대에 선 나머지 첫 무대에서는 욕심을 내다 오히려 아쉬운 모습을 보였다는 김민아 아나운서.
게임과는 관련 없던 일을 하던 아나운서는 어떻게 롤챔스 무대에 오르게 됐을까.
설날을 앞두고 롤챔스 방송을 준비 중이던 김민아 아나운서와 만나 이야기를 나눴다.
2019시즌이 시작된 지 3주가 지났습니다.
짧다면 짧고 길다면 긴 시간인데, 어떻게 지내고 있나요 하루가 어떻게 지나가는지 모를 정도로 일이 많아요.
많은 분이 저를 믿어주셔서 롤챔스라는 무대에 설 수 있게 됐는데,
준비는 했지만 부족했는지 시행 착오를 겪고 있어 지금도 계속 공부 중이에요.
매일 어제보다는 나은 방송을 하고 싶다는 생각으로 롤파크에 오고 있어요.
기상 캐스터와 골프 방송을 진행했지만, e스포츠 방송은 처음입니다.
e스포츠 관련 방송은 쉽게 접하기 힘든 영역인데, 어떻게 롤챔스 무대에 도전하게 됐는지 궁금합니다 리그 오브 레전드는 2017년 연말부터 시작했어요.
주로 서포터를 하고, 가장 좋아하는 챔피언은 레오나입니다.
게임을 하다 보니 자연스레 롤챔스도 보게 됐죠.
'나도 저 무대에 서고 싶다' 하는 생각만 했지 기회가 올 줄은 몰랐거든요.
그런데 작년 말 아나운서 모집 공고가 올랐어요.
정말 놓칠 수 없는 기회라 생각하고 제 모든 걸 바쳐 이력서를 써서 보냈죠.
나중에 들어 보니 지원자 중 이력서 평가 3순위 안에 들었다고 하더라고요. 그만큼 꼭 해보고 싶던 자리였습니다.
하고 싶어 하는 일을 하며 사는 게 제 목표였고, 면접에서는 제가 얼마나 하고 싶은지와 잘 해낼 수 있을지 설득했어요.
말을 어찌나 열심히 했는지 면접 시간이 한 시간을 넘었더라고요.
그리고 추석 당일 새벽에 합격했다고 연락이 왔어요.
제가 보여준 열정과 애정을 믿어보기로 했다고.
그걸 보고 좋아서 밤에 소리를 질렀습니다.
그리고는 바로 어떻게 해야 할지 준비를 시작했죠.
진짜 원하는 일을 하게 되어 정말 행복하고 좋은 성과를 내고 싶었어요.
지금 생각해보면 이해 가지 않을 정도로 첫날 인터뷰는 생각과 달리 아쉬움이 많았습니다.
방송 2일차부터 첫날의 어색함은 찾아볼 수가 없었는데, 대체 첫날에는 어떤 일이 있었을까요 제 욕심이 너무 과했어요.
게임을 보고 제가 묻고 싶던 걸 정리한다는 게 생각보다 많아졌고, 거기에 작가진이 정리한 질문도 추가됐죠.
거기에 분석 데스크 조언까지 듣고 들어갔는데, 막상 무대에 서니 경기 내용이 헷갈렸어요.
어느 세트에 나온 장면인지, 이게 누구 플레이인지.
너무 많은 걸 하려다 제 발에 제가 걸려 넘어진 거죠.
처음이니까 평소보다 더 여유 있게 정리하고 깔끔하게만 했으면 되는 건데, 잘하고 싶다는 욕심이 앞섰습니다.
선수의 대답을 들으며 다음 질문을 준비해야 하는데, 그것도 못 했죠. 제가 봐도 프로답지 못한 날이었어요.
그러다 보니 마지막에 했던 말만 들려서 그 질문만 하고.
제 실수로 같이 준비한 사람들까지 나쁜 평가를 받게 된 거 같아 정말 죄송했어요.
첫날 실수는 작가진보다 제 잘못이 컸어요.
그래서 다음 날부터는 작가진에서 준비해준 질문을 기본으로 제가 궁금한 부분 한두개만 추가해서 인터뷰 했죠.
너무 딱딱하다는 이야기도 있었지만, 첫날 같은 실수는 하지 말아야겠다는 생각이었습니다.
지금에서야 말하지만, 첫날은 퇴근이 아니라 도망간 거 같은 느낌이었어요.
리그 오브 레전드를 많이 했고, 그만큼 방송 적응도 빠를 줄 알았는데 그게 아니더라고요.
제게 재미있게 보는 것과 시청자가 만족하는 방송은 정말 다른 일이었어요.
저 나름 열심히 준비해서 방송에 들어갔는데 실제 경험을 해보니 부족한 게 많았죠.
첫날 방송을 마치고 들어가서 반응을 살펴봤는데 정말 마음이 아팠죠.
그래도 고쳐야 나아지니 반응을 하나하나 다 읽고 고치려고 했어요. 시청자 피드백을 받는다고 생각하면서.
처음부터 잘하고 싶다는 욕심이 부담된 거 같은데, 아무래도 라이브 인터뷰는 처음이다 보니 쉽지 않았을 거 같다는 생각도 듭니다 경기장 분위기를 제가 살리고 싶은 욕심이 있었어요.
경기장의 화려하고 활기찬 분위기를 인터뷰에도 녹여내고 싶었거든요. 그런데 그게 쉽지 않았어요.
그리고 인터뷰의 주인공인 선수들의 이야기도 제대로 표현이 안 됐고요.
다음 날부터는 선수들의 플레이를 빛나게 할 수 있는 인터뷰를 하자는 생각을 했습니다.
선수들과 너무 딱딱하게 이야기한다는 이야기도 있었는데, 일단 선수들에게 익숙한 사람이 되어야 가능할 거 같아요.
많은 피드백을 받고 있고 저도 제 경력에 맞는 모습을 보이고 싶습니다.
시청자들이 대단한 게 제가 인터뷰를 하고 나서 아쉬운 부분이 있다 싶으면 바로 이야기가 나오더라고요.
아직은 칭찬받기에는 이른 시기라고 생각합니다.
그래서 어떤 이야기를 들어도 다 받아들일 준비가 되어 있고요.
그리고 같이 분석 데스크에서 방송하는 하광석 해설과 홍민기 해설,
그리고 강형우 해설 모두 제가 경기를 볼 때 쉴 새 없이 질문하는 걸 다 받아주시느라 고생하고,
롤챔스 경력 초반인 지금은 제가 스스로 준비하는 거 만큼 다른 분들이 도와주시는 게 많아요. 작가님들도 저 때문에 고생하시죠.
시청자 피드백도 마찬가지예요.
하루는 도저히 시청자 반응을 볼 자신이 없어서 다시는 안 보겠다고 웹 브라우저의 즐겨찾기를 다 지우고 잤는데,
다음 날 아침에 생각해보니 제가 나아진 게 없던 거 같더라고요.
그래서 부랴부랴 다시 다 돌아가며 찾아보고 즐겨찾기를 복구한 일도 있었습니다.
어떤 피드백이든 다 받아들이려고 하고, 다행히 첫날보다 다들 좋은 이야기를 해주셔서 감사하게 생각합니다.
아직도 제가 부족한 부분을 지적해주는 분들도 있지만, 제가 그만큼 더 늘어야 한다 생각하고요.
제 첫 목표는 시청자들이 좋은 인터뷰라고 이야기해주지 않아도, 좋지 않은 인터뷰라고는 하지 않았으면 하는 겁니다.
리그 오브 레전드를 좋아하는 만큼 점점 롤챔스에 잘 적응해가고 있는데,
지금까지 인터뷰로 만난 선수 중에 기억나는 선수가 있나요 인터뷰 한 모든 선수가 개성 있는 선수들이에요.
그 중에 '트할' 박권혁 선수가 지금 바로 생각나요.
선수들을 처음 만나다 보니 얼굴은 아는데 목소리는 현장에서 처음 들어보거든요.
그런데 질문을 하고 잠시 질문지를 보는 순간 배우 이선균 목소리가 들려서 깜짝 놀랐죠.
선수들이 이야기를 잘해줘서 제가 부족한 부분이 있어도 잘 넘어가거든요. 말도 잘했고요. 목소리 정말 멋있었어요.
그리고 MVP를 네 번 연속으로 받은 '타잔' 이승용 선수는 좋은 성적을 내고도 겸손한 모습을 보이는데,
거기서도 자신감이 느껴지는 게 인상적이었어요.
얼마 전 카밀로 활약한 '온플릭' 김장겸 선수에게 어떻게 하면 카밀을 잘할 수 있나 물어봤는데,
처음에는 못했지만 열심히 노력해서 잘하게 됐다는 이야기를 듣고 제가 반성하게 됐어요.
처음부터 잘하는 모습을 보이려고 했다가 오히려 반대의 결과가 나온 게 라이브 인터뷰가 처음인데도 제 욕심이 너무 과했다는 생각이 들더라고요.
저도 열심히 노력해서 익숙하고 편안한 인터뷰를 진행하고 싶습니다.
그리고 이번 시즌 활약 중인 '조커' 조재읍 선수와 동갑으로 알고 있습니다.
같은 나이인 조재읍의 활약을 보고 어떤 생각이 들던지 롤챔스를 준비하면서 선수들의 나이를 봤거든요. 조재읍 선수가 저와 동갑이더라고요.
이번 시즌 전에는 나이 때문에 좋은 모습을 보일 수 있을지 의문을 가진 사람이 많았지만 샌드박스의 돌풍을 이끌고 있죠.
저도 서포터 유저니까 쓰레쉬를 해봤는데, 차라리 파이크를 하는 게 낫겠다는 생각이 들 정도로 쉽지 않았어요. 쓰레쉬를 정말 잘하더라고요.
조재읍 선수의 활약을 보고 저도 더 잘할 수 있겠다는 자신감을 얻었어요.
게임도 그렇고, 방송도 그렇고 오래 하고 싶은 게 사람 마음이거든요. 선수들도 마찬가지일 거 같아요.
롤챔스에 합류하기 전부터 게임을 많이 하는 거로 알려졌는데, 얼마나 많이 했었나요 요즘은 방송 준비에 집중해서 잘하지는 못하고 있지만,
예전에는 쉬는 시간이 나면 리그 오브 레전드를 했어요.
사람들이 요즘 뭐하냐고 물어보면 게임한다고 할 정도로.
한 번은 피들스틱 서포터를 해보고 싶어서 일을 끝내고 집에 와서 시작했는데,
제가 너무 못하는 게 화가 나서 시간 가는 줄 모르고 계속했어요.
다음 날 일정이 있어서 그만하자 하고 일어나 보니 열 네시간동안 계속 게임만 했죠.
이렇게 열심히 붙들고 살았는데 실버와 브론즈만 왔다 갔다 하고 있습니다.
그래도 돌격 넥서스 모드는 성격 급한 저에게 잘 맞아서 열심히 하고 있어요.
제가 자주 하는 레오나 궁극기 쿨도 잘 돌아오고, 명중 판정도 더 잘 뜨는 거 같아요.
이제 정식으로 롤챔스 무대에서 활동하니 방송도 게임도 열심히 하고 싶어요.
골드는 기본으로 가고 싶고 목표는 플레티넘입니다.
저 같은 사람도 정말 재미있게 하는 걸 보니 왜 리그 오브 레전드가 하는 것도,
보는 것도 모두 인기 있는 게임인지 알 거 같아요.
게임에서 목표는 플레티넘에 오르는 거라고 말했는데, 그렇다면 어떤 아나운서로 기억되고 싶은지 제가 리그 오브 레전드를 시작하고 경기도 보기 시작했는데 방송에서 안경 낀 아나운서가 멋있게 나오더라고요.
그래서 찾아보니 김수현 아나운서였어요. 말도 시원시원하게 하고요.
작년 스프링에는 김수현 아나운서가 팀 소개 콜을 했는데, 그걸 보면 경기장 전체를 김수현 아나운서가 지배한다는 느낌을 받았어요.
그런데 경기 중간에 하던 해적 방송이나 경기 인터뷰를 보면 친근한 누나 같은 모습이더라고요.
다정다감한 모습인데 멋있을 때는 멋있고, 진짜 뭐든 잘하는 거 같았어요.
저도 다른 사람이 보기에 상황에 맞는 최고의 모습을 보이는 아나운서가 되고 싶어요.
한 가지만 잘하는 이미지로는 길게 갈 수 없다고 생각하거든요.
단단하고 꽉 찬 내용을 가지고, 또 부드러운 분위기를 가진 아나운서가 되고 싶습니다.
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한마디 한마디가 모두 도움이 되어 저에 관한 이야기는 어디에 있든 읽어보려고 합니다.
열심히 하는 건 너무 당연한 이야기고, 잘하겠습니다.
잘하면 뭘 잘했는지, 못하면 뭘 못 했는지 언제나 많은 이야기 부탁드리겠습니다.
For more infomation >> [박상진의 e스토리] '종로시대' 롤챔스와 함께 새로운 도전 나서는 김민아 아나운서 - Duration: 16:05.-------------------------------------------
Where is Chicky? Cartoon NEW 2019 - TEACHER CHICKY | Funny Chicky Compilation - Duration: 15:54.
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Toddler Fun Learning Videos | Cartoons For Kids | Nursery Rhymes - Kids Tv - Duration: 1:04:24.
Hi I'm Bob the Train
Look at all those numbers come let's play with them
And 4
And 8
And 10
Oh isn't this fun
And 4
And 8
And 10
One more time let's go
And 4
And 8
And 10
I love to play with numbers
Come with me sing with me and dance to the number song
Did you enjoy that..
Come back soon to play with Bob the Train
Pluşica, DESCALIFICATĂ de la Puterea Dragostei! Şi-a luat adio de la toată lumea cu lacrimi în ochi - Duration: 3:17.
Răzvan Simion, declarații despre fosta soție: „Aș fi încă acolo" - Duration: 2:33.
Nhìn xuyên bài bằng kính áp tròng đánh bài bịp mới nhất 2019 - Duration: 4:12.
渡邊雄太が勝利を手繰り寄せる3ポイントシュート、ハッスルの延長戦勝利に貢献 - Kyo News - Duration: 2:38.
Mazda 3 (2019) Alternative aux Peugeot 308 et Renault Mégane - Duration: 2:12.
Review And Overview of Samsung Galaxy S10+ With Unboxing Link - #T_H_S [Short Video*] - Duration: 1:59.
Nhan sắc nữ sinh Học viện Tài chính vừa đăng quang Người đẹp Kinh Bắc 2019 - Duration: 1:33.
祝 BEJ48樓澍 18歲生日快樂!(祝 BEJ48楼澍 18岁生日快乐!) - Duration: 1:20.
School bus driver revived with Narcan after crashing with 12 students aboard - Duration: 1:27.
School bus driver revived with Narcan after crashing with 12 students aboard
The driver, Lisa Byrd, was transporting a dozen students from 14th Avenue School in Newark when the vehicle crashed into a tree on Wednesday, officials said in a statement.
When first responders arrived, police said they revived the 57 year old woman with Narcan a drug that instantly reverses the effects of overdose from heroin and other opioids.
The students, ages 5 to 13, were not injured, police said.
Byrd, who was taken to a local hospital, is facing 12 charges of endangering the welfare of a child, driving while impaired and possession of drug paraphernalia, police said.
It was not immediately clear whether Byrd has an attorney.
"Endangering the lives of Newark children is something we will not tolerate," said Newark Mayor Ras J. Baraka in a statement. "We are grateful that none of the students were injured and that no other residents were harmed due to this incident."
The company employing the driver, F A Transport, has been "removed from transporting children" until an investigation is completed, Newark Public Schools said in a statement.
CNN has reached out to the company for comment.
Meera Knows How To Control The Electricity Bill | S01E42 | Karan Veer Mehra | Barkha Sengupta - Duration: 6:48.
[Rookie King BTS Ep1-4] Penalty parade decided by hit and miss card game! - Duration: 16:31.
Live View- Channel BTS-The FInal Boss-HD View
The Final Boss
Crew: Hello BTS, welcome to 'The Final Boss'.
(A game to test your luck, 'The Final Boss' has started!)
J-hope: I wonder what kind of boss it is?
Channel BTS 'The Final Boss' Test your luck with one card!
1. Only one card is 'king card'. No penalty for the king.
2. The others gets 5 safe cards and one death card.
3. The one who picks the death card gets the penalty!
The game of destiny starts for BTS boys!
RM: Hello. I am RM, the lucky guy for today.
Huh? Why is he the king?
(Pre-game was held to pick a king.)
(King RM gained infinite power.)
Crew: RM is the king for today.
'The Final Boss' first king, RM!
Channel BTS! 'The Final Boss' game starts now!
RM: We will reveal the first mission on my count.
RM: One, two, three!
<Finger flick> Let's start off getting finger flicked!
(Finger flick champion is feeling confident.)
J-hope: There are a few dangerous peeps here.
RM: I heard he practiced for this moment.
J-hope: I had Jimin hit my hand the other day and it was so painful.
(Finger flick ace, Jimin.)
(RM, you've played cards before?)
RM: I will distribute.
RM: I don't know which cards are which.
(Who is the first to receive the penalty?)
Jimin: I really want to hit!
(Bring the cards together.)
RM: One, two, three!
(Who is the first victim?)
(Finger flick ace, Jimin!)
(Dance time to express the joy.)
J-hope: Finger flick ace Jimin is getting hit!
(In despair)
J-hope: I heard V has some grudge on Jimin.
I've done so much for you!
How much has stacked up~
(The victim is saying this is unfair.)
RM: He did not hesitate to hit.
(He is feeling betrayed.)
(J-hope makes a grand entrance.)
The victim is scared watching J-hope's big actions.
(Are you going to hit me like that?)
(Calm down guys, it's only the first round.)
J-hope: I'll do it lightly since it's only the first round.
(Finger flick ace is in fear.)
J-hope: Please hold onto his face.
(Let go of yourself for today.)
I think my forehead is gone!
(No time to be in pain.)
J-hope: Jimin is tearing up.
Jimin: How many more to go...?
(Clean and bright sound)
So good!
RM: Like checking how good watermelon is.
RM: It's a new method of hitting.
J-Hope: It's OTL.
(Jimin goes back to his seat with pain.)
RM: Let's go straight onto the next round.
(Revealing the second mission.)
Raw Egg? Boiled Egg?
RM: Let's pick cards first.
J-hope: It's scary not knowing what the game is.
RM: You might blame me if I just give out the cards.
RM: Rock paper scissors, then choose.
(Rock paper scissors of life?)
Rock! Paper! Scissors!
Rock! Paper! Scissors!
(Suga, Jimin out.)
(It's only a game to choose the order.)
(Jin is the winner!)
Jin is the king of rock paper scissors!
Jin: Let's go anti-clockwise.
(Feeling confident.)
RM: Okay, Jin.
RM: I'm very curious how it's going to turn out.
(Who is going to be the second victim?)
One, two three!
(Jin is the second victim!)
(The boys congratulate the oldest.)
There's something up.
(There is nothing up. Receive the penalty.)
Jin: Why are you hitting like that?
(Like Ryu Hyunjin's 100m/h throw!)
Jin: I'm really scared.
(Fear overthrows pain.)
One! Two! Three!
Suga: Too bad.
V: Just like you're cooking.
(J-hope's over-acting is making Jin more scared.)
How dare you!
RM: Do you have a grudge on him?
V: First, Jin doesn't serve me first when he cooks.
(These two have caught on something.)
RM: You're going to do it like frying an egg?
(His egg frying skills are to the max.)
V: I will do it now.
(Boiled egg hits Jin's forehead.)
RM: This is fun!
Eggs know how TV runs.
(Only two eggs left.)
(Raw egg in Jungkook's hands?)
RM: Do you have a grudge on Jin?
Jungkook: He keeps making me do things.
(Jungkook, that's not true.)
(Time for a revenge!)
(Will he be able to release his grudge?)
(It cracked!)
(Raw egg massage!)
(Happiness comes from members' pain.)
(Revealing the aftermath.) (His forehead is red.)
What is this?
(Jin is still handsome after the raw egg attack.)
(As long as it's not me~)
(Serious face.)
RM: I should make it my motto. Let's continue.
(What is the third mission?)
BTS Sikhye Drinking! (The crew made a special drink for BTS boys.)
(It's a perfect recipe.)
RM: I actually had a sip of it just before coming here.
It tastes amazing.
(RM spoils the boys.)
Sikhye + vinegar + salt!
(Look forward to BTS sikhye!)
It is full of good stuff.
RM: Let's go the other way this time.
I'm worried~~
One! Two! Three!
Nostradamus? Jimin guessed his destiny right!
(Flying in the air.)
(His punching shows how happy he is.)
(Everyone is happy except for Jimin.)
(Finger flick champion bows to thank.)
Suga: Jimin, Jimin!
(Here is the death card!)
RM: Don't be so sad.
(Can't hear you...)
Don't be sad no no no, you're not alone no no no
You're actually alone no no no
(The members are enjoying teasing Jimin.)
(Jimin, fighting!)
3, 2, 1, let's go!
I can't drink it anymore.
(The vampires are not giving in.)
(Here goes sikhye~)
(How can he drink all that.)
Jin: Did you drink it all?
J-hope: Did he?
Jimin: I... did...
Are you saying it's good?
(The boys are teasing Jimin.)
(BTS is this fun!)
RM: Jimin, are you sulking?
(Sikhye lover is sulking a little bit.)
J-hope: As long as it's not me!
RM: I wonder what other penalties are up for grabs.
(The Final Boss penalties are getting worse.)
(Meridian Massage)
RM: Why is this a penalty?
Jimin: Those who have never received will not know how painful it is.
(The members are curious of how painful it could be.)
J-hope: I think it'll be nice.
RM: Really? Then you do it.
J-hope: Ah... Let's just get on with it.
How dare you!
(The cards of destiny have been given.)
(Who is going to be the victim of meridian massage?)
3, 2, 1!
(Oh no! It's Suga!)
Meridian massage Suga~
(The members congratulate him.)
How can this be~
(Starts with shoulders.)
It hurts!
(His soul has escaped his body.)
(He is about to cross the death river.)
(Masseur's skills almost sent him to hell.)
(His soul has completely left his body after head massage.)
(Where am I? Who am I?)
(The members complain the penalties are too light.)
Suga: Guys... You think it didn't hurt?
It was sooo painful.
His face is pale.
(His face is as pale as BB cream no. 13.)
Let's get onto stage 5.
(What is the mission?)
(Make up) (The victim gets make up from the members.)
RM: We have to find out who is the real beauty!
As long as it's not me!
(Who is going to be Miss BTS?)
One! Two! Three!
(Oh gosh...)
(Suga! Two times winner!)
(Happy dance!)
Why is it me again?
(Suga is excited to become pretty.)
(Tae's detailed make up.)
J-hope: I will put some eye shadow, on top of what V has done.
(Every last powder!)
(Eye shadow attack!)
Wow, so pretty.
(The boys are jealous of Suga's beautiful face.)
You can get married now. So pretty~
(Completely covered with make up.)
(Mister Kook is taking over the make up session.)
(Jungkook's skills are on top.)
(You can see a bit of mustache over there.)
Suga: I'm excited to see how pretty I have become.
You are so pretty, baby~
RM: I want to display him at a gallery.
Jimin: I will put lipstick on.
You can film an advertisement!
Oops! My hand slipped.
Suga: Joker style?
RM: No! It's cute. It's like ketchup left on your face.
(Miss BTS! Full make up set!)
(Hold on Suga unni~ Let's finish it off.)
(Here it is!)
Oh gosh.
(Jigsaw.. Let's start the game..)
Ah! What is this! What?
Hip-hop musician VS shy Jigsaw bride
You're pretty. It's beautiful.
It feels like I've become a bride.
(So gentle.)
(Suga is the best.)
Let's go onto stage 6.
Wasabi time Eat wasabi egg!
Why! Why! Why!
Why are you punishing us?
(Because it's fun...)
One! Two! Three!
(Suga! Triple crown!)
(Vow to penalty king Suga!)
Suga~ Suga suga suga~
(RM thanks the heaven.)
(So touched!!)
(Suga himself is surprised.)
(He is suspicious of the crew.)
This is a lie! This can't be!
Suga: Give me 30 seconds to calm down.
Take on wasabi!
(BTS Suga is ready to go.)
J-hope: His face is funny.
Nothing can beat this.
I am the variety show master.
V: I like your aspiration.
(Wasabi is coming for Suga.)
(Welcome to wasabi world.)
(So stingy it's making him dizzy.)
(Suga looks pleased?)
(Spits it out.)
As long as it's not me~
(Their friendship is making him cry.)
It's delicious!!
Suga: Don't get me wrong... cough.
(Charismatic Suga is gone.)
Why are your tears red?
Suga: Don't get me wrong... It's delicious.
(Then one more?)
RM: There's one more mission left.
RM: The last penalty is literally 'hot'.
(Oh~ So hot)
(Wonder what the last penalty is!) Suga: What does it mean?
(cutely) Oh~ So hot.
RM: I don't know what the penalty is.
It's already hot enough.
J-hope: It's already hot. I wonder how hotter it's going to get.
(Suga's face is red because of the heat.) Suga: Do you see?
(No... You look scary.)
RM: Let's get on with it.
Jungkook: Mix it well!
(King RM is mixing the cards for the last round.)
(The game has started.)
(Who is going to get the last penalty?)
One! Two! Three!
(Golden child gets it!)
(Youngest's misfortune means the older boys' happiness!)
Golden child Golden child
Jungkook: Give me the mission.
Up next, 'The Final Boss' last mission!
The mission that made everyone gasp!
After that, BTS treasure up for grabs!
Lucky raffle program only on Channel BTS!
BTS Lotto is coming soon.
Kpop News - Part 1 - 7 Innocent Idols Who Were Accused Of Crimes - Duration: 10:47.
Kpop News - Part 1 - 7 Innocent Idols Who Were Accused Of Crimes
7 Innocent Idols Who Were Accused Of Crimes. These idols have suffered from terrible accusations and false rumors. In 2017, news broke that SHINee's Onew had been accused. of sexually molesting a woman at a club.
A report accused the idol of inappropriately touching a woman in her 20s at a club in Gangnam. On the night in question, a woman said she felt someone touching her.
and her friend claimed that Onew was the one who had done it. The police were called.
and those involved were reportedly questioned for 5 hours. At this point, SM Entertainment released a statement sticking by their artist and said that everything was just a misunderstanding.
"We would like to express our position on the incident involving Onew the media has been reporting on. Onew is a public figure and things about him aren't being reported well.
We are deeply reflecting on what has been a cause of concern for many people. Onew went to a club with his friends on the morning of August 12 to celebrate his debut as a DJ.
While he was drunk and dancing, he accidentally made contact with the people around him, which caused a misunderstanding that was then investigated by police.
The aggrieved party has recognized that this situation could have been caused by his being drunk, and has therefore agreed that it was all a misunderstanding.
They have stated that they do not wish for him to be punished and have submitted a request to drop all of the charges. Onew will sincerely participate in the remaining investigations.
Please refrain from reporting any additional speculation. We apologize for any inconvenience." — SM Entertainment. Although SM Entertainment's statement made it seem that the allegations against Onew would soon be over, things were going to get worse before they got better.
The very next day, the alleged victim stepped forward and said that the music company had coerced her into dropping the charges.
"The victim said that Onew was very drunk so that's why he acted the way he did. SM Entertainment requested that she drop the lawsuit and she signed the papers.
Even though she dropped the lawsuit, she said that that does not change the truth. She continued to say that everything she said in her statement is still true." — Police officer (on victim's statement).
The case was handed to the prosecution and, after a few months of silence, Onew issued his own apology for all the pain he had caused his fans. Some netizens remained doubtful of his sincerity and actions.
They requested that he either leave SHINee or be dropped from the group. Onew did not, however, leave the group. In early 2018, the case was dismissed and the prosecution found him innocent while all charges against him were dismissed.
JYJ's Yoochun faced some major negative attention back in 2016. In June, a woman stepped forward claiming that Yoochun had raped her in the bathroom of the bar she worked in.
While the allegations were already serious enough, the supposed victim's boyfriend submitted her underwear and clothes to the police as evidence. Soon after, three more women stepped forward all claiming that they too had been raped by the singer in a bathroom.
After a thorough investigation, evidence was found that Yoochun's first accuser had contacted his company and sought monetary compensation prior to filing the police report.
After talking with her again, she admitted that the two had actually had a consenting adult relationship. He was subsequently found innocent and charges were brought against the first accuser for making false accusations and for attempted extortion.
Yoochun's first accuser being sent of to prison. Later that same year she was found guilty and sentenced to two years.
In regards to the other three women that accused him, investigators found that Yoochun had been in China on two of the occasions and could not, therefore, have done committed the alleged crime.
In the case of the last woman, investigators found inconsistencies in her statement that again proved his innocence. Lee Min Ki's sexual assault investigation. In 2016, the popular Korean actor was reportedly being investigated for sexual assault.
According to reports made by Korean news source Sports Chosun, Lee Min Ki visited a club while he was performing his mandatory military service and met a woman. Two days later, the same woman reported that she was sexually assaulted.
This in turn led to much speculation about the actor's involvement. Lee Min Ki was then called in for questioning, adding even more fuel to the fire.
Later, it was proven that he had not been involved in the harassment charges and the woman involved clarified her statement and issued an apology.
Despite being 16 at the time, TWICE's Tzuyu gained a lot of negative attention for one simple act.
During an episode of My Little Television in 2015, each member of TWICE held up the flag of their country of origin since the group is composed of a number of different nationalities.
This simple act led Taiwanese, China-based singer Huang An to accuse Tzuyu of being a Taiwanese independence activist, essentially calling her a traitor. The accusations just kept coming and the poor idol was heavily criticized.
People's Republic of China flag on the left and Republic of China flag on the right.
Mainland China government (People's Republic of China) considers Taiwan under its jurisdiction although many of the islanders consider themselves independent, representing themselves as the Republic of China.
The group's activities were cancelled and suspended while Chinese netizens boycotted JYP Entertainment as a whole. A few months later, Tzuyu released a public apology, stating that China and Taiwan are one.
"Hi everyone, I have something to say to everyone. Hi everyone, I am Chou Tzuyu.
Sorry, I should have came out and apologized earlier. Because I didn't know how to face the current situation, I have been afraid to face everyone directly, so I'm only speaking out now.
There is only one China. The two shores are one. I feel proud being Chinese. I, as a Chinese citizen, have hurt the company and netizens' emotions due to my words and actions during overseas promotions.
I feel very, very sorry and guilty. I have decided to halt all current activities in China in order to reflect seriously. Again, I apologize to everyone.
JYP Entertainment's founder and main representative, J.Y. Park, also issued his own apology for the controversy. Luckily the apologies seemed to have worked!. "Hi everyone, I am J.Y. Park. First, I sincerely and deeply apologize for bringing pain to Chinese netizens.
At the same time, I feel regretful. Tzuyu, and I did not recognize the seriousness of this situation.
Through this incident, I once again deeply experienced that, to collaborate with a country, we should respect that country's sovereignty, culture, history, and the people's feelings.
All of this has taught my company and the artists a very big lesson. In the future, we firmly will not allow similar incidents to happen.
I once again offer my apologies to all of the Chinese fans who have continuously supported and liked me, my company, and its artists. We let everyone down and hurt everyone.
To make up for all the damages done to everyone and to return everyone's support, we will continue to work hard in order to contribute to the cultural exchange between the Chinese and Koreans.
In the past few days, Tzuyu herself has felt a lot of emotions and has been reflecting at the same time.
She was 13 when she left home and came to Korea, and it is my and the company's fault for not being able to cultivate Tzuyu in her mother and father's stead.
We will stop Tzuyu's current activities in China, and effectively handle all of the problems faced by affected parties due to this incident." — J.Y. Park.
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