I don't see you for a long time.
I am Oden.
Samsung's first folding mobile phone was officially released.
Directly from the beginning
Becoming the biggest accident
Samsung adopts a new gear mechanism design
Solution that folds inward and folds through the body
Hide all the parts in the fuselage
I can only say that Samsung is really strong in ID.
Double-sided screen design
Instead of a single screen folding on the market
First look at the basic specifications
Samsung calls this new screen solution
Infinity Flex Display
When folding off
Super AMOLED display with 4.6 吋 HD+ on the front
The display ratio is closer to the theater 21:9
The moment I opened the press conference was quite shocking.
The process is quite smooth
It is 7.3 吋
Samsung's latest display QXGA+ Dynamic AMOLED
The screen ratio is 4.2:3
Through Samsung's demonstration screen at the scene
Whether it is open or closed, it is very smooth on the switch.
Presumably the final stage of testing on the system
And multiplex processing involves opening Google Maps
The process of turning into a big screen after opening
Or look at YouTube on the left
At the same time, you can do it by sending a message and then sliding the page.
See this scene
I really feel that Samsung has been saying since the beginning of the press conference.
The next mobile phone generation is coming soon
Oh, this moment is really coming.
Galaxy Fold has six lenses on the camera solution
The first is the front 10 million pixel self-timer lens
Then there are the next three
F2.2 16 million pixels super wide-angle lens
The next two support OIS
12 million pixels wide angle F1.5 + F2.4 variable aperture lens
Finally, there is a 12 million pixel telescope head.
The last two
It is a 10 megapixel self-timer lens on the front main screen.
And a color depth of field lens of 8 megapixels
The specification is an eight-core processor with a 7nm process.
And faster UFS 3.0 512GB ROM
On the battery life is a dual battery solution
A total of 4380 mAh
A little pity on charging
Still supporting QC2.0 and AFC
The fingerprint reader is placed on the side of the button
But Bonnie feels that it's still too early.
Looking forward to the official launch of Galaxy Fold in the second quarter
Divided into 5G and LTE dual versions
Starting at US$1980
Although not cheap, it is not as expensive as you think.
Still, Bonnie does not have to sell kidneys.
It's a good day.
After reading this year's Samsung presentation
Can only be summed up in one sentence
Only leaders can challenge new technologies
Samsung as a provider of mobile phone solutions
To get Galaxy Fold
So in the future, the more willful products will be brought into the market so quickly.
Looking forward to what Samsung said
The first Galaxy ten years later
We don't just change the shape of the phone
But changed the future
Ok, this show is here first.
Bonnie will not stop
Later, I will offer the Galaxy S10 full range of new machine information.
Follow-up Taiwan listing
Bonnie will also bring first-hand evaluation of the physical machine
Don't forget to vote for Galaxy Fold in the top right corner
Or leave a message to tell the Bonnie team
You still want to know which function
Or want to see the product test唷
If you like this program, don't forget to subscribe to Bonnie to help you.
And track our Facebook Instagram
And join Line@ to discuss with us
If you have other questions, don't forget the message below.
Then we will see you next time.
For more infomation >> 「邦尼LOOK」三星首款摺疊手機正式發表!Samsung Galaxy Fold 不開箱短評測(搭載六鏡頭、Exynos 9820、12GB RAM、超廣角鏡頭 - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
民進黨2020將出現鐘擺效應?他一語道破殘酷真相 - 当天的新消息 - Duration: 3:08.
2020總統 大選將近
據最新民調顯 示
若韓國瑜對上 柯文哲、
韓支持度為3 5.
柯支持度28 .
民進黨若期待 鐘擺效應讓 支持者回流
台灣大學政治 系教授王業 立直言
算是「蠻困難 的」。
據《蘋果 日報》委託 世新大學民 意調查研究 中心調查最 新民意顯示
2020總統 大選
高雄巿長韓國 瑜在各種對 戰組合中支 持度皆最高 。
若國民黨派出 韓國瑜參選
對上柯文哲及 蔡英文
1%領先柯的 28.
若民進黨改由 賴清德出馬
7%領先賴的 25.
但柯則只有2 4.
3%支持率居 第三名。
韓國瑜分別以 52.
勝過小英的3 3.
以及賴的36 .
據中評 社報導
九合一選舉藍 營大勝
韓流效果超乎 預期
不僅韓國瑜在 高雄獲勝
還外溢到其他 縣市
有助於藍營選 民出門投票 。
綠營選民對於 蔡英文執政 表現並不滿 意
不太願意出來 投票
所以這次20 18競爭雖 激烈
台中投票率都 降。
他研判很多綠 營選民乾脆 放棄投票
藍營在高雄和 台中藍營都 大勝。
若民進黨 期待202 0大選會發 生鐘擺效應
支持者向綠營 回流
鐘擺會在這1 年內發生嗎 ?王業立直 言
算是蠻困難的 。
目前各民調顯 示
民調都領先蔡 英文
2020大選 應該是明年 1月中旬投 票
現在只剩11 個月
在兩岸關係上 似乎沒有太 大突破
經濟發展方面 也看不到樂 觀的前景
對蔡英文或綠 營其他人出 來選
都面臨相當大 壓力。
Happy Upbeat Pop Beat with Hook - Paradise - Duration: 4:49.
I can feel it through my body come and take me away
far away
Where everyday is filled with happiness and it never rains
never rains
Take me to paradise
Take me to paradise
Take me to paradise
Take me to paradise
I can feel it through my body come and take me away
far away
Where everyday is filled with happiness and it never rains
never rains
Take me to paradise
Take me to paradise
Take me to paradise
Take me to paradise
I can feel it through my body come and take me away
far away
Where everyday is filled with happiness and it never rains
never rains
Take me to paradise
Take me to paradise
Take me to paradise
Take me to paradise
Piramide Suerte Decenas Sorteo Domingo 24 Febrero 2019 Loteria Nacional Panama Numeros - Duration: 1:16.
Sigue en directo los test de pretemporada de F1 - Duration: 6:17.
Ferrari va como un tiro y lo ha demostrado en estos dos días de test. tanto Vettel como Leclerc fueron los más rápidos el lunes y el martes y además fueron los que rodaron más vueltas
Tienen entre ceja y ceja el campeonato. Mercedes sigue escondiendo cartas y Mclaren deja buen sabor de boca con fiabilidad y buen ritmo
Hoy Carlos Sainz se sube de nuevo al monoplaza de Woking que ha sido segundo en los dos días de test
Sin dar mucha importancia a los tiempos, pueden rodar y probar sin problemas, que es lo importante
Sigue en directo todo lo que ocurra en el Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya de 9:00h a 18:00h con sport
es. ACTUALIZAR +0 18:02 ¡Todo listo por aquí! ¡Mañana último día de la primera semana! Saludos
18:01 ¡Tiempos finales! Kvyat el más rápido. 1º D. Kvyat (C5) Toro Rosso 1'17"704 134 2º K
Raikkonen (C5) Alfa Romeo 1'17"762 +00"058 138 3º S. Vettel (C3) Ferrari 1'18"350 +00"646 134 4º M
Verstappen (C3) Red Bull 1'18"787 +01"083 85 5º N. Hulkenberg (C4) Renault 1'18"800 +01"096 63 6º D
Ricciardo (C4) Renault 1'18"64 61 7º R. Grosjean (C3) Haas 1'19"060 +01"356 31 8º P
Fittipaldi (C4) Haas 1'19"249 +01"545 48 9º C. Sainz (C3) McLaren 1'19"354 +01"650 87 10º S
Perez (C2) Racing Point 1'20"102 +02"398 67 11º V. Bottas (C3) Mercedes 1'20"693 +02"989 88 12º L
Hamilton Mercedes 1'20"818 +03"114 77 13º G. Russell Williams 1'25"625 +07"921 11 18:00 Renault vuelve a mostrar su solidez y son rápidos a una vuelta
Parece ser el cuarto equipo por encima de Mclaren. El resto descolgados. Haas no es fiable
Williams rodó sus primeras vueltas pero están lejos, muy lejos. Ya lo ha dicho Claire Williams: "Estamos avergonzados"
17:58 Mclaren. Falta de fiabilidad por la mañana con la vaja de cambios nueva y poco rodaje
La tarde vuelve a dejar un buen sabor de boca. No se aercan a los tiempos de los tres grandes en simulación de carrera
Baño de realidad. 17:56 ¡Bandera roja en pista y acaba la sesión! Grosjean. tercera vez que se para hoy el Haas
17:55 Más de lo mismo en red Bull. Un pasito por detrás de Mercedes y dos por detrás de ferrari pero no están lejos
Nueva ala trasera que parece que da resultados. Verstappen por encima de Gasly. 17:55 Mercedes sigue a medio gas
o eso dicen. No han realizado vuelta rápida y cierran la tabla de tiempos. En ritmo de carrera muy constantes pero por detrás de Ferrari
Trabajo por hacer y por mostrar. 17:52 Ferrari sólido de nuevo. 134 vueltas y cuarto mejor tiempo para Vettel que no ha puesto el compuesto más blando para marcar vuelta rápida
En simulación de carrera, los más rápidos. Esperanza. 17:50 ¡10 minutos para el final! Vamos haciendo repaso
17:49 También Ricciardo se pone las pilas y se coloca tercero por detrás de Räikkonen
1.18.164. 17:47 ¡Kvyat rebienta el crono y se pone líder! 1.17.704. 17:46 Le han colocado parafina en el difusor trasero a Hamilton
17:46 El pentacampeón del mundo vuelve a pista en estos últimos 15 minutos. 17:33 Solo queda Grosjean rodando el Circuit
17:32 ¡Ha entrado a boxes! Lástima. venía en vuelta muy muy buena. Cargar más
✅ A carteira de trabalho verde e amarela é uma ideia fantástica, mas não da maneira como o ministro - Duration: 3:00.
Enquanto tenta salvar o Sistema S dos cortes planejados pela equipe econômica, a CNC (Confederação Nacional do Comércio) vai entregar ao ministro da Economia, Paulo Guedes, um formato do que considera ser ideal para a criação da "carteira verde e amarela" – regime trabalhista com menos direitos, mas que garantiria mais empregos para os mais jovens, segundo o ministro
A proposta da entidade é ampliar o atual programa Jovem Aprendiz, que hoje coloca adolescentes de 14 a 18 anos nas empresas, para incorporar todo o contingente de jovens até 22 anos
Para o vice-presidente da CNC, Valdeci Cavalcante, a proposta tem o potencial de empregar 4,5 milhões de trabalhadores nessa faixa etária nos próximos dois anos
"Às vezes a gente atira no que vê e acerta no que não vê. A carteira verde e amarela é uma ideia fantástica, mas não da maneira como o ministro Guedes imagina", afirmou Cavalcante
Nesse modelo de Jovem Aprendiz, os contratos da carteira verde e amarela teriam jornadas de meio período e remuneração em forma de bolsa – inferior a um salário mínimo (hoje de R$ 998)
O resto do dia seria usado pelos jovens em cursos técnicos do Senac (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial)
"Os jovens de 18 a 22 anos estão em uma faixa de risco na qual muitas vezes o desemprego – cuja taxa para esse grupo está em mais de 25% – acaba levando a pequenos delitos
Com a ampliação do programa, será criada toda uma nova categoria de trabalhadores, com menos custos para os empregadores e com um grande atrativo de formação", disse
Direitos Esse modelo de emprego teria menos direitos que o tradicional da carteira de trabalho azul, como deseja Paulo Guedes
Por exemplo, não haveria pagamento do adicional de férias, aviso prévio e outros benefícios, como vale-alimentação
Direitos considerados pétreos na Constituição, como 13º salário e férias, continuariam, mas com uma liberdade maior no pagamento
Por exemplo, o 13º poderia ser pago em 12 vezes e as férias tiradas em várias prestações
A contribuição previdenciária dessa categoria – já em um novo regime de capitalização (sistema pelo qual as contribuições vão para uma conta individual, que banca os benefícios no futuro) – seria baixa, de 5% a 6% do valor da bolsa, com mais 2% para o FGTS (Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço)
Isso bastaria para que o tempo de contribuição na carteira verde e amarela fosse computado e, ao completar 23 anos, o jovem passaria automaticamente para o regime da carteira de trabalho azul, podendo firmar um novo contrato de trabalho com a inclusão de mais benefícios
"A classe empresarial brasileira já adotou o trabalho social. As empresas são parceiras e têm interesse em usar essa mão de obra que estará sendo qualificada", disse Cavalcante
carteira de trabalhodireitos
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
S. Korean president floats economic concessions for upcoming Kim-Trump summit in Hanoi - Duration: 1:56.
and President Trump has responded positively to president moon jae-in's
proposal to restart inter-korean projects as a way to speed up the
denuclearization process during a late-night phone call this week the
leaders also agreed to keep in close contact before and after the summit in
Hanoi Shin Semin reports
US President Donald Trump has shown a positive response to president moon
jae-in's offered to resume joint inter-korean economic cooperation to
speed up Kang Yang's denuclearization process South Korea's presidential
spokesperson said Trump's reaction it was positive toward president balloons
offer something that was aimed at giving more bargaining chips to his American
counterpart earlier on Tuesday night leaders of South Korea and the u.s. how
they film conversation during which president moon said Seoul is determined
to take up the role if President Trump asks and if that's the way to lessen the
u.s. burden although president buna did not specify economic engagements with
the north could mean anything from reconnecting railways and roads between
the divided Koreas to tour packages to visit the north things that have been on
ice as the u.s. kept it's suffocating sanctions in place it's the first time
president moon has floated the idea of economic concessions to boost the
prospects for a successful summit and also the first time he has made the
proposal since the South Korean leaders call for European support received a
stony response late last year and the presidential spokesperson added that
presidents Boone and Trump had agreed to keep in close contact before and after
the Hanoi meeting next week with the US president even dangling the idea of
arranging another face-to-face between the Allies and the near future schism in
arirang news
Dothan City Schools Layoff`s - Duration: 1:53.
Epic Silver Score - Face Value Morgan Dollars, Peace Dollars and Key Date Quarter! - Duration: 10:22.
Guys... I have to record this video because this is amazing let me tell you
this story and I'll flip the camera around and show you the B of A I'm in front
of but I was going to B of A to deposit my bags of half dollars and I'm in line
and in front of me a lady is carrying a B of A tray... a B of A
tray and I'm looking at the tray and she's got dollar coins half dollars
quarters dimes and she's sitting... AND pennies and I noticed I see silver edges
everywhere and so I just happened to ask her - I'm like what are you doing with
that tray she goes oh they don't take coins loose anymore I had to put them in
this tray so I had to get back in line and the deposit him and I said why why
are you depositing those coins and she said my grandfather's coins left me a
box of coins and I just wanted to get rid of him and I'm like do you mind I'm
a coin collector do you mind if I buy them from you she goes sure so he pulled
off to the side I bought everything at face value because she was gonna deposit
it into the bank anyway so I bought quarters for 25 cents I bought half
dollars for 50 cents and I bought dollar coins for a dollar let me flip the
camera around and show you what I got so literally I'm still in front of the B
of A I just deposited my bags of coins
and look at this so as I'm buying the coins there's clad ones in here too - I
didn't care I was like I'll buy all the dollar coins I'll buy all the quarters
bought the halves and then she goes do you collect foreign coins and I go why
she goes well Bank of America won't take my foreign coins so I just said I'll buy
them I haven't even looked through any of this stuff yet other than grabbing it in
my hand throwing it in my pocket pulling it back out I figured we'd look together
this is ridiculous there's a peace dollar right there - so
I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on the foreign it looks like we might have a
lot of just modern foreign here maybe a silver in here somewhere I'll check it
in a minute oh my goodness look at this peace dollar a 1922 peace dollar
beautiful we've got an Ike it's clad 1971 we I see another peace dollar right
there a 1971 clad a second peace dollar
1922 we'll get to the quarters here in a second a 1972 Ike that's also clad
another peace dog holy cow we got Morgan dollars
a 1922 peace dollar an 1898 beautiful Morgan dollar it's got some odd toning
to it off the weight when I get home but that is beautiful a 1921 Morgan dollar
is there a MIT mark
I don't think there's a men work on it but that is another Morgan dollar a 1971
clad Ike so we've got four clad Ike's three-piece dollars - Morgan Dollars
we've got a Walking Liberty half dollar I did see this one that's why I bought
it 1937 Philadelphia and let's take a look at these quarters a 36 Denver
the 65 whoops
a 1932
a 1932 s why is that ringing a bell 32 s I can't remember if this is a if it's a
32d or 32 s and it's a key date off to look that up here in a second the 1932 s
quarter is the key date quarter only four hundred eight thousand minted from
San Francisco unbelievable a 1934 that's warm pretty good a lot of early a
Standing Liberty 1925 I believe sorry for the shaky camera a 1934 Philadelphia
a 1937 Philly a 1936 Philly
we got a Bicentennial Denver off to check that for the DD oh and a 1940
Philadelphia and then like I said we do have some Canadians here and we got an
older dime no 74 so it's not silver I don't know if we have any silver in the
in the foreign what's the what's this one right here one shilling 1963 I'm not
familiar with so Wow so $12 and some foreign unbelievable unbelievable so I'm
just it's sometimes it's just your lucky day I literally was just depositing my
coins and we we scored this I mean I tried to
tell her that I'm a coin collector and some of these coins they're worth a
little bit more than what she's a cash a minute that was the first thing I was
trying to tell her and she was like it doesn't matter I just want to get him in
the bank and I was like what McCoy collect I'd rather buy it from you if
you prefer for selling to me I'll just buy him that way at least
he'll go to my collection she says no problem no problem she had a bunch of
pennies and I just wasn't gonna sit there and go through all of them so I
let him do I let her deposit him and now I'm sitting here kicking myself because
I literally saw the Ike dollars and I thought they were a stack of Ike's and
when I saw the side I saw clad and silver so I thought I was going to score
honestly some silver Ike's and I saw the quarters and I knew they're a lot of
more silver and I saw the half dollars so I knew I was getting silver but I
also thought I was just gonna be getting some Ike dollars at best unbelievable we
literally paid about fifteen dollars for change what a lucky day what a lucky day
anyway I wanted to share this with you guys I know it's kind of an oddball clip
but and sorry about my my wipers still going guys literally I was too excited
to turn them off anyway hope you enjoyed this lucky score of mine get after those
banks ask about they got in their trays you never know what you'll get if you
enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up and as always everyone happy
hunting and thanks for watching figured we'd end this clip on a closer
look at this 1932 s quarter you know it's probably good condition on the
front on the obverse you could see in god we trust' is worn away pretty well
it's got a good date good liberty it's got a pretty good gash from his forehead
to his ear and I don't know that kind of looks like a metal detecting find like
as if somebody had gained it with a shovel or just could be circulation
damage but with four hundred and eight thousand minted you would think this
didn't spend a lot of time in circulation and the back looks really
good honestly the back is more like f12 it's not quite
fine twelve because you can't see the feathers on the breast of the eagle and
that's what you kind of want to find an F 12 but it's just about there the backs
probably very good eight all day maybe F 12 and the front is probably good could
be stretch it to VGA but I doubt it to any extent at the end of the day 1932
Denver and 1932 San Francisco the two key dates of the George Washington
silver quarters and even in a vg8 it's still a hundred dollar coin that I
paid a quarter for plus didn't have it in my collection that's for sure
just wanted to give you one last close look at this beauty
1/25/19 17:41 (2004 S Pleasant St, Springdale, AR 72764, USA) - Duration: 1:04.
Daniel Sturridge mocked by Arsenal fan Jack Whitehall at BRIT Awards - Duration: 3:06.
Daniel Sturridge made a somewhat surprising appearance on the 2019 BRIT Awards stage - and host Jack Whitehall couldn't resist a cheeky dig at the Liverpool striker
Sturridge and British singer Paloma Faith took centre stage on Wednesday night to present George Ezra with the award for Best Male
But before Sturridge made his way out, Arsenal fan Whitehall couldn't resist making a joke at Sturridge's expense as he referred to the striker as a "Premier League runner-up in waiting"
The comedian was referring to Liverpool's Premier League title bid, with the Reds currently second in the table, level on points with leaders Manchester City but with a game in hand
Read More Jordan Henderson vows to take Liverpool to Germany and "hurt" Bayern Munich That wasn't the end of Whitehall's fun either, with the host then making a joke of injury-prone Sturridge's handshake with winner Ezra
"I don't want to alarm any Liverpool fans but it looks like Daniel Sturridge picked up a knock shaking George Ezra's hand
Might be out for a couple of months," he added. Sturridge, whose time at Liverpool has been hampered by injuries, has been forced to settle for a bit-part role at Anfield this season, managing just two goals in 13 league appearances so far
Read More Liverpool transfer news: Daniel Sturridge 'set for Spain' and Paulo Dybala latest The former Chelsea forward was an unused substitute as Liverpool drew 0-0 with Bayern Munich on Tuesday night in the first leg of their Champions League last-16 encounter
And less than 24 hours later, he was at London's O2 Arena presenting an award - and the internet was left baffled by his appearance
He shouldn't take Whitehall's digs too personally, though, with the comedian making a joke about Tottenham 's Harry Kane at last year's BRITS ceremony
Kane presented one of the 2018 awards with singer Camila Cabello, and received a similar welcome to Sturridge
"Our next presenters are a pop superstar and a Tottenham striker, meaning the BRIT award he hands over tonight will probably be the only trophy he gets his hands on this season," Whitehall said
Perhaps Sturridge and Kane will have the last laugh though, with Arsenal enduring a disappointing season under Unai Emery
'Michael Jackson abused me when I was seven - but he was also so kind to me' - Duration: 6:31.
As the 10th anniversary of his death approaches, Michael Jackson 's legacy is still very much alive
The star revered as the King of Pop retains an army of devoted fans and his many hit songs mean his estate rakes in more than £300million a year
But child abuse allegations, never proven in his lifetime, have remained a blemish on the singer's name
Now, explosive documentary, Leaving Neverland, could be about to deal his reputation a killer blow
Its trailer reveals the first glimpses of harrowing interviews with alleged victims Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who stayed with Jackson as kids and shared his bed
Read More Michael Jackson director warns there could be 'more victims' Wade tells viewers: "He was one of the kindest people I knew but he also sexually abused me
"I was seven years old. Every night I was with him, there was abuse. I want to be able to speak the truth as loud as I had to speak the lie for so long
" The four-hour Channel 4 film contains graphic details of sex acts Jackson allegedly made his victims perform
They also detail other things the singer made them do while he masturbated in front of them
And they say he gave them alcohol and showed them porn when they got older. James says in the film: "It was all a big seduction
It still feels shameful." Read More Leaving Neverland: First trailer for shocking Michael Jackson documentary Director Dan Reed spent four years making Leaving Neverland and after interviewing Wade and James and their families, he has no doubt Jackson was a child sex abuser
He said: "For so many years, Jackson claimed he shared a bed with children for innocent reasons
If we hadn't had these graphic, shocking descriptions of the sexual activity that took place, people might just think it was only hugs that were a bit intimate
"We thought it was important to make clear that this was sex, not just affectionate touching
" But the film is controversial as Wade and James previously defended Jackson when other child abuse allegations surfaced
Jackson, who died aged 50 on June 25, 2009, always denied sexually abusing children
In 2005, he was acquitted of molesting Gavin Arvizo, 13. Wade said at the trial the singer had never abused him and gave evidence to support him
But in the film, he says he felt obliged to help because Jackson was so kind. He claims Jackson said if their "secret" ever came out they would both go to jail
Wade insists he only recently came to terms with the abuse and told his family. Jackson's estate has criticised the film in a 10-page letter to HBO, which will air it in the US
They deny the allegations and condemned Dan for not speaking to them or their legal team
The Jackson family calls the film "yet another lurid production in an outrageous and pathetic attempt to exploit and cash in on Michael"
A statement adds: "Wade Robson and James Safechuck both testified under oath that Michael never did anything inappropriate
" And Jackson's brother Jermaine said: "There was no real evidence. Our family are tired
Let this man rest, there is no truth to this." Wade and James visited Jackson at his Neverland Ranch in California many times as children – with their families and, later, alone
The film also claims Jackson seduced the families of alleged victims with holidays and gifts
As the trailer was released, Dan said: "The majority of fans will be shocked to hear this compelling case of abuse, as I was
When I came into this I had no fixed opinion about whether he was or wasn't a paedophile
"I believed he was a good guy, made good music, seemed nice to children, and I think most people were in that grey area
Sadly, it turns out he was a sexual predator and I think a lot of people are going to rethink their view of him
" James met Jackson as a 10-year-old model and actor when he worked on the singer's 1988 Pepsi advert
They became close, with Jackson staying at the Safechuck family home. He even took James on his Bad tour as a performer
At around the same time, Jackson met Wade after he won a lookalike dance contest in Australia
Wade, like James, says he has now found the courage to speak out and claims the star abused him from seven to 14
Dan thinks more victims will come forward after the film airs. He told Vice magazine: "We wanted to focus on James and Wade and their families, who had long relationships with Jackson
I'm sure there are others who will come out when the time is right for them. We'll see
" Now, what also remains to be seen is whether Jackson's legacy will remain intact
Leaving Neverland: Michael Jackson and Me airs on Channel 4 on March 6 and 7 at 9pm
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Audi TT RS 2.5 TFSI 294kw/400pk quattro S-tronic - Duration: 1:13.
Kim Kardashian Unfollows Jordyn Woods and Tristan Thompson on Instagram After Cheating Scandal - US - Duration: 3:07.
Over it! unfollowed's best friend and 's now ex-boyfriend on Instagram after they were caught "making out
" The KKW Beauty creator, 38, is no longer following Woods, 21, or Thompson, 27, on the social media platform one day after multiple sources told Us Weekly that the NBA pro and the model were spotted cozying up together at a party on Sunday, February 17
Khloé, 34, and Jenner, 21, meanwhile, still follow Thompson and Woods on Instagram
One source told Us that Kardashian family "loved" Woods before the scandal. "This is completely shocking to Khloé's family," the source noted
Another insider said that the scandal has been "very hard" for the Kylie Cosmetics CEO: "She doesn't have a lot of friends and, honestly, can't because of her lifestyle, so she has latched onto Jordyn
" This is not the first time that Kim has unfollowed Thompson on social media. The reality personality stopped keeping up with the Cleveland Cavaliers star on Instagram in April 2018 after he was caught cheating on Khloé with several women during her pregnancy
At the time, Kim also called Thompson's infidelity "so f—ked up" on The Ellen DeGeneres Show
As a result, the basketball player blocked the Selfish author on the platform. Two months later, Kim jokingly begged Thompson to unblock her at Khloé's 34th birthday party
"All right, guys. So, what do you think? It's Khloé's birthday. Do you think I should ask this guy to unblock me?" Kim said in a series of hilarious videos on her Instagram Story in June 2018
Thompson replied: "For Khloé's birthday, I think it's only right. I got you." In January 2019, Kim made headlines for discussing Thompson's behavior during an appearance with Khloé and on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen
"It's so easy and quick to be like, 'leave him, leave him.' It's so much harder to stay and have the whole public think you're an idiot for staying," Kim said on January 14
After Khloé made a face and laughed, Kim clarified, "I didn't mean it like that!"
Доброе утро - очень красиво! Музыкальная открытка с добрым утром. От души - Duration: 1:49.
Robertson fires warning to Man Utd ahead of Liverpool clash - Duration: 2:12.
Andy Robertson has fired a warning to Manchester United about being wary of Liverpool's threat
The Reds are joint on points with Manchester City in the Premier League but they have a game in hand and that is set to be played on Sunday against United at Old Trafford
Jurgen Klopp 's side beat United 3-1 at Anfield in December, culminating in the sacking of Jose Mourinho
Now Robertson, who was praised by the Portuguese after Liverpool's win, is expecting a totally different challenge after Ole Gunnar Solsjaer was appointed as the new United boss to oversee 11 wins out of his first 13 games at the club
"It is a big game against Manchester United, it's always big against them. It's a game in hand as well and we look forward to that," the Scotland international said after Liverpool's draw with Bayern Munich
"It's a huge game and they're a different team playing some really good football, I think we need to be wary of them but they know what they're coming up against and they need to be wary of us
It'll be a good game and one we can hopefully come out on top of. "You look at their teamsheet or squad list and it's full of stars
They came to the party and they have a fantastic team. They've got people back from injury as well which always helps and they've got a strong squad as well
"We know what we're coming up against and we need to stop their danger men but hopefully we've got enough to cause them problems as well to get the result that we need
Tyler Hubbard Jokes Filming a Romantic Music Video with His Wife Is the Reason for Baby No. 2 - News - Duration: 6:52.
Tyler Hubbard has an interesting theory for how the new baby he's expecting with his wife Hayley came to be
During a Q&A break on stage at Florida Georgia Line's iHeartCountry Album Release party in New York City on Friday, when asked about his "steamy" music video for "Talk You Out of It," Hubbard joked that's the reason his baby was conceived
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"You know what happened after that video…" Hubbard, 32, said with a laugh. "Well, we have another baby on the way
" In the video, Hubbard sings to his wife while Brian Kelley sings to his wife, Brittany
"I'm looking at that fine little dress you've got on / don't get me wrong, girl I love it," they sing in the video
"Now I just want to talk you out of it." Hubbard's rep exclusively confirmed to PEOPLE on Feb
10 that the "Simple" singer and his wife were expecting their second child in August, but in November, Hubbard hinted at the fact that "Talk You Out of It" might have had a double meaning
"'Talk You Out of It' has a very different feel for us … It's the baby-making song on the album," Hubbard said on the Florida Georgia Line website
"But really, BK and I are always challenging ourselves creatively and knew that we had to record it when we first heard it
" When catching up with PEOPLE ahead of the show at the iHeartRadio Theater to discuss their new album Can't Say I Ain't Country, Hubbard and Kelley revealed that "Talk You Out of It" wasn't the only song on the record they wrote with their wives in mind
In fact, Kelley says their romantic song "Told You" is one of his favorites on the album because it serves as a tribute to their wives and '90s country
"It's just got a special vibe," Kelley, 33, told PEOPLE. "It's got kind of a throwback feel and just another taste of what we can do, what we're into and what has influenced us
It's just a beautiful little love song to our wives and good old-fashioned country song
" "Girl I told you / that I'd love you forever," Hubbard and Kelley sing in the song's chorus
"And I'll hold you / In my arms, and I'll never let go." The pair, who were nominated for four ACM Awards Friday and are heading out on tour Julyjoined by Dan Shay, Morgan Wallen, Canaan Smith and Hardy, also teamed up with Jason Derulo to record the song "Women," which is a timely tribute to all of the female influences in their lives
"It's a really special song to showcase women — our wives, our mothers, all the women in our life that mean so much to us, and just women in general for everything they do," Hubbard says
"That's another element we wanted to put on this album — how much we appreciate women — so I think that was a fun song to do it with and we loved working with Derulo
" Other songs on their album include their hit single "Simple," an upbeat genre-defying tempo track, "Swerve" and a typical down-home country song called "Y'all Boys" with rising artist Hardy
The title track "Can't Say I Ain't Country," is in some ways, a hit back at the critics who say the duo, who often push the limits of how country music has been traditionally defined, don't fit into the genre
And Hubbard and Kelley are really leaning into that idea, even drawing inspiration from hip hop and rap albums by breaking up the tracks with "skits" along the way from one of their friends named Chris (whom they affectionately refer to as "Nugget")
"Our friend Chris sent us so many funny voicemails as his alter ego, this Brother Jervel guy, and we laughed so many times listening to them," Hubbard says
"We figured we'd pull some inspiration from the old hip-hop and rap albums we used to love to listen to with the interludes in between
" "We figured it's something that hadn't been done in a long time, so we were excited to mix it up and give the fans something different and lighten up the mood a little," he continues
"It's pretty fun." The duo spent the last year and a half of their lives investing in the album, trying to "get it perfect," as Hubbard says, and now that it's out, they say can't wait for their fans to listen to it all the way through "from top to bottom — start to finish
" "We've been intentional with how we placed every song and how we intro'd them with a little bit of comedy so it shows some personality," Kelley says
"We've been sitting on this for months and months trying to perfect it. [We're excited] for our fans to get to party to it, get to cry to it, get to call their mom or their girl or their lover and tell them that they love them or they're thinking about them, because music has so many different emotions it can pull
We're just excited to finally have our collection, our lives on record, finally." Can't Say I Ain't Country is available now
Sigue en directo los test de pretemporada de F1 - Duration: 6:17.
Ferrari va como un tiro y lo ha demostrado en estos dos días de test. tanto Vettel como Leclerc fueron los más rápidos el lunes y el martes y además fueron los que rodaron más vueltas
Tienen entre ceja y ceja el campeonato. Mercedes sigue escondiendo cartas y Mclaren deja buen sabor de boca con fiabilidad y buen ritmo
Hoy Carlos Sainz se sube de nuevo al monoplaza de Woking que ha sido segundo en los dos días de test
Sin dar mucha importancia a los tiempos, pueden rodar y probar sin problemas, que es lo importante
Sigue en directo todo lo que ocurra en el Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya de 9:00h a 18:00h con sport
es. ACTUALIZAR +0 18:02 ¡Todo listo por aquí! ¡Mañana último día de la primera semana! Saludos
18:01 ¡Tiempos finales! Kvyat el más rápido. 1º D. Kvyat (C5) Toro Rosso 1'17"704 134 2º K
Raikkonen (C5) Alfa Romeo 1'17"762 +00"058 138 3º S. Vettel (C3) Ferrari 1'18"350 +00"646 134 4º M
Verstappen (C3) Red Bull 1'18"787 +01"083 85 5º N. Hulkenberg (C4) Renault 1'18"800 +01"096 63 6º D
Ricciardo (C4) Renault 1'18"64 61 7º R. Grosjean (C3) Haas 1'19"060 +01"356 31 8º P
Fittipaldi (C4) Haas 1'19"249 +01"545 48 9º C. Sainz (C3) McLaren 1'19"354 +01"650 87 10º S
Perez (C2) Racing Point 1'20"102 +02"398 67 11º V. Bottas (C3) Mercedes 1'20"693 +02"989 88 12º L
Hamilton Mercedes 1'20"818 +03"114 77 13º G. Russell Williams 1'25"625 +07"921 11 18:00 Renault vuelve a mostrar su solidez y son rápidos a una vuelta
Parece ser el cuarto equipo por encima de Mclaren. El resto descolgados. Haas no es fiable
Williams rodó sus primeras vueltas pero están lejos, muy lejos. Ya lo ha dicho Claire Williams: "Estamos avergonzados"
17:58 Mclaren. Falta de fiabilidad por la mañana con la vaja de cambios nueva y poco rodaje
La tarde vuelve a dejar un buen sabor de boca. No se aercan a los tiempos de los tres grandes en simulación de carrera
Baño de realidad. 17:56 ¡Bandera roja en pista y acaba la sesión! Grosjean. tercera vez que se para hoy el Haas
17:55 Más de lo mismo en red Bull. Un pasito por detrás de Mercedes y dos por detrás de ferrari pero no están lejos
Nueva ala trasera que parece que da resultados. Verstappen por encima de Gasly. 17:55 Mercedes sigue a medio gas
o eso dicen. No han realizado vuelta rápida y cierran la tabla de tiempos. En ritmo de carrera muy constantes pero por detrás de Ferrari
Trabajo por hacer y por mostrar. 17:52 Ferrari sólido de nuevo. 134 vueltas y cuarto mejor tiempo para Vettel que no ha puesto el compuesto más blando para marcar vuelta rápida
En simulación de carrera, los más rápidos. Esperanza. 17:50 ¡10 minutos para el final! Vamos haciendo repaso
17:49 También Ricciardo se pone las pilas y se coloca tercero por detrás de Räikkonen
1.18.164. 17:47 ¡Kvyat rebienta el crono y se pone líder! 1.17.704. 17:46 Le han colocado parafina en el difusor trasero a Hamilton
17:46 El pentacampeón del mundo vuelve a pista en estos últimos 15 minutos. 17:33 Solo queda Grosjean rodando el Circuit
17:32 ¡Ha entrado a boxes! Lástima. venía en vuelta muy muy buena. Cargar más
Khloe Kardashian 'Hurt & Disappointed' Over Tristan Thompson & Jordyn Woods' PDA - News Today - Duration: 2:59.
Khloe Kardashian is 'so done' with Tristan Thompson after learning he cheated on her — AGAIN — with Kylie Jenner's BFF Jordyn Woods
There's no going back from this, a source tells HL EXCLUSIVELY. Don't hold your breath for another reunion between Khloe Kardashian and her baby daddy, Tristan Thompson
Following this week's new cheating scandal, in which Tristan was accused of engaging in some hot PDA with Kylie Jenner's BFF Jordyn Woods at a house party on Sunday, Feb
17, a source tells HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY that Khloe is "so done" with the NBA player
"[The PDA] happened and Khloe is very hurt and disappointed by the situation. She's been through enough with Tristan — even before the baby was born
Khloé is the one sister that will turn so many blind eyes in hopes it will all work out, but she's so done after this," our source close to Khloe shares
Meanwhile, another source close to the situation tells us, "Khloe is both heartbroken and furious over Tristan's behavior
Khloe felt she had tried everything to save her relationship to Tristan. Khloe wanted so badly to be a family unit, but felt Tristan hasn't been involved in True's life nearly as much as she has hoped
Khloe's goal was to give it until True's upcoming first birthday, but ultimately, she couldn't do it
" And we can't say we blame her! Khloe gave Tristan a second chance, when fans didn't believe he deserved one
And then he went ahead and hooked up with Jordyn? No wonder Khloe's "furious". And she's not the only one
Khloe's family also seems to be upset, as Kim unfollowed both Tristan and Jordyn on Instagram today, Feb
20. And just last night, hours after the news had broke, Khloe's BFF Malika Haqq laid into Jordyn by calling her a "hoe" and saying she "ain't loyal"
We're not exactly sure how the family can recover from this, but we're hearing that Jordyn has already started moving out of Kylie's Hidden Hills home, so that doesn't bode well for their years-long friendship
This also comes 10 months after Tristan's first cheating scandal in April 2018, when he was caught hooking up with a number of women on camera, as well as entering a hotel with female companion
Khloe gave him another chance after that, but now, too much damage has been done
Khloe has yet to released an official statement, but HollywoodLife has reached out to her reps with no immediate response
2019 Mazda 3 review At launch, Mazda noted a wheelbase increase of 25mm - Duration: 5:00.
✅ A carteira de trabalho verde e amarela é uma ideia fantástica, mas não da maneira como o ministro - Duration: 3:00.
Enquanto tenta salvar o Sistema S dos cortes planejados pela equipe econômica, a CNC (Confederação Nacional do Comércio) vai entregar ao ministro da Economia, Paulo Guedes, um formato do que considera ser ideal para a criação da "carteira verde e amarela" – regime trabalhista com menos direitos, mas que garantiria mais empregos para os mais jovens, segundo o ministro
A proposta da entidade é ampliar o atual programa Jovem Aprendiz, que hoje coloca adolescentes de 14 a 18 anos nas empresas, para incorporar todo o contingente de jovens até 22 anos
Para o vice-presidente da CNC, Valdeci Cavalcante, a proposta tem o potencial de empregar 4,5 milhões de trabalhadores nessa faixa etária nos próximos dois anos
"Às vezes a gente atira no que vê e acerta no que não vê. A carteira verde e amarela é uma ideia fantástica, mas não da maneira como o ministro Guedes imagina", afirmou Cavalcante
Nesse modelo de Jovem Aprendiz, os contratos da carteira verde e amarela teriam jornadas de meio período e remuneração em forma de bolsa – inferior a um salário mínimo (hoje de R$ 998)
O resto do dia seria usado pelos jovens em cursos técnicos do Senac (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial)
"Os jovens de 18 a 22 anos estão em uma faixa de risco na qual muitas vezes o desemprego – cuja taxa para esse grupo está em mais de 25% – acaba levando a pequenos delitos
Com a ampliação do programa, será criada toda uma nova categoria de trabalhadores, com menos custos para os empregadores e com um grande atrativo de formação", disse
Direitos Esse modelo de emprego teria menos direitos que o tradicional da carteira de trabalho azul, como deseja Paulo Guedes
Por exemplo, não haveria pagamento do adicional de férias, aviso prévio e outros benefícios, como vale-alimentação
Direitos considerados pétreos na Constituição, como 13º salário e férias, continuariam, mas com uma liberdade maior no pagamento
Por exemplo, o 13º poderia ser pago em 12 vezes e as férias tiradas em várias prestações
A contribuição previdenciária dessa categoria – já em um novo regime de capitalização (sistema pelo qual as contribuições vão para uma conta individual, que banca os benefícios no futuro) – seria baixa, de 5% a 6% do valor da bolsa, com mais 2% para o FGTS (Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço)
Isso bastaria para que o tempo de contribuição na carteira verde e amarela fosse computado e, ao completar 23 anos, o jovem passaria automaticamente para o regime da carteira de trabalho azul, podendo firmar um novo contrato de trabalho com a inclusão de mais benefícios
"A classe empresarial brasileira já adotou o trabalho social. As empresas são parceiras e têm interesse em usar essa mão de obra que estará sendo qualificada", disse Cavalcante
carteira de trabalhodireitos
Liverpool News - What Brit Awards host Jack Whitehall said about one Liverpool star is absolutely S - Duration: 3:15.
Striker Daniel Sturridge was joined by singing sensation Paloma Faith to present George Ezra with the British Male Solo Artist award earlier in the night
He then took a seat next to Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain - the other half of Little Mix singer Perrie Edwards - and it was he who felt the full Whitehall force
Whitehall proceeded to interview the Little Mix quartet later in the show where he tried to get them to put the boot in on Simon Cowell and their fierce critic Piers Morgan
The girls didn't play ball so comedian Whitehall instead turned his attentions to the footballers
"You girls have a wonderful time at the after-parties, nightclubs, kebab shops, or wherever you naughty Little Mixers get up to mischief," he told them
Whitehall then asked "have you booked your cars for after the show?" - before mocking Oxlade-Chamberlain for his injury woe
"Oxlade, are you going to be sharing an ambulance with Sturridge again?" Whitehall jibed, to which the England international gave a reluctant laugh
The midfielder snapped his knee ligaments in the Champions League semi-final last April
But his rehabilitation has gone so well he is back training on grass and doing ball work, prompting boss Jurgen Klopp to confirm he would be ready before the end of the season
Liverpool will refuse to push him and take every precaution to ensure the knee is 1 per cent right to avoid any further injury
But his return would offer a huge lift as the Reds go head-to-head with Manchester City during the Premier League run-in
The England midfielder was one of the key figures in Liverpool's form during the second half of last season and their run to the Champions League final
His relationship in providing assists for Mo Salah offered a real threat and his scoring from midfield was a key weapon that the Reds used to break down sides
The player himself is desperate to play a part this season, as Klopp's men look to end a 2-year Anfield wait for the title
Klopp hinted at an earlier return this month. Speaking about the midfielder he said: "He is close, very close
And in a really good way. "It looks really good, promising, close to return."
Trump s'oppose au retour aux Etats-Unis d'une femme ayant rejoint l'EI - Duration: 7:45.
Les Tories, un modèle à suivre ? - Duration: 1:28.
Trump: Kim Jong Un doit faire un geste "significatif" pour une levée des sanctions - Duration: 2:21.
D South boys and girls semifinals - Duration: 1:22.
D'Lo Flooding - Duration: 1:58.
White Nationalist Terrorist ARRESTED - Duration: 12:28.
Absolutely Gorgeous The Valerie Abney Tiny House For Sale | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:17.
The Little Spider | Incy Wincy Spider | Music For Babies | Cartoons Songs by Kids TV - Duration: 2:35.
The Itsy bitsy spider, was climb to her house
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
And the Itsy bitsy spider climb to her house again!
Preview: Take A Look At The Bigger Picture | Season 1 Ep. 2 | PROVEN INNOCENT - Duration: 0:36.
D'Souza SLAMS the Left's "ideological dementia" over Smollett hoax - Duration: 3:27.
Ingraham: The Smollett hoax is one of many that fit a pattern:
angry Trumpkins unleash vicious and hate-filled attacks against
sexual or racial minorities. Here now is Dinesh D'Souza, conservative
filmmaker and author. Dinesh, what does this tell us about the current
political climate and the culture today?
D'Souza: Well, the first thing it tells us is that these fake racial incidents
have become normalized. When the Tawana Brawley case broke a generation
ago, this was a bogus racial incident involving an African American woman
who had claimed to have been abused and battered, it was anomalous.
People really had to scratch their heads because this was such a freak episode.
But now, there's a procession of these bogus incidents, of which the
Jussie Smollett case is only the latest. Now I think for people watching,
they're a little baffled because they probably think, "What kind of dementia
causes someone to do this? Why would somebody fabricate an incident?"
And I think that we're dealing here with, not so much personal dementia,
but what can be called "ideological dementia." You touched on it earlier.
There's a narrative here that they're trying to advance. The narrative is
that the MAGA supporters, the Trump people, are a bunch of racists.
It's obviously a tribute to the Trumpsters that they are not racist,
because the Jussie Smolletts, despite being black, despite being flamboyantly
gay, are going out there, looking for people to pick on them, and nobody is.
So the facts are not supporting the narrative at all. So they figure,
"Why not make up the facts? Why not adapt the facts to the narrative,
rather than the other way around?" And I think this is the demented
psychology, the demented progressive psychology that drives these racial
faked incidents. And the second reason for them is that they get away with it.
Ingraham: And this is my point, Dinesh, is that conservatives are quick to,
sort of, say, "Let's move on. I don't want to dwell on this."
And the fact that we don't have people in jail after what happened to
Brett Kavanaugh, with that Julie Swetnick, what Avenatti was pushing,
all the promises of evidence, of how he was drugging people, spiking the
punch bowl, gang rapes... And people just want to move on from that?
I say, "No way." Otherwise, that stuff continues. The same deal with this
Smollett case. It occupied everybody's time, and the Chicago P.D. was
demonized, and of course, Trump supporters are made out to be these
horrible, awful, terrible, rotten people, because, "Look, your people
are doing this to this poor actor."
D'Souza: It's important to realize that the Jusse Smollett incident is a hate crime.
It's a hate crime, but in the opposite direction. Remember, if Jusse Smollett
basically wanted to go and beat himself up, that's not against the law.
The real crime here was attempting to pin this blame on a bunch of people
who did nothing, on innocent people. And it is this idea of trying to, ultimately,
frame Trump supporters for something that Smollett himself perpetrated.
So he's the perpetrator masquerading as the victim. It's very important that he
be held accountable for that, otherwise the Left basically thinks, "Let's keep
trying this stuff. When it works, it works. When it doesn't, we get away with it."
Ingraham: Dinesh, excellent analysis as always. Thank you so much.
The Baz Flash ep. 02 - February 2019 Pantheon Newsletter - Duration: 1:01.
Hello, my name is Bazgrim and welcome back to the Baz Flash, the hottest Pantheon news in only 60 seconds. Today, the official February 2019
Pantheon newsletter was released.
So let's jump right into it. Firstly, the Visionary Realms team
continues to expand, with three new positions currently available. The new positions that they are hiring for are
Visual Effects Artist, Web Developer and Designer, and
Development Operations Engineer.
the VR team has updated their Unity game engine to the latest version. This allows for
updated lighting, animations, and much, much more.
Lastly, the newsletter included an article from Creative Director Chris "Joppa" Perkins,
which featured some new details about Pantheon's Atmosphere system. These include
supernatural effects such as
Frenetic Floors, Shifting Walls, and Fog of Confusion, as well as the special artifacts that players will have to find in
order to counter these obstacles. That's all I have for today.
Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time on the Baz Flash.
Nine - La Dispute (Guitar/Vocal cover) - Duration: 2:11.
9PROJECT「出発」が、3月5日から10日まで東京・d-倉庫で上演される。 - Duration: 1:43.
Steve Clarke hits out at sectarian abuse after 5-0 loss at Rangers - Duration: 5:59.
Steve Clarke was left seething on Wednesday night as he launched a verbal attack on 'joke' referee Alan Muir and then hit out at Rangers fans after claiming he was the victim of sectarian chanting during a heavy Scottish Cup defeat at Ibrox
Alfredo Morelos netted four goals and Andy Halliday the other as Kilmarnock were swept aside by Steven Gerrard's side in a fifth-round replay to set up a pulsating quarter-final with Aberdeen
But Rugby Park boss Clarke insisted his side should have had a penalty in the opening moments with the game at 0-0 when Eamonn Brophy was hauled back in the box by Joe Worrall
And referee Muir left the visitors further incensed when he red-carded Killie keeper Daniel Bachmann for raising his arms to Glen Kamara
Clarke then gestured sarcastically to Rangers fans as they branded him a 'sad fenian b*****d' towards the end of the match
The Killie boss revealed he had been approached over becoming the manager at Rangers prior to Gerrard's appointment - and had been assured by the Ibrox club that sectarianism was a thing of the past
In an astonishing outburst, Clarke said sarcastically: 'It's nice being back in the west of Scotland - really nice
'When I was approached by Rangers about taking over the job here I was assured: "Nah, we didn't have that in the west of Scotland anymore
It has gone." Hahaha!'They can call me a b****d or w****r but to call me a fenian b*****d? Come on! We're living in the dark ages
They're not allowed to call my assistant a black 'b' but they can call me a fenian b*****d? Is that correct? What are we doing in Scotland?'I wake up every morning and I thank Chelsea for taking me away from the west of Scotland
My children and grandchildren have nothing to do this with this, thankfully.' Clarke also blamed referee Muir for ruining Kilmarnock's chance of reaching a quarter final tie with Aberdeen at Pittodrie
'It's the story of the match,' he seethed. 'If the penalty had been given in the first two minutes it would have been different
'The red card is a joke - a joke! The goalie just lifted his arms. Every goalie does that every week
It's embarrassing. If that's the standards we might as well go home. Why speak about it? It's every week, every other week
'You'll probably write: "Morelos scored four goals" but the officials decided this game
It's embarrassing! 'Am I talking about decisions going against Kilmarnock? I'm talking in general
There are bad decisions. All we talk about is our refs. How can I talk about football tonight?It doesn't matter when it comes - a penalty is a penalty
Thirty seconds in or 30 seconds into injury time - it's a penalty so just give it!' Rangers boss Gerrard, meanwhile, hailed four-goal Morelos after the Colombian returned from his latest suspension to inspire Rangers
Gerrard, whose side set up a quarter-final tie at Aberdeen next month, said: 'It was good to have Alfredo back
He showed his importance to the team and his quality. They were fantastic goals and that's why he's been sorely missed on occasions
'When he's not been available we've sometimes not had that same threat.'I felt we were a lot better than we were at the weekend
The fans and myself got the reaction we were looking for tonight. The players won the fans back over after the weekend
People will talk about the advantage but I thought we were super when it was 11 v 11
'We got in front and I thought we built on that lead. When the ref sent off the Kilmarnock keeper we never rested on our laurels
'We kept going all the way and that's what pleased me the most tonight.'The weekend was flat and predictable with no creativity but we looked like a Rangers team tonight
'But, for me, you have to approach every game with that same mentality. That's when you can go on a runs of games to be successful
' Gerrard did not agree with Killie boss Clarke that Brophy should have had a penalty at 0-0 after being hauled back by Worrall in the box
'I think Kilmarnock are entitled to have an opinion,' he said.'But I actually thought it was offside before that
Joe's hand did go across the player but as strong as Brophy is I'm not sure he should go down, so it's debatable
'A Rangers spokesperson said: 'Rangers Football Club wishes to make it clear unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated at Ibrox
'Everything possible will continue to be done to eradicate this kind of behaviour
2/19/19 4:13 PM (1910 Graham Ave W, St Paul, MN 55116, USA) - Duration: 34:51.
[FREE] Lil Baby x Gunna Type Beat - Nos - Duration: 4:07.
[FREE] Lil Baby x Gunna Type Beat - Nos
'PEN15's Taj Cross Reveals The Origins Of Sam & Says It Was 'Pretty Easy To Get Into Character' - Br - Duration: 3:04.
'PEN15' is the show everyone is talking about. The Hulu comedy takes us back to the year 2000 and makes us all relive our adolescence
HL spoke EXCLUSIVELY with star Taj Cross about the show! PEN15 debuted Feb. 8 and became an instant sensation
The show is the ultimate throwback for those of us who were in middle school in the early 2000s
Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle star in this adult comedy and play versions of themselves as 13 year olds in 2000
Taj Cross stars alongside the dynamic duo and plays Sam. The character has a super cool origin story
"Sam is based off one of the other executive producers Sam Zvibleman. He is a little bit of a d**chebag, and he is a part of the dork posse with their whole friends group," Taj told HollywoodLife
"He ends up making some questionable decisions near the end." For Taj, it wasn't hard for him to connect to his PEN15 character
"I actually do relate a lot to my character. It was pretty easy to get into character because when I did I turned up my d**chiness and toned down my coolness a little bit
" He noted that he fell in love with the role instantly. He was all about the "raunchiness and the humor" of PEN15
"I can completely relate to it. It seemed like such a cool show and it turned out even better than I thought it would
" Taj is just a teenager now, so he wasn't even around in the year 2000. He admitted that middle school now is very different than it was back then
"In school now, being popular is when you're weird and unique, and back then it was just about being cool and a little bit of a jerk," Taj said
Yeah, we've all see those 2000s teenage comedies. PEN15 is Taj's breakthrough role
He told HollywoodLife that loves comedy, but the "main thing about me wanting to act is I just want the audience feel something whether its sadness or happiness
I just want to make them feel something." He says his acting inspirations are Lucas Hedges and Timothée Chalamet
Taj has quite the career ahead of him, and we can't wait to see what's next for him
The show was created, written, and executive produced by Maya, Anna, and Sam. Debbie Liebling and Gabe Liedman serve as executive producers alongside Marc Provissiero and Brooke Pobjoy from Odenkirk Provissiero Entertainment, Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer, Jorma Taccone of The Lonely Island and Becky Sloviter of Party Over Here
PEN15 is produced by AwesomenessTV.
Advantage Bayern Munich as Liverpool fall short in cagey Champions League clash at Anfield - Duration: 7:21.
Nothing could separate Liverpool and Bayern Munich as they played out a goalless 90 minutes at Anfield in the Champions League last-16 first leg
Chances were at a premium throughout with Liverpool mustering just two shots on targets and Bayern Munich managing one in the first half
With all the attacking talent on show, there was precious little to get the adrenaline pumping
There is all to play for in the second leg at the Allianz Arena and both teams will be confident of progression: Bayern's attacking threat will have to be greater at home while Liverpool have the wildcard of an away goal in their favour
Here are the key talking points from an unusually quiet Liverpool game in Europe
Sloppy Liverpool struggle in attack Liverpool edged a frantic, frenetic first-half but there was a chaotic nature to their goal attempts with their players throwing various limbs at the ball in the hope that the connection would send it spiralling beyond Neuer's massive frame and into the goal
Both Naby Keita and Sadio Mane arched their bodies into positions that seasoned contortionists at Covent Garden would have been proud of to send acrobatic, overhead kicks into orbit, while Mohamed Salah was strangely timid when nodding a free header wide of the post
The hosts had ten shots to Bayern's three in the first half including six in the final 15 minutes, yet they rarely troubled Manuel Neuer with the experienced goalkeeper making just one, routine stop from Salah before the break
It was a testament to Bayern's solidity that Liverpool's second shot on target didn't come until the 85th minute when Mane stooped low to head the ball towards Neuer's near posts which required a tip behind the post
Even then, it wasn't entirely clear whether Mane's shot would be sneaking in or not
Besides their wayward shooting, Liverpool lacked that usual fluency and assuredness in the final third that has defined their performances in the Champions League under Klopp
Salah, in particular, seemed less composed than usual, slashing at bouncing balls in and around the box rather than taking a second to work an angle
Bayern will have been acutely aware of Liverpool's attacking threat beforehand and will give themselves a collective pat on the back after keeping Salah, Mane and Firmino extremely subdued
Considering Liverpool's away form – three defeats out of three – in the group stages, Bayern are now the slight favourites to go through
Nervy moments from the 'sweeper-keepers' '[Neuer] is a big reference for me. When we got them in the draw I was pleased knowing I'd be against him
' Alisson's complimentary comments about his opposite number Neuer – six years his senior – pre-match shouldn't have come as much of a surprise considering the manner in which the German giant has dominated and redefined the goalkeeper position over the past decade
While the suggestions that Neuer has revolutionised the role with his tendency to wander into midfield have verged on hyperbole at times, there is no doubt that his success as a sweeper-keeper will have been picked up on by aspiring young shot-stoppers the world over
Like Neuer, Alisson is renowned for his progressiveness when in possession and in the opening stages at Anfield both 'keepers seemed intent on out-doing each other in the balsiness stakes by taking monumental risks with their distribution
Neuer was fortunate that a clipped pass with his left-foot skimmed off Sadio Mane's head to safety before a hesitant Alisson put Joel Matip in all sorts of trouble soon after with a hospital pass that was seized upon by Kingsley Coman and slammed into the side-netting
Both moments highlighted the perils of playing out from the back even for players currently holding the No
1 positions for Germany and Brazil. Despite those instances, the master and the apprentice demonstrated more traditional goalkeeping qualities by making smart stops when required – Alisson blocking from Robert Lewandowski and Neuer saving from Mane
Bayern dealt a Kimmich blow Bayern Munich would have been buoyed by the lack of Virgil Van Dijk at the heart of Liverpool's defence at Anfield with the towering Dutchman ruled out of the first-leg through suspension following an accumulation of cards in the group stages
The shoe will be on the other foot in the second-leg at the Allianz Arena, though, as 28 minutes into the game on Merseyside, Joshua Kimmich launched into a rash lunge on Mane, earning him a yellow card and subsequent suspension
Kimmich's absence will be rued by Bayern Munich given the influence he has exerted in the final third this season
The central midfielder-cum-right-back has managed ten assists in the Bundesliga this season – a total level in Europe's top five leagues with Eden Hazard and one Lionel Messi
Not bad company to keep. Before the game, BT pundit and former Bayern Munich midfielder Owen Hargreaves highlighted Kimmich and his opposite full-back David Alaba as Bayern Munich's two best players due primarily to their contributions in the attacking phase
Whether that is an accurate assessment or not is up for debate, but Bayern will certainly miss the No
32's regular forays into the final third in the return game not to mention his defensive appetite characterised by a couple of highly-charged fist-pumps after completing a couple of key tackles
2019 Mazda 3 review First international drive - Duration: 3:21.
「コンドルズ×あうるすぽっと 大赤字コンテンポラリーダンスフェス第3弾『可能性の獣たち2019』」が3月2・3日に東京・あうるすぽっとで開催される。 - Duration: 2:14.
Tyler Hubbard Jokes Filming a Romantic Music Video with His Wife Is the Reason for Baby No. 2 - News - Duration: 6:52.
Tyler Hubbard has an interesting theory for how the new baby he's expecting with his wife Hayley came to be
During a Q&A break on stage at Florida Georgia Line's iHeartCountry Album Release party in New York City on Friday, when asked about his "steamy" music video for "Talk You Out of It," Hubbard joked that's the reason his baby was conceived
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"You know what happened after that video…" Hubbard, 32, said with a laugh. "Well, we have another baby on the way
" In the video, Hubbard sings to his wife while Brian Kelley sings to his wife, Brittany
"I'm looking at that fine little dress you've got on / don't get me wrong, girl I love it," they sing in the video
"Now I just want to talk you out of it." Hubbard's rep exclusively confirmed to PEOPLE on Feb
10 that the "Simple" singer and his wife were expecting their second child in August, but in November, Hubbard hinted at the fact that "Talk You Out of It" might have had a double meaning
"'Talk You Out of It' has a very different feel for us … It's the baby-making song on the album," Hubbard said on the Florida Georgia Line website
"But really, BK and I are always challenging ourselves creatively and knew that we had to record it when we first heard it
" When catching up with PEOPLE ahead of the show at the iHeartRadio Theater to discuss their new album Can't Say I Ain't Country, Hubbard and Kelley revealed that "Talk You Out of It" wasn't the only song on the record they wrote with their wives in mind
In fact, Kelley says their romantic song "Told You" is one of his favorites on the album because it serves as a tribute to their wives and '90s country
"It's just got a special vibe," Kelley, 33, told PEOPLE. "It's got kind of a throwback feel and just another taste of what we can do, what we're into and what has influenced us
It's just a beautiful little love song to our wives and good old-fashioned country song
" "Girl I told you / that I'd love you forever," Hubbard and Kelley sing in the song's chorus
"And I'll hold you / In my arms, and I'll never let go." The pair, who were nominated for four ACM Awards Friday and are heading out on tour Julyjoined by Dan Shay, Morgan Wallen, Canaan Smith and Hardy, also teamed up with Jason Derulo to record the song "Women," which is a timely tribute to all of the female influences in their lives
"It's a really special song to showcase women — our wives, our mothers, all the women in our life that mean so much to us, and just women in general for everything they do," Hubbard says
"That's another element we wanted to put on this album — how much we appreciate women — so I think that was a fun song to do it with and we loved working with Derulo
" Other songs on their album include their hit single "Simple," an upbeat genre-defying tempo track, "Swerve" and a typical down-home country song called "Y'all Boys" with rising artist Hardy
The title track "Can't Say I Ain't Country," is in some ways, a hit back at the critics who say the duo, who often push the limits of how country music has been traditionally defined, don't fit into the genre
And Hubbard and Kelley are really leaning into that idea, even drawing inspiration from hip hop and rap albums by breaking up the tracks with "skits" along the way from one of their friends named Chris (whom they affectionately refer to as "Nugget")
"Our friend Chris sent us so many funny voicemails as his alter ego, this Brother Jervel guy, and we laughed so many times listening to them," Hubbard says
"We figured we'd pull some inspiration from the old hip-hop and rap albums we used to love to listen to with the interludes in between
" "We figured it's something that hadn't been done in a long time, so we were excited to mix it up and give the fans something different and lighten up the mood a little," he continues
"It's pretty fun." The duo spent the last year and a half of their lives investing in the album, trying to "get it perfect," as Hubbard says, and now that it's out, they say can't wait for their fans to listen to it all the way through "from top to bottom — start to finish
" "We've been intentional with how we placed every song and how we intro'd them with a little bit of comedy so it shows some personality," Kelley says
"We've been sitting on this for months and months trying to perfect it. [We're excited] for our fans to get to party to it, get to cry to it, get to call their mom or their girl or their lover and tell them that they love them or they're thinking about them, because music has so many different emotions it can pull
We're just excited to finally have our collection, our lives on record, finally." Can't Say I Ain't Country is available now
Sigue en directo los test de pretemporada de F1 - Duration: 6:17.
Ferrari va como un tiro y lo ha demostrado en estos dos días de test. tanto Vettel como Leclerc fueron los más rápidos el lunes y el martes y además fueron los que rodaron más vueltas
Tienen entre ceja y ceja el campeonato. Mercedes sigue escondiendo cartas y Mclaren deja buen sabor de boca con fiabilidad y buen ritmo
Hoy Carlos Sainz se sube de nuevo al monoplaza de Woking que ha sido segundo en los dos días de test
Sin dar mucha importancia a los tiempos, pueden rodar y probar sin problemas, que es lo importante
Sigue en directo todo lo que ocurra en el Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya de 9:00h a 18:00h con sport
es. ACTUALIZAR +0 18:02 ¡Todo listo por aquí! ¡Mañana último día de la primera semana! Saludos
18:01 ¡Tiempos finales! Kvyat el más rápido. 1º D. Kvyat (C5) Toro Rosso 1'17"704 134 2º K
Raikkonen (C5) Alfa Romeo 1'17"762 +00"058 138 3º S. Vettel (C3) Ferrari 1'18"350 +00"646 134 4º M
Verstappen (C3) Red Bull 1'18"787 +01"083 85 5º N. Hulkenberg (C4) Renault 1'18"800 +01"096 63 6º D
Ricciardo (C4) Renault 1'18"64 61 7º R. Grosjean (C3) Haas 1'19"060 +01"356 31 8º P
Fittipaldi (C4) Haas 1'19"249 +01"545 48 9º C. Sainz (C3) McLaren 1'19"354 +01"650 87 10º S
Perez (C2) Racing Point 1'20"102 +02"398 67 11º V. Bottas (C3) Mercedes 1'20"693 +02"989 88 12º L
Hamilton Mercedes 1'20"818 +03"114 77 13º G. Russell Williams 1'25"625 +07"921 11 18:00 Renault vuelve a mostrar su solidez y son rápidos a una vuelta
Parece ser el cuarto equipo por encima de Mclaren. El resto descolgados. Haas no es fiable
Williams rodó sus primeras vueltas pero están lejos, muy lejos. Ya lo ha dicho Claire Williams: "Estamos avergonzados"
17:58 Mclaren. Falta de fiabilidad por la mañana con la vaja de cambios nueva y poco rodaje
La tarde vuelve a dejar un buen sabor de boca. No se aercan a los tiempos de los tres grandes en simulación de carrera
Baño de realidad. 17:56 ¡Bandera roja en pista y acaba la sesión! Grosjean. tercera vez que se para hoy el Haas
17:55 Más de lo mismo en red Bull. Un pasito por detrás de Mercedes y dos por detrás de ferrari pero no están lejos
Nueva ala trasera que parece que da resultados. Verstappen por encima de Gasly. 17:55 Mercedes sigue a medio gas
o eso dicen. No han realizado vuelta rápida y cierran la tabla de tiempos. En ritmo de carrera muy constantes pero por detrás de Ferrari
Trabajo por hacer y por mostrar. 17:52 Ferrari sólido de nuevo. 134 vueltas y cuarto mejor tiempo para Vettel que no ha puesto el compuesto más blando para marcar vuelta rápida
En simulación de carrera, los más rápidos. Esperanza. 17:50 ¡10 minutos para el final! Vamos haciendo repaso
17:49 También Ricciardo se pone las pilas y se coloca tercero por detrás de Räikkonen
1.18.164. 17:47 ¡Kvyat rebienta el crono y se pone líder! 1.17.704. 17:46 Le han colocado parafina en el difusor trasero a Hamilton
17:46 El pentacampeón del mundo vuelve a pista en estos últimos 15 minutos. 17:33 Solo queda Grosjean rodando el Circuit
17:32 ¡Ha entrado a boxes! Lástima. venía en vuelta muy muy buena. Cargar más
Recorrido de Vanessa Daroch por barrio de Fernanda Maciel le costó duras críticas a 'La Mañana' - Duration: 3:01.
F-15 makes emergency landing in Portland - Duration: 1:06.
Jussie Smollett's cast mate Gabby Sidibe stands by him - Daily News - Duration: 12:13.
Jussie Smollett's Empire cast mate and close friend Gabby Sidibe has broken her silence over the alleged attack on him to say that she believes him and is standing by him
Reposting two images that Smollett's siblings uploaded in support of him on Instagram on Tuesday, Sidibe said: 'I know him, I believe him, I stand with him
#jussiesmollett.' It came as Smollett's team of attorneys sat down with prosecutors and police in Chicago and reports emerged that he may be preparing to speak with police again about the alleged incident
The pair used to live together in Chicago. It remains unclear if they are still roommates or if she was in the city on the night he was attacked
Earlier in the day, 20th Century Fox issued a statement in support of the actor to say that his role on Empire was not being written out of the show
The studio's spokesman also called him a 'consummate professional'. Share this article Share Speculation over whether or not Smollett is likely to be indicted is now at fever pitch
Over the last week, multiple police sources have anonymously alleged that he staged the racist and homophobic attack on January 29 and that he paid brothers Abel and Ola Osundairo to do it
Smollett has furiously denied the claims both through lawyers and in a tearful interview on Good Morning America
On Tuesday, the two brothers were minutes away from testifying in front of a grand jury in Chicago when the proceedings were suddenly halted
It has been reported that what stopped them was Smollett's attorneys making a phone call to the State's Attorney's office to tell them the actor would be interviewed again
No charges have been brought against Smollett or the brothers who were picked up at Chicago O'Hare Airport on Wednesday night after returning from Nigeria
They allegedly told police Smollett paid them $3,500 to attack him and that he even told them where to buy the rope that was placed around his neck
According to police sources, the pair were filmed in a ride-share car looking 'nervous' on their way to the attack
The brothers also allegedly told police Smollett was behind a letter that was sent to the Fox studio on January 22 that contained white powder and had the words: 'Smollett Jussie you will die black f*g' on them
The only two suggested motives for Smollett allegedly staging the attack is that he feared he was being written out of Empire - something Fox denied immediately and repeatedly - and that the letter did not get enough attention
The letter however did not make it into the public domain until after the January 29 attack
When Smollett received it, he and Empire producer Dennis Hammer reported it to police immediately
Key moments in reported attack on actor Jussie Smollett January 29, 2019 Jussie Smollett tells Chicago police he was physically attacked by two men in downtown Chicago while walking home from getting food from a Subway restaurant at 2am
The black and openly gay actor tells authorities the men used racial and homophobic slurs, wrapped a rope around his neck and poured an 'unknown substance' on him
Smollett told detectives that the attackers yelled he was in 'MAGA country,' an apparent reference to President Donald Trump's 'Make America Great Again' campaign slogan, which some critics of Trump have claimed is a racist dog whistle
January 30Chicago police say they've reviewed hundreds of hours of surveillance camera footage, including of Smollett walking downtown, but none of the videos show the attack
Police obtain and release images of two people they would like to question. Reports of Smollett's attack draw outrage and support on social media, including from U
S. Senators Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Elizabeth Warren.Both Booker and Harris called the incident a 'modern day lynching'
Joe Biden said: 'We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts
' January 31Trump tells reporters at the White House that he saw a story the night before about Smollett and that, 'It doesn't get worse, as far as I'm concerned
'Smollett's family issues a statement calling the attack a racial and homophobic hate crime
Smollett's family says he 'has told the police everything' and 'his story has never changed,' disputing assertions leveled on social media that he has been less than cooperative and changed his story
February 1Smollett issues a statement telling people that he is OK and thanking them for their support
He says he is working with authorities and has been '100 percent factual and consistent on every level
'February 2Smollett gives sold-out concert in West Hollywood, California, opening with an emotional speech, saying he had to play the show because he couldn't let his attackers win
At the end of the set, he announces that he fought back against his attackers, calling himself 'the gay Tupac'
Congresswoman Maxine Waters is in attendance at the concert. February 5th: Chicago PD releases incident report which reveals Smollett did not want to call police
There is no mention of the MAGA country remark which he gave in a follow-up interview Brandon Z
Moore, his manager, gives police a screenshot to prove their call. February 11th: Smollett finally hands over redacted phone records to prove the phone call but police label them 'insufficient'
His neighbors say they don't believe his version of events. February 12th: Smollett's rep releases statement to say he is the victim and that he has been telling the truthFebruary 14th: Good Morning America airs the full interview with Smollett, in which he blasts speculation that the attack was staged as itself racist and hateful
Hours later, it emerges that two Nigerian brothers were picked up at Chicago's O'Hare Airport on their return from Nigeria the night before
Cops identify the two men as the individuals seen in the surveillance images released from the night of January 29 but will not share their names
Two television stations in Chicago simul report the widespread belief among investigators that Smollett staged the attack as a hate hoax
Chicago's police superintendent later said that he had no evidence to prove that the attack was a hoax
Producers of 'Empire' dispute media reports that Smollett's character was being written off the show
High-powered criminal defense attorney Michael Monico reveals that he is representing Smollett
February 15DailyMail.com confirms they are brothers Olabinjo 'Ola' Osundairo, 27, and Abimbola 'Abel' Osundairo, 25
Later, Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielimi says the two 'persons of interest' are now considered suspects
He says the men are in custody but have not been charged with a crime.Chicago police release two men without charges after arresting them on suspicion of assaulting Smollett and holding them for nearly 48 hours
A police spokesman said the two are no longer considered suspects and that investigators have 'new evidence' to consider as a result of questioning them
February 16A police spokesman said that the investigation had 'shifted' after detectives questioned the two brothers about the attack and released them without charges
Smollett hired Michael Cohen's high-powered criminal defense attorney, Michael Monico, as the police investigation into the attack he reported last month took a sudden shift amid allegations of a hoax
Smollett's lawyers said on Saturday the actor felt 'victimized by reports he played a role in the assault, and that Smollett would continue cooperating with police
February 17A police spokesman said that Chicago police have told Smollett's attorneys they want to do a follow-up interview with the actor
A spokesperson for Smollett's lawyers said she couldn't comment on whether Smollett had agreed to another interview
February 18 Stars and politicians who spoke out in support of Smollett walk back their condemnation of the attack amid growing suspicion that it is a hoaxFebruary 19 The Osundairo brothers speak with police and prosecutors in Chicago but are halted at the last minute before going to testify before a grand jury
Smollett hires Colin Kaepernick's attorney Mark Geragos and his legal team present a 'hail Mary' piece of evidence which stops the brothers' testimony State's Attorney Kimberly Foxx recuses herself from the case citing her 'familiarity with potential witnesses' Leaked information from the brothers' meetings with prosecutors and police emerges
They reportedly claimed Smollett was involved in sending himself the letter on January 22 February 20 Fox says Smollett is not being written out of Empire
Sarri reveals the 'easy way' Chelsea can turn their form around - Duration: 2:29.
Maurizio Sarri has revealed the 'easy way' Chelsea can turn their form and their season around as the Italian manager comes under increasing pressure at Stamford Bridge
The fans turned on him during Monday night's 2-0 defeat to Manchester United, joining in with the travelling United fans with a chorus of 'you're getting sacked in the morning' while they went one further later on in the game, signing 'f*** Sarri-ball'
It's hard to believe that it took the side until November to lose their first competitive game under Sarri, at the 19th time of asking, when Tottenham Hotspur beat them 3-1 at Wembley Stadium
Since then they've lost seven games, including the 6-0 drubbing at the hands of Manchester City, but there's an easy way for Chelsea to turn around their form according to Sarri
Win three or four matches in a row. But that's easier said than done when Chelsea have to face City again, this time in the Carabao Cup final, while they face Spurs only three days after that at Stamford Bridge
But nevertheless, that's what Sarri wants the Blues to do in order to get fans back on his side at the Bridge
He said: "As I said before, it's very easy - we need to win three or four matches in a row
That's the only solution. "I can understand very well the frustrations of our fans because they are used to winning and now we are in trouble so I can understand very well
"There isn't another way, we have to have good performances and results." Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from football
london via the free football.london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play
Kim Kardashian Unfollows Jordyn Woods and Tristan Thompson on Instagram After Cheating Scandal - US - Duration: 3:07.
Over it! unfollowed's best friend and 's now ex-boyfriend on Instagram after they were caught "making out
" The KKW Beauty creator, 38, is no longer following Woods, 21, or Thompson, 27, on the social media platform one day after multiple sources told Us Weekly that the NBA pro and the model were spotted cozying up together at a party on Sunday, February 17
Khloé, 34, and Jenner, 21, meanwhile, still follow Thompson and Woods on Instagram
One source told Us that Kardashian family "loved" Woods before the scandal. "This is completely shocking to Khloé's family," the source noted
Another insider said that the scandal has been "very hard" for the Kylie Cosmetics CEO: "She doesn't have a lot of friends and, honestly, can't because of her lifestyle, so she has latched onto Jordyn
" This is not the first time that Kim has unfollowed Thompson on social media. The reality personality stopped keeping up with the Cleveland Cavaliers star on Instagram in April 2018 after he was caught cheating on Khloé with several women during her pregnancy
At the time, Kim also called Thompson's infidelity "so f—ked up" on The Ellen DeGeneres Show
As a result, the basketball player blocked the Selfish author on the platform. Two months later, Kim jokingly begged Thompson to unblock her at Khloé's 34th birthday party
"All right, guys. So, what do you think? It's Khloé's birthday. Do you think I should ask this guy to unblock me?" Kim said in a series of hilarious videos on her Instagram Story in June 2018
Thompson replied: "For Khloé's birthday, I think it's only right. I got you." In January 2019, Kim made headlines for discussing Thompson's behavior during an appearance with Khloé and on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen
"It's so easy and quick to be like, 'leave him, leave him.' It's so much harder to stay and have the whole public think you're an idiot for staying," Kim said on January 14
After Khloé made a face and laughed, Kim clarified, "I didn't mean it like that!"
'Everything went perfectly well' Khedira reveals heart treatment went well and targets Juventus retu - Duration: 4:06.
SAMI KHEDIRA revealed he underwent successful heart treatment this morning and hopes to back in a Juventus shirt soon
The midfielder was diagnosed with arrhythmia after tests on Tuesday showed he had an irregular heartbeat
Khedira, 31, took to Twitter to share his update and thank fans for their support - who could see him back in action towards the end of March
He said: "I've had a successful interventional therapy today in the morning with an ablation of an arrhythmogenic atrial focus
"Everything went perfectly well and I will be able to get back to work after a short rest
Thank you so much for all your messages and get well wishes!" In a statement of their own, Juventus said: "Today in the morning the player Sami Khedira underwent electrophysiological study and successful interventional therapy with ablation of an arrhythmogenic atrial focus, performed by Prof
Fiorenzo Gaita, JM cardiologist consultant for Juventus." Arrhythmia can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure and other complications if left untreated
It is most common in people over the age of 65 but is often not life threatening
Khedira added: "A big thank you to Prof. F. Gaita as well. Now I'm wishing my team mates all the best for tonight's game in Madrid
" Unfortunately for Khedira, it appears his team-mates did not get the message. They fell to a disappointing 2-0 defeat against Diego Simeone's side to put qualification for the Champions League quarter-finals in serious doubt
Late goals from Uruguayan defenders Jose Maria Gimenez and Diego Godin, the latter's deflecting off Cristiano Ronaldo, put the La Liga side firmly in control
And it could have been worse had it not been for the introduction of VAR for the knockout stages of this season's competition
Atletico Madrid had a penalty changed to a free-kick and then Alvaro Morata's thumping header was ruled out for a push on Giorgio Chiellini
Juventus now have a mountain to climb when they try and overturn the deficit in the second leg at the Allianz Stadium on March 12
Cristiano Ronaldo reminds Atletico Madrid fans how many times he's won Champions League on return to Madrid
✅ Grávida, Camilla Camargo ganha roupas de filhos de Wanessa: 'Herdei'. Vídeo! - Duration: 3:05.
Wanessa doou uma mala cheia de roupas dos filhos para o bebê da irmã, Camilla Camargo, nesta quarta-feira (20)
No Stories do Instagram, a atriz mostrou tudo o que ganhou da cantora
"Olha aqui, tudo o que eu herdei dos meus sobrinhos. Estou começando a separar por idade para começar a lavar e organizar porque é muita coisa
Isso foi tudo dos meus sobrinhos e agora vai ser do meu filho, acho isso tão incrível, saber que ele vai usar as mesmas roupinhas do meus sobrinhos
Tem babador, gorro, toalhinha de boca, sapatinho, naninha, cobertores e mantinhas
Eu já separei as roupas nas gavetas: tem de zero a três, de três a seis, de seis a nove, de nove a doze, e de um e dois aninhos
Agora estou morta, dor nas costas. Não consigo nem raciocinar mais, juro!", disse no vídeo
Casada com o diretor de TV Leonardo Lessa, Camilla anunciou a gravidez em janeiro
A artista espera um menino e contou que o bebê vai se chamar Joaquim
Atriz concilia gravidez com trabalho Recentemente, Camilla foi prestigiada pelo marido, com quem trocou beijos, e pelo pai, Zezé di Camargo, que foi acompanhado de Graciele Lacerda, em peça teatral
Nos bastidores do espetáculo, a atriz falou sobre a carreira artística
"Eu já estava ensaiando quando soube da vinda do bebê, poder continuar trabalhando e estrear nesse momento tão lindo foi muito mágico
Tenho um cuidado maior, mas não muda o preparo, só fica tudo mais especial ainda", declarou à revista "Caras"
Mais sensível no período da gestação, a mamãe de primeira viagem também comentou as mudanças físicas no visual
"O corpo se modela completamente, existe uma outra necessidade agora, então quadril, seios, tudo aumenta, e como sou baixinha isso é bem visível", comentou, bem-humorada
Camila entregou ainda a reação dos pais ao revelar a vinda do primogênito: "Foi muito emocionante, minha irmã chorou, meus pais ficaram felizes e já estão me paparicando muito"
Camilla planeja parto normal Em outra ocasião, Camilla relatou como pretender dar à luz
"Por mim, quero muito, muito parto normal. Óbvio que não depende só de mim e sim de uma questão", explicou ela, que quer participar da criação do herdeiro: "Não pretendo ter babá
É óbvio que quando voltar a trabalhar preciso ver como vai ser viável e aí, talvez, veja alguém para ficar com a criança"
Encantada com as descobertas da maternidade, a atriz indicou desejo: "Eu era muito formiga, sempre fui muito formiga
Desde que engravidei, quase não tenho vontade de comer doce. Tenho muita vontade de comer sal
Amo comer tomate com sal". (Por Patrícia Dias)
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