2020總統 大選
民進黨大約3 月底、
4月初就會提 名蔡英文了
國民黨則7月 才要提名人 選
據知是要看台 北市長柯文 哲選不選。
綠媒董事長吳 子嘉卻說國 民黨鬧笑話 了
因為情勢在變 化
就是因為韓國 瑜聲望太高
柯P才不敢表 態。
他更驚爆兩個 可怕變數
2020白綠 有可能合作 、
韓國瑜也可能 出來參選。
吳子嘉在 中天政論節 目《新聞龍 捲風》指出
柯P再玩一日 雙城
還跑去跟一大 堆人搞網紅
代表柯P心裡 是慌的
被韓國瑜嚇到 了
韓國瑜現在聲 望太高了
變成柯P現在 不敢隨便表 態
一表態他可能 會變輸家。
吳子嘉 點出
原本柯P期待 的場景是
大家拜託他出 來選
這樣他對台北 市民才有交 代
如今柯P這個 期待離他越 來越遠。
而韓國瑜愈來 愈強
蔡英文和韓國 瑜捉對廝殺
韓民調都上來 了
柯P邊緣化或 者平分秋色
在3人平分秋 色的情況下
柯P就不敢選 了。
吳子嘉強 調
柯P一定要民 調第一名才 敢選202 0
所以白綠是有 可能合作的
這是第一個可 能性
另外第2個更 可怕的可能 性就是
韓國瑜有可能 出來選。
因為民進黨一 直打韓國瑜
把韓逼到走在 這條路上。
如果韓國瑜能 夠救台灣
放棄小小的高 雄市長
甚至他可帶職 參選。
For more infomation >> 2020總統大選 吳子嘉驚爆兩個可怕變數- 当天的新消息 - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
三菱「アウトランダーPHEV」に1万台超えのリコール。エアフローセンサー不具合により走行不能の恐れアリ - Duration: 2:55.
世界限定10台のみ。走行距離0kmのフェラーリ・日本限定モデル「J50」が販売中。価格は要応談ながらも多分5億超え - Duration: 3:19.
レゴテクニックのシロンをRCカーにカスタムし世界最速記録に挑戦→スケールスピードで579km/hを記録するもあえなくクラッシュ - Duration: 4:45.
希少価値のある「フォードGT・カーボンシリーズ」が遂に登場。フローズンホワイトにカーボンストライプの組合せはかなりグッド - Duration: 3:00.
ミニ・クラブマン/クロスオーバーJCWはフェイスリフトでBMW X2 M35iの300馬力エンジン搭載?現在の231馬力から大幅に出力アップか - Duration: 4:41.
Neilas Katinas reveló los cambios que tendrá el tercer ciclo de "Rojo": nuevo horario y sin galas - Duration: 3:36.
韓國瑜就像他翻版!用意是總統大位? - Duration: 12:20.
檢視相片 ▲陳東豪稱韓國瑜根本是川普翻版。
(圖/翻攝自臉書) 陳東豪指稱
」 檢視相片 ▲韓國瑜發言擅長轉移外界焦點。
檢視相片 ▲韓國瑜也有學習柯文哲
(圖片來源:台灣今日新聞網) 中國台灣網10月18日消息 國民黨高雄市長候選人楊秋興選情吃緊
(中國台灣網 王思羽) .
(圖片來源:台灣今日新聞網) 中國台灣網8月19日訊 據台灣「中時電子報」報道
(中國台灣網 張御舲) 國民黨高雄市長參選人韓國瑜。
(圖片來源:台灣「中時電子報」) 中國台灣網10月9日訊 島內年底「九合一」選戰進入倒數階段
(中國台灣網 李寧) 韓國瑜(圖片來源:台灣《中時電子報》) 中國台灣網6月17日訊 據台灣《中時電子報》報道
提醒高雄人別忘記這20年來風風雨雨的政治歷史! 據報道
(中國台灣網 盧佳靜)
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
Hello! Oponganon (People from Lapu-lapu)!
Deaf and Hearing Community
Happy Valentine`s Day to everyone
My name is Anita and my signing name,
I`m Chairman of Valentine`s Day Activity and DALLC Board Member
Are you exciting for the upcoming activity!
DALLC announcement that we have Valentine`s Day activity. The activities are:
What: (LGBT signing) meaning LGBT Rights and HIV Awareness re-echo seminar.
When: February 24, Sunday
Time: 1 PM
Where: STAC
Registration fee: Php 15.00 for snacks and game prizes
Please share this information with your friends.
Thank you for watching! Bye!
Macron soutenu par M. Boujenah face aux Gilets jaunes - Duration: 4:03.
米大統領選 共和党からトランプ氏の対抗馬が出馬表明 元マサチューセッツ州知事のウェルド氏 - Duration: 1:17.
【ワシントン= 黒瀬悦成】米 主要メディア は15日、ウ ィリアム・ウ ェルド元マサ チューセッツ 州知事(73 )が来年の大 統領選で現職 のトランプ大 統領に対抗し て共和党候補 指名を争う意 向を表明した と伝えた。 共 和党でトラン プ氏の対抗馬 が出馬表明す るのは初めて。 当面は資金集めを進め、予備選・党員集会を戦い抜けるかを判断するとしている。
ウェルド氏は 15日、全米 に先駆けて最 初の予備選が 行われるニュ ーハンプシャ ー州での会合 で、トランプ 氏を「校庭の いじめっ子の ようだ」と評 し、「ここま での悪ふざけ を今後6年も 見る必要はな い」と述べ、 トランプ氏の 再選を阻止す る決意を表明 した。
ウェルド氏は 連邦検事など を経て199 1~97年に マサチューセ ッツ州知事を 務めた。 指名 争いでトラン プ氏に勝つ可 能性は低いと みられている ものの、一定 の支持を集め れば、92年 大統領選で再 選を目指した 父ブッシュ大 統領が指名争 いで保守系政 治評論家のパ ット・ブキャナン氏を相手に苦戦して求心力を低下させ、本選で民主党のビル・クリントン氏に敗北した事例の再来となる可能性を指摘する声もある。
Hailey Baldwin Says Getting Married to Justin Bieber at a Young Age Is 'Scary': 'This Is Forever' - - Duration: 4:54.
Getting real. (nee Baldwin) admitted that getting married to at such a young age is a daunting prospect
'It's definitely scary to be this young and be married," she said during an appearance on episode four of 's Zaza World Apple radio show on Thursday, February 14
"I think the forever aspect for me is just like, you don't think about that until you get married
And then you're like, OK, this is really, like, this is forever. Meaning, like, there is no end
" For the model, 22, it's been a particularly strange adjustment due to her lack of dating experience
'[I'm] somebody who was never really in any serious relationships. Going from there to that, to that, to married
" She continued: "I've always been so independent. So for me, trying to cohabitate with someone and learn how to, like, do life with another person, that directly has just been interesting
It's so different. When you're single you literally don't have to think about anything else
You think about your family, because it's your family. And you know, you love them
You think about your parents, siblings, whatever … But I think that's also what it's like when you're in a serious relationship … You have to consider another person
" Still, Hailey, concedes that marriage has its perks. "It's a scary thing, but it's also the person that I've literally been in love with for so many years
So, that's the best part about it. Like, I feel like he's my best friend. And we just get to do life together forever, now
" The Calvin Klein face concluded, "I think when you're with somebody all the time and you've been in a long term relationship, the only thing that changes is you've just made a commitment
To, like, have to work things out … And it feels great. … [The] most certainty you can have in a relationship is marriage
' Two days prior, the music video vixen voiced a similar sentiment to Bustle, telling the website that being a wife "took some getting used to, for sure
It's definitely strange. It takes adjusting." Hailey also told show hosts Jenner, 23, and on Thursday that she and the musician are still dealing with issues that have happened in the past
"Negative things happened that we still need to talk about and work through," she said
The Grammy winner, 24, previously admitted in Vogue's March cover story that he has some demons in his closet
"I found myself doing things that I was so ashamed of, being super promiscuous and stuff, and I think I used Xanax because I was so ashamed," he said
"Drugs put a screen between me and what I was doing. It got pretty dark. I think there were times when my security was coming in late at night to check my pulse and see if I was still breathing
" A source told Us Weekly in February that the Drop the Mic host has been the "Baby" singer's rock throughout his struggles
"They don't have problems — it's Justin who does," the insider told Us. "He has anxiety and a lot of big issues that make it difficult for him to function on a daily basis
And he's so reliant on Hailey." Hailey said her "I dos" to Justin in a New York City courthouse three months after they rekindled their romance in June
The pair previously dated from 2015 to 2016.
澳大利亞拒絕華為,將承擔這個後果,網友:作繭自縛! - Duration: 12:06.
背叛對祖國的忠誠會遭到重罰! (美國駐委內瑞拉大使館被關閉
委內瑞拉宣稱反對美國干涉) 當地時間周一凌晨兩點五十分左右
可這麼大的行動怎麼能使委內瑞拉警衛隊無動於衷呢? (土耳其總統支持委內瑞拉馬杜羅總統) (由於委內瑞拉生活必需品的缺乏
很多店鋪被打砸也並不稀奇) 委內瑞拉警衛隊發現有兵變行動後立即召集部隊進行反擊
人們工作並不積極再加上過度依賴石油怎麼能不出事?不過35歲的反對派領導人議會主席胡安-瓜伊多有提高全國經濟的水平嗎?恐怕只是美國等一些國家的代言人吧) 熟話說「一波未平
很明顯這就是直接向委內瑞拉現任總統尼古拉斯-馬杜羅發起挑戰的! 一個國家怎麼能同時出現兩個元首呢
(委內瑞拉高福利政策遠不如北歐那樣健康) 美國等12個國家的公開干預立即激怒了委內瑞拉總統尼古拉斯-馬杜羅
6億美元) 目前中國、
My YouTube channel Arifull - Duration: 0:11.
Hailey Baldwin Says Getting Married to Justin Bieber at a Young Age Is 'Scary': 'This Is Forever' - - Duration: 4:59.
Getting real. (nee Baldwin) admitted that getting married to at such a young age is a daunting prospect
'It's definitely scary to be this young and be married," she said during an appearance on episode four of 's Zaza World Apple radio show on Thursday, February 14
"I think the forever aspect for me is just like, you don't think about that until you get married
And then you're like, OK, this is really, like, this is forever. Meaning, like, there is no end
" For the model, 22, it's been a particularly strange adjustment due to her lack of dating experience
'[I'm] somebody who was never really in any serious relationships. Going from there to that, to that, to married
" She continued: "I've always been so independent. So for me, trying to cohabitate with someone and learn how to, like, do life with another person, that directly has just been interesting
It's so different. When you're single you literally don't have to think about anything else
You think about your family, because it's your family. And you know, you love them
You think about your parents, siblings, whatever … But I think that's also what it's like when you're in a serious relationship … You have to consider another person
" Still, Hailey, concedes that marriage has its perks. "It's a scary thing, but it's also the person that I've literally been in love with for so many years
So, that's the best part about it. Like, I feel like he's my best friend. And we just get to do life together forever, now
" The Calvin Klein face concluded, "I think when you're with somebody all the time and you've been in a long term relationship, the only thing that changes is you've just made a commitment
To, like, have to work things out … And it feels great. … [The] most certainty you can have in a relationship is marriage
' Two days prior, the music video vixen voiced a similar sentiment to Bustle, telling the website that being a wife "took some getting used to, for sure
It's definitely strange. It takes adjusting." Hailey also told show hosts Jenner, 23, and on Thursday that she and the musician are still dealing with issues that have happened in the past
"Negative things happened that we still need to talk about and work through," she said
The Grammy winner, 24, previously admitted in Vogue's March cover story that he has some demons in his closet
"I found myself doing things that I was so ashamed of, being super promiscuous and stuff, and I think I used Xanax because I was so ashamed," he said
"Drugs put a screen between me and what I was doing. It got pretty dark. I think there were times when my security was coming in late at night to check my pulse and see if I was still breathing
" A source told Us Weekly in February that the Drop the Mic host has been the "Baby" singer's rock throughout his struggles
"They don't have problems — it's Justin who does," the insider told Us. "He has anxiety and a lot of big issues that make it difficult for him to function on a daily basis
And he's so reliant on Hailey." Hailey said her "I dos" to Justin in a New York City courthouse three months after they rekindled their romance in June
The pair previously dated from 2015 to 2016.
Pyaari Maa - Arifull | Different types of Arifull Walker - Duration: 0:37.
Pyaari Maa - Arifull
Jennifer Lawrence Inviting Kardashians To Her Wedding & Kim May Even Be A Bridesmaid - Breaking News - Duration: 3:04.
Jennifer Lawrence is so obsessed with the Kardashians that one or more might end up in her bridal party
We've got the details on how Kim could be a bridesmaid in her wedding to Cooke Maroney
Jennifer Lawrence has long made it known how Keeping Up With The Kardashians is her absolute favorite thing in the world
She's grown close to the famous family, even having dinner with Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and other members at matriarch Kris Jenner's Calabasas house
Now that she's personal friends with Kar-Jenners, she wants them to be part of her wedding ceremony to Cooke Maroney
"Jennifer really likes Kris and Kim and has spent some great times with them both and other members of the Kardashian family in the past
Since they are all friends, they are both on the short list to be invited to her wedding," a source close the 28-year-old actress tells HollywoodLife
com EXCLUSIVELY. "On top of all that, talk has turned to the possibility of being bridesmaids
Friends and family don't know if she is joking or not but Jen has mentioned that she would like Kim to be a bridesmaid
Regardless of how that turns out its clear that some of the Kardashian family, especially Kim and Kris are going to be invited and Jen would love for them to be able to attend once the date is set for the wedding," our insider continues
Hey, Kris is licensed to marry people so Jen could have the head Kar-Jenner as her officiant
The 28-year-old Oscar winner got engaged in early February to the 33-year-old art dealer after eight months of dating
J-Law has proclaimed her everlasting love for all things Kardashian many times. She got the thrill of interviewing Kim while guest hosting on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Nov
3, 2017. She hilariously grilled her on everything from whether she thought former family friend O
J. Simpson really killed his estranged wife to whether it was weird that her ex Reggie Bush married a woman who looks like she could be Kim's twin
Jen even had a tent erected on the set of the 2017 psychological thriller mother! with KUWTK playing on a loop and pics of the family on the walls
"I had to go to a darker place than I've ever been in my life," she told Vogue in August of 2017
"I didn't know if I'd be able to come out OK." Since the filming was so emotionally hard on her, the Kardashian tent was where she went to decompress and recover
"It was a tent that had pictures of the Kardashians and Keeping Up with the Kardashians playing on a loop—and gumballs
My happy place," she revealed.
Jisan khan shuvo - Bhulini Tomay | Different types of Arifull Walker - Duration: 0:15.
Arifull Walker
ホルムズ海峡は反米の最前線 イラン・バンダルアバス、ステルス艦も配備 - Duration: 4:27.
世界の海上輸 送原油の3割 が通る大動脈 、ホルムズ海 峡に面するイ ラン南部バン ダルアバスを 訪れると、軍 施設が堅い機 密のベールに 守られていた。 ペルシャ湾 の対岸の親米 諸国には米軍 が広範囲に駐 留しており、 イランと米国 の緊張の最前 線だ。 最高指 導者直属の軍 事組織「革命防衛隊」の元幹部は、安全保障の生命線であるペルシャ湾の支配権を米国に譲ることは「あり得ない」とし、米のイラン封じ込め戦略について「脅しには脅しで対抗する」と強調した。
(イラン南部バ ンダルアバス 佐藤貴生)
バンダルアバ スは漁業を主 体とする港町 だ。 原油の輸 出拠点や精製 施設もあり、 国営石油化学 企業の横には 海軍施設の門 があった。 軍 は取材不可だ と事前に言い 渡されていた が、同社や市 当局、外務省 の出先機関な ども一様に取 材を拒んだ。
そんなバンダ ルアバスに昨 年末、ステル ス性能がある 駆逐艦「サハ ンド」が配備 された。 ヘリ ポートを備え 対空、対艦ミ サイルも搭載 可能で150 日間、無寄港 で航行できる という。
首都テヘラン で取材に応じ た革命防衛隊 元司令官、キ ャナニモガッ ダム・ホセイ ン氏(60) は、「バンダ ルアバスには 海軍などの司 令部があり、 サハンドのほ か多数の軍艦 や(ロシア製 防空システム )S300の 基地もある」 とし、「どん な鳥が飛んで きても捕捉で きる」と話した。
ホルムズ海峡 が封鎖されて 米軍がペルシ ャ湾攻略に乗 り出す場合、 軍事的要衝の アブムサ、大 トンブ、小ト ンブの3島に 上陸して制圧 し、親米諸国 の基地からパ トリオットミ サイルなどで イランのミサ イル攻撃を牽 制する-とい うシナリオが 長く語られて きた。
ホセイン氏は 「3島は完全 に支配してお り、海岸沿い の多数の基地 のほか上空と 海中からも常 時、ペルシャ 湾全域を監視 している」と し、「米国が 動く前にたた け」が現在の イランの軍事 ドクトリンだ と述べた。
米軍はバーレ ーンに海軍第 5艦隊司令部 を、カタール に空軍基地を 持ち、サウジ アラビアやオ マーンなどに も拠点がある とされる。 米 軍に包囲され ているかのよ うだが、ホセ イン氏はイラ ンのシンパも 点在している とし、次のよ うに言う。
「サウジの東 岸はイランと 同じイスラム 教シーア派の 住民が多く、 米軍が歓迎さ れているわけ ではないし、 イエメンでは シーア派民兵 との戦闘に手 を焼いている。 バーレーン は人口の半数 以上がシーア 派だ。 カター ルはサウジと 断交し、オマ ーンとイラン は独自の関係 を維持している」
イランと米の 主要な対立の 一つがイスラ エルへの対応 だ。 ホセイン 氏は、イラン がシリアで影 響力確保を目 指す理由も「 反イスラエル の民兵組織を 維持するため だ」とし、仮 にイランにイ スラエルが戦 闘を仕掛けて きた場合、「 同国内の原発 施設にミサイ ルを撃ち込む 計画もある」と語った。
「戦争もなく 平和もなし」 という米国の 対イラン戦略 は、トランプ 政権で「戦争 か平和か」に 変わった-と みるホセイン 氏は、「米国 は『テロ組織 を支援してい る』といった 宣伝や経済制 裁と軍事力を 総動員して従 わせようとし ているが、イ ランは米国の 条件をのんだ 上での対話には決して応じない」と話した。
キャナニモガ ッダム・ホセ イン氏 革命 防衛隊元司令 官。 イラン・ イラク戦争( 1980~8 8年)で司令 官を務め、そ の後も陸軍司 令官としてイ ラクの反体制 派勢力による 対イラク工作 を担当。 エン ジニア出身で 、設計した潜 水艦は今もペ ルシャ湾内の 監視を行って いるという。
Cette astuce peut vous sauver la vie|LSF TV - Duration: 3:39.
𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑩𝒐𝒚 (ゴールデンボーイ) 𝑇𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑑 𝐿𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑛 «𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟! 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑉𝑖𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛'𝑠 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒» 𝒔𝒖𝒃𝒔: 𝒆𝒏𝒈/𝒆𝒔𝒑 - Duration: 28:25.
Handmade Ganeya Udon.
My name is Kintaro Oe and I'm 25 years old.
I'm an easy-going, job-hopping part-timer.
Right now, I work part time at a handmade noodle shop.
Making noodles is difficult
and it was really hard for me in the beginning.
But my kind boss kept encouraging me
and I'm gradually getting to enjoy my work.
And I'm gradually getting to enjoy my work.
Kitsune Udon for me.
Tanuki Udon for me. Kitsune Udon for me.
Tanuki Udon for me.
Tanuki Udon for me. Okay, one Kitsune and one Tanuki.
Okay, one Kitsune and one Tanuki.
Yes, Sir. One Kitsune and one Tanuki... Kintaro!
Yes, Sir. One Kitsune and one Tanuki...
I'm learning, learning.
Let me pour you some fresh tea.
Hey, Chef! These noodles aren't firm enough!
Who the hell made these noodles?
I'm sorry. He's young, but he does have talent.
Please, take a long-range view of him.
The road to the perfect noodle is a tough one!
But for a modern young man to learn to make handmade noodles is just...
I'm home!
You're home early, aren't you? Welcome!
You're home early, aren't you?
You're home early, aren't you? One of my classes was canceled.
One of my classes was canceled.
Cute little Nori is back!
And Mr. Sakata's here again.
Nori, welcome back.
I'll decorate your room with some of these flowers too!
Really? Thank you.
Nori is so nice.
Oh, Mr. Sakata, how were Kintaro's noodles? Nori is so nice.
Oh, Mr. Sakata, how were Kintaro's noodles?
Well, I guess the noodles had fairly good character.
I'm so happy to hear that.
Mr. Sakata said it was good, so we have nothing to worry about.
Right, Father?
Sure. Right, Father?
Well, I'll take the long-range view of you.
Do your best or I won't forgive you, young man.
Yes, Sir, I'll do my best.
You've got a lot of enthusiasm, so you'll be fine.
Really, you've been a big help.
Everybody is so kind and encouraging.
This is the first time I've worked in such a welcoming place.
Kintaro, I'll be cheering for you too.
Right! Watch me, everyone.
Don't get carried away!
I'm sorry...
Check, please.
Yes, right away.
Oh, Mr. Kogure...
This is a get-well gift.
Oh, you shouldn't have.
How are you feeling, Father?
Thank you for your kindness. I'm getting better.
I'm glad to hear that.
Are you on business today?
Yes, there's a building near here that my company invested in.
I just dropped by to see you.
I see.
Then, please have a bowl of noodles before you go. I see.
Then, please have a bowl of noodles before you go.
Well, I won't hesitate to accept your offer.
Oh, that was so good. Thank you.
Handmade noodles certainly are different in texture.
Thank you very much.
How much?
It's on us. I still haven't thanked you enough for your kindness, after all. How much?
It's on us. I still haven't thanked you enough for your kindness, after all.
Oh, no, I couldn't...
Don't worry about it.
But I still feel bad...
No, I feel much worse than you feel.
Really. Really?
Really. Well, thank you then.
Well, thank you then.
You are more than welcome. Well, thank you then.
You are more than welcome.
Oh, Miss Noriko.
Won't you come to see the ship with me sometime? Yes?
Won't you come to see the ship with me sometime?
The ship my company uses for business is in port right now.
Oh, how impressive!
Oh no, it only displaces 200,000 tons. It's not that impressive. Oh, how impressive!
Oh no, it only displaces 200,000 tons. It's not that impressive.
Wouldn't it be troublesome for you?
Not at all.
Did you drive here today? Not at all.
Did you drive here today?
Did you drive here today? Yes, excuse me, but I parked it out front.
Yes, excuse me, but I parked it out front.
Mr. Kogure...
Thank you for everything.
When my father was in that hit and run accident,
if you hadn't passed by and taken him to the hospital,
who knows what might have happened to him?
What I did was only natural.
I'll see you next Sunday.
Yes, I'll be looking forward to it.
Good evening.
Nori... Good evening.
Wow, what a strange shape this morning glory has.
No, it's a Chinese bellflower.
The dandelion is cute too.
This is a China aster.
You are so funny, Kintaro.
What? Really? Am I that funny?
You really love flowers, don't you Nori?
I like flowers of course, but...
I just want to arrange flowers for the person I love.
That's my current goal.
How educational.
Wow, what a great feeling!
Nori, would you marry me?
But this is too sudden.
I love you, Nori.
Shoot, I'm gonna get a chill after the bath.
Study, la la la, study...
Mr. Kogure?
Say hi to the old boss!
Yes, Sir.
Wow, that Mr. Kogure is such a playboy!
He sure is a worldly-wise guy.
Hiroshi, honey?
Are you sure that we'll be able to start our own business? What?
Are you sure that we'll be able to start our own business?
Yeah, my plan is on schedule.
I finally kissed the daughter of the noodle shop chef you ran over.
We just need one more push.
After a week, she won't be able to forget my sexy body
and she'll marry me within a month.
Then I'll transfer the deed to the land and building and close the noodle shop.
I'll open the bar and divorce her within six months,
and then I'll bring you as the manager right away.
Wow, Hiroshi! You're so clever!
People do say that a lot.
Honey, don't you fall for that girl for real.
Don't be stupid. Who'd fall for an old-fashioned brat like her?
But, Hiroshi, you like women...
That's enough! You think I'd seriously fall for that brat?!
Maybe it's a joke, but it's making me mad! With that bitch?!
I'm sorry, Hiroshi. Please don't be angry!
I'm not going to forgive you!
Excuse me, but was what you just said true?
You, you're...
Yes, I'm Kintaro Oe. I work at that noodle shop.
You were standing there, eavesdropping, weren't you?!
No, I was sitting and listening.
Please! Nori is a very nice girl.
And the chef and his wife are very kind people.
Please, don't do a mean thing like that to them.
You little shit!
Listen, I'm a 2nd degree black belt in Karate,
and the Saiaku Gang has pledged their loyalty to me.
Don't you say anything stupid to the noodle shop people.
If you say anything, I'll kill you!
Mr. Kintaro?
What? Mr. Kintaro?
What happened to you? Are you all right?
I just fell. I'm okay. I'm okay.
Check, please.
Oh, yes, Sir! Thank you very much. That'll be 650 yen.
Out of 1,000 yen. One moment please.
Nori's in love with him.
She's been tricked by that good-for-nothing,
and now the maiden's first love will be crumble in the darkness.
Oh, Nori, where are you going?
Oh, nowhere. Out and about.
Noriko, are you going out?
You're all dressed up, so you're going on a date, aren't you? Yes.
You're all dressed up, so you're going on a date, aren't you?
Yes, Mother.
Have fun. Yes, Mother.
Have fun.
Have fun. Yes.
A date?!
Today's second race is already showing signs of an unexpected development.
Turning the last corner, Echigobryan is in the lead,
followed by Kitasanboy at two lengths.
They're coming down the final straightaway,
Kitasanboy is going faster, Kitasanboy is catching up!
And between the two, Murabakushinoh is coming up!
Echigobryan is first, Murabakushinoh is second, and Kitasanboy is third!
Oh, both the yellow and red caps lost!
This isn't that easy.
But I never knew there were private rooms at the horse tracks.
Yes, nowadays, they make them in places like these too.
By the way, can I hear your answer to my proposal now?
I still can't make up my mind.
I like you, Mr. Kogure,
but I'd worry about my parents after I left the house.
I love you.
Oh, stop it, Mr. Kogure. We're not married yet.
That's what she says, but I'm sure her body cannot resist this.
First of all, from the top.
No, you can't!
What? That's strange.
I'm sure I unbuttoned it.
Then from the bottom.
I said, you can't.
What the hell?!
This bitch is tough.
I'll have to do something about these hands first.
But what big hands she has!
She couldn't keep herself silent.
So, she's the type whose voice gets thick when she gets excited.
All right! I'll finish her with the Kogure Special Corkscrew Kiss!
I'm going home.
Impossible! You were all excited until just a second ago!
Please, let me go home for today.
Well, I guess it's okay. I got pretty far anyway.
I wonder if I'm being stubborn?
Am I too hung up on things that aren't important?
Say, Kintaro, what do you think?
I'm feeling pale.
Are you sick or something?
You haven't been so well lately.
I'm okay.
Working here is too much for you, isn't it?
But you've been a really big help to my parents.
How long can you stay here?
Well, I guess until your father's arm gets better.
Kintaro, is it possible for you to stay here forever?
If you want me to, I...
Because if I get married and leave the house,
my parents would be all by themselves.
Nori, what did you just say?
Mr. Kogure proposed to me the other day,
and I haven't been able to make up my mind,
but now I'm thinking about accepting his proposal.
I'm thinking that it's not right to hesitate for such a long time.
Nori, why don't you take more time to think about it?
There might be some problems.
Well, but...
Have you consulted with your parents?
I'm sorry about what I said.
I didn't mean to cause you any trouble.
I'll ask Mr. Kogure to move in here with my parents.
Living together with that pervert?!
Well, Nori...
How can you talk about him like that when you don't know him?
No, no!
What I meant was,
whether or not Mr. Kogure is worthy of being your husband, Nori...
You don't think I'm a worthy match for Mr. Kogure?
No, that's not it!
I thought you would agree with me and encourage me.
Oh, God!
I'm sorry to have wasted your time with a stupid story.
Wait, Nori!
Oh, now she hates me.
Why have I been hesitating so long?
I know I won't find him in a place like this.
Please, please leave Nori alone.
You idiot! We had it all planned, starting with her father's accident!
You expect me to stop now?!
I'm begging you. I promise I won't tell anybody.
Bastard... You think I'm a joke, don't you?!
No way!
Shut up! It was a mistake to go easy on you last time! No way!
Shut up! It was a mistake to go easy on you last time!
Hey, I wonder if this boy wants a cut?
You, shut up!
Nori's been thinking really hard about this
and she's a really nice, earnest girl. Please don't be mean to her.
Nice and earnest girl? Whatever!
The other day she got so excited, her voice sounded like a man's!
But that's...
She's nothing but a perverted little brat!
I'm not going easy on you anymore!
Mr. Kogure...
Nori, let me introduce you!
This is my girlfriend and her name is Non-chan.
She's been a perverted brat since she was little.
We were just talking about her.
Yes, he's right. Kintaro was introducing her to me.
I've had enough lies.
Wait a second! Nori...
Wait a second!
My plan was about to succeed and you ruined it!
Honey, are you okay?
I hit him for real!
I've made trivial use of what I learned at the Kenpo Dojo.
I've still got a lot to learn.
The difference of experience is so obvious!
Oh, it's tough on my old bones.
Hey, Chef!
Noodles made by an old man are no good!
You're gonna have to retire and let Kintaro take over.
By the way, I haven't seen Nori in a while. Is something wrong?
Well, she's caught a little cold, so she's resting in her room.
I see.
I hope that's all.
She's at a difficult age, so you should take good care of her.
Nori, it's me, Kintaro.
I came here today to say goodbye.
Well, a lot of things have happened,
but I want you to cheer up and live a full life.
I apologize for lying to you the other day.
You may come in.
I'm sorry to have worried you.
I was really shocked at the time, but it's okay now. I'm over it.
That's good. Then you're better now?
Yes! I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble, Kintaro.
No, don't worry. I just want you to be well.
Kintaro, please look at this.
Wow, did you make this?
Yes, I did. What do you think of it?
It's really cute!
I was thinking about you, Kintaro,
while I was arranging these flowers.
I didn't recognize your kindness towards me at all,
but you're the reason why I'm all right now, Kintaro.
Well... I... these flowers...
I... I think I...
You're going to give that to the person you love, right?
Those flowers...
You said you wanted to arrange flowers for the person you love.
I guess we need to find a person who likes your flowers, Nori.
Me, I keep making mistakes with the name of the flowers.
What were they? Morning glories...
Chinese bellflowers?
Yes, that's it.
Even though they're totally different from up close.
At that time, I laughed so hard.
Of course, you'd laugh.
I need to study harder.
Kintaro, how many noodles do you want to take with you?
Right! I'll be right there!
Thank you for everything.
Take care. Thank you for everything.
Take care.
I learned so much from you.
Oh, you were a great help to us.
If you come this way again, come visit to have some noodles.
I will, I promise.
Good luck! Goodbye!
Good luck!
My name is Kintaro Oe, age twenty-five.
I'm currently studying about life!
The Aurora victims and apos . stories Intern and apos . s 1st day on the job, a family patriarch, - Duration: 8:33.
The Aurora victims and apos . stories Intern and apos . s 1st day on the job, a family patriarch,
Six people, including a gunman, died in a shooting at a manufacturing warehouse in Aurora on Friday afternoon, and five officers were struck by gunfire.
A student at was on his first day as a human resources intern at the Henry Pratt Co. plant in on Friday when he was killed, one of five victims were .
Aurora police Chief Kristen Ziman confirmed at a news conference Saturday morning that Trevor Wehner was one of the victims.
Wehner, 21, of Sheridan, Ill., was the youngest victim.
In an email to students, NIUs president, Lisa Freeman, said it was Wehners first day in the internship. Freeman said Wehner was expected to graduate in May with a degree in human resource management.
Wehner was one of two victims with NIU connections who were killed Friday. Clayton Parks, who police said was the human resources manager at Henry Pratt, was the other. Parks was a 2014 graduate of the College of Business, Freeman said.
Ziman said three of the five victims of the shootings were held to fire Martin. A friend of Wehners family, Cynthia Fuller, said she was at the familys home Friday night when another Pratt employee who had been in the building said Wehner was in the meeting. Police on Saturday did not confirm that. All five victims were in the same area of the complex and died within the first five minutes of the attack, Ziman said.
Each and every one of us have had a First Day on the job, his should have never ended this way, read a post on by Fuller, which by Saturday afternoon had been shared over 28,000 times.
Wehner graduated from Serena High School in 2015. His hometown, Sheridan, has about 3,000 people and is 30 miles southwest of Henry Pratt, the manufacturing complex in Aurora. He was a deans list student at NIUs College of Business, according to the schools website.
According to his social media accounts, Wehner was an avid sports fan. A former member of his high schools varsity basketball team, he posted about baseball and football. His family and friends began posting their goodbyes on social media Friday evening.
According to social media, he is survived by his father, mother and five siblings.
Rest easy, big bro. One of Wehners brothers posted on Facebook on Friday evening. Ill miss being that annoying little brother to you.
In her email, Freeman said: Loss like this is devastating and senseless. I ask our university community to please keep the Wehner and Parks families, friends and communities in your hearts and offer them caring thoughts.
Freeman said counseling services would be available to the NIU community 24 hours a day at 815 753 1206 and through .
A stockroom attendant and forklift operator at Henry Pratt, Vicente Juarez was a thoughtful and hard working grandfather who always had time to help others, his neighbors said.
He was one the nicest guys you could ever meet, said William Zigman, who lives next door to Juarezs family. He made it a point to be a good neighbor. And he was.
Juarez, 54, lived with his wife, adult daughter and four grandchildren in a quiet Oswego subdivision. He also has two adult sons and four other grandchildren.
Born in Ciudad Ju andaacute;rez, Mexico, Juarez had a large, extended family living in the Aurora and Oswego area. Dozens of those relatives gathered at the family home, where they remembered him as a man who took care of his family and was a dedicated employee.
The family declined further comment, saying they appreciate the outpouring of support but they are still dealing with the shock. Family members spoke with both the FBI and Aurora police on Saturday as part of the investigation, relatives said.
His niece Ariana Castro launched a GoFundMe page Saturday to help cover his funeral expenses. The page included a photo of Juarez with his wife, Leticia, and their children.
As many of you know, Vicente was the head of his household and his family depended on him extensively, Castro wrote. We know that many other families have also experienced a loss and we appreciate any help.
Indeed, neighbors described Juarez as the tight knit familys rock, the one everyone leaned upon in tough times.
Hes the patriarch of the family, neighbor Julie Zigman said. Everyone looked to him.
Juarez also led the neighborhood war against dandelions each summer, constantly searching for the best way to eliminate the weeds and sharing his findings with everyone on the street. Neighbors chuckled sadly as they recalled his occasionally unsuccessful battles or the excitement he felt when he came across a possible cure all chemical.
The dandelions bother everyone, but they really bothered Vince, William Zigman said. He was always trying to beat them.
When not fighting dandelions, Juarez kept meticulous care of his own lawn and frequently offered to help his neighbors do the same.
On the very first day that I moved in, he saw me outside working in the yard and offered to help, neighbor Joven Ang said. Anytime I was outside after that, he would ask if I needed help. Thats the kind of person he was.
Clayton Parks, 32, the human resources director at Pratt, was a husband and was a father to a young son, according to a post on Facebook from his wife, Abby Parks.
My husband, my love, my best friend, and the incredible father of our sweet son was taken from us yesterday in the shooting in Aurora, and I am devastated, she wrote.
Hundreds of people commented on the post with messages of prayer, grief and remembrance.
His brother told the Tribune in a message late Friday that it was too soon for the family to talk.
Parks graduated from the business college at Northern Illinois University in 2014, according to university officials.
A former co worker told the Tribune that Parks went to work for American TV Appliance straight from high school and had a strong sales record at the now defunct company. He left to get his degree at Northern Illinois University and then worked in human resources at Caterpillar Inc., a construction equipment company.
He left Caterpillar in 2018, according to the co worker, who did not want to be named but worked with Parks at both American TV and Caterpillar.
He was nice, kind and funny, the life of the room type of person, he said.
He was definitely motivated for being a young person, he said. He had an idea of what he wanted to do.
Im shocked, very shocked. And angry.
Josh Pinkard, 37, the plant manager for Henry Pratt, lived in Oswego but hailed from Holly Pond, Ala., a town of about 800.
The father of three earned a bachelors degree in industrial engineering from and a masters degree from , according to his LinkedIn account.
Pinkard also once lived in Albertville, Ala., where he worked for Mueller Water Products, Pratts parent company, according to his LinkedIn page.
Pinkard worked for Mueller for at least a dozen years, and the Linkedin page notes he started working in Aurora in April 2018.
He loved God, his family and Mississippi State sports, wrote a cousin in a text to the Tribune that he said was written on behalf of Pinkards wife, Terra.
News of the shooting on Friday spread immediately over social media to Pinkards out of town relatives.
One relative posted this: We need to pray for Terras husband Josh he was shot in the Aurora Illinois shooting.
A sea of praying hand emojis followed.
Hours later, several news outlets in Alabama were reporting Pinkards death, and a church there posted this message on its Facebook page:
Josh Pinkard, nephew of Kathy Howard, was one of the people killed today in the Aurora, Illinois, workplace shooting. We dont know anything more at this time. Kathy asks for prayers for all of her families: Pinkard, Chambers and Howard.
Please also remember in your prayers all families, victims, injured, employees and first responders involved today.
Annie Sweeney of the Tribune, and Megan Jones and Sarah Freishtat of the Aurora Beacon News, and freelance reporter Linda Girardi contributed.
Twitter @Mabuckley88
A student at Northern Illinois University was on his first day as a human resources intern at the Henry Pratt Co. plant in Aurora on Friday when he was killed, one of five victims were .
Aurora police Chief Kristen Ziman confirmed at a news...
A large bullet lies on the ice a few feet from where Greg Zanis dropped off five crosses just south of the Pratt plant on Feb. 16, 2019.
A large bullet lies on the ice a few feet from where Greg Zanis dropped off five crosses just south of the Pratt plant on Feb. 16, 2019.
Jose Richaud places a bouquet of flowers where five crosses with the names of gunshot victims are placed, near the warehouse of Henry Pratt Co., Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019, in Aurora. Gary Martin, who was an employee of the company, fatally shot five coworkers and injured five police officers who responded to the scene after he was called into a meeting where he was to be fired.
Jose Richaud places a bouquet of flowers where five crosses with the names of gunshot victims are placed, near the warehouse of Henry Pratt Co., Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019, in Aurora. Gary Martin, who was an employee of the company, fatally shot five coworkers and injured five police officers who responded to the scene after he was called into a meeting where he was to be fired.
Avec ou sans accord, les affaires vont bon train entre Grèce et Macédoine du Nord - Duration: 6:39.
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Guelta d'Archei in Fada, Chad - Duration: 1:36.
APEX LEGENDS KOMİK ANLAR ! 😂 - Duration: 15:04.
Shollallohu 'ala Muhammad | New Version - Duration: 4:55.
Love, Romance & Chocolate: Where Filmed & Cast | Heavy.com - Duration: 10:32.
Love, Romance & Chocolate: Where Filmed & Cast | Heavy.com
Hallmark's newest Valentine's movie, Love, Romance, & Chocolate, went all out to provide an authentic experience for viewers — even flying Lacey Chabert and Will Kemp all the way to Belgium, exactly where the storyline unfolds.
Read on to learn all about the latest Hallmark movie, how to watch it, where it was filmed, and all about the cast. If you'd like to join a discussion after you watch the movie and share what you thought, join us on the Reddit discussion thread here in the Hallmark Fans group, or send a tweet to the author of this story.
You can stay updated on new Hallmark stories by joining the email list here and choosing the Hallmark category.
How To Watch 'Love, Romance & Chocolate'.
Love, Romance, & Chocolate premieres tonight, Saturday, February 16, 2019 at 8 p.m.
Eastern/7 p.m. Central.
If you miss the premiere, you can still catch reruns of the movie on Feb.
23 at 6 p.m., Feb.
24 at 2 p.m., March 2 at 12 a.m.
Eastern, March 9 at 4 p.m., March 19 at 10 p.m., and March 29 at 6 p.m.
(All times are Eastern.).
To find out what channel Hallmark is on for you, click here to go to TV Guide's listings.
Then change the "Provider" (right under TV Listings) to your local provider.
You'll be able to scroll down to see what channel Hallmark is on for you.
The synopsis for tonight's movie reads: "New York accountant Emma Colvin is heartbroken when her boyfriend leaves her before their planned romantic getaway to Belgium for Valentine's Day.
Convinced by a friend to go alone on the trip, Emma has the adventure of a lifetime when her Belgian innkeeper introduces her to renowned chocolatier, Luc Simon.
Luc and his fellow chocolatiers are in the midst of a competition to create the most romantic chocolate in Belgium for the upcoming Belgian royal wedding.
He discovers her kitchen skills and soon she's immersed in the competition and a budding romance develops.".
'Love, Romance & Chocolate' Really Was Filmed in Belgium.
Last week's Hallmark movie was filmed in Canada, not Oregon where the movie's story took place, but this week is different. Love, Romance & Chocolate really was filmed in Belgium, specifically in Bruges, Chabert told Parade.
(Bruges is the capital of West Flanders in northwest Belgium.
It has beautiful canals, cobbled streets, and medieval buildings.
The population is 117,260 as of 2011.).
Lacey Chabert told Hallmark that she had never been to Belgium before but always wanted to go.
"And the fact that I get to do a job here, I know I'm incredibly fortunate," she said in an "On Location" video.
Chabert told Parade when asked "love, romance, or chocolate?": "Do you know what I've learned? If you have everything, it's even better.
All of the above.".
The movie was shot in December.
Here are some photos that Will Kemp shared on location while filming in Brussels, Belgium.
One day they shot in Chocolatier Simon's kitchen, Will Kemp told Hallmark. Here are some photos of Kemp and Chabert from the scenes where they were making chocolate.
Chabert wrote: "Eating lots of chocolate over here on set in Belgium… The last time we worked together he was the villain so I'm happy we are telling a 'sweeter' story this time around.".
The Cast for 'Love, Romance & Chocolate'.
Lacey Chabert stars as Emma Colvin.
Lacey is a favorite in the Hallmark universe and she frequently stars in some of their best movies.
Lacey's feature film debut was Lost in Space in 1998.
Her versatile resume includes Party of Five, All My Children, Baby Daddy, A Little Piece of Heaven, What if God Were the Sun?, Moonlight in Vermont, All of My Heart, Matchmaker Santa, A Royal Christmas, The Color of Rain, Ghosts of Girlfriend's Past, Mean Girls, Daddy Day Care, The Brooke Ellison Story, and more.
Her Hallmark movies include All of My Heart, Moonlight in Vermont, The Sweetest Christmas, Matchmaker Santa, My Secret Valentine, and more.
Most recently, she starred in Hallmark's Love on Safari. .
Will Kemp is Luc Simon.
He recently starred on Hallmark's Royal Matchmaker just about a year ago.
He's not just a talented actor, but also an accomplished dancer who joined The Royal Ballet Senior Associates and The Royal Ballet Upper School in England.
He's a principal dancer in Swan Lake, both on Broadway and West End.
He's also an accomplished choreographer.
His acting credits include Van Helsing, Equus, Step Up 2, The Midnight Man, Slumber, The Secrets of Emily Blair, Unveiled, Christopher and His Kind, Peter and the Wolf, The Soldier's Tale, HR, Kristin's Christmas Past, Grace, The Great Fire, The Prisoner, 90210, Nikita, Reign, Code Black, and Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce. So that makes him the perfect male lead for the ballroom scene in tonight's movie.
Brittany is a Canadian actress who's been acting since she was six.
Her credits include Saul: The Journey to Damascus, Wildlife Quest: Season 2, and five Hallmark movies.
She recently starred in Love on Safari with Lacey Chabert, so this is her second recent movie with Chabert.
Loriane C.
Klupsch played Princess Annabelle.
What did you think of Love, Romance & Chocolate? If you'd like to join a discussion after you watch the movie and share what you thought, join us on the Reddit discussion thread here in the Hallmark Fans group, or tweet the author of this article.
You can find out about all the new Hallmark stories by joining the email list here and choosing the Hallmark category.
Miss England reveals sick Instagram images drove her to contemplate suicide - Duration: 10:08.
Miss England Alisha Cowie says sick images on Instagram drove her to self-harming and thoughts of suicide
The beauty queen backs Health Secretary Matt Hancock's crackdown on graphic social media content as she pours out the story of her hellish childhood today
Relentlessly bullied at school, Alisha, now 19, became anorexic and weighed just six stone at 13
But when she desperately looked for help online she was lured towards internet images "glamorising" self-harming that poisoned her mind
And it was only the shocking death of her best pal that pulled her back from the brink
Now Alisha is speaking out for the first time about her ordeal to try to help other youngsters from falling victim to the dark side of the internet
"For young girls like I was, going on social media looking for help for something like anorexia can be so destructive," she says
"I believe Instagram now has controls so if there is a graphic image a warning sign will pop up
But you can still click on it. "These images need to be completely blocked. There's absolutely no reason for them to be there
They don't help anyone. They just ruin lives. "Within a week of coming across self-harming images, I started doing it too
It's crazy what children are being exposed to on Instagram." Alisha's call comes in a week when Mr Hancock warned social media firms could be banned if they fail to remove harmful content
He spoke as it emerged 14-year-old Molly Russell took her own life in 2017 after viewing content about suicide online
Her dad Ian said Instagram had "helped kill my daughter". Alisha knows only too well how easy it would have been for a vulnerable girl like Molly with mental health issues to be influenced by what was on the screen in front of her
"Back then I didn't know I was ill," she says. "So when you see these sorts of things on Instagram you don't realise they are wrong – and it can start you on this downward spiral
" Alisha's own torment began at the tender age of five. "My dad told me I came home from nursery and refused to eat because everyone there had been calling me fat," she says
"The first memory I have is of being about nine in Year 6 and being called fat all the time
Because of my last name they used to call me "cow". "At first I didn't let it bother me as I knew I wasn't fat, but as you get older it gets harder to like yourself
" She started watching her diet at 11, and it soon became an obsession. "I was constantly counting calories and weighing food
By 13, I was restricting myself to 300 calories a day. All I'd eat was toast and an apple
"I tried to hide what I was doing from mum. I'd either put my dinner in the bin or tell her I wasn't hungry as I'd had lots to eat at school
If I craved food like chocolate I'd chew it then spit it out. I'd do at least 100 squats a night and run up the stairs until I was dizzy
" Alisha's worried mum Amy May, 38, took her to a doctor. She was referred for counselling – but it didn't help
Back at school the bullying only got worse. "I'd been bullied because I was fat, then bullied because I was thin
I was made to feel like a freak of nature," says Alisha. "I'd walk down the street and other kids would throw things at me, stones, anything they could pick up
" But the physical damage of being hit by a stone was harmless compared to the mental damage social media would cause her
"I remember I'd been searching for healthy eating posts – nothing sinister. But then Instagram started suggesting posts about anorexia to me," says Alisha, of Spennymoor, Co Durham
"I clicked on a before and after picture of someone who had lost a lot of weight
The person had used the hashtag #Ana so I searched for other posts with the same hashtag
"That's when I started seeing all these graphic images. People would post pictures of themselves like skin and bones and say what they'd eaten and what exercise they had done
"It was like a competition. Everyone was trying to lose more weight than everyone else
Then I started to see self-harming images too. People posted pictures after doing it, showing the cuts and all the blood
"The posts would use really poetic language and it was all made to seem really beautiful
It was like self-harming and anorexia were being glamorised. I was only 13, I didn't know anything about self-harm or suicide
But then I was bombarded with all this stuff on Instagram and it made me feel like I had to do it too
"I'd cut myself on my arms and legs, mainly my legs so no one could see it." Thoughts of taking her own life also flitted dangerously across her mind
Then just before Alisha turned 14, new girl Sarah Clerkson started at her school – and the pair quickly became inseparable best friends
But only eight months later Sarah – living with foster parents – was found hanged at a house party
An inquest recorded an open verdict as there was no evidence she intended to take her own life
Alisha says: "I didn't cope for quite a while. My mum had to sleep in my room for about three months as I was getting nightmares
I'd see Sarah hanging from my ceiling and would wake up screaming. I had to be put on sleeping tablets
"But something good did come out of her death. It caused something to snap inside me
I became determined to live life for both of us. "I haven't self-harmed since. It was a complete reality check for me
I started eating properly. And I felt so much better in such a short time." At 15, a much-changed Alisha plucked up the courage to follow the advice of her grandad to join a modelling agency
She was snapped up – and within two years she was crowned Miss Newcastle, and landed the Miss England title last year
When Alisha competed in the Miss World finals before Christmas, she paid an emotional tribute to Sarah
She says: "I was asked, 'If you could eat dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be?' I said I'd like one last meal with Sarah as I never got to say goodbye
I want to tell her how thankful I am for our relationship. "I feel like she sacrificed her life for mine
If she hadn't died, I think it could have been me instead. It gave me the shock I needed
I had thought about taking my own life. But Sarah's death made me realise it wasn't an option
I'd had so much pain losing her and I couldn't do that to my family. I've learned to love myself unconditionally – I've never been happier
"Now I get Instagram messages from some of the girls who used to bully me. They'd call me a bitch – now they want to be my gym buddy
I'm not nasty to them. I don't want to stoop to their level. But I won't be their gym buddy
" Alisha, now dating fellow model Joe West, 23, is taking a year out from a forensic crime scene investigation course at Teesside University to carry out her Miss England duties
She says: "If telling my story helps even one other teenager who is struggling like I was, then it will have been worth it
" A spokesman for Instagram said: "We do not allow content that promotes or encourages suicide or self-injury, and we will remove it as soon as we are aware
"Over the past week we have had a team of engineers working round the clock to make changes to make it harder for people to search for and find self-harm content
" He added that anybody searching for #Ana will be directed to organisations offering support
Miss England reveals sick Instagram images drove her to contemplate suicide - Duration: 10:08.
Miss England Alisha Cowie says sick images on Instagram drove her to self-harming and thoughts of suicide
The beauty queen backs Health Secretary Matt Hancock's crackdown on graphic social media content as she pours out the story of her hellish childhood today
Relentlessly bullied at school, Alisha, now 19, became anorexic and weighed just six stone at 13
But when she desperately looked for help online she was lured towards internet images "glamorising" self-harming that poisoned her mind
And it was only the shocking death of her best pal that pulled her back from the brink
Now Alisha is speaking out for the first time about her ordeal to try to help other youngsters from falling victim to the dark side of the internet
"For young girls like I was, going on social media looking for help for something like anorexia can be so destructive," she says
"I believe Instagram now has controls so if there is a graphic image a warning sign will pop up
But you can still click on it. "These images need to be completely blocked. There's absolutely no reason for them to be there
They don't help anyone. They just ruin lives. "Within a week of coming across self-harming images, I started doing it too
It's crazy what children are being exposed to on Instagram." Alisha's call comes in a week when Mr Hancock warned social media firms could be banned if they fail to remove harmful content
He spoke as it emerged 14-year-old Molly Russell took her own life in 2017 after viewing content about suicide online
Her dad Ian said Instagram had "helped kill my daughter". Alisha knows only too well how easy it would have been for a vulnerable girl like Molly with mental health issues to be influenced by what was on the screen in front of her
"Back then I didn't know I was ill," she says. "So when you see these sorts of things on Instagram you don't realise they are wrong – and it can start you on this downward spiral
" Alisha's own torment began at the tender age of five. "My dad told me I came home from nursery and refused to eat because everyone there had been calling me fat," she says
"The first memory I have is of being about nine in Year 6 and being called fat all the time
Because of my last name they used to call me "cow". "At first I didn't let it bother me as I knew I wasn't fat, but as you get older it gets harder to like yourself
" She started watching her diet at 11, and it soon became an obsession. "I was constantly counting calories and weighing food
By 13, I was restricting myself to 300 calories a day. All I'd eat was toast and an apple
"I tried to hide what I was doing from mum. I'd either put my dinner in the bin or tell her I wasn't hungry as I'd had lots to eat at school
If I craved food like chocolate I'd chew it then spit it out. I'd do at least 100 squats a night and run up the stairs until I was dizzy
" Alisha's worried mum Amy May, 38, took her to a doctor. She was referred for counselling – but it didn't help
Back at school the bullying only got worse. "I'd been bullied because I was fat, then bullied because I was thin
I was made to feel like a freak of nature," says Alisha. "I'd walk down the street and other kids would throw things at me, stones, anything they could pick up
" But the physical damage of being hit by a stone was harmless compared to the mental damage social media would cause her
"I remember I'd been searching for healthy eating posts – nothing sinister. But then Instagram started suggesting posts about anorexia to me," says Alisha, of Spennymoor, Co Durham
"I clicked on a before and after picture of someone who had lost a lot of weight
The person had used the hashtag #Ana so I searched for other posts with the same hashtag
"That's when I started seeing all these graphic images. People would post pictures of themselves like skin and bones and say what they'd eaten and what exercise they had done
"It was like a competition. Everyone was trying to lose more weight than everyone else
Then I started to see self-harming images too. People posted pictures after doing it, showing the cuts and all the blood
"The posts would use really poetic language and it was all made to seem really beautiful
It was like self-harming and anorexia were being glamorised. I was only 13, I didn't know anything about self-harm or suicide
But then I was bombarded with all this stuff on Instagram and it made me feel like I had to do it too
"I'd cut myself on my arms and legs, mainly my legs so no one could see it." Thoughts of taking her own life also flitted dangerously across her mind
Then just before Alisha turned 14, new girl Sarah Clerkson started at her school – and the pair quickly became inseparable best friends
But only eight months later Sarah – living with foster parents – was found hanged at a house party
An inquest recorded an open verdict as there was no evidence she intended to take her own life
Alisha says: "I didn't cope for quite a while. My mum had to sleep in my room for about three months as I was getting nightmares
I'd see Sarah hanging from my ceiling and would wake up screaming. I had to be put on sleeping tablets
"But something good did come out of her death. It caused something to snap inside me
I became determined to live life for both of us. "I haven't self-harmed since. It was a complete reality check for me
I started eating properly. And I felt so much better in such a short time." At 15, a much-changed Alisha plucked up the courage to follow the advice of her grandad to join a modelling agency
She was snapped up – and within two years she was crowned Miss Newcastle, and landed the Miss England title last year
When Alisha competed in the Miss World finals before Christmas, she paid an emotional tribute to Sarah
She says: "I was asked, 'If you could eat dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be?' I said I'd like one last meal with Sarah as I never got to say goodbye
I want to tell her how thankful I am for our relationship. "I feel like she sacrificed her life for mine
If she hadn't died, I think it could have been me instead. It gave me the shock I needed
I had thought about taking my own life. But Sarah's death made me realise it wasn't an option
I'd had so much pain losing her and I couldn't do that to my family. I've learned to love myself unconditionally – I've never been happier
"Now I get Instagram messages from some of the girls who used to bully me. They'd call me a bitch – now they want to be my gym buddy
I'm not nasty to them. I don't want to stoop to their level. But I won't be their gym buddy
" Alisha, now dating fellow model Joe West, 23, is taking a year out from a forensic crime scene investigation course at Teesside University to carry out her Miss England duties
She says: "If telling my story helps even one other teenager who is struggling like I was, then it will have been worth it
" A spokesman for Instagram said: "We do not allow content that promotes or encourages suicide or self-injury, and we will remove it as soon as we are aware
"Over the past week we have had a team of engineers working round the clock to make changes to make it harder for people to search for and find self-harm content
" He added that anybody searching for #Ana will be directed to organisations offering support
Jennifer Lawrence Inviting Kardashians To Her Wedding & Kim May Even Be A Bridesmaid - Breaking News - Duration: 3:04.
Jennifer Lawrence is so obsessed with the Kardashians that one or more might end up in her bridal party
We've got the details on how Kim could be a bridesmaid in her wedding to Cooke Maroney
Jennifer Lawrence has long made it known how Keeping Up With The Kardashians is her absolute favorite thing in the world
She's grown close to the famous family, even having dinner with Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and other members at matriarch Kris Jenner's Calabasas house
Now that she's personal friends with Kar-Jenners, she wants them to be part of her wedding ceremony to Cooke Maroney
"Jennifer really likes Kris and Kim and has spent some great times with them both and other members of the Kardashian family in the past
Since they are all friends, they are both on the short list to be invited to her wedding," a source close the 28-year-old actress tells HollywoodLife
com EXCLUSIVELY. "On top of all that, talk has turned to the possibility of being bridesmaids
Friends and family don't know if she is joking or not but Jen has mentioned that she would like Kim to be a bridesmaid
Regardless of how that turns out its clear that some of the Kardashian family, especially Kim and Kris are going to be invited and Jen would love for them to be able to attend once the date is set for the wedding," our insider continues
Hey, Kris is licensed to marry people so Jen could have the head Kar-Jenner as her officiant
The 28-year-old Oscar winner got engaged in early February to the 33-year-old art dealer after eight months of dating
J-Law has proclaimed her everlasting love for all things Kardashian many times. She got the thrill of interviewing Kim while guest hosting on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Nov
3, 2017. She hilariously grilled her on everything from whether she thought former family friend O
J. Simpson really killed his estranged wife to whether it was weird that her ex Reggie Bush married a woman who looks like she could be Kim's twin
Jen even had a tent erected on the set of the 2017 psychological thriller mother! with KUWTK playing on a loop and pics of the family on the walls
"I had to go to a darker place than I've ever been in my life," she told Vogue in August of 2017
"I didn't know if I'd be able to come out OK." Since the filming was so emotionally hard on her, the Kardashian tent was where she went to decompress and recover
"It was a tent that had pictures of the Kardashians and Keeping Up with the Kardashians playing on a loop—and gumballs
My happy place," she revealed.
라탄공예]취미수업 온라인클래스 Step.5 : 사각 바구니 만들기/Rattan Craft Basic : How to make Rectangle Basket/ラタンクラフト,かごバッグ - Duration: 27:11.
INTRO AND OUTRO!! - Duration: 0:39.
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Avec ou sans accord, les affaires vont bon train entre Grèce et Macédoine du Nord - Duration: 6:39.
Top 5 ,Awesome Gadgets You Can Buy On Amazon, UNDER $30 - Duration: 8:48.
Top 5 ,Awesome Gadgets You Can Buy On Amazon, UNDER $30
Sport TV - Quick read: Pochettino can hide Spurs' big flaw on Wednesday with key tactical shift | F - Duration: 1:59.
Tottenham Hotspur host Bundesliga leaders Borussia Dortmund at Wembley Stadium on Wednesday night in the first leg of their Champions League clash
Both sides are heading into this crunch encounter in fine form, and Spurs will fancy their chances of securing a positive result at home
Watch the video below to see the most insane overhead kick you will see this week… However, Mauricio Pochettino cannot afford to underestimate the threat that Dortmund pose
In the likes of Marco Reus, Jadon Sancho and Christian Pulisic, the German club have an abundance of attacking quality in the wide areas
What's more, Spurs' contingent of full-backs – featuring Kieran Trippier, Serge Aurier, Ben Davies and Danny Rose (with the latter duo potentially both absent anyway) – leaves much to be desired defensively
In order offset this weakness and counter Dortmund's strengths, Spurs ought to make the switch to a 3-at-the-back formation after using a diamond setup in the 3-1 win over Leicester on Sunday
This will ensure that their full-backs are covered by the additional centre-back, and will make it so that Dortmund can't exploit Spurs' defensive frailties in the wide areas so easily
Which formation do you think Pochettino should use on Wednesday night? Let us know by commenting below
Spiritual Hospital #15 - Season 2019 #5 for Sat 2019-02-02 - Duration: 28:33.
some of us were rejected
and it's not our fault and as a matter of fact
we're trying to live a good life but that thing open doors though, you know
see I'm not sitting here pretending as if all is well
I'm just invincible... listen, we are human being... come on we're
rejected we feel bad it is sad
it makes you started thinking and get into a certain
mood and all of a sudden you're thinking over I'm not love I'm nothing I'm not
good for nothing and all kind of stuff that popped up in
your head and then you're opening up yourself now to the spriits to come in
this is the way things affect people we open up ourselves to these things, right?
Abel had a chance to repent never did he allowed that thing to
consume him and from one level to the other so if we are going through these
things and we have seen that something come to with us don't don't entertain
once we entertain these feeling and many that we will be talking more on and we
have talked about we are bringing these things to light because they effect they
will affect your life and you or anyone gonna suffer bitterness hurt all of
these things they're not just like that, they damage you because the body is like it's
like you weren't created for these things and these
things are stripping from the enemy and God don't dwell with these things but
it's not a part of these things and these things will mush up your body it
will affect you, you were not created for that so when we allow these
negatives spiritual toxins to enter our lives we are open the door for other
spirits like what happened to Cain here to in turn affect us so this is why we
need to keep as we go no let's just finish this and go into the weekend
prevent ourselves, so here we notice what have happened you know how these
individual can get this spirit, so we talk about rejection, we talk about pride
we talk about bitterness hurt and then we murder
we can also murder people in our heart and by murdering in our heart we can
come under that curse if we murder in our heart right and we can and if we go
to the extreme of killing people might think that okay I kill there are
consequences for sin consequences and so another thing that we can...
number four, I think number four, how we can come underneath this spirit and
how this spirit affects our lives and we need to shut this thing
down and we can add even more to them based on what we studied earlier in the
text so another way we can come under this curse is... prophets can also release
this spirit in our lives, prophets can release it in our life if we are going
to places and we and we have prophets that prayed for us and this prophet have a
vagabond spirit and they pray for us that spirit is imparted
in our life as we're going to be touching in part two about transferring an
spirit and it's the theme, transfer of a spirit, how many of you know
that a spirit can transfer in your life? how many of you know that this vagabonds
spirit literally impart into your life, to lay your hands, sometimes we're very
good and it's the people that we are round and in part in our life that we
are messed up we can join our self with relationship and I'm good I am good I am
doing well but then I connect myself to unequal yoke of in certain spirits and
that spirit transfer in your life, anybody get in it? because the person was
under curse and you go join yourself with that now, now, if you're in Christ if
you're in Christ and you are the one the light in you supposed to affect your
partner, right? if you are... so your spirit now can stop that transfer but
you have to know how, now, some people that are unsaved its see
because you are in the relationship already you didn't go and take up
somebody else so if you go out and take up somebody now you
go on into a different territory so that's a whole different thing on itself
but if if are you already... you already married to somebody and
they're in the world and you are not in the world then your ...
because listen you are you are together so you but the righteous one
literally sanctify the unsanctified right you get that? but you have to make
sure that your sanctified you can't be in between you can't be in between
because that line just so you can change that relationship but you have to know
how so the next thing is you can be under this vagabond curse by the spoken
word, spoken curse, now spoken curse as a Christian has no authority over you and
you believe that an accepted your coming in an alignment with that curse now you
see we have to be careful how people even prophesy and tell you how this in
your life you know that a lot of people prophets and they're prophesying lies
don't you accept any negative prophecy over your life, reject them
anybody is hearing me? these are things people will come and said oh
I see that you're gonna be mad or crazy in your head, don't want to reject it and
send it back, listen, there's no way in the Word of God say that you're gonna be
crazy somebody so if you listen to this prophet and because they're carrying the
name prophet you're believing them you're accepting the curse you see you
can come in under curse you accepting the word and so you live your believing
that lie and that life follows you and you end up in the curse even a couple
weeks ago with that situation please it was a curse it was rich cloth you know
people can speak and it's a form of witchcraft you didn't know that and if
you accept that word it will it will open the door to many different sprit
spirit of disappear this spirit of depression spirit of fear, act you have
to know the Word of God and not just know the word but you have to believe it
so that you can use the word of God to counter-attack this negative curse
word that comes to you because what God says know the Bible said who I
bless no one curse but if you don't believe
the Word of God you're gonna accept the fact, oh my God, I'm cursed and when you
see situation so they'll come up to you like say somebody say that you're gonna
have this cancer and if you go to the doctor the doctor says no you're gonna
believe that curse and then you just come in and in alignment with the curse
rather than say no even though I see evidence here I'm not gonna believe it I
reject it and this is what other people that is sick and end up in dying because
they allow the situation or thing the saw to get them fearful weakened and
then all different spirit now come and attack them rather than eject it of your
life eradicated of your life and still hold on to believe in the Word of
God this is why if you notice even some ministry what they do they have the word
the Word of God to pray over your life to pray it every time those
scripture every morning I shall live and not die I shall I am blessed I am
blessed I am good I am the head and not the tail and if we constantly use those word
of our life listen we are sowing now the best that, the better tree to uproot
those negative tree so we see in these seeds now to kill those
negative seeds did you know that but most Christian or they go home and they
go into a pity party feel sorry for themselves oh God I'm gonna die Oh God
that curse the prophet told me... no, don't go and believe that don't believe
the doctor's report don't believe what you're seeing don't believe what you're
experiencing even when people get delivered, but the enemy come
and intimidate and bring a spirit of intimidation and they believe that Oh
didn't she deliver me I'm not delivered now what am I seeing no no you are
delivered believe it and don't accept what you're seeing
he's insane and then you're ejected and before long you're clear you're good
okay so the next thing that will cause us now to be underneath that curse are
that spirit of vagabond is generational curse... generational curse
someone in the bloodline being guilty or returning evil for evil, anybody here
it's not good to have anything but somehow my generation kill somebody or
did something I'm saying look at that so sometimes we go do things and the
effect of what not even us do but our generation because it says to the third
and fourth generation so we did not do it but the sprit of vagabond is upon our
lives because something have happened somebody did something in our generation
lineage now but then I am a Christian then so isn't everything covered under
the blood of Jesus? but nobody remember my teaching a few months back
everybody is under the blood so there is no demon can afflict you and can
curse you I know generational language can follow
you because you're under the blood so then how then that I that I'm being
affected how then and I'm still poverty how then that everybody at the age of
fifty they're dying? how then that my blood pressure is so high and everybody
in the family has blood pressure and high blood pressure, anybody remember
that teaching? why? why? if you are, if you are if everything is under the blood and
my generation did something ten years ago or maybe maybe a hundred years ago
my ancestor did something it said it will it will visit you it didn't say
that he will afflict us a little visit you so what happened remember what I
said wait for an opportunity to afflict you, you are covered under the blood you
are saved sanctified and no demon can bother you so if I was in loss
my parent was in lost my father, he was, he was, he was, so it for certain
Spirit will not follow some people so they went no for an opportunity now for
you now to heal to that temptation now that beautiful man come before me
tall handsome and hey hello I'm redeemed that's not gonna bother me
Wilkie, hold on his head, listen I'm talking about the loss right
for the spirit of loss now my father he had maybe fifty woman and fifty babies
out of wedlock so what I'm saying now if now listen the
spirit world entire generation so I'm here now and this man walked to the door
no and I'm not delivered from that spirit and that man come and start to say
baby you look so sexy and nice you know
I'm just telling you how the guys do, right?
I mean something that turned some people aren't
would be not some that whatever but I'm saying all of a sudden and
especially if I'm lonely if I'm especially if I'm lonely especially if
I'm not getting certain thing at home, hello, come on, you know
all of sudden and then one thing led to the other and he come near you look so beautiful
my God is something about your eyes no I not entertaining you I'm just showing you how
people would and then before long hug in there next thing bed Oh flap in a bed
listen before all of that now what you do with that? what'd you do? you cut it
Cain could have cut it from the start but no, he entertained it so what I
would do? not now but I'm talking about my ancestor right and everybody has
different illustration you cut it but if you entertain it and allow that
you're gonna end up at the place where there's no turning back
it is reality we are human being it's reality
listen, listen everybody is tempted but it's you you must know that you should
not you must run like Joseph run for his life and don't entertain sin and open up
yourself for how much demons to affect you and free for it to escalate to a
level that it's too late, I'm saying so it is so I was always saying now for the
how the generational spirit follows you it visit
the third to the fourth generation to live it walk and it keep following
working it keep following for and waiting for that opportunity so
how it comes in your life because of certain practices certain tendencies why
some people are actually into that as I was explaining earlier that if for some
people who have certain you know like certain cultural things like something
they believe in some superstitious stuff right and so they're burning certain
things they're doing certain rituals they're doing some things they're open a
portal for the enemy to come in their lives and they don't know because of
certain practices so these spirits are in their lives and they don't know you
getting what I'm saying they're in their lives and they don't even know that
they're underneath the Vagabond spirit because the door is open you open the
door wide because of certain customs, and so also killing as I said against God's
prophet, killing people in our heart, we can be under their curse I mean of us
curse God's people but it thank God let's not do that
let's not do that let's not listen, if people trouble you, just take a deep breath and swallow it
don't come against God's people no you know it's a deadly thing we can be under
curse from troubling God and I'm not talking about just the past I'm talking
about even the sister and brother sitting beside you you don't know who is
who no this is this is this is very
important stuff we gotta be careful listen think about even God has a
purpose on somebody to accomplish his will and some massive calling and that
sister brother look so simple beside you and you feel that because the person
looked like they don't have no sense to sit there that person is the next
deliverer of the nation but they look simple and you come against them and do
some things that is God's anointing that you're touching God purpose God purpose
for this nation we gotta be very careful because you see when we touch them we
are touching God's pride possession and I've seen over and over where people
come against people come against God people and they think and they walk out
feeling good it's a deadly thing to do if you don't understand people leave
them alone I'm teaching you something if you don't understand people leave them
alone leave them alone don't go back talk people let this
church be a Church free of gossip we started back talk people and talked
against them on the phone we might not do it in the congregation because I'm
not gonna tolerate that in here to be honest with you because then we have all
these spirits see whenever you see what up in the weekend the church can be
under a church of vagabond too, a church can be under, a church can be
under a spirit of certain things so listen if the head has that spirit
over them and if the church is packed up with pure vagabond in the church that
church isn't going anywhere what do you think some church or
churches are stagnant? the people are packed up in there and the peer bacteria
spiritual bacteria that is, let us let this church be a church that is different
I'm serious if we want to see breakthrough God is even speaking to me now thank you
Lord, if we want to see breakthrough in our lives if we really truly want to see
breakthrough in this nation if we really want to see breakthrough in this city
let us be a church and the people because we are the church let us be a
people that is different let us examine ourselves look in ourselves what could
it be possible that we are up, what that is operating in our lives that is not
really of God anything that is not in line with the scripture and God that
that is of the enemy or otherwise that is otherwise and if you notice somebody
that is around you that is not operating as per the way they should operate don't
tolerate that don't don't join with it, nip it, nip it, nip it, nip it, nip it, let's
let's nip it, let's be a church of example because too much nonsense is
across Toronto and I'm coming even to you every Thursday and even
Sundays like the Holy Spirit said to come and I'm being transparent I'm not no
invincible, nobody, I'm a human being and I believe me I need to see change I
need to see change in the people lives I'm not I'm not here just because I want
a name and I want to be bowed to, no, and I'm coming transparent if
something is in me it has to come out I am not saying that I'm perfect I have
waste because I'm work in progress and I'm a human being but I am going to
examine myself with the word of God I'm gonna examine myself with these teaching
and I'm bringing forth you think I'm bring it only for you I'm
bring it for nobody I want somebody to change but I'm bringing it here every
day to really as a glass as a mirror as a mirror I want to examine myself we
have I come short, what spirit is operating in me? because it could be that
a spirit is operating within me that I don't know or I am aware of
there's a lot of churches that the Lord shows me that the
Spirit is operating with spirit of Jezebel spirit of Jezebel religious
spirit I don't want that spirit to to operate in my life on this in the head
of this ministry because once that in there it is taking God's position and
nothing gonna move forward with a Jezebel spirit and because women are
more prone for Jezebel spirit I don't want that in me I don't want none of the
characteristic trait of Jezebel in my life so we all have to examine ourselves
even as a people as a body not just me and everybody they love to look at the
spotlight up there, oh look at the pastor the pastor, oh the pastor, listen, we are
accountable to as a people we all have to stand before God and give account for
what have I done you serve a place you serve a part in the
kingdom did you know that one apple can spoil a whole bunch? did you know that
you can spoil the whole church without the pastor, anybody get what I'm saying?
we have to nip these spirits that we are studying out
of our lives and we if we identify it around us
we gotta have to pray for individuals or even going nice to them and help them
out so how to be free or the steps to take, the steps, healing steps...
so the healing steps to be delivered
from the spirit of vagabond... what are the steps? so number one
I believe that we all have to be aware because a lot of people they are
under spirits without even aware, right? so aware of all the Spirit works what
characteristic the spirit has that we understand once we understand that the
Spirit in our life, the second thing that we do is we repent, had Cain have
repented he would have not... I don't believe that he would have gone under
that curse so we repent and then as Minister Roxanne had said
we then now break and
renounce the curse it is important for us to do that and the thing is why these
curse come up in our life because we accept them now it's because of the
legal ground as we go back into Genesis when we were studying chapter 1 how God
gave us dominion and we have the legal right on earth and so this is why the
curse and all that will work because of the fact that there is life under the
the power of the tongue we can decree and we can declare things and things can
happen and so when we do decree and declare things things go into that
spiritual realm and, as she said profoundly, those spirits negative spirits because
we are agree, you know, remember we are agreeing so this bridge one takes
now what we agree on and ensure that it happens it's what the person said that's
what he said so I have legal right now to afflict them I have legal right to
let whatever happen because they agree with it because we have the legal right
so what we do now so we break it by renounce in it we renounce it from our
life but first we have to repent and the next thing we do and she perfectly said
we now think differently and as the Bible says as a
a man think so he is, so is he, so if we think that we are poor we are gonna
be poor the Bible said it so man think it's so let's think different
the next thing that we have to do and one of the things that we have to
understand that is that sometimes we we were comfort deliverance and we can't be
delivered until we... the mind, we have to renew our mind we can't deliver
the mind you know the mind cannot be just delivering like that we have to
renew it so whatever is negative going on in there whatever we are thinking
that listen we got a renew the mind now to think positive thoughts positive
thinking the things of God what the Bible actually says the truth not the
facts, because too often times we believe the facts but the truth overwrite what the
fact... right the pronounce and so we we believe that
should override it now the next thing is that we can't be delivered from the
flesh we can't deliver the flesh okay the flesh is acting up the flesh is
doing things so we have to now subdue and allow the flesh to come in a line
anybody understand what I'm saying okay talk about the spirit so what I mean by
that a good example okay so you know the flesh want to do this and the Holy
Spirit is saying do that right so we want to do this we want to be like
Church hoppers and we want to just loosen that illustration could be anything but
one of the way we subject subdue the flesh is allow ourself to be where God
want us to be or do what God wants us to do, so we can come in line with the
blessing rather than the curse right understand that illustration
all right but it does not apply to any of us because we are not hoppers we are
not we are not, we are not vagabond, we are none of us are, we're gonna put that
spirit but it just in case that we can understand what it is so that we won't
come under it, right? we won't come under it so as soon as we see our bits or our
characteristic, nip it, don't allow that to extend to follow us so if
we if we realize that we are operating in some way why are we doing that? that
doesn't look right I have no abiding place I'm just
like I'm not consistent I'm not stable you know some people have good good good
good good relationship good job and all of a sudden they just walk out and leave
it because it's a good if it was not good job then that's ok I could move on
right because there's no need for me to be there it's not good but if I have
something that is good why am i moving from it? God wants to stabilize me so
that I can get enough income to pay my bill, my bills and invest, hello, I'm
talking about stability when we take up for self and we're not rooted we're not
grounded even churches sometimes God wants to root us into a ministry and
into a church and because we feel that oh whatever you know what I'm saying and
the flesh is telling me something God wants to root us but because of the
Vagabond is whispering to our ear the vagabond spirit is trying to influence
us now we allow that vagabond to detour us when God wants the plant was in a
church where we can be rooted and grounded and instructors have substance
not for those that are in deliverance ministry when you are praying for people
you can identify what spirit is in people, based on learning, it doesn't have
to be this discernment but once you know how these spirit operate just like in
medical doctor medical and medicine and all other people study different
bacteria you know that this study different things to see how it works so
the spirit is of the way people are operating it's not just them it's a
spirit operating through them or afflicting them or whatever it is so
some of the trade in individuals we don't know it we won't
even know what's happening I will be frustrated
this person like that? why this person can't stand me, why this person always
complaining why this person you know or whatever because when you know their
spirit and you don't know how to deal with them, especially in leadership this
is why I wanted to go through all of this for leaders so that they can really
understand this so they can understand they can know how to deal with them they
can help them so as I said self control then the next thing is change our
expectation and then the other thing is close the door we gotta close the door
close the door so that these spirit does not come in how do we close the door I'm
gonna close I think this teaching was long tonight how do we close the door oh
I hope you enjoy the show and if you are in need of prayer, call in, we now have a
prayer line that's going that you can call in and be prayed for and God by his
power will intervene we've gotten so many testimonies of individuals being
healed and delivered and set free
女排联赛半决赛,比起北京女排的引援,上海女排的引援是失败的 - Duration: 3:39.
Chelsea 2-1 Spurs (2-2 agg, 4-2 pens): Blues reach Carabao Cup final - Duration: 11:43.
Eric Dier. Of all the men to miss the fateful penalty, of all the players to crown Tottenham the nearly team once more
Dier, hero of the nation at the World Cup in the summer; Dier the anchor man when England most needed it
It was Dier who stepped up, third to go, with the scores tied level here. Level, 2-2, across three hours of semi-final football; level, 2-2, in the penalty shootout
Spurs captain Jan Vertonghen had won the toss and elected to shoot first. A chance to turn the screw — and here he was, to do just that
Mr Ice-in-the-veins, Mr Knows-no-fear.Mr Six-foot-over-the-bar. Up it went, into the night sky, and Stamford Bridge rejoiced
Tottenham were so depleted by injuries, they really couldn't afford any additional rotten luck
And Dier, losing his nerve at a vital moment, was surely that. Chelsea were clear favourites even trailing 1-0 from the first leg
This was the man whose psychological profile supposedly made him the calmest penalty taker in the England squad
The visiting fans would have seen him as their banker.Indeed, once Tottenham had fought back from 2-0 down at half-time to take this tie to the lottery of penalties, they must have felt cockily confident
There had been an eerie silence around Stamford Bridge at the thought of such a random conclusion
Imagine being eliminated by a Tottenham side shorn of Harry Kane, Dele Alli and Son Heung-min
Imagine getting into a winning position, at home, and being unable to close it out
Oh, the humiliation.But as Dier returned, slowly, to the consoling embrace of his team-mates, suddenly the place was buzzing
Spurs had blinked first.Now Chelsea could be the screw-turners. And turn they did
Jorginho got cheeky, sending goalkeeper Paulo Gazzaniga the wrong way and rolling it into the opposite corner, but gently
Then Lucas Moura struck one at an inviting height to goalkeeper Kepa Arrizabalaga
Saved. Leading 3-2, now it was down to David Luiz. Score and it was over. Score and there was nothing Tottenham could do
MATCH FACTS, PLAYER RATINGS AND MATCH ZONE Chelsea (4-3-3): Kepa Arrizabalaga 7, Cesar Azpilicueta 6
5, Antonio Rudiger 7, David Luiz 6.5, Emerson 6.5, Jorginho 7, N'Golo Kante 7, Ross Barkley 6
5 (Kovacic 81), Pedro 7 (Willian 76), Olivier Giroud 6, Eden Hazard 8. Subs not used: Caballero, Alonso, Hudson-Odoi, Ampadu, PiazonBooked: Azpilicueta, Jorginho, Kante, Sarri
Manager: Maurizio Sarri 7.5Tottenham (4-3-1-2): Paulo Gazzaniga 6, Serge Aurier 5
5, Toby Alderweireld 5.5, Jan Vertonghen 6, Ben Davies 6 (Rose 33, 7.5), Eric Dier 5
5, Harry Winks 7, Moussa Sissoko 6 (Sanchez 80), Christian Eriksen 7, Erik Lamela 6
5, Fernando Llorente 6.5 (Moura 68, 6). Subs not used: Lloris, N'Koudou, Walker-Peters, SkippBooked: SissokoManager: Mauricio Pochettino 7Referee: Martin Atkinson 6Attendance: 38,610MOM: Hazard By Sami Mokbel In he sprinted, like a kid
Luiz is a joyful personality on the field, and he takes penalties like that, too
All attack and enthusiasm, full of confidence and daring. Child-like. But there was nothing childish about the finish, as always
Luiz scored in the Champions League final in Munich — holding his nerve with the second after Juan Mata missed the first — and he scored here, too
Maurizio Sarri had said he could be a leader of this club and he certainly took responsibility last night
Even had he missed, Chelsea had Eden Hazard in reserve. Tottenham simply ran short of options
But the best team won. Not just on the night, but across the two legs. Tottenham tore Chelsea apart in the Premier League earlier this season, but this is not Mauricio Pochettino's real team, right now
It is patched up, pieced together, missing its most threatening forces. Christian Eriksen draws comparisons with Hazard but there was only one winner in their head to head
Tottenham missed the cutting edge Eriksen needs; by contrast, Chelsea benefitted from restoring Hazard to his rightful role, playing Olivier Giroud as the target man
Giroud missed a last-minute header that should have negated the need for penalties, but his presence distracts defenders
It freed Hazard, and Chelsea were rewarded by his part in the first, plus scoring their second
Round pegs in round holes make a difference.There was so little goalmouth action early on that the most interest came in guessing how many fouls referee Martin Atkinson would allow Dier to commit before reaching for a card
The answer? Three in the first 17 minutes and four in the half.It was ridiculously lenient
None of the offences were greatly serious, but then neither is a minor speeding infringement
Four of them, though, and your licence goes. By the second foul Dier was looking over anxiously, fearing the worst
He need not have worried. Atkinson wasn't in the mood for any of it. Cards, penalties, little influenced his unseeing eye
It would have been quite an ugly mood at Stamford Bridge come half-time, were it not for the two goals scored by the home team
For very understandable reasons, Tottenham had been toothless, and couldn't muster a single shot on target
Chelsea had two, and both went in. The first, from N'Golo Kante, is never to be repeated
Not because he cannot score. For a player so plainly out of position, he does rather well in that area
The manner of it, however — well, that won't happen twice.Ever played crazy golf? You know when some lunatic expects you to get it through the castle entrance, and the windmill, and the little tunnel, all in one putt? Kante's goal was like success on that hole
Hazard took a corner, the ball was cleared, but only as far as Kante. His shot passed through not so much a crowd of players, as a series of human tunnels — through three sets of legs, emerging at last through Moussa Sissoko to catch Gazzaniga unaware and bisect him, too
Justice was eventually done after 38 minutes when Dier at last picked up a punishment of sorts for his fourth foul
Ross Barkley took an excellent quick free-kick from inside his half, picking out Hazard whose midfield carry ended in a pass to Pedro
He found Cesar Azpilicueta who pulled the ball back into the path of Hazard, arriving late as he usually cannot when played up front by Sarri
Hazard's finish was lovely leaving Gazzaniga no chance. And Spurs, too, the way the game was going
It almost certainly would have been that way had Atkinson not rejected a penalty appeal a minute before half-time
Hazard caught Toby Alderweireld in possession and went off towards goal, only Gazzaniga in his path
Alderweireld chased furiously and made the tackle that saved the day. How Atkinson judged he could have got the ball without also clearing out the man however, is a mystery — but it kept Spurs in touch, which was all the invitation they needed after half-time
Credit Mauricio Pochettino with influencing his team in the limited time available
They came out a different animal. They stopped Chelsea playing and fed their own monster
No point having a big man like Fernando Llorente out there without playing to his strengths, and the first time it happened, Chelsea faltered
Danny Rose — on for Ben Davies, who appeared to suffer a groin injury after 33 minutes — hit a lovely cross and Llorente got the right side of Luiz to put a stooping header past Kepa, and draw Spurs level on aggregate
In any other year since 1980, had that scoreline remained, Tottenham would have progressed on away goals
Given those circumstances, try telling them the best team actually won.
Tebow advised Murray to follow his heart, passion - Duration: 6:22.
5:20 PM ETESPN News Services FacebookTwitterFacebook MessengerPinterestEmailprint PORT ST
LUCIE, Fla. -- Before picking football over baseball, Kyler Murray got some advice from another famous two-sport star
One Heisman Trophy winner to another. Tim Tebow says he told Murray to follow his heart when deciding between the Oakland Athletics and pursuing an NFL career
Murray, who won the Heisman last year in his lone season as Oklahoma's starting quarterback, announced Monday he was fully committing to the gridiron despite being selected ninth overall in the 2018 amateur baseball draft
Editor's PicksWhat you need to know about Kyler Murray choosing football Murray announced he's dedicating himself to playing quarterback and entering the NFL draft
Here's what you need to know.NFL experts predict: Kyler Murray's perfect fit in 2019 draft Which team would you love to see take the Heisman Trophy winner in this draft? We asked our panel to weigh in on Murray's NFL potential
Riley says NFL choice 'made sense' for Murray Oklahoma coach Lincoln Riley, speaking Wednesday about Kyler Murray's decision to forgo an MLB career in favor of the NFL, told ESPN Radio's Freddie and Fitzsimmons, "I think in the end he just had a love of football that he just couldn't get past
"2 Related After arriving Saturday at the New York Mets' spring training camp, Tebow said he interviewed Murray a few months ago in his job as a college football television analyst for ESPN, and the two have gotten to know each other
Tebow, a former NFL quarterback, won the 2007 Heisman Trophy while at Florida. "Kyler, I think he's a really good young man, and I think this was a really tough decision for him," Tebow said
"He loves two sports, and I can really relate to that. And he went with something that he's been really good at lately and dominating in
When we talked about it, and we did talk about that, I just gave him the advice to follow your heart
Whatever you're passionate about." Tebow, now an outfielder in the Mets' farm system, has made impressive strides as a baseball player since his NFL career with the Denver Broncos and New York Jets from 2010-12 ended
To the surprise of many, he became an All-Star at Double-A last season and is ticketed for Triple-A Syracuse in April to begin his third full season of professional baseball
After the baseball draft last year, Murray agreed to a minor league contract with Oakland for a $4
66 million signing bonus. The deal called for him to receive $1.5 million after approval last summer by Major League Baseball and $3
16 million on March 1. He must return six-sevenths of the money he received, or $1,285,714
2019 NFL DRAFT When: April 25-27 Where: Nashville, Tennessee How to watch: ABC/ESPN/ESPN App • McShay's Mock Draft 2
0: Updated picks » • Kiper's Big Board » | McShay's Top 32 » • Kiper's Mock Draft 1
0: Murray's options » • Draft order: Picks 1-32 set » • Tracking underclassman declarations » • Priorities for teams with top-10 picks » • More NFL draft coverage » "You know what? Don't do it for your agents, or your friends and sometimes necessarily even your family," Tebow recalled telling Murray
"Do it for what's on your heart, and don't let other people define you. You're going to have all these coaches that you look up to and everybody else that's going to tell you what they think, but what's most important is following your heart and your passion
And so, I don't know, hopefully he did that." Murray hopes to be a high pick in the NFL draft, which begins April 25, and he could be
Murray, who had 54 total touchdowns and just seven interceptions for the Sooners last season, is ranked as the No
2 quarterback in this class by ESPN draft experts Mel Kiper Jr. and Todd McShay. Kiper had him No
8 overall in his latest Big Board, and McShay pegged him to the Dolphins at No. 13 in his latest mock draft
Murray is not a prototypical NFL quarterback, perhaps generously listed at 5-foot-10 and 195 pounds, but his combination of speed, passing skills and scrambling ability make him an intriguing prospect
Speaking on ESPN Radio earlier this week, Sooners coach Lincoln Riley says he believes Murray's size won't be a detriment in the NFL
"I get it because if you've never worked with a guy, you may have those reservations," Murray said on the Freddie & Fitzsimmons show
"You know, I didn't know what it would be like working with Baker [Mayfield], working with Kyler until I went through the fire with them
You knew they were talented guys, you knew at the same time you might have to make some concessions for the fact that they aren't prototypical height-wise, and then once I got going with those guys, we never had to make those concessions
"It was no different, I've had 6-foot-3, 6-4 guys, and it was no different, I mean these guys just have a gift to be able to do it
I'm not saying every NFL quarterback can do it at that height, you can't, but there's guys that are just gifted enough and are able to still get it done and still get the ball out where they need to be and not have the tipped passes
These are two of the few guys in the world that can do that." Information from The Associated Press was used in this report
直木賞作家・辻村深月氏が映像脚本執筆「新しい時代に自分ができることを考える作家でいたい」 - Duration: 29:10.
拡大写真 一度 断っていた『映画ド えもん』の脚本執筆 、自分の"役割"へ 挑戦と語る辻村深月 (写真/西岡義弘) 昨年は新作『 がみの孤城』で「第 5回本屋大賞」を受 するなど、いまもっ も注目度の高い小説 の1人である直木賞 家・辻村深月氏が、 映画ドラえもん の 太の月面探査記』で めて映像作品の脚本 手がけた
初挑戦となった脚本 筆のほか、デジタル シフトしつつある本 場における作家とし のあり方、仕事の流 を聞いた
【写真】さりげなく 輪にも「ドラえもん がいた辻村深月氏イ タビューカット■一 は断っていた脚本執 自分の"役割"へ 戦――今回の『映画 ラえもん』で、作家 ビュー以来初となる 像作品の脚本を執筆 れました
【辻村深月】作家と う職業に就く前から ドラえもん」が大好 だったのですが、各 のタイトルをドラえ んの秘密道具の名前 した小説『凍りのく ら』を書いたことが っかけで、藤子プロ 藤子・F・不二雄プ )さんに取材に行か ていただく機会があ ました
そこから少しずつお き合いをさせていた くなかで、6年ほど に藤子プロさんから 画脚本のお話をいた いたんです
――そこからプロジ クトが動き出したの すか?【辻村深月】 は、そのときはお断 してしまいました
というのも、作家と て仕事を始めたばか のときは、無条件で ドラえもん」に携わ ことへの憧れがあっ のですが、いざ実際 お話をいただくと、 れ多い気持ちと、作 手として作品に関わ てしまったら、好き だけではいられない だろうという思いが くなりました
すごく迷ったのです 「一生ファンでいた です」と辞退してし ったんです。――そ でも関係性は続いた 【辻村深月】そのあ もファンとして藤子 ロさんとお付き合い していくなかで、先 のご家族とお会いし 、お話をする機会を ただいたんです
私にとって藤子先生 雲の上の存在だと感 ていましたが、お話 聞くなかで、先生の 人柄やお仕事への姿 がだんだんとわかっ いって、そのなかか 生まれた「ドラえも 」に改めて敬意を覚 ました
同時に、先生がいな なられたあと、多く 人の思いによって、 品がここまで繋がれ きたことが実感でき んです
――関係者と触れ合 ことで、気持ちが変 していったのですか 【辻村深月】そうで ね
映画ドラえもんの歴 は、さまざまな人た が大事にバトンを繋 できた結果で、私へ 脚本依頼も「このバ ンを受け取って、1 走って翌年に繋げて しい」ということな だと
それが自分に求めら た役割だと考えられ ようになったんです もう1つ大きかった が、八鍬新之介監督 存在
八鍬監督の『新・の 太の大魔境』を観た に、この監督とであ ば、同じ方向を向い 走れるのではないか 思いました
その思いを伝えると 藤子プロさんからも 辻村さんの脚本であ ば、ぜひ八鍬監督で 思っていました」と っていただき、こう た要因が重なって、 の方から「チャレン したい」と改めて藤 プロさんにお話をさ ていただきました
■映像として表現す 流儀を学ぶことがで た――映像作品の脚 執筆において意識し いたことは?【辻村 月】正直、なにもあ ませんでした
私は「ドラえもん」 ファンなので、いま ではただただ冒険に 連れていってもらう けで、自分から「こ いう場所に行きたい とか「こんなひみつ 具があったらいいな という視点で作品を たことがなかったん す
なので、最初の心構 としては、八鍬監督 世界観を築き上げる シスタントという気 ちで、プロのライタ に徹しようと思って ました
そうしたら、八鍬監 も「辻村さんの頭の かにあるものを最大 おもしろく映像化す ことに徹します」と されていて……
最初はお互い譲り合 てなかなか進みませ でした(笑)。―― んななか、本作は月 の冒険の物語になり した
【辻村深月】『映画 ラえもん』は、これ であらゆる場所へ冒 に行っていますが、 だけは手つかずの場 だったんです
月って遠くて近く、 くて遠い天体。現実 行くことは難しいの すが、だいぶ調査が んでいて、嘘がつけ い場所でもあります
藤子先生は、現実の 理や自然界、地理や 史にとても詳しくて 現実を土台にしたう での不思議を描いて た方
月の裏側に行ってみ ら文明がありました …はダメなんです。 こが大きなハードル した
でも「じゃあ、どう ったら冒険の舞台に るのか」という視点 ら考えたとき、八鍬 督が「異説クラブメ バーズバッジはどう すか?」と提案して ださって、一気に話 滑り出していきまし
――小説と脚本は違 ものでしたか?【辻 深月】初めて書いて て、脚本は「ドラえ ん」のひみつ道具み いだなと思いました
「ミステリアスな月 と書くだけで、ミス リアスな月が映像で 来上がってくるし、 荒涼とした月の大地 と書いたら、その世 ができてくる
すごくいいなとはし いでいたのですが、 本を書いたあと、ノ ライズのお話をお受 したので、その作業 全部自分に跳ね返っ きました(笑)
脚本と小説はまった 違うと話には聞いて たのですが、それを をもって実感しまし 。生半可な気持ちで 飛び込めないという 持ちは最初からあり したね
――そこから得たこ はありましたか?【 村深月】作家生活1 年になりますが、こ までに自分の小説が 像化や舞台化する機 を何回かいただいた です
そのつどプロの脚本 の本を読ませていた いてきた経験が、今 の執筆にあたって、 をだいぶ助けてくれ した
たとえば、原作から きく説明が削られた 所などは、脚本の段 では、作者から見る もう少し説明が必要 と思うこともあった ですが、完成した映 を見ると、その少な 情報量でしっかりと わることが多かった 、むしろ短いセリフ からこそぐっとくる 面も多かった
そのたびに、脚本家 演出家も脚本の段階 この画が見えていた だなぁと感動してい のですが、今回自分 脚本を書いてみて、 かに限られた言葉で 映像として表現する という新しい流儀を ぶことができたのは 今後小説を書いてい 上でも大きな収穫に ったと思います
■角度を変えて描く とで新しいものが見 てくる――メディア あり方も大きく変わ ていく昨今、作家と て意識していること ありますか?【辻村 月】いろいろなメデ アが出てきて、読者 楽しみ方も変わって きますが、普遍的な 語はなくならないと っています
15年作家をやって ると、デビュー当時 出版をめぐる環境は きく変わってきまし 。20代の頃は「現 に対して物語って無 だな」と感じること あったのですが、大 な痛ましい震災など 経験して「物語の力 て決して小さいもの はない」とはっきり じられるようになり した
私自身も物語の世界 助けられて大人にな ましたし、自分の仕 に胸を張ろうと思え ようになりました
――出版界を取り巻 環境の話が出ました 、デジタル化につい はどんなお考えを? 辻村深月】電子化の れを論じるとき、ど しても"対決"の図 にされがちです
でも、デジタルで読 人もいれば、紙で読 人もいる。作家とし はどちらが良い、悪 とか、敵、味方とい 考えはしたくない
共存して、それぞれ 読者に沿った形で楽 んでもらいたいとい 思いです。新しいも が出てきたとき、そ を悪者にせず、その ど自分にできること 考えていける作家で たいです
――15年という作 生活で、内からこみ げてくるテーマなど 変わってきています ?【辻村深月】テー 自体が変わるという りは、同じテーマを 度を変えて描くこと 新しいものが見えて るようなことの繰り しだと思っています
本屋大賞をいただい 『かがみの孤城』は 学生が主人公ですが デビューしてすぐの に書いていたら、き と描き方が全然違う のになっていたと思 ます
昔は大人が理不尽な とをしたとき、どち かというと大人と敵 する視点だったので が、いまは自分が大 と呼ばれる立場にな たせいか、中学生の 語を書いても、作中 どこか「大人なのに 甲斐なくてごめんね という目線が入る
この視点の変化があ たからこそ、あの話 大人にも子どもにも く読まれるものにな たのだろうと思って ますし、これまで書 てきたテーマも、そ なふうに変化してい のだろうな、と感じ います
十代の子たちを主人 にした話は、これか もきっとライフワー のように書くでしょ ね
■実写でもアニメで 映像化されるのは幸 ――メディアミック 作品は増え続けてい すが、執筆をされる 、映像化、舞台化を 識されることもあり すか?【辻村深月】 の作品も実写でもア メでも映像化された 幸せだなぁとは思い す
映像化って、たくさ のスタッフの方の「 気」を感じられるん すよね。実在しない ずの登場人物たちを いろんな大人の本気 現実の以上の現実に ていく
最初は1人で思い描 ていたはずの登場人 が、さまざまな人の を経て再現されてい 過程はワクワクしま
――原作小説と映像 作品でその世界観が なることもあります 【辻村深月】原作を のまま映像化するの は意味がないんです ね
映像化は、いい意味 、監督さんとの勝負 場だと思っています 私が小説で思い描い いたイメージを、圧 的大差で打ち破って しいというか……負 たいんです(笑)
いままで映像化して ただいた作品は、す てどこかで「悔しい 、すごいな」と思う 間がありました
信頼関係のあるなか 、違うメディアの方 とお仕事をすると、 ても勉強になるし、 ても楽しいです
作品は私が作り出し ものですが、それ以 に読者のものという 持ちも強いので、読 の方に楽しんでもら る作品になってくれ ら、さらに幸せです
――今回、映像脚本 執筆したことで、さ に映像の世界へとい 思いは湧いてきまし か?【辻村深月】脚 を書かせていただき 改めて小説家という 事の自由度の高さを 感しました
基本的になんでも1 で決められる。映像 尺があったり制約が ろいろつきますから 今回の映画でも、脚 とノベライズでは書 方や発想がまったく っていて、やっぱり は小説家なんだと痛 しました
ただ、今回の映画を て「辻村、脚本に向 ている」と思ってい だけたら、それはと も光栄だし、嬉しい す
(文/磯部正和)[ 部サイト]【写真】 本を担当する辻村深 氏&ドラえもん2シ ット【写真】声優を める広瀬アリス、美 びれ!下着風衣装で 群のスタイルを披露 貴重ショット】当時 5歳 ミニスカの制 姿で美脚を披露した 瀬アリス【写真】白 レースワンピースで ベントに登場した広 アリス【写真】当時 学生…そっくりなバ ケ写真を公開したす &アリス【2018 本屋大賞】辻村深月 『かがみの孤城』に 定
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