Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 19 2019

The mauricio macri tour is in india today the official activity began

the weekend had a day off then visiting places like

Historical but the official activity has just started by diffentiating

wa recived by the indian prime minister who also

entertaining with a lunch is the last thing most important together they agreed

Deepen the relation between argentina and india the present was well received

received with honors in his first official activity saw the president

india participated in a tribute to mahatma gandhi

and met with the prime minister who entertained him with a lunch is a pretty much where he goes is

officia activity on this first day is not the first day that is in online

but if the first day of official activity where of course there is a lot

expectation basically this trip not only for the india but the whole combo

trip to asia has to do with the need to search investments

Argentina did not tell yesterday the tone to inform the entrepreneurs that they had

accomanied good go and look for investors look for people who want

invest in argentina

The president is in india

The first hours are dedicated to them in india

to make a visit to the taj mahal an historic landmark of that place

one of the wonders of the world one of the wonders of the world without a doubt i travel

with juliana awada with his wife and with antonia with his youngest daughter with a

entourage of about 100 entrepreneurs including many entrepreneurs to

that president mauricio macri told you so much what you have to do

is to sell argentina products here and genrate work for argentines there

entrepreneurs of all kind of different ,lets say big different companies

items and also small and medium but the main objective

president mauricio macri on this trip is to open new market for

argentine products especially food but not exclusively

also attract investments you know that india is a country with a lot of population

in the economic world's fifth biggest economy

BRICS not so called brics It is the countries with the greatest potential

Economist tell me of sustained growth in the coming years that is to say

Its not that it's going to grow one year and another is not going to have sustained growth

in the country coming years and the incoporation of new genrations into the formal market

consumption with which the futher of

If argentina wants to sell food,there is great interest

directive people deserved with lens with argentina that until a moment they were

candidates for the purchase of port yes and not so far from the fedral capital


very close seprate to export and import their product

But they are also very good have developed software

International confrences on the subjectof new technologies for services of the

Hand of new technolgies which opens a very important potential

In this alliance of argentina remember that the

Visit of president macri to india of i put to go also to other countries

Asians and a scale is added in france and beilgium because they say holy what

The president wants to concentrate his international agenda on this trip that

this would be his last international trip and then he concentrates fully on the

campaign and in the domestic economy that's why this trip is very important

Much minsters with this objective attracting investments and

Open new market for argentina in this country that is the second

most populas country after china

as there iam talking

of development when it is liberated from the british empire

a budget is made then the voice of the critics begin the

criticism is below but if the criticism dose not bring overcoming proposal is a review

poor miserable since no because it is too much in this and that big man

of freedom on non voilence of how he engaged with his people and defeated

to british imperialism told him only this

they are right because we are poor no we can stop investing in science

A good genius may be some day that diresct us to us

Copy of gandhi



Artesplorazioni: dadaismo - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Artesplorazioni: dadaismo - Duration: 3:04.


Fostul logodnic al Corinei Dănilă a câştigat un nou mandat de preşedinte! Norris Măgeanu va conduce - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Fostul logodnic al Corinei Dănilă a câştigat un nou mandat de preşedinte! Norris Măgeanu va conduce - Duration: 2:54.


Leonard Miron visează de 5 ani să devină tătic! Planul eșuat al primului român din showbiz care și-a - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Leonard Miron visează de 5 ani să devină tătic! Planul eșuat al primului român din showbiz care și-a - Duration: 2:58.


04【頭・肩甲骨の圧し方】深層筋アプローチ「マッサージ指圧をベースにした手技」 - Duration: 18:37.

For more infomation >> 04【頭・肩甲骨の圧し方】深層筋アプローチ「マッサージ指圧をベースにした手技」 - Duration: 18:37.


TIU bans Emmanuel Ikakah for three months after betting on tennis - Duration: 2:12.

 In 2018 annual report, the Tennis Integrity Unit has revealed the numbers from the previous season and improvements they have made (it wasn't enough if you ask the majority of serious tennis fans, though), tracing 264 professional encounters at all levels to stop match-fixing and corruption

 The majority of those came at ITF men's pro circuit and they had banned or suspended the players like Dmytro Badanov, Federico Coria, Nicolas Kicker, Karim Hossam, Robert Farah, Patricio Heras, Oliver Anderson, Gleb and Vadim Alekseenko, Danielle Braccialli, Potito Starace and Diego Matos

  After Cristobal Saavedra-Corvalan, the second player who has been suspended in 2019 is the 36-year-old Nigerian Emmanuel Ikakah who has played only one professional match in the main draw back in 2013

Ikakah will serve a three-month suspension and pay a $500 fine after admitting to betting breaches, placing 13 bets on professional tennis matches in May 2017

 He played in the qualifying rounds of two Nigeria Futures in that year although he never put stakes on himself, which made the entire case easier

An independent Anti-Corruption Hearing Officer Richard H. McLaren made a publication on 15 February 2019, and Ikakah was suspended for six months and fined $5,000

  Three months of the ban and $4,500 of the fine are erased due to the fact the player commits no further breaches of the TACP

This means he can not play or attend any of the professional tournaments before May 14 when he can join the Tour again

 The relevant section of the 2017 TACP which relates to betting offenses is: D.1

a: No Covered Person shall, directly or indirectly, wager or attempt to wager on the outcome or any other aspect of any Event or any other tennis competition

For more infomation >> TIU bans Emmanuel Ikakah for three months after betting on tennis - Duration: 2:12.


平田雄也、ウルトラマン舞台あいさつで「家に帰ってきた感がある」 - Duration: 3:40.

 俳優の平田雄也が19日、都内で『劇場版ウルトラマンR/B( ーブ) セレクト!絆のクリスタル』の完成披露上映会の舞台あい つに参加した。  『ウルトラマンR/B』は、ウルトラマンシ ーズ初となる兄「湊カツミ=ウルトラマンロッソ」(平田)、弟「 イサミ=ウルトラマンブル」(小池亮介)の兄弟がウルトラマンに 身する作品

その劇場版では、妹のアサヒ(其原有沙)がウルトラウーマングリ ジョに変身。戦闘においてはまだまだ非力かつ未熟な面もあるが、 御能力と味方を素早くリカバリーする特色を生かして、戦いをバッ アップする

 さらに、湊兄妹の想いの詰まったマコトクリスタルの神秘 パワーにより、ロッソ、ブル、そしてグリージョが融合・変身して 進化戦闘形態「ウルトラマングルーブ」が姿を現す

 壇上で平田は小池とじゃれ合いながら「家に帰ってきた感あ 」と自然と笑顔に。「ようやく、こうしてみなさまにお見せするこ ができてうれしい」と完成を喜んだ。  舞台あいさつには濱田 臣、つるの剛士、DAIGO、武居正能監督も参加し、つるのが作 、DAIGOが作曲を担当した主題歌「ヒカリノキズナ」を2人で 唱

制作はカツカツの状況だったそうで、つるのは「時間がなさすぎて DAIGOが鼻歌で送ってきた。それに歌詞を入れた。出来上がっ ときは感無量で…」と振り返り、DAIGOも「ホントにスケジュ ルがヤバかったんですけど『本当の戦いはここからだ!』と」とウ トラマンらしく、どこまでも前向きだった

さらに、DAI語で感想を求められるとDAIGOは「USですよ ウルトラソング」と回答し、つるのは「いいねぇ!」と同曲にぴっ りのDAI語を絶賛していた。  また、先輩ウルトラマンとし 、DAIGOはヒーローの心得を漢字1文字で問われると「Hです 」と、まさかのアルファベットで返答

各方向からツッコミを受けると「アルファベットになっちゃう」と をかきながら「ヒーローですね」と真意を説明していた。

For more infomation >> 平田雄也、ウルトラマン舞台あいさつで「家に帰ってきた感がある」 - Duration: 3:40.


Gérard Collomb : la face sombre de son épouse - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Gérard Collomb : la face sombre de son épouse - Duration: 3:50.


Aprende el IDIOMA DOTHRAKI Conversación con preguntas de cortesía y respuestas - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Aprende el IDIOMA DOTHRAKI Conversación con preguntas de cortesía y respuestas - Duration: 2:33.


Alec Baldwin Claims Trump 'Threatening His Safety' - Duration: 1:44.

Third rate actor and known hot head Alec Baldwin just made the ridiculous claim that President

Trump threatened his safety by criticizing his performance on this weekend's edition

of "Saturday Night Live," as Fox News – Cleveland reports:

Alec Baldwin, the actor who plays President Trump on "SNL," is responding to the president's

latest shot at the show.

Baldwin is asking if Trump's tweet "constitutes a threat" to his family's safety.

On Saturday night Baldwin reprised his Trump impersonation for an "SNL" skit that recreated

the president's Friday morning speech about the border, the budget, and assorted other


By "SNL" standards, it was par for the course.

But Trump — who has fired back at the show numerous times in the past — fired up his

Twitter account again on Sunday morning.

Trump called "SNL" unfunny and unfair, indicating that he probably saw at least parts

of the episode from the night before.

He's watching," CNN media analyst Bill Carter said on Sunday's "Reliable Sources."

Here's what the President tweeted about Baldwin and his SNL performance:

Donald J. Trump Tweeted.


I don't know about you but that does not seem like a threat to Baldwin's safety,

at all!

May be wrong, but my guess is Baldwin does not feel threatened at all.

He's just trying to stir the pot and gain additional publicity for himself.

What do you think?

Sound off and let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

Please take a moment and consider sharing this video with your friends and family.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Alec Baldwin Claims Trump 'Threatening His Safety' - Duration: 1:44.


Comment l'épouse du ministre Gérard Collomb gravit les échelons - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Comment l'épouse du ministre Gérard Collomb gravit les échelons - Duration: 2:49.


High Protein Honey Granola - Duration: 3:00.

To make high-protein honey granola you will need two and a quarter cups of oats.

Half a cup of vanilla protein powder.

A quarter of a cup of hemp hearts.

A quarter of a cup of ground flax seed.

A quarter of a cup of dry quinoa.

A third of a cup of honey.

A third of a cup of light oil and a teaspoon of cinnamon.

In a large bowl combine the oats, flax seed, hemp hearts, quinoa and cinnamon.

Combine the protein powder with just enough water to create a paste.

Add the oil and honey and mix well.

Combine the wet and dry ingredients.

Spread the mixture evenly onto a lined baking tray.

Bake at two hundred seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit for forty to fifty minutes.

Tossing the granola every ten minutes.

Once the granola is hard, let cool fully.

You can add a mixture of nuts or dried fruit at this point if you like.

Store in a glass jar for two weeks at room temperature or frozen for six months.

Serve with yogurt cereal or eat alone.


Thanks so much for watching and I hope you've enjoyed today's video.

If you'd like to see more of my videos, just make sure you click that subscribe button.

For more infomation >> High Protein Honey Granola - Duration: 3:00.


La femme de Gérard Collomb répond après de violentes attaques - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> La femme de Gérard Collomb répond après de violentes attaques - Duration: 5:47.


3 outils gratuits insolites ♨️ pour votre recherche de mots-clés - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 3 outils gratuits insolites ♨️ pour votre recherche de mots-clés - Duration: 3:11.


婚約指輪・結婚指輪専門店輪-RIN-(群馬県高崎市)Rosemontご紹介☆ - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> 婚約指輪・結婚指輪専門店輪-RIN-(群馬県高崎市)Rosemontご紹介☆ - Duration: 1:17.


Simple comme bonjour | 19 février 2019 | 3 façons de se mettre en valeur sur les réseaux sociaux - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Simple comme bonjour | 19 février 2019 | 3 façons de se mettre en valeur sur les réseaux sociaux - Duration: 3:49.


『スター・ウォーズ』全撮影終了、J.J.エイブラムス監督「この恩は一生忘れない」 - Duration: 0:45.

  今年12月20日公開が決定している映画『スター・ウォーズ/エピソード9(仮題)』の撮影が終了したことを自身のツイッターで16日に報告していたJ.J.エイブラムス監督。その際、投稿していた主要キャストが感慨深い表情で抱き合うオフショットが到着した。 【動画】こういう話だったんだ…3分でわかる「スター・ウォーズ」  J

J.エイブラムス監督は、先のツイッターで「信じがたいことだが、今日、エピソード9の撮影を終えた。素晴らしい撮影スタッフとキャストには感謝の言葉もありません。この恩は一生忘れない」とツイート。  写真に写っているのは、『スター・ウォーズ/フォースの覚醒』(2015年)から新たなキャラクターとして加わった、主人公・レイ役のデイジー・リドリー、ストームトルーパーの脱走兵・フィン役のジョン・ボイエガ、レジスタンスの若きリーダー、ポー・ダメロン役のオスカー・アイザック。  なお、『エピソード9』で、1977年公開の『スター・ウォーズ エピソード4/新たなる希望』から42年にわたり紡がれてきた「スター・ウォーズ」シリーズが幕を下ろす事もアナウンスされている。  『エピソード9』には、ダース・ベイダーの意思を受け継ごうとするカイロ・レン役のアダム・ドライバーの続投に加え、『エピソード4』『スター・ウォーズ エピソード5/帝国の逆襲』『スター・ウォーズ エピソード6/ジェダイの帰還』の旧3部作と『フォースの覚醒』『スター・ウォーズ/最後のジェダイ』でルーク・スカイウォーカーを演じたマーク・ハミル、旧3部作でハン・ソロの悪友ランド・カルリジアンを演じたビリー・ディー・ウィリアムズも復帰。さらに本作では過去に撮影した未公開映像を使用しレイア・オーガナ役を亡くなったキャリー・フィッシャーさんが務めるなど、"最後"に相応しいキャストが集結。  J


J.エイブラムス監督が撮影終了を報告したツイッターの写真 (C)2019 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

For more infomation >> 『スター・ウォーズ』全撮影終了、J.J.エイブラムス監督「この恩は一生忘れない」 - Duration: 0:45.


ももクロ、ラテンアレンジの効いた『愛を継ぐもの』ライブ映像公開 - Duration: 3:04.

 ももいろクローバ Zが明日、2月20 に発売する『Mom clo Mania 2018 -Roa to 2020- から、大胆にも夏ら くラテン調にアレン された『愛を継ぐも 』のライブ映像をオ ィシャルYouTu eで公開した

 昨年の8月4日、 日の2DAYS、千 県ZOZOマリンス ジアムにて行われた Momoclo M nia 2018 Road to 2 20-』。2日間で 65,039人のフ ンがスタジアムに集 した夏の超大型ライ だ

今作は2017年に き続き、「スポーツ の融合」がテーマと っており、ステージ にスケートボードや MXのランプ、バス ットゴールが設置さ ていた。さらに、2 20年の東京オリン ックより正式種目と るスケートボード、 MX、3×3バスケ トボールに加え、ウ ルチェアラグビー、 ーフマラソン、サム イ・ロック・オーケ トラのパフォーマン 等ライブ中に様々な ポーツとのコラボレ ションが披露された

今回公開されたライ 映像『愛を継ぐもの は、2日目のアンコ ル1曲目に披露され もの。『Momoc o Mania 2 18 -Road o 2020-』に わせて夏らしいラテ 調にアレンジされ披 された

『愛を継ぐもの』以 にもアレンジを加え 露している楽曲があ ので、明日発売とな Blu-ray & DVDでチェックし う。現在、ももいろ ローバーZは201 年5月17 日に5 h ALBUM「M MOIRO CLO ER Z」を3形態 発売することを発表 ている

今後のALBUMや イブに関しての追加 報は公式の発表を待 う。

For more infomation >> ももクロ、ラテンアレンジの効いた『愛を継ぐもの』ライブ映像公開 - Duration: 3:04.


Contre le déni de justice, des victimes de prêtres pédophiles unies à l'international - Duration: 11:41.

For more infomation >> Contre le déni de justice, des victimes de prêtres pédophiles unies à l'international - Duration: 11:41.


(ENG sub)GoToe VS 6 KOREANS DO GUESS KPOP SONGS IN 10 SECONDS BATTLE!!! Who is the winner?? - Duration: 12:28.

Hello my dear subscribers


I am JUNHO. I saw GoToe take a medicine.

Hello my dear subscribers!

This is GoToe!!!

Today we gonna do KPOP game

I am not alone today

I will do KPOP game battle with these 6 Korea friends

We tried to do guess kpop game in 1 second

But we tried just before as a practice

1 second was too short for them

So we will do with 10 seconds today!!

What is difference with 4 years KPOP youtuber

and 6 normal Koreans

let's start now!!!

each one point for singer, title

What's that mean, ARE YOU READY? LET's Go?

Are you ready? Don't go



What are you doing??

What are you doing GoToe??

Please enjoying it

Why didn't you tell anything??

So... pretty

I saw this when I was in ARMY

He loves her

She saw me!!!

It's me

it's me!!

None of you

None of you

She closed eyes after saw you


nobody say anything

Don't you know GOT7??

Of course I know them


I can not laugh because I'm losing


He is so handsome

Oh I know him!!!

Is that JACKSON??

so handsome

I started to adapt to this atmosphere

What is this!!

He saw this before?

Didn't you see this before?

Of course not!

(They are talking about why only boy group appeared)

It's not fun if I answer it all

NO. That's not!

Please do your best

(They are still talking about boy group appearance)

No.. Wait!!!

why only boy group??

They ask you to do it with girl group songs!

I choose the wrong video sorry!

You are not a VIP???

I am not


I can do well with HYOSHIN's song

Your answer was wrong!


Song is a bit long after answer


War on Crime

That guitar is from JANG HYUN JAE!!

War on Crime!!!!

That guitar is from JANG HYUN JAE!!!

War on Crime





I am so sorry!!!! Please bear mercy

Why do you bow down with each other?


You need to bow down in that way

Why each other???

I saw... AMBER....


She was always there!

You saw it before right??

please be honest!

They came out with a brick in a music broadcast

DOOSAN Heavy industry

It is possible I answered wrong

You'd better to answer other one

When you answer it, it is always right

Everytime GoToe answer it,

You need to say your answer! You just thought he was wrong

So why did you say DOOSAN Heavy industry??

I spoke confidently!

connecting MIC

AMP connection??

amp connectiong sound


I think we know them well... that was popular song obviously

ready to knee


I love that movie! Catch me if you can

Leonardo Dic...

Is that a movie Leonardo DiCaprio appeared?

NO that's not

Leonardo DiCaprio was not there??

That is not a moive with Sketchbook??

Not a DiCaprio???

Make a Crime with 4 magician

no that

That's NOW you see me


Tough.. breathe...


HI bixby!!!

Chained up!!!!!

chained up!!!

They are doing team play now

Let's play the role of preventing the correct answer

I was trying to say title too

My neck was hurt!!

I just say VIXX first not to miss it

HI BIXBY was so nice

I love this choreo


(Meaningless interruption)

By whom???

Oh that's right

I said BLOCKB first!!!!

Does anybody hear his voice????

I am not

I didn't!!!

YOu didn't say anything!!

I think score is similar now

Korean rhythm

Korea traditional rhythm


Sound of a trumpet as a morning call

No! That's IDOL song

Oh.. I rally like this song


I can dance with this song

Me too


Japanese food??

I love it

You know that??

Father and son

video that makes music together

Whre are you going father?

Father and son...

jazz bar




Say again what??



Super Junior is right

It is awesome...


You can go middle if you just sit down

That's right

But we can't

with tons of wrong answers

I love them

I spoke GROWL first

No you said GROKE!!

You spoke GROKE!!!

NO you said GROSP!!!

what is GROSP???


That is legendary KPOP song right???

Yes right. Number one hit song in 2013

Wow.. awesome

XIUMIN and I are in a same age

Trying to make... relation with him

What are you talk about it

Blood tear and sweats

Is that?? right???

I know it

No you didn't answer it

I think

that is FACE of NUEST???

OH I am right

that's right

Honorable Director

I am right~!!!

That means face~!!!

That is one of old KPOP song

and how do you think it?? wow

debut song is NUEST

(Two of them didn't know what it is)

Oh that's real OH NANA??

I thought it was a joke

that is group with 2 boys, 2 girls?

(They saw KARD when they did practice)

We saw them in a practice video

I swaer I didn't see this video before

Don't do that!!

don't do that!

(Japanese word)

(Japances word)

I knew it

oh really?


Then give him 0.5

Where is her group??



you didn't know it right?


FX is SM right??

Didn't you ask about agency, no??

LONELY fight with 6 people

How many times she won in the masked singer




(He sings north korea song)

I know it include HO sound

(His name is JUN Ho)



did she call me?

Nobody spoke Blackpink!

Yes right

Who speak??


we all together

Did they?

Oh.. really?

yes we did

when I was singing?

Am I winning now?

maybe a lot



you danced this song!

this is...


Why time??

He is doing justice

Did you danced this song right?

He just danced!! and why???

He practiced hard and dance!! and why?

We are team!!!

Think about that!! WE are in a same team

He's our team from the moment he wins

Winning team is my team

You are 1st

I love you


I love JIMIN...

That's end??

That is all???


(There is a picture of Super Junior at monitor)

Just give me a point for sure

Just give me 1 point

Give me one

Fortuen cookie!

You can give us just a 1 point

Did you leave it?

For more infomation >> (ENG sub)GoToe VS 6 KOREANS DO GUESS KPOP SONGS IN 10 SECONDS BATTLE!!! Who is the winner?? - Duration: 12:28.


Nation clears up from snow at night - Duration: 1:25.

Hello I'm Michelle Park here with the latest weather update.

The nationwide precipitation has tapered off in most regions now.

Tonight, in Korea you'll be able to see the first full moon of the year,... but it's expected

to be at its highest and fullest after midnight.

There won't be any rain or snow to bother you from seeing the full moon,... but you'll

have to find it in between some clouds.

The cloudy skies in the nation will start to clear up tomorrow afternoon,... meanwhile,

Tokyo continues to be under stormy weather with highs reaching the 20s.

The morning in Seoul will kick off at minus 1 degrees Celsius tomorrow,... while most

of the southern areas will begin with positive numbers.

The mercury will rise to comfortable readings during the day.

Seoul reaches 5 degrees, and the southern regions will see double-digit daily highs..

The warming highs will be accompanied by sunny skies throughout this week.

I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.

For more infomation >> Nation clears up from snow at night - Duration: 1:25.


Korea's auto production grew for second straight month in Jan. - Duration: 1:39.

Production continues to grow in the local automobile industry for the second straight


January's robust numbers come on the back of the popularity of new SUVs and electric


Kim Ji-yeon sheds light on this welcome development.

Provisional data released by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy on Tuesday showed

that the number of auto units produced in Korea increased by nearly 10-percent from

the same period last year to more than 354-thousand-300 units last month... thanks to the popularity

of newly introduced models and early production of vehicles ahead of Seollal, or the traditional

Lunar New Year holiday, which was celebrated in February.

Increases in Korean auto exports also helped... which increased by nearly 13-percent on-year

to record more than 213-thousand-600 units.

It was buoyed by the popularity of sports utility vehicles and eco-friendly cars in

the North American market as well as Europe.

In particular, foreign demand of Hyundai Motor's Kona EVs and Kia Motors' Niro EVs and Hybrid

electric vehicles surged in January.

Auto component exports also shot up by nearly 13-percent on-year to record more than 2-billion

U.S. dollars last month.

In the local market, the Hyundai Palisade, the largest SUV model by Hyundai Motor...

the automaker's Genesis G90 luxury sedan, and its Santa Fe SUV model... have led to

increased auto sales last month.

Auto imports meanwhile, fell by nearly 15-percent on-year to record just over 18-point-7-thousand

units... due to falling diesel car imports.

Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korea's auto production grew for second straight month in Jan. - Duration: 1:39.


Special exhibition commemorating centennial of Independence Movement - Duration: 2:20.

A special exhibition is held to mark the 100th anniversary of the March 1st independence

movement and establishment of the Korean Provisional Government.

The Cultural Heritage Administration presents a rare collection of personal items, letters

and documents belonging to independence fighters.

Lee Min-sun takes us to Seodaemun Prison History Hall.

At this historic place where Korean independence activists were tortured and executed during

the 1910 to 1945 Japanese colonial period, cultural assets are on display to show people

the lives and background of those activists.

A poem written by Hwang Hyeon just before he killed himself in protest against Japan's

invasion, and his collection of newspaper articles about fellow independence activists,

are on public display for the first time.

Registered as pieces of cultural heritage last year, two handwritten poems by national

poet and independence activist Lee Yuksa are also on display.

These are the only two handwritten poems of his that are known to still exist.

Some of the items show the independence activities of Lee Bong-chang.

These include a letter he wrote before attempting to kill Japanese Emperor Hirohito with a grenade,

and a bank record showing funds used to support his activities.

"Visitors can also look through some almost five-thousand personal information cards and

prison records of independence activists who were imprisoned for fighting against the Japanese."

This collection of personal information cards includes some 230 activists from North Korea

and 33 female activists who are not well known.

These cards provide photos and detailed information on their activities and show that people from

all ages, genders, and regions played significant roles in the March 1st movement.

"This exhibition commemorates the centennial of the March 1st movement, the largest anti-Japanese

movement in Korea's history.

We want to share the historic meaning with all people through pieces of cultural heritage."

This exhibition runs till April 21st.

To preserve the cultural properties, the originals will be only be displayed on the opening day,

March 1st and April 11th, the anniversary of the establishment of the provisional government.

Lee Min-sun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Special exhibition commemorating centennial of Independence Movement - Duration: 2:20.


Militaries of two Koreas continue close consulations on demilitarization of JSA , other issues - Duration: 0:31.

The two Koreas are continuing close consultations to realize the goals set in September's inter-Korean

military agreement.

During a regular press briefing,...

Defense ministry spokesperson Choi Hyun-soo... pointed out Seoul and Pyeongyang are closely

discussing matters, including ways for both sides to patrol the Joint Security Area in

the Demilitarized Zone together.

Choi added, the two sides are also focused on forming an Inter-Korean Joint Military

Committee,... to discuss significant military issues,... such as large-scale drills and

military build-ups.

For more infomation >> Militaries of two Koreas continue close consulations on demilitarization of JSA , other issues - Duration: 0:31.


S. Korea gears up to host 2019 World Aquatics Championships in July - Duration: 0:37.

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon has called for careful preparations for the 2019 World Aquatics

Championships, which will take place in Gwangju this July.

During a committee meeting to support the aquatics championships, the PM and related

ministers discussed overall preparations for the event, including personnel management

and accommodation for foreign athletes.

Some 15-thousand athletes and related officials from 2-hundred countries will participate

in the championships Noting the invitation delivered to North Korea

in Lausanne last week, the PM said he will wait for a positive reply from the North to

join the championships in Gwangju.

For more infomation >> S. Korea gears up to host 2019 World Aquatics Championships in July - Duration: 0:37.


S. Korea plans to boost island tourism, tourist programs in Seoul - Duration: 0:43.

South Korea is planning to boost tourist programs and infrastructure across its 33-hundred islands.

Four government ministers related to culture, oceans, and infrastructure signed an agreement

Tuesday,... to launch such an initiative.

They pledged to improve facilities along the piers and transportation to the islands,...

as well as increase the range of tours and cultural events.

Staying on tourism,... the Seoul city government also plans to ramp up programs for visitors.

Amid ongoing efforts for peace on the peninsula, the capital will introduce tours and cultural

events that are significant to cross-border relations throughout the year.

It will also work to promote a trail of Catholic pilgrimage sites,... recognized by the Vatican

as a global pilgrimage destination.

For more infomation >> S. Korea plans to boost island tourism, tourist programs in Seoul - Duration: 0:43.


Korea's trade ministry, auto industry discuss possible U.S. tariffs - Duration: 0:48.

Members of the trade ministry, the local auto industry and related organizations... held

a meeting today, to discuss the impact of possible U.S. tariffs on Korean cars.

The meeting comes after America's Commerce Department presented a report to President

Trump on Sunday... on whether imported vehicles pose a threat to national security.

The details of the report haven't been made public, but AFP cites sources saying the government

concluded that car imports are a threat.

The meeting in Seoul was held to discuss possible strategies they could adopt before Trump makes

a decision.

Examples include meeting or communicating with Washington's trade officials... and hearing

the opinions of local experts on the matter.

The ministry added protecting the auto industry is crucial... because it's a huge part of

Korea's manufacturing production and employment.

For more infomation >> Korea's trade ministry, auto industry discuss possible U.S. tariffs - Duration: 0:48.


Warmer weather expected after rain and snow nationwide - Duration: 1:38.

Heavy snow advisories were lifted for major cities across the country.

Warmer conditions are expected from here on.

For the updates on the weather we turn to our KIM Da-mi.

Heavy snow advisories have been lifted for major cities including Seoul, Incheon and

Sejong as of 11:30 AM local time.

The capital city was coated with 3 centimeters of snow, 5 centimeters of snow fell in Cheonan

city and 4.2 centimeters fell in Incheon.

Heavy snow advisories are issued when there's more than 5 centimeters of snow expected within

24 hours.

Despite the icy weather, traffic during commuting hours was not too hectic, thanks to citizens'

active use of public transport.

While it was snowy in the north, the southern parts of the country saw some rain,... with

10 to 40 millimeters of rain on Jeju Island.

The sky has cleared up from earlier, and the first full moon of the lunar year will be

seen in between the clouds tonight.

After a rainy and snowy day, the weather is expected to get much warmer starting Wednesday.

A migratory anticyclone from China will cause warmer air.

The weather will then be warmer than the annual average temperature, with Wednesday reaching

5 degrees Celsius and Thursday reaching between 8 and 10 degrees Celsius.

The rain and snow have stopped in the northern and central regions, but drivers and pedestrians

are still advised to stay cautious on the slippery roads.

KIM Da-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Warmer weather expected after rain and snow nationwide - Duration: 1:38.


Pres. Moon pledges basic living standards for all Koreans by 2022 - Duration: 2:03.

Building an inclusive nation has been this administration's key campaign pledge.

To deliver on the promise, President Moon Jae-in shared his blueprint to move forward

in that direction.

The goal is to allow every citizen to enjoy a basic standard of living by the year 2022.

Shin Se-min has the latest from the nation's top office.

Plans to enable all Koreans to enjoy a basic standard of living.

President Moon Jae-in, following through on his campaign promise to build an inclusive

nation in which people can enjoy their right to a decent life.

And to do so, he introduced four action plans.

Breaking those down,… a sturdier social safety net and quality social services.

Two, investing in individuals,… the source of technological advancement.

Three, creating better working opportunities free of prejudice and discrimination.

And lastly, making free time a part of people's daily lives -- enabling them to spend more

time with their children without a loss of income.

"If the measures unveiled today are put into place smoothly, then by the year 2022, each

and every one of us, young and old, employees and the self-employed, with or without disabilities,

will be able to enjoy a basic standard of living."

The plan revealed today calls for an expansion of childcare allowances to all kids under

the age of 7, up from the current 6 -- and boosting health insurance coverage.

The president stressed again that without innovative growth, it'll be hard to build

a nation that's inclusive,... and that without inclusion there can be no innovative growth.

"Calling on support from parliament through legislation,... the president expressed confidence

that an inclusive nation built through the strength and virtue of the people... will

be a model for the world.

Shin Se-min, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> Pres. Moon pledges basic living standards for all Koreans by 2022 - Duration: 2:03.


Celebrating first full moon of lunar year - Duration: 2:20.

It's the day of the first full moon of the lunar calendar, also known as Jeongwol Daeboreum...

in Korean.

People across the country are gathering with families and friends to celebrate the event.

Our Won Jung-hwan is now at a traditional village in Seoul to take us closer to the



Hi Daniel, in Korean, "Jeongwol" literally means "first lunar month" and "Daeboreum"

means "great full moon".

And indeed today, on the date of the first full moon of the year,… people have gathered

here to celebrate the occasion while taking part in traditional activities.

Traditional festivals are held across the country,… and here at Seoul's Namsangol

Hanok Village,… many people of all ages are joining in for the special day.

There's a range of traditional activities,… such as cracking walnuts, sharing festival

delicacies and enjoying evening performances.

On the day of Jeongwol Daeboreum, Koreans crack the shells of nuts such as walnuts and

peanuts with their teeth or tools.

This ritual, known as "Bureom" in Korean, is believed to help prevent boils on the skin

and keep one's teeth healthy.

Besides nuts,… Koreans also eat seasoned vegetables and 'five-grain rice' as it is

believed that sharing these dishes with others brings good luck for the year ahead.

But the highlight of the festivities comes in the evening when it's dark outside.

A 'Daljip' or 'Moon House' is made from a huge heap of straw with a door to the east

for the moon to enter when it rises.

Koreans attach written notes containing wishes all around the nearly five-meter high straw


When the full moon rises, the daljip is set on fire to ward off misfortune and bring good


In fact, it is still believed that the way in which the daljip burns,... foretells how

the year's crop will turn out,... if the daljip burns steadily and doesn't fall apart, then

there will be a good harvest.

And of course, those of you who cannot participate in these activities here today can always

just go outside with family members and loved ones to watch the rise of the first full moon

of the year and make wishes for the year ahead.

That all for me now but I will back when it's dark enough to see the full moon.

For more infomation >> Celebrating first full moon of lunar year - Duration: 2:20.


N. Korea, U.S. highly likely to include liaison office in summit declaration: expert - Duration: 2:43.

North Korea and the U.S. are reportedly discussing exchanging liaison officers -- a move that

could contribute significantly to ending their hostile relations.

Oh Jung-hee tells us more on the possibility of this being included in the next summit

agreement... and how other U.S. corresponding measures are coming along.

Citing two sources familiar with the developments, CNN reported on Monday that North Korea and

the U.S. are discussing exchanging liaison officers.

If the plan were to move forward, the report says, Washington would send several liaison

officers to set up office in North Korea... and a senior diplomat who speaks Korean would

be leading the delegation.

The U.S. State Department has declined to comment on the report, but a South Korean

expert says it's highly likely that the liaison office issue will be covered at the upcoming


At their previous summit in Singapore last year, Pyeongyang and Washington agreed to

establish new relations and build a lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula.

"If Kim Jong-un declines the offer from Washington for establishing liaison offices in both countries,

then it will greatly weaken the claims made by both Korean governments that Kim Jong-un

has been proven unequivocally and unquestionably determined to leading his country in totally

new direction.

If Kim Jong-un is not ready to take this step, then how can the leadership be trusted?"

North Korea and the U.S. setting up liaison offices has been mentioned by South Korea's

President Moon Jae-in and Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa as one of the actions the U.S.

could take in return for the North's denuclearization steps.

Other possible U.S. corresponding measures they've suggested are providing humanitarian

assistance to North Korea and declaring a formal end to the Korean War.

Washington is trying to lower its bar on providing humanitarian aid to Pyeongyang, currently

reviewing its policy on sanctions waivers and travel exemptions.

Formally ending the Korean War through the upcoming summit seems difficult as there's

been not enough communication on that with South Korea and China.

Instead of that, Washington has reportedly suggested to North Korea... adopting a non-aggression

pact, but we can't know for sure what Washington will offer Pyeongyang until the results of

the summit are out.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> N. Korea, U.S. highly likely to include liaison office in summit declaration: expert - Duration: 2:43.


North's Kim Hyok-chol in Beijing to fly to Hanoi,... signaling a working-level meeting to be.. - Duration: 2:13.

Seoul's top office had said that working-level meetings between North Korea and the U.S.

will start again this week.

And we are seeing signs of the working-level officials on the move.

Lee Ji-won has more.

North Korea's Special Representative for U.S. Affairs, Kim Hyok-chol, is on his way to Hanoi...

to continue negotiations with his counterpart ahead of Chairman Kim Jong-un and President

Donald Trump's summit next week.

According to Seoul-based Yonhap News Agency, the working-level official and his delegates

arrived in Beijing for a stop-over early Tuesday and were expected to fly to Hanoi later in

the day.

Yonhap's sources say they expect his U.S. counterpart, Stephen Biegun will leave Washington

on Wednesday.

That would mean the two working-level officials could meet as early as Friday.

This sitdown is expected to be where Kim and Biegun finalize their negotiations on denuclearization

and the corresponding measures.

Biegun had reportedly said that his meeting with Kim earlier in the month was a chance

for both sides to fully disclose what they each want, and that narrowing their differences

will start from the next round.

The talks will center around what concrete denuclearization steps the North is willing

to take, including the verified dismantlement of its Yeongbyeon nuclear facility,... versus

what the U.S. will offer in return, such as Pyeongyang's much coveted sanctions relief.

But before their meeting, there's speculation that lower-level officials might meet first,

with Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Alex Wong expected to

arrive in Vietnam on Tuesday.

If that's the case, Wong's counterpart is expected to be Park Chol, the Vice Chairman

of the Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee,... who was part of the delegation to Washington

last month.

But in the mean time, Park is assisting the North's protocol chief Kim Chang-son.

They arrived in Hanoi on Saturday, and have since been stopping by places... including

the Vietnamese foreign ministry early on Tuesday.

It's still unclear whether the two sides have officially started fine-tuning the summit


But they met in front of the Hanoi Opera House over the weekend, prompting guesses that the

leaders might enjoy a special performance together.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North's Kim Hyok-chol in Beijing to fly to Hanoi,... signaling a working-level meeting to be.. - Duration: 2:13.


Incheon Int'l Airport ranked 5th in terms of int'l passenger numbers - Duration: 0:37.

Incheon Airport rose two spots to be ranked fifth in the world in terms of international

passenger numbers.

The ranking is by the Airport Council International, a representative group for the industry.

In 2018 the nation's main gateway handled nearly 68 million people on international

flights, a 10 percent on-year spike.

This was mainly thanks to the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, greater international air

routes and the growth of low-cost carriers.

Incheon International Airport expects the number to rise by about 7-point-7 percent

annually... to more than 73 million this year.

Dubai sat atop that ranking, followed by London, Hong Kong, and Amsterdam.

For more infomation >> Incheon Int'l Airport ranked 5th in terms of int'l passenger numbers - Duration: 0:37.


S. Korea kicks off largest ever National Winter Sports Games - Duration: 0:36.

The Sports and Olympic Committee is hosting the National Winter Sports Games from today

until Friday.

This year marks the event's one hundredth edition.

Around four thousand athletes from seventeen cities and provinces will compete in eleven

different sports, including skating, skiing and curling,... making this the largest Games

to date.

Athletes will also compete in demonstration sports -- bobsleigh and skeleton,... and ice


Athletes will include medalists from the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

The Games were first held in 1925 on part of the naturally frozen Hangang River where

athletes competed in ice hockey and skating.

For more infomation >> S. Korea kicks off largest ever National Winter Sports Games - Duration: 0:36.


New Saraiki Song 2019 || Latest Saraiki Song 2019 || Latest Saraiki And Punjabi Song 2019 - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> New Saraiki Song 2019 || Latest Saraiki Song 2019 || Latest Saraiki And Punjabi Song 2019 - Duration: 3:33.


Samsung Galaxy C7 Şarj Soketi Değişimi 🇹🇷 TELEFONUM ŞARJ OLMUYOR Neden ? - Duration: 15:58.

Yes friends. Hello there.

Today. In GSM Communication

Samsung C7

The model we call C700

We will replace the charging socket.

The phone is not charging.

As you see. Charging the charger as a result

they have damaged the charging socket.

We'll exchange the charging socket for this.

We know this is a broken charger socket.

99% of the problem

We believe it is from the charging socket.

Friends. If a phone is not charging

What can be the problem

Let me give you some information about this.

If a phone is not charging

the first of the charging socket

is in the slot

In the slot where the charging socket is,

Let us show you a home.

In the socket with this charging socket

usually dust, filthy etc.

The first can be. Latter

from the charger.

It could be the charger.

The third reason may be from the battery.

So if a phone is not charging

from the charger.

If not from the charger, it can be from the charging socket.

If not from the charging socket

can be from the battery. Finally

charge integrated

it can also be connected to the motherboard.

So if a phone is not charging

If you are not charging

we can't say this is because it is immediately.

We need to test it for him. But this is

Charging slot is shattered

this is from the charging socket, from the charging socket.

we are sure. Now we will watch together.

Friends C7 phone

naturally removes from this screen when we disconnect

As you can see, the paint, the paint,

We told this to the customer. This paint

Depart. He had a little bit of paint before.

It was swollen.

It was swollen.

We told him that this was our way to our client.

90% of them when opened

the paint is removed.

So this is Samsung's own fault.


The total number of screws removed is 14.

We've got two screws down there. Total 14

There are 16 total screw counts.

Number of screws to remove

16 friends.

Samsung Galaxy C7

we are changing the charging socket.

Model C700.

Under two keys

also remove the screws.

We've screwed a total of 18 screws.

This video is for our technician friends.

Shared for information purposes.

Watching our videos of non-experts on this subject

do these kinds of operations

We do not recommend.

Otherwise, you may break the device completely.

What friends do you do in a repair


Remove the battery socket and disconnect the current from the device.

Then you need to do other operations.

You see the motherboard screw.

The screw connected to this motherboard is black and slightly smaller than the other screws.

Watch this. Otherwise

If you insert the long screw on the motherboard, it goes up to the screen.

It infects the motherboard and spoils the device.

We highly recommend you to pay attention to this.

At the same time, the screws attached to the motherboard are black.


Yes friends. Motherboard

You see. The motherboard is the most important part of the device.


phone or smart phone or

No matter which device we do when repairing

first and foremost

The motherboard is the device itself.

There are other parts, but the motherboard is the device itself.

For that reason,

need to remove.

Yes, we removed the charging socket.

Let us show you the broken place.

As you can see, it's torn from the inside.


most likely the charger



Yes, as you can see.

New charging socket.


Let's install the new charging socket.

When we plug in the new charging socket

I hope he'il take charge.

What's on the charger socket?

Let us show you the parts.

We've got what we call an external headphone socket.

There's a microphone.

Same time


the button has a click section.

There are these. You know about this. Same time

There are several network circuits.


So it's all in one piece.

It's in the form of a team.

Yeah. We're replacing the motherboard right now.

Black screws as we say

two screw screws holding black screw motherboard

These screws are shorter than the screws we remove from the case.

Let's not put these screws in wrong.

If we install the screw on the motherboard

screen goes up.

And breaks the screen. It can also damage the motherboard.

That's why we need to be very careful here.

We're wearing the network antennas.

Yeah, we're gonna test it right now.

Yes, as you can see


So as we thought doing charging from the socket.

As you see

The broken charging socket has changed.

And the device is currently starting to charge.

Charge is fully empty

She needs 10 to 15 minutes.

Get the device back.

Yeah. In GSM Communication

The Samsung Galaxy C7 charger socket was replaced.

Thank you friends for watching.

For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy C7 Şarj Soketi Değişimi 🇹🇷 TELEFONUM ŞARJ OLMUYOR Neden ? - Duration: 15:58.


Cold exposure in the river | otuzovanie Karloveske rameno 10.2.2019 - Duration: 2:32.

Hi there! Greetings from Karloveske rameno,

Danube's arm in Bratislava.

Today I make photography at Martin Tham's workshop

of Wim Hof method.

And I'm here earlier than participants

with Majky and Zuzka.

And we're gonna take a chilling bath in the water.

I'm really glad I'm not alone here.

There is some wind blowing here, I expected more

warmer weather,

There is no promised 9°C here, but it's ok,

I accept it, and... let's do it.

Let's go for it.

I did three minutes, yes.

I'm happy, it was fantastic.

Undescribable feelings.

We're gonna make some warming up here.

Thank you for your company,

that you took me with you.

Because I wasn't so brave, today.

I'm happy we did it, it was worthy of it.

I enjoyed it, and I'm glad.


For more infomation >> Cold exposure in the river | otuzovanie Karloveske rameno 10.2.2019 - Duration: 2:32.


'최파타' 카더가든X비비X임지민 밝힌..#'더 팬' 톱3 #추천인 #콘서트 [종합] - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> '최파타' 카더가든X비비X임지민 밝힌..#'더 팬' 톱3 #추천인 #콘서트 [종합] - Duration: 5:42.


Woman who had surgery to build new vagina using her bowel hopes to start family - Duration: 5:48.

 A woman who underwent pioneering surgery to have her vagina rebuilt using her BOWEL is now waiting for a womb transplant or surrogate in a bid to finally become a mum

 Tara Gratton, 37, claims doctors were left baffled by her "partially formed" vagina before she was diagnosed with Mayer-Rokitansky-K ster-Hauser syndrome (MRKS) - a congenital disorder that affects the female reproductive system

 After being diagnosed with the most severe form aged 14, the support worker was told she had no vaginal tunnel, no womb, no cervix, no Fallopian tubes, and only one kidney

 Tara was left devastated after realising she'd never be able to carry her own child but after meeting partner, Stuart Pretswell, 34, the couple began researching their options

Read More 'Miracle' baby boy declared dead three times starts breathing again in COFFIN    She opted to have her vaginal tunnel rebuilt through using her bowel as a teenager and is now on the waiting list for a womb transplant - with the couple now hoping, through using her own eggs, they'll be able to start their own family

 Tara, from Stakeford, Northumberland, said: "At 14 years old I was diagnosed and had my first surgery so I'd be able to have sex as an adult

 "I had a vaginal tunnel built from my bowel as only part of my vagina had formed properly

 "My surgery was a risky one as it involved using two inches of my bowel to create a new tunnel opening

 "I was really young but naturally I was embarrassed about my condition back then as it was so rare

 "Since then I have met my partner, Stuart, and we're desperate to have a family after meeting four years ago

Read More Young mum with cancer records bedtime stories for her kids in case she dies    "I don't have a womb so the next surgery I need is a womb transplant

 "It would be amazing to have our own family to show others anything is possible

"  Tara was first diagnosed with constant kidney infections before doctors did further tests and realised she had MRKS - a rare disorder that affects 1 in 5,000 females, in varying degrees

 She added: "My parents had originally taken me to the doctors when I was three, as I kept having kidney infections and nothing seemed able to stop them

 "I spent a long time in Newcastle Children's Hospital and with antibiotics, it was eventually managed quite well

 "It took them a long time to discover what was actually causing all my problems, and doctors even said, it was the first time they'd ever seen a girl like me

" Read More Woman, 27, with 'abdominal infection' woke up in hospital to find she's given BIRTH  Tara decided to have the invasive vagina surgery at 14 to give herself a normal future

 She added: "After the surgery I had to have lots of dilation therapy - which essentially stretched my vagina

 "Doctors thought I didn't have any ovaries but as I grew older, I discovered that they were wrong - I did have ovaries which meant it was possible for me to have children - but I would have to go through IVF and alternative routes

"  After finding her current partner Stuart, also a support worker, Tara was open about her condition and together they're excited about the prospect of starting a family together

 Tara has since applied for the womb transplant trial, that has only recently become a viable option

 The first baby from a womb transplant from a deceased donor was born in December of last year

 However, with a long waiting list, Tara is also looking into surrogacy as a possible path

 Tara said: "We have two embryos in storage and are raising money to cover any potential costs from surrogacy

 "Now I want to help others like me by speaking out.  "It took me a long time to get a diagnosis, and to find help - but with more awareness, more support could become available

"  Tabitha Taya, founder of LivingMRKH, one of the UK's only support groups, said: "We first met Tara back in 2013 after she reached out to us after she read our LivingMRKH founder's story in a daily newspaper

 "It is now a pleasure to work with her in sharing her message to help others. We have since got to know Tara through several social gatherings held to support those living with this condition

 "We all have dreams and aspirations, to be a mother is one of Tara's and we wish her and her partner all the very best

 "The road to parenthood for those with MRKH can be challenging, but not impossible, it's important to remember the condition does not define us and there are options available to make our journey a little less stressful and isolating!  "We hope Tara's courage to share her journey provides hope and inspiration to our fellow community

" Read More Top news stories from Mirror Online

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