hey everyone welcome back today we have a quick 10 minutes workout. There's no
jumping involved, it is great for a quick easy morning routine and also it is
perfect if you're not looking for something not too extreme. It is a great one
to do before your ab workout just to help you to get your heart rate up. I
haven't worked out in the month and this was such a fun one to film. I had such a
great workout, I feel so good after, so yeah don't forget to smash that like
button, smash it, subscribe and let's jump straight into it. We've got 12 exercises
today 40 seconds on and 5 seconds off. Pretty straightforward guys let's start
with inchworm and shoulder tap. Make sure you tighten that core as you walk your
way down to a high plank and tap your shoulders with your opposite hand. This
is a really good first exercise to warm up your body and you don't have to tap
your shoulders when you're up, that's just me and my wonderful coordination
next we'll have lunge taps. Go as fast as you can watch your form and engage that core
next we have no jumps skater. Feel free to add a little hop if you want more
intensity, but I'm totally fine to keep it slow and steady today
Leg extension and knee up is next. It's pretty similar to a single leg RDL, make
sure you go slow when you're doing your first one so get your movement down and
not lose your balance. Push your hips back and have a slight bend on your knee
as you are lowering down. Make sure your core is engage, and your back is straight
don't arch your back or round it back
now on to the other side
next we have knee walk squat. Get on your knees and then on to a squat position
you can fold your fitness map for more cushion for your knees. Don't injure your knee guys. Also I
like to alternate my legs when I'm getting up
up and down planks are next. If this is too intense but you feel free to do it with
your knees on the ground instead
do a push-up followed by two knee tucks while squeezing your abs. Again if you
can't do a push-up all good to have your knees on the ground. I have to have my
knees on the ground too since I haven't worked out in a while I'm still feeling
a little weak from my herbal medication so I gotta take this slow.
flip around onto your back as bicycle crunches are next. Just six more
exercises to go guys. Make sure you squeeze those abs!
reverse plank leg lifts are nex.t You're going to feel this on your arms
your back your abs and your legs. Make sure you use your core to pull out your
body. Make sure your butt does not drop down too much
keep pulling up with your abs and feel that burn guys, keep pushing you can do it
Now lay on your back as we've got reverse crunch variation next. Lay
your hands next to your hips for support and use your core muscles to lift your
hips off the ground. This is absolutely great for your lower abs
Crab toe touches are next. Just do them nice and slow if you are starting to
feel tired we are almost there guys
next we have glute bridges. Thrust those hips into the air! just keep THRUSTING!
and our final exercises is plie. Have your feet really wide apart and pointing
outwards like so and lower down your hips. This works the inner thighs and yeah
let's wrap this up guys, let's do this!
and that's the workout! great job everyone
do smash the like button and leave a comment down below so this video can
reach more people who need it! thanks so much for watching guys and I'll see you
in the next workout bye
For more infomation >> No Jumping Full Body FAT BURN Workout | 10 Min Beginner & Apartment Friendly Routine - Duration: 11:30.-------------------------------------------
Những Ca Khúc Nhạc Trẻ Hay Nhất 2019 - Tuyển Tập Nhạc Trẻ 2019 Hay Nhất - Duration: 1:31:42.
Frontline Fashion 3, with Cara G Mcilroy: Episode 5 - Duration: 11:26.
It's been three months since Tess won the first prize
in the 2018 Redress Design Award.
Her prize was to design a sustainable collection for the label The R Collective,
and her mission to take it to market.
Now has she been able to do this?
Let's find out.
Hey guys! Hey Tess!
This is so exciting!
Yeah it's insane.
Oh my God, so it's only been three months since you won
and already we're here at the photoshoot for your collection.
How has the journey been?
Pretty stressful, like there's been a lot of challenges but I've learnt so much.
- I'm sure. - So it's been a pretty full on three months.
The Redress Design Award 2018 with The R Collective goes to...
Tess Whitfort!
Tess won because her technique is very, very well done,
and also her style is very original.
I'm really excited about my journey ahead with The R Collective
and it will be so fantastic to have so much guidance on that journey
to making my first commercial collection, yeah.
Our last collection is in Lane Crawford.
Oh cool!
The next day, straight after the finals we had our first design meeting.
With The R Collective we are doing six capsule this year,
and yours is actually the first one.
The R Collective is started by Christina Dean who is also the owner of Redress
and it's a fashion label that is all about up-cycling.
What you doing today Christina?
I'm going to be a model.
I would say like the reason why we have to work extra hard
is because we really try to stay away from making waste look like waste.
It has to be like extra luxurious.
What's kind of your vision for this collection?
We are thinking about doing a six to seven piece collection.
We wanna make sure all the pieces could be mixed and matched
with the client's own wardrobe as well so nothing too crazy,
nothing too dated, definitely 'timeless' is our key.
I've always done more artistic, edgy kind of collections
so it's quite a different target audience.
So what's the timeline for this collection?
We are aiming to launch in February,
which means all the samples need to be done by November.
That's pretty tight, yeah that's a short timeline.
I think it's going to be very challenging.
Oh she's got some hard brutal work to do,
she's gonna be working non-stop.
So I started designing while I was in Melbourne.
The starting point was thinking about ways of incorporating my style
with The R Collective brand.
So it's all about like streetwear,
in a refined wearable context.
I was communicating with The R Collective.
So I was emailing them sketches and then at the same time
we were looking at the textile waste that was available
and selecting things that were appropriate for the designs.
So my collection is being produced by TAL.
Most of the textile waste we are using is sourced from a factory in Bangkok,
like industry end-of-roll fabrics that other brands have over ordered
or have been left to move excess inventory.
so we're taking that and re-purposing it into something desireable.
So all of this is available textile waste?
That one as well?
Yes, same.
The fashion industry produces an estimated
four hundred billion square metres of fabric every year
and for various reasons,
up to fifteen percent of this is wasted
during the manufacturing process.
One of the main culprits is fabric left over
after the pattern is cut.
Zero waste design eliminates this problem
by creating a design and pattern
that uses a hundred percent of the fabric marker.
But to achieve this,
a great deal of thought and planning
is required at the design stage.
This can be quite cool for the jumpsuit actually.
Do we know the width?
Fifty eight.
So that will work well because we need the width
to be the same to do the zero-waste pattern.
Yeah, that should be good.
Alright, what else have we got?
With the zero-waste pattern cutting
I think it requires working within parameters
that are set by the techniques and materials that are available.
I'm thinking about using this fabric for the pants.
It's got like a little bit of texture to it which is quite nice.
The content isn't ideal,
I like always prefer to use natural fibers
but working with textile waste
we kind of have to work with what we got.
This is cool. I like the colour.
Is this cotton?
- Yes. - Nice.
Do you think the consumer will like it?
It is a little bit rough,
but I think in like an oversized t-shirt it'll be ok.
Yeah, I think this will be really cool.
Ok we have some fabrics, that's a good start.
I only had a couple of weeks to actually design the collection.
I'm a fresh graduate!
I've never created a collection for manufacturing before
so I'm still quite worried that we weren't going to meet deadlines.
I did feel a little bit stressed.
The team from TAL came to us in Hong Kong
and we viewed the first samples.
We were kind of looking at the samples
and we were like 'oh they look fantastic!'.
Nice huh?
Yeah, super nice!
Trying them on the model,
and they were fitting really well.
I'm all about pockets!
But once we look at the pattern...
It's not zero-waste.
We realised that the samples were not zero-waste.
We actually opened up the markers
and realised that they've just conventionally pattern cut them
according to the sketch and the measurements that were provided.
Zero-waste is so new!
I think the factory just have a very systematic way of doing things.
They immediately, you know, think in their head like
'ok, how do I transform this sketch into a sample?'.
They don't expect you to give them how to draw the pattern.
So I think we need to go a bit more detail style by style.
Ok, so we need to cut where?
Where's the cutting point?
This should probably be a dotted line, that's a fold.
Ok, fold one.
You need to work on the pattern.
Because you don't give them more specific measurements
then it's very hard for them to work.
It's really difficult to alter conventional patterns to zero-waste.
You kind of have to start from zero again.
When I first arrived back in Bangkok,
I then created the whole zero-waste pattern marker
and did the whole layout with multiple sizes.
And I think from there they did understand the concept more
letting go of those sort of rigid rules that are usually applied to pattern cutting.
What did we change?
This wasn't zero-waste.
So we developed the zero-waste patterns,
we made it longer...
and now we're going to see it in the actual fabric.
Yeah, it's exciting.
The team at TAL turned out to be just like, so helpful.
Their sort of technical knowledge and ability to problem solve
was really valuable.
She said you can even do a flap for access
from the leftovers.
I think as long as we get the shell right,
then we can tailor the details.
Yeah, she gets it.
I think with the zero-waste technique,
it was something very new for them.
But once they get it it was a lot quicker than us doing it.
Can we cut, like, this on one of the one and a half yards,
and then this on the other?
it can do, but very, very difficult.
They also use a lot of computers to do the calculation
which we don't know how to do,
so I think there's definitely an advantage there
of working with someone like TAL.
In just one week, it really turned around.
They've done a good job of that.
They've done a really good job.
The samples looked really good
and the zero-waste patterns were working
so I felt pretty good about it by the time we left.
Today we're doing the photoshoot for Tess's collection
because now the samples are done,
now is like, really thinking about how to market it.
It's nice to have lines because of the weave of the shirt.
With sustainable fashion,
the way you market it is different
because you have to explain the story behind each product.
That's good.
Yeah, perfect.
Yeah, these are cool.
Ok, change!
So what do you think about the collection?
I'm really happy with it.
It's kind of a product of the textile waste that we're working with,
the zero-waste patterns,
and combining my style with The R Collective.
- Yeah - So what we've ended up with is a good mix.
Yeah, that's good.
Yeah, I really like it!
I think it gives The R Collective aesthetic
and also puts a little bit of Tess in it.
Very proud of it.
But to secure a buyer is very, very difficult.
The biggest thing I've learnt is
it's really important for us to actually integrate
sustainable techniques into the fashion industry as it is today,
rather than thinking of sustainable design as bit more of a niche.
We need to look at ways of making sustainable fashion profitable
and applicable to all aspects of the fashion industry.
We've now learnt how important it is for designers
and manufacturers to work together
to lessen the impact that fashion has on the environment,
and we as the consumers are the last piece of the puzzle,
and it's easy to get started!
We can swap clothes with our friends,
we can ask more questions to the brands we buy from,
we can invest in timeless pieces that
we'll love and cherish forever,
and of course we can support sustainable fashion designers
in their fight for a brighter future for fashion.
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Hey man, get up.
Can't you hear? - Are you deaf?
Kick his butt. Then he'll understand.
Have you reserved the seat?
Quiet! Boss is sleeping.
Fauji Bhai's back.
I'm coming.
"I broke the tip-cat."
"Threw the marbles."
"I broke the tip-cat." "Threw the marbles."
"And took up the gun."
"I broke the tip-cat." "Threw the marbles."
"And took up the gun."
"I roar, I snarl, but can't be over-powered."
"I sing, dance, lock horns for no reason."
"I come first, the rest come later."
"This is district Ghaziabad."
"This is district Ghaziabad."
"I sing, dance, lock horns for no reason."
"I come first, the rest come later."
"This is district Ghaziabad."
"This is district Ghaziabad."
"Blood splatters.."
"Blood splatters are common like colours in festival."
"The river runs red with blood."
"Just like the bull tramples the fields."
"My actions are fearless."
"My actions are fearless."
"I scratch my foot with a knife."
"Rumbles, thunders and rains acid from the clouds."
"I sing, dance, lock horns for no reason."
"I come first, the rest come later."
"This is district Ghaziabad."
"This is district Ghaziabad."
Is this enough or should I get more from the car?
"This is district Ghaziabad."
"This is district Ghaziabad."
At least return our guns.
We'll leave our jobs.
One thing, brother.
Do men and women stay together?
Why would I come back if they did?
Gandhiji's first principle is 'non-violence'.
"What bullets can't achieve, sweet talks can."
Repeat after me.
"What bullets can't achieve, sweet talks can!"
Very good!
Boy. What mischief were you up to.
Sorry, uncle.
Uncle at home, but at school.. - Oops. Master.
I want every child of my class to study hard.
I want you to carve a niche for yourselves..
..so that the entire country says proudly..
"He's from District Ghaziabad.
We'll do it, Master. - That's more like it.
Ut seems uncle Sonpal was watching English film at night.
First pull it in then let the smoke out.
What the..
What's going on?
Brother, this..
This isn't mine.
Omi, here's your cigarette. I don't want it.
It's not mine.
How dare you force us to smoke? - Yes.
They're teaching us bad habits, brother.
But, Omveer..
Do you want a slap?
Goodbye, brother! It wasn't me, brother!
It's not my fault.
I know who ordered the cigarettes.
Listen to me, both of you.
If I ever catch you two smoking again.. - No, brother.
I will break your legs.
Never. Never again.
Forgive us.
Fine, I forgive you.
Those rascals ran away. - Yes.
Satbeer. - Yes.
Why don't you move to Delhi?
You're well educated.
You'll make some good money.
Why don't you think about your future?
No, brother.
I want to stay here.
And mend the future of my village.
If you don't bring the remote- controlled car for me this time..
..I won't talk to you.
I see.
I promise, whether your father returns or not..
..but you'll surely get your car. Okay?
My son, I can just eat you.
Go to your mother.
Aye, General.
Mother. - Bless you.
Look after yourself.
Mother, there's no reason to worry.
Look after mother. - Yes, mother.
One more thing. - Yes.
No more cigarettes. - No. Brother..
It wasn't me..
Yes, yes. I know.
Master, the president's called for you.
Fine. Tell him I'll be right there.
Why has the chairman called you? - Don't know, brother.
Maybe he wants some legal advice.
Look, keep a distance from this chairman. - Yes, brother.
Take care.
Raise your hands.
Do I have to tell you separately?
They're really ashamed on their actions.
Get lost.
Hands up! Straight up!
If you could solve this problem..
..they won't get fired.
Welcome, night-hunter.
You could touch my feet?
I never touched my father's feet either.
Yes, it will give you a backache.
Get to the point, Chairman.
Do you know him?
Who are you?
Chawli's President.
Last night you robbed his bus.
I know, deliver two lakhs to my manor, and take your bus.
Okay? - Yes.
Now get going. Get going.
And, the inspector.
Son, I had arranged for everything.
So why snatch his rifles?
If he acts smart, won't I snatch his rifle?
It's only because we've a good rapport with the police..
..or I would've taken their clothes and beaten them..
..black and blue.
Forgive us, sir.
Excuse me, brother-in-law, but can I say something? - What?
You're no longer respected in this city.
Any cop humiliates your men now.
How about a slap?
Just give me a hug, Master.
Inspector, he's the Master (teacher).
Most educated and sexful person in the village.
That's successful.
He got it, he's not that stupid. - Yes.
So, how are you doing? - Just fine, Master.
Fakira. How are you?
No, no. Not there.
Get up.
Get up you fool.
This is your place. Next to me.
'Brother-in-law. My time will come too.'
Mr. Chairman, I..
I forgot all about you.
Deliver 100,000.
You'll get your rifle.
Thank you, sir.
That plot..
Get that plot vacated.
Rashid has seized it again.
I've been humiliated all over the city.
Just throw him out.
Chairman sir, don't complain if a few men get killed.
I want that plot back at any cost.
And, I don't care how many die.
Just get him.
Use your hands, not bullets.
Elections are round the corner.
What are you staring at?
Get going. Lazy-bone. Always..
Look at him walk like a pregnant woman.
I'm guess men in your family bear children, not us.
What happened? - No. Nothing.
Suman, get some tea. - Yes, father.
Chairman sir.
I fail to understand..
..why you don't take up this land case in the court.
Master, I could go to the court if I had all the papers..
..and I also tried to get it from the record room.
But the land's worth millions. And, it's good for nothing.
You can handover your incomplete papers..
..and incomplete tasks to me.
I will complete them.
If I can be of some use to you, it'll make me really happy.
Thank you.
Why don't you try?
Of course.
Bullets couldn't solve this problem nor violence.
Just stun them with your violence.
They will feel humiliated.
If you leave without meeting me, then you're in for trouble.
Biscuit? - No.
How about a kiss?
So, when is Karam returning?
Brother will return only after two months now.
Is everything okay? - Everything's just fine.
So, goodbye.
And, also check up on the Loni Road's tender.
Don't worry, Chairman sir.
See you then. Goodbye.
See you.
Who's that?
You think you can leave without seeing me.
Come in. I'll dry them in a jiffy.
Come in. Don't be shy.
What will the people say if you go out wearing wet clothes?
You're our guest.
Father, say something.
Come on, it won't take too long.
No need. - It won't take two minute.
Oh no!
Will you take your clothes off, or will I have to do that?
Here you go.
And this one? - I..
By the way, how are your studies going?
I'll surely fail this time.
Fail? Why?
What to do?
I can't concentrate on studies these days.
By the way, I was thinking of getting married.
"I never thought from this angle."
Okay...I'm leaving.
Master. - Yes.
By the way..
I've a complaint. - With me?
These days...you pay no heed to me.
I can never forget you, Suman.
"I'm completely bowled over."
"The heart's in love."
"I'm completely bowled over."
"The heart's in love."
"What's this confusion?"
"There's no solution."
"Love's a strange riddle."
"What's this confusion?"
"There's no solution."
"Love's a strange riddle."
"The lanes of love."
"Are filled with flowers."
"It's filled with fragrance."
"Let's fly with the breeze and meet beyond the clouds."
"I can never forget you."
"I can never forget you."
"How can I forget you?"
"I can never forget you."
"I'm completely bowled over."
"The heart's in love."
"Why does the moon...peek at me though the windows?"
"Why does the moon peek at me though the windows?"
"When I looked, it hid behind the clouds."
"Counting the night away, awaiting for the dawn."
"The lanes of love."
"Are filled with flowers."
"It's filled with fragrance."
"Let's fly with the breeze and meet beyond the clouds."
"I can never forget you."
"I can never forget you."
"How can I forget you?"
"I can never forget you."
"I'm completely bowled over."
"The heart's in love."
"I'm completely bowled over."
"The heart's in love."
"I'm completely bowled over."
"The heart's in love."
Stop here.
You're all just a bunch of cowards.
Brother, Fauji attacked suddenly..
You cowards can't handle Fauji.
No need to get so angry.
What else do you want me to do?
Play this game of seizure all my life?
Sometimes me or sometimes that Chairman..
And all this, is because of that Fauji.
I don't know what to do with him?
Think about getting rid of the Chairman, not Fauji.
Mother, I think..
This matter won't be resolved..
..until there's some more bloodshed. - No, Rashid.
You won't do anything.
I will handle this matter personally.
What will you do?
I will call for the village council meeting.
The power of attorney, of this disputed plot..
..was given to Mr. Sooraj Kumar.
Who then sold it to my client Mr. Rashid Ali.
Here are the power of attorney papers..
..and purchase agreements.
So, on what grounds can you say..
..this plot belongs to Brahmpal Chaudhary? - What..
Seizing someone's land by force is a crime.
And I can get you arrested under section 441.
Chairman, how long will you make false claims..
..on these lands?
Or do you still believe we don't own this land?
Liar. Cheat.
You can check them.
With the village council's permission.. - Let it be.
I would like to make a plea on behalf of the chairman.
I will plead this case on behalf of my client..
..chairman Brahmpal Chaudhary.
The disputed land legally belongs to him..
..and I've all the documents to prove it.
The papers that you've presented in front of the honourable
'Panchayat' are fraudulent.
In our terms..
I can get your client Rashid Ali jailed for three years..
..under Indian Penal Code 420 for fraud documents.
Mr. Lawyer.
Speaking in English doesn't prove wrong to be right.
First of all.
The man your client brought this land from..
..never belonged to him.
The power of attorney, on the basis..
..of which you're making the claims..
..was rejected seven days prior to the date of purchase.
Here's the court's affidavit and original documents.
And the sale agreement's attached with it.
Made with the real owner of the property..
..which is in the name of my client Brahmpal Chaudhary.
Bhura. - Yes, brother.
Show it to the lawyer. - Yes, brother.
Take a good look, Mr. Lawyer.
It's in English. And, there's a Hindi copy attached too.
The papers are original.
After reviewing these documents..
..the village council has decided..
..that the plot legally belongs to Brahmpal Chaudhary.
Wrong! Absolutely wrong!
The council's giving the wrong verdict.
Look, Fatima. If you have any objection..
..then you're free to approach the court.
The council have given their verdict. That's it.
Didn't I tell you?
Wonderful, Master. Wonderful.
Mr. Lawyer, this isn't England.
This is district Ghaziabad!
Ghaziabad. Long live brother Satbeer!
"Youth is at its peak."
"Youth is at its peak."
"Everyone's after me."
"I am the queen of Ghaziabad."
"I am the queen of Ghaziabad."
"My lover's here in-charge."
"Don't think.."
"Don't think I am yours."
"Don't think I am yours."
"Don't think I am yours."
"Don't think I am yours."
"I am the king of Ghaziabad."
"Don't try to boss me around."
"Why can't.."
"Why can't you be mine?"
"Why can't you be mine?"
"Your figure's so hot."
"My heart's out of control."
"I've nowhere to go."
"That's your effect on me."
"My kiss is not for free."
"My kiss is not for free."
"And he thinks of taking me in his arms."
"I am the queen of Ghaziabad."
"My lover's here in-charge."
"Don't think.."
"Don't think I am yours."
"Don't think I am yours."
"I am the king of Ghaziabad."
"Don't try to boss me around."
"Why can't.."
"Why can't you be mine?"
"Why can't you be mine?"
"You might have a lot of lovers."
"But there's none like me, try me."
"You might have a lot of lovers."
"But there's none like me, try me."
"Big-hearted! Fearless!"
"There's no one who can tower me."
"I am the king of Ghaziabad."
"I am the king of Ghaziabad."
"The in-charge salutes me."
"Why can't.."
"Why can't you be mine?"
"Why can't you be mine?"
"Don't think I am yours."
"Don't think I am yours."
"Get lost."
I'm too drunk, buddy!
Will you give it?
What do you mean, sir?
But you're willing to give it, madam.
Call back! Call back!
Why did you kick me?
What happened? - Rascal.
I sent you to the court to register the plot in my name.
But you got it registered in your name instead.
You've such a huge property.
What difference does it make if I take one?
It does make a difference, you think it's for free.
If sister was alive today..
..she would've certainly gifted me a few plots.
I've been tolerating you because of your sister.
Get lost.
If I ever see you here again, I will stab you to death.
To hell with you and your manor.
I'll never see your face again.
The old man's lost it!
He'll take his property with him to heaven.
What's wrong, Chairman? Why are you beating him?
You betrayer!
So, what brings you here?
Mahindri's getting married next week.
Great. - I needed some money.
How much?
Around two million.
You will spend two million?
My sister's getting married after all.
It'll definitely cost around two million.
I pay you handsomely..
..and you also earn from looting people.
You should save some money yourself.
Or, do you squander everything on women?
No jokes, Chairman.
Either you give the money or just say no.
You know how business is doing.
Two million is impossible.
I can arrange for one million.
You can keep that to yourself.
I can arrange for the entire money from somewhere else..
You can keep your money.
Hey.. - I don't want to hear anything.
Don't get angry. Hey..
Fauji bhai.
Fauji bhai, I've brought a new car.. - To hell with your car.
Let's go! - Fauji.
He's gone mad.
What's this behaviour?
He's just venting his anger.
Come in. Come. - I can get angry too.
Next time he misbehaves, I'll teach him some manners.
You got the plot back.
You killed people for it.
That swine chairman must have made billions because of you.
And when he asked for two million for his sister's marriage..
..he just refused straightaway!
Brother-in-law bought that car for master in return of that plot.
And, he's thinking of starting some business for him.
Hail Lord.
I've told you so many times..
..get rid of that Master once and for all.
But you never understand.
He's been saying to everyone..
..I'm the chairman's future son-in-law.
Chairman isn't being fair.
Where's Fauji? - Tell us.
Where's Fauji? - Tell us.
Look for him inside.
Mahindri, there are goons outside. Don't open the door.
Why you..
Master, Fauji isn't inside.
Don't take his name, Yes. - Let's get out of here.
See if they've left any clue behind. - Yes.
They ruined the entire house.
You should sit at home like cowards.
You claim to be a big goon.
See what they've done.
Shut up! Don't make me crazy.
They didn't leave any clue.
Do you have any idea, who they were?
I don't have a clue.
Their faces were covered.
They held me at the point of the gun..
..otherwise I wouldn't have spared them.
They held you at point blank, but they didn't shoot you.
Being Fauji's brother you were scared.
What happened?
Did they attack?
I just found out.
I told you to be careful of that master.
But you never listen to me.
'Master, Fauji isn't here.'
'Don't take his name.'
Yes. They did mention the Master's name.
By the way, only Satbeer's called master in this village.
The dog.
Get the car.
Think before you leap.
Come along if you want to, or get lost. - Fine, let's go.
Have you lost your mind?
Master's the one who's gone crazy.
How dare he attack my house! - No, no.
Master cannot be behind this.
You're surely mistaken, Fauji.
Let's sit and talk.
I don't want to hear anything.
And better step aside..
..or else I'll forsake all manners.
Fine, listen.
How do you know that master's behind this?
I heard it myself.
One of them took the master's name.
And only Satbeer's called master.
Don't try to say that the girl's lying, brother-in-law.
Shut up, you rascal.
I'll find this out myself. - Go ahead.
Look, Fauji.
Whoever did this cannot escape?
I will kill myself at the village square.
But, give me until tomorrow.
I'll find this out myself. Okay?
Fine. Tomorrow.
Aunt. Aunt.
Give me some. - Here.
Aunt, give me a sweetmeat. - Greetings, aunt.
Give it.
Get lost.
Aunt, I know you're worried because of Fauji.
I tried to convince Fauji, that..
..a respected man like master can't do something like this.
He's in a rage.
And you know Fauji's completely insane.
He can do anything in a fit of rage.
Son, Fauji's your friend.
You can convince him.
Why will Satbeer do this with him?
Don't be disheartened, aunt.
I'm like your younger son.
That Fauji can't lay a finger..
..on master, as long as I am there. - Bless you.
Aunt. Just don't let the master out of the house for a few days.
I'll handle the rest.
Bless me. - Fine.
Lord, bless me.
Greetings, sister-in-law. I'll be right back.
Do you have to go now?
I'll have to clear Fauji's misconception.
And, the sooner the better.
Hello! - Hello!
Hello. - Bless you!
Look, Satbeer!
Acting in haste can make things worse.
But, uncle. I don't see the harm in talking to him once.
We didn't attack Fauji's home..
..so, there's nothing to be afraid of.
But, brother Satbeer, will Fauji understand?
I'm not going there to brawl with him.
I'll just go talk to him. - Fine.
We'll come along too. - Not again.
I'm just going to talk to him, not fight a war.
Fine. We'll stand behind and hear you talk.
Omi, your brother's not that weak.
What if something goes wrong?
Don't worry. Everything will be just fine.
Look, mother's back.
Hello. - Hello, hello.
Greetings. - Bless you.
Try to convince your son.
He's going to meet Fauji. - Yes.
What are you doing, mother?
Where are you going?
I was just going to meet Fauji.. - No need to meet that madman.
But, mother, I..
Mother, listen to me.
I didn't know you're so scared of that Fauji?
It's your temper that scares me, not him.
For my sake, you won't step out until I say so.
That's not fair, mother. You always bound me with your oaths.
Brother, listen to what mother says.
I just don't get it.
Do we need that chairman's order to take revenge?
Let's wait until tomorrow.
Otherwise, the chairman will say..
..that Fauji didn't respect his word.
Try to understand. - Fine.
Listen to that chairman.
He says "Stand up" and you stand up.
He says "Sit down" and you sit down.
Today that master has spread his wings.
Tomorrow, it'll be someone else.
Mahindri's absolutely right, brother. Don't delay anymore.
That master, how did he grow so courageous?
No need to think too much.
Let's kill him today..
..before he becomes a problem for us tomorrow.
I've been trying to tell brother that.
If he was telling the truth..
..he would've spoken to you about it.
The longer you take, the more time he gets to prepare.
Will the chairman help us in the master's matter?
He's his future son-in-law after all.
We've to fix this chairman.
I've...a solution!
Fauji, I've countless enemies, and some really bad.
But, Rashid never touched their family. Swear on God!
You worked with chairman for so long..
..but what did you get?
Anyway, forget it.. Hey, hand it over.
A small token for your younger sister's marriage.
Five million.
Fauji, I'll give you anything you want.
Join my gang, and you'll have equal position.
Just like Rashid.
And if I ever make a mistake..
..then, it's your gun and my forehead.
You will get your due respect.
And, leave the rest to me.
From today, all your enemies are mine too.
What do you say?
What more do you want?
Rahat, pick up the bag.
Shake hands.
Shake hands.
Don't think too much.
Let's shake hands.
Brahmpal's called for a council meeting tomorrow, right?
What's he doing here?
Rashid's with me.
And, I don't think his presence should bother anyone.
So, Chairman, got your answer?
Go ahead, council. Start.
Fauji. What's all this?
We're all unhappy about the attack on your house.
But, you just can't accuse anyone for it.
And a man like Satbeer.
You should be ashamed?
Why should I be the only one?
And, I know what the Master's thinking.
Pardon me, but I'd like to say something
You won't say a word.
You can do what you like, but I will speak today.
Are you calling Mahindri a liar?
She heard her attackers take master's name.
And let me tell you the truth.
Master has his eyes on brother-in-law's property.
And, it wasn't possible without getting rid of Fauji.
So he thought, "Let's kill Fauji.."
"..and take over the property."
Rascal, don't try to teach me.
I know who's behind all this.
Calm down, everyone!
Speak up, Satbeer. What do you want to say?
I've always respected Fauji as an elder brother.
And, Fauji, I consider your sister like a kin.
You should've thought twice before accusing me.
Master. You can convince them with your preaching.
You're not a lawyer yet.
Stay in your skin. - Enough, Fauji!
Just because I respect you doesn't mean I'm a coward.
Why you..
How dare you threaten Fauji? -Rascal.
How dare you bring a gun here?
Have you lost it, Fauji?
Rascal, how dare you?
You've shown your true colours. You've become Rashid's pet now.
Fauji. Have you lost your mind?
Listen, Chairman.
We're going to seize your land.
You can do anything you want.
You're making him your son-in-law, right? This master.
I'll make your daughter a widow.
Save him if you can. Save him!
Let's go, Fauji. - Let's go.
If we don't do anything yet..
..everyone will call us cowards.
I'm still alive.
And you don't need to get into this.
Five men are dead. Do you want to get us killed too?
Omi, be quiet!
Don't talk too much.
We don't want to get into this mess either.
But, if we're dragged in this, then we won't stay quiet!
Master, violence and bloodshed is not your subject.
Let me deal with that.
This village needs you.
So, focus on that.
Okay. - That's only if he lives.
Shut up!
Whatever. We'll have to deal with that Fauji permanently.
Don't worry, leave that to me. Okay.
Everyone please go back to your homes.
I had warned you..
What if the bullet had hit somewhere else?
I tried telling you.
Don't get into this mess.
But you never understand.
Madam, don't worry.
I won't spare that Fauji.
Believe me.
Come with me.
Today, in Ghaziabad..
..Fauji killed a village head in the council meeting.
And shot at Brahmpal Chairman..
..with the intentions of murdering him..
..which in turn hit Satbeer while trying to save him.
Brahmpal's supporters staged road-blocks..
..in different parts of the city to protest against this incident.
Fauji, whose a history-sheeter criminal..
..and was recently released from jail..
..has already started terrorising the city.
Fauji used to work for Brahmpal Chairman.
But his recent alliance with Brahmpal's political rival Rashid Ali..
..has sparked the rumours of a gang war once again.
What's going on?
And no police officer's ready to take any action.
A village-head was murdered in broad-day light in your district.
People are openly rioting on the streets.
If you can't handle the district, then resign.
Any...reaction from chairman's gang? - No, sir.
Nothing yet.
Sir, I had a request. - Yes.
Sir, please give us...Pritam Singh.
Thakur Pritam Singh.
You've lost your mind, Vinod.
Sir, chairman's not going to stay quiet after this.
We need to stop them before the gang war erupts in the area.
So, we need Pritam Singh, please.
He's more of a hoodlum, then a police officer.
Run! Pritam Singh is coming!
He is mad. He will kill us.
Pritam Singh gives everyone one chance to live.
Those who take it, live.
Otherwise, they regret it later.
Sir. Just shoot them and get this over with.
The real fun of target practise..
..is when your target's running.
Shooting a still person..
..is like bursting balloons in the carnival.
Start the car, I'll be right there. - Yes, sir.
Three SP's have been suspended because of him.
He's facing more inquiries..
..than charges against seasoned criminals.
Sorry. I can't take the risk.
Wonder where that master's hiding?
He'll have to come out someday.
They're nowhere.
We searched the entire village.
We couldn't find the master, or his men.
I think the chairman's hiding them in his mansion.
That's why he's turned his mansion into a fortress.
I've great news for you.
Karamveer's coming tomorrow.
Papa's back!
Papa's back!
Where's Karamveer?
Fauji's abducted him.
Brother, you won't go alone.
We won't spare Fauji today.
No one will do anything.
I will go alone, and bring brother back.
Uncle, why didn't papa come?
Master, chairman sir..
..has strictly asked me not to leave you alone.
What can he do? Kill me?
Let him.
I will fall at his feet.
Take his bullet.
He's my brother.
If anything happens to him..
..I will never forgive myself. - Fine, Master.
But take this along.
I'm going to bring my brother back, not fight!
No, brother. Keep it, for our satisfaction.
Bhura. Get the car. - Yes, brother.
Corporal sir's sitting here. Attention!
Don't mess my mind, Fauji.
And what's this matter about Satbeer?
Why are you after him?
He's no woman to go after.
He's trying to act smart.
If he doesn't come quietly..
..then I'll fill his body with bullets.
His sons will be born of brass.
You will kill him?
Do you doubt my ability?
So tell me, which leg should I shoot?
Left? Right?
Left? Right?
I want this leg, Thakur.
Doubting me.
There's such brotherly love between you two.
Had I known, I would've written him a threat letter.
Look Fauji, your fight with me.
I'm right here.
Do anything you like. Kill me.
Let my brother go.
Master, you're late.
Don't worry. Your brother's alive.
Go on, Corporal.
Meet your brother.
Is it paining?
I've changed my mood.
Come on. - Hurry up!
"Patience has crossed.."
"Patience has crossed all limits."
"He's forsaken the pen and paper."
"And now he'll let his fist do the talking."
"Even if the snakes are hiding in their burrow."
"Enemies tremble."
"Their breath shivers."
"They beg for their lives."
"Forsaking studies, he's out to wage war."
"Forsaking studies, he's out to wage war."
"Roars, snarls.."
"Roars, snarls, but can't be over-powered."
"The lion's out of the cage."
"Now listen to him roar."
Your brother will never speak again.
I killed him brutally!
Start counting, Fauji.
Satbeer's coming to settle the scores.
Forgive me.
They attacked suddenly, and I..
I couldn't do anything.
I want Rahat's death avenged.
And don't show me your face..
..until you don't kill that master!
Useless bums!
More than 20 have been reported dead..
..in the recent gang war between Fauji and Satbeer.
But the most regrettable incident is..
..that the police have completely failed..
..in stopping this gang war.
It's also believed that..
..Satbeer's got Brahmpal Chairman's backing..
..and Fauji's got Rashid Ali's backing..
..due to which, people are also calling this..
..a political war between the two age-old rivals.
Seeing the police's helplessness..
..people are completely losing hope in the administration.
Will this gang war stop?
Is there anyone to save this city?
Sir, no one can handle this case..
..other than Thakur Pritam Singh.
Think again.
Sir, we don't have an option.
That inspector can alone spread as much chaos..
..as these two have.
Don't complain later. - I won't sir.
Thakur Pritam Singh.
"Makes you run for your life."
"The hunter makes you run for your life."
"So run...run for your life."
"Run, I want no splatter of blood on my uniform."
"Standing tall.."
"Broad chest."
"Standing tall, with a broad chest."
"Fists like hammers."
"The face swells up, you've no clue."
"And you pee in your pants."
"I roar, I snarl, but can't be over-powered."
"I come first, the rest come later."
"This is district Ghaziabad."
"This is district Ghaziabad."
"This is district Ghaziabad."
"This is district Ghaziabad."
I want Rashid and Chairman's files on my desk.
Yes, sir.
'By hook or by crook, I've led to the downfall of many.'
'But there's a strange heat in the air here.'
'So, forget the old tricks.'
'It's time to rack my brains again.'
'History showed record of just one..'
'..but here, you're fighting against two Ravans.'
'There are just two players in this city's underworld.
One's going through a bad phase while the other's running into bad luck.
'They say, life and death are a game of hide and seek.'
'But, when Pritam Singh gets in the game..'
'..everyone else fails.'
That's it, now it's beyond tolerance.
Fauji. We'll have to bring that swine down..
..before he harms us anymore.
Thank you.
Here. - Rs. 1000!
Bless you!
Aunt! Here you go. - Bless you, son.
May you live for a 1000 years.
Hey, buddy.. you don't want money.
The murder of Brahmpal Chaudhary..
..has created a pandemonium in Ghaziabad!
The supporters of Chairman Brahmpal..
..created a disturbance in the entire city.
In many places, the police had to resort to tear gas..
..to quell the mob.
The people are also angry about..
..the fact that the person accused for murder, Fauji..
..has still not be arrested.
This murder is expected to fuel..
..the already on-going gang war in Ghaziabad.
Because, Brahmpal supporters..
..Satbeer gang can go to any limit to avenge this murder.
This murder incident, that took place..
..after the new in-charge Pritam Singh took charge..
..has raised questions on the police's line of action.
And it looks like the police..
..have already accepted defeat.
Can anyone stop this war for absolute dominance?
"Come dwell in my eyes."
"We'll talk with our eyes."
"Come dwell in my eyes."
"We'll talk with our eyes."
"All the beautiful moments were in your company."
"All the beautiful moments were in your company."
"My heart feels lively again."
"You're my God."
"God knows."
"You're my God, God knows.."
"You mean everything to me, God knows."
"You're my God."
"You're my temple."
"You're my prayers."
"You're my mosque."
"You're my devotion."
"I am no God, I am just human."
"I am your companion, partner and benefactor."
"All the beautiful moments were in your company."
"All the beautiful moments were in your company."
"My heart feels lively again."
"You're my God."
"God knows."
"You're my God, God knows.."
"You mean everything to me, God knows."
"You're my God."
"God knows."
"You're my God, God knows.."
"You mean everything to me, God knows."
"You're my God."
Satbeer gang's shedding blood openly.
What are the police doing?
Look. We've recommended the administration..
..to levy a reward of one million on Fauji and Satbeer.
We hope we'll apprehend them soon.
Sir, why hasn't your department..
..succeeded in apprehending the chairman's murderers?
Why don't you tell us?
Tell us. - No, sir.
Tell us. - No, sir.
No comments.
Sir...sir.. One more question.
Sir.. Move back. Back!
Asking me for money.
Beat him! Beat him!
Don't beat me.
You dare ask me for money? - Don't beat me.
Don't beat me.
How dare you ask me money, vile man!
Me! How dare you?
Take that!
Take that!
What's going on here?
What happened? - Nothing, sir.
Don't worry, speak up.
They eat here on credit every day.
Their credit was long overdue.
I asked them to pay up, but they beat me instead.
I am advocate Pammi Bajaj.
This isn't right, Inspector.
You'll have to answer in the court, Inspector!
Here's the gun.
Shoot him! - No, sir.
Either you shoot him, or he shoots you.
Inspector, what are you doing? Lower the gun, it might fire.
Lower it. - Shoot him!
Lower it. - Shoot!
'Pritam Singh never tolerates..'
'..unlawful men or illegal business in his city.'
'The city will have to bear that much.'
Catch them!
Where did the cops come from?
Come on! Run!
Didn't you get Pritam Singh's order?
Fine, Shyam Singh.
There's bad news.
Pritam Singh's looking for Satbeer.
He's put up brother's posters in the entire city.
So what?
Let's see what he can do?
Fool, don't take him lightly.
He's been in over 107 encounters.
I've heard he's a madman.
He shoots before he speaks.
That's why, he never stays more than three months in any police station.
Brother's life is in danger.
Shall we go underground for a few days?
Shut up, everyone. Let me think.
That inspector's threatened to kill us.
Fauji, you're our only hope now.
Or else we'll have to close down business.
If this continues..
..then, we'll have to close down all the bars.
If he works according to us, we'll let him live..
..or else we'll kill him.
He's a policeman.
Think twice before you do anything.
Master was creating enough trouble in our lives..
..and now there's this inspector.
Better arrange for your final rites.
He won't do anything here.
He doesn't have evidence.
All the respected people of the city have gathered here.
Rashid, you're here too.
I don't think you're too happy to see me.
I'm like you.
The only difference is..
..I wear a uniform, you don't.
Myself Fakira. Pleased to meet you.
He's Fauji. Let me introduce you.
Everyone knows him.
He has a reward of one million on him. Fauji.
He is more popular than Hrithik Roshan in this district.
But the only difference is..
..his posters are put up in my police station.
Are you praising me or humiliating me, Inspector?
How can I dare to humiliate Fauji?
Shyam Singh. - Yes, sir.
Get something to drink. Arrange for a girl.
"I am hottie no. 1."
"I am like an atom bomb."
"Every time I shake my waist."
"I am like a bottle of rum."
"Once I get you high, you never get over me."
"Every crazy heart wants a sip."
"The celebration.."
"The celebration.."
"The celebration's incomplete without hottie no.1."
"The celebration's incomplete without hottie no.1."
"The celebration's incomplete without hottie no.1."
"The celebration's incomplete without hottie no.1."
"The celebration's incomplete without hottie no.1."
"Silver loses it's worth."
"My body glows like gold."
"I am an illusion."
"I am like salt."
"No spell can work on me."
"No need to show me those notes."
"I know your intentions are bad."
"Once you get someone high, he never gets over you."
"Every crazy heart wants a sip."
"The celebration.."
"The celebration.."
"The celebration's incomplete without hottie no.1."
"The celebration's incomplete without hottie no.1."
"The celebration's incomplete without hottie no.1."
"I am hottie no.1"
"I am like an atom bomb."
"Every time I shake my waist."
"I am like a bottle of rum."
"Every street I pass by."
"My lovers whistle at me."
"If you can't get a taste of me."
"Then you're really bad luck."
"My silky blouse steals your peace and sleep."
"My eyes pierce your heart like bullets."
"Once you get someone high, he never gets over you."
"Every crazy heart wants a sip."
"The celebration.."
"The celebration.."
"The celebration's incomplete without hottie no.1."
"The celebration's incomplete without hottie no.1."
"The celebration's incomplete without hottie no.1."
"The celebration's incomplete without hottie no.1."
Take my advice.
Surrender, and you'll live.
I've an advice for you too.
Take a transfer, and you'll live.
The real fun begins now.
No matter how ferocious the dog is..
..he can never screw the lion.
Pass me the lighter.
Where's it?
I don't get one thing.
Here. - When sir had the drop on Fauji..
..why didn't he just shoot him?
His name is Pritam Singh.
The harder you try to understand him..
..the more confused you'll be.
Haven't you heard that saying?
Ancestors were hunters, and Pritam Singh's a step ahead.
Their number's not up yet.
Pritam Singh will trouble them.
Make them restless.
Make them run.
And, when he's fed-up.
When he's fed-up, he'll bullet a bullet in Fauji and Satbeer's head.
Delta 1. Delta 1.
Half an hour ago, few unidentified people..
..have abducted the owner of Mayur Gutka (tobacco) Rastogi..
..from Navyug Market.
They're fleeing in a white Zen car..
..which has been spotted heading towards Ghanta Ghar.
Contact all PCR's, those are the captain's orders.
Message received.
That rascal inspector.
He's brewing trouble for us.
He's surrounding us from all sides.
I feel, soon he'll have his hands on me.
Take my advice, do something big.
Elections are round the corner.
Run for the MLA elections.
You didn't get it.
Anyone can be a chairman.
I can be one.
You'll certainly win.
And once you do, you'll be a minister.
And that inspector will open the door to your car himself.
And say, "Good morning."
Do it.
You're smart!
Look, I don't like to twist words.
I wish to contest the MLA election from Ghaziabad.
I just need your support.
You're too late, Rashid.
I've already made a commitment to someone else.
Not even if I say it?
No one in Ghaziabad..
..has the guts to turn Fauji down.
And, you're one of us.
I'm not Salman Khan..
..who cannot go back on his commitments.
To go back, there should be something to look forward to.
Once I win the elections..
..we'll together run the government contracts.
That's more like it.
Then Sangham Singh's with you.
And the district chairman?
The nominee for the chairman's election..
..will be...Fakira!
Fakira. You're going to be the chairman.
You were simply great.
You made Rashid's plight really bad..
..without firing a single bullet.
And half of his men fled down.
You're great, sir. - Wow!
That's a good score. - Yes.
Answer the phone.
Hello, Mr. Thakur.
Thinking about Satbeer?
I heard that you're looking for me.
I think about Madhuri as well.
But I never find her.
I wanted to meet you. - Okay, tell me where.
Will you come where I call you?
Just name the place. - I see.
Fine, come down to the police station.
I'm on my way!
What do I say, sir?
That Khalnayak movie spoiled all the boys of this city.
They were teasing the girls outside the college.
Sir, good-looking heroes aren't much popular here.
These poor boys don't have a choice.
They're trying to look like Sanjay Dutt.
Shave their head!
Sir, let us go. - Don't do it.
Sir, my father's an income-tax officer.
I see.
But I never take bribe.
Shave it off.
Sir, forgive us. - Sir, please.
Very good, sir. Very good.
Your food's served, sir.
If Sanjay Dutt had been here..
..I would've shaved his hair too.
This is Ghaziabad, not Mumbai.
Shave their heads!
You're right, sir, but.. - Listen, sir..
Please, sir. - Please..
I'll take it back when I leave.
Pritam Singh?
Hello, Mr. Thakur.
I've heard your name. Come, sit.
I'm not that popular yet.
There's a reward of one million on your head.
What if I kill you now?
I've heard that Thakur's are men of honour.
Hey. - Yes.
Get tea for us. - Yes, sir.
You're daring. - I'm sure you didn't call me for just that.
Thank you.
I want Fauji.
I want him too.
But, how can I help you?
You must have heard.
Birds of a feather flock together.
You both are same.
Then you must have offered this deal to Fauji as well.
So? What went wrong?
I've done enough R&D on you two.
There's something about you.
When two hunters join hands, the hunt becomes interesting.
It's like this, Mr. Thakur.
There's a saying in my village.
It's not advisable to make friends or enemies with the police.
Can't say about enmity..
..but, only a chosen few get to be Pritam Singh's friend.
Come on.
I'll give you a token of our first meeting.
What's this?
What happened now? - Saved.
What happened, Fauji?
I haven't heard a gunshot in two days.
I can't sleep.
Who killed him?
Let's get out of here.
He joined hands with police.
Let's see how long can Fauji run?
I knew it.
I knew Pritam Singh would rescue him, and he did.
Fauji. So?
No more guts. Poof!
He took Rastogi! Didn't he?
I suggest that you take retirement.
Get out of here. Go!
You've become a burden.
I asked you to keep him in the farmhouse..
..but you were scared-stiff.
Four of my men were killed. - Get lost!
Fauji! Fauji!
Tell him to speak to me..
Tell him to speak to me..
Come on!
He's gone mad!
He's lost his mind!
Pritam Singh knew where my hideout is.
If he had conducted a raid..
..then I could've never fought the elections in Ghaziabad..
Don't make things worse.
We need this brute.
You need to make friends, not enemies.
Elections are round the corner.
Just focus on the nominations, that's all.
We'll handle Pritam Singh later.
Narender. - Yes, sir
File an FIR against Rashid and Fauji..
Behalf of Rastogi.
Sir. Let the FIR be.
Don't drag me in this mess.
It'll anger Fauji.
If you don't lodge an FIR, then it'll make me angry.
And you can even lose your life.
And, the report won't be lodged in any police station.
Get that.
That's unfair.
He wouldn't utter a word.
But now, the rascal speaks in a high-tone.
Why do I come to you whenever I'm worried?
Why do I find peace only when I'm with you?
Because you love me.
Hello. - Hello.
Greetings, uncle. - Bless you, dear.
I'll have lunch with you today. - Of course.
If Rashid wins the elections..
..then Rashid and Fauji will grow stronger.
So, Mahaveer sir, what should be done?
We'll need a candidate of our own against Rashid.
But, where will we find a strong candidate like that?
Lunch is served, please come.
Satbeer. - Yes.
There's a candidate in my view? - Who?
Come on, the food will get cold.
You are too. - Come.
Satbeer. - Yes.
Don't say no, think about it once.
If you do as I say, we'll certainly win.
Mahaveer sir.
I don't want to drag her in this mess.
We'll need someone else.
What are you discussing?
It's nothing.
We need a candidate for the upcoming elections.
So, you suggest someone.
Brother, pass me the lentil.
No, brother.
Don't look at me. Choose someone else.
I don't know anything about politics.
Can you join hands?
My brothers and sisters.
Seeing your love and appreciation..
..I've filed the nomination form for the MLA elections from your city.
Now, it's your duty..
..to make me victorious by majority.
So, Pritam Singh.
Are you here to congratulate me?
No. I'm here to arrest you.
I've your warrant.
You're making a mistake, Pritam Singh.
I'll win the elections in a week.
Then I'll be a minister..
..and you'll open the door of my car for me.
Long live!
Long live!
That's a nice thought.
I will open the door for you.
But that door to the lockup, not your car.
You think you...can easily arrest me..
..and take me away from my own area.
So? Will you come quietly or I've to drag you?
Let's see...how long can you keep me in jail?
It's not about how long, it's about locking you up.
You're used to travelling in imported cars..
..how will you adjust to these government vehicles?
Let's walk today.
Come on.
Sir, there's an expectation of a riot. Please come quickly.
Sign it. - Mr. Sangham.
These are Rashid Ali's bail papers.
I've read them.
Pritam singh has ruined us.
He killed seven of our men.
That Pritam Singh humiliated me, Rashid Ali, publicly.
That Mahaveer's behind all this.
When he couldn't do anything..
..he put that boy in front. - Right.
Don't take them ligthtly.
Master and Mahaveer will do their best to make Omveer win.
And now even Pritam Singh is with them.
I say kill that Mahaveer Singh first.
That will scare everyone.
Fauji. For the sake of Allah.
You can shed all the blood you want after the elections.
Once I win the elections..
..you can massacre half of Ghaziabad.
No one will utter a word! Okay.
Why don't you ever bring some biscuits along?
Not a single tooth left to chew, and you demand biscuits.
You're so late.
What else do you want me to do?
Say yes, darling?
Sir, how about some tea for me?
Why, are you my kin?
What are you doing? Massage it properly.
Son, be like a commando.
Run. Quickly.
SP sir's here!
SP sir's here!
SP sir's here!
Sir. SP sir's here!
Sir, SP sir's here! - Ask him to sit.
Sir, SP sir's here!
Ask him in.
What's all this?
What's all this?
Criminals are trotting around in police uniforms.
What are you doing?
Surprising, sir.
He's got an exact copy of our uniform.
That's why no one could recognise him.
Ten people are dead and you're joking.
Sir, you're doubting me?
Sir, Pritam Singh is a very honest officer.
Just a minute, sir.
Here's my service revolver.
I haven't fired a single bullet, sir.
I've an account of every bullet.
You never need your service bullets.
People just keep dying around you.
And, no one knows how they do.
Pritam, change your mode of working.
We've to answer to our superiors.
Don't create a new problem during elections.
Get that? - Yes, sir.
Close this Satbeer matter quickly.
Sir, I think we'll have to do something about Satbeer.
He's like family.
We'll kill whenever we want.
The results of the elections in UP have be declared.
The results of Meerut, Saharanpur, Modi Nagar..
..show that the democratic candidates..
..are in lead from their party's closest competitors.
And the recent voting results from Ghaziabad..
..show that influential leader Rashid Ali..
..has defeated his close competitor Omveer by one lakh votes.
I promise, that your brother Rashid..
..will repay your debt with his blood.
We're receiving news from all the areas in our favour.
Just get ready to become the minister.
Pray for me.
Let's have dinner at master's house tonight.
Mother, I've cooked his favourite meal today.
Fauji's army.. - Will have fun!
Mother. Look out!
You like firing a gun wearing this uniform, don't you?
I'll bury you in your own house today.
Where's Rahul? - Rahul!
Stop. - Where are you going? - Rahul's outside.
Your uncle...isn't listening to me.
Call him out.
Uncle's not at home.
What the..
We wasted all the bullets.
Tell your uncle, "Fauji was here."
What? - Fauji was here.
What happened, son? - Uncle...Fauji.
Rahul. - Mother.
Mother, are you okay? Sister-in-law?
Are you okay?
No. Suman.
Corruption will end only when humans do.
Let's see how many seats does sister win this time.
Fauji. Hello.
How are you?
Get some tea and snacks for him. - No.
I'm in a hurry.
So, why did you call?
Satbeer's wife...died in your firing.
Someone always dies in the firing.
Fauji...don't you think..
..you should've told me before doing something this big?
You're the MLA now.
I'll set the city on fire now.
You're my brother.
What's done is done.
I'll take care of it.
That's all I wanted to say.
See you.
How about some tea? - No, some other time.
Take care.
Just because he killed a few people in the elections..
..I feel he'll reap the rewards of me becoming the MLA.
But, Rashid, Fauji's one of us.
That's left to see...how long he's with us.
"You are my mirror."
"You are my wealth."
"You're my temple."
"You're my heaven."
"I will protect you always."
"This promise will never break."
"All the beautiful moments were in your company."
"My heart feels lively again."
"You're my God!"
Yes, Sangam.
We've a live footage of Satbeer in the riot.
That's more like it.
Now, I'll send a strong report to the government..
..and no one will be able to save him.
Just wait and watch the fun.
Thank you, Sangam. Thank you.
Satbeer's been taken care of.
He was driving me crazy. I couldn't sleep at nights.
Now for the inspector. What should we do about the inspector?
I've an idea.
Shut up, you witch.
Take her.
Fauji started this tiff, not us.
By falsely accusing brother Satbeer.
Of attacking his house.
The rascal.
He turned a good man into a wanted criminal.
Who brought her here?
I did.
I apologise for my brother's mistake.
He killed my sister-in-law.
He opened fire on our house.
I only brought her here..
..to drag that snake out of his burrow..
..so that I can kill him.
Your brother isn't that weak, that..
..he'll have to take the help of a woman..
..to kill a dog like Fauji.
You don't understand, brother.
We won't get a better chance.
I mean it, we won't.. - Enough.
Enough. You'll take her back right now.
Got it.
Don't show me your face until you don't take her back.
Yes, Mr. Thakur.
Rashid and Sangam are preparing a report against you.
To send it to the government.
If this happens, then I won't be able to help you legally.
I don't have any expectations with the law anyway.
Omi, brother Satbeer's right.
Let's take her back.
I will..
If you see Fauji in your dreams..
..it makes you pee.
But you've seen him in person.
Satbeer hadn't attacked your house.
Satbeer's law isn't helpless like yours, Sangam.
No court, no appeal, no date.
Just punishment.
What's so urgent that you called me here?
Come in, I want you to see a film.
You too.
You should see it too.
Inspector. How have we harmed you?
Why are you after us?
You don't have the stature to lock horns with Pritam Singh.
I'm after you because you're with Fauji.
You're with Satbeer as well.
Let's put the past behind us.
We're here to propose friendship.
Then, give me the token of friendship. - How's that?
Give me Fauji.
Fauji's not a kin, take him.
We give you Fauji, you give us Satbeer.
Name Satbeer's price. - Two billion.
The money will be at your home by evening.
And, Satbeer.
After that, you will have Satbeer.
Fakira. I know all about your ruse..
..you plotted by attacking Fauji's home.
That's Ghaziabad, Inspector.
And you know, you shouldn't take anyone here lightly.
He's lying.
That film's a fake.
Rashid mislead me.
I was naive.
I did all this for the chairman's post.
Forgive me, please.
We're best friends.
Sorry, sorry.
No, don't shoot me.
No, no, no, don't shoot me.
I'm like your younger brother.
I love you a lot.
Don't shoot me! Don't shoot me!
Don't shoot me!
Don't shoot me!
That Rashid!
He's forgotten his place since he became a politician.
He's selling his own brother...to that inspector.
Call the boys.
We'll kill master first.
Then Rashid, and then the inspector.
I'll come along too.
Are you out of your mind?
If you don't come back..
..I'll never marry anyone all my life.
God will think a hundred times..
..before taking Fauji's life.
Before you leave, I want to know.
If something happens to you, what should I do with your child?
What the..
Junior Fauji's on the way.
Did you hear?
Junior Fauji's on the way.
Junior Fauji's on the way.
Junior Fauji!
'Don't show me your face... until you take her back.'
Satbeer, don't go anywhere.
They're planning to kill you..
..along with Fauji's gang. Yes.
Thakur has made a deal with Rashid for two billion.
I don't know whether Satbeer survives or not..
..but no one can save Fauji today.
If death comes between us, I'll kill death too.
Go, son.
I want you to give Fauji a brutal death..
..so that God thinks twice before..
..creating demons like him.
Killed for no reason.
One by one they all perished.
Who will erase their existence?
Who can it be, other than rascal me?
Welcome, Fauji.
What's wrong?
You look upset! Something wrong?
You made a big mistake, Rashid..
..by dreaming about Rashid's death.
Fauji...politics is a different game.
A politician and a gangster can't be friends for too long..
..and you know that.
I needed you, and I used you.
You're no longer needed, end of your story.
So, Pritam Singh.
You cheated me even after taking two billion.
You showed the true colours of the police.
You'll need a few more lifetimes..
..to understand the police.
But any number of lifetimes aren't enough..
..to understand Pritam Singh.
I won't spare you!
Bloody politician!
Master. Your luck's really bad.
Gandhiji's first principle is 'non-violence'.
"What bullets can't achieve, sweet talks can."
Repeat after me.
"What bullets can't achieve, sweet talks can!"
"What bullets can't achieve, sweet talks can!"
Why don't you move to Delhi?
Why don't you think about your future?
I want to stay here.
And mend the future of my village.
The motif of my life's finished.
There's nothing left for me.
Here, big brother.
And shoot me.
'It was against Pritam Singh's nature to let any criminal live.'
'But, there was something about Satbeer..'
'..that touched my heart.'
'And, for the first time, Pritam Singh..'
'..got someone punished legally..'
'..instead of punishing him in his style.'
'Because, if I had killed him, God wouldn't have forgiven me.'
We're proud of you, Pritam.
Keep it up.
Well done!
O celebră pictoriță din România are nevoie de ajutorul nostru! Ecaterina Vrana e în spital: "Am nevo - Duration: 2:59.
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Uomini e Donne Trono Over: Ida dà uno schiaffo al suo ex Riccardo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:00.
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Spoiler U&D: Andrea e Antonio tornano in trasmissione per un dibattito | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:24.
Rembrandt: vita e opere in 10 punti - Duration: 5:05.
Un chef dans ma cuisine - Carpaccio de gambas au balsamique à l'orange proposé par Benjamin Bajeux - Duration: 2:07.
NOT MUCH G-LEE 'Twitchy' Arsenal fans are close to turning on Emery over him freezing out Ozil, says - Duration: 3:05.
LEE DIXON has warned Unai Emery that Arsenal fans could turn on him over the Mesut Ozil situation
The German, 30, has been out of action for the Gunners' last three games and has not played 90 minutes for nearly two months
According to Arsenal, Ozil is nursing an injury, but the club have released footage of him with his first-team pals in training
And Dixon has warned Emery over making a rod for his own back if they crash out of the Europa League after losing 1-0 at BATE Borisov in the first leg
He told 5 Live's Football Daily Podcast: "It's going to take time, I know it's an easy thing to say, but a new manager coming in has got to be given time as well and he's had his handcuffs on as well behind his back, he's got the problem with Ozil
"I thought he's dealt with the Ozil situation pretty well, to be honest, with the media situation and how it's been
How he's talked about it and how he's left him out. Arsenal v Bate Borisov - Live stream, TV channel, kick off time, and latest odds for Europa League clash "But now the fans have started to get twitchy saying: 'look, you've done that little bit of keeping him out the side and then trying to educate him on what is needed to get in the side, but we don't care anymore
'We just want some quality in there.' "Because they've seen the likes of Alexis [Sanchez] leaving the club, and they've seen Ramsey leaving in the summer, and they're now looking and saying: 'where is the creativity from midfield?' "That's a real big problem for Arsenal at the moment
" Arsenal face BATE in the return leg as they welcome former midfield Alexander Hleb, 37, back to the Emirates for the Belarus side
They then host Southampton at the Emirates in the Premier League on Sunday.
The story of Elliot Rodger (Retribution guy) (Supreme Gentleman) - Duration: 10:51.
The story of Elliot Rodger
This is a real story about his life and why he was complaining about the girlfriend?
Elliot Rodger was born (7/24/1991) in London hospital he was grown in the rich family. His father (Peter Rodger) was a film detector and his mother (Li Chin Rodger) was a doctor. Elliot Rodger had a normal childhood and he loved things so much also he was really happy.
At age of 10, his parents got divorced and he felt really depressed because this changed his life forever. Peter got remarried but with stupid Moroccan Muslim woman called Somaya Akaaboune. After this Elliot's mental health started to be weaker because Elliot didn't like Somaya because it wasn't fair that she was not his real mother
Elliot had Autism / Asperger, depression, psychopathy and paranoia. When Elliot started to grow up he started to argue more with his stepmother. One hacker (a cruel society) hacked Elliot's email account and saw the messages about arguing.
One day Somaya decided to go to Morocco and send Elliot with her but Elliot didn't want to go because Somaya was Elliot's worst nightmare but he got forced, when they went to Morocco Elliot hated to be there,
he cried and emailed to his mother that he hates to be in Morocco and he wants to go home as fast as possible so Elliot's father decided to send him back to home, he couldn't stand to be there with, Somaya staid but when Somaya arrived in the USA got really pissed off and started to hate him also she didn't want to see Elliot anymore.
Elliot grew with the suffering of loneliness, family problems and finding some love because no one loved him and he left struggling with hate. In his manifesto, he said that he got bullied because of his look and behavior. In school, he got bullied more by girls than boys because of his hatred towards women.
Elliot was half British and half Malaysian (Half white and half Asian). In his manifesto, he tells that when he aged 19 he joined one game because he was worried about sex. He searched a couple times about how to get a girlfriend from Yahoo but the search ratio was low and he asked the same question many times.
Elliot was planning "The day of retribution" since 2012 because he wanted to revenge Somaya, he searched about guns the year before the Isla Vista massacre (2014). In reality, Elliot wanted to kill Somaya Akaaboune because she was driving him crazy (Calling names, Hated him, arguing,
fighting and didn't give sorry) and Jazz because Elliot thought that Jazz will get better chances to get a social life, sex, and love. Years later Elliot apologized Somaya way that he was acting but Somaya said that it was too late and she didn't care
Elliot made YouTube videos because he wanted people to understand him, first, he made some simple video (About driving and once he made about the plane)
and then he made a video that why he can't get a girlfriend and he was lonely. The real reason was that he was unhappy about everything but he was complaining of hate, loneliness and why people didn't understand him. Especially seeing the young couple was driving him crazy.
He wanted to have one person who will love him because he was not loved by his family. His father said that if he would it get a girlfriend he wouldn't be happy because he was unhappy about everything.
His father loved but didn't care so much about him because he was busy, but Somaya tried to make Peter hate Elliot only who was respecting him was his grandmother (Jinx Rodger).
Once Elliot made one video where he was filming young couple and he was crying and same time angry that why he can't be in paradise and said some things that were not right.
Once Elliot went to a restaurant and saw a young couple kissing that made him crazy and he threw Pepsi on their head.
A second time he saw other young couple and threw hot chocolate on couple's head.
In one video (Before his retribution video) he was talking that he came to the golf course because he wanted to escape from seeing young couples walking in streets and he was also talking that he couldn't stand his life because he didn't have any love and it seemed that he was suicidal.
Elliot had some guests and in eating time he was thinking about socializing with girls and he started to cry once he said that he wants to kill himself.
In the final video he made video called "Elliot Rodgers retribution" and he said that he will go to Isla Vista to shoot everyone that he will see because it was unfair to him that he couldn't socialize
and was really torturing to see people with love because no one loved him and when night comes Elliot drove to Isla Vista and started shooting and once he knocked a door
in sorority house but no one answered so he continued shooting and once there was one biker and he drove over his head, once he stabbed a knife.
Peter Rodger was some place or his home and in television was coming the news that there is shooting going in Isla Vista and he started to be terrified but he didn't know that his son was murdering,
he thought that it was someone else but they were reporting about black BMW car and his father started to run because he was getting scared that his son was murdering, he started to call to police that who murders but there was no information.
In Isla Vista police shoot Elliot and the bulled hit his arm and he crashed to black Jeep and he shot himself into his head because he didn't want to go to jail and death row to suffer.
When Elliot committed Isla Vista massacre he shot his head and his father was running to Isla Vista to save his son but it was too late because he was dead. When he arrived in Isla Vista police discovered that this was his son from drivers license and his father got crazy.
6 Died (4 males and 2 females) victims parents got really crazy, Christopher Ross Michaels-Martinez's father Richard Martínez screams aggressively in the video that he doesn't want to hear sorry because of this motherfucker Elliot Rodger,
he said that politics should do something with gun control. Peter Rodger spoke front to people and he said the facts about him. In ABC news 2020 interview he said that everything was his fault because he didn't care so much only that he was giving was money.
Jazz Rodger made some film where he says that he got's bullied and people tell that "your brother was a mass murder" even police is much crueler to his family and they had it to move out from California because they couldn't stand hate and Somaya Akaaboune moved back to Morocco.
In Manifesto Elliot wanted to kill Jazz and Somaya because Somaya was driving him crazy and Jazz because he was scared that Jazz will surpass Elliot socializing with girls
Two YouTubers Mumkey Jones and BasedShaman documented Elliot's story that was really interesting. At the end of 2018, Mumkey Jones channel got terminated because of stupid YouTube's rules
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CALMA! JESUS VAI SEGURAR NA SUA MÃO HOJE - Momento com Deus - Duration: 3:27.
Bất Ngờ Khi Những Bảo Bối Này Của Doremon Có Thể Trở Thành Sự Thật - Tốp 5 Lạ Kỳ 😱😱😱 - Duration: 10:02.
Tus - Kolopilala Prod. Jumper - Instrumental & Lyrics - Duration: 2:50.
'정오의 희망곡' 박한별 "클럽 H.O.T. 2기 출신, 토니안 좋아했다" - Duration: 2:47.
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«J'ai peur pour ma famille»: la colère du père de Fiona - Duration: 4:09.
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Meghan Markle ends her $500K New York getaway in a PRIVATE JET to return home to the UK - Duration: 5:16.
3 Unexpectedly Perfect Careers For ENFPs - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 7:24.
Hey Dan here and in this video I want to share with you three career options that
many ENFPs assume they would suck at or are turned off by but in reality can be
the cream of the crop for ENFPs and careers where ENFPs can find a ton of
success. if this is your first time on the channel my name is Dan this is
dreams around the world and my mission is to help you become the best version
of yourself. So the first career that many ENFPs are
really turned off by but ENFPs can be really good at is sales and promotion.
Come on we all know this is true you've had the moments where you've been trying
to get your friend to go with you to a party or you've got into a cause I mean
there's not an ENFP in the world who hasn't been vegan or keto or bulletproof
or whatever thing at some point in their life, we tend to be a little crazy that
way and when we are promoting something we really care about
we are extremely good at it. I think we all know that is true right now why most
ENFPs are turned off by sales and promotion is our perception of what
sales needs to be. We think sales is about being really pushy, forceful and we
think that if something is good you don't need to sell it right so therefore
sales is just about selling things people don't need which anyone who knows
about psychology or marketing that we know that's not true that you need to
influence and promote if you want to have people do anything, if you want
people to exercise more and be happier like governments have programs where
they basically promote exercise or promote health and like they need to
market it and promote it because people need that in order to change in anything
and as an ENFP you have the gift of the gab and the ability to influence and to
sell and to promote when and this is very important when you believe in the
cause so when you are aligned with something you really like to do now if
like me you had a sales job in the past I did door-to-door sales and Furley two
weeks telemarketing for my university to get donations I did not enjoy that right
but I did not really care about the cause and so often as an ENFP you'll get
a job as a teenager maybe having to sell something and you don't
like it why because you're selling something that you don't really like and
you don't care about it your boss isn't very good like you're learning sales
from someone two years older who doesn't really know what they're doing and then
you get turned off of it for your whole life like nope don't want to do sales
try that is terrible never again right well that's why you're turned off
because you had a terrible experience with it. Trust me, when you get aligned
with the right organization or product or whatever it is for you you can do
really well in sales and promotions and actually really enjoy it. The second
career path ENFPs can flourish in is entrepreneurship and some of you
ENFPs know this where they're like yeah I want to work for myself I could
never have a boss that's perfect but sometimes we look at certain types
of entrepreneurs like imagine the guy who owns 12 McDonald's or someone who's
built a massive corporation like GE or Microsoft and I would argue that ENFPs
tend not to be Empire builders we're not going to be someone who builds a
traditional like mining company or steel Empire or financial powerhouse, those
aren't the kind of entrepreneurs ENFPs are but with the right sort of business
an ENFP can be an exceptionally good entrepreneur and in most cases not all I
think that is more of a lifestyle business and what I mean by lifestyle
business is a business that will maybe max out it's somewhere between 1 or 9
and 12 employees somewhere in there that's focused on a cause, that's fun
that's not too rigid, versus say a performance business where you're
looking at 20 30 50 people or building more of an empire right 500 a thousand
people I'm sure there are many ENFP business founders who started a company
and loved it during the first year or two and then got investments and then
grew and then had to have an HR department in the legal department it
was like nope I'm done this is not for me so ENFPs great entrepreneurs in
the early stage and in more lifestyle based companies at least that's my
theory. On it the third career that ENFPs can do really well in but maybe
don't think about as much as they should is writing. ENFPs can be awesome
writers if you look up famous ENFPs there are a ton of great novelist
journalist we are good at communication and we can be really
passionate about something and pour that into our writing to share that message
now within the writing field there are many things you can do in fact I think
four years ago I created a course on an introduction to being a freelance writer
and I went through all the different options and there's dozens of ways you
can earn money writing a few that I think are extra appealing for ENFPs
is maybe being a freelance journalist although I say that hesitantly because
journalism is in a very bad state these days and I probably would not want to be
involved with it but like an investigative journalist traditionally
any and if you would love you have adventure you can uncover injustice you
can share a message could be really cool be very careful about where you work
these days second thing is being a copywriter this is what I did when I was
a freelance writer and traveling the world I was doing copywriting which
means doing marketing writing for companies I would often work with
coaches and small businesses and basically help them identify like who
they are what they're passionate about what their message is and then convey
that to their audience and I really loved that because I was connecting with
people and then helping people that I believed in promote themselves so that
worked really well and the third option of course is to write articles to write
books that more of a traditional writer that we think of it's a different
business model than working with clients but it's something that can work really
well and of course you can mix these I have written books I write articles all
the time and I have written for my own copywriting and marketing and I've
written for a dozens of companies as a copywriter so often as a writer you will
mix all these there are some people who are primarily authors or primarily
journalists or that sort of thing but you can definitely mix all these
together that is the beauty of writing once you learn how to write you can of
course write in many many different ways and I'd be crazy to not mention that if
you do want to become a freelance writer I highly suggest signing up for a free
training I have called the life design approach I tell many stories about
building my own writing career about traveling well being a freelance
copywriter and how I just got started including writing books you can sign up
for that at dreams around-the-world slash free training I'll put a link
below in the comments and description as well and yeah you'll enjoy it
tell some pretty hilarious stories and share a lot of insights into how I got
started so in the comments below answer me this the three career options I
covered sales and promotion, entrepreneurship and writing - did your
view of them change after this video? How did you think of them before and how do
you think of them now let me know below in the comments and as always I publish
new videos every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 a.m. Eastern so hit that
subscribe button, hit the bell and I will catch you in the next video soon. Thanks
for watching!
[VIETSUB CC][THANH KHỐNG] Thanh Cẩu (声狗) - Khẩu Thị Tâm Phi (口是心非) - Duration: 0:45.
KT : Amal Clooney, Abigail Spencer & More Arrive For Meghan Markle's $300K Hotel Penthouse Baby Show - Duration: 4:06.
Přiznání hvězdy filmu LOVEní Ester Geislerové: Kdo ji musel vystřídat a proč? - Duration: 1:50.
V nahrávacím studiu tak dělala jen křoví. Nazpívat milostný duet k nové romantické komedii jí překvapivě nikdo ani nenabídl
„Ne, ono se to všechno seběhlo rychle, že to nikoho ani nenapadalo. Když nejsem zpěvačka
" svěřila Ester Blesku. Do studia, ve kterém Celeste a skupina O5 a Radeček vytvořili titulní píseň, se aspoň přišla podívat
„Ta písnička není úplně můj styl, ale dá se to poslouchat," pronesla Geislerová sarkasticky
„Celeste je skvělá zpěvačka, nabídek na duety dostává hodně, a tak si vážíme toho, že se rozhodla pro spolupráci s námi na LOVEní," pochvaloval si naopak Tomáš Polák (39) z O5 a Radeček, který písničku složil doslova přes noc
Video délka: 03:25 1080p 720p 360p REKLAMA Celeste Buckingham a kapela O5 a Radeček nazpívali duet k filmu LOVEní Bontonfilm Návštěvu Ester aspoň využili pro natočení záběrů pro klip, který píseň a současně titulní skladbu filmu doprovází
LOVEní vstoupí do kin první jarní den, tedy 21. března 2019. VIDEO: LOVEní: Romantická komedie o honu na lásku má první trailer! Video délka: 02:19 1080p 720p 360p REKLAMA LOVEní: Romantická komedie o honu na lásku má první trailer! Bontonfilm
김종부 감독 "'비운의 스타' 꼬리표는 뗐죠…'킹'종부 입니다" - Duration: 12:05.
MANGO | ABC Alfabe Meyveler Çizgi Film Serisi | M Harfi - Duration: 2:33.
letter m
Hello kids!
This sweet fruit is called Mango! Shall we meet him?
I will count to three, then let's say "Hi Mango"
Hi Mango!
Hi Kids!
Now we've met Mango! It is time to learn its benefits.
There are vitamins C, A, B and K in it.
Thanks to these vitamins, Mango is very useful for our eyes.
Also, the children who love this fruit are very smart. Do you know why?
Because mango develops our brain.
Kids, remember the walnut?
It is very useful for our brain.
Oh… They are friends with Mango.
Now let's say goodbye mango as I count to 3.
goodbye mango
Kelly Kang, Account Manager, VMware South Korea - Duration: 1:26.
Hi, This is Kelly Kang Account Manager from VMware South Korea
With recent market studies
business in all industries are immensely pressured to adopt changes for shifts in the market
Therefore businesses must continually innovate and transform with adoption of
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VMware is the only company with the largest breath and depth in our extensive portfolios, stretching across SDDC, EUC, and Cloud solutions.
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Our vision with VMware Foundation stack is to help customers efficiently scale and manage their workloads.
In addition, the Cloud Management - vRealize Suite complement the foundation infrastructure in helping you optimize workloads and save cost.
We provide market leading choices' of offerings across Any Cloud, Any Applications, Any Devices
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VMware is in the best position to help you get into the everchanging Hyper-Cloud era
I would like to set up some time with you
to discover further how VMware can help your business ventures & innovation.
Thank you very much for your time.
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