Quick Revision Gravitation Class 10th | Most Important Questions
For more infomation >> Quick Revision Gravitation Class 10th | Most Important Questions - Duration: 17:08.-------------------------------------------
Secretele siluetei Cristinei Spătar. Are cinci obiceiuri de care nu se dezice - Duration: 5:37.
野球ニュース - 【西武】開幕投手・多和田! スコアボードで電撃発表 - Duration: 2:11.
開幕投手に決 った西武・多 田(右)は辻 督と握手を交 す 武・多和田真 郎投手(25 が18日、今 の開幕投手に まった。チー はこの日、宮 ・南郷キャン を打ち上げ
ナインの手締 を合図に、バ クスクリーン スコアボード は「開幕投手 多和田真三郎 の文字が並ん 。粋な演出で 季の開幕投手 披露した発彦 督(60)は 15日のブル ンを見て、こ ゃすごいなと った
球が力強いし コントロール よかった」と てきの理由を 明した。 年の開幕投手 菊池(マリナ ズ)には、大 日に"開幕投 ・菊池雄星" 書かれた色紙 本人に渡す、 な演出で開幕 手を発表した 監督
今回も18日 朝に多和田を び出し「開幕 くよ」と大役 任せた。 役を担う昨季 最多勝右腕は 日本一とるぞ 」と円陣の真 中でこぶしを き上げた。「 ても大事な試 なので力をつ て開幕を迎え れるように」
プロ野球 3月29日に 幕し、西武は フオクDでソ トバンクと戦 。
Cricket Game Khel Kar Paytm Cash Kaise Kamaye | Dream Cricket Game Khel Kar Paise kaise kamaye. - Duration: 6:06.
Follow me on instagram - arpit_this
推全民調等於羞辱美國歷任總統 「他」痛批:讓韓國瑜笑台灣鬼混20年 - Duration: 2:27.
推全民調等於羞辱美國 歷任總統 「他」痛 批:讓韓國瑜笑台灣 鬼混20年 各黨 忙布局2020總統 大選
然國民黨的部分卻是「 人才輩出」
其中尤以朱立倫和吳敦 義在初選制度上的暗 自角力
前者提出的「全民調」 對上後者堅持的「全 黨員制」
到底誰有理?今資深媒 體人兼名嘴PO文痛 批朱立倫的觀點
認為國民黨若選擇不要 黨員投票
名嘴羅友志今再開 轟朱立倫提出的全民 調
直呼:「請不要羞辱國 民黨員了」
表示台灣如果不要黨員 投票
還不如乾脆廢掉政黨政 治
美國50幾任選出來的 總統
不知道聽了作何感想? 」。
羅友志又舉了全民 調的「反例」
「哪個不是像『全民調 』一樣
大家都說『他們是救世 主』
但是也「哪一個你不罵 :『我超後悔!』」 。
羅友志形容全民調 猶如「憑感覺選喜歡 的人」
呼籲應該給台灣人一連 串健康的「政黨電視 辯論」、
「我們不要再『憑感覺 』
選出『馬』『扁』『蔡 』了
然後讓韓國瑜笑台灣『 鬼混20年』了
強調自己就是「看不慣 一群人為了支持一個 人公然說謊」
酸嗆:「你還想再輸2 020就繼續說謊內 鬥誤導民眾」。
『007』新作、また公開延期 - Duration: 2:09.
拡大写真 新 な全米公開日は2 20年4月8日! - 映画『007 スペクター』より MGM / Co umbia / hotofest / ゲッティ イ ージズ 画『007』シリ ズ第25弾の全米 開がまた延期にな た
もともと同作 今年11月8日に 開される予定だっ が、『トレインス ッティング』のダ ー・ボイルが「創 上の意見の違い」 理由に監督を降板 、新たに日系アメ カ人監督のキャリ ・フクナガが就任 たことを受け、2 20年2月14日 開に延期に
今回そこからさら 2か月延期される とになり、プロデ ーサーのバーバラ ブロッコリ&マイ ル・G・ウィルソ は「第25弾を2 20年4月8日に 開することにとて 興奮しています」 声明を出した
延期理由は明らか されていない。 第25弾にはジェ ムズ・ボンド役の ニエル・クレイグ 加え、Q役のベン ウィショー、マネ ペニー役のナオミ ハリス、M役のレ フ・ファインズ、 作『007 スペ ター』でボンドガ ルを演じたレア・ ドゥも戻ってくる
ダニエルがボンド 演じるのはこれが 後となる予定だ。 編集部・市川遥) 【関連情報】・【 像】メガホンを取 のは超イケメン! 系アメリカ人監督 ャリー・フクナガ ベン・ウィショー 少年時代はメリー ポピンズに成り切 ていた!・撮影延 の『ファンタビ』 3弾、前2作を合 せたよりも大規模 作品に・ダニエル クレイグ、007 演を考えるくらい ら「手首を切った がマシ」発言を釈 ・減ってない…『 ベンジャーズ』完 編の上映時間は今 3時間!依然とし MCU史上最長・ 井浩文主演『善悪 屑』公開中止が決
推全民調等於羞辱美國歷任總統 「他」痛批:讓韓國瑜笑台灣鬼混20年 - Duration: 2:13.
Every Which Way but Goose - Duration: 22:28.
19 2 14 KITV 6PM Recreational marijuana bill update - Duration: 2:00.
[ENG SUB]BTS Live HOPE Day countdown🎉 HAPPY BIRTHDAY J HOPE in Japan 190218 - Duration: 1:02:21.
I just got off to a rocky start.
It's not my first time to open a wine bottle.
Strange. I've done it before.
Not this way?
Everyone, don't worry about my hands.
It's hot.
I am tired after opening the bottle.
Hello, everyone.
It's 11:26 PM now.
I'm in Fukuoka.
It's 11:26 in local time.
30 minutes are left before my birthday.
I wanted to drink because I am so happy.
May I drink?
This is my humble birthday party table.
What's this? Oh, my.
Happy birthday J-Hope.
You've been waiting for this, right?
Happy birthday.
There's nothing special.
I will talk with you and
celebrate my birthday together. So I started streaming on V LIVE.
Thank you.
After I said I would go live on V LIVE at the Fukuoka concert,
I had some regrets, thinking I should've not said that.
I'm afraid if too many fans look forward to this.
I'm worried about it.
Thank you, everyone.
"Did you finish the concert well?" Yes, we finished it well.
Today was the last day of our concert tour in Japan.
Fans threw an event for us.
They sang a song for us, before the encore performance.
Members and fans wished me a happy birthday, during the concert.
So, it was such a meaningful concert.
Cheers, everyone.
In fact, I started drinking wine these days.
I saw the wine bottle here
and I thought it would be nice if I drink wine, on this happy day.
So I started drinking it.
I won't drink too much. I will have like 1 or 2 glasses.
Minors, don't even think about drinking alcoholic beverages.
Thank you. I'm truly blessed. So many fans wish me a happy birthday.
Our agency's content team prepared this for me.
When staff members hung these on the wall,
I worried if it looks like making a fuss.
But it looks so cute.
I hope you can see all the pictures.
They chose such weird pictures.
"Did you have delicious food?" Yes, a lot.
After finishing the concert, with members,
I heard hot soup or Nabe dishes are famous in Fukuoka.
So we had dinner together.
After coming back to hotel, I talked with Namjoon.
Then, I started preparing for the V LIVE broadcast.
I planned to start at 11:20 PM.
I wanted to talk with you
and blow candles on the cake at the midnight.
What's this? When was it taken?
What's this...
Oh, I recognize it.
It was an episode of "Run BTS".
I didn't know what to touch
and I forgot what I touched.
You may think I'm not saying eloquently. It's not because I'm drunk.
I guess I am a bit nervous.
I am always nervous when going live.
By pressing a button, it goes out to the world.
Whenever I think about it, I feel nervous.
"Did members give you a gift?"
In fact...
Now we're so close and
Presence of members is a gift to me.
"Who gave this cake?" Staff members prepared it for me.
Thank you, everyone.
I look so cute in pictures?
Oh, right.
"Did you have seaweed soup?" My parents will cook, when I return to Korea.
So I will have a party with them.
Now it looks...
Since I made a mistake when opening the wine,
I broke the cork while uncorking it.
So, what happened is...
I got a lot of foreign objects in the glass.
This is not good. I will get another glass.
I wanted to open it in a fancy way, but it wasn't easy.
I don't drink a lot, usually.
Comments are coming up so fast.
In fact, it's good for health to drink 1 or 2 glasses of win per day.
"What's the blue thing?" Decoration.
Don't say it looks like a worm.
"When will you go back to Korea?" Tomorrow.
I will leave Japan on my birthday.
"Did you take a shower?" Not yet.
I had dinner, talked with Namjoon. And now I am on V LIVE.
Thank you.
Many global fans are wishing me a happy birthday.
I heard that my birthday is on trending.
"It's my blessing and happiness to meet you, J-Hope".
Someone is here. Who is this?
V, are you back?
Taehyung is the first one to come.
- Were you drinking wine? - Yes, over a glass of wine.
You know, let me show something shocking.
- I made a mistake when opening it. - Red wine.
I was surprised. Fragments came into the glass. That one.
So I changed my glass. Got another one.
- Wine, nice. - It's nice. He drinks wine these days.
- I give wine to members as a gift. - Right.
- But I can't drink a lot. - Really?
"The best wine is the one you drink in a good mood".
I've been saying this to Hoseok these days.
- I think I like you too much. - Please, don't.
- Whenever I see him. - What should I do with this soaring popularity?
Whenever I see him, I say I like him so much.
- You've heard that so many times, right? - Right.
- We were on the same car, on the move. - Right.
We do things together these days.
- Try this. - What's this?
It's cake.
- Delicious? - Yes.
Taehyung is here to celebrate my birthday.
- But it's not yet. - Not yet.
- It's before the midnight. - Right.
Use these when the midnight comes. I will be back later.
Okay. See you.
Have a nice day.
Going home early.
Thank you, Taehyung. I love you.
I saw articles about donation.
It was so touching.
A few days ago... well,
what was that?
I wrote such things like
making donation on my birthday, and listening to J-Hope mix tape.
I wrote such things.
And fans put that into action. So I was deeply moved by that.
I read all the articles.
I wanted to say this on today's live broadcast.
Thank you very much.
Soon, there will be good news.
I will stop saying.
"What's your birthday wish?"
I won't say that.
I believe this jinx that a wish won't come true, when you say it.
I will think about my birthday wishes when I blow candles.
If I talk more about donations...
Fans did that for good purposes,
It inspired me a lot and changed my mindset.
Depending on my behaviors and words,
fans are influenced by that
and they put what I said into action.
It was so touching.
I heard there's someting like this.
An American radio show will play songs in my mix tape for an hour on my birthday.
Sometimes, I'm amazed by "How I become a person like this?"
"What do you want to do on your birthday?" Well,
what I did last yer was having dinner with my family.
Then, I turned on V LIVE.
I still remember what I wore.
Yellow muffler, a sweatshirt.
At my studio.
1 year has passed since then.
I can't believe it.
20 minutes are left before my birthday.
"Weird picture again, this year?"
I want to upload pretty pics.
On my birthday, I want to have dinner with my family
and spend my birthday like that.
"What are you doing?" I'm working on our new album,
there are a lot of things to do, more than I thought.
I am doing such things.
To tell you about details... You know.
"I'm so happy thanks to J-Hope". Me, too. I'm happy thanks to you.
It's a blessing that many people wish me a happy birthday.
This question is innovative. "Have you tried kelp soup?"
Hat? The hat I wore?
Let's say it was a punishment.
Please check it out later.
"How can you drink water in such a pretty way?"
"Now you can drink more than the past?" Well,
I drink a glass of wine everyday.
Then, I can sleep well.
Many fans are talking about my necklace. This one?
Isn't it cute? I bought it from Paris.
"Why does he look like my mom?"
Your mom is...
Your mom looks... All right.
"What's your hair color?" It looks brighter than the real color.
Thank you, global fans.
"J-Hope's presence gives me strength".
ARMY's presence gives me strength.
I'm your hope.
"Please recommend songs". Songs?
What songs do I hear these days?
The songs I've been listening to...
May I recommend K-pop songs?
I'm hearing some old songs.
Some of you may know,
"S.O.S" by Kim Yeonwoo. I loved this song in the past.
This song is so nice. "S.O.S".
I've heard it many times in the past.
I'm not drunk at all.
It's so nice. My birthday is coming. Only 15 minutes are left.
"Everyone, please change the world with BTS music".
What a wonderful comment.
I am so happy because I became such an influential singer.
"One of my bucket list goals is to meet you in person".
Me, too.
"I brought wine and cheese". Cheers.
I'm almost done with my glass.
"Will you have a concert in Gwangju?"
I'm curious of how it feels when having a concert in other regions.
I wish we could throw one there.
I don't look that red, right?
I listen to many songs. Some old Korean songs.
I love it.
"How did you feel about being on Grammy?" It was the best.
It was different between seeing it on TV and seeing it in person there.
"Do you like dry wine?"
I don't know about types of wine.
I just drink it.
How does it taste, if it's dry?
I don't look that red.
"When will you do HopeOnS?"
I will dance, when I want.
Hope on the street. I think I made it well.
It shows my identity well.
Hope on the street.
As I danced the street dance, it's meaningful.
Mickey is doing fine.
Mickey is now growing old.
Still, he is energetic.
11:49... Now I have 10 more minutes.
I will say my wishes after blowing candles.
Why do you feel sad? Why?
I am healthy, without feeling pain. Don't worry about me.
"Is it fun to perform on concerts?" That's my life.
We had a quiz game of new and trendy words on "Run BTS".
I didn't know any of them.
It's hard to read and interpret.
Isn't it fun to watch "Run BTS?"
I wonder if there's another content of mine that makes me laugh so hard.
The latest episodes are so funny.
The school episode.
"What do you want to have on your birthday?" My mom's seaweed soup.
A lot of global fans are leaving comments now.
How nice it would be, if I can read and understand foreign languages.
Finger heart.
"Hoseok, won't you do the chatting?"
Chatting? Do you mean it the chatting on V LIVE?
I will do that.
I will do it after finishing this.
"Hope, Bok-Se-Pyeon-Sal". What was that?
"Live a simple life in a complicated world". Right?
My new goals for 2019?
I got this question many times at year-end awards ceremonies or interviews.
The only answer that comes into my mind is
to stay healthy, not to be sick,
and show good performances.
That's my goal for this year.
"Anything you want to have?"
Anything that I want to have these days...
if I may say something for fans,
I want to have ARMY's heart.
Professional idol band member.
"What's your latest hobby?"
Hobby. Right.
I had this question before.
I guess it's time to think about my hobby.
"I will stay healthy every day". Please, everyone.
"Hope Run". Isn't it so cute?
From home run. Hope Run.
"I want to see your ㅅ-shaped lips".
I look ugly.
The memorable moment in the concert...
The most memorable moment in the concert?
Every moment is memorable.
Each and every moment is so precious.
I don't know what to pick.
The moment when I look into eyes of fans. That's the most memorable.
"7 minutes are left". Soon.
May I put candles on the cake?
You want ot see the pictures in the back closer? There's nothing much.
What is this?
What's this?
Bigger ones count as 10 years, right?
Right? I guess so.
How many candles do I need?
How many candles should I stick?
I need 25, right? 25.
Or not?
I turn 26 after this birthday, right?
I'm already 26, everyone. I can't believe it.
I don't want to believe it.
I'm so taken aback.
I should stick 5 smaller candles?
I should 5 smaller candles?
Oh my, I'm flushing now.
5 smaller candles.
What is this?
Right, I need 6 of them.
It should be 26. 6, right?
2 bigger ones, 5 smaller ones?
How many do I need?
Only 4 minutes to go. Hurry up.
6, right.
I'd be dumb if I don't know it.
I need 26, everyone.
In fact, I can tell the difference between smaller and bigger ones.
"You just need one".
That's true. It's not big of a deal.
"6 is right". "I think it should be 6".
You just flung open the door, man!
5, 6, 7, 8!
Hey, don't block the cake.
- It's hot! - Make a wish!
- It's hot, J-Hope! - You're a liar.
OK. 1, 2, 3.
Happy birthday, J-Hope!
- J-Hope! - Hang on.
- May I say something? - Yes. - What is it?
- I guess some are wondering why Yoongi isn't here. - Yeah, what's he doing?
- He's asleep. - Is he?
- He fell asleep. - He worked so hard.
- Really? - He fell asleep as he was so tired. -
- I understand. - I fell asleep too
I set my alarm for 11:46 PM.
- What happened to your hair, Jimin? - Your hair looks like a ghost.
I can't even see my face.
- Cool. - Hope.
- It's like you had your hair done for stage. - Hope.
I'm a real pro. I haven't removed my makeup for this.
- I'm a true professional. - You are.
I didn't fall asleep, I didn't remove makeup.
- I took a bath for this. - Good job.
- I washed up too. - Really?
This is my airport fashion, everyone. I'm going to wear these tomorrow.
Really? Our flight is in the evening.
Show us.
So cool.
- J-Hope, what's your plan for your birthday? - Me?
- It's your birthday? - Nothing special.
It's your birthday, let's go see the sunrise together.
- What? - All of a sudden?
- It's your birthday tomorrow. - Out of the blue?
Hope, you got a big room.
- Hold on. - Yeah.
Are you watching this, Big Hit staff? My room is half as big as this one.
What happened?
Hope, I'll let it slide, since it's your birthday.
- That's true. - Because it's his birthday.
- True. My room is half as big as this one. - For real?
This is not fair.
- I guess my room is bigger. - Hold on. - What?
- My room is bigger. - Seriously?
What's going on!
- Did I do something wrong? - I heard we got our room randomly.
- Right. - A desk in my room is this small.
- My room is as big as this one. - Really?
- I guess we got different rooms. - I guess we two got a smaller room.
I came in a hurry, I was washing up and watched the chat room
and it said, "Gather up to celebrate Hope's birthday".
Our birthday boy is not in the shot.
Our birthday boy J-Hope wasn't in the shot.
I'm glad we can celebrate your birthday together.
- I was really worried we might not able to. - I know.
I'm glad you guys are here.
- Jimin can't usually wake up once he's asleep. - I printed those out, did you know that?
- Really? - Of course he's lying.
- Are you wearing the watch I gave you? - Of course I am.
- I don't see that. - I have it.
- You're not wearing it. - No, I have it.
Not to disappoint you, I have this.
What's this?
What's this white thingy?
You were supposed to wear my present.
- Happy birthday. - Thank you so much.
I decided to celebrate your birthday tonight
because at the venue, he asked our manager to get a cake since he was going to do V LIVE
I heard that and I wondered, "Is he going to celebrate it alone"?
That's not right.
So I went like, "Ahem".
Oh, is that why you kept claring your throat?
I sent out a signal to Taehyung.
So you came to celebrate his birthday with that hair? That's not polite.
I've been telling Jungkook that I might not be able to wake up.
I should set my alarm, right?
- Happy birthday, J-Hope. - Thank you so much.
- Happy birthday, J-Hope. - Since it's his... - Get some rest.
Since it's his birthday, he was having a glass of wine on V LIVE.
Let's sleep in the birthday boy's room.
My room is too small. I'm going to sleep in J-Hope's room.
He's got 2 beds.
J-Hope, I'm an adult, so I won't do that.
- I'm in trouble. - I'm a cool guy, I won't do that. Don't worry.
What do I do? What do I do with these stinkers?
- Good night. - Hope, Good night.
Good night. Sleep tight, everyone.
- Jin, you should join us. - All right.
Let's sleep.
They're so cute.
J-Hope, it's for you.
- Thanks. - I prepared this for you.
- Thanks. - It's your birthday present. - It's my cookie box.
- Mine is being shipped. - Mine is on the way too.
- OK. - We need to turn off the light.
- Why? - Let's sleep. - Good night!
Turn off the bathroom light.
Good night!
Have you seen a broadcast like this? You can't see anyone.
So nice.
- This is the true LieV, right? - That's right, everyone.
What's wrong with you?
It's J-Hope's birthday. Let's stop making a scene and leave.
- What's this? - Thanks for celebrating my birthday.
- Hope, happy birthday. - Bye.
- Thank you. - Happy birthday.
Thank you.
Happy birthday.
- Bye. - Bye bye.
Thank you, guys.
- I'll watch your V LIVE. - OK.
My face is shiny.
- It's shiny. - I'm going to go sleep more. - Yeah, sleep tight.
- I applied jojoba oil. - Good job.
I just noticed, I came barefoot.
Really? There are slippers.
- Take mine, Jimin. - It's right across the hall. - Oh yeah? OK.
- Good night. p
Please keep supporting J-Hope.
It's his airport outfits tomorrow.
- Will you sleep in your airport outfit? - Nope.
I knew you were doing V LIVE,
- but I had no idea we'd gather together. - Really?
As I'll wear this tomorrow, I packed my luggagge and hung this on a hanger.
I folded my pants
I checked my phone and it said, "Gather up".
- But this is the only thing I could find. - Come out! It's J-Hope's V LIVE.
Hurry up.
Thank you!
Good night!
Good night!
They make me laugh, everyone.
I love those guys.
Speaking of which, it's really my birthday now.
It's 00:03 AM now.
I blew out the candles already, but I should continue what I was doing.
6 candles.
Can you see what they've done in the back?
I'm taken aback though.
Let me blow out the candles now.
So scary. I lighted up only 2.
I should hurry up.
It's melting. No.
It won't light up.
It won't light up, what do I do, everyone?
Let's celebrate my birthday.
Make a wish.
2 cakes.
Thank you, everyone.
I feel so loved as you celebrated my birthday.
"I can hear your phone ringing"?
What wish did I make? I won't tell you.
I will tell you on my next birthday.
"Happy birthday J-Hope" is posted.
My photo...
My photo...
I'm getting older.
I'm definitely getting older.
I see.
Can't believe it's my birthday already.
I'm getting a lot of birthday messages from my friends,
from my big sister
and from my family.
Also from our manager.
Thank you so much, everyone.
I'm a little tipsy.
Time really flies. It's unbelievable.
Time flies so fast that I get chills these days.
What's that comment??
"I'm tearing up, going to be late 20s".
I know, right? I debuted when I was 20.
Doesn't it give you goosebumps?
How do I feel?
Well... How can I describe this feelings?
It's just another year.
Since my birthday is early in the year, I realize the New Year has started.
has started again.
At this time last year, I was working so hard on the mixtape.
I guess that's why time really flew by last year.
Oh, the bed behind me? I'll make a bed later.
If you've been our fans from early on,
if you're still our fans, I guess you'd feel something special.
Since we're growing together.
I appreciate it.
You want me to do eating show? Doesn't this cound as eating show?
"Happy birthday, J-Hope".
What kind of cake is my favorite? I like all types of cakes.
I love whipped cream cake,
I like blueberry cheese cake.
Some of you are talking about hair dye.
Should I dye my hair?
I don't think
bright colors are my thing.
Maybe red might not be bad.
I loved my hair color during "DNA". It was red.
Thank you so much for coming to our concert today, Japanese fans.
Thank you.
I've had black hair for quite a long time, so my hair condition got better.
"I've been your fan since 2014".
Were we promoting "Danger" in 2014?
"Danger". "Danger" J-Hope.
"Danger" J-Hope.
Last year...
What was my birthday wish last year...
Mixtape was my goal last year.
I think I hoped that
I make great songs for my mixtape.
I love melon.
I love pineapple too.
I'm not really into sour fruit.
I'm going to wrap it up after 10 minutes.
I'm planning to doing this for an hour.
It's too late.
Sleeping is important to you.
"I'd buy 100 melons for you".
Does it feel like we're having a video call?
Hold on.
"No. 1 real-time searched keyword on Melon is Kim Yeonwoo".
Really? Amazing.
"BTS' music has comforted me a lot". I love this comment.
That's such a nice thing to say.
Our music could comfort someone, isn't this beautiful?
I guess it's what every singer could ever hope for.
My music could comfort others.
"Any birthday present you want to give to yourself".
Yeah, what present can I give to myself?
A gift for myself?
My life itself is like a present now.
Having this job is like a big present for me.
I have to work hard to get good results.
"When do you feel good about yourself"?
When do I feel good about myself?
When I look handsome in the mirror?
"You're in real-time search rankings". For real? Hope you're not lying. Let's see.
J-Hope is ranked 15.
We have 7 minutes left.
Hold on.
"You will be my last singer. Please be with us for a long time".
That's so nice.
Those words are so beautiful.
You want me to check out the real-time trend?
Real-time trend.
Happy Birthday J-Hope. SunshineHobiDay.
"So lucky and happy to meet J-Hope".
"The 26th spring with Hoseok".
Jung Hoseok.
Have I done V LIVE long?
The viewer count is reaching 9 million now.
I'll get some rest tomorrow.
I will get some rest and have dinner with my family.
I love you, ARMY.
Sparkling eyes.
One last glass.
A glass.
"I hope you have a happy day today". I will make sure to do that.
"I'm a 9th grader, I can't focus on studying. I only think about you".
That's a problem.
That might not be a problem. It could be normal.
"Did you know that you look like a squirrel"? Do I?
"When you cried at MAMA, it broke my heart".
I was heartbroken too.
I guess it was some pent-up emotions.
I always drink water with wine, so that I won't get less drunk.
"I wailed loudly when you cried at MAMA".
At that time...
After crying, it felt like all the pent-up emotions are gone.
"What's your vision without glasses or lenses"?
I have good eyesight.
My vision is better than 20/20.
When I had a physical exam
It was over 20/20 vision in both eyes.
I'm having Japanese snacks.
"Thank you for being my artist". Thank you for being my fan.
We have 3 minutes to go.
"Are you going to do V LIVE next year too"? Of course I will.
Whenever I find a chance.
ASMR J-Hope version? ASMR is where you talk softly, right?
Good night, everyone.
Was it dirty?
I'm really flushing now. My arms and stomach are all red.
OK, we have 1 minute left. What I want to tell ARMY?
ARMY, you mean so much to me.
I hope you don't get sick.
Like I always said, Health is the most important thing.
Stay healthy.
Don't get sick.
I hope you succeed in whatever you do.
ARMY are special to me.
Your happiness means my happiness.
If you can smile, I can too.
"The viewer count will reach 10 million soon". 10 million viewers!
It's been an hour now.
10 million viewers.
That's so...
I didn't burp. Please don't get me wrong.
I just pressed a button and 10 million people around the world are watching
Can you believe this, everyone?
I can't believe it.
Let me say goodbye now.
All of those who celebrated my birthday, our members
and the fans who sang "Happy Birthday" during today's concert,
I really appreciate it.
I'm sure it will be a wonderful day today.
Thank you so much.
I can be so happy thanks to you all.
Thank you, and I love you.
Send me purple hearts.
I'm going to turn it off after seeing those purple hearts.
I purple you.
I purple you.
Let's go.
Purple heart, you.
I see a lot of purple hearts.
Let's go.
Purple heart.
Thank you.
Thank you, ARMY.
Bye, thank you. Thank
Bye bye.
I'm going to wash up now.
How do I turn it off? Press "X" here?
OK. End the live broadcast. I'm going to get going now. Bye!
Thank you, everyone.
And good night.
侍J稲葉監督が明かす清宮選出の理由「一度、自分の目で国際舞台で見てみたい」 - Duration: 0:29.
日本ハム・清宮幸太郎【写真:荒川祐史】3月9日、10日のメキシコ戦メンバー28人発表、初選出は11人 野球日本代表「侍ジャパン」の稲葉篤紀監督は18日、沖縄・那覇市内で記者会見を行い、3月9日、10日に開催される「ENEOS 侍ジャパンシリーズ2019 日本vsメキシコ」のメンバー28人を発表した。日本ハムの清宮幸太郎内野手やヤクルトの村上宗隆内野手、オリックスの山本由伸投手ら初選出が11人というフレッシュな顔ぶれが選ばれた。 会見に臨んだ稲葉監督は今回のメンバー構成について「今回は試せる最後のチャンスだと思っています。日米を戦って自分の中でチームはある程度できている中で、プレミア12のある1年の中で、不測の事態はあり得るので、若い選手を経験させておきたいと。あの時経験させておけば良かったと後悔のないように、チームの底上げと、将来的にもジャパンを背負っていくであろう、私の想いなんですけど、選手を集めました」とその狙いを語った。 今回、最大の注目となる清宮を選んだ理由について、指揮官は「あの19歳の若さでバッティングは長けているものがある。1度僕の目で国際舞台で見てみたい、と。彼自身の課題はたくさんありますが、1度見てみたいと思い呼びました」と明かす。さらに、清宮と村上というプロ2年目となる19歳について「彼ら2人はバッティングには期待している部分。どんどん振っていけるタイプ。国際舞台でも初球から臆することなく振っていって、相手に向かっていく姿勢、若さを出していってほしい」と期待を口にしていた。(福谷佑介 / Yusuke Fukutani)
ロッテ、侍Jトリオ 中村奨吾「色んな選手見て勉強」 田村龍弘&松永昂大「光栄」 - Duration: 1:35.
ロッテの中村奨吾内野手(26)、田村龍弘捕手(24) 松永昂大投手(30)が18日、3月9、10日に行われる侍JA ANのメキシコ戦(東京ドーム)に選出された
各選手のコメントは以下の通り。 ▼中村奨吾 今回選出いた きありがとうございます。色んな選手のプレーを見て勉強して、シ ズンに繋げられるような時間が過ごせたらいいなと思います
▼田村龍弘 選出いただきとても光栄です。日本のトップ選 と一緒にプレーできる機会なので色んなことを吸収し、今シーズン 活かせるように頑張りたいです。 ▼松永昂大 侍JAPAN 選出いただき光栄です
►Ninja School Online | @lion39 Lột Xác F12-14 Trong 30s...Mặc Đồ Cùi Gạ 10x Lôi Đài Và Cái Kết - Duration: 12:06.
Alain Juppé, ses 24 ans d'histoire avec Bordeaux - NT - Duration: 3:47.
Révélations de Médiapart : Benalla a porté plainte pour «atteinte à l'intimité de la vie privée» - Duration: 2:10.
Gilets jaunes : Brigitte Macron appelle les Français à la réconciliation - Duration: 2:53.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 220 CDI BUSINESS CLASS ELEGANCE | AUTOMAAT | NAVI | CRUISE | XENON - Duration: 1:13.
BTS Live: HOPE Day countdown (Sasseng earrings in Jhope live) - Duration: 1:02:20.
最新ニュース | 【本気】雪男ムックさん、ピアノの腕前が神レベルだった! 手袋ハメたまま米津玄師の『Lemon』を繊細に弾きこなす動画が凄すぎる - Duration: 1:54.
ガチャピンのサ ートに回ることの多 雪男のムック。赤い さふさした毛に飛び した目は、よく見た 若干怖い。が、私( 澤)は子供の頃ムッ が大好きだった。落 着いた言葉使いに安 感を覚えるのである
そんなムックがピ ノを弾く動画がヤバ 。ファ!? ムック んってこんなにピア ウマかったの? 繊 なプレイに騒然! れ神レベルだろ…… ・ストリートピア でその動画とは、ガ ャピンの公式チャン ル『ガチャピンちゃ ねる【公式】』に2 19年2月17日に 稿されたもの
内容は、横浜関内駅 リナード地下街にあ 「BMIストリート アノ」でムックがピ ノを弾くという道行 人へのドッキリ動画 。 ・ムックの本気 初に『チューリップ や『きらきら星』を くムック
たどたどしい手つき は、足を止めた人達 さざ波のような拍手 。何これ……? そ な空気が出始めたと ろで、ムックが本気 出す。弾き出したの 米津玄師の『Lem n』だ
その瞬間、空気が一 。 ウメェェェェエ エ! 流れるような 手のメロディーに繊 な左手のバッキング 、指が鍵盤の上を華 に舞うようである。 をのんで聞き入る人 。 ・普通にウマイ ど
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【驚愕】オートミールダイエットを始めたワイの末路wwwww - Duration: 0:17.
【朗報】オートミールダイエットを始めたワイの末路… 12月→81kg 現在 71kg オートミール有能 ニートミート? よく食えるな 5: >>3 味覇有能 中間おすすめ記事 最近食い始めたけど普通のお粥やんけ 栄養価高いん 10: >>7 めちゃくちゃ高い あんなん食い続けてたら絶対太るわ 1 >>8 白米よりはマシってだけやね まあGI低いから食べても眠くならんのは有 お茶漬けのもと最強 1 食う量減らしたの? 15: >>13 減らして い 白米をオートミールに変えて筋トレしてるだけや 1 オートミールって自分で作 の? 16: >>14 オーツ麦栽培はワイにはできんで 1 不味すぎて少し もういいやってなるレベル 1 食感がモシャモシャしとるだけで味はそんなに悪くはな と思うけどなぁ 2 >>18 ちゃんと火通すか時間かけてふやかしや 30: >>22 一応ちゃんと煮て食っとるで あれだけ繊維質なら多少モシャモシャする はしゃーないやろ 1 身長は何センチや 2 >>19 175.6や 2 カロリ はほとんど変わらんから筋トレの効果やろ 2 >>21 変わるやろ 一食で10 gも食えんで 食物繊維も異常やし 36: >>24 50kcalの差をで いと見るかやな 低GIなのが効くんかね めんどくさいからそのままばりぼり食べ たけどあれだと満腹感が得られにくいからちゃんと調理はしたほうがええんやろな 3 >26 そのままぼりぼり食った方が風味効いててうまいんだよな 3 筋トレしてる ん オートミール関係なくね 3 オートミールってダイエット目的で食うもんちゃう ろ 3 筋トレが凄いだけやろ やっぱ筋トレって神だわ 米の100倍は商品によ て味違うよな 最初に買ったのは聞いてたほどまずいと思わなかったけど次買ったやつ そまずくてびっくりしたわ ふやかして食うより牛乳ぶっかけてピーナッツバター混ぜ 食うのが美味い 4 食物繊維がどの程度ダイエットに意味あるのかね もしかなり関 あるならオートミールにするのええと思うわ 引用元:おすすめ記事1001: 厳選記 2020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:newsmatomemory【衝 的】に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww
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Bài #16 (3b/9) - Âm /eɪ/: Phát âm đúng & ví dụ (EN) - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 6:23.
Mispronouncing the /eɪ/ vowel as a simple /e/ or /ӕ/ sound
is by far the biggest mistake in connection with gliding vowels,
because in English we have dozens of minimal pairs for the /eɪ/ vs the /e/ and /ӕ/.
So there is a high chance that a foreigner will find your spoken English difficult to understand
if you cannot say the /eɪ/ correctly.
The /eɪ/ sound has two parts:
a starting /e/ sound and an ending /ɪ/ sound,
and you have to pronounce BOTH the /e/ and then the /ɪ/
to make the right sound: /e-ɪ/, /e-ɪ/, /eɪ/
As with the /aɪ/ sound,
the /eɪ/ in itself is not difficult for Vietnamese people,
so they can say words like "bay", "may" and "pay" correctly.
However, when the /eɪ/ is followed by a consonant,
Vietnamese forget to say the /ɪ/ sound and they only say the /e/ sound.
Let's look at the example word "make".
This word has four sounds: /m/, /e/, /ɪ/ and /k/.
So after the /e/ sound we cannot immediately jump to the /k/ sound,
we have to say the /ɪ/ first.
After the /e/ sound the jaw and the tongue move up,
and the tongue touches the upper teeth on the sides to make the /ɪ/ sound,
before the back of the tongue moves up to make the /k/ sound.
This moving up of the tongue is the same movement
that is necessary to make the /ɪ/ sound in /aɪ/, as we have learned it earlier.
Since we have to say this /ɪ/ vowel as well
and because we need some time to move our jaw and tongue
from the /e/ position to the upper /ɪ/ position,
the /eɪ/ cannot be said as a short sound.
Let's compare the /eɪ/ sound to the /e/ and /ӕ/ sounds:
the /eɪ/ is longer and the jaw and tongue are moving while you are saying it,
whereas the /e/ and /ӕ/ are shorter and the mouth doesn't move during the sound:
short /e/ - gliding /eɪ/ - short /ӕ/ - gliding /eɪ/
Therefore, when practicing the /eɪ/ sound,
focus on the /ɪ/ part and how your tongue comes up and touches your upper teeth in the back,
before you make the /k/ sound:
Here are some words with the /eɪ/ sound:
Pause this video
and practice saying these words with the correct /eɪ/ sound.
Remember that the /eɪ/ is not a short sound
and that you need to say the /ɪ/ sound after the /e/ sound.
So it's NOT /mek/, it's /meɪk/,
and it's NOT /me:k/, it's /meɪk/.
If you find it difficult to say the /eɪ/ correctly in these words
and if you hear that you miss the /ɪ/ part of /eɪ/,
then first try saying the words without the final consonant
and feel your tongue coming up on the /ɪ/ sound.
When you can do this well, only then add the final consonant,
but first put a little gap between the /eɪ/ and the final consonant
and then gradually take away this gap:
Another trick you can use is to change the spelling of the words a little
so that they will look more like what we actually say.
For example, imagine that "plane" is spelled "PLAY-N",
"make" is "MAY-K", "made" is "MAY-D",
"main" is "MAY-N", and so on.
This just might trick your brain into believing
that in fact there is an /ɪ/ sound after /e/.
Don't forget to use a mirror to check that after the /e/ sound
your tongue and jaw move up to make the /ɪ/ sound.
Pause now.
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