Whoa!!! almost busted my butt; Well welcome to another video. Today is a rainy Sunday
afternoon and I thought we could get a little something done. But first, I would
like to thank my new subscribers. I have a couple more subscribers since the last video.
Leads me to believe that I might actually be doing something right. OK,
let's get started; Lesson 9: Rotated Boxes... And I have to
tell you at first when you; when you look at it, it looks pretty intimidating but it
turned out to be a pretty fun exercise. Let's check it out. As always I started
by reading the lesson then watching the video. I got my ruler and drew in the
horizontal and vertical axis. I also measured for the center box and drew in
the far end boxes. The far end boxes are there, to kind of give you a reference of
where you want your your boxes to end or or how you want them to turn and the
center box. I do gather we were supposed to been
done with a ruler but I wanted to freehand it as I wanted all the boxes to
be free handed in this exercise. So I went ahead and built the boxes along the
horizontal axis and then the vertical one. Once that was done I went ahead and
filled in the quadrants. Well, here I'll let you watch...
One thing to keep in mind during this exercise; Is that you have to keep track
of where your boxes are going. As you build them up, it can get a little
confusing but it's not that bad. When I finished the exercise. Up close I could see
the boxes very clearly, but when I stepped back and looked at the monitor; I knew that
I had to thicken up the lines to make it clear for you guys to see on the
Once I was done outlining the boxes with the marker; You could still see all the
construction lines, which looked pretty cool to me, but I still went ahead and
shaded the sides of the boxes just to give it a more finished look...
As I stated before; I found this exercise to be fun and relaxing. So once I was
done with this one, I went ahead and did another one...
Hope this helps you out with this exercise; But if you still have any more
questions, just drop them in the comment section. We are now getting towards the
end of the video. If you saw something that tickled your fancy, just hit those
LIKE and SUBSCRIBE buttons. if you want to pass the information along feel free
to SHARE it. My name is Rick Bonilla; Thank you for spending a little time
with me and have a great day!!!
For more infomation >> DRAWABOX Lesson1 Execise 9 Rotated Boxes homework p 01 - Duration: 6:24.-------------------------------------------
PUBG Mobile - Tổng hợp các loại Zombie trong PUBG Mobile VNG - Duration: 3:07.
民進黨許淑華「捧韓打柯」 網友曝民進黨驚天算計! - Duration: 3:13.
民進黨許淑華「捧韓打 柯」 網友曝民進黨 驚天算計! 台北 市長柯文哲和民進黨 新潮流開戰?日前爆 出柯文哲與公園處長 黃立遠聊天時
提到某案被議員當成政 治議題操作
柯得知是民進黨台北市 議員許淑華當場爆粗 口。
許淑華要柯文哲學習高 雄市長韓國瑜的氣度
網友驚嚇民進黨竟然開 始捧韓打柯?更有網 友表示這是算計
「民進黨這幫子故意藉 韓打柯
然後再打韓」! 柯 文哲日前參加陽明山 花季開幕
不過會前與公園處長黃 立遠聊天時
提到某案被議員當成政 治議題操作
黃說是民進黨議員許淑 華
在接受《TVBS》訪 問時表示
但是在韓國瑜身上就比 較沒有看到會失言和 爆粗口的狀況。
這是一筆八百萬元重植 杜鵑花的預算
但她後來也讓預算過了 呀! 而柯文哲今 日受訪則表示
人家私底下講話被人家 偷錄拿去放
更被問及是否因許淑 華隸屬新潮流
所以柯反應比較大?柯 回說
對於許淑華的拿韓 國瑜打柯文哲
Youtube網友表 示
「林北就說新潮流撈錢 系不倒
「韓被民進黨批得一文 不值
「當初新潮流怎搞在北 農的韓
結果現在巴著韓是新潮 流」、
讓菜陰蚊能夠選總統無 後顧之憂
然後霉體公開播放…假 設你寫日記
裡有罵人的話被偷看後 公怖出來…那是寫日 記的問題」、
「民進黨這幫子故意藉 韓打柯
難聴と頭痛を改善する耳筋膜つまみ自動運動 大宮 整体 - Duration: 5:27.
Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about ear myofascial pinching method that improve headache and hearing loss.
At basically,ear is cartilage. But ear become stiff like muscle. If ear become stiff,head side part or head back side are also become stiff.
Become into condition that headache come out easily by that. And ear hole be narrow by stiff ear myofascial. Dirt accumulates easily into ear by that.
Many dirt cause hearing loss. There is influence like that. Your hearing loss by soften the ear myofascial is improve.
Symptom of some customers were improve. I tell that self care method.
As premise,to pinching and feel pain or push and feel pain is same with stiff muscle. Please check ear stiffness by pinching ear.
Not sideways,please pinch lengthwise. Please remember ear stiffness. Maybe you feel strong pain with ear center point.
That place is stiff muscle. Please pinch ear wrinkle like do crush. It is OK with this two point.
There is point that want to check before do self care. It is extend of ear hole. You can to put in easily finger into ear hole by this self care.
As first step,move ear with condition that pinched ear. Those movement are jaw movement and eye brow movement. It is OK with both also.
Your ear will become soft little by little. Please feel that. Please move jaw or eye brow with condition that pinched ear. Maybe there was elementary school student like this.
Please continue this self care. Your ear stiff place become soft by finger heat also. After this self care,compare softness of side that did self care and opposite side.
You maybe feel soft into self care side. If your stiff ear become soft,your ear hole become wide also. Your headache also will be decrease.
Many effect come out with short time by this self care. Some people feel dullness. You can to get healthy head after about 2 or 3 days.
Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
Co neovlivním, beru s nadhledem, říká Klára Doležalová - Duration: 7:43.
Audi A4 Avant 1.8 TFSI 125KW Pro Line S Automaat - Duration: 1:12.
Audi A3 Cabriolet 1.5 TFSI CoD Sport S Line Edition 150 pk S tronic (vsb 19551) voorraaddeal - Duration: 1:14.
La popularité de Macron remonte légèrement - Duration: 1:35.
Vader Rap - Notorious BIG 'Juicy': A Star Wars Parody - Duration: 2:26.
Yeah, this song is dedicated
To all the council that told me I'd never be a master
To all the people that sliced my limbs off
using the high ground
Who tried to stop me when I was just trying
to bring some peace and freedom to my new empire
And all the Sith in the struggle
You know what I'm saying?
It's all good, baby baby
It was all a dream
I used to wake up from Padme's scream
Jedi training, not realizing Palpatine's scheme
New limbs makin' me tall
Every Force choke attack, Vader's back
Droid's a protocol (How Rude!)
I let Sheev shock, since my side swap (Aghhh!)
Smokin' them younglings, watching them all drop
Way back, when I had the smooth and ripped six-pack
With the hair to match
Remember when you met her? Vad-a, Vad-a
You never thought that young Ani
would take it this far (Ani?!)
Now I got my red light, lookin' for the Jedi knight
Time to taste blade, say goodbye to the blue shade
Born in the heat, a slave, no elite
Remember when I used to get told to take a seat (Unfair!)
Peace to Anakin, Qui-gon, Obi-wan (Hello there!)
Padme Amidala, and planet Alderaan (Boom!)
I'm blowing things up like Tarkin would
Calling Deathstar, new cape, new hood, it's all good
And if you don't reason, then it's treason, Yoda
You all know me well
My name is Vader
I was once the slave
Ani Skywalker (Ani, bedtime!)
I had a goal
But then I lost a hand
Cause I'm the chosen one (He IS the chosen one)
And I also hates sand
(I don't like sand)
(It's coarse and)
(Rough and irritating)
(And it gets everywhere)
More measles - Duration: 3:16.
Gilets jaunes: nouvelle mobilisation à Paris - Duration: 4:02.
獨一無二!俄羅斯又一神秘武器成功問世,軍迷:值得中國學習- 军事 新闻 - Duration: 3:47.
俄羅斯又一款 神秘武器成 功問世
這款武器就是 菊花S反坦 克飛彈。
俄羅斯海軍海 岸炮兵部隊 開始接收一 款新型反坦 克飛彈
這款飛彈通用 性非常高
能夠上打飛機 下打坦克
並且這款飛彈 的射程也能 夠突破十公 里
是世界上獨一 無二的一款 飛彈。
俄軍裝備這款 飛彈後
將能夠改寫戰 爭規則
這也給中國提 了個醒
必須加快反坦 克飛彈的改 進。
同時中國軍迷 也表示
俄羅斯反坦克 技術非常值 得中國學習 。
這並非菊 花S飛彈第 一次裝備俄 羅斯軍隊
此前這款飛彈 只在俄羅斯 陸軍中裝備
搭載它的是由 BMP3改 進而來的發 射車
一輛車上能夠 搭載15枚
另外還有2枚 在發射架上 等待發射
藉助這款發射 車
菊花S飛彈具 備了非常強 大的機動性 能。
俄軍只需要3 輛菊花S飛 彈發射車
就能夠消滅敵 方一個坦克 加強連
這個實力足以 改變戰爭規 則。
並且這款 飛彈也是俄 軍目前唯一 採用超音速 飛行與雷達 制導的反坦 克飛彈
與一般反坦克 飛彈性比
這款飛彈的飛 行速度遠比 它們快。
採用雷達制導 後
這款飛彈受天 氣的影響很 小
在極端天氣情 況下也能夠 使用
而且在眼睛沒 有發射目標
但雷達已經鎖 定目標的情 況下也能夠 使用
打擊距離極大 提升
而且整套系統 只需要兩人 就能夠操作 。
這款飛彈所能 對付的目標 也非常多樣
既包括敵方主 戰坦克
也能夠攻擊敵 方低空飛行 的直升機
甚至是海上的 小型艦艇
也能夠用它進 行打擊。
裝備了這款飛 彈
就相當於同時 擁有了對陸 、
對空對海的打 擊能力
而且這款飛彈 威力非常大
現有主戰坦克 的正面它幾 乎都能夠擊 穿
即使是未來坦 克
恐怕也抵擋不 了這枚飛彈 的一發攻擊 。
對於經費 已經捉襟見 肘的俄羅斯 軍方而言
的確需要一款 用途廣泛
性能先進的飛 彈
因為裝備這款 飛彈後
俄羅斯軍隊能 夠極大降低 坦克與其他 支援火力的 需求
這款飛彈的出 現對俄羅斯 軍方而言無 疑就是雪中 送炭。
裝備這款 反坦克飛彈 後
也能夠極大提 升俄羅斯海 軍海岸炮兵 部隊的反裝 甲能力
同時也能夠提 升岸炮部隊 的對空對海 攔截能力
真可謂是一舉 多得。
而且這款飛彈 所存在的諸 多特點
作戰理念遠遠 超過其他國 家的反坦克 飛彈
俄羅斯擁有這 款飛彈後
的確可以改變 戰爭規則。
MARTIN KEOWN: Hitting rock bottom could jolt Chelsea into life - Duration: 3:42.
When you get beaten 6-0 like Chelsea did at Manchester City, there is a feeling of total embarrassment within the group
I lost 6-0 once in my career, with Aston Villa against Nottingham Forest, and I experienced those same feelings
In the days that followed that defeat, I didn't want to leave the house. This Chelsea team have been rocked to the core but it might take hitting rock bottom to jolt their season back into life
Now they have to show pride in their performance. They have to play for the shirt, and what an opportunity they have to show that they are willing to do that when Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's Manchester United visit on Monday night
Maurizio Sarri has admitted that his players are difficult to motivate and you never know which Chelsea team are going to turn up
Think back to their 2-0 win over City at Stamford Bridge and the Carabao Cup semi-final victory over Tottenham
This is a side who are capable of brilliant performances when they are up for it
I make them slight favourites to win against United on Monday evening.It has not been an ideal week for United
Solskjaer suffered his first set-back since returning to the club and tactically, his team were taken to the cleaners by Paris Saint-Germain
United could not cope with PSG playing with a back three. The French champions pushed their wide players high up the pitch, forcing United into retreat
When Juan Mata came off the bench, he spent most of the time at right back.The key strength for Solskjaer's team is the way they counter-attack in numbers with plenty of pace and no fear
Chelsea are weak defensively but they will not have to deal with the pace of Anthony Martial and Jesse Lingard, who are both injured
Instead they are likely to face a front three of Marcus Rashford, Romelu Lukaku and Alexis Sanchez
United showed PSG far too much respect in their Champions League loss and they cannot afford to do the same to Chelsea
If fear starts to creep back into these players' performances, their FA Cup dream will come to an abrupt end at Stamford Bridge
I was 38 years old when I hung up my boots — the same age as Ashley Cole now. Watching the full back sprint down the left wing as Derby chased a second-half comeback at Brighton on Saturday, you could see he has lost none of his determination to win
He's kept himself fit, too. Mentally, you can want to keep going but your body has to come with you
Derby decided against throwing him in at the deep end and rightly so. They know they will have to manage his minutes, and Cole will have to be honest about how he is feeling too
But even at the age of 38, he can be very useful for Frank Lampard at Derby this season
Pep Guardiola has to select his best XI for Manchester City in the Premier League and unfortunately for Riyad Mahrez, he has not made the cut lately
The £60million forward may feel frustrated but he has to keep fighting. You can arguably impress Guardiola more when you're out of the team than in it
You do that by showing him you are willing to do the work and get behind the group when you're not playing
Wolves success in FA Cup and league should not surpriseDo not be surprised that Wolves have reached the FA Cup's quarter-finals and are seventh in the Premier League
Just look at the quality in their squad.Joao Moutinho, who started in midfield against Bristol City yesterday, has 113 caps for Portugal
Raul Jimenez has appeared 70 times for Mexico. Full back Jonny, who they signed from Atletico Madrid, is a Spain international
Their Portuguese goalkeeper, Rui Patricio, was rested for their fifth-round clash and he has 77 caps
Wolves boss Nuno Espirito Santo has talented players at his disposal and we should not be underestimating this team or their experience
They are now just one win from an FA Cup semi-final at Wembley because of it. An awful run of form last season saw Brighton win once in 14 Premier League games midway through the campaign but they reached the FA Cup's quarter-finals
Chris Hughton's side now find themselves with only one win in their last 11 league outings and, once again, they have got to the last eight
It is a difficult juggling act but Hughton, who won the FA Cup twice as a Tottenham player, will be desperate to fare better this year and hope for another home tie next
Watford made 11 changes in the previous two FA Cup rounds amid a busy winter workload but only five against Queens Park Rangers
What helped them win 1-0 at Loftus Road was that Javi Gracia named players who were determined to get that result and avoid an upset, such as Troy Deeney
The captain said afterwards they did 'not want to be the ones who went out'. Now, they will be one of six top-flight sides left in the last eight
Ingrid Levavasseur insultée et chassée du cortège - Duration: 4:03.
Laurence Ferrari : ses petites confidences sur son fils Eliott - Duration: 2:28.
Mesut Ozil refuses to help Arsenal transfer push as Unai Emery spat gets even worse - Duration: 2:58.
Arsenal manager Unai Emery has come to an impasse with Ozil over the German's performances
Ozil has started just one of Arsenal's last 1 games and has been dropped from the squad completely in recent weeks
Emery is understood to be keen on selling the 3-year-old in order to free up funds to invest in the squad
But moving Ozil - and his £35,-a-week wages - out of north London has proved a problem
PSG were linked with a swoop for the playmaker but they also have eyes on Chelsea star Willian
Arsenal are sweating over what to do with their highest-paid player, especially now Aaron Ramsey is heading to Juventus in the summer
And now the Sun claim Ozil himself is not playing ball with the club. According to the report, the former Real Madrid star has no intention of taking the first offer tabled to him
Arsenal may want rid of the ex-Germany international but Ozil is happy in London and is not planning on leaving any time soon
And that leaves Arsenal in a tricky position should a club decide to move for him in the summer
Mesut Ozil signed his mega deal only last year and that has locked Arsenal into a commitment until 221
Selling Ozil may be their intention but finding a buyer willing to stump up his hefty transfer fee and cover his wages would likely prove a problem
The Gunners may agree to pay a portion of Ozil's wages in order to shift him, knowing the player is unlikely to take a pay cut at another club
Ozil was left out of Arsenal's Europa League trip to BATE Borisov on Thursday. And Paul Merson reckons Emery may end up forcing the player into early retirement
"He's there best player and he doesn't play. It beats me," Merson told Sky s. "You play him and you go from there
I scratch my head every week. "He must sit at home and watch them and think, 'how do I not get in this team?'
"I don't know if they are trying to push him to retire because he must sit there and think, 'I might as well retire if I can't get in this team'
Peugeot 3008 1.2 PureTech 130pk S&S Blue Lease Executive - Duration: 1:14.
トナミ運輸、3連覇 嘉村「自信持って試合できた」 - Kyo News - Duration: 3:54.
野球ニュース - 侍ジャパン28人発表 清宮、村上ら11人が初選出 3月9、10日メキシコ戦 - Duration: 2:02.
打撃練習で汗 流す清宮 3月9、 0日の「EN OS侍ジャパ シリーズ20 9」の日本― キシコ戦(い れも午後7時 京セラドーム 阪)の侍ジャ ンメンバー2 人が18日、 縄市内のホテ で発表された
初選出は11 。日本ハム・ 宮幸太郎内野 、ヤクルト・ 上宗隆内野手 が初めて代表 りした。 メンバーは以 の通り。☆は 選出。 投手】☆梅野 吾、☆原樹里 ヤクルト)、 岡泰輔、☆山 由伸(オリッ ス)、松永昂 (ロッテ)、 崎康晃、今永 太、☆三上朋 (DeNA) 高橋礼、森唯 (ソフトバン )、☆森原康 (楽天)、田 麗斗(巨人) 【捕手】 林誠司(巨人 、田村龍弘( ッテ)、甲斐 也(ソフトバ ク) 【 野手】京田陽 (中日)、☆ 川尚輝、岡本 真(巨人)、 山悠輔(阪神 、☆清宮幸太 (日本ハム) 中村奨吾(ロ テ)、☆村上 隆(ヤクルト 【外野 】田中和基( 天)、☆吉田 尚(オリック )、☆野間峻 (広島)、上 誠知(ソフト ンク)、近藤 介、☆西川遥 (日本ハム)
I.A Robot Trading Forex - Opportunité 2019 (VOSTFR) - Duration: 2:23.
Прохождение Metro Exodus #5 "Каcпий" - Duration: 1:06:12.
Renault Trafic 2.0 DCI T29 L1H1 ECO Airco, Sch d rechts, Navi, Pdc, trekh, , 3 zitter, Cruise c, Enz - Duration: 1:21.
Laurence Ferrari : ses petites confidences sur son fils Eliott - Duration: 2:28.
Vader Rap - Notorious BIG 'Juicy': A Star Wars Parody - Duration: 2:26.
Yeah, this song is dedicated
To all the council that told me I'd never be a master
To all the people that sliced my limbs off
using the high ground
Who tried to stop me when I was just trying
to bring some peace and freedom to my new empire
And all the Sith in the struggle
You know what I'm saying?
It's all good, baby baby
It was all a dream
I used to wake up from Padme's scream
Jedi training, not realizing Palpatine's scheme
New limbs makin' me tall
Every Force choke attack, Vader's back
Droid's a protocol (How Rude!)
I let Sheev shock, since my side swap (Aghhh!)
Smokin' them younglings, watching them all drop
Way back, when I had the smooth and ripped six-pack
With the hair to match
Remember when you met her? Vad-a, Vad-a
You never thought that young Ani
would take it this far (Ani?!)
Now I got my red light, lookin' for the Jedi knight
Time to taste blade, say goodbye to the blue shade
Born in the heat, a slave, no elite
Remember when I used to get told to take a seat (Unfair!)
Peace to Anakin, Qui-gon, Obi-wan (Hello there!)
Padme Amidala, and planet Alderaan (Boom!)
I'm blowing things up like Tarkin would
Calling Deathstar, new cape, new hood, it's all good
And if you don't reason, then it's treason, Yoda
You all know me well
My name is Vader
I was once the slave
Ani Skywalker (Ani, bedtime!)
I had a goal
But then I lost a hand
Cause I'm the chosen one (He IS the chosen one)
And I also hates sand
(I don't like sand)
(It's coarse and)
(Rough and irritating)
(And it gets everywhere)
Thức uống giảm cân tăng cường sức khỏe chỉ vài thìa mỗi ngày - Duration: 10:26.
Samantha Morton breaks down The Walking Dead Alpha origin story - Duration: 10:54.
SPOILER ALERT: Read on only if you have already watched Sunday's "Omega" episode of The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead doesn't tend to give flashback episodes for new characters to explain their backstories — especially for characters from the comic book
But a notable exception was made on Sunday's "Omega" episode, where we learned what turned the new big bad into a zombie-skin-mask-wearing freakazoid
Last week we met a masked Alpha for the first time, and this week we got the origin story of how her new persona came to be
Through her daughter Lydia's (often mangled) memories, we discovered that Alpha and her family were holed up with other survivors in Baltimore after the apocalypse hit
When someone started panicking, she killed him. And then when her husband would not let her leave with their daughter when chaos broke out, she killed him too
She then told young Lydia to put on a zombie skin mask and the rest is history. We spoke to Samantha Morton to find out what it was like cutting all her hair off on camera, and to get her take on the flashbacks and what they say about the woman behind the mask
(Also make sure to check out our previous chat where Morton discussed joining the show and her first few days on set
) Gene Page/AMC ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: This is a pretty broad question, but what would you say it is we learn about Alpha from these flashbacks of her and her family just after the apocalypse started? SAMANTHA MORTON: I think, for her, something is triggered through the apocalypse
Maybe something that was laying dormant inside of her. Maybe we can look at her, childhood things that happened to her, and here she realizes that she's capable of doing really horrific things in order to survive and to [protect] her child
And most women out there, and men, would say that they would do anything for their child
You'd stand in front of a bus to protect your child. You'd do anything, and I think that what she realizes about herself is her ultimate confidence in survival and what she's willing to do
What is the breaking point for Alpha that starts her on the road to whom she is now? I think there's a trauma of what's happening, and that is stimulated through fear, what she's witnessed, and what's happening around her
That adrenaline inside. But it is about protecting her child and herself, and surviving, and watching people behave so stupidly
We see that scene where she kills that guy Ortiz who is freaking out and she says, "You're weak
You're pathetic and there is no room for you here," and smothers him. Is she even phased by that? Because assuming that is her first kill, you'd think there would be some sort of shock, but it doesn't appear to really phase her
It depends how they edited it, because I haven't seen it, and obviously you can do quite a few different takes
I don't watch myself, so you've seen how they've edited it, and the music, and all the rest of it
But I think I've imagined that she's killed animals before. She's hunted. She grew up in a rural area
She's badass in that way. And maybe that is why she is a villain, as in she's the villain, but she doesn't think she's a villain
She's just doing what she has to do, and she's been really honest about it. He is pathetic
He is weak. This is a new world now, a new world order, and it's brutal, but this is her tribe, and this is how they're functioning
It's awful, actually. When I think of it, "Oh, my gosh!" But when I'm in Alpha head, it really is like…It's awful, but it makes sense to her
What was it like playing different versions of this character because of the unreliable narrator aspect of Lydia recounting these distorted memories? Did you have to adjust to that at all? Yeah, we did
It was fun. It's a dream within a dream within a flashback within a what is real? Because we all have that anyway
You can go into a room and have a meal with somebody, and both of those individuals have then said, "Okay, write down your versions of what happened at dinner and how you're feeling," and they'll come up with totally different interpretations
So I find all that fascinating. But, equally, there were times when there was a vagueness about it, so I was just being "Mother," pre-Alpha, you know? So, let's talk about the hair
We see your hair at various lengths throughout the episode. Was that real and were you cutting it in stages while filming or had you already shaved it and those were wigs? No, that was my real hair
What we did, my hair was kind of down to my waist, and I stupidly cut it before going to Atlanta, thinking that would help me when I went bald
But I didn't realize we were going to go back, and that you saw the long hair. And so we decided that we were going to keep my hair, which was in a bob, and then just cut it on camera
Just go for it. Gene Page/AMC What was that like? Oh, I loved it. It just feels very real, and what the audience is seeing is real, you know? And there's emotions about that, but the practicalities for pre-Alpha is that the hair, she's turning herself into something
She's metamorphosing from a caterpillar to a butterfly, but not the nicest butterfly, you know? She's completely changing who she is, and whether that's trauma and something to do with the brain, or that she just found her true self that she's able to be because of what's happening to the world
When we first see present-day Alpha show up at the Hilltop, it's without the mask and she has this dark makeup around the mouth and eyes
What can you say about that look that you all created? It's pretty striking. I think those guys are incredible, what they come up with
That's what the [makeup artists] want, and I love it. I think it's brilliant. The eyes are there because when she puts on the mask, they need to be hollow
So, yeah, I just think it's brilliant. What was the reaction from other cast members and folks when you showed up for this scene looking like that? You know what? I think people do find her scary, so that's a good thing, I think
They genuinely do. So I'm chuffed with that because I can just be the character then
I don't have to kind of behave like some villain. I think you just be, don't you? And then I think all that makeup really helps
It's a bit mad. Make sure to also read our episode Q&A with showrunner Angela Kang, and for more TWD scoop, follow Dalton on Twitter @DaltonRoss
Related content: Samantha Morton gives exclusive first Walking Dead interview See first Alpha unmasked photos of Samantha Morton Lydia speaks! Cassady McClincy opens up about joining The Walking Dead The Walking Dead showrunner shares alternate Negan storyline The Walking Dead AMC's zombie thriller, based on the classic comic book serial created by Robert Kirkman
type TV Show seasons 9 episodes 123 Genre Drama, Horror, Thriller Rating TV-14 run date 10/31/10 Status On Hiatus creator Frank Darabont Cast Andrew Lincoln, Lauren Cohan, Danai Gurira, Norman Reedus Network AMC Available For Streaming On Fubo TV Complete Coverage The Walking Dead
《海贼王》五大感人场景,艾斯之死只能排第二? - Duration: 13:04.
Chelsea ace Callum Hudson-Odoi must consider these things when deciding his future - PVA - Duration: 1:48.
That is according to ex-Chelsea left-back and Crystal Palace ace Patrick van Aanholt
Hudson-Odoi was constantly linked with a move away from Stamford Bridge in January
Bayern Munich had several bids rejected for the 18-year-old, including a final offer of around £35million
Hudson-Odoi will reportedly not sign a new contract at Chelsea despite being offered £85,000 a week
And Van Aanholt, who left Chelsea after a lack of first-team football in 2014, says Hudson-Odoi is right not to take the pay rise straight away
"He's in a different position than I was," Van Aanholt said on Goals on Sunday. "He's playing games, he's playing loads of games
"I don't know what's going on in his head or what people are telling him so I can't decide for him
"But the other thing I'd say is he's just got to follow his heart and see what his heart says and where it leads to
"I think the better you play, the better the money will be and the money will come eventually if you keep playing
"For him it's good to play first-team football because he's a fantastic player. "You can see now, it's like he's been there for years
" Goals on Sunday presenter Chris Kamara is pleased with the approach Hudson-Odoi has taken over his future so far
"That's what I like about his heart, his heart says he wants to play first-team football," Kamara said
"The money will come, that's what he said. "'I just want to play, if Chelsea play me every week I'd be quite happy to stay'
" Hudson-Odoi and Chelsea are back in action on Sunday as they visit reigning champions Manchester City (4pm)
推全民調等於羞辱美國歷任總統 「他」痛批:讓韓國瑜笑台灣鬼混20年 - Duration: 2:13.
The Walking Dead showrunner on creating Alpha's unique look - Duration: 10:22.
SPOILER ALERT: Read on only if you have already watched Sunday's "Omega" episode of The Walking Dead
We already knew that Alpha looked disturbing in her zombie-skin mask. As to how she looks now without the mask, we just got our first gander at the very end of Sunday's "Omega" episode of The Walking Dead, and it turns out… also pretty disturbing! We asked showrunner Angela Kang about how they came up with Alpha's striking look, and also delved deep into the flashback-heavy episode that gave us backstories for both Alpha and her daughter, Lydia
We learned that the duo were trapped in Baltimore with Lydia's dad when the apocalypse hit
But when others started panicking, Alpha took charge — killing some poor dude named Ortiz for freaking out, and then taking out her own husband when he wouldn't let them leave once the going got bad
Kang explains why they decided to give Alpha and Lydia a rare backstory episode, gets into what their big reunion at the end means, and even drops a tasty clue as to what to expect from the Whisperers coming up
(Read through both pages for the entire interview, and also check out our episode Q&A with Alpha herself, Samantha Morton
) Gene Page/AMC ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: A big backstory episode here as we learn the origins of Alpha and what happened to her and Lydia at the start of the apocalypse
Why don't you just start by telling me what you all wanted to achieve here by showing this, because it is pretty rare when you all do this for characters
Usually we just meet them in the present and they may tell us about their past, but that's about it
Obviously, you went much deeper here with Alpha. ANGELA KANG: Yeah, we tend to keep the show rooted radically in the present
We rarely do flashbacks, but I think the thing that became intriguing to us is we were just asking ourselves a lot of questions about it
Because, of course, all of us love the story of the Whisperers in the comic books
It's something I've been looking forward to because these issues were coming out as I was working on the show
I was like: Oh my God. This is so crazy, I'd love to dive into it. But as we were working on the stories, we're like, what kind of a person decides that the way to go through life is to put on the skin of dead people and then gathers people around them to do the same? And what is that psychology? What kind of things are in that person? Who were they before the apocalypse? As we were talking about it, we just felt like: Oh, man, we have Samantha Morton, who's this incredible, incredible actor
It would be fun to kind of show a little bit of who this person was, and to also show that unlike some of our other characters who maybe were trying to kind of be good for a long time in the apocalypse and before they became a "villain" — maybe there was something always a little broken in her
What about the Lydia side of the story? With Lydia, it really felt like, what is her goal there? What is she trying to do? We felt that she would be lying to try to get information, but also, she's a kid, and what are the effects of being in this strange relationship with her mother been like? We thought that Alpha might have filled her head with a lot of nonsense about the way the world is
Part of that is true too, kind of like the comic. It's surprising to her to see that the world is a different place than she maybe thought it was
In order to do that, it really made sense for us to tell this flashback story, except it's an unreliable narrator story too, because Lydia is realizing that her own memories about her mother, and her parents, and what it means to be in the world may be scrambled because she's this victim of this very emotionally abusive and physically abusive relationship
So it sort of kind of came organically out of the conversations that we had and our own questions
We thought it's so interesting to us to try to answer these questions that maybe it would be interesting to the audience too, so we decided to take a swing at it
You have this situation where not only does Lydia finally open up in this episode, but we get a few different references to the physical beatings Daryl took, and those end up forging connections between him and Lydia, and him and Henry as well
So it's really this interesting dance here where all three characters are trying to build trust with each other at the same time
Yeah, I think Norman [Reedus] plays all the stuff related to that character's abuse so well, just all the complexities of that
That Lydia has the upbringing that she has, we just immediately kind of jumped to Daryl as such an interesting character to cross with her because he has had a horrible childhood
He's kind of risen above it in so many ways, even though there are still parts of himself that he struggles with
We thought that that was a really interesting opportunity to tell stories with people who have such trauma in their lives and are just trying to cope with it as they move forward in this apocalypse
Henry really is the one that's outside of that in some ways, but trying to empathize
He's had a very lovely childhood. Obviously, fraught with loss, but has had loving, supportive people raising him, which is just a completely different kind of background for him
He has such sympathy though and empathy for these people who weren't as lucky as him in that way
That's been really fun for us to write too. Lydia picks up that hammer and is ready to escape, but then hears a baby crying and puts it down
What is it about that baby crying that flips a switch in her? Here's what I'll say: We'll find out a lot more about the Whisperers and babies very soon
There's an aspect related to the culture of their society that's probably running through her mind
But I also think for somebody who's been told the world is over, there's no such things like communities behind walls that are safe and where people can live — all of that's a lie, all of it will fall apart always
To be in a place that is clearly thriving, where they have crops, where people have homes, where people can have families, and the baby cries, and the baby is safe, these are all things that are just breaking every sort of truth that she believed that she knew about the world
So it's like the hopefulness of being able to raise children in a post-apocalyptic world — I do think that there is something to that for a lot of our characters
Lydia spent her entire childhood that she really remembers in the apocalypse, and that's an emotional thing to think, like, "I've been wandering around outside the walls, wearing this skin of a dead monster, and here's this baby that just is safe behind walls, loved by somebody, taken care of by a community
" That's something that's a triggering moment for her. We thought that that was an interesting way to simply dramatize that moment, but there's also something very specific about babies, and the way that they deal with babies, that we'll learn about in the next episode
(Interview continues on next page.) NEXT PAGE: Kang explains Alpha's new look and what's coming up next Next ( 1 of 2 ) The Walking Dead AMC's zombie thriller, based on the classic comic book serial created by Robert Kirkman
type TV Show seasons 9 episodes 123 Genre Drama, Horror, Thriller Rating TV-14 run date 10/31/10 Status On Hiatus creator Frank Darabont Cast Andrew Lincoln, Lauren Cohan, Danai Gurira, Norman Reedus Network AMC Available For Streaming On Fubo TV Complete Coverage The Walking Dead
What Louis van Gaal told Ed Woodward about appointing his Man Utd successor - Duration: 2:36.
Louis Van Gaal's time at Manchester United didn't quite go to plan - but that didn't stop him offering up advice on appointing his successor
The Dutchman spent two years at the Old Trafford helm, which culminated in lifting the FA Cup trophy, before he was sacked and replaced by Jose Mourinho
Looking back, Mourinho's time at the club now looks to have been a questionable decision
But had Van Gaal had his way, the job would have gone to someone else - Ryan Giggs
The former United legend was quizzed by the Guardian as to whether he had been offered any assurances on the top job at Old Trafford
"No, it was more Louis [van Gaal] who said it," said Giggs, "You know how Louis is
He told Ed Woodward [United's executive vice-chairman]: 'I will be manager for three years and then Ryan will take over
' Typical Louis." Van Gaal took over as manager in 2014 after Giggs' brief stint as caretaker following the sacking of David Moyes
With the Welshman's playing career at an end, he joined Van Gaal's backroom staff as Assistant Manager
However the United legend was overlooked for the top job when Van Gaal was dismissed, with Mourinho taking charge
Giggs has had to watch on as United struggled to regain their former glory under the Portuguese coach, as he went 18 months without a job, despite feeling ready for management
Mourinho was dismissed in December and replaced by Giggs' former teammate Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
Had Giggs not accepted the role as Wales manager just under a year previously, it is likely he'd have been in the frame to take over the hot seat
He added: "No one else made me any promises. I didn't think I was ready when I finished playing but, after working with Louis, I felt more than prepared
"I know it didn't work out for United but Louis was brilliant for me because he is a teacher
Révélations de Médiapart : Benalla a porté plainte pour «atteinte à l'intimité de la vie privée» - Duration: 2:10.
Flybmi: Woman left stranded after airline collapse faces 7 hour journey home - Duration: 3:06.
A British woman is facing a nightmare seven-hour journey home after being stranded in Belgium thanks to the collapse of airline Flybmi
The company made the shock announcement it had ceased trading on Saturday February 16, meaning many UK flights were cancelled and passengers left high and dry
Hannah Price, 23 from Portishead, travelled to Brussels last Monday for work, Bristol Live reports
But now instead of a two hour flight home today, she now has to travel via Amsterdam, which will take more than three times as long
Read More Flybmi collapse: Five key air routes saved by sister airline Loganair revealed "I found out about the collapse yesterday," she said
"My heart sank as soon as I saw it, although I wasn't massively surprised due to the pressures Brexit is putting on airlines
"I kept calm and went on social media to contact the airline and ask them what to do
"I knew loads of people would be contacting them so I thought that if I was one of the first to get in touch, there might be a chance I'd get put on a flight
"I had also already checked in so I thought there might be a chance I'd be on one of the last-ever Flybmi flights, but it wasn't to be
" Her rescheduled flight was organised by Brussels Airlines, a partner of FlyBMI, which put her on a KLM Royal Dutch Airlines flight to Bristol at no extra cost "I managed to find the replacement flight through sheer luck and Brussels Airline saved the day to be honest," Hannah said
"As a business owner I'm the sole employee of the company and I have an event coming up next weekend
"So if it weren't for this flight it would have been devastating." Read More Flybmi collapse: UK airline grounds ALL flights - what next and can YOU get a refund? Hannah has two other flights planned with FlyBRI in March and could stand to lose around £500 unless Brussels Airlines can come to the rescue again
It is believed that around 1,500 passengers were scheduled to fly out on Sunday before the company's announcement
The East Midlands-based airline has said it had been badly affected by rises in fuel and carbon costs and uncertainty over Brexit
The company has 376 staff, operates 17 planes flying to 25 European cities. Last year the airline carried 522,000 passengers on 29,000 flights
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PUBG GAME खेलने से हुई शादी | Couple Gets Married Because of PUBG Mobile 2019 | PubG Gaming Hindi - Duration: 6:15.
Why Alisson is happy Liverpool drew Bayern Munich in Champions League - Duration: 1:51.
Liverpool goalkeeper Alisson says he's happy his side drew Bayern Munich in the last-16 of the Champions League, because it gives him an opportunity to study "a big reference" up close
The Brazilian will play a knockout cup game at the Anfield for the first time since being on the receiving end of five goals from the Reds in last season's Champions League semi-final against Roma
But this time he'll be cheered on by the home fans in one of the ties of the round
The Reds will have to make do without suspended defender Virgil van Dijk, meaning that an extra pressure could be placed at the feet of Alisson to keep out the visitors and stop them from scoring a vital away goal
Read More Alisson explains why he's "confident" despite facing daunting Liverpool first But while Alisson will look to keep out the away side's attackers, he'll also have an eye on what is going on at the other end, and the performance of a certain Manuel Neuer
"We know they're a really good, strong team," the 26-year-old told Premier League productions
'Jurgen [Klopp] knows more about that team than anyone. "There's a lot of quality – and a great defence
"[Neuer] is a big reference for me. When we got them in the draw I was pleased knowing I'd be against him
" Read More Bayern Munich star reveals how Liverpool are the stronger side ahead of Anfield tie A goalkeeper who likes to come out the area and express himself with the ball at his feet? So that's where Alisson gets it from!
Lovren films Liverpool players 'stuck in a lift' ahead of Bayern Munich clash - Duration: 1:08.
If you're claustrophobic, look away now. For many, getting stuck in a lift would be their worst nightmare
Well, maybe not their 'worst' nightmare, but you know what we mean. Getting stuck together in a tight space with several others just isn't anyone's idea of fun, and if it is to happen to you then you'd better hope that you're with your mates and not some strangers you can't stand
Luckily for Liverpool's stars then, at least they had each other. Reds defender Dejan Lovren uploaded this video to his Instagram Story on Sunday showing himself and five other members of the squad all looking pretty trapped in what we think is a Melwood lift
Read More Jurgen Klopp offers Bayern Munich verdict after "different" pre-match analysis At least Roberto Firmino, Alberto Moreno, Andy Robertson, Jordan Henderson and Trent Alexander-Arnold were able to see the funny side of it though, as Lovren and the Reds stars made fun of their situation
They'll hope to be out by the time they face Bayern Munich in their Champions League last-16 at Anfield on Tuesday night, and the chances are that they probably will be
Read More Arjen Robben explains why Liverpool's Anfield is the "worst stadium" he's ever played at The bulk of the squad have been away in Marbella at a warm weather training camp to prepare for the game, while Lovren has been in his native Croatia to receive specialist treatment on a hamstring injury
He could well be winning his fight to be fit to take on the Germans, providing he doesn't get in any more lifts
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Liverpool legend reveals why players are cracking up under Man City pressure - Duration: 3:51.
The Reds are three points clear at the top of the Premier League but have been wobbling in recent weeks
Jurgen Klopp's men have recorded just one win in their last five outings and could only manage a 1-1 draw with West Ham on Monday
McDermott - who won the European Cup on three occasions with Liverpool - says the players and fans are getting rattled
"It does get to you a little bit but good players it doesn't bother whether you're playing a little five-a-side game or a big match against Manchester United or Everton
It doesn't matter, they just play," he told Love Sport Radio. "Sometimes the fans can get a little bit like that
"Don't forget it was only three or four years ago that they should have won the league
"They know, or have been so close before. There's still a long way to go. "If someone had asked me in the beginning of February you're going to be three points clear of Manchester City you'd have snapped their hand
"Without a shadow of a doubt. I know we're all disappointed because one minute we're looking at seven points in front and then all of a sudden it's gone down, but City might lose
"Then we've got a game in hand on them and if we win that, it's six points. "And don't forget, Spurs
They're bang in there. They weren't three or four weeks ago, they are now." Liverpool underwhelmed against the Hammers and were fortunate Sadio Mane's opener stood
James Milner was clearly offside in the build-up before the Senegal international slotted home
"Well it wasn't a great performance and obviously we could all see that it was offside," McDermott added
"That does happen in football, to compensate they go the other way. "It shouldn't have been a goal and then all of a sudden he goes 'right, I'll get my own back a little bit' and try and give them a little bit more than they would normally do
"But that's not the reason really, the reason was on the night Liverpool did not play as well as we know they can
" Speaking after the clash, Klopp suggested the clanger later influenced referee Kevin Friend
"As a human being, if I know I have made a big mistake in the first half, I don't want to open the gap any more," Klopp said
"Referees are obviously human beings, and I understand that, but I didn't during the game because I had no clue that our goal was offside
" The FA have now sought written observations from the German chief following his comments
Liverpool writers have selected Jurgen Klopp's best XI if every player was fully fit - Duration: 1:48.
Jurgen Klopp has something of a defensive dilemma ahead of Liverpool's Champions League clash against Bayern Munich
Virgil van Dijk is suspended, while Joe Gomez is still recovering from a fractured leg
Meanwhile, Dejan Lovren is struggling with a hamstring problem. So, Klopp may have very little alternative but to field Joel Matip alongside an unnatural centre-back - possibly Fabinho
But Liverpool have coped well with injuries this season. Their squad is much stronger and they haven't felt the effects of numerous first-team players being sidelined
But what would Liverpool's starting XI be if everyone was fit and available? Well, that question was put to Liverpool Echo's writers and three of them picked the exact same XI
Ian Doyle: "The only real debate is in midfield. Gini Wijnaldum has been the real winner this season, while Fabinho has made himself undroppable with his form in recent months," Doyle said
"James Milner is reliable, Xherdan Shaqiri has sparkled on occasion, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain can't be forgotten and Naby Keita is hopefully starting to deliver on his promise
But skipper Jordan Henderson remains the most influential presence in the engine room
" Connor Dunn: "Gini Wijnaldum makes a tremendous difference to the balance of the side and therefore has to be in the best starting XI while Fabinho gives a totally different option in the engine room and his performances of late have certainly made him worthy of being included here," Dunn said
"The third and final position is trickier and it will depend on formation of course but Jurgen Klopp's tried and tested 4-3-3 is the one for me and that means Jordan Henderson is also in the line-up
" Sean Bradbury: "Midfield is where the real dilemma emerges. I'm sticking to a 4-3-3 formation and Fabinho and Gini Wijnaldum both make the cut," Bradbury said
"The third midfield berth goes to Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, who just edges out Jordan Henderson and Naby Keita
" Chris Beesley: "The engine room is an intriguing conundrum. Forget what the haters of Jordan Henderson say - many of whom are far away from Anfield on a matchday when they cast their skewed opinions - the club captain remains at the heartbeat of this side," Beesley said
"For sheer ability you'd think Naby Keita SHOULD be in there too but he hasn't shown enough so far so instead the likes of Fabinho and Gini Wijnaldum are in on merit for what they have proven on the pitch to date
BUNDESMEAGER Iranian TV 'cancels' Bayern game broadcast because female ref was wearing shorts - Duration: 5:13.
AN Iranian broadcast of Bayern Munich's game against Augsburg was apparently cancelled because the female referee was wearing shorts
Islamic Republic of Iranian Broadcasting [IRIB] were due to show the Bundesliga clash on Friday
But local media and respected German news outlet Bild claimed it was pulled at the last minute after it was learned that Biabiana Steinhaus would ref the game at the WWK Arena
Footage of women in revealing attire including shorts is censored in the chiefly Islamic country
Steinhaus has previously appeared in a game shown in Iran, however broadcasters cut to shots of the crowd to avoid her
The 39-year-old is arguably the highest profile female official operating in the sport
Last season, Steinhaus became the first women to officiate in one of Europe's top five leagues when she took charge of Hertha Berlin against Werder Bremen in September 2017
Furthermore, she has taken charge of some of the biggest games in women's football including the 2013 World Cup final, the London 2012 Olympic gold medal match and the Champions League final in 2017
Though the news is a clear example of censorship in a religious country, it is a further setback for the acceptance of female officials in a predominantly male-dominated sport
Steinhaus is a high-profile yet pioneering figure in Germany who wants her work on the field to do the talking
The police officer told DW in an interview in November 2017: "I don't really like the gender topic when it comes to refereeing I understand that it's a topic for people around me
"At the end of the day, the performance is what matters. "And the person producing the best performance should be the person on the pitch, no matter what gender, what hair colour, what religion
"That's all that counts. "The Bundesliga is one of the world's most respected leagues, so having a female official here is a big step in general for female officials
"But there are good female officials around the world. "We have a lot of good leagues in Europe, even in smaller countries, where female referees are officiating
"It's not even a topic because they are doing a great job. And that's precisely what we want; to be judged by our performances on the pitch
"With my promotion to the Bundesliga there have been a few headlines around the world about female officials
"I like the headlines that discuss the performance, not the fact that I'm a female official
"Sometimes it takes a little time to earn the respect of the people you work with but, at the end of the day, the police officer or the referee is the one who makes the decisions
"Here, at the very latest, people understand who's in charge." Irish referee goes viral after telling players to 'calm the f*** down' during Northern Ireland League Cup final
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