Saturday, February 16, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 16 2019

For more infomation >> Eminem - All That's Left (2019) - Duration: 3:45.


Absolutely Luxury 2019 Tiny House on Wheels For Sale in Washington $130k - Duration: 3:31.

Absolutely Luxury 2019 Tiny House on Wheels For Sale in Washington $130k

For more infomation >> Absolutely Luxury 2019 Tiny House on Wheels For Sale in Washington $130k - Duration: 3:31.


How To Get Viewers From Google? - Duration: 2:57.

Alright, that's a really great strategy to make social media work even

if you don't have any followers, right? I mean, I can tell. I used this strategy for

my channel in the very beginning and it really jump-started the success of my

channel. So yeah, I can only recommend that you also invest the time to become

a friend of groups where people have the same interests that you do videos about.

And that is the second to last strategy we have on this cartwheel. Next up is

websites and email lists. But you have probably recognized: the playlist,

the name is 8+1 strategies. So there's one strategy missing. Can you

imagine which one is missing? Well, we will find out after two videos

that talk about the website growth strategy. The idea of course: you create a

website, have an audience there as well, an email list for example, and you can

activate them, engage with them and bring them to your channel to further grow

your channel. But I have to say. I mean, we know from YouTube that we have to do SEO

because of the big competition. And on Google, it's really not that

different. I mean, it's even more crowded we could say. So we have to apply proper

growth techniques over on Google for our websites as well. And to give you like

the 101 on how Google SEO works, how you can make your website successful, I

talked to Julian, an expert in Google SEO, how we can transfer our knowledge that

we already have about YouTube SEO to Google as well. And yeah, that's the next

clip we will be talking about how Google works in comparison to YouTube so we can

more easily understand it. But you will see in the second half of the video, we

are talking about how to rank our videos on Google as well. And well, the video is

a little bit older and it turns out that Google changed since

then. Nowadays, we actually can rank our own

videos from YouTube directly on Google without needing a website. So the second

video that we will see after this one is actually about how you can rank your

videos directly on Google. So with that you get knowledge about how to make it

happen on Google with your website as well as how you can rank your videos

directly. And I hope that gives you a good foundation to decide how you might

approach this growth strategy. The last, the eighth one on this cartwheel. Alright,

see you after these two clips and then we'll talk about the extra growth


For more infomation >> How To Get Viewers From Google? - Duration: 2:57.


Valentine's Day killer ambushed ex and injected her with cyanide - Duration: 9:26.

It was Valentine's Day and although romance was the last thing on Ellie Tran's mind, love and devotion certainly were

The single mum was working as many hours as she could as a manicurist to support her two-year-old daughter

Ellie, 35, was also living with her parents in Virginia Beach, on the east coast of America

They had moved over from Vietnam to help her raise their granddaughter, but they didn't speak English and Ellie, who put family above all else, insisted on looking after them

She worked at various salons to bring as much money in as she could, and even when Ellie got home, she'd fuss around her parents

On 14 February 2017, while the world was celebrating with their soulmate or out searching for The One, Ellie was content with her true love – her daughter

She was the one good thing to come out of her rocky relationship with Joseph Merlino III

Joseph, then 29, was the owner of a mobile phone repair shop in Oceanfront, Virginia

He fell for Ellie who was beautiful and full of life. They'd dated for a few years and Ellie had fallen pregnant

Straight away there was tension. Ellie expressed how important it was to have her family involved with the new baby, so when her parents moved over, she wanted her and Joseph to live with them

He wasn't so keen. When their little girl was born, Ellie tried to make the relationship work, despite her boyfriend being incredibly controlling

Ellie had traditional beliefs and wanted her family to stay together. But when she became scared of Joseph, she knew it was time to end things

At one point she went to the police saying Joseph had grabbed her by the neck in front of their daughter and he'd threatened to put Ellie 'under the ground'

Joseph was fined. After the couple split, Ellie found a place with her parents and they focused on making a happy family home

Ellie worked to pay the bills and the mortgage, and would insist on cooking and doing the chores too

Surrounded by love, life was getting better for Ellie, but the shadow of Joseph continued to loom

They were locked in a bitter custody battle. While Ellie worked all the hours to support her family, Joseph would try to break into her home, or follow her

Frightened, Ellie had surveillance cameras fitted and wrote in her diary that she was living in fear of what he might do

Joseph already had a new girlfriend – a woman he'd met in China while he was there for work – but without his daughter, he refused to move on

On the evening of Valentine's Day 2017, at around 8pm, Ellie pulled into her driveway

She had no idea Joseph lay in wait. As she got out of her car and headed to the front door, Joseph attacked

He plunged an antique syringe into Ellie's upper leg and injected her with a dose of cyanide – an extremely lethal poison that can result in immediate death in high enough doses

The whole attack was caught on the surveillance cameras Ellie had installed to keep Joseph away

As Joseph fled, Ellie's mum, Oanh Le, heard the screams and ran outside to see what was happening

Ellie was holding her leg and pointed to the figure running down the street. 'Merlino stuck something in my leg,' she cried

At first, Ellie was able to dial 911, but within 15 minutes she was unconscious and unable to breathe

Ellie was rushed to Sentara Princess Anne Hospital, but by midnight she was declared brain dead, and the following day her family reluctantly turned off her life support

Considering the turbulent history between them, Joseph was quickly brought in for questioning

Although Ellie's mum had identified Joseph, it wasn't clear on the footage whether it was him

The attacker had worn a high visibility shirt, presumably to distort the image and make it harder to identify him

Joseph said he had been over 100 miles away visiting family in Victoria, Virginia, when Ellie had been stabbed

His mobile phone placed him there, but no calls or messages were sent from it, suggesting he might not have been with it at the time

After further investigation, Joseph looked more and more guilty. He would go to a local pizza restaurant every day, and in January the owner received a package addressed to Joseph

When he told Joseph about it, he walked into the kitchen, grabbed it and left. Police found a woman in New Hampshire who later testified that she'd sold a vintage steel syringe for $68 on the website Etsy to someone in Virginia Beach

She'd shipped the package to the very same pizza restaurant. Officers also found internet searches about cyanide on Joseph's laptop and discovered he had a flight booked to China

He was charged with murder. While awaiting his trial, Joseph went on a two-month hunger strike and lost 40lbs

The prosecution believed he was trying to make himself look different to the images on the surveillance video

He was also sending coded letters to his family and girlfriend that were intercepted

Investigators believed he was trying to get his girlfriend to create a false chat log to give him an alibi and get friends to say they'd seen them both face-chatting at the time of the murder

At the trial in June last year, Joseph pleaded not guilty. His defence still argued that he was over 100 miles away at the time of the attack

Joseph took the stand and was questioned about the web searches he made in January 2017, with subjects including 'high quality syringes', 'what if cyanide gets in the blood stream?', and 'how many milligrams of cyanide will kill you?'

Joseph said anyone could have had access to it. Ellie's mum testified through a translator about the evening her daughter was attacked

She said she saw Joseph across the street and sobbed hysterically as footage of Ellie's ambush was played for the jury

Later that month, Joseph, 31, was found guilty of first-degree murder and the jury recommended life in prison

He ended his hunger strike. Ellie's sister Phi Tran had travelled from Vietnam to attend the trial and told the media that she was relieved at the verdict

'Justice had been made under American law,' she said, emotionally. 'We just want to say thank you

Thank you so much.' In the December, there was more drama at the sentencing when Joseph was wheeled into court in an upright gurney-type wheelchair, covered in a blanket

He was foaming at the mouth, rocking from side to side and unresponsive. The judge was forced to postpone the penalty phase

A prison doctor testified that he could have been suffering from a mental condition brought on by the stress of being incarcerated and had started acting that way the morning of his sentencing

The prosecution said he was simply feigning the episode to avoid hearing the inevitable news that he faced many years behind bars

The following week, Joseph was sentenced to life in prison. He blamed his lawyers for their failings in the case and said he plans to appeal

'This was an erroneous conviction,' Joseph told the court. 'Time will always tell

' Joseph picked one of the most romantic days of the year to slay a woman who did nothing but love the important people in her life

Now a little girl breaks her grandparents' hearts every time the front door opens and she asks if it's her mummy coming home

For more infomation >> Valentine's Day killer ambushed ex and injected her with cyanide - Duration: 9:26.


Фестиваль "Зимниада" в Иркутской области. Новости туризма России. - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Фестиваль "Зимниада" в Иркутской области. Новости туризма России. - Duration: 2:35.



Gabriela Cristea a primit o veste la care nu se aștepta, însă doctorii sunt fermi, iar ea trebuie să respecte indicațiile acestora

Gabriela și soțul ei, cântărețul Tavi Clonda, urmează să devină părinți pentru a doua oară, la jumătatea lunii viitoare

Au fost ieri la ecografie.Și au aflat că… totul decurge normal, chiar dacă prezentatoarea TV a mai avut mici contracții, normale pentru această perioadă a sarcinii

Gabriela Cristea fusese sfătuită, cu mai multă vreme în urmă, să nască mai devreme, prin cezariană, pentru a nu apărea unele probleme

Însă vedeta nu s-a programat pentru operație.„Gabi nu s-a programat la cezariană

O să o facă atunci când va veni momentul să nască. Ea se simte bine. Totul e ok", a declarat Tavi Clonda pentru libertatea

ro.Gabriela Cristea a renunțat la câteva lucruri.Gabriela Cristea este însărcinată pentru a doua oară și urmează să devină mama unei fetițe peste câteva săptămâni și abia așteaptă să-și strângă minunea la piept

Recent, prezentatoarea TV a dezvăluit că a renunțat la anumite lucruri de când este însărcinată

„De când sunt însărcinată, recunosc că nu mai am putere pentru lucrurile astea de cochetărie

(…) Nu mai folosesc vopseluri cu amoniac, deşi culorile sunt mai puternice, se ia mai greu

Le recomand mămicilor. Înţeleg că este nociv pentru sarcină. Eu am optat şi pentru varianta să nu îmi mai dau unghiile cu ojă

Acetona aia… am optat pentru varianta de a nu o mai folosi absolut deloc. Încerc să mă ţin şi să mă îngrijesc

În general când eşti însărcinată oamenii spun: ai ce frumoasă eşti! Şi tu te simţi ca un balon, ca o balenă eşuată

De două ori pe lună mă duc la cosmetică, la ce am nevoie", a spus recent Gabriela Cristea



Eleva contorsionistă, abonata emisiunilor Tv. Ce concurs de talente a câştigat - Duration: 5:11.

O elevă din Botoşani a uimit vineri seară juriul de la "Românii au Talent" cu calitățile sale fizice incredibile

Andreea Tucaliuc are 14 ani şi este elevă la Liceul Pedagogic din Botoșani. Adolescenta a intrat pe scenă şi a dat altă dimensiune contorsionismului

În trecut, Andreea a căştigat un show de talente la Antena 1, postul rival Pro Tv

Andreea Tucaliuc s-a înscris şi la "Românii au talent". Eleva de 14 ani de la Școala nr

13 din Botoșani a fost una dintre aparițiile care au stârnit ropote de aplauze la ediția de vineri seară a show-ului de la Pro TV

Numărul său de contorsionism i-a lăsat mască pe jurații celebrei emisiuni, aşa cum şi cu aproape trei ani audienţa a fost impresionată de calităţile ei

Andreea a câștigat concursul televizat "Next Star" de la Antena 1 în 2017.Nu doar membrii juriului au fost captivaţi de evoluția fetei, care practic a făcut nişte mişcări pe care puţini le-at fi putut concepe

Nici Smiley nu a putut să iasă din starea de mirare, în timp ce Pavel Bartoș, văzând dificultatea numărului, a glumit: "așa se relaxează ea"

În aceste condiții, nici nu s-a mai pus problema calificării în faza superioară a competiției

Andreea Tucaliuc are experienţa emisiuniilor tv. ea a participat şi în 2014 la Next Star, iar doi ani mai târziu a reuşit să câştige concursul

Românii au talent a fost peste ediția de debut.A doua ediție a show-ului "Românii au talent" a pus Pro TV pe primul loc în audiențe, fără drept de apel

În plus, show-ul a avut cifre peste ediția de săptămâna trecută. Astfel, ediţia de vineri, 15 februarie, a avut peste 3,7 milioane de telespectatori, la nivel național

Kanal D a avut poziția secundă, în timp ce Antena 1 a fost la distanță de primele două cu puțin peste jumătate de milion de privitori

.Minutul de aur la nivel național a fost de 4,6 milioane de telespectatori, 26,1% rating și o cotă de piață de 55,7%, la ora 22

12. .Românii au talent a adus Pro TV o medie de aproape două milioane de orășeni și a fost peste ediția de debut

Totodată, Kanal D a avut cifre de cinci ori mai mici față de lider, în timp ce Antena 1 a avut audiențe de opt ori mai mici decât Pro TV

.În timpul în care la pro Tv, românii îşi demonstrau talentele, Kanal D difuzaa un serial turcesc, "Povestea noastră", iar Antena 1 filmul Asasin American și reality-show-ul "Ultimul trib"

For more infomation >> Eleva contorsionistă, abonata emisiunilor Tv. Ce concurs de talente a câştigat - Duration: 5:11.


Tina Cipollari si scaglia contro Gemma dopo la scelta di Teresa: 'E' lei che porta iella' - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Tina Cipollari si scaglia contro Gemma dopo la scelta di Teresa: 'E' lei che porta iella' - Duration: 3:38.


Ce mult s-a schimbat Alina Vidican de când locuieşte în America - Duration: 4:41.

În timp ce fostul ei soţ, Cristian Borcea, a ajuns din nou după gratii, Alina Vidican îşi trăieşte liniştită visul american

Timişoreanca este stabilită de mai bine de doi ani în S.U.A cu cei doi copii pe care îi are din mariajul cu ex-acţionarul de la Dinamo, micuţii fiind cei care îi ocupă tot timpul

Într-o fotografie recentă, fosta doamnă Borcea apare complet schimbată. Fostul manechinul a optat pentru altă coafură şi nuanţă de păr şi nu mai pune mare preţ pe produsele de machiaj

După un mariaj de şase ani eşuat, Alina Vidican şi-a revenit cu greu după divorţul de Cristian Borcea

Blondina şi-a luat copiii pe care-i are cu acesta – băiatul George Alexandru, în vârstă de aproape 7 ani şi micuţa Gloria, de 3 ani jumătate - şi a plecat în Florida, la Miami

Acolo, Alina a încercat să şteargă urmele trecutului şi a început cu câteva intervenţii estetice

Şi-a făcut lifting facial, implant mamar şi fesier şi nu în ultimul rând şi-a schimbat culoarea părului

Din şatena pe care a cunoscut-o Borcea în urmă cu 15 ani, acum Alina Vidican este o blondă cu nuanţe de argintiu, care se dedică în totalitate celor doi copii ai săi

Cum nu mai iese prea mult din casă şi nu merge la evenimente, Alina nu pare dependentă de produsele de make+up, ci dimpotrivă trăieşte linitiră şi fără ele

Recent, dintr-o fotografie pe care ea a trimis-o apropiaţilor, am regăsit o femeie schimbată complet faţă de perioadă în care locuia în România, de pe chipul căreia zâmbetul a cam dispărut

.Cristian Borcea şi-a strâns toţi copiii de Crăciun.Presimţind parcă faptul că sărbătorile de Crăciun nu vor mai avea acelaşi gust şi în 2019, fostul acţionar de la Dinamo şi-a strâns copiii lângă el şi a petrecut cu ei în casa primei soţii, Mihaela Borcea

Alex și Gloria, cei doi puşti pe care îi are cu Alina, se înțeleg de minunne cu fraţii lor, deşi vorbesc mai greu româneşte

Pentru că trăiesc alături de mama lor, Alina, în Statele Unite, micuţii vorbesc fluentlimba engleză

.„A fost dorința mea să-i reunesc pe toți, fiindcă eu îi iubesc pe toți. Ei îmi vor duce numele mai departe

Normal, cei mici sunt mai avantajați, ei sunt și mai puși pe joacă, nu mai pot pe cei mari să-i iau în brațe și să-i mângâi, trec anii, dar cu toții sunt ai mei, ei sunt averea mea cu adevărat", s-a confesat Borcea, citat de Liberatea

For more infomation >> Ce mult s-a schimbat Alina Vidican de când locuieşte în America - Duration: 4:41.


U&D, Giulia De Lellis contro Andrea dopo il no: 'Ha scansato un fosso' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> U&D, Giulia De Lellis contro Andrea dopo il no: 'Ha scansato un fosso' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:51.


U&D, la scelta di Teresa e la reazione dopo il rifiuto di Andrew: insulti contro di lui - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> U&D, la scelta di Teresa e la reazione dopo il rifiuto di Andrew: insulti contro di lui - Duration: 3:34.


Nursery Rhymes And Kids Songs | Cake Pop Finger Family | Nursery Rhymes Songs For Babies | Anon Kids - Duration: 1:59.

Daddy, daddy, Thumb finger is your name where are you?

Here I am, here I am How do you do?

Mommy Mommy, Index finger is your name where are you?

Here I am, here I am How do you do?

Brother brother, Middle finger is your name where are you?

Here I am, here I am How do you do?

Sister sister, ring finger is your name, where are you?

Here I am, here I am How do you do?

Pinky Pinky , Baby finger is your name Where are you?

Here I am, here I am How do you do?

Daddy, daddy, Thumb finger is your name where are you?

Here I am, here I am How do you do?

Mommy Mommy, Index finger is your name where are you?

Here I am, here I am How do you do?

Brother brother, Middle finger is your name where are you?

Here I am, here I am How do you do?

Sister sister, ring finger is your name, where are you?

Here I am, here I am How do you do?

Pinky Pinky , Baby finger is your name Where are you?

Here I am, here I am How do you do?

For more infomation >> Nursery Rhymes And Kids Songs | Cake Pop Finger Family | Nursery Rhymes Songs For Babies | Anon Kids - Duration: 1:59.


Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 120 TS - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-3 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 120 TS - Duration: 0:52.


Uomini e donne, resoconto puntata serale: Andrea è stato scelto ma ha risposto 'no' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne, resoconto puntata serale: Andrea è stato scelto ma ha risposto 'no' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:19.


Uomini e donne: Teresa non rinnega la sua decisione, il web attacca Dal Corso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne: Teresa non rinnega la sua decisione, il web attacca Dal Corso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 5:12.


Nonstop Đừng như thói quen remix 2019 #DNTHRM - Duration: 51:04.

For more infomation >> Nonstop Đừng như thói quen remix 2019 #DNTHRM - Duration: 51:04.


КОТЛЕТЫ ИЗ ЩУКИ своими руками. КАК ПРИГОТОВИТЬ КОТЛЕТЫ ИЗ ЩУКИ своими руками. ♦How to DIY♦ - Duration: 10:57.

So, I have pike fillets here. Here is such a filet.

Here are 750 grams of the freshest, coolest fillet.

Pike, we all know, the larger, the harder the meat (she is old).

Such a taste, it moves less, guarding its prey in the reeds, from

smells of mud. But besides those pikes who constantly have to flounder

in the stream and from that their water washed, they do not smell of mud. But my pike

this is the usual thing with the usual guys bought it today but of course

the smell was mud but felt so I decided that if I would

cook patties then remember the Soviet there was such a time

dish or name fish nicks know people who catch

pike catch different fish and being passionate passionate about it then they know about

the existence of such a dish as rybnik and especially here the older generation i and

I wondered if I should buy salsa to make pike burgers become

tastes better just kusman salty bacon here you can of course confuse the network

since percent how many grams but pike I have 750 but this stuff fat

fat from the back 150 150 grams of sandpaper course in the garbage

salso I cut such here are the pieces that I have it

go meat grinder to meat grinders not You see such a real Soviet recipe

vintage and I thought that and let Meat grinder will be the same Soviet

old want but everything from laziness means drove chased our urban pike rides

the house is worth onions add fresh cutlets without polishing add all alternating fish

lard bow fish salo onion in general rodents still coming

bread but you know what I figured so and I decided that it would be too fat with bread

And I will not make bread bread come onions forward may be the opposite

well that's good, but all at once are trying

no, we need some juice less by weight

in the literature this is a recipe home kitchen even forest such kitchen

lard pike burgers to first mud not stink secondly to be juicy

pike is not live all his should be there about 30 percent

three times 7 is well there 21 to 200 grams times a little less took 150 see how

was right that through petty horseradish we scroll to what through large

turn off the poisonous fish our meat grinder again is a reason for

comments like we are not so we are we duck so cool yet everything is in its own way

do and I in my own way for the safest mode of transport

because in electric fingers so not by poke can grab there is

special what are those here scene here finger as soon as it rattles means it's time

stop or the second day but nothing just fascinating in any

a case in which I don't do it at all already a huge amount of time so me

I wanted cutlets and pike what do i think damn she damn

twist by hand but it's all from laziness it would seem too lazy to climb the mezzanine

in order to get electric meat grinder

have to do twice movement to make it all

twist does not grind i'm gonna go throw out a big bone

just spat be cutlets end there unreal there only in this pike that is

a lot of pike turned out listen well before that was all this

y'know really twisted I always remember how my father would be screwed

I disassemble while he twist times in the groove three knife you see all in some films and

in the bones thank god how many bones wound up and mine where but inserted

it was somehow just very done presented and went therefore in Soviet

grinder apparently 2 sieve because anyway pages and damn gut in

some point in time to wipe it there is no cooler

fatty tank about anchar onion golden onion bulb

Come on let's pike by pike I want to turn pike into

cutlets about what you need to add here salt no salt will not add

our bacon is salty but it's salty so a little bit

In general, the meatballs must necessarily salt do it all to your taste

be sure to black pepper greens I will not add any but with

I'd like to add paprika now need to mix breadcrumbs I'm

I did not find myself so I will to panic in flour well how are we doing

fry pollock in flour 1 time and on minced meat pan turns out very sticky

because through a meat grinder he damn Crushes not chopped can of course in

field conditions on a stump all throw knives and cut down like kebab

all leave the pan turn to frying

the oil warmed up the fire a little diminish now cutlet with wet hands to not

stuck skate skate she ok sculpts in general here one two three four

so blinded about here the meatballs should be such

weighty grams of a hundred but I have a little less than 80 ng is approximately

forever not throwing my eyes see about the smell is by the way very tasty so 1

patty lightly fry about turn over 2 patties roasted out

they all roasted but it's a little less well what to do than it is desirable not to bring them

to brown color all next I will cook minced meat once

grinders because it's straight here with this is a serious problem

pike zamorochka very fibrous meat Well, rather like any fish, be it through

meat grinder if you squeeze it out like this

on will be like a souffle so when it roasts it clogs

protein on top leaving all the juices and fat inside but this

you can see right here that the film is pressed on cutlet and it feels like the top she

good grabbed you can of course in breaded do but how much do i

well known i tried burgers not only and pike but because of there and because of the beef out

a rabbit as soon as there is breading here on

I have my opinion right then from here this bread bread taste then here he is

worth throat i don't like it a lot flour

it remains in the oil

and she does not feel that way because of her a little bit other than I always say lightly

fried and in the oven you see thick patties

smell like fish mix mixed up with pork 180 degrees 6 minutes not

more my oven is already warming up

it's time to get it I see for it The time has already been thrown in the court

ventil more cutlets from this side I had

these four first these all a little later I want to tell you that the smell is perfect

amazing first fish smell here pike anyway when you fry there

a certain aroma he drops at times understandable because there are quite a few

pork yes and this fat salty yes she also had garlic

but it is clear that the garlic does not get inside and still there it is all this cafe is measured

but no less lucas is very much reduce the flavor of meatballs fish flavor

someone will say why then fry lamb if it doesn't smell like lamb

with these for a little more stood here these little less let's one chop

now turbo him again remind I have pork for juiciness

because as I said dad called pike straw but mole type straw

oh shorter look see what it turns out that everything inside us is melting and

they are such very very juicy hot keep of course not pressing them that is

if you press the truth is hot here well let me run both halves like this

raise look fat melted holes are formed and now he presses

flowing see how juicy juicy and delicious

Yes, this is for example in childhood such burgers and flavor amazing

but with the bones of course there is a little bit some trouble happened they come across

here you can leak two times punch but no taste is awesome

they are pretty dense well i mean it cutlet is not some kind of loose there


For more infomation >> КОТЛЕТЫ ИЗ ЩУКИ своими руками. КАК ПРИГОТОВИТЬ КОТЛЕТЫ ИЗ ЩУКИ своими руками. ♦How to DIY♦ - Duration: 10:57.


La scelta di Lorenzo Riccardi, gli spoiler dalla villa: sarebbe andato via con Claudia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> La scelta di Lorenzo Riccardi, gli spoiler dalla villa: sarebbe andato via con Claudia | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:32.


Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI DYNAMICLINE | Navi | Airco | Cruise | LED | Camera | PDC | - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI DYNAMICLINE | Navi | Airco | Cruise | LED | Camera | PDC | - Duration: 1:09.


20代巨乳女子アナ「早熟エロ乳房」副島萌生、笹崎里菜、宇垣美里、三谷紬、鷲見玲奈 - Duration: 6:16.

 「昼は馬車馬のよ に働き、夜は種馬の うに腰を振りまくる 。というのは冗談で が、彼女たちのピチ チとしたおっぱいを ていると、明日への 力が湧いて来ます」 女子アナウオッチャ ) まずは、週末の サタデースポーツ』 サンデースポーツ』 担当しているNHK 副島萌生アナ(19 1年12月28日生 27歳)

 「前任者の杉浦友 アナ同様、名古屋放 局からの異動です。 森出身の"弘前美人 で、ニックネームは めーちゃん"。いつ 甲子園で高校野球を 況するのが夢だそう す」(NHK関係者  通常、地方局勤務 経て"東京本社"に き上げられるのは3 歳前後

「それが彼女はわず 3年。"凄い"のひ 言です」(制作関係 ) 凄いといえば、 はりあのおっぱい。 杉浦アナはFかGカ プあったと思います 、副島アナはEカッ 。ずっしりとしたボ ューム感の"友紀パ "に対し、"萌生パ "は小さなシャツを たらボタンを弾き飛 してしまいそうなロ ット爆乳

局内には"スポーツ ュースの担当者は巨 好き"との噂が広ま ています」(女子ア ライター) 来年は 年に1度のオリンピ クイヤー。「しかも 東京。まだまだ原稿 み等には改善の余地 残されていますが、 然、東京五輪キャス ーの座を狙っている 思います」(スポー 紙記者) 今後、東 五輪が近づくにつれ さまざまなスポーツ 体験レポートでセク ーショットを披露し くれるのではないか

「スタッフも盛り上 ようとしているのか 『サタデー』『サン ー』の中でも"YC ヨコ乳)ショット" 多くなってきたよう 気がします」(前出 女子アナウオッチャ ) 時は2月

プロ野球キャンプの 節到来だ。「番組内 も、野球の投球ポー をしてみたりと、な かと"動き"を見せ いる副島アナ。そこ はおっぱいが揺れた 強調されたりするこ も多く、プロ野球選 の間でも大人気

"是非、取材に"と オファーが殺到して るようです」(スポ ツライター) 入社 、何かと話題を振り いた日本テレビの笹 里菜アナ(1992 4月16日生・26 )は、『Oha!4 NEWS LIVE 等で頑張っている

「"大人の女の色気 を感じさせる彼女は 2011年の『ミス 洋英和』。『JJ』 『ViVi』といっ 女性誌の読者モデル やっていて、当時、 ャンパス内で"ファ クラブ"ができるほ の有名人でした」( 手出版社幹部) 騒 れた理由は、その入 経緯にあった

「学生時代の"お水 験"を局の人事部に 直に報告。それでも "内定"は出ました ところが、その後" 廉性に欠ける"とし 内定を取り消される 一転、局を相手取り 京地裁に提訴

最終的には和解決着 て入社したというも です」(全国紙記者  初出演したバラエ ィー番組で、「世間 負けず、自分のやり いことをしっかりと つめて、芯のある女 になりたい」 と話 ていた笹崎アナ

最近では、お笑い芸 にこの件で突っ込ま ても、「夜の商売は もうやっていません 」 と言い返せるま に成長した。「もと と"度胸"があった 、原稿読みも仕切り 上手

そして、あの美貌。 日テレのエース"に る日も近いかもしれ せん」(前出・女子 ナライター) その 、おっぱいは"隠れ カップ美巨乳"と、 っぱらの噂。「お風 上がりの"全裸スト ッチ"を毎日やって るそうです

"垂れパイ"になる を一番警戒していま 。今、1歳半の甥っ を溺愛していて、大 の男はいないようで 」(テレビ局関係者

For more infomation >> 20代巨乳女子アナ「早熟エロ乳房」副島萌生、笹崎里菜、宇垣美里、三谷紬、鷲見玲奈 - Duration: 6:16.


恐怖映像TOP5 Top5 Japanese Ghost Videos Vol.191 - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> 恐怖映像TOP5 Top5 Japanese Ghost Videos Vol.191 - Duration: 10:23.


Rap do Edward Elric (FMA) I | Moldado Pela Dor | Tributo #34 | Prod. Fifty Vinc - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Rap do Edward Elric (FMA) I | Moldado Pela Dor | Tributo #34 | Prod. Fifty Vinc - Duration: 4:08.


AAF Week 2 Cheat Sheet: Betting, Fantasy Football, More - Duration: 1:26.

 We're on to Week 2 of the Alliance of American Football. And if you're still trying to figure this new league out, you don't have to do it alone

 Our experts are here to help you navigate placing your bets and setting your DFS lineups wit h comprehensive coverage of the AAF

Betting Previews  Matchup analysis. Injury reports. Picks. Our lead AAF expert Ian Hartitz has every angle of each game covered

Arizona Hotshots at Memphis Express Salt Lake Stallions at Birmingham Iron Atlanta Legends at San Diego Fleet Orlando Apollos at San Antonio Commanders   The Ultimate Week 2 AAF Betting Guide: Don't Sleep on the San Antonio CommandersRead now AAF Power Ratings  Oddsmakers are still getting the hang of the AAF, too

Luckily, the Oddsmaker — Sean Koerner — used his own power ratings to project lines for all four games

  Koerner's AAF Power Ratings: A Few Week 2 Spreads Are Way OffRead now Setting Your Fantasy Lineups AAF Week 2 Fantasy Football Rankings DFS Breakdown: Jam In Trent Richardson & Jhurell Pressley More Analysis + Commentary Scouting Every AAF Offense The Action Network NFL Podcast: AAF Week 2 Breakdown Rovell: 5 Reasons I'm Optimistic the AAF Will Be a Good Bet

For more infomation >> AAF Week 2 Cheat Sheet: Betting, Fantasy Football, More - Duration: 1:26.


J-Neko-Y witcher 3 episode 53 - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> J-Neko-Y witcher 3 episode 53 - Duration: 7:00.


老J宅空間 EP.8 MG飛翼零式EW&短刀矮星 (特殊鍍膜) WING ZERO & DREI ZWERG - Duration: 15:09.

For more infomation >> 老J宅空間 EP.8 MG飛翼零式EW&短刀矮星 (特殊鍍膜) WING ZERO & DREI ZWERG - Duration: 15:09.


III 8 - Un revenu de base en Inde ? - Duration: 13:33.


In previous videos I told you about basic income in

France, and global basic income. Today, I'm going to linger more

specifically on the case of India, which is the country with the greatest number of

poor. There are about 400 million of Indians who live with less than 1.25

dollar per day and the average Indian income is only 260 euros per month (per

inhabitant) - in purchasing power parity it's more: it's almost 600 euros per

month; but a very big part of the

Indian population and lives in extreme deprivation.

So people have proposed to replace the Indian welfare system

(or part of it) by the basic income. In particular, there is a note "economic

survey "of 2017 by the Indian Ministry of Finance who devotes

a whole chapter to basic income. Why ? In fact, you have to compare

basic income to existing programs and subsidies.

There are many in India. There is the mahatma gandhi national rural employment

guarantee scheme, which is a right to work in fact

for all Indians and all Indians who live in

rural areas, and which guarantees in theory 100 days of work per year, paid

around $ 3 a day, for public works such as the construction of

roads, irrigation ... This policy employs 50 million Indians

annually. It may sound like a lot, but

it is little for something that is supposed to be a right accessible to

all the Indians living in the countryside. 65% of people

who are targeted by this program are not actually part of it. If the local authority,

the panchhayat, does not find no job to provide to the countrymen

they are supposed to pay them a unemployment allowance.

There are big problems with embezzlement, that is to say that

who are entitled to this program do not receive their salary on time, there is

late payments, or some do not even receive their salary.

Why ? Because the administrators can divert money;

especially since the country is not still quite unbanked:

only 40% of the Indians have a bank account.

So when the payments are made in cash it's very easy to divert

money (by bureaucrats). Well not everything is to be thrown away:

it helps to ensure an income for people who otherwise would not get a job;

it also reduces the rural exodus... So much for the program of job .

guarantee. Then there is in India a very extensive system of subsidies.

Subsidies on just about every basic goods: oil, gas,

fertilizers, electricity, water, and especially (by far the most important)

food. Subsidies on food concentrate on cereals.

It helps fight hunger, that's undeniable; but again there are

problems ; already because if people were given the cash equivalent

of these subsidies, would not buy only cereals. They would also buy

proteins, fruits, vegetables and they would have a more diverse diet,

a more balanced one. And that's without count the embezzlments at

every step of the system. So it's

interesting to know how these subsidies work in practice

In fact there is in India the Public Distribution System, which is a system of

public stores extended throughout the country and which is often the only network of

distribution, so the only infrastructure to

deliver food that is accessible in all the country.

That is, in each village (or almost) you have a shop of

the State that sells food at a subsidized price, but you do not have any

bank. These subsidies are massive: overall

5% of the Indian GDP goes to social protection,

most of it in the form of subsidies. Some subsidies benefit

exclusively to the middle classes or to the rich, for example subsidies to

trains, kerosene, or even gasoline (

poorest people do not have a scooter). Fewer people whom we

want to benefit from social protection

would not benefit. Why? because with a basic income it's easy

we redistribute to everyone so we is not limited to the poorest

it's an unconditional transfer so there are no income conditions and

have less easy measurement errors get wrong only with

transfers of money conditioned to earnings

India is particularly well placed compared to African countries by

example to do that because they have set up in record time in seven

years a unique identification system know that in india people do not have any

birth certificate finally not all there are no civil status registers

well maintained as in Western countries and so what

what did india do through the unique identity eichhof favorite i dreamed

ya 8 10 and his program at hadar that's to procure to him now they have

reaches 90% of the population I believe with a unique identifier that rests

on biometrics so they took the fingerprints

digital and Indian irises that brings a lot of problems of

privacy of data and life private because good there are stories

finally it's a private company he could have links with the cia

who manages that but good besides these problems now that we have

this unique identifier the main opposition party in india

the congress party proposes to use it to pay a basic income

so maybe it's too early for the make

1 maybe it would take ten years ago let's say more than the system

works really well circle aka 90% of the population that an identifier he in

would need 100% and then especially the machines do not work perfectly

sometimes the fingerprints your fingerprints are not

recognized or you be confused with someone else

so that's why they have now he's trying to pass

to machines with irises that are more reliable but more expensive too

and then the c6 of an internet connection these machines which often is

intermittent Nevertheless, in a few years with

the deployment of these machines we may have in india a system of

money distribution actually that would rely on to hadar who would also

extended who would have a blanket too good that the distribution system of

public food and so if we had this infrastructure

it would surely become much more effective

to pay a basic income to the Indians rather than paying them

subsidies for food because we would avoid with this system a whole bunch

intermediate level likely to be corrupt if people are

directly facing machines that put their fingers on the machine

there is a bias that comes out so that's much harder to cheat with

the system is the main advantage I think I focused on it

on the practical aspects of the thing because it's probably the most

determinants to the success of such program

but it's also an ethical design philosophical different from providing a

basic income rather than the electricity food for free and

that is to say we are no longer in a paternalistic position but we consider

that people are responsible and that they know better than a bureaucrat do the

choice for themselves in practice it is true

that is to say that unlike a widespread idea the studies that exists on

the subject show that when one pays to a basic income to poor people who

had experiences in India in Namibia in Kenya uganda

no we have never observed a increase in alcohol consumption

of play is to say what do people do with this money

and there we do not speak of a manna money 1 we talk about amounts of

the order of 12 euros per month what is they do with this money they go

buy capital so there it can be a hen that can also be a

moped that will allow them then to get a permanent income because

the hen she regularly makes an ace that repairs

where he creates a toilet system have often not they are able to buy

drugs when they are sick they are able to send their

children at school 2

to improve the food they eat

in sum they are able to satisfy a little more their need than

if we just gave them food while that day if he had

need drugs another aspect philosophical for which it can not

to be better than a guaranteed job it's that there is freedom

substantial to people is to say that we gives them direct means to act

while with a guaranteed job they are certainly provides the means to act

salary but we add to them a occupational constraint ie

that forces them to be hard at work blame that is often made an income

basic is that people would work - because they receive money

without compensation so he would have less need to work so that's not it

the case in india for basic earnings that we have in mind for two reasons all

simply firstly we talk about basic income

a very small amount so it does would not be enough for people to just not

do nothing and secondly actually we reverse observation in studies on

observes that when a base is poured people work more why because

that they are more able to work because you are sick they are better

fed and so they are a better fitness to work

some people are so poor that they are not in a state of

to work efficiently when you eat 800 calories a day

you can not work in the fields all day

for that it takes 3080 a calorie when you do physical work and so

having low wages created what's called a trapdoor to

poverty or in fact people can not not get out of poverty by the

work because their work their costs more calories than it does

still reports the conclusion all this what is it

according to me what should the state do Indian good I say that I'm not a

expert on the subject but that would be preserve existing programs that

works well like the school program myth so

the myth of the school program allows to offer to all schoolchildren who

make a meal at lunch helps fight against malnutrition

it improves the concentration students that makes it possible that they

come on going and then at that he add deworming actually it's

medication in the meal that avoids that student children do not catch

intestinal worms so that's fine for their health

also so there are programs that walk who succeed at 6b the most

poor ones let's keep them on the other hand we could replace all

programs that actually granted grants rather with the average ace

as fuel subsidies that in addition is not fighting the

climate change like subsidies on trains etc. which

would represent 1 2% of the Indian GDP even 3% if we included subsidies

on food and replace it well basic income share would have to do it

gradually it would have the effect of fight against poverty much more

effectively than current programs

For more infomation >> III 8 - Un revenu de base en Inde ? - Duration: 13:33.


Minelab Equinox 800 Gold & Diamond Ring Recover with 6 Inch Coil - Duration: 2:57.

good morning something a little bit different today

we are going ring finding

a lady has contacted us at CRAWFORDS

lost her Ring while gardening

todays mission

go find the ring

fingers crossed

we will see you when we get there

i have got quite a drive

see you in the garden

i think errr

that's job done


6 inch coil

first signal

best go find the lady

best go this way

just to show you

are you there??

can i borrow that little fork??

Oh Sure

do you want me to come do anything ?



OH that's fantastic

OH thank you

Oh Wow where was it

you know that pile of leaves you put in the green tarpaulin


Oh that's Fantastic

Thank you

and don't wear it gardening again

GOD Never will i wear it gardening again NEVER

well that was quick and easy freinds

another job well done

Equinox and 6 inch coil

absolutely fabulous

For more infomation >> Minelab Equinox 800 Gold & Diamond Ring Recover with 6 Inch Coil - Duration: 2:57.


The Truth About Royal Purple Engine Oil for Your Car - Duration: 5:25.

Rev up your engines, coney says, how do you feel about royal purple

oil and long does it need to be changed like 5,000 miles, ok royal purple oil an excellent

oil, I have friends who race cars, seriously on race car tracks, and the use royal purple

oil they swear by it, it's good oil and I've used it, it is an excellent oil, now it's

expensive it's a very expensive oil there's no arguing that, now if you do normal driving

you can change it every 8-10,000 miles, the race car guys change it after every race so

it doesn't really matter, but it is an excellent oil, if you don't mind paying that price it's

a good oil, but on the other hand, you could get that Amazon full synthetic oil on Amazon

for half the price and it lasts just as long, and it work quite well, so it's your choice

there's nothing wrong with the oil, waffle counsel says scotty is it harmful to

keep synthetic oil in your engine after 6 months if it only has 2,500 miles of use and

it's rated for 7,500 miles, no it doesn't hurt anything at all, most of the good synthetics

even say you can change your oil once a year or every 10,000 miles, I believe in changing

it every 7,500 miles but once a year is totally fine if your driving that little bit the synthetic

oil isn't going to be hurt, it is a much purer oil and it lasts longer and flows better when

it's cold outside, it protects better at higher temperatures so no you can do that, there's

nothing wrong with doing that, one broadcast, scotty I got a gm 3400 v6,

when I start it up warm sometimes it takes longer to crank than if I start it up cold

what could it be, well that's a very common problem with an older vehicle, when you start

a car cold, cold engines need extra fuel, so let's say you have fuel injectors that

are old and maybe they drip a little too much fuel into the engine, a cold engine loves

it, ahh more fuel I'll start right up, a warm engine only needs a little bit of fuel to

run, and if those injectors are dripping, when you start up a warm engine that actually

floods the engine out, now an easy way to tell that is, when you do finally get it started

warm, rev it up and look out the tailpipe in the back, if you see blackish smoke coming

out, that's exactly what's happening, it's flooding it out, it's a typical thing that

happens with those things as they age, now if it does start and it doesn't get any black

smoke out of the back, that means you're not getting any fuel, and in that case it could

be the fuel pump starting to go out and you could pressure test that, viral says scotty,

as I speed up my car makes a winning noise and when I up shift it sounds like something

is winding down, could it be my transmission fluid is low, car grinds in second when it's

cold -30C, it's grinding so obviously it has some kind of transmission problem, I would

check the fluid, probably change the fluid and filter in it and then pray, cuz most of

the time when they grind they have a serious problem inside, and the transmission is starting

to wear out, they way things are these days, automatic transmissions are really complex,

very few guys know how to rebuild the correctly, and when they start grinding and clunking

and making noises internally, now you want to make sure it's the transmission making

the noise, so I've got a video, finding the source of car noises, just type that in google,

finding the source of car noises scotty, type that in you'll see the video and you can do

that to pinpoint the sound for sure, you always want to pinpoint a sound, something wrong

haha that's a old joke, I got an 84 fiero and need help finding reproduction parts,

I want to go this route because I feel the materials will be better quality any advise,

there's a site and it's called the fiero store, yes the fiero just go there, it's

all they sell, talk to people there you can learn all kinds of stuff about it, those are

interesting cars you know they had the engine in the back, but they did have the radiator

in the front, it's a wedge shape so the radiator had to be at an angle and man if those radiator

fans ever break under the hood, the engines overheat and blew up, they had lots of problems

with that, so make sure your cooling fans work, on a car like that myself, I would put

a toggle switch on it, whenever I was running the car I would turn the toggle switch on

to turn those fans on so it never overheated, I mean you don't have to do that in the winter

when it's cold but in the summer, franky says scotty I'm thinking about investing

in lithium mine companies what do you think, well if you pick the right one, lithium you

know they use it in lithium batteries, they use it in a lot of stuff, lithium itself you

know I mean they even use that stuff as an antipsychotic drug, there's all kinds of things

it's used for, you got to invest in the right company though, it's like anything else, it's

just like now, marijuana is legal in Canada, some states it's legal, and everybody is jumping

on the marijuana bandwagon and their investing in companies, who knows if any of those companies

are actually going to make a profit, so if you are going to invest in lithium companies,

my advise is invest in one that's got a track history that' been out for a while that knows

what their doing, don't just jump on the bandwagon and say, oh here's a new company oh those

new companies a lot of them are fly by night, they take your money their gone and you never

see it again, I know I've lost money on the stock market so take my advice and stay with

a regular company that's been doing it a while, so if you never want to miss another one of

my new car repair videos, remember to ring that bell!

For more infomation >> The Truth About Royal Purple Engine Oil for Your Car - Duration: 5:25.


Alexandre Benalla aurait négocié un contrat avec un oligarque russe alors qu'il était à l'Elysée -NT - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Alexandre Benalla aurait négocié un contrat avec un oligarque russe alors qu'il était à l'Elysée -NT - Duration: 5:44.


🕵 La camera de surveillance smartphone par excellence - Netatmo Welcome - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> 🕵 La camera de surveillance smartphone par excellence - Netatmo Welcome - Duration: 1:45.


Affaire Benalla : Chokri Wakrim entendu comme témoin - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Affaire Benalla : Chokri Wakrim entendu comme témoin - Duration: 4:57.


Pourquoi l'affaire Benalla a le potentiel d'une vraie affaire d'Etat ? - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi l'affaire Benalla a le potentiel d'une vraie affaire d'Etat ? - Duration: 7:15.


Absolutely Luxury 2019 Tiny House on Wheels For Sale in Washington $130k - Duration: 3:31.

Absolutely Luxury 2019 Tiny House on Wheels For Sale in Washington $130k

For more infomation >> Absolutely Luxury 2019 Tiny House on Wheels For Sale in Washington $130k - Duration: 3:31.


Benjamin Zaiok - K'Boom (Video Oficial) - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Benjamin Zaiok - K'Boom (Video Oficial) - Duration: 1:40.


Hol vannak a Blinkee-k? - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Hol vannak a Blinkee-k? - Duration: 2:18.


How Long Can This Dog Keep Standing For? | Kritter Klub - Duration: 3:37.

dem legs tho


A two-legged animal?

Ah a standing dog!

He poses like a human

Like this?



He's our youngest, Lucky

Lucky? Yes, yes.

He stands all day. I'm not kidding

She wasn't kidding.

It's amazing

I thought it would be for a moment


Stands all day

Maybe he's using the leash as support?

No, he can stand without the leash

Lucky, come here

Ready, get set, go


Lucky, can you do it?

Like a baby's first steps

He walked a few steps at first

But he gradually started standing for longer periods of time

How long can you stand for?

2 minutes and 41 seconds

Other dogs can't do that

Never say never

Stand up


Can't stand at all

Their muscles are different

Watch me


His muscles are no joke

They're super tight

A man with muscles like that would make any girl swoon

Since he's always standing,

I'm concerned for his health

Gets a checkup

His spinal cord is in pristine condition

His muscles are solid


Every man wishes that they had such muscles

Play inside

We're reducing the shock with the padding

Live with mom and dad for a long time

With lots of love, Lucky<3

For more infomation >> How Long Can This Dog Keep Standing For? | Kritter Klub - Duration: 3:37.


Český let's play Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links epizoda 29* King of Games - Duration: 24:18.

For more infomation >> Český let's play Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links epizoda 29* King of Games - Duration: 24:18.


Nonstop Đừng như thói quen remix 2019 #DNTHRM - Duration: 51:04.

For more infomation >> Nonstop Đừng như thói quen remix 2019 #DNTHRM - Duration: 51:04.


"Werde lachen": Klaudia sagt ihrer Depression den Kampf an! - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> "Werde lachen": Klaudia sagt ihrer Depression den Kampf an! - Duration: 4:11.


Tato žena „pohřbila" Karla Gotta: Tu fámu jsem ROZNESLA JÁ, přiznala Řeháková - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Tato žena „pohřbila" Karla Gotta: Tu fámu jsem ROZNESLA JÁ, přiznala Řeháková - Duration: 2:21.


Release of alleged suspects further complicates Jussie Smollett case - Latest News - Duration: 8:55.

 In the latest twist of the strange and illusive saga surrounding Jussie Smollett, two Nigerian brothers who "have a relationship" with the "Empire" actor were taken into custody in connection with his alleged attack — but later released by Chicago police

 The two men — budding models and actors Abimbola "Abel" and Olabinjo "Ola" Osundairo — were initially detained on suspicion of assault and battery for the alleged hate attack on the actor, according to police

 "Detectives have probable cause that they may have been involved in an alleged crime," police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said in a statement on Friday

 But hours later, Chicago Police said the grilling of the brawny brothers revealed new information that led to them being let loose

 "Due to new evidence as a result of today's interrogations, the individuals questioned by police in the Empire case have now been released without charging," Guglielmi said

 "Detectives have additional investigative work to complete."  Chicago cops said the brothers "have a relationship" with Smollett

Their lawyer, Gloria Schmidt, said the brothers have worked on Smollett's hit Fox drama, and that the three of them are gym buddies who worked out together

 Ola played a prison inmate on ­"Empire" and had a part on the NBC series "Chicago P

D." last year, according to TMZ and his IMDb page.  Smollett is one of the brothers' nearly 19,000 followers on their joint Instagram account, which features photos of the duo pumping iron

 Smollett, 36, plays Jamal Lyon — the gay son of hip-hop mogul Lucious and Lucious' wife, Cookie, who struggles to win his ­father's approval — on the Golden Globe-nominated show

 Smollett, who is also a singer-songwriter, is gay.  Friday's developments were the latest in the tale that began Jan

29, when the alleged attack took place — and has since created a firestorm of controversy, including theories that the entire incident was a hoax perpetrated by Smollett to save himself from getting written off the show

see also Nigerian brothers arrested in Jussie Smollett attack The men, who weren't immediately identified, have not yet been

 Smollett has said he had just flown back to Chicago, where he lives in the ritzy Streeterville neighborhood, and popped out at around 2 a

m. to grab a bite to eat for himself and his creative director, Frank Gatson.  Smollett said he was on the phone with his manager, Brandon Z

Moore, and crossing a street when someone snarled, "Empire."  "And I don't answer to 'Empire

' My name ain't 'Empire,' " Smollett recalled Thursday on ABC's "Good Morning America

"  "I kept walking, and then I heard, 'F—-t, Empire n—-r.' So I turned around and I said, 'The f–k did you just say to me?' "  That's when one of two attackers shouted, "This is MAGA country, n—-r!" — a reference to President Trump's slogan, "Make America Great Again" — and punched him in the face, Smollett said

The trio began tussling near a set of stairs on East Lower North Water Street before the men bolted on foot, the actor said

 Smollett said he called Moore and told him, "I was just jumped!" — and then noticed a rope around his neck

 "I started screaming, I said, 'There's a f–king rope around my neck!' " he recalled

 He admitted he was reluctant to report the attack to police.  "Victim did not want to report offense, however, he believed it to be in the best interest to," the police report said

 The responding officers arrived at Smollett's home "to find him with white rope draped around neck" and stained clothing from a "chemical substance" that Smollett said the men doused him with, the police report said

 He alluded on "GMA" that his attackers were white.  "It feels like if I had said it was a Muslim or a Mexican or someone black, I feel the doubters would've supported me a lot much more," he said

"That says a lot about the place that we are in this country right now."  Several other issues with Smollett's story also have popped up

 The official police report, based on his account, makes no mention of attackers shouting, "This is MAGA country, n—-r

" It only indicates that they yelled, "Empire, f—-t, n—-r."  The alleged beatdown occurred in a part of the street where there are no surveillance cameras

 Smollett also has been unable or unwilling to provide details of his attackers, who he only said were masked and dressed in all black

 "I can't tell you what color their eyes were, and I did not see anything except the second person I saw running away," Smollett said

"And the first person, I saw his stature. I gave the description as best as I could

"  Smollett has also been scrutinized for not immediately turning over his phone records to corroborate his story — and handing over only heavily redacted copies 13 days after the incident

 He has defended the move, saying it was to protect his privacy.  Abel and Ola Osundairo reportedly flew from the US to Nigeria the day of the incident and were arrested between 5 p

m. and 8 p.m. Wednesday at O'Hare International Airport after flying back to Chicago, said Guglielmi, the police spokesman

 The busts of the "Empire"-linked actors fueled reports by Chicago's ABC and CBS affiliates, which cited numerous sources claiming the brothers helped Smollett stage the attack because he was about to be written off the show

 That theory has been heavily disputed by both police and 21st Century Fox Television executives

 Police also have issued statements reiterating that Smollett is being treated as a "victim" and not a "suspect

"  When police raided the brothers' Chicago home, they seized bleach, a "black face-mask hat'' and other items, cops said

 Their lawyer said they were in no way involved in the attack.  "They are baffled about why they are people of interest," Schmidt told CBS News

"It's an awful thing that happened to Jussie, but it's not my guys."  Grainy surveillance video from the area did capture two men walking along a nearby street just before the incident

 Police have not confirmed whether the Osundairo brothers are the men in the video, but Smollett has said he is certain the pair in the footage — whoever they are — is responsible for his assault

 "I don't have any doubt in my mind that that's them," he said. "Never did." Share this:

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