1 onion
2 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon chilli paste
curry leaves
1 tablespoon curry powder (mixed with water)
100 gram chicken breast
300 gram potato (diced)
puff pastry
egg for bake only
fried or bake 170ºC / 347ºF for 30 minutes
don't forget to like, comment and share
don't forget to subscribe
For more infomation >> Resepi Karipap Paling Mudah. Bukan Karipap Oksigen | Curry Puff - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
Vaginal HACKS for every girl | Intimate hygiene Hair removal Keep private area clean & odour free - Duration: 5:28.
Hi welcome to today's video
I am Anwesha & pls click on CC for
english subtitles
coz I will speak in hindi today
Channel is called simpletips Anwesha
I share simple tips
about fitness beauty health lifestyle
Today we talk about
intimate care & hygiene
how to keep your private part clean
u may ask that there have been such videos earlier also,
& some might also think there are already so many hacks on this
But... R u following them?
I am sure most of us fail to adhere to these tips
These hacks I do in my own life
& have ripped the benefits out of them
I have learnt from my mistakes,
hence I am open about them
Pls wait till the last hack, its amazing
Here's hoping u listen to the most crucial tip
Do subscribe and press the bell
To keep vaginal area clean
and odour free, first thing u need to do is
wear cotton panties/underwears
all the exquisite lingeries that we have
in the market ( in silk/satin) etc
for which we go all ga-ga...
They look good in reel life
sometimes u can wear to impress
Occasionally, its fine but
we cant wear them regularly
the material is not breathable/comfortable for skin
So switch to cotton cloth
Change ur undies
after every 12 hours
Its ur choice on hair removal method
To keep it clean or not is also your choice
it depends on ur skin type
budget & preference
I think u should do it
for urself and self love
Like we use shampoo for our hairs
facewash for face , body wash for body...
we need vaginal wash for vaginal area
to maintain pH level
I have talked about this earlier also
Panty liners are life savers
Its very light, looks like a pad
very comfortable & cheap
Ur panties, dresses are saved from white
discharge or blood discharge
Try this DIY twice a week
When u go for a bath,
add 2 drops of tea tree oil OR
1 tsp ACV in a mug of water to wash that area
It prevents infections and yeast formation
Keep ur vagina dry always
Last hack is most important
Please use condoms while having sex
Pls wash ur vagina everytime after sex
Loa Karaoke Soundbar = Siêu Ấn Tượng = Sansui DV 91D - Duration: 4:58.
Wzup sneakerholics its ya boy Slim Beezy bringing you another sneaker video.
In the description of this video I will we be listing any Resale Predictions along with
the links to where you can buy the new adidas Yeezy Boost 700 Salt.
If you're new to the channel or haven't yet, make sure you hit that subscribe button and
notification bell to be notified every time i upload a video.
Also hit that like button to help me rank higher in YouTube.
As you know Adidas will be releasing the adidas Yeezy Boost 700 Salt.
I have included, in the description, a list of purchase and raffle links and also any
resale Predictions.
Remember to check back occasionally because i will be adding more raffle and purchase
links daily.
Also hit that subscribe button and notification bell and hit that thumbs up if you like this
video or that thumbs down if you didn't.
I'm SneakerholicBeez and I'm out.
2020總統大選最新民調!韓國瑜35.1%狠甩柯P 小英 - Duration: 3:37.
2020總統 大選將至
總統蔡英文表 態參選20 20爭取連 任
台北市長柯文 哲和這陣子 網路聲量極 高的高雄市 長韓國瑜
也都被外界視 為可能人選 。
據最新民調顯 示
若韓國瑜對上 柯文哲、
韓支持度為3 5.
柯支持度28 .
蔡英文1 9日藉由C NN專訪的 機會
首度宣布20 20年將參 選連任
小英強調她已 經準備好
對連任充滿信 心。
韓國瑜至今韓 流威力未減
不少人拱他參 選總統
台南市第二選 區立委補選 候選人謝龍 介昨也表示
韓國瑜基本上 會是第一名
國民黨為了贏 、
不要幫助民進 黨讓人民繼 續痛苦
韓國瑜選也不 能說沒有道 理。
柯文哲也被外 界認為有意 參選202 0總統大選
柯文哲17日 受訪則稱「 6月再問我 」
回應引人遐想 。
據《蘋 果日報》委 託世新大學 民意調查研 究中心調查 最新民意顯 示
民進黨由蔡英 文競選連任
國民黨由韓國 瑜參選
韓支持度35 .
柯支持度28 .
蔡支持度22 .
若國民黨由朱 立倫出馬
柯則以支持度 32.
朱支持度31 .
蔡支持度23 .
國民黨若由王 金平參選
柯支持度40 .
蔡支持度21 .
王支持度20 .
若民進黨派賴 清德參選
韓支持度37 .
賴支持度25 .
這是韓柯支持 度差距最大 的競選組合
柯支持度甚至 不如民進黨 候選人。
但若國民黨由 朱立倫參選
柯文哲支持度 則以31.
朱支持度30 .
賴支持度25 .
網友則紛紛表 示「韓國瑜 百分百選上 啊 不過可 能一個月就 累倒了」、
「吳敦義看到 這個民調會 氣到火冒三 丈」、
「這樣看來 柯的票會轉 給韓或朱不 少」、
「吳敦義完全 被忽略」、
感覺民進黨會 死更慘」、
「支持蔡英文 其實民調 不差」、
「韓 真穩」
Anthony Flammia - Pieces - Duration: 3:39.
Wayne's Detailed Forecast - February 19, 2019 - Duration: 5:06.
Royal Az - Why This Is Us Star Susan Kelechi Watson Refused to Use a Stunt Double for Beth's Dancin - Duration: 6:37.
This Is Us fans finally got the Beth backstory episode they've been asking for — and it was so worth the wait! Viewers learned the deep importance of dance, specifically ballet, to Susan Kelechi Watson's character
After all, as her on-screen mom, Phylicia Rashad, said Beth was the "little island girl who danced before she could walk" at 18 months old
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And much how Beth reconnected to her love of ballet after so many years, the actress also has a personal passion for dance
Rather than bringing on a double for the choreography in the "Our Little Island Girl" episode, Watson insisted on putting in the work herself
"Dance is so important to me because it's a way of expression without speaking," Watson tells PEOPLE
"I think for me it's a more thorough way of expression. I can dance something and people will know exactly how I feel
Things that I can't even find the words for," she explains. "I love to be in my skin in that way
For Beth, she was dancing before she could walk, so there's something about it, it's innate
" Not only did the TIU writers incorporate Watson's Jamaican background into Beth's backstory, but they also mirrored Watson's real-life experience as a dancer into Beth's ballet journey via actresses Akira Akbar, who played young Beth, and Rachel Naomi Hilson, who portrayed teenage Beth
"My mom would tell me how she would take me to department stores and they would play the music over the loudspeaker
I would walk off somewhere, and she would find me between the clothing racks, and I would be dancing to the music," says Watson, who studied ballet, modern, tap, jazz, African, Brazilian and Caribbean dance
"My mom said there was never a time when music played that you did not dance. I do that to this day
… I think Beth and I have that in common," she adds. "Her way of even moving through the world started through dance
Not walking, but dancing. That says a lot about your spirit in terms of how she communicates and wants to communicate in her life
" Watson studied ballet when she was younger but stopped at around age 12 or 13
"My body didn't fit the dance form, and I received a lot of criticism because of that
They made me feel unwanted in that dance form, but I found my voice in different forms," she explains
Though she no longer regularly practices ballet, Watson reveals her pointe came back right away during rehearsals for Beth's backstory
"It's so funny what your body remembers and just doesn't let it go," she says, adding that a lot of the plies, releves, batmas and chasmas also came right back thanks to muscle memory
"I felt amazing. I danced and danced this dance, I mean we must've done it maybe 15 times in a row, and I never got tired," Watson recalls of shooting the dance scenes with director and choreographer Anne Fletcher, who's known for her work in Step Up, Bring It On and Hairspray
"Every time we did it, it was different and I felt her spirit move through me
The joy that she would feel being able to do this again, and I also felt my own experience of being back in my dance body again," Watson says
"This control you gain over your body again. We don't do this every day, we are walking, sitting and running
There's something different when your body flutters to the music or you fly across the room or move in a certain way that you don't normally do every day
You can feel the freeness of it and yet you feel the control there as well — that's dance
" The episode was also a chance to bond with Rashad, who was involved in the creation of a scholarship at Howard University that Watson earned
"We're special to one another," Watson says. "It was a great chance to reconnect
I'm always learning from Phylicia and she was really quite generous in our scenes together
It was an amazing opportunity to act with her in this way, with this material. And for us to be in this relationship, mother and daughter
" As fans previously learned in a flash-forward scene, a fiftysomething Beth has found her second act as a dance teacher and is running her own studio
Watson wants fans to know that if Beth can do it, they can also live out their childhood aspirations
"We owe it to ourselves to fulfill our dreams," she says. This Is Us airs Tuesdays (9 p
m. ET) on NBC.
С днём рождения РЫБКИ ! Красивое поздравление для рыб #Мирпоздравлений - Duration: 1:54.
Salah laku seks, paksa isteri iklan lacur diri, suami 'monster' dipenjara 25 tahun - Duration: 2:54.
SEORANG lelaki warga Singapura yang digambarkan sebagai 'monster' (raksasa) oleh pendakwa dijatuhi hukuman penjara 25 tahun, enam bulan kerana memaksa isterinya menjadi pelacur
Dia juga melakukan salah guna seksual terhadap anak perempuannya yang berusia enam tahun serta anak saudara isterinya
Tempoh hukuman itu adalah lebih dari 22 tahun yang diminta oleh pendakwa raya kerana graviti kesalahan, termasuk menumbuk isterinya untuk memaksa dia menjadi pelacur untuk menyara kehidupan
Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi juga menjatuhkan hukuman 24 sebatan dan denda S$12 (RM36,120) terhadap lelaki itu yang juga seorang penganggur, yang tidak dapat dinamakan atas alasan undang-undang
"Tertuduh berusia 27 tahun itu adalah seekor 'monster'," kata Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Eunice Lau di mahkamah
"Kekejaman seksualnya menjijikkan dan perlanggarannya tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini, melibatkan eksploitasi secara seksual terhadap tiga wanita yang paling lemah dalam hidupnya yang mana dia mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk melindungi setiap seorang daripada mereka," kata Lau menamakan isterinya, anak perempuan mereka dan anak saudara perempuan isterinya yang berusia 13 tahun
Lelaki itu telah memaksa isterinya untuk mengiklankan perkhidmatan seksnya dalam talian menggunakan keganasan fizikal dan emosi 'untuk memastikan dia memenuhi kuota harian pelanggan' tambah Lau
Dia juga memaksa isterinya secara diam-diam membuat rakaman dirinya melakukan seks dengan pelanggan, kata pendakwa
Mahkamah mendengar bahawa lelaki itu juga melakukan salah laku seksual terhadap anak perempuannya yang berusia enam tahun dan mencabul anak saudara isterinya
Sepanjang tempoh tiga bulan pada 2016, isteri lelaki itu menyediakan perkhidmatan seksual kepada lebih 100 pelanggan lelaki dengan berpendapatan hampir S$11,000 (RM33,110) yang diberikan kepada suaminya
-AFP/mailOnline Tags/Kata Kunci: salah laku , seks , pelacur
Oslavenkyně Krainová už zase provokuje snímky z exotické dovolené! - Duration: 1:34.
Simona Krainová ví, jak se vyhnout šedi, která obyčejně vévodí české zimě. Ani ne měsíc poté, co se slunila na Bali, zavítala na Zanzibar, kde spolu se svou starší sestrou slaví své šestačtyřicáté narozeniny
Ačkoliv je blondýna dvojnásobnou matkou a táhne jí na padesát, stále si udržuje záviděníhodnou postavu, která jí zajistila post jedné z našich nejúspěšnějších modelek
Dokonalé tělo mají ale holt zakódované v genech, protože ani Simonina o šest let starší sestra se rozhodně nemá za co stydět
Naopak! Tentokrát Simona exotiku neodepřela ani svým dětem, na rozdíl od dovolené na Bali, kdy oba synové zůstali doma
Za to si bývalá modelka také vysloužila pěknou kritiku od úzkostných matek, podle nichž děti měla vzít s sebou
Tin Việt - Phản ứng với đề xuất của thầy Park, lãnh đạo VFF quá xem nhẹ SEA Games? - Duration: 3:22.
Trước khi về Việt Nam, HLV Park Hang-seo nhiều lần chia sẻ ông muốn điều chỉnh công việc tại Dải đất hình chữ S
Cụ thể, ông thầy người Hàn Quốc xác định trong năm 2019, bóng đá Việt Nam có 3 chiến dịch quan trọng, gắn với 2 cấp đội tuyển quốc gia
Với U22 Việt Nam, đó là vòng loại U23 châu Á 2020 diễn ra cuối tháng Ba và SEA Games 2019 diễn ra vào cuối tháng 11, đầu tháng 12
Còn với ĐTQG, đó là vòng loại World Cup 2022 khu vực châu Á, diễn ra 6 trận trong tháng 9, 10, 11
Như vậy, lịch thi đấu vòng loại World Cup 2022 khu vực châu Á sẽ trùng lịch chuẩn bị cho SEA Games 2019
Bởi thế, HLV Park Hang-seo muốn, và hiện đang bắt đầu làm việc với VFF để phân tách công việc, hòng dồn nhân lực, sự tập trung tốt hơn
Tuy nhiên, phản ứng từ lãnh đạo VFF cho thấy mọi thứ có vẻ sẽ không dễ dàng cho HLV Park Hang-seo
Một lãnh đạo từ LĐBĐ Việt Nam nhấn mạnh chuyện trong hợp đồng, thầy Park đã cam kết sẽ dẫn dắt của ĐTQG lẫn U23 (U22) Việt Nam
Đồng thời, vị này nói: "Vòng loại World Cup 2022 diễn ra 6 trận trong năm 2019 vào tháng 9, 10 và đến 19
11 là xong. Còn SEA Games 30 diễn ra từ 30.11 - 10.12 vì thế không có chuyện ông Park "vừa bế em vừa xay lúa" đâu vì thời gian không trùng nhau"
Tuy nhiên, có vẻ như vị này đã quá coi nhẹ SEA Games. Để vô địch giải đấu này là không hề đơn giản và cần sự chuẩn bị rất kĩ càng, từ những công việc "tay chân" tới "đầu óc", ngốn không ít nhân lực, thời gian
Với con người trách nhiệm như HLV Park Hang-seo, nếu vẫn phải ôm cả U22 lẫn ĐTQG, không phân tâm mới lạ
Để chuẩn bị cho vòng loại World Cup diễn ra vào tháng 9, 10, 11 tức thầy Park sẽ cần làm việc từ nhiều tháng trước đó
Như vậy, ông thầy người Hàn Quốc sẽ lấy thời gian, tâm sức đâu để chuẩn bị cho SEA Games vào cuối năm? Từ trước đến nay, không ít đội bóng mạnh đã gục ngã ở các giải đấu lớn theo cách cực kì thê thảm vì lý do là thiếu sự chuẩn bị kĩ lưỡng, chu toàn
Giờ đây, bóng đá Việt Nam đứng trước nhiều cơ hội, nhưng nếu ba phải, dồn hết lên đầu HLV Park Hang-seo, dẫn tới quá tải mà sự chuẩn bị lại không được chu toàn dễ xôi hỏng bỏng không
New Aladdin trailer finally shows Will Smith's Blue Genie and fans have strong feelings - Duration: 1:59.
The video will start in 8 Cancel The early teaser showed us a lot of sand and a cave full of wonders, then the set photos showed us Will Smith as the genie - sans the blue
Now we have the trailer for Aladdin ahead of its 2019 release, and our first look at Will Smith in all his blue - very muscular - glory
The actor is in full genie mode for the first trailer for Guy Ritchie 's live-action Aladdin remake, which dropped during the Grammys
We learnt last year that the 'blue' look was being worked on still, which is why the hue was missing from the early teasers
Now the trailer gives us a proper look at the colourful character as Aladdin takes the lamp from the Cave of Wonders
Smith zooms in to say: "You really don't know who I am? Genie, wishes, lamp — none of that ringing a bell?!" Fans reactions have been, well, a little mixed
Others took it a little too far. We also got to see Jasmine all dolled up, and Aladdin looking a little shocked to meet the big old Genie
Aladdin also stars Naomi Scott as Princess Jasmine, Mena Massoud as Aladdin and Marwan Kenzari as vizier Jafar
It's the second Disney live-action remake this year, with Dumbo set for a March release
Fans can also look forward to The Lion King this summer. Aladdin is released in cinemas on May 24, 2019
New Aladdin trailer finally shows Will Smith's Blue Genie and fans have strong feelings - Duration: 1:59.
The video will start in 8 Cancel The early teaser showed us a lot of sand and a cave full of wonders, then the set photos showed us Will Smith as the genie - sans the blue
Now we have the trailer for Aladdin ahead of its 2019 release, and our first look at Will Smith in all his blue - very muscular - glory
The actor is in full genie mode for the first trailer for Guy Ritchie 's live-action Aladdin remake, which dropped during the Grammys
We learnt last year that the 'blue' look was being worked on still, which is why the hue was missing from the early teasers
Now the trailer gives us a proper look at the colourful character as Aladdin takes the lamp from the Cave of Wonders
Smith zooms in to say: "You really don't know who I am? Genie, wishes, lamp — none of that ringing a bell?!" Fans reactions have been, well, a little mixed
Others took it a little too far. We also got to see Jasmine all dolled up, and Aladdin looking a little shocked to meet the big old Genie
Aladdin also stars Naomi Scott as Princess Jasmine, Mena Massoud as Aladdin and Marwan Kenzari as vizier Jafar
It's the second Disney live-action remake this year, with Dumbo set for a March release
Fans can also look forward to The Lion King this summer. Aladdin is released in cinemas on May 24, 2019
Ligue des Champions: Lyon résiste à Barcelone (0-0) en huitièmes de finale aller - Duration: 6:22.
LIGUE DES CHAMPIONS - Pas de but mais un match animé. Lyon a tenu tête à Barcelone ce mardi 19 février au Parc OL en huitièmes de finale de Ligue des Champions, et conserve ses chances pour le match retour
Rendez-vous donc au Camp Nou le 13 mars. L'OL peut dire merci à son gardien Anthony Lopes et son défenseur Léo Dubois qui ont résisté aux assauts du quintuple Ballon d'Or Lionel Messi dans une fin de match dominée par les Catalans
À voir comment Jason Denayer, incertain avant la rencontre en raison de douleurs à l'adducteur, a été omniprésent pour contrecarrer les attaques catalanes, les 60
000 supporters lyonnais présents peuvent pousser un ouf de soulagement. Et d'espoir
Car si l'OL a paru démuni sur le plan offensif pour inquiéter le Barça, l'équipe de Bruno Genesio a démontré une remarquable solidité conforme à son objectif: imiter l'AS Roma, tombeur à la surprise générale du club catalan l'an dernier en quarts de finale
Pourtant, le Barça a tout tenté pour déstabiliser l'imprenable bloc lyonnais, avec Messi à la baguette dans une position de N
10, Luis Suarez dans le rôle de créateur d'espaces, et les mobylettes Ousmane Dembélé et Jordi Alba pour animer le côté gauche
Dès la 3e minute, Messi s'est mis en évidence en poussant Aouar à le faucher à l'entrée de la surface
Mais son coup franc idéalement placé n'a rien donné. De quoi donner le ton de la soirée
C'est l'invité surprise Martin Terrier, titularisé au détriment de Maxwel Cornet, qui a failli ouvrir le score et donner raison au coaching osé de Genesio
Après une bonne remise de Moussa Dembélé, l'ex-Strasbourgeois ne s'est pas posé de question en lâchant un missile de 25 mètres, dévié toutefois au dernier moment par Ter Stegen sur la barre transversale (9e)
Rageant! Après ce coup de chaud, Messi s'est mis à accélérer pour sanctionner l'attitude trop défensive des Lyonnais mais Denayer l'a contré au denier moment (14e), et sa reprise, sur un centre en retrait parfait d'Alba, s'est envolée au-dessus du cadre
En souffrance, malgré un Tanguy Ndombélé rayonnant dans l'entrejeu, Lyon a aussi concédé de nombreuses occasions à Ousmane Dembélé
Comme son capitaine, le champion du monde français n'a pas réussi à conclure son joli raid en butant sur un Lopes vigilant (19e), et en voyant son tir vicieux passé tout près du poteau (45e)
Et quand l'OL a réussi à mettre le pied sur le ballon, ce sont les maladresses techniques dans le dernier geste qui l'ont empêché de se montrer dangereux, à l'image d'un Memphis Depay sur courant alternatif
En l'absence de Nabil Fekir, capitaine suspendu pour ce match aller, le Néerlandais n'a pas été à la hauteur du statut qu'il revendique : être un joueur capable de créer des différences dans les grands matches
pour un jour signer dans un club de la dimension de Barcelone. Il aurait toutefois pu être crédité d'une passe décisive pour Moussa Dembélé, repris au dernier moment par Piqué (29e), tout en étant à l'origine du plus beau mouvement du match juste avant la mi-temps
Sur une séquence digne du Barça époque Josep Guardiola, l'attaque de "Pep" Genesio a joué en une touche de balle pour mettre en orbite Terrier mais son tir est passé largement au dessus (45e)
Et sur un ballon qui trainait dans la surface, Memphis a déclenché un tir audacieux qui aurait pu tromper Ter Stegen s'il avait été cadré (54e), tandis que son centre fuyant n'a pas pu être repris au terme d'un bon débordement (62e)
La star lyonnaise peut se consoler, Messi a tout tenté mais n'a rien réussi face à la vaillante défense lyonnaise et un Anthony Lopes en état de grâce (65e), à l'image de coup franc encore manqué en fin de match (89e)
L'entrée de Coutinho à la place d'Ousmane Dembélé (67e) a pourtant failli faire mouche
Mais Suarez a raté un but tout fait sur un centre en retrait du Brésilien (71e), et son tir a été repoussé par Lopes (76e), l'autre héros de la rencontre avec Denayer
À Lyon maintenant de marquer en Catalogne lors match retour, le 13 mars, pour rêver d'un quart de finale
Avec le retour de son magicien Fekir, tout est possible. À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
邁巴赫S680售價高達309.8萬,你心動了嗎? - Duration: 2:10.
Un couple divorce 3 minutes seulement après leur mariage|LSF TV - Duration: 3:16.
Minutes du patrimoine: L'Asahi de Vancouver - Duration: 1:01.
Gâteau sec au citron - Duration: 7:39.
Hello everyone
Recipe Lemon Cakes
peel and juice of a lemon
50ml vegetable oil
100g soft sugar
2 eggs
Chemical yeast 8g
flour about 300g
peel and juice of a lemon
100g sugar
50ml vegetable oil
Chemical yeast 8g
Soft sugar
The oven is 160 degrees Cooking 15/20 minutes
Thanks for watching and sharing
SEO Trends In 2019 - Things to do now! - Duration: 4:28.
Hi there!
I'm Jay and today I am going to tell you FOUR SEO trends for 2019, that if you're not already,
should be doing now!
Today I am going to talk about Mobile First SEO, Voice Search, Video Content, and an old favourite
that should never be forgotten, User Experience
Let's get straight into it first with, Mobile First SEO and Mobile Friendly Websites
These days we have the entire internet in the palm of our hand.
So it's no wonder people are using it to search for products and services.
But with 60 - 90% off all Google searches, depending on the industry, happening out of
a Mobile there is no wonder they introduced "Mobile First Indexing" in March of 2018.
Mobile first indexing is essentially just giving a lot more weight into whether or not
your site is mobile friendly.
Speaking of things being in the palm of your hand, Virtual Assistants.
Voice Search.
And, Alexa.
These weird robotic ladies of our lives that can make calls, book haircuts, or even just
order products straight to your homes these days.
In 2019, this trend will only grow.
For example, Google voice searching is already about 1 in 5 of every Mobile Search.
So that mean's out of every Google Search in general, that means roughly 12% of those
are voice searches.
A lot of people argue that Voice Searching isn't going to be a thing.
But the truth is, it's already here in a big way.
So you should be optimising for Voice Search as well.
Long Tailed Voice Orientated Keywords, Local SEO, and make sure your results show up as
a Featured Snippet.
So what do I mean when I say long tailed voice orientated keywords and local seo.
Well I can give a pretty good example.
Hey Siri, where's the closest burger place?
THR1VE is the closest option I see.
It appears to serve Burger and averages 4 stars.
Want to try that one?
Uh, No it's okay, thank you though.
You're welcome.
So if it's already a thing, why wouldn't you try capitalise on the market.
And if it goes away in the future, it's no wasted effort.
At least you did what is currently trending.
2 trends down, and 2 more to go.
But if this video has been helpful so far, and you like how I'm delivering this information.
Then liking this video goes a long way in telling me to create more content like this.
So the next trend is Video Content.
What we're doing now.
Video Content is huge.
It's been important for a long time, and at the rate it's growing it will continue to
be incredibly important.
If you aren't already working on Video Content, and I don't mean facebook and instagram stories
despite those being an important part.
What I mean is actual SEO optimised full production video content.
Then you might want to start looking at it for 2019, cause it's only getting bigger.
Afterall, Youtube has over 1 Billion Users, 1/3 of online activity is estimated to be
Video Watching, 92% of mobile video viewers share the video after.
Speaking of Mobile, don't forget to add those captions to your content.
85% of videos viewed on a mobile are without sound, so subtitles and captions really increase
your viewer retention.
And the overall, User Experience is good.
Which brings me to my last trend, and it's kind of a trend that's not going anywhere.
It's User Experience.
User Experience is incredibly important.
And it will always be incredibly important.
Which is why I think it's so crucial to always remind people with an A.I. like Rank Brain
playing such an important role in deciding where you rank in Google or overall watch
time the reason why you're video will rank.
It can never be understated how important user experience is.
You may be able to get people to your site, or to start watching your video but can you
deliver the information or content to them in a way that keeps them on your site.
or keeps them till the end of the video.
And so on this topic, I have a challenge for you.
It would be brilliant if you could leave your answer in the comments with the #BeBetter.
Out of these Four trends, or any other focus you might have for this year, what do you
want to be better at?
What are you going to focus on?
Are you going to work on User Experience?
Are you going to work on optimising your video content?
Let me know in the comments, I look forward to reading it.
And we can all #BeBetter together.
And that's all four trends, voice search, video content, Mobile first, and user experience.
We make videos weekly, and we'd love for you to subscribe or comment about what more you
want to see.
Thanks for watching!
People Skills For Business | Lanny - Duration: 0:40.
Hi! My name is Lanny from Jakarta.
On the next International Welty Cell,
I will share about
Basic People Skill for Professional Network Builder.
Why is it important to keep growing?
Why do I need to keep learning
and increase my ability
to communicate when interacting with other people?
I will share this on
February 26th, at 7 PM.
Are you curious?
Look forward for next week!
Henderson takes Man Utd opportunity as Bayern boss gets it wrong - Duration: 6:12.
Henderson galvanised everything Sometimes it doesn't take a goal. Sometimes it doesn't take a good save, or even a near miss
On a tense Champions League evening, it was instead a more mundane contribution that sparked Liverpool into life
Jordan Henderson, sensing the danger, sprinted a fair distance to nick the ball off the toes of Serge Gnabry inside the penalty area as Bayern Munich threatened
Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now It came midway through a first half in which Liverpool were struggling to find their groove and play their way into the game
Anfield, boisterous and buoyant before kick-off, had become concerned by what they were witnessing
Henderson's intervention didn't just galvanise the crowd, it roused Jurgen Klopp's side into finishing the half strongly
Nor was it the skipper's only significant play, one perfectly-weighted throughball that created a chance for Mohamed Salah nailing the unfair myth he only passes the ball sideways
With Fabinho forced into centre-back duties, the onus was on Henderson to provide the drive and impetus in the engine room
He didn't disappoint, by some distance Liverpool's best performer before the break and still going strong in the closing stages
Having sat out the last two games, Henderson knew this was an opportunity to stake a claim ahead of Old Trafford on Sunday
The captain grabbed it with both hands. The Bayern manager got it wrong Bayern boss Niko Kovac couldn't have got it any more wrong
Speaking ahead of the game, he declared: "I can't imagine the game will finish goalless
" Given Bayern had kept only two clean sheets in their previous 17 away games in Europe but had scored in 21 consecutive matches going into the tie, it was hardly an outlandish claim
But incident was rare on an evening reminiscent of an old school European heavyweight encounter
Liverpool, whose early slumbers highlighted they'd not played in 10 days, will believe they did enough to score
Mohamed Salah sent a decent header wide, Sadio Mane drew a smart stop from Manuel Neuer with a header and Joel Matip twice could have done better
The best chance, though, fell to Mane, the in-form Senegalese dragging a shot wide on the turn when completely unmarked in the area
Credit must go to Roberto Firmino. The Brazilian, a major doubt through illness, clambered off his sickbed to deliver a performance that, after some recent missteps, suggested he was finding his rhythm
But Liverpool, in terms of their final ball and finish, weren't quite there, unable to capitalise on their first-half momentum in particular
Click through the gallery below to see the best pictures from the match The best pictures from Liverpool vs Bayern Munich View gallery "The best draw it could have been," said Klopp
Now it's up to Bayern to decide whether they want to come out and play in the second leg
And that may play into the hands of Liverpool given one away goal could change the entire dynamic of such a finely-balanced tie
It was never going to be over after one game Jurgen Klopp was telling anybody within earshot that this didn't matter more than a regular Champions League knockout tie
But even his carefully-chosen words betrayed him. Beating Bayern, as it has been for much of his managerial career, remains kind of a big deal
And his almost encyclopaedic knowledge of the German champions meant the Reds boss was all too aware of the task facing his side
Those Liverpool supporters believing the tie could be done and dusted at Anfield were forgetting this is a Bayern side that has reached the Champions League semi-finals in six of the last seven seasons
That nous was evident during a containing display which smacked of negating the home side and ensuring the second leg in Germany proves decisive
Of course, Liverpool have been here before, and don't Bayern know it. In 1981, the Reds were held to goalless draw by the Bundesliga side at Anfield in the European Cup semi-final but won through on away goals
Thoughts of a repeat, though, can wait. This wasn't perfect by any means, but it was no mortal blow for Klopp's side And confidence and momentum remains when Premier League hostilities resume with Manchester United looming on the horizon
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Penske not ruling out 2019 Super2 programme - Duration: 4:43.
The squad has already confirmed an unchanged enduro line-up for the third year running, with Alex Premat returning to partner Scott McLaughlin and Tony D'Alberto lining up with Fabian Coulthard
Neither Premat nor D'Alberto are locked in to full-time programmes for 2019, while Premat is rarely available for testing or ride days due to his Las Vegas base
That means both could potentially benefit from additional miles in the second-tier series
There would also be the added perk of additional data, something chief rivals Triple Eight have in spades thanks to its own two-car Super2 programme and technical tie-ups with Team 18, Matt Stone Racing and Tekno Autosports
However according to team boss Ryan Story, the biggest motivating factor for getting Premat and D'Alberto in a car is the fact that the enduro season now starts at Mount Panorama, without the traditional Sandown warm-up
"It certainly does make it more challenging, but again we've got the experience on our side with these guys," said Story
"They know the team, they know the cars, that holds us in good stead. "We'll give them [every] opportunity we can to give them track mileage and get them in the car before we head to The Mountain
" When asked if that could genuinely mean running cars in Super2, Story added: "I'm not ruling anything out
It's not something that's been a primary focus for us the last couple of months, let's put it that way
" The team would have to field Falcon FG-Xs in Super2, as the Mustang is not yet eligible for the series
That's the same on the Holden side of the fence, Triple Eight running VF Commodores for Brenton Grove and Kurt Kostecki in Super2 and ZBs in the main game
Story also says he wasn't tempted to pounce on any of the top-level talent left without a full-time ride this season, like Triple Eight did with Garth Tander and Tickford with Michael Caruso
"You always have to have an eye on the ball and be conscious of what's happening in the driver market in that respect," he said
"But in the two drivers that we have, not only do they know our team and know our cars well, they do an extraordinary job for us, so we're really happy to have continuity there
"It's the third season in a row [with Premat and D'Alberto], which is pretty extraordinary
I think it's the first time we've have continuity in our driver line-up since Dick [Johnson] and John French went together in '81 and '82
" McLaughlin added that he has no qualms about Premat going up against the likes of Tander, Caruso and Craig Lowndes, despite a vast difference in recent seat time
"I think he's up to it, absolutely," said the reigning series champ. "He's shown in the past he's at least top three, top two best co-drivers out there
He always comes out and, no matter how many laps he's done, he's fast. "I think if we get the car right for him, and make sure it's fast before he gets here, it'll be no problem
"He can definitely hold his own against those guys."
[SpeedPaint] Pious w/ Voice - Duration: 13:39.
Episode 2 of LoveWigston - Duration: 19:15.
Liverpool sent WARNING by Man Utd legend Paul Scholes: 'We don't want them to do that' - Duration: 2:33.
The Reds are fighting Manchester City for the title and face their arch-rivals at Old Trafford
And Scholes still thinks United taking on Liverpool is a bigger rivalry than the Red Devils taking on City
The Oldham manager has warned Liverpool that Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's United will do everything they can to stop them matching the record of Premier League titles held outright by the Red Devils
He told Sky Sports: "Of course I will be watching on Sunday, definitely. It's the big one really
"It certainly was when I was playing. Obviously City have done better over these last few years but United vs Liverpool is a big, big game
"Liverpool are going well and so are Manchester United. I think it's the biggest rivalry in English football
"We know if City keep going the way they are it may overtake it a little bit. "You'd expect two Manchester teams to be the biggest rivalry but I don't think it is
"I still think it's Liverpool for Man Utd, especially with Liverpool trying to match United's record of winning the league
"We don't want them to do that." Liverpool currently sit second in the Premier League
They are level on points with City but do have a game in hand over Pep Guardiola's side
That match is against United as their title rivals play in the Carabao Cup final against Chelsea
Liverpool could be top of the Premier League table by then if they can secure a point at Old Trafford from 2
05pm. But it will be a tough task to beat Solskjaer's United. Since the Norwegian replaced Jose Mourinho he has lost just one match - the clash against Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League
The Record 찍히면 죽는다 (2000) korean revenge masked killer slasher movie (english cc) - Duration: 1:32:03.
5 minutes.
3 minutes.
Where are we today?
Well... write this down.
- Eun-mi, stand up. - Okay.
How long did it take?
5 minutes and 30 seconds. I won.
He avoided eye contact with me.
Stupid jerk!
I have a girlfriend. Find somebody your own age.
Can I go?
You have a girlfriend?
Oh, she's my sis. It was a white lie for Eun-mi.
What are you doing?
Practicing how to kiss better.
Did he really go to SNU?
He says he did, but his English is terrible.
He's a math major.
And he's an English teacher?
Cause he's better at English than he's at math.
We're having a keg party and you're buying tickets.
What? You need money?
Everybody wants to make money, first tuition and now those scumbags.
Pay for your English textbooks!
Fall down!
50 push-ups.
One, two...
Did you see them or not? You did, didn't you?
What color are they?
Black and laced.
Not again!
Maskman, I'll count to three. One!
Just close the windows.
In this heat? Not in a million years!
You son of a bitch!
Strip him!
Cut it out! You know he can't help it.
He's driving me nuts.
And you drive me nuts.
If that's what you want.
There's only one man on earth with the right voice for your cell.
- Your boyfriend? - Who?
The picture on your cell.
I'm a school nurse. Aren't you getting too personal?
I told you I love you.
You flirt with others like this, too?
Not really. What do you like doing?
Why do you ask?
To get to know you better.
You've got stuff for heat rash?
A heat rash?
Around my penis. It itches like hell, you know.
You're a school nurse. Take care of it for me.
What is it today?
I got hurt.
Sit over here.
Let me see.
Don't be such a wuss.
It will sting. Don't you have any iodine?
This is better for scratches.
Okay, you can go now.
Let me take my pants off.
Iodine for a heat rash?
This is a nurse's station. What do you expect?
Summer vacation begins tomorrow.
You have a week to have fun, and the summer school begins.
Will Maskman be here?
What do you mean?
Who would want to study with windows closed in summer?
We'll discuss that later.
Having an allergy and all that... that's his problem.
I don't want him here.
This building isn't air-conditioned. I want the windows open.
School isn't only for studying, but also to learn about society.
And he's your friend.
I know it's hard for you, but try to understand him.
As your teacher, I care about every one of you.
What are you doing this summer?
Having lots of fun.
- I'll cause some trouble. - Why?
I'm sick of being in a rut.
Can you get away?
Straight-A students get away with anything, man.
I feel sorry for students in Korea.
Cause moms stress them out.
Let's go shoot some hoops.
I got it!
Any ideas?
Imagine how touched she'll be if I work and buy her a present.
My mom likes giving me money. She thinks it's her job.
I don't even do house chores.
It doesn't sound very fun.
And how much can we make? Forget it, guys
I have an idea, making money while having fun.
What, working at the bar?
No way, man.
Did I scare you?
I hate studying with the windows closed.
Fresh air is good for allergies.
I don't think it'll work.
Why don't you give it a shot?
- Just us? - Hui-jung's coming, too.
What about Kyung-sik?
Don't you want to go out with me?
I know everybody hates me.
- You're sweet. - But you have a boyfriend.
He's such a bully.
- Where are we going anyway? - To our summer house.
We can have it to ourselves.
It's so cool in here! Come on, you guys!
Get your ass in here!
Come on!
Come on!
What happened to Hyung-jun?
He left a message on my cell that he won't be able to make it.
Did you call him?
I bet he'll call back.
This is it. How do you like it?
Very nice.
Where did he go?
It looks empty.
It's just us then.
Even better. No adults to bother us.
How can you eat this thing?
Are you sure the cow's dead? It's pretty much raw.
We're like old people, cooking steak and everything.
What are you talking about? That's being prejudice.
Whether young or old, you should eat well to perform.
Perform what?
You never know.
Guys do the job though.
Nothing's out there. I guess it was the wind.
Where's Hui-jung?
I don't drink.
Come on, try some.
You think it's dirty?
- How is it? - Bitter.
You want something delicious?
What the...
What do you want?
Let me go!
Don't kill me!
Let me go!
Let me go! Why are you doing this?
Let me go!
What are you doing?
Let us go!
It's me.
Sorry we didn't tip you off on this.
What is this?
Don't freak out. It was a show.
Did you film it all?
Turn it off now.
Let's clean it up.
You really hurt me.
I wanted to make it look real.
- How did I do? - You?
You took that punch well, girl.
Wake up, man. We'll pay you for your part.
Looks like real blood.
How's Sung-wook?
He's passed out, man.
How can you do this to him?
Had he known, he wouldn't have acted well.
We'll make some money out of this film and pay him big time.
Don't you think porno would have been better?
Guys love kids' porno, you know.
What's going on here?
You said it was blunt.
You plunged it in too hard. You killed him!
Stop it, guys!
I didn't kill nobody! It was your idea to make money!
- You stabbed him! - Knock it off!
Cut it out!
It's not my fault.
Let's get out of here.
What do we do now?
Let's call the cops. Tell them it was an accident.
They won't buy it.
They might.
If this thing gets out, my family is fucked.
I'm leaving the country.
If I go to jail, my life is over right then and there.
- He's dead, isn't he? - He was our friend.
We didn't mean to kill him.
Yeah, it was an accident. I can't let it ruin my whole life.
Let's clean up the mess.
Let's bury him.
What if someone digs him out?
We can chop him up into pieces... and bury them.
Are you going to chop him up?
I'm not doing it.
Should we dump him off the cliff? Nobody will know.
Choose anything.
Who wants to do it?
Give it here.
Sorry, Sung-wook.
What's going on here?
Let's go find him.
There's no way down there. I bet he's dead.
He was alive.
I double-checked and he was dead.
What happened tonight... we're taking to our graves.
Sung-wook's sis is here.
What does that have to do with us?
Why should we care?
You guys feel nothing?
What do you want us to do?
I knew he was having a hard time at school.
I was glad he was going away with his friends.
He was so excited about the trip.
I'm partly to blame for them always picking on him.
You are like a father figure to him because he doesn't have one.
Sorry I'm not much of a help.
I know it's hard for you, too.
Call me if you hear anything.
- What are you doing? - Leave me alone.
- You can do better than that. - All right.
I'm open here!
Do you know Sung-wook?
Beats me.
How did I do on the final? I think I messed it up.
I was really nervous. It was like taking a driving test.
Yeah, I got my license.
They're here. Bye.
Who is it?
Who is it?
Hyung-jun? Stop fooling around!
Are you okay?
You didn't get hurt, did you?
What's that?
What do you want?
What do you want?
What are you doing?
I didn't kill nobody! It was your idea to make money!
- You stabbed him! - Knock it off!
What is this?
Don't freak out. It was a show.
Did you film it all?
Turn it off now.
What an impressive film.
Taking the SAT soon, huh?
One of you is missing, right?
Turn it off!
I want to be a cop, you know.
So I can solve problems for you jerks.
If anyone resists, I can bust him, you know.
Beat him up if he talks back, trampling down on his feelings.
Which do you think Kyun-sik is? This one?
He isn't this big, is he?
How about this one?
What did you do to him?
Unfortunately, the slaughterhouse is closed today.
Keep your eyes on the monitor. Don't be late.
That's it!
You two stay home. Just in case he calls.
Take my car.
Let's split up.
Who is it?
Kyung-sik, wake up!
Are you okay? Wake up, man!
He's here.
Answer the damn phone.
What happened?
Somebody hit me in the head.
Who is this freak?
Didn't you see anything?
All I saw was a mask.
You saw the mask, too?
Sung-wook is alive?
He died out there. You know he fell off the cliff!
But he was alive.
You saw him on fire. He was as good as dead.
The tape turned up, which I put in his pocket.
Where's Jong-ho's body?
Maybe it's not his arm.
What about his cell phone? Be reasonable.
What do we do now?
Let's go to the police.
Are you out of your mind?
It happened a year ago, and you want to go the police now?
You want to take the SAT in jail?
Let's head back. I bet his body's gone.
He must have decomposed.
What about the bones?
A rainstorm was coming then.
If we don't find him, we're dead.
But we can't sit around and wait for him to get us.
We should go to him.
Who is it? He didn't have any friends.
You saw his sister, right?
The way she stared at us... it was quite scary.
You sucker, pull over!
Pull over!
- What's he doing? - Stay!
He's trying to intimidate us.
He's not getting away with this.
Get back here!
Sure you don't' want to eat?
I'll stay in the car.
All right.
Eun-mi, open it!
He's been following us.
Where did he live?
Let's go to school and find out.
Hyung-jun, how nice to see you.
How are you? What are you doing here?
It's the summer school.
I wish all of the students were as smart as you.
It's always stupid jerks that get hurt.
What are you doing here?
To see my teacher.
He's not in yet.
- We're early. - Yeah?
Didn't you miss me? You don't come over as often.
Busy studying for the SAT.
- Are you okay? - Get away from me!
Sorry about that.
It's nothing.
Busy studying for the SAT?
Not really.
Cause you guys are smart.
Do you have Sung-wook's address?
Sung-wook? Not a word from him.
We ran into him the other day. We need to see his sister.
You did? Where?
Near Seoul Station.
Did you talk to him?
He asked us to say hi to his sis.
I see.
I don't know if they still live there.
Let me know if you hear anything.
Can't even take a break. Who's this jerk?
Nobody's home.
Let's go. I'm dead tired.
Might as well check it out.
It's been empty for a while.
Who are you?
Oh, Sung-wook's friends.
How are you? Any word from Sung-wook?
Nothing since he went away with you guys.
He's got our pictures.
Sung-wook told me you guys were nice to him.
Why did you tell me you didn't know him then?
He said he hated home and asked us not to say anything.
I see. I thought he loved it here.
We have to run.
See you later.
It must be her.
Those pictures were taken recently.
What are we doing?
Let's spy on her.
No, I'm going home. I haven't slept since last night.
You shouldn't be alone.
If she's the one, you guys will be onto her.
Look at my face. It's become completely coarse.
Don't go home. Why don't you go to a sauna instead?
Do I look like an old lady? I'm going home.
You want to die?
Kyung-sik's right.
All right.
Give us call when you're done.
- You don't want to go? - I'll stay with them.
Okay. See you later.
Somebody, help!
Don't go.
I don't see anybody.
What's taking Eun-mi so long?
You think she's in trouble?
- Where did she go? - She's not answering her phone.
Why don't we go to my place?
What's she doing here?
Come on, let's go.
You have 3 messages.
It's me. Give me a call. Are you with Hyung-jun?
Let's have fun together. Give me a call. Bye.
Was it fun?
It feels funny calling people that are dying soon.
Don't consider it finished yet.
Sweet dreams. It will be the last one though.
And I have some bad news to break to you.
Eun-mi screamed so loudly it echoed all over the sauna.
Was it fun?
It feels funny calling people that are dying soon.
Don't consider it finished yet.
Was it fun?
It feels funny calling people that are dying soon.
Don't consider it finished yet.
We can get him.
It's an excavator in the back.
There are hundreds of them in Seoul.
It must be around here.
He knows exactly what we do and when we come home.
He should be nearby.
If he doesn't call?
If we stay put, he will call to see what we are up to.
I'll be a decoy for him outside.
No, I will. He killed Eun-mi.
Don't do anything stupid.
Okay, mom.
Staying home all day long out of fear of dying?
Then, I'm coming to you.
- Hello? - Kyung-sik, hit it!
- Wait! - Any last words?
Let me ask you something before you kill me.
I'm not an executioner.
More like a damn hell kite. Why are you doing this?
I'm sure you know why. I'm hanging up.
Tell me why!
Having a hard time taking care of some kids?
You know what? You're nothing but a loser.
How convenient, being kids when you need to be.
Listen carefully. You selfish pigs are dying.
But you'd never understand why!
I could've killed you long ago if I wanted to!
I don't think you're as smart as you think you are.
He just got past it.
- What is this? - Kyung-sik, it's right there!
I got him! He's dead!
No, wait! Kyung-sik, wait for us!
Come out here!
Show yourself!
Come on! I'll stick it into your head!
You're dead, fucker!
Come on!
Lost your friend?
What did you do to him?
Want to know?
Come out here. Stop hiding like a rat!
We're right here. Don't you want to kill us?
Done talking? How touching.
Willing to die for your friend? It's just not like you.
The show isn't over yet.
You want to find Kyung-sik? Come to the school.
What did he say?
- Get in! - What?
Aren't you lucky? Eun-mi died without knowing.
I'll make it quick.
Go find a place to hide. I'll call the cops.
We're in danger! Send the cops over quick!
He's trying to kill us! Je-il High School.
Look it up in the map!
Sung-wook trusted you enough to go on a trip.
I've waited for this moment for a long time.
The show has just started. You'd better enjoy it.
I'm really sorry.
We didn't mean to kill him. It was an accident.
But he's dead, isn't he?
Look at me!
You were my brother's friend. I'm sorry you were though.
Tell me what you did a year ago!
You didn't think anybody would find out?
Don't kill me.
Shut up, you bastard!
We didn't mean for it to happen.
You were busy covering it up after you killed him.
That doesn't justify you to kill us!
All of you deserve to die for what you did to Sung-wook.
It's all over.
- How are you holding up? - I'm okay.
Let's get you checked out.
Can't you question him later?
I guess it can wait.
- Escort him to the hospital. - Yes, sir. This way.
Don't get up.
I want to sit up.
What were you doing at school this late?
Does it hurt a lot?
This piece of junk!
As your teacher, I've failed to teach you anything.
You could've let her kill you and save your souls.
But you had to blow it.
What's going on here?
I am your teacher. I can punish you if necessary.
If a student messes up, it's the teacher's fault.
What are you talking about?
Who killed Sung-wook? You did!
Do you have any idea what she had to go through?
I'll make you pay the price.
Were you two in this together?
She lost her brother, and I lost my student.
Why now?
I'm giving my students a lesson!
Nonsense! He died a year ago!
I'm not dead yet and you're paying for it!
What are they doing?
Anything wrong?
Kids were going nuts in the back.
- Let's go see. - Sure.
Over here! Open it!
What's the matter?
Get out of the car!
It's not over yet. I thought we were friends!
I got admitted!
Can we have sex now?
No way.
Don't you want to be with me?
You see me everyday.
Can I see you naked?
Let's keep this moment on camera.
Jo Hyung-jun, here's your name.
He's now a college boy.
Thanks to me? Yeah, congratulations!
News24 - Maurizio Sarri's response when asked about Chelsea fans' expletive Sarriball chant - Duration: 3:04.
Maurizio Sarri's days at Chelsea looked severely numbered. Eight days after losing 6-0 to Manchester City in the Premier League, the Blues have now been dumped out of the FA Cup by Manchester United
It was definitely an improved performance from Chelsea but headers from Ander Herrera and Paul Pogba in the first-half sealed passage into the quarter-finals for the Red Devils
And towards the end of the match, the home fans started to lose their patience
In truth, it was the substitutions that did it for them. Trailing 2-0 and looking for a way back into the game, Sarri did nothing to change his 'Sarriball' tactics
He brought on Willian for Pedro and Ross Barkley for Matteo Kovacic - two 'like for like' changes that angered Chelsea fans
But when Sarri brought on Davide Zappacosta for Cesar Azpiliceuta with eight minutes remaining, the home supporters lost all hope
With Callum Hudson-Odoi and Olivier Giroud sitting on the bench, the final change seemed pretty inexplicable
Rather loud chants of "F**k Sarriball" could be heard echoing around Stamford Bridge in an obvious dig at their Italian manager
Then, Frank Lampard's name could be heard being sung in the hope the club legend would return to replace Sarri
As you'd expect, Sarri was asked about those chants after the 2-0 loss in his post-match press conference
His response? "I am worried about the result. Not about the fans," Sarri said
"I can understand the situation because the result wasn't good. We are out of the FA cup so I can understand
I am worried about our results." Could he hear the chants? "Not very well, but sometimes yes," he replied
Has he heard his own fans chant "f**k Sarriball" before? "No, for everything there is the first time," he admitted
Sarri may be putting a brave face on things but how do you come back from your own fans verbally abusing your tactics? By winning the Carabao Cup in six days time, perhaps…
Rio Ferdinand: Bayern Munich pulled off a 'tactical masterclass' - Duration: 3:32.
It was a dry Champions League night all round as Bayern Munich and Liverpool played out a 0-0 draw at Anfield while Lyon held Barcelona in the other round of 16 match
Both Liverpool and Bayern Munich have been scoring for fun this season, with attacking threats such as Roberto Firmino, Mohamed Salah, Robert Lewandowski, and James Rodriguez on the pitch
It could be said both teams had makeshift defences too, but neither team managed to score
Pundit Rio Ferdinand believes Bayern pulled off a 'tactical masterclass' to keep Liverpool out
Speaking on BT Sport at half time, Ferdinand spoke highly of Bayern's switch up from their normal tactics
'They've defended well, the professionalism, the experience they've used in keeping the full backs back, this manager has played a masterclass,' he said
David Alaba and Joshua Kimmich play in defence for Bayern but are often a key part of their attacking force
Kimmich already has 10 assists in the Bundesliga this season. However, Bayern Munich rarely posed a threat on the front foot against Liverpool
'In games we've seen previously these full backs have played high up the pitch. They know where they are, they're at Anfield, and space and speed will kill them here
' After a 0-0 draw, Bayern will now have to score at home. Kimmich is now suspended for the return leg after picking up another yellow card, and Bayern will likely miss his attacking talents
At full time, Ferdinand further solidified his point. 'It was a tactical masterclass from the Bayern team,' he said
'They identified the strengths of the Liverpool team, pace, exploiting space, they never gave them that
'Two of the possibly most attacking full backs in European football, they barely went forward today
It was a great feature of the game. It was a tactical chess match between the two teams
'Despite the tactical display from Niko Kovac and his Bayern Munich team, Ferdinand still believes Liverpool have enough to progress through to the next round of the Champions League
Predicting a 3-1 win for Liverpool before the match, he was surprised the match ended 0-0, but still backs them for the second leg in Munich
'If I'm a Liverpool fan I'd be the happier of the two,' said Ferdinand. 'I feel i can go there and score
I'm confident Liverpool will go through, because of the attacking prowess they've got, the devastation they wreak
'Bayern are going to have to come out a little bit more at the Allianz. They do that, that's when this Liverpool team will come alive and be able to pick them
Kia cee'd 1.4 CVVT SPORTY WAGON - Duration: 0:59.
Ogni giorno proveremo a capire e spiegare il tempo che viviamo con la serietà , il rigore e la passi - Duration: 9:34.
Secondo una previsione temeraria del presidente del Consiglio, l'avvocato Giuseppe Conte, il 2019 sarà un anno bellissimo
La speranza di tutti è che abbia ragione. L'evidenza di questi primi cinquanta giorni direbbe il contrario
Siamo entrati ufficialmente in recessione. Le previsioni di crescita del nostro Pil sono franate allo 0,2 per cento, il gradino più basso d'Europa
La produzione industriale è balzata all'indietro del 5,5 per cento. Si è scoperto che l'agognato reddito di cittadinanza non arriverà a destinazione per un milione e mezzo di lavoratori poveri: sei su dieci degli aventi diritto, più della metà
In Abruzzo, alle Regionali di dieci giorni fa, ha votato il 53 per cento, una percentuale allarmante, tranne per chi pensa che la democrazia parlamentare sia un orpello da smantellare, un ostacolo tra popolo e capipopolo
Le uniche cose che salgono, e non pare di buon auspicio, sono il livello dell'insofferenza verso chi rema contro, dal Quirinale al Vaticano, e il volume delle minacce contro i nemici, dovunque si annidino
Bankitalia e Consob? «I vertici andrebbero azzerati» è l'opzione zero di Matteo Salvini
Azzerati. Come gli sbarchi dei migranti. O le canzoni straniere, da intervallare per legge con musica nostrana doc
Il giorno di San Valentino, a Melegnano, provincia di Milano, sul muro della casa di una famiglia che aveva da poco adottato un ragazzo senegalese è comparsa questa scritta: "Pagate per questi negri di merda"
È come se la natura di tanti italiani si stesse rapidamente trasformando, incattivendosi
Insieme a molti diritti su cui si fonda la nostra comunità, stanno saltando i valori che quei diritti sottendono e sostengono
Stavamo seduti sopra un vulcano di rabbia e rancore, e non ce ne eravamo accorti
Se abbiamo forti dubbi su un 2019 bellissimo, abbiamo una certezza sul 2018: è stato un anno incredibile, l'eruzione di un'Italia delusa, spaventata, e anche un po' spaventosa
È passato un anno, anche se sembra molto di più: 4 marzo 2018, un voto che cambia connotati e anima a un Paese, che da lì ha cominciato freneticamente a scollarsi, a disunirsi, a isolarsi da quell'idea di Europa che aveva contribuito a edificare, per inseguire pericolose alleanze con Paesi e concezioni del mondo lontani anni luce dai pilastri ideali della nostra Costituzione
Un anno durante il quale la sinistra ha assistito attonita al proprio disfacimento, dilapidando milioni di consensi e di speranze, in attesa di una rinascita che con fatica, e ci auguriamo con umiltà, proprio in queste settimane stava assumendo un qualche contorno riconoscibile (le ultime vicende di casa Renzi di certo non aiutano)
Un anno dove la Terra che ci ospita ha visto peggiorare il suo già precario stato di salute, nell'incuranza e nello sfregio dei Grandi che dovrebbero invece proteggerne il cuore
E così la scienza, oltraggiata dall'incompetenza al potere. L'Internazionale dell'egoismo, del «me ne frego», ha rotto argini che sembravano incrollabili
E l'Italia è un fronte avanzato di questa ondata globale di "disumanesimo". Alzi la mano chi, un anno fa, avrebbe potuto immaginare che il ministro dell'Interno sarebbe stato indagato per sequestro di persona, oppure che l'ambasciatore francese a Roma sarebbe stato richiamato in Patria in segno di protesta, o ancora che una parlamentare di Forza Italia avrebbe guidato un gommone per forzare un blocco e verificare lo stato di salute di un'umanità derelitta tenuta in ostaggio su una nave a cui era negato l'approdo a un porto
E chi poteva spingersi a prevedere che persino la vittoria al Festival di Sanremo di un cantante milanese, ma di origini egiziane, sarebbe stata additata come una mossa contro il popolo sovrano? È così, credo, che si senta il lettore di Repubblica quando ogni mattina apre il giornale: incredulo
Davvero siamo arrivati fin qui? Davvero, prima gli italiani? Davvero si possono mischiare nella stessa frase le parole "pacchia" e "migranti"? Davvero se uno muore durante un arresto ci si può chiedere: e che doveva fare la polizia, offrire cappuccino e brioche? Davvero Ong e trafficanti sono sulla stessa barca? Davvero una piattaforma digitale privata, dal dubbio funzionamento e dall'oscuro reticolo di interessi e scopi, può indirizzare le scelte strategiche di un governo? Ecco, al cittadino disorientato mi sento di garantire soltanto una cosa: ogni giorno proveremo a capire e spiegare il tempo che viviamo, tempo imprevisto e dagli esiti imprevedibili, con la serietà, il rigore e la passione civile che sono il vero patrimonio di questo giornale e della comunità che rappresenta
Comunità eterogenea, che mai come oggi, nei mille rivoli nei quali manifesta il suo dissenso non verso un esito elettorale legittimo ma contro gli squarci alla democrazia che quell'esito quotidianamente produce, ha il bisogno vitale di una casa comune dove ritrovarsi
Ecco, noi siamo quella casa. E siamo aperti, ogni ora e ogni giorno, nelle edicole e nel vasto universo digitale
Pronti a informarvi, ma insieme ad accogliervi, ad ascoltarvi, a progettare con voi un'altra Italia possibile, e possibilmente più umana
Nel suo primo editoriale, il primo giorno di vita di Repubblica, il 14 gennaio 1976, Eugenio Scalfari scriveva: «Questo giornale è un poco diverso dagli altri
Anziché ostentare un'illusoria neutralità politica, dichiara esplicitamente d'avere operato una scelta di campo
È fatto da persone che appartengono al vasto arco della sinistra italiana, consapevoli di esercitare un mestiere fondato su un massimo di professionalità e anche di indipendenza»
Vent'anni dopo, il 6 maggio 1996, il secondo direttore di Repubblica, Ezio Mauro, rilancerà la sfida: «Repubblica non è un partito, come hanno semplificato in troppi, e non ha mai avuto un orizzonte diverso da quello del giornalismo
Ma è certo qualcosa di più di un giornale. Qualcosa in cui un pezzo d'Italia si riconosce, uno strumento di identità libera ma collettiva»
Il terzo direttore, Mario Calabresi, che mi passa il testimone e che idealmente abbraccio per il grande lavoro e le indispensabili dosi di modernità che ha saputo iniettare nelle vene del giornale, il 16 gennaio 2016 si presenta così: «Ho messo in valigia ciò che penso sia più necessario per combattere la crisi di fiducia che oggi la società ha verso l'informazione: capacità di mettersi in discussione, di correggersi in modo trasparente e di coltivare dubbi, che per me sono il sale della vita»
Come giornalista, non sono un figlio di Repubblica e non mi sono formato in questa scuola
Ma sono cresciuto anch'io, professionalmente e non solo, in sintonia con il lungo percorso di questa straordinaria avventura giornalistica e culturale
Da oggi ne prendo in prestito la guida, ringraziando l'editore per l'onore che ha voluto concedermi
Il giornale, specie un giornale che è qualcosa di più di un giornale, vive di sintonia profonda con i propri lettori
Quelli che l'hanno sostenuto nelle tante battaglie per un Paese più civile. Quelli che andremo a cercare per allargare la nostra casa comune
Il 2019 non sarà un anno bellissimo per l'Italia, ma faremo di tutto perché non diventi bruttissimo
Ligue des Champions: Lyon résiste à Barcelone (0-0) en huitièmes de finale aller - Duration: 6:22.
LIGUE DES CHAMPIONS - Pas de but mais un match animé. Lyon a tenu tête à Barcelone ce mardi 19 février au Parc OL en huitièmes de finale de Ligue des Champions, et conserve ses chances pour le match retour
Rendez-vous donc au Camp Nou le 13 mars. L'OL peut dire merci à son gardien Anthony Lopes et son défenseur Léo Dubois qui ont résisté aux assauts du quintuple Ballon d'Or Lionel Messi dans une fin de match dominée par les Catalans
À voir comment Jason Denayer, incertain avant la rencontre en raison de douleurs à l'adducteur, a été omniprésent pour contrecarrer les attaques catalanes, les 60
000 supporters lyonnais présents peuvent pousser un ouf de soulagement. Et d'espoir
Car si l'OL a paru démuni sur le plan offensif pour inquiéter le Barça, l'équipe de Bruno Genesio a démontré une remarquable solidité conforme à son objectif: imiter l'AS Roma, tombeur à la surprise générale du club catalan l'an dernier en quarts de finale
Pourtant, le Barça a tout tenté pour déstabiliser l'imprenable bloc lyonnais, avec Messi à la baguette dans une position de N
10, Luis Suarez dans le rôle de créateur d'espaces, et les mobylettes Ousmane Dembélé et Jordi Alba pour animer le côté gauche
Dès la 3e minute, Messi s'est mis en évidence en poussant Aouar à le faucher à l'entrée de la surface
Mais son coup franc idéalement placé n'a rien donné. De quoi donner le ton de la soirée
C'est l'invité surprise Martin Terrier, titularisé au détriment de Maxwel Cornet, qui a failli ouvrir le score et donner raison au coaching osé de Genesio
Après une bonne remise de Moussa Dembélé, l'ex-Strasbourgeois ne s'est pas posé de question en lâchant un missile de 25 mètres, dévié toutefois au dernier moment par Ter Stegen sur la barre transversale (9e)
Rageant! Après ce coup de chaud, Messi s'est mis à accélérer pour sanctionner l'attitude trop défensive des Lyonnais mais Denayer l'a contré au denier moment (14e), et sa reprise, sur un centre en retrait parfait d'Alba, s'est envolée au-dessus du cadre
En souffrance, malgré un Tanguy Ndombélé rayonnant dans l'entrejeu, Lyon a aussi concédé de nombreuses occasions à Ousmane Dembélé
Comme son capitaine, le champion du monde français n'a pas réussi à conclure son joli raid en butant sur un Lopes vigilant (19e), et en voyant son tir vicieux passé tout près du poteau (45e)
Et quand l'OL a réussi à mettre le pied sur le ballon, ce sont les maladresses techniques dans le dernier geste qui l'ont empêché de se montrer dangereux, à l'image d'un Memphis Depay sur courant alternatif
En l'absence de Nabil Fekir, capitaine suspendu pour ce match aller, le Néerlandais n'a pas été à la hauteur du statut qu'il revendique : être un joueur capable de créer des différences dans les grands matches
pour un jour signer dans un club de la dimension de Barcelone. Il aurait toutefois pu être crédité d'une passe décisive pour Moussa Dembélé, repris au dernier moment par Piqué (29e), tout en étant à l'origine du plus beau mouvement du match juste avant la mi-temps
Sur une séquence digne du Barça époque Josep Guardiola, l'attaque de "Pep" Genesio a joué en une touche de balle pour mettre en orbite Terrier mais son tir est passé largement au dessus (45e)
Et sur un ballon qui trainait dans la surface, Memphis a déclenché un tir audacieux qui aurait pu tromper Ter Stegen s'il avait été cadré (54e), tandis que son centre fuyant n'a pas pu être repris au terme d'un bon débordement (62e)
La star lyonnaise peut se consoler, Messi a tout tenté mais n'a rien réussi face à la vaillante défense lyonnaise et un Anthony Lopes en état de grâce (65e), à l'image de coup franc encore manqué en fin de match (89e)
L'entrée de Coutinho à la place d'Ousmane Dembélé (67e) a pourtant failli faire mouche
Mais Suarez a raté un but tout fait sur un centre en retrait du Brésilien (71e), et son tir a été repoussé par Lopes (76e), l'autre héros de la rencontre avec Denayer
À Lyon maintenant de marquer en Catalogne lors match retour, le 13 mars, pour rêver d'un quart de finale
Avec le retour de son magicien Fekir, tout est possible. À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
Diciotti, voto online e giunta per l'Immunità: vince il no al processo per Salvini - Duration: 5:18.
Annuncio Annuncio Ieri lunedì 18 febbraio gli iscritti del Movimento 5 stelle hanno partecipato alla votazione online sulla piattaforma Rousseau
Lo strumento di partecipazione diretta ha confermato il notevole numero di cittadini votanti: in favore dell'immunità si sono espressi 30
948 utenti, mentre hanno detto di essere contrari altri 21.469 iscritti, che in percentuale sono rispettivamente il 59,05% contro il 40,95%
Al momento dell'annuncio dei risultati, sul blog dei 5 stelle, si è fatto notare il fatto che fosse la prima volta che tante persone, esattamente 52
417, votassero in una consultazione di una sola giornata. L'associazione Rousseau, a dicembre scorso, aveva annunciato ufficialmente di aver superato la quota di 100 mila iscritti
Dal canale Politica Vittorio Feltri a La Zanzara: 'Gli ebrei rompono da decenni con la Shoah, ma basta' di Federico Sanapo Segui il Canale Politica Segui il Canale Politica per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Politica ed interagire con una community di appassionati
Annuncio Gli utenti hanno deciso di salvare Matteo Salvini Gli iscritti hanno dunque deciso di salvare Matteo Salvini dal processo sul caso Diciotti
Il vicepremier Luigi di Maio ha scoperto il risultato nel momento in cui era in corso l'assemblea congiunta di tutti i parlamentari
Logicamente l'esito del voto ha segnato una grande svolta per il Movimento 5 stelle, ma come ha annunciato Di Maio, anche se il Movimento e la sua base hanno scelto di salvare il governo, l'ultima parola spettava comunque alla giunta per le immunità del Senato, che si è riunita oggi 19 febbraio alle 13:30
Matteo Salvini, intanto, ha ringraziato gli utenti per la fiducia e per il risultato ottenuto, ma ha dichiarato che non sarebbe rimasto "troppo deluso" se fosse accaduto il contrario e annuncia che sarebbe disposto ad affrontare qualsiasi tipo di votazione nei suoi confronti; poiché ha raccontato di essere molto tranquillo e di avere la coscienza a posto
Argomenti suggeriti per te. Tocca SEGUI per ricevere le ultime notizie. Segui gli argomenti di questo articolo
Politica Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Matteo Salvini Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Elezioni Politiche Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Lega Nord Segui + Aggiungi a My Home M5S Segui + Aggiungi a My Home Annuncio La giunta per le Immunità del senato riunita oggi 19 febbraio alle 13
30 La giunta per le Immunità del senato, riunita oggi 19 febbraio alle 13:30, ha deciso per il no alla richiesta del Tribunale dei ministri di Catania di processare il ministro Matteo Salvini
A favore della proposta di Maurizio Gasparri, di dire no all'autorizzazione, sarebbero stati in 16, contro altri 6 che invece erano contrari
Alla fine delle votazioni si sono scatenate le prime polemiche del Pd, i cui esponenti urlavano la parola "Vergogna"; alla provocazione ha reagito il senatore del Movimento 5 stelle, Giarrusso, che ha risposto dicendo che lui non ha i genitori ai domiciliari, mimando contemporaneamente il gesto delle manette
Dal canale Matteo Salvini Salvini chiude i porti alla Ong tedesca Sea Eye di Domenico Camodeca Segui il Canale Matteo Salvini Segui il Canale Matteo Salvini per ricevere tutte le ultime notizie su Matteo Salvini ed interagire con una community di appassionati
Annuncio Di Maio tra non molto tempo annuncerà le quattro forze politiche europee con le quali verrà steso un accordo di programma; in attesa delle votazioni di fine maggio, che saranno determinanti per il Movimento 5 stelle
Questo articolo è stato verificato con: https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2019/02/18/diciotti-il-voto-degli-iscritti-m5s-vince-il-no-al-processo-per-salvini-con-il-5905-delle-preferenze/4981424/ https://www
shtml Chiedi la correzione di questo articolo Valuta il titolo di questa notizia
Jamie Carragher's prediction about Paul Pogba in September couldn't have been more wrong - Duration: 3:41.
Manchester United's turnaround under Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has been nothing short of remarkable
Their record under the Norwegian now stands at 11 wins, one draw and one loss since Jose Mourinho's sacking
That run has seen them break into the top four in the Premier League and reach the quarter-finals of the FA Cup after beating Chelsea 2-0 at Stamford Bridge on Monday night
Almost every single player has improved their performances from the start of the campaign under Mourinho but none more so than Paul Pogba
Pogba was instrumental in United's latest win, assisting Ander Herrera before grabbing a goal himself
Pogba's relationship with Mourinho was far from ideal with the Frenchman constantly arguing with his manager and was often left out of the starting line-up
However, Solskjaer is getting the very best out of him. In the twelve matches he's played under the interim boss, Pogba has scored nine goals and registered six assists
To put that into context, in the 20 matches under Mourinho, he scored five goals and had clocked up four assists
Who saw this coming? Well, not Jamie Carragher that's for sure. The Sky Sports pundit predicted that, when Mourinho is sacked from United, we wouldn't see a different Pogba
"I don't know if he's worth the hassle for what he gives on the pitch. And there's an idea that it's one or the other," Carragher told Sky Sports back in September
"If Mourinho goes you won't see a new Pogba, I can assure Manchester United fans of that
"He's not as a good as he thinks he is. He's got talent but his big problem is his understanding of the game
It's been a problem since he arrived and it hasn't changed now." He couldn't have been more wrong, could he? And, unsurprisingly, United fans are now calling Carragher out for his comments
One United fan screenshotted Carragher's words and tweeted: "I hope @GNev2 or someone reminds @Carra23 of his poor take on Pogba from a couple of months ago
" And he soon received a reply from Carragher, who admitted he'd got it wrong. "Well I hope you completely disagreed at the time & not just now?!! He's been a revelation since OGS came in because he's basically let him play without defending
I didn't see this turn around so I have no problem saying I was wrong." Before he added: "But I won't change my stance that Pogba should have delivered a lot more for Man Utd/Jose in those first two years no matter what the system or set up
" Of course, many United fans may have been thinking the same back in September
However, Carragher knows only too well that any comments he makes on Sky Sports will come back to haunt him if he's wrong
FIGUARY: Figure Drawing Month—DAY 20 - Duration: 16:48.
Hi I'm Larry Withers and this is Day 20 of Figuary: Figure Drawing Month.
I have an artist friend, who teaches figure drawing at the local college.
He's a very fine artist but he has an unusual method of drawing.
He starts at one point in the contour and with his pen carefully follows complete the
outline of the figure.
It's rather unorthodox but he's able to achieve the most wonderful results.
I asked if he taught that method to his students.
He paused a moment and said, "No I would never teach my students that method."
When we first start drawing we're shown tried and true drawing methods designed to
make make sense of the figure and aid in drawing.
However, at some point you're going to start modifying those methods to suit your aesthetic,
your skills, your temperament, etc.
There are no has-to-be's in art.
The end result will justify the means.
Please visit our colleagues at Love Life Drawing Channel for daily drawing instruction throughout
the month of Figuary by following the link below.
Also post your Figuary drawings to Instagram: #figuary.
Good luck with your drawing today and I'll see you back here tomorrow.
We hope you've enjoy today's Figuary drawing session.
To continue drawing from this model, follow the link below.
For daily drawing instruction throughout the month of Figuary, follow the link below to Love Life Drawing.
Also, subscribe to our channel.
Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:21.
Maurizio Sarri could be just one loss from Chelsea FC sack with Zola,Newton or Ferreira to take over - Duration: 6:46.
News24 - Maurizio Sarri's response when asked about Chelsea fans' expletive Sarriball chant - Duration: 3:04.
Maurizio Sarri's days at Chelsea looked severely numbered. Eight days after losing 6-0 to Manchester City in the Premier League, the Blues have now been dumped out of the FA Cup by Manchester United
It was definitely an improved performance from Chelsea but headers from Ander Herrera and Paul Pogba in the first-half sealed passage into the quarter-finals for the Red Devils
And towards the end of the match, the home fans started to lose their patience
In truth, it was the substitutions that did it for them. Trailing 2-0 and looking for a way back into the game, Sarri did nothing to change his 'Sarriball' tactics
He brought on Willian for Pedro and Ross Barkley for Matteo Kovacic - two 'like for like' changes that angered Chelsea fans
But when Sarri brought on Davide Zappacosta for Cesar Azpiliceuta with eight minutes remaining, the home supporters lost all hope
With Callum Hudson-Odoi and Olivier Giroud sitting on the bench, the final change seemed pretty inexplicable
Rather loud chants of "F**k Sarriball" could be heard echoing around Stamford Bridge in an obvious dig at their Italian manager
Then, Frank Lampard's name could be heard being sung in the hope the club legend would return to replace Sarri
As you'd expect, Sarri was asked about those chants after the 2-0 loss in his post-match press conference
His response? "I am worried about the result. Not about the fans," Sarri said
"I can understand the situation because the result wasn't good. We are out of the FA cup so I can understand
I am worried about our results." Could he hear the chants? "Not very well, but sometimes yes," he replied
Has he heard his own fans chant "f**k Sarriball" before? "No, for everything there is the first time," he admitted
Sarri may be putting a brave face on things but how do you come back from your own fans verbally abusing your tactics? By winning the Carabao Cup in six days time, perhaps…
Drugs - Duration: 21:23.
Brandon's Girlfriend on Siesta Key | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:51.
Brandon's Girlfriend on Siesta Key | Heavy.com
As is the case with many romantic reality television shows, relationships are constantly changing on Siesta Key.
Take Alex, for example.
He dated Madisson at one point, then moved onto a relationship with Juliette, but then that ended.
And now, the two seem to be together, but Cara, his other ex-girlfriend, may want to throw a wrench in that relationship.
And Alex isn't the only one whose status is constantly changing.
Brandon Gomes, another of the show's stars, was dating Madisson for a while.
Then, he admitted to cheating on her, and Madisson ended things for good.
But now, he's asked Madisson to star in his music video about their relationship.
Does that mean they're back on? And wait, isn't Madisson in a relationship with Ben? Who is Brandon dating these days?.
Read on.
Previews for tonight's episode show Ben getting jealous when his girlfriend, Madisson, stars in a music video with Brandon, her ex.
In one preview, Ben tells Canvas Brummel and Tawni Nix that he's uncomfortable with what Madisson is doing, but then Tawni tells him, "I just know if you were my man, I wouldn't be doing something like that," and he flirts straight back.
Is it possible that Madisson and Brandon could be getting back together? Based on Ben and Madisson's recent Instagram feeds, it seems the two are still going strong and Madisson will not get back together with Brandon.
Then what's the deal with Camila? And who is Alana? On Brandon's birthday episode, singer Alana shows up at his party, and shortly after asks if he has a girlfriend.
He tells her that he's just started Camila, and it's really new.
Brandon tells Alana, "Relationships are a lot of responsibility.
Well, you know, right?" And then Alana responds, "I've never been in a relationship.
Never." (Check out Brandon and Alana's song, Somber, below.).
Unfortunately, Brandon's Instagram doesn't give too much away when it comes to his love life.
Camila and Brandon most recently posted a picture together in November 2018, and it's been three months since.
And as the show's viewers know, three months is a lifetime in the world of Siesta Key.
But it is interesting that Brandon didn't ask Camila to be in his music video.
Ben and Tawni both pointed that out in their conversation.
In a preview clip for tonight, Tawni asks Ben, "Why wouldn't Brandon use his current girlfriend for a music video?" Ben then responds, "I guess mine's better.".
But will things between him and Camila last if he's already flirting with Madisson? Only time will tell.
Be sure to tune into Siesta Key tonight at 9pm ET/PT.
Doraemon In Telugu New Episode - The Soul Starring Microphone - Duration: 10:53.
Welike Doraemon
MasterChef: Αυτός είναι ο παίκτης που αποχώρησε | News | fthis.gr - Duration: 1:34.
Στο καινούργιο επεισόδιο του MasterChef, το βράδυ της Τρίτης, οι κριτές έπρεπε να επιλέξουν τον παίκτη ο οποίος θα αφήσει πίσω την ποδιά του και θα αποχωρήσει από το διαγωνισμό
Για πρώτη φορά, ο Σωτήρης Κοντιζάς, ο Πάνος Ιωαννίδης και ο Λεωνίδας Κουτσόπουλος αποφάσισαν να βγάλουν όχι τρεις, αλλά εννέα υποψήφιους προς αποχώρηση
Όλοι έβαλαν τα δυνατά τους για να παρουσιάσουν όσο πιο καλά μπορούν το πιάτο που έπρεπε
Αφού ολοκληρώθηκε η διαδικασία, οι κριτές ανακοίνωσαν τα αποτελέσματα φωνάζοντας τα ονόματα των παικτών που περνούν στην επόμενη φάση
Στο τέλος έμεινε ο Θάνος Σπανός και η Κωνσταντίνα Δημητρίου με το χειρότερο πιάτο να το έχει ο Θάνος και να αποχωρεί οριστικά από το MasterChef
Δείτε το παραπάνω βίντεο.
乃木坂46・秋元真夏、ミステリーハンターに初挑戦! タイ伝統の昆虫料理の食レポも - Duration: 8:07.
掲載:M-ON! USIC NEWS ■「乃木坂46がタ の公式観光大使をし いたこともあり、タ に親しみを感じてい す。今回の放送を通 て、日本とタイの友 がさらに深まるとう しいです」(秋元真 ) 【画像】タイを 喫する乃木坂46・ 元真夏 3月2日に BSにて放送される 世界ふしぎ発見!』 21時~21時54 )に、乃木坂46の 元真夏がミステリー ンターとして出演す
4年連続で『NHK 白歌合戦』に出場、 して2年連続で日本 コード大賞を受賞し 今や国民的アイドル ループのひとつであ 乃木坂46のメンバ の秋元。乃木坂メン ーイチの愛されキャ の彼女
強靭なハートと親し やすい人柄でバラエ ィ番組でも活躍中だ そんな秋元が、前国 の喪が明けたばかり タイを訪れ、ミステ ーハンターに初挑戦 る。 活気に満ちた イは、きらびやかな 院や1,000軒も 屋台がひしめくマー ット、睡蓮が美しい などフォトジェニッ なスポットがあちこ にあり、SNSに写 を投稿するためスマ トフォンを手に各地 巡る観光客で溢れて る
秋元は、そんなタイ SNS映えスポット リポート。さらに、 イ伝統の昆虫料理の レポに挑み、タイな ではの象がお手伝い て作る食品について 紹介する。 また、 イで最も人気のある イドルグループのひ つ、BNK48の握 会にも参加
タイならではのアイ ル事情に触れ、現地 ファンにもインタビ ー。ファンと一緒に イドルを見つめると う、普段とは真逆の 線でイベントを楽し だ。 秋元は母親と にプライベートでタ を旅行したことがあ 、乃木坂46はタイ 公式観光大使を務め ことも
秋元にとってなじみ い国だが、観光地だ でなく人々の生活の に入ってリポートす ミステリーハンター 仕事に終始興味津々 様子だった。笑顔た ぷりの初々しいリポ トに乞うご期待
(C)TBS ■ 元真夏コメント子ど のころ家族と一緒に ていた『世界ふしぎ 見!』のミステリー ンターにと、声をか ていただき、たいへ うれしかったです。 族と乃木坂46のメ バーも喜んでくれま た
これまでの仕事でい ばん反響が大きかっ かもしれません。8 間にもわたる長期ロ は初めてで、しかも とりとあって出発前 緊張していましたが 現地で撮影が始まる 素直に楽しんでいい だなとわかり、見る の聞くもの疑問に思 ものはどんどん質問 て、好奇心旺盛な子 もに戻ったようでし
実は、タイは昨年の 月に母とプライベー で旅行をした思い出 地でもあります。そ ときはほとんどバン クだけでしたので、 ケでは普通の旅行で なかなか行くことが きないところを訪れ ことができて、タイ 堪能しました
本場のタイ料理もと もおいしかったです 次に母と出かけたら 内したいところも発 することができまし 。 今回は初めて見 り聞いたりした感動 そのままお伝えした ったので、あえて事 に資料などに目を通 ことはしませんでし が、そのぶん、素直 気持ちでリポートす ことができたと思い す
タイは寺院やマーケ ト、睡蓮の美しい湖 どSNS映えする写 撮影のポイントがた さんありました。日 の女性たちにもお勧 です。苦手な昆虫の 理の食リポにもチャ ンジしました
見た目と味のギャッ にびっくり! 目の に現れた象は大迫力 した。さらに、タイ アイドルの最新情報 ど、知られざるタイ ふしぎが盛りだくさ です。以前日本で行 た握手会にタイから ァンの方が来てくれ ことがありました
乃木坂46がタイの 式観光大使をしてい こともあり、タイに しみを感じています 今回の放送を通して 日本とタイの友好が らに深まるとうれし です。 番組情報T S『世界ふしぎ発見 』03/02(土) 1:00~21:5 リリース情報20 8.11.14 O SALE乃木坂4 SINGLE「帰り は遠回りしたくなる 2019.05. 1 ON SALE 木坂46Blu-r y&DVD『"舞台 ザンビ』 ライブ情 7th YEAR IRTHDAY L VE02/21(木 大阪・京セラドーム 阪02/22(金) 阪・京セラドーム大 02/23(土)大 ・京セラドーム大阪 2/24(日)大阪 京セラドーム大阪 ※西野七瀬卒業コン ート イベント情報 乃木坂46 Art orks だいたい んぶ展』会期:1月 1日(金)~5月1 日(日)時間:10 00~20:00( 場は19:30 ま )会場:ソニーミュ ジック六本木ミュー アム 『世界ふしぎ 見!』番組サイトh tps://www tbs.co.jp f-hakken/ 乃木坂46 OFF CIAL WEBS TEhttp:// ww.nogiza a46.com/
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