Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 14 2019

130 ml fresh milk

40 gram sugar

2 teaspoon yeast

let yeast rise

1 egg

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon bread softener

250 gram bread flour

10 gram milk powder

30 gram butter

rest for 1 hour

10 gram butter

40 gram brown sugar

1/4 teaspoon vanilla essence

freeze. for filling

2 tablespoon water

2 tablespoon instant coffee / mocha

1/4 teaspoon vanilla essence

50 gram icing sugar

50 gram butter

1 egg

50 gram cake flour

store in fridge

add filling

let it rise about 30 minutes

bake 180ºC / 356ºF for 25 minutes

don't forget to like, comment & share

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For more infomation >> Resepi Roti Boy | Resep Roti Boy | Mexican Bun - Duration: 5:16.


R A V I - Socha Nhi Tha (Official Video) - Valentine's Day Special - Latest Romantic Songs 2019 - Duration: 3:59.

Zindagi ke aise mod par

Mujhe tum miloge kabhi socha nhi tha

Mere dil ki awaz ban

Tum hi dhadkoge kabhi socha nhi tha

Rabba mujhko na kabhi usse door karna ve

Sanson ki wajah whi hai baat tu samjhna re...

Har kadam pe mujhko bas sath uske chalna hai

Ho halat kaise bhi par ishq usi se karna hai

Aise hi chalti rhe apni love story

Tu roothe mujhse aur m kehta rhu sorry

Aise hi chalti rhe apni love story

Tu roothe mujhse aur m kehta rhu sorry

Toote na toote kabhi apni ye jodi

Tu roothe mujhse aur m kehta rhu sorry

Tera mera jane na kya Kon sa ye nata hai

Tu dikhe na pal bhar bhi to

dil seham sa jata hai

Bhool kar khud ko iss qadar

Tumhe chahane lagunga kabhi socha nhi tha

Mere dil ki awaz ban tum hi dhadkoge kabhi socha nhi tha

Ishq mein tere ab mujhko dubte hi jana hai

Sath tere jeena mujhko sath tere marna hai

Raah-e-ishq mushkil hai par sath mera dena tu

Hoga na ruksat mujhse kar le ye wada tu

Aise hi chalti rhe apni love story

Tu roothe mujhse aur m kehta rhu sorry

Toote na toote kabhi apni ye jodi

Tu roothe mujhse aur m kehta rhu sorry

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For more infomation >> R A V I - Socha Nhi Tha (Official Video) - Valentine's Day Special - Latest Romantic Songs 2019 - Duration: 3:59.


Life Of Joey - February 2019 [CC] - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Life Of Joey - February 2019 [CC] - Duration: 6:05.


Hakeem al-Araibi comes to Canberra to say thanks for his freedom after Thai prison release - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Hakeem al-Araibi comes to Canberra to say thanks for his freedom after Thai prison release - Duration: 5:39.


Laura Prieto se suma al nuevo reality de Mega, Resistiré - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Laura Prieto se suma al nuevo reality de Mega, Resistiré - Duration: 5:49.


Nơi Sản Xuất SẬP GỖ GỤ Chính Hãng, Chất Lượng, Giá Rẻ Nhất - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Nơi Sản Xuất SẬP GỖ GỤ Chính Hãng, Chất Lượng, Giá Rẻ Nhất - Duration: 5:06.


【Mãn Nhãn】Với Chiếc GIƯỜNG NGỦ GỖ CẨM LAI " sIÊU đẹP " Của Đại Gia Sài Thành - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> 【Mãn Nhãn】Với Chiếc GIƯỜNG NGỦ GỖ CẨM LAI " sIÊU đẹP " Của Đại Gia Sài Thành - Duration: 5:10.


Nơi Bán 10 Mẫu Kệ Để Tivi Gỗ Nu Nghiến ĐẸp Nhất Tại TP Hồ Chí Minh - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Nơi Bán 10 Mẫu Kệ Để Tivi Gỗ Nu Nghiến ĐẸp Nhất Tại TP Hồ Chí Minh - Duration: 5:34.


添油时没熄引擎拉手刹 水槽车往前冲撞8车 1重伤 - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> 添油时没熄引擎拉手刹 水槽车往前冲撞8车 1重伤 - Duration: 3:06.


Macron s'est encanaillé avec Benalla - Ariane Chemin - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> Macron s'est encanaillé avec Benalla - Ariane Chemin - Duration: 7:04.


Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Illegally Paid Nearly Double Rate For Road Salt, Officials S - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Illegally Paid Nearly Double Rate For Road Salt, Officials S - Duration: 2:03.


Beacon Orthopaedics Primetime Performer - Eric Hoefel, Madeira - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Beacon Orthopaedics Primetime Performer - Eric Hoefel, Madeira - Duration: 1:33.


Našli jsme Marcelu z Manželských etud: Čeká ji operace páteře! - Duration: 3:26.

S redaktory Blesku si domluvila schůzku v restauraci U Žirafy, na kterou se dobelhala s pomocí čtyřkolového chodítka

Bylo vidět, že se velice špatně pohybuje. „Měla bych jít na operaci páteře, ale ještě nevím kdy

Je to čím dál horší," říká. Nad vodou ji prý drží její přátelé a pejsek, kterého si vzala z kolínského útulku

Mezi nejbližší počítá i po skončení natáčení režisérku Helenu Třeštíkovou, s níž je v pravidelném kontaktu, a jejího syna Tomáše

Ten pro ni dokonce sehnal postarší notebook. „Byl to hezkej moment, Marcela byla upřímně dojatá

Je hezký vidět, že je svět v pořádku, a jsem vděčnej za to, že jsem díky vám mohl být u toho," pochlubil se syn dokumentaristky na sociální síti

„Čekala jsem na notebook delší dobu, takže jsem byla ráda," libuje si Marcela. „Helenka ho sháněla už před Vánoci, ale jelikož neuspěla, tak dala befel Tomášovi, ten to dal na facebook – a bylo to

" Internet Marcela sice používá, platí ho ale vždy jen na měsíc dopředu. „Pro mě je to drahý," povzdechla si s tím, že by byla vděčná, kdyby jí někdo s platbami pomohl

Kromě počítače jí lidé věnovali také finanční výpomoc, a podporuje ji i Potravinová banka Praha, která jí zdarma dodává ovoce, zeleninu, těstoviny a jiné suroviny

Dvojnásobná matka Marcela Haverlandová se zapsala do srdcí televizních diváků svým osudem, ve kterém ji potkávala jedna životní pohroma za druhou

Nedokázala najít životního partnera, otec jednoho dítěte se s ní nestýká, otec druhého před pár lety zemřel, dcera jí tragicky zahynula pod koly vlaku a se synem se odcizila

Několikrát se pak pokusila o sebevraždu a dlouhé měsíce strávila v psychiatrických léčebnách

Výzva Blesku Chcete i vy pomoci Marcele? Napište nám na a my to zprostředkujeme! VIDEO: Marcela Haverlandová v dokumentu Manželské etudy Video délka: 00:40 1080p 720p 360p REKLAMA  Manželské etudy Česká televize

For more infomation >> Našli jsme Marcelu z Manželských etud: Čeká ji operace páteře! - Duration: 3:26.


'Black Ink Crew: Chicago' Preview: Erica Mena Gets A Fierce Tattoo After A Tough Split — Watch - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 'Black Ink Crew: Chicago' Preview: Erica Mena Gets A Fierce Tattoo After A Tough Split — Watch - Duration: 2:47.


Jak táta zneužil dceru: Otec Meghan Markle se zachoval jako ukázkový bídák - Duration: 6:38.

 Média po celém světě rozebírají pětistránkový ručně psaný dopis, který měla Meghan Markle (37) poslat svému otci po svatbě, která proběhla v květnu loňského roku

Až v neděli, devět měsíců od svatby, Thomas Markle (74) korespondenci prodal médiím a dost možná si tímto krokem vykopal hrob

 Vévodkyně v dopise svého otce prosí, aby přestal komunikovat s médii, s nimiž navázal (samozřejmě placenou) spolupráci týdny před svatbou a de facto s tím až dosud nepřestal

„Tati, zlomil jsi mi srdce na tisíce kousků! Způsobil jsi mi bolest a hlavně jsi nemluvil pravdu a to je něco, čemu nikdy neporozumím," stojí v dopise

 „V médiích jsi řekl, že jsi mi volal před svatbou, že nepřijedeš. Ale to není pravda! Tys totiž nikdy nezavolal! Když jsem se z bulváru dozvěděla, že jsi měl infarkt, bylo to pro mě strašné! Snažila jsem se tě kontaktovat, volala jsem ti, psala jsem ti, ale ty jsi už komunikoval jen s médii! Dokonce jsme za tebou poslali pomoc do Mexika, ale všechno bylo marné," pokračuje Meghan v dopise a tvrdí, že svému otci nabízela jakoukoliv finanční pomoc

 Což je přesný opak toho, co hlásal Thomas Markle či jeho dcera z prvního manželství Samantha

 Thomas od svatby začal v rozhovorech tvrdit, že ho dcera odstřihla ze života a přestala s ním zcela komunikovat

Samantha Markle potom zase mluvila opakovaně o tom, že Thomas půjčil své mladší dceři Meghan velký finanční obnos na studia, aniž by se mu to kdy obtěžovala vrátit

 „Pokud mě tedy miluješ tak, jak se píše všude v bulváru, přestaň prosím s médii komunikovat

Přestaň prosím poskytovat rozhovory a nech nás žít v míru. Přestaň mi prosím působit takovou bolest a přestaň prosím profitovat na mém vztahu s Harrym," prosí Meghan svého otce v dopise

 Skandální výstup Thomase Markle v Good Morning Britain „Teď se cítíš zahnaný do kouta, ale když se na chvíli zastavíš, tak možná prozříš a dojde ti, že žít s čistým svědomím je cennější než jakákoliv výplata na světě!" píše Meghan svému otci

 Veškeré prosby bohužel zůstaly nevyslyšeny a k Thomasovi jako by neproniklo nic z toho, co mu jeho dcera psala

Thomas Markle nejenže nepřerušil s médii kontakty, ale navíc ze sebe udělal jakousi celebritu, která na manželství své dcery beze známky studu rýžuje

 Zveřejněním dopisu si pod sebou ale podřezal větev, protože jen potvrdil jeho pravdivost

Ukázal, že opakovaně lhal, když kňoural, že s ním dcera nekomunikuje, a potvrdil, že pro peníze je schopen udělat takřka cokoliv

 Samozřejmě že ho Meghan musela nakonec odstřihnout, když viděla, jak Thomas rozprodává její fotky z dětství, jak v televizních pořadech vykládá choulostivé detaily z jejího života a ze vztahu s princem Harrym

 Meghan Markle je součástí nejznámějšího královského rodu na světě a nemůže si dovolit, aby její otec jen tak z plezíru pověst královské rodiny pošpinil

Jako vévodkyně je svázána přísným královským protokolem, který jí nepovoluje sociální sítě, má zakázáno vyjadřovat se k politice, natož aby přes otcovu osobu nechala unikat choulostivé informace, které mají zůstat za zdmi paláce

 Ačkoliv se Thomas chtěl zase – jako mnohokrát předtím – blýsknout jako pokrokový otec roku, docílil jedině toho, že už s ním dcera do smrti nepromluví a bude rád, když proti jeho chování Kensingtonský palác nepodnikne patřičné kroky

Dost možná s ním skončila i média, protože dopis odhalil trhliny všech jeho předchozích prohlášení, respektive ukázal, že Thomas dlouhodobě lhal a výpovědi upravoval podle toho, jak se mu to hodilo

 Možná je Thomas Markle milující otec, ale co se týče rozumu, toho zřejmě moc nepobral

Minimálně svými výstupy to celému světu ukázal. Kdyby byl býval v tichosti a bez účasti médií se svou dcerou udržoval kontakt, mohl jeho život vypadat úplně jinak

Kdoví, možná by už byl nastěhovaný v jednom z luxusních londýnských bytů, stejně jako Meghanina matka Doria Ragland

 Namísto toho pobírá důchod a přivydělává si skandálními rozhovory. Zůstal ale sám, s „oporou" svého alkoholického syna a dcery Samanthy, a zřejmě už to tak i zůstane

 Meghan momentálně nemá důvod s ním kontakt obnovovat.

For more infomation >> Jak táta zneužil dceru: Otec Meghan Markle se zachoval jako ukázkový bídák - Duration: 6:38.


10 Valentine's Day fun facts and trivia for 2019 - Duration: 4:09.

 Valentine's Day is a time for romance, and millions of people around the world celebrate it each year

 The 14 February has become one of the highest grossing commercial holidays, but there's also a fascinating history of how it came to be

 Once a day to commemorate the various Saint Valentines, its significance has changed over the years and it is now largely associated with romantic love and affection

 Here are 10 Valentine's Day facts that you might not have known: 1. The earliest surviving Valentine was written by a prisoner in the Tower of London  In 1415 the French Duke of Orleans was imprisoned in the Tower of London having been captured at the Battle of Agincourt

 In a letter to his wife he wrote, "Je suis desja d'amour tanné, Ma tres doulce Valentinée

"  This translates as "I am already sick of love, my very gentle Valentine." Read More Happy Valentine's Day 2019! What is the true history behind Saint Valentine?   2

Victorians used to send each other 'Vinegar Valentines'  Sending Valentine's Day cards anonymously became popular in the Victorian era, but there was a dark side to the tradition

Just as people used to send romantic (and often racy) messages to their loved ones, they would send rude or insulting cards to anyone they didn't like

3. In Japan, only women buy gifts on Valentine's Day  This is because of a translation error made by a chocolate company in 1936, when Valentine's Day was first introduced to Japan

Only women give gifts on Valentine's Day .  It's traditional for single women to reveal who they fancy on Valentine's Day by giving them a small chocolate gift

4. The saying 'wear your heart on your sleeve' comes from an old Valentine's Day tradition  In the Middle Ages schoolboys would draw the names of girls out of a hat, to find out who would be their Valentine

 They'd wear the name pinned on their sleeve for the rest of the week. 5. In the UK, people celebrating Valentine's Day spend on average £28

45 each.  In the USA it's significantly higher, with the average person spending $221

34 (around £172) for the occasion. 6. In Finland, they celebrate Friend's Day (Ystävänpäivä) instead of Valentine's Day  The 14 February celebrates friendship instead of romance in Finland, and people buy cards and gifts for their pals

7. Saint Valentine was executed for illegally performing weddings  Roman soldiers were forbidden from marrying, as the Emperor Claudius thought that married men made poor soldiers

Valentine, who was a priest, disagreed with the ban and performed weddings in secret

 He was eventually discovered, thrown in prison and executed on the 14 February.  Legend says that before his death he wrote one final letter to the woman he loved, signing it "From your Valentine

" 8. Valentine's Day is the second most popular time of year to send cards  Globally, over one billion cards are sent for Valentine's Day each year

Only Christmas - when around 2.6 billion cards are sent - beats it. 9. Condom sales spike in February  Durex have reported that sales of condoms are 20-30% higher around Valentine's Day

10. Valentine's Day was once banned in the UK  Oliver Cromwell banned Valentine's Day celebrations (as well as Christmas) when he became Lord Protector in 1653

The holiday wasn't restored until 1660, when the monarchy was reinstated and Charles II took the throne

Read More Valentine's Day 2019

For more infomation >> 10 Valentine's Day fun facts and trivia for 2019 - Duration: 4:09.


Qui est Anne Cibron? le fidèle manager de Booba. - Duration: 13:29.

For more infomation >> Qui est Anne Cibron? le fidèle manager de Booba. - Duration: 13:29.


AIT表態反獨打臉蔡政府 港媒分析美方驚人佈局! - Duration: 4:21.

AIT表態反獨打臉蔡 政府 港媒分析美方 驚人佈局! 美國 在台協會(AIT) 昨2月13日明確表 態

「我們不支持台灣獨立 公投」

顯是針對民進黨側翼陣 線「喜樂島聯盟」而 來

喜樂島近期揚言要在今 年發動台獨公投

其效應卻直指台灣20 20大選

AIT實則也給近期走 深綠路線

「擁獨抗陸的蔡英文」 畫下紅線!而府、




媒體也對此事發表相關 分析。

據港媒《中評社》 報導


布魯金斯研究院東亞研 究中心資深研究員卜 睿哲日前發表《給郭 倍宏及其同事公開信 》

提到台獨公投事涉及美 國國家利益

美國立場兩岸任何一方 不應企圖片面改變現 狀。

美官方透過AIT 聲明



深綠卻直指卜睿哲為 過氣政客不代表美國



表面上是針對喜樂島聯 盟的台獨公投發聲

兼具為蔡政府緩解獨派 壓力功能。

實際上更是針對民 進黨、


防止蔡英文為了拚連任 有太過激進行為。

挺韓辯手陳清茂 將選這區立委力戰巴 掌瑩! 近來

由於綠營砸下資源在華 府大動作遊說


「華府友台聲浪居高不 下」

甚而出現要求眾議院邀 請蔡英文赴美國會演 說的聲音。

AIT聲明提到「 美國反對片面改變現 狀的行動」

等於否定了挑戰美國「 一個中國政策」的蔡 英文國會演說案。

市府抓內鬼?韓國 瑜引康熙字典1字暖 回 網叫好! 第一

美國提到「兩岸的和平 與穩定

與美國利益有深遠影響 」

美國反對片面改變現狀 的行動」。

意味著美國仍信守「 一個中國政策」


儘管美國去年通過 《台灣旅行法》、

「2019財政年度國 防授權法」(NDA A FY2019) 等友台法案



甚至開綠燈讓蔡英文訪 華府等

這些期望在美國堅守一 中政策下恐落空。


美國強調兩岸和平穩定 等於美國利益

意即表態不會支持蔡政 府行為

甚至不保證為台灣出兵 。

蔡政府最近不斷「 升高抗陸」


民進黨新主席卓榮泰春 節前提到不排除會推 新決議文

大有《台灣前途決議文 》(1999年推出 )被否定之感。


美國副貿易代表格里希 (Jeffrey Gerrish)2 月11日率團抵達北 京與陸方官員舉行美 中貿易第三輪磋商前 的副部級協商會議

陸國務院副總理劉鶴再 次現身副部長級別會 議

美陸貿易磋商往好的方 向前進。

美國代表團抵北京 後

AIT在2月13日即 明確表態不支持台獨 公投

顯示台灣問題在陸美關 係的位置。

For more infomation >> AIT表態反獨打臉蔡政府 港媒分析美方驚人佈局! - Duration: 4:21.


C. Ghosn saute sans parachute doré - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> C. Ghosn saute sans parachute doré - Duration: 6:22.


Actualité TV - Mons: un véhicule défonce la barrière de la concession Harley Davidson puis s'enfuit - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Actualité TV - Mons: un véhicule défonce la barrière de la concession Harley Davidson puis s'enfuit - Duration: 1:43.


Qui sont ces ex-terroristes que Rome veut extrader? - Duration: 14:37.

For more infomation >> Qui sont ces ex-terroristes que Rome veut extrader? - Duration: 14:37.


Westminster Dog Show King Continues Reign of Terriers The New York Times - Duration: 2:22.

Westminster Dog Show King Continues Reign of Terriers The New York Times

By Kelly Whiteside

When King, a wire fox terrier, won best in show honors at the 143rd Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Tuesday night, it was not a crowd pleasing announcement. Boos and grumbles filled Madison Square Garden when the judge handed King the coveted pewter cup.

The victory for King, the No. 1 ranked terrier last year, was a victory for convention. Of the 112 best in show titles awarded at Westminster, wire fox terriers have now won 15 times, more any other breed. Next closest are Scottish terriers, with eight wins.

As a group, terriers have a record at Westminster that even the most storied sports dynasties would covet. The terrier group has been awarded best in show 47 times, making them the New England Patriots of the dog show world.

ITS THE WIRE FOX TERRIER!KING is the 2019 Best in Show!

After you win this show, theres really nothing else to do, Kings handler, Gabriel Rangel, said when asked what King would do next after the win. He should be running around in some grass field.

King beat an intriguing group of contenders: Burns, a longhaired dachshund; Bono, a Havanese; Baby Lars, a bouviers des Flandres; Wilma, a boxer; and Bean, a Sussex spaniel.

Judging by the vocal reaction, the crowd was hoping for a somewhat less predictable, and more fun, winner — a dog like Bean, perhaps. When he ambled around the show ring, the crowd erupted, chanting, Bean, Bean, Bean!

It was unbelievable, Beans handler, Per Ingar Rismyhr, said. He definitely feeds off of that. He feels the energy. How could you not? He tries to play it cool but he really kind of likes it. Right, Bean?

Bean did not answer. He was playing it cool.

While the finish was unsurprising, there was drama before Tuesdays events even began. A day after winning the nonsporting group and a place as one of the seven finalists, Colton, a schipperke, was ruled ineligible for best in show because of a conflict of interest between the dogs owners and the Best in Show judge, Peter Green. Colton was allowed to walk onto the green carpet for the final judging before being awkwardly excused from the ring.

As a result, only six dogs competed for best in show, one fewer than usual.

Its not the first time its happened at a best in show, but its the first time at this show, Crista Cook, Coltons handler, said. If you have any business relationship with a judge and an owner, you shouldnt compete. Cook characterized the connection between Coltons owners and the judges family as a distant one.

[Your favorite dog breed probably .]

Colton had already made a mark on the show on Monday, becoming the first of his breed to win the nonsporting group. His win was especially significant given the fiercely competitive group, albeit one that is akin to an island of misfit toys. The dogs in the other groups — sporting, hound, working, terrier, toy and herding — have clearly defined historical roles, but the nonsporting group is a collection of the leftovers: those who dont assist hunters, sniff out vermin, guard livestock, herd sheep or serve as pint size companions.

Its rare to ever win the group, Ms. Cook said. Were often overlooked going against the bulldogs, poodles and bichon frise. That made Coltons disqualification particularly painful. Who knows when the chance to compete for best in show at Westminster will come again?

However, for King and future kings, the odds are good.

For more infomation >> Westminster Dog Show King Continues Reign of Terriers The New York Times - Duration: 2:22.


Can't Unring That Bell - Duration: 41:56.

For more infomation >> Can't Unring That Bell - Duration: 41:56.


Gott znovu v nemocnici poté, co se šířily fámy o jeho smrti! Tady něco nehraje... - Duration: 4:30.

 Zatímco na sociálních sítích se objevovaly snímky z hor, skutečnost byla poněkud jiná

 „On byl do neděle v nemocnici a jeho žena odjela mezitím s dcerami na prázdniny do Alp

Karla pustili domů, kde byl sám s tchyní, ale v úterý jel znovu do špitálu na odběry krve na hematologii, protože mu zase nebylo dobře!" uvedl pro deník Aha! důvěryhodný zdroj a další se vyjadřovaly podobně

      To příliš neodpovídá tomu, co Gottův tým v průběhu úterního dne, kdy se Českem šířily poplašné zprávy o jeho náhlém úmrtí při operaci, zveřejňoval na facebooku

„Abych vás uklidnil, sdílím s vámi i aktuální foto od Lenky Hatašové," objevilo se tam, ačkoliv sama autorka fotky médiím potvrdila, že se jedná o ateliérový snímek již staršího data

Jen chvíli po vzkazu od samotného Mistra: „Rád bych se podíval do tváře té osobě, která mě dnes pohřbila zaživa

Pro ty, kteří se o mě bojí, vzkazuji: fajn se mám."  Posléze se do věci zapojila také zpěvačka a Karlova kamarádka Ilona Csáková (48), kterou pojí přátelství i s jeho manželkou Ivanou Gottovou (43)

Ta zveřejnila pro změnu snímek slavných manželů sedících na sněžném skútru. Zatímco fanoušci křepčili, že Slavík je v pořádku a v dobré kondici, ve skutečnosti se jednalo o starší foto, které vzniklo již o víkendu 2

a 3. února během Gottova pobytu s rodinou ve Špindlerově Mlýně. „Řeknu vám jenom to, že Karel žije," odpověděla stroze na dotaz Aha!, jak to tedy bylo

Pak zavěsila.     Aby zmatků nebylo málo, Slavíkova mluvčí Aneta Stolzová v úterý Blesk a další média uklidňovala zase jinou verzí

„Pan Gott je v pořádku, co nejvíce času tráví soukromě se svou rodinou, věnuje se psaní vlastní autobiografie a natáčení dokumentárního filmu s režisérkou Olgou Špátovou," vyvracela spekulace o jeho skonu

Jenže zmiňovala štáb, který ovšem podle našich informací Slavíka již nějakou dobu neviděl

Další setkání by se mělo odehrát až 23. února u příležitosti koncertu v Příbrami

 Zpěvákova mluvčí také slíbila, že Karel zveřejní další snímek, který by snad měl všechno konečně osvětlit a ukázat ho v plné síle

„Během zítřka dá pan Gott na facebook další foto!" Ovšem doposud se žádný další příspěvek neobjevil

„Ještě nevíme, kdy ho zveřejníme. Dáme vám vědět!" vyhýbala se přímé odpovědi Stolzová

   VIDEO: Karel Gott: Bál jsem se, že své dílo nedokončím! Mé dny byly sečtené!   Video délka: 03:17 1080p 720p 360p REKLAMA  Karel Gott: Bál jsem se, že své dílo nedokončím! Mé dny byly sečtené! Lukáš Červený

For more infomation >> Gott znovu v nemocnici poté, co se šířily fámy o jeho smrti! Tady něco nehraje... - Duration: 4:30.


Профессиональный Торговый Форекс Робот от Автора! - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Профессиональный Торговый Форекс Робот от Автора! - Duration: 3:00.


Macron recadre le débat sur la fiscalité carbone - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> Macron recadre le débat sur la fiscalité carbone - Duration: 7:55.


✅ Bolsonaro endossa publicação do filho dizendo que Bebianno mentiu - Duration: 1:22.

 O presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) compartilhou na noite desta quarta-feira (13/2) no Twitter a publicação em que seu filho Carlos Bolsonaro (PSC-RJ) afirmou ser uma mentira a declaração do ministro da Secretaria-Geral, Gustavo Bebianno, de que teria falado com o presidente recentemente

 Desde que o jornal Folha de S. Paulo revelou um esquema usado pelo partido do presidente de usar candidatos laranja para financiar candidaturas, Bebianno, que era presidente do PSL na época das eleições, a situação do atual ministro se complicou

 Bolsonaro retransmitiu na sua conta mensagem na qual seu filho diz que o ministro não conversou com o presidente sobre a revelação do esquema de candidaturas laranjas do PSL

 O presidente também compartilhou a mensagem em que Carlos publicou um áudio gravado pelo próprio presidente no qual afirma que não falaria com Bebianno

 "Ontem estive 24h do dia ao lado do meu pai e afirmo: 'É uma mentira absoluta de Gustavo Bebbiano [sic] que ontem teria falado 3 vezes com Jair Bolsonaro para tratar do assunto citado pelo Globo e retransmitido pelo Antagonista", ressaltou o filho do presidente

For more infomation >> ✅ Bolsonaro endossa publicação do filho dizendo que Bebianno mentiu - Duration: 1:22.


Guy Carlier - comment son médecin lui a sauvé la vie - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> Guy Carlier - comment son médecin lui a sauvé la vie - Duration: 5:39.


✅ Os ministros do Supremo discutem as investidas contra o Poder Judiciário e a apuração sobre Gilmar - Duration: 3:10.

Os ministros do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal) participaram de um almoço de confraternização nesta quarta-feira (13) no qual discutiram possíveis investidas contra o Poder Judiciário, como a PEC da Bengala, que voltou a ser aventada na Câmara dos Deputados, e a divulgação de uma apuração da Receita Federal sobre o ministro Gilmar Mendes

As informações são do jornal Folha de S.Paulo. O almoço foi marcado pelo presidente do Supremo, ministro Dias Toffoli, para celebrar o início do ano do Judiciário – as atividades na corte começaram no último dia 1º

Segundo relatos de interlocutores, os magistrados demonstraram unidade em torno dos temas, considerados de interesse institucional, e observaram que as divergências existentes entre si se limitam ao campo do debate jurídico

Conforme os relatos, houve unanimidade nas críticas à ideia de parlamentares da base do governo de revogar a PEC da Bengala que, em 2015, elevou de 70 para 75 anos a idade de aposentadoria dos ministros do Supremo

A manobra permitiria que o presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) indicasse quatro ministros para a corte, em vez de dois

Se a idade de aposentadoria baixar, deixarão o Supremo antes do fim do mandato de Bolsonaro os ministros Celso de Mello, Marco Aurélio, Ricardo Lewandowski e Rosa Weber

Pelas regras atuais, só os dois primeiros devem se aposentar, em 2020 e 2021

Os ministros Luiz Fux, que estava em viagem, Cármen Lúcia, que teve audiência, Celso de Mello e Marco Aurélio não participaram do almoço

Os presentes teriam criticado investigações desautorizadas sobre membros da corte

O caso mais recente envolveu o ministro Gilmar Mendes. No início da semana, vieram a público trechos de uma apuração interna da Receita que mencionava supostos indícios de crime, o que teria extrapolado a alçada do órgão

Toffoli pediu providências à Receita e à Procuradoria-Geral da República sobre o caso

Alguns ministros do STF também se disseram surpresos com a reação de parlamentares da bancada evangélica contra o julgamento de dois processos, iniciado nesta quarta, que discutem se houve omissão do Congresso ao deixar de legislar sobre a criminalização da homofobia

Na noite de terça-feira (12), 22 parlamentares contrários ao julgamento tiveram audiência com Toffoli em seu gabinete

Ao abrir a sessão nesta tarde, o presidente do tribunal enfatizou que os processos estavam na pauta desde meados de dezembro, quando todo o calendário do semestre foi divulgado

A observação soou como um esclarecimento de que os processos não foram pautados de última hora com objetivo de afrontar o Legislativo

A manutenção dos processos sobre a criminalização da homofobia na pauta desta quarta foi vista na corte como uma demonstração de que prevalece a independência do Poder Judiciário

Esse julgamento começou às 14h30 desta tarde e, conforme anunciou Toffoli no início da sessão, vai continuar na sessão plenária desta quinta-feira (14)

Um eventual pedido de vista por algum dos magistrados, porém, pode levar ao adiamento do debate


For more infomation >> ✅ Os ministros do Supremo discutem as investidas contra o Poder Judiciário e a apuração sobre Gilmar - Duration: 3:10.


Đúng Người Đúng Thời Điểm Remix (Cover ) - Thái Quỳnh | Freak D Remix (#ĐNĐTĐ) - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Đúng Người Đúng Thời Điểm Remix (Cover ) - Thái Quỳnh | Freak D Remix (#ĐNĐTĐ) - Duration: 4:40.


Asylum seekers recommended to Australia after medivac bill passed and Christmas Island reopening D - Duration: 4:03.

Asylum seekers recommended to Australia after medivac bill passed and Christmas Island reopening D

Hundreds of refugees and asylum seekers in offshore facilities have already gotten recommendations from doctors to be transferred to Australia under new medivac legislation. 

Up to 300 asylum seekers from Manus Island and Nauru have obtained the crucial paperwork and are awaiting transfer,  reported. 

The sudden inlfux comes after the medivac bill passed through the Senate on Wednesday by 36 votes to 34.

Under the bill, detainees on Nauru and Manus Island will be able to seek medical or psychiatric assessment or treatment in Australia. 

Hundreds of refugees and asylum seekers in offshore facilities have already gotten recommendations from doctors to be transferred to Australia under new medivac legislation pictured, Prime Minister Scott Morrison

According to the Department of Home Affairs, the governments medical contractor on Nauru International Health and Medical Services has experienced a surge of inquiries from Australian based doctors seeking medical records of the islands detainees boat carrying asylum seekers sailing in to Flying Fish Cover on Christmas Island on August 7, 2011  

According to the Department of Home Affairs, the governments medical contractor on Nauru International Health and Medical Services has experienced a surge of inquiries from Australian based doctors seeking medical records of the islands detainees.

In other cases, paperwork for asylum seekers and refugees had been prepared well ahead of yesterdays passage of the bill, so the documents could be ready for lodgement as soon as the changes become law.

While the medivac bill comes as a win for doctors, detainees and social advocacy groups it comes as a blow to Prime Minister Scott Morrison who staunchly opposed the bill over fears it would re energise people smuggling to the country.

In a direct response, Mr Morrison confirmed steps had already been taken to reopen the Christmas Island detention facility and that action had been taken to strengthen Operation Sovereign Borders.

Bill Shorten has done what he has done out of manifest weakness, an inability to stand up to the left wing of his own party, the Greens and others who have applied pressure, Mr Morrison said on Wednesday.

He has no strength on this issue and he cannot be trusted to follow through on any of the borde­r protection measures that our government has put in place.

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton picked up the thread and warned news of the legal changes had already reached people smugglers as parliamentary debates were closely followed overseas.

He said the Christmas Island facility was on hot contingency alert for any new arrivals.

He also suggested the facility could be used to treat sick refugees. 

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton pictured picked up the thread and warned news of the legal changes had already reached people smugglers as parliamentary debates were closely followed overseas

I just say to people trying to put out the welcome mat for people­ smugglers, the medivac legislation applies for people who are already there. It does not apply to anyone new, Mr Shorten said

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten clapped back at the fear mongering claims.

He pointed out the medivac bill only applied to asylum seekers and refugees currently stranded on Manus Island and Nauru.

I just say to people trying to put out the welcome mat for people­ smugglers, the medivac legislation applies for people who are already there. It does not apply to anyone new, Mr Shorten said.

So if you think that by buying a ticket on an unsafe boat, paying a people smuggler, a criminal syndi­cate, youll get a better deal to come to Australia, youre wrong.

Labor frontbencher Brendan OConnor went one step further and accused Mr Morrison of actually talking down Australias border protection. 

It is sending a message — he is advertising like the ad man he is — to people smugglers that business is open. And that is an outrageous act, Mr OConnor said.            

In a direct response, Mr Morrison confirmed steps had already been taken to reopen the Christmas Island detention facility pictured and that action had been taken to strengthen Operation Sovereign Borders

Labor frontbencher Brendan OConnor went one step further and accused Mr Morrison of actually talking down Australias border protection pictured, sunken fishing vessel believed to be carrying asylum seekers off the beach at Cape Kimberley on August 27, 2018

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For more infomation >> Asylum seekers recommended to Australia after medivac bill passed and Christmas Island reopening D - Duration: 4:03.


Số phận của Jinbei và Germa 66 hiện nay ra sao ? - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Số phận của Jinbei và Germa 66 hiện nay ra sao ? - Duration: 4:02.


5 Thực phẩm trị thận yếu nhà nào cũng nên có để bổ sung cho cơ thể - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> 5 Thực phẩm trị thận yếu nhà nào cũng nên có để bổ sung cho cơ thể - Duration: 3:28.


Alain Juppé, 43 ans de carrière politique de Jacques Chirac à Emmanuel Macron - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> Alain Juppé, 43 ans de carrière politique de Jacques Chirac à Emmanuel Macron - Duration: 8:36.


Hotheads and Hookahs - Duration: 43:05.

For more infomation >> Hotheads and Hookahs - Duration: 43:05.


10 Valentine's Day fun facts and trivia for 2019 - Duration: 4:09.

 Valentine's Day is a time for romance, and millions of people around the world celebrate it each year

 The 14 February has become one of the highest grossing commercial holidays, but there's also a fascinating history of how it came to be

 Once a day to commemorate the various Saint Valentines, its significance has changed over the years and it is now largely associated with romantic love and affection

 Here are 10 Valentine's Day facts that you might not have known: 1. The earliest surviving Valentine was written by a prisoner in the Tower of London  In 1415 the French Duke of Orleans was imprisoned in the Tower of London having been captured at the Battle of Agincourt

 In a letter to his wife he wrote, "Je suis desja d'amour tanné, Ma tres doulce Valentinée

"  This translates as "I am already sick of love, my very gentle Valentine." Read More Happy Valentine's Day 2019! What is the true history behind Saint Valentine?   2

Victorians used to send each other 'Vinegar Valentines'  Sending Valentine's Day cards anonymously became popular in the Victorian era, but there was a dark side to the tradition

Just as people used to send romantic (and often racy) messages to their loved ones, they would send rude or insulting cards to anyone they didn't like

3. In Japan, only women buy gifts on Valentine's Day  This is because of a translation error made by a chocolate company in 1936, when Valentine's Day was first introduced to Japan

Only women give gifts on Valentine's Day .  It's traditional for single women to reveal who they fancy on Valentine's Day by giving them a small chocolate gift

4. The saying 'wear your heart on your sleeve' comes from an old Valentine's Day tradition  In the Middle Ages schoolboys would draw the names of girls out of a hat, to find out who would be their Valentine

 They'd wear the name pinned on their sleeve for the rest of the week. 5. In the UK, people celebrating Valentine's Day spend on average £28

45 each.  In the USA it's significantly higher, with the average person spending $221

34 (around £172) for the occasion. 6. In Finland, they celebrate Friend's Day (Ystävänpäivä) instead of Valentine's Day  The 14 February celebrates friendship instead of romance in Finland, and people buy cards and gifts for their pals

7. Saint Valentine was executed for illegally performing weddings  Roman soldiers were forbidden from marrying, as the Emperor Claudius thought that married men made poor soldiers

Valentine, who was a priest, disagreed with the ban and performed weddings in secret

 He was eventually discovered, thrown in prison and executed on the 14 February.  Legend says that before his death he wrote one final letter to the woman he loved, signing it "From your Valentine

" 8. Valentine's Day is the second most popular time of year to send cards  Globally, over one billion cards are sent for Valentine's Day each year

Only Christmas - when around 2.6 billion cards are sent - beats it. 9. Condom sales spike in February  Durex have reported that sales of condoms are 20-30% higher around Valentine's Day

10. Valentine's Day was once banned in the UK  Oliver Cromwell banned Valentine's Day celebrations (as well as Christmas) when he became Lord Protector in 1653

The holiday wasn't restored until 1660, when the monarchy was reinstated and Charles II took the throne

Read More Valentine's Day 2019

For more infomation >> 10 Valentine's Day fun facts and trivia for 2019 - Duration: 4:09.


Outage leaves thousands without water - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Outage leaves thousands without water - Duration: 1:52.


Машинки - изучаем строительную технику и Яйца с сюрпризом Развивающий мультик для малышей - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Машинки - изучаем строительную технику и Яйца с сюрпризом Развивающий мультик для малышей - Duration: 4:36.


Chelsea and Real Madrid handed boost in pursuit of Mauro Icardi after Inter Milan rift - Duration: 4:33.

 Inter Milan announced on Wednesday afternoon that goalkeeper Samir Handanovic was their new captain

 Luciano Spalletti made the decision to strip Icardi of the captaincy after protracted talks over a contract extension

 The 25-year-old's current deal is set to expire in 2021 but the Serie A club have been in lengthy negotiations with Wanda Nara, his wife and agent

 After being informed that he'd been stripped of the armband, Icardi decided that he did not want to travel to Austria for Inter's Europa League clash with Rapid Vienna on Thursday

 Spalletti confirmed to press that the striker's absence from the squad was a decision that Icardi had made himself

 "Icardi was called up, and has decided not to travel to Vienna," the coach explained to Sky Sport

 "Tomorrow we have a big game, there will be time to clarify things. It has been a tough, painful decision which he probably has not taken well, made with the team's well-being in mind

 "The things going on around Icardi have disturbed us, both him and the team which he used to captain

But we think it is for the best on the pitch, from the next game onwards. We hope that the players react properly

" This is not the first time Spalletti has fallen out with his captain, he previously sent Francesco Totti home from Roma training in February 2016

 Since arriving from Sampdoria in 2013, Icardi has been a pivotal figure in the club's return to the Champions League

 He's hit 122 goals in 210 matches whilst also winning two Capocannoniere awards, Serie A's top goalscorer award

 Icardi's hesitance on signing a new deal is born from his desire to play at the highest level, competing for trophies

 There's no doubt that Inter are on the right path to return to their former heights but they still remain a sleeping giant in the shadow of Juventus

 Chelsea have been linked with the forward and could be in the market for a striker this summer depending on the performances of Gonzalo Higuain in the second half of the season

 The Blues can trigger an option to buy the Juventus loanee for £31.3million at the end of the campaign but they will be tentative about a permanent deal given that he's 31

 There are not many prolific goalscorers available in world football at the moment, meaning Chelsea may have to fight it out with a host of other top clubs for his signature

 Real Madrid are also said to be interested which has been a bugbear in Nara's negotiations with Inter

 Icardi has spent a lot of time in the Spanish capital in recent times and was a guest at the Copa Libertadores final between River Plate and Boca Juniors at the Santiago Bernabeu in December

 Wanda has previously explained that her husband remains committed to Inter but was not in any rush to extend his stay in Milan

 "There has been a lot of nonsense said about Mauro, for example a supposed fine that did not exist," she said

 "I would like Mauro to be more protected by the team. I cannot understand if these bad things come from outside or within


For more infomation >> Chelsea and Real Madrid handed boost in pursuit of Mauro Icardi after Inter Milan rift - Duration: 4:33.


FIGUARY: Figure Drawing Month—DAY 14 (Valentine's Day) - Duration: 16:05.

For more infomation >> FIGUARY: Figure Drawing Month—DAY 14 (Valentine's Day) - Duration: 16:05.


Rencontre romanesque de Alain Juppé avec sa femme Isabelle - NT - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Rencontre romanesque de Alain Juppé avec sa femme Isabelle - NT - Duration: 3:00.



Ancora una notte violenta a . Paura al rione Monti intorno alle 21,30. Fuori da un locale di via dei Serpenti è scoppiata una rissa tra tifosi della Lazio e del Siviglia

Almeno una quarantina i giovani coinvolti. E poi la spedizione degli ultrà laziali nelle strade del rione per dare la caccia ai rivali che cercavano di nascondersi dentro ristoranti e birrerie

Tre al momento le persone soccorse e trasportate in ospedale con ferite d'arma da taglio

Si tratta di due spagnoli, presumibilmente tifosi del Siviglia, e di un americano, che si sarebbe trovato coinvolto per caso

Il più grave è uno spagnolo trasportato in ospedale in codice rosso. Sul posto la polizia

  Domani allo stadio Olimpico è in programma la partita di Europa League . Sul posto sono arrivate due ambulanze e diverse auto della polizia

Tutto è successo in pochi attimi. Uno dei feriti è stato soccorso nei pressi della fermata Cavour della metro B

Dopo lo scontro alcuni tifosi spagnoli hanno cercato di rifugiarsi in alcuni locali per fuggire agli ultrà della Lazio

In piazza Madonna dei Monti e in via dei Serpenti sono arrivate diverse volanti della polizia e decine di poliziotti con caschi e scudi in assetto antisommossa

"Sembrava una spedizione punitiva. Abbiamo visto correre decine di giovani vestiti di nero

Erano incapucciati. Altri indossavano caschi e avevano bastoni e cinture in mano

E' come se stessero dando la caccia a qualcuno. E infatti, a un certo punto, hanno fatto irruzione in un locale - raccontano alcuni ristoratori -  Quando è arrivata la polizia erano già fuggiti

La rissa sarebbe scoppiata in via Leonina proprio dove otto anni fa era stato pestato a morte un giovane musicista"

1 Non è la prima volta che il rione Monti è teatro di aggressioni e violenze

I comitati della zona hanno più volte invocato maggiori controlli. "E' un triangolo maledetto quello tra via Leonina e piazza Madonna dei Monti, ci sono anche attività che vendono alcolici tutta la notte

Quando ci sono le partite vengono tutti a bere qui. I controlli sono pressoché zero

I vigili ultimamente hanno fatto qualche multa nel rione ma si vedono raramente - spiega Lisa Roscioni del coodinamento dei Comitati Monti -  Abbiamo più volte segnalato la situazione di pericolo

Ma il Comune non ci ascolta e vorrebbe anche pedonalizzare quest'area con il rischio di aggravare la situazione facendola diventare il rione solo una meta turistica della movida danneggiando i residenti e le attività degli artigiani

C'è il pericolo che questa zona si trasformi alla notte in tappeto umano di ubriachi"

Quattro accoltellati in una maxi  tra ultrà scoppiata in pieno centro a  prima di 

I feriti sono stati portati in ospedale. Tra loro due spagnoli, presumibilmente tifosi del Siviglia, e un inglese

Il più grave è uno spagnolo trasportato in ospedale in codice rosso. Sul posto la polizia

Domani allo stadio Olimpico è in programma la partita di Europa League Lazio- Siviglia

La rissa sarebbe scoppiata intorno alle 21.30 in via Leonina e avrebbe coinvolto circa 40 persone

I due tifosi spagnoli feriti sono stati soccorsi in un ristorante dove si erano rifugiati mentre l'inglese in strada




'Fuming' David Seaman tells Arsenal how much it will cost to replace Juventus-bound Aaron Ramsey - Duration: 3:30.

 David Seaman has warned Arsenal they will need to spend their entire summer transfer budget to sign an adequate replacement for Aaron Ramsey

 Wales international Ramsey will bring his 11-year stint at the Emirates to an end this summer after it was announced he would join Juventus in a deal worth around £400,000-a-week

 The 28-year-old has been a key player for the Gunners over the last decade, playing over 350 games in all competitions and helping the club win three FA Cup titles

 Legendary goalkeeper Seaman is 'fuming' by Ramsey's imminent departure and says it will cost his former club at least £40million to sign an adequate replacement in the summer

 Unai Emery is desperate to bolster his squad in north London but recent reports suggest he will be handed a transfer kitty of just £45m

 Seaman told talkSPORT: 'I'm still fuming at the fact we're going to lose Ramsey

 'It gets even more frustrating with the fact they've announced Emery only has around £40million to spend in the summer

 'That's what you'd have to pay to get someone like Ramsey, probably a little bit more

 'It's demoralising for me and I'm sure it's even more demoralising for the fans to hear that and then to see quality players leaving the club

 'It's even more frustrating the fact that it's for nothing, that's why he's getting so much money at Juventus

I just don't get it, I don't know what the forward thinking is.  'The fact that Emery gets one transfer window and he gets told he can only do loan deals, now we're looking at the end of the season where he only has £40million to spend

'  Fellow Arsenal legend Ian Wright has also reacted with disappointment after it was confirmed Ramsey was set to join Serie A giants Juventus

 He said: 'Ramsey has been magnificent for Arsenal. He's one of those players who never hid, always showed for the ball

He always tried to make things happen.  'We're losing a great player and that's a shame

'  Ramsey, meanwhile, sent a message to the 'extremely loyal and supportive' Arsenal fans after signing a pre-contract agreement with Juventus

 'You welcomed me as a teenager and have been there for me through all the highs and lows I've encountered during my time at the club,' the Welsh star said

 'It is with a heavy heart that I leave after 11 incredible years in north London

 'Thank you. I will continue to give the team 100% and hope to finish the season strongly, before heading on to my next chapter in Turin

'  Arsenal, who are currently fifth in the Premier League, face BATE Borisov in the Europa League on Thursday night


For more infomation >> 'Fuming' David Seaman tells Arsenal how much it will cost to replace Juventus-bound Aaron Ramsey - Duration: 3:30.


Lleyton Hewitt continues war of words with cheeky crack at Bernard Tomic - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Lleyton Hewitt continues war of words with cheeky crack at Bernard Tomic - Duration: 3:47.


Hacked Games On Android/ios 2019 - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Hacked Games On Android/ios 2019 - Duration: 3:02.


Liverpool News - Liverpool given chance to beat Manchester United to big-name transfer in cash-plus - Duration: 1:50.

 Liverpool could reportedly be given a huge opportunity in the transfer market as Juventus are reportedly ready to offer cash plus Paulo Dybala for Mohamed Salah

 Of course, the Reds probably won't want to let Salah go any time soon, but Dybala is another world class forward who'd be a pretty fine replacement all things considered

MORE: Liverpool star reveals the striker transfer he'd love to see Reds make This shock rumour comes from Italian source Tuttosport, and it also follows a recent report linking Dybala with both Liverpool and Manchester United

 It seems the Argentina's future with Juve is in some doubt as Don Balon have claimed his asking price has dropped from £140m to £105m, alerting both Liverpool and United

 If LFC can land Dybala in a straightforward deal, it would obviously be expensive, but surely preferable to letting Salah go

Paulo Dybala to Liverpool in a Mohamed Salah swap deal? Mohamed Salah has been a superb player for Liverpool  That said, it could be hard for them to keep a world class performer like the Egypt international if they end this season trophyless again despite looking in contention for both the Premier League and Champions League

For more infomation >> Liverpool News - Liverpool given chance to beat Manchester United to big-name transfer in cash-plus - Duration: 1:50.


Hack Any Games Whitout Root 2019 - Duration: 2:51.


For more infomation >> Hack Any Games Whitout Root 2019 - Duration: 2:51.


车长5米2,气场不输奔驰S级,降价30万奈何就是卖不动 - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 车长5米2,气场不输奔驰S级,降价30万奈何就是卖不动 - Duration: 3:35.


Busca ayudante de AMLO integrar la CRE - Duration: 4:57.

Un integrante de la Ayudantía de la Presidencia de la República, el cuerpo de civiles encargado de asistir a Andrés Manuel López Obrador, busca llegar a la Comisión Reguladora de Energía (CRE) como integrante

Se trata de Ángel Carrizales, quien en su currículum destaca ser ingeniero químico por el Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas

Carrizales es parte de una terna propuesta por AMLO para fungir como comisionados

Las otras dos propuestas son Luis Linares Zapata y Paola Elizabeth López Chávez. El joven ha fungido como ayudante del Presidente López Obrador tanto en Palacio Nacional como en sus giras a otros estados

Carrizales asistió hoy al Senado de la República a una ronda de entrevistas con integrantes de la Comisión de Energía para ocupar un lugar de comisionado en la CRE

Fuentes del Senado señalaron que el joven omitió incluir en su currículum su pertenencia al cuerpo de la Ayudantía, adscrito a la Oficina de la Presidencia

Carrizales señala en su currículum haber sido Ingeniero Especialista Técnico "C" en la Unidad de Seguridad Industrial y Protección Ambiental de la Refinería Francisco I

Madero, así como Ingeniero Especialista Técnico "8" en la Superintendencia General de Operación y Ayudante de Trabajos de Inspección y Seguridad

También detalla haber sido Ingeniero Especialista Técnico "D" en Almacenamiento y Medición de Fluidos en Pemex Exploración y Producción en Ciudad Carmen, Campeche

El senador del PAN Raúl Paz Alonso le preguntó a Carrizales si ha cobrado en algún partido político

El candidato reconoció que trabajó para Morena durante tres años. "Si me ha pagado un partido político, siendo concreto, sí, estuve trabajando en Morena, ¿qué haciendo?, si les da más allá la curiosidad, estuve en pago de nómina, que es un puesto muy importante, de alta confianza también, y el cual me siento muy orgulloso de haber desarrollado limpiamente y bajo una ética profesional, y con el reto de que no era un contador o no me dedicaba a nada financiero y, sin embargo, desempeñé mi cargo durante tres años limpio y regular, siempre", dijo

El senador panista Julén Rementería ventiló durante la sesión que Carrizales aún aparece como militante de Morena

A Carrizales le preguntaron si sabe qué funciones desempeña el Centro Nacional de Control de Energía (Cenace), a lo que respondió que no

Rementería le reprochó no conocer la respuesta debido a que dicho órgano trabaja íntimamente con la CRE

El senador morenista Armando Guadiana, presidente de la Comisión de Energía, entró en defensa de Carrizales y dijo que él mismo apenas está conociendo el funcionamiento de la CRE

For more infomation >> Busca ayudante de AMLO integrar la CRE - Duration: 4:57.


Lạ lùng: Mỹ chi cả đống tiền tăng hạn tiêm kích F-5 thời Chiến tranh Việt Nam - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Lạ lùng: Mỹ chi cả đống tiền tăng hạn tiêm kích F-5 thời Chiến tranh Việt Nam - Duration: 4:40.


JFK Assassination National Archives Evidence - Duration: 29:43.

For more infomation >> JFK Assassination National Archives Evidence - Duration: 29:43.


Jak radzić sobie ze stresem #1 / How to relieve stress #1 - Duration: 10:24.

Inner balance is what you're dreaming of?


I understand that.

If you want to cope better with stress

First, you need to understand

the basic stress reactions that evolution has given you

In this training you will learn everything you need

to better cope with stress

My name is Magdalena Krych.

Every day I accompany many people

on the way to inner peace

Using a hand model of the brain

and as its author, psychiatrist Dan Siegel says

handy model of the brain

We're going to learn what happens

in YOU during stress response

Your brain

consists of the three important parts

The first one is


which is represented by the base of the hand

Evolutionarily, this is the oldest part of the brain

Sometimes we call it a reptilian brain

You can imagine such a little reptile

that is somewhere in you

And this little reptile is a very important part of the brain

because thanks to it

we don't have to think to breathe,

we don't have to think and watch that our heart beats.

We don't have to think to digest.

This part of the brain does it for us.

This part also work with our body

By gathering and sending information to our body

here through the spinal cord.

It's very important, and we'll be coming back to this.

This will be needed to further understand how to deal with stress.

This part has one more very important function.

Namely, in a situation of threat to health or life

it triggers a stress response that we call

fight, flight, freeze, faint

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