Sunday, February 3, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 4 2019

Rustic Beautiful Park Model Tiny Home For Sale by Robert Chlicht

For more infomation >> Rustic Beautiful Park Model Tiny Home For Sale by Robert Chlicht - Duration: 2:14.


Darmanin met un terme aux rumeurs mais vise 2020 - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Darmanin met un terme aux rumeurs mais vise 2020 - Duration: 4:53.


Gorgeous Beautiful Meadowview Park Model from Pratt Homes - Duration: 4:12.

Gorgeous Beautiful Meadowview Park Model from Pratt Homes

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Beautiful Meadowview Park Model from Pratt Homes - Duration: 4:12.


Interview with Rachel Abramson 3: How to Charge What You're Worth - Duration: 4:45.

Welcome back. It's Ben Lai from Sales Ethos,

and I've got Dr. Rachel Abramson joining us again today.


So Rachel today, my question for you is,

we talked about people charging what they're worth.

But how does that tie to the entrepreneurs' self-perception,

self-perceived value and their self-image?

What is the correlation from a psychological point of view?

And how can they change that?

If you have a good sense of self-worth or

self-confidence, then you're more likely to

charge what you're worth,

than if you have a low sense of what you're contributing

and what you what your value is to your clients.

Your employer's... Whoever you're providing a service to.

So the first thing is to know who you are.

To know what it is that you bring to the table;

what you contribute to the other person or the other organization's

bottom line. And the more that you can see that,

the more that you understand what you're really worth

and then you can price your fees or ask for remuneration

that reflects that.

Yeah, and I think this ties very strongly;

You know I ran a workshop

"Sales Success for Women in Business."

I know it's kind of funny guy running that!

But one of the key issues that we came across is

that confidence factor, right?

So what you're saying is that they need to

really focus in on the client

Can I just say something?

Oh yeah, absolutely!

Men when they're going for a job...

And I'm talking about salaried employees

rather than entrepreneurs...

When they go for a job and when they see the

job description they'll look down and I'll go

"Yeah, I've got 70% of that, I'll go for it!"

A woman looking at the same position will go

"Yes, I've got 99% of that... Am I qualified?"

There is a real gender difference in putting yourself forward.

Men are more likely to do that and I'm speaking

on the whole not every male, but most men

will respond like that.

And in contrast, most women will hold them back.

And that's why I said an earlier video,

if you're a woman, increase your fees straight away.

Five times, 10 times but increase them.

And I don't say that with men because

men are more likely to price themselves more fairly

than women are. On the flip side, if you

You need a professional service

and you've got a male and a female that you're considering,

chances are you'll get more value out of the woman,

You'll get more value out of the female provider

than you will the male provider for the same fee.

Okay! No offense taken!

That's just a gender difference in attitude about money and pricing.

Yeah, that's totally fine. We are talking about generalities

But I think it does need to be taken on a case by case basis, you do need

to consider all the factors and but yeah,

certainly, you know, the women who go out into

starting their own businesses.

One of the things that I'll admit as a man

that's the advantage that they have over us is the care

factor. You know, they they're by nature very nurturing

and they have a very strong emotional attachment

to your outcomes that the're providing for their clients.

So yeah, happy to admit you know that that's

the advantage that they have.

So thank you for the very comprehensive answer

on that question that's some great insights especially for women.

So what do you think? Do women have an advantage

in business? And do they tend to undervalue themselves?

And is this the cause of the gender pay gap?

Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Click Like and Subscribe and we'll see you on the next episode.

Bye for now!

For more infomation >> Interview with Rachel Abramson 3: How to Charge What You're Worth - Duration: 4:45.


Pav Bhaji Masala Recipe | Homemade Pav Bhaji Masala Powder Recipe - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Pav Bhaji Masala Recipe | Homemade Pav Bhaji Masala Powder Recipe - Duration: 2:44.


Amphawa Floating Market - Do I Recommend It? NEVER GET OUT OF THE BOAT! - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> Amphawa Floating Market - Do I Recommend It? NEVER GET OUT OF THE BOAT! - Duration: 10:53.


Undertale #1 - Duration: 10:43.

(Nobody talks in this game.)

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