Monday, February 4, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 5 2019

 Lucie Šafářová, která se rozloučila se svou aktivní kariérou, nedávno koupila pozemek o velikosti 253 metrů čtverečních v pražském Radotíně

Tenistka měla podle informací týdeníku Sedmička za pozemek zaplatit více než dva a půl milionu korun a částku prý hradí z hypotečního úvěru

  Původně se zdálo, že půjde o hnízdečko lásky, kam se Plekanec se Šafářovou nastěhují až poté, co hokejista definitivně ukončí svou kariéru

Teď to ale vypadá, že ke stěhování by mohlo dojít i dřív. Když se Plekanec loni v listopadu po dlouhých letech v zámořské NHL vrátil do Česka, rozhodl se, že bude nastupovat za dva kluby

Za mateřské Kladno a také za Kometu Brno, a to v rámci střídavých startů. První klub byl dlouho dopředu jasný, pro Brno se Plekanec rozhodl nejspíše hlavně z toho důvodu, že z tohoto města pochází jeho současná přítelkyně Lucie Šafářová, s níž se tak díky působení v Kometě mohl vídat častěji, než kdyby si vybral například pražskou Spartu, která se o něj také zajímala

 Jenže působení v Brně se pomalu, ale jistě blíží ke konci. Od poloviny února už se totiž bude Plekanec hlásit jen v Kladně, kterému chce pomoci k návratu do extraligy

Kometě by pomohl jen v případě, že Rytířům sezona předčasně skončí. „Od poloviny února počítáme s tím, že Tomáš Plekanec bude nastupovat jen za Kladno," potvrdil nám klubový mluvčí Rytířů Vít Heral

 Vzhledem k tomu, že Plekanec se Šafářovou staví své hnízdečko lásky na okraji Prahy, je pravděpodobné, že se Plekymu nebude chtít v budoucnu dojíždět více než dvě stě kilometrů do Prahy, když bude mít kladenskou arénu zhruba tři čtvrtě hodiny autem od baráku

Střecha v havarijním stavu – a co Jágr? Když je řeč o kladenské aréně, tu postihly v minulých dnech velké potíže

Zimní stadion musel být dokonce kvůli hustému chumelení uzavřen, jelikož jeho střecha je v havarijním stavu

 Klubový mluvčí Vít Heral nám ale řekl, že to nejhorší už by aréna, kterou má klub pouze v pronájmu, měla mít za sebou

„Dnes (v pondělí) už zde normálně proběhl trénink," řekl nám mluvčí. Kromě brzkého návratu Tomáše Plekance se navíc čeká už i obří comeback majitele a největší hvězdy kladenského hokeje Jaromíra Jágra

Ten už se nedávno málem objevil konečně na ledě, ale vše překazila chřipka. Teď z klubu opět zní, že Jágrův návrat je blízko

Nastoupí společně s Plekancem už v domácím zápase proti Kadani?

For more infomation >> Brzy spolu v Radotíně? Plekanec v Brně končí, blíží se jeho návrat do Kladna - Duration: 3:42.


Cela va vous surprendre, mais votre cerveau vous trompe ! - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Cela va vous surprendre, mais votre cerveau vous trompe ! - Duration: 5:07.


The Queen reveals dramatic kiss of life after fears she'd been SHOT - Duration: 2:13.

 The Queen was a cheeky child that has remained with her throughout her life. During a sitting for a painting in 2001, she told artist Lucian Freud of a rather dramatic episode at a pheasant shoot while she was under the protection of a personal security officer

Writing in 'The Wicked Wit of Queen Elizabeth II', royal biographer Karen Dolby was told by Mr Freud's friend Clarissa Eden: "They talked about racing and horses

 "Queen Elizabeth kept saying, 'We must stop talking. We must get on with this portrait'

" But she continued, adding: "I was picking up after the guns as I always so, when a wounded cock pheasant scratched me and drew blood

 "The detective assumed I'd been shot, threw himself on top of me and began giving me mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

 "I consider we got to know each other rather well." Ms Dolby said she knows "Her Majesty to have a rather wicked sense of humour"

 'The Wicked Wit of Queen Elizabeth II' is a celebration of the Queen's reign through some of her wittiest, most sarcastic and humorous observations

 In one story, painter John Edwards reveals how the Queen laughed off his embarrassment when his palette fell face down on the floor

 She said: "It always falls butter side down, doesn't it?". But photographer Annie Leibovitz perhaps didn't understand her sense of humour when the Queen refused to take off her headwear during a shoot in 2007

 Ms Leibovitz said: "I asked the Queen if she would remove the tiara, suggesting that a less dressy look might be better

 "And she said, 'Less dressy! What do you think this is?'". The Queen's cheeky side has been seen on a number of light-hearted royal engagements too

 When the Queen 'photobombed' Australian hockey star Jayde Taylor's selfie at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games, people were shocked to see an openly chuckling monarch

 And in 2013, a then seven-year-old Jessica Fitch broke protocol and asked Her Majesty to pose for a photo with her teddy bear

The Queen happily obliged. Jennie Bond, former BBC royal correspondent once said: "She has always had a good sense of humour


For more infomation >> The Queen reveals dramatic kiss of life after fears she'd been SHOT - Duration: 2:13.


2004 Elisa Kotin on ABC 7 Extreme Makeover - Duration: 30:03.

For more infomation >> 2004 Elisa Kotin on ABC 7 Extreme Makeover - Duration: 30:03.


Three Blind Mice | Preebeez Cartoons | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children - Kids TV - Duration: 1:01:27.

Three Blind Mice

For more infomation >> Three Blind Mice | Preebeez Cartoons | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Children - Kids TV - Duration: 1:01:27.


A LEGO KALAND 2 - Catchy Song NBS - Duration: 2:26.

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your head

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your head (Boop!)

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your head

Cuz it's so catchy, catchy

it's such a catchy song

It'll make you happy, happy, don't try to fight it, sing along!

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your head

Cuz it's so catchy, catchy

it's such a catchy song

It'll make you happy, happy, don't try to fight it, sing along!

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your head

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your head

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your head

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your head

Cuz it's so catchy, catchy

it's such a catchy song

It'll make you happy, happy, don't try to fight it, sing along!

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your head

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your head

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your head

Cuz it's so catchy, catchy

it's such a catchy song

It'll make you happy, happy, don't try to fight it, sing along!

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your head

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your head

Cuz it's so catchy, catchy

it's such a catchy song

It'll make you happy, happy, don't try to fight it, sing along!

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your,

This song's gonna get stuck inside your head

For more infomation >> A LEGO KALAND 2 - Catchy Song NBS - Duration: 2:26.


SEVENTEEN、エネルギー溢れる旧正月の挨拶「たくさん食べて楽しい時間を過ごしてください」(動画あり) -Taka News - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> SEVENTEEN、エネルギー溢れる旧正月の挨拶「たくさん食べて楽しい時間を過ごしてください」(動画あり) -Taka News - Duration: 2:03.


Martin Leitch Photography - Copyright Act - Duration: 3:37.

Hi it's Beck here and I'm here with

Martin from Martin Leitch Photography,

how are you Martin?

Very well thanks Bek and how are you today?

I'm really well thank you. Good to see you again.

Yes likewise.

Now I don't have a chat to you about copyright

and that's a really big issue for artists worldwide.

It certainly is. Yeah how do you protecting yours?

Well, you're right because the minute I take a photograph

and for instance put it online on my website

or Instagram then potentially it's available for

anybody to download.

And there's various ways that we can protect against

that and and really the first level is the Copyright Act,

which essentially states

that for commercial photography

the person that takes the photograph is

the owner of the copyright.

Right okay but surely the Copyright Act in itself

that won't stop people from downloading

your images will it? That's correct.

So there's a couple of things that I can do to help

minimize the risk of somebody downloading or illegally

downloading from the website.

First I load them in low resolution

so there's a limit to what they can do with that image,

if you do download it. Or the second thing I can do

is right-click protect image which

basically means that somebody right clicks

on the image they can't download it.

But the problem with that is that anybody that's

technologically savvy can get around it and

still download it so it's still potentially an issue.


So you mentioned that a commercial photographer

that their photograph is legally copyrighted to the

person who took the photograph.

So how does that work?

So if I take, when I'm commissioned

to take a photograph or a series of photographs by

a client essentially there are two elements to

the fee that I charge.

The first one is the time that it takes me to prepare,

to go take the photograph

and then post-process the photograph.

And the second relates to a license fee.

So essentially the Copyrights Act allows

for me to be able to license the use of an image

to a third party.

So effectively I can charge third parties

for that, for that image. Right.

So the cost of that license is really dependent

on the use that the third party is

likely to put that image to,

but also the value of that image to the client.

So for example an image that's going on a best-selling

book the cover of a best-selling book ,

would attract a much higher license fee than

for instance an image that's simply

going onto a website.

So the fee is balanced against all of that.

Okay. So then in terms of your clients how

does that affect them in using your photographs?

Yes that's interesting.

Some of my clients particular contractors,

have approached me to distribute the

images of amongst their subcontractors,

as a bit of a goodwill gesture and

looking for that to happen for free.

Unfortunately that is then starting to

impact on the legalities have been able to do that.

So for example a subcontractor receiving an image and

starts to use it potentially he's in

breach of the Copyright Act which could

then potentially attract some fairly

large fines. So it's a protection for the subcontractor.

But also it's a protection for me as well, because

the license allows me to have some degree of control

over how other people can use the image.

Right and then ultimately it could reflect badly on you

if they've used it in a bad way.

Yes it impacts on my reputation, exactly.

Well look thank you so much for your time today Martin.

Thanks for the opportunity to explain

all that, because I think it's an important issue.

It really is well thank you and hopefully

everyone takes it on board.

Thanks Bek, see you next time.

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