This is an example of if selection statement
This is the expression and this is the statement
Or also known as the output
To test the first statement
We need to debug the program from the beginning
To test the next statement , do the same as we do before
This is an example of if else selection statement
This is the expression and this is the statement
To test the first statement
We need to debug the program from the beginning
To test the next statement , do the same as we do before
In this experiment we would need 2 different perfume
The most important thing is the perfume alcohol detector
On the perfume alcohol detector
There are 3 button that would be the calibrate , test and reset button
And also we have the MQ3 sensor as the input , and the lcd display as the output
Before we start please calibrate the device
Put the first perfume on the MQ3 sensor and press the test button
Then record the output and recalibrate the device
Do the same method to the second perfume and record the output
Comparing the result
The first output is 1.67 and the second perfume output is 1.71
Thats mean , the alcohol in the second perfume is higher than the first one
For more infomation >> If & If else selection statement || ChiDe || Politeknik Kota Kinabalu || Alcohol Perfume Detector - Duration: 3:56.-------------------------------------------
La soledad de Letizia en San Valentín: se pone su Armani de pedida en Rabat y sin regalos del rey - Duration: 6:18.
Los rumores eran ciertos: confirman a Laura Prieto como participante del reality 'Resistiré' de Mega - Duration: 3:43.
Filmy Talks #2 | Pal Pal Dil Ke Pass | Manje Bistre 2 Songs | Manikarnika etc. | P&C Movie - Duration: 5:37.
Jennifer Aniston: Ist ER ihr neuer Freund, mit dem sie die Party verließ? - Aktuelle Nachrichten - Duration: 5:05.
: Seit der Geburtstagsparty von Jennifer Aniston wird über das Liebesleben der frischgebackenen 50-Jährigen heftig spekuliert
Nun tauchten Bilder im Netz auf, welche die Schauspielerin an der Seite eines jungen Mannes zeigt – ist ER etwa ihr neuer Partner? Jennifer Aniston, 50, und Brad Pitt, 55, – das absolute Traumpaar schlechthin
Nachdem die „Friends"-Darstellerin 2005 die Scheidung aufgrund „unüberbrückbarer Differenzen" einreichte, folgten in ihrem Leben bisher nur noch kurze Beziehungen und eine gescheiterte Ehe mit Drehbuchautor Justin Theroux
Spätestens nach der Geburtstagsparty von Jennifer Aniston gibt es allerdings für alle Fans wieder Hoffnung – die ja bekanntlich zuletzt stirbt
Unter den Partygästen im Sunset Tower Hotel in Los Angeles war neben bekannten Persönlichkeiten wie Demi Moore, George Clooney und Katy Perry nämlich kein geringerer als Anistons Ex Brad Pitt
Welch ungewohnter Anblick! Seit der Trennung wurde das einstige Traumpaar nicht mehr zusammen in der Öffentlichkeit gesehen
Doch jetzt macht ein neuer Unbekannter dem vermeintlichen Liebes-Comeback einen großen Strich durch die Rechnung
Ein neues Instagrambild zeigt die attraktive Blondine an der Seite eines deutlich jünger wirkenden Mannes
Beide lächeln verschmitzt in die Kamera, während Jennifer sogar ihren Arm um den bisher Unbekannten legt – Huch, was läuft denn da? Aaaaber wir können Entwarnung geben
Bei dem jungen Mann an Jennifer Anistons Seite handelt es sich um den 17-Jährigen Ryan Anthony Robinson alias DJ Prince aus Indianapolis
Der Jugendliche legt in seiner Freizeit Musik auf und verdient sich damit etwas Taschengeld dazu
Und ja, richtig vermutet, genau ER wurde als DJ zu Jennifer Anistons Geburtstagsparty gebucht
Die Buchungsanfrage kam über eine Instagram-Direktnachricht von Jennifers Team eingeflattert, erzählt Robinson gegenüber dem Nachrichtenportal „TooFab"
Zu diesem Zeitpunkt habe er aber noch nicht gewusst, dass seine Kundin genau DIE Jennifer Aniston ist, die als Weltstar gilt
Nach der Bekanntgabe sei er voller Begeisterung gewesen. Am Abend der Party brachte Robinson die Gäste im kalifornischen Luxushotel Sunset Tower mit Klassikern aus den Siebzigern, Achtzigern, Neunzigern und den aktuellsten Hits zum Tanzen
Das Geburtstagskind konnte der 17-Jährige begeistern und mit seiner Musikauswahl überzeugen
Dafür erhielt er sogar ein großes Lob von der Schauspielerin. erzählte er stolz
Und auch andere Stars wie Pharrell Williams und Entertainerin Ellen DeGeneres sind von dem jungen Talent begeistert
Na wenn das mal nicht mitunter eines der größten Highlights in seiner Karriere am DJ-Pult war! Robinsons größter Wunsch ist es allerdings, einmal für Rapper Jay-Z aufzulegen
Wir drücken die Daumen! Tja, das war dann wohl wieder nichts für Jennifer Aniston in Sachen Liebe
Und das, obwohl ein Insider dem amerikanischen "Life and Style Magazine" verriet, dass sie noch vor ihrem 50
Geburtstag einen neuen Partner finden wollte. Kopf hoch Jen, bei der tollen Ausstrahlung stehen die Männer sicherlich Schlange! Und vielleicht gibt es ja doch nochmal Hoffnung auf ein Liebescomeback mit Ex-Lover Brad Pitt
Was denkst du? Stimme unten in unserer Umfrage ab.
❣CURIOSITIES OF VALENTINE´S DAY❣ Draw My Life - Duration: 6:15.
Tik, tak, tik, tak…
Saint Valentines is here!!!
The day of love and friendship is a classic in the calendars of half of the world.
February 14th has two sides: stalwarts invaded by the romantic spirit, and rebels, sceptics
or broken hearted people who is allergic to anything with the shape of a heart or anything
Whether you are part of one time or the other, Saint Valentine's day is a curious celebration,
and today, we are gonna learn about 14 of its singularities.
Let's start from the begining - THE ORIGIN of the day.
Even tho there are several legends, the more spread one says that, probably, February 14th
started to be related to love after the story of Saint Valentine of Terni, a priest who
lived in Rome during the third century with Claudius II in charge.
The emperor banned all soldiers from getting married because he thought single men were
better in the battlefield.
Saint Valentine didnt follow the law and kept marrying the young people in secret.
He was discovered and jailed on a February 14th by order of the emperor himself.
Curiosity number 2 leads us to the origin of the famous signature people use that day
//your valentine//.
When our brave priest, Saint Valentine, was jailed, the guard asked him something really
unusual - if he could be his daughter's tutor.
Valentine and the girl ended up falling in love.
But sadly, poor Valentine's days were numbered.
The day he died, he was able to send a note to his loved one.
A note ending with the famous signature "your Valentine".
And where should we write that signature, better than on a Saint Valentine's card?
Nowhere else!
Around these dates, more than a thousand million cards are sent, and 50% of them are bought
during the 6 days previous to the celebration.
Cards are one of the most rooted traditions, but it's always nice for them to come along
with something else.
The most common gifts on the day of love are romantic dinners, flowers, chocolates and
stuffed animals.
Flowers are a classic, and roses are the stars, red roses especifically.
Flower Shops know this and they act in consequence, raising the price by 30%.
And where would flowers make it without chocolates?
It was 1868 when the famous British brand Cadbury launched onto the market their first
box of chocolates.
Nowadays, more than 35 million boxes of heart-shaped chocolates are sold during this day.
So it looks like this Saint Valentine's thing can be expensive, especially if you
are a guy - according to several statistics that say men spend almost double what women
do during Saint Valentines Day - however, a third of them would rather not get any presents
during that day.
But do you know who are the new unexpected beneficiaries of Saint Valentine's day?
Pets are!
More than 9 million pets are expected to get presents on February 14th from their owners.
Well, there IS the saying that goes… "the more I know men, the more I love my dog".
And speaking of animals, you have all heard at some point the expression "lovebirds",
The symbolism of the lovebirds has been present for many years.
These feathery birds represent harmony, peace and union, so they are perfect to symbolize
the day of love.
Cupid's symbol comes from the Greek Mythology.
Son of Venus, goddess of love, and Mars, god of war.
This naughty little angel uses an arch made of ash and arrows made of cypress with two
different kinds of arrowheads.
One made of gold, to make people fall in love, and another one made of lead to punish people
making them forget and fall out of love.
Saint Valentine's is not celebrated in the same way around the world.
For example, in Saudi Arabia this celebration is banned.
In Japan, a festival called "Tanabata" is celebrated, where girls give chocolates
to the boys to declare their love.
On March 14th they celebrate the White Day, and it's then the turn for boys to declare
their love to the girls.
Saint Valentine's day can be a great moment to share your feelings with your loved one,
and if it's hard for you to express them, going for songs can be the perfect solution.
The most used ones on this day are Frank Sinatra's "The Way You Look Tonight", Celine Dion's
"My Heart Will Go On" and Aerosmith's "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing".
And after so many presents, and so many songs…. it couldnt be otherwise - couples in love
usually go for sessions of uncontrollable (ancontrólabol) passion…
The company Durex proved this with an study that confirmed condoms' sales increase during
Saint Valentine's between a 20 and a 30%.
But you don't need to be in a relationship to celebrate February 14th.
For more than 10 years, in the US people celebrate an alternative Saint Valentine's, called
the Quirkyalone Day.
But this celebration doesnt really call people to celebrate it alone, but to open their mind
to surprises and doing different things, a kind of ántidote to the most commercial version.
And these are our 14 curiosities about February 14th.
Which one did YOU find more curious?
Happy Saint Valentine's Day, everyone!
Alex Harvey : s'inspirer d'un athlète - bande annonce - Duration: 0:16.
Alex Harvey : s'inspirer d'un athlète - Duration: 1:43.
Mercedes-Benz GLE-Klasse AMG GLE 63 S 4MATIC Coupé | Panoramadak | 360 Camera | - Duration: 1:18.
[H30.1.5] 早朝の苗穂周辺~S北斗2号 キハ261系1000番台代走~ - Duration: 14:21.
Samsung Galaxy S10 - OFFICIAL TEASERS - Duration: 3:18.
So Samsung is gearing up for an unpacked event which will happen in just 6 days.
We know everything there's to know about the device but it never hurts to hear it again
from the official source right.
Samsung has uploaded 3 official teasers of the Galaxy S10 confirming the features that
have been rumored for months now.
Here's the first teaser.
It's about the Ultrasonic in-display fingerprint scanner.
It's a 3D scanner, not the 2D one that you can find on the current Chinese phones.
There's a lot of controversy surrounding this.
Some are saying it'll not work with tempered glass screen protectors while some are arguing
it will.
I think it should work.
We've seen companies making tempered glass screen protectors for the S10 without holes
in it.
If it doesn't work why would they even bother making those and taking huge losses that way.
So it should work in my opinion and thankfully we don't have to wait long to find out.
Here's the second teaser.
It's about the reverse wireless charging feature similar to that of Huawei's but the difference
is that it's actually useful and faster as it has an output of 9W vs Huawei's mere 2.5W.
The final teaser is very interesting as it shows that the front camera can record 4K
videos and also has optical image stabilization.
This is a first for a smartphone.
We heard about this a few days ago and it seemed too good to be true at that time but
Samsung with this teaser confirmed that it's true.
Yes, you read that right!
Google paid almost $10B to Apple in 2018 to stay as the default search engine in Safari.
Apple is one of the biggest channels of traffic acquisition for Google and it generates almost
half of search revenues from iOS devices so it's a no wonder why Google wants to pay them
such absurd amount of money.
By the way, analysts believe that this number will only continue to grow, potentially leading
to a payment of $12 billion in 2019.
These are just pure profits to Apple.
They don't have to do anything but set Google as the default search engine and get paid
$10B in a year.
Anyway, consider subscribing for all the latest updates on the Galaxy S10 and as always I'll
see you tomorrow...Peace out!
Protesta latte, Salvini incontra i pastori sardi: "Portare prezzo a un euro al litro". M5s: "Basta s - Duration: 5:15.
I've been acting like I'm okay. - Duration: 2:45.
They were all here.
They all let me in,
but they never LET. ME. IN.
You should be more scared than you are, Justin.
It's time to wake up, sweetheart.
I mean I know, I know now that it was him. But I don't feel it.
You would rather pick apart your friends than maybe admit that you're not being your most amazing-self right now.
I mean I know but I... I don't know. I mean [HERE] but not [HERE].
I feel like screaming, because...
I don't have anyone to talk to.
What're you talking about?
I am talking about not taking anymore shit,
Meet The Man Of Steel 5 Real Human Superpowers - Duration: 6:22.
Cathedral Cove 2019 (HQ) - Duration: 1:22.
And so, here we are at Cathedral Cove with Christelle
Good mood, she has just eaten an ice-cream
And obviously, she is fine
with "HokeyPokey", a popular icecream here
Christelle : It's not popular, it's from New Zealander...Fuck off!
And furthermore, she is kind!
Let's go!
Well, I am blocked!
And this is how to conclude a weekend at Coromandel!
Creative destruction PC game play || play with subs - Duration: 1:59:09.
Schimbare radicală în învățământ! Vacanța de vară se scurtează oficial! Cum va arăta următorul an șc - Duration: 4:23.
元徴用工原告、月内に被告企業の韓国内資産の売却申請も - Duration: 1:34.
【ソウル堀山明 子】韓国人元 徴用工による 日本企業に対 する損害賠償 訴訟で、韓国 最高裁で勝訴 判決が確定し た原告側弁護 士は14日、 ソウル市内の 在韓日本大使 館前で記者会 見し、15日 に被告企業の 新日鉄住金、 三菱重工、不 二越の東京本 社を訪れ、協 議に応じなけ れば韓国国内の資産の差し押さえ手続きを進める方針を明らかにした。 昨年10月に初の確定判決を受けた新日鉄住金訴訟の原告はすでに一部差し押さえ手続きに入っており、2月中に最終段階の売却申請を行うという。
日本企業への 損害が発生す れば日本政府 は報復措置を 講じる構えで 、日韓関係は さらに厳しく なりそうだ。
弁護士は、新 日鉄住金の原 告が90代の 高齢であるこ とや、企業側 に協議の申し 入れに応じる 意思が全くみ られないこと などを理由に 、手続きを進 める方針を決 めたと報告。 「売却申請は 判決を履行す る手続きであ り、日本政府 が国際法違反 と主張するの は妥当ではな い」と述べた。 また、最高裁で係争中の不二越についても、15日の本社訪問で誠意ある対応がなければ資産差し押さえの仮執行手続きに着手する方針を示した。
原告団関係者 によると、申 請から資産の 現金化には3 カ月程度かか る見通しとい う。
会見に同席し た三菱重工訴 訟の原告団も 、同社から申 し入れに対応 する反応がな いため、2月 中に回答がな ければ差し押 さえ手続きに 入る考えを述 べた。
A je to venku. Jiří Adamec a Jaromír Hanzlík slavnostně uvedli svůj film Léto s gentlemanem, k němuž - Duration: 3:42.
Když se Jaromír Hanzlík a Jiří Adamec rozhodli společně natočit celovečerní film Léto s gentlemanem, netušili, že to bude tak obtížné
Ačkoliv jsou oba mistři svého oboru, nepředpokládali, že bude takový problém sehnat potřebné finanční prostředky
Adamec přímo na premiéře přiznal, že začali aniž by měli všechny potřebné peníze pohromadě
„Finanční problémy byly. Spočívalo to v tom, že jsme s tím projektem přišli na přelomu roku 2017 a 2018 a v létě 2018 jsme už chtěli točit
To je trošku na hranici šílenství. To se v českých poměrech nevyskytuje. Na film se shání peníze dva i tři roky
My chtěli za půl roku nejen mít peníze na hromadě, ale i točit, neměli jsme pohromadě peníze
Ale začali jsme, protože jsme si s Jaromírem řekli, že to vezmeme na sebe a v případě potřeby to přikryjeme vlastními úsporami," prozradil Adamec
Ten přiznal, že nakonec na rodinné úspory došlo. „Pro Petra Kellnera to nebudou žádné peníze, pro vás a mě asi ano
Ta částka jde do milionů," prozradil slavný režisér. „Šlo o úspory, které jsme měli jako jistiny pro naše životní zázemí
Řekli jsme si, že do toho jdeme, tak se nedalo nic dělat. Překvapila mě má žena, která mi řekla, ať to natočíme
Tak jsme pro ty peníze šli do banky a něco málo jsem si musel půjčit od kamarádů," popisoval Adamec
Přesto všechno tvrdí, že pokud se mu investované peníze nevrátí, nezhroutí se z toho
„Kdybychom to dělali pro peníze, báli bychom se. Ale jelikož jsme to ani já ani Jaromír Hanzlík nedělali pro peníze, ale z čiré radosti, že můžeme natočit film podle scénáře, který se nám líbí, tak peníze nejsou všechno
Když se vrátí, bude to fajn, když ne, svět se nezboří," uzavřel Adamec.
Puzzle für Kleinkinder: Baustellen Fahrzeuge von Haba - Deutsch - Rainbow Kids 123 - Duration: 2:16.
Twitter Media Studio - How To Use Twitter Media Studio to improve your Marketing - Duration: 4:38.
Fergie's view of Eric Harrison proves what Man United and football just lost - Duration: 4:36.
When Sir Alex Ferguson describes you as "one of the greatest coaches of our time", the tributes don't come any higher
Eric Harrison , the man who produced Manchester United 's Class of '92 as well as a conveyor belt of other talent as chief scout, has died aged 81
Ferguson inherited Harrison as part of his staff when he became manager in 1986 and acknowledged the key role played in his phenomenal success at Old Trafford by a man who also produced Mark Hughes, Norman Whiteside, Darren Fletcher and Wes Brown
Fergie said: "Eric's contribution to football and not just at Manchester United was incredible
"He built character and determination in those young players and prepared them for the future
"He was a teacher, he gave these players a path, a choice and he only did that through his own hard work and sacrifice
He was able to impart that education to the young, which made him one of the greatest coaches of our time
" After a playing career with Barrow, Hartlepool and his hometown club, Halifax, Ron Atkinson brought Harrison from Everton to become United's youth team manager in 1981
He earned Ferguson's respect early in the Scot's United reign when he challenged him over the lack of young players coming though to the first team
Harrison told him: "Right, we'll do a deal. You get me better-quality players and I'll get you more youngsters in the first team
" Ferguson upgraded United's scouting network and Harrison delivered handsomely on his side of the deal
He won the FA Youth Cup in 1992 and 1995 and reached the final in 1982, 1986 and 1993
The 1992 side boasted one of the finest crops of home-grown talent ever seen in Ryan Giggs, Nicky Butt, David Beckham, Gary Neville, Robbie Savage and Keith Gillespie
Paul Scholes and Phil Neville were added in 1993 and the latter captained the victorious side of 1995
"He was like a second father," said Phil Neville. "On and off the pitch, the way you spoke to the canteen ladies, the kit man, the way you dressed, your time-keeping - they were values that stood us in good stead for the rest of our lives
" Gary Neville, captain of that 1992 side, said: "We've lost our mentor, our coach and the man who made us
" Beckham recalled how he would often tell him off for showboating. "I can still hear him telling me 'No more Hollywood passes'," said Beckham
"I can still see him as we played on The Cliff training ground looking down on us either with a proud smile or a loud bang of his fist on the window knowing any minute he would be on his way down to probably advise me in the most polite way to stop playing those passes
" Giggs said: "He was a great man and a tough coach. He instilled in us the principles of the game we've carried for life
" Harrison was one of Ferguson's trusted lieutenants and identified Steve McClaren as Brian Kidd's successor as assistant manager in 1999
He spent 27 years at Old Trafford and four as Wales assistant manager under one of his first discoveries, Mark Hughes
Diagnosed with dementia four years ago, Harrison was made an MBE for his services to football in 2017
The end for this unassuming, yet great footballing man, came on Wednesday when he died peacefully, surrounded by his family
[H30.1.13] 早朝の苗穂周辺 前編~923Dにキハ40 360(日高色)~ - Duration: 11:36.
Katedra strategie - Duration: 2:24.
Alex Harvey : s'inspirer d'un athlète - bande annonce - Duration: 0:16.
Alex Harvey : s'inspirer d'un athlète - Duration: 1:43.
✅ Serale Amici 18, data d'inizio svelata: la corsa dei concorrenti si fa durissima - Duration: 3:18.
Amici 18, ecco quando inizia il Serale del talent show Il Serale di Amici 18 ha finalmente una data d'inizio
Nel talent show di Maria De Filippi le commissioni di danza e di canto continuano a testare la bravura e il talento dei concorrenti e arriveremo a fine marzo tra lacrime e discussioni
Avrete notato tutti infatti che la corsa per il Serale sta mettendo davvero sotto pressione cantanti e ballerini e che, fatta eccezione per qualcuno come Rafael Quenedit e Vincenzo Di Primo, questa corsa si sta rivelando irta di ostacoli per molti dei concorrenti di quest'anno
Pensate soltanto a ciò che è andato in onda su Canale 5 proprio qualche minuto fa, e cioè alla discussione tra Rudy Zerbi e Alessandro Casillo
Amici di Maria De Filippi, le prime anticipazioni sul Serale La data d'inizio del Serale di Amici è il 30 marzo
Non sono state rilasciate altre indicazioni sul meccanismo di quest'anno ma state certi che nel corso delle prossime settimane, se non proprio nella prossima registrazione, ne sapremo molte di più
E comunque speriamo sia diverso da quello dell'anno scorso. La settimana del Festival di Sanremo e le relative polemiche su cui è intervenuto anche Stash con un messaggio che lascia poco spazio a dubbi finora avevano spostato l'attenzione dal talent di Canale 5 a Rai Uno; finita questa settimana però, siamo tutti tornati alle abitudini televisive di sempre: chi arriverà al Serale? Ce la faranno i più amati del pubblico a vincere questa prima competizione col resto della classe? I concorrenti del Serale di Amici 18: ecco i favoriti Al momento siamo davvero curiosi di scoprire cosa succederà ad Alessandro Casillo, che è davvero a rischio perché sta vivendo un periodo difficile, ma non è solo lui al centro dell'attenzione
Come sapete infatti, anche Timor Steffens sta facendo molto discutere per la sua ultima polemica
Tra professori e ragazzi insomma Amici ci regala ogni giorno emozioni a non finire e l'hype col tempo non potrà che arrivare alle stelle
Intanto lasciateci fare qualche previsione: se i concorrenti dovessero essere una decina, ad arrivare alla fine secondo noi potrebbero essere Alberto Urso, Giordana Angi, Jefeo, Mameli, il già citato Alessandro, Miguel Chavez e Umberto Gaudino
A questi – ve lo ricordiamo – si aggiungono Tish, Rafael e Vicenzo. Quali sono invece le vostre previsioni?
Painting With All The Colours! · The Final Few Paintings in the Limited Palette Challenge - Duration: 9:03.
Hello my loves and welcome back to what I think will be the very last of these limited
palette painting videos as we come to our last few colour schemes.
As with the last couple of videos in this series, this one is sponsored by Squarespace,
so huge thanks to them, if you're looking to build a website, Squarespace is the all-in-one
platform to deliver that.
Now, I'd been looking forward to this last leg of the journey, because we're getting
to the earthier, less saturated colours, which I'm really loving at the moment, browns
and greys and dirty greens.
This first palette was probably the most mixed in different hues, but still had some good
harmony with all the colours being quite muted, and all in all, I thought they went really
well together.
These colours instantly shouted out to me as an autumnal woodland scene.
I had no idea how I'd do that in a simplistic way, and in hindsight, I wish I had approached
it a little differently, probably by starting from the back and working my way forward,
rather than what I'm doing here and starting with the foreground.
I think that overcomplicated things a bit and I had trouble getting good variation between
the lighter and darker values.
I imagined the painting getting lighter and mistier as the trees receded back into the
distance, but because I started with my darkest and most opaque colours…
I don't know, I think I just got it the wrong way round.
I think it would have been easier to start lighter and work my way in to darker colours.
Also, and I think I mentioned this in one of the previous videos- the last one actually
with the swamp- I'm still tending to go in a little too thick instead of relying on
layering, and that gives me a blotchy and streaky finish that I don't love.
Despite all that, this one was really enjoyable process-wise, I've had so much fun throughout
this whole experimental colour journey, just relaxing and trying whatever I want to try
without worrying too much about how it'll turn out.
One thing I loved about these particular colours in the Holbein watercolour range, is just
how opaque they can get, especially that chalky green and the 'Mars Voilet' which kind
of reminds me of earth or clay.
Next up, these colours again just instantly dictated what they wanted to be.
As soon as I saw them, I thought of a canyon, a rocky kind of desert scene like you'd
see in Road Runner.
I actually can't get over how much I love all the of the colours in these last set of
Thanks again to Oto Kano for sending me these paint samples, it's really helped me make
my mind up about which ones I'll be investing in in the future!
Which ones I'll get the most use out of.
So, I was a bit more considered with this one, a common theme in these videos has been
my increasing confidence from one painting to another.
I wanted to emulate some of the feeling of my glacier painting earlier on in the series,
with those geometric shapes and that almost splintering of the rocks, but for some reason,
I just couldn't get that technique back as successfully this time, like I forgot how
to do it until near the end of this painting.
By the way, thanks so much for the feedback on my last video, I was so thrilled to see
just how appreciative people were to discover new channels and new resources.
I'm thinking I might have to make that a regular thing, because I'm constantly stumbling
upon new artists and art information that I want to share, so maybe I'll add a kind
of spotlight segment to the end of one or two videos each month.
I'd make it a dedicated video each month but then I think I'd feel too much pressure
to find things to love, and that's not quite as fun.
Now this was a nice and quick one, I think it took about ten minutes altogether.
These colours made me think of a bleak moorland.
Like those grey, foggy damp expanses of british countryside.
They're not always grey and gloomy obviously, they're quite rich with nature and wildlife,
but in these colours, I saw something more muted… like what you'd see in those old
books and films like Jane Eyre or Great Expectations.
Bleak and unforgiving.
I actually think this one turned out more lively than I wanted it to, if I were to do
it again, I'd have things wash into each other a bit more.
I was kind of going for a Turner-like style for this one with blurred lines and just a
wet look to it all, but I think somewhere along the way, my controlling nature kicked
in and I started trying to achieve crisp lines and balanced shapes.
I do like the finished result, its just not what I'd imagined!
And finally, I used these greys and browns to paint a mountain scene with really simplistic
shapes of trees.
I wouldn't say that I was running out of ideas at this point, but looking back, I do
wish I'd done something a bit more original, I think this composition is something you
see quite often.
Other than that though, it was another peaceful and enjoyable process, thanks in large part
to all your music suggestions from last time, and a satisfactory end to what has been a
nice little personal project.
I don't mind that these paintings don't fit neatly into my body of work, they're
just colour and style experiments after all.
And I'm working to not push so hard to define my artistic style, and just let it happen
organically, as I always preach on this channel anyway.
I did toy with the idea of selling these as a set of prints or postcards, just because
aesthetically they are nice and satisfying to look at all lined up as you'll see later,
but I think if I was meant to sell them, I wouldn't have such a hard time figuring
out that I wanted to sell them, if that makes sense.
Not everything has to be a product after all, and I only want to add things to my shop that
I really love and that I'm really proud of.
It was so much fun doing these paintings and I'm so grateful to have a following that
not only allow me to experiment and mess about with my art, but are actually genuinely interested
in that side of things as well, so thanks for joining me for these videos.
I've compiled them all into a playlist so you can see the full journey and maybe even
try something similar yourselves.
Massive thanks again to Squarespace for sponsoring the channel.
I'm sure many creators feel the same.
It's a huge support to be able to dedicate more time to learning and honing my craft
and less time trying to do whatever I can to make sure I can pay my bills.
I know you know all about them by now, they're a website building platform, they also provide
domains so you can essentially build your online presence all in one place.
There's built in capabilities to add a shop, a portfolio for your work, a blog, and lots
of customisable templates to get it all looking just the way you want.
I rebuilt my entire website for scratch with Squarespace last year and I haven't looked
So see for yourself if it'll be the right choice for you, get a free trial at,
and if it's right for you, go to for 10% off your first website.
Thanks so much for watching and I'll see you soon for the next video.
Law Of Attraction ONE MINUTE MANIFESTATION Tips! #4 (Your Youniverse New Video Series) - Duration: 1:12.
How about friends as they are? this is mexican curious watching, like these
Adam? Good people, greetings. very well Gentlemen, we hope you meet
the best, please subscribe to our channel, leave us your comments, opinions,
like it, share our video and we let's go to South America gentlemen, with
our comrades from Argentina, "Luis Alberto Spinetta "How do you see?
a recommendation that we had already been done, we already heard something from "Luis
Alberto Spinetta "here, when played in "invisible", exactly, a
very beautiful song, incredible, there look for it in our channel, it's called "the
good memory books "recommended gentlemen, and this time we are going to
listen to a song called "paper eyes girl" that here yes I
I would like them to help us, because I do not know if it belongs to a "spinetta" project
which is called "almond" or that's the name disk, because looking for information
Well, it was not very clear to me. A) Yes is, you have to know a lot, then there
leave us in the comments that is? if he disco or the band if it was called, but hey
the is "luis alberto spinetta" that's clear
and let's hear it, gentlemen, with the technique, with the technique of flying,
dragon ball, dragon ball, with technique of synchronization gentlemen, in which
we count down from 5 and when I finish then on another device
that they have at hand, they give play to video or wherever they want to listen to it and in
another device see us giving our opinion, that's right, this
I repeat, we do it because then we They block our videos, they no longer
they lend their songs nobody, then Well, gentlemen, no way, let's check it out,
let's go accommodating here, repeat as Is the song called? "girl eyes
of paper "until the letter is heard beautiful, the title, let's see how pretty
there is the song and here we have it Gentlemen, let's do the counting 5 4 3 2
1 let's go
"luís alberto spinetta" "boy eyes of paper"
you hear there acoustic, a very soft acoustic guitar
very well
Little girl feet, do not run anymore
stay until dawn, I had a way very nice to write this "spinetta"
the truth
very well
in the background you hear some choruses very
heavenly so to speak
so is
very nice the lyrics of "spinetta" but it can also be that in the background
had a message or something nostalgic, not Adam? Something sad
when everyone sleeps I'll steal a color, I do not know what you mean when everything is sleeping,
it can be interpreted in many ways
so is
it's an acoustic version but
and above all, "spinetta" occupied the metaphor to more not be able
very well
there are the choirs already reinforcing the voice of "spinetta"
and do not talk anymore chalk heart girl, when everything is asleep I will steal a color
very well
very soft everything
I intensify it for the end, that's how it's going to end this song
very well
there are gentlemen "girl eyes of paper "excellent interpretation of
"spinetta" I really like how he writes "spinetta" had, in peace
rest, I think he died of cancer, lung cancer from cigarette addiction,
That's right, they said that he smoked a lot, terrible cigar and well, because most of us are going to
end with a cancer the truth, so that we we make that one is going to die asleep
we would like that but, that It would be best if one fell asleep and
there to stay for eternity but no, There has to be a pain of death,
intense and now if we go, "spinetta" died of cancer of
lung, as Adam said, terrible, but he left a legacy of just one song, left
lots and lots of shares with too many bands, he created his
last years was also ... I went live with "cerati" to sing,
many songs of "cerati" and others of "spinetta" a race
huge that had very respectable spinetta Sirs. Very well, I really liked the
song, it's a very beautiful song, very beautiful, very beautiful,
"spinetta" sings as if he were pleading or something like that, with a feeling
brutal, his feeling was brutal, in his interpretation, he knew how to do it very
well and not only in this song, because well, I've heard other
interpretations of "spinetta" and always it was like that, Adam, he always had that touch in
his voice, to make you feel something. Yes, the tessitura of his voice and the way in which
he played his songs, all the feeling on the surface that
it's undeniable, his lyrics are also very thoughtful,
it's not like any other song that we can listen, very thoughtful,
full of metaphors and if they want conquer a girl, there's the
song of "spinetta" really is very very pretty. But hey, you have to keep in mind
also that this kind of songs If it is to think, they are not songs that
they tell you things directly, then I do not know how you're going to listen, but if you
you dedicate it to a person who does not understand very well what is the metaphor,
You really can be offended Adan, by certain words, then it's a
smart way as says adan, a smart way to deal with
to conquer someone is with a song of "spinetta", because their lyrics are
full of metaphor, messages very deep and it is not for anyone, the
true, it is not for anyone. That's because he does not listen to most of
people to "spinetta" as it should be, for the same reason that it is not for
anyone, but for a girl who does be prepared, that you know of metaphors,
I assure you that will like it very much because it is a song
very beautiful, is very very beautiful, knows in where to intensify it, knows how to start
and I tell them it's very emotional, to me liked it too. That's right, that putting it together
with only a few voices in the background soft, but several, are several
voices so that the voice of "spinetta" at the end and the guitars, is
everything that gentlemen need, to do a good piece, good in conjunction with
a good letter, a good compass and let's go, you do not need more,
"spinetta" proved it in many of its songs, which I think in the end too
of the day of playing alone, but to me I really like the stage with
"invisible" the truth, yes I really like it that stage of him and here we are seeing ...
I do not know if it's just him or the choirs its other members, then
we need clarification, How do you say the disc is?
"Almond" is the band? or "almond" is the name of the disk? there we put data
important, everything that has to do with this interpretation of "spinetta" for
know more, and also if someone knows the history of the letter, at
better has a background or a story from further back. As data
additional, this song that we hear "paper eyes girl" was considered
in 2002 by the magazine "rolling stone "and the string" mtv "as the second
best song of all time Argentine rock, look gentlemen and if you are
pretty pretty and so unfortunately, "spinetta"
died at age 72 because of cancer of lungs as I was saying, caused by
addiction to the cigarette and its ashes were thrown into the "river of silver" in
Argentina. That's right, excellent, that at the end very symbolic "river of silver" in
Argentina, greetings to all of our Argentine comrades,
very well for "spinetta" has left a huge legacy, school for many,
many and good gentlemen, thank you very much something else you want
add adan? No, nothing more. Take care Gentlemen, leave your comments, opinions,
recommendations, if they are not subscribed subscribe please, help us a lot,
share our video, we want them, we send many hugs
there we see you gentlemen, greetings to Argentina, let's go adan.
Bushcraft Side Effects! | Thursday's Thought - Duration: 4:09.
Hi Folks, I'm Craig Taylor and as always a huge thanks for joining me here on my
youtube channel the bushcraft Padawan and thank you for
joining me in this week's Thursday Stolte when I first started out doing
this this bushcrafting thing or wherever it is it you want to call it there were
some skills and knowledge that I fully expected to pick up and learn and
acquire along the way there was some skills and knowledge that I've picked up
that I hadn't expected to pick up but actually with the value of reflection
the kind of obvious you kind of understand why you would acquire them if
you were getting into this whole bush crafting or whatever you want to call it
type of world but I've also discovered a sort of third area that I'm calling the
unexpected benefits or unexpected side effects of bushcraft in and that's what
I want to share with you in this video a couple of weeks ago I was out doing one
of my old days in the woods I'll link to it in the top right hand corner of your
screen and I was walking from the point where I've set my camp up to an area
where I knew there were a lot of silver birch trees I was going to get some bark
and some thin silver birch twigs to start a fire with and whilst I was on my
way there I saw a tree stump that was completely and utterly covered in the
most magnificently green moss I've ever seen it was so green that it looked
artificial but it wasn't and on the top of that tree stump where some air where
some acorns or some sort of seed nuts that a squirrel had clearly been
devouring he'd had a very posh elegant dining table and I stopped and I took a
closer look and I took a photograph of it and I shared that photograph on
Twitter and then you can see the comment on the screen now and it was interesting
that as always sort of composing that tweet I was as I was putting that
message out there what I realized was that if I had rewind the clock two or
three years four or five years I would have just walked straight past that tree
stump I wouldn't have noticed it I'd have been looking at where I was going
out of him thinking about I was going to go and do and I would
have completely missed that tree stump one of the hidden side effects one of
the hidden benefits for me of bushcrafting is that it is forced me and
it is forcing me to slow down to take in more of the things that I see around me
to not be as focused on the end goal as I am quite literally on that occasion
the roots getting there the journey getting it sounds quite cliched you know
it's not the destination it's the journey and that can be taken
holistically or it can be taken very practically on this occasion it was a
very practical application of that it's not the destination it's the journey
that counts so I start to share that with you for me there are some obvious
benefits of bushcrafting there are some less obvious benefits of bushcrafting
and then there are some hidden benefits that you perhaps in a million years
wouldn't think about and for me it's caused me and forced me to slow right
down in what I'm doing but I'm interested in you I'm interesting in
your thoughts on this have you seen felt and experienced any
hidden side effects he didn't benefit to your outdoor life to your Bush cuffing
or whatever you want to call it do please let me know in the comments below
I'm really enjoying doing these Thursday thought videos it allows me to kind of
get my thoughts out but more importantly it's a really great insight into how
other people perceive exactly the same question that I'm asking what have you
picked up as being a hidden benefit or a hidden side effect of bushcrafting
thanks as always for watching the video I really appreciate you taking the time
out of your day to do so like share subscribe all of the usual things I
asked you to do at the end of the video be great if you could do it or share it
or like it whatever it is thank you ever so much for your time
really appreciate and I'll see you very shortly in the next video she is
A Bunch of Crazy - Duration: 1:46.
ANDROİDE 150 MB TA GTA 3 İNDİRMEK | GERÇEK - Duration: 6:13.
The Landstar Agent Analytics Tool - Duration: 2:21.
(bright music)
I've been working in the trucking business all my life
and the technology has gone so fast.
The different types of software and systems that we use
has been a tremendous improvement.
Landstar really is a logistics company.
We connect our customers with the capacity
and support our agents with technology.
So it is imperative that we stay up to date on technology,
that we invest in technology.
Our strategic approach to the new technology
is to really identify the things that are really gonna
separate us from our competition.
We meet with our agents.
We meet with our owner operators.
We spend a lot of time taking a look at the industry.
As soon as we actually identify what the agents
and the owner operators need,
we can translate that into a technology solution.
Agent Analytics are tools that our agents can use
to really help them manage their business.
Where they should position their resources,
how they should better service their customers,
we've got a tool in place now
where they can access that information instantaneously,
and really enable them to make better business decisions
in more real time.
In using the Agent Analytics, we're more organized,
When we call in our customers, we're prepared.
So that gives us information that helps us to be successful
in our business and to grow our accounts.
The Agent Analytics allows me to plan better.
It allows me to forecast, it allows me to look at
what type of business we have.
The system before was,
you'd have to go into multiple systems to pull the data.
Now you're only going to one source
and it's visual, you can actually export it,
and it's very helpful for my agency.
With the Agent Analytics tool,
when I'm out on the road, I'm not dependent
upon being on my network anymore.
I can see these from my actual
username and password of Landstar.
I just login and there it is, all the information I need.
I can see daily what is going on back at the office.
The Agent Analytics tool is very easy to use.
It's point and click, so it's very easy to train on it.
The response so far has been great.
The tools that we have delivered are creating value,
and we consistently hear that
from our agents and our owner operators,
and they're really glad to be part of the process.
And as we listen to their needs
and as we provide them the technology tools
that they need to be successful,
we're just really delivering on their behalf.
Royal Uk - Prince William reveals worries he faced when he become father for first time - Duration: 5:14.
The Duke of Cambridge told of his fear of having a newborn baby when faced with the reality of having to care for his children when they were born
The dad-of-three opened up at a 'Future Dads' session as he observed expectant fathers changing nappies of baby dolls and speaking of how they are preparing to welcome the new additions to their family
The charity Future Men set up the programme in locations across London aiming to build stronger families by providing practical guidance, advice and support, especially for young and hard to reach fathers, and to develop their confidence in their role as dads
Prince William was welcomed to the Westminster by Christopher Muwanguzi, CEO of the charity, and Paul McDonnell the facilitator of the expectant fathers programme
William was taken through a series of set up scenarios that attendees of the course go through, from changing nappies, learning how to feed a baby and dealing with personal mental health and that of your partner
Speaking to a group, William said: "The fear of having a newborn baby that's very vulnerable and that's what you spend most of your time worrying about, thinking what do I do? "And that's the thing isn't it, it's very daunting of how tiny they are when they first arrive
Future dad Rik Karadia-Hudson, 34, from London, who with his wife is expecting a baby boy in May, demonstrated to the Duke how he had been taught how to change a nappy
As Rick handled the doll - which had been filled with a brown substance for added effect - William pointed and exclaimed: " "Is that Marmite?" Mr McDonnell laughed and said: "It's a concoction, I've got some secret ingredients", to which William replied: "I'm glad it smells alright!" Getting back to the job in hand, the Duke said: "They are so fragile and everything's so tiny, their little fingers and toes, you do feel like if you move them around too much they're going to break almost but they don't!" Rick said: "Yes and they move about so much
" Slapping him on the back, the Duke replied: "Wait till their nine months, then they're off
You've got one leg and one arm!" as he gestured as though a baby was on the move The men attend classes showing them basic skills such as how to change a nappy and feed a baby, but also are coached in how to deal with their feelings and own mental health so they can help their partners
Earlier in the day William went to a London barbers to speak about mental health but joked: "I don't need a haircut anymore, I just take a razor to it!" The 36-year-old royal, who has inherited his family's tendency to lose their hair early on, decided to tackle the elephant in the room as he visited the Pall Mall Barbers shop in Paddington, west London
But there was a serious point to his visit, which was to highlight programmes that support men and their mental health
He spoke at length to barber Ken Hermes, whose father committed suicide when he was just 15, and two customers who have both struggled with depression
Barber Ken, 28, told him about the loss of his father: "I was 15, I remember it all
" William said: 'This is very interesting. I'm trying to work out how you go about the issue of male suicide
People tell me that suicide is the rawest form of grief, there are so many questions unanswered that it is very hard to believe that anyone can get through it
Did you find that talking helped? I'm trying to work out from my side how to frame the whole question of male mental health and suicide
' Ken told him: ' I think the only way is to be direct. It took me a long time to talk about it but when I did, I couldn't stop
' Pall Mall Barbers is part of a group known as the Lions Barbers Collective, an international group of leading barbers who have come together to raise awareness for the prevention of suicide and other mental health issues
Barbers are being trained to recognise signs of depression, are encouraged to listen to their clients and advise them on the best places to go for support
Dina Lohan Says It's Her Dream to Do 'Dancing With the Stars' [Hot] - Duration: 4:16.
Dina Lohan wants a shot at competing for the mirrorball trophy! ET caught up with Lindsay Lohan's mom at the Celebrity Big Brother finale on Wednesday, where she revealed it's her dream to be on Dancing With the Stars some day
If Dina were cast, she'd be following in the footsteps of CBB housemates Ryan Lochte, Jonathan Bennett, Lolo Jones, Joey Lawrence and Tamar Braxton, who have all competed on previous seasons of DWTS
"I want to do Dancing With the Stars, you heard it here," Dina, 56, told ET's Brice Sander
"Everyone on the show has done it. So, it was so cool, they were telling me all about it
I was like, 'I've wanted to do that for so long.'" We're all for it, especially if Lindsay could join Dina on the dance floor for some friendly mother-daughter competition
if the actress isn't too busy filming her reality show, Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club, of course! Years ago, fans were speculating that Lindsay would be in the running for season 16 of the dance competition show
She reportedly turned down the offer at the time, but many fans (including judge Carrie Ann Inaba) have had Lindsay on their DWTS wish list ever since
And if reigning mirrorball champion Bobby Bones can get away with flossing in the ballroom, we need to see Lindsay "Do the Lilo" on live TV: For now, Dina is just happy that she made it to finale night on Celebrity Big Brother, even though Braxton was announced as this season's big winner
"I've just had such a great time," said Dina, who is also mother to Aliana, Cody and Michael Lohan Jr
"I've met 11 amazing people that I will continue to be friends with and it was like a vacation for me
My kids were like, 'Mommy, it's your turn, go do it.' So, they were supportive of me to do it
they were behind me 100%, so that helped me relax. They're like, 'Don't worry, we'll take care of everything at home
'" The experience is one she'll never forget, as the world "finally" got to meet the real Dina
"Yeah, finally! I'm not some crazy momager, mean person," she joked. "I love managing my kids, I love managing, I'm taking on other clients as well and, you know, I was in this business before I had kids
" Hear more on Dina's journey on the show in the video below. RELATED CONTENT:
How to install an App (that is not on the App Store!) - Duration: 2:16.
- So you need to install an app
and it is not on the app store.
(upbeat music)
I'll show you how to do it with chrome,
which is not in the app store,
so you get the idea, and you can do this with other apps.
So first just open Safari
and do a Google search for Chrome download.
And then click on the right link,
make sure it's a Google link.
Then you click on the big button here
and you accept the terms, assuming that you've read them.
And you can watch the download from the little download
manager up here, and while that's going,
if you just click on the finder face
and then click on your downloads folder,
then you can actually sort by date added,
and you'll see the little pie chart
is filling up here as it's downloading.
And once it's fully downloaded,
you just double click on this dmg file,
and dmg is basically like the digital version
of sticking a floppy disc into your computer
or a DVD.
You just wait for it to verify.
And once this opens, this is the contents of the dmg,
you drag the Chrome icon here
onto this applications folder.
This is actually a shortcut, an alias
to your applications folder, so it's a magical,
little thing that the Google people did
when they created this dmg.
And so you wait for that to copy
into your applications folder,
and then once that's done, you just double click
on applications, which takes you to your applications folder
and then you drag it from here, you drag Google Chrome
all the way down onto your doc,
and now you're good to go.
You can just click on that and launch the app.
Boom, Mac epiphany.
(soft music)
If your mind is blown and you want more,
head to
How the countryside in France is changing - Duration: 41:19.
------------------------------------------- - Duration: 2:32.
TORINO - Vanno parecchio di moda, in questo periodo, le analisi costi-benefici. E in casa Juventus, in un certo senso, se ne può fare una inerente gli effetti dell'eventuale scambio Salah-Dybala (più conguaglio)
E' indubbio, al proposito, come vi siano diverse considerazioni che contribuiscono a rendere più allettante, ergo meno difficilmente realizzabile, un affare che per la dirigenza juventina oggettivamente comporta tutta una serie di ostacoli da superare
Considerazioni, è bene precisarlo, di stampo squisitamente tecnico-tattico ma anche di natura più prettamente economica, di marketing, d'immagine
Aspetti cioè che possono avere un peso specifico nodale, a maggior ragione una volta preso atto delle conseguenze (strapositive) dell'acquisto di Cristiano Ronaldo, il più oneroso della storia bianconera eppure il più redditizio
Juve, offerta record per Salah: ecco la Top 10 della storia TRIDENTE DELLE MERAVIGLIE - Dal punto di vista tattico, comunque, non si sbaglia
Se è vero - come è vero - che cedendo ora Paulo Dybala ci si assumerebbe il rischio di vederlo trovare piena consacrazione altrove (provando poi un senso di rammarico da incompiuta bianconera) è altrettanto incontrovertibile che al suo posto verrebbe acquistato un giocatore che non lo farebbe rimpiangere, anzi
Salah è stato uno dei campioni più determinanti e incisivi nella scorsa Champions League: secondo nella classifica marcatori generale a quota 11 sigilli (alle spalle di Ronaldo, 15,) nonché quarto nella graduatoria degli assist (4)
Leggi l'articolo completo sull'edizione odierna di Tuttosport La Juventus ufficializza Ramsey
Meet The Man Of Steel 5 Real Human Superpowers - Duration: 6:22.
Creative destruction PC game play || play with subs - Duration: 1:59:09.
Por qué puede ser el fin de los tutoriales de Youtube - Duration: 5:16.
Sony A6400 - First Night 4K footage - Duration: 3:58.
"Невский. Чужой среди чужих". 8 серия - Duration: 51:00.
Twitter Media Studio - How To Use Twitter Media Studio to improve your Marketing - Duration: 4:38.
Celtic news: Why Rangers are under more pressure in Premiership title race - Walker - Duration: 1:47.
That is the view of Scottish football expert and Sky Sports man Andy Walker.
Glaswegian rivals Celtic and Rangers are currently leading the charge to win the SPL.
The Hoops currently lead Steven Gerrard's side by six points.
The Gers edged out Brendan Rodgers' men in the Old Firm derby on December 29.
But the Bhoys have been in inspired form since then, picking up five successive league wins to put them in the driving seat at the top of the table.
And Sky journalist Walker insists all the pressure is on the Ibrox side as it stands.
"There is much more pressure on Rangers because they are six behind Celtic," Walker said.
"They have a chance at the weekend against St Johnstone. The pressure is on Rangers in every game.
"They got a wonderful three points at Pittodrie and they need to go on the run that we have seen Celtic go on since they lost to Rangers at Ibrox.
"That's the type of consistency Steven Gerrard will be looking from his players."
Celtic take on Valencia tonight in the Europa League Round of 32 first leg.
And Rodgers is expecting a tricky test against the La Liga side.
Los Che dropped into the competition after finishing third in their Champions League group, also containing Manchester United and Juventus.
"They are not used to losing, they have only lost four (league) games this season so the mentality is to win," Rodgers said.
"They have drawn some games but they are a very good side, packed with technical players, with good physicality but that's what you expect at this level."
Sport TV - Ajax goalkeeper takes a tumble over plastic cup - THINGS YOU MISSED - Duration: 5:48.
A superb second-half from Tottenham saw them power past German league leaders Borussia Dortmund to put one foot in the Champions League quarter-finals
Son Heung-min, Jan Vertonghen and Fernando Llorente struck as Dortmund were overwhelmed at Wembley, while Marco Asensio's late goal gave Real Madrid a 2-1 win over Ajax
But there was plenty else to chew on across the two games. Sportsmail have you covered
Ajax goalkeeper sent flying by plastic cup It was a case of so near yet so far for Ajax on Wednesday night
They pushed Real Madrid all the way and looked to be taking a 1-1 draw to the Bernabeu next month before Asensio's late strike
Their goalkeeper Andre Onana can feel similarly aggrieved. The Cameroon international was just lining up to put his foot through the ball as it was played back to him
But before he knew it he was sent tumbling as the ball hit a stray plastic cup and leapt over his left foot
The 22-year-old was sent sprawling, and looked more than a little sheepish as he eventually got to his feet
A different kind of atmosphereA Champions League knock-out game for the first time since 2003? That calls for a knock-out atmosphere at the Johan Cruyff Arena, right?Thumping disco music? Flame throwers? Fireworks?Nope, let's go with a violinist
Ajax are four-time winners of the trophy and European royalty. If they say some classical music before kick-off will get the crowd going, then that's what will happen
Favre fist bumpLucien Favre had to miss Borussia Dortmund's dramatic draw with Hoffenheim at the weekend due to flu
But the 61-year-old wasn't going to miss his chance to take the German league leaders to Wembley
He wrapped up warm despite the mild February evening in north London and had a solution as Mauricio Pochettino approached for the customary pre-match handshake
Instead of exchanging pleasantries and, in turn, his germs, Favre instead elected to give his opposite number a little fist bump
Respect. Cheeky referee Antonio Mateu Lahoz has something of the European Mike Dean about him
Tottenham were repelling wave after wave of Borussia Dortmund attacks in the first-half at Wembley and were lining up to defend a corner
As Jan Vertonghen stood marshalling his zone on the edge of the six-yard box at the near post, the Spanish referee trotted over and slapped him on the bum
For no reason whatsoever. Son loves DortmundSergio Aguero against Newcastle. Didier Drogba against Arsenal
Some players just love scoring against one specific opponent.Now you can add Son Heung-min to that list
The South Korean's tidy volley gave Tottenham the lead just after half-time on Wednesday night
And it was his ninth goal in just 11 appearances against the German club. Can we play you every week? Benzema joins the exclusive clubWhat do Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Raul and Karim Benzema have in common?Apart from being the most lethal men to have graced El Clasico in the last 20 years, their goalscoring exploits have lit up European football
Benzema's second-half strike against Ajax was his 60th in the competition, making him only the fourth player to reach that mark
Ronaldo still stands some way ahead. Benzema will have to double his current tally and he will still be one off drawing level
At 31 years of age he's probably running out of time. Another milestone for Sergio Ramos Nearly 14 years after his Real Madrid debut in September 2005, Sergio Ramos is still going strong
Four European Cups and another four league titles have etched him in the club's storied history
In Amsterdam on Wednesday night he made new history, playing his 600th game for the club
Two more appearances and only four men will have played more for Real Madrid.The 32-year-old has plenty of miles left in the engine, but can he reach Raul's record of 741? Don't bet against it
Se juzga a dos millones, claro - Duration: 7:57.
Hacia el final de su sobria pero implacable intervención el fiscal Zaragoza abordó la supuesta legitimidad del derecho a la autodeterminación, invocado por algunas defensas, y citó los ejemplos recientes de Alemania e Italia y de cómo sus altos tribunales habían rechazado la existencia de tal derecho
Y fue entonces cuando añadió sin énfasis que los políticos y los ciudadanos de esos países habían acatado con respeto democrático las sentencias
Iba andando por Salesas, camino del Tribunal, oyéndolo por mis airpods como el constitucionalista moderno que soy; y ya que llevaba las manos libres di palmas al cielo azul Renard
No porque hubiera recordado el desacato de los políticos, que enfrente los tenía, sino por aludir al desacato del pueblo catalunyés: lo que casi nadie hace en España hizo ayer el fiscal Zaragoza
Un lugar ya común es comparar este juicio con el del 23-F. Hay parecidos, desde luego
Los dos fueron graves asaltos a la democracia y han dado origen a juicios espectaculares
Pero las diferencias son numerosas. Una de ellas tiene que ver con los efectos: todos los del 23-F, una vez vencidas las horas de zozobra, fueron buenos
La desactivación del golpe de Tejero dio moral a la vida española. Yo soy muy partidario de la rigidez de los géneros y creo que la transición acabó el 15 de diciembre de 1978
Pero en una cesión metafórica estaría dispuesto a alargar su vigencia hasta el 24 de febrero de 1981, cuando los guardias civiles empezaron a salir por la ventana y 'Butanito' seguía cantando goles
Es dudoso que el juicio contra los presos nacionalistas suponga lo mismo. Pero la diferencia más obvia es que en el 23 de febrero la trama civil fue García Carrés y el Colectivo Almendros, "cuando florezcan
". Exagerando, García Carrés y el Colectivo Almendros eran cuatro en España. En el golpe del 1 de octubre, por el contrario, todo era trama civil
Es decir, unos dos millones de catalanes y Trapero. Gente de tercera división, básicamente del sector negocios, acuden a una de las trampas habituales de su vida para explicar la situación
Si debes un millón al banco, tienes un problema; si debes mil millones, el problema lo tiene el banco
Así el problema del Proceso es que dos millones de individuos se han saltado la ley
¡El problema es de la democracia! De ahí, siguen los de tercera, la necesidad de las soluciones políticas
Naturalmente la razón que cuentan esos números es falsa y cansino repetirla. Están esos dos millones de catalanes, desde luego
Y otros dos que opinan lo contrario. Y, sobre todo, muchos millones de otros españoles que defienden su democracia y su ley
El Valido hablaba ayer donde Alsina diciendo que la democracia está por encima de la ley y en la sala el fiscal Cadena dejaba dicho sobre la democracia lo que dijo John Adams: "Un gobierno de las leyes, no de los hombres"
Al Valido, como a todos los que manejan esa falacia pueril, hay que seguirle la corriente y animarle a que la mayoría de españoles, es decir, la democracia, sancione algún día sus planes
Pero Adams excava en otra mina. El gobierno de las leyes y no de los hombres es el gobierno no fiado al capricho, la histeria o la mentira de los hombres
El gobierno de la mediación, de la norma, del protocolo. El gobierno difícil. El gobierno que no legisla a golpe de emoción y de turba
Hay dos millones de catalanes sometidos a una idea maligna. Antes la llevaban decorosamente en privado, como cualquier otro vicio
Pero con el Proceso no solo la exhibieron entre sonrisas melifluas sino que añadieron la malignidad del método
El fiscal Zaragoza les recordó ayer suave, pero valientemente, cuál es su obligación como ciudadanos
A diferencia del 23 de febrero, los presos que están siendo juzgados solo son sinécdoque: parte de un todo insurreccional e independentista
Nadie se ha atrevido a decir estos días que el Supremo está juzgando a Cataluña. La amarga virtud del Proceso es que la partió en dos y ya nadie puede hablar en nombre de los catalanes
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