Japan is amazing, man.
We're having such a great time.
We wake up every morning at like 5 a.m. and then hit the road – sometimes 4 a.m. – and just drive all day.
There's just so much to see.
I want to show people why we're in Japan, you know.
And I think in doing that you have to be honest.
You can't force experiences.
Put that on eBay.
They would suggest that we first go to the pilgrimage road.
Will there be a lot of people there?
Probably not too crowded.
Uh, look at this!
I need to go a little further.
Even more.
Yes! Perfect.
Yeah, good.
We are climbing
five hundred steps to a temple.
It's on top of this mountain.
And it's 5 a.m.
Oh, this is a very beautiful sunrise.
We came here to visit one of the Japanese gods.
This is gonna cook me!
Oh, yeah, that is really hot.
Look at that steam.
It's really, really hot though.
I'm curious to know what the actual temperature is.
90 degrees!
Takes about nine minutes to boil the eggs.
But the gentleman that showed me how to do it also put potatoes in.
I'm curious to know the taste.
That's a good egg.
She's happy to meet you.
Nice to meet you as well. Thank you.
What's up, everyone?
We are in Wakayama.
In a part of the region that's called Nachi-san.
Good morning guys.
So, we made it up early today to catch a beautiful sunrise.
We're at Nachi Taisha waterfall which is right behind you, Carlos.
And there's a pagoda right beside it.
This area is very, very popular as a very photographed location
for many travellers or individuals who want to
explore certain parts of Japan.
Now we stationed the cars right in front of the pagoda
trying to capture the waterfall in the distance
as well as the building itself.
I love kayaking.
Who's gonna be in the boat with you?
You are.
Turn around?
We made it.
Do you guys want to know where we are?
Well, you have to wait and see.
This is absolutely beautiful.
So, today, we are at Kuriyama Koubo
which is a manufacturer of Kimonos.
And I'm here with Miss Nishida and
she's going to show us some very up-close and detailed visuals
that they've been working on.
My first question for you is:
What is the meaning of Kimono in the Japanese fashion industry?
Of course, Japanese people wear all different types of clothing today.
But Japanese people believe that when they
wear a Kimono, they look very beautiful.
It makes us proud of being Japanese.
And we also feel that it is something that should never be lost.
Now, what you are wearing right now, is it something that you designed here?
Can you tell me a little bit about it?
This I created and dyed by myself.
Come on guys, let's go get me in a nice Kimono!
Now that I finished wearing the Kimono.
That was an incredible experience.
Our stomachs now need to be filled.
See you on the other side!
What are you reading?
I am reading about Geishas and
the history of them in Japan.
We're going to meet several of them today and I'm really excited.
And I want to make sure that I'm prepared.
I am joined by Tumitsi Yusan (Tomikiku-san)
and I really – pleasure to meet you – I really want to thank you for having us here.
It has been an absolute pleasure.
The experience has been extremely interesting to me as a perspective.
It kind of brought me back to what I've imagined
the tradition and the Japanese culture
to have been like hundreds of years ago.
And I really appreciate that.
Thank you so much for that.
So, because we are in Kyoto, you would be considered a Geiko?
Now, can you describe to me what was it that inspired you to get into this?
I was born in Kyoto and some of my family members
were working for Kimono industries, making Kimonos.
And ever since I was a little girl I really wanted to wear a Kimono.
I just loved it.
And I was also interested in Japanese tradition, so I decided to become a Maiko-san,
which comes before becoming a Geiko-san – a younger version of a Geiko-san.
For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz G-Class (2018): Japan Explorers | Vlog 2 - Duration: 10:58.-------------------------------------------
Family IDs snowmobiler missing on Lincoln Lake - Duration: 2:02.
STACKED Ep. 4 - Fever Pitch | G2 League of Legends - Duration: 9:23.
Caps: This week of scrims we had a lot of sick people so we actually ended up canceling
some of our scrims and we didn't really get that much practice so I was actually
really worried about this week of stage games.
GrabbZ: Scrims have been iffy because people have been sick a lot actually so I was
kind of worried going into the week especially against Vitality.
Caps: Also Sylas was enabled which was a big... like we were scared about how he would
perform right if we got him, so it was it was definitely not the best week of
scrims we've had probably the worst one I would actually say,
GrabbZ: The players know as long as we play with full confidence and we should have confidence our ability
that shouldn't matter too much but of course that's to be seen when playing
and Vitality and Fnatic.
Perkz: I think it's possible that we could go the whole split without losing a game. I think it's
a very realistic possibility yeah, but I don't have to focus too much on it I
kind of feel like a loss at some point might be actually good for us for me at
least like to keep me grounded you know losing one game is always like
when you're winning a lot losing a game is kind of a shocker so I think if we
get too cocky we can still end up not even top two so it's very early in the...
it's kind of middle split now but by like week eight you can for sure say someone is going to end up first or not.
Jankos: Do we go on Lucian or Braum?
Mikyx: Yeah, Lucian.
Perkz: I'll flash in after.
Jankos: I can ult, I can just ult, no?
Perkz: Ok right yeah.
Jankos: I mean I understand you can do that, but we can also just do that.
Jankos: I think I'll ult right now and we'll just go to drake.
Wunder: I ult, I ult.
Mikyx: I'll get LeBlanc.
Mikyx: LeBlanc dead, we can go nash.
Jankos: Help me, help me, dude I am low! I mean I can lifesteal.
Mikyx: Lets go nash, let's go nash.
G2 in our match of the week show they are without parallel at the moment in the LEC.
No one can stop them. No one can stand up to the G2 Army.
Caps: So going up against Fnatic will be weird because I usually I mean I
haven't had that many teammates that I've played against and especially not
this kind of teammates that I had where we have been together for a
long time right. But, they are not really looking too strong right now so I'm I'm
pretty confident, but at the same time I'm also a bit scared about...
not necessarily scared but I'm just a bit worried about how they... like about
playing against them because I am know I know so much about them and they know so
much about me so it's gonna be a bit personal.
Perkz: It's quite apparent that
Caps wants to win against his former team that he's been with for two years and I
think he's a very mature player already, so don't think anyone has had to give him advice.
GrabbZ: So I don't think Caps has extra pressure against Fnatic, sure of
course he wants to win a bit more than usual but I think it's more of a
positive reinforcement there so I don't think anybody has to intervene and tell him not
to worry too much.
I don't think it's disingenuous to say that this is
probably a fairly emotionally charged match you saw Jankos's face in the
pick and ban getting his team hyped up, getting them going there is a lot on the
line and while this is super heavy favorite to G2 this one probably gonna sting.
Oh take a look at this person Miky they're running down Hyli, 100 HP, flash forward
first blood picked up by Perkz and Miky they're not done just yet.
Jankos: I think we win now?
Mikyx: Yeah we win, we win.
Jankos: Well you will die I'm sorry, oh will you?
Jankos: Just take tower, take tower.
Perkz: It's tanky though.
Jankos: Just take tower, still take tower.
Caps: If you guys can get me a kill I will be happy.
Mikyx: Okay yeah I'll try.
Caps: He has no flash.
Mikyx: I'll block the Q.
Jankos: I'm zoning Lissandra okay? That was really personal Caps!
Wunder: End the game!
Jankos: Lissandra will go, Lissandra will go.
Perkz: End the game, end the game, end the game. Hit nexus, hit nexus.
Perkz: Hit nexus, nexus, nexus, nexus.
Welcome to the LEC post game lobby after week 4 of the spring split. I'm Drakos joined by G2's Perkz and Miky.
Miky I want to welcome you here it's been a while since we spoke to you
Perkz it's been less than 24 hours I imagine. How was your day? How you doing?
Perkz: I'm back. Yeah I'm doing great
well I didn't win against Martin "Rekkles" Larsson since 2017 spring split
so for two years only thing that took me was two long years and role swapping
to another role and now I managed to do it so now my day has been filled.
Perkz: Holding the record for the fastest game in EU history against the team
that I haven't won against in two years. Which usually I don't really care if I've
been losing someone but like not winning and game against someone for two years
like it's... it actually feels very good to win and to defeat him in
his own lane and then end the game in 20 minutes because my whole team is
smurfing, it feels it was great.
Caps: Honestly I was not expecting us to play like this
I thought we would play... I mean I thought would be very explosive but I
thought we would have to learn it first and there's so many things that we have
to learn and I was like really really worried about the beginning because when
we learn it I was really confident but now we're performing really really well
before we we learned our like... learned how to play together as a team so I feel like
when once we learn how to play completely together and once we get
really confident with each other then it's gonna be a completely different G2.
How To Share Videos On Social Media - Duration: 1:36.
Alright, that's how tags look like and I hope you can find appropriate tags in your
niche as well.
It's really fun to do.
I can only recommend that.
It's kind of collaboration with other creators as well.
So it's a really fun thing.
But as I mentioned in the beginning my tag was not really successful because I tried
to start a new tag in the YouTube advice niche and it didn't really work out.
So my recommendation would be that you look for other tags that are already ongoing and
hopefully someone else tags you too and you can join in then.
That's the kind of way how you can get started with those kinds of videos.
Yea, that's about the strategy about shareable content.
One aspect of it.
Now, let's go over to actually sharing our videos ourselves on social media.
The next growth strategy.
And the issue usually is...
I mean, we all know, sharing on social media makes sense, right?
But in the beginning we usually don't have a following.
Also not on Twitter or Facebook and so on.
So it really doesn't have an effect on our channel we are trying to grow.
But there is a strategy to share on social media that does not require any following
for you.
It's really working.
It worked for my channel.
I did it in the beginning this way and I can really only recommend you to try that out,
So to explain you how this strategy works, let's roll the next clip and see you afterwards!
Готовим паприкаш из индейки на ужин - Duration: 2:37.
Hello everyone! With you Priprava Club, my name is Anastasia
Today I invite you to make a delicious turkey paprikash
Ingredients For 4 servings you will need: • turkey fillet: 700-800 g; • tomatoes in their own juice: 400 g; • ground paprika: 2 tbsp.; • Onions: 1 pc .; • water or broth: 120 ml; • sour cream: 120 g; • salt: to taste
Rinse the fillet and cut it into medium cubes.
Add salt and paprika
Fry the fillet portions on high heat until golden brown
It takes about 2-3 minutes.
Crush the onions
Fry in a pan for 3-4 minutes until soft
Turkey is fried that's so beautiful it turns out
Add turkey to onions
Smooth tomatoes with a fork
Add tomatoes
Add water and a couple of pinches of sugar, mix
Simmer on low heat for 10 minutes.
Add sour cream and mix
Remove from heat, cover and let stand for a couple of minutes.
Serve paprikash with rice or mashed potatoes
Bon Appetit!
CREMA de AVENA Receta Vegana Fácil y Deliciosa | Veganamente - Duration: 3:32.
Hi, I'm Raquel, today in Veganamente I'm going to make an oatmeal cream with vegetables.
To make it we are going to need a few oat flakes that I have had soaking for 6 hours,
carrot cut into cubes, some broccoli saplings,
onion, celery, red pepper, some cloves of garlic,
a little black pepper, a pinch of turmeric, dried oregano, salt and oil.
In a little oil we put some garlic to brown
and some pieces of onion.
It is already lightly browned, we incorporate the celery.
We put salt.
We put the oats.
We put a liter of water.
A little oregano
We let it cook over a low heat for about 15 min.
Meanwhile, in a pan with a little oil, sauté the pepper,
the carrot
and broccoli.
We season a little
and we let them sauté.
After 15 min. we beat to crush everything.
We throw pepper,
a little turmeric,
rectify salt
and we add the sautéed vegetables.
We let a boil all together and we have it ready.
You see! Little more I have to say !! a cream so easy to make and so rich and so nutritious!
Below the ingredients and links to my social networks.
Thanks for visiting me one more day! Leave me a like if you liked the recipe,
subscribe, share with everyone, give the bell to tell you my videos
and see you in the next recipe. Bye!!
Deea Maxer, petrecere mare de ziua ei! A împlinit 29 de ani, iar Dinu i-a făcut cadou o vacanță la B - Duration: 2:38.
Uomini e donne, colpo di scena: Claudia già stufa di Lorenzo, ecco cosa è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:06.
Uomini e Donne, Angela litiga con Maria De Filippi e lascia la trasmissione in lacrime | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:47.
UeD: Giordano Mazzocchi torna nello studio. Ecco il motivo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.
Uomini e donne, anticipazioni Trono Classico: arriva il nuovo tronista! | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:12.
DJ Morris, în doliu! Anunțul a fost făcut în urmă cu puțin timp: "Mereu mă alintai şi îmi spuneai că - Duration: 3:50.
Absolutely Beautiful and Cheap Custom Built 24' Tiny House with Appliances Furnished - Duration: 3:43.
Absolutely Beautiful and Cheap Custom Built 24' Tiny House with Appliances Furnished
恐怖映像TOP5 Top5 Japanese Ghost Videos Vol.190 - Duration: 10:09.
Macron : "Moi, j'essaie de faire toujours très attention à la façon dont je m'exprime" - Duration: 4:45.
Baking Cupcakes and Talking About Failed Relationships - Duration: 16:03.
hey guys! happy Valentine's Day. so today I wanted to make a strawberry cake with
strawberry icing. that sounds really good. and I have these really cute little
heart-shaped things. so I'm gonna make some cupcakes. we'll see how this goes. I
have some pink little cupcake liners. I try to making brownies in this thing
before and it definitely didn't work so we'll see how this goes.
it's really cute though. I hope it works. so what are you guys doing today for
Valentine's Day? I'm probably hanging out with my parents, smiling through the pain,
everything is fine. I've been single for over a year now. I've been fine.
since college I've pretty much always had a boyfriend. these past few years have been
a little weird being kind of alone, but it's fine.
I really don't miss having a boyfriend. there's some times that I wish I had one
like if I wanted to go to Sea World or watch a movie or do something, I don't
know, but for the most part I don't really miss having a boyfriend. and I can
just hang out with my friends and it's fine. I need to hang out with my friends
more often because I don't really leave my house that much, and it would really
benefit me to go hang out with them. so maybe this year I'll hang out with
people more often. we'll find out. first thing I have to do is preheat the oven
and yes there's still Christmas stuff there we've talked about this. it's
not going anywhere. it's Christmas forever. I did it. okay. so you need a cup
of water, three eggs, and 1/3 cup of vegetable oil. mmm delicious. so I'm gonna
start putting things in this beautiful Bowl
Bailey is very excited to be back in. he was outside and the neighbor dog was
barking at him. hopefully nicely. my angel. so I'm gonna put the stuff in here. you
can see a little bit more from this angle what's happening. I'm so bad at
cracking eggs. this is very stressful
whoo we did it. a cup of water and 1/3 cup of vegetable oil. okay well we don't
own a third cup. I'm gonna do... would a third cup be half of the half of a cup?
that would be 1/4 cup. okay so I'm gonna do it two-thirds of the way. I hope
that's right. math is not my strong suit. I don't think I have a strong suit. I'm
going to start mixing this together. this looks disgusting. so I thought while I
did this I would talk to you about wonderful dates I've been on and amazing
men I've been with. I've only been in a relationship once during Valentine's Day
also my longest relationship was four months. I don't know why but like I keep
getting dumped. I think I'm pretty cool but like okay whatever. so two years ago
was my one and only Valentine's Day and this guy was so nice we were together
for about a month at this point and he lived over an hour away so it was kind
of like when we saw each other we would be together for at least like you know a
full day and then I'd spend the night. so when Valentine's Day rolled around
he decided that we would do like this whole big extravagant thing.
be together for like three days. so he made all these plans to do all these
cool things we watched some movies and he made chicken parmesan for me
and we went out and had nice dinners and everything and it was really nice. we had
a great time. we spent a lot of time together and I went home and I was like
wow that was so fun. I'm glad I had the best Valentine's Day I could have ever
asked for. and then my phone rings and I answered the phone and I'm like oh my
god it's my boyfriend I'm so excited to hear from him. I can't believe he already
misses me. and he goes hey yeah I wanna break up with you and I'm like but we
just had all this fun time together. didn't you have fun? he was like well I
didn't want to dump you on Valentine's Day so I decided we could just like have
fun and enjoy our time then and I'd dump you later. really loved getting dumped
right after Valentine's Day. at least he didn't dump me on Valentine's Day. that
that was his thought process there. we are preheated. I genuinely think that he
thought he was being really nice by not dumping me first before Valentine's Day
but like definitely not. so that was my one and only time that I've ever had a
Valentine and then he dumped me directly after so that was really fun and didn't
hurt my self-esteem at all. he was one of the only people who actually called me
his girlfriend. a lot of the guys I dated like to call me their friend. one guy
said that we were exclusively dating but I was not his girlfriend.
yeah no I'm definitely your girlfriend like what are what even what are you
talking about? exclusively dating that literally means I'm your girlfriend? what
are you talking about? but he thought he was
really cool and he was like I don't have a girlfriend
but my god he was so lame. all he did was play video games all day. the only people
he talked to were the same four friends that he had forever
and he wears superhero shirts every day. you're so cool. wow what a cool guy. so he
definitely thought he was something special. which he wasn't. we have a habit
of breaking up. "breaking up." because we're not together of course and then getting
back together. we did that a lot and when we weren't together like we'd still hook up
so it never really mattered if we were together or not because we
would just hang out all the time anyway even though he sucked. so that was
another guy that I dated. he was my longest relationship at a
whopping four months even though I was not his girlfriend
cool. so this is very lumpy. I don't see it not getting lumpy because I've been
stirring it for a while and it still lumpy so we just gonna have some lumpy
cupcakes. whatever. let's get our nice little tins
I hope this works because they are not heart-shaped. so even though I've been
like completely screwed over by love my entire life, I still love Valentine's Day.
What a great thing. a day just for telling people how much you appreciate them. how
beautiful. looks like this. yeah I really wish I was the kind of person who
attracted genuinely good guys, because my dream guy would be nice and very smart
but also like very sarcastic and very funny and kind of an asshole
and who can really like dish it out and can take it too. I've dated some really
nice guys and they have been very nice but they weren't funny and my jokes
would always go over their head and I'm kind of mean and they didn't get it and
they didn't like it and they were like "that wasn't kind of harsh." I'm like "this
isn't gonna work out." it would be nice to have a guy who's sarcastic and funny but
also very smart. I really like smart guys. so far I haven't found him but I'm gonna
keep looking. for now I'm just enjoying being single. I don't have to answer to
anybody. I can do whatever I want. I have plenty of free time and in my free time
I am making YouTube videos. so here is our mess. I really don't think these are
gonna turn out. let's put it in the oven. oh my god this is gonna take forever. you
gotta put it in there for like 20 minutes. oh my god. let me talk about another guy. this
guy. I I was pretty much always in a relationship whenever I saw him and I
was never interested in him. and I was always dating someone, so when I'm in a
relationship I'm not looking at guys anyway. I had a lull there when I was
single I was like I'm really not interested and I kinda want to be single
for a while, I don't really want to date him. finally I was like fine. we started
dating and he seemed like a really nice guy or whatever but he said he couldn't
be in a relationship right now because he had mental illnesses and he went
through this long like really descriptive story of his mental
illnesses and why he couldn't be in a relationship and I was like wow like I
can't believe you told me all this that's amazing I'm so sorry that that
happened. if you want to take it slow that's fine I'll
be here for you. whatever you need I'm here. then I went home and I never talked
to him again and I was like that's a real bummer. I can't believe
that and he really like messed up my head. next month he was dating someone
and he posted on Facebook I'm so in love. and I'm like if you if you weren't
interested, just tell me you're not interested. don't make up a lie that you
have some sort of mental illness. what is who do not do that to people. why would
you think that's okay? so yeah after that I was like wow men really ain't shit cool
okay I'm gonna be single forever because I'm never gonna deal with that ever
again. I can tell you the story about my first kiss. the first guy that I dated I
was 14. I was a freshman in high school and we literally did not talk. like I
would avoid him at school because I don't know why, I was weird. and one day
after school, he like pulled me aside and tried to kiss me and I literally went
I was like no thank you I'm okay. then I broke up with him. then I
started dating this other guy. he was really weird. he had this weird mustache
he was like not it. I thought he was so cool. we actually planned it before. like
the night before he was like hey I think I'm gonna kiss you tomorrow and I'm like
oh my god what do I do? we saw each other a couple times during
the day. I kept running running away from him. like something is wrong with me
after school we met at the flagpole because every day me and all my friends
would meet at the flagpole and we were like really cool. and he came up he
kissed me oh my god it was amazing. my head felt like it was spinning 100 miles
an hour. when I was walking to my bus I literally almost hit into a bus. you just
are so overcome with emotion and like oh my god I can't believe that
happened that you can't even see straight and we dated for a couple more months and
then I dumped him. I'm not good at feelings. so having a boyfriend was like
really stressful and I didn't like it. I would rather be alone and just like
freak out internally. really high self esteem, me in high school. then when
college happened, you know, it's time to have fun. I've always been so like
stressed out my entire life. I want to have some fun so college I went loose,
had some fun, and I was pretty much always dating someone. we would kind of
know that this is not forever. I'm not gonna live with this guy for the rest of
my life and marry him and everything. like no we're having fun, and I think
there's nothing wrong with that, as long as both of you understand this isn't
gonna be serious. yeah of course I would love to be your girlfriend
and we could be you know monogamous. and then after college there was a lull
there for a little bit and then I dated that guy and then I dated that other guy
and then I dated a really nice guy. so since November 2017 I haven't had a
boyfriend. I've been on one date. he was such a loser.
and I was like infatuated with him and I was like oh my God he's so cute
he's so great. no. so that was a waste of time. and now I'm just like you know
hanging out. there's so much going on in my life right now that I am just not
emotionally ready for a boyfriend or even to date. like I have too much going
on. school and moving and not having a job, and everything is changing in my
life and I'm freaking out. and I think I need to freak out like by myself for a
little bit. I don't need the manipulation that always comes with having a
boyfriend. I have a bunny and a dog and they're wonderful
and they would never leave me because they don't know how to open the door and
that's great. I am so happy. they can't talk back. they can't tell me I can't do
something. they are animals and they love me unconditionally. kind of a bummer for
a Valentine's Day video but it is what it is. I feel like I'm like 35 and you
know the clock is tickin and I kind of just want to adopt a kid and
live in a nice little town and enjoy my life. I don't really want to have drama
and stupid boys in my life. I just don't want to deal with it anymore. oh my god
I'm losing my mind. I'm having so much trouble with these
freaking SD cards. my other one formatted. I had like 10 minutes on that stupid
thing so I lost a lot of footage. they turned out like this. and some of them have
sprinkles on them and some of them don't. they are delicious.
I definitely need to get my own SD card that's like at least 16 gigs because I
keep running around the house looking for an SD card and the ones that have
space get formatted when I try to use them. okay well. thanks for watching and
I'll see you my next video. bye!
Kamala Harris Wants to Legalize Weed & Amy Klobuchar's Temper Is Questioned | The Daily Show - Duration: 5:34.
There's only 630 days until the 2020 election.
So if you fire up your slow cooker now,
you'll have the most tender election night brisket ever.
But that doesn't leave a lot of time for Democrats
to narrow down their field of contenders,
which just keeps growing and growing.
So let's check in on the latest developments
in our ongoing segment World War D.
-♪ ♪ -(cheering, applause, whistling)
Let's kick it off with Kamala Harris.
She went on The Breakfast Club this morning and said
that if she becomes president,
you're not gonna have to hide your weed
in the vegetable crisper anymore.
First of all, let me just make this statement very clear.
I believe we need to legalize marijuana.
-Have you ever smoked? -I have.
-Okay. Like, in college? Or... -And I... and I inhaled.
-You did inhale? -I did inhale. (laughing)
It was a long time ago.
But yes.
I don't know why anyone is acting like Kamala Harris
smoking weed is a big deal.
Yeah, it used to be a scandalous thing
for a politician to admit, but now it's like yeah, who cares?
Weed is getting so normalized in America now
that instead of drinking beers at O'Malley's Pub in the future,
it's gonna be candidates who are gonna stop by
Leafy Larry's Dank-ateria on Santa Monica to vape.
That's what it's gonna be.
So Kamala didn't make much news.
But there was another Democrat who did.
The field of presidential hopefuls
is a little more crowded tonight.
Minnesota's Democratic senator Amy Klobuchar
announcing her bid during a snowstorm in Minneapolis.
KLOBUCHAR: I stand before you
as the granddaughter of an iron ore miner,
as the first woman elected to the United States Senate
from the state of Minnesota...
...to announce my candidacy
for President of the United States.
(trembling): Yay. Can we go home now?
We can't feel our legs.
Announcing your campaign in a snowstorm.
From now on, everyone's gonna have to top that.
That's the bar now.
Biden has to announce from inside a tornado...
and then Bernie will be like, "Oh, yeah?
"Well, I'm currently being struck by lightning,
and it has no effect on my hair."
Now, some people said that Klobuchar holding a rally
in the snow showed grit and determination.
But to President Trump, it was evidence of something else.
NEWSWOMAN: The president clearly paying attention
to his potential challenger,
jabbing at Klobuchar's position on climate change.
He tweeted this, saying that...
"Snowman... woman"?
This is such a weird tweet.
'Cause on the one hand, he's denying decades
of scientific research on climate change, again.
But on the other hand, he's being kind of woke.
You know? Like, "Snowman, or woman.
"It's time we acknowledge that women can also be snow people.
"In fact, some snowwomen were born snowmen, folks.
"Lot of people don't know that.
"God doesn't always put the carrot
"in the right place, folks. -(laughter)
Not always. We've got to be inclusive."
But here's the thing about Amy Klobuchar.
Normally, this kind of campaign rollout
would be considered a success,
but unfortunately, her announcement was overshadowed
by some other news.
NEWSMAN: All this comes amid a report that Klobuchar
had such a bad reputation over treatment of staff
that a number of potential staffers withdrew
from consideration to manage her campaign.
Sources tell the HuffPost the senior senator is, quote...
Her anger left staffers in tears,
she threw papers,
and sometimes even hurled objects,
and one aide was accidentally hit
with a flying binder.
Wow. Throwing binders at her employees?
They need to legalize weed in her office.
So, fresh after her announcement,
the first obstacle to Senator Klobuchar's presidential run
has already presented itself.
How does she respond to the accusations?
Well, not in the way you'd think.
I am tough. I push people.
That is true.
But my point is that I have high expectations for myself,
I have high expectations for the people that work for me,
and I have high expectations for this country.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
She has high expectations for herself and for this country?
Sounds like if she becomes president,
she's gonna treat everyone in America like her staff.
She's gonna be calling random Americans
at 6:00 in the morning.
"Hey, Brad, why aren't you at work yet?"
"Oh, what? What? I'm sorry, Madam President."
"Oh, you're gonna be sorry!"
Then a binder just flies through the window. "Aah! Aah!"
She's just like, "I do this because I'm-I'm tough on them."
That sounded like what my mom would say
before she'd whup my ass: "I'm doing this for your own good.
I have high expectations for you."
But look, are these reports about Klobuchar's temper
gonna be a problem for her? They could be.
Because if there's one thing we know,
it's that the only people who make it to the White House
are the ones with a calm, even temperament.
Why Republicans oppose an anti-corruption bill | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 5:19.
Hi everyone, my name is Riley, and today we're talking about HR1, the For The People Act.
It's a bill that Democrats introduced to the House of Representatives early in January
as their first official piece of legislation.
It's a massive reform bill meant to fight corruption and improve voting rights.
Unsurprisingly, Republicans are opposed to it.
But why would they be opposed to something that's supposed to end corruption and make
it easier for Americans to vote?
To answer that, we need to look at what HR1 does.
In has three major sections: anti-corruption, voting rights, and ethics.
First let's go over the anti-corruption goals.
They include a constitutional amendment to end Citizens United.
If you remember, Citizens United is the Supreme Court case that essentially decided that corporations
can donate as much as they want to Political Action Committees, or PACs.
The court essentially said that extremely wealthy corporations have free speech, and
that restricting their ability to donate would be restricting free speech.
However, the problem is, corporations aren't people.
So this decision essentially gave massive corporations way more sway over our elected
officials than the actual people they're supposed to be representing.
Repealing Citizens United would mean restoring free speech to the actual human beings who
live in this country, because, again, corporations aren't people.
HR1 would also require super PACs to make all their donors public, and it would make
Facebook and Twitter disclose who's purchasing political ads on their sites.
It would also create public financing of campaigns where the government would match small donations,
up to $200, at a rate of 6 to 1.
That means that if you donate $10 to a political campaign, the government would donate $60
to that candidate.
That would make it easier for candidates with grassroots support by real people to finance
their campaigns, as opposed to the system we have now where politicians have to get
support from huge wealthy corporations that then expect favorable legislation in return.
The anti-corruption goals of this bill are all intended to make our political process
more representative of what real people want, because right now it's clear that that's
not happening.
Next up: the voting rights section.
This would create a system for national automatic voter registration.
So if you're eligible to vote, you're automatically registered.
That's it.
No arbitrary deadlines before elections.
No more needing to remember to register.
You just *are* registered.
I actually cannot believe this hasn't been done already because it's such a common sense thing.
People have a right to vote, so they should have a right to be automatically registered to vote.
It would make the whole process so much easier.
HR1 would also make Election Day a holiday, meaning Federal employees would get the day
off and other businesses would be encouraged to do the same.
Which again, a super common-sense reform.
If you have to work all day on Election Day because you're poor and can't afford to
miss work, that's taking away your right to vote.
That's only empowering rich people who can afford to take a day off work.
Election Day absolutely needs to be a holiday.
And HR1 proposes other changes like prohibiting gerrymandering, prohibiting voter roll purging,
and requiring that the Government recruit and train more poll workers to reduce voting lines.
And finally, the ethics section.
This part is basically directed right at Trump.
It says that the President and Vice President, and any candidates for those positions, would
need to disclose their last 10 years of tax returns -- and as I'm sure you're well
aware, Trump still hasn't released his.
HR1 would stop members of Congress from using taxpayer money to settle sexual harassment
cases because yes that it actually a thing that really happens in the current system.
And it would put in place an ethical code for the Supreme Court so that justices are
held to some kind of a standard.
At the end of the day, HR1 is mostly symbolic.
If House Democrats pass it, there's no way it'd pass the Senate or be signed by Trump.
Mitch McConnell has already said he's opposed to it, and his reasons are pretty unbelievable.
Republicans are trying to spin it as a "Democrat power grab", saying that Democrats want
to enact these rules so that they can get elected and stayed elected.
And like, look, if restoring people's voting rights and taking money out of politics gets
more Democrats elected, then maybe they're doing something right!
That doesn't mean they're cheating the system.
Giving Americans their right to vote and making sure that vote matters more than money from
some huge corporation -- that's objectively a good thing.
If it gets more Democrats elected then that means Democrats ideals are more aligned with
what the American people actually want.
And that's basically the goal of HR1 right now since it won't be passed.
It's forcing Republicans to take an anti-anti-corruption stance.
It's forcing people to see that Republicans want money to stay in politics because it benefits them.
Democrats know that HR1 won't pass, but they also know that a majority of Americans
support passing anti-corruption legislation, and when Republicans oppose that, it makes
them look really bad.
But still, this bill has a long way to go simply because it has to be passed in system
that is so severely rigged against it.
The corporations that are donating huge amounts of money to politicians right now to get them
elected or keep them elected, they're going to want to make sure this bill doesn't pass.
Because even though it might be good for the American people, it won't be good for those
huge corporation's financial interests.
And so I'm not sure where this will go.
Hopefully it can be used to show everyone how Republicans are devoted to supporting
corruption and suppressing the vote, and that could lead to more Democrats getting elected
in 2020, which could lead to some actual change.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Anyway, that's all I had for you today.
If you'd like to support me on Patreon, you can click up here, and if you'd like
to subscribe, you can click over here.
Thanks so much for watching, and I'll see you next time.
Macron : "Moi, j'essaie de faire toujours très attention à la façon dont je m'exprime" - Duration: 4:45.
Moving with Pete Davidson and Kevin Hart - Duration: 17:10.
[HD][VOSTFR] Dreamcatcher - Piri - Duration: 3:48.
5 Reasons Not to Buy a Tesla Car - Duration: 10:38.
rev up your engines, today I'm gonna talk about five reasons you should not buy a
Tesla electric car, now everybody talks about electric cars being the future, I
remember when I was a kid they talked about flying cars are gonna be the
future, well then that never came about, but electric cars probably will be a
certain percentage of the future, only how far away in the future, and of
course which models are going to succeed as electric cars, and which are gonna
fail, now in my opinion it's gonna be many years before electric cars in the
United States become normal vehicles that everyone drives around, but if you
do want to get an electric car today, here's five reasons why I'd say don't
buy a Tesla, and numero uno that's price, these things are really expensive and at
least so far, they don't hold their value all that
much, I met a guy who bought a Tesla put like thirty five thousand miles on it,
and when he went to trade it in the Tesla dealer offered him 50% of what he
paid for that car, he was going to lose over fifty thousand dollars owning that
thing for two years and here's where competition is going to
come into effect, obviously more and more companies are gonna start making
electric cars, Chevy now has the Chevy bolt, not the volt, but the bolt it's
made in China the Chinese have very modern factories,
they seem to have pretty good quality control from what I've read, I haven't
seen in here because they're generally not allowed to sell these Chinese cars
in United States yet, but of course eventually they will, Nissan has the
Nissan Leaf that's an all-electric car that's been out a while, and the new ones
are definitely a large improvement over the other ones, and you're talking a lot
less money than what Tesla's charging now if you're talking about game
changing parameters, hey electric cars right they're like they're efficient
they don't pollute, well a lot of the competitors are making smaller electric
cars, so people are gonna go electric hey let's face it, you might as well as go
small if you want to be efficient but Tesla's more of the full-size variety, his
cars are expensive, yeah they're big they got a lot of room, let's face the facts in
the United States the average car generally
has not that many people were riding around in the thing, so what's the point of
making these big vehicles to haul all that weight and all those heavy
batteries around, if there's only one or two people in the car, you might as well
as go small, so unless you have an endless supply of money and you want
luxury, I advise don't buy a Tesla electric car
buy some other model, and personally I'd wait even on that until the chips fall
where they fall, and you see who makes the reliable one and the prices will
start coming down as they mass produce them all, and speaking of mass production
that's the number two reason not to buy a Tesla, they've had poor quality control
they went from making not all that many cars, to making tens of thousands of them
every month, that changed the whole parameter for Tesla's manufacturing
facility, they had problems in the factory, they ended up setting up tents
and building the things in a parking lot, I guess Elon had an idea that it
was gonna be like the Terminator, he was gonna have the robots build the robots
and hardly have any people involved, well our technology hasn't evolved that far
either, so they had so many problems they ended up doing it in the parking lot
with human beings, in those the body part didn't fit, there are large gaps on one
side, small gaps on other sides, they had electrical problems with the dash
control unit, some of them the doors are supposed to recognize you, you come in
and the door handles flip out because I got these hidden door handles, and of course
that broke too, isn't that a surprise, you put these gimmicks on cars that the
handles are hidden and then they pop out when you get close to it, come on now you
know right away you know five-year-olds impressed by you know little technology
like that, hey really my 94 Celica has kind of hidden door
handles, they're flush with the car and that leads it to the third
reason not to buy a Tesla, poor reliability and expensive repairs of
these things, nobody's going to know how to fix these Teslas other than at
the Tesla dealers right, you know about car repair, what's the most expensive
place that's going to charge you the most to get your car fixed, the dealer
of course, heck the last records I found, Tesla spends more money per car doing
warranty work then even mercedes-benz during the same period, and Mercedes
certainly isn't known for cheap repairs, even GM spends less money per car on
warranty repairs than Tesla does, that says something, and it certainly seems to say
something to the Tesla executives, in 2018 41 high-level executives quit and
left the company, and in the last 12 months 58 total high-level executives
have quit the company, now that included a lot of guys who had serious experience
in the car business, including the chief accountant, and hey if the accountant is
leaving, hey maybe he knows something more than even I know about this stuff
and there's not much future for me here, who knows how long they're gonna be
around, he does the actual figures, and let's face it, high executives they get paid a
lot of money, if they're leaving a job that pays them a lot of money, they're
kind of saying, well I'm not betting with Tesla on this one, I think I'll go work
somewhere else, because really we live in highly competitive times, global
worldwide economies, you put all your bank money especially with theirs on the
model three that they're gonna mass-produce, things can easily go
haywire, as an example they recently laid off a bunch of people, they want to save
money so they can make the price of the Model 3 lower, it was supposed to be like
a $35,000 car, but in reality you couldn't get them for less than $45,000
well hey if you're getting rid of people for a car that's already having problems
in the manufacturing, I don't see that as a good thing, now the last reason I'm
gonna give not to buy a Tesla, the whole notion of electric cars in our modern
society today, I got a friend in Canada to begin with, he lives in Canada so it's
really cold, well what happens there, if you know
anything about batteries, they lose a lot of their power when it gets really cold
outside, they can lose 30 to 40% of their capacity, so he found out that even
though he had the thing fully charged at one of these fancy stations that did it
with 240 volts instead of the 120 in the house, when it got up in the morning
he had 40% less mileage on the little readout than it's supposed to be when
it's fully charged, because it was so cold, and he said when he plugged it in
to his house at the 120, it was going to take five days to charge the car, he
did it for a few hours and found out it hardly did anything, because it was so
cold outside it was losing so much percentage of the electricity going in
that it was almost useless plugging it into his house, so he had to drive to one
of these 240 volt charging stations, and he told me when he was there, he got
lucky he got there and it took five hours to fully charge this thing there
it was so cold, and there were people that had other electric cars and they
were waiting behind him, and he said they kind of looked at him and glare at him and
one guy even said, are you almost done, are you
almost done, can you imagine if there were millions of people driving electric
cars and they had to wait for, bad enough to take five hours to charge their car, what
if there's three guys in front of you, you
know, and let's face it batteries are heavy, you make a
relatively large car like a Tesla, they're having little ones they have to
have bigger batteries to pull all that weight, that's just the law of
diminishing returns, to make it go better you put in a bigger battery, but the
bigger battery weighs more, so then it has to store more electricity to pull
itself, and it just turned into a vicious circle, which who wants to get involved
in that, you're probably better off always making smaller electric cars not big
monster ones, now sure the Tesla's have all kinds of power, their fancy one is
faster than a Dodge Challenger with a Hellcat engine in it, I mean they're
screaming because of electric motors have full torque all the time, as soon as
you turn them on they go off, they don't need to rev up like a car engine, but to
get all that power takes a lot of energy, and if people are getting an electric
car cuz they want efficiency and they want to have long ranges, you should go for
a lighter car, not a heavier car, and when you combine the heaviness with the high
price originally, and then the high price of repairs that they have a history of
already, I don't think it's a good idea to buy a Tesla today
I mean there's always gonna be rich guys out there, they want the biggest fastest
coolest thing you know, you see the Tesla's and movies and stuff like that
yeah that's certainly gonna be a market for the guy, but if you're talking about
a gigantic mass market, I think twice, it could have been the right idea at the
wrong time, implemented in the wrong fashion, because when it comes to cars
it's not just the idea behind them, it's the implementation of that idea, and if
it's implemented wrong, it can easily be a failure instead of a success, and with
all those high-level executives quitting Tesla, it may be the rats are jumping off
the ship before it completely sinks, now over the years I've had customers buy
new design cars that ended up failing and then they were stuck with a car that
wasn't worth that much money and had all kinds of problems
so me I'd stay away from the Tesla, if you're into electric cars I'd still wait
a few years to see where the chips are gonna fall, but I wouldn't be surprised
at all if people started driving electric cars around that were made in China
after all the Chinese already use over a hundred million electric scooters, and
they add 20 million each year, so there are obviously serious about mass
marketing electric vehicles, so if you never want to miss another one of my new
car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
INTRO / TATEN SIND LAUTER ALS WORTE x Jay Ova (Official HD Video) prod. J.Hautop & HP Mastering - Duration: 2:27.
'Get Tressed With Us' Podcast: Jennifer Lopez's Hairstylist Breaks Down Her 2019 Grammys Beauty Look - Duration: 3:10.
ÉNORME FARM D'ENDIUM (+ 500 graines)+ lvl 20 farmer - Episode 4 | PvP Faction Moddé - Paladium S5.6 - Duration: 15:28.
CANCER ♋, votre HOROSCOPE du 15 au 21 février 2019. - Duration: 6:06.
Photo noir et blanc : je cherche les bons sujets... 🧐🔍 - Duration: 5:37.
Jaume Munar saldrá de Buenos Aires con su mejor ranking - Duration: 1:08.
Jaume Munar y Roberto Carballés se unen al italiano Marco Cecchinato y al argentino Guido Pella en los cuartos de final del Abierto de Argentina, que pertenece a la categoría ATP 250 y se disputa en Buenos Aires
El balear logró el triunfo más valioso de su carrera al imponerse ante el italiano Fabio Fognini (15 del mundo y segundo favorito) en el último turno y se cita con Guido Pella en los cuartos de final
Munar, que está realizando su mejor temporada en el circuito ATP, consigue gracias a este triunfo salir del torneo argentino con su mejor ranking de siempre
Pella se impuso a su compatriota Leonardo Mayer (51) por 6-4, 1-6 y 7-6(5) para continuar en la búsqueda de su primer título que se le negó la semana pasada en Córdoba tras caer en la final ante Juan Ignacio Londero
A primer turno, el español Roberto Carballés se impuso con autoridad por 7-5 y 6-1 en una hora y 39 minutos ante el italiano Lorenzo Sonego (109)
Su próximo rival será Cecchinato (tercer favorito del torneo), que en la pista central Guillermo Vilas se impuso por 7-6(4) y 6-4 ante el chileno Christian Garín (93)
Este jueves se completará el cuadro de octavos de final con los cruces del austríaco Dominic Thiem (máximo favorito) ante el alemán Maximilian Marterer, el argentino Diego Schwartzman (máximo crédito local) contra el esloveno Aljaz Bedene, el uruguayo Pablo Cuevas frente al portugués João Sousa y en duelo de españoles Albert Ramos y David Ferrer
Los tenistas españoles son amplios dominadores de la historia de este torneo, ya que lograron nueve de las 18 ediciones: David Ferrer (2012, 2013 y 2014), Carlos Moyá (2003 y 2006), Tommy Robredo (2009), Juan Carlos Ferrero (2010), Nicolás Almagro (2011) y Rafa Nadal (2015)
LION ♌, votre HOROSCOPE du 15 au 21 février 2019. - Duration: 6:34.
TAUREAU ♉, votre HOROSCOPE du 15 au 21 février 2019. - Duration: 6:10.
Passo dopo passo sveglia il bambino disegnare e colorare Dragon ball I Pittura Dragon ball (Parte 4) - Duration: 4:25.
VIERGE ♍, votre HOROSCOPE du 15 au 21 février 2019. - Duration: 6:38.
GÉMEAUX ♊, votre HOROSCOPE du 15 au 21 février 2019. - Duration: 6:37.
SCORPION ♏, votre HOROSCOPE du 15 au 21 février 2019. - Duration: 6:24.
SAGITTAIRE ♐, votre HOROSCOPE du 15 au 21 février 2019. - Duration: 6:41.
BALANCE ♎, votre HOROSCOPE du 15 au 21 février 2019. - Duration: 5:55.
Mom Drops Her Ducklings From High Altitude.. Can They Fly? (Part 2) | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:33.
Two mandarin duck mothers'
10 eggs have hatched!
There's a riverside 4~500m away
With lots of places to hide and relax
Which means there's plenty of food as well
Mandarin ducks getting ready to move out
The people outside are getting ready as well with bubble wrap
What's a camera doing here
Checks the condition outside
Coolly throws the duckling out
Those watching are more nervous
Be careful
Successful first attempt!
Where'd you go?
Lands safely
The second duckling's turn
Does a cute dance when scared
takes the leap
Thank God for the bubble wrap
All of them fall from high altitude
The mother ducks join them
Producer acts as a crossing guard
Producers lend a helping hand~
The Beatles?
Finally, the river!
Royal Az - Very awkward question Camilla was asked by taxi driver - before marrying Charles - Duration: 3:01.
Today the Duchess of Cornwall held a reception for The London Taxi Drivers' Charity for Children (LTCFC) at Buckingham Palace
Dressed all in black, Camilla marked the occasion by arriving at the event in a London taxi
She claimed it was the first time she had been in the back of a taxi for "quite a long time" The 71-year-old mentioned this as part of an entertaining speech she gave at the reception, during which she also recalled the last time she had been in a taxi
Her speech was captured on camera by royal correspondent Rebecca English, who shared it on Twitter
In the video, Camilla revealed that her last taxi journey had taken place way back before she and Prince Charles married in 2005
She said: "I'm very, very pleased to have had a ride in a taxi here today. "I haven't been in a taxi for quite a long time but I used to spend many an hour chatting away to taxi drivers and the wonderful thing about taxi drivers is that they tell you exactly what's happening - there's nothing that you can't find out
"Actually, one once said to me, I remember when I was in the back of a cab, I don't think he realised who I was - it was long before I was married - and asked me what I thought about myself
" She added: "He was awfully charming and I gave him a huge tip." The crowd and Camilla both began cracking up at this point
Once everyone had calmed down, the duchess then finished her speech, informing everyone that she was "very proud" to be their patron
The LTCFC is a charity which is known for using convoys of London taxis to take children and their helpers for fun days out
The charity can be traced back to 1928 and the Duchess of Cornwall has been their patron for many years
In 2010, the charity's honorary chairman and press officer were invited to attend the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in acknowledgement of their work
Camilla also revealed in her speech that some of the children the charity work with have previously helped decorate the Christmas tree at her home with Prince Charles, Clarence House
NỬA ĐÊM CƯỜI VỚI DÒNG SÔNG - Duration: 4:40.
Fiancé (아낙네) - Mino (송민호) Dance Cover by LightN!N - Duration: 2:41.
Drip drip, tears fall
But you're not showing your beautiful self even once
This is too much
She's only cold to me, she's a famous hwayi
Where did all the stars of Seoul go? Oh, in your eyes
When you're with him you'll be in dystopia
If you follow my footsteps, it'll be utopia
Pretty woman
So high-class
No matter where I look, you're so pretty
My woman
Now I know
My woman
My blue bird
Hide carefully, my dear, my dear
Or else I'll find you, where are you, where are you?
I can't find you, my nightingale
I'm going where you are, I'm going
You're like a rice cake inside a painting, I'm drooling
You're my heroine, I'm your chewing gum, woo, let's boogie on & on
Sparks are flying, now I can breathe, I'm forever loyal to you
Beautiful you, so pretty, so pretty
Where my bitches at, my woman
I'm going
I'm going where you are, I'm going
✅ Musetti il baby dal braccio d'oro trionfa agli Australian Open - Duration: 4:23.
La nuova speranza del tennis italiano è un ragazzo di Carrara, si chiama Lorenzo Musetti, ha sedici anni (il 3 marzo ne compie 17) e nella sua categoria viene ritenuto un talento purissimo, lo conferma il 4° posto nel ranking mondiale
Ha vinto gli Australian Open, è il primo azzurrino nella storia a riuscirci e anche il più giovane nell'albo d'oro del torneo
Lorenzo ha cominciato a giocare a tennis con il padre, tennista amatoriale, nello scantinato della nonna, è cresciuto nel Circolo Tennis Spezia, il coach che lo ha formato è Simone Tartarini, frequenta il Liceo Linguistico, ha un idolo, ovviamente Federer: ha davanti tutta una vita per provarci
Per ora si è tolto la soddisfazione di ricevere il trofeo da un mito del tennis anni '80, Ivan Lendl, vincitore di otto titoli nel Grande Slam (3 Roland Garos, 3 Us Open e 2 Australian Open)
Musetti ha sconfitto in tre set l'americano di origini messicane Emilio Nava (numero 17 del ranking mondiale), dopo una partita giocata sul filo, ad alta tensione, ricca di emozioni e sempre in equilibrio
Il trionfo è arrivato al tie break, dopo una gara infinita, durata oltre le due ore
L'ultimo titolo italiano prima di quello conquistato da Musetti risaliva a Wimbledon 2013 con il successo di Gianluigi Quinzi
Musetti ha centrato un'impresa storica. Che però non arriva per caso
L'anno scorso il ragazzo – sempre sul cemento, ma degli Us Open – era arrivato in finale, sconfitto dal brasiliano Thiago Seyboth Wild
A fine gara Lorenzo ha liberato la sua felicità: «È stata un'emozione fantastica
Voglio ringraziare la mia famiglia, è davvero fantastico. La finale dello scorso anno a New York era stata una sorpresa e tutto sommato in pochi si aspettavano che potessi vincere
Stavolta invece era diverso, abbiamo lavorato duramente per arrivare qui e abbiamo ottenuto ciò che speravamo»
Prima di Musetti, negli ultimi anni, Thomas Fabbiano e Filippo Baldi si erano fermati in semifinale, rispettivamente nel 2007 e nel 2013
E' questo l'11° titolo junior (6 nella categoria maschile, 5 in quella femminile) in un Major conquistato da un tennista italiano in 18 finali giocate
E' un buon momento per il tennis italiano: Musetti in semifinale ha infatti battuto il connazionale Giulio Zeppieri con cui, tra l'altro, ha fatto coppia nel doppio (fermandosi a un passo dalla finale)
Sono in molti a pronosticargli una carriera ricca di soddisfazioni. Ha qualità e freschezza nel gioco, tempra e già una discreta personalità
L'anno scorso – il 2018 – il suo talento è sbocciato: oltre alla finale Us Open, si è aggiudicato il Trofeo Bayer internazionale Under 18 di Salsomaggiore e il Grade 1 «Allianz Kundler German Juniors» di Berlino
Ora il trionfo agli Australian Open. E' un predestinato, dovrà stare attento a non perdersi, lo aiuteranno un carattere già formato, i nervi di ghiaccio e la tranquillità con cui affronta ogni sfida
Breaking Celeb News | How K-pop star Tiffany Young gets her glow - Duration: 7:07.
Wish Mantra of Tara Goddess ☯ Green Tara Mantra for Wishes - Manthra (Mantra Shakti) - Duration: 12:29.
Jak vyměnit předních brzdové destičky na FIAT 500 ABARTH (312) [NÁVOD AUTODOC] - Duration: 4:44.
'의리녀' 아이유, 고3 팬 졸업식 깜짝 방문 '역시!' - KN Channel - Duration: 1:07.
'나 혼자 산다' 박나래, 스님도 놀란 '관세음보살상 미소' - Duration: 2:43.
'겨울왕국2', 베일 벗었다..파도에 맞선 엘사 주목↑ - KN Channel - Duration: 1:28.
【MLB】菊池雄星、ブルペンスロー動画が話題 米ファン「本当にボールを隠すのがうまい」 - Duration: 0:28.
マリナーズ・菊池雄星【写真:田口有史】マリナーズの公式ツイッターが菊池のブルペン動画を公開 西武からポスティングシステム(入札制度)でマリナーズに移籍した菊池雄星投手は13日(日本時間14日)、アリゾナ州ピオリアでのキャンプで初めてブルペン入りした。変化球を交え37球を投げ込んだルーキー左腕の投球フォームを球団公式ツイッターがスロー動画で公開している。 マリナーズ球団公式ツイッターは「華麗な動き」と見出しを付け、菊池のブルペン投球動画をスローモーションで公開。流れるような投球フォームに早くもファンから称賛の声が挙がっている。 「ボールがリリースされる直前まで死角に見せる彼のフォームが気に入った」 「ユウセイ・キクチがクマの昔の背番号(のユニフォーム)をうまく着こなしてるところが、いいじゃないか」 「彼がどれだけうまくボールを見せないようにしているか、見てごらんよ」 「ガンバッテ・キクチサン!」 「素晴らしい球だ。試合で勝ってくれよ!」 「クマって18番を着けてなかったっけ?」 「なんてこった、僕のお気に入りの選手は本当にボールを隠すのがうまい……この男を打ち崩すのは難しいよ」 「Dice-K?」 「これはめっちゃ素晴らしいな」 「この若者を気に入ったぞ」 米ファンたちがブルペンでのスロー動画で注目したのは菊池の投球フォーム。テークバックの際にボールの出所が分かりづらく「直前まで死角に見せる」「うまくボールを見せないようにしている」と称賛。メジャー1年目のルーキー左腕は早くもファンの心を掴んだようだ。(Full-Count編集部)
【MLB】菊池雄星、ブルペンスロー動画が話題 米ファン「本当にボールを隠すのがうまい」 - Duration: 0:28.
マリナーズ・菊池雄星【写真:田口有史】マリナーズの公式ツイッターが菊池のブルペン動画を公開 西武からポスティングシステム(入札制度)でマリナーズに移籍した菊池雄星投手は13日(日本時間14日)、アリゾナ州ピオリアでのキャンプで初めてブルペン入りした。変化球を交え37球を投げ込んだルーキー左腕の投球フォームを球団公式ツイッターがスロー動画で公開している。 マリナーズ球団公式ツイッターは「華麗な動き」と見出しを付け、菊池のブルペン投球動画をスローモーションで公開。流れるような投球フォームに早くもファンから称賛の声が挙がっている。 「ボールがリリースされる直前まで死角に見せる彼のフォームが気に入った」 「ユウセイ・キクチがクマの昔の背番号(のユニフォーム)をうまく着こなしてるところが、いいじゃないか」 「彼がどれだけうまくボールを見せないようにしているか、見てごらんよ」 「ガンバッテ・キクチサン!」 「素晴らしい球だ。試合で勝ってくれよ!」 「クマって18番を着けてなかったっけ?」 「なんてこった、僕のお気に入りの選手は本当にボールを隠すのがうまい……この男を打ち崩すのは難しいよ」 「Dice-K?」 「これはめっちゃ素晴らしいな」 「この若者を気に入ったぞ」 米ファンたちがブルペンでのスロー動画で注目したのは菊池の投球フォーム。テークバックの際にボールの出所が分かりづらく「直前まで死角に見せる」「うまくボールを見せないようにしている」と称賛。メジャー1年目のルーキー左腕は早くもファンの心を掴んだようだ。(Full-Count編集部)
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