Best Gifts For Valentine's Day 2019
Best And Low Cost Gifts For Lovers
Best Gifting Ideas
Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort + Navi 1e eigenaar - Duration: 1:21. For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.0i Comfort + Navi 1e eigenaar - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
猛批韓國瑜遭酸喝太多老醋 柯P:我講話比較直接 - Duration: 2:34.台北市長柯文 哲近期酸高 雄市長韓國 瑜的攤販經 濟
此外他還拋出 兩岸新論述
種種做法都有 和韓較勁的 意味。
韓國瑜昨天接 受媒體專訪 時直言
柯文哲近期可 能喝太多陳 年老醋
自己只是講話 比較直接
台北還是需要 主題式的產 業發展與長 期策略。
至於兩岸論述 部分
自己只是要尋 求國內共識
至於韓國瑜有 何說法
應該去問韓國 瑜本人。
柯上午出 席江南市場 大樓BOT 啟用典禮後
被問到對韓國 瑜昨天談話 有何看法? 柯說還好啦
自己只是講話 比較直接而 已;他強調
攤販經濟只是 整個台北經 濟的一部分 而已
但它不是主力 部分
目前整個台北 金流量大概 12.
佔全台灣三分 之一左右
但我們還是需 要主題式產 業發展
然後有比較長 期的策略。
韓(「兩岸一 家親」、
「你儂我儂」 )近日都提 出新的兩岸 觀點
媒體也追問柯 是否有較勁 的意味?柯 說「不會啦 !』
其實自己非常 清楚自己的 為人
他都是「對的 事情做
不對事情不要 做
還是做自己可 以處理的問 題。
自己的「 兩岸一家親 」之說
是否等同韓國 瑜的你儂我 儂?柯文哲 表示
「你儂我儂」 是什麼意思 應該要去問 韓國瑜
但「兩岸一家 親」只是跟 對岸表明「 我是友善的
我願意跟你交 朋友
我沒有要跟你 為敵
我先表明我的 態度」
現場記者 最後追問柯 是否覺得韓 國瑜的「你 儂我儂」適 合用在現今 兩岸關係? 柯說自己是 外科醫生
他比較不會注 重名詞
但提出一個標 題的人
還是應該要去 闡述標題底 下的內容是 什麼。
Audi A5 Sportback 1.8 TFSI Pro Line S | Sportback 2 x S-line | Navigatie | Xenon | LED | Facelift - Duration: 1:23. For more infomation >> Audi A5 Sportback 1.8 TFSI Pro Line S | Sportback 2 x S-line | Navigatie | Xenon | LED | Facelift - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
RETIENS CETTE SIMPLE PHRASE ! - Duration: 8:41. For more infomation >> RETIENS CETTE SIMPLE PHRASE ! - Duration: 8:41.-------------------------------------------
TURN couples | Rewrite The Stars - Duration: 3:43.Did you ever love me?
I chose because I was ready to die for my beliefs.
I will do what I must to protect you.
Even if that means protecting you from yourself.
Dialog om gröna näringar lockade många - Duration: 1:51. For more infomation >> Dialog om gröna näringar lockade många - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
中國龐大布局嚇到特朗普,此手段太高了 - Duration: 13:50.大戰在即
NTT DoCoMo躋身全球增長最快的公司。
話語權之爭 2008年
真正歹毒的「陰謀」! 容我先簡單普及下風水知識哈! 水的形狀在風水形煞上僅分為兩種:「有情水」和「無情水」!有情水包含:內環抱水、
必是大成格局! 無情水包含:反弓水、
至少占據30%的決定性作用! 我們先來看一下上海的水局! 上海灘
全杖其渾然天成的「大環抱之水」+「九曲環抱水」! 環抱有情水 從衛星地圖上看
緊緊環抱著整個上海灘! 黃浦江水龍脈 在風水原理上水流的流向是會帶動氣場
最後一條支龍! 我們稱之為「黃浦江龍脈」! 玉帶環腰+雙龍匯聚 在「黃浦江龍脈「這道」九曲來水「之中
當屬陸家嘴這個」環抱有情水「最為得力! 黃浦江水成橢圓形緊緊環抱著整個上海中心!我們稱之為「玉帶環腰」! 像這種天然而成的「環抱水局」還抱得這麼漂亮的
在中國沒有幾處! 而另一個更為關鍵的是
陸家嘴還正對著吳凇江的出口! 從上圖可見
正是「黃浦江龍脈」和「吳凇江龍脈」雙龍匯聚之處! 在風水上
同樣屬於有情水的大成格局! 但是「吳凇江龍脈」衝出江口後
上海東方明珠塔和上海國際會議中心怎麼把「吳凇江之龍」勾引過來玩一下再走! 哈哈!東方明珠塔和上海國際會議中心
然後再跟著大龍一起走! 此等渾然天成的至上水局
恐怕在全球的城市中唯有陸家嘴如此「得天獨厚」! 所以在上海
上一期《香港風水大戰》的主角「滙豐銀行」也早在1998年就在這塊「風水寶地」上占了一席之地! 不過滙豐銀行在這一期
第一主角登場!『上海環球金融中心』陰毒的心機婊 眾所周知
The 2005 CSCS Drag Racing Season! - (6 events) - Duration: 57:02.These are vintage CSCS import drag racing pictures and videos from 2005.
比尔·盖茨赞赏中国促进全球发展并关注科技创新 - Duration: 5:31. For more infomation >> 比尔·盖茨赞赏中国促进全球发展并关注科技创新 - Duration: 5:31.-------------------------------------------
My Talking Tom 2 NEW GAME Gameplay Day 33 - Tom Sing Song If You Happy And You Know! Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 12:17.Talking Tom 2
Sing Song If You Happy And You Know
New Mustangs top pre-season Supercars test - Duration: 2:47.The Tickford driver set his time right at the death, a 1m30.726s on his 76th and final lap of the day leaving him on top by 0
01s. The late time from Waters knocked Fabian Coulthard down to second in the Penske Mustang, the Kiwi having gone quickest with a little under 90 minutes to go
Chaz Mostert made it a Mustang top three with a best of 1m30.930s set 90 seconds from the end of the day
David Reynolds ended the test fourth fastest, but it wasn't entirely straightforward for his Erebus squad
The team was effectively kicked out of the test early in the afternoon after exceeding the 95 decibel noise limit a number of times and not being able to rectify the issue
Tickford Racing was warned about noise levels too, adding a cowling around the end of the exhaust so that its four cars could continue for the remainder of the test
Will Davison was fifth quickest on his return to the Tickford stable, while an early time from Scott Pye was shuffled down to sixth
Anton De Pasquale ended up seventh despite not running after Erebus was kicked out of the session, while Scott McLaughlin was eighth quickest, but did set a number of quick first sectors
James Courtney was ninth, while Lee Holdsworth capped off a promising day for Tickford in 10th
There wasn't a single Nissan in the Top 10, Rick Kelly the best of the Altimas – running a new engine upgrade – down in 13th
Even more surprising was a lack of Triple Eight hardware in the first 10, Shane van Gisbergen and Jamie Whincup 14th and 19th respectively
Mark Winterbottom split the factory T8 Holdens in his customer Commodore, ending the day 16th
Comment augmenter son Intelligence Financiere - Duration: 5:29. For more infomation >> Comment augmenter son Intelligence Financiere - Duration: 5:29.-------------------------------------------
Saint-Valentin: les vertus de l'huile essentielle de rose expliquées - Duration: 10:40.SAINT-VALENTIN - Le "Flower Power" ne s'arrête pas au bouquet. Poncif obligatoire en cette Saint-Valentin 2019, terriblement cliché certes mais impossiblement dispensable, la rose a des utilités et des vertus qui dépassent largement le cadre du vase dans lequel vous les laissez faner
Des vertus thérapeutiques et même aphrodisiaques sont trouvées à cette fleur depuis l'Antiquité par le biais de la naturopathie, notamment sous sa forme la plus concentrée: l'huile essentielle de rose
Lorsqu'on parle d'huile essentielle de rose, on parle surtout de la rose de Damas ou rosa damascena de son nom scientifique
Véritable "baume de l'âme" (mais aussi du corps) comme aime l'appeler Alice Jouchoux, naturopathe à Paris, la rose de Damas se retrouve même dans certains grands parfums comme Miss Dior par exemple
Plutôt qu'une trop classique fragrance, Le HuffPost a demandé à Alice Jouchoux comment utiliser la rose pour jeter de son huile (essentielle) sur le feu et enflammer votre soirée de Saint-Valentin
Si l'accent sera donc mis ici sur la rosa damascena, il convient tout de même de préciser que d'autres types de rose peuvent être distillés en huile essentielle
La rose de mai ou rosa centifolia a des propriétés similaires à la rose de Damas mais est surtout utilisée pour obtenir l'eau de rose, aussi appelée hydrolat
La rose musquée ou rosa canina qui est en réalité la fleur de l'églantier est beaucoup utilisée en cosmétique notamment dans des produits anti-âge
La rose de provins ou rosa gallica qui pousse notamment en France peut aussi servir à la fabrication d'une huile essentielle qui est cependant surtout utilisée en phytothérapie comme antidiarrhéique- "on sort donc légèrement du thème de la Saint-Valentin", s'amuse Alice Jouchoux
"Plus répandue, l'huile de rose de Damas sur laquelle nous allons nous concentrer ici est aussi l'une des plus chères" nous explique Alice Jouchoux avant de préciser qu'il faut compter cinq tonnes de pétales pour obtenir un seul litre d'huile essentielle, soit près de quatre millions de fleurs
Précieuse et capricieuse, la rose de Damas se cultive essentiellement en Bulgarie et en Turquie en altitude car elle ne supporte pas la chaleur ni les pesticides, "ce qui explique qu'il faudra compter soixante-dix euros environ pour un flacon de 2ml de ce précieux nectar", finit par glisser la naturopathe
"L'huile de rose de Damas est un neurotonique, son odeur agit directement sur l'hypothalamus et le système nerveux
Rien qu'en olfaction elle a de multiples vertus", commence Alice Jouchoux. Elle permettrait notamment de combattre la déprime, les angoisses et serait "très bénéfique pour le moral", assure la naturopathe
Mais ce serait aussi une panacée lorsqu'elle est utilisée en application cutanée
"Elle agit notamment comme un tonique général pour la peau du cou, elle est efficace aussi bien dans des cas de couperoses, de vergetures ou de brûlures grâce à ses propriétés astringentes qui vont resserrer les vaisseaux sanguins", détaille Alice Jouchoux
En 2017, des chercheurs ont analysé 13 études scientifiques visant à comprendre l'impact de l'huile essentielle de rose (la plupart sur des animaux)
Leur conclusion: des effets "de relaxation physiologique et psychologique, ainsi que des effets analgésiques et anti-anxiété" ont été observés
Les auteurs rappellent cependant que d'autres études sur plus de personnes sont nécessaires pour s'assurer de ces effets
"C'est une fleur très poétique parce qu'elle agit contre les signes du temps, c'est un véritable régénérateur tissulaire, cicatrisant, raffermissant et revitalisant
Mais elle a aussi un côté un peu mystique en étant réputée pour être aphrodisiaque, surtout pour les femmes", ose même la naturopathe Alice Jouchoux
"Parce que le gingembre et la maca, les aphrodisiaques naturels les plus connus, agissent plutôt chez l'homme
Ici la rose fonctionne plutôt chez la femme comme une équilibrante sexuelle et hormonale pour dynamiser la libido", explique l'experte
L'huile essentielle de rose de Damas peut être utilisée par voie olfactive (en respirant la fiole) ou cutanée
Pour une application sur la peau, l'huile doit toujours être diluée. S'il est également possible de l'utiliser en diffusion atmosphérique, "ce serait du gâchis vu son prix", nuance Alice Jouchoux
Quant aux marques les pus recommandables, Alice Jouchoux cite particulièrement les produits "Herbes et Traditions" et "Essenciagua
" De manière générale, la naturopathe recommande d'utiliser des huiles essentielles bio
Il suffit, pour s'en assurer, que soient indiqués sur le flacon le chémotype de la rose de Damas (sorte d'identifiant chimique listant les composants) et son nom scientifique en latin
S'agissant de la voie cutanée, notre naturopathe conseille d'en diluer quelques gouttes dans de l'huile végétale avant d'en masser votre corps ou celui de votre partenaire
Pour concocter ce mélange érotique Alice Jouchoux recommande de diluer et mélanger dix gouttes d'huile essentielle de rose de Damas (rosa damascena), deux gouttes d'huile essentielle de vanille (vanilla planifolia) et trois gouttes d'essence de néroli (de la fleur de bigaradier ou citrus aurantium) dans 50 cl d'huile végétale de noisette
Il est aussi possible de l'utiliser pour pimenter un bain romantique en veillant bien à diluer une goutte d'huile dans votre gel douche, l'huile pure et l'eau étant immiscibles
Pour des maux dermatologiques plus précis, appliquer l'huile diluée et imprégnée dans une compresse est aussi une solution
Quant aux éventuelles contre-indications, Alice Jouchoux insiste sur le fait de bien diluer l'huile avant toute utilisation
Non seulement une application directe reviendrait à gâcher un liquide coûteux, elle pourrait aussi s'avérer dangereuse
La naturopathe conseille également d'éviter d'ingérer l'huile essentielle de rose de Damas
"Toutes les huiles essentielles ne sont pas bonnes pour le foie", précise l'experte qui en proscrit aussi l'utilisation par des femmes enceintes dans leurs trois premiers mois de grossesse ainsi que des enfants de moins de trois ans
Enfin, afin d'éviter toute réaction allergique, Alice Jouchoux recommande de tester le produit en y appliquant une légère touche dans le coin du coude
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Tous les articles publiés sur Le HuffPost sont choisis et écrits en totale indépendance
Les experts interrogés sont également indépendants des marques ou produits qu'ils citent
En savoir plus. À voir également sur Le HuffPost :
Republican Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger and apos . s Air National Guard unit deployed to U.S. Mexico - Duration: 2:02.Republican Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger and apos . s Air National Guard unit deployed to U.S. Mexico
Illinois Rep. has been deployed to the U.S Mexico border with his Air National Guard unit, according to a statement posted on social media.
The Channahon Republican, whose 16th District stretches from Watseka, near the Indiana border, west to Dixon and north to Rockford and the Wisconsin border, was deployed earlier this week and is serving on active duty in his capacity as Lieutenant Colonel, the statement from spokeswoman Maura Gillespie reads. As with previous border missions while elected, the Congressman will stay within the United States.
The final moments of Rep. Adam Kinzingers might not have been so jarring if he had not spent the preceding 10 minutes talking about the need for Republicans and Democrats to communicate better about the partial government shutdown and the fraught issue of immigration.
Elected to Congress in 2010, Kinzinger is a pilot and has flown RC 26s for surveillance and reconnaissance, the Tribune has previously reported.
Hes at the U.S Mexico border at a time when President Donald Trump and Congress are wrangling over whether the government should build a massive border wall.
On that issue, Kinzinger wrote on his website: As a member of the Air National Guard, I work with officers on our southwest border and know firsthand how an unsecure border jeopardizes the security of our country.
I am committed to strengthening our border security, better enforcing our immigration laws, and targeting dangerous gangs such as MS 13. This can be done through physical and virtual barriers — including the use of reconnaissance drone aircraft, security cameras, and other technological instruments that help U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents effectively respond to border incursions.
During the recent federal government shutdown over the border wall issue, Kinzinger that Democrats and Republicans would have to compromise. Its just nobody wants to give anyone a win or anything else. Weve got to get past this or were going to continue in this stupid shutdown idiocy cycle for the rest of our time out here.
Lisa Donovan is the host of The Spin, the Tribunes politics newsletter. Sign up to have it delivered to your inbox weekday afternoons.
Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger has been deployed to the U.S Mexico border with his Air National Guard unit, according to a statement posted on social media.
The Channahon Republican, whose 16th District stretches from Watseka, near the Indiana border, west to Dixon and north to Rockford and the Wisconsin...
Gall Mann Ja ( Official Song ) || Abhi Payla || New Punjabi Songs 2019 || Valentine Day Special - Duration: 3:03. For more infomation >> Gall Mann Ja ( Official Song ) || Abhi Payla || New Punjabi Songs 2019 || Valentine Day Special - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
Actualité TV - Les éléphants d'Afrique, êtres massacrés... et sans défenses - Duration: 3:58. For more infomation >> Actualité TV - Les éléphants d'Afrique, êtres massacrés... et sans défenses - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
IL TALLONE D'ACHILLE (IN FACCIA) - 'STRISCIA' PUBBLICA I VIDEO IN CUI ACHILLE LAURO PRENDE A PUGNI E - Duration: 5:18.Il Festival di Sanremo si è concluso ormai da una settimana, ma le polemiche sembrano non voler finire
E ad infiammare il tutto ci pensa Striscia la Notizia. Il tg satirico, infatti, per tutta la kermesse canora ha messo sotto torchio cantanti, conduttori e canzoni
In particolare, l'attenzione è finita su Achille Lauro e sulla sua Rolls Royce. Di mezzo ci è finito pure un inno alla droga, prontamente smentito dall'artista
Ma ora il pressing va avanti. Il tg di Antonio Ricci, infatti, inguaia ancora di più Achille Lauro
Nell'ultima puntata di Striscia è stato mandato in onda un filmato che forse non ha bisogno di troppe interpetazioni
Il tg è andato a fare un po' di chiarezza nel passato del trapper. Tra concerti, interviste e serate, Achille non sempre si è presentato (e comportato) come un esempio per i giovani
Esempio per i giovani? Sì, lo ha detto lui a Domenica In. Da Mara Venier - tutto imbarazzato - si è augurato di diventare un esempio "per i giovani ragazzi"
Ma proprio questi giovani ragazzi - dimostra Striscia - sono stati malmenati e offesi dal palco dei suoi concerti
I video pubblicati da Striscia la Notizia sono da brividi. Impressionanti. In uno insulta un ragazzo fra il pubblico e gli urla dal microfono: "Ti ammazzo scemo (pausa per andargli a tirare qualche manata in faccia)
Non mi cacare il cazzo che ti ammazzo. Deficiente, ragazzino. Ragzzini di merda. Ragazzino stai zitto
A cuccia, mangiati una ciotola". Poi si passa al secondo video. Terrificante. Mentre canta, dal palco tira un calcio a una persona in prima fila
Non si sa bene dove l'abbia preso, ma lo ha preso. E poi gli fa pure il gesto stile "ma che cazzo vuoi?"
Ha ragione, quindi. Secondo lui ha fatto bene ha sferzargli un bel calcio. Ma non è finita qui
Perché durante un altro concerto, si supera. Sta cantando, vede qualcuno, scende dal palco e gli tira un pugno in faccia
Steso. Anchille Lauro si compiace da solo, ride, si sente bene ad aver fatto male ad una persona
E tutto soddisfatto, (ri)sale sul palco e urla sempre al microfono: "Scemi, domani pubblicità grazie a te"
Probabilmente la pubblicità della quale sta parlando è quella di finire su tutti i giornali per aver messo le mani addosso a un ragazzino
Forse. Perché non troviamo altra spiegazione alle sue parole. Ecco questi sono i video raccolti da Striscia
Questo è il passato (?) di Achille Lauro. Prima di diventare un esempio per i giovani
Ovviamente. cover
74 | Sourate "le revêtu d'un manteau" [al-mouddatthir] | Ach-Chatri | vostfr - Duration: 4:38. For more infomation >> 74 | Sourate "le revêtu d'un manteau" [al-mouddatthir] | Ach-Chatri | vostfr - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
Comment augmenter son Intelligence Financiere - Duration: 5:29. For more infomation >> Comment augmenter son Intelligence Financiere - Duration: 5:29.-------------------------------------------
TURN couples | Rewrite The Stars - Duration: 3:43.Did you ever love me?
I chose because I was ready to die for my beliefs.
I will do what I must to protect you.
Even if that means protecting you from yourself.
RETIENS CETTE SIMPLE PHRASE ! - Duration: 8:41. For more infomation >> RETIENS CETTE SIMPLE PHRASE ! - Duration: 8:41.-------------------------------------------
How to Network When You are an Introvert - Duration: 8:21.Hi! Is networking something that really intimidates you and scares you, and makes you feel like
you're about this big?
I get it.
As an introvert, networking is something that is not a comfortable experience to me.
It's not something that I enjoy and I do my best to avoid it.
Or I used to.
But now I've learned some tricks and tips to put myself out there and actually, do it
and semi-enjoy it.
But at the same time, I know that the results that I get from networking will really help
me in the long term to grow my business, and in the short term.
And it's much more effective for me to really hone in and connect with other entrepreneurs,
and actually connect with them so that they buy from me, they want to use my services,
and they get to know me more.
So, here's a few tricks and tips to help you to get better while you network.
And these can be used for any kind of networking scenario.
Whether you're in a 9-5 or you're just starting out as an entrepreneur or you're more established.
So, really networking is about preparation.
How can you prepare?
And this is very much starting at home.
So, work out what event you're going to and if there's any kind of small talk issues that
you can talk about, that you can have some common ground with someone, so that you actually
have some commonality of interest.
And you can do a little, you know, research a couple of articles or whatever, so you got
something to talk about.
Then really hone in your elevator pitch.
And honing your elevator pitch is, and I talk about this a lot, but basically it is saying
who you are and what you do in a couple of sentences.
And when you can say that, so you say it really fluidly, really simply.
So, it's two sentences that you have drummed into your head.
So, it might be you've written it out 5 or 10 times, maybe you've written it out a hundred times.
Whatever you need to do in order to get that into your brain so you remember it.
So, when someone says, 'What do you do?'
You can easily say, 'Hi I'm Lucy and this is what I do'.
And someone will go 'Oh great!
Oh fascinating.
I I've been looking for someone who could help me with this stuff.
So what exactly does that mean?'
And there the conversation can flow.
So, it's really important to hone in on those skills because it will help you.
It will really help you.
Because as much as I love online businesses, I really find that a lot of my clients come
from an offline situation.
So, they'll see me online and it kind of reaffirms and absolutely establishes the fact they want
to work with me.
But the initial connection, or it might be the online be this first but then it's reaffirmed
through meeting me offline.
And if they hadn't made that offline connection, they maybe wouldn't buy from me and want to
work with me.
So think about the ways that you can really hone in on who you are and what you do in
an offline situation.
So, when you are on your way to the event, start thinking about what I call the 5 Bs.
And one of which is thinking about your body language.
So, body language and how you are presenting yourself.
So, think about your eye contact.
Think about your smile.
Think about shoulders back because remember that actually in communication, 93% of communication
is non-verbal.
So, people make decisions very very quickly when they umm when they are in a situation
where they meet you.
So for the first 30 seconds they're kind of assessing you, and you want to be in a situation
where they assess you and they like you.
So, this is crucial.
Your eye contact, look at them, smile, firm handshake.
All of those things will help you to overcome that hurdle where they might look at you and
go, 'Uhh, no thanks".
And also, it's about tone of voice, so so sound as though you're excited and interested
to meet them.
Then it's very much about breathing because the breath is so important to help us stay
calm and confident.
So, breathe down.
I'm not going to touch coz I might fringe that.
But basically where your bra strap is or you imagine my bra strap is.
Basically, that's where your diaphragm is.
So breathe down into your bra strap, into your diaphragm and breathe deeply.
So it's kind of yoga breathing and do that so you're much calmer.
So, when it comes to introducing yourself or having to stand up, do some public speaking,
do it in a way where you can automatically have that conversation and you look confident.
You sound confident.
You're not breathy and high-pitched because when you're running out of breath, you get
higher pitch because you're running out of breath.
And also, your brain is becoming starved of oxygen so it begins to panic.
So you want to remove that level of panic.
You want to sound very calm and in control.
I'm going to have a breath now.
So then also, when you get there go to the toilet.
Make yourself as big as possible.
So stretch out, make yourself as big as possible.
And by making yourself big, you will tell yourself physiologically I'm big, I'm strong,
I'm powerful, I'm impressive.
And so something in your brain receptors will say, 'Oh okay, great.'
And they'll listen to you and they'll want to really, you know, feel like I'm powerful.
And that that message, that signal is also sent to other people so they're like, 'Oh',
and they take you more seriously.
And then, it's so we've covered the body language, we covered when you're on your way there,
listen to music to release the stress hormone cortisol.
So really, you know, have a think about playing some music, having a boogie, so that you just relax.
You feel much more calmer, much more confident.
And then, it's being yourself.
So be yourself.
You don't have to be perfect.
You don't have to let on everything is perfect.
Admit, you know, that you struggle with things so you'd like help with things.
But at the same time, do it in an authentic way where actually they feel like 'Oh I got
to know this person and the service that she's providing makes me think I like her, and I
want to work with her'.
So, all of those things are great for you to connect in to your audience, and help you
to really get to know them much more.
Because I was at a networking event yesterday, and we all had to stand up and introduce ourselves.
So in the room are of 20 women, about 5 were audible.
The rest of them were mumbling, were shy, were intimidated.
And as entrepreneurs, as women we need to stand up and be counted.
We need to stand up, let our voices be heard and put ourselves out there.
Because when we put ourselves out there, we're much more powerful, and people are much more
likely to buy from us.
So, put yourself out there.
If that's the resolution for now, put yourself out there.
Go to networking events.
Go to things where you feel intimidated.
You might say, I'm an introvert.
I can't do this.
I'm an introvert too.
You can't use that as an excuse not to put yourself out there.
Put yourself out there now and stop making excuses and go for it.
I'm going to love you and leave you.
I will speak to you soon.
Much love.
Nightcore - Devil (Jutes) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:46.This video includes lyrics on the screen
My Talking Tom 2 NEW GAME Gameplay Day 33 - Tom Sing Song If You Happy And You Know! Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 12:17.Talking Tom 2
Sing Song If You Happy And You Know
conseils pour débuter un business - Duration: 0:55. For more infomation >> conseils pour débuter un business - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Liverpool are new Spurs – and that makes title bid more difficult - Duration: 4:35.Anyone but Liverpool. It's a sentiment, a movement even, that has gathered momentum in recent weeks as supporters have become increasingly aware the Reds are very much capable of ending their 29-year wait to be crowned champions of England
Anyone but Liverpool. In some respects, it's the ultimate backhanded compliment, an acceptance Jurgen Klopp has fashioned a squad that can yank the Premier League crown out of the grasp of champions Manchester City
However, it does represents an issue that will make life that little bit more difficult for the Reds
And it's one of which Tottenham Hotspur, the other team involved in a three-way scrap for the title, are all too aware
Rewind three years. Spurs were in the mix for title during the closing weeks, yet almost every neutral was backing Leicester City to win the crown
That manifested itself most notably when Chelsea and their supporters delighted in delivering the final, killer blow to the twitching corpse of Tottenham's title bid
Of course, as London rivals and outgoing champions, Chelsea were more than motivated
And that's a case for two of Liverpool's natural rivals. Few would argue against the fact Everton fans would much sooner City – or indeed Tottenham – won the Premier League
And despite being neighbours, United supporters would rather City triumphed than see Liverpool lift the trophy
If that seems odd, Liverpool haven't won the title since 1990. City have won it three times this decade
United followers have become, if not quite immune, then anaesthetised to those next door leading the way
They'd find it difficult to swallow Anfield glory. But does this really matter? Well, given the fact Liverpool still have to go to Old Trafford and Goodison, it does a bit
City too must go to United, but potential FA Cup commitments mean that game could be switched to a date later in the season when less is riding on it for Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's side
Regardless, their fans will be keen for their side to spoil Liverpool's challenge
The boot has been on the other foot, with aspersions cast on several occasions. Back in 1992, Liverpool's 2-0 win effectively stopped United winning their first title in 25 years – they had to wait a further 12 months to end the wait – while in 2010 a poor 2-0 home defeat to Chelsea late in the season effectively curtailed another United challenge in favour of the Londoners
Most famous, though, was the time the Reds did United a favour, beating Blackburn Rovers 2-1 on the final day in 1995
United would have therefore won the title with victory at West Ham United, but could only draw 1-1
Jamie Carragher, speaking to ECHO this week, declared winning the title would be that much sweeter given the increasing numbers praying for the opposite
But he also believes there are many within the game who'd welcome the change an Anfield championship would bring
That was most certainly the case in 2014. Not that it benefited Liverpool. Ultimately, as has been proven in every other campaign, the task remains the same
Win your games. The rest is just noise – even if on some days it's going to be louder than others
Raconte-nous ton CrossFit Ep-7 : Le CrossFit de Loïc et Gwen - Duration: 3:44. For more infomation >> Raconte-nous ton CrossFit Ep-7 : Le CrossFit de Loïc et Gwen - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
Alain Juppé remplace Lionel Jospin et rejoint Laurent Fabius - Duration: 4:50. For more infomation >> Alain Juppé remplace Lionel Jospin et rejoint Laurent Fabius - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
Liverpool are new Spurs – and that makes title bid more difficult - Duration: 4:56.Anyone but Liverpool. It's a sentiment, a movement even, that has gathered momentum in recent weeks as supporters have become increasingly aware the Reds are very much capable of ending their 29-year wait to be crowned champions of England
Anyone but Liverpool. In some respects, it's the ultimate backhanded compliment, an acceptance Jurgen Klopp has fashioned a squad that can yank the Premier League crown out of the grasp of champions Manchester City
However, it does represents an issue that will make life that little bit more difficult for the Reds
And it's one of which Tottenham Hotspur, the other team involved in a three-way scrap for the title, are all too aware
Rewind three years. Spurs were in the mix for title during the closing weeks, yet almost every neutral was backing Leicester City to win the crown
That manifested itself most notably when Chelsea and their supporters delighted in delivering the final, killer blow to the twitching corpse of Tottenham's title bid
Of course, as London rivals and outgoing champions, Chelsea were more than motivated
And that's a case for two of Liverpool's natural rivals. Few would argue against the fact Everton fans would much sooner City – or indeed Tottenham – won the Premier League
And despite being neighbours, United supporters would rather City triumphed than see Liverpool lift the trophy
If that seems odd, Liverpool haven't won the title since 1990. City have won it three times this decade
United followers have become, if not quite immune, then anaesthetised to those next door leading the way
They'd find it difficult to swallow Anfield glory. But does this really matter? Well, given the fact Liverpool still have to go to Old Trafford and Goodison, it does a bit
City too must go to United, but potential FA Cup commitments mean that game could be switched to a date later in the season when less is riding on it for Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's side
Regardless, their fans will be keen for their side to spoil Liverpool's challenge
The boot has been on the other foot, with aspersions cast on several occasions. Back in 1992, Liverpool's 2-0 win effectively stopped United winning their first title in 25 years – they had to wait a further 12 months to end the wait – while in 2010 a poor 2-0 home defeat to Chelsea late in the season effectively curtailed another United challenge in favour of the Londoners
Most famous, though, was the time the Reds did United a favour, beating Blackburn Rovers 2-1 on the final day in 1995
United would have therefore won the title with victory at West Ham United, but could only draw 1-1
Jamie Carragher, speaking to ECHO this week, declared winning the title would be that much sweeter given the increasing numbers praying for the opposite
But he also believes there are many within the game who'd welcome the change an Anfield championship would bring
That was most certainly the case in 2014. Not that it benefited Liverpool. Ultimately, as has been proven in every other campaign, the task remains the same
Win your games. The rest is just noise – even if on some days it's going to be louder than others
Présentation du cours - Duration: 10:32. For more infomation >> Présentation du cours - Duration: 10:32.-------------------------------------------
UFC 234: Rob Whittaker says Kelvin Gastelum wearing a champion belt was "adorable" - Duration: 5:23. For more infomation >> UFC 234: Rob Whittaker says Kelvin Gastelum wearing a champion belt was "adorable" - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
The 2005 CSCS Drag Racing Season! - (6 events) - Duration: 57:02.These are vintage CSCS import drag racing pictures and videos from 2005.
Ilary Blasi beccata fuori dallo studio: senza trucco né luci, ecco com'è - Duration: 2:49. For more infomation >> Ilary Blasi beccata fuori dallo studio: senza trucco né luci, ecco com'è - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
Liverpool are new Spurs – and that makes title bid more difficult - Duration: 4:19.Anyone but Liverpool. It's a sentiment, a movement even, that has gathered momentum in recent weeks as supporters have become increasingly aware the Reds are very much capable of ending their 29-year wait to be crowned champions of England
Anyone but Liverpool. In some respects, it's the ultimate backhanded compliment, an acceptance Jurgen Klopp has fashioned a squad that can yank the Premier League crown out of the grasp of champions Manchester City
However, it does represents an issue that will make life that little bit more difficult for the Reds
And it's one of which Tottenham Hotspur, the other team involved in a three-way scrap for the title, are all too aware
Rewind three years. Spurs were in the mix for title during the closing weeks, yet almost every neutral was backing Leicester City to win the crown
That manifested itself most notably when Chelsea and their supporters delighted in delivering the final, killer blow to the twitching corpse of Tottenham's title bid
Of course, as London rivals and outgoing champions, Chelsea were more than motivated
And that's a case for two of Liverpool's natural rivals. Few would argue against the fact Everton fans would much sooner City – or indeed Tottenham – won the Premier League
And despite being neighbours, United supporters would rather City triumphed than see Liverpool lift the trophy
If that seems odd, Liverpool haven't won the title since 1990. City have won it three times this decade
United followers have become, if not quite immune, then anaesthetised to those next door leading the way
They'd find it difficult to swallow Anfield glory. But does this really matter? Well, given the fact Liverpool still have to go to Old Trafford and Goodison, it does a bit
City too must go to United, but potential FA Cup commitments mean that game could be switched to a date later in the season when less is riding on it for Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's side
Regardless, their fans will be keen for their side to spoil Liverpool's challenge
The boot has been on the other foot, with aspersions cast on several occasions. Back in 1992, Liverpool's 2-0 win effectively stopped United winning their first title in 25 years – they had to wait a further 12 months to end the wait – while in 2010 a poor 2-0 home defeat to Chelsea late in the season effectively curtailed another United challenge in favour of the Londoners
Most famous, though, was the time the Reds did United a favour, beating Blackburn Rovers 2-1 on the final day in 1995
United would have therefore won the title with victory at West Ham United, but could only draw 1-1
Jamie Carragher, speaking to ECHO this week, declared winning the title would be that much sweeter given the increasing numbers praying for the opposite
But he also believes there are many within the game who'd welcome the change an Anfield championship would bring
That was most certainly the case in 2014. Not that it benefited Liverpool. Ultimately, as has been proven in every other campaign, the task remains the same
Win your games. The rest is just noise – even if on some days it's going to be louder than others
Alain Juppé remplace Lionel Jospin et rejoint Laurent Fabius - Duration: 4:50. For more infomation >> Alain Juppé remplace Lionel Jospin et rejoint Laurent Fabius - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
毎日の家事*洗面化粧台 - Duration: 3:08. For more infomation >> 毎日の家事*洗面化粧台 - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Μετά τον Νίκο Μουτσινά έπαθε λουμπάγκο και η Μαριάννα Τουμασάτου | News | - Duration: 1:18.Πριν από λίγες ημέρες ο Νίκος Μουτσινάς αναγκάστηκε να διακόψει την παράσταση Βερβερίτσα που πρωταγωνιστεί, καθώς στο διάλειμμα έπαθε λουμπάγκο και δεν μπορούσε να συνεχίσει
Η φαρσοκωμωδία Βερβερίτσα δεν θα ανέβει μάλιστα ούτε αυτή την εβδομάδα, καθώς ο ρόλος είναι απαιτητικός και ο ηθοποιός και παρουσιαστής δεν έχει αναρρώσει ακόμη πλήρως
Μετά τον Νίκο Μουτσινά ωστόσο, λουμπάγκο έπαθε μια ακόμη Ελληνίδα ηθοποιός. Ο λόγος για τη Μαριάννα Τουμασάτου, η οποία θέλησε να κάνει την αποκάλυψη για το πρόβλημα που αντιμετωπίζει με την υγεία της, με μια χιουμοριστική ανάρτηση στα instastories
«Μαριάννα – λουμπάγκο: 0-1!!! Μην το αντιμετωπίσεις σαν ονοματεπώνυμο», έγραψε χαρακτηριστικά η Μαριάννα Τουμασάτου
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