Absolutely Beautiful Wildwood Lakefront Cottage's Salish Design
For more infomation >> Absolutely Beautiful Wildwood Lakefront Cottage's Salish Design - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
Mazda 2 1.5 Skyactiv-G GT-M - Duration: 1:14.
NTL Entertainment_Aquaman phiên bản đời thực - Duration: 0:26.
Om Nom Stories: Workout | Season 6 - Video Blog | Funny Cartoons For Children - Duration: 2:27.
Om Nom Stories - Workout
Man who shot 3 black men in Hurricane Katrina aftermath is sentenced - Daily News - Duration: 5:38.
A white man who admitted to shooting three black men in the chaotic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans has been sentenced to 10 years in prison
Roland Bourgeois Jr pleaded guilty to two federal criminal counts last October in a deal with prosecutors, ending a years-long legal battle that had been delayed more than a dozen times amid questions about the 56-year-old's mental and physical health
The defendant, who is in a wheelchair, was sentenced on Thursday by US District Judge Mary Ann Vial Lemmon
Bourgeois Jr was among several people prosecuted for using unjustifiable force against others after Hurricane Katrina tore through on August 29, 2005, leaving New Orleans without power and largely underwater from flooding caused by levee failures
Roughly three days after Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, Bourgeois Jr fired a shotgun at three black men who were trying to evacuate the Algiers Point neighborhood
One man, Donnell Herrington, was hit in his neck and back. Two others, Chris Collins and Marcel Alexander, were struck in their arms, legs and backs
Prosecutors said that Bourgeois Jr and others formed a vigilante neighborhood watch and had discussed gunning down black people to defend Algiers Point from 'outsiders' after the storm
Bourgeois Jr's conversations both before and after the shooting were laced with racial epithets, court filings said
His original indictment claimed he had told a black neighborhood resident: 'Anything coming up this street darker than a brown paper bag is getting shot
' After he shot the men, Bourgeois Jr allegedly bragged that he 'got one' and threatened to 'kill that n*****' if he learned that the victim had survived
He also displayed a bloody baseball cap that fell off Herrington's head during the attack as if it were a trophy, according to documents Bourgeois Jr signed when pleading guilty
Share this article Share Defense attorney Valerie Welz Jusselin argued for a five-year sentence in court Thursday, noting her client's frail health
She placed part of the blame for his behavior on the rampant confusion and fear that gripped the city after the storm, and said even trained police officers mistakenly believed that martial law was in effect and that they had license to shoot at will at suspected looters
Federal prosecutor Mary Hahn dismissed that characterization of the circumstances, noting that the men Bourgeois shot were headed for a ferry, hoping to evacuate the city, not looters
She also emphasized evidence of Bourgeois' hate-filled statements and his waving around of Herrington's bloody cap
'This was a premeditated attempt to kill,' Hahn said.Bourgeois Jr was indicted in 2010 and was freed on bond before being jailed again in August 2017 for violating the conditions of his release
According to court documents, at the time of his bond violation, US Marshals recovered 10 rifles and seven handguns from the residence where he was living
Bourgeois Jr avoided going to trial by pleading guilty to charges of 'interference with rights' and 'use of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence' last fall
Under the plea agreement, his prison sentence would be at least five years and at most 10 years
In addition to the Bourgeois matter, other cases arising from post-Katrina violence included the deadly shooting by police officers of unarmed civilians at the Danziger bridge in the days after the storm - a case that led to eventual guilty pleas from several officers during a long and complicated court case
In an unrelated post-Katrina case, five other officers were tried on charges related to the death of 31-year-old Henry Glover, who was fatally shot outside a strip mall before his body was burned
The officer who burned the body was the only one who stood convicted when the case was over
The officer who fatally shot Glover was convicted of manslaughter but was later acquitted by another jury after an appeals court awarded him a new trial
[FREE] Gunna x Metro Boomin Type Beat - Motion | 2019 - Duration: 3:55.
[FREE] Gunna x Metro Boomin Type Beat - Motion | 2019
Cardi B Grinds On Offset & Wears Engagement Ring For 1st Time Since Reconciliation - Duration: 3:43.
What We Bought At Costco | Storytime - Duration: 3:05.
Hey guys, welcome back to my channel and welcome if you're new.
Today, I'm just going to be talking about my small (little) experience with Costco.
So I really love chocolate covered strawberries.
I do not do them myself at home.
We did once last year and maybe once the year before that.
So we'll do that from time to time, but I just prefer buying them sometimes.
Being that it's February, usually you can find them very easily compared to the rest
of the year.
We found out that Costco was having some or selling some at a decent price.
We were like "yes, we're gonna get chocolate covered strawberries, I love them".
So today, we bought them yesterday, when I went to eat them, this is what happened.
I was super excited to have some, so I served myself three.
One in a bowl, two, three.
When I come to this third one, and I put it at the top of my small bowl,
I sit down on the couch, I'm about to eat them...
We bought them yesterday and that looks like that.
Sell by 02/14, we bought them 02/13, so they should have been absolutely fine.
You know I was gonna eat three with lunch, don't judge, maybe three with dinner.
But still, when I go to put them back because I want to return it for this one, I come over
here (sorry about the lighting, let me see if I can get that for you guys) and I see
that one.
So no, I will not be eating any of the good ones, and yes, I will be returning it.
So, I just...
I don't understand.
I feel like it was kind of hidden because one is in the corner and you can't really
see it when you're looking into the box, and the other one was covered up because it was
on the bottom side.
So, I just... I don't know.
Obviously, whenever you take something back to Costco with the receipt they're always
willing to refund you, so I don't have a problem with that.
It's like, oh my goodness, I was so excited to have chocolate covered strawberries and
that didn't happen.
So will I make them at home, probably?
Guys, are you ever like super, super excited to finally have one of your favorite things
and then it just goes wrong?
Have you guys ever reached into a fridge for like a bottle of sprite and when you open
it it's been water or it has no fizz?
Something like that.
So that's about it for today.
I will be doing some shopping.
I will see you guys in the next video.
Thanks for watching.
ハリウッド版実写「君の名は。」監督は「(500)日のサマー」マーク・ウェブに決定! - Duration: 3:14.
マーク・ウェブ監 がメガホンをとる [映画. om ニュース] 全世界での累計興 収入400億円を 録した新海誠監督 「君の名は
」をハリウッドで 写映画として製作 る企画(タイトル 定)のメガホンを 「(500)日の マー」「アメイジ グ・スパイダーマ 」のマーク・ウェ 監督がとることに った
配給大手・東 が米パラマウント ピクチャーズ、J J・エイブラムス 製作会社バッド・ ボットと共同で開 を進めている今作 、田舎に住むネイ ィブアメリカンの 女とシカゴに住む 年が、お互いの体 入れ替わる不思議 現象を体験すると ろから物語が始ま
そして来るべき災 を予知したふたり 、その命を救おう 相手に会いにいく …というストーリ になる
エイブラムス ともにリンジー・ ェバーがプロデュ スを担当し、脚本 「メッセージ」で カデミー賞脚色賞 ノミネートされた リック・ハイセラ が執筆する
オリジナル版のプ デューサーだった 村元気氏も、今作 プロデュースに参 している。
Donald Tusk voit "une place spéciale en enfer" pour les promoteurs du Brexit - Duration: 4:42.
(Joshua) Trump s'endort pendant le discours du président et devient symbole de la "résistance" - Duration: 4:23.
How Massachusetts prisons are trying to combat K-2 drug smuggling - Duration: 3:27.
(Eng sub) MOMOLAND(모모랜드) 'Ahin'(아인) "마지막으로 교복입는 날이라 아쉬워요" (서울공연예고 졸업식) [통통TV] - Duration: 1:22.
Ahin of Momoland's graduation photo wall
Microphone please
Hello! I'm Ahin of Momoland
who is graduating today
Today we...
are wearing our school uniforms for the last time
I feel quite sad
but today I'll
spend nice time with my friends
and teachers
To everyone who graduates this year
Thank you
Run BTS! 2019 EP - 63 - Duration: 28:13.
10 | Hotel Talk_1 #Check-In #TravelingKorea (Eng/Span/Viet Sub.) - Duration: 2:32.
We are in a hotel.
Let's check in together.
Hello! Welcome to TalkingKorea Hotel.
How can I help you?
Hello! How can I help you?
I made a reservation under my name, Sori.
I booked it by internet.
And I already paid.
How long will you stay, Ma'am?
I booked one night, two days.
I'll sleep only one day.
So, put "만" after "하루".
I'll sleep only one day.
Thank you.
장도연에게 고백했다 거절 당하자 봉산탈춤 춘 조세호 - Duration: 2:44.
Top Barbie Hairstyles That You Can Try Too Barbie Dolls Hair Tutorials - Duration: 11:39.
Top Barbie Hairstyles That You Can Try Too - Barbie Dolls Hair Tutorials
Thank you for watching!
Hope you enjoy this video!
"이런 XX, 조동아리만 확 베서 똥물에 튀긴다?" 신은경 앞에서 '쌍욕 스웨그' 쏟아낸 김수미 - Duration: 2:57.
"이런 XX, 조동아리만 확 베서 똥물에 튀긴다?" 신은경 앞에서 '쌍욕 스웨그' 쏟아낸 김수미
SBS '황후의 품격'에 등장한 김수미가 찰진 '쌍욕'을 선보였다.
지난 14일 방송된 SBS '황후의 품격'에서는 태후 강씨 신은경 앞에 나타난 김수미의 모습이 그려졌다.
이날 태후 강씨(신은경 분)는 자신의 비밀이 가득한 청금도의 땅 주인을 찾아오라고 지시했고 그의 앞에는 사군자(김수미 분)가 등장했다.
사군자는 등장부터 화려했다. 그녀는 자신을 가르치려는 최 팀장(이수련 분) 앞에서 "이런 XX.
어디 대가리에 흰머리도 안난 것이 조동아리를 함부로 놀리냐. 확 강냉이를 털어서 임플란트 심기 전에 나가라"라고 소리쳤다.
놀란 나머지 단상 뒤로 숨은 태후는 "감히 누구한테? 나 태후야! 대한제국 태후야! 당신이 상전으로 모시던 사람이라고"라며 당황함을 애써 숨겼다.
이에 굴하지 않은 사군자는 "왕년에 나이트 죽순이로 모셨지"라고 받아쳤다.
사실 젊은 시절 태후는 황실 모르게 밤마다 밖을 나갔었고, 사군자는 그런 태후의 훈육을 맡았던 것.
사군자의 등장에 태후가 당황한 이유는 바로 자신의 과거가 공개될까 봐 두려워서였다.
당황한 태후 앞에서 사군자는 "나이트 죽순이로 소문낼까 봐 누명 씌워서 내보냈잖아"라며 사과를 요구했다.
하지만 태후는 "무슨 사과를 바라냐"며 오히려 역정을 냈고 사군자의 분노는 극에 치달았다.
사군자는 "아직도 내가 너 따까리인 줄 아냐? 너 조동아리 조심해라.
계속 조동아리 놀리면 요기만 살짝 베서 살살 끓는 똥물에 튀긴다"라며 막말을 쏟아낸 뒤 유유히 자리를 떠났다.
등장하자마자 '쌍욕 스웨그'를 내뿜으며 시청자들에게 큰 웃음을 안겨준 김수미의 모습을 아래 영상에서 확인해보자.
남편이 다른 여성과 데이트 했으면 좋겠다고 말한 김수미 - Duration: 2:31.
Acoustic Hard Rock - Bon Jovi, Scorpions, AC/DC, Guns N' Roses Best Songs - Duration: 1:09:56.
Thanks for watching my video! Participate in my channel on social sites (Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc ...) so more people can hear and have fun! Thank you for reading and having a great day!
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