BREAKING: Police barricaded INEC office in Rivers
Some police officials on Thursday, February 14, barricaded the entrance to the Rivers state headquarters of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Port Harcourt.
Added to this, security agents mounted a blockade across the road near INEC's office in the state, Sahara Reporters reports.
The development, as it is claimed, may be linked with the proposed protest of members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Rivers following the nullification of the party's primaries by court order, leading to the exclusion of their candidates from the general polls.
For more infomation >> BREAKING: Police barricaded INEC office in Rivers - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
খরাপ সময়ে এই একটি কথা ভুলবেন না || Motivational video for success in life || শেষ বিন্দু - Duration: 2:37.
[Eng] VIVA LA VIDA ep.1 Boston - Duration: 6:13.
Hi! Guys! It`s the violinist Ji-Hae Park!
Since last winter I've been to a lot of places again and
I am grateful that they were done well. (relieved... ^^)
Sometimes I `ve been thinking it is a pitty that
I haven't done much so far, apart from leaving one or two pictures.~
SNS shows us what you did two or three years ago around this time.
There were so many scenes I wanted to keep in my memory. Now I regret that I didn`t keep that much, especially for me..
especially for me.. So even if it is not professionally made,
I`d like to make videos about my concerts& travels in a form of VLog.
The first episode is about the four-day journey to Boston where flew to last January.
Let`s watch it first!^^
There is no direct flight from Korea to Boston. So
It took about 20 hours to fly.
There was the rehearsals on the next day.. I felt like...
Where am I,, Who am I...
As soon as I got there, I had a meeting with the conductor, and then the rehearsals right after... oh my God..
The piece I had to play was Waxman`s Carmen fantasy.. That piece of all pieces!
Of course, there are many pieces that are profound and musically difficult to interpret,
but this pieces is technically virtuose and tricky,
I've got to get my fingers going really fast etc.. But I was still like on the airplane.
We say Boston is with lots of snow!
I was a little worried because I have been listening to the news about the heavy snowfall in the eastern part of the U.S.
I was worried that the concert will be canceled or differed..
Thank God, it was not canceled! But since the weather forecast said it was going to be icy,
I was worried a lot that nobody would come.. but a lot of people came.~
What I think really grateful, was there was the encore request.^^
So I can't pass without Arirang.
So, before I played, I got the chance to introduce the song .
To had this chance, meant a lot to me.
And the fact that I could perform Arirang with the city orchestra overseas has given me great meaning.
So I was really really grateful.
I really wanted to talk about the couple on the video.
There's wonderful man and woman on the video, who is actually a judge who's been helping me.
He's in a great position in the society, but he and his wife helped me devotedley!
I really envy and respect them for being such a good and bumble person.
I just wanted to say thank you again for this.
My last concert was a talk concert in a form of TED for an hour and a half.
(Mr Tamasi (who invited me) invited a lot of heartbroken people.)
So I remember praying hotter than ever before and going up.
What's so sad was I've come all the way there, and I've never had the time to look around.
though I was told this place is famous for being the place of celebrities.
But on the last day, the next day after the performance, we should have flown right away, but
the flight was canceled all the sudden!
Because of the ice storm... it was canceled and that was it.
All flights were canceled.
There was nothing that I could do. I just had to come back to the hotel that I checked out.
But! That was the opportunity to make another fun and beautiful memories! ^^
I can't take any pictures because usually I don't care about my hair at all and don`t make-up... lol
So I got a day off and having wonderful ad-hoc holiday!
The moment we start to record,
My feet were completely frozen...
Những Sự Thật Thú Vị Về Thần Tượng Đại Gia Giang Hồ Trẻ Nhất Việt Nam Mới Nổi Khá Bảnh Bắc Ninh - Duration: 12:09.
Kha Banh Dai Ca Giang Ho Tre Nhat Viet Nam
Apex Legends Highlight Video Bangalore - Duration: 6:08.
Hey everybody if you enjoy the video feel free to
subscribe and click on the bells so you receive a
notification whenever I release new content enjoy
that's not posted close to you What is it I got your back and I love these
guns did
So get out there to get a friend Yeah
let's fall back fall back fall back to the uh
stairs something heads up big
Gotta love it recharging my shields all unique it
work guys down
the other team that was up on the Hill something that came out of the Park that they
have to come down so if though get snipes and obviously the
two of us
and hopefully it will fall back on this cabin we
get a good vantage point we checked the game grow five let's close all the doors so guys
down orbit are you inside the House
This way oh why she close
let's rush to the House uh so we can get there first
The close by the close by Charles one
Oregon down to tire
got him free loading
loading my
Not enough I don't have long range weapon so so I
mean I can't brick
For a full backwards pull back pull back pull back oh my gosh right in the Middle of it
Rick How much trouble how much trouble on the trouble
in trouble Oh I see him
right here Danger of collapse
Fallback fallback He's up for the rock
I got you I got you I got you right here over here
I got him a free Calling my special
I got him sweet only 19 bullets left to free Every round sweet
Target reloading
Yeah I got him I got him Up top up top
ss wheat well done dude well done okay
Have taken trying to stuff they need recharging my shields heads up
Right almost got him a gallery yes
Well done boys you
a pax champion guys Orbit five kills would undo
Can we go this We'll
go to my friend and see you right here Confirmed
power force not copy in the records the last squad rather
where are they oh yellow thing over here oh there he is
No we gotta get them please yes oh my gosh I'm
gonna had that kill Frank dude why you shouldn't throw
Dude to Institute is a great squad
I think I see a guy right there
I'm always worry about doing those apart I didn't
have to do that like me over here but whatever
okay I'm getting out of that okay come off you wanna flanked him I might
be able to keep them busy
Some of the damage about you loving I
got him reloading
data target really loading You got em orbit
we got across the Street come I'm gonna go for the kill
And the killers sweet I just lost an entire units
in the alleys no sweeter three oh one
What's Actually in a Kit Kat? The Candy Bars Have a Surprising Ingredient in Their Filling - Live N - Duration: 3:05.
Think you know what's inside a ? Think again! Though the popular candy bars are billed as chocolate-covered wafer bars, it turns out you're not just diving into a classy cookie when you take a bite of one of the sweet creations
As it turns out, a BBC 2 show called Inside the Factory that went behind the scenes at the Nestlé plant in York, England, revealed a little-known fact about the beloved candy bars – the crispy wafers are stuffed with crushed-up s
In other words, s are filled with other s. How's that for meta?! The revelation came about when presenter Gregg Wallace inquired about what happens to all of the broken confections
"They go into re-work, where they're used for the fillings for the wafer," a factory worker dished
Though the show, which profiles different food factories in Britain, was initially released in 2015, a recent re-airing of it has ignited the conversation all over again
As one confounded Twitter user put it: "The inside a Kit-Kat bar is crushed up Kit-Kat bars which makes you wonder how the first Kit-Kat bar was ever made
" Pondered another: "Wait, the filling is ground-up ?" However, as Today Food pointed out, the production process for s in the U
K. is likely not identical to the one that occurs in the United States. That's because s across the pond are manufactured by Nestlé, while the bars sold stateside are made by Hershey
Still, the American candy producer remained frustratingly tight-lipped when asked about the inner workings of a , telling the outlet, "While we make and sell bars in the U
S. under a global license from Nestlé, the manufacturing process for is proprietary under this license
" A Nestlé U.K.spokesperson was only slightly more helpful, adding: "To clarify, the 'chocolayer' — the filling between the wafer of a — is made from cocoa liquor, sugar and a small amount of re-worked
" The rep then added, perhaps preemptively: "Please note, re-worked is a product which cannot be sold
" Tell Us: Are you surprised by what's actually inside of a ?
Grand débat: L. Wauquiez saisit le CSA - Duration: 5:01.
Affaire Christope Dettinger : un nouveau combat judiciaire ? - Duration: 2:04.
Breaking Celeb News | Cryptic tweets, 'f–ksticks' after Jay Glazer predicts Odell Beckham trade - Duration: 2:33.
Idon'twannabeyouanymore // ELSA - Duration: 1:23.
あの少女時代が脱いだ!! 美貌&白肌以上に注目を集めたテヨンの"意外なボリューム感" - Duration: 3:01.
日本をはじめアジ で人気の高いK-P Pガールズグループ 女時代のテヨンが、 着姿を披露して話題 集めている。 【 像】少女時代も!! 韓国女性芸能人の" クシーすぎるタトゥ TOP5" 少女 代といえば、デビュ 10周年を迎えた2 17年にティファニ 、スヨン、ソヒョン 所属事務所(SMエ ターテインメント) 再契約をせず、"解 "がささやかれた
それでも201 年9月には、テヨン サニー、ヒョヨン、 リ、ユナが参加する 女時代の新ユニット 少女時代-Oh!G 」が発足し、シング アルバム『Lil' Touch』を公開 た
少女時代健在を ピールしたわけだ。 さらにソロ活動も 実している。テヨン ソロ歌手として存在 を放っているだけで く、ユーチューバー しても注目されてい 。 そんなテヨン 2月13日、自身の ーチューブチャンネ に「バンコクで会っ テヨンコンサート」 いうタイトルの動画 アップした
その動画でテヨ は、野外プールで楽 いひとときを過ごし いる。 何よりも い水着を着用したそ 体つきは、無駄肉が いだけでなく、意外 ボリューム感で注目 集めた
白い肌と清純な美貌 健在だった。 昨 12月にはタイやシ ガポールでコンサー を行ったテヨン。今 も少女時代らしい存 感を示していきそう 。 (画像=テヨン ouTubeチャン ル) (画像=テヨ YouTubeチャ ネル) (画像=テ ンYouTubeチ ンネル) (画像= ヨンYouTube ャンネル) (文 S-KOREA編集 ) (画像=テヨン ouTubeチャン ル)
Karine Le Marchand se confie sur sa vie amoureuse - Duration: 4:19.
Déplacement du coffre-fort de Alexandre Benalla: révélation - Duration: 11:05.
Déplacement du coffre-fort de Alexandre Benalla: révélation - Duration: 3:21.
千鳥ノブ「ぐるナイ」ゴチバトルでピタリ賞獲得 賞金100万の使い道は?<コメント到着> - Kyo News - Duration: 2:32.
Mexique: 1.700 migrants latinos arrivés à la frontière américaine - Duration: 4:05.
Israël: féministe et de gauche, une candidate ultra-orthodoxe bouscule les préjugés - Duration: 8:19.
La violence fait rage en Haïti - Duration: 2:42.
Comment Fonctionne Le Régime De Semi-liberté Dont Va Bénéficier Christophe Dettinger ? - Duration: 2:54.
Grand débat: L. Wauquiez saisit le CSA - Duration: 5:01.
Affaire Christope Dettinger : un nouveau combat judiciaire ? - Duration: 2:04.
Families hit by ALS say more awareness is still needed for the disease - Duration: 3:49.
Idon'twannabeyouanymore // ELSA - Duration: 1:23.
Academy clarifies plan for Oscars - Duration: 2:51.
JUST WATCHEDOscars 2019: See who's nominatedReplayMore Videos .MUST WATCH Oscars 2019: See who's nominated 01:29 (CNN)The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is reportedly trying to quell controversy regarding the upcoming Oscars
According to Variety, the board of governors has sent a letter to the Academy's membership regarding four categories -- cinematography, live action short, film editing, and makeup and hairstyling -- being awarded during commercial breaks
"As the Academy's officers, we'd like to assure you that no award category at the 91st Oscars ceremony will be presented in a manner that depicts the achievements of its nominees and winners as less than any others," the letter said
"Unfortunately, as the result of inaccurate reporting and social media posts, there has been a chain of misinformation that has understandably upset many Academy members
We'd like to restate and explain the plans for presenting the awards, as endorsed by the Academy's Board of Governors
"The action came after a group of high profile filmmakers reportedly sent an open letter to the Academy's president, John Bailey
"Since its inception, the Academy Awards telecast has been altered over time to keep the format fresh, but never by sacrificing the integrity of the Academy's original mission," the letter said
"When the recognition of those responsible for the creation of outstanding cinema is being diminished by the very institution whose purpose it is to protect it, then we are no longer upholding the spirit of the Academy's promise to celebrate film as a collaborative art form
"Read MoreAccording to the letter sent to the membership, all 24 Oscar categories will be presented on stage in the Dolby Theatre and included in the broadcast
The letter also stated that the four categories "were volunteered by their branches to have their nominees and winners announced by presenters, and included later in the broadcast
Time spent walking to the stage and off, will be edited out."The Academy will in the future potentially select four to six categories for rotation, the letter stated
The winners speeches from this year's categories will be included in the broadcast
"We sincerely believe you will be pleased with the show, and look forward to celebrating a great year in movies with all Academy members and with the rest of the world," the letter to the members said
The 91st Academy Awards will air live on ABC Sunday, February 24.
Numbers 1 to 10 | Learn to Count - Duration: 2:36.
Wearing a nappy in public prank #2 - Duration: 6:27.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer tutoring Manchester United strikers in extra training sessions - Duration: 3:31.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has held private after-training sessions with his Manchester United forwards in a bid to help them adapt to his tactics
The Norwegian has delegated training duties to Michael Carrick and Kieran McKenna since taking charge at Old Trafford, preferring instead to observe sessions
The 45-year-old has transformed United's style of play since replacing Jose Mourinho in mid-December and has placed more demand on his forward players, who he wants to press high up the pitch when his side are without the ball
Solskjaer has favoured a front three of Anthony Martial, Marcus Rashford and Jesse Lingard at Old Trafford and the trio have helped to reestablish United as a counter-attacking side
However, Solskjaer feels there's still plenty of improvement to be made and Metro understands he's been taking sessions with his forward players after training to help them improve on their positional play, anticipation and movement
Mourinho favoured Romelu Lukaku in a central role at Old Trafford and the Belgian in particular became accustomed to playing with his back to goal but Solskjaer wants his strikers to play on the half-turn in order to be ready to turn defence into attack within moments
The sessions have only lasted around 15 to 20 minutes each time but are another clear indication of Solskjaer's hands-on approach to improving the United squad, something that was lacking in his predecessor Mourinho
Solskjaer lauded Kylian Mbappe's movement for Paris Saint-Germain's second goal at Old Trafford on Tuesday and says his strikers failed to match the Frenchman's willingness to get into the box
'There was a couple of times down our right-hand side we created something, but we never filled the box
Runs into the box, run in to get a tap-in like Mbappe did for his goal,' said Solskjaer
'The second goal, that was quality by them. The ground he makes up that boy [Mbappe] to get into the box is for all the strikers that want to be out there, that's how to get into the box and get those five or six extra goals
I've been talking about how our strikers should try to get that.' Solskjaer is fond of Martial and was delighted to see the Frenchman sign a new five-year deal but he made it clear to the winger that he needs to make more runs into the box to boost his scoring figures
'I'd like him to make a few more runs in behind because he doesn't miss chances,' said Solskjaer
'He's a fantastic finisher. He needs to get more chances, you've got to read and sniff maybe [score] some scruffy goals at times
'Him and Marcus score loads of 'worldie' goals but those tap-ins and making them runs could go a long way to do that [boosting his scoring figures]
Voici pourquoi le vinaigre de cidre est excellent pour les cheveux - Duration: 3:53.
Le vinaigre de cidre de pomme n'a pas pour seule utilité d'assaisonner les salades.
Il peut être également un excellent allié beauté et à plus forte raison un booster capillaire.
Que vos cheveux soient ternes, emmêlés ou clairsemés, le vinaigre de cidre de pomme est un remède naturel pour votre crinière en détresse.
Voici comment utiliser cet élixir pour retrouver une chevelure saine et belle.
Saviez-vous que le vinaigre de cidre de pomme pouvait être la clé contre de nombreux problèmes capillaires ? Réputé pour ses vertus santé imparables,
le liquide peut aussi profiter à nos cheveux parfois irrités par les pellicules, la pollution ou encore les brushings à répétition.
Voici les raisons pour lesquelles il faut faire de ce remède un soin à utiliser régulièrement.
Equilibre le pH du cuir chevelu; Le vinaigre de cidre de pomme est utile pour équilibrer le pH de vos cheveux et de votre cuir chevelu.
Selon cette étude, la plupart des shampoings présentent un niveau d'acidité assez bas, ce qui pousse les cheveux à être secs et ternes.
Le vinaigre de cidre de pomme est plutôt acide, il aide à maintenir un pH régulier du cuir chevelu et à rendre la chevelure brillante et plus saine.
Traite les problèmes de pellicules; Si vous souffrez de pellicules, le vinaigre de cidre de pomme peut être la solution.
Grâce à ses propriétés anti-inflammatoires et antifongiques, il est recommandé pour traiter les pellicules, une inflammation du cuir chevelu.
Comme expliqué précédemment, le vinaigre de cidre de pomme équilibre le pH.
Les pellicules sont parfois le résultat d'un déséquilibre du pH au niveau du cuir chevelu.
Il est tout indiqué d'utiliser ce remède naturel dans ce cas.
Des cheveux brillants ; Grâce à son action sur la circulation sanguine, le vinaigre de cidre de pomme active la microcirculation au cœur du cuir chevelu.
Bien qu'il n'y ait aucun expert pour prouver les vertus stimulantes de cet ingrédient sur la pousse des cheveux,
c'est une astuce de grand-mère pratiquée et transmise depuis des générations.
Pour pouvoir profiter de toutes les vertus capillaires que possède ce remède naturel, il est indispensable de bien connaître l'utilisation.
Si vous lisez les prochaines lignes, vous saurez comment utiliser le vinaigre de cidre de pomme pour les problèmes évoqués ci-dessus.
Préparation; Pour préparer un remède efficace, il est essentiel de transformer le vinaigre de cidre de pomme en eau de rinçage.
A chaque utilisation, veuillez secouer la bouteille qui contiendra la préparation.
Voici une recette simple à base de vinaigre de cidre de pomme pour rincer vos cheveux :
Ingrédients; 1 tasse d'eau; 3 cuillères à soupe de vinaigre de cidre de pomme; Quelques gouttes d'huile essentielle de votre choix.
Instructions : Utilisez un récipient pulvérisateur (muni d'un spray).
A l'intérieur de ce contenant, mélangez le vinaigre de cidre de pomme à l'eau.
Si vous voulez préparer un litre d'eau de rinçage, veuillez remplir un tiers de verre rempli de vinaigre de cidre de pomme et le mélanger à un litre d'eau.
Pour profiter des bienfaits de ce remède naturel, vous devriez au préalable avoir lavé vos cheveux avec un shampoing.
Vous pouvez ensuite appliquer le mélange sur vos cheveux en insistant bien sur le cuir chevelu.
Procéder par des massages délicats pour bien faire pénétrer le produit.
Ensuite, rincez vos cheveux afin d'éliminer tous les résidus. Laissez la préparation sur vos cheveux quelques minutes.
Vous pouvez utiliser ce traitement une à deux fois par semaine.
Brad Pitt can't stop smiling since seeing Jennifer Aniston - Duration: 3:10.
Brad Pitt has been seen for the first time since attending ex-wife Jennifer Aniston's 50th birthday party in Hollywood last weekend
The 55-year-old actor was spotted sporting a cheeky smirk while out and about near his home on Valentine's Day, and it looked as if Brad literally couldn't wipe the smile off his face
MEGA The Inglorious Bastards star cut a casual figure in a black zip up, loose grey t-shirt and black pants
Brad donned a battered pair of grey sneakers with a gaping hole in the right shoe and carried a patterned bucket bag over his shoulder
Attempting to go about his day incognito, he wore his trademark paddy cap and a large pair of aviator sunglasses
The usually aloof actor shot cameras a knowing grin leading fans to speculate about the cause of his chirpy demeanor
MEGA Rumours of a romantic reunion between the friendly exes have been swirling since Brad made a surprise entrance at Jennifer's low-key pre-birthday bash and later attended the main event at Hollywood's Sunset Tower Hotel
An insider close to Jen revealed that "Ellen [DeGeneres] and Portia [de Rossi] arranged an intimate pre-birthday dinner for Jen at West Hollywood's Soho House for a group of 12 close friends in a bid to get Jen excited about her big birthday and to cheer her up
"They'd just ordered some drinks when Brad walked over to the table and Jen nearly fell off her chair when she realised it was him - bursting out in tears it was clear all the emotions of the past few months had finally come to a head," the source added
Brad and Jen in 2004 Getty Images As for birthday gifts, Brad reportedly helped Jen ring in her half century with "a card, a hug and a kiss"
A source revealed to In Touch magazine: "He slipped her a birthday card. they hugged and kissed and insiders say they met up afterwards
" The source continued: "They chatted and it didn't look awkward at all."
Sanremoyoung Dentro o Fuori | 15 febbraio | 21.25 | Rai 1 | Super Guida TV - Duration: 2:06.
I ragazzi torneranno a stupire gli spettatori con brani selezionati tra i grandi successi che hanno segnato la storia del Festival di Sanremo, interpretati da artisti italiani ed internazionali, che hanno calcato il palcoscenico del Teatro Ariston nel corso delle edizioni precedenti
Durante le performance, a dirigere la SanremoYoung Orchestra, interamente composta da musicisti tra i 18 e i 25 anni, sarà come sempre il Maestro Diego Basso
L'ACADEMY, la giuria di SANREMOYOUNG composta da MARA MAIONCHI, ROCCO HUNT, IVA ZANICCHI, MARCO MASINI, CRISTINA D'AVENA, ANGELO BAIGUINI, MIETTA, ELISABETTA CANALIS, RICCHI E POVERI E BABY K, valuterà per la seconda volta le performance dei giovani cantanti insieme al pubblico, che si esprimerà tramite il televoto, aperto all'inizio di ogni esibizione
Anche alla SanremoYoung Orchestra, impegnata accanto ai ragazzi nel percorso di preparazione giorno dopo giorno, e agli stessi cantanti in gara, sarà chiesto di dare un giudizio
Il peso della valutazione, espressa dall'orchestra e dai cantanti, permetterà al preferito di entrambe, di scalare una posizione nella classifica generale
Ospiti musicali della seconda puntata saranno ARISA, ROBY FACCHINETTI e RICCARDO FOGLI
Gli artisti canteranno al fianco delle ragazze e dei ragazzi di SANREMOYOUNG. SIMONA VENTURA, conduttrice della 54a edizione del Festival di Sanremo, sarà invece protagonista dello SHOWDOWN, meccanismo per cui sarà chiamata a decretare, tra i quattro cantanti nelle ultime posizioni in classifica, posti in ordine alfabetico, i due che saranno promossi alla puntata successiva e i due che dovranno abbandonare il programma
La decisione sarà presa solo dopo aver visionato le esibizioni dei quattro giovani talenti a rischio
杉咲花「アタル」田端に"余計な仕事"10・3% - ドラマ : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 3:10.
14日に放送され 、杉咲花(21)主 のテレビ朝日系ドラ 「ハケン占い師アタ 」(木曜午後9時) 第5話の平均視聴率 10・3%(関東地 )だったことが15 、ビデオリサーチの べで分かった
初回は12・1% スタート。これまで 話2ケタをキープし いる。 イベント会 を舞台に、他人の悩 や原風景などあらゆ ものが見える派遣社 のアタルが、その特 能力で正社員たちの みを解決していくコ ディードラマ
共演は小沢征悦、 田未来、間宮祥太郎 志尊淳、野波麻帆、 谷由夏、若村麻由美 及川光博。「家政婦 ミタ」脚本家の遊川 彦氏が、脚本のほか めて連続ドラマの演 を担当する
入社12年目の正 員、田端友代(野波 は淡々と的確な仕事 する一方、残業や余 な仕事は徹底して断 主義を貫く。長らく に就かない父と弟の 人暮らしで家計も家 も一手に担わされて たため、恋愛する暇 ないほど余裕のない 日を送っていた
勤務先「シンシアイ ンツ」でもピリピリ ており、同じ制作D ームのメンバーとも 妙な関係が続いてい 。 そんな田端に突 "余計な仕事"が舞 込む。社長の肝いり ある「女性躍進プロ ェクト」のモデルケ スとして、社内報の 着を受けることにな
取材のため、田端は 与していないバレン インイベントの打ち わせにも出席させら るのだった。 この 材に気を良くした代 木匠(及川)は、田 に社内の大学OB会 出るよう命じる
社長を中心としたこ 会に、派遣社員のア ルも手伝いとして参 する。そこで代々木 度重なるセクハラ発 に遭遇し、田端は怒 の感情を抑えられな なる。
杉咲花「アタル」田端に"余計な仕事"10・3% - ドラマ : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 3:09.
14日に放送された 杉咲花(21)主演 テレビ朝日系ドラマ ハケン占い師アタル (木曜午後9時)の 5話の平均視聴率が 0・3%(関東地区 だったことが15日 ビデオリサーチの調 で分かった。
初回は12・1%で タート。これまで全 2ケタをキープして る。
イベント会社を舞台 、他人の悩みや原風 などあらゆるものが える派遣社員のアタ が、その特殊能力で 社員たちの悩みを解 していくコメディー ラマ。
共演は小沢征悦、志 未来、間宮祥太郎、 尊淳、野波麻帆、板 由夏、若村麻由美、 川光博。「家政婦の タ」脚本家の遊川和 氏が、脚本のほか初 て連続ドラマの演出 担当する。
入社12年目の正社 、田端友代(野波) 淡々と的確な仕事を る一方、残業や余計 仕事は徹底して断る 義を貫く。長らく職 就かない父と弟の3 暮らしで家計も家事 一手に担わされてい ため、恋愛する暇も いほど余裕のない毎 を送っていた。勤務 「シンシアイベンツ でもピリピリしてお 、同じ制作Dチーム メンバーとも微妙な 係が続いていた。
そんな田端に突然" 計な仕事"が舞い込 。社長の肝いりであ 「女性躍進プロジェ ト」のモデルケース して、社内報の密着 受けることになる。 材のため、田端は関 していないバレンタ ンイベントの打ち合 せにも出席させられ のだった。
この取材に気を良く た代々木匠(及川) 、田端に社内の大学 B会に出るよう命じ 。社長を中心とした の会に、派遣社員の タルも手伝いとして 加する。そこで代々 の度重なるセクハラ 言に遭遇し、田端は りの感情を抑えられ くなる。
杉咲花「アタル」田端に"余計な仕事"10・3% - ドラマ : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 3:10.
14日に放送され 、杉咲花(21)主 のテレビ朝日系ドラ 「ハケン占い師アタ 」(木曜午後9時) 第5話の平均視聴率 10・3%(関東地 )だったことが15 、ビデオリサーチの べで分かった
初回は12・1% スタート。これまで 話2ケタをキープし いる。 イベント会 を舞台に、他人の悩 や原風景などあらゆ ものが見える派遣社 のアタルが、その特 能力で正社員たちの みを解決していくコ ディードラマ
共演は小沢征悦、 田未来、間宮祥太郎 志尊淳、野波麻帆、 谷由夏、若村麻由美 及川光博。「家政婦 ミタ」脚本家の遊川 彦氏が、脚本のほか めて連続ドラマの演 を担当する
入社12年目の正 員、田端友代(野波 は淡々と的確な仕事 する一方、残業や余 な仕事は徹底して断 主義を貫く。長らく に就かない父と弟の 人暮らしで家計も家 も一手に担わされて たため、恋愛する暇 ないほど余裕のない 日を送っていた
勤務先「シンシアイ ンツ」でもピリピリ ており、同じ制作D ームのメンバーとも 妙な関係が続いてい 。 そんな田端に突 "余計な仕事"が舞 込む。社長の肝いり ある「女性躍進プロ ェクト」のモデルケ スとして、社内報の 着を受けることにな
取材のため、田端は 与していないバレン インイベントの打ち わせにも出席させら るのだった。 この 材に気を良くした代 木匠(及川)は、田 に社内の大学OB会 出るよう命じる
社長を中心としたこ 会に、派遣社員のア ルも手伝いとして参 する。そこで代々木 度重なるセクハラ発 に遭遇し、田端は怒 の感情を抑えられな なる。
Il leader dei gilet gialli incontrato da Di Di Maio e Di Battista, intervistato da Piazzapulita, riv - Duration: 3:42.
ROMA - Christophe Chalençon, il leader dei gilet gialli incontrato da Luigi Di Maio e Alessandro Di Battista in Francia, rilancia la minaccia di un golpe in Francia in un fuori-onda realizzato a margine dell'intervista di Alessandra Buccini, trasmessa da Piazzapulita su La 7
"Abbiamo dei paramilitari pronti a intervenire perché anche loro vogliono far cadere il governo
Oggi è tutto calmo ma siamo sull'orlo della guerra civile. Quindi si trovino delle soluzioni politiche molto rapidamente, perché dietro ci sono delle persone pronte a intervenire da ovunque
Delle persone che si sono ritirate dall'esercito e che sono contro il potere", dice
Chalençon dice anche che "la Francia è un bel paese, come l'Italia, ma serve rimetterle sulla retta via" e spiega che con il M5S "è previsto un altro incontro
Dovremmo venire noi a Roma". E alla domanda: "Quindi, alleati? È certo?", risponde: "Sì
Assolutamente". Il leader dei Gilè gialli indica anche Di Battista nella foto scattata nell'incontro francese e commenta: "E' bravo lui! E' un po' come me! ci siamo guardati
E e anche se io non parlo italiano, ci siamo capiti al volo". E sull'incontro Chalençon spiega che sono stati i grillini a contattarlo
"Esatto, E' questo il bello. - dice - Anzi, è straordinario. Il vicepremier del governo italiano che viene in Francia, a Montargis, e nessuno sapeva niente
Ha preso l'aereo ma non si è fermato a Parigi, il cuore del potere. Perché è venuto qui da noi
Abbiamo passato due ore insieme, ed eravamo d'accordo su tutto! Dopo la riunione abbiamo fatto le foto
Ma quando le abbiamo pubblicate: allarme rosso!". Secondo Chalençon, quell'incontro "ha fatto saltare tutti gli equilibri! E penso che quello che ha fatto segnerà la storia della Francia
Ci ha dato un riconoscimento internazionale E ora altri ci stanno contattando. Ha aperto una breccia e ha fatto tremare Macron"
Mexique: 1.700 migrants latinos arrivés à la frontière américaine - Duration: 4:05.
Liverpool News - How Dejan Lovren's going the extra mile to be fit for Liverpool vs Bayern - Duration: 3:16.
Dejan Lovren has visited a strength and conditioning coach back home in Croatia in an attempt to be fit to face Bayern Munich
Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp revealed on Thursday that he has been planning without the centre-half for Tuesday's Champions League last-16 first leg against his old German foes at Anfield
World Cup 2018 finalist Lovren missed the Reds' training camp in Marbella this week as he returned to his homeland for specific fitness and strengthening work on the hamstring injury that has kept him out since January 7
Despite his own outward pessimism, former Borussia Dortmund coach Klopp hasn't given up all hope of the defender making a late claim to a place in the side to meet Bayern
Lovren has been receiving treatment all week, and is scheduled to return to Liverpool's training ground on Saturday to join up with the squad ahead of their mouthwatering European tie
Klopp explained: "I don't want to rule it out, but I cannot really plan with it
"From Saturday on, Dejan is back at Melwood and we will see. If Dejan gives a sign on Monday – 'I feel brilliant' – then we'd have to think anew
But, of course, we have to prepare it differently. He is not here (in Marbella) for good reasons, because he cannot be part of training
"In the moment we prepare the game, and in this preparation Dejan is not involved
We have to find other solutions." While Lovren remains a huge doubt for Tuesday, Klopp had better news on Gini Wijnaldum
The key midfielder returned to training this week after a bout of illness that he played through to score in the weekend win over Bournemouth but had sidelined him during the camp in Marbella
"So he had a little dip (with illness, but will start (training) today so that's good," Klopp said before Thursday afternoon's session
The Liverpool boss also gave all-clears for James Milner, who was also suffering with sickness, and Fabinho (slight muscle strain)
Lovren and Joe Gomez apart, he now has a clean bill of health with Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Xherdan Shaqiri both returning to training
However, Virgil van Dijk is suspended for Bayern's visit, leaves him with a central defensive headache
Israël: féministe et de gauche, une candidate ultra-orthodoxe bouscule les préjugés - Duration: 8:19.
Belajar Kunci gitar A minor dan Kunci F Mayor - Belajar gitar part 5 - Duration: 5:20.
Breaking Celeb News | Cryptic tweets, 'f–ksticks' after Jay Glazer predicts Odell Beckham trade - Duration: 2:33.
'The Brady Bunch' kids and HGTV want your help renovating iconic TV house - Duration: 3:00.
JUST WATCHED'Brady Bunch' family reunites for renovationReplayMore Videos .MUST WATCH 'Brady Bunch' family reunites for renovation 00:40 (CNN)If your house is a throwback to the 1970s, if you collect antiques or if you are a superfan, then you just might be able to assist the now grown children of "The Brady Bunch" and HGTV
Here's the story. HGTV and the six actors are currently renovating the iconic "Brady Bunch" house in North Hollywood to look just like the set from the show
In order to do that, they are looking for some very specific, authentic items, including the green refrigerator, a stuffed giraffe, a horse statue, a double oven, and pieces of furniture that were all used on the set of the popular 1970's sitcom
All six actors, Barry Williams (Greg), Maureen McCormick (Marcia), Christopher Knight (Peter), Eve Plumb (Jan), Mike Lookinland (Bobby) and Susan Olsen (Cindy) are on board with the project
Read MoreHGTV is the winning bidder on 'The Brady Bunch' house HGTV asked in a tweet Tuesday afternoon: "Is your home a throw-back to a groovier time? We're looking for a few iconic items to furnish the Brady house
Check your collection, then send us a pic. Or you can post and tag it with #verybradyreno
"The tweet included a video of the actors asking for these contributions. Apparently, it's not that easy to find some of these 1970s decorations
"In order to truly bring The Brady Bunch house back to life, HGTV needs vintage furniture and decor items true to the original TV series
As you can imagine, many of these items aren't easy to find. From the living room couch and credenza to the home's front door handles, HGTV has a whole list of sought-after items," HGTV wrote in a statement Tuesday
HGTV published a photo slideshow of the exact items they are looking for. HGTV is currently producing 'A Very Brady Renovation' with the Brady children alongside some of HGTV's biggest stars, such as The Property Brothers
It will be a multi-episode series and is scheduled to premiere in September 2019
HGTV bought the house in August 2018, after a much-publicized bidding war with *NSYNC's Lance Bass
Bass said at the time that he was "heartbroken" his bid for the house fell through, but when he found out it was HGTV that bought the home, he tweeted: "How can you be mad at HGTV? My television is stuck on that channel
" He added, "Kudos, HGTV. I know you will do the right thing with the house. That was always my biggest worry
I can smile again."
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