Welcome !!
Avant Grande channel will give you a lot of facts ..Like we said earlier..
This is that video....we said earlier
We are going to speak about a Australian Citizen
His name is Alexander and 33 years old...
He was declared as terminally ill !!
Cancer cell developed from his tongue ...It spreaded and affected the bone marrow..
He was declared that he will die before two months..
Can you guess his last wish at that situation ??
It's to watch the Avengers End Game !!
To make his wish true ..he used Reddit website...
He started writing Blogs in that website..
He wrote about his situation and people who are with him to the end...
After reading this, everyone started trending #AvengersForAlexander hastag..!!
This hastag reached Jeremy Conrad !!
He's the author of MCU cosmic...!!
MCU cosmic is a website that publishes the Marvel Cinematic Universe's rumours !!
He forwarded the details to Joe and Anthony Russo
They are the directors of Avengers:Endgame..
They granted to screen the Avengers: End game for Alexander....
This is going to screened very soon !!
This is the best example for Humanity...that still exist in this world !!
These kind of facts will be given by Avant Grande !!
If you like this video...Do Like, Share and Subscribe!! And also Do Comment if possible !!
Thank You !!
For more infomation >> 1st Person To Watch Avengers End Game Before Release | Avant Grande - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
김미진 간사 • 그리스도인의 재정 원칙 • 재정강의 - Duration: 1:37:18.
Good One? Tfy Universal Car Headrest Mount Holder With Angle- Adjustable Holding Clamp For Swivel... - Duration: 1:51.
Spontaneous human combustion SHC A frightening phenomenon puzzled scientists - Duration: 10:22.
He was sitting in his house. in safety and peace. Suddenly. Fires Flared and turned into
a ball of fire. really?. It is not strange that a man may die of burning. For some external
reason. And caused damage. Or even kill him. however. There is, a completely different
kind of combustion. Scientists puzzled. and remained between fact and fiction. Human self-combustion.
Or (Spontaneous human combustion). S H C. it is an automatic fire. In the body of someone.
without a known external cause. Which may result in minor burns. in the skin with smoke.
Or the full burning of the body. and there is nothing left of it except ashes. But surprisingly.
Is the burning of the body. and its transformation into ashes. Without touching the fire anything
around him. It occurs in a few seconds. Without giving time. to understand what is happening.
This idea and the term. "human combustion". That were first introduced in 1746. By Paul
ROLLI. In an article published in. Philosophical Transactions. In the British Medical Journal.
Larry wrote. in his 1995 book called Burning. It's over 300 years. More than 250 self-combustion
incidents. have been recorded. Of course it is not known. when the phenomenon began specifically.
But we are talking about. the history of the first documented. self-combustion case.
1. In 1637, the French (Jonas DuPont.) wrote a book. that included a study on this strange
phenomenon. Spoke about the incident of the lady. (Nicole Millett). She was from Paris
and was addicted to alcohol. Where she was found on her bed. Only her skull remained.
And bone of the bones of the finger. and a handful of ashes. Strangely enough, the bed
was untouched by fire. And of course the finger went to her husband. Before the court acquitted
him later. And the incident is restricted against unknown.
2. In 1919. The body of the well-known English author. (Temple Thompson). was found. and
his lower half was burned completely. Without compromising his clothes.
3. The incident of Mrs. (Grace Pitt). An English from Ipswich. And addicted to alcohol as well.
Where her daughter found her ashes. Without being affected by her clothes at all.
4. In 1938. The lady (Mary Carpenter). In just a few seconds. While walking with her
family on a boat. Her husband and her children's efforts. were unsuccessful. In extinguishing
the fire with seawater. Only her wet clothes remained. Without a trace of fire.
5. On 2 July 1951. The remains of the body. (Marie Hardy Rieser). The 67-year-old. In
her chair in her apartment in Florida. It was her skull. And full left foot. As usual.
a handful of ash amounted to about 5 kg. the contents of the apartment or even the wooden
chair. remained without being touched by the fire. and he spoke forensic. For a temperature
above 3000 ° celsius. 6. On 18 May 1958. Anna Martin. State of Pennsylvania.
It was part of her trunk and her arms just Remains. A handful of ashes. and her clothes
remained intact. Although forensics are taking again. About a temperature between 1700 to
2000 ° . 7. In 1966. The body of doctor. (John.Irving
Bentley). 92 years old. burned In the bathroom in his apartment. Only a part of his leg remained.
Separate from his body. Bathroom curtains or wall paint were not affected.
8. On 26 August 1974. The ashes of the girl (Lisa). At the Birmingham Hospital in England.
It was also burned for no known reason. Without compromising her bed or clothes.
9. The most common accidents. Which was witnessed by a large crowd of people. Including the
most famous American physicist. (Hartwell). Who was unable to explain what was happening.
The fire in the leg and the trunk of one of the women. In the state of Massachusetts.
Then she ws full burned. in front of everyone's eyes. in just a few seconds.
10. In 1938. While the girl (Felice Newcomb). Out of a hotel with her friends. It was flooded
with sudden fire in seconds. Without the people. being able to extinguish the fire. Which seemed
to come from inside her own body. The investigator's papers came. I have never seen anything like
this in my life. The girl was burned with blue fire of unknown source.
Until now scientists have been unable. From a true scientific interpretation. For that
phenomenon. But they agreed to. the occurrence of that phenomenon human. When it is mostly
alone. Though there were a few attempts. To develop an acceptable interpretation.
1. Religious interpretation. In the Middle Ages. The church claimed that. the cases of
self-combustion. occur to the people who. have reached the maximum of their sins. So
they deserved the punishment. of God. with fire. While some priests claimed. It is the
result of meteors. falling from the sky. From the work of the jinn and devils. Despite the
popular acceptance. of that interpretation among people. At that time. Especially with
regard to. the central situation role. played by the Church. In medieval European societies.
But they did not explain to us. The secret of not touching the fire anything. Except
for the burning body. As did not explain to us. Why did not many people ?. Who committed
even more terrible sins. From just alcoholism. did not have the Same fate.
2. Alcoholism. That belief is secret among people. Most cases of combustion. occurred
to who excessively alcoholic. Alcohol is a highly inflammable substance. But recent experiments
have proved it. Even objects. are completely saturated with alcohol. Will not ignite in
that way. 3. stored fat in the body. That belief is
true. The fact that most cases. were among the obese. Where in certain conditions these
fats burn. and causes The whole body burns. But it did not take the phenomenon. Of skinny
people self-combustion. 4. Static electricity or (electrostatics).
Electric fields within the human body. Which occurs between them at a certain moment. (short
circuit). In an unknown way. As happens in nuclear reactions. It produces tremendous
heat in a short time. But there were no. A form of static electricity discharge. Can
lead to bone browning. Even if it was a lightning bolt from the sky. As well as not to touch
everything. that surrounds the person. Or even his clothes.
5. the hypothesis of convergence of material. It is known that each particle material counter.
To simplify more. such as the phenomenon. of the convergence of protons. Neutral neutrons.
And negatively charged electrons. in the atomic reaction. This happens inside the human body.
Resulting in huge amounts of energy. It is enough to transform man into ashes. In just
a few seconds.
Good One? Apeman Dash Cam 1080P Fhd Dvr Car Driving Recorder 3 Lcd Screen 170°Wide Angle,... - Duration: 3:08.
VERY DARK BACKGROUND MUSIC! 👿 free bgm for short films - Duration: 3:14.
Dark background music visualization for you! This is marvelous free bgm for short films animation.
Doomed by fear and inevitability music for a little horror movie.
Catalina Saison 2 Épisode 149 - Duration: 22:37.
Éternel Épisode 22 | Novela FR - Duration: 48:09.
THIS One Things AFFECTS EVERYTHING In Your Life - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 4:54.
Hey Dan here and in this video I'm going to challenge you on a very simple
concept about moving now if you're new here to the channel my name is Dan this
is dreams out in the world where my mission is to help you become the best
you while creating an awesome life now what I want to throw out here is maybe
you should move now I don't know you yet most likely although I do know some of
you but if you are someone who right now maybe you're not too happy in your
current situation maybe you struggle making friends I read a comment from
someone the other day and they said how relieved they felt to find out they were
an ENFP and how they'd always had trouble maintaining and making
friendships and my first thought was that probably doesn't have to do with
being an ENFP that's probably either something that you might need to deal
with in your personality or maybe where you're living maybe you're really
open-minded creative person and you're living in a more conservative
neighborhood or just the people around you sometimes I'm really taken back with
how little most people consider making bigger life changes so ultimately the
things that are going to have the biggest impact on your life whether
that's your health or your happiness or your finances is where you live who you
spend time with and who your partner is and who your partner is and who you
spend time with are probably most determined by where you live so I want
to challenge you to really think about this so much more than you do now this
could be moving within a city I can almost guarantee you that wherever you
live there are certain neighborhoods that lend themself to more creative
people there are certain neighborhoods for the Noby rich people who are more
driven by money but that might be something you need right a little
motivation a little ambition there's probably neighborhoods that are geared
towards health and fitness or families or eating out and having fun so within
an individual city we'll see all these differences and yet looking at a macro
level looking at the whole world or even just your country you'll find variances
within different cities at this point I think I've lived in eight cities seven
countries something like that and I visited a lot of other ones and every
one has a different feeling and I've noticed they chain
that where I live has a big impact on me and so when I consciously think about
where I want to live I've been living in Prague now for four years but I think
about where I want to live I also think about my goals and who I want to be and
what impact where I live will have on that we love to believe that we have
this ultimate control over ourselves right we love to believe in self
determinism that we have this ultimate control that the city that people I
spend time with none of that makes a difference it's really up to me if I
want to be this way I can be it no matter what and yeah maybe that's true
for you Tony Robbins but for most of us the people we spend time with and the
places we spend time will have a massive impact on who we are and so I want to
challenge you again to think about this more think about your neighborhood is it
serving you do you meet inspiring people on a regular basis when you walk around
do you smile at the beauty if not maybe think about moving somewhere else do the
people in your city or country align with your values or the kind of person
you want to be think about that if they don't maybe it's time to make a change
and yes yes maybe all these excuses will start coming up about how you can't
because of your job or your business or your family bla bla bla let's not get
there yet I'll address excuses in another video and I'll also address
solutions and opportunities in different ways that you can move somewhere new
what I want to focus on now is just that decision because that's the first step
it's realizing that perhaps you don't live in the best place for you that
perhaps if you were to move somewhere else you would be happier you would meet
more inspiring people and if that's true then it's going to be pretty tough to
come up with excuses to live a lesser life so maybe I'm talking out of my ass
here maybe I'm just some crazy guy who loves to travel and I try to push that
on everyone else could totally be true but maybe the place you were born is not
the best place for you the place that you randomly live in because you found
an apartment there when you were 22 and you haven't moved because rents went up
might not be the best place for you to become your most fulfilled self just
maybe something to consider below in the comments let me know if maybe you're
thinking about a little more than when you started this
video thank you for watching if you found this video inspiring or
thought-provoking hit that subscribe button and hit the bell I publish new
videos every Sunday Tuesday and Thursday ciao
Spontaneous human combustion SHC A frightening phenomenon puzzled scientists - Duration: 10:22.
He was sitting in his house. in safety and peace. Suddenly. Fires Flared and turned into
a ball of fire. really?. It is not strange that a man may die of burning. For some external
reason. And caused damage. Or even kill him. however. There is, a completely different
kind of combustion. Scientists puzzled. and remained between fact and fiction. Human self-combustion.
Or (Spontaneous human combustion). S H C. it is an automatic fire. In the body of someone.
without a known external cause. Which may result in minor burns. in the skin with smoke.
Or the full burning of the body. and there is nothing left of it except ashes. But surprisingly.
Is the burning of the body. and its transformation into ashes. Without touching the fire anything
around him. It occurs in a few seconds. Without giving time. to understand what is happening.
This idea and the term. "human combustion". That were first introduced in 1746. By Paul
ROLLI. In an article published in. Philosophical Transactions. In the British Medical Journal.
Larry wrote. in his 1995 book called Burning. It's over 300 years. More than 250 self-combustion
incidents. have been recorded. Of course it is not known. when the phenomenon began specifically.
But we are talking about. the history of the first documented. self-combustion case.
1. In 1637, the French (Jonas DuPont.) wrote a book. that included a study on this strange
phenomenon. Spoke about the incident of the lady. (Nicole Millett). She was from Paris
and was addicted to alcohol. Where she was found on her bed. Only her skull remained.
And bone of the bones of the finger. and a handful of ashes. Strangely enough, the bed
was untouched by fire. And of course the finger went to her husband. Before the court acquitted
him later. And the incident is restricted against unknown.
2. In 1919. The body of the well-known English author. (Temple Thompson). was found. and
his lower half was burned completely. Without compromising his clothes.
3. The incident of Mrs. (Grace Pitt). An English from Ipswich. And addicted to alcohol as well.
Where her daughter found her ashes. Without being affected by her clothes at all.
4. In 1938. The lady (Mary Carpenter). In just a few seconds. While walking with her
family on a boat. Her husband and her children's efforts. were unsuccessful. In extinguishing
the fire with seawater. Only her wet clothes remained. Without a trace of fire.
5. On 2 July 1951. The remains of the body. (Marie Hardy Rieser). The 67-year-old. In
her chair in her apartment in Florida. It was her skull. And full left foot. As usual.
a handful of ash amounted to about 5 kg. the contents of the apartment or even the wooden
chair. remained without being touched by the fire. and he spoke forensic. For a temperature
above 3000 ° celsius. 6. On 18 May 1958. Anna Martin. State of Pennsylvania.
It was part of her trunk and her arms just Remains. A handful of ashes. and her clothes
remained intact. Although forensics are taking again. About a temperature between 1700 to
2000 ° . 7. In 1966. The body of doctor. (John.Irving
Bentley). 92 years old. burned In the bathroom in his apartment. Only a part of his leg remained.
Separate from his body. Bathroom curtains or wall paint were not affected.
8. On 26 August 1974. The ashes of the girl (Lisa). At the Birmingham Hospital in England.
It was also burned for no known reason. Without compromising her bed or clothes.
9. The most common accidents. Which was witnessed by a large crowd of people. Including the
most famous American physicist. (Hartwell). Who was unable to explain what was happening.
The fire in the leg and the trunk of one of the women. In the state of Massachusetts.
Then she ws full burned. in front of everyone's eyes. in just a few seconds.
10. In 1938. While the girl (Felice Newcomb). Out of a hotel with her friends. It was flooded
with sudden fire in seconds. Without the people. being able to extinguish the fire. Which seemed
to come from inside her own body. The investigator's papers came. I have never seen anything like
this in my life. The girl was burned with blue fire of unknown source.
Until now scientists have been unable. From a true scientific interpretation. For that
phenomenon. But they agreed to. the occurrence of that phenomenon human. When it is mostly
alone. Though there were a few attempts. To develop an acceptable interpretation.
1. Religious interpretation. In the Middle Ages. The church claimed that. the cases of
self-combustion. occur to the people who. have reached the maximum of their sins. So
they deserved the punishment. of God. with fire. While some priests claimed. It is the
result of meteors. falling from the sky. From the work of the jinn and devils. Despite the
popular acceptance. of that interpretation among people. At that time. Especially with
regard to. the central situation role. played by the Church. In medieval European societies.
But they did not explain to us. The secret of not touching the fire anything. Except
for the burning body. As did not explain to us. Why did not many people ?. Who committed
even more terrible sins. From just alcoholism. did not have the Same fate.
2. Alcoholism. That belief is secret among people. Most cases of combustion. occurred
to who excessively alcoholic. Alcohol is a highly inflammable substance. But recent experiments
have proved it. Even objects. are completely saturated with alcohol. Will not ignite in
that way. 3. stored fat in the body. That belief is
true. The fact that most cases. were among the obese. Where in certain conditions these
fats burn. and causes The whole body burns. But it did not take the phenomenon. Of skinny
people self-combustion. 4. Static electricity or (electrostatics).
Electric fields within the human body. Which occurs between them at a certain moment. (short
circuit). In an unknown way. As happens in nuclear reactions. It produces tremendous
heat in a short time. But there were no. A form of static electricity discharge. Can
lead to bone browning. Even if it was a lightning bolt from the sky. As well as not to touch
everything. that surrounds the person. Or even his clothes.
5. the hypothesis of convergence of material. It is known that each particle material counter.
To simplify more. such as the phenomenon. of the convergence of protons. Neutral neutrons.
And negatively charged electrons. in the atomic reaction. This happens inside the human body.
Resulting in huge amounts of energy. It is enough to transform man into ashes. In just
a few seconds.
Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn action figure - Duration: 8:02.
Here is My new Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn action figure
It's not cheap but look great !!
There is manual on how to change parts
And well packaged figure :)
Here are parts for stand
I have no idea how to assembly it :D
No instruction for stand :D
Details on this figure are incredible
All parts move similar to human ant there are 2 moving sections on belly
I need box in right size for Her :D
We have total of 3 heads to chose
And many hands :)
This one is for baseball bat
Another one for baseball bat
And hand for gun
And here is gut it self
You can see that famous love and hate signs :)
Here is the baseball bat
It's separating for easy putting in hand
And here is accessories box and stand
So this is My first figure with stand so I have no idea how to use this stand :D
I think it's like this
What in the hell is this ??
Figure can stand by it self bu that's not so easy :)
Let's see other hands
We will try with gun :)
Great !!
Witch good camera angle and good background this should look great !!
Hi my loves, in this new video I will not talk to you about something
you do not know , No here we are going to talk about egg, how
to make his natural but very powerful egg I know a lot of videos are circulating
on the web, on how, clean, close, squeeze, heal the private parts, but
the recipe I propose is ancestral , used since always, I myself l
use and my children. L will use, as well that children of my children, short before
to get to the heart of the subject subscribe , read and comment, think also about the bell
notification For this recipe you just need
two ingredients Cloves and karate butter
Know that karate butter provides the feeling of well being, firming
, softening and warming your valentine, clove as
he fights bad smells, accentuates the sensations in the mucous membranes and
female parols;
These two products combined have proven themselves and I'm living proof of it, it's very
simple for those who have doubts it is enough to try,
Scientific studies have proven that these solo products are very effective
but combined, then, they are exceptional, these same studies proved that they were
totally innocuous for your organs, contrary, are absolutely the solution,
saw what it could do, shrink , to the point where you have the impression that
is the first time, but in addition to that it cleans the belly and eliminates wounds
from childbirth and brutal reports and painful, for example after rape, or
then moments ... hot hot, this combo is simply a powerful natural anti bio
, and as a bonus it gives a very good smell For preparation you have two possibilities
In number one You empty a capsule like this one or even
a bigger one if you have You fill with the mixture you come
crush, made of small amount for a start to test your tolerance to the
thing, if it works increase the dose So wash your hands well is not the
trouble to infect you, Crush your clove
Mix both, fill your capsule after showering well
clean up your virgin put this deeply it will melt the night
If you do not have a capsule, prepare this way, roll well like this and
put it cool until it hardens completely
Take it out just when you apply Pay attention to hygiene
Do this until you reach the degree of contraction that suits you
There is no restriction no minimum time no, just results and very satisfying
remember to subscribe, share this for that it touches a maximum of people likez
and comment XOXO
海贼王草帽团"绅士担当"山治,这几个片段足以让你爱上他! - Duration: 5:24.
ROOT LETER # 3 ( phụ đề vietsub ): LẦN NÀY LÀ GÌ ĐÂY??ĐOÁN XEM... - Duration: 48:28.
VERY DARK BACKGROUND MUSIC! 👿 free bgm for short films - Duration: 3:14.
Dark background music visualization for you! This is marvelous free bgm for short films animation.
Doomed by fear and inevitability music for a little horror movie.
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