Absolutely Stunning Tiny House with a Huge Couch
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Hi my loves, in this new video I will not talk to you about something
you do not know , No here we are going to talk about egg, how
to make his natural but very powerful egg I know a lot of videos are circulating
on the web, on how, clean, close, squeeze, heal the private parts, but
the recipe I propose is ancestral , used since always, I myself l
use and my children. L will use, as well that children of my children, short before
to get to the heart of the subject subscribe , read and comment, think also about the bell
notification For this recipe you just need
two ingredients Cloves and karate butter
Know that karate butter provides the feeling of well being, firming
, softening and warming your valentine, clove as
he fights bad smells, accentuates the sensations in the mucous membranes and
female parols;
These two products combined have proven themselves and I'm living proof of it, it's very
simple for those who have doubts it is enough to try,
Scientific studies have proven that these solo products are very effective
but combined, then, they are exceptional, these same studies proved that they were
totally innocuous for your organs, contrary, are absolutely the solution,
saw what it could do, shrink , to the point where you have the impression that
is the first time, but in addition to that it cleans the belly and eliminates wounds
from childbirth and brutal reports and painful, for example after rape, or
then moments ... hot hot, this combo is simply a powerful natural anti bio
, and as a bonus it gives a very good smell For preparation you have two possibilities
In number one You empty a capsule like this one or even
a bigger one if you have You fill with the mixture you come
crush, made of small amount for a start to test your tolerance to the
thing, if it works increase the dose So wash your hands well is not the
trouble to infect you, Crush your clove
Mix both, fill your capsule after showering well
clean up your virgin put this deeply it will melt the night
If you do not have a capsule, prepare this way, roll well like this and
put it cool until it hardens completely
Take it out just when you apply Pay attention to hygiene
Do this until you reach the degree of contraction that suits you
There is no restriction no minimum time no, just results and very satisfying
remember to subscribe, share this for that it touches a maximum of people likez
and comment XOXO
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The Return of Superman | 슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다 - Ep.262: I Learned Love from You[ENG/2019.02.03] - Duration: 1:18:09.
You are wearing matching hoodies with Kiyom.
- Matching hoodies. / - Goodness.
(It's been a while, Kiyom.)
He's Sian's brother.
Just looking at him makes me happy.
Do you feel happy by just looking at him?
Just looking at Kiyom makes Sian happy.
They first met at a dog shelter recently.
(Kiyom is a cute puppy.)
Sian couldn't help falling in love with Kiyom
when Kiyom kept hovering around him.
(Does he like me?)
Be my brother.
(They decided to raise Kiyom temporarily.)
They decided to foster Kiyom
until he meets a new family.
It's their ninth day together.
(Sian and Kiyom have been together for nine days.)
(Full of love)
- Dad. / - Yes?
We need to feed Kiyom something nice.
We have to make him healthy.
Goodness. They even feed the puppy themselves.
We need to make him something nice, right?
Shall we let him play around?
Yes. Let him play around.
You can play while we make food for you.
(You can play by yourself for now.)
- Do you remember Ms. Lee Hyejung? / - Yes.
She said we would need
chicken breast, pumpkin,
eggs and broccoli.
They are all good for dogs.
We need to blend them together
- to make gimbap for him. / - There's gimbap for dogs?
- Spread like this. / - I should make some
for my puppy too.
I'll make it delicious for Kiyom.
You can spread it on top.
- The eggs? / - Yes.
I love eggs too.
You and Kiyom like the same food.
It's because you're a puppy too.
- It makes sense. / - She's right.
My cute puppy, Sian.
Yes. Roll it.
- Oh, he's rolling it like seaweed. / - There you go.
Now we just have to boil it.
We'll be done once we boil it.
Dad, I love you.
You are so cute.
Here, it's done.
(It's full of the siblings' love.)
It does look like gimbap.
It's super delicious.
It's super delicious.
- It's super delicious. / - Now,
let's see if Kiyom eats it well.
(Will Kiyom like it?)
Will he eat it? Oh, he's enjoying it.
He eats it well.
He's enjoying it.
(Kiyom's enjoying their love and food.)
Is it delicious?
It must be delicious.
- Of course. / - You made it for him after all.
Kiyom has only been eating pet food.
That's like a special meal for him.
That's right.
- Hello. / - My phone's ringing.
Something must be going on.
- You're right. / - Our puppy?
All right.
(Our puppy? No way.)
- Guys. / - Yes.
There's a new family for Kiyom.
- My gosh. / - Kiyom found a new family.
So we have to send him.
- No! / - We want to be with him.
I'll keep him with me.
(They met like they're fated.)
Sian named him as Kiyom.
Sian loved Kiyom so much that he even washed him.
(First day of his temporary stay)
(Sian cleaned up after Kiyom too.)
Sian was a reliable brother
and would do anything for Kiyom.
(Second day of his temporary stay)
(Sian got him a new dress.)
(They came up with)
(a new sign for their friendship.)
(Third day of his temporary stay)
(Sian took a walk with Kiyom.)
Sian took him for a walk
and brought him friends so he wouldn't be lonely.
Sian must be sad after caring for Kiyom with much love.
(Seventh day of his temporary stay)
I know you are all attached to Kiyom.
There's a new lady who can take care of Kiyom.
Don't listen to him.
He told him to not listen to that.
(I'll keep you safe from hearing sad stories.)
- She's on her way. / - Where?
It's a lie. He's lying.
- Don't listen to him. / - Sian.
You have to learn to let go.
I'll give you time to say goodbye to Kiyom.
- Kiyom... / - She'll be here soon.
He's biting his lips and holding back his tears.
- Kiyom. / - He's about to cry.
- I love you, Kiyom. / - I love you.
If your new mom treats you badly,
you can tell me.
You can tell me too.
We don't have phones.
He can call our dad.
- My gosh. / - Please call Kiyom.
- Call Kiyom. / - Okay.
- She's here. / - She must be here.
- I hope they're nice. / - Kiyom's new mom is here.
Let's see.
(They're worried and excited at the same time.)
- Hello. / - Hello.
- Hello. / - Hello.
- Come inside. / - Okay.
Hello, Sian.
- Hello. / - Have you greeted her?
Gosh, I hope she can take care of him well.
I think she's a nice person.
- Thank you for taking care of Kiyom. / - My pleasure.
My goodness.
Thank you for taking good care of Kiyom.
What made you decide to take him in?
I saw his pictures at the dog shelter.
His eyes looked really sad.
I was looking at his photos with my mom.
- We cried together. / - Really?
We heard he was found on a freeway.
It was heartbreaking to hear that.
- They're attached to him. / - I'm sure.
Now that a nice lady is here to take him,
we have to let him go.
- I'll take good care of Kiyom. / - Let's let him go.
You have to give him to her.
(On the verge of tears)
I'll buy him good food and play with him.
- No. / - No?
We still want to keep him.
- No. / - He can't let go of him.
I'll treat him like my son.
- Please don't make him lonely. / - She can't take him.
I want to hug him too, Seola.
(Seola gives him to Sua.)
- My gosh. / - My goodness.
- Gosh. Now she cries. / - Don't cry.
(Seola bursts into tears.)
- It's hard to say goodbye. / - Of course.
It must be harder for kids.
Nine days is a long time for them.
- They must be so attached. / - Yes.
They became friends in one day.
Are you sad that he's leaving?
I'll miss you.
Please stay happy.
Surprisingly, Sian is not crying
and is calmly letting him go.
- He's saying goodbye maturely. / - Give Kiyom to her.
(Each of them said goodbye to him.)
Thank you.
I'll take great care of him.
Aren't you sad?
- I'm sad. / - You are?
Why aren't you crying, then?
If I cry,
Kiyom will cry too.
You think he'll cry if you cry?
- I'm holding back my tears. / - You are?
He knows how to hold back his tears now.
(Will Kiyom know how much Sian loves him?)
Bye, Seola and Sua.
Bye, Sian.
(They finally say goodbye.)
Can you not take him?
I'll visit you again soon.
- Say goodbye. / - Bye.
Let's meet again soon. I'll miss you.
See you again.
I'll miss you.
Bye, Sian.
(Thank you, guys.)
- Okay. Bye. / - Bye.
Thank you.
- She left. / - Yes.
(Kiyom is really gone.)
Goodness, Sian.
He's crying now.
He didn't cry in front of Kiyom.
He was holding back his tears.
- Sian. / - Goodness.
You're crying after he's gone.
It's okay.
My little boy.
(Sian pretended like he's fine because of Kiyom.)
It's okay.
(Sian's sadder than anyone now.)
You acted like you're strong.
You acted like you're strong. Gosh.
(I'll miss you, Kiyom.)
We can go visit him.
(Be happy!)
You can stop crying now.
The Return of Superman, episode 262.
"I Learned Love from You".
(It's noisy at the Hammingtons'.)
Dad, be the Hulk.
I'm the Hulk!
I'm Spider-Man!
(Who am I, then?)
Who's Bentley, then?
- Bentley is... / - Is he the Iron Man?
You're Iron Man.
They're playing like they're in nature.
Shall we have breakfast?
No. I'm not hungry.
(I want to eat.)
- He wants to eat. / - He's always hungry.
I want to eat ice cream.
I don't want to eat rice.
- You want ice cream? / - Yes.
You're not going to have breakfast?
I want chocolate ice cream.
Do you want chocolate ice cream?
Yes! Yes, baby.
Yes, baby!
I'll make you something really delicious.
(I look forward to your food, Dad.)
What's Sam's breakfast?
(Minced meat)
I think he's making pasta.
While Sam's making a special dish for William,
the kids are getting excited.
(Is it a Nanta performance before breakfast?)
"Food is coming. Food is coming."
He has good rhythms.
(When William makes beats,)
(Bentley follows him.)
(Give us food!)
(When William gets up...)
- He's getting excited. / - Can he stand up?
(He's stuck by the safety belt.)
- He's wearing the belt. / - Right.
(I'll get over with this baby chair soon.)
What are you doing, Dad?
I'm making pasta.
Are you making pasta and ice cream?
- What is that? / - Pasta and ice cream?
Sam is a great dad.
(Pasta with ice cream)
It's ready.
Close your eyes.
(I'm not here.)
(Count on it.)
(Here's Sam's special dish.)
Who wants to have ice cream?
(He carefully has ice cream first.)
He must be so happy.
Is there something wrong?
Does it taste weird?
(What's wrong, William?)
Is it good?
It's delicious, right?
Is it not ice cream?
Is it different?
(Cream cheese)
It wasn't ice cream. It was cream cheese.
(William's fooled.)
This is cheese.
I want ice cream first.
He wants ice cream.
(While Sam and William are bickering,)
(Bentley is tasting something really good.)
- It must be delicious. / - Yes.
Bentley eats everything.
He likes everything that a human can eat and digest.
(He even licks the fork.)
- He's licking the fork. / - The fork is delicious.
(His eyebrows tell that it's good.)
He eats so well.
Oh, my gosh.
You have to eat rice with watery kimchi.
Do you want watery kimchi?
Yes, baby!
Is it good?
(He's drinking the watery kimchi.)
You eat it so well.
I love kimchi.
You're a kimchi man.
You should have pasta too.
I worked hard to make it for you.
I want kimchi chocolate.
Do you want kimchi chocolate?
What is that?
I want to eat chocolate.
You want chocolate?
You want chocolate that much?
Chocolate kimchi?
(Then I'll let you have chocolate.)
He's adding it in the pasta.
(He's adding chocolate in every dish.)
What's that? Is it jjajangmyeon?
(This shocking food is pasta with chocolate.)
What is this?
He added chocolate in dongchimi.
- It's like jjajangmyeon. / - I want it now.
You want it now?
Here's chocolate pasta.
This is dongchimi with chocolate.
(I love chocolate)
This is what you wanted.
It's chocolate.
It's dongchimi with chocolate.
How is it?
What? It must be good.
Is it delicious?
It can't be delicious.
He's eating it again.
There's chocolate inside, so he keeps eating it.
(Is it really good?)
- Bentley wants to eat it. / - It can't be delicious.
- Chocolate pasta. / - It will be a new menu.
(He's excited even by the smell of it.)
(He munches the pasta.)
This one isn't good. It doesn't suit his taste.
Is it good?
- Look at Bentley. / - Look at his face.
He's watching William.
(He licks the chocolate off his finger.)
This one must be weird.
He wants to eat it too.
Is this really chocolate?
It is.
Did it go bad?
This chocolate tastes weird.
It's not weird. It's just chocolate.
I can't eat this.
What? I made it for you.
You did a bad job.
What do you mean?
I did a good job.
This is bad.
Why aren't you eating it?
It's not delicious.
You wanted me to make chocolate food.
(He asked Sam to make chocolate food.)
It's horrible!
Did you just call it horrible?
Then you have to promise me.
- Don't ask for chocolate from now on. / - Okay.
- Can you promise me? / - He's banning it now.
- Promise me. / - He's banning it.
- My goodness. / - No. This finger, not that.
Give me your little finger.
(It's hard for him to find the little finger.)
Sam's strategy worked.
You just promised.
Bentley, you need to take a bath.
Let's go take a bath.
You need to wash your hair. My goodness.
You're a little monster.
Let's take a shower. Oh, my gosh.
I feed my kids as neatly as possible
because I can't be bothered to wash them.
But Sam gives them a bath after every meal.
He lets them eat freely and washes them later.
He does.
(I love it.)
Let's wash.
Yes, baby.
(What's William doing alone?)
I won't have chocolate. I'll have chocolate ice cream.
He won't eat chocolate, but he'll have ice cream.
But he's not having chocolate...
(He opens the fridge.)
- What's wrong? / - What is it?
I think he's shocked.
(He finds something unidentified.)
(He instinctively walks backward.)
(He has nowhere to go now.)
(Something must be going on with William.)
There's a hand.
What is that?
My gosh.
(He's keeping his distance.)
Dad, this is scary.
What's scary?
(He can't believe his eyes.)
(No, I need to fight back.)
(I'm not scared of you.)
- What is it? / - It looks like a hand.
(But I feel like I'll lose.)
(I'll fight you.)
(He's acting like Bruce Lee.)
- Dad. / - Yes?
- There's a scary thing. / - What?
- It's scary. / - What is it?
Here. Look at it.
Sam kept the leftover minced meat in plastic gloves.
It's a very good tip for keeping meat.
Why didn't he put it in a normal plastic bag?
Why did you open it?
I wanted to have chocolate ice cream.
You can't have chocolate anymore, remember?
- I know. / - Yes.
You saw this because you didn't listen to me.
I'm sorry, Dad.
My goodness. He must be shocked.
Is Bentley going to get scared too?
He found it.
He's not scared of it.
I think he'll break it and lick it.
Close the fridge.
(The meat looks good.)
I'll close the door.
Hey, what are you doing? It's scary!
Step aside. Let me close it.
You'll be cold. It's scary.
(William's still scared.)
I closed it for you.
You won't have chocolate, right?
- Can you promise me? / - Yes.
Promise me here. Come here.
(The Second Chocolate Pact)
Yes, baby.
I was very surprised.
It's a good tip on keeping the leftover meat.
But I was very lucky.
I got good results
without meaning to.
(Where is this place?)
Chiang Mai is a popular city for Koreans
to live during the winter season.
It's warm during winter, the cost of living is cheap,
and it's a beautiful and eco-friendly place.
Which family is here?
I'm visiting here after 20 years.
I was here before you were born.
Where are we?
- Chiang Mai. / - "Toothpaste"?
- Chiang Mai. / - Chiang Mai.
Toothpaste is yours?
He's making a dad joke.
Jaesi and Jaea come here often
to get their training during winter.
I wanted to come here to cheer them on,
and have a good time with Seola, Sua, and Sian.
That's why I'm here.
Jaesi and Jaea are getting trained here.
We are here to show them our support.
Let's call Mom first.
Let's tell her that we've arrived.
It's so sunny here.
They're in Thailand. It's bound to be sunny.
Come here, Sian.
- What is it now? / - Stand in the sun.
It's really sunny.
Get some sun. You're too pale.
Cover me. Come here.
I don't think he knows what's happening to him.
Cover me. Cover me because I'm hot.
- Cover me, Sian. / - That looks so natural.
- Hello? / - Hey.
- We've arrived. / - Okay.
Should we go there now?
- To the tennis court? / - Now?
No, I think the training will run long today.
How about tomorrow?
Today will be long. It'll be simple tomorrow.
Is that so?
- We're at the airport. / - It's not a good day.
What should we do now?
- Go to Tha Phae Gate. / - Okay.
Play with the kids today.
Come tomorrow since the training will be short then.
There is a bus at the airport.
You want us to take the bus?
(You want us to take the bus here?)
Okay. Okay, I'll try.
- I don't see the bus. / - We'll look for it.
- Okay, I got it. / - Bus!
- Okay. Bye. / - Mom talked about here.
Where should we go?
Let's go find the bus. The bus.
Sian, where do you think the bus will be at?
Let's go this way. Let's follow Sian.
The buses might be over there like he said.
Okay, the bus.
At this rate, we might walk to Tha Phae Gate
since we can't find the bus.
Gosh, it's Lee Donggook.
Are you Korean?
Yes, hello.
- Hello. / - Hi.
Where can we get on the bus for Tha Phae Gate?
- It's over there. / - Over there?
We came to the opposite direction.
- It was the other way? / - R3.
Thank you. Thank you. It's at R3.
Have a pleasant trip.
Yes, have a pleasant trip. Thank you.
We have to walk back as much as we walked.
Sian, you said we should go this way, didn't you?
Isn't it hard? Traveling is supposed to be hard.
Yes, that way, they'll remember it.
- There's the bus! / - Where?
- Over there. / - There's the bus.
- The bus! / - That's the bus stop.
Let's sit. We can sit down here, right?
Okay. Sit down. Sian, you should sit here.
Only nice kids can see the chair here.
Wait, there's no place to sit on.
- Only nice kids can see. / - Then since you're nice,
- you should sit there. / - Come here.
Should I sit here?
(I can sit on this chair since I'm nice.)
Only nice people...
He always falls for it.
Sian, isn't this comfortable?
- No. / - What?
- Sian is too nice. / - Gosh, look at Sua.
She must be so nice.
She looks comfortable. It's the most comfortable.
Why is this bus taking so long?
- Sian. / - It's here. Let's get on.
Let's get on.
- Yes, the bus is here. / - Here it is.
- How much? / - It's 60 per person.
- 60 cents? / - Yes.
Each or...
- Don't go in yet. / - They don't need to pay.
No? You can get in for free.
Kids under 13 years old can ride for free.
This is an airport bus, but it costs 70 cents.
- That's really cheap. / - Mom told us
to take the bus because it's free.
- She's a nice mom. / - It's free for you.
She's a nice mom?
What do you want to do in Chiang Mai?
- Elephants. / - Elephants?
You have hair on your legs too.
- What did you say? / - When I'm big like you,
my legs won't get tired.
That's right, but you must eat a lot, right?
- Yes. / - You must chew a lot.
(I'll eat a lot and grow up.)
Sian, you already grew up a lot.
You know what, Sian?
When I called you when you were a baby,
you smiled. Do you remember that?
(Sian's smile won over every viewer.)
Gosh, that was already four years ago.
- Gosh, he's so cute. / - Sian.
Sian looks like an elementary school kid now.
A handsome boy.
Do you remember this? You couldn't say "Seola",
You said you were Sua. Do you remember that?
- Sua? / - Yes.
- It's Sua's. / - What?
No, you're Seola.
It's Sua's. It's Sua's.
You're Seola. You're not Sua.
(It was hard to pronounce her name.)
- My goodness. / - She's pretty Seola now.
You grew up a lot.
I can't believe we're on a trip together.
You grew up a lot.
Kids, I think we're here. Look over there.
Yes, this is it. Is this Tha Phae Gate?
Hey, let's get off here.
Tha Phae Gate is Chiang Mai's landmark.
This place hosts lots of popular places
like restaurants and markets.
This is a place you must visit.
Kids, look. This is equivalent to
Dongdaemun Gate in Korea. This is the gate. Look.
- This is a big gate. / - A gate?
You must visit this gate when you're in Chiang Mai.
(There is also romance at the gate.)
His music definitely improves the atmosphere.
(Yes, it's a feast!)
They think they can eat me too.
- Sian, look. / - Does it hurt, Dad?
- Seola. / - Wow!
Oh, it sat on you.
- It came to me too. / - When you come here,
you must visit the traditional markets
for fruits. Let's go.
- Your sisters are here. / - Yes.
If you see healthy food, buy them and come back.
They will go shopping for their sisters.
It's the fruit paradise.
Sian, look at this. Look at this.
- They are baby bananas. / - Yes, baby bananas.
Do you want to try them? It's 34 cents.
They cost only 34 cents.
- My gosh. / - The watermelon is 30.
Let's buy the watermelon. This is mango.
The fruits here are so cheap.
Excuse me.
- Hello, hi. / - One, two, three, four and five.
- Everything is that cheap? / - It's so cheap.
- Fruits are cheap there. / - Let's try some.
(Donggook opens up the fruit he bought.)
(Yes, I know this smell.)
Here you go, Sian.
- What is this? / - Try it. Take a bite.
(Why does this taste terrible?)
- He's shocked. / - This is durian.
When he went to Thailand last year,
he tasted it at his friend's house.
Is it good?
Gosh, it's hard to describe the flavor.
It was hard for me to eat that at first too.
- I can't swallow it. / - It's good.
(He's having fun thanks to Sian.)
It's not good.
It's hard to get used to.
- What's that? / - That's meat.
- Should we buy it? / - This one.
How can two kids shop at a market in Thailand?
They're great at errands.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
- This one. / - Yes.
This one. One more.
- Three dollars, okay? / - Okay.
I think we bought everything.
Even though we bought so much,
- they were all very cheap, weren't they? / - Yes.
- There they are. / - Dad!
- Sian! / - Dad. No, Seola.
- What did you buy? / - We bought meat.
- What did you say? / - Meat and other things.
Let's check what you bought.
I knew it.
- She's eating right away. / - Did your body react?
It's tastier when you eat it right away.
You're dripping everything. Look at you.
What about your sisters?
She must make sure that it's not spoiled.
Shall we go eat something delicious?
Sure, let's go eat some food. Sua, stop eating.
You'll end up eating the rind too.
There are a lot of good restaurants in Chiang Mai.
Go, go.
They set out exploring restaurants in Chiang Mai.
What will the trio be tasting?
This restaurant serves over 100 dishes.
You can eat all you want, but let's choose one each.
- Let's look at this. / - There's no jjajangmyeon.
If there are that many dishes,
- I'd have to think a lot to choose. / - Right.
- I can't read it. / - What?
Then tell me the numbers. Just the numbers.
- This one. / - That one?
Sian will get Dish 104. Dish 104 for Sian.
Remember your number.
I want 702.
I want 801.
I want 901.
This dish is recommended.
We'll share 809 together.
This is random. You'll eat your own dish.
- Got it? / - What does that mean?
Whatever you get, you have to eat it yourself.
I think Sian's dish will be the tastiest.
(The first dish is served.)
Whose dish is that? Is that yours, Dad?
This is the recommended dish.
(This is for everyone to share.)
Is this the tripe?
(Thai-style grilled tripe)
That's a Thai-style tripe dish.
That looks like a Korean tripe dish.
- Right? / - Smell it.
- Look at that. / - It smells good.
I'll try it first, and you kids can have it next.
That looks delicious.
What if it's really spicy?
- This is delicious. / - Really?
You've never had tripe before, right?
This is tripe.
(I want to try the tripe now.)
(Wait, this tastes like...)
- Is it good? / - Her eyes and nostrils got bigger.
Is it that good?
It's chewy and tasty.
Before you eat, you must put your hair up.
Your hair obstructs your vision, right?
(Thai-style hairstyle that resembles a palm tree)
(Taking a bite)
Isn't it good?
(This tastes delicious for me too.)
- A thumbs-up. / - A thumbs-up.
Here it is. What is this one?
The second dish they chose without reading the menu.
There's a lid on it. I have a bad feeling.
- It's 901. / - This is mine.
He said he had to eat whatever was served.
901. This is mine.
I can't wait.
- What could it be? / - What could it be?
- One, two, three. / - Two, three.
One, two, three, four.
He wouldn't open it right away.
- One, two, three. / - Three.
It's pizza.
- This is like pizza. / - That looks good.
(They are so jealous.)
This is like pizza.
This is mine.
They made a pancake with eggs and minced pork.
This is a Thai-style pancake.
That looks really good.
Only you can eat the dish you ordered, okay?
- This looks delicious. / - We should all share.
- No. You'll eat your own. / - We should share.
- I told you we'll only share this. / - Chopsticks.
- Mine came out first. / - He's something else.
I guess yours is easy to make.
It looks really good when he eats it.
- Let me have some now. / - Dad.
(Shooing away)
You're so cheap.
You're so cheap, Dad.
- Another dish is served. / - Something is inside.
I think this one has pork inside.
- Which one is that? / - 801.
- 801. / - 801.
That's Seola's.
Seola is getting excited.
Hurry and open it.
What is it?
She chose the most popular dish at the restaurant.
It's barbecued pork neck.
- It's mouthwatering. / - That looks so good.
That is a really delicious dish.
May I try some?
Sure. Go ahead.
That really looks delicious.
- I bet it has a smoky barbecue flavor. / - It's good.
What is that?
Another one is coming.
Whose dish is that?
Is that Sian's?
- What number? / - 702.
- It's Sua's. / - It's Sua's dish.
- When will I get mine? / - This is Sua's.
- What could it be? / - This is pork.
She can tell by the smell?
If that's really pork, she has my respect.
- Can you smell it? / - Open it.
What is that?
What's that? That's pork cutlet.
Is that pork cutlet?
It's pork belly coated in batter and deep-fried.
Then it is pork.
I respect her.
Pork cutlet is my favorite.
But this is mine.
- It's pork cutlet. / - It's pork cutlet, right?
I want to taste some.
- No. / - Can't I have some?
- I want to try some. / - You tried mine.
(Shaking her head)
When I get mine, I'll eat it by myself.
- I won't share it with anyone. / - I'll give you this.
- That's mine. / - Sian's dish is here.
(Sian finally gets his dish.)
- Aren't you excited? / - Yes.
- I can't wait. / - I'll put it here.
- What could it be? One, two, three. / - Two, three.
Four, five.
(This is what he learned from his dad.)
What could it be? I can't wait.
Finally, it's time to unveil
the random dish Sian chose and has been waiting for.
- What is his dish? / - What?
- What is it? / - What is that?
(What is this?)
(What on earth is this dish?)
- What is that? / - They are stones.
- Stones? / - What are those?
Sian got stones.
- Stones? / - Aren't those stones?
Come on. Why did Sian choose that?
Why is his dad having so much fun?
- Could it be chestnuts? Or Beans? / - Chestnuts?
Are they soft?
- These are a bit soft. Yes. / - Are they soft?
(I'll know once I taste it.)
Will you try it?
Are those like fish roes?
Why does this keep rolling?
That's a stone.
(Something just splattered on my face.)
Is it something like a sea squirt?
- You try it. / - Okay.
He didn't feel safe. She's trying it first.
(Tossing it to an expert)
- What is it? / - Something flew.
Something flew. This isn't a stone.
It's not. What is this?
- It's not a stone. / - Then what is it?
Something is inside.
Hey, why do you keep eating mine?
Why do you keep eating it when I'm not looking?
It's good.
I'm sure Sua has been counting, right?
- Eat your stones now. / - I'll give you nothing.
- It's not a stone. / - Then what is it?
Actually, this isn't a stone.
What is it?
Ask them what it is.
- What is that, Sian? / - Ask him.
What is this? What is this?
They are mushrooms.
The food they mistook for stones
was the juicy puffball mushroom.
These are rare mushrooms harvested from
the alpine region in Northern Thailand.
I might get healthy from eating it.
Everyone has pork.
Only Sian doesn't have pork.
Only Sian has mushrooms.
That's right. He's the only one eating vegetables.
- Sian looks sad. / - Fine.
I'll give you some of my food.
All right. This is for Sian.
I knew it. He was just pretending.
- He always plays with and teases Sian. / - He does.
- I knew they'd share. / - I was just kidding.
We should all share, okay?
You can't eat only yours. I was just kidding.
- Dad. / - My gosh.
- Hello. / - Everyone, clap.
I think this is something else.
Something is fishy. This is something else.
Dad, I don't think those are coconuts.
- One of these coconuts / - Soy sauce...
has salt water.
- Sua, you take that one. / - What's wrong with him?
One of us will get the salt water.
Let's see.
(Donggook and Sua sip first.)
Mine is coconut.
- Mine, too. / - One has salt water.
- Mine is coconut. / - I have coconut too.
- Mine, too. / - One has salt water.
- Is it Sian again? / - Something is suspicious.
- Try the white thing. / - Try it.
- I don't think mine is coconut water. / - Try it.
Sian, I was kidding. It's not salt water.
- Right. / - It's coconut water.
Nothing has salt water.
(I won't fall for it.)
There's something!
- His dad plays along. / - He's switching them.
- He's playing along. / - Switch them faster.
(He's switching with his dad's very slowly.)
Dad, look over there! Over there!
- There! / - He kept looking around.
(He finishes switching them.)
This is an X.
He distracts his dad.
If that one is salt water after switching them...
(Taking a sip of coconut juice proudly)
This is coconut juice.
(The coconut juice is delicious.)
(Gosh, what a cute kid.)
- Is that salt water? / - Why?
- Nothing had salt water. / - Right.
His dad was joking.
(A fun meal with games)
- Now... / - Will we ride that?
The most common means of transportation in Thailand
is a red bus called "rot daang".
Let's ask first.
How much?
One... Three?
(Body language is the way to go when in a hurry.)
It's written there.
I see. One dollar per person.
It's expensive.
(He tries to bargain.)
- It's expensive. / - Expensive? It's not.
He says it's not. Let's get on.
They remodeled the trucks into minibuses.
Hey, this must be a tourist attraction.
There are a lot of tourists here.
Everyone, do you know where we are going now?
The soccer stadium.
It's not an ordinary soccer stadium.
It's been over 20 years. Gosh, it's been so long.
This is an old soccer stadium.
(Reminded of his memories)
I had no idea I'd be here again.
It was over there. I think I scored a goal there.
He came back to Chiang Mai Stadium after 20 years.
What memory did he leave at this place?
(He wanted to come back at least once.)
Gosh, I'm here with you.
I was 19 years old back then.
The competition for the Rookie Award is fierce.
Ahn Junghwan from Busan.
New player, Lee Donggook from Pohang.
If I get a chance to score,
I will try to score.
I will do my best so that my team wins.
He won the 1998 Rookie Award and made his name.
Here it is.
This is me.
(They watch Dad's turning shoot.)
Look, Sian. What am I doing?
My goodness.
It must feel strange to watch it with his kids.
Let's play soccer together.
Let's play.
(I want to play soccer like Dad.)
Let's go.
My goodness. I shouldn't fall down like that.
Come here. Sian, I will teach you soccer.
Give me the ball.
(Dad, show me your soccer skills.)
Go behind the ball and kick like this.
(Donggook teaches them the turning shoot.)
There you go.
(He turns his body as he shoots.)
He just shot the ball when his kids are there.
(I want to try it.)
The two of you are goalies.
- Okay. / - Come forward.
Go behind the ball and kick, okay?
- I do this and this. / - Yes.
He is good.
- There you go. / - Here I come.
I passed the ball.
Go behind the ball. That's it!
(He succeeds in making a 180-degree turn.)
Goodness. The ball moves freely.
Where are you going?
- Where are you going? / - Shoot!
- Sian. / - Goal!
It went in.
- He wants to lift his T-shirt. / - It won't stretch.
That T-shirt is too small.
It needs to stretch.
There are words on the T-shirt, right?
This was a message to your mom
I wrote it with the other soccer players for your mom.
I don't remember exactly.
I think
it was, "Let our love last forever."
It took place not long after we began to date.
I wanted to do something for her.
Perhaps thanks to that ceremony,
we are living as a happy family now.
My goodness.
(That was my youth.)
Who was more in love?
I was more in love.
(He becomes sentimental.)
Back then...
- Gosh, I'm hot. / - She is bored.
We were very happy.
- What did you like about Mom? / - About Mom?
There was nothing I didn't particularly like.
My goodness.
What does "particularly" mean?
There was nothing I didn't like about her.
How did you look back then?
I was really handsome. I was as handsome as you.
- That's right. / - More handsome than me?
I was as handsome as you.
Seola and Sua, between Sian and I,
who is more handsome?
(They will see who is more popular.)
- Sian. / - That's a tie.
- What about you, Sian? / - Me.
(He answers right away.)
Sian, are you handsome?
What do you think in front of a mirror?
Do you do that in front of a mirror?
(Who does he take after?)
It's obvious whose kid he is.
Sian will be handsome in the future.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
(Sian's future is coming soon.)
He will resemble Donggook more and more.
I have an important announcement to make.
Please pay attention.
I decided to spend another year as a soccer player.
(You promised to play with me every day.)
Then we won't see you for a year.
We will meet every weekend.
I will visit from time to time.
You are clapping.
(Dad, I root for you.)
- Seola. / - Sua.
- Sian. / - Donggook.
- Let's go! / - Let's go!
(Let's work hard in 2019 as well.)
Ben, Ben, Ben. Hello, Wolf.
- My goodness. / - Wolf.
- What a cute wolf! / - What should we do today?
When did you get so much hair?
- He has a head full of hair. / - You are cool.
Now there's no need to draw hair on his head.
(Keep growing.)
(William carries a toy the size of his body.)
Do you know what this is?
It's a shark.
That's right. Did you see its teeth?
How scary! Let's see your teeth.
William, you are like a shark.
I look like a shark.
How about the baby?
The baby?
He is a rabbit.
- A rabbit? / - Yes.
(Bentley, the rabbit)
Let's see your upper teeth.
Since he is about 14 months old,
he should have upper teeth.
Let go.
- It must be ticklish. / - Come here.
Where are you going?
Why won't he show his teeth?
Let me see.
(I would rather be punished.)
What are you doing?
You aren't in the military.
You're not getting punished.
(Show me your upper teeth.)
(Stop bothering me.)
He will see Sam's teeth first.
(He channels Kwak Mihyang.)
"Show me your mouth first if you want to see mine."
Baby. Baby.
Let me see yours. You saw my teeth.
Let me see your teeth.
(Sam versus Bentley)
This won't do.
Come here.
(Sam has a good trick.)
There is that app.
That's right. It magnifies your mouth.
- Bentley will be fascinated. / - That's right.
Hey, hey.
(What is this?)
- I think he will succeed. / - You look like an alien.
Who is he?
He doesn't have upper teeth?
I don't see anything.
Ben, Ben, Ben.
(Sam takes a photo.)
(They just look ugly.)
That's scary.
Baby, what is this?
(Sam has another trick.)
He's drawing Ben's attention.
Sam tries to be alluring.
(Bentley turns around.)
Sam should make him grin.
That's right.
(Bentley becomes absorbed.)
Open wide.
If you want it, open wide.
(Sam catches him.)
- It's hard. / - I guess
babies clench their jaws shut.
(He is allured by the toy.)
- He has upper teeth. / - My goodness.
He has two upper teeth and two bottom teeth.
- He has four teeth. / - That's right.
He showed his teeth.
He will be able to eat more quickly.
I prepared snacks for you.
Who wants strawberries? Who wants strawberries?
- Me! / - William.
How many strawberries do you want?
I want two.
- Two. / - I want big ones.
- You want big ones? / - Yes.
How big should they be?
How about this one?
It's as big as Bentley's face. Look.
Is that a strawberry?
- It's called King's Berry. / - Is that the name?
I will wash it first.
Baby, what is this?
Aren't you interested?
Gosh, I'm sorry.
Of course he is.
(I knew it.)
- Now he sees it. / - He's running forward like a wolf.
Hold on. Stop right there.
You are being scary. Hold on.
He is drawn like a magnet.
It's like a horror movie.
Hold on. Hold on. You are like a monster.
It's the size of Ben's fist.
- It's actually bigger. / - Sit down.
Sit down. Hey.
(Be careful not to drop it on the white rug.)
Don't run around.
Don't step in.
(The mischievous boys do it more.)
Let's eat off the rug.
Is it tasty?
Is it tasty?
Is it tasty?
(It's sour and sweet.)
A big strawberry is tasty.
Look at his eyebrows.
Now that he has front teeth,
- he can cut his food. / - That's right.
- He gained eating skills. / - That's right.
Are you done?
(He puts the rest on the table.)
(Ben is almost done.)
You didn't eat much. Ben is almost done.
It's William's.
(There is a strawberry.)
Ben is fast.
- Ben is fast. / - How many will you eat?
You have strawberries in both hands.
(He has strawberries in both hands.)
Are you ambidextrous?
He hid his strawberry in one hand.
Do you want another one?
Is he on his third strawberry? It's so big.
Why are you eating so much?
Do you want more strawberries?
(Ben comes back for more after the third strawberry.)
- How many is he eating? / - My goodness.
(His hands are full of strawberries.)
He has a strong desire to eat.
He stores one strawberry first.
That's right.
(It's juicy.)
(You know how to eat fruits.)
How cute!
(I know how to eat fruits.)
Hey, Bentley.
It needs to go into your mouth.
(Bentley gets changed.)
He looks like William.
He looks like William.
William wore that outfit when he was little.
Goodness. The top got pushed up similarly
because of his big belly.
Come to think of it, Bentley got William's clothes.
It's common when there is a sibling.
I also wore my brother's clothes.
- Your brother's clothes? / - Yes. They fit.
Dad, I want to watch "Toy Story".
- Do you want to watch TV? / - Yes.
- Let's watch TV then. / - Yes, baby!
William, let's do something more fun.
(Sam brings something out.)
(Is it a big box?)
What is this?
You are curious, right?
Let's make a TV.
Are we making a TV?
Yes. You wanted a TV.
(This looks interesting.)
Sam found an activity for them.
- Sam is incredible. / - I respect him so much.
We bought a new TV.
It's 4D. Let's begin now.
In one, two, three.
(How does Hammington TV look?)
What is this?
This is a 4D TV.
- It's done. / - Hammington TV.
Where is the remote control?
It's here.
(He even prepared a remote control.)
- Beep. / - Beep. Hold on.
What will come out?
This TV takes time.
- Beep. / - It's buffering.
Beep. Nothing is coming out.
Hold on. Hold on.
Are you ready?
(The Top Excellence Award winner is ready.)
Hello, hello.
I'm embarrassed for him.
- It's good to see you. / - I think
William is a good boy to endure this.
I'm a frog.
Today, we have a special guest.
What's your name?
I'm William Frog.
William Frog.
- He began to have fun. / - A giraffe.
It's nice to meet you, William.
Who lives in the animal kingdom?
(Sam's Animal Kingdom)
(I'm a gorilla.)
He is startled.
Then I'm Spider-Man.
They are playing together.
It's a 4D TV.
(This is so much fun.)
- Sam is having fun. / - Children are startled.
- Ben isn't used to this. / - Don't hit, okay?
You should never hit animals.
We should all... Gosh, I love you.
(I love you.)
We live and love.
William is playing with Sam.
That's right.
Bentley is startled.
He thinks Sam is a real gorilla.
(Someone save me.)
Sam is good at playing with children.
Do you know why parents do that?
- They are exhausted. / - They want to lie down.
- It's a break. / - They want to lie down.
Today, we will make an ASMR video.
- Let's drink this. / - It makes a good sound.
(Bentley smacks his lips.)
It's refreshing.
Now we will chew it.
(Dongchimi ASMR begins.)
(When will I get a turn?)
It's making a nice sound.
Bentley will chew it.
(I will do it.)
(You are listening to him chew on radish with 4 teeth.)
You can hear him bite into it.
- He has four teeth. / - That's right.
(Chewing with his four teeth)
(What comes next has never been tried.)
An ASMR video made with gum.
(Let's move onto the next one.)
We have fruit skewers, tanghulu.
- What will we hear? / - I'm really curious.
I will eat it like the Hulk.
Dad, I'm the Hulk.
The Hulk!
(Tanghulu sounds very tasty.)
- It's crunchy. / - The ones in Chinatown
- looked delicious. / - I want to try it.
They are sweet.
(It's too big to swallow.)
(In any case, it's tasty.)
(I will stand up and eat.)
(He drops a strawberry.)
(Hammington's Eating TV)
(It's too bad I dropped a strawberry.)
(He babbles towards the strawberry.)
(He can't forget about the dropped strawberry.)
He doesn't want to waste it.
- He wants to get out. / - It really is a 4D TV.
That white rug must be stained.
Are you done?
Show me something else. This is no fun.
Hello, I'm Beauty Sam.
- All right. / - I can't believe it.
Let's look at the color.
- What is up with him? / - I will try it on.
(Beauty Sam's Makeup TV)
(Dad, stop right now.)
Is he really trying it on?
Gosh, what is he doing?
I want this image out of my brain.
Shall we kiss?
Is that from a kiss?
(I will give Bentley red lips.)
All right.
(It's a Halloween makeup.)
My goodness.
Was it fun?
Don't give him a mirror.
We can have fun without TV, right?
- Really? / - I like your TV.
You do, right? All right.
You haven't taken the subway.
Have you taken the subway?
You haven't, right?
I haven't taken the subway with you.
That's why we are here.
There is no subway in Ulsan,
so we traveled by car.
Yes, there is the subway in Busan.
Let's take the subway together.
Don't they feel the stares?
I know why people are staring.
(Why are people staring?)
- Let's go. / - He stands out
- in that outfit. / - I know.
(Jooho got wet at the beach.)
While he was enjoying the beach,
Jooho got wet before.
Therefore, Naeun got him plastic bag shoes.
I need to find a shoe store.
Try them on. You can try them on.
I will just try them on.
How pretty!
- This one. / - This one?
- He got pants at a nearby market. / - How do I look?
He transformed into Naeun's style.
(That's how the outfit came to be.)
Naeun, don't I look weird?
You don't look weird.
Are you sure?
- Why am I embarrassed? / - What a unique look!
It has been a while since I took the subway.
I took it diligently in university.
Let's get tickets. Hold my hand.
This is how you get tickets now.
- Hold on. / - Choose a station.
When you haven't used it in a while,
- it becomes confusing. / - That's right.
(Is this how it works?)
- Come on. / - Insert the fare.
Here. Insert it.
I will insert a bill.
(They insert a bill.)
Naeun inserted money.
It came out.
It came out.
Give it to me.
(Here you go.)
Gunhoo is fascinated.
Gunhoo. Calm down.
- It's open. / - Gunhoo, let's go.
Let's go. Naeun, hold my hand.
Gunhoo, I have the change.
Stop it. Let's go.
- Stop opening it. / - Stop opening it.
Where do I go?
- There. / - I see.
Gunhoo, you are too heavy. Come here.
- Put on squeaky shoes. / - Squeaky shoes.
- Let's walk. / - He put his shoes on.
It seems like Gunhoo is making the sound.
I know.
(My shoes are making the sound.)
(Gunhoo is cute.)
He likes the sound that comes with each step.
Hold my hand.
The sound suits him.
(It looks like he'll walk to the end of the earth.)
(He runs towards the turnstile.)
Naeun and Gunhoo, go.
It's free for children under the age of six.
Gunhoo, pass through it.
- Gunhoo. / - Gunhoo is here.
Gunhoo is here.
Gunhoo is here.
Gunhoo, duck a little.
- Duck a little. / - Go.
A bit more.
- There you go. / - Gunhoo.
(Is this how I do it?)
(Good job, cutie.)
- Good job. / - She looks after Gunhoo.
Naeun, this didn't exist
when I used to take the subway.
They must be fascinated as it's their first time.
They are looking around.
Gunhoo is excited by this music.
He's responding to the sound.
Gunhoo, you are too loud.
I know you are excited, but you are too loud.
He is too loud, right?
(He creates noise.)
He continues to make that sound.
Here comes the subway.
Is it coming?
(I will listen.)
- My goodness. / - Can you hear it?
- Can you hear it? / - Yes.
It's coming.
- Is it coming? / - Yes.
Here it comes. Is it coming?
It's coming.
It's coming.
(They dance to the music that signals the arrival.)
The subway is approaching.
Here it is.
Naeun and Gunhoo
will ride the subway for the first time.
I was fascinated when that happened to me.
Let's get in after people get off.
Let's get in after people get off. Let's go.
(They finally get on.)
Ta-da! Wait.
They are fascinated. It's their first time.
(A passenger gets up from her seat.)
Naeun, come here.
(She quickly takes the empty seat.)
Naeun, you sat down so quickly.
Sit here.
Shall I sit here?
It must be exciting to look outside.
Naeun, this is your first time.
(She is confused by the packed
subway.) (There are a lot of people.)
Gunhoo, wait.
Gunhoo hasn't gotten used to this.
Dad, where are we going?
We are going to Beomeosa Station.
Beomeosa Station.
He's holding the handle.
(What is this?)
How cute.
What is he doing?
He's hanging on.
He's hanging on.
(Gunhoo is strong.)
He might as well just hang on it by himself.
I want to do it.
I did it so that Gunhoo wouldn't cry.
Gunhoo is saying hello.
He probably thinks a passenger is like a guest at home.
She has bags. They must be heavy.
Please sit down.
- It's okay. / - It's okay.
She learned how to give up her seat.
May I sit down?
- Will you be okay? / - Yes, you can sit down.
(I will be okay.)
Thank you.
With Gunhoo in his arms...
He helped him put up her bags.
(It must be hard.)
- Will you be okay? / - I will be okay.
- I'm sorry. / - It's okay.
Children need to see this and learn.
- Naeun, can you hold Gunhoo? / - Yes.
Let's put this up so that Gunhoo can sit.
(He puts away Naeun's backpack.)
Gunhoo, sit here. Hold Gunhoo.
He wants to come to me.
It must be hot inside the subway.
(I want to sit with Gunhoo.)
- My goodness. / - He's calming him down.
When children do that in a closed space,
you don't know what to do.
Jooho doesn't know what to do.
Why is Gunhoo crying?
(It is chaotic.)
Are we here?
- They need to get off. / - Hurry up.
We are late. Hurry up.
Beomeosa Station is their destination.
We're here.
(The subway goes to the next station.)
Why does Naeun look so shocked?
My backpack!
That's right! He put the backpack away.
What will he do?
(I forgot about her backpack.)
(Dad, my backpack really left, right?)
We left your backpack behind.
- What should we do? / - What will they do?
(She begins to bawl.)
It's okay. I will find it.
My goodness.
Doesn't he know what it means to Naeun?
- My goodness. / - Why didn't he get it?
It's like her other self.
I was in such a hurry to get off
that I forgot about your backpack.
- My goodness. / - She is bawling.
Naeun, I will find it. I promise.
- It means the world to Naeun. / - What will they do?
I forgot that I put the backpack away.
There were too many people.
There is a Lost and Found Center
- at the station. / - They can find it.
- They will find it. / - Don't cry.
(My backpack!)
My heart is breaking.
She went to the screen door.
(She looked for it first thing in the morning.)
She looked for it first thing in the morning.
She hid with it during hide-and-seek.
She kept it with her during the trip.
The backpack is Naeun's treasure.
(The backpack contains her good memories.)
It left Naeun.
What is she going to do?
- She's crying as if her boyfriend left. / - I know.
(The sudden breakup makes her cry.)
Oh, no. Jooho must feel bad for her.
(Did it come back?)
I forgot about it because Gunhoo was crying.
Your mind is all over the place
when you go out with two children.
(She is heartbroken.)
Don't cry. Don't cry.
Naeun, we need to stay calm.
Naeun, sit here. Come here.
- He will calm her down first. / - Yes, he is.
Eden, it's Mom.
Baby, talk to Mom.
Did someone hurt you?
- Jooho... / - "Jooho"?
Did your dad do something?
Jooho took my... My bag...
Over there.
Do you have your bag? Where's your bag?
It's over there.
- Why are you crying? / - Gunhoo's crying too.
He's crying because his sister is crying.
What do we do?
- Poor Jooho. / - Eden, stop crying.
- You're strong. / - Okay.
- She's telling her she's strong. / - Don't worry.
Eden is okay.
Don't worry.
- She's calm. / - We'll find it.
You have to check if everything's in there.
I'll find it for you. I promise.
It happened in the middle of their Busan trip.
Let's go up to ask where your bag is.
Let's go. Come on.
Gunhoo cried too.
It's so hectic.
Dad, will we find my bag?
I'm sure we'll find it.
Do you trust me?
Don't worry, okay?
I'll find it for you.
It's too hard to travel alone with the kids.
He should've taken me.
- Hello. / - Gosh.
- Hello. / - Naeun, you tell them.
How can I help you?
Naeun, you tell her.
What did we lose?
We left my bag
- on the subway. / - Oh, really?
Please find it for me.
Try going to Nopo Station.
- Nopo Station? / - Yes.
What's the station again, Naeun?
- Nopo Station. / - Nopo Station.
Do we go to the information center?
Yes, you should try their station office.
The station office?
She must have cried.
- Yes, she cried a lot. / - Really?
The bag is precious to her.
- Bye. / - Thank you. Let's go.
- I hope you find the bag. / - Thank you.
Nopo Station.
My pants keep on dropping.
We came to have fun, but it's so tiring.
Don't cry, you'll find it.
That's right.
Gunhoo, why are you so happy?
He's feeling good now.
- Gunhoo is excited. / - What got him so happy?
"We can find it."
Naeun, don't worry too much.
Don't cry.
(Don't cry, Naeun.)
Don't cry.
Gunhoo cried earlier too.
Gunhoo cried too, right?
It was because he cried that I left the bag behind.
I was too distracted.
Gunhoo, why did you cry?
He was too hot.
I left my bag behind.
You cried, didn't you?
It's okay, Naeun. We'll find it.
(The subway is here.)
It's here. Naeun, it's here.
Hurry, hurry. Let's go find your bag.
Will they find it?
(Naeun became brave)
(at the thought of finding her bag.)
What's in your bag?
- Medicine. / - What else?
- Gunhoo's gloves. / - Gunhoo's gloves?
Gunhoo's nose plug.
Gunhoo's nose plug. What else?
- Is she going on a march? / - My toy.
- Your toy. / - She remembers it all.
- Water. / - Water.
There are so many things. We must find it, right?
What else?
(I'm praying desperately for it.)
One more. If we go one more, we'll find it.
- Are we going to find it? / - Yes.
Let's get off. Let's get off, Naeun.
(They're at the last stop where lost items gather.)
Let's get off.
(They're on their way to find the bag.)
Where's my bag?
Let's go find it. Watch your head.
- I hope they have it. / - I'm sure they will.
I don't want Naeun to get hurt.
- That's what I hate the most. / - Here it is.
Is it because she cried? She looks slimmer.
- Hello. / - Hello.
How can I help you with?
Why are you here?
I lost my bag.
Your bag?
Where did you lose it?
- On the subway. / - At Beomeosa Station.
- Beomeosa... / - On the subway?
Yes, on the subway.
A little while ago, a lady said
they found something on the subway.
She just handed it to us.
- Could it be her bag? / - Naeun, sit here.
Is it this?
Is this yours?
Naeun, is that yours?
(Could this be Naeun's bag?)
It's mine.
It's hers, it's hers.
Naeun, I told you we'd find it.
We found it.
Thank goodness.
- She's checking. / - Everything's here.
Let me see.
What do you have?
(She's taking out her items to check.)
Everything she mentioned is coming out.
(Handkerchief, gloves, socks, nose plug...)
Leave them inside.
- It's my bag. / - Is it?
- Thank you. / - No problem.
I'm glad you found it.
Naeun, don't lose your bag from now on.
- Dad, it was you... / - It was you who lost it.
- Why are you blaming her? / - who lost my bag.
- Did I lose it? / - Yes.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Naeun, let's not lose it from now on, okay?
Let's go and eat.
- I'm so hungry. / - Seriously.
I got hungry from watching them.
- Let's hurry. / - Go and eat.
Thank you.
- Louder. / - Thank you.
- Sure. / - Bye.
Take your shoes off.
(Where did Naeun's family go to?)
Have something delicious.
Come on. Come here.
It looks like a house.
Dad, whose house is this?
This is a restaurant.
It's interesting. There's nothing here.
- Yes. / - There's nothing here.
- There are strangers. / - Sit down.
- Isn't that a house? / - Why isn't anyone here?
Sit down. Why isn't anyone around?
- She brought cushions. / - Hello.
- It must really be a restaurant. / - Hello.
Thank you. Naeun, sit here.
- I want to sit here. / - Do you? Okay.
I'm going to sit beside Gunhoo.
Are you going to sit beside Gunhoo?
Gunhoo, sit here.
I guess there's nothing tasty today.
There's nothing tasty, is there?
Why isn't there anything?
I don't know.
My friend told me this place is good.
That's why I brought you guys here.
I've never been here either.
Gunhoo is sleepy.
- Gunhoo. / - Naeun, Gunhoo was sleeping.
(Don't touch me.)
He's still sleepy.
- When it's time to eat... / - "Don't touch."
He's cranky because he's hungry. Let him be.
He's cranky because he's hungry.
He's hungry.
He's hungry.
"How dare you get up?"
You're the one who did wrong.
That's right.
- I love his reaction. / - You did wrong.
He's cranky.
- I won't give you a gift. / - He's good at saying no.
- He shows his palm. / - Exactly.
Goodness! What is this?
(Something unusual is happening.)
- Be careful. / - What is it?
(Stealing the spotlight)
The table...
- Naeun, look. / - I'll put it down.
(Surprised and worried)
What's this?
Naeun, what is this?
She brings in the table on her head.
(It must definitely be delicious!)
(It's a full table.)
He's going to the other table where there's food.
"Let me join you guys."
Wait here. I know, I'll give you food.
(The dish is captivating their eyes and noses.)
I'll feed you. I got it.
I'll feed you. Wait a little longer.
Isn't it hard?
It's hard.
Don't your hands hurt?
Not my hands. But my head hurts.
Why does it hurt?
Because I carry the table on my head.
It's very heavy.
(You must be tired.)
Grandma is hurting.
- Really? / - Dad, help her.
- She's so sweet. / - How can I help her?
Dad, you carry it.
But I'm so tired from carrying
you and Gunhoo all day.
If she gets hurt, she needs to ice herself.
Really? What about me?
You're strong.
He can't beat her with words.
Hurry up and help her.
Hurry up and go.
- Go. / - Gunhoo, you too?
You should be on my side.
- Gunhoo too. / - He's in too.
Are you telling me to go?
Just hearing you say that makes me happy.
Not anyone can do this.
I should try it since my daughter's making me.
Do you think you can do it?
I'll try it.
Yes. I'll give it a try, okay?
How do I carry this?
You have to carry it on your head.
Here. Now put it on your head.
Here I go.
He has to balance it well.
Hold the front. One hand on this leg.
- Like this? / - Yes, but not both.
- Like this? / - That's it.
Like this? Try letting go.
- Are you okay? / - It's working so far.
He's an athlete, so he's good.
(He's able to turn right away.)
Naeun, look at me.
- Dad, are you okay? / - Yes, I'm okay.
- Am I doing a good job? / - Doesn't it hurt?
To the left.
Isn't this our table?
It's for someone else.
(He's delivering it to another customer.)
It kind of suits him.
Everything was predetermined for him.
Like this.
Naeun's proud.
She's enjoying making her dad work.
Enjoy your food.
- Dad, are you okay? / - It hurts my head.
See if I have a bump.
- You're okay. / - Okay.
I'll bring our table now.
He suddenly became an employee.
Put your bag down.
Lift it together.
Lift it together.
(Dad, good luck carrying our table!)
(He's now skilled at going under the table.)
(Good job, Dad.)
I did it, didn't I?
Naeun, which way?
Where should I go?
Here. Hurry up.
Dad. Look at Dad.
(Our food is here, Gunhoo.)
Hold the back.
How do you do this, ma'am?
How many tables do you carry in a day?
At our busiest, about 30.
That's amazing.
(It's time to get their appetite up.)
There's duck bulgogi to cheer them up.
There's also nutritional chicken soup.
- Isn't it perfect? / - What a work of art.
Is that child a boy or a girl?
- He's a boy. / - A boy?
- He looks like a girl. / - Does he?
- We hear that a lot. / - He's pretty.
- Enjoy your meal. / - Thank you.
Thank you for the food.
- Yes, enjoy. / - Okay.
Doesn't it look more delicious since I brought it?
- Doesn't it look good? / - It does.
- Have a lot, Naeun. / - Okay.
(He's drinking water before eating.)
(Naeun has a bite of duck.)
She must be hungry from all that crying.
They went through so much trouble.
Naeun, can you feed me too?
Make me a wrap.
Like this.
(Are they playing just by themselves?)
(She picks the right vegetables.)
(She adds a piece of meat.)
Bean sprouts too?
(Adding garlic)
Why are you putting in so much garlic?
To make you stronger. That's why.
Open your mouth.
(The wrap is bigger than Naeun's hand.)
That looks delicious.
- Is it good? / - Yes.
The garlic is delicious. Gosh, it's spicy.
Hurry up and eat it.
- It's delicious. / - Chew.
(I'll feed myself.)
Dad, open your mouth.
(His mouth is ready for her wrap.)
Is this one spicy?
No, this isn't spicy.
This tastes better.
(Excuse me.)
Look at Gunhoo.
Why isn't he looking after Gunhoo?
What are you staring at? Are you hungry?
You can eat that.
(I'll have to feed myself.)
Gunhoo must be hungry. Right, Naeun?
(I don't want bean sprouts.)
(I want meat!)
- He's asking for meat. / - He wants meat.
Gunhoo, here.
- Naeun's looking after him. / - Good boy.
- She's the best. / - My goodness.
(Naeun is the best.)
I'll feed you, Naeun. This is elder's love.
I'll feed you, then you can feed Gunhoo.
(Naeun is having the first bite.)
Open up.
(Naeun is feeding Gunhoo.)
Chew it.
Did he swallow already?
(I'm so happy.)
- It must be... / - He's happy.
It must be so delicious.
(Here's Gunhoo's meal.)
Gunhoo is young,
but he's good at using utensils.
He's challenging himself.
(It doesn't look like he's getting much.)
I think he's having trouble.
He's inexperienced. Yes, just use your hands.
Hands are easier for now.
(Food tastes the best when eaten with hands.)
(Rice in his left hand, and meat in his right hand)
They're so cute when they eat with hands.
You were hungry? You're eating well.
(He's eating with both hands.)
He's eating so well.
(I'll drink water to rinse my mouth.)
(I enjoyed my food.)
(Naeun is eating some chicken.)
It's a drumstick.
Naeun, you're the best at eating.
You're the best.
Did you eat a lot?
Gunhoo, did you eat a lot?
Gunhoo, you ate the most.
- Did you have fun today? / - Yes.
I came to have fun with you, but why am I so tired?
I'm so tired. I just want to play soccer.
- Why? / - Why?
We lost your bag today,
and my pants got wet.
It was so tiring.
It was fun!
- Really? / - Yes.
Okay. Let's visit again even though I'm tired.
- Okay. / - Let's go now.
Let's go now.
Come on.
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