高雄燈會接連 被抹黑
繼民進黨立委 王定宇與綠 黨議員王浩 宇後
立委段宜康也 狂酸高雄燈 會佛光山蓮 花燈
不僅酸「七月 半放焰口
可以提前半年 舉行」
還說「市民朋 友萬一家有 白喜事
也可以到現場 辦聯合奠禮 」。
惡毒語言也被 網友痛批「 DPP的公 祭也可以在 這邊辦了」 。
高雄燈會 佛光山蓮花 燈區
先是被民進黨 立委王定宇 諷讓他想到 告別式
可以直接留用 到「中元普 渡」。
接著市長韓國 瑜被惡意P 圖成「哈麥 二齒」花燈
又被桃園議員 王浩宇發臉 書嘲諷。
PTT網友發 文揭
綠營新聞一條 龍
造假抹黑高雄 燈會。
接連被 批評
國民黨議員陳 麗娜在中天 節目上透露
星雲法師很在 意外界的批 評
決定在此區加 碼。
高雄市長韓國 瑜也動怒說 「為什麼一 定要有人去 歪曲、
開開心心過年 不是很好嗎
給高雄鄉親一 個祝福不是 很好嗎?為 什麼要一直 不停唱衰呢 」
接著重音強調 「這樣讓人 很反感
讓大家快快樂 樂過個新年 」。
但民進黨 立委段宜康 也在臉書嘲 諷高雄燈會 蓮花燈
且言語更加惡 毒。
他說「為什麼 大家不喜歡 高雄的蓮花 燈?我覺得 沒有道理。
韓市長上任之 後
也不過短短的 一個月
馬上弄出個全 新款式的高 雄燈會;這 種效率與能 力
值得大家肯定 !」 段 宜康再酸「 何況蓮花燈 會還可以有 多功能:七 月半放焰口
可以提前半年 舉行;市民 朋友萬一家 有白喜事
也可以到現場 辦聯合奠禮 。
大家替韓市長 的創意拍拍 手!此刻我 覺得自己也 很暖。
」 底下網 友留言痛批 「講話這麼 苛薄
我看DPP的 公祭也可以 在這邊辦了 」、
「曲棍球委員 吞了球再 來發言吧」 、
你噴出一個高 雄市場。
你可以酸出一 個總統。
該區為佛光山 的燈區
民進黨確定要 去得罪佛光 山嗎?2.
這不是韓國瑜 決定的事情 。
這是高雄市政 府發標的」 、
「段委員心裡 之陰暗已經 不是一般流 氓可比了。
基本等同於連 環殺人犯的 級別。
從心理學角度 就是犯罪太 多。
」 有網友 在「韓國瑜 後援會」轉 發痛批「段 宜康沒在怕 報應
嘴巴超級惡毒 的詛咒高雄 市民
連去看花燈的 人
都被他掃到」 、
「趕快造一個 大型的曲棍 球花燈吧! 」、
「他怎麼可以 缺德到沒極 限啊 民進 黨都是這樣 的人 我真 的大傻眼耶 ~」、
阿鼻地獄有個 位置已幫你 準備好」、
這是為民進黨 2020大 選結果提前 辦的!」、
「高雄選民要 更挺韓
更團結贏的2 020
別讓唱衰高雄 的人看衰小 」、
「他們一直提 起跟死人相 關
讓我想起蔡英 文的就職典 禮跟上次台 北世大運的 遊行.
那才真的像是 要送民進黨 出山的阿.
For more infomation >> 段宜康惡毒咒高雄燈會可辦聯合奠禮 網轟:DPP公祭可辦了- 最新消息 - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
看大S婆婆,再看小S婆婆,有兒子撐腰的豪門生活就是不一樣! - Duration: 5:30.
Bathurst 12 Hour Australia's International Endurance Race. Day Race and Finish! Pit Action! - Duration: 13:23.
27 Octane
Bathurst 12 hour race.
Day and finish!
The G Spot Of Australia? - Duration: 4:37.
Hi everyone this is Loc Tran and I just wanted to quickly share with you
one my favourite news articles from last year. It's from a website called Traveller.Com.Au
and the headline goes "Lithuanian capital Vilnius to launch
'G-spot' tourism ad before Pope's visit. Basically the idea of this is that the
Pope was visiting Lithuania and the capital city of Vilnius decided to
launch a tourism ad campaign and they got into a bit of trouble for it because
it's very sexual. The jist of it basically is "Nobody knows where it is
but when you find it - it's amazing Vilnius the G-spot of Europe." As you can
see in the poster it's basically a picture of a woman laying on top of a map
of Europe and her left hand is grabbing the map of Europe towards the centre
of Europe which is where Lithuania is but... that's not where the G-spot is.
I can think of a city where this analogy more closely relates. So here's my
version of that ad campaign...
I come from a land Down Under, It's kind of like the G-spot of Australia, come and see, come and see
the Festival Centre, because we got wine and we got nature.
I met a man in Lithuania, he was
travelling through South East Asia, he asked me what I think of Australia and I said hey
I come from a land Down Under, it's kind of like the G-spot of Australia
Come and see, come and see the Festival Centre, because we got wine and we got nature
I met a Norwegian Viking, she asked me if I've been to La Sing, because
that's where she got her wedding ring and I said hey, I come from the land Down Under
It's kind of like the G-spot of Australia, come and see, come and see the Festival Centre, because we got wine
and we got nature
Adelaide - the G-spot of Australia, it's kind of hard to find but everybody knows that it's
somewhere Down Under.
Fresh from Point Blank Music School London Loc Tran presents
"If You Laugh It's Comedy And If You Don't Laugh It's Art".
Part Comedy Show. Part DJ Performance. Seven shows starting at 7:00pm March 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 15 and 16. Doors
Open from 6:30pm. Nineteen Ten Rooftop 143 Hindley Street Adelaide
SA 5000. Tickets on sale from FringeTIX adelaidefringe.com.au or 1300 621 255
Check out loctran.com.au for more info.
Easy Abstract Painting Demonstration | ASMR Painting | Illenium - Duration: 6:47.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
Evanjelium Podľa Marka - 6 Kapitola - Sväté Písmo - Biblia - Duration: 7:54.
Дизайн интерьера хрущевки 44 кв.м. Обзор двухкомнатной квартиры для молодой пары - Duration: 2:27.
Modern 2-bedroom apartment with elements of the classic and scandinavian style. Apartment tour
Watch more videos! Subscribe to the channel!
C'est le jour de Carnaval | #Comptine Carnaval - Duration: 1:54.
Mon nouvel appartement en colocation - Visite n°2 - Duration: 13:53.
N.O.V.A Legacy #3 : Sắp thoát khỏi con tàu này rồi! - Duration: 11:29.
Pour Emmanuel Macron, Christophe Dettinger «n'a pas les mots d'un gitan» - Duration: 5:00.
Gâteau d'anniversaire au chocolat كيكة المناسبات و اعياد الميلاد - Duration: 7:55.
Easy Abstract Painting Demonstration | ASMR Painting | Illenium - Duration: 6:47.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
Смартфон с огромным потанцевалом! Pocophone F1 в 2019 - Duration: 17:38.
Дизайн интерьера хрущевки 44 кв.м. Обзор двухкомнатной квартиры для молодой пары - Duration: 2:27.
Modern 2-bedroom apartment with elements of the classic and scandinavian style. Apartment tour
Watch more videos! Subscribe to the channel!
Эмульсия на масляной крышке двигателя / AEY TV - Duration: 2:00.
Le député LREM Aurélien Taché ne votera pas «en l'état» la loi anti-casseurs - Duration: 3:01.
Disneyland Hotel Tour at the Disneyland Resort (2014) - Duration: 1:37.
>> ANNOUNCER: The newly transformed Disneyland Hotel is classic Disney with a contemporary flair.
Three vibrant towers
each reflecting the cool nostalgia of Disneyland Park.
The magic begins the moment you arrive at each inviting lobby
filled with colorful Disney decor and continues in spacious accommodations.
Luxuriously updated rooms pixie-dusted with magical Disney touches.
Outside, three separate pools invite pure relaxation
and one, offers an imaginative
slide inspired by the original Disneyland monorail.
Sit down to a fantastic five-star meal
at the award-winning steakhouse 55,
or head over to Goofy's kitchen where you can dine in the company is some of your Disney pals.
Tangaroa Terrace, features island inspired surroundings and fantastic food
and Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar, promises a magical getaway filled with tropical surprises.
With so much to do right here,
the Disneyland Hotel is a destination in itself.
NBA trade rumors: Lakers' Brandon Ingram discusses being involved in talks - Duration: 2:43.
The Lakers have basically offered everyone but LeBron James in a trade proposal for Pelicans center Anthony Davis, according to multiple reports
Brandon Ingram has been mentioned in those rumors and he addressed his mindset when it comes to dealing with trade talks during the season
"Everybody has different situations of opportunity and doing what they can do on the basketball floor," he told reporters after the Lakers' loss to the Warriors on Saturday, via the Los Angeles Times
"This is up to the players. "It's up to the players whether they can handle it mentally and come in mentally and physically and just handle whatever organization they can be at
" I asked Brandon Ingram about D'Angelo Russell and if Russell's success since being traded helps guys handle being the subject of trade talks
"It's up to the players whether they can handle it." pic.twitter.com/Pyo0kBzyQB— Tania Ganguli (@taniaganguli) February 3, 2019 Davis' agent Rich Paul told ESPN on Monday he was not going to sign an extension with the Pelicans and would prefer to be traded
After this report came out, another surfaced that the rumors were "weighing heavily" on the Lakers' young players
Since Davis asked for a trade, Ingram has played in three games. He has averaged 25 points, 4
3 rebounds and 4.0 assists in those games. Read This http://images.performgroup
com/di/library/omnisport/52/fa/anthonydavis-cropped_19ff9fj3l8qt51w6ahb8mx10x2.jpg?t=1800602878&w=178 NBA trade rumors: Pelicans planning counter-offer to Lakers for Anthony Davis Thomas Lott http://images
jpg?t=-1598052200&w=178 NBA trade rumors: Anthony Davis speculation 'weighing heavily' on some Lakers' young players E
Jay Zarett The Los Angeles Times reported the Pelicans are planning to make a counter-offer to the Lakers after LA's first offer reportedly included Lonzo Ball, Kyle Kuzma, Michael Beasley, Rajon Rondo and a first-round pick
New Orleans is expected to ask for two first-round picks and for the Lakers to take on a Pelicans' player beyond Davis
It reportedly thought LA's first proposal was a "lowball offer."
도라도 수비 각폭(자막 키고 보기!) - Duration: 0:52.
C'est le jour de Carnaval | #Comptine Carnaval - Duration: 1:54.
Mon nouvel appartement en colocation - Visite n°2 - Duration: 13:53.
Royal Kids - Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had a hilarious reaction after a boy dropped the f-word - Duration: 2:00.
Oops! Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has the best reaction after a young boy dropped the f-bomb in front of them yesterday
As part of their snowy visit to Bristol on Friday, the royal parents-to-be attended a workshop with local children as part of the Old Vic's outreach program
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were taken by surprise, though, when one boy seamlessly dropped the f-bomb in front of them
Speaking about his experience at the historic theatre, he said: A video of the moment - including Meghan and Harry's reaction - was shared by Instagram fan account @harry_meghan_updates
It shows the royal mum-to-be slightly raising her eyebrows, before letting out a laugh as Harry jokingly has to balance himself
The couple are expecting their first child in late April or early May this year
The news was announced ahead of their 16-day international tour of Oz, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga late last year
Kensington Palace said at the time: Skincare guru Caroline Hirons joins us on Girls With Goals this week! Don't forget you can catch up on all episodes on Spotify now
Skincare guru Caroline Hirons joins us on Girls With Goals this week! Don't forget you can catch up on all episodes on Spotify now
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