Sunday, February 3, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 3 2019

Today I give you access to this course online, or I give you lots of stuff and

tips for learning how to paint fur with a tiger as subject.

The following version is a speed version painting of the course.

If you are a VIP member of L'ARTmoire, you have automatically access to the long version

the completion of the final stage, either the last layer more detailed.

A version in which you have access to even more information.

VIP or not, you can get the full course via the online store of L'ARTmoire.

I put you the link in the description under the video.

The complete course includes: a video of over two hours in which

we see together: The realization of the base of the canvas,

preparing the paint palette where do you see how I do each of the mixes

of color, The realization of the first layer less

Detailed And the realization of the final layer, which

she has all the details.

Which is really great with this model online courses is what you can do

pause, step back and listen to the part of your choice as many times as you want.

So you do it at your own pace

No pressure

As for almost all my creations, I painted my background in acrylic,

of a color that joins the one of my subject.

For sketch lines, your reference lines that will help you keep the right proportions,

you can work in many ways.

You can use a layer, use the method the grid, a projector or trace to

hand up.

I made a capsule that explains to you each of these methods.

Just click on the link appears on the screen, or on the one I

you put in the description.

The reference lines will help you to have, as is the case here, the eye to the good

location, of the right proportion, but also to divide your color areas

or shadows and light.

For the first layer of detail that is in oil, I do not go so

too precise.

I put my colors as best as I can, I already give some aspect of fur,

but without going to trace each little hair.

I use a brush "mop" to go to remove the paint gradients

and refine the features.

In today's class we proceed in two layers, which is a method among

so many others.

Since there is no good how to paint, it's up to you to test

and see which one suits you best.

You can even modify it and adapt it to your needs by creating your own method


To proceed in the way that I show you today it can be especially practical

with colors like orange and then that they are pigments that make the painting

quite translucent, making it almost impossible the realization of the subject in a single layer,

unless you operate in thick layers.

For the second layer, which is the layer final, there we go much more in detail,

we come to give the thickness to the fur, realism to the animal.

We must observe our reference photo, see all the little color variations.

I see a lot of artists who paint orange tigers and orange-yellow lions.

Be careful, it can give a look more drawing if you want.

If you look at the pictures of tigers for example you will see that the coat can

vary from orange to yellow, or with a little more brown and for the lions a lot

are of a hue similar to straw with many gray areas.

Give the true colors about you will help you achieve a better level

of realism.

This course is not a course of hyper realism.

Yes we try to give a real appearance to the animal rather than an appearance of

drawing, but we do not try to go too much in detail to make our painting

like a photo.

We do a good mix of detail.

So that's it for the video today, I hope you enjoyed,

and as I told you if you want to get the complete course I put you in the description.

The course is in oil.

But if you want, you can do it in acrylic.

I am often asked the question.

In this case, I suggest you work in smaller section than what I do

and you can also use a self-timer drying for acrylic painting that

you will mix with your colors respecting the right proportions that are recommended

on the product.

It'll help you practice if you prefer acrylic and it will give you time to adjust.

If you liked this capsule, you can click on the little thumbs up, and do not forget

not subscribe to the YouTube channel if it's not already done to not miss anything

next capsules.

Thank you for your listening, see you next time!

For more infomation >> [ COURS DE PEINTURE ] Comment peindre la fourrure et les poils | L'ARTmoire | Fanny Duhaime - Duration: 12:11.


Renaud inquiète : la mort de sa mère l'a "abattu" - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Renaud inquiète : la mort de sa mère l'a "abattu" - Duration: 1:35.


🏢ПОЛЁТ НАД ВОЛГОЙ в НИЖНЕМ НОВГОРОДЕ. Страшно Весёлая Кабина над Волгой - Duration: 13:29.

Hello, friends

How do we make the flight across the Volga River with

cable car.

Nizhny cable car Novgorod connects two

the banks of the Volga River.

You need to go to her stop "Sennaya Square".

On the other side of the station cable car is located in the city


At the time of the USSR Bor city famous for its glass

production. 90 percent of the glass at that

time set in cars, trains and other

transport, were made in the city of Bor.

I must say that it is on this funicular road

Olyushka and I went to the first time.

And so, Olyushka bought tickets and we set off for landing.

In the morning on a weekday to the side Bora was not a people at all,

since the working day was already in full swing and all workers

from Bor already worked with might and main in Nizhny Novgorod, therefore

back home they will go by the evening.

When the door stall automatically shut she slowly

crawling to the edge of the station and the stream abruptly breaks down

and speeding fast starts its movement

across the river.

The attraction is pretty fun especially if you go to the first


Olyushka even several times tried to lie on the floor when

the booth rocked like a pendulum Yes, and I felt cold in my soul.

But man gets used to everything and if you drive every day,

then fear is dulled.

Looking ahead to say that way back from Bor to

Nizhny Novgorod is no longer caused such strong emotions

as the beginning of our trip.

Nizhny Novgorod cable road - cableway

across the Volga between the Lower Novgorod and Bor.

The main purpose is to provide alternative type of passenger

shipments in addition to river taxi, electric trains

and buses.

In practice, the cable car also began to represent

tourist interest for city guests, thanks

opening in time travel panoramic views.

Building and assembly work began on January 20


Run the road in working The mode took place on February 9


Operation mode: Monday Thursday:

6:45 - 21:00

Friday, Saturday: 6:45 - 22:00.

Sunday and holidays Days: 9:00 - 22:00

Bandwidth - about 500 passengers per


The length of the road is 3661 meters with a height difference

62 meters, the number of supports - 10.

Under the train stations and supports allocated 31.8 hectares in Nizhny Novgorod

area and 29.6 hectares on Bor.

Used 28 eight-seater cabins.

The project provides increase in the number of cabins

up to 56 with increasing throughput capacity up to 1000 passengers

at one o'clock.

Estimated Travel Time - 12.5 minutes, which corresponds to

average speed 14-22 km / h

Nizhny Novgorod cable the road has the largest

unsupported span in Europe above water surface

- 861 meters.

Opening of the cable car planned for September

2010 however in may 2010 years under construction

project documentation was sent for revision,

after which it took again passing state


According to the director of the OJSC "Nizhny Novgorod cable

roads "Pavel Fomichev, by December 2010 all work

on the installation of supports were fulfilled.

Opening dates were shifted for the second quarter of 2011.

However, in February 2011 more installation work was in progress

T7 supports, located on the island.

In September 2011 began technological installation work

rope using Ka-32T helicopter.

Work was carried out with overlappings parts of the Volga

(between the relevant supports) for three hours

a few days.

Total for the delivery of steel structures for supports it took

78 road trains for delivery equipment - 47 trucks


For the delivery of the rope used also sea and rail ferry


The first passengers in the test the trip became 16 officials

led by the governor Valery Shantsev.

Originally planned test using

sandbags however They did not have time to spend.

Therefore, it was decided to replace sandbags by living officials.

Although here they were used to destination.

February 9, 2012 passenger cable car between cities

Nizhny Novgorod - Bor has begun for the carriage of passengers.

One week after launch, February 15, 2012

because of the strong wind happened automatic actuation

and the cable car was stopped.

To ensure transportation all passengers by company

"Logoprom - Borsk Transportation" in addition to two ships

on the airbag Khivus-10 on the line were taken out

48 seater vessels Khivus-48. February 25, the situation repeated:

automatics due to gusts the wind stopped the cable car

road 9 times, after which shipments have been suspended

for a few hours.

By the way, how is the trip because of the wind going on

we tested with Olyushka to myself.

I will tell about it a bit later.

March 22, 2012 over rowing channel a few hundred

meters from the cable car helicopter crash occurred

Bell 407 stranded wire Power lines.

Cable car equipment the road was not affected.

People at the time went rumor that the helicopter intentionally

sent to the cable car and he was shot down by a special complex,

interfering with aircraft means.

True or not, to anyone not known, but helicopter

collapsed, not reaching several meters to the cable car.

Meanwhile for the first year of operation number of transported

passengers accounted for almost 2 million people.

On the morning of July 31, 2014 at cable car happened

State of emergency.

In support near the booth, in which there were people

struck by lightning.

At this time in Nizhny Novgorod there was a strong thunderstorm and work

the cable car was decided suspend.

However, on the road in the booths were already


According to an eyewitness the blow was of such strength that

people even sat down.

At the station, the passengers went out on shaky legs.

By October 2015 transported 6 million people by August

2016 - 8 million people and by April 2018 - 10 million


Here is such in Nizhny Novgorod cable car

She has already become a tourist landmark

Nizhny Novgorod and many guests ride on it to

see the beauty of Mother Volga.

Will be in Nizhny Novgorod - be sure to ride

on this cable car.

Admire the views and get a bit of adrenaline.

Back trip with Olyushka held in the company of female students

who drive every day in Nizhny Novgorod.

Suddenly on the way back a strong wind started and

in motion the cabin has become swing hard.

On the rope worked emergency automation and the whole line

stopped to cabin did not swing even more.

According to traveling with us girls this often happens

during a strong wind.

Well, nothing to do, hang so hang) Let's wait.

After a 15-minute hover over the Volga, the cable car came to life

and our booth started moving again in the direction of Nizhny Novgorod.

That's how you get off easy frightened we got mass

impressions and a lot of good moods.

For more infomation >> 🏢ПОЛЁТ НАД ВОЛГОЙ в НИЖНЕМ НОВГОРОДЕ. Страшно Весёлая Кабина над Волгой - Duration: 13:29.


Daniel Lévi sorti d'hôpital après 2 mois de « complications » : son épouse donne de - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Daniel Lévi sorti d'hôpital après 2 mois de « complications » : son épouse donne de - Duration: 1:35.


Quand j'ay ouy le tabourin - Trois chansons de Charles d'Orleans (Debussy) Sub Esp. - Duration: 2:03.

When I hear the tambourine sound,

calling us to May,

in my bed I remain calm,

not lifting my head from the pillow

saying, "It is too early, I'll fall asleep again."

When I hear the tambourine sound, calling us to May,

the young jump from partner to partner

not even bothering to remember you. From him, I'll move on,

finding a lover that's conveniently close by.

Quant j'ai ouy le tabourin Sonner pour s'en aller au may,

En mon lit n'en ay fait affray ne levé mon chief du coissin.

For more infomation >> Quand j'ay ouy le tabourin - Trois chansons de Charles d'Orleans (Debussy) Sub Esp. - Duration: 2:03.


The Current State Of The Shotgun Meta In Fortnite... (Fortnite Shotgun Buff + Tips) - Duration: 10:37.

Hey what is going on guys, in this video today we're gonna be discussing the current state

of shotguns in Fortnite.

Shotguns have always been a pretty polarizing topic among the Fortnite community.

And, as I've said before on this channel, I consider close range shotgun fights to basically

be the most important fights in all of Fortnite.

Therefore, you want these fights to be smooth, balanced, skill-based, and have as little

RNG involved in them as possible.

For a while, this definitely was not the case in Fortnite.

There were prolonged periods of time where shotgun gameplay in general just felt really

odd, and that was because of a variety of reasons.

But, over the past few months, Epic has started to change and tweak a bunch of different things

regarding shotguns in Fortnite.

Have all of those changes had a positive impact on shotguns in general?

Well, that's the question that we'll be attempting to find an answer for.

So, without further ado let's get right into it.

Alright, so let's start this video by doing an overview of the positives and negatives

of shotgun gameplay in Fortnite as it currently stands.

To begin on a upbeat note, we'll go over the positives first.

I think that the most obvious positive is the fact that for the most part, shotgun damage

actually feels consistent and properly rewarding now.

When double shotgun was removed from the game at the beginning of season 5 all the way back

in July, Fortnite went through a very long period of not having properly balanced shotguns.

For a long time every shotgun just felt really weak and outclassed by most of the SMGs, then

the double barrel emerged as being kinda overpowered, then it was eventually vaulted a little later,

but during this entire period the damage of all the other shotguns still felt really inconsistent.

As a whole, we went about 2 full seasons with shotguns being more frustrating than anything


I believe this was in large part due to the fact that Epic had nerfed every shotgun in

the game very heavily, due to the fact that double shotgun was so popular at the time.

So then when the ability to use 2 shotguns was removed from, it exposed how weak those

shotguns were when you were only able to use 1 of them as opposed to 2 of them.

But, that's kinda beside the point here.

The important thing to note, is that after the shotgun buffs from about a month ago and

the introduction of the purple and gold pumps, shotguns finally feel like shotguns again,

well at least most of them do.

I was definitely a bit skeptical of the change that makes it so that even if you hit 1 pellet,

it counts as hitting 3, but I'll admit that I was wrong about that.

Even if you do only hit 1/10 pellets, pump shotguns should never do 8 or 11 damage at

point blank range.

So that actually ended up being a really good change.

Also, just so I can point out another thing that I was wrongly over-concerned about, the

range reduction on all of the pumps ended up barely even being noticeable.

That might just be due to the damage buff covering for the range reduction, but probably


And I think another big part of how good shotguns feel in this current state, is the fact that

200+ damage pump shotgun headshots are back in the game.

Those 200+ damage shots are always a controversial topic, and I'll admit, getting one pumped

by a guy who just closes his eyes and hits a miracle headshot is super frustrating.

However, those miracle shots should be a very rare thing, and being able to one pump headshot

200 health enemies is a mechanic that mostly rewards highly accurate players that can consistently

hit headshots.

So, in my opinion because of all those positives, shotguns fights feel as balanced as they've

been in a while, probably since at least the end of season 4.

However, there are still some considerable negatives that also need to brought up.

One thing I really dislike is the fact that the pump shotgun is pretty much the only usable

shotgun in the game right now.

It really is disappointing to see how the tac, which was once one and the strongest

yet most balanced weapons in Fortnite, is now almost totally unusable.

There are very few potential Fortnite balance changes that players would almost unanimously

be in favor of, but, I think a buff to the tac is something that practically everybody


And that buff would have to be a relatively major one, that specifically addresses the

amount of damage done.

I don't think that just a higher headshot multiplier or slightly smaller pellet spread

would be enough on it's own to get the tac anywhere near as good as the pump.

I know there are a bunch of people who feel so much more comfortable with a tac because

of it's faster fire rate, yet those players are basically forced into using the pump because

it's just so much better.

And the funny thing is, the same thing was beginning to happen with the heavy shotgun

as well, but that was before it got vaulted a few days ago in patch 7.3.

Don't get me wrong, the heavy was definitely considerably better than the tac, and it actually

could somewhat compete with the lower-rarity versions of the pump.

But, the heavy's biggest problem was that it was way too rare for just being decent.

Not only was it a purple and gold rarity weapon, but, it also couldn't be acquired via floor

loot for some totally odd reason that never really made much sense to me.

I thought that unlike the tac, the heavy honestly didn't even need a buff to be relevant.

Although neither heavy could one shot 200 health enemies, it had a range, fire rate,

and clip size advantage over all of the pumps.

What it did need however was a rarity reduction.

Maybe green and blue or even blue and purple, and then along with that, allowing it to spawn

as floor loot.

But, Epic ultimately decided to just vault the heavy instead of making any kinda of changes

to it, and therefore the pump now has no competition whatsoever.

Now, there are people out there that see that as a positive thing for the game.

Their viewpoint is basically something along the lines of "if every body is using the same

shotgun, in this case a pump, it makes it so that every one is on a level playing field."

And, I definitely do understand where these people are coming from, but I disagree with

that line of thinking, and here's the biggest reason why.

One of the biggest flaws with the pump shotguns in Fortnite, is the fact that the green pump

shotgun has different damage thresholds than the other 3 rarities of the pump shotgun.

The green pump does 95 body shot damage at close range, while the blue does 100, purple

does 105, and gold does 110.

And, due to all of the pumps having the same 2.0 headshot multiplier, that means that the

green pump does 190 close range headshot damage, while the blue does 200, purple does 210,

and gold does 220.

And your first reaction to hearing that may be "oh that's just like a 10-20 damage difference

that's not a huge deal."

But, it undoubtedly IS a huge heal, because, that 10-20 damage difference means that the

green pump can't 1 body shot a 100 health enemy, and also can't 1 shot headshot a 200

health enemy, while all of the other pumps can.

Now the pump shotgun isn't the only weapon in the game, where the rarity of the weapon

changes the amount of shots it takes to kill players at certain health thresholds.

But, I don't think there's a single weapon in the entire game where rarity changes the

amount of shots required to kill a 100 health player, which is obviously the most common

health value in the game.

For example every rarity of the SCAR takes 3 body shots to kill a 100 health enemy, every

heavy AR takes 3, every silenced SCAR takes 4, every normal AR takes 4, every silenced

SMG takes 5, and every compact SMG takes 5.

And, those are all fully automatic weapons anyway, so even if it did take 1 extra body

shot to kill a 100 health player, it wouldn't be THAT big of a deal.

But with the green pump, especially at the beginning games where all your fights are

going to be close range and the majority of players have 100 health, it's absolutely game


If at the very beginning of a game you find a green pump and your enemy finds a blue pump,

you now need to hit DOUBLE the amount of body shots he does to get a kill.

I'm all for the higher rarity versions of a weapon having advantages over the lower

rarity versions of that same weapon, but in the case of the green pump vs. the rest, it's

simply too much.

So, even though in theory it makes sense that every body using a pump shotgun would DECREASE

the amount RNG in shotgun fights, that's not really how it currently works.

I would much prefer shotguns to operate like the top tier of ARs, where there's 3 different

ARs (the SCAR, silenced SCAR, and heavy AR), which are all so close to even that as long

as you have any of them you're in a good spot.

And since those ARs are all unique in their own way, they cater to every possible play

style you could have.

And the final thing that I dislike about the current state of shotguns, is the fact that

there a few glitches that can be incredibly annoying to deal with.

The biggest example of this is the shotgun not shooting/ghost shot glitch.

This basically happens when you try to shoot too quickly after switching to your shotgun.

And it is apparently due to the fact that Fortnite gives the input of switching items

priority over shooting for some reason.

Another kinda glitchy mechanic is the fact that the shotgun switch delay which is designed

to stop double shotgunning, can still effect you even if you're only using 1 shotgun.

One of the most common times you'll run into this is when doing the tfue classic.

You'll shoot a shot, place a floor, then when you go to take another shot you'll be greeted

by the switch timer because you switched from shotgun to building menu and then back to


So, I think that even though shotguns feel as good as they have in a while they definitely

aren't perfect.

And I'm hoping that Epic continues to work on making them as balanced as possible.

So, I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you watched the entire thing be sure to

let me know with a comment down in the comment section below.

I wanna know what are your general thoughts on the current state of shotgun gameplay in


Do you think pumps are balanced?

Do you want to see the tac get a buff or the heavy get unvaulted?

Let me know.

Be sure to leave a like, leave a comment, subscribe, turn on post notifications, do

whatever the heck you want.

And I, will catch you guys next time.

For more infomation >> The Current State Of The Shotgun Meta In Fortnite... (Fortnite Shotgun Buff + Tips) - Duration: 10:37.


Publicité "Sauvons l'usine GM d'Oshawa" - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Publicité "Sauvons l'usine GM d'Oshawa" - Duration: 0:32.


Brigitte Macron, terriblement vexée : cette grosse bourde du président qui a coûté cher - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron, terriblement vexée : cette grosse bourde du président qui a coûté cher - Duration: 2:05.


TPMP : un chroniqueur a de GROS problèmes de santé ! - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> TPMP : un chroniqueur a de GROS problèmes de santé ! - Duration: 1:41.


Early Bird - Erkenci Kus 29 English Subtitles Trailer 1 - Duration: 1:01.

Thank God

What I mean by thank God, is that it's an average fragrance

I thought he will produce a bolder fragrance, but...

I'm commissioner Ferat from organized crime office. There's a criminal complaint against you

I told you this scent is mine

Are you Aylin Yuksel?

Show me what you have captured

You have to tell him everything, Sanem. There's no other way


Ms. Polen

- You don't say - Hello

Early Bird EP 29 with English Subtitles on Sunday February 10

For more infomation >> Early Bird - Erkenci Kus 29 English Subtitles Trailer 1 - Duration: 1:01.


Renaud inquiète : la mort de sa mère l'a "abattu" - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Renaud inquiète : la mort de sa mère l'a "abattu" - Duration: 1:35.


✅ Hair Update | Stage 18 | I'm Cutting it Off in March - Duration: 8:57.

- Hey guys, and welcome back to my channel.

My name's Thomas, if yo are brand new here,

and I make style and hair related videos

every single week here on YouTube.

So if that's your kinda thing,

make sure you hit the subscribe button,

and come back and visit me every week.

Today is check-in number 18,

and not only am I checking in after a small break,

you're probably wondering what the hell

is with the title of this video

about me possibly cutting all my hair off in March.

And this might actually be happening,

and the one thing that depends on

whether I go through with it or not,

is actually you guys, okay.

So I now that sounds weird,

but I'll explain a little bit more of it in a minute

and how you guys are in control of that, ah.

(dog barking)

Cleo's just barking her tits off.

Yep, that's right.

I'll explain a little bit about it

a little bit later to you guys,

how you're in control of that

and ultimately how it's gonna be your decision.

But yeah, stay tuned,

and we'll get through it.

So back to the check-in.

I missed January's check-in,

simply because New Year's time is just so busy.

I think everyone can relate to that.

Don't even get me started.

And I filmed a batch of videos at different times with Kim

because he was going to get married,

and I mean, I couldn't not upload,

if you know what I mean.

I like to have everything going.

So if any of you've been wondering

why my facial hair is constantly changing,

that's exactly why.

Anyway, picking up from where we left off.

In my last check-in, I'd been to the hairdresser

to have a whopping 1.5 inches taken off the end of my hair.

The ends were getting so frazzly,

and I was really whingeing about it a lot.

So it had to stop.

And yeah, I just went and got a trim,

which left me with a length on the bottom here

of about 13.5 inches,

and now we're in February

and it's sitting about 15.5.

So that's roughly two inches of growth

over the months that I kinda skipped out.

Like January and all of December.

I did a check-in at the beginning of December,

and yeah, I missed January.

So now we're checking in with February,

and I've had two inches of growth,

which to me, that sounds about right.

And I'm not complaining about that, but yeah.

It's just weird, 'cause now that I've actually reached

the part that I wanted to get to,

like when I was growing my hair out

this was kind of my goal in the beginning.

So now when I think of it,

I'm like, I'm not really too concerned

about too much more length on it

because yeah, it's long, and I don't know.

But I still understand the importance

of doing these check-ins and stuff,

because especially for you guys that are still

on this long winding road of growing your hair out.

I want you guys to be able to stay strong

and commit to your goal, like I did.

So you can live the dream of having long hair.

And that is why I keep doing these check-ins.

Anyway, so moving forward,

cutting all of my hair off.

I know, it's a scary thought right?

But there is a really good reason,

and I presume most of you know already

who The Long Hairs are, right?

So The Long Hairs, they make these really cool

men's hair ties, really really good guys,

and I've been chatting to El Rubio for a while now

about the Great Cut,

and after looking into what it's all about,

it kinda made me feel like

it would actually be worth cutting my hair off.

So if you haven't yet heard of the Great Cut,

here is why I'm considering chopping all my hair off.

Number one, all the hair at this event

that gets donated, including mine,

if I actually get it cut,

will be made into a human hair wig

for kids who struggle with alopecia, cancer,

and all of these other medical conditions

that cause hair loss.

And then number two, The Long Hairs,

they wanna break a world record

for the most amount of hair ever donated,

and I think they need about 200 pounds to do that.

200 pounds of hair, it's crazy.

And I think they're looking at getting

two thousand donors or something like that,

because if you think of 200 pounds of hair,

I think that's a thousand, that's a tonne,

like that's literally a tonne of hair.

Can you imagine how much that is?

I don't even think my hair weighs that much.

Anyhoo, so when I read about the challenge,

I kind of cringed at first

because I am so obsessed with my hair

and it's almost borderline ridiculous,

and second to that,

it's like the one asset that I feel like I have

that allows me to say who I am

without actually needing to say it.

But then on second thought,

I kinda thought about all the kids

that actually don't even have the luxury

of being able to grow their hair long,

and even grow it at all,

and some of them get brutally bullied and alienated

in the school playground

for a condition that they can't even control,

and that really doesn't sit right with me.

I despise the idea

that that shit even happens.

That kids are getting bullied for things like this.

I'm not sure how many of you are aware of this

but when we're young, like three to seven,

this is really important to me as well,

we're super impressionable as children,

so the world around us helps shape who we are

and our confidence as an adult.

And I think that's why it is rally important,

'cause I like everybody to feel confident in themselves,

and these young kids are not only

dealing with extreme health conditions,

but the impact that it'll more than likely have on them

when they're adults,

could be catastrophic for them.

You know what I mean?

Like in future,

and they're just young innocent kids

in a playground right now.

And we're talking like suicide, mental health,

all the things that nobody

really wants to think or talk about,

and that thought actually made me really angry

and sort of drove this behaviour for me

to want to go and do this thing.

So yeah, after deeper thinking

I though fuck it.

If I could cut all of my hair off,

thankfully which grows back,

to help make at least one kid's life in the playground

a little bit more enjoyable,

and have a better impact on them as an adult,

then why the fuck not?

You know, like why the fuck not?

Anyway, I'm all for it,

and this is where you guys come in.

So obviously I'm not a loaded bazillionaire,

and I do need a way to get

my Australian arse over to San Diego

to attend the great Cut.

And I have set up a Go Fund Me page,

which you can find in the description box below.

Now if I can't raise enough money to go to the Great Cut,

it's simple, I just can't go,

because I literally out of my own pocket can't afford it.

So it kind of leaves my fate in your guys' hands,

and it really depends on whether you guys

wanna see me participate in an amazing event like this.

Now I only have a month to do this,

so I need to raise enough money in a month's time,

and here's the upside to if I go to the Great Cut.

One, I get to meet a shit tonne of you who are also attending,

and we can talk some major hair.

B, my hair will be donated into a wig

for a young child that they can wear in the playground,

and we can also do this check-in process all over again,

which I'm kind of excited about,

because I've gotta cut a decent amount off.

C, I'll also be documenting the entire experience,

and doing a live stream of when I actually get my hair cut.

So it's pretty exciting but scary to think about

at the same time.

Now moving on to that,

if I'm gonna get donations,

you're probably also wondering how much do I have to raise.

And essentially the total amount that I really need

is 2500 Australian dollars.

So I think that converts to about 2000 USD.

And what I've done is

I've calculated the budget

so I can just travel on the skintiest amount of money

to just get me by.

Literally just to cover the costs

of accommodation, flights, and food

so I can survive, you know what I mean?

There's not gonna be no luxury on this holiday.

If you even would call it a holiday.

If you're curious to see the outline as well,

obviously I have to do that in a Go Fund Me page,

but yeah, I've outlined all the money

and how it's gonna be spent,

and created a complete breakdown

of all the expenses and where I plan to spend the money

while I'm there, so you can see it.

It's all open and it's up to you.

The link's in the description box, alright.

And if you do donate money,

and I don't end up making the full budget

to get over to San Diego,

the money I do get given

will just be going straight to the charity

that creates the wigs anyways.

But I'd much prefer to actually

get my arse over there and participate,

rather than watch from the sidelines

and be a boring Betty.


I did also think about it as well,

the amount of you that watch these videos,

if only 2500 of you donated a dollar each,

it would actually get me there and be enough.

So how crazy's that?

So the choice is in your hands.

Will I cut my hair?

Or will I not cut my hair.

It's a pretty scary thought,

and yeah, if you wanna get behind me and support this,

the link will be in the description box for you,

and yeah, you can get all the details there.

But I'd really like to meet a lot of you guys as well,

and participate not only in this Great Cut thing,

but be able to meet you,

and also be able to collaborate with The Long Hairs,

because they're also another really big personality

in this long hair space,

and it would be really cool

to be able to make content like that.

So if you wanna see it, get behind me,

and yeah, do the thing.

And other than that,

I don't really have much more to share with you

on the hair growth front.

That's pretty much it.

It's like, I'm gonna cut it off maybe.


I'm still super happy with how it's looking though.

By the way actually, do you like my curls today?

I've been seeing so many comments from you guys as well

asking why I haven't been rocking my curls lately.

And the reason is just 'cause,

because I don't know.

Sometimes I like having straight hair.

But I thought I'd get them out today

and you know, do a little something something with them.

Let me know what you think about them

in the comment section below,

and thanks so much for coming back and watching.

Like always, let me know how you're going

with your growing out process

in the comment section below,

and where you're at with the journey.

Did you cave?

Or are you still strong?

You tell me.

And I guess I'll see you in the next video, okay.

Have a good day, I'll catch you later, bye.


For more infomation >> ✅ Hair Update | Stage 18 | I'm Cutting it Off in March - Duration: 8:57.


[ COURS DE PEINTURE ] Comment peindre la fourrure et les poils | L'ARTmoire | Fanny Duhaime - Duration: 12:11.

Today I give you access to this course online, or I give you lots of stuff and

tips for learning how to paint fur with a tiger as subject.

The following version is a speed version painting of the course.

If you are a VIP member of L'ARTmoire, you have automatically access to the long version

the completion of the final stage, either the last layer more detailed.

A version in which you have access to even more information.

VIP or not, you can get the full course via the online store of L'ARTmoire.

I put you the link in the description under the video.

The complete course includes: a video of over two hours in which

we see together: The realization of the base of the canvas,

preparing the paint palette where do you see how I do each of the mixes

of color, The realization of the first layer less

Detailed And the realization of the final layer, which

she has all the details.

Which is really great with this model online courses is what you can do

pause, step back and listen to the part of your choice as many times as you want.

So you do it at your own pace

No pressure

As for almost all my creations, I painted my background in acrylic,

of a color that joins the one of my subject.

For sketch lines, your reference lines that will help you keep the right proportions,

you can work in many ways.

You can use a layer, use the method the grid, a projector or trace to

hand up.

I made a capsule that explains to you each of these methods.

Just click on the link appears on the screen, or on the one I

you put in the description.

The reference lines will help you to have, as is the case here, the eye to the good

location, of the right proportion, but also to divide your color areas

or shadows and light.

For the first layer of detail that is in oil, I do not go so

too precise.

I put my colors as best as I can, I already give some aspect of fur,

but without going to trace each little hair.

I use a brush "mop" to go to remove the paint gradients

and refine the features.

In today's class we proceed in two layers, which is a method among

so many others.

Since there is no good how to paint, it's up to you to test

and see which one suits you best.

You can even modify it and adapt it to your needs by creating your own method


To proceed in the way that I show you today it can be especially practical

with colors like orange and then that they are pigments that make the painting

quite translucent, making it almost impossible the realization of the subject in a single layer,

unless you operate in thick layers.

For the second layer, which is the layer final, there we go much more in detail,

we come to give the thickness to the fur, realism to the animal.

We must observe our reference photo, see all the little color variations.

I see a lot of artists who paint orange tigers and orange-yellow lions.

Be careful, it can give a look more drawing if you want.

If you look at the pictures of tigers for example you will see that the coat can

vary from orange to yellow, or with a little more brown and for the lions a lot

are of a hue similar to straw with many gray areas.

Give the true colors about you will help you achieve a better level

of realism.

This course is not a course of hyper realism.

Yes we try to give a real appearance to the animal rather than an appearance of

drawing, but we do not try to go too much in detail to make our painting

like a photo.

We do a good mix of detail.

So that's it for the video today, I hope you enjoyed,

and as I told you if you want to get the complete course I put you in the description.

The course is in oil.

But if you want, you can do it in acrylic.

I am often asked the question.

In this case, I suggest you work in smaller section than what I do

and you can also use a self-timer drying for acrylic painting that

you will mix with your colors respecting the right proportions that are recommended

on the product.

It'll help you practice if you prefer acrylic and it will give you time to adjust.

If you liked this capsule, you can click on the little thumbs up, and do not forget

not subscribe to the YouTube channel if it's not already done to not miss anything

next capsules.

Thank you for your listening, see you next time!

For more infomation >> [ COURS DE PEINTURE ] Comment peindre la fourrure et les poils | L'ARTmoire | Fanny Duhaime - Duration: 12:11.


Joey Starr : Une heureuse nouvelle pour le rappeur ! - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Joey Starr : Une heureuse nouvelle pour le rappeur ! - Duration: 1:35.


Je veux PERDRE DU POIDS mais JE N'Y ARRIVE PAS - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Je veux PERDRE DU POIDS mais JE N'Y ARRIVE PAS - Duration: 3:44.


20 FREE GEMS FEBRUARY 2019 - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic GAME - Duration: 0:35.

Wipe your tears is my commitment heal your wounds with love

Give you a smile with poetry do what the heat of your passion say

Even I would paint the whole sea to match it with the colour of your eyes

For more infomation >> 20 FREE GEMS FEBRUARY 2019 - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic GAME - Duration: 0:35.


#강혜원(Kang Hyewon) — OPV สวย - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> #강혜원(Kang Hyewon) — OPV สวย - Duration: 2:42.


niente Domenica Live per Barbara D'Urso, ecco il motivo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> niente Domenica Live per Barbara D'Urso, ecco il motivo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:56.


Truco para Aprender la Tabla del 7 Haciendo 1 Barco de Papel Para Memorizar las Tablas d Multiplicar - Duration: 13:06.

For more infomation >> Truco para Aprender la Tabla del 7 Haciendo 1 Barco de Papel Para Memorizar las Tablas d Multiplicar - Duration: 13:06.


Les 7 LECONS des 4 Accords Tolteques de Miguel Ruiz - Shorten it 3 - Duration: 14:32.

For more infomation >> Les 7 LECONS des 4 Accords Tolteques de Miguel Ruiz - Shorten it 3 - Duration: 14:32.


Did Samsung ACCIDENTLY LEAK Their New FOLDABLE Galaxy X Phone Tablet? What About the Galaxy S10? - Duration: 10:03.

Whoa. Did Samsung accidentally leak their unreleased foldable phone tablet?

There is actually a ton of leaks this past week including the upcoming

Galaxy S10. The Apple iPhone 11 and beyond. I'd love to know what you think

about all these leaks. Let's talk about because this is tech today.

this is Brandon your host. This is Tech Today. Your source for honest tech reviews

the news and my views and you're watching this is Tech this week a weekly

show in addition to my other content where I go over tech news from this

past week that personally interest me. If that's something you're interested

in make sure to share subscribe hit that Bell icon to be notified of when

puts new video or, uh, Zuckerberg will give you twenty dollars and spy

on you.

So the Samsung Galaxy S 10 will be announced later on this month at their

unpacked event in San Francisco. And quite a few leaks have come out showing

Press Images of the device in some prices along with it and the phones.

They look pretty hot. The names seem to be solidified as the Galaxy S10

e for the budget option which we'll talk about soon the Galaxy S10 and

then the Galaxy S10 plus. The leaks suggests that the Galaxy S10 you only

have two lenses on the back with a flat 5.8" screen it and thicker bezel

is kind of like the iPhone XR compared to the iPhone XS. There's also a

fingerprint scanner on the side with one of the buttons and an estimated

price of about $749 in the US.

As far as I know the Galaxy S10 hasn't had any press images leaked but

it does have a 6.1" screen with curved edges super minimal vessels a triple

camera setup on the back and is estimated to be around $899 in the US.

And then there's the big boy. The Galaxy S10+ it'll have a 6.4" inch screen

which is the same size as the Note 9 which is really nuts and the same

great features of the normal Galaxy S10 with the addition of two cameras

on the front. The Galaxy S10+ will not have four cameras on the back as

some of the rumor suggests but three the price is estimated to be $999

for the base level Galaxy S10+ which I still find to be expensive but I

do appreciate that they didn't go over a thousand dollars like the iPhone.

However I imagine that line will be crossed with a note 10.

Now here's a helpful chart to show you the differences and specs including

battery life and storage options. All three all have headphone jacks only

six gigabytes of RAM and the Galaxy S10 Plus will allow you to choose an

option for storage of 1TB. I store and edit these videos on a 1 terabyte drive.

So what in the world would you need that much space for? Let me know in the comments.

The three colors that we know about so far our prism black prism green

and pearl white other colors are planned for a later time and I'm not feeling

the green one too much in the way one feels a bit like an oil spill.

So I think I may go with the prism black one. Which one do you like the most


Well, let me say something about the prices here. The Galaxy S10e is priced

at about the same spot as the iPhone XR. Which makes it seem like a response

from Samsung to have a device in the same price tier. Hopefully, the screen

is better but I still don't think $749 is what we should consider "budget"

especially in light of phones like the OnePlus 6T. If they end up pricing

this at $699 or less I think they could have something there to make people

think twice when they're looking for a new phone. Now at the end of the

day if these phones are too expensive we usually see deals and Samsung

phones maybe a month or two later here in the U.S. so patience may be a

benefit to you. Let me know what you think of these leaks in which when

you're most interested in what do you think about their prices and even more.

Why are these icons not centered with the cut out? Oof.

I'm not OCD but like that's kind of that's a good thing that bothers me

a little bit.

Join the discussion on the. This is Tech Today community Discord server.

We're a wholesome group of friends who are creating the community that

we've been looking for. Come join us by clicking a link in the description.

FSo Samsung wasn't the only one to have a big leak this week. Mark Gurman

from Bloomberg has some information Apple's upcoming iPhone eleven an iPhone

that will come out in 2020. Yes, another generation later. And just know

that this dude continually has huge leaks that have been pretty spot on.

So here's what he has to say. Mark said that FaceID. will improve for all

of 2019 iPhone models and may have USB-C which would be really great.

The largest iPhone which I think means the Max model will have a triple camera setup.

The third lens will be a wide angle lens instead of a telephoto lens which

means you'll be able to see far more of your surroundings from where you

stand compared to a normal camera lens. This is super practical and I think

we'll be really nice. Honestly, that's one of my favorite things on the

pixel 3 and 3XL front facing camera. The selfie camera is actually really nice.

Anyways we're talking about the iPhone.

iOS13 will bring dark mode which I really like in this dark mode trend

that's going on so let's keep it going black on black. There's a link in the

description for some tech today merch. There's supposedly a new home screen

for the iPad which may make better use of that space and make it act more

like a laptop replacement like Apple keeps pushing. Also, there will be

longer live photos. Do any of you use life photos?

Now the most interesting part of Gurman's article has to do with what we'll

see in 2020. The iPhone will have a 3-D camera system that will allow

it to have really powerful augmented reality capabilities. You see an augmented

reality with games like Pokemon Go and Apple has been showing it off quite

a bit in their keynotes. But what if you have a really powerful system

in your phone that allows you to scan and recreate your environments up to

15 feet away.

That would be nuts. Ikea is going to be all up in that. I really wonder

where Ikea would name an app like that with augmented reality. Like, leave s

ome funny names in the comments for what IKEA is going to name this thing.

Of course, they're allowed to take better pictures with more depth data

and maybe a hint at the rumored augmented reality glasses or headset that

Apple has been working on for quite a few years. That may be Apple's new

game changer but are you really interested in augmented reality? Well,

I'm not entirely sure that will be mindblowing enough to get people to

upgrade their iPhones this year. I hope they increase the battery size

or at least include a fast charger.

Speaking of fast chargers if you didn't know there's a charger revolution

happening right now with gallium nitride chargers and I have one here from

this video sponsor RavPower. RavPower's GaN charger enables a ton of power

in a . I mean look at how crazy small it is next to this huge MacBook charging brick.

Because of its small thin and lightweight 3.2 ounce design-By the way,

their website says 3.2 ounces but I'm getting 3.8 ounces, so even better.

But because of their lightweight design and technology, it is fantastic

for travel.

It supports fast charging on most major flagship phones back to the iPhone

8 and Galaxy S8 and works on tablets like the iPad Pro and laptops like

the MacBook and MacBook Air (but not fully compatible with the MacBook Pro).

If you want a really great charger that charges two and a half times faster

than a standard 5V charger, make sure to click the link in the description

to pick it up. Thank you so much RavPower for supporting this community

and thank all of you who helped support me by supporting our sponsors.

Let me know in the comments if you pick one up.

With all the hype building up to the unpacked event on February 20th,

Samsung has been prepping a bunch of commercials and teasers for all that they're

announcing at the event and likely even for the Super Bowl. Well, a commercial

was accidentally posted by Samsung Vietnam and then taken down shortly after.

The Internet being what it is made multiple copies of the video

and reposted it.

Now for those paying attention towards the end of the video, we see a woman

holding a foldable device in mid-fold. And I have to admit if that's what

the actual device looks like I'm really amazed because it looks super slim, sleek,

and it folds in words. You see we've seen foldable designs from Royale

and Xiaomi but they've been this really clunking looking design with thick

bezels and the screen only bends with the screen facing the outside,

not the inside. Even Huawei is trying to get in on this foldable phone action

with this teaser that they released ahead of mobile world congress on February 24th.

That one also seems they have a screen folding on the outside. So the only

phone that has potentially teased an inward facing fold is the upcoming

Motorola concepts. As Marques Brownlee pointing out the current foldable phones,

we've seen so far these clunky devices they have bad software on it.

So does Samsung have a full phone that actually has a nice thin profile folds

flat and flushed with itself like a folio case and has an inward folding

screen or is this just a concept render that made it into a commercial

and is it actually real?

I'm uh, getting pixel ultra flashbacks.

Now there are some people who don't think it represents anything real.

B asing things off of what we saw in the initial announcement for the Galaxy

X foldable phone even its case it doesn't look exactly like what we're

seeing in the video specifically with the outside screen. So that does

leave some room for doubt. What we do see is an inward facing fold which

looks pretty amazing compared to the other options. For me, I hope it's

real but I have a good feeling that we'll find out more about this later

on this month. Let me know what you think of the design in the leaked video.

And if you think it's real or not.

That's it. Make sure you check out my last video where I talked about all

the crazy cool designs coming out from Team Android and ask the question "

can the Galaxy S10 phones dethrone the Apple iPhone XR and XS in terms

of sales for a flagship model?"

Click the card in the top right to watch it and check out my website at

Make sure you share subscribe, hit that Bell icon if you haven't already.

Thank you for watching This is Tech Today. You just watched This is tech

this week. Until next time. Oh, hey, have a great day.

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