Sunday, February 3, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 3 2019

Une Kate Middleton paresseuse? Jalouse? Ces derniers temps, la presse britannique critique régulièrement l'épouse du prince William

Les collaborateurs de la duchesse volent désormais à son secours pour rétablir la vérité

 Le début d'année 2019 n'est pas particulièrement tendre avec Kate Middleton. Depuis quelques temps, la duchesse de Cambridge est devenue l'une des cibles favorites des tabloïds

Dans leur colonnes, de multiples critiques visent la mère de famille, la plus fréquente d'entre elles étant celle selon laquelle l'épouse du prince William éprouverait une certaine animosité envers sa belle-sœur, Meghan Markle

En comparaison avec la très énergique duchesse de Sussex, Kate Middleton est d'ailleurs qualifiée de « duchesse paresseuse » par une partie de la presse

Les journaux n'hésitent pas même à remonter dix ans en arrière et à rappeler qu'en 2008, la jeune duchesse avait été sèchement recadrée par Elizabeth II

A l'heure où le pays se trouvait au beau milieu de la crise financière, la souveraine aurait critiqué la compagne de son petit-fils pour ses signes ostentatoires de richesse, ses vacances à répétition et l'absence d'une occupation digne de ce nom assure le Sun

Aujourd'hui mère de famille, très engagée auprès d'œuvres caritatives, Kate Middleton est pourtant bien éloignée de l'image qu'une partie de la presse tente de donner d'elle estiment ses collaborateurs

 Si Kate Middleton bénéficie bien évidemment au quotidien de l'aide d'au moins une nourrice de haut vol, la duchesse n'en reste pas moins la maman de trois enfants: George (5 ans), Charlotte (3 ans) et Louis (9 mois)

Un rôle de mère qui n'est évidemment pas de tout repos. C'est d'ailleurs sur la question de la petite enfance que l'épouse du prince William compte s'investir sur le long terme

Marraine de différentes associations, elle se trouvait cette semaine à Dundee, en Ecosse, pour aller à la rencontre de volontaires travaillant pour le groupe caritatif Family Action, venant en aide aux familles dans le besoin

« Elle sent qu'elle peut apporter quelque chose de vraiment significatif sur les décennies à venir », explique un membre de l'entourage de la duchesse qui estime que la question de l'enfance a le potentiel de devenir la grande cause de Kate Middleton pour le restant de sa vie

« Elle est extrêmement sérieuse quand il s'agit de trouver des solutions concrètes aux problèmes que rencontrent les familles avec des enfants en bas âge »

La mère des petits George, Charlotte et Louis aurait même réuni à plusieurs reprises des spécialistes du sujet autour d'une table ronde

Une réalité bien éloignée de l'image qu'une partie de la presse anglaise tente de renvoyer de la duchesse

 Crédits photos : Parsons Andrew/I-Images/ABACA

For more infomation >> Meghan Royal - Kate Middleton, "duchesse paresseuse"? Des collaborateurs rétablissent la vérité - G - Duration: 3:49.



For more infomation >> ANDRA MĂRUȚĂ, SCHIMBARE RADICALĂ DE LOOK. CUM ARATĂ ACUM - Duration: 3:08.


Incredibly Beautiful Modern Tiny Home Ready to move to - Duration: 1:48.

Incredibly Beautiful Modern Tiny Home Ready to move to

For more infomation >> Incredibly Beautiful Modern Tiny Home Ready to move to - Duration: 1:48.


ENES BATUR PRETTY BOY SWAG CHALLENGE #prettyboyswag - Duration: 0:25.

Like and subscribes :d

For more infomation >> ENES BATUR PRETTY BOY SWAG CHALLENGE #prettyboyswag - Duration: 0:25.



Why did I take up the challenge of making Slime at Granny's House at 3 o'clock in the morning?

This is not going to work.

What was this?

For more infomation >> NUNCA ENTRE NA CASA DA GRANNY ÀS 3 H DA MANHA - GRANNY AT 3AM REAL LIFE - ГРАННИ В 3 утра - Duration: 3:54.


Vlog 10: Năm qua có gì thú zị ? - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Vlog 10: Năm qua có gì thú zị ? - Duration: 5:08.


【Tips & Tricks】Miraculous Mobile Game ☆ Infinite Ladybugs and Butterflies「100% Working」 - Duration: 8:06.

Hey ! First video with a phone format '^' I told you about it in the video "Channel Improvements for 2019" Here's a new category of videos: Tips & Tricks !

We start with Miraculous because it's really something that 100% works and that's really useful *w*

I'll show you how to have infinite Ladybugs and Butterflies !! No, it's not one of those "hacks" with a generator or something like that, it's just a glitch from the game ^^

However, it's possible that after some updates, this technique doesn't work anymore, so i advice you to do it right after this video ^^

Ah and i think i forgot the most important xD This video is about the game "Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir" available on iPhone and Android ^^

Instead of tapping right now on "Collect", you have to wait until the the button is orange You must have internet on

Watch the ad entirely, and at the end "6000x" will be written instead of "3000x" Still don't tap on "Collect" Wait a little and the "x2" button will appear again

By the way i add that there isn't the musics of the game because the recording software i used can't record sounds And i let the ad the first time to show you but then i'll cut it

Then i'll just keep tapping on "x2" infinite times and show you directly the result [without showing the ads] but i assure you that you have to watch the ad entirely each time

Then, we'll come back the next day ! We'll do the exact same thing again, but to get infinite Butterflies I'll cut the ads again

So you see it, it takes time to load, you just have to wait and it will appear

If after a long time, the button is still not orange, you just have to leave then reopen the app

So then i'm sorry, the software crashed but i continued until i have 10 millions

You can now buy gift boxes and open them right after, buy Chloé and Queen Bee, and resurrect infinite times in levels

That's iiit so now you know how to have infinite Ladybugs and Butterflies, buy all characters, have all boosters in their maximum, resurrect whenever you want and buy gift boxes infinite times

The video is pretty long but i wanted to show you how to do it step by step to prove that's it really works ^^ See ya ♥

For more infomation >> 【Tips & Tricks】Miraculous Mobile Game ☆ Infinite Ladybugs and Butterflies「100% Working」 - Duration: 8:06.


Samsung J330F Galaxy J3 Pro Ekran Değişimi 🇹🇷 - Duration: 6:53.

Yes. Hello friends.

Today. In GSM Communication

Samsung Galaxy

J3 Pro is the J320 model

J3 Pro with J320 code

screen change. As you can see the screen is completely


Yeah. It sounded like a opening. Because of that

all together we will make the screen change of it friends.

Yes friends. After the appliance has stopped for 10 minutes at the machine

heat machine or air


as I said if you have friends screen

You can change it yourself. So this is a simple screen change.

You know, always say we're not experts or something.

As you see. We removed the rear socket.

A little from the front, a little warm from the front.

There are keys.

Here are your friends. Underneath it.

As you see. This is enough to pay attention to the flex.

So as friends say so

Let's get a master screen. Like I said, this screen

but still we do not recommend that separate issue

But if you want to change yourself

You can change it yourself. No screws. Just

is holding the socket. It's just holding the socket.

No screws. Just do it

one of the most important things to consider

Do not damage the flexine. And a

where you removed the screen

the edges of the bar so clean the edges of the very nice

After making sure no problem.

So any screws are not dismantled friends.

Samsung Galaxy J3 Pro

J3 Pro with J320 code

We are making screen changes.

Yeah. It's a nice clean case.

after making sure we clean

we can install the new screen.

He's a master here.

Yeah. New screen for Samsung Galaxy J3 Pro.

J3 Pro, J3 Pro

J320 code

After removing the tape from the bottom

six-adhesive. We're sticking out here in a nice way.

Under the adhesive. Here too, the screen has its own adhesive.

But if you still have the possibility

At the edges of the chassis to the edges, we'll show you a little later.

If you have the opportunity

it's a little bit of sticky.

Yeah. After you have keyed

Extra to the edges of


it is much healthier.

The edges of the bar.

The screen has its own adhesive. Still as an extra

to get healthier

Yeah. We bend the Flexi lightly.

This was not self.

The master said earlier that this was opened elsewhere.

So there is no flex cover.

No socket cover. Yeah yeah.

We don't have it, do we?

Let's wear this glue.

We didn't stay. OK.

So put it there as an extra.

I've shown it somewhere else before.

Yes, last. We're wearing the back cover.

We're putting the old screen on the edge.

And we're gonna test the screen right now.

Yes friends. As you see

Samsung Galaxy

J3 Pro

J3 Pro with J320 code

J3 Pro screen was changed.

Thank you friends for watching.

For more infomation >> Samsung J330F Galaxy J3 Pro Ekran Değişimi 🇹🇷 - Duration: 6:53.


Prezidentský ples na Hradě: Proč mu venkov tleská a Praha se ušklíbá? - Duration: 5:18.

 Prezidentský ples na Hradě, jehož výtěžek půjde na podporu Nadace Ivany Zemanové, i letos vzbudil poměrně bouřlivé reakce

Odpůrci Miloše Zemana a jeho „hradní crew" na něm samozřejmě nenechali nit suchou

  Pravda, hlava státu by měla jít příkladem a dodržet předepsaný dress code. Ten rozhodně nediktuje lesklý oblek a modrou vázanku se vzorem, o nevhodně zvolených botách ani nemluvě

I v tomto případě se projevila prezidentova zaťatost a jeho oblíbené „Stejně vám to udělám natruc, protože můžu, jsem přece prezident!"

 Kritici se pustili i do „kamarádšoftů", které Zeman na Hradě praktikuje. Ples moderovala manželka kancléře Vratislava Mynáře Alex, kterou doplnil Libor Bouček

I ten to od mnohých „pravdoláskařů" schytal. Prý si tenhle džob mohl odpustit. Jako by snad existovala nějaká „nezávislá komise" pro posuzování „nezávadnosti" kšeftů

Třešničkou na pomyslném dortu pro vyvolené pak bylo vystoupení Michala Davida a Heleny Vondráčkové

  Vadila i tombola, do které podle některých rozhodně nepatří soudek piva a podobné propriety, které se na Hrad nehodí a odkazují spíše ke scénám z filmu Hoří, má panenko! Reakce na sebe nenechaly dlouho čekat

 „Co by byla Praha a celé Česko bez kačeny se zelím, bez hospody U Fleků, bez Švejka, bez trdelníku, bez Bedřicha Smetany a jeho lidové Prodané nevěsty?" ptal se jeden z reagujících na komentář známé módní kritičky

 „Jsme v Česku a máme českého prezidenta. Co je špatného na tom, že se na plese objeví pivo a troška toho folklóru? Praha si někdy moc hraje na světovou

," přidal se další diskutující, který je tak trochu alergický na velkopanské projevy z hlavního města

 Jaký prezident (a jeho blízcí a spolupracovníci), takový ples. Je úplně jedno, jestli tam bude sedět Petr, nebo Pavel

Jiným zase „nevoněli" kamarádi Václava Havla z řad disentu, kteří dress code taky moc neřešili

O (ne)konzumaci alkoholu, na který se v souvislosti s Havlem „zázračně" zapomnělo, ani nemluvě

 A že byl v tombole soudek piva a prohlídka plzeňského pivovaru? K plesům to prostě patří

A je úplně jedno, jestli se konají na zámku, nebo v sokolovně. Žízeň je všude, na Hradě i v podhradí, Česko není zrovna baštou abstinentů a hlavy státu v proudu času tomu odpovídají

 „Pražští kavárníci" a „profi ohrnovači nosů" asi moc plesů a zábav neabsolvovali

Jinak by museli vědět, že hity Vondráčkové a Davida, ať chtějí, nebo ne, fungují na tanečních zábavách mnohem lépe než alternativní jazzové uskupení ve stylu „tahání kočky za ocas" nebo třeba luzný zpěv velryb

Na ten se moc tančit nedá, nehledě na to, že byste marně hledali někoho, kdo umí slova nazpaměť


For more infomation >> Prezidentský ples na Hradě: Proč mu venkov tleská a Praha se ušklíbá? - Duration: 5:18.


Samsung J330F Galaxy J3 Pro Ekran Değişimi 🇹🇷 - Duration: 6:53.

Yes. Hello friends.

Today. In GSM Communication

Samsung Galaxy

J3 Pro is the J320 model

J3 Pro with J320 code

screen change. As you can see the screen is completely


Yeah. It sounded like a opening. Because of that

all together we will make the screen change of it friends.

Yes friends. After the appliance has stopped for 10 minutes at the machine

heat machine or air


as I said if you have friends screen

You can change it yourself. So this is a simple screen change.

You know, always say we're not experts or something.

As you see. We removed the rear socket.

A little from the front, a little warm from the front.

There are keys.

Here are your friends. Underneath it.

As you see. This is enough to pay attention to the flex.

So as friends say so

Let's get a master screen. Like I said, this screen

but still we do not recommend that separate issue

But if you want to change yourself

You can change it yourself. No screws. Just

is holding the socket. It's just holding the socket.

No screws. Just do it

one of the most important things to consider

Do not damage the flexine. And a

where you removed the screen

the edges of the bar so clean the edges of the very nice

After making sure no problem.

So any screws are not dismantled friends.

Samsung Galaxy J3 Pro

J3 Pro with J320 code

We are making screen changes.

Yeah. It's a nice clean case.

after making sure we clean

we can install the new screen.

He's a master here.

Yeah. New screen for Samsung Galaxy J3 Pro.

J3 Pro, J3 Pro

J320 code

After removing the tape from the bottom

six-adhesive. We're sticking out here in a nice way.

Under the adhesive. Here too, the screen has its own adhesive.

But if you still have the possibility

At the edges of the chassis to the edges, we'll show you a little later.

If you have the opportunity

it's a little bit of sticky.

Yeah. After you have keyed

Extra to the edges of


it is much healthier.

The edges of the bar.

The screen has its own adhesive. Still as an extra

to get healthier

Yeah. We bend the Flexi lightly.

This was not self.

The master said earlier that this was opened elsewhere.

So there is no flex cover.

No socket cover. Yeah yeah.

We don't have it, do we?

Let's wear this glue.

We didn't stay. OK.

So put it there as an extra.

I've shown it somewhere else before.

Yes, last. We're wearing the back cover.

We're putting the old screen on the edge.

And we're gonna test the screen right now.

Yes friends. As you see

Samsung Galaxy

J3 Pro

J3 Pro with J320 code

J3 Pro screen was changed.

Thank you friends for watching.

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