Hi everyone and welcome back to my YouTube Channel. I am Anxo Ma and if don't know me,
I am an artist who has opened his own online shop
to sell his own art prints and I just recently started using
the oil painting technique. Because of all your questions about the materials I am using
and how I prepare the place where I paint, today I show you this video!
Wish you enjoy this a lot and lets get started!
So, here is my parents's oil box which I started using
for get use to this technique before I get my own first oil box
I think this box looks very cool because, looks like vintage or something hahaha
so really, this feels so romantic for me hahaha
The tones in this box are principally siennas, greens
and well, it has a bit of blue tones but, for example here there isn't any yellow tones
or orange tones... So as you can see, I miss a couple tones here but, anyways
I was so happy to have this box so I started
using this colors for my first painting
Really when, I just first started I didnt miss any colors becouse
I was working with skin tones so even I missed
a yellow tone, I start my painting using Sienna tones
When I got this box I started cleaning all the colors and throwing away the tones who was broken
because of the time
To open the tubes I had to get all into warm water so then
I could open them because, at the beginning it was impossible
It was so cool to get this special and vintage box
of my parents so, I feel grateful!
This box over there its my first oil box who was given to me this Christmas!
It was a really good present because wow, for someone who paints this
kind of present are so cool and beautiful!
I am really in love with this box because after this,
I started working better because of the palette of colors
But I really still using my parents tones because there are a lot of tubes that I love
and I think its so cool use all the tubes and mix all kind of colors!
The box includes
charcoals, oils, varnishes..
and I think all this stuff its very very cool!
The box included two brushes
So now I will show you my brushes over there:
As you can see here, I have so many brushes.
I keep this on a cristal bottle and here I have also my spatulas
Over here I have mixed my parents materials with my own materias hahaha
So now I have a lot of stuff! hahaha
I have also other brushes:
this was a present from my invisible friend
and I think they are so cool. I didnt have used all this ones but
I think they are so nice and pretty
and also, a good present for someone who likes art hahaha
I keept all here to prevent the brushes to crash or something
so I keep all the stuff here. Also because
this its always near me while I am painting
I also have many pallets:
I have this wood pallet of my parent and yeh,
the first day I started experimenting with all of the tones
so as you can see I have all this stsined but I am not going to clean it
becouse probably it still damp under the first layer haha
Over there I have my cristal pallets
and I just make it on my own way using a photo frame
I have over there
all the tones I have been working with, and
i dont know, I like this kind of pallet because
it shows the tone much better and looks so cool hahaha
I have also this one but i didn't use this
because as I said, I prefer still using the cristals ones.
This is my easel and I have to said that
I love painting on the floor so I dont really use it so much
but, its great to have one because
for bigger paints I think easels are much better.
The format I was working with was so little so that could be
the reason why I ended up on the floor hahaha
So, rigth now I just tried painting on canvas but
I will like to try use panels because I feel panels are more cool hahaha
idk but yeh, I will try when I finish with my
old canvas.
Panels must be treated with gesso
so this could be maybe a more difficult problem so
I will let you know when I try it and probably make a video about it hahaha
This is my auxiliar table witch I keep near always and here I have my turpentine bottle.
I use only a bit because
it works for me so when I see it
so dirty I just threw away and I clean the bottle to use
it again.
This is the bottle of the turpentine and wow it really smells so hard but
idk, I think its part of the paint process
so this makes paint more romantic and cool hahaha. Also I have a cloth
for clean all the brushes and
to clean maybe the canvas too while I am painting.
So that its all! I wish you like this video and please dont forget to subscribe and comment below!
See u next time! Bye! :D
For more infomation >> Pintar al óleo 🌿 ¿Materiales? ¿Dónde pinto? ✨ - Mi estudio de arte tour 🎨 @anxo_ma - Duration: 7:25.-------------------------------------------
JR貨物 EF210-305号機(吹田)+コキ19両 貨物列車86レ 2019.02.03 - Duration: 0:48.
【Tips & Tricks】Miraculous Mobile Game ☆ Infinite Ladybugs and Butterflies「100% Working」 - Duration: 8:06.
Hey ! First video with a phone format '^' I told you about it in the video "Channel Improvements for 2019" Here's a new category of videos: Tips & Tricks !
We start with Miraculous because it's really something that 100% works and that's really useful *w*
I'll show you how to have infinite Ladybugs and Butterflies !! No, it's not one of those "hacks" with a generator or something like that, it's just a glitch from the game ^^
However, it's possible that after some updates, this technique doesn't work anymore, so i advice you to do it right after this video ^^
Ah and i think i forgot the most important xD This video is about the game "Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir" available on iPhone and Android ^^
Instead of tapping right now on "Collect", you have to wait until the the button is orange You must have internet on
Watch the ad entirely, and at the end "6000x" will be written instead of "3000x" Still don't tap on "Collect" Wait a little and the "x2" button will appear again
By the way i add that there isn't the musics of the game because the recording software i used can't record sounds And i let the ad the first time to show you but then i'll cut it
Then i'll just keep tapping on "x2" infinite times and show you directly the result [without showing the ads] but i assure you that you have to watch the ad entirely each time
Then, we'll come back the next day ! We'll do the exact same thing again, but to get infinite Butterflies I'll cut the ads again
So you see it, it takes time to load, you just have to wait and it will appear
If after a long time, the button is still not orange, you just have to leave then reopen the app
So then i'm sorry, the software crashed but i continued until i have 10 millions
You can now buy gift boxes and open them right after, buy Chloé and Queen Bee, and resurrect infinite times in levels
That's iiit so now you know how to have infinite Ladybugs and Butterflies, buy all characters, have all boosters in their maximum, resurrect whenever you want and buy gift boxes infinite times
The video is pretty long but i wanted to show you how to do it step by step to prove that's it really works ^^ See ya ♥
10 TK, 10 TK AND 10 TK. NH Mojar Video - Duration: 6:36.
Subscribe NH Mojar Video
How to Crochet simple and easy Puff Flower - [ Hindi ] - Pattern #3 - Crosia flower design - Duration: 11:47.
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
12 coups de midi : un nom se détache pour l'étoile mystérieuse , Laurent Mariotte s'invite - Duration: 2:05.
V hlavní roli nevěra? Tenistka Plíšková údajně svedla ženatého hokejistu Smoleňáka - Duration: 2:35.
CAN 1 inch butterfly knife FLIP and do TRICKS? tiny VS normal BK - Duration: 3:35.
A Way To Touch A Guy To Give Him Goosebumps - Duration: 2:29.
goosebumps a psychological phenomenon that's actually inherited from our
animal ancestors they're weirdly caused by a contraction of like these miniature
muscles that are attached to each one of our hairs and believe it or not they're
actually quite useless for humans except for when you sexes single ladies are
trying to connect with a guy and turn them on this technique is very effective
keep watching
hey there Adam a little tip from sexy confidence calm where I help you create
your love story in this video is all about giving goosebumps and what am I
create in this video you might ask because if you use this technique I
promise you you are going to drive him absolutely wild
so here's exactly what I want you to do the next time that you're having kind of
a more intimate moment with him I want you to look him deeply in the eyes and
just softly rub the back of his neck study after study has shown that eye
contact combined with a very soft touch the areas of your body where you're most
vulnerable are likely to create goosebumps when you are doing it in fact
once I revealed that when two members of the opposite sex look deeply into each
other's eyes with simultaneously engaging in touch they express way more
interest in attraction to one another and even had elevated heart rates the
best way to do it is so softly and so subtly that he barely even notices that
you're touching him guaranteed to make him go wild touch is such an incredibly
powerful way to connect with someone and if you do it in a very soft light
sensual way why maintaining that eye contact you're also going to be
expressing kind of that feminine energy that he's going to be so incredibly
drawn to and if you really want to drive him extra wild and do extra credit
homework in this area of your life make sure you hold a really sensual smile all
the while you're doing it there's no easier way to open up his heart than
with that sexy smile that I know you can bring to the table so if you're still
single and want to find great ways to get out there flirt and ultimately meet
the one that person you want to spend the rest of your life with go ahead and
click that link right there the link in the description or anywhere on this page
I'm gonna teach you three steps to getting out there and tracking the man
that you truly deserve also if you enjoyed this video and you want more
just like this leave that like button also don't forget to subscribe so you
don't miss another video like this I release every single week thank you so
much for watching I'll speak to you you sexy single lady next week bye bye
Polar Vortex Meets Samoyed - Duration: 7:38.
We're not going outside.
Come here, this is for filming.
We're gonna film today.
There was just a big, giant, polar vortex that came through Wisconsin, where Yeti and
I are from.
Find out how Yeti and I survived.
Up next, on Yeti's Place.
Be sure to subscribe, like and comment down below and check out our links.
So, Yeti and I just lived through an extreme weather event, in the northern United States.
It's called a polar vortex.
He's crazy, because he thinks we're going on a walk.
What in the world is a polar vortex?
Well, I'm gonna talk about that first and then, I'll get into how Yeti reacted to the
polar vortex.
So, for nearly one week, we had experienced the polar vortex.
Up by the North Pole, there's a bunch of really cold air....really, really cold air, and it
blew down into the United States.
Our temperatures, in the United States, in Wisconsin, where I am from, which is up near
the Great Lakes, bordering Canada, hit, for a high temperature, negative 49 degrees Fahrenheit,
before wind chill.
So, that would be, around/equal to, I don't know if it's negative 45 degrees Celsius,
but it was cold.
And this was without wind chill.
With the wind chill, it was negative 71 degrees Fahrenheit.
It was so cold, on my parka, this parka, it's good to negative 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
This parka, is made to be worn in Antarctica, on expeditions.
It weighs, literally, a third of Yeti's weight.
It's an old parka.
I've had it for 20 years and it's come in really handy a few times each winter.
It comes down to my knees.
And then, on my feet, are these winter boots, that are moose hide and wool.
These guys, are good to negative 20 degrees.
So there was an area about this big, that was exposed to the outdoor elements.
Just walking from inside to my car, from my car to inside, I would feel the wind hitting
right here and it was freezing the skin on contact.
Even though I had pants on, even though I had long John's underneath, like, it was freezing
the skin.
Even though I was only outside for about a minute.
And of course my head had the hood pulled up and, you know, all you could see was this
much of my face and I had mittens on.
So, that parka that I had just taken off, is good to negative 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Temperatures were like what it would have been in the Arctic, or what the Antarctic
is like during the Antarctic winter.
It was fierce, it was brutal, it was nasty, it was ugly.
The few experiments that were done, were bubbles being blown outside.
So you'd pick up the bubble thing and you'd blow into the bubble thing....well, the bubble
would come out and within a few seconds, of it hitting the air, you could see it crystalizing.
And then, once it was totally crystalized, which didn't take long at all, just like,
a few seconds, then it would slowly fall to the ground and just like, burst everywhere.
Because it was ice.
And then, you'd dump a pot of boiling water, up into the air and it would just like...poof.
Just vapors.
Some other experiments that were done.....
Getting a t-shirt, soaking the t-shirt in water, bringing the t-shirt outside.
Within a matter of 2 minutes at the most, that t-shirt was frozen solid.
And you could knock on it and it would sound like *knocking on floor*.
It would sound like a solid surface.
It was absolutely crazy.
People put denim blue jeans in water and then brought them outside and stood them up and
made them look like they were walking.
Just the denim blue jeans.
And they froze like that, looking as though there were invisible people inside of those
blue jeans.
Now, I know you guys are wondering, how in the world Yeti did during all of this.
I did not have the scarf on Yeti, nor did I have the mittens on Yeti, nor did I have
the hat on Yeti.
Yeti is made out of this thick, double layer of fur.
Really really thick, really long, really durable fur.
He still had to go on his walks.
And by walks, I mean, a mile in the morning, a mile at lunchtime and then a mile in the
About a half hour each time.
He demands it.
He's a very active dog.
So, his Dad would get bundled up, from head to foot.
You know, not a single bare spot of skin was exposed on my husband.
Meanwhile, Yeti went outside like this.
He was panting, like he is now, except outside, where it was bitterly cold.
I would have Yeti outside for 30 seconds.
Yeti would come racing up to me, get down on his front paws, tail wiggling.
*panting* Oh boy, Mom, play with me, play with me!
And then he'd start barking at me and I'd get like this close to putting his collar
on him, and he would dart off, wanting me to stay out there and play with him.
And play and play and play, because he can't feel the temperature.
He has no idea that it's that cold outside.
Now, I know that his mane is really really thick and the rest of him too, is really thick.
But, it just goes to show you exactly how durable a Samoyed is in the harsh, winter
I know that Yeti has quite a few viewers, quite a few subscribers from around the Equator,
as well as the areas surrounding the Equator that never see snow, never see cold at all,
that are always summertime year round.
Yeti does wonderfully in really bitterly cold temperatures.
That is his prime time temperature.
He stays so warm, because of this thick, double layer of fur.
The outer coat, of course protects him from the wind and the other elements.
And then, the inner coat, is like a cashmere-soft, insulated inner coat, kind of like the down
inside of my parka.
And Yeti stayed plenty warm.
He did not need any booties outside, we could've probably put booties on him, but he didn't
seem to notice the cold temperatures on his paws, because I keep his paws, the fur underneath
the paws, in between the pads of his feet, nice and short.
So, then that way, he doesn't get the ice balls and the rest of him is left long, especially
for these cold, bitter temperatures, which Yeti does not seem to mind at all.
So that is how Yeti and his Mom and his Dad survived the polar vortex.
It was...it was cold.
Sammies are designed for the bitter, brutal cold of the Great White North.
Oh, Yeti, come here!
Look at what Mom has.
Look at this.
Yeti thinks we're going on a walk.
We're not going on a walk, because I have my parka in here and I have my boots on, so
he thinks, oh boy, we're gonna outside into that bitter cold temperature.
No, we're not.
Oh...and then, the temperatures, they're going to be warming up, about over 100 degrees,
from where they had been, to where they're going to be tomorrow.
A 100 degrees in 24 hours!
It is just absolutely crazy, like....crazy.
I cannot tell you how crazy that is.
But it's just....I'll say it again, craZY.
If you're new here, please be sure to subscribe.
Click that bell notification and please, check out our links down below.We'll have some great
Yeti's Place items, that will come in handy for you guys, getting your dogs through the
winter months.
And we'll see you guys next time.
Thanks for watching.
小S三個女兒每天穿得「土到爆」汪小菲也說穿得像保母!小S:只希望能讓女兒明白「這個道理」 - Duration: 8:41.
Samsung J330F Galaxy J3 Pro Ekran Değişimi 🇹🇷 - Duration: 6:53.
Yes. Hello friends.
Today. In GSM Communication
Samsung Galaxy
J3 Pro is the J320 model
J3 Pro with J320 code
screen change. As you can see the screen is completely
Yeah. It sounded like a opening. Because of that
all together we will make the screen change of it friends.
Yes friends. After the appliance has stopped for 10 minutes at the machine
heat machine or air
as I said if you have friends screen
You can change it yourself. So this is a simple screen change.
You know, always say we're not experts or something.
As you see. We removed the rear socket.
A little from the front, a little warm from the front.
There are keys.
Here are your friends. Underneath it.
As you see. This is enough to pay attention to the flex.
So as friends say so
Let's get a master screen. Like I said, this screen
but still we do not recommend that separate issue
But if you want to change yourself
You can change it yourself. No screws. Just
is holding the socket. It's just holding the socket.
No screws. Just do it
one of the most important things to consider
Do not damage the flexine. And a
where you removed the screen
the edges of the bar so clean the edges of the very nice
After making sure no problem.
So any screws are not dismantled friends.
Samsung Galaxy J3 Pro
J3 Pro with J320 code
We are making screen changes.
Yeah. It's a nice clean case.
after making sure we clean
we can install the new screen.
He's a master here.
Yeah. New screen for Samsung Galaxy J3 Pro.
J3 Pro, J3 Pro
J320 code
After removing the tape from the bottom
six-adhesive. We're sticking out here in a nice way.
Under the adhesive. Here too, the screen has its own adhesive.
But if you still have the possibility
At the edges of the chassis to the edges, we'll show you a little later.
If you have the opportunity
it's a little bit of sticky.
Yeah. After you have keyed
Extra to the edges of
it is much healthier.
The edges of the bar.
The screen has its own adhesive. Still as an extra
to get healthier
Yeah. We bend the Flexi lightly.
This was not self.
The master said earlier that this was opened elsewhere.
So there is no flex cover.
No socket cover. Yeah yeah.
We don't have it, do we?
Let's wear this glue.
We didn't stay. OK.
So put it there as an extra.
I've shown it somewhere else before.
Yes, last. We're wearing the back cover.
We're putting the old screen on the edge.
And we're gonna test the screen right now.
Yes friends. As you see
Samsung Galaxy
J3 Pro
J3 Pro with J320 code
J3 Pro screen was changed.
Thank you friends for watching.
10 z 10 zemře (cz titulky) - Duration: 5:12.
TU PRESENCIA | Grupo Santa Ley [Video Oficial] - Duration: 4:28.
LO QUE TANTO BUSQUÉ | Grupo Santa Ley [Video Oficial] - Duration: 4:34.
Sapun natural de casa: Melissa te invata cum se prepara acasa sapun de diferite forme si culori - Duration: 10:02.
Today in video ...
Hi all!
You are on the MeliMi channel
I'm Melissa
Today we have a new challenge
We make soap
We need:
a set of soap
and gloves
Let's see what's in this set
Is very interesting
Let's open it
Bio soap
he is of oils and fats
heart shape
a plastic bowl
essential drops
We will do it with the help of parents
The gloves are too big
We unpack the soap and put it in the bowl
Parents will cut the soap
We will soap the soap
15 drops of food color
We mix well
Put the mixture into shape
This is our soap
We look forward to strengthening
Soap must stay at room temperature - an hour
Put the soap in the freezer for 5 minutes
Here is my collection of soaps:
Soap is stored in food paper
Thank you for your like
the cat
two hearts
Do not forget to subscribe
An hour has passed
The heart is ready
Let's get it off
The heart is very beautiful
I like it very much
But what about you?
This is my soap collection
Our heart
Heart green
yellow lemon
bear pink
pink cat
pink flower
grape violet
red strawberries
purple strawberry
Red hearts
violet flower
blue dollar
green star
pink rose
green fir
pink rose
Red heart
Did you like my soap collection?
Write comments!
Bye Bye!
✅ Breaking News - Robin Goodfellow's tips: The best bets for Friday 18 January - Duration: 3:28.
Sportsmail's racing expert Robin Goodfellow dishes out his tips ahead of Friday's meetings at Musselburgh, Chepstow, Kempton and Lingfield
Share this article Share MUSSELBURGH ROBIN GOODFELLOW 1.15 Tokaramore1.45 Elmono2
20 Indian Opera2.55 Royal Reserve3.30 John Williams (nap)4.00 Highway Companion GIMCRACK 1
15 Outback Blue1.45 Elmono2.20 Graceland2.55 Royal Reserve3.30 John Williams4.00 Enlighten CHEPSTOW ROBIN GOODFELLOW 1
05 Barbrook Star1.35 Lisnagar Oscar2.10 Foxworthy2.45 Captain Cattistock3.20 Evidence De Thaix (nb)3
50 Goodgirlteresa GIMCRACK 1.05 Moving In Style1.35 Black Centaur2.10 Foxworthy2
45 Chef Des Obeaux3.20 La Fille Francaise3.50 Shintori KEMPTON ROBIN GOODFELLOW 4
10 Toni's A Star4.45 Rock Bottom5.15 Sharp Operator5.45 Rectory Road6.15 Kentucky Kingdom6
45 Given Choice7.15 Nylon Speed7.45 Foreign Legion GIMCRACK 4.10 Sir Walter4.45 Swiss Chime5
15 Mullarkey5.45 Kingdom Of Dubai (nb)6.15 Kentucky Kingdom6.45 Given Choice7.15 Nylon Speed7
45 Compton Prince LINGFIELD ROBIN GOODFELLOW 12.55 High Acclaim1.25 Highway One2
00 Ever Rock2.30 Gorgeous Noora3.05 Sandfrankskipsgo3.40 Marhaban GIMCRACK 12.55 Ambient1
25 Weloof2.00 Delagate The Lady2.30 Shamshon (nap)3.05 Alaskan Bay3.40 Resounding Silence Share this article Share
Seller - Falakon át
Jenifer chamboulée par sa condamnation pour violence, sa décision radicale - Duration: 1:42.
A Way To Touch A Guy To Give Him Goosebumps - Duration: 2:29.
goosebumps a psychological phenomenon that's actually inherited from our
animal ancestors they're weirdly caused by a contraction of like these miniature
muscles that are attached to each one of our hairs and believe it or not they're
actually quite useless for humans except for when you sexes single ladies are
trying to connect with a guy and turn them on this technique is very effective
keep watching
hey there Adam a little tip from sexy confidence calm where I help you create
your love story in this video is all about giving goosebumps and what am I
create in this video you might ask because if you use this technique I
promise you you are going to drive him absolutely wild
so here's exactly what I want you to do the next time that you're having kind of
a more intimate moment with him I want you to look him deeply in the eyes and
just softly rub the back of his neck study after study has shown that eye
contact combined with a very soft touch the areas of your body where you're most
vulnerable are likely to create goosebumps when you are doing it in fact
once I revealed that when two members of the opposite sex look deeply into each
other's eyes with simultaneously engaging in touch they express way more
interest in attraction to one another and even had elevated heart rates the
best way to do it is so softly and so subtly that he barely even notices that
you're touching him guaranteed to make him go wild touch is such an incredibly
powerful way to connect with someone and if you do it in a very soft light
sensual way why maintaining that eye contact you're also going to be
expressing kind of that feminine energy that he's going to be so incredibly
drawn to and if you really want to drive him extra wild and do extra credit
homework in this area of your life make sure you hold a really sensual smile all
the while you're doing it there's no easier way to open up his heart than
with that sexy smile that I know you can bring to the table so if you're still
single and want to find great ways to get out there flirt and ultimately meet
the one that person you want to spend the rest of your life with go ahead and
click that link right there the link in the description or anywhere on this page
I'm gonna teach you three steps to getting out there and tracking the man
that you truly deserve also if you enjoyed this video and you want more
just like this leave that like button also don't forget to subscribe so you
don't miss another video like this I release every single week thank you so
much for watching I'll speak to you you sexy single lady next week bye bye
Ils VIVENT dans leur VAN ! (#Vanlife avec Destination Aventure) | Jour 28 de 365 - Duration: 1:50.
Initial D Arcade Stage 6 AA - Another - Part #3 - Beyond Impact Blue (ENG SUB) - Duration: 4:34.
Since then.. Sayuki and I have continued and have been trying as much as we could..
It has been really burning..
Mako is getting good eyes..
Should we start..
Come on, Mako!!
Ok, Sayuki..
We'll show our best racing ever!!
Indeed it's not an average racer, Mako.. how are you?
Yup.. I was defeated but.. it was greatly fulfilling..
It was really nice to have a battle with you..
But.. look..
The next time we meet, I will make you weep..
Street racer level 10
CAN 1 inch butterfly knife FLIP and do TRICKS? tiny VS normal BK - Duration: 3:35.
Charlène de Monaco vraiment triste, la vérité sur son quotidien - Duration: 1:27.
Samsung J330F Galaxy J3 Pro Ekran Değişimi 🇹🇷 - Duration: 6:53.
Yes. Hello friends.
Today. In GSM Communication
Samsung Galaxy
J3 Pro is the J320 model
J3 Pro with J320 code
screen change. As you can see the screen is completely
Yeah. It sounded like a opening. Because of that
all together we will make the screen change of it friends.
Yes friends. After the appliance has stopped for 10 minutes at the machine
heat machine or air
as I said if you have friends screen
You can change it yourself. So this is a simple screen change.
You know, always say we're not experts or something.
As you see. We removed the rear socket.
A little from the front, a little warm from the front.
There are keys.
Here are your friends. Underneath it.
As you see. This is enough to pay attention to the flex.
So as friends say so
Let's get a master screen. Like I said, this screen
but still we do not recommend that separate issue
But if you want to change yourself
You can change it yourself. No screws. Just
is holding the socket. It's just holding the socket.
No screws. Just do it
one of the most important things to consider
Do not damage the flexine. And a
where you removed the screen
the edges of the bar so clean the edges of the very nice
After making sure no problem.
So any screws are not dismantled friends.
Samsung Galaxy J3 Pro
J3 Pro with J320 code
We are making screen changes.
Yeah. It's a nice clean case.
after making sure we clean
we can install the new screen.
He's a master here.
Yeah. New screen for Samsung Galaxy J3 Pro.
J3 Pro, J3 Pro
J320 code
After removing the tape from the bottom
six-adhesive. We're sticking out here in a nice way.
Under the adhesive. Here too, the screen has its own adhesive.
But if you still have the possibility
At the edges of the chassis to the edges, we'll show you a little later.
If you have the opportunity
it's a little bit of sticky.
Yeah. After you have keyed
Extra to the edges of
it is much healthier.
The edges of the bar.
The screen has its own adhesive. Still as an extra
to get healthier
Yeah. We bend the Flexi lightly.
This was not self.
The master said earlier that this was opened elsewhere.
So there is no flex cover.
No socket cover. Yeah yeah.
We don't have it, do we?
Let's wear this glue.
We didn't stay. OK.
So put it there as an extra.
I've shown it somewhere else before.
Yes, last. We're wearing the back cover.
We're putting the old screen on the edge.
And we're gonna test the screen right now.
Yes friends. As you see
Samsung Galaxy
J3 Pro
J3 Pro with J320 code
J3 Pro screen was changed.
Thank you friends for watching.
News24 - Man Utd news: 'He needs to do a lot more' - Paul Ince on United star ahead of Leicester - Duration: 2:37.
That is the verdict of BT Sport pundit and former Manchester United and England midfielder Paul Ince
Martial put pen to paper on a new deal on Thursday to keep him at Old Trafford until 2024
The news comes just six months after his agent confirmed the forward wanted to leave the club
Martial fell out with former manager Jose Mourinho in pre-season after failing to return to the tour of the USA following the birth of his son
But the Frenchman has been a regular under interim boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, starting five of the six Premier League matches since the Norwegian was appointed in December
Ince is pleased to see Martial end speculation over his future and commit himself to United
But he admits there is plenty of improvement with his game that is still needed. "You'd like to think so [it's the start of a new era]," Ince said
"You probably think that two or three months ago Martial was reported to wanting to leave the club and go somewhere else according to his agent
"So obviously with the fact he has now put pen to paper on a five-year contract, it's great for the club, great for the fans
"He needs to do a bit more. I still think there is a lot more, he's only young he's 23, but he needs to do a lot more
" Martial missed the 2-2 draw with Burnley on Wednesday due to injury. But he is set to return to the squad for the trip to Leicester on Sunday
Paul Pogba has made the journey to the East Midlands despite being an injury doubt
But Antonio Valencia, Matteo Darmian and Chris Smalling will all miss the match. Leicester head into the clash after the 1-1 draw with title-chasing Liverpool on Wednesday
鸟山明在制作"龙珠"时,是不是要向我们表达什么?网友:想多了 - Duration: 6:11.
How to make a simple Fire Alarm at home - Duration: 2:56.
Louane orpheline, cette célèbre actrice qui lui sert de maman - Duration: 1:27.
Garden of Eden and Magical Castle | Day 2 of Camino del Norte - Duration: 15:30.
Hello, hello on the beautiful morning at the oceancoast!
We slept very well, feel more energized and are ready to hit the trail, to do more today
and better than yesterday.
We are planning to getting closer to the French-Spanish border.
We don't know where we will be sleeping today on the French side or on the Spanish side
but hopefully we will be close to the border.
Also we are very interested today to observe the tidal wave and the falling tide so hopefully
we'll do that.
Because we stil don't know the timing and it's very interesting.
These are probably the lowest prices you may find in any camping.
The campings municipals are the cheapest and we were very near and didn't get to it yesterday.
Here grows the corn, that's not something you would expect from the oceancoast for sure.
Yesterday and today we've been following the yellow sign, it's not the Camino sign but
it's great because it goes close to the coast.
The water looks so appealing, it's very warm and very calm.
On the radio they said that it's 22 degrees Celsius, it must feel great to dip in the
water right now.
For now the route been going in and out pavement so one km of pavement, one km of mountain
paths, so 50/50.
Not bad we are not walking entirely on the pavement, we'll keep you updated on that.
Such a nice cool ocean breeze, feels so refreshing.
That's amazing but they actually use this building as a light, alert light for the ships.
There are lots of danger signs along the coast, so there are maybe big storms and big waves.
And we hope we'll not get into it or not in a very harsh storm anyway.
Today is Sunday, as always we are starting on weekend and we may find ourselves hungry
because all of the shops and supermarkets are closed.
But now we are approaching the city and hope to find some open because we don't want to
be hungry and starving anymore.
Today is a very hot day, I feel like the heat wave is going to hit us.
But we should embrace the heat and sweat.
Having a snack now, we are about to try the sheep yogurt, so let's see how it tastes like.
This is the speciality of this region - the sheep products - cheese and yougurts.
Let's try this!
Tastes good, I like it.
And this is my own recipe of eating the yougurt, I like to add chocolate.
If you're a fan of chocolate leave me a comment.
But you definetely can feel that it's a natural product, that's good.
The grapes taste so good now, because it's the season.
I've been trying these trail running shoes for the first time, so far that's been good.
It's a replacement of my old ones and sadly the manufacturer is not selling them anymore,
so it's out of stock.
And I'm being very particular about my shoes, so that's very important for me.
But so far so good.
I'll keep you updated if there will be some changes.
It feels so great to finally establish the walking routine.
And being able to walk every day to be in the space, to have a goal for a day and achieve it.
It's the best feeling ever for us.
We're feeling the best when we're living this lifestyle.
It's hard to describe in words, so if you feel the same let us know that we are not
alone in this world.
This is our first shell, can't believe it, so great, good luck.
Here we have to walk by the road but at least they left a route on the side.
And that's great because we had a bad experience walking on the highway with cars and that
is no fun.
And here it's better and it's only the part of the way.
But there is no shadow, very hot.
From little oasis and back on the road.
By walking the second day in these places.
We've noticed that it's quite a popular destination for holidays, lots of tourists, different
languages you can hear.
And that's why all the services are overpriced starting from accomodation to the food and stuff.
So just know that it's not for a low budget traveller.
Eating some blackberries, are they good?
Very dry.
Like walking on the tropical island.
This castle looks like decoration for the Disney movie, some fairytale like it came true and
you see it in real life.
But on the map it says that it's some kind of observatory or something.
Not sure if it's open for visits but it's very beautiful.
This place really feels like the Garden of Eden with lots of fruit trees around, lots
of birds and we even saw the squirrel here, such a cosy place.
Our day is coming to an end.
It was a great day with beautiful paths but very hot.
Lots of sun in the face, we're like grilled and burned right now.
Now we'are very close to the French-Spanish border and we think to camp on the French side.
Still today and tomorrow we will cross the border.
And we also haven't met any pilgrims for now but we thank that tomorrow when the official
Way of Camino del Norte in Irun starts.
We will start to meet them.
And also even though it's very hot we've been really grateful for the warm weather.
Because when you are doing everything outside, sleeping in a tent, taking a shower, doing
washing-up, it's been great.
Because you can just wash your T-shirt and wear it right away and you're good to go.
So it helps a lot still having warm weather.
Thank you so much for watching!
If you enjoyed our video feel free to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel
to always stay up to date with all our recent hikes and adventures.
Make sure to check out the detailed map of the hike in the description below the video.
Also follow us on social media like Facebook and Instagram for daily updates.
Hope you are all having a wonderful day and we'll see you in our next video!
Bernard Tomic continues to drop explosive threats against Lleyton Hewitt - Duration: 10:06.
Despite the early exit, Tomic dominated headlines throughout the opening Grand Slam of the year thanks to an explosive post-match press conference
The 26-year-old dropped a series of accusations aimed at Davis Cup captain Lleyton Hewitt that took the tennis world by storm
As the tournament continued to play out, the barbs continued to be traded between Tomic, Hewitt and even Nick Kyrgios
Now the enigmatic star and his father John have sat down and opened up on one of the most turbulent times Australian tennis has endured
"We all know my image of the last decade, look I can't take it back. I am who I am, I've done what I've done," Bernard said on Channel 9's 60 minutes
"I've had problems off court, I've been arrested and stuff, but that's that. But this is totally different
" The bitter feud all traces back to 2010 when, as his father put it, Hewitt tried to pressure him into revealing who at Tennis Australia was "against" him
"He sat me down and said 'you're not playing Davis Cup mate tomorrow. Unless you tell me these things,'" Bernard said
Tennis Australia CEO Craig Tiley issued a statement saying the organisation was not aware of any incident or complaint of improper behaviour from 2010
But that's a statement John has refuted, stating he complained about the alleged bullying of his son at the time, but was ignored
"I'm asking you, Allison (Langdon), what's happening if I bullied somebody 16 years old and threatened to him you locked in your room," John said
"What's happened? I will be in the jail now. We have beautiful country, strong law
Who is Lleyton Hewitt? Who is?" "I mean you put a 15 year old, 16 year old kid in a room and go, 'tell me this or you're not playing
' You know?" Bernard added. "'You will never come close to me, you will never succeed in Australian sport
' This is a big threat, big threat," John said. But the big question surrounding the entire scandal remains the timing and why it has taken the best part of eight years for it to be brought to light
"I guess here's my issue with it is that I'm having to sit here and just take your word for it," Langdon questions
"You won't tell me what the proof is, what evidence you have, but I have to believe
" "I was intimidated, I was harassed. That's all I'll say. I was 16 years old at a Davis Cup tie in Melbourne, Grand Hyatt
I'll stand by that. Further matters will be taking place," Tomic responds. The verbal grenades were lobbed between Tomic and Hewitt throughout the Australian Open with both dropping serious allegations against the other
When Hewitt finally responded to Tomic's explosive press conference, he alleged Tomic had threatened him physically and also threatened his family and has attempted to blackmail him since their relationship breakdown
Tomic doesn't back away from the allegations and stated he did message Hewitt with threats, but says he'd never stoop to threatening his family
"I did message him, threatening, I said exact words I said was, 'if you come one metre from me I will knock you out,'" he said
"And he knows that, 'if you ever try talk to me, come one metre from me.' I stand by that
But did I mention his family? That's pretty low. "How low do you have to be to mention family, kids, and stuff? I think that's one of the lowest things that I've ever heard from him
"I stand by my threats towards him, but not to his family, which has nothing to do with nothing
"That's so wrong. For him to say that, that's really low. To go that low and make me look that bad, that's really low
"Now the fact that he's said that; if he comes two metres from me." Tomic's image took a hammering following his allegations against Hewitt with social media going into overdrive and stating he'd made the claims only after losing another match
But the moment wasn't an off-the-cuff decision from Tomic, instead it was orchestrated to play out at that exact moment when the tennis world would be watching
"Look some of the people commented on myself saying I lost and that was my defence which is completely inaccurate," he said
"I just felt that, that moment and that time was the right time to come out with all that stuff
" The Tomic's bitter and ugly feud with Hewitt threatens to bring Australian tennis to its knees with the end nowhere to be seen
"He's got too much power and it's not fair. It's not fair for Davis Cup. It's not fair for players that are not getting the chance to play Davis Cup because he's controlling the system down there," Bernard added
And while Tomic faces a long uphill battle to potentially earn a spot back in the Davis Cup squad, Hewitt's claim he'd never play again isn't exactly correct
"At the end of the day, Lleyton is an employee of Tennis Australia. He reports to me
I report to Craig Tiley. So, there is a chain of command. So, he doesn't have that sole discretion," Tennis Australia's Performance director Wally Masur said
In time the truth will be revealed, but for now the allegations will continue to fly and Tomic will continue to speak his mind
"I'm only speaking the honest truth of what I know and what I think, and what a lot of people know, as well, but are too afraid to come out," he said
Ikonen der Alpen Ra Stua - Duration: 11:37.
On an easy walk
I encountered
this herd.
I'm absolutely no
wildlife photographer,
however somehow
like this
a shooting is possible.
How should I approach this...
I always use my tripod,
try to
avoid anything from shaking
and I take a lot of time.
How should I approach this...
Should I just handheld the camera
switch on the image stabilization
and take a picture?
She's charging at me!
I suppose it's
the hat!
this was like back to the roots:
taking the camera handheld
and shooting away hoping for
at least one good picture!
I just don't know
about this type of photography!
It was a new experience!
You never cease to learn!
I noticed some things about the camera
that I really liked
that now bothered me!
For example:
it's very heavy.
That's something
actually positive,
because it reduces
the risk of camera shake.
What do you want?
In addition with the tripod
it helps to lower
camera shake
caused by the wind.
Or another thing is
that I like to take a look at the taken photo
on the back screen.
That just bothered me, too.
Suddenly the display
got on.
Wel, well...
By the way, right now
I'm at Ra Stua.
It's located in little distance to Cortina d'Ampezzo.
Today, I decided to
keep it small and
just go for a walk.
Lo and behold,
there's always something to discover!
I'm sitting here for a while now.
I don't really know why...
I just wanted to rest a bit.
the cows came this way
denied me my break!
After that, I just stayed here
watched all the hikers
passed me.
anybody and anything is around.
So, I started to take
a closer look at this scene
and I actually find it awesome!
It reminds me somehow
of the bavarian alps:
not that tall,
but beautiful mountains anyway.
The thing that
attracted my attention,
after satruggling to even take out the camera,
is that path at the right,
that make some curves at the top,
and then
that cliff there,
that also,
perspectively spoken,
is inclined to the bottom left
and the path is inclined
to the top left.
All that draws the eye
to the little hut.
All that is somehow
at the right place...
They just destoyed the scene!
I like the colours here:
the blue sky without clouds,
the redish rocks
are nice,
however the green could have been
a more
interesting one, but...
that's how the summer is!
I really hoped
to find
something like just now
on an easy walk,
maybe on the long run
the icons are boring as a subject.
They are
very popular mountains
and in contrast this is
a hidden treasure!
Even though at first,
I didn't thought about taking a picture.
I arrived there
thinking: "Wow!"
and then there where the cows
so I tried wildlife photography
for fun, just to try
photographing a living being.
I was alone
and I was there
sitting and relaxing,
enjoying the landscape.
Then after a long time,
I started to see
the potential
for an image.
Suddenly, I saw lines
and things
that were positioned
on the right
at the future image.
Trough the viewfinder
you discover that
that's IT!
I know that
this scene could have been
even better if
there would have been mist
or a sunset
in autumn.
for me it's great
that I saw it like this
right now, at this trip.
I could come back,
but I saw it like this for the first time
and I liked it.
That's why I took a picture.
One quick word
concerning my speed:
these cows
are already at the parking area!
I should give this a thought...
I hope you liked this video,
the photo, too
and I'll see you.
Sapun natural de casa: Melissa te invata cum se prepara acasa sapun de diferite forme si culori - Duration: 10:02.
Today in video ...
Hi all!
You are on the MeliMi channel
I'm Melissa
Today we have a new challenge
We make soap
We need:
a set of soap
and gloves
Let's see what's in this set
Is very interesting
Let's open it
Bio soap
he is of oils and fats
heart shape
a plastic bowl
essential drops
We will do it with the help of parents
The gloves are too big
We unpack the soap and put it in the bowl
Parents will cut the soap
We will soap the soap
15 drops of food color
We mix well
Put the mixture into shape
This is our soap
We look forward to strengthening
Soap must stay at room temperature - an hour
Put the soap in the freezer for 5 minutes
Here is my collection of soaps:
Soap is stored in food paper
Thank you for your like
the cat
two hearts
Do not forget to subscribe
An hour has passed
The heart is ready
Let's get it off
The heart is very beautiful
I like it very much
But what about you?
This is my soap collection
Our heart
Heart green
yellow lemon
bear pink
pink cat
pink flower
grape violet
red strawberries
purple strawberry
Red hearts
violet flower
blue dollar
green star
pink rose
green fir
pink rose
Red heart
Did you like my soap collection?
Write comments!
Bye Bye!
✅ Beautiful: anticipazioni puntate italiane dal 4 al 10 febbraio 2019 - Duration: 3:15.
Anticipazioni Beautiful: puntate da lunedì 4 febbraio a domenica 10 febbraio 2019 Punto di svolta a Beautiful nella storia d'amore tra Steffy Forrester e Liam Spencer
Nonostante la figlia in arrivo, Steffy è costretta a firmare le carte dell'annullamento del matrimonio
La giovane è ricattata da Bill Spencer, che prova a riconquistare la nuora. Hope, invece, è ancora innamorata di Liam e fa il possibile per riaccendere la scintilla del loro amore
In questo movimentato quadrilatero si inseriscono Brooke, Ridge e Wyatt, che fanno il possibile per aiutare i propri cari
Scopri giorno per giorno su Gossipetv cosa accadrà a Beautiful! Lunedì 4 febbraio Liam si sta per trasferire nella dependance di Brooke, su invito di Hope
Wyatt cerca inutilmente di convincere il fratello a non traslocare. Ridge è sospettoso su Hope e le sue buone intenzioni e ne parla con la moglie
Intanto Steffy e Hope litigano di nuovo per Liam. Martedì 5 febbraio Hope e Liam sono pronti a stare insieme: la ragazza sembra la più convinta di questa storia
Mentre parlano del futuro, arriva Steffy che chiede all'ex marito di accompagnarla a fare un'ecografia importante per la sua gravidanza
Mercoledì 6 febbraio Durante l'ecografia viene smentito il sospetto di una malformazione della colonna vertebrale della piccola
La bella notizia unisce Steffy e Liam. Ridge sente per caso Brooke e Hope parlare male di Steffy e si arrabbia
Giovedì 7 febbraio Hope è in ansia perché non ha più notizie di Liam. Wyatt si reca da Bill e lo informa di aver troncato la sua relazione con Katie Logan, come richiesto dal padre
Venerdì 8 febbraio Dopo l'ecografia Steffy spera di ricucire il suo rapporto con Liam
Ma Justin e Bill escogitano un piano per allontanare ancora di più Liam dalla moglie incinta
Sabato 9 febbraio Bill fa credere a Wyatt di avere una relazione clandestina con Steffy
E una telefonata sospetta di quest'ultima manda in tilt il ragazzo, che non sa se dire la verità a Liam
Domenica 10 febbraio Wyatt è incredulo e condivide il segreto di Bill e Steffy con Katie
Intanto Liam si trova bene a casa di Brooke ed è contento di stare con Hope.
中國造戰機或迎千架大單?此國空軍欲全面換裝,看上中國造- 军事 新闻 - Duration: 2:47.
FC-1戰鬥 機
是中國和巴基 斯坦共同投 資
主要由成飛研 製的一型單 發、
全天候多用途 戰鬥機。
現在的梟 龍Bloc k3版本於 2016年 4月開工生 產
最大的改進來 自火控雷達 。
新"梟龍"將 換裝新型K LJ-7A 有源相控陣 雷達(AE SA)
該型雷達為電 子科技集團 第14研究 所研製
用來替代原先 的KLJ- 7平板縫隙 雷達。
據有關媒體報 導
該型雷達的性 能甚至可以 達到F-3 5戰機配備 的APG- 81雷達的 水平。
埃及是世 界上少有的 空軍大國
在埃及的空軍 中擁有11 00多架戰 鬥機。
除了有一些F -16戰鬥 機以外
大多數都是比 較老舊的戰 鬥機
甚至還有為數 不少的中國 殲-7在埃 及空軍中服 役。
面對越來越多 的中東國家 正在部署先 進的五代戰 鬥機
埃及也必須更 換掉這些老 舊戰鬥機
才能維持埃及 強大的空軍 實力。
此前埃及購買 了一些陣風 戰鬥機。
但是陣風戰鬥 機的造價昂 貴
埃及想要用陣 風來全部替 換掉數量龐 大的老舊飛 機
顯然是不可能 的。
陣風確實 是好飛機
但目前的埃及 不僅沒那麼 多錢
而且其空軍需 要換裝戰機 的數量也太 多.
按全面列裝法 國陣風戰機 算
100架就得 100億美 元
這剩下的10 00架老舊 戰機拿什麼 更新換代。
綜上所 述
埃及這才想到 了梟龍戰機
考慮的正是中 國的梟龍B lock III。
它不僅採用複 合材料蒙皮
增加了梟龍的 隱身和戰場 感知能力
而且還升級了 火控雷達系 統
使梟龍具備了 超視距攻擊 能力。
梟龍Bloc k III 已經不再是 準四代機
而是典型的四 代+戰機
其綜合戰力已 經逼近法國 陣風和美國 F-16V 戰機
但價格卻只有 它們的三分 之一左右。
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