Sunday, February 3, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 3 2019

Se acabó lo que se daba ; Ahora solo resta comprobar hasta dónde se atreverá a llegar Juanma Moreno Bonilla .

y si sus socios de Ciudadanos están realente dispuestos a una limpieza a fondo y a llevar ante el juez a los que hayan estado metiendo la mano ; Este martes 5 de febrero de 2019,

el presidente de la Junta de Andalucía, dará a conocer el organigrama completo de su Gobierno autonómico ;

Con esta resolución quedarán cesadas 2.607 personas, de las cuales, 326 corresponde a altos cargos (consejeros, viceconsejeros,

directores generales, directores gerentes, secretarios generales, etc.), 144 son personal eventual y asesoramiento,

y el resto, hasta completar 2.607 personas, son 2.137 puestos de funcionarios de libre designación, tal y como reconoció en su día a elEconomista, el gabinete de Presidencia de Susana Díaz.

Y la acción del Gobierno PP-Cs se dirige ahora no a la Administración general de la Junta, sino a la paralela.

Los datos de cesantía no son más que un tránsito de rigor cuando una Administración cambia de color político.

Para más señas, a 14 entes instrumentales (de los 63 que hay) que suponen un desembolso de 303 millones,

con 11.556 personas a su cargo -según datos del portal de transparencia que recoge Carmen Obregón en elEconomista-.

Una vez aprobados los criterios, y en un plazo de 45 días, la primera actuación del Ejecutivo examinará de arriba a abajo la Agencia de Servicios Sociales en Andalucía, Assda; la Agencia de la Vivienda y la Rehabilitación de Andalucía,

Avra, la Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento; la Agencia Andaluza de la Energía, la Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales;

la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional; la Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua, Amaya; la Agencia de Obras Públicas de la Junta; la Agencia Pública de la Educación;

la Agencia Pública de Puertos de Andalucía; el Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Artístico; Canal Sur Radio y Televisión;

Agencia Pública Em-presarial de Radio y Televisión de Andalucía y la Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía,

En suma, 11.556 trabajadores, cuyo coste total es de 303.748.442 euros. Idea.

¿Una agencia de colocación? El cese de estas 2.607 personas podría ser el antecedente a una posterior evaluación de una tupida red clientelar permeabilizada en fundaciones,

consorcios y empresas públicas -conocidas popularmente como chiringuitos- de la que forman parte,

entre otros, políticos, sindicalistas, afiliados, mujeres y esposos de dirigentes socialistas, hijos, sobrinos, yernos, nueras y, amigos, correspondientes a clanes familiares del Partido Socialista.

Desde los hermanos de Manuel Chaves en Canal Sur, en la dirección de la Junta y en la Seguridad de la misma,

pasando por la mujer y la hermana de Mario Jiménez, sin dejar atrás a los Monteseirín, los Salinas, los Rodríguez de la Borbolla,

Javier Pérez Royo, Pepe Caballos, los Cervera, el clan de Gaspar Zarrías, el de los Pizarro y el de Alcalá-Chiclana de la Frontera,

lo que recoge en La tela de Araña Pedro de Tena, delegado de El Mundo en Andalucía e investigador del caso Alfonso Guerra.

En la actualidad, la radiografía de los efectivos del sector público de la Junta distingue de sus 270.101 trabajadores, aquellos que cobran su sueldo de la Administración General y sectores -es decir, del Capítulo I de gastos de personal-, y aquellos que reciben el salario de los entes instrumentales (27.304 personas, según un informe emitido por la Junta en los últimos días de Gobierno de Susana Díaz).

Entre fundaciones, consorcios y sociedades mercantiles, sin dejar atrás la antigua Faffe (Fundación Andaluza Fondo de Formación y Empleo) reabsorbida por el Servicio Andaluz de Empleo,

con denuncias por la duplicidad de funciones de los empleados procedentes del Fondo, aún resuenan los 16 procedimientos de los ERE en el Tribunal de Cuentas, o las tarjetas black que siguen en los tribunales.

Exalcaldes y concejales que recalaron en las costuras de entes instrumentales, como el de la Fundación Doñana; ceses por el escándalo de la contratación sin concurso, como docente, de la hija de un inspector de Educación.

Co-rruptelas en la Agencia AVRA, tramas de corrupción, viviendas sociales sin ocupar, subvenciones con- sumadas con pagos sin acreditar. Duplicidades funcionales en Vivienda.

Colocaciones de nuevo de familiares como ocurrió con la mujer del alcalde Juan Espada (enchufada en Faffe), con familiares del edil Sánchez Monteseirín.

Ahí está la duplicidad del caso de un jefe de Promoción Turística, que dimite al enterarse de que un ente instrumental desplegaba funciones propias de su negociado, sostienen a elEconomista fuentes de sindicatos de funcionarios.

El culmen llegaba con situaciones pintorescas, como las declaraciones del último consejero de Empleo de la Junta, Javier Carnero.

En los últimos días de Gobierno de Susana Díaz, Carnero admitió que los trabajadores de la Faffe, ubicados en el Servicio Andaluz de Empleo, están "mano sobre mano", porque no tienen funciones asignadas en el catálogo de trabajo.

Sueldos como los privados; Brujuleando en el portal de transparencia se puede ver todavía el rango salarial de empleados públicos de la administración paralela cómo en la Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales, donde hay 14 jefes que cobran 50.000 euros anuales,

la Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía, Idea, con 54 jefes con sueldos de 50.000 euros al mes, la Agencia de Obra Pública de la Junta,

con 36 jefes y con 50.000 euros/año, la Agencia Pública Empresarial de Radio y Televisión de Andalucía, con 7 jefes que cobran 70.000 euros al año y 22 que perciben 60.000 y otros 19, que cobran 50.000.

En Verificaciones Industriales de Andalucía (ITV) 97 jefes cobran 50.000 euros anuales y, en la Fundación Pública Andaluza de Progreso y Salud nos encontramos con 81 sueldos, siete de los cuales reciben 150.000 euros.

Por cierto que justo antes de que Susana Díaz se marchara de la Junta, la información relativa a la Agencia por el Conocimiento, la Agencia de Puertos y la Agencia Exterior, Extenda, desaparecían.

For more infomation >> Juanma Moreno pone en la p... calle a 2.607 enchufados y audita 303 millones de 14 chiringuitos - Duration: 8:11.


FIFA-19 | Story - PART -12 (PS4 SLIM) | P FOR PLAY | 1080p HD ✔ - Duration: 1:50:35.

For more infomation >> FIFA-19 | Story - PART -12 (PS4 SLIM) | P FOR PLAY | 1080p HD ✔ - Duration: 1:50:35.


Learn Characters, Colors, Vehicles with Ben & Holly, Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol in toys box for Kids - Duration: 3:01.

Learn Characters, Colors, Vehicles with Ben & Holly, Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol in toys box for Kids

For more infomation >> Learn Characters, Colors, Vehicles with Ben & Holly, Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol in toys box for Kids - Duration: 3:01.


Astor kids Salam RIndu - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Astor kids Salam RIndu - Duration: 5:08.


[Devlog#3] Duality - LESS MEANS MORE - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> [Devlog#3] Duality - LESS MEANS MORE - Duration: 3:24.


Звезда «Тихого Дона» Элина Быстрицкая перестала ходить и видеть - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Звезда «Тихого Дона» Элина Быстрицкая перестала ходить и видеть - Duration: 1:39.


FIFA-19 | Story - PART -12 (PS4 SLIM) | P FOR PLAY | 1080p HD ✔ - Duration: 1:50:35.

For more infomation >> FIFA-19 | Story - PART -12 (PS4 SLIM) | P FOR PLAY | 1080p HD ✔ - Duration: 1:50:35.


FOX TV - How can you find the best funds to invest in? The Prudent Investor: - Duration: 10:05.

As DIY investors it's vital to do plenty of research — so it's not surprising many of you have asked me how to find the best information on investment funds

I use three main sources.First, there are the fund platforms — where we buy and hold investments

Many have lists of recommended funds. City watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has published research that found overall recommended funds outperform non-recommended ones by 0

6 per cent a year. City watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has published research that found overall recommended funds outperform non-recommended ones by 0

6 per cent a yearSo, if you invested £10,000 for 20 years and it grew by 6 per cent you would have £32,071, but at 6

6 per cent you would have £35,904.The FCA adds that investors choosing funds not affiliated to the platform seem 'well-served'

Secondly, the fund managers' websites allow you to take a good look at what a fund holds, its objectives and who runs it

But my favourite source is ratings website Morningstar where you can usually find independent comment and analysis alongside long-term performance figures

RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next The best cheap ETFs to invest in: Fidelity launches top

'Surely you'd be stupid if you invest now': SIMON LAMBERT. THE PRUDENT INVESTOR: Give us our £80 million back! (

how. SIMON LAMBERT: Is Hargreaves Lansdown's Wealth 50 any good? Share this article Share HOW THIS IS MONEY CAN HELP How to choose the best (and cheapest) DIY investing Isa - and our pick of the platforms Of course, those who have a long and happy relationship with an independent financial adviser can more or less put their feet up and leave them to act

But many of us prefer to make our own investment decisions.FCA figures from last year suggested platforms interacting with customers directly were administering £189 billion in funds

That same report — the Investment Platforms Market Study — said about 17 per cent of us rely on the platforms' recommended fund lists

Another 17 per cent simply choose their ready-made portfolios. Where I look for fund recommendationsI'm not keen on ready-made portfolios

Tick certain boxes and you're shunted down a route which may not suit you at all

The FCA has warned that it can be 'difficult for consumers to understand what model portfolios' objectives are and whether they match consumers' risk appetite and tolerance'

If, like me, you'd rather choose your own funds then those platforms' recommendations can whittle down the world of more than 2,000 to less than 100

Some recommend in-house funds. They may be decent — but take extra caution. Fidelity has too many of its own for my taste

Fund recommendations I regularly consider are Bestinvest, which has just updated its list of 83, AJ Bell, with 88, Hargreaves Lansdown with its trimmed-down list of 63 and Fidelity Personal Investing with 50

Like Hargreaves, Bestinvest has concentrated on a smaller number of funds in which it says it has the highest conviction

Closer analysis of these lists reveals how little agreement there is. In the end these recommendations come down to the judgment of a small group of people embedded in the investment business

They'll have looked at performance and hopefully met the managers and analysed the assets held by each recommended fund

 But no matter how much data they have and how many interviews they have, there will in the end be an element of subjectivity — just as there will be in your final decision

On ratings website Morningstar where you can usually find independent comment and analysis alongside long-term performance figuresWhich funds make more than one list? Say you're looking for a decent UK fund, you'll find Lindsell Train UK Equity listed by three platforms but missing from AJ Bell Youinvest's list

Jo Hambro UK Dynamic makes three lists but not Hargreaves Lansdown's.Want some income? Then in the UK Equity Income sector Threadneedle UK Equity Income is popular — with everyone except Fidelity

Investing worldwide, there's even less agreement. AJ Bell has 15 suggestions and Hargreaves six, but they only agree on one fund: Newton Global Income

Get This is Money's free guide to investing How to be a successful investor is This is Money's easy to understand and jargon-free guide to investing

 It is written to help new investors and those who already invest find the best ways to grow their wealth

 You can download it here or by clicking on the button above. Lindsell Train's Global Equity fund, which has delivered excellent returns is nowhere to be seen on some platforms' lists neither is Fundsmith Equity, another private investors' favourite

Some platforms take a tack on the model portfolio approach. Charles Stanley carries a selection of Foundation portfolios based on 60 to 70 funds giving a choice of income, growth or income and growth, then asking whether you're cautious, balanced or adventurous

You might not want to follow the whole portfolio but you do get a list of funds to investigate

 And it helpfully shows how your assets will be split by sector and region if you follow their choices

Alliance Trust Savings shows the top 20 funds bought by its investors in the past month

You may regard this as a 'Don't buy' list, depending on your attitude.Some guidance from Jason Hollands of Bestinvest: 'Before selecting investments, I would urge investors to review their existing portfolios to identify how much exposure they have to different asset classes and markets and if this is the right mix given their goals and risk level

'Even an originally well-planned portfolio will drift over time, so a cautious portfolio can become a much more riskier one over time, unless reviewed periodically

'And don't forget it's your money and by choosing your own investments you are taking the risk

These fund lists are ideas not TOP DIY INVESTING PLATFORMS Low cost portfolios Low cost portfolios Cheap funds fee £1

50 fund dealing Free fund dealing Free fund dealing Wealth 50 Investment ideas Fees back in trades Fees back in trades £22

50 quarterly fee Good for big pots Great service Great service Free fund dealing £7

50 share dealing Model portfolios Model portfolios Free fund dealing Tools and fund ideas > Compare the best investing platform for you

For more infomation >> FOX TV - How can you find the best funds to invest in? The Prudent Investor: - Duration: 10:05.


Brexit: Le Pen (RN) accuse l'UE de chercher à "recréer une forme de guerre civile en Irlande" - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Brexit: Le Pen (RN) accuse l'UE de chercher à "recréer une forme de guerre civile en Irlande" - Duration: 3:26.


8 choses que vous avez déjà vu dans un rêve et qu'il ne faut pas ignorer|LSF TV - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 8 choses que vous avez déjà vu dans un rêve et qu'il ne faut pas ignorer|LSF TV - Duration: 3:56.


Danse avec les stars – Marie-Claude Pietragalla : "Tout est théâtralisé" - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Danse avec les stars – Marie-Claude Pietragalla : "Tout est théâtralisé" - Duration: 3:06.


Maxim Nucci fou d'Isabelle Ithurburu, filiforme six mois après la naissance de Mia - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Maxim Nucci fou d'Isabelle Ithurburu, filiforme six mois après la naissance de Mia - Duration: 1:19.


Karine Le Marchand trop proche d'Ary Abittan, la rumeur court - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Karine Le Marchand trop proche d'Ary Abittan, la rumeur court - Duration: 1:27.


La durísima frase de Morena Rial sobre su madre, Silvia D'Auro - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> La durísima frase de Morena Rial sobre su madre, Silvia D'Auro - Duration: 1:47.


Alessandra Sublet in love de Jordan, elle redevient ado - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Alessandra Sublet in love de Jordan, elle redevient ado - Duration: 1:19.


Jérémy Frérot séparé de Laure Manaudou, la vérité éclate sur cette horrible rumeur - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Jérémy Frérot séparé de Laure Manaudou, la vérité éclate sur cette horrible rumeur - Duration: 1:25.


ASTUCE 7: c'est pas si compliqué d'acheter une maison en France! - Duration: 8:49.

For more infomation >> ASTUCE 7: c'est pas si compliqué d'acheter une maison en France! - Duration: 8:49.


David Hallyday au paradis, il nargue Laeticia et sa comédie musicale - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> David Hallyday au paradis, il nargue Laeticia et sa comédie musicale - Duration: 1:27.


#Gymshark66 | Weight Of The World: Habiba Da Silva - Duration: 1:02.

I believe that hijabs should never be

a barrier to stop you from working out

or achieving your fitness goals.

I think you should just go out there,

don't look at anyone else, and do what you've got to do.

If people try to get to know me

they will know there's a lot more than

just what I wear and how I dress.

I hope people get inspired to believe

that there's nothing stopping us.

There's nothing stopping you from going out there

to the gym just because you wear a scarf.

It's okay to go to a mixed gym.

I feel like I'm alright to go to a mixed gym.

I'm alright to show everyone that I can workout

and wear my scarf at the same time.

There is no problem with that.

For more infomation >> #Gymshark66 | Weight Of The World: Habiba Da Silva - Duration: 1:02.


Luke Wilson Addresses His Possible Return for 'Legally Blonde 3': 'I'd Go Back in a Second' - Live - Duration: 2:59.

 Everyone's on board! admitted that he's up for returning to the Legally Blonde franchise along with

 Though the 47-year-old actor, who played Witherspoon's love interest, Emmett, in the first and second films, claimed that he doesn't "know anything" about the third, he is down to reprise his role

 "There was one [movie], which did really well, and then the second one … didn't quite do as well," Wilson said in a live interview on SiriusXM's The Michael Yo Show at the Georgia World Congress Center leading up to Super Bowl in Atlanta

"But, I mean, Reese is so funny that … I'd go back. … I'd go back in a second and do it

"  , who played Professor Stromwell in the 2001 original, also expressed her desire to return for the comedy

 "If they don't have that character back as a Supreme Court justice or an even more elevated professor or as part of the government, they're crazy," Taylor, 76, told Us Weekly exclusively at the 25th ELLE Women in Hollywood Celebration in October

 Witherspoon, 42, confirmed the trilogy in a video posted in June 2018. "It's true … #LegallyBlonde3," the Oscar winner captioned an Instagram of herself lounging in a pool while wearing Elle Woods' signature pink bikini

 The Big Little Lies actress has kept relatively mum on all things Legally Blonde-related since the announcement, but she did give her seal of approval for the singer's portrayal of Elle Woods in her "Thank U, Next" music video

 "Love this," the Draper James founder said after she shared a clip from the video on her Instagram Story in November, which showed the pop star, 25, doing the iconic "bend and snap" sequence from the original film along with Witherspoon's former costar

 The Whiskey in a Teacup author also posted comparison shots of herself and Grande both in character

"Thank u, next," she wrote alongside a clapping and heart emoji.  Legally Blonde 3 is scheduled to hit theaters on February 14, 2020

For more infomation >> Luke Wilson Addresses His Possible Return for 'Legally Blonde 3': 'I'd Go Back in a Second' - Live - Duration: 2:59.


Kate Middleton en larmes en public, Meghan Markle a ruiné ma vie - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton en larmes en public, Meghan Markle a ruiné ma vie - Duration: 1:19.


FOX TV - How can you find the best funds to invest in? The Prudent Investor: - Duration: 10:05.

As DIY investors it's vital to do plenty of research — so it's not surprising many of you have asked me how to find the best information on investment funds

I use three main sources.First, there are the fund platforms — where we buy and hold investments

Many have lists of recommended funds. City watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has published research that found overall recommended funds outperform non-recommended ones by 0

6 per cent a year. City watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has published research that found overall recommended funds outperform non-recommended ones by 0

6 per cent a yearSo, if you invested £10,000 for 20 years and it grew by 6 per cent you would have £32,071, but at 6

6 per cent you would have £35,904.The FCA adds that investors choosing funds not affiliated to the platform seem 'well-served'

Secondly, the fund managers' websites allow you to take a good look at what a fund holds, its objectives and who runs it

But my favourite source is ratings website Morningstar where you can usually find independent comment and analysis alongside long-term performance figures

RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next The best cheap ETFs to invest in: Fidelity launches top

'Surely you'd be stupid if you invest now': SIMON LAMBERT. THE PRUDENT INVESTOR: Give us our £80 million back! (

how. SIMON LAMBERT: Is Hargreaves Lansdown's Wealth 50 any good? Share this article Share HOW THIS IS MONEY CAN HELP How to choose the best (and cheapest) DIY investing Isa - and our pick of the platforms Of course, those who have a long and happy relationship with an independent financial adviser can more or less put their feet up and leave them to act

But many of us prefer to make our own investment decisions.FCA figures from last year suggested platforms interacting with customers directly were administering £189 billion in funds

That same report — the Investment Platforms Market Study — said about 17 per cent of us rely on the platforms' recommended fund lists

Another 17 per cent simply choose their ready-made portfolios. Where I look for fund recommendationsI'm not keen on ready-made portfolios

Tick certain boxes and you're shunted down a route which may not suit you at all

The FCA has warned that it can be 'difficult for consumers to understand what model portfolios' objectives are and whether they match consumers' risk appetite and tolerance'

If, like me, you'd rather choose your own funds then those platforms' recommendations can whittle down the world of more than 2,000 to less than 100

Some recommend in-house funds. They may be decent — but take extra caution. Fidelity has too many of its own for my taste

Fund recommendations I regularly consider are Bestinvest, which has just updated its list of 83, AJ Bell, with 88, Hargreaves Lansdown with its trimmed-down list of 63 and Fidelity Personal Investing with 50

Like Hargreaves, Bestinvest has concentrated on a smaller number of funds in which it says it has the highest conviction

Closer analysis of these lists reveals how little agreement there is. In the end these recommendations come down to the judgment of a small group of people embedded in the investment business

They'll have looked at performance and hopefully met the managers and analysed the assets held by each recommended fund

 But no matter how much data they have and how many interviews they have, there will in the end be an element of subjectivity — just as there will be in your final decision

On ratings website Morningstar where you can usually find independent comment and analysis alongside long-term performance figuresWhich funds make more than one list? Say you're looking for a decent UK fund, you'll find Lindsell Train UK Equity listed by three platforms but missing from AJ Bell Youinvest's list

Jo Hambro UK Dynamic makes three lists but not Hargreaves Lansdown's.Want some income? Then in the UK Equity Income sector Threadneedle UK Equity Income is popular — with everyone except Fidelity

Investing worldwide, there's even less agreement. AJ Bell has 15 suggestions and Hargreaves six, but they only agree on one fund: Newton Global Income

Get This is Money's free guide to investing How to be a successful investor is This is Money's easy to understand and jargon-free guide to investing

 It is written to help new investors and those who already invest find the best ways to grow their wealth

 You can download it here or by clicking on the button above. Lindsell Train's Global Equity fund, which has delivered excellent returns is nowhere to be seen on some platforms' lists neither is Fundsmith Equity, another private investors' favourite

Some platforms take a tack on the model portfolio approach. Charles Stanley carries a selection of Foundation portfolios based on 60 to 70 funds giving a choice of income, growth or income and growth, then asking whether you're cautious, balanced or adventurous

You might not want to follow the whole portfolio but you do get a list of funds to investigate

 And it helpfully shows how your assets will be split by sector and region if you follow their choices

Alliance Trust Savings shows the top 20 funds bought by its investors in the past month

You may regard this as a 'Don't buy' list, depending on your attitude.Some guidance from Jason Hollands of Bestinvest: 'Before selecting investments, I would urge investors to review their existing portfolios to identify how much exposure they have to different asset classes and markets and if this is the right mix given their goals and risk level

'Even an originally well-planned portfolio will drift over time, so a cautious portfolio can become a much more riskier one over time, unless reviewed periodically

'And don't forget it's your money and by choosing your own investments you are taking the risk

These fund lists are ideas not TOP DIY INVESTING PLATFORMS Low cost portfolios Low cost portfolios Cheap funds fee £1

50 fund dealing Free fund dealing Free fund dealing Wealth 50 Investment ideas Fees back in trades Fees back in trades £22

50 quarterly fee Good for big pots Great service Great service Free fund dealing £7

50 share dealing Model portfolios Model portfolios Free fund dealing Tools and fund ideas > Compare the best investing platform for you

For more infomation >> FOX TV - How can you find the best funds to invest in? The Prudent Investor: - Duration: 10:05.


How sentiment analysis lets you find out what your customers like (and dislike) | #ChiaExplains - Duration: 5:58.

Sentiment analysis is one of the cornerstones of social media analysis - and it is key

to helping you understand your customers better.

But what should you analyze to find out what your customers like?

I'm Chia and I'll be explaining this inside this video.

Hey, it's Chia from Brand24, and today I want to talk about sentiment analysis and

how it can help you find out, just, what your customers like.

So, just in case anybody's wondering 'what is sentiment analysis' in the first place,

let's start by answering that question.

Sentiment analysis is about taking digital text (like customer reviews, threads in discussion

forums, on blogs or social media - things like that) and then classifying it as positive,

neutral or negative.

It's a type of emotional artificial intelligence - or Emotion AI - so you can also analyze

other feelings like fear, joy or love.

But in terms of basic business and e-commerce needs (finding out what your customers like)

- it's enough to focus on positive, neutral and negative sentiment.

So what does sentiment analysis show us, exactly?

Well, I mean, a lot - if you look at the context of text with positive sentiment, you can see what

customers like about your product, and oftentimes, they'll also tell you how you can make it

better for them - like with more sizes & colors to choose from.

And feedback with negative sentiment is just as valuable!

So, let's say a customer has a bad experience with your service and leaves a really negative

review for your company, like Mary here on Yelp, where everybody can see.

Now, ideally, you're already tracking your customer reviews, so you'd find out about

this as soon as it was posted, and deal with it BEFORE it got over 1500 votes - seriously

hurting your brand reputation.

You can't always make a bad review online go away, but the key is to find it before

it gets out of hand, and then you can decide how to take action.

Like with an apology, maybe a voucher, and in some cases, a really strong defense.

Basically, sentiment analysis is exactly what you need to help you find out what your customers

like and dislike.

But, unless you're doing general market research, then first you need to have something specific

to analyze.

And if you want to find out what your customers like - or dislike - then that something is

going to be customer feedback.

So I'm going to show you 4 simple ways to get customer feedback, plus a couple free

tools that you can use for this.

One way to get customer feedback is by creating surveys or questionnaires.

You've probably taken a survey yourself at some point (I know I have), and there's

a good chance that it was powered by SurveyMonkey.

This is a great tool for creating customer surveys, and it's not the only one - there's

also SurveyAnyplace - which is a similar tool for building surveys, and they also have some

interactive features that you can incorporate to make your survey experience a little more


You can share surveys on your company's social media channels or embed one in a blog


Share it wherever you can to get as many responses as possible.

And e-mail is another way to get customer feedback.

This is a pretty good one since with the right copy, you can make it feel personal, even

if it's an automated message - and it's not very intrusive.

So, as long as you're not pestering your clients with an e-mail every single day, and

assuming you have a good open rate - you're not landing in too many Spam folders - then

your customers will see your message.

And if they want to, they'll respond at their own convenience.

Plus, you can also stick a survey inside an e-mail.

So, a 3rd way to get customer feedback is, of course, face-to-face.

You may or may not have many chances for this, but if you attend a conference, or host a

meet-and-greet on a smaller scale, then you can talk to your customers in person.

And if you get a good conversation going, this is a good opportunity to find out what

they think about your company and your product.

Now, the 4th way is, I think, the most laid back way to get customer feedback - and this

is by monitoring online mentions of your company.

So, I'm all about taking up as little of other people's time as possible - at least,

when it comes to getting customer feedback.

And, monitoring mentions of your brand is one way that actually requires NO engagement

with your customers at all!

(I know how this sounds - and I promise, I do actually like people!)

But another important benefit of social media monitoring, is that with some monitoring tools,

sentiment analysis is automatic.

Like with Brand24 - not only will it collect your customer feedback from all over the Internet

- that's from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, discussion forums, review sites like TripAdvisor,

Google Reviews, Yelp, in blogs - and a bunch of other places - Brand24 also ANALYZES that

feedback for positive, neutral and negative sentiment - automatically.

So you don't have to look for customer feedback and manually analyze it for sentiment - you

can focus on the CONTEXT of their feedback and the best ways to apply it to your brand.

So, this was just a general look at sentiment analysis and how it helps you find out what

your customers like, but if you're really curious about sentiment analysis as a topic

and you want to learn more about how it works - there's a great book that you can check


Kris, our research & development guy at Brand24 - who is also our resident expert on sentiment

analysis - recommended it to me.

It's called "Sentiment Analysis: Mining Opinions, Sentiments and Emotions" by Professor

Bing Liu of the University of Illinois at Chicago.

And Professor Liu is actually one of the first people to have created a sentiment analysis

algorithm, so it's coming straight from the source.

I learned a lot from the book when I was researching the topic, and found it interesting, so you

can check that out if you want to learn more about sentiment analysis!

And that's it for now - if you have any questions, just let me know in the comments

section below.

Or you can also give me YOUR feedback on what you want to hear about.

And if you found this video helpful, feel free to like, share and subscribe to our YouTube

channel - where I will be explaining all things related to social media & digital marketing.

Thanks for watching - I hope you learned something useful - and I'll see you next time.


For more infomation >> How sentiment analysis lets you find out what your customers like (and dislike) | #ChiaExplains - Duration: 5:58.


Grimaldi Lines - Eurocargo Roma - Duration: 1:46.

The EUROCARGO ROMA ship is a passenger / ro-ro cargo ship

Its gross tonnage is 32.647 tsl has a length of 190 m and a width of 26.5

Propulsion 1 MAN B & W Diesel engine, 20.070 kW Speed ​​22.3 knots (maximum) 23.0 knots

Load capacity 1,820 cars 3.989 mtl Passengers 12

The EUROCARGO ROMA ship is a Grimaldi Lines Group ship

The Grimaldi Group is an Italian shipping company based in Naples

which are linked by several shipping companies

La Grimaldi was founded in 1945

It has become one of the leading companies in maritime transport throughout its history

of cars and other rolling cargoes

one of the largest fleets in the world for this particular type of maritime transport in addition to conventional freight transport.

For more infomation >> Grimaldi Lines - Eurocargo Roma - Duration: 1:46.



For more infomation >> ✅ JOANNA LISZOWSKA POZUJE BEZ MAKIJAŻU. FANI W SZOKU: CO TO ZA MAŁOLATA? | Polska 24H - Duration: 2:26.


✅ Paola Caruso in lacrime a Domenica Live: spunta la presunta madre biologica - Duration: 2:27.

La vera madre di Paola Caruso: la storia strappalacrime a Domenica Live  Clamorosa scoperta a Domenica Live per Paola Caruso

Una donna ha scritto a Barbara d'Urso sostenendo di essere la madre naturale dell'ex valletta di Avanti un altro

Com'è noto, infatti, la Bonas è stata adottata e non ha mai scoperto l'identità dei suoi veri genitori

A scrivere al programma Mediaset la presunta sorella di Paola, la figlia che la presunta madre avrebbe avuto dopo la nascita della Caruso

"Mia madre sostiene che tu sei sua figlia. Lei ti ha partorito nella clinica di Catanzaro ma mia nonna era contraria a questa gravidanza perché il tuo vero padre, un calciatore, era scappato via

Così dopo il parto mia nonna ha detto che tu eri morta ma in realtà eri stata data in adozione

Solo qualche tempo dopo ha ammesso la verità", ha raccontato la giovane nella lettera che è stata letta in diretta tv

Paola Caruso pronta a sottoporsi al test del DNA  Alla lettera sono state allegate alcune foto della presunta madre che però sono state mostrate solo a Paola Caruso e non al pubblico

"Un po' mi somiglia", ha sottolineato l'ex naufraga dell'Isola dei Famosi, che è scoppiata a piangere

"Sono scioccata, voglio prima parlarne con la mia madre adottiva. Sono pronta a fare il test del DNA", ha detto la 34enne, che è ormai prossima al parto

Barbara d'Urso parla della presunta madre di Paola  "Questa donna sta ora facendo delle verifiche alla clinica di Catanzaro

Lei non vuole nulla da te, non vuole toglierti dai tuoi genitori adottivi, vuole soltanto che tu lo sappia", ha sottolineato Barbara d'Urso

For more infomation >> ✅ Paola Caruso in lacrime a Domenica Live: spunta la presunta madre biologica - Duration: 2:27.


Dragon Ball Super Broly (Full Dub) (link is in the description) - Duration: 0:45.

Okay as you can see the movie is playing

Lets Skip In, You can see its the Movie

And its the English Dub



In the description, I'll prove it to you. Hit share...And here's a shareable link

So anyone with this link

Can watch it


blah blah blah

Breathing intensifies

Paste it in


DuDe I tHiNk YoU bRoKe ThE KeYbOaRd By HiTtInG iT sO hArD !1! -50hp

it will bring me to the video

And then you can watch it

On Google Drive

******INHALE******* +1 respiration

And there's also a download option up here

So there you go, Have Fun watching the movie

Its actually a great movie, i was so sick and tired of links that don't work so i did it myself. Let me know in the comments if it worked. Special thanks to zamoku11 for helping me out on finding a website to download it off of

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super Broly (Full Dub) (link is in the description) - Duration: 0:45.



 Amedeo Minghi bullizzato senza pietà dai giudici di ''Ora o mai più''  E pace fu

La terza puntata di Ora o Mai Più, in onda ieri sera su Rai 1, ha visto chiudersi, con un lieto fine, il "caso trottolino amoroso"

Dopo essere stato la settimana scorsa massacrato dai maestri per il suo celebre brano Vattene amore, ieri Amedeo Minghi è tornato "sul luogo del delitto" per assistere al mea culpa degli stessi giudici nei suoi confronti

Il primo a prendere la parola però è Amadeus:  "Io in primis ti chiedo scusa (…) Noi ci siamo sentiti domenica al telefono e gli ho chiesto scusa ad Amedeo perché da conduttore, da padrone di casa, io non ho specificato e soprattutto non ho fermato le polemiche verso Vattene amore perché ritengo che le canzoni, nel momento in cui questi grandi interpreti le cantano, appartengono a tutti noi e qualsiasi canzone che possa sembrare un capolavoro, o no, per un gusto personale va rispettata, perché appartiene alla nostra vita, ai nostri ricordi"

 Red Canzian, che nella puntata precedente aveva dato il via alla lunga catena di offese verso Minghi, ha ammesso:  "Tutti possono sbagliare ed è vero perché io l'altra settimana ho sbagliato, ma ho sbagliato perché sono stato chiamato qui non per giudicare le tue canzoni e tantomeno le canzoni di un autore che adoro, ma per giudicare i ragazzi

Allora quello è stato il mio errore e poi ho dato ahimè il la ad una sassaiola di giudizi un po' più duri di quelli che ho dato io

(…) Chiunque può sbagliare, la cosa grave è non ammetterlo o non riuscire a chiedere scusa"

 La parola passa ad Ornella Vanoni, che era stata una delle più dure verso il brano di Minghi

La cantante precisa (furbamente) che i suoi commenti non avevano un'accezione negativa:  "Amedeo sai qual è il problema? Che trottolino amoroso non mi ha abbandonato per anni  (…) Non usciva dalle orecchie sta canzone, allora era per giocare quando io ti ho scritto 'è una frase da bambini', in realtà gli innamorati quando si innamorano diventano più scemi, lo sai no? Soprattutto all'inizio

È bellissima. Insomma io sono stata ossessionato da sto trottolino amoroso".  Toto Cutugno, invece, confessa di essersi identificato con l'interprete:  "Ti capisco perfettamente perché anche a me succede spesso di essere criticato ma in una maniera anche volgare, canzoni di m****, Toto fa le canzoni di m****

Ti chiedo scusa per tutti quegli imbecilli che ti hanno criticato, ok? Stop".  Un tentativo di scuse, forse un po' maldestro e neanche tanto sincero, quello dei giudici verso Amedeo Minghi, che chiude ringraziando il pubblico per il sostegno dimostratogli questa settimana:  "Questa settimana migliaia di migliaia di messaggi sono arrivati, dove c'era (scritto, ndDM) 'siamo tutti trottolino amoroso' e adesso devo fare le magliette e i cappelletti da regalare ai miei fan

(…) Le loro scuse sì sono molto gradite, ma in realtà io sono stato gratificato moltissimo da loro, (…) grazie al  pubblico

Loro è il nostro referente, ci dà da mangiare, se non ci chiamano più noi stiamo a casa

Grazie per farmi stare qui da 52 anni".  Ora o Mai Più 2019, la classifica della terza puntata  Per quanto concerne la sfida tra i cantanti in gara, Jessica Morlacchi, Silvia Salemi e Paolo Vallesi (per i maestri ha vinto la Morlacchi) vincono questa terza puntata

Di seguito la classifica completa. Fanalino di coda Donatella Milani.  1) Jessica Morlacchi – 16  1) Silvia Salemi – 16  1)  Paolo Vallesi – 16  4) Barbara Cola – 10  5) Davide De Marinis – 9  6) Annalisa Minetti – 7  7) Michele Pecora – 5  8) Donatella Milani – 2  Scoppia il Trottolino Amoroso-gate a Ora o Mai Più

Le opinioni dei giudici sulla famosa "Vattene Amore" di Amedeo Minghi sono diventate un caso

Sabato scorso infatti, Ornella Vanoni, Donatella Rettore e Red Canzian hanno criticato la canzone portata al successo dallo stesso Minghi con Mietta nel 1990 al Festival di Sanremo, che nello studio dello show di Rai Uno condotto da Amadeus è risuonata grazie al duetto con Annalisa Minetti

"E' una menata galattica", ha detto la Rettore. "E' una canzone da bambini, a me fa ridere", ha replicato la Vanoni

Infine il pensiero di Red Canzian: "Ho sempre pensato che fosse un brano debole"

 Se Minghi si è limitato a ringraziare sui social tutti coloro che sono intervenuti sul web per difendere la canzone, le figlie hanno preso una posizione più netta, pretendendo delle scuse

"Chiedo pubblicamente delle scuse. Da Amadeus per non essere intervenuto. Da Red Canzian, Rettore e Vanoni per non esser stati capaci di avere rispetto

In caso contrario partiranno querele per ognuno di loro", ha scritto Annesia Minghi

 Le scuse sono arrivate subito e a pioggia. "Amedeo, volevo scherzare su (trottolino) la cantavo anche io non mi usciva dalla testa però penso ad una coppia di innamorati piccolini

So che ritorni", ha chiesto venia la Vanoni. "Gent.le Annesa Minghi, l'intervento non voleva sicuramente essere un attacco personale al valore umano ed artistico di suo padre, tant'è che apprezzo molto ad esempio creazioni come "1950"

È stato un semplice giudizio che non aveva l'intenzione di essere un'offesa e mi dispiace se è stato percepito come tale", il perdono della Rettore

 "Mi scuso se il mio commento, del tutto rispettoso nei confronti di Vattene Amore abbia innescato altri giudizi che nemmeno io condivido! Considero Amedeo uno dei grandi autori della nostra musica, raffinato e sensibile, e, come ho detto (e cantato) in trasmissione, 1950 mi ha commosso, la prima volta che l'ho sentita! Mi scuso, quindi, per l'inopportunità del mio giudizio in quella sede, e mando un abbraccio a te ed a papà", ha scritto invece Red Canzian

 L'altra figlia di Minghi, Alma, invece è stata molto più dura nei confronti dei giudici di Ora o Mai più

Post però poi rimosso dalla stessa ragazza. "Ma come ca**o vi permettete di trattare in quel modo mio padre e una delle canzoni più ascoltate in tutto il mondo

Ornella Vanoni cantantucola da due lire ma vada a fan**lo!!! Donatella Rettore: non hai mai fatto una canzone in vita tua, hai sempre cantato le merde e parli? Ma lavati la bocca quando parli di mio padre str**za

E così tutti gli altri, avreste voluto scrivere una canzone così pure voi eh? Invidiosi di merda

Fate finta di essere di sinistra perché vi fa comodo eh? Leccate il culo a tutti

Fate pena. Occhio che sono straincazzata occhio. Ora querelatemi pure! Ah lo ripeto qualora non fossi stata chiara: giù le mani da mio padre e andate a cagare invidiosi e falliti di merda"

 "S'è fatta 'na certa". E' quello che avrà pensato Ornella Vanoni che, durante un duetto tra Marco Masini e Michele Pecora ad Ora o Mai Più, ha mostrato "segni di stanchezza"

Quando Amadeus, al termine della prova, ha "richiamato" la cantante invitandola a votare, la Vanoni ha esclamato:  "Te l'avevo detto che prima o poi mi sarei addormentata (…) Ragazzi, mi sono addormentata un po', non ho giudicato bene, ho un sonno"

 Amadeus la rassicura sull'imminente fine della trasmissione (qui la classifica finale della puntata) e la cantante, suscitando le risate dell pubblico in studio, ha raccontato delle avventure del suo cagnolino Ondina che l'aveva tenuta sveglia tutto il giorno, e dunque era causa della sua grande stanchezza

Un momento di  ironia e leggerezza che ha stemperato la tensione, tante volte pesante ed eccessiva, presente tra i maestri

 Mattia Buonocore  @Mattiabuonocore   Ornella Vanoni si addormenta in diretta  Ora o Mai Più: le gaffe di Marcella Bella e Donatella Rettore nella terza puntata  Gaffe di altro tipo, invece, sono quelle che hanno coinvolto Marcella Bella e Donatella Rettore

La prima – dopo aver ascoltato l'esibizione di Jessica Morlacchi in coppia con una delle guest star della serata, Marco Masini -  in maniera anche piuttosto convinta, ha commentato il significato del brano eseguito, T'innamorerai:  "Secondo me questo testo non era molto adatto a una donna perché parla di un padre, il mio amico Bigazzi l'ha scritta, che dice delle cose sulla figlia, cioè 'T'innamorerai', lo dice alla figlia… Non l'ho ritenuta molto adatta a Jessica questa canzone"

 Marco Masini, senza alcuna vena polemica ma per amor di verità, spiega:  "Posso intervenire? Io e Giancarlo Bigazzi l'abbiamo scritto (insieme, ndDM) questo pezzo, non parla di un padre

'Forse non di me', non può essere un padre. Però sei bellissima e sei una grande artista"

 La cantante, per mettere una pezza, finisce per fare peggio:  "Però comunque con Red… Red la mette molto più…  tu sei qui di passaggio"

 Masini, tra le gran risate di tutti, non ha dubbi sul fatto che "siamo tutti qui di passaggio, disinteressati, non è la tua serata stasera"

 Più tardi anche Donatella Rettore inciampa in una gaffe. Al termine del duetto tra Enrico Ruggeri e Paolo Vallesi sulle note de Il mare d'inverno (brano scritto dallo stesso Ruggeri per Loredana Bertè), la veneta afferma:  "Comunque il testo è di Fossati eh!"

 Probabilmente per non incorrere in polemiche come avvenuto per altri nella settimana precedente, il cantante non replica

Almeno in quello stesso istante. Ci penserà più tardi, su Twitter:  Enrico Ruggeri  ?  @enricoruggeri   

non ce la fanno proprio.  IANVA Official  @IANVA  "il Mare D'Inverno" col testo firmato Fossati ci mancava

Ora siamo decisamente a posto!@enricoruggeri

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