Monday, February 4, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 4 2019

Gorgeous Beautiful ABOUT DOUBLE J MHP - LOT 12 Park Model from Eagle Homes

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Beautiful ABOUT DOUBLE J MHP LOT 12 Park Model from Eagle Homes - Duration: 0:52.


Đón Tết Kỷ Hợi 2019 ' EDM Phiêu Cực Phiêu ' | Nhạc Xuân Kỷ Hơi 2019 | NVC Channel - Duration: 29:44.

For more infomation >> Đón Tết Kỷ Hợi 2019 ' EDM Phiêu Cực Phiêu ' | Nhạc Xuân Kỷ Hơi 2019 | NVC Channel - Duration: 29:44.


Como Parar de Fumar Definitivamente - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Como Parar de Fumar Definitivamente - Duration: 6:33.


O Shan Wala Mera Nabi Hai ll New Punjabi Naat - Duration: 1:01.

Sab se Aula Hamara Nabi with lyrics

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For more infomation >> O Shan Wala Mera Nabi Hai ll New Punjabi Naat - Duration: 1:01.


Gorgeous Beautiful ABOUT DOUBLE J MHP LOT 12 Park Model from Eagle Homes - Duration: 0:52.

Gorgeous Beautiful ABOUT DOUBLE J MHP - LOT 12 Park Model from Eagle Homes

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Beautiful ABOUT DOUBLE J MHP LOT 12 Park Model from Eagle Homes - Duration: 0:52.


Spiderman, Iron Man, Deadpool Defeat Venom Army - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:09.

Spiderman, Iron Man, Deadpool Defeat Venom Army - BAAM BAAM Toys

For more infomation >> Spiderman, Iron Man, Deadpool Defeat Venom Army - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:09.


婚約指輪・結婚指輪専門店輪-RIN-(群馬県高崎市)セットリング☆ご紹介 - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> 婚約指輪・結婚指輪専門店輪-RIN-(群馬県高崎市)セットリング☆ご紹介 - Duration: 0:47.


『雪の華』、公開3日間で2・8億円突破 「登坂広臣にまた落ちた」と演技も好評 ...*[JP]'' - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> 『雪の華』、公開3日間で2・8億円突破 「登坂広臣にまた落ちた」と演技も好評 ...*[JP]'' - Duration: 3:25.



For more infomation >> TIP VS MÜHENDİSLİK | BAHÇEŞEHİR TIP - ODTÜ İNŞAAT - Duration: 23:11.


"Călăul" lui Mircea Badea s-a antrenat cu o legendă a luptelor din Thailanda! Teodor Emi l-a făcut K - Duration: 2:37.

Teodor Emi, "motociclistul" care l-a bătut din nou, weekendul trecut, pe Mircea Badea, s-a antrenat cu unul dintre cei tari luptători din lume

A doua luptă dintre Mircea Badea și Teodor Emi s-a încheiat în 5 secunde, după ce "motociclistul" l-a făcut KO pe prezentator dintr-un pumn și un genunchi în bărbie

Orono, printre cei mai mari luptători din Thailanda.Nici nu e de mirare, dacă ne gândim cu cine s-a antrenat în ultima perioadă

Teodor Emi a postat pe contul lui de Youtube câteva sesiuni de anternament în compania legendarului campion Muay-Thai, Orono Por Muang Ubon

În vârstă de 40 de ani, Orono este considerat unul dintre primii 10 luptători Muay-Thai din toate timpurile, având în palmares victorii cu toți campionii Asiei din diverse versiuni

Doar în kickboxing, Orono are 160 de meciuri din care 120 de victorii. Orono a luptat și în K1 Max unde a debutat cu o victorie împotriva celebrului William Diender, care l-a și făcut foarte popular în Europa

Teodor Emi i-a acordat revanța lui Mircea Badea, sâmbătă, la 4 ani după ce l-a învins în ring

Lupta s-a încheiat înainte să înceapă, Mircea Badea nemaiapucând să lovească. Prezentatorul a zăcut inconștient minute bune pe podeaua ringului după o combinație scurtă încheiată cu un genunchi în bărbie din partea lui Emi

For more infomation >> "Călăul" lui Mircea Badea s-a antrenat cu o legendă a luptelor din Thailanda! Teodor Emi l-a făcut K - Duration: 2:37.


2019: DO WHAT YOU LOVE | NO MORE EXCUSES | Clara Dao - Duration: 9:03.

I believe that 2019 is the year, is our year. It's the year that we just don't give

a f**k about what other people think and just go for our dreams. Hello everyone, your girl

Clara is here! I finally decided to have a Youtube channel. It's so funny that for

a long time, I have thought about setting up my own YouTube channel to talk about life,

to talk about the stuff that I'm passionate about, and the stuff that I feel like I want

to share with the world, my ideas and everything. Every time I want to sit down and film a video,

something, there's always that one thing that kept holding me back, and it goes like

this: Clara, who do you think you are to have a Youtube channel? If you post a video, you're

lucky to get 10 views! You're lucky to have like 1 comment, probably from your best

friend! That's it, that's it girl! Like who do you think you are? You know the same thing

happens to a lot of us. Whenever we want to do something, especially things that involve

putting yourself out there, and promoting yourself, and you know just being yourself

in the public eye. A lot of the time we don't, we could not gather enough courage to do that. But

2019 is a totally, totally different story because this year, I finally come back to

my senses and be like F*ck it! I'm just gonna do what

I want! I'm just gonna do what I want! What's wrong with having 10 views?! what's wrong with

having 1 view?! what's wrong with having no comments or one comment?! like that is

not important that is not important! The thing that matters the most is that you finally

let go of the shell, and get out of your comfort zone, and just do what your heart tells you

to do and just do what you've been wanting to do! And I think that's the courage, the

bravery to put yourself out there. Yes, filming a video is easy but having the courage to

just be yourself in front of the camera, and posting it on social media, sharing it with your family

and friends and everyone - it's challenging! Especially, especially when you just started

out, it can be challenging; but I'm doing it. My motto for this year is do what you

fucking love! You get me? do what you fucking love! It's like it instantly feels so good

just to say that! I think that coming into a new year, having a motto, having something

that resonates with you to carry it around is so important because you know like whatever

you do during the day you can come back to your motto of this year and be like is this

the thing that I should do? so you are constantly reminded of what is the most important to

you, and trust me at the end of 2019 you're gonna look back and be like yooo for real,

I did follow my motto, I did stay true to myself! For example, in 2018 my motto for

that year was thou shalt not take shit, so whenever someone says something disrespectful

or inappropriate, I'm like: Excuse me, what did you just say?! And they stop! Yoo like

we've gotta stick up for ourselves when someone does not treat us right, because unless

you know your worth, nobody can see it! 2018 was, I have to say, a year with a lot of challenges

in a lot of aspects of my life. And like I'm grateful for all the changes and all the challenges

that 2018 has brought for me. So 2019 is the year that I feel like I'm gonna put all

of that into action: if I wanna do something, I will go for it; if I want to say something,

I will say it but I will not hurt anyone with my actions or my words intentionally! No,

it doesn't mean that I'm not considerate of people's feelings it just means that

I'm being true to myself, and I'm speaking my truth. So I hope that when you come to

my channel, you can receive this rush of of energy, of positivity, of abundance, of

love and good vibes and everything that is juicy and delicious and just beautiful. And

hopefully after you close a video, you feel more uplifted and you feel more light-hearted,

and you feel more empowered and inspired to you know, go out there, do what you love,

seize the day, chase your dream and just be who you are! Anyway thank you so much for

tuning in to my channel and make it to the end of this video! Remember to subscribe,

like, share, comment! Leave a comment down below what is your motto for 2019 or what

is one of your goal, biggest goals this year that you want to achieve! And we will achieve

all of them together! YEASHHHH! Thank you again, have a great rest

of your day/ night - whenever you're watching this! Namaste, kamsamita, merci, thank you,

arigato, cảm ơn!

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