Monday, February 4, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 4 2019

Earth Pig wish everyone

Blessed and money into the door, the whole family laughs

Good old age is abundant

Young high financial virtue as dream

A beautiful pig wishes my whole family

Prosperous to every home

Money entered as Da river

Money dripping out like filter coffee.

Spring blooming around the house

Raising the glass to congratulate the wind and rain

Wish anyone went early for lunch

Money very much, full of lucky during the season

Spring come, wish many famil

Brightly smiling, happy package presents

This old East has gone away

Spring is well-lit and peaceful

See more clip at:

For more infomation >> HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019 và Lời chúc tết năm Kỷ Hợi - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 4:01.


一提起生吃火腿,贾玲和汪涵眼睛都"放光"隔着屏幕都闻到香味 - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> 一提起生吃火腿,贾玲和汪涵眼睛都"放光"隔着屏幕都闻到香味 - Duration: 3:42.


《内容搞笑》纳吉Tak Boleh tahan, 请林伯去放假过年 - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> 《内容搞笑》纳吉Tak Boleh tahan, 请林伯去放假过年 - Duration: 4:57.


2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement

For more infomation >> 2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement


✅ Hubněte s Aha!: To je 10 nejčastějších dietních omylů! - Duration: 2:20.

 Dali jste si novoroční předsevzetí, a přesto se vám nepodařilo v lednu shodit ani kilo? Buď vám chyběla silná vůle, nebo jste někde udělali chybu

I když si možná myslíte, že o hubnutí víte skoro všechno, stále se můžete dopouštět mnoha omylů

Co tedy patří mezi největší dietní chyby?  1. Nejíst vůbec nic tučného  Omyl! Tuk je životně důležitá složka výživy

Je obsažen v mase, v mléčných výrobcích a sladkostech. Denně by ho měl každý zkonzumovat 80 – 120 g

Pokud budete toto množství výrazně překračovat, máte našlápnuto na obezitu a také si zvýšíte hladinu cholesterolu

Ideální je konzumovat ten »zdravý« s obsahem omega 3 mastných kyselin

 2. Ovoce kdykoli během dne  Omyl! Obsahuje sice spoustu vitaminů, ale také mnoho cukrů

Takže vhodné je ho konzumovat hlavně dopoledne, večer už ne. Energie z ovoce nemá šanci se před spaním efektivně zpracovat

 3. Cukr způsobuje cukrovku a nadváhu  Omyl! Tělo potřebuje denně 100 až 200 g cukru pro správnou činnost mozku, ledvin, a krevního oběhu

Jeho správné množství v krvi také udržuje stabilní tělesnou teplotu. Problém nastává při nadměrné konzumaci

To pak máte nakročeno k nadváze i cukrovce.  4. Po hranolcích se tloustne  Omyl! Tedy pokud je nesmažíte či nefritujete v několika litrech oleje

Zdravou variantou jsou hranolky, které se připravují na suchém plechu v troubě

Pak obsahují minimum tuku a chutnají výborně.  5. Čokoláda je zakázána  Omyl! Ovšem není čokoláda jako čokoláda

Pokud sníte kousek kvalitní čokolády s obsahem kakaového oleje, rostlinného tuku a množstvím cukru mezi 30 až 40 g, nijak si neublížíte ani nepřiberete

Naopak levné »čokolády« ani čokoládami doopravdy nejsou. A ty právě pro linii představují největší nebezpečí

Obsahují jen mnoho cukru a přemíru tuku.  6. Vejce zvyšují cholesterol  Omyl! Zvyšovaly by ho výrazě, pokud byste konzumovali víc než 5 kousků týdně

Zdravému člověku jedno vejce denně neuškodí.  7. Light produkty pomohou hubnout  Omyl! Light potraviny mají buď snížený obsah tuku, nebo cukru

Také některé další složky (např. zahušťovadla) energetický příjem zvyšují

 8. Sýry jsou zdravé  Omyl! Bohužel hlavně v Česku tolik oblíbené taveňáky mají vysoké procento tuku

Ideální je konzumovat sýry s 30% a nižším obsahem tuku.  9. Hladovkou ke snížení váhy  Omyl! Pokud hladovíte, organismus okamžitě přepne do úsporného režimu a i to málo, co sníte, si uloží do tukových zásob na horší časy

 10. Nesnídat znamená ztratit kila  Omyl! Bez snídaně se tělo obtížně nastartuje na denní provoz

Také tělesná teplota je nižší než by měla být. Naopak platí, kdo nesnídá, přibírá na váze

Zdravé mlsání: Cukroví bez cukru Celý článek .

For more infomation >> ✅ Hubněte s Aha!: To je 10 nejčastějších dietních omylů! - Duration: 2:20.


SPIDER-MAN 's Moves Set Marvel Avengers Alliance Peter Benjamin Parker - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> SPIDER-MAN 's Moves Set Marvel Avengers Alliance Peter Benjamin Parker - Duration: 0:39.


Našli sme Sorosovo dieťa - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Našli sme Sorosovo dieťa - Duration: 3:06.


✅ Hanzlíkův konec v Pojišťovně štěstí: Tohle s Brožovou akceptovat nemohl! - Duration: 0:46.

 V dnes již legendárním projektu ztvárňoval sedmdesátiletý herec životního partnera Kateřiny Brožové (50)

Proč z úspěšného projektu nakonec vycouval?   diplomaticky okomentoval konec Jaromíra Hanzlíka režisér seriálu Jiří Adamec (70) v magazínu Téma

Nakonec z něho vypadl skutečný důvod, Hanzlík totiž kategoricky odmítl mít miminko s Kateřinou Brožovou!     Bolestné soukromí Jany Brejchové: Hanzlíkovo peskování odskákala i Brodská Celý článek

10   popsal důvody odchodu z úspěšného seriálu Hanzlík, kterého ho tak scenáristka musela nechat spadnout v letadle

    Nečekané! Brodská bez obalu o Hanzlíkově teroru Celý článek . 13

For more infomation >> ✅ Hanzlíkův konec v Pojišťovně štěstí: Tohle s Brožovou akceptovat nemohl! - Duration: 0:46.


Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI S-tronic Pro Line S - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Audi Q3 1.4 TFSI S-tronic Pro Line S - Duration: 1:24.


Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 Exclusive AllGrip CVT AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 Exclusive AllGrip CVT AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:23.


Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 350 CDI 4-Matic Prestige Plus - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 350 CDI 4-Matic Prestige Plus - Duration: 1:16.


(Eng sub)💄Red lip makeup 레드립 메이크업 | YUZU 유즈 - Duration: 14:50.

Hi everyone. it's Yuzu.

I tried a classic red makeup today.

I feel like I've never done a sharp edge red lip makeup ever since I started Youtube

So I tried classic red makeup look today.

Let's jump right in.

I'm not wearing any skincare at the moment.

I'm going to use this.

This is Innisree Truecare PHA Toner Pad.

Innisfree came out with toner pads lately.

I think I've never seen them before.

I'm just testing them out see what they are like.

They feel very light on the skin. It smooths out the skin texture as well.

On the lips too.

Next up is Heynature Eosehongcho Toner.

I'm going to spray it once and let it sink in to my skin.

These days, skin is very dry so it is important to hydrate my skin with serum

I'm going to use this serum today.

Wellage Real Hyaluronic Capsule Serum

It's got capsules inside.

That Wellage serum that you mix in a round bowl is popular right now

I've tried that product too. It's really nice.

Just pat it in and let it sink in to the skin.

Let's move on to a cream.

I'm using Hera Rosy Satin Cream today.

I tried this cream when I was a Seoulista last year

I've already raved about this cream in my old video.

I always like thick cream.

When I first tried it, it glided on really nicely but left very matte finish on the skin.

I've never tried something that's so moisturizing inside but matte on the outside

It was shocking in a good way.

It's a satin cream that moisturizes inside and stays matte on the outside

It's perfect underneath makeup.

It fills in the skin perfectly

It's great in summer when your skin is full of sebum and you don't want anything too heavy

Also, it's great for those who have dry skin in winter but don't want to use heavy cream.

It's the perfect consistency to use after a hydrating ampoule.

It glides on so smoothly. Pat the cream in to the skin

It will leave nice matte finish and won't leave any greasy residue

I was worried that it might not be moisturizing enough because of its matte finish.

But I was surprised to see how moisturizing it is.

Even if I use it on its own at night, my skin stays hydrated till the next morning.

And whenever I use this cream, it smells so pleasant. I've always thought that.

It's got such nice subtle scent. It feels so nice every time I use it.

Even the packaging is beautiful.

There's something that works really well with this Rosy Satin Cream.

This is Hera Magic Starter.

It's a primer that helps your makeup to apply better on the skin

The combination of this cream and the starter is the best.

I'm applying a tiny bit just on the outer part of my face.

I'm going to use a red lipstick today.

So I need flawless base makeup for it. I'm going to use a color corrector first

This is Innisfree Mineral Makeup Base in #3 Cream Purple.

This kind of purple base is perfect for those who have very strong yellow undertone.

I'm going to blend it out very thin with a square sponge.

It corrected my overall skin tone.

It cancelled out the yellow undertone.

I'm going to cover my blemishes with a concealer before I apply foundation.

I'm using Giverny Milchak concealer today.

I've mentioned this concealer in my last video. This is my new favorite after the Wakemake concealer.

I'm going to conceal the blemishes thoroughly with a concealer brush.

I'm using Piccasso #501 brush.

Like I said before, it's really hard to get the right amount from the tip of the concealer

But you can get precise, thorough coverage by using a brush like this.

Cover the redness below the nose.

And clean out the lip line as well.

Blend out concealer on top of the blemishes and set it by patting it on with a sponge.

After that primary cover, I'm going to mix two foundations for more coverage.

I'm mixing Estee Lauder Double Wear and Bobbi Brown Intensive Skin Serum Foundation.

This is a full coverage but matte foundation.

This has sheer coverage but hydrating on the skin.

Mixing these two will hide the cons of each product.

Mix them like this.

I'm going to use a flat foundation brush

This is Piccasso FB17 that I like.

Soak the brush in to foundation and get rid of the excess on the back of the hand.

I have a flawless base now.

Let's set my face with powder.

I gotta fix everything that's concealing my blemishes.

I'm going to use Laura Mercier powder which I haven't used in ages.

I'm using Piccasso #602 brush.

Now I have matte base.

Let's contour the face with Too Cool For School Art Class By Rodin contour powder.

This is ELF powder brush.

Gently sweep the powder.

I want my red lips to be the point so instead of adding many colors to the face,

It's important to have natural contouring on the face.

Now that I've contoured my face, I'm going to contour my nose as well.

I'm using the second color to contour my eyes too.

Apply it all the way up to here to contour the eye area.

I'm taking this darker color on the tip of the brush and contour the tip of the nose even more.

That's it for the contouring.

Let's fill in the eye brows.

I'm using Hard Formula which I haven't used in a while.

Before I put it on, I'm going to brush my brows with a spoolie first.

My brows are going to be heavily textured today.

Just brush them up like this.

Before I fill them in, I'm going to use a mascara fixer first

I'm using this black fixer to brush my brow hairs up again.

Brush them up like this.

I'm going to fill my brows in now.

You can see the sparse area once they are all brushed.

Gently fill in those sparse spots.

I'm going to use Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Pomade.

I'm going to define the ends of the brows little bit more.

That's it for the brows.

Let's move on to the eye makeup

I'm going to curl my lashes first.

I'm going to tight line and draw a small flick with Bbia Last Auto Gel Liner in Slim Black

I want to define my eyes just a little bit.

That's it for the eyes.

I'm using Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara.

Brighten up the aegyosal with Clio Tender Light.

That's it for today's eye makeup.

I'm finally moving on to the lip makeup.

I haven't used this lipstick in such a long time. It's Mac Russian Red.

This is such a classic red color.

I think Ruby Woo and Russian Red are the most famous red lipsticks from MAC

That's how classic and basic red it is. I'm going to use this today.

I'm going to fill in my entire lips. I start by applying it directly on the bottom lip.

Especially on the inside here.

Make sure you apply the lipstick on the inside as well.

Then I'm going to use a lip liner.

Take it on to a lip liner and draw it on like this.

I still see some spots that aren't perfect.

I'll grab the same concealer brush that I used before to clean up the lip line.

If you have a tissue, put a tissue over the lips and apply powder on top to mattify it even more

But I don't have a tissue with me so I'm going to put a little bit of powder directly on to my lips.

That way, you can mattify your red lipstick even more.

This is already looking beautiful but I want to have little more color on my face

I'm going to add a tiny bit of blush.

This is Mac Peaches.

This is what it looks like.

I'm going to sweep it on very gently

so that you can barely see it.

That completes today's red lip makeup.

For more infomation >> (Eng sub)💄Red lip makeup 레드립 메이크업 | YUZU 유즈 - Duration: 14:50.


Creative destruction PC gameplay || Play with subs - Duration: 42:17.

For more infomation >> Creative destruction PC gameplay || Play with subs - Duration: 42:17.


Land Rover Range Rover Sport 3.0 TdV6 S Harman / Kardon Leder Luchtvering Navigatie - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Land Rover Range Rover Sport 3.0 TdV6 S Harman / Kardon Leder Luchtvering Navigatie - Duration: 1:13.


WATCH: Super Bowl 2019 Halftime Show Performance [VIDEO] | - Duration: 4:21.

WATCH: Super Bowl 2019 Halftime Show Performance [VIDEO] |

It's the 2019 Super Bowl Halftime Show and Maroon 5 has put on quite the performance.

Tonight, Maroon 5 took the M-shaped stage in the middle of Mercedes-Benz Stadium to perform, with Travis Scott and Big Boi joining them as well.

The band kicked off the show with a performance of their song "Harder to Breathe," followed by "This Love".

Then, a short Sponge Bob clip aired before introducing rapper Travis Scott, who appeared on stage in a giant fireball.

Scott was joined by Maroon lead singer Adam Levine, who then transitioned into a performance of his hit song "Girls".

Accompanied by a marching band and a choir, Levine carried out the song on stage.

He then performed the song "She Will Be Loved" and made his way into the crowd, who was equipped with lanterns.

As the lanterns were shown throughout the stadium, the words "One Love" lit up in the stadium.

Prior to the big show, Maroon 5, Travis Scott and Big Boi faced criticism over their decisions to accept the Super Bowl gig, because of all the controversy surrounding the NFL's treatment of Colin Kaepernick.

For those unfamiliar with Kaepernick, he was a backup quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers and, in 2016, he decided to "take a knee" during the singing of "The National Anthem before games, in a silent protest against the police shootings of unarmed black people in America, according to Vox.

Other players began to follow suit.

Once Kaepernick became a free agent in 2017, he was not offered a contract from any team in the NFL.

Currently, he is in a legal battle with the league.

Upon agreement to play the Super Bowl, Scott, Maroon 5, and the NFL collaborated in making a $500,000 donation to the nonprofit social justice organization Dream Corps, according to USA Today.

The statement that Scott released about the charitable donation read, "I back anyone who takes a stand for what they believe in.

I know, being an artist, that it's in my power to inspire.

So before confirming the Super Bowl Halftime performance, I made sure to partner with the NFL on this important donation.

I am proud to support Dream Corps and the work they do that will hopefully inspire and promote change." In addition, Adam Levine of Maroon 5 said that the band wanted to make sure to honor people of color, and those who felt their voices have not been heard, in their Halftime Show.

More than 100 Americans were expected to tune in for the 2019 Super Bowl Halftime Show.

For more infomation >> WATCH: Super Bowl 2019 Halftime Show Performance [VIDEO] | - Duration: 4:21.


Sala: un corps a été retrouvé dans l'épave de l'avion - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Sala: un corps a été retrouvé dans l'épave de l'avion - Duration: 4:21.


Fraude fiscale: Thierry Solère dans le viseur de la justice - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Fraude fiscale: Thierry Solère dans le viseur de la justice - Duration: 5:10.


How to Give a Great Poster Presentation - Duration: 3:19.

Hi there.

I am John Bond from Riverwinds Consulting and this is Publishing Defined.

Today I am going to talk about giving a great poster presentation.

So, your poster has been accepted and you are going to be presenting at a conference,

convention, or a meeting of interested colleagues.

Here are the six steps to giving a top-notch presentation.

First, have a tight focus on your subject and message.

Be able to summarize your presentation in a single sentence, if you had to.

Don't try to examine so many different points or subpoints that your main focus gets blurred.

Second, when you are creating the actual poster have a natural flow from your question or

thesis statement through your results or findings to your conclusion or interpretations.

Make sure the reader's eye will flow from left to right through your poster in a natural


Third, use great visuals.

Most people remember visuals from a poster, much more than the text.

Spend too much time creating eye catching visuals that will engage the reader.

Fourth, do what is required.

Usually there are established guidelines for a poster such as title and presenter's names

at the top.

References or footnotes at the bottom.

Use a large enough font size.

Make sure the poster can be read from the typical distance, maybe six or so feet away.

Do what the guidelines suggest so that, if judging is occurring, that you are judged

by content and presentation and that you don't lose points for small technical items.

And include your email or contact information on the poster.

Fifth, include a great title, an abstract, and a hook.

Choose an engaging title that will draw readers in.

Perhaps be provocative.

If possible, include a brief abstract that summarizes your whole poste in the 150 or

250 words allotted.

Of course, have that hook that grabs the reader either in the title, on the poster, or in

your initial comments to them.

Sell what you have.

Sixth, so now you have a great poster and people are coming by to see it and interact

with you.

Practice what you will say to your visitors.

Shoot to have this be a meaningful interaction about your work.

Let the person read through the poster.

Don't read it to them.

If a group gathers, talk to them as a group not individually.

Remember to make eye contact and talk simply and slow.

Ask if anyone has any questions.

I suggest being prepared with a handout, if appropriate.

Or make a simply, shortened URL available for an online version of the poster, if possible.

And give out your business card s to everyone and get people's contact information in


See this as a networking opportunity.

Finally, poster prizes can be important and can help you gain status with your peers and

at work.

Take the process serious and approach it with enthusiasm.

Well that's it.

I am a publishing consultant and work with associations, publishers, and individuals

on a host of content related challenges.

Reach out to me at with your questions.

Hit the Like button below if you enjoyed this video.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel or click on the link to see my video on How Do

Choose the Best Journal for Your Paper?

And make comments below.

Thank so much and take care.

For more infomation >> How to Give a Great Poster Presentation - Duration: 3:19.


Rachida Dati aurait 600 000 euros de Renault-Nissan - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> Rachida Dati aurait 600 000 euros de Renault-Nissan - Duration: 7:02.


Thiago Silva speaks out after Ole Gunnar Solskjaer watches PSG's defeat to Lyon - Duration: 3:11.

 Thiago Silva believes Ole Gunnar Solskjaer will have gone away 'happy' after watching Paris Saint-Germain lose to Lyon ahead of the side's Champions League clash with Manchester United

 Solskjaer and first-team coach Mike Phelan traveled straight to Lyon following United's 1-0 win over Leicester and were in the stands at the Groupama Stadium

 Nabil Fekir's 49th-minute penalty sealed a 2-1 victory for the home side as PSG suffered their first league defeat of season, with Thomas Tuchel's men were a long way from their best

 PSG travel to Old Trafford for the first leg of their round of 16 tie on February 12 and Silva knows the side must vastly improve to have any chance of reaching the Champions League quarter-finals

 'Solskjaer must be happy with what he saw,' the Brazilian defender said.  'We started the game well, but then we lost our concentration and did not have a good first half

 'For me, too, it was difficult. The second half was better but that was not enough

We missed a lot of things. We need to be more focused when we do not have the ball, for example

 'But do not be worried about us. Next Tuesday, in Manchester, it will be another competition, another environment, another atmosphere

 'In the meantime, we have to work between us to show something else.  'We will be facing a great team

Manchester United are on a run of nine wins in 10 games.'  Gary Neville is confident that Solskjaer will be appointed permanent United manager if he guides the side to victories over Chelsea, PSG and Liverpool

 'If they beat Chelsea, beat PSG, beat Liverpool, Solskjaer is absolutely in the box seat and you'd be saying, "How can you not give it to him?",' Neville told Sky s after United's win at the King Power Stadium

 'The club have appointed two big names with the last two appointments and it hasn't worked out

 'The idea of Ole going through that run of fixtures and coming out of it well, you couldn't sit here conceivably and see another manager

 'But I think Ole himself will think, "Let's get through February and March and if I'm doing what I'm doing now, I've staked a claim"

 'At this moment he is staking a claim but he knows there is massive challenges to come

' To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video

For more infomation >> Thiago Silva speaks out after Ole Gunnar Solskjaer watches PSG's defeat to Lyon - Duration: 3:11.


9x9 | Recording Studio with STAMP : ผู้โชคดี (The Lucky One) - Duration: 1:58.

keep on fighting!

let's go recording!!

Sending heart <3

here's P' STAMP


he's more handsome than I've seen in TV


because we've only been seeing his works but now we work together

this is my first time working with these 9 handsome guys

this song has different style from first 2 songs

this is because we use live instruments for this music and it works with 9x9

I really like this song I like the lyrics

It's like when you have a chance to be close with someone.But they're not noticed even once

And you want to be better man for them to finally notice your love

here's "I'm the lucky guy Who's never good enough"

Hmm! what a naughty boy!



Good job! JACKIE!

What if we make it higher like "Right!" for making it clear above the main track

everyone pay attention to this and got so much energy

The one who has no energy left is ME


here's the lastest song from 9x9 "The Lucky One"


please look forward to see this series especially for girls!! you're gonna love this

my wife 's gonna love this too..


please subscribe our channel : 4NOLOGUE



or Here!!

click noww!!

For more infomation >> 9x9 | Recording Studio with STAMP : ผู้โชคดี (The Lucky One) - Duration: 1:58.


HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019 và Lời chúc tết năm Kỷ Hợi - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 4:01.

Earth Pig wish everyone

Blessed and money into the door, the whole family laughs

Good old age is abundant

Young high financial virtue as dream

A beautiful pig wishes my whole family

Prosperous to every home

Money entered as Da river

Money dripping out like filter coffee.

Spring blooming around the house

Raising the glass to congratulate the wind and rain

Wish anyone went early for lunch

Money very much, full of lucky during the season

Spring come, wish many famil

Brightly smiling, happy package presents

This old East has gone away

Spring is well-lit and peaceful

See more clip at:

For more infomation >> HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019 và Lời chúc tết năm Kỷ Hợi - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 4:01.


TU SANTA LEY | Grupo Santa Ley - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> TU SANTA LEY | Grupo Santa Ley - Duration: 4:31.


How to create your own shortcut keys in Windows PC | Get your shortcut keys created - Duration: 2:15.

How to Create your own Shortcut Key

Open the Application(that you add the shartcut key) Properties

i will Assign Shortcut key to Opera Browser

Ringht click and Open It In File Loaction

Right click on Appliaction and go to the properties

Type Any Number Or Character to the Shortcut key


You Can Open the Same Application Using the Shortcut Key that you Provided (Ctrl + Alt + ...)

it will definitely open the Application

For more infomation >> How to create your own shortcut keys in Windows PC | Get your shortcut keys created - Duration: 2:15.


Are Cannabis Edibles Safe? - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Are Cannabis Edibles Safe? - Duration: 5:27.


How To Delete Your YouTube videos in 2019 Studio Beta - Duration: 1:52.

Hello DarshD here, and I am going to show you how to delete your YouTube videos. First of

all, go to the Beta of YouTube studio. This new YouTube Studio has a very hard mode of

deleting the videos, it's not really hard but it's hard to notice it. So, when you want

to delete a video, just look at the right side of the title. Like you see, the actions

do nothing like the old studio. Here, those three dots have this this command of delete.

The drop down menu allows you to delete the video. Since the YouTube does not have the

trash can, the recycle bin, once you delete a video, you can no longer recover that. Maybe

that's why YouTube made the changes to the delete action.As you can see here, in the

old YT studio, a video could be deleted in 3 ways, by choosing individually, or you can

delete multiple videos by using the action command, or you can use the drop down menu

from the edit. Yeah, that's my recording software, Apowersoft, and another tip is that you can

access the YouTube Studio from your channel, by clicking this button, which leads you to

the YT Studio Beta. So, yeah, thanks for watching, Happy YouTubing, I hope this helps you, for

more videos please check out my channel and subscribe. this is DarshD signing out.

For more infomation >> How To Delete Your YouTube videos in 2019 Studio Beta - Duration: 1:52.


Downsizing To-Do List Apps - Duration: 4:56.

And welcome back to the keep productive YouTube channel on today's future

I wanted to talk to you all about how to downsize your to-do-list application

This is becoming increasingly popular as a way to simplify a lot of your workflows and processes

So I want to talk about the reasons why people would do this and a few things around about best practices for you to consider


Downsizing so let's dive into today's video

So I know many people are considering this move

It's a move to reduce complexity move from a bigger and more complex to lose application to something simpler and easier to control

in everyday use and this is becoming more popular with those who are retiring soon those who cannot use a

fully-fledged task manager at workplace for security reasons or those who already have a big

Useful work based project management tool. That means they don't need a fully fledged task manager for at home

So it can come in many different

Experiences and even many people are looking in the case of workplace stress trying to get something simple to get started and build foundations

And I definitely think basic to nudist applications have a place and they definitely help people to get started

They're brilliant foundations. So you're probably wondering what are basic to do this applications

What do they include so some of the basic tools include Microsoft to do Google Tasks?

Apple reminders Google heap goober we do and other such tools

They really don't have a huge amount of complexity

They have the basic ability to add due dates and a few notes

Sometimes the ability and subtasks and see lists per project and this is really simple and a great way for people to build up

Foundations. So let's start with a scenario

So let's say we have someone who is retiring very soon who's under being self-employed or in the workplace for many years using todoist

Day-to-day as a task manager now during this period of time and in this transition, they might not necessarily

Want to continue using todoist maybe the tool has become too complex for their own day-to-day uses

they don't necessarily find value in labels and filters abilities and some of the other features seem

Underused when they're using it every single day so they might move to something like mark soft to do or Google Tasks

So there you can use it in a more casual basis now

Naturally that's gonna take a bit of time to get used to but it's definitely something to consider

Another scenario is you could have moved into a new workplace

Where your workplace has a project manager that centralizes most your tasks for work and your own personal to-do list

this is popular with apps like clique up which have a solo plan and allows you to separate work in life a lot easier and

This is becoming more and more common

So you can see in these two scenarios are an opportunity for people to move to more simple to do this tap vacations

So here are some things to consider when you're moving or downsizing your to do this application ask yourself

Are you overwhelmed by the use of your tool above the task itself?

Are you getting stressed out by how much you're having to maintain the tool?

Above the actual completion of the task itself if you're asking yourself this question

Chances are you might need to downsize?

Because you're probably overwhelming yourself

The second question is are you using tool to its full capacity?

If you find yourself not utilizing it and you're paying for the service. Maybe it is time to downsize. Maybe you've over compensated

So for example, you could be using an intermediate level of the application, which is absolutely fine

But for example with you're only on basic use and you hammer take advantage of the advanced use of the application

Then chances are you might need to downsize so one of the topics is well to have a look at is essentialism

this is something I've seen on many Tim Ferriss podcasts and which has recently helped me with a lot of

Expenses and I'm pushing out. So for example, let's take the tools. We use every single day. Are we utilizing these tools?

Are we making full advantage of them or can we reduce down to something simpler something that's going to be more?

Fine-tuned for the things you're gonna be doing and something that I recommend when you're moving to different experiences in your life

But there's also something called scaling down and it's definitely worth considering so guys. Hopefully this was a nice overview

Let me know in the comments what you thought of this video. This is just a couple of thoughts and somethings to consider

But let me know if you like them

Anyway guys if you're brand new hit the subscription button keye productive be great to have you here in this community

Anyway guys, thank you so much, and I'll see you guys very very soon


For more infomation >> Downsizing To-Do List Apps - Duration: 4:56.


Fraude fiscale: Thierry Solère dans le viseur de la justice - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Fraude fiscale: Thierry Solère dans le viseur de la justice - Duration: 5:10.


Benalla: Médiapart refuse une perquisition dans une enquête pour atteinte à la vie privée - Duration: 2:38.

MÉDIAS - Le média en ligne Médiapart a refusé une perquisition ce lundi 4 février

À 11h du matin, deux procureurs accompagnés de policiers ont voulu perquisitionner les locaux dans le cadre d'une enquête pour atteinte à la vie privée d'Alexandre Benalla

Sur Twitter, le pureplayer dit avoir "refusé" la perquisition car c'est une "atteinte à son secret des sources"

Un "acte inédit" Selon eux, cette enquête fait suite à la diffusion par Médiapart d'une série d'enregistrements dans lesquels Alexandre Benalla assure à Vincent Crase avoir le soutien du président de la République

Une discussion qui indiquait par ailleurs qu'il avait enfreint son contrôle judiciaire

Mediapart a publié, jeudi 31 janvier, des enregistrements d'une conversation entre Alexandre Benalla et son comparse Vincent Crase dans laquelle l'ancien chargé de mission, alors en pleine tempête judiciaire, se prévalait du soutien du président de la République

Selon le site d'investigation, la rencontre entre les deux hommes aurait eu lieu le 26 juillet 2018, soit quatre jours après la mise en examen d'Alexandre Benallapour "violences volontaires" dans l'affaire du 1er Mai dévoilée par Le Monde

En application de leur contrôle judiciaire, Alexandre Benalla et Vincent Crase n'ont à ce moment là pas le droit de se parler ni de se rencontrer, selon Mediapart qui assure avoir pu authentifier l'enregistrement mais n'explicite pas qui en est à l'origine

Entre discussion de barbouzes et rigolade entre copains, la conversation est gratinée pour le président de la République, dont on devine qu'il a apporté un soutien explicite à son ancien chargé de la sécurité

À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> Benalla: Médiapart refuse une perquisition dans une enquête pour atteinte à la vie privée - Duration: 2:38.


Astuces pour en finir avec les ballonnements et le ventre gonflé - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> Astuces pour en finir avec les ballonnements et le ventre gonflé - Duration: 7:15.


Vicky Pattison fumes as ex John Noble sets his sights on TOWIE's Jess Wright - Duration: 2:12.

 Vicky Pattison ceased all contact with her ex fiance John Noble as he appeared to get cosy with multiple women in Dubai while she was planning their wedding

 However, she was forced to confront John as he set his sights on fellow reality star Jess Wright following their split

 In an interview with OK! online, Vicky claimed John has been liking a large number of photographs of The Only Way Is Essex star on Instagram

 She told the publication: "We've spoken a handful of times. Read More Emotional Vicky Pattison 'hates what that man did' as she relives John Noble break-up  "I messaged him once to ask him why he was liking all Jess Wright's pictures – She'd rung me and told me!"  Discussing their break-up, and the drama surrounding it, Vicky added: "He's unrepentant

It's my fault, apparently.  "He doesn't want to speak to me, he doesn't want anything to do with this, he didn't ask for this life

 "I didn't ask to be cheated on, mate, but that's the way the cookie crumbles!" Read More Heartbroken Vicky Pattison reveals ex John Noble DEMANDING her engagement ring back     Vicky's confrontation with John comes after her heartbreaking confession that he's demanded her dazzling engagement ring back following their bitter split

 According to Mail Online, John is said to be asking her to return her 3.6ct engagement ring and insisting he's bought out of their Newcastle property so he can make a profit

 The pair got engaged in July 2017 after dating for over a year. They originally planned to wed in 2018, but postponed their nuptials until 2019

 After John was pictured with the mystery women in November last year, the pair officially announced their break up

 Do you have a story to sell? Get in touch with us at or call us direct 0207 29 33033 Read More Showbiz and TV editor's picks

For more infomation >> Vicky Pattison fumes as ex John Noble sets his sights on TOWIE's Jess Wright - Duration: 2:12.


Creative destruction PC gameplay || Play with subs - Duration: 42:17.

For more infomation >> Creative destruction PC gameplay || Play with subs - Duration: 42:17.


Meilleur Pain Farci Facile 😉 recette cuisine marocaine - Duration: 11:04.


Easy Stuffed Bread

100g fine semolina

300g flour

1 baker's yeast

Teaspoon of sugar


3 Teaspoon olive or vegetable oil


Warm milk about 220ml

leave the dough brewing


red pepper

carrot + zucchini

2 tablespoon coriander parsley


Mozzarella cheese

1 egg + vinegar drops


Oven 180 degrees Cooking 25 / 35 minutes

Thanks for watching and sharing

For more infomation >> Meilleur Pain Farci Facile 😉 recette cuisine marocaine - Duration: 11:04.


Carragher blasts Arsenal star who has 'never been good enough' - Duration: 1:58.

pointed the finger at Arsenal defender Shkodran Mustafi following the defeat to Manchester City

  The Gunners were beaten 3-1 at the Etihad as Sergio Aguero scored all three goals for the Premier League champions

 City appeared to target Mustafi and Stephan Lichtsteiner down the right side - with the German defender caught out for the opener

  Sky Sports pundit Carragher took aim at the Arsenal defensive duo and suggested Mustafi has struggled since his move to north London in 2016

 "Lichtsteiner is not good enough. Maybe you could argue because of his age," Carragher said at full time

 "But the fellow next to him, Mustafi, has never been good enough since the day he walked in the door and that's the reason why all the goals come down there

 "To see Arsenal defend like that, there's a big job there for Unai Emery to do."  Carragher's comments were backed up by fellow pundit Alex Scott, who hit out at veteran Swiss defender Lichtsteiner

 "He's all over the place. He doesn't know when to go and close down his player," she added

 "He's leaving.a bit half-a***d and that's why between him and (Alex) Iwobi, they're getting popped around down this side


For more infomation >> Carragher blasts Arsenal star who has 'never been good enough' - Duration: 1:58.


✅ 집에서 할 수 있는 셀프 드럼세탁기 청소비법 - Duration: 8:47.

안녕하세요. 코코언니에요~ 5개월 전에 집에 있는 세탁기를 대대적으로 청소 했어요.

제가 한게 아니라 세탁기를 구입한 이후 처음으로 세탁기청소 업체의 도움을 받아 세탁기 청소를 하게 됐어요.

저는 세탁기가 그렇게 더러운지 그때 처음 알았답니다... 비싼돈들여 환골 탈태한 그후로는 세탁기를 계속 깨끗하게 유지하기 위해서 노력하고 있어요.

업체에서 하는 수준은 아니지만 한달에 한번이라도 세탁기 청소를 하고 있답 니다. 오늘은 셀프 세탁기 청소방법을 공개할게요.

전문업체처럼 하나부터 열까지 분해해서 닦아내는건 아니지만 제가 직접 할 수 있는 선에서는 최선을 다해 청소하고 있어요^^ㅎㅎ 코코언니의 세탁기청소 작전을 시작할게요~

겉으로 볼 때는 아주 깨끗하진 않아도 크게 더럽다는 느낌은 없어요. 5개월 전에 청소했을 때 세탁기 속에 숨어있던 몇 년 묵은 어마어마한 찌든때를 씻 어냈어요~

오늘 세탁기 청소를 시작하게 만든 주범이에요. 빨래를 하려고 세제통을 열였 는데 맙소사! 세제찌꺼기가 장난이 아니었어요.

아무리 깨끗하게 빨래를 한들 이런 상태의 세제통에서 나온 세제로 빨래를. .. 더구나 섬유유연제로 헹궜다면 말 안해도 뻔하죠뭐ㅠㅠ

일단 세제통부터 분리할게요. 사진에 보이는 부분을 꾹 누르면 세제통을 쉽게 분리할 수 있어요.

세제통을 빼고 난 투입구에도 세제찌꺼기들이 많아요. 미리 만들어놓고 사용하 는 레몬천연세제를 뿌리고 물티슈로 닦아요.

레몬천연세제 만드는법은 전에 포스팅 했었는데, 살균과 소독의 효과가 있어 서 청소할 때 사용하면 좋아요~ 저는 청소할 때 물티슈를 잘 사용해요.

일반 걸레는 자꾸 사용하다보면 아무리 세탁을 해도 더러워지고 세균도 걱정 돼서 이렇게 섬세한 청소는 대부분 물티슈를 사용하고 있어요!

이번에 세탁기 문을 열면 바로 보이는 고무 패킹 부분을 닦을게요. 고무패킹 속은 틈이 좁아서 면봉을 이용해요. 여기도 마찬가지로 레몬천연세제를 뿌리 고 면봉으로 닦아요.

일반 화학세제를 사용하면 오히려 화학세제의 잔여물이 남을 것 같아서 세탁 기 청소에는 천연세제를 사용한답니다.

고무패킹 틈에 면봉을 넣고 문질렀더니 이렇게 먼지가 나왔어요. 5개월전에 이런 사소한 부분 하나하나 다 청소했는데 그 사이 또 먼지가 쌓이고 물때가 끼었어요.

이번에는 세탁기문을 청소해볼게요. 문은 뭐 그렇게 더러울까... 생각할수도 있지만 다른것보다 먼지가 잘 쌓이더라고요.

빨래하면서 옷에서 나온 먼지들이 물기 때문에 문에 붙었다가 물기가 마르고 나면 이렇게 뽀얗게 보여요. 저는 어제 이불빨래를 했더니 이렇게 또 먼지 들이 존재감을 드러내내요.... ㅋ

문에도 레몬천연세제를 뿌리고 물티슈로 닦았어요.

이제 드럼세탁기청소중에서 조금 난이도가 있는 과정이에요. 세탁기 아랫부분에 보면 이렇게 생긴 네모 박스가 있을거예요. 이 속에는 배수 필터가 있어요 .

속을 보면 검정색 두꺼운 호스가 있어요. 그 호스를 밖으로 꺼내요.

호스에 꽂혀있는 마개를 돌려서 빼면 이렇게 안에 고여 있던 물이 나와요. 전에 업체에서 청소했을 때는 이 물이 장난이 아니었답니다. 냄새나는 더러운 물이 나오더라고요.

지금은 물의 양도 많지 않고 물도 냄새가 안나더라고요. 아직 세탁기 상태 가 괜찮다는 증거인 것 같아 마음이 놓여요^^;

이번엔 필터를 꺼냈어요. 필터를 꺼낼 때도 물이 나와요. 혹시 세탁실 바닥 에 물에 젖으면 안되는 물건이 있다면 미리 치워두는게 좋아요~

닦을 수 있는 부분은 꼼꼼하게 잘 닦아주세요. 특히 이렇게 홈이 있는 부분 은 먼지가 잘 쌓여요.

아이쿠... 세탁실 창문을 열어놔서 외부 먼지가 많이 쌓인거라고 변명하고 싶지만... 그래도 좀 심하죠? ㅎㅎㅎ

이제 세탁기에서 분리한 부품들을 하나씩 닦아볼게요. 먼저 세제통이에요.

속까지 자세히 보니 가관도 아니죠?! 이렇게 세제찌꺼기가 많이 남았다면 눈 에 보이지 않는 세균들이 얼마나 많을까요ㅠㅠ 2주에 한번 세제통만 세척해줘 도 빨래가 더 깨끗해질거란 생각이 드는 순간이에요.

배수구에서 꺼낸 필터에도 먼지가 걸려있어요.

지금은 베이킹소다가 필요한 타임~ 세제통과 필터를 베이킹소다로 세척할거예요 . 크기가 큰건 세숫대야에 안들어가서 세면대를 이용했어요.

베이킹소다를 듬뿍 뿌리고 따뜻한 물을 부어요. 따뜻한물을 부어야 때가 더 잘 올라와요.

이 상태로 30분정도 불리면 찌든때가 올라와요. 물에 불리니까 안보이던 찌 든때들도 나타나더라고요...

30분이 지나면 칫솔로 구석구석 잘 닦아요. 따뜻한 물에 불려서 때가 잘 닦여요.

섬유유연제가 굳은 부분은 손으로 만지면 많이 미끌거려요. 이 부분은 뜨거운 물을 부어서 말끔히 씻어내주면 돼요.

비위 약하신 분들께는 죄송해요. 꾸벅ㅡ.ㅡ

세면대는 물을 빼고 레몬천연세제랑 구강청정제 잔뜩 뿌려서 닦았어요.

깨끗한 흐르는 물로 마무리 헹굼까지 마치면 부품 청소는 끝이에요.

이제 세탁조 청소에요. 세탁기 청소의 길은 정말 멀고도 험하네요^^;

세탁기에는 대부분 세탁조(통)을 세척하는 기능이 있더라고요. 저희집 세탁기 에도 통세척 기능이 있어서 그걸 사용해요.

그냥 해도 상관은 없지만 좀 더 깨끗하게 하기위해서 세탁조 청소 효과가 있는 과탄산소다를 넣고 돌렸어요.

임의대로 조정하지 않고 무세제 통세척 버튼을 누르니까 1시간49분이 소요된 다고 나와요. 그대로 통세척을 했어요.

세탁기 청소의 모든 과정이 끝났어요~~~ 야호!

세탁기 문을 열어보니 문에 쌓였던 먼지도 없고 세제통도 찌꺼기없이 깨끗해졌 어요.

세탁기 속도 깨끗해지고 고무 패킹 틈에도 찌든때가 말끔하게 사라졌어요.

마무리는 세제통과 세탁기문을 활짝 열어놓는 걸로 할게요~ 세탁을 마친후에는 항상 이렇게 세제통과 세탁기문을 활짝 열어놓고 완전히 건조시키는게 중요해 요.

세탁기 안에 습기가 찬 상태로 있으면 세균과 곰팡이가 생기거든요. 꼭 완 전히 건조시키는거 잊지마세요!!!

셀프 드럼세탁기청소를 끝마쳤어요. 시간은 꽤 걸렸지만 속이 다 시원하고 기 분까지 상쾌해지는 것 같아요.

이제 빨래를 해도 겉만 번지르르하게 세탁된게 아니라 진짜 깨끗하게 될 것 같아서 마음이 놓여요~ 조금 복잡하고 번거로울 수 있지만 그래도 한달에 한번 세탁기청소 어떠세요?

지금까지 코코언니의 셀프 세탁기청소를 함께해주셔서 감사합니다~^^

For more infomation >> ✅ 집에서 할 수 있는 셀프 드럼세탁기 청소비법 - Duration: 8:47.


Thiago Silva speaks out after Ole Gunnar Solskjaer watches PSG's defeat to Lyon - Duration: 3:11.

 Thiago Silva believes Ole Gunnar Solskjaer will have gone away 'happy' after watching Paris Saint-Germain lose to Lyon ahead of the side's Champions League clash with Manchester United

 Solskjaer and first-team coach Mike Phelan traveled straight to Lyon following United's 1-0 win over Leicester and were in the stands at the Groupama Stadium

 Nabil Fekir's 49th-minute penalty sealed a 2-1 victory for the home side as PSG suffered their first league defeat of season, with Thomas Tuchel's men were a long way from their best

 PSG travel to Old Trafford for the first leg of their round of 16 tie on February 12 and Silva knows the side must vastly improve to have any chance of reaching the Champions League quarter-finals

 'Solskjaer must be happy with what he saw,' the Brazilian defender said.  'We started the game well, but then we lost our concentration and did not have a good first half

 'For me, too, it was difficult. The second half was better but that was not enough

We missed a lot of things. We need to be more focused when we do not have the ball, for example

 'But do not be worried about us. Next Tuesday, in Manchester, it will be another competition, another environment, another atmosphere

 'In the meantime, we have to work between us to show something else.  'We will be facing a great team

Manchester United are on a run of nine wins in 10 games.'  Gary Neville is confident that Solskjaer will be appointed permanent United manager if he guides the side to victories over Chelsea, PSG and Liverpool

 'If they beat Chelsea, beat PSG, beat Liverpool, Solskjaer is absolutely in the box seat and you'd be saying, "How can you not give it to him?",' Neville told Sky s after United's win at the King Power Stadium

 'The club have appointed two big names with the last two appointments and it hasn't worked out

 'The idea of Ole going through that run of fixtures and coming out of it well, you couldn't sit here conceivably and see another manager

 'But I think Ole himself will think, "Let's get through February and March and if I'm doing what I'm doing now, I've staked a claim"

 'At this moment he is staking a claim but he knows there is massive challenges to come

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For more infomation >> Thiago Silva speaks out after Ole Gunnar Solskjaer watches PSG's defeat to Lyon - Duration: 3:11.


[GTA LUCU] Parodi This Is America?? | Reactionnya Ucok Sableng | This Is Circulation - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> [GTA LUCU] Parodi This Is America?? | Reactionnya Ucok Sableng | This Is Circulation - Duration: 7:59.


YENİ TEHLİKE SALGIN HASTALIKLAR - Mutant Virüs ve Zombi - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> YENİ TEHLİKE SALGIN HASTALIKLAR - Mutant Virüs ve Zombi - Duration: 11:23.


Receita de SUCO DE JABUTICABA Para Emagrecer | Como Fazer Suco de Jabuticaba #receita de #suco - Duration: 0:48.

Juice Recipe from Jabuticaba

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Juice of jabuticaba is rich in antioxidants and helps you lose weight.

Want to learn?

So let's get the recipe.


2 cups jabuticaba

500 ml of water

sweetener to taste

How to prepare:

Mix all ingredients in a blender, drink and drink.

Share this recipe.

See you

For more infomation >> Receita de SUCO DE JABUTICABA Para Emagrecer | Como Fazer Suco de Jabuticaba #receita de #suco - Duration: 0:48.





Tom Brady's College Stats Didn't Point to Patriots QB Being NFL Star | - Duration: 5:17.

Tom Brady's College Stats Didn't Point to Patriots QB Being NFL Star |

The Tom Brady which New England Patriots fans know and love isn't remotely close to the same player who played at the University of Michigan.

While Brady was the starter for the Wolverines over his final two seasons there, the numbers posted and overall outlook never really looked like those of a future Hall-of-Famer.

With that said, Brady's rise from a sixth-round NFL draft pick to one of the best quarterbacks in history is one of the great stories in history.

But this stems from his early days at Michigan in which he threw just 20 total passes over his first two seasons while watching most games from the sidelines.

But when Brady finally received his opportunity, he at least managed to take advantage in one area, as he led the team to back-to-back 10-win seasons in 1998 and 1999.

In the two seasons, Michigan was ranked as high as No.

5 in the first year and No.

3 in the second.

Let's take a look at Brady's college career, a few accolades and how he landed with the Patriots.

Tom Brady's Mediocre Statistical 2-Year Stretch as Starter.

If there's one thing Brady has continually excelled at, it's winning games.

That remains the most important thing, of course, so his 20-5 record over two seasons as Michigan's starter stands out above anything else.

But one interesting thing to note is that the three-time NFL Most Valuable Player didn't always put up gaudy numbers.

During the 1998 season, Brady threw for 2,427 yards with 14 touchdowns and 10 interceptions.

He followed that up by tallying 2,217 yards, 16 touchdowns and six interceptions in one less game the next year.

As you can see from the increase in touchdowns and decrease in interceptions, Brady began trending in the right direction during the final season of his collegiate career.

For what it's worth, the numbers weren't bad considering the Wolverines didn't feature pass-heavy offenses.

At the time he left Michigan, Brady actually ranked fourth in school history for total passing yards (5,351) and fifth in passing touchdowns (35).

Brady Leads Two Impressive Bowl Victories & Lands With Patriots.

The Patriots were surely hoping they drafted a winner, at the very least.

This was proven to be true late in his college career after he led victories in two big bowl games.

The first season, Michigan topped No.

11 Arkansas 45-31 in the Citrus Bowl, and that was followed up by a 35-34 win over No.

5 Alabama in the Orange Bowl to cap the 1999 season.

Brady's upward trend over the final year in school surely played a role in the Patriots opting to select him in the sixth round of the 2000 NFL Draft with pick No.


He became the team's starting quarterback in 2001 and since that point, New England has never had a losing record.

He's won five Super Bowls with the franchise along with four Super Bowl MVP awards.

Brady has the chance to add another victory to his resume in the 2019 game against the Los Angeles Rams.

READ NEXT: Tom Brady's Contract Puts Patriots in Tough Spot for Future Plans.

For more infomation >> Tom Brady's College Stats Didn't Point to Patriots QB Being NFL Star | - Duration: 5:17.


Adam Levine's Kids: Daughters Dusty Rose & Gio Won't Be at Super Bowl | - Duration: 5:13.

Adam Levine's Kids: Daughters Dusty Rose & Gio Won't Be at Super Bowl |

Adam Levine, along with his band Maroon 5, is the headliner for the 2019 Super Bowl Halftime Show.

Upon accepting the major gig, he and the other performers this year have received a lot of backlash which he has opened up about to the media.

According to USA Today, Levine said that he'd like to move on from all of the hate and focus on the music.

But, something else he will be focusing on is his two kids.

Unfortunately, Levine's two daughters, Dusty Rose and Gio Grace, are too young to attend the Super Bowl, so they will be at home.

But, Levine is sure to be giving them a shout out.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Levine revealed, "They are too little.

The little kids they are going to stay home.

It is a little bit of a fiasco out here.

It is a little crazy.

So we are going to keep them home … I am going to wear daddy bracelets so they can see that I am representing them well.

They get to watch on TV.

I am sure they prefer that too, instead of the chaos.".

While Levine's children will be at home, his wife, model Behati Prinsloo will attend the Super Bowl and cheer on her husband.


Little Dusty and Gio will most likely be with family while their parents are in Atlanta for the big game.

Recently, Prinsloo spoke with Net-a-Porter and said that Levine was raised in Los Angeles, so they have a lot of family around to help out when they are working.

Prinsloo explained, "I AM SO LUCKY [that] it's easy to balance work and kids because my husband was born and raised [in LA] – he has a whole family here: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins.

It's really amazing to know that when I leave the kids for a day or two, they are surrounded with so much family.

I'm [currently] keeping work very casual and not trying to be everywhere and show that I'm 'back' – it's tough being a mom.".

Prinsloo also dished a little on her daughters' personalities, revealing that Dusty Rose already has her own sense of style.

Prinsloo further stated that, "MY DAUGHTER DUSTY IS REALLY FUNNY and bossy.

She's a Virgo; she has such a personality.

It's weird that you can tell their sense of humor when they're two.

Gio is cuddly and sweet.

I'm excited to see them a little older and really see their personalities [develop] because I think they'll be very different.".

The couple's first daughter, Dusty Rose, was born on September 21, 2016, while baby girl Gio Grace was born on February 15, 2018, nearly one year ago.

In 2014, Levine told People that he hopes to one day have a large brood of children.

He said, "I want to have 100 kids.

I want to have more kids than is socially responsible.

We can't do it right now, but it's in the works." Levine also said that his wife wants to have a lot of children so the family of four could be expanding soon.

For more infomation >> Adam Levine's Kids: Daughters Dusty Rose & Gio Won't Be at Super Bowl | - Duration: 5:13.


Make Money with Photography Marketing EMAIL SIGNATURE - Duration: 6:52.

I am assuming you're working very hard on your website on your social media and

any other marketing stuff. But have you set up your email signature yet? It is a

very easy and very simple marketing tool and a lot of photographers kind of

forget about that one. Let's review it today in today's episode.

It is money Monday, marketing for photographers, series episode no..

For the new visitors, my name is Zdenka Darula. I work as a photographer for many

many many years. I am a former model and few other things. Why should we pay an

attention when it comes to designing an email signature? Isn't that enough if I

just use my name, my website address and phone number? Well, if you don't want to

be that little fish in the ocean, that little fly in the air in the huge

amount of photographers these days, you might want to redo your email signature.

I actually had to do it myself quite recently as well. Nice and really

impressive email signature will say about the photographer that he put so

much effort into an email signature, he must be good. I better go ahead and check

out his website. It will encourage your recipients to check out your work. If you

work with visuals like photos, people expect perfection in everything you do.

So that design of an email signature better be good. Let me help you to come

up with a perfect email signature and we are going to start with the absolute

minimum which is your name and website address. If you are minimalist, actually

I've seen some people use just their initials, it's short and sweet and it's

elegant. For the rest of us which want a little bit more, the general rule is try

to keep it shorter, squeeze it to three to four lines and you can squeeze a lot

of info by simply separating them when you use pipes. It is very important to

keep the lines short or some of the email providers limit the width of email

to 80 characters including spaces. Make sure it is left aligned just in case

somebody wants to open an email in the text mode only. And if you are writing

your website address always include HTTP in front of it. Don't just write

www. If you use public domain, don't try to

shorten the URL by free services such as .bit as some of the spam filters will

definitely block it. If you have a separate blog website away from your

online portfolio website you might want to include it if your blog is part of

your website. Then there is obviously no need. When it comes to phone number pay

attention as you are writing it down. Use spaces between the numbers when it comes

to formatting, don't use dots between the numbers because you want the phone

number to be interactive on mobile devices. You don't want people to copy

and paste your number every time they want to call you right? And if you work

internationally it is good idea to include the country code as well. When it

comes to social media attract and limited to two to three best ones. Try to

think of it like where you have the most followers or where you display the best

portfolio or where you are the most active on. If you are someone who has

products or offers workshops or wrote a book or something like that, make sure

you include it as well because it might be enough if doing sales as well but people

will look up to you as an expert and that will give you huge credibility. The

same thing applies to free stuff. If you offer anything for free like e-books,

calendars, videos. Edit them there as well. Everybody loves free stuff and people

will jump on it right away. If you are someone who wants to use photos in your

email signature you surely can just try to keep the size of the photo to maximum

20Kb. When it comes the size of the width or height it should be up

to 50 pixels. Keep in mind that some of the email

clients block photos. If you are adding photos, try to be very unique like

amazing portraits, some awards you might have won in the past, or magazine covers.

Add something which will make you stand out. When it comes to color, sure you can

use a little bit of color. The only thing to keep in mind though, when you're

writing text make sure the text is not white because some of the email clients

again will think that you are hiding something. That you're basically spamming

and they will block it. Lastly, depending on the country you live in, you should

check the laws because some of the countries require that you include

business number in case you are registered as a business. Another great

tip if you don't know HTML coding and you want to design a really nice email

signature, use online tool which is called HTMLsig.comm and if you want to

know your statistics if you want to know how people are clicking on those links,

how you are doing, how is your email signature is performing, here are two

websites you should check out as well. They actually have templates as well.

One is

and the other website is email signature

Well, that's all when it comes to email signature. That's all from me today. If

you liked today's video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe for all future

marketing videos. If you have any questions, comments or simply want to say

hello you can do so in the comment section below. Thank you again for

watching and I'll see you in the next one. Cau.....


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