Resident Evil 2 Remake(Vietsub) CLAIRE#6 Khác biệt giữa T Virus và G Virus - Duration: 53:46.-------------------------------------------
AJWAR 🍆 | Daria Ładocha & Kuchnia Lidla - Duration: 2:40.-------------------------------------------
2/4/19 09:59 (1771 US-202, Winthrop, ME 04364, USA) - Duration: 15:01.-------------------------------------------
Macrame. Square knot. Bracelet with beads / Макраме. Квадратный узел. Браслет с бусинами - Duration: 16:27.Hello and welcome to Hobby Point channel. My name is Anastasiya.
Today I'd like to show you how to make this cute macrame bracelet.
I'l be using 2 macrame knots:
double half hitch knots and square knots. How to make a half hitch knot was
shown in one of my recent videos. And today I'd like to tell you about the square knot.
I've got 4 threads. 2 grey ones will be in the middle as the core threads, and the 2 blue ones
will be on the sides and they will form knots. Take the right blue thread and place it over the grey ones.
Now place the left blue thread over the right one.
Run it behind the grey threads and through the loop formed on the right.
Tie a knot.
Now we should make a symmetrical knot. Place the left blue thread over the grey ones.
And the right blue thread goes over the left one, then behind the grey ones and
into the form loop on the left.
Tie a knot.
We've completed a square knot which consists of 2 halves.
Let's do it once again.
Having made several square knots, you'll get such a chain.
If you've forgotten which half you should do next,
look at the lines on the sides. If you see a "line",
for example, on the right, then you should
take the right thread and place it over the middle threads. And now let's make a bracelet.
The list of all the needed supplies is, as usual, in the video description.
Put a thread horizontally and place the other threads onto it.
Fold them in the middle.
Place your threads approximately in the middle of the 1st thread so that they all are
approximately of the same length.
The 1st row will be made of double half hitch knots. If you don't know yet how to
make such a knot, you can watch a video on this topic on my channel.
There's a link to it at the top right corner or
in the video description.
The next row will be made of double half hitch knots as well, but this time make them from right to left.
The number of rows depends on the ribbon clamp you will use.
2 rows will be enough for my bracelet.
These knots should be hidden in the ribbon clamp.
Take 4 threads and start making square knots. Keep making them
up to the place where you'd like to add a bead.
I've made a chain of about 3,5 cm and decided to add a bead.
I'll string it onto the 4 threads using a needle threader.
Slide it close to the knots.
You might notice that after some knots, your threads are of different length.
2 threads on the sides are shorter than the middle ones. Alternate them. Meaning
put the longer ones to the sides and the shorter ones in the middle. And keep making knots
with the longer threads till the next bead. Then alternate them again.
Here's the chain that I've got.
Take the next 4 threads and make another chain of square knots of the same length.
Then make 2 more chains using the remaining 8 threads.
Here are my chains, they are of about 12.5 cm.
Now we should work on the edge.
Fix the chains with pins leaving some space in between.
Make double half hitch knots from left to the middle.
Then do the same from right to the middle.
Tie a knot in the middle using the 2 core threads.
Make another row from the sides to the middle.
Carefully cut off the core thread in the middle.
At the beginning of our bracelet we had 2 rows, but there also was a "row" on the horizontal thread.
That's why on this side, I'll make 3 rows of double half hitch knots.
The 3rd row should be from the sides to the middle again.
Carefully cut off all the threads.
You can glue them a little to fix them more.
When the glue is dried, attach the ribbon clamps. Then a clasp on one side, and an extender
chain on the other.
That's it - our bracelet is ready! I hope you've enjoyed the tutorial.
If it's so, I'll be delighted to see your likes and comments. And if you haven't subscribed to my
channel yet, subscribe to it! And remember to click on the Bell icon
to get notifications about my new videos.
Hyundai i30 - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Opel Adam - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
#Sawanflooमेरे इस्तीफा देने से स्वाइन फ्लू से मौतें रुक जाती हैं तो मैं आज दे दूंः चिकित्सा मंत्री - Duration: 1:34.Swainfloo
Когда нибудь и эта боль пройдёт.. 💽 cover by #DenisKorza - Duration: 1:42.Denis Korza - Someday and this pain will pass ..
Someday and this pain will pass, your living wound will heal.
And on the ruins of late or early, the killed hope will come to life.
And the new love will burst into the house, others will live in it.
But it will only be all this later, when you absolutely become strangers.
When the tenderness of your meetings melts, and then the warmth that warmed your soul ..
Which you could not save ... For the three ninth kingdom flew.
And it does not turn back any more, and it will not knock again at your door.
And to the question of who is right and who is wrong, the answer is kept in everyone's soul.
Anil Gupta at Davos 2019 - Future of India's Consumer Market - Duration: 4:49.I'm on the stewardship board for the forum's initiative on the future of consumption.
The focus this year is on the future of consumption in India, looking ahead until 2030.
So how do I see the Indian economy, the future of consumption in India, over the next 12
Number one let's look at the size of the economy because that's the big driver.
According to the World Bank, India's GDP end of 2018, or for 2018, was about 2.9 trillion
If we assume 7.5% growth rate, which is very likely, we assume another 3 to 4% inflation,
which means that in nominal terms, India's GDP by 2030, very likely World Bank projections,
IMF projections, is likely to be somewhere around 9.5 to 10 trillion dollars.
What does that mean?
What it means is that India will be the third largest economy in the world.
Number one.
Number two, after of course US and China.
Number two is that in 2010 Indian economy was about one-ninth the size of the US GDP,
US economy.
By 2030, according to these projections, Indian economy will be about one-third to one-fourth
the size of the US economy.
So that is really, really huge.
So that's one aspect.
The second aspect is obviously about India's consumption, household consumption, is about
55% of GDP so that would be about 5.5 trillion dollars of India's consumption.
What will be the nature of that consumption?
Right now actually if you look at where is the big chunk of India's consumers that's
really at the bottom of the pyramid, that of the very poor people.
Over the next 12 years as economy's go to about 3.5 to 4 times, the big bulge will be
in the middle of the pyramid rather than the bottom of the pyramid.
So that's fantastic.
So that's number one.
Number two is that India's consumers will be a whole lot more connected.
Internet and mobile internet is already pretty much becoming universal throughout India and
that will go to 4G and 5G and you know whatever comes beyond 5G, 6G, which means that essentially
what we will have is broadband, mobile connectivity.
Where it will be actually not just mobile broadband but it will be voice and it will
be in the local languages.
So when everybody is connected naturally how they buy, and what they buy, actually how
they decide what to buy, how they place the orders, how they even get things delivered,
how they might even consume, all of that will actually be affected by the fact that they're
That's the second biggest implication.
The third big implication will be that India, diverse and heterogeneous as it is right now,
will remain a very heterogeneous society.
Certainly much more heterogeneous than the US, perhaps even more heterogeneous than China.
And therefore India will not be one India from a market point of view, but many, many
The final question that's interesting to look at is what does all of this mean for
multinational companies.
And obviously for multinational companies, it's like Willie Sutton, you know, "Why
do you rob banks?"
He said, "Sir, you know that's where the money is."
So where should the companies go?
Number one, where the market is and where the growth rate is.
And so that makes India perhaps the number one most interesting economy.
Clearly China is a much bigger economy but then China is slowing down dramatically.
China has overcapacity and so therefore it's much harder for companies to make money in
China, much easier for companies to make money in India.
So number one, if you are in India, commit even more.
If you're not in India, you better be in India.
So that's number one.
Number two, build a strategy for the Indian market that naturally plays to where the puck
is moving not where it is now, where in terms of how to market your products to the connected
consumer and actually how to leverage all the fintech boom and the e-commerce boom and
the mobile boom in India.
And the third part would be that as you build a strategy for the Indian market, actually
it wouldn't be one strategy for the Indian market, but actually multiple strategies naturally
they have to be synergistic, but multiple strategies for the diverse nature of Indian
1/50 Diecast Model CAT Caterpillar 795F AC Electric Drive Mining Truck - Diecast Super - Duration: 1:34.For more information please kindly check on video description below
for more information please kindly check on video description below
for more information please kindly check on video description below
The Time-Lapse VCR - Duration: 17:38.These days, if you want to install some sort of security camera system, you can just run
to your favorite big box store or wholesale club, buy a kit with 4 cameras and a DVR,
and within hours have a working CCTV system capable of recording days or weeks or even
months worth of HD, or sometimes 4K security footage.
Now we can even access them remotely over the Internet, or put them in doorbells, or
backup the footage to the cloud, or any number of things which, depending on your point of
view, you may find interesting or…
Not that long ago, we only had the world of analog video.
Sure, videocassette recorders were widely available, but even with the most generous
of tape lengths and the slowest of recording times, you're not going to be able to get
more than 10 hours or so out of a tape.
That's not great for security cameras, particularly if you want to be able to record footage over
a weekend when no one is at the office.
But this video is running at 30 frames per second and for surveillance footage, that's
probably more than we need.
If there were a way that we could reduce the frame rate, we could get more time out of
one tape.
If we recorded, maybe, only two frames per second, we'd still have a pretty good record
of what happened, and we could get 15 times as much footage.
Well, that idea did come to fruition in the form of the time-lapse VCR.
I've known about these things for years, but there have always been some nagging questions
in my mind about how they work.
For example, most VCRs just kinda…
suck at showing a still image.
If you hit pause on this one, you'll inevitably get some sort of snowy garbage at the top
or the bottom.
In later years, a digital frame buffer would grab a snapshot of whatever you were playing
so that there could be a nice clean still frame, but a time lapse VCR that's RECORDING
footage, how does that work?
Now I could do some research and try to find out exactly how a time lapse VCR is doing
all the magic stuff it does, but it sure would be great to just have one that I could poke
around with.
Oh right!
This is a Sony SVT-3050.
You can tell that this is a legitimate piece of A/V equipment because of its two-tone beige
and brightly colored transport buttons.
Oh yeah.
Matte black?
Heh, this is where it's at.
Seriously, why was so much professional A/V equipment from the this time period made in
this particular color scheme?
It's like it's trying its best to be plain.
From the front, this looks like any normal VCR save for its relatively few buttons
(most are hidden behind the door)
and surprising omission of the VHS logo even though this
uses VHS cassettes.
Are we bitter about something, Sony?
We'll get to that in a minute because there is some mystery as to why the label's missing,
but what gets weirder is when you come 'round to the back.
For starters, you won't find standard coaxial jacks for a television tuner.
Nor will you find standard RCA jacks for composite video.
Instead, you'll find BNC connections, which were and are to this day very common in
security camera applications.
You'll also find a bunch of screw terminals for various things like timers and alarms.
For example, the unit can send out an alarm signal if the tape becomes jammed or it runs
out of tape.
And it can also accept an alarm input to start recording.
When I got my hands on this, the first thing I did (as would anyone, I presume) was to
open the case.
I wanted to see just what's inside this thing!
There's a circuit board in the way.
No matter, we'll just pop that up, and look at that!
There are little pegs made specifically for holding the board up and out of the way for
That's neat.
Under the board was a completely normal looking VHS transport.
Real talk, if you are into old VCRs like I am, you actually should open them up before
you test them to make sure nothing is stuck which might cause it to eat a tape.
This one indeed had something preventing the take-up spool from turning, and after exercising
it a bit the problem went away.
But, had I not checked, it may have ruined a tape.
These are the sorts of life changing tips you can find only here on Technology Connections!
One of the more curious things in here is the use of a modular power supply.
You probably noticed the standard IEC C13/14 connector on the back, and it's clear that
it wouldn't be very difficult to swap out this power supply for another.
This not only makes repair easier, but it also means that the same chassis could be
used in many markets.
OK, so with it operational, I popped a tape in and starting messing with the playback.
On any speed but the normal 2 hours, the tape simply juddered forward one step at a time.
Is that really it?
I had imagined that maybe the head drum would spin at a slower speed, or that the machine
would behave in some other strange way, but it appeared that this was simply stepping
forward one frame at a time.
Lots of VCRs can do that… so what makes this special?
Well, keen eyes may notice that the quality of that still frame is perfect.
There's no snow, there's no jitter, and there isn't even any sign that that's
a digital frame buffer.
To be sure that this wasn't playing tricks on me, I touched the spinning head drum while
watching the screen of the TV, and sure enough the picture was distorted along with my touch.
So, this picture is coming live from that tape.
That alone isn't so surprising, as many high-end VCRs with four heads can do that.
But what is a little more interesting is that it not only has to do that when playing a tape,
but it also has to do it when recording.
After much searching, I found a great source describing how time-lapse VCRs work, and one
of the more remarkable things about them is how precisely they can move the tape itself.
See, in normal recording and playback, the tape is continuously moving at a rate of about
1.3 inches per second, or 3.3 centimeters per second.
This means that with each sweep of the recording or playback heads, which happens 60 times
a second on an NTSC machine, the tape has actually moved roughly half a millimeter.
That means that the end point of the sweep is about half a millimeter to the right of
the beginning, imparting a slight angle to the track.
That's why a two-head VCR can't display a nice still frame.
Without getting too deep into explaining analog video, each head is responsible for one half
of the frame, or one field.
With a two head VCR, if the tape stops, then the heads are suddenly misaligned a little bit.
One head will start showing the correct thing, but it will drift into the adjacent track.
The same thing happens when the next head sweeps.
In essence it's always reading the wrong thing for at least some part of the frame,
and the result is a noisy, incomplete picture
But a 4 head VCR actually has two heads passing by with each sweep.
It's capable of reading either the odd or even fields at any time, and can switch between
them on the fly.
This allows it to perfectly display either the odd or even field without noise bars.
There's a great link in the description if you'd like to learn a little more about
the specifics here.
Anyway, that's all fine and good, but what's most interesting here is how the machine records
onto the tape.
It needs to get that correct angle otherwise the signals will be completely out of spec
from VHS, and it won't be able to play them in fast motion for the purpose of searching
for the moment that your restaurant was robbed.
Or whatever.
And that is what makes this more advanced than your average 4 head VCR.
When recording, the heads are completely inactive except for when they write that single field
onto the tape.
Most of the time they're simply spinning for the fun of it.
And here's the kicker.
The writing action is perfectly synchronized so that it happens just as the tape is being
advanced to the next position.
This means that the machine actually is recording in a completely normal fashion.
But, it is able to start and stop the tape with such precision that although it's recording
up to 86 times slower than normal, the signals on the tape are unaffected.
Take a look at this slow motion footage.
I've placed a marker on the tape so that we can see it advance.
The tape is completely stationary, but the moment that head is aligned with it, it moves.
And as soon as the next head is in position, it stops.
This extremely precise control of the tape's movement, along with the idling of the recording
heads until the moment that next frame is to be recorded, enables the machine to make
intermittent, single-field recordings onto the tape.
Pretty neat.
Now here's where things get a little weird.
Keen viewers will have noticed that there is an audio input on here.
If you're familiar with how audio is stored on a non-HiFi VHS tape, you'll know that
it's recorded linearly on the edge of the tape, just like a normal audio cassette.
How would audio work if the tape is moving in steps?
Well, the machine can only record audio in the normal 2 hour mode, and the 12 and 24
hour time lapse modes.
It can't record audio in the slower speeds.
But, this means that when recording in the 12 and 24 hour modes,
the tape isn't advancing in steps.
Instead, it's continuously moving very slowly.
The images are still stored in a reduced frame rate, but the continuous motion of the tape
enables sound, albeit very very terrible sounding sound.
So, the same thing happens.
The heads only write in individual bursts for each frame, but we get an odd consequence now.
See, if I want to play the tape back with sound, it can't play the tape back very well.
It's certainly not awful, but there are noise bars and other anomalies.
If we want perfect quality, we need to switch the sound off, and then it returns to the
stepping mode that it was using before.
And this may give us a clue as to why the machine is missing a VHS badge.
Technically, the format specifications aren't being broken if it is recording in steps like this.
It is recording a normal SP signal on the tape, it's just doing it intermittently,
one field at a time.
But this weird extra super duper slow speed doesn't conform to that standard.
Is this THE reason?
I can't say for certain.
The S-VHS variant of this machine, the Sony SVT-3050P, does have an S-VHS badge on the
front, and it, too can record audio in 12 and 24 hour modes.
So… the missing logo may remain a mystery.
But we're not done yet.
Did you notice that "Faroudja laboratories" mark on the back?
Yeah, that got me curious.
Who are they and what do they want with my VCR?
Well, Faroudja Labs was quite famous for analog video processing technologies, in particular
devices called line doublers.
These could take a low resolution image, and double the number of horizontal lines of resolution,
to give it an apparent resolution bump.
This device would really benefit from a line doubler, because it records just one field
at a time.
Each still frame is only half the resolution of a normal television signal, and for something
like security cameras where you might want to be able to identify who is stealing your
stuff, that's not good.
Now I'll admit, you can't get more detail out of an image than was already there, so
the extent to which a line doubler may help with tasks like identifiability is up for
debate, but it's clear that this technology is helping.
Part of why these still frames seem remarkably clear may simply be due to Faroudja's video
processing prowess.
Now I can't say for certain that there is a line doubler in here, but knowing what Faroudja
had done in the past, it seems very likely.
At the very least, something of theirs is making this a very sharp picture for what
the raw signal is.
So, that pretty much wraps up how a time-lapse VCR works.
It's a lot less magical than I thought it might be.
More or less it's just a standard VCR.
There were some special considerations to using it, however.
With a normal video tape, the tape is only touching the spinning head drum for a few
seconds at a time.
But with this machine, on the slower recording speeds, it might be touching that drum for
a few minutes at a time, and this could quickly wear out the tape.
For this reason, manufacturers would recommend that you discard your tapes after a certain
number of uses.
Some would say to only use a tape twice if it was recorded with the slowest speed.
When these were in common use, you'd need to balance the desired detail of the recording
with your business hours and when the tapes could be changed, and how long of an archive
you need to keep (for legal purposes, usually at least a month of recordings).
So, you'd need to have something like 10 tapes on hand, use them in a rotation, and
discard them after they'd been used perhaps a dozen times.
For a 72 hour recording, this would let you use 10 tapes for perhaps a year before needing
to replace them.
And of course, a 24/7 duty cycle for a VCR isn't the kindest thing.
It was recommended that you replace the video heads on this at least every 10,000 hours
(which works out to pretty much every year).
You can still find the drum, the 2N4N-Q, for sale from people who specialize in security
And it looks like this machine has had its heads changed at least once.
Poking through the menu shows that it's been powered on for 25,716 hours, but the
video heads only have 314 hours on them.
Now, it could be that this machine was set up to only record in an alarm condition.
This may be the original head, and it was simply idle the vast majority of the time.
There doesn't seem to be a way to determine if that counter has been reset, so I suppose
I'll never know for sure.
But before I go, I haven't answered one particular question about these things.
What happens when you have multiple cameras?
Well, that's a fairly deep rabbit hole so I'll be brief.
One option was to use what's called a quad.
This splits the incoming signal of four cameras into a single display showing all four at
one time.
The major disadvantage here was the very poor resolution of the recorded video, as each
camera only got one quarter of the screen.
Another option was a switcher.
This would simply cycle through each of your cameras one at a time, showing Cam 1,
then Cam 2,
then Cam 3
and so on.
You'd get a full resolution image, but you couldn't see what was happening on any of
the other cameras when one was being shown.
It also makes reviewing recorded footage a little…
The coolest solution, albeit the most expensive one, was a multiplexer.
These would combine the signals from all of the cameras, and send them over a single wire
by rapidly switching between them, and using the vertical blanking interval to signal which
camera is which.
When you want to see just one, the multiplexer would use a frame buffer to show only that
one camera at a reduced frame rate.
The beautiful thing was that this also worked with a time-lapse VCR like this one.
But, you'd have to synchronize the multiplexer with the VCR (using the switch out terminal),
and you'd also have to deal with an effective frame rate that's even worse than what the
VCR is natively recording.
See, if the VCR is recording 4 cameras, and it's recording at a rate of 4 frames per
second, those four frames are split between the four cameras, meaning that each camera
only gets a recording once per second.
So, while you did get to record four cameras on one tape with the full resolution, you
would get a seriously reduced update frequency.
That was a significant trade-off, but it was cheaper than having a dedicated VCR for each camera.
If I ever get my hands on a multiplexer, I'll revisit this video because I'd love to see
how it all works.
I'd be curious to know what exactly it stores in the blanking interval, and it may be fun
to set up a CCTV system using vintage equipment like this.
But for now, I hope you enjoyed this video on the time-lapse VCR.
It's a lot simpler than I thought it might be, although it ended up being far more mysterious
than at first it seemed.
As I'm sure you know by now, I end my videos with a thank you to my amazing patrons, but
this time I have more than one reason to thank them, and someone else to thank, too.
This video topic was a viewer suggestion!
A friendly gecko named Torrance reached out to me and wanted to know a little bit about
these time-lapse VCRs.
I've always been curious myself, and thanks to the people who support the channel on Patreon,
I was able to go and buy one and poke around with it.
And in addition to their generous financial support, this time around the Patreon crew
came to my rescue by helping me figure something out about this machine.
I was under a very mistaken assumption about how this thing was making such a great still-frame,
and thankfully you sent me some great resources (including one linked below) that made me
realize I was really overthinking this!
So, if you'd like to send in a video topic suggestion, please do!
You can leave them here in the comments, you can reach me on Twitter @TechConnectify, or
you can check out the Technology Connections subreddit linked below.
Down there you'll also find a link to my Patreon page.
With direct viewer support, this channel has really taken off and there are very exciting
changes coming pretty soon.
If you'd like to make a pledge of your own and get perks like early video access, occasional
behind the scenes footage, and general updates before anyone else, please check out my Patreon page.
Thanks for your consideration, and I'll see you next time!
♫ violently smooth jazz ♫
...because of its two-tone beige and brightly colored transport (unintelligible babbling)
Hu huh!
Huh huh!
[And other weird noises]
...to make sure nothing is stuck and might cause it to eat a pa…
Eat a pastry!
Did you notice that Faroudja Laboratories mark on that back?
Well that got me…
Is it laboratories or technologies?
It's both!
With a normal videotape, the tape
Yeah, dang it that was right.
Say the lines as written, please.
It's a lot simpler than I thought it might be, although it ended up….
[very high pitched squeaky sounds]
Solar Energy Incentives in San Clemente | Why You Should Invest in Solar Today! - Duration: 1:41.Semper Solaris
It is never too late to invest in solar energy
The city of San Clemente offers many incentives
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the decision to go solar has never been easier
In addition to these incentives,
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When going solar, it is important to choose the right
local San Clemente solar company for the job
Local installers will better understand local regulations and the steps needed to assure a safe, quality job
Our main goal is to make sure your solar experience goes smoothly
At Semper Solaris, we take pride and honor
in being a veteran owned and operated company
This is one of the many reasons we choose
American made products for all our solar installations
Go solar American Style with Semper Solaris!
IDOL (A Poem Written by during LY: Tear Comeback; Read Description) [ENG/한/SPA/Greek/& More CC] - Duration: 8:20.An acute, yet aggressive agony
accompanies being in love with someone
who will never know
you exist.
When you mortgaged your heart
Your thoughts
Your appetite
Your breath
Like a gambler
Because the more you put in
Surely the more will be reciprocated
Patience, patience is no object
You can wait,
He's only 22, you're only 18, you need to wait anyway,
you know two, three, five years are not a big deal in the grand scheme of things,
and you know in your heart it's not a matter of if, but when, because how, how, how could it be if?
when his sense of humor mirrors yours like no one else's,
when his intellect inspires you to study for the final in a subject you hate,
when his eyes make you feel truly seen from thousands of miles away,
when the words "I love you" fall from his lips into your ears just perfectly,
when you know looking at his unworldly handsome face
will distract you from the nasty post on your "best friend's" account
when his laughter can drown out the sound of your parents fighting in the next room,
when him asking you to "love yourself"
can make you drop the pill bottle
where it's syncopated rattling against the toilet seat
flawlessly complements the chorus ringing out of your phone
making you smile for the first time in these 48 sleepless hours
because you remember that somewhere
he's alive,
he's working,
he's achieving,
and, you know what?
That's good enough for you.
So no.
You can't hear "if."
It's not a matter of "if."
You will meet him.
This is not the source of the agony.
There is no agony in certainty.
Practice makes Gods out of anyone;
He is living evidence of this adage.
You know how a meeting between you two would go
You approach him…
because you know he would have no motivation to approach you
(what you wear is irrelevant),
You tap him on the shoulder
realizing that you've interacted with him for the first time as living flesh,
that he can exist elsewhere besides your computer screen.
He turns around with a look of genuine surprise
in a moment so human your heart aches.
You smile and he smiles back,
and in that instant
every single other instance of that smile flashes before your eyes and
You're instantly reminded of and bombarded with
all the joy and sorrow that that smile has unknowingly witnessed…
And in the tear that falls lies unbearable agony.
Agony that it's started off this way
that any on-looker would pan over your bowed head,
reducing you to a brainless stan without so much as a blink
Agony, that he thinks the same…
Agony, because your own heart has reduced you to Ariel,
signing away your voice in exchange for the only time you will be able to cry prettily
But love, love is stronger than betrayal,
and you choke out, "I love you!"
to him who you truly love more than anyone
And the tears follow each other after that because you know that he won't believe you
He may hold your hand for a moment,
he may give you a hug,
He'll definitely smile, trying to cheer you up,
making the chaotic hurricane in your heart all the more destructive.
Agony, in suddenly becoming aware of the bodies pushing up around you.
More important bodies
Bodies of people he deserves to be seen with
And there's pushing and shoving
and you know you'll only have a few more seconds,
So you practically scream out the speech you've given to the showerhead hundreds of times
That you don't love his looks
You love
His humor,
his temper,
his compassion,
his greed.
You love him who exists behind the camera, not the personality he built.
You'll want to shout,
"You're perfect. You're perfect. You're perfect. You're perfect.
How could you think otherwise?
I love you."
You'd lock eyes for a moment.
He'll look at you with a look you'll spend the rest of your life trying to identify
on to more awards, bigger contracts, more followers, new records, and
Your face will slip away too,
Into the mush of other fan faces in his mind
And you'll walk around life, battle-scarred,
having fought and lost a battle never realized
Unable to explain why you look so despondent
Unable to understand
CS GO LIVE STREAM in TAMIL - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
JENSENS JAZZ SERENADERS AT SEJLFORENINGEN ENIGHED 1/ - January 2019 - Duration: 17:52.-------------------------------------------
Les kukeri, une ancienne tradition bulgare | HÉLÈNE SE PROMÈNE - Duration: 4:44.Today, we're in Pernik, in Bulgaria.
We took the train to come here, we just came from Sofia.
It's a 45-minute trip.
And in this small town, there's a kukeri festival.
Kukeri are, um... They're people dressed as huge beasts!
With bells. We'll see them soon.
It's really interesting, I think, and I'm glad I get to see them
today for the festival. Let's go!
Warning: this video features monsters, big noise
and costumes made from feathers and animal pelts!
So, what are the kukeri?
It's a tradition going back thousands of years.
People dress up as monsters to scare evil spirits, to drive away evil spirits.
They make a lot of noise because noise scares away evil spirits.
Um... In Bulgaria, each village has its own unique costume design. The costumes are all handmade.
And they always have lots of bells, because bells make noise, to scare away the evil spirits.
And it's a pagan tradition that exists in other European countries as well.
Um... And it's even similar to the m...
As you can see, it's pretty amazing!
Um... The disguises are really impressive, or rather... the costumes.
Um... And I'm pretty sure they're made with real bird feathers and animal pelts!
So, sorry for all the vegans and vegetarians watching!
My favorite kukeri are these ones that look a bit like Chewbacca!
Their costumes are made from the hairs of a breed of Bulgarian goat
with really long hair, and which is bred specifically for this purpose.
Everywhere, there's people in costumes having fun. There's a real carnival atmosphere.
Everybody has fun and participates. Even the children!
I hope you enjoyed seeing the kukeri with me in Pernik, Bulgaria.
That's my bell!
It's a really cool event. I loved it!
It's cool to see because it's an ancient, millennia-old tradition
and it's great that it still exists, even if here, it's in the form of a carnival.
But in the villages, the tradition absolutely still exists, with the costumes and the bells and everything.
And there's a real carnival atmosphere, so it's great, and there's food everywhere.
And it's a family-friendly festival, too. There's children everywhere. The children are in costumes too, sometimes, so, um...
It's worth it. It's even worth braving the cold to come and see it!
But now we're headed back to Sofia to warm up. Bye!
무료비트 Sik-K x Jay Park Type Beat 2019 'Good' FREE K-Hip Hop Instrumental 타입 비트 - Duration: 3:27.Jay Park Type Beat 2019 Buy 2 Get 1 Free at rokotensei.com
PREPARING FOR SALE: DECLUTTERING - Duration: 3:52.- So you decided to sell your house, congratulations.
As you're getting ready
to move to the next step of your life
it's very important to leave some time
and some energy for preparing your house for sale.
Now, you might say, "I'm not gonna do anything,
"I just want to sell my house as is,
"whoever wants to buy it they can do
"whatever they want with it."
Well, I'm not sure if that's a right mentality
because you will be leaving some money on the table.
Let me give you some techniques and tips
on how to prepare your house.
This is Noune Karapetian,
and the Greater Boston Real Estate Show.
♪ Noune's Greater Boston Real Estate Show ♪
one important thing to consider, is decluttering.
So, let's talk about a few decluttering tips
one after another.
Number one is you want you closets to look half empty.
That means take out anything that you're not using now,
seasonal stuff or things that you haven't worn for a year
maybe you want to donate those.
And the rest of it, just empty it.
That way, when buyer's open your closets
they go, "Oh, there's a lot space in this closet,
"I can definitely fit my clothes here."
Number two: furniture.
Sometimes we have accumulated a lot of furniture.
Sometimes they don't go with each other,
you wanna start taking out some of the extra
book shelves, books, start packing them.
You have to pack anyway because you'll be moving
so why not start now?
It will make your life much easier
at the end of the process.
Maybe you have a sofa and two arm chairs,
what if you took one arm chair out,
see what your room will look like.
Maybe it will look much bigger.
Number three: take out any knick-knacks,
any personal pictures from the walls,
any magnets on the fridge, to-do lists on the doors,
stuff like that.
Take all those out.
People when they enter your house,
they want to imagine themselves living in your house,
they don't wanna look at your personal pictures.
Now let's talk about the kitchen,
the most important room in the house.
And decluttering the kitchen means
emptying it out completely.
So, think of the countertops being just empty, nothing.
No bread makers, no coffee makers, no paper towels,
no dish towels, dish towels make them look really bad.
Especially in the pictures.
So anything, everything, everything has to go.
The stainless steel fridge needs to be polished.
It just looks like it's in a store,
that's how good it has to look.
Another important thing that some people overlook are
the curtains.
Did you know that dark heavy curtains can make
your room look very much smaller.
I know you spend arm and leg on those curtains,
they're so expensive, exquisite materials.
But, if they make your room look smaller
then you need to get rid of it.
Take them out, put them in the storage,
put some sheers on the windows,
or maybe just leave the blinds.
Now that's the thing to do.
Decluttering will be done, what do you think about that?
This is Noune Karapetian
and the Greater Boston Real Estate Show.
The links are below, you can send me questions,
or anything, any comments I would appreciate that.
If like this video please press like,
subscribe to my channel so you can get more,
much more videos about buying and selling houses.
♪ Noune's Greater Boston Real Estate Show ♪
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